Welcome to your Introductory Week to Cognitive Science


Welcome to your Introductory Week to Cognitive Science
Welcome to your Introductory
Week to Cognitive Science
Tutorname 1 / Tutorname 2
RZ-logins / handynummern / …
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
How to study Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Compulsory courses (= Pflichtkurse)
• Optional compulsory courses (Wahlpflichtkurse)
• Optional courses
• You may take any course offered at the University, as long as the
lecturer agrees with that (language courses, photography, art, …)
• Profilbildender Wahlbereich
• Helpful for people who are interested in e.g. Biological-chemistry
• Courses from your semester abroad
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Have a look at the database at the IKW
• Only the study commission decides on the
assignment to the examination fields. You can
find this as well at the data-base (and you should
only rely on these information - not on Stud.IP
• If you want to take courses from another
department (e.g. psychology) and you want it to
count for a module, you should request this
BEFORE the semester at a member of the StuKo
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Psychology
Computational Linguistics
Philosophy of Cognition / of Mind
Neuroinformatics / Neurocomputerscience
Computer Science
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Have a look at the following slides
2. Neurobiology / - anatomy
• Introduction to Neurobiology (mit benotetem Leistungsnachweis
(Klausur)) für …
• Sensory Physiology
• Functional Neuroanatomy (mit benotetem Leistungsnachweis
(Klausur)) für …
 You have to take 2 of them, Intro to Neurobiology is strongly recommended!!!
3. Structures of Algorithms
Informatik A: Algorithmen
4. Logic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
• Introduction to AI and Logic programming
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
5. Theory and Methods of Computational Linguistics
• Introduction to Linguistics
• Introduction to Computational Linguistics
6. Theory and Methods of Cognitive Psychology / Neuropsychology
• Semester course: Cognitive Psychology / Neuropsychology
• block course: Cognitive Neuropsychology (I + II)
(offer not guaranteed, depends on availability of the lecturer )
7. Neuroinformatics / Neurocomputerscience
• Neuroinformatics (Lecture + Tutorial)
8. Philosophy of Mind
• Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (Lecture)
Remember: names and numbers of the courses may change from one
semester to another!
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Module examinations
• In 5 of the 8 modules
• At least 3 oral examinations
• If you want to take a module examination, you have to
take the compulsory courses (Pflichtkurse) AND enough
optional compulsory courses (Wahlpflichtkurse) (enough
means you need a certain number of ECTS points)
• For two modules it is sufficient to hand-in your graded
• (you have to hand-in the “Scheine” of your compulsory courses
and additionally these of the optional compulsory courses)
• For the other three (8 – 5) modules it is sufficient to
take only the compulsory courses (Pflichtkurse)
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
there are other courses…
…which do not count for any module, but still
are compulsory (Pflichtkurs)
• Empirical Methods of Cognitive Science
• Have a look at the statistics-slide
• Foundations of Logic
• Foundations of Logic I
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
1st semester courses (obligatory)
Informatik A: Algorithmen
(12 ECTS)
Introduction to Logic
(8 ECTS)
Introduction to Linguistics
(4 ECTS)
Introduction to Neurobiology
(4 ECTS)
Optional but recommended : Foundations of Cognitive Science
(4 ECTS)
• Mathematics
(12 ECTS)
• Statistics
(12 ECTS)
The recommendation is to take the „Algorithmen“-course and
additionally take either the „Statistics“ or „Mathematics“ course!
• You need 44 ETCS-points after the 2nd semester!
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Mathematics / Informatics problem
both courses offered every winter term
Both of them are very time consuming
Math can be helpful for other courses
The Algorithmen lecture can be helpful as well
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Compulsory course “Standardpflichtveranstaltung” is
“Mathe für Anwender I” (Stud.IP 6.606)
– Alternatives:
• “Lineare Algebra 1” (StudIP 6.020)
• “Analysis 1” (StudIP 6.002)
• Module
“Mathe für Anwender 1” + “Mathe für Anwender 2”
“Lineare Algebra 1” + “Lineare Algebra 2”
Both of the alternatives mentioned above
1 of the mentioned alternatives + “Formalisierung von Wissen”
or “Numerische Mathematik” or “Diskrete Mathematik”
– There may be other courses which count for the optional
compulsory part (Wahlpflichtbereich). You can find these
courses every semester at the lectures page of the IKW page.
