1501 VINE STREET Hudson, WI 54016-1881 Dear Local Business Owner,


1501 VINE STREET Hudson, WI 54016-1881 Dear Local Business Owner,
Hudson, WI 54016-1881
Dear Local Business Owner,
My name is Ryan Huppert and I am the head varsity baseball coach at Hudson High School as
well as a member of the Hudson Dugout Club (HDC). The Hudson Dugout Club is an HHS baseball
support group which was created in 2010 to promote and support the Hudson baseball program
for the overall betterment of all levels involved now and in the future. We are contacting you
today to share information about an advertising opportunity that may be of interest to your
business. Our goal is to help your business gain exposure to a local audience that actively spends
money in the Hudson community while raising the needed funds to help support the Hudson
Dugout Club.
How your company benefits:
 Our advertisement program is mutually beneficial for both our program and the participating
local businesses.
 We will be advertising your logo and company information to a captive, local audience
(25,000+ webpage hits in 2012) that actively spends money in the Hudson community.
 By advertising with us, your business gains new customers and retains current customers.
 Additionally, your company gains awareness among the Hudson baseball community and its
supporters, developing a strong relationship with a community program.
How our program benefits:
 Support annual $500 HDC Scholarship given to HHS Student.
 Support HHS baseball’s annual FREE youth instructional clinic each spring.
 Supporting HDC sponsored events (HHS Baseball Awards Banquet, HHS Baseball “Alumni &
Friends” Game, etc.).
 Help alleviate the high cost of major field improvement and renovation projects on our varsity
and JV baseball fields.
How to get involved:
To get involved with our advertising program, please complete and return the Advertising
Agreement Form (on back page). When completed you will receive a confirmation email or letter
to verify your request was received. Any additional information needed at that time will be noted
in the memo. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally with any questions or comments at
715-377-3800 x6318 or hupperrw@hudson.k12.wi.us. Know that our teams are highly encouraged
to support our business sponsors.
Thank you for the time, consideration and support. Truly our programs would not be possible
without the support of the local community!
hupperrw@hudson.k12.wi.us| 715-377-3800 x6318| www.hudsonraiders.net
2013 Hudson Dugout Club - Advertising Program
For - $100 - your advertising block will feature a full color logo and will directly link to the company’s
Website. Spots are available on a first come, first serve basis. In addition to the exposure on the
homepage, each participating business will also be listed under the ‘Sponsors’ tab at no additional
charge. Recognition will also be given to businesses on our Hudson Dugout Club Facebook page.
BONUS OFFER: Sign up for our advertisement program prior to Jan. 31, 2013 and you’ll receive FREE
advertisement block on the back side of our 2013 HHS Baseball T-Shirt! Historically, 100+ T-Shirts are
purchased by team members, families, community members and HHS Baseball fans each year. The back
side of the 2013 T-Shirt will feature a collage of local company logos. Don’t miss out on this bonus!
Advertising Agreement Form
Thanks for your interest in participating in the Hudson Dugout Club Advertising
Campaign. We look forward to developing a strong relationship with your business.
Step 1 -
Please return the completed form with payment to:
Attn: Ryan Huppert
Hudson High School
1501 Vine Street
Hudson, WI 54016
**Check or cash are acceptable forms of payment. Please write checks payable to ‘Hudson Dugout Club’.
A receipt will be mailed to you alongside your confirmation letter.
Step 2
- Please email your logo (JPEG format preferred but any electronic format will work) to
Coach Ryan Huppert at: hupperrw@hudson.k12.wi.us.
Company Information:
Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Business Address: ________________________________ _________________
_________ ______________
Zip Code
Full Contact Name: ____________________________
Contact Email: ___________________________
Contact Work Phone: __________________________
Contact Cell Phone: ______________________