B Hockey Night How to Seal the Deal in San Jose!


B Hockey Night How to Seal the Deal in San Jose!
C a l i f o r n i a
L a n d s c a p e
C o n t r a c t o r s
w w w. c l c a s f b a . o r g
Save the Date:
Hockey Night
in San Jose!
CLCA Hockey Night is back by popular
demand! Come watch the San Jose Sharks
take on the Colorado Avalanche Sunday,
March 28, 2010. Game time is 5:00 p.m. at
HP Pavilion. It will be getting close to the
end of the regular season on March 28. San
Jose could be battling Colorado for the #1
spot in the Western Conference or
struggling to get into the playoffs! You
never know. Any way you look at it, it will
be a fantastic time with your CLCA friends
and family and sure to be an exciting
hockey game! Look for more details in
Courtesy of your hockey event committee!
The January dinner meeting was very
informative and well attended. Above Patrick
A s s o c i a t i o n
FEBRUARY 2010 • Vol. 34, Issue No. 2
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
A tradition of excellence.
February 11:
How to Seal the Deal
Are clients signing on the dotted line after your proposal
presentation? Are your proposals not only good, but outstanding
and lead directly to business?
If you didn’t answer yes to both questions, then attend our February dinner
meeting to hear guest speaker Heidi Sloss discuss strategies that will help you
seal the deal. She will share powerful insights in preparing yourself and your
presentations for success.
Heidi Sloss has been leading and inspiring people for over two decades by
helping people improve their lives personally and professionally. As a serial
entrepreneur, she has run successful businesses in the fields of marketing,
manufacturing, direct sales, real estate and more. Heidi specializes in helping
business professionals think entrepreneurially so that they make more money
and achieve more powerful results (http://www.heidisloss.com/).
Join us for this exciting evening of professional networking, amazing sales
strategies, and the chance to win a free seat at one of Heidi’s seminars.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
5:00 P.M. Cocktails and Social Hour • 6:00 P.M. Dinner
(NOTE: We will start half an hour early!)
Michael’s at Shoreline • (650) 962-1014
2960 North Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA
•Entrecote of Beef, Bordelaise Sauce
•Pork Loin Roast, Peppercorn Sauce
•Breast of Chicken, Portobello
•Broiled Salmon, Lemon Beurre Blanc
•Grilled Vegetable Brochette with Wild Rice
$30/Person. Another reduced cost for this event.
Make your reservations and menu choice in the RSVP field of
your Evite or e-mail astrid@astridgaiser.com.
See Michael’s web site for directions from your location:
Camin presents the Auxilary Basket to winner
Dave Tanner. See page 5 for the story...
2010 SF Bay Area Chapter Contacts
(650) 363-0740
EvLand LLC
Camin Landscaping
(650) 964-1078
(650) 333-2021
(408) 417-5137
Crosby Landscaping crosbyyardservices@gmail.com
(408) 687-1104
Integrity Landscape Services integmail@comcast.net
Bamboo Pipeline
(510) 896-5985
(650) 941-4093
(650) 948-7858
artners for
crisis. They have pulled together great
By Rob Leuer, Bamboo Pipeline Inc.
A Message from the President
Water Conservation and Gray Water and
Off to a Great Start!
Rain Water Harvesting. The October
By Rick Camin, Camin Landscaping
member should miss.
This important program helps to make possible many of our Chapter’s activities including
the Dinner Meetings, Awards Night, Holiday Party, Golf Tournament, Garden Tour,
Wow, it is only the middle of January at the
important thing is getting members
Jim Everett has graciously accepted the
Education, and Student Sponsorship. We would like to thank the following for their
time of writing my president’s message and
together so we can network and learn
position of Chairman of the Board. Jim is a
commitment to Partners For Success in 2009:
all systems are GO! I have already attended
something new from a great speaker. You
proven leader with over forty years
two committee meetings, a two-day CLCA
don’t want to miss February’s dinner
experience in the industry. He was our
Leadership Conference and our chapter’s
meeting organized by past president Craig
chapter president in 1991, state president in
Rapp and Astrid Gaiser, on “How to Seal
1994 and recently honored as a Life
Delta Bluegrass, Hunter Industries, The Garden Route, Pacific Nurseries, Arborwell,
Lyngso Garden Materials, FX Luminaire, Landscape Contractors Insurance Services
January dinner meeting . . phew!
