Manager’s Corner How to Contact the Manager W i n t e r


Manager’s Corner How to Contact the Manager W i n t e r
Manager’s Corner
What happened to winter? I am certainly not complaining about
the beautiful weather and spring-like temperatures, but it’s been
an uncommonly warm start to 2012. This is due to “positive North
Atlantic oscillation,” which is a weather related term referring to
fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. When the NAO is in a
positive state, very cold arctic air has difficulty dipping below the
Canadian border, causing generally warmer patterns across the
continental United States. Because of this, Texas has enjoyed a
very mild winter so far. Let’s see what February brings to our
We also recently received some much needed rainfall. This
helped to restore Lake Lavon from 50% to 75% full capacity. In
response, the North Texas Municipal Water District did not move
to implement Stage 4 Drought Plan Restrictions as was earlier
predicted. However, Stage 3 Water Restrictions have been
extended from March 31 through June 1. To verify the days when
you should be watering (based on your address) you can visit the
HOA website at
Because we remain under Stage 3 Water
Restrictions, the Board of Directors has
extended the amnesty period on replacement of
dead trees and/or landscaping. This will remain
in effect until the restrictions are eased to Stage
2 so as to provide residents with improved
success in establishing new landscaping. If
you think you may have a dead tree, experts recommend that you
delay removal until spring. This is because many homeowners
have difficulty in distinguishing between a dormant tree and a
dead tree. Trees that showed severe stress in late 2011 may
recover and show leaves starting in March or April. However,
trees and landscape shrubs that are confirmed to be dead must be
removed to provide a clean appearance. Empty landscape bed
areas should also receive a good cover of several inches of mulch
to help prevent weed germination. The Association will begin
issuing reminder notices for dead landscaping in April.
The warm January weather also allowed for a head start on some
common area improvements. The pergolas found at the main
community entrance and along CD Boren Parkway have been
refinished. Another canopy structure is being fabricated for the
pool area to provide more shade, and flagstone walkways have
been added to allow for easier access to the clubhouse porch
overhangs. Waterproof bulletin boards are being installed at the
clubhouse and pool entrance to display information on community
events. These are just a few of the things that are planned for
2012. I hope this information is helpful in showing that the HOA
truly cares about maintaining the quality lifestyle that residents of
Woodcreek have come to enjoy!
Jonas Tune, Association Manager
How to Contact
the Manager
Should you have a question
regarding the Association, you are
invited to contact the Association
Manager Jonas Tune at or by phone at
(972) 722-6484.
If you have questions about your homeowner account,
please contact Premier Communities Account Services
at (877) 378-2388. On-site office hours are:
9 AM – 3 PM
1 PM – 5 PM
9 AM – 3 PM
1 PM – 5 PM
9 AM – 3 PM
Communications are
Open Again
Please welcome Emily Fox as the
new Communications Chair!
Emily grew up in Katy, TX and
attended Southern Methodist
University, where she majored in
journalism with a minor in
archaeology. While at SMU she
met husband Brian and the two
have lived happily in Woodcreek for nearly three
years. Emily is a self described “sci-fi nut, avid
reader, traveler and foodie.”
Her work as a staff writer for the
Metro section of the Dallas
Morning News keeps her quite
busy. Emily has already started
the Woodcreek Twitter account
which you can follow
@WoodcreekFate on Twitter to
stay abreast of HOA news and
events. We’re excited to have someone with Emily’s
professional credentials become involved!
Polar Express and Holiday Lighting Contest Recap
The Social Committee wishes to say ‘thank you!’ to all homeowners who came out to enjoy the spirit of the season
during the December Polar Express. During the event, residents helped raise a total of $41.00 in funds and 2 tubs full of
dog food, cat food, snacks, and toys. The Royse City Animal shelter was very grateful to receive the donation on behalf
of the Woodcreek community.
