May - CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
May - CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
C a l i f o r n i a L a n d s c a p e C o n t r a c t o r s A s s o c i a t i o n B B MAY 2010 • Vol. 34, Issue No. 5 w w w. c l c a s f b a . o r g San Francisco Bay Area Chapter A tradition of excellence. Membership Night Full of Smiles Membership Appreciation Night at Poplar Creek Grill on Coyote Point in San Mateo was a celebration of new and old members, May 13: Time Management Blossoming Into an Outcome Based Life vs. a Busy Life Student Chapter Project design competition Are the smaller projects taking up too much time these days? Are you breaking your back, winners and friendship! We gathered at a filling your hours with aimless work with aimless results? How much of your work in a week venue new to our group. The beautifully adds up to desired and worthy outcomes? Are you soundly frustrated from the distractions that remodeled facility “passed muster” with a stray you off track? Are you really ready for a life with More Money in Less Time with More peaceful view of the newly restored golf Time for More Recreation? course and gardens. We gathered at the bar Join Sunil Bhaskaran, the Time Management Extraordinaire, on Thursday, May 13th in (continued on page 8) this engaging, humorous and inspiring presentation. YOU WILL: Learn practices from the latest in Brain Science Research to develop your capacity to produce results and reduce stress; Learn practices that keep you aware, alert and conscious; Learn at least 5 strategies for creating more "Choice Time" in your calendar; Learn how to manage distractions; Learn how to stop or inhibit overwhelm; Learn practices that really successful and happy business people use to manage their business; Learn distinctions in how to manage your moods and reactions; Learn how to create and evolve a true team of people who will respect your time and theirs; Learn practices to keep you on track without adding overhead of time. When: Ernst Lehmann (right) presents a 45 year membership appreciation award to his good friend Camille Domine at April’s Membership Appreciation Dinner. See page 8. Thursday, March 13th. 5:00 P.M. Cocktails and Social Hour (main bar and dining areas) Dinner 6:15 P.M; Program 7:00 P.M. Where: Celia’s Mexican Restaurant; 1850 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (between Encinal Ave. and Fair Oaks Lane) (650) 321-8227 Menu: Chicken and Beef Buffet with enchiladas, tacos, and fajitas Vegetarian: fajitas only; Rice, beans, and all the fixings Flan and cheesecake for dessert. Cost: $25.00 per person RSVP: Make your reservations in the RSVP field of you Evite or contact Mike Hertzer at 408.371.4477, ext. 2 or email at PLEASE indicate if you prefer vegetarian. Chapter project design competition winners (left to right): James Walker, Olga Chudnovsy, Brandon Stewart, David Sauter, Jane Burgunder and Chanda Stewart. See page 5. Directions: From 101 North or South, Exit Marsh Road and turn west; left on Middlefield Road, right on Fair Oaks Lane, left on El Camino Real; .6 miles on the left. 2010 SF Bay Area Chapter Contacts CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD JIM EVERETT (650) 363-0740 EvLand LLC PRESIDENT RICK CAMIN Camin Landscaping (650) 964-1078 VICE PRESIDENT / MEMBERSHIP CHAIR JAMES WALKER (650) 333-2021 Landsculpt TREASURER NATE CROSBY (408) 417-5137 Crosby Landscaping SECRETARY LARRY SCOTT (408) 687-1104 Integrity Landscape Services ASSOCIATE LIAISON ROB LEUER Bamboo Pipeline AUXILIARY PRESIDENT LESLEY PETERS (510) 896-5985 (650) 941-4093 AUXILIARY TREASURER CHARLENE OTT (650) 948-7858 AUXILIARY VICE PRESIDENT DIANA WHITNEY (650) 941-9677 AUXILIARY SECRETARY JILL HERTZER S uccess By Rob Leuer, Bamboo Pipeline Inc. The Partners for Success program is nothing without YOU! This annual giving program voice (530) 621-1701 fax (530) 621-2043 CLCA State Headquarters 1491 River Park Drive, Ste. 100 Sacramento CA 95815-8899 (916) 830-2780 • (800) 448-2522 (916) 830-2788 Fax • email: these ladies (and guys) know how to have Women’s Auxiliary - Our Chapter’s Best Kept Secret sex barrier into the Women's Auxiliary was broken down years ago. I heard they have seven male members including Mike favorite CLCA events last year was the Holiday Party, Education, and Student Sponsorship – the future of our strong and growing At last month's Membership Night, I wonderful years, and I had no idea she Women's Auxiliary potluck at the Ott's organization. received my president's yearbook for last could throw a horseshoe. Hmmm, maybe I house. I was