Our January dinner meeting was
fantastic! It was nice to see such a great
turn-out. I want to thank past president
Colony Landscape, Samscaping, Inc., New Earth Nursery, Bobcat West, The Grass Farm,
Dale von Dohren for doing an outstanding
Peninsula Building Materials
job organizing the event. We are committed
this year to provide our members the
Modern Landscaping, Coney Landscaping, Bamboo Pipeline
highest value while everyone endures the
ongoing economic crisis. This year, you can
APLD, Leo and Charlene Ott, Jolee Horne Landscape Design
expect great speakers at dinner meetings
Girvin Peters Landscape, EvLand LLC
Jerrie Beard & Associates
voice (530) 621-1701
fax (530) 621-2043
CLCA State Headquarters
1491 River Park Drive, Ste. 100
Sacramento CA 95815-8899
(916) 830-2780 • (800) 448-2522
(916) 830-2788 Fax • email: hq@clca.org
Sustainable Conference is one event no
The next big exciting announcement is
(650) 941-9677
educational seminars on topics such as
that will give your company an edge on the
competition. “How do you outrun an angry
charging bear?” was a question presented
to the group by January’s speaker Patrick
The Village Gardener, Inc., Valley Crest, Lyngso Garden Materials
Schwerdtfeger. Answer: You don’t, you just
need to outrun the person next to you.
Thanks again to all of our partners. Remember to support those who support your Chapter.
Those who outpace the competition during
If you would like to become involved with this important program, please contact Rob
this tough economic environment will be
Leuer at (510) 896-5985 or email: rleuer@bamboopipeline. And, don’t forget, we can accept
payments via MasterCard or Visa.
the survivors.
Besides great speakers, you can expect a
reduction of meal costs to promote more
member participation which will increase
the value in networking. At the January
CLCA Mission Statement
meeting, we reduced the meal costs by 33%
The California Landscape Contractors Association
serves the interests of its members, promotes
professionalism, and advances public awareness of
the landscape industry.
with the extra value of a great speaker at no
additional cost. Although our plan will
the Deal!”
Two big announcements
Besides a great dinner meeting calendar, we
are planning an all day Sustainable
Conference tentatively scheduled for
Saturday, October 16, in Foster City with
more great speakers and a vendor fair. Our
first CLCA Sustainable Seminar was way
back in 2001 long before sustainable
practices caught the public’s attention. A
second Sustainable seminar was presented
in 2004 with the goal of having one every
two years. The first two seminars were
extremely successful but it took a lot of time
and resources from a generous and
dedicated group of people to handle all the
logistics. Fortunately this year, the stars are
Member at the CLCA convention in Vegas
last November. Also, I just learned at the
recent Leadership Conference that he is one
heck of a racquetball player. Jim has always
been very supportive of me as long as I
have known him and will be a big asset to
the Board and our chapter. Thank you Jim!
I invite every chapter member to come
to a board meeting and meet the Board who
are an amazing group of people. You can
simply start by joining a committee. Then, I
am sure it won’t be too long before you
start reaping the great benefits CLCA offers
-- all because you made that first step to get
I warmly invite all chapter members to
“Join the Excitement, Get Involved and
Reap the Benefits!”
lining up thanks to Frank Niccoli who has
been very busy organizing the event and
getting a special committee together with
Patrick Camin
Chapter President
the help of our education committee
headed by Nate Crosby. Over the past two
years, Nate and his committee have done a
phenomenal job of keeping members
informed on solutions to the ongoing water
limit our venue selection, the most
The CLCA SFBA Chapter newsletter is published monthly. Copy and advertising deadlines are the 10th of the
month preceding publication. Please send all copy,
black & white photos, line art and ad materials to: Jerrie
Beard & Associates, 1024 Simon Dr., Ste. F, Placerville
CA 95667. Emailed submissions are also welcome at
jsb@beardassociates.com. For information on advertising and rates, contact Jerrie Beard at (530) 621-1701.