Attendees also cast their votes for the holiday lighting contest. There were LOTS of beautifully decorated homes this
year! This year’s winners are listed by category below. To see color photographs of the winning homes, please visit the
Landscape Committee page of the HOA website. The Landscape Committee will be adding a new category in 2012 and
extends their appreciation and admiration to everyone who took part in this fun competition.
Barringer – 222 Zeter Drive
Bradfield – 512 Pear Drive
Best Animation and Clark Griswold Award
Classic Christmas Award
As a reminder, all holiday décor must be removed
within 30 days of a holiday, so if your lights are still
up, please – take them down!
Wonderland Kid’s Favorite
Best Ingenuity and Green Awards
2012 HOA Events
Mark your calendars and come have some fun with your neighbors at these great events! If you would like to assist as a
volunteer, please email Hosting community events is time consuming and requires a lot of
effort, so extra help is always appreciated. The below dates are what is currently planned for 2012.
February 26, Photography Benefit for Kensley Jones (12 – 5 PM)
March 31, Children’s Easter Egg Hunt (3 – 5 PM)
April 18, Annual Meeting (6:30 – 8 PM, Miss May Vernon Elementary)
May 3 – 5, Spring Garage Sale
June 23, Family Pool Party (2 – 5 PM)
July 4, Children’s 4th of July Parade (11 AM – 1 PM)
July 14, Family Pool Party (2 – 5 PM)
August 18, Adult Mixer at the Pool (7 – 10 PM)
September 22, Daddy-Daughter Dance (4 – 7 PM)
September 30, Fall Festival (2 – 5 PM)
October 4 – 6, Fall Garage Sale
October 20, Haunted Trail (7:30 – 10 PM)
October 28, Halloween at the Park (5 – 7 PM)
December 14, Polar Express (6 – 9 PM)
Recurring events include Coupon Club on the 1st Sunday of each month (2 – 5 PM), Men’s Poker on the 3rd Friday of each
month (7 – 12 PM), and Ladies’ Poker on the 3rd Saturday of each month (7 -12 PM, excludes November and December).
Scrapbook Club is a new group that meets on the 2nd Friday of each month (7 – 12 PM). Do you have an interest in starting a
group or club to meet with like-minded persons? Contact the manager to discuss your idea!
Kensley Jones
Kensley is the 11 month granddaughter of Woodcreek residents. In late December she was diagnosed with AML (acute
myelogenous leukemia). In support of Kensley, on February 26th a professional photographer will be at the clubhouse from
noon to 5 PM taking family portraits. Each family who attends will receive one free photo with the option to purchase additional
prints. Complimentary hot dogs and drinks will be provided and donations for Kensley will be accepted.
Please consider coming out to show your support!
Is your home winterized?
Make sure sprinkler systems are TURNED OFF.
Wrap outdoor pipes in newspapers or insulation and cover with plastic
Insulate pipes in your home's crawl spaces and attic. These exposed
pipes are most susceptible to freezing. The more insulation you use,
the better protected your pipes will be.
Heat tape or thermostatically-controlled heat cables can be used to
wrap pipes.
Seal leaks that allow cold air inside near where pipes are located. Look
for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents and pipes. Use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out and
the heat in. With severe cold, even a tiny opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze.
Disconnect garden hoses and, if possible, use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water from pipes leading to
outside faucets. This reduces the chance of freezing in the short span of pipe just inside the house. If you don't
have a separate valve to turn off outside water, wrap or cover faucets or hose bibs with an insulating material.
Letting a faucet drip during extreme cold weather can prevent a pipe from bursting. Opening a faucet will
provide relief from the excessive pressure that builds between the faucet and the ice blockage when freezing
occurs. A dripping faucet wastes some water, so only pipes vulnerable to freezing (ones that run through an
unheated or unprotected space) should be left with the water flowing.
Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.
Has the warm weather
made you start
thinking about spring
Remember that all exterior
improvements require review by
the ACC. ACC request forms
may be found online by logging in
to PremierConnect™. The ACC
review process takes an average
of 5 to 10 business days,
although the bylaws provide for a
period of up to 30 days for
review. Please keep the review period in mind
when you submit your request!
