GardenFest Returns To Bakersfield College April 9
March 2011 UPCOMING EVENTS APRIL 7 Chapter Board Meeting. 11:30 a.m. Don Pericos, Hageman Road, Contact Carl Caldwell at (661) 399-3600. APRIL 8 & 9 Garden Fest, Bakersfield College at Bakersfield College Environmental Horticulture Arboretum. See at right. APRIL 11-12 Construction Industry Legislative Conference, Sacramento. Contact Larry Rholfes at 800-448-2522. APRIL 15 & 16 Chapter Awards Judging. Contact Javier Lesaca at (661) 836-0229. MAY 5 Chapter Board Meeting. 11:30 a.m. Don Pericos, Hageman Road, Contact Carl Caldwell at (661) 399-3600. MAY 13 Vendor Fair, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Beach Park. Javier Lesaca (661) 836-0229. JUNE 2 Chapter Board Meeting. 11:30 a.m. Don Pericos, Hageman Road, Contact Carl Caldwell at (661) 399-3600. JULY 7 Chapter Board Meeting. 11:30 a.m. Don Pericos, Hageman Road, Contact Carl Caldwell at (661) 399-3600. JULY 13-16 CLCA Summer Meeting, Embassy Suites, Mandalay Bay Resort, Oxnard. Visit AUGUST 4 Chapter Board Meeting. 11:30 a.m. Don Pericos, Hageman Road, Contact Carl Caldwell at (661) 399-3600. NOVEMBER 16-19 CLCA Annual Convention, Maui, Hawaii. Visit GardenFest Returns To Bakersfield College April 9 Garden Fest, now in its 7th year, has become Bakersfield’s premiere springtime garden event. Garden Fest will be held April 9, and is an open house featuring the Environmental Horticulture and Agriculture programs at the college. The event draws thousands of visitors to the Bakersfield College campus for family fun. In 2005, the BC Environmental Horticulture program held a plant sale called, the “Environmental Horticulture Plant Sale” -- not too catchy. The following year the name Garden Fest was adopted and the event had 8 participants. Each year the event has grown larger and more popular and now attracts over 150 participants with vendor booths featuring gardening, pets, farmer’s market, cooking, outdoor leisure, arts and crafts, and environmentally friendly home improvement ideas. The Garden Fest Country Garden Seminars will be presented at the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) Country Garden Stage hosted by Dale Edwards, “The Sultan of Sod” and Lindsay Ono, “The Plant Professor.” Along with Dale and Lindsay, industry professionals will inform attendees about gardening, floral design, pet care, cooking and more. Plus, learn about ponds at Buck’s Build-A-Pond live installation seminar. Last year’s vendor booths included nursery, landscape, pet, and home improvement businesses, community gardening clubs, schools, Bakersfield College clubs and organizations, community organizations, forestry, parks and recreation, arts and crafts vendors, and green organizations. Garden Fest also features a farmer’s market anchored by BC Renegade Ranch and Murray Family Farms. Fresh food prepared by the outstanding BC Culinary Arts Department will be available throughout the day. This year, Garden Fest will be expanding the outdoor leisure section introducing RV’s and travel. And, for the car enthusiast, the “Mean and Green Car Show” is back. This event features muscle cars and and industry produced hybrid automobiles. Proceeds from event entries support BC scholarships and program funding. For more information, become a friend of Garden Fest or the BC Ag Ambassadors on Facebook or visit our website: or call Sally Sterns at (661) 395-4446. 2011 Kern County Chapter Board of Directors IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT WAYNE COX (661) 589-9516 Century Landscape Inc. PRESIDENT CARL CALDWELL Coastline Equipment (661) 399-3600 TREASURER RYAN HERDT (661) 325-9530 Ewing Irrigation Products SECRETARY MEGAN RIOS (661) 325-9259 Rios Design Studio VICE PRESIDENT OLGA SEE (661) 325-8186 O. See-Em-Bloom VICE PRESIDENT COMMUNICATIONS CHRIS HERNANDEZ (559) 292-5302 John Deere Landscapes VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION LINDSAY ONO (661) 395-4938 Bakersfield College VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP ED DANIELS (661) 869-2590 Innovative Landscape VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAMS/EVENTS JERRY KOOP (661) 363-6639 Alpha & Omega Gardening VICE PRESIDENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TOM JONES (661) 326-3148 City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks VICE PRESIDENT ASSOCIATE MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE DALE EDWARDS (661) 397-7611 Old River Sod CHAPTER LEGISLATIVE CHAIR JIM RIOS (661) 325-9259 Rios Design Studio AWARDS & VENDOR FAIR CHAIR JAVIER LESACA (661) 836-0229 Lesaca Landscape Company NEWSLETTER EDITOR JERRIE BEARD (530) 321-1701 Beard & Associates fax (530) 621-2043 The CLCA Kern County Chapter newsletter is published monthly. Copy and advertising deadlines are the 10th of the month preceding publication. Materials may be mailed to: Beard & Associates, PO Box 7, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. Emailed submissions are also welcome at For information on advertising and rates, contact Jerrie Beard at (530) 621-1701. 