Articles submitted are subject to approval and modification. Chapter or Editor are not liable for misprints or
errors, and do not necessarily agree with opinions
expressed in byline articles. Articles may be used by
other CLCA chapter newsletters, giving proper credit to
their source.
2 • February 2010
CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
February 2010 • 3
•Rick Camin led a discussion and review of
he Board Meets
By Nate Crosby
CLSB Liaison
the proposed 2010 Chapter events
Kevin Burns provided a brief update
regarding the upcoming City of San Mateo
•Rick Camin led a brief discussion of the
building permitting process.
January 2010 Dinner Meeting Recap
scholarship funding process and totals.
The SFBA Chapter
•Charlene Ott made a motion for the SFBA
Got Web Marketing?
By Dale vonDohren
Rick adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
board met Dec. 10, at
Chapter account to provide $500 in
At January’s dinner meeting members
Mariani’s Restaurant,
funding to the Chapter’s Leaf Fund.
learned that there are little secrets that
2500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA
Lesley Peters seconded the motion.
anyone can do to get a better presence on
95051. Meeting Called to Order at 6:40 p.m.
Motion passed.
the internet. Michael’s at Shoreline was the
by Rick Camin, chapter president.
Introductions were made to new 2010
Board member Larry Scott.
Nate Crosby presented the November 2009
Board Meeting Minutes. The Board
Roll Call
reviewed the Minutes. Motion made by
Craig Rapp, Bob Kirtley, Rob Leuer,
Michelle Chu, seconded by Girvin Peters to
Constance Cook, Larry Scott, Kevin Burns,
approve the Minutes. Motion passed.
Charlene Ott, Valerie Vance, Lesley Peters,
Girvin Peters, Rick Camin, Michelle Chu,
Astrid Gaiser, Linda Garrett, and Nate
New Business
•Rick Camin led a discussion and review of
the updates to the Chapter policies. Some
adjustments were noted. Motion made by
Kevin Burns, seconded by Rob Leuer to
approve policy updates. Motion passed.
State Benefit of the Month:
Did you know that the state CLCA
website now has online legal forms at
your fingertips? All regular members
can input client and project information
and pdf up-to-date compliant contracts,
Treasurer's Report
subcontracts, change orders, and much,
James Walker presented the November 2009
much more. The information is stored if
Treasurer’s Report. The Board reviewed the
more documents are needed through the
Report. Motion made by Michelle Chu,
course of your projects. All members get
seconded by Kevin Burns to approve the
25 bonus credits at the start. Login at
Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
www.CLCA.org and navigate to ‘Legal
Women’s Auxiliary
Contracts’ under the membership tab.
Lesley Peters updated the Board with
meeting plans for 2010.
location for our January meeting titled
“WEBify Your Business”. Patrick
Schwerdtfeger, our outstanding guest
Above: Frank Mannocchio, President Patrick Camin,
speaker, presented a fun and interesting
Gabriel Lopez.
outline of getting more traffic to your
At left: President Patrick Camin and Speaker Patrick
The SFBA Board decided this year to
focus on business for the first two meetings.
They wanted to make sure the dinner
meetings offered a good value to the
members. This was successfully met at the
January meeting. The large number of
members that turned out were enthusiastic
about the relevance of the program. One
Mike Hertzer
common thread
SFBA State Liaison
was it seems that
2010 might still be
a challenge and a
meeting such as
this will help
distinguish one
company from
presence in front of an audience.
Patrick shared with us the tricks of the
see you at next month’s meeting “Seal the
Deal” on February 11 at Michael’s at
trade to utilize the internet to benefit our
Shoreline (se page 1). There you can learn
companies. He guided us through Google
how to sign up the job leads you received
keyword selection tools to get optimum
from your increased internet marketing
searches to your site. He also spent a lot of
time explaining how social media
platforms such at Twitter, Facebook and You
Tube can get you more leads and people to
your website.
After the meeting, Patrick was available
for questions and his books were on sale.