amazed at the lifetime Our group has a great history of working together for the common good. It is evident year from the Women's Auxiliary. I was shouldn't be too surprised as she is always friendships I witnessed that day. My theme at each dinner event, board meeting, educational seminar, or other event: Active members blown away as I flipped through all the scolding me and throwing my muddy last year was, “Participation Leads to promoting and participating in healthy activities to help our businesses grow. pages of content and photos that celebrated shoes out of the house. Our family also had Lifelong Friendship,” and there I was my year as chapter president. I know an a great time at last year’s Holiday Party at witnessing my theme first hand. It was remember to support the Partners who support our chapter! enormous amount of time and energy went Gilroy Gardens where we witnessed the quite a sight! Needless to say, I was the last DIAMOND PARTNERS into the creation of my yearbook. I want to spectacular Christmas light display and had person to leave that evening around AG Sod • Hunter Industries • Lyngso Garden Materials • Pacific Nurseries thank Lesley Peters and the Women's fun on the amusement rides. My favorite midnight (sorry Leo and Charlene) as I The Garden Route Co. Auxiliary for giving me such a wonderful Holiday Party was the cruise on the bay in looked through all the past chapter gift that I will treasure for a lifetime. In my San Francisco a couple of years ago -- yearbooks that Charlene carefully opinion, our Women's Auxiliary is our best eating prime rib and sharing a glorious organized. I could not believe I was seeing kept secret on why our chapter is so sunny day with CLCA friends. You can't pictures from the 1970's with the same successful and one of the strongest in the beat it! We are grateful for our Partners who have committed to the Chapter this 2010 year and PLATINUM PARTNERS Bobcat West • Colony Landscape • Samscaping, Inc. • Tractor Equipment Supply Peninsula Building Materials • Landscape Contractors Insurance Services GOLD PARTNERS state. The first time I heard of the Women's Besides helping and organizing our events, the Women's Auxiliary promotes people in them who were at the potluck that day. It was an afternoon full of laughter and joy which I felt privileged to attend. The best kept secret in our chapter is the ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Auxiliary was when I co-chaired the education for our chapter. Every chapter Village Gardner • Lyngso Garden Materials • Hunter Industries Chapter Project several years ago. I got a dinner meeting, the Women's Auxiliary is Women's Auxiliary. My wife joined last year phone call from Alice Domine, and she working hard selling raffle tickets and becoming their 50th member! I have no asked me if the Women's Auxiliary group providing a beautiful raffle basket to the plans to miss the fun, since I will be joining could help in any way with organizing lucky winner. All funds collected go to the this year. I welcome everyone to join the STUDENT SPONSORSHIP breakfast and lunch for all the volunteers. I 'College Enrichment Fund' that awards Women's Auxiliary. Please contact Lesley EvLand LLC • Girvin Peters Landscape was shocked! Such a generous offer caught qualifying students and colleges with Peters for all the details and see me completely off guard. I had a million Horticulture departments. At the state level, this issue for the next Auxiliary's meeting. I details to organize for project day and scholarships are awarded to college will see you there! having help to organize the food and students in a program called the Landscape GARDEN TOUR Astrid Gaiser • Leo & Charlene Ott • Jolee Horne Landscape Design • Landscapia Thanks again to all of our partners! Remember to show your appreciation by supporting those who support your Chapter. If you would like to become involved with this important program, please contact Rob Leuer at (510) 896-5985, or email: rleuer@bamboopipeline. refreshments was a huge load of my Education Advancement Foundation CLCA Mission Statement shoulders. Charlene Ott and Lesley Peters (LEAF). Mary Cohen has spent many years The California Landscape Contractors Association serves the interests of its members, promotes professionalism, and advances public awareness of the landscape industry. took charge on project day. I can't thank volunteering for the LEAF program, and I them and the Women's Auxiliary enough have heard countless accolades from for their help and support. Thank you members across the state on her The CLCA SFBA