December/January 2013/2014 - California Landscape Contractor`s
December/January 2013/2014 - California Landscape Contractor`s
december/january 2014 the landscaper The Official Publication of the Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter CLCA Join Us J Bowling an. 16 Lucky S Night at trike LA Live (See p age 2) INSIDE this issue: 2014 Partners Program Registration Form (pg 6) Water Conservation Incentives (pg 11) and more… Cover Photo: 2013 Special Effects Trophy Award Winner Casa Del Sol Jonny Appleseed Landscaping Photo Credit: Gordon Larson LA/SGV CLCA – The Landscaper P.O. Box 3699 San Dimas, CA 91773 Brandon Linz president’s message The holidays are often a stressful time for many of us landscapers as our clients can be more demanding than normal. It seems like the same story every year… everyone is trying to get their landscaping job done before the holidays to make sure that their house looks better than their neighbors. Then, once the holidays are over and we think we can breathe again, our stress shifts to worrying about where the next job will come from. Hustling is more important than ever during the start of the New Year so that we get that next job. Say goodbye to that breather…there is no rest for the weary! It seemed like the second half of 2013 ended well for many of us landscapers; hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that once people see how much more healthcare is going to cost them, some of our clients may not have that extra money to spend on their landscapes. Only time will tell if this is the case. With my two-year term as President coming to an end, I now turn over the reins to Dan Gromer who will continue to make sure that the Chapter thrives and expands. Of course, I will still be involved in the Chapter…assisting Dan, serving as Treasurer and simply lending a hand wherever needed. But, before I end my final President’s message, I want to thank all of our Board members who dedicate a lot of their time Upcoming Events JANUARY 6 Board Meeting, Ewing - Torrance 20526 Grammercy Place, Torrance, CA 16 Chapter Bowling Night @ LA Live 29-30 Landscape Industry Show L.A. Convention Center February Board Meeting, Arcadia 3 MARCH 3 Board Meeting, Monrovia 20 Chapter Dinner Meeting - Depot, Torrance Topic: How to write a good contract. Speaker: Mike Martin, Attorney & CLCA Legislative Committee Chair April 7 Board Meeting, Harbor City For the latest events & info, check out our chapter website at 2 the l an d s c ap er and efforts toward making us a successful Chapter. Because of them, we enjoy a lot of great educational meetings and fun events throughout the year. Our success would not be possible without them. So please, when you see them out in the field or at the next event, be sure to thank them. In closing, we have many great events planned in 2014. Kicking it all off is our annual Bowling and Board Installation event at Lucky Strike LA Live. This is always a fun event and I hope to see everyone there. I hope each of you and your family thrive and prosper in 2014! Join the LA/SGV Chapter for an Action-Packed Night of Bowling Bring your friends and have some fun! Where: Lucky Strike LA Live Bowling When: Thursday, January 16, 2014 @ 6:30 pm Location:800 W. Olympic Blvd. (Across From Staples Center) Los Angeles 90015 R.S.V.P.: Brandon Linz at 626.256.6200 Cost: $40.p.p. includes the following: soft drinks, appetizer, 2 hours of bowling & shoe rental Dress code is strictly enforced. The following is not permitted: Athletic wear, sweats or sports jerseys, motorcycle colors, excessively baggy clothing, sleeveless t-shirts, plain white tees short or long sleeved, construction boots, headgear, chains, ripped or soiled clothing. december / january 2014 2014 LA/SGV CHAPTER Board of Directors President DAN GROMER Dan Gromer Landscaping 1201 E. Magnis St., Arcadia, CA 91007 626-447-9067 • Fax 323-349-0881 V.P. Membership ERNIE BELTRAN Ernie Beltran Irr. & Land Maintenance P.O. Box 1492, Culver City, CA 90232 310-261-8137 • Fax 661-942-4518 V.P. Events JESSICA CENTENO Centeno’s Landscaping Co., Inc. 17514 S. Figueroa St., Gardena, CA 90248 310-768-4089 • Fax 310-719-7147 Treasurer/Chairman of the Board BRANDON LINZ Brandon’s Landscapes, Inc. 229 N. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 626-256-6200 Associate Member Rep. JUAN GUTIERREZ Landscape Warehouse 1673 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91106 626-792-3319 • Fax 626-792-4757 Member at Large MIKE FORSBERG Forsberg Landscape & Maintenance P.O. Box 342, Harbor City, CA 90710 310-534-5058 • Fax 310-534-8540 Secretary BARBARA D. ALVAREZ Alvarez Landscape & Maintenance P.O. Box 3699, San Dimas, CA 91773 626-917-1614 • Fax 626-917-2611 Member at Large, Ambassador at Large CHARLES NUNLEY Lakshmi Landscape Co. P.O. Box 6265, Altadena, CA 91003-6265 626-791-4886 • Fax 209-593-0603 2014 STATE Board of Directors President - Chuck Carr ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance President-Elect - Javier Lesaca Lesaca Landscape Company Immediate Past President Frank Niccoli, CWM The Village Gardener Secretary/Treasurer Ted Sandrowski Sandrowski Landscaping Dir. of Chapter Services Richard Sheffield Antioch Nursery L/S & Tree Srvc. Dir. of Legislation Peter Dufau, CLT, CWM Dufau Landscape Dir. of Communications Jessica Centeno Centeno’s Landscaping Co., Inc. Dir. of Membership - James Walker Landsculpt Dir. of Education - Aaron Huxley Hunter Industries/FX Luminaire Dir. of Events - Eric Briner Briner & Son Landscape Mgmt. Dir. of Resource Mgmt. - Shari Collins Gardens 4 the Soul Associate Member Dir. John Hernandez El Dorado Communications, Inc. w w w.clca-lasgv.or g Co-Dir. of Chapter Presidents Council (North) Tim Hendricks, CLT Cagwin & Dorward Co-Dir. of Chapter Presidents Council (South) Steve Beckstrom, CLT, CWM Tierra Verde Landscape Executive Director Sandra Giarde CLCA Headquarters 3 busy over We’ve been months! veral the past se ... sed It s i M u o Y e s In Ca We got s ea and held sonal planting t our Ch ips on Sept. apter elections 19 in Pas adena! day at n u f a yed We enjo tate Beach in S Doheny t on Oct. 12! in Dana Po 4 the l an d s c ap er december / january 2014 We attend ed CLCA’s Nov. 13-16 in Convention Carmel! ...and enjoyed some hijinks while there! he Season t d e t a r b le We ce the USO r o f 0 0 7 $ er and raised t our Chapt a t r o p ir A ! Ontario ck on Dec. 5 lu t o P y a d li Ho w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 5 2014 Partners program We are excited to introduce to our Chapter members a great opportunity to prepay for Chapter activities. The LA/SGV Partners Program bundles the cost of participating in a host of Chapter special events and offers a one time prepay option for those events. That means no more requesting a check every time the Chapter holds an event. You can also add a sponsorship package, allowing you to attach the cost of sponsorships to your LA/SGV Partners Program. This progressive approach allows you to participate in, and sponsor, our host of 2014 programs with one payment. What makes this a unique offering is that you can mix and match how you want to participate, and at what level, and then pay just once! We really want to encourage you to seriously consider becoming an LA/SGV Chapter Partner for 2014. Please keep in mind that the level of participation you choose to invest will reciprocate itself in the level of enjoyment and benefit you receive from actively supporting your local Chapter. Gold leaf Silver leaf All general meetings for 2 persons 4 golf +1 tee green sponsorship 4 holiday dinners Recognition in quarterly magazine Recognition on chapter website homepage with logo and link 1 dinner meeting sponsorship Recognition in all chapter emails with link Cost: $2,000 All general meetings for 1 person 2 golf +1 tee green sponsorship 2 holiday dinners Recognition in quarterly magazine Recognition on chapter website homepage with logo and link Recognition in all chapter emails with link Cost: $1,200 Bronze leaf Green leaf All general meetings for 1 person 1 golf +1 tee green sponsorship 1 holiday dinner Recognition in quarterly magazine Recognition on chapter website sponsor page with logo and link Recognition in all chapter emails with link Cost: $550 All general meetings for 1 person 1 golf 2 holiday dinners Recognition in quarterly magazine Recognition on chapter website sponsor page Recognition in all chapter emails Cost: $400 (For contractor members only) Add a branch (must hold a leaf package from above to add any additional branch): 1 dinner meeting sponsorship $500 1 tee box rental space $500 For more information, contact LA/SGV Chapter President Brandon Linz by phone at (626) 256-6200 or email at Please indicate which sponsorship you are interested in by placing a check mark in the applicable box. Total $____________ Return this completed form via mail to: Brandon Linz, 229 N. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016. Fax: 626.256.6200 • Email: If faxing or emailing your completed form to reserve your sponsorship, please mail check made payable to CLCA-LA/SGV, to the above address. Company______________________________________________Contact_____________________________________ Phone_________________________________Email_______________________________________________________ 6 the l an d s c ap er december / january 2014 What’s in a Name? By Elizabeth Burns, Zone 24 Landscaping What’s in a name? Probably a lot more than you of us using the same name that he would change his would imagine, and it can be wiped out in less than a company name. On the advice of council, I offered to minute if you don’t protect yourself... pay the expense of doing it as a kind gesture. As far as I’ve recently experienced a situation that I thought I knew, he changed his name and followed through... I would share, in hopes that it can be of help to anyone according to the deal we had made. else. A year ago I was contacted via Life was back on track and email by a guy who basically stated, business was booming until I walked “You work so “It’s so funny how our companies into a nursery to pick up an order long and hard to have the same name.” Considering and they showed me a bid from the he lived within ten miles of my office, other party under the name of Zone build a name and I did not think it was so funny. 24 Landscaping. He did not do what On the advice of my Attorney, reputation that you he said he was going to do and was I met up with the guy to listen to still using the same name. become that name.” indeed what he had to say and learn what he I phoned him and he informed wanted. We met at a Starbucks and me that he decided to make the change talked for about an hour, all the while I was cautious in 2014, when his license expires. Well, that was not with my words and information. At the time, I tried to our deal. I knew then that I really needed to protect point out to him that the fact that both of our companies what I had worked so hard to build for so many years. had the same name and were close in proximity to My trademark was approved within four days one another would cause issues with say and within the following week he was served with a the least. “Cease and Desist” for trademark infringement. Unfortunately, the CSLB does not recognize our Now it’s easier to sleep at night, knowing that I companies as having the same name because they go have protected what I have been working so hard by the contractor name, unless it is Trademarked. After to build and create. And realizing that it is all about he and I met, I was determined to find out whether or what’s in a name. not technically he could use the name. Answer to the question..yes. But, was it a good thing?....NO! You work so long and hard to build a name and reputation that you become that name. Then, one single person can wipe you off the map. It’s like being robbed or violated in some strange way. Finally, the guy decided after my explaining to him how there could be some serious liabilities from both w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 7 Confronting Bad Worker Attitudes with Accountability and Results By Jay McDowell, ActionCOACH of OC The New Year is upon us, and if you have been decided to confront unwanted behavior? Think of all putting off addressing someone in your organization the hassle and money you could have saved. with a performance issue, make it happen. Don’t let Nothing is stopping you except your will and skill. an ongoing performance issue eat into your results for Perhaps you may have wanted to take earlier action, another year. Take responsibility, and get the issue but were afraid to do so for fear of escalating the resolved to the positive or negative. Just don’t put it off situation or getting involved in a shouting match. Not again! A problem employee wears on everyone anymore, here are some solutions. and affects the output of the entire team. Decide what to confront. What is really “Don’t If you are a boss that relies on warning important here? There may be several let an ongoing letters to improve employees’ attitudes things to confront. Decide on the bigger or performance, you should know by issue. Do you want the employee to performance issue now, it rarely works. Written warnings improve, or is it about teaching them a eat into your results are often perceived by workers as the lesson? Do you want to prove you are for another year. Take right, or reach a mutually beneficial untold beginning of their discharge process. It’s not surprising that responsibility, and get solution? they are counter-productive. On the Show that you truly care and the issue resolved to respect surface, the employee may appear as the employee. We all need to the positive or if he will correct the situation, but he is feel respected at all times. It’s human just playing