He made such a great impression that all
his books were gone within 10 minutes and
he stayed for quite awhile after the meeting
Patrick Schwerdtfeger (pictured above)
tailored his presentation to be landscape
specific. His high energy level and
enthusiasm was contagious. As the author
of two books “Webify Your Business –
Internet Marketing Secrets for the SelfEmployed” and “Make Yourself UsefulMarketing in the 21st Century”, Patrick is
top notch in his field and has a great
to make sure everyone with questions went
away with answers. If you are curious to
find out more about Patrick, his website is
www.tacticalexecution.com. You can also
view many You Tube videos of his
Above: Tina Roushall, Kristen Davis, and
Nancy Shannahan
previous presentations by doing a
search on You Tube under his
It was great to lead off the New
Year seeing CLCA friends and
associates in a learning
environment. The Board believes
that its members will benefit from
participation in the CLCA. This
was one example that was more
than evident. A value is available
to you at these meeting. We hope to Above: Craig Rapp, Mike Assaf, and Peter Henke
4 • February 2010
CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
February 2010 • 5
(408) 266-1717
f (408) 264-1717
License #472305
J.Arnaz Tree Movers
1593 Koch Lane, San Jose, CA 95125
‘10 Chapter Project: Call for Projects
omen’s Auxiliary Report
Happy February! Winter can be a
some extra help. I’m sure Charlene Ott
depressing time of year, with grey gloom,
and Alice Domine could use your help
The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the
California Landscape Contractors
in one day? How difficult is the
Association is now accepting applications
project/access? Number of volunteers
for a small community landscape project.
The Chapter Project is our annual event
rain, clouds and more rain. But,
organizing the games for kids of all
Valentine’s Day is near and spring right
ages, the horseshoe tournament and the
around the corner. Rays of sunshine are
food for 75 people. Yikes! That’s a BIG
day that fills a need in our community. Last
soon to be here. I hope the new season
party. I know Charlene will appreciate
year, we built a Sustainable Children’s
will be bringing positive energy and good
your phone call to say you are
Garden at Bracher Elementary School in
Santa Clara. The project was a huge success!
things to you, your family and business.
2. Design/Pictures: Is there a design
where our members graciously donate their
available or do we need to provide one?
time and expertise to build a garden in one
I want to thank everyone who participated.
Thank you again to everyone who has
1. Scope of Work: Can the project be built
Below is the criteria sheet which can
3. Timing: How soon is the project ready to
4. Funds/Budget: Are there any funds
5. Support Staff: Is there a support network
Chapter Project event in 2010. The Chapter
lunches, drinking water, etc.
Project is a one-day event, which will take
I’m proud to say the San Francisco Bay
in 2010. In order to keep the Auxiliary
Area Chapter of the Women’s Auxiliary is
running, we need involvement at all
the largest and most active in the state.
www.clcasfba.org. When submitting a
available? Debris Box? Storage Access?
levels, from officers to committee
We have 46 members, 20 honorary life
project, please answer each question in
serve as the application. The application can
members and 26 dues paying members.
letter form. If you know of a project that
easier the more people we have involved.
We are down 4 people from last year. We
may meet the following criteria, please pass
When you join in the planning process
welcome any and all who wish to become
and attend the events, you will develop
a member. The role of the Women’s
new friendships that can last a lifetime.
Auxiliary has changed over the years,
Currently, our open slots are:
and yet remained the same in many ways
•Holiday/Christmas party – we need to
since it was formed in the early 1950’s.
members. The tasks become smaller and
continue to think outside the box for this
Our goals are promoting education,
event. A trip to San Francisco or
friendship and supporting CLCA at both
Christmas in the Park (San Jose). This
the state and local level. I encourage
should be an event that will bring
everyone to find out more about the
family and friends together to celebrate
Women’s Auxiliary and how you can
the holiday season. Any grand ideas
participate in 2010.
would be welcomed and appreciated.
•Historian – do you have a creative flare?
7. Maintenance: How will maintenance be
handled short-term, long-term?
8. Exposure: Is the project located in an area
place between late April and the end of
May. I encourage anyone who is interested
in joining the committee to please contact
me at:
James Walker/Landsculpt Gardens
P. O. Box 1285
with high visibility? Will we get any
Menlo Park, CA 94026
fax to the contact information at the end of
published credit for the project? Is
Tel.650-333-2021 Fax.650-879-1001
this article.
someone available to work with local
an application by regular mail, e-mail or
news agencies to publicize the event?