2 • March 2011 CLCA State Headquarters 1491 River Park Drive, Ste. 100 Sacramento CA 95815-8899 (916) 830-2780 • (800) 448-2522 (916) 830-2788 Fax email: 2011 CLCA State Executive Board PRESIDENT Robert Wade Wade Landscape Inc. (949) 413-6839 PRESIDENT ELECT Eric Watanabe (818) 831-1390 Majestic Pools & Landscapes Inc. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Bill Schnetz (760) 591-3453 Schnetz Landscape Inc. SECRETARY/TREASURER Ted Sandrowski (530) 345-6101 Sandrowski Landscaping Inc. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Chuck Carr (818) 300-0176 Carr Landscape Management Inc. DIRECTOR OF CHAPTER SERVICES Kevin Fairchild (714) 541-1000 Illumiscapes TLC DIRECTOR OF EVENTS Michael Hertzer (800) 761-9191 Modern Landscaping Inc. DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATION Shari Collins (805) 552-9457 Verdant Landscaping DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Steve Jacobs CLP, CLT (760) 945-4321 Nature Designs Landscaping DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Javier Lesaca (661) 836-0229 Lesaca Landscape Company DIR. OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Frank Niccoli (650) 592-9440 The Village Gardener From the President: Carl Caldwell, Coastline Equipment It looks like spring may be on the way. We’re starting to see some changes in the weather. I hope you’re all gearing up for a productive spring season. I would like to thank everyone who attended the home show last month and especially to our members who went above and beyond to man our booth. Thank you also to those who donated the materials to make our booth look nice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It was a great show except for the uncooperative weather on Friday. We had a number of people come by who expressed an interest in becoming new members. And, we were able to educate the public on the importance of hiring licensed landscape contractors and promote our member contractors. Our March meeting at Reimer’s Nursery was great. Dave Reimer always puts out a great spread, and his nursery is ready for spring. Lots of beautiful new plants are ready to plant. Thank you also to our other speaker, Jerrie Beard, who provided us with great information on creating a web presence for our companies. On April 11-12, CLCA state will be hosting their annual grass roots training and legislative conference in Sacramento. If you would like more information, contact me or call Larry Rohlfes at state at (800) 448-2522. I hope you have all submitted your entries to our chapter Beautification Awards. You can download the entry form and sponsorship information from our chapter website at If you have other questions, please contact Javier Lesaca at (661) 836-0229. We still have open spaces for sponsors for the event. Be sure to visit our web site at for updates on upcoming events and to view information and photos from past events. Let’s have a great year for 2011 and keep growing our chapter. Carl Caldwell CO-DIRECTOR CHAPTER PRES. COUNCIL SOUTH Kevin Fairchild (714) 541-1000 Illumiscapes TLC CO-DIRECTOR CHAPTER PRES. COUNCIL NORTH Michael Mitchell (916) 501-5393 MJM Lighting ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIRECTOR Tom Noonan (916) 652-9530 Ewing Irrigation BRUCE CASON (559) 447-1997 • (888) 800-8483 15390 S. Fowler Ave., Selma CA • Growers of Quality Fescue & Bermuda Sod Connecting With Your Customer By Angelia Woodside Beckstrom Senate Bill 7, signed in Sacramento, under the governance of Arnold Schwarzenegger, put a water conservation goal in place asking California to use 20% less water by the year 2020. To comply with this legislative decision, water district offices have been tasked with diminishing their water use by 20%. A variety of programs have been created across the state to incentivize Californians to lower their water usage. CLCA members who are current on the latest water management strategies aimed at efficiently conserving the use of landscape water are not surprised to see water districts ask their customers to account for, and better manage the amount of water used outdoors. In direct contrast with the level of awareness inside the landscape industry, is the lack of interest amongst residential water users to take actions to conserve water. In order for water districts to CLCA Kern County Chapter achieve their 20% water conservation goal, they will need to target inferior landscape management, substandard irrigation systems and human error within the residential segment of the market. Many homeowners in our state are under financial stress, and not inspired to spend money retrofitting their landscape irrigation system for ultimate water