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• 2 possibilities
– Statistik und computergestützte Datenanalyse I
(StudIP 8.1430/8.1431) and the corresponding practice
session: Statistik und Computergestützte
Datenanalyse I für Cognitive Science Studierende
(StudIP 8.3069)
• Together 9 ECTS-points! This is ,according to the StuKo, enough for the compulsory
part (Pflichtbereich) , even though initially 12 points were demanded.
• From the psychology department, but not for the psychology module!
– Statistik (Lecture + Practice, StudIP 6.142)
• Is also sufficient for the compulsory part
• Mathematics department
• BUT will be a lot of more work than the course for Psychologists
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
See you Thursday
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Hello to session 2
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Types of courses
Practice Session
Practical course
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
– For every course you get a certain number of these credits.
You need them for your modules and for your bachelor`s
• Scheine
– You get a „Schein“ if you passed a course of study
– You can pick them up at the “Prüfungsamt” or from Opium
– If a course was offered from another department than
CogSci you have to pick your “Schein” up from the
corresponding “Prüfungsamt”
– Ask the lecturer if the “Schein” has not arrived after a
while at the “Prüfungsamt”
• VP-Stunden (Versuchs-Personen-Stunden)
– You have to participate as a test subject for all together 5
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Getting started
• 10 – 12(ct) = 10:15 – 11:45
• 10-12 sharp or (st) = 10:00 – 11:30 (or 12)
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Mailinglist:
– https://www.cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/mailman/listinfo
– Use your unimail account
– Problems? mailman@cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Rechenzentrum
• https://www-ssl.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de/bk/bk.htm
• Change your password!
• You need this for StudIP, Opium, CipPools, etc.
• W-Lan
• Connect to „Uni-Osnabrück“
• Key: E.9w5h+.+oecF
• Login-page: here you need your RZ-login again
• Cards:
• Library card
• Cip-Pool card
• Print card
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Rückmeldung:
• The only thing you have to do is to transfer the money
• Deadlines: 1. - 28.2 and 1. – 31.7 each year
• Important: hand in all your „Scheine“ as soon as
possible in the second semester. Remember the 44
credits you need to begin with the 3rd semester
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• remember the StudIP session
• Any questions left?
• http://studip.serv.uni-osnabrueck.de/
• Online Prüfungs-Informations und Management
• Sing up here for exams and see your results
• For: Informatik, Mathe(?); Statistik
• Not for all courses
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• myUOS.de
• StudIP, Web-Mail, Opium, Library
• https://myuos.uni-osnabrueck.de/myuos.php
• Website to help you organize your courses
• http://ikw.uni-osnabrueck.de/~SPAM/
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Keipenrallye on Friday
Lutter (5. – 7.11.2010)
T-shirt contest (deadline 7.11.2010)
Quest (get together in groups of 3 – 5 persons
and win a fantastic price)
• Wednesday = T r a s h day
• Colloquium
• Every Wednesday from 6 to 8 pm in 31/449a
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• UniSport
– ZfH near StudiOS (Neuer Graben)
– Sportzentrum der Uni (Jahnstraße)
• Schwarzes Brett (http://www.uniosnabrueck.de/SchwarzesBrett/standard/schwarzesbrett.php)
• Mensa & Cafeteria
– Westerberg or Schloss
• Sports clubs
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Need help?
• Mentoring
• mentoring@cogsci.uos.de
• Intercultural mentoring
• www. www.imos.uos.de
• Studi.OS
• Very important! Every student needs to go there from
time to time
• Studentenwerk
• Psychosoziale Beratung
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• Semesterticket, lend you a transporter, bike repair
Secretary`s office
Examination office
“Hochschul ABC” (http://www.zsb.uniosnabrueck.de/tutoren/dokumente/hochschul-abc.pdf)
• Your Tutors
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
• There are so many possibilities
– Bildungsbewegung
– Balu und du (http://www.balu-und-du.de/index.php?id=osnabrueck)
– Help international students
• Imos
• Link.OS
Study commission
Many many more…
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
Looking forward
• Semester abroad
– start planning at the end of your 2nd semester
– get help / tips from the “Akademisches
Auslandsamt”, Mentoring, us tutors (we are
planning our semester abroad right now)
• Alumni
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010
See you later at the Night-watchtour
Cognitive Science Introductory Week 2010