January: Betty Jenner Bramstedt on 1/13,
Elsa Lanusse on 1/16, and Klaus Hertzer
year we create a photographic archive
on 1/24. And happy birthday to the
for the outgoing Chapter and Auxiliary
February babies: Valerie Whitehill on
Presidents. It is a fun way to revisit all
2/16, Adrianna Lanusse on 2/17, Kristi
of the year’s events. You can work
Ellington on 2/20, and Cindy Singletary
independently or gather a small group
on 2/26. Enjoy your special day!
•Sunshine – let someone know we are
6. Facilities: Are there restroom facilities
Belated happy birthday wishes in
This might be the spot for you. Each
for cropping sessions!
this along to the organization and submit
James Walker will again be chairing the
within the organization to provide
volunteered for an Auxiliary committee
also be found on our website at
Part of the crew working on last year’s project.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy
February. Happy Valentine’s Day!
thinking of them, send birthday wishes
or congratulate someone for a special
Lesley Peters
event. This is what Sunshine is all about.
•Our picnic committee could also use
6 • February 2010
CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
February 2010 • 7
Member Spotlight:
business started growing. She decided to go
Astrid Gaiser
construction. She graduated from Foothill
while takes her daughter along to help
Professional Landscape Designer & APLD
College with a certificate in Environmental
measure things. She also teams up with
Liaison on the CLCA Board
other designers to talk things through. She
to be my own boss.”
back to school to learn about landscape
The recent economy hasn't really hurt
Astrid usually works alone but once in a
25th Annual San Francisco Flower &
Garden Show - March 24-28
California’s most prestigious Spring Garden Event is being reborn in 2010.
Wednesday through Saturday. 10am to 6pm
on Sunday. The show website at
http://sfgardenshow.com has more
information about accommodations.
Ticket Information
credits fellow Designers Fran Adams,
The San Francisco Flower & Garden Show
workshops that are free with admission.
A one-day adult ticket purchased at the
Astrid. She even enjoyed a small rush in
Maureen Decombe, and Laura Schaub and
will be held March 24-28, 2010, at the San
Musical entertainment and special
Astrid’s been getting dirty for many years!
door will be $20. Advance adult tickets
October and November as people finally
Contractors Frank Niccoli, Tom Ellington,
Mateo Event Center.
presentations are planned as well.
“It started with my mom being an organic
purchased online (printable at home), by
decided to go ahead with their projects.
and Craig Rapp with lots of help and
Discounted ticket prices for youth and
gardener. She grows everything she eats,
phone or at Bay Area nurseries through
Astrid’s biggest challenge is when a
support getting her business off the ground.
celebrating 25 years of inspiring California
students make it affordable to bring the
even today, being over 80. Coming from
March 17 are $16. In honor of our 25th
customer wants to discuss the merits of
gardeners with the theme “Gardens for the
whole family. Children 5 and under are free.
Germany, there were big lawns and
Anniversary, one adult ticket will be good
each potential tree – at 9:30 pm on a Friday!
sits on the Santa Clara County Water
Future.” The event's new owners and
Expert Talks
for all five days of the show (with
District’s Landscape Advisory Board along
steering committee are dedicated to
Skyline Boulevard, with some really cool,
with “Jeff Sheehan another great mentor
upholding the Show's legacy as one of the
shop. After all these plant-related activities
beautiful views and a client willing to go
and motivator.” She is also the WELO Chair
top six garden shows in the world by
in my childhood and teenage years, I
100% drought tolerant and sustainable.
for APLD.
combining stunning garden displays,
By Constance Cook
gardens, like on the East Coast. I had to
“I would love to do a job, maybe up on
garden. Oh, and my sister has a flower
carefully avoided gardens for 15 years.”