savings. In response, some water districts are instigating programs to financially penalize “water hogs”. Irvine Ranch Water District is attaching a financial fine to the water bills of those folks who are considered to be exceeding their appropriate use of landscape water. Moulton Niguel Water District is preparing to roll out a water budget based billing rate program to customers. This program could charge up to $5.25 per gallon to homeowners who are flagrantly irresponsible with their landscape water usage, or those who unknowingly use too much water because of broken pipes in the irrigation system. Customer demand for knowledgeable landscape designers, and contractors is expected to rise. Financial penalties will generate motivation for homeowners to seek professional landscape contractors and designers to help them find solutions to live within their newly prescribed water budget. Typical backyard gardeners will not be able to provide real solutions to land owners that need professional water management. An authentic qualified landscape professional designer and contractor will then become a necessity, not a luxury. CLCA’s Water Manager Certification Program can prepare you to better manage water and work within a water budget and position you as the go to expert on water management. Visit for more information. As a designer, a core skill is translating verbal needs into an actionable plan. Improve the retrofit aspect of your landscape improvement design plans by adding calculations for proposed water savings to them for your client. Take the initiative to get involved in your chamber of commerce; be visible and available to them for help in addressing their landscape water use frustrations. For details and updates March 2011 • 7 CLCA’s LinkedIn Groups Provide Great Discussion Platform Thanks to the efforts of Barbara Landrith, CLCA’s on staff PR person, CLCA has a large presence on LinkedIn. The group has members from all over the country and the world. There are also several discussion groups where LinkedIn members can post a question and receive answers from other members around the country, or the world. To join a discussion group, all you need is a free LinkedIn account (visit and join the CLCA group. I highly encourage you to join. I have made some great professional connections on LinkedIn. Here is a discussion I recently took part in. Join us, and let me know what you think of the issue. LinkedIn Discussion A current client, over 20 years, is telling me contractors are giving him FREE drawings for his interior lay outs and expects the same for landscape drawings. Anyone doing this or heard of this? Megan Rios • As a landscape architect and CLCA member, I have found that the general public sees nature (plant material) and ideas (designs) to be cheap and free. Allowing these notions to continue only reiterates the ideal that design and nature hold no intrinsic value. The whole point of design is to offer better monetary value to the property, reduce long term maintenance, add curb appeal or establish visual loyalty from the customer, client or public. We as nature advocates, need to 6 • March 2011 educate the public on the value of nature and professional design and connect it to monetary value, whether it adds value or savings. Connecting these ideas to business verbiage can aid in increasing the value of our craft for public and ecological needs and use. If you give it away for free, your craft and tools will be viewed as unnecessary. Include cost and add value... “You get what you pay for.” Scott Volmer • In tough times, I see a lot of people giving things away that they should not. Race to the bottom if it keeps up, and free drawings are usually worth just that, nothing. John Black • My understanding (and please, correct me if I’m wrong!) is that C-27 contractors may only provide “shop” drawings, i.e. only for their own use in installation, and are not allowed to be used for bidding or installation by others. If this is true, then your drawings could be priced as low as your business model can support. Mark Brown • Educate your clients, copyright your sketches, designs, and never leave anything with a client without securing a deposit and a fee schedule contract. As a licensed C-27 for over 28 years doing design/build, I have had every possible client profile. Now, with referrals (our only client base) this does not seem to be a problem. No one ques- tions paying for a doctor visit or a consultation with an attorney, so why would a potential client kick at paying a consultation fee for a first visit for a potential design. If they squawk at paying $100 for an hour’s worth of your time, refer them to someone else. I remind them that in that hour, they will receive more than their money’s worth from a site evaluation, horticultural advice and design possibilities. I encourage them to carry a tape