Chapter newsletter is published monthly. Copy and advertising deadlines are the 10th of the month preceding publication. Please send all copy, black & white photos, line art and ad materials to: Jerrie Beard & Associates, 1024 Simon Dr., Ste. F, Placerville CA 95667. Emailed submissions are also welcome at For information on advertising and rates, contact Jerrie Beard at (530) 621-1701. Alice, Charlene and Lesley! contribution to the LEAF program. We are And don’t forget, we can accept payments via MasterCard or Visa. But helping me at the Chapter Project is only the beginning of their contributions to our chapter. Every year, the Women's Auxiliary organizes the Chapter Picnic and Articles submitted are subject to approval and modification. Chapter or Editor are not liable for misprints or errors, and do not necessarily agree with opinions expressed in byline articles. Articles may be used by other CLCA chapter newsletters, giving proper credit to their source. 2 • May 2010 fun. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the Hertzer and Girvin Peters. One of my By Rick Camin, Camin Landscaping helps make possible the Golf Tournament, Garden Tour, Dinner Meetings, Awards Night, Arborwell • Bamboo Pipeline • Landmark Landscapes STUDENT CLUB PRESIDENT VAL VANCE BAY BREEZE EDITOR JERRIE BEARD Jerrie Beard & Associates P artners for board meeting, and when the work is over, A Message from the President CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter so proud to have Mary in our chapter. Thank you Mary! But the biggest surprise and best kept secret is the fun the Women's Auxiliary has the Holiday Party, both of which have together. As president, it was an honor for provided my family with some of our best me to be invited to their board meetings memories. At the Chapter Picnic, I was where I was very impressed with their completely shocked when my wife Marina agenda and calendar of events. Lesley and I came in second place at the horseshoe Peters is a great president, and I really competition two years ago. I have been appreciate all her hard work and dedication married to Marina for almost seventeen to our chapter. She runs a very organized May 2010 • 3 T he Board Meets By Larry Scott The SFBA Chapter board met March 25, at Peninsula Building sharing of your years of experience truly Membership Chanda Stewart of Foothill College Wins Design Competition! Charlene Ott reported that the Chapter James Walker reported that the Membership By James Walker, Landsculpt •Heidi Johnson, Heidi Johnson Assoc. Picnic will be held at Coyote Point in San Dinner will be at a new venue -- Poplar Mateo in early September. Creek Golf Grill in San Mateo. by James Walker, seconded by Leslie Peters on April 2, 2010. Possible delay in project to approve the report. Motion passed. start date due to recipient’s funding issues. Women’s Auxiliary Education Bay Breeze month, Brandon, David and I fielded the Foothill College Horticulture Club questions from the competitors and their program, club treasurer Brandon Stewart mentors. Brandon collected the completed •Glenn Hanson, Anjou Garden Design •Ian Harris, Harris Landscaping •Allison Olson, DreamScapes Nate Crosby reported that the Brown Bag Rick Camin reported on upgrading the (no relation to our winner), suggested a designs as well as material lists and Meeting Called to Order at 5:50 p.m. by Lunches are continuing on the first Tuesday “Bay Breeze” and passed out a couple of design competition. Electricity enlivened estimated labor hour lists. Wow! Every plan of each month. Possibility of including Roll Call Green Gardener Certification Program for Nate Crosby, Bob Kirtley, Charlene Ott, Kevin Burns, Leslie Peters, Jim Everett, James Walker, Rick Camin, Valerie Vance, Barry Cohen, Rob Leuer, Michael MitchellCPC North Co-Chair, Andrew Simpson- interested chapter members. Foothill College Horticulture Student Peters made a motion, seconded by Barry Cohen, to approve minutes. Motion passed. Treasurers Report Nate Crosby presented the February 2010 Treasurer’s report for review. Motion made Awards challenging time choosing the winner. •Tom Ellington, Coast Management •Astrid Gaiser, Astrid Gaiser Designs Bob Kirtley reported on the project entry competition, students learning, greater Using a point system that David devised, deadline and is seeking a couple of judges. membership participation, contractors and we came up with the three which best designers working together as mentors. fulfilled our criteria. upcoming club meetings and events. Rick Camin reported that a few golf courses Minutes Board Meeting