Water is Astrid’s passion. She currently
That would be really fun.” Astrid
Astrid was a Software Product Manager
Astrid passes along her wisdom: “Stay
San Francisco Flower & Garden Show is
comprehensive educational offerings and
Expert talks, how-to workshops, and all
validation and ID). Students (18-25) with
product demos are free with admission. The
valid student ID, $9 at the door. Youth (6-
many Seminars and Workshops sponsored
17) $4 at the door. Children 5 and under are
by Pacific Horticulture Magazine combine
more talent under one roof than any other
specializes in single-family residential
in today. Having my own business put me a
and always had an apartment in the city.
gardens. "I am very compatible with people
little on edge at first. It’s not a set paycheck.
The San Francisco Flower & Garden Show
When she met her husband, John, they
who are interested in outdoor living."
It was a stretch for me, but a good one. I
also focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable
learned to trust that I only need to do the
gardening practices, growing edibles, and
250 specialty shops in the Garden
farm-to-table programs.
Marketplace will have demos and displays
moved to the United States. Astrid had one
houseplant that was failing and she decided
to plant it outside. That was her downfall.
When I asked Astrid if she thought
landscape design was her last career, she
best job for the client I have today and
replied, “For now I would say yes, I am
tomorrow’s clients will come.”
Pretty soon her neighbors were asking for
very happy with it. I really hate to be
help with their gardens and her “weekend”
inside, I really like people, and I really like
You can view Astrid's work at
License No. 0755906
Ron E. Pohndorf
Account Executive
high quality plants and gardening products.
Showcased are full-size display gardens
horticultural event in California.
Specialty Shops
of the newest and hottest plants, tools,
created by top designers, horticulturists and
gardening, and green-living items available
artists; free talks and practical workshops
on the market today.
led by well-known gardening experts;
When and Where
educational exhibits, and an educational
Wednesday, March 24 through Sunday,
activity area for children and their families.
March 28 at the San Mateo Event Center,
There's also shopping for the finest plants,
2495 South Delaware Street (at Saratoga
garden art, tools and one-of-a-kind or hard-
Drive) San Mateo, CA 94403.
to-find specialty items. Great food, coffee,
Show doors are open from 10am to 8pm
Half-day from 3pm to closing
Wednesday through Saturday (Sunday at
2pm) $13 at the door. Group tickets (20 or
more tickets by arrangement) $15 each.
For ticket information: (925) 605-2923, or
visit www.sfgardenshow.com.
wine, beer, and live music will encourage
1835 North Fine Avenue • Fresno, California 93727-1617
(559) 297-9484 • (800) 628-8735 • FAX (559) 297-4558
email: insure@lcisinc.com
Juan Gonzalez
(209) 810-3992
12750 Guard Rd.
Lodi CA 95242
(800) 588-6882
Growers of Quality Bluegrass, Fescue & Bermuda Sod
visitors to linger into the evenings.
Display Gardens
The 25 Dislplay Gardens being created by
some of the West’s top garden designers
and creators will come in all sizes and
shapes. In addition to cutting-edge design,
most will demonstrate green gardening
practices such as permaculture, green roofs
and walls, drought-tolerant plants, a living
machine, containers and more. The display
gardens will be judged by Pamela Berstler.
Maureen Gilmer and Bernard Trainor.
Family Friendly Fun
Kids and the young-at-heart alike will
especially enjoy the colorful display
gardens and learning about carnivorous
plants and insects. The “Sproutopia” area
will have hands-on activities and
8 • February 2010
CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
February 2010 • 9
Announcing the 37th Annual SFBA
Chapter Achievement Awards Program!
SFX 2010 in San Jose
Silicon Valley welcomes the CLCA for
its Summer Family Extravaganza (SFX)
The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the
are more award winning contractors from
at the Fairmont Hotel, July 21-24. Save
California Landscape Contractors
this chapter than any other chapter in the
the dates! We will be loaded with
Association sponsors the Annual
networking events, educational
Achievement Awards to encourage interest
in landscaping, to recognize craftsmen who
produce outstanding landscapes, to create
seminars, and family fun. We are
Applications available at:
www.clcasfba.org after March 1st
bringing back the person who made a
career of helping people dramatically
improve their effectiveness and
pride in superior workmanship, and to
bestow public recognition on companies,
Awards Schedule
efficiency so that they could exceed
institutions, municipalities, and residents
Entry Deadline…...Friday, April 23th at 4pm
their highest expectations. Doug Carter
for their interest in a beautiful Bay Area.