recorder, take notes and ask questions. This will eliminate the “tire kickers” who want and expect “free” estimates, and “free” advice. They get exactly what they pay for! They will NEVER appreciate the expertise and training needed to develop a solid plan that can be built for their budget. I have seen a few of my concepts stolen, but even though they may have to, I’ve never had to avoid somebody in the grocery store. Charge for your time, get deposits, have signed agreements/contracts. We are in business to make money, and any client worth having will recognize that. If not, politely refer them to the local Home Depot. This is just a sample of the many discussion to be found on the CLCA LinkedIn groups. Join today and ask a question or share your experiences. JIM MUNCIL 6901 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95829 916-364-2946 / FAX: 916-366-8817 / 800-875-1972 / state level, plus find links to CLCA headquarters, and a list of chapter members and suppliers. And, you won’t want to miss our photo gallery from past events. Our Home Show booth featured not only great information, but a beautiful carpet of Old River Sod thanks to Dale Edwards and Old River Sod. The sod was a big hit and admired by many visitors who then walked away with the Old River Sod product sheet. Some attendees recognized Old River Sod from their involvement with the Relay For Life Event in May. Thank you to Olga See of O. See-Em-Bloom Landscaping and Nursery who donated a beautiful array of plants in a cement pot plus the background color and shrubs. Olga brought the plants from her new nursery located on Calloway Drive where Cooper’s Nursery used to be. CLCA headquarters loaned us a backdrop featuring CLCA’s commitment to water savings in the landscape. The colorful banner mentioned the Irrigation Auditor and Water Manager Training and Certification programs provided by CLCA. Thank you to our volunteers Megan Rios and Olga See share information on water savings in the landscape and the importance of hiring a licensed landscape contractor at the Home Show in February. A hearty thanks to the Board members who manned the booth and made the event a success! •Ed Daniels of Innovative Landscapes (Membership) •Ryan Herdt of Ewing Irrigation (Treasurer) •Carl Caldwell of Coastline Equipment (President) •Olga See of O. See-Em-Bloom (Vice President) •Jim and Megan Rios of Rios Design Studio (Legislative Committee and Secretary) Chapter Educates Public at Home Show The Kern County Chapter of the CLCA hosted a booth at Home Show 2011 at the Kern County Fairgrounds February 18-20. We set up our space in the additional tent behind Building 2. The Chapter’s aim was to promote the hiring of licensed landscape contractors to the general public, especially home owners who are considering installing new landscapes. Board members who manned the booth distributed a list of chapter member names, emphasizing that our members are licensed, honest contractors. As part of this public education effort, Board members at the show booth related the risks involved when using an unlicensed contractor, everything from shoddy work to insurance liabilities for injuries that may occur on the job. The intent attendees were then referred to the CLCA Kern County Chapter’s website for information on and a link to the Contractors State License Board’s website ( where consumers can check the status of a contractor’s license and insurance coverages. The chapter website is at It not only contains information for the consumer, but also provides information on what is going on in our chapter, plus features such as applications for upcoming events like the Vendor Fair, GardenFest, and Beautification Awards. Visit the chapter events calendar to find out about upcoming events at the chapter and CLCA Kern County Chapter Contact: Carl Caldwell (661) 510-2154 4252 Saco Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 399-3900 March 2011 • 3 CSLB Reminds Licensees to Comply with New Laws Effective January 1, 2011 From the California State License Board website: Several new state laws and regulations passed in 2010 to help improve or standardize professional codes that affect California contractors become effective on January 1, 2011. The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) operates under the state Business and Professions Code, yet several other codes affect the way contractors conduct their livelihood. The laws affect “A” General Engineering, “B” General Building and “C” Specialty contractors differently so awareness of the changes is important to keep your business in compliance. Stop Work Orders – Workers’ Compensation Insurance Senate Bill 1254 (Leno) established that CSLB can issue an immediate “stop work” order to any contractor who does not have a current and valid Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance or Certification of