Want to rent the
clubhouse for a
private party?
The weekday rate (Mon – Th) is
$75 for 5 hours. The weekend
rate (Fri – Sun) is $125 for 5
A refundable $500
security deposit is required;
checks should be made payable
to Woodcreek HOA. The
Association Manager will take
reservations up to 3 months in advance. Did you
know that you can check the calendar for
availability by logging in to PremierConnect™
from the HOA website? If you need assistance in
registering for PremierConnect™, please contact
the Association Manager by email at
Power Down,
Save Money
Looking to cut back due to a tight budget or ready to go
green? Here are 10 quick and easy tips to accomplish
• Unplug appliances and electronics. TVs, computers
and kitchen appliances, as well as cell phone and
laptop chargers, all use energy when they are
plugged in—even if they are turned off.
• Use power strips. “Smart” power strips automatically
turn off when electronics are off or when one main
unit (like your personal computer) is powered down.
• Turn off lights. When you’re not in the room or not in
the house, there’s no need for all the lights to be on.
• Clean and replace furnace or air conditioner filters.
Dirty filters block air flow, increase energy bills and
shorten equipment life.
• In the warmer months, keep the shades and blinds
down on south-, east- and west-facing windows. In
the colder months, open them up and let the sun in.
• Activate “sleep” features on your computer and office
equipment. When they go unused for a long period of
time, they power down.
• Lower the thermostat. Wear a sweater around the
house and put an extra blanket on the bed at night.
• Use fans instead of air conditioning when possible or
combine their use to turn down the air temperature a
• Close vents and doors to unused rooms.
• Wash your laundry with cold water. It’s just as
3102 OAK LAWN AVE, STE 202
DALLAS, TX 75219
TELEPHONE: (214) 871-9700
FAX: (214) 889-9980
Association ManagerJonas Tune
(877) 378-2388
Accounting / Billing questions(877) 378-2388
Resale & Refinance Certificates(888) 679-2500
After hours Property Emergency number(214) 871-9700 ext. 350
Tips to Discourage Burglars
The association makes every effort to maintain a secure environment in our community, but there is only so
much we’re authorized to do. Unfortunately, illegal entries into homes in our area—and others—happen from
time to time. Residents can do more to protect themselves and their property than the association can do. Here
are a few common-sense suggestions for reducing your chances of being the target of burglary.
• Install double-cylinder, dead-bolt locks on your outside doors and include a reinforced strike plate to
strengthen the doorframe.
• Install bars or lock pins on sliding doors and windows. These are available at local hardware or discount stores. Some
mechanisms allow you to lock a sliding window or door in a partially-open position so you can enjoy fresh air securely while
you’re at home. However, if you go out, close the window and lock it.
• That old trick of hiding a key somewhere outside your home is a bad idea. Burglars—or anyone who may have seen you
hiding the key—will know where to find it. Instead, give a key to a neighbor or leave one with the association management
• If you’re going to be out of the house for a short time, leave a television or radio on to create a sense of activity and
• If you’re going to be away for a longer time, such as a vacation, take a few simple precautions to keep your home from
looking empty. Ask a neighbor to collect your mail and keep the door and porch clear of delivery notices, newspapers and
fliers. Pick up several electric timers at the local discount store, and use them to turn
lights, a television or radios on and off at various times during the day and evening.
Are you interested in
Let your neighbors and the manager know how to reach you in case there’s an
serving as a Block
Captain for your
• Marking your valuable personal property won’t prevent it from being stolen, but it will
help you get it back if it is. Engrave your driver’s license number on items in a
If so, we would be glad to have
hidden area. Check with the local fire department, police station or library to borrow
you! To get involved in helping to
an engraver.
maintain a safe neighborhood,
please contact
It doesn’t take much to discourage a burglar. He succeeds on opportunity, and if your
home doesn’t offer a good opportunity, he’ll move on to one that does.