minutes for review. Leslie was fantastic! David Sauter and I had a Golf Tournament Rob Leuer reported the Chapter has James Walker presented the February 2010 the group! In a flash, the rest of the concept came to me: chapter project, design student Chapter Project Design Contest and Partners For Success •Jeff Sheehan, Confidence Landscaping •Janet Enright, Janet Enright & Assoc. newsletters from other chapters to review. Club President Val Vance reported on the CLCA State Director of Chapter Services. Mentor Appreciation List •Michael Gladden, McLintock Landscapes While contemplating how to breath life into Materials, Mountain View Showroom. Rick Camin, chapter president. enhanced your student’s education. are being considered for the late September or early October chapter golf tournament. •Clifton Randolph, Gachina Landscape Mgt •Kristen Rudger, Penninsula Green Gardener •Simon Parrott, Colony Landscape Brandon was eager to join me in this At Foothill College, everyone came •Julie Orr, Julie Orr Designs endeavor! We received the support of the together to view the students’ fantastic Horticulture Program instructors David work, enjoy a barbeque and find out the Sauter and Dan Svenson who both winner! Second runner up is Olga •Doug Miller, Gjentara •Carol Miller, Stepping Stone Landscape •Cristine Mortensen, Cristine Mortensen collected approximately 60% of payments Garden Tour embraced the concept. David Sauter said he Chudnovsy, mentored by designer Rick from committed partners. He is reviewing Rick Camin reported that the Garden Tour would be willing to not only develop the Fath and contractor Nate Crosby. First the success of the San Diego Chapter will be held some time in August. judging criteria but also to join me as judge. runner up is Jane Burgunder with designer program to increase PFS income. Additions Design •Frank Niccolli, The Village Gardener •Carol Scheetz, Carol Scheetz Designs Brandon and I developed an extensive 9 Janet Enright and contractor Craig Rapp. •Larry Scott, Integrity Landscapes Chapter Project Jim Everett reported that he will soon be page design competition information package for the 20 students who signed up. is Chanda Stewart. She was kindly James Walker reported that the Foothill organizing the Past President’s Council meeting and asked for his budget. Next we found 40 mentors: 20 awesome supported by designer Glenn Hanson and College Design contest will be completed R. Camin adjourned the meeting 8:10 p.m. Finally our winner with an amazing design •Jessie Klinker, Jessie Klinker Landscape Design •Bob Waterman, GardenWood world class contractors and 20 talented and contractor Ian Harris. •Maryanne Quincy, Q Gardens open hearted garden designers. Brandon All of the designs were recently •Mervyn Salt, Mervyn Salt Landscapes and I randomly linked the teams of three displayed at our Membership Appreciation based on zip code and, on Astrid Gaiser’s Dinner on April 15, and the 3 winners were sage advice, placed a 5 hour maximum limit honored with warm applause. •Janice Elliott, Umbel Design •Rick Camin, Camin Landscape •Rick Fath, Rick Fath Designs on each mentor’s assistance. As Chapter Unfortunately, for financial reasons, our •Nate Crosby, Crosby Yard Services Project chairman, I chose a project brought proposed May 15, Chapter Project build day to me by Mike Hertzer of Modern has been delayed until, hopefully, the fall •Peigi Duval, Indig Design •Frank Manoccio, Land Escapes Landscaping -- building an outdoor science sometime. I will keep you all posted. •Karen Hunt, San Carlos Garden Works classroom at Holy Spirit School in San Jose. I would like to give special thanks to •Jim Everett, Evland Dave Sauter and I played the role of Rick Camin, Jim Everett, Tom Ellington and •Lisa Parramore, Hanabie’ Japanese Garden client by expressing the general but John Gachina for their extra special efforts. absolute elements that must be included in And thank you again to all the mentors. each student’s design. Over a period of a Your generous time and open hearted Design •Mike Hertzer, Modern Landscaping 4 • May 2010 CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter May 2010 • 5 W omen’s Auxiliary Report Tickets are $10 each and are available for 37th Annual Awards Program! sale prior to the awards banquet by By Bob Kirtley contacting any Women’s Auxiliary Did everyone make it to Membership The Women’s Auxiliary will hold our member or you may purchase tickets the Night in April? What a fun evening! annual raffle benefiting LEAF (Landscape evening of the banquet. Here’s to pulling Thank you James Walker for