the same game you are. nature. Be firm, but always respectful. negative.” If disciplinary memos are ineffective to Confront the person in private, in a normal improve performance, why do you and other tone, and never ever get personal. One thing employers keep using them? It’s simply the fall back is to be late. Another is to be called lazy. Don’t position after repeatedly avoiding an uncomfortable fall victim to this trap. It’s the easiest way to divert and potentially confrontational situation. an issue. Look for mutually beneficial points of view You dislike confronting bad behavior or performance rather than “you versus me” issues. for two reasons. First, it is generally an uncomfortable Stick to the facts. Don’t let your own filters, thing to do. Secondly, hardly anyone is properly trained personal issues and stories, get in the way of the truth. to do so. Too often we pre-judge and point out character flaws The longer you wait to resolve the situation, the based on our prejudice and misconceptions. Learn further complicated it gets. What usually happens is how to distinguish between the facts and your story. that unwanted conduct will get progressively worse Give the benefit of the doubt. Before reaching until it bothers you so much that you decide it’s time conclusions, ask the other person for his/her for the employee to go. side of the story. How can you help the person Fearing legal issues, you begin crafting memos to overcome his/her issues? Explore what the reprimand the employee on every possible violation. possible barriers are. Is the employee lacking skills You go from no confrontation to major confrontation. or motivation? At this point, the corrective nature of the memo is Obtain a new commitment. Once the issue probably a farce. You simply want to document every is handled, ask for a new commitment. Clarify possible deficiency until the file is thick enough to give expectations and provide a framework for follow up the employee the boot. and accountability. What if you corrected the situation long before you Monitor for success. Accountability by the began thinking about memos or legal issues? What employee in question is key. Be sure they understand if, instead of waiting until that point of no return, you what is expected of them and that you are there to see them succeed. There are two times when “micromanaging” is appropriate. First, when someone is new and you need to stay closely connected to ensure they get off on the right foot. The second is when there is a performance issue that needs to be corrected. Stay in close contact and give guidance when needed and support and recognition when appropriate. Overview: Don’t start your New Year with one foot in a hole; start 2014 with a good “rhythm” for your team. Get the problem personnel either fully committed to full participation and accountability, or help them find their “next” career opportunity. Jay McDowell, a CLCA Orange County Chapter member, can be reached by calling (949) 713-2030 or emailing The Landscaper is the official publication of the Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the CLCA. It is published by Eyescapes. Opinions expressed within the context of this publication are not necessarily those of the CLCA or its members. The Landscaper is designed and printed by Eyescapes, 36419 Bay Hill Drive, Beaumont, CA 92223. Email:, phone: 949.466.1222. 8 the l an d s c ap er december / january 2014 w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 9 Boething Treeland Continues to Expand Experience Base With Key Staff Additions Boething Treeland Farms, Inc. has added three new members to their staff who bring with them decades of expertise in the Nursery Industry. The most recent addition to the team started his career in the Nursery Business at the age of 13 at Neal’s Nursery in Palm Springs. Doug Henderson spent the last 26 years as a salesman for Valley Crest Tree Company. His industry involvement has been the cornerstone of his career, working closely with both Landscape Architects and Contractors. When asked about his move to Boething, Doug expressed his excitement about joining a company that after 61 years is still so vibrant. Other staff additions included Desiree Archuleta, who joined the team in December of 2012 as a specialist in Sales to the Rocky Mountain States, and Susie FloresHenderson, who joined Boething in November of 2012 as their Corporate Director of Sales and Marketing. Desiree is a California certified Nursery Professional and has been in the industry for 23 years, most recently with Village Nursery. She works out of the Central Valley