Judging................Thursday, Friday, Saturday
inspired us some years ago in Hawaii,
May 6, 7 & 8th
This may again be one of the more
trained us how to build our businesses
challenging years in recent history; however
Banquet…….....Saturday, June 5th from 5pm
through solid, long-term relationships
it also presents a great opportunity to
Location………University Club of Palo Alto
for a week in Manzanillo, and is now
3277 Miranda Ave. Palo Alto
returning to keep us moving with the
become an “Award Winning Member”. This
is an invaluable tool in your marketing
right training and development for both
“tool box”. Use the phrase on your
our professional and personal lives. Get
letterhead, business cards, even on your
voice mail! Be proud; let people know you
more info at www.DougCarter.com. It
Bob Kirtley – Awards Chair
will be worth every penny. Plan now
bob@rakirtleylandscape.com or (408) 264-8608
stand out in a field of excellent craftsmen/
and save a few bucks on registration.
craftswomen in an outstanding region of
More details available soon.
the country for landscape contractors! There
Mike Hertzer, Director of Events
Beautiful scenery surrounds you at every turn as you stroll through the
park-like setting at Thornhill Nursery nestled in Oakland’s Montclair
District. Thornhill Nursery has something to offer to meet every garden
need: Japanese Maples, Dogwoods, screening shrubs, bamboo, perennials of all kinds, deer resistant plants, statuary, pottery and soil amendments. Landscape planning and installation services are also available.
Thornhill Nursery has been serving the community since 1950. Mike
Mulholand purchased the nursery in 1979 and, after 30 years, wants to
retire and sell the nursery and landscape business.
Interested parties may contact Mike Mulholand at 510-339-1311,
or email at thornhillnursery@yahoo.com.
Visit our web site at thornhillnursery.com
10 • February 2010
CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
February 2010 • 11
San Francisco
Bay Area Chapter
California Landscape Contractors Association
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
1024 Simon Dr., Ste. F
Placerville CA 95667
vs. Colorado Avalanche. See page 1.
SFBA Chapter
15 Membership Night. Details TBA.
SFBA Chapter
Scholarship Funds
21 CLCA Legislative Conference.
The SFBA Chapter has established
April 2010
Sacramento. All day.
February 2010
3-4 Landscape Industry Show. Los
Angeles Convention Center. Visit
www.clca.us/lis for information.
4 NorCal Trade Show. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
San Mateo Expo Center. Visit
11 Dinner Meeting. Details TBA.
25 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
Building Materials Showroom,
Mountain View.
March 2010
11 Dinner Meeting. Details TBA.
24-28 San Francisco Flower and Garden
Show, San Mateo Expo Center.
25 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
Building Materials Showroom,
Mountain View.
28 Chapter Hockey Night at HP
Pavilion. 5:00 p.m. San Jose Sharks
29 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
several scholarship funds through the
Landscape Educational Advancement
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
Foundation (LEAF). Following are the
Building Materials Showroom,
fund balances.
Mountain View.
May 2010
SFBA Chapter
$ 5,164.95
TBA Chapter Project. Details TBA.
John Lyngso Honorarium
6-8 Chapter Awards Judging.
Herbert Frank Memorial
13 Dinner meeting. Details TBA.
Hans Biland Memorial
27 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
Bill Hayes Memorial
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
G. Kunimoto Memorial
Building Materials, Mountain View.
Ken Jenner Memorial
Paul Shogren Memorial
June 2010
5 Chapter Awards Banquet.
Edron Schneider Memorial $10,950.00
University Club, 3277 Miranda in
Palo Alto.
24 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
To make a donation to one of these
funds or establish a fund of your own,
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
send a check payable to "LEAF" to:
Building Materials, Mountain View.
CLCA Headquarters
July 2010
1491 River Park Drive, #100
21-24 CLCA Summer Family
Sacramento, CA 95815-8899
Extravaganza. San Jose.
29 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m.
social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula
Building Materials, Mountain View.
Visit the chapter website often at
or contact Mary Cohen-LEAF Chair at
(408) 867-7746. Please indicate which
fund you would like to support.