organizing Educational Advancement Foundation) at your winning ticket on June 5! the event, introducing us to your Dad and the Awards Banquet Saturday, June 5, at putting a new spin on the Chapter Project: the University Club of Palo Alto. Vicky meeting, Wednesday, May 19 at a design competition for Foothill College Parrott and Diana Whitney have been Beausejour French Restaurant in students. We saw an impressive display of hard at work organizing the raffle and downtown Los Altos. All are welcome to work from future Green Industry putting together some terrific prizes. attend. Please contact me at 650-941-4093 members. •Grand Prize: A getaway to the Cavallo We also raised $280 in the College Point Lodge at Fort Baker in Sausalito Enrichment raffle. Thank you Alice and dinner for 2 at Murray Circle, Domine for selling tickets and making the sponsored by CLCA. basket won by Girvin Peters. Thank you •2nd Prize: Dinner for two at the Left also to Fred Hanker of Delta Bluegrass for Bank Brasserie in San Jose at Santana the donation of 3 boxes of delicious Row, Menlo Park or Larkspur, sponsored asparagus and to James Walker for by CLCA. supplying way too many extra gifts to keep track of the winners. Everyone was a winner! Thank you everyone who has supported our dinner meeting raffles over the years. The LEAF raffle is almost upon us! •3rd Prize: LEAF raffle basket, sponsored by Vivian and Craig Rapp •4th Prize: Wine Tasting Basket, sponsored by Vicky and Simon Parrott •5th Prize: Four tickets to Gilroy Gardens Theme Park, donated by Gilroy Gardens. Please join us at our next Auxiliary or if you have not received an invitation and would like to attend. First, I want to thank everyone who has participated in this year’s awards program! The judging will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 6, 7, and 8. All properties will need to be accessible to our judges, or the entry will be disqualified. It is very important to remember – do not be on site; do not have any identifying signs, trailers, tags, permits, etc. available where the judges could possibly see them. Also, please instruct your client not to mention the great contractor who did this wonderful work. I know they can get enthusiastic, but it would cost you a potential award if they say anything to the judges. We go to extreme lengths to keep the entering contractor’s name anonymous to ensure unbiased judging, and fair consideration for all entries. Happy Birthday in May to: Heidy Coaz on May 3, Mike Hertzer on May 5, Pat Coney on May 7, Sally Coverdell on The Luau is on Saturday evening, June 5th, at the University Club of Palo Alto. This will be an Hawaiian themed party; casual and comfortable! Let’s hope the weather cooperates. May 11, Jill Hertzer on May 19, Ellie Join us at The University Club of Palo Alto 3277 Miranda Ave., Palo Alto Hayes on May 20, Marina Camin, Charlene Ott and Jon Singley on May 24, Linda Fox on May 29 and Brigitte for the CLCA SFBA Hawaiian Buffet/Banquet! Aloha! Lehmann on May 31. Wow! Enjoy your Saturday, June 5th, 2010 special day! Lesley Peters • 650-941-4093 From 5pm until we close it up • Cost: $85 per person Bob Kirtley, R.A.Kirtley & Associates, Inc. Awards Chair (408)264-8608, or e-mail at: 6 • May 2010 CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter May 2010 • 7 on the outdoor patio at 5:00 pm spending an Chairman led the proceedings. Ken Chalk One Up for the Good Guys! Coverdale presented a life membership By Kevin Burns, Maximum Service Landscape Inc. hour relaxing and visiting. James Walker, our Vice President and Membership award to Zack Coney followed by Girvin A group of licensed landscape contractors fed up with the Peters presenting a life membership award unlicensed operators and others fueling the underground to Ken Coverdale. Not to be outdone, the economy staged a civil protest on April 19, at the San Mateo great Ernst Lehmann then bestowed a 45- County Superior Court Northern Branch in South San Francisco year membership pin on Camille on April 19. I was interviewed by Randall Yip, reporter for ABC 7 Domine of Western Landscaping. Above: Zach Coney receives his Life Membership award from Ken Coverdell A 20-year membership pin was given to Jolee Horne, and Vic On Your Side, who was at the courthouse to cover a story he’s been following about an unlicensed landscape operator who took advantage of an elderly gentleman living in Hillsborough, CA. Thomas received his 15-year pin. Above: James Walker presents Mary Lyngso with a bouquet of roses. 