Office in Lodi California. Susie previously held 10 t he l an d s c ap er the position of Vice-President for Valley Crest Tree Company where she spent 29 years in Sales, Marketing and Operations. She works throughout the State of California spending time at each of the company’s ten growing grounds Boething Treeland Farms is a California wholesale nursery serving the western United States since 1952. Operating on 800 acres throughout the state they currently produce over 1200 varieties of tree and shrubs. december / january 2014 New Regional Water Conservation Incentives Benefit Landscape Professionals This September, the Metropolitan Water District’s (MWD) Board of Directors approved a broad range of initiatives to increase local water use efficiency and supply reliability in the SoCal region, including additional water-efficiency measures and increased incentives for public sector sites. MWD - which supplies about 50% of the region’s water through its 26 member agencies - serves LA County, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. For landscape professionals in the region, these new initiatives can be good for business because MWD and its member agencies offer millions of dollars annually in commercial and residential incentives for water use efficiency measures through the SoCal Water$mart (SCW$) program. SCW$ offers rebates for several landscaping devices, including weather-based irrigation controllers, large rotary nozzles and rotating nozzles for pop-up spray heads. The added devices now eligible for rebates are soil moisture sensor systems ($80 for home systems or $25 per station for commercial installations and homes with lots that are one acre or larger) and rain barrels ($75 rebate). See the chart below for details on base rebate amounts for landscape-related devices and keep in mind that some localities offer additional funding for certain commercial measures. SoCal Water$mart also recently introduced new program guidelines for their “Contractor Direct Rebate Option” that allows the rebate to be paid directly to the installing contractor. The first step for contractors interested in this option is to make sure your business meets the requirements and then fill out and submit the online enrollment application. For commercial projects, your customer must submit a rebate reservation request online. Once the project is complete, have your customer sign the rebate release form and submit it with the completed application and documentation to SCW$. After verification and approval, the SoCal Water$mart rebate check is mailed directly to the contractor. This contractor direct option can be a boon to a contractor’s sales process, since customers may receive the value of the rebates upfront and avoid the wait usually involved with rebates. Looking forward, SoCal Water$mart has more initiatives on the horizon aimed at conserving water that can also save money for landscaping companies. For example, MWD is hoping to tap the high water savings-potential of large public agency landscapes such as city, county or federal parks, schools, etc., and plans to launch a short-term Public Agency Landscape program this winter that will offer public entities upfront and enhanced incentives for installing waterefficient landscape irrigation devices (WBICs, for example will receive rebates of $40 per station instead of $25). Also anticipated in January 2014 is a regional turf-removal program, which will offer a base rebate of $1 per square foot of removed turf. Considering the variety and increasing number of incentives offered from SoCal Water$mart, landscape professionals are in an excellent position to save their clients money and help conserve water in Southern California by installing more efficient irrigation devices and design practices. Visit for details. Device Residential Commercial Weather Based Irrigation Controllers (< 1 acre) $80 per controller $25/station Weather Based Irrigation Controllers (> 1 acre) $25/station $25/station Central Irrigation Controllers N/A $25/station Rotating Nozzles for Pop-up Sprays $4 per nozzle $4 per nozzle Large Rotary Nozzles N/A $13 per set In-Stem Flow Regulators N/A $1 per regulator Soil Moisture Sensor Systems ( < 1 acre) $80 per sensor $25/station Soil Moisture Sensor Systems ( > 1 acre) $25/station $25/station Rain Barrels $75 per barrel N/A Need a Product or Service? Call our Advertisers First! w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 11 w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 13 14 t he l an d s c ap er december / january 2014
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