Self-Insurance, or a statement on file with CSLB certifying that he or she has no employees and is not required to obtain or maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverage. The order is effective immediately when it is served. Failure of any employer, officer, or any person having direction, management, or control of any place of employment or of employees to observe a stop order issued and served upon him or her is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 60 days or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both. An employer who is subject to this section may protest the stop order by making and filing with the CSLB Registrar a written request for a hearing within 20 days after service of the stop order. (See Business and Professions Code §7127.) Mechanic’s Liens – Mandatory Proof of Service Affidavit Assembly Bill 457 (Monning) ensures that any property owner will be notified if a mechanic’s lien is placed on their property. Contractors, subcontractors or materials suppliers who are not paid for their work on a home improvement project are entitled to file a mechanic’s lien with the county Recorder’s Office on the property to force payment. The new law ensures that consumers will be notified of a pending lien. If the property owner is not notified, the lien becomes unenforceable. (See amended Civil Code §3084 and 3146.) Cooling Systems – Commercial Refrigerant “A” General Engineering, “B” General Building, C-20 HVAC, C-36 Plumbing, and C-38 Refrigeration contractors’ projects may be affected by a new Air Resources Board (ARB) regulation to minimize leaks of environmentally harmful refrigerants that takes effect on January 1, 2011. The regulation, known as the Refrigerant Management Program, applies to the larger industrial and commercial systems that use high global warming potential refrigerants – those typically used in supermarkets, cold storage warehouses, food processing plants and process cooling operations. The program builds on long established federal rules on refrigeration systems. Beginning in 2011, businesses running systems with a refrigerant capacity of more than 50 pounds must fix leaks within 14 days of detection. These businesses must also keep on-site records of all leak repair work and other refrigeration system servicing, including receipts of refrigerant purchases. The regulation also affects any person who installs, services, or disposes any appliance using a high-GWP refrigerant or sells, distributes and/or reclaims high-GWP refrigerants. Businesses whose systems use only ammonia or carbon dioxide as refrigerants are not subject to the rule. The Refrigerant Management Program also affects wholesalers, distributors and reclaimers of refrigerants. There will be a gradual phase-in of facility registration, annual reporting, and fees that are scheduled to take place from 2012 to 2016. (See Health and Safety Code §38500 related to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.) For more information on other new laws and regulations, visit the CSLB online newsroom: GeneralInformation/Newsroom. CLCA Water Management Certification Test The demand on landscape contractors to provide more efficient water management is the highest it’s ever been, and will continue growing for the foreseeable future. CLCA’s Water Management Certification Program was started in 2007 and helps reduce landscape water usage by using a water audit, budget and advanced irrigation technology. The program is designed for green industry professionals like landscape contractors, 4 • March 2011 landscape designers, landscape architects, HOA property managers, water agency personnel, city water conservation personnel, students in the landscape industry and anyone from the public concerned about saving landscape water. CLCA’s Water Management Certification program carries the WaterSense Label from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is also approved for continuing education units by PLANET . Certification is open to anyone in the landscape industry. Once you pass the written test, you are provisionally certified until completing the one-year performance requirement for full certification. For information, a study guide and a schedule of upcoming written tests, visit Grass Roots Training and Legislative Conference April 11-12 CLCA invites all members to attend the Grass Roots Training Session April 11, as well as the Construction Industry Legislative Conference the next day in Sacramento. The association will pay most lodging and travel costs as well as reimburse registration expenses for all members who attend these two events. These gatherings offer opportunities to learn about issues that potentially have a big impact on your business. They also provide information and tools that can help you work with CLCA to find legislative solutions to industry problems. April 