10-year pins were given to Mike Hertzer, Michelle Chu, Mervyn Ediberto Heredia was found guilty of charges and worked out a plea bargain with the District Attorney. He was ordered to pay in excess of $114,000.00 restitution to the plaintiff. Salt, and Rich Radford. Finally A group of CLCA landscape contractors including Glen Hanson received his Michael and Kim Gladden, Catherine Greer, Bill Buchin, illustrious 5-year membership pin. Thanks for all your help with the Above: New member John Vega and his daughter. awards program this year Glen!! To round out the evening, Dave Sauter outside the courtroom in San with protest signs and lots of enthusiasm. The story airred Mateo County. on April 19, on ABC Channel 7 six o’clock news. At left: Kevin Burns is enforcement of contractor law rather than having College Student Horticulture Club’s Chapter and members of the CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Kevin Burns, Bob and Grace Kirtley and Jim Link gathered Now we need to keep up the work to encourage local and Brandon Stewart presented the Foothill Above: Kevin Burns (far right) interviewed by Randall Yip of ABC 7 On Your Side. enforcement deferred to state agencies who are logistically Project Design Competition Awards. Out of unable to address complaints timely enough to catch 20 entrants, Chanda Stewart was honored Above: Vic Thomas receives his 20 year pin from James Walker. for her first place entry for the outdoor unlicensed operators in the act. science classroom design. Olga Chudnovsky was first runner up and Jane Burgunder received second runner up honors. Congratulations to all the entrants, and special thanks to the 40 mentors who guided and counseled the student competitors (see page 5). Center: Ken Coverdell receives his Life Membership award from Girvin Peters. Above: From President to President with love. Woman’s Auxiliary President Leslie Peters presents Chapter President Rick Camin with his Presidential Scrapbook. At left: James Walker with Charlene Ott, one of the lucky raffle winners. Above: James Walker presents new member Chad Sutton of Watersavers with a case of asparagus. License No. 0755906 Ron E. Pohndorf Account Executive Juan Gonzalez (209) 810-3992 12750 Guard Rd. Lodi CA 95242 (800) 588-6882 Growers of Quality Bluegrass, Fescue & Bermuda Sod 8 • May 2010 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 1835 North Fine Avenue • Fresno, California 93727-1617 (559) 297-9484 • (800) 628-8735 • FAX (559) 297-4558 email: CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter May 2010 • 9 grips the ground; and other elements calling upon you again for your support. It Student Spotlight: Design Chosen for the Chapter Project! By Valerie Vance, Foothill College Student Club President Deciduous trees in winter, with this kind is a great opportunity for the students to unique to that particular plant. We guide it of architecture stand out creating beautiful learn of the many different kinds of by pruning to reveal its greatest beauty over lines in winter with what we call ‘the winter businesses out there, from the old dudes to time. This is why it is sometimes referred to silhouette’. the new and the small to the huge. Once a as sculptural pruning. It is actually All woody plants and trees can benefit date is decided, I encourage everyone to sculpting and training the plant to grow in from this type of pruning - whether I am happy to announce that the Hort inner design. Every attend. A little advice should always be a particular way, still in its particular habit, deciduous or evergreen….. even a fruit tree Club's Design Competition for the Chapter detail was seen to, welcome. There is a fair sized group of but in a specific direction and with specific can be pruned aesthetically and provide Project was a success. We had a lot of great and the overall outcome of the plan was students in the program this year that are parameters that work for the unique garden ample fruit. entries, and everyone's work came out impressive and pleasing to look at. Jane was looking to do contractor work. This is an or space in which it resides. This is mostly really wonderful. Dave Sauter and James able to capture a real sense of joy and space Important to Note opportunity to get to know them and done by the skilled elimination of what is Walker were the judges for the contest and in her plan. The use of sail overhead maybe employ them or at least encourage not needed and the skilled training of what spent hours reviewing our submittals. Dave structures were affordable and aesthetically them to get licensed. remains. It is over time that this happens as carefully wrote out evaluations for us all pleasing. Olga had, in my opinion, one of and presented our plans to the participants the best color-rendered plans. It is a work of at the BBQ on Wednesday, April 7. art that could be hung in a gallery. We had quite a turn out for the BBQ, the tree or plant grows and matures. As always, I can be reached at Though seen in Japanese Gardens, it works well for many styles of garden. I thank all of the mentors for donating To describe a possible effect, think of a with almost equal quantities of mentors and their time even those whose contestants Mature BlackPine - pruned over time. Hakone students. And delicious food. Everyone was dropped out. Your support is valued and Gardens, Saratoga, CA. a buzz with excitement and enjoyed looking we appreciate the offer. At one point, we at all the work. had 25 student contestants, which means And the winners are... we convinced 25 contractor and 25 designer •1st place goes to Chanda Stewart. Her mentors were designer Glenn Hanson of Anjou Garden Design and contractor Ian Harris of Harris Landscaping. •2nd place winner is Jane Burgunder. Her mentors were designer Janet Enright of Janet Enright & Assoc. and contractor Tom Ellington of Coast Management. •3rd place winner is Olga Chudnovsky. Her mentors were designer Rick Fath of Rick Fath Designs and contractor Nate Crosby of Crosby Yard Services. All three of these ladies put in tons of extra effort, and it showed in their work. Chanda's design was excellently researched and had idea call outs surrounding the Course to Fine: flowers and foliage, the flowers are beautiful but the whole bush feels like one big mass. Now try to picture how that you. Brandon Stewart was the student in The Art and Science of Aesthetic Pruning the flowers show up more as well as the charge of running the show, and he did it By Judy Maier, Judy’s Gardens & Design leaves – it looks lacy and more mentors! That's huge. Thank you. Thank fantastically and kept his cool under all the camellia would look if there were delicate spaces between the leaves and the branches, approachable. You can see through the tree questions sent his way. I'd also like to give The beauty of a finely pruned tree can take thanks to my own mentors Mike Hertzer one’s breath away. But what is it that makes and Lisa Parramore for helping me out and a tree stand out in this way? The answer is Mike for getting the school as the location explored in depth in a comprehensive field for the chapter project. of study and specialization called ‘aesthetic pruning,’ which combines both science and We are all looking forward to build day, hopefully in the fall. It should be a great art in working with ornamental trees and event just as it was last year. Its always nice shrubs. Other adjectives sometimes used to to see so many people working together. describe this field are ‘fine,’ ‘sculptural,’ And the food was good too. ‘specialty’ pruning. It is a specialization that is not well known yet, but is growing – Our club is going to be holding a particularly in the Bay Area. contractor forum in early June. We will be The difference in the results over time for the trees, the garden and the viewer can be remarkable. 10 • May 2010 camellia bush that is very thick with CLCA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter to the other side creating a depth of field, and possibly some of the beautiful branching structure is revealed. This would look like a completely different plant – and it would be in terms of its health and beauty. Now picture a Japanese Maple. It is fully leafed out with a bulky density of leaves and shoots. You know these leaves are beautiful, but you can’t really see them in such a mass and there are so many branches – some shooting straight up in the air. Now picture the same tree with delicate tapering branches – the tree has lovely layers with spaces between to let light in, the leaves no The Essence of a Tree longer look like one big mass, they have An aesthetic pruner looks for what we call been thinned out and can now dance and the ‘essence’ of a tree or plant and the plan shimmer in the wind with the play of light for it over time in the garden – especially if passing through them. The leaves are more it is a focal point. The plant’s essence defined because there are less of them. It is includes its structural form and potential; neither an accident nor completely the luck its ‘leanings’ (literally and figuratively); as of the draw that some maples have a well as the color, shape and texture of beautiful look and others do not (though wood, bark, roots, leaves, flowers, fruit; its choosing