11 Activities The Grass Roots Training Session begins at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 11. Guest speakers will discuss: why it’s important for businesses to engage in grass roots lobbying, a case study of another group’s accomplishments when its members involved themselves in the political CLCA Kern County Chapter process, how to approach a legislator, and the future of landscaping as California implements Senate Bill 375. Special emphasis will be placed on explaining two or three specific bills that participants will be asked to discuss with their legislators the next day. The training session will be followed by a no-host cocktail reception and hosted dinner at a Capitol-area restaurant. One or more legislators will be invited to join CLCA for this intimate social event. CLCA Headquarters will make reservations for out-of-town members at the Holiday Inn Express. Hotel guests will share a room with another member. Members who do not wish to share a hotel room may request a private room if they are willing to pay an extra fee. April 12 Activities The legislative conference, sponsored by the Construction Industry Legislative Council (CILC), begins at the Sheraton following a complimentary continental breakfast. There, speakers will discuss legislative or regulatory issues of importance to the construction industry, including the underground economy, the state's financial predicament, and “hot” bills in the state Legislature. Following a group luncheon, participants will walk to the Capitol where to participate in pre-scheduled meetings with their legislators. No participant should feel that he or she should be an “expert” for these meetings, since the CILC will provide briefing materials and other handouts on key issues. Most of the meetings will involve several conference participants. The second day will conclude with a no-host cocktail reception at the nearby Pyramid Alehouse from 4-6 p.m. How to Participate For questions about the training session or legislative conference, contact Larry Rohlfes at (800) 448-2522 or email To sign up, visit March 2011 • 5 CLCA-Kern County Chapter PO Box 7 Pollock Pines, CA 95726 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED CSLB Cautions Licensees to Only Deal Directly with Board for Renewal or License Changes The Contractors State License Board’s (CSLB) Renewals Unit has been contacted by several licensees who attempted to renew their licenses through an outside business, rather than directly with CSLB. In some cases, doing so caused delays that caused their licenses to expire. As a result, they must now pay late fees. The Attorney General’s Office recently announced a $2.4 million settlement against the perpetrators of a similar scheme. CSLB has also learned that the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has received about 50 complaints over the past couple of years about companies that offer to file regulatory paperwork for people in both the Sacramento and Los Angeles areas. Business names of those companies usually include the words “Renewal” or “Filing.” The BBB complaints indicated that the company charged a fee to register or change the names of corporations with the Secretary of State’s Office or renew or change the names on city and county business licenses, but failed to do so. CSLB reminds its 310,000 licensed contractors that it sends renewal notices approximately 60 days before a license is set to expire. The application and renewal fees, or fees to make any other changes to a license should be addressed directly to: Contractors State License Board P.O. Box 26000 Sacramento, CA 95826-0026 Licensees should also be aware that credit card payments for renewals or exams are accepted in person at CSLB’s Sacramento Headquarters, located at 9821 Business Park Drive. Applying for, renewing or changing your license or company name can be done through the appropriate government agency without additional cost. If you have any doubts, contact that government agency directly to assure the appropriate fees are sent to the correct address. Contact your local police or sheriff’s department and Better Business Bureau to report suspected fraud if you receive suspicious mail that solicits fees for changing licensing or business name information. You can also file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office. Update Your Company Profile on the State Website You may be the best landscape contractor there ever was — but if no one can find you, they will never know. Through CLCA’s Contractor Search at, potential clients will be able to find you quickly and easily. Please make sure your profile is updated. Look under Membership >> Update Member Information and update your listing, plus add a brief paragraph about what you do. Be sure to update your participation points!
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