a healthy tree with good potential form coming out of the ground; how it structure to begin with is a great start!). As well as aesthetics, this kind of fine pruning is based on horticultural knowledge of plants and their needs: When, how much and the correct way to prune; understanding of light and sun requirements, particular water needs, making sure the plant is not planted too deeply (a common problem), the understanding of, prevention of and holistic treatment of disease; nourishment for plants and soil including mulch, compost and compost tea; understanding of micro-climates, spacial considerations, common sense and much more. Just as in a theatre play, not every actor gets to be the star - yet without the supporting cast, the play would not be effective or even possible - so in a garden, not all plants get to be the focal point. This would be exhausting to the eyes and would not make for a harmonious, peaceful environment. Some plants are needed for a sense of structure and support and create the contrast or backdrop for the ‘stars’ of the garden. This creates drama… allowing some things to recede while others pop and come forward. Each plays a part in the whole, vital, living, breathing picture and design. During different seasons, the emphasis may change according to the habits of the plants. The intention of the fine or aesthetic pruner is to be aware of all these things while working Judy Maier of Judy’s Gardens & Design is a Landscape Designer, Aesthetic Pruner, Garden Coach and artist based in the South Bay, working all over the San Francisco Bay Area including the Monterey Peninsula. She is is member of CLCA, APLD and the Merritt College Aesthetic Pruning Club, a group of Aesthetic Pruners. May 2010 • 11 FIRST CLASS PRESORTED PERMIT #14 SHINGLE SPRINGS, CA 95682 San Francisco Bay Area Chapter CLCA California Landscape Contractors Association San Francisco Bay Area Chapter 1024 Simon Dr., Ste. F Placerville CA 95667 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Building Materials, Mountain View. SFBA Chapter June 2010 1 Brown bag lunch meeting - noon to 26 Chapter Board BBQ. TBA. Visit the chapter website often at for updates. 1 pm. See chapter website. 5 Chapter Awards Banquet. Events May 2010 4 Brown bag lunch meeting - noon to University Club, Palo Alto. See p. 7. 8 Education Committee Meeting. For SFBA Chapter Scholarship Funds details, contact Nate Crosby at The SFBA Chapter has established (408) 417-5137. several scholarship funds through the 24 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m. Landscape Educational Advancement 1 pm. Location varies by month. See social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula Foundation (LEAF). Following are the chapter website for details. Building Materials, Mountain View. fund balances. 6-8 Chapter Awards Judging. 11 Education Committee Meeting. For details, contact Nate Crosby at (408) 417-5137. 13 Dinner meeting. Sunil Bhaskaran on time management. 5:00 P.M. Cocktails and social hour. Dinner 6:15 P.M; Program 7:00 P.M. Celia’s Mexican Restaurant; 1850 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. See p. 1. 23 Bonsai Society of San Francisco presents a celebration of its 50th Anniversary at the County Fair Building, Ninth Ave. and Lincoln Way, Golden Gate Park. Bonsai Show and Sale. 10 am-4 pm. Admission Free. 27 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m. social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula July 2010 6 Brown bag lunch meeting - noon to 1 pm. See chapter website. 13 Education Committee Meeting. For details, contact Nate Crosby at (408) 417-5137. 21-24 CLCA Summer Family Extravaganza. San Jose. Visit 29 Chapter Board meeting, 5 p.m. social, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Peninsula Building Materials, Mountain View. August 2010 3 Brown bag lunch meeting - noon to 1 pm. See chapter website. 10 Education Committee Meeting. For details, contact Nate Crosby at (408) 417-5137. SFBA Chapter $ 5,164.95 John Lyngso Honorarium $10,811.94 Herbert Frank Memorial $15,975.00 Hans Biland Memorial $10,425.00 Bill Hayes Memorial $13,205.00 G. Kunimoto Memorial $11,870.00 Ken Jenner Memorial $11,917.15 Paul Shogren Memorial $15,770.43 Edron Schneider Memorial $10,950.00 To make a donation to one of these funds or establish a fund of your own, send a check payable to "LEAF" to: CLCA Headquarters 1491 River Park Drive, #100 Sacramento, CA 95815-8899 or contact Mary Cohen-LEAF Chair at (408) 867-7746. Please indicate which fund you would like to support.
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