WorldWide Service Please talk to us first The Financial Ombudsman Service.


WorldWide Service Please talk to us first The Financial Ombudsman Service.
WorldWide Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service.
Please talk to us first
This is a free, independent, dispute resolution service for customers
of most UK banks, building societies, insurance companies and
other financial organisations. It can deal with most personal disputes
from household insurance and personal pension plans to your bank
accounts, stocks and shares.
We are able to resolve most of the complaints we receive, so hope
you will always contact us first.
The Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme will only consider your
complaint after you have been through our internal procedures.
Lloyds TSB WorldWide Service
1 Waterloo Place
PO Box 349
Contacts details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
E14 9SR
Please remember that the Financial Ombudsman Service will only
consider your complaint once you’ve tried and failed to resolve it
with us.
Tel: 08457 301 996
From overseas: +44 20 7839 2099
Lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Tel: 0845 080 1800
Please contact us if you’d like this in Braille,
large print or on audio tape
Offshore PhoneBank is a registered business name of Lloyds TSB Offshore Holdings Limited.
Offshore PhoneBank is provided by the Isle of Man branch of Lloyds TSB Offshore Limited.
Please note that to help us maintain security and quality of service for our customers, we
may record or monitor your call.
We accept calls made through RNID Typetalk.
Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Registered office 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in
England and Wales no. 2065. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
We subscribe to The Lending Code; copies of the Code can be obtained from
Lloyds TSB Offshore Limited. Registered Office: PO Box 160, 25 New Street, St. Helier, Jersey
JE4 8RG. Registered in Jersey, number 4029. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services
Commission. We abide by the Jersey Code of Practice for Consumer Lending.
Member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
To register for Internet banking with Lloyds TSB go to
OB905 (April 2010)
How to voice
your concerns
Resolving your
complaints with us
Do you have a complaint?
Lloyds TSB sets out to provide the highest level of customer service.
If something has gone wrong, we want to know about it. We will do
everything in our power to put it right.
To ensure we deal promptly, effectively and fairly with any concerns
our customers may have, we have established this complaints
procedure. These are the steps we ask you to take if you have a
complaint about our service. Our staff will help you with any questions
you have.
Step 1:
Take your complaint to your usual
Step 2:
If you remain dissatisfied, please refer
directly to one of the following:
Step 3:
If your complaint remains
Complaints issue
How to contact us
by telephone
How to contact
us by post
Ask the Bank to issue a final responce
General banking
related to banking
Tel: 0845 6033655
Fax: 01624 610299
From overseas:
Tel: +44 1539 738738
Fax: +44 1624 610299
Lloyds TSB Offshore
PO Box 12,
Peveril Buildings
Isle of Man, IM99
Credit cards
0845 606 2174
From overseas:
+44 845 606 2174
For Gold Cards:
0845 606 2173
From overseas:
+44 845 606 2173
For any other
Lloyds TSB cards:
0845 606 2172
From overseas:
+44 845 606 2172
Lloyds TSB,
Service Recovery
Card Concerns,
5th Floor Sussex
1-9 Gloucester Place,
BN1 4BE.
Life insurance,
pension and
Monday to Friday 9am to
From UK: 0845 608 0016
From overseas:
+44 1444 418911
Lloyds TSB,
Client Relations
Ground Floor,
25/27 Perrymount
Road, Haywards
Heath, West Sussex,
RH16 3SP.
Monday to Friday 8am to
From UK: 0845 716 6777
From overseas:
+44 131 655 6000
Scottish Widows plc,
15 Dalkeith Road,
EH16 5BU.
Initially, please put your concerns directly to the person you
usually deal with.
Please provide the following information:
• Your name and address
• Details of your complaint
• The relevant Bank details – i.e. your account number and
branch sort code, card, policy or investment number
• How you think the problem should be resolved
• Photocopies of any supporting paperwork.
We will acknowledge your complaint promptly and remain in
contact until we have completed a full enquiry and sent you a
formal written response.
* UK time
If the team handling your complaint is unable to resolve it to
your satisfaction, we will provide a final response. This outlines
your complaint and gives our considered response. If you aren’t
satisfied with our response or if we haven’t completed our
investigations within eight weeks of receiving your complaint,
you may wish to take your complaint to the Financial
Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service will
carry out an independent review. You can approach the
Financial Ombudsman Service directly. We can provide you
with the contact details for this service.
Our service promise to you
When you contact us about a complaint, we will try to resolve it
within five working days from receipt. When we are unable to do
so, we will write to confirm receipt of your complaint within the
same timescale and will tell you who will be handling your
complaint; this may be another specialist area within the bank.
• We will aim to give you a full response as soon as possible and
will write with regular updates, including details of our progress
and the options available to you. We will send these updates at
least once a month, commencing four weeks after we receive
your complaint.
• We will explain the next steps to take if we’re unable to reach an
acceptable resolution. Our response for complaints relating to life,
pensions, investments and endowment mortgages may take
longer: up to eight weeks depending on the complexity of the
• We will not close your account or threaten to do so as a response
to a valid complaint you have made.
We always aim to resolve your complaint at this stage. However, if you
are dissatisfied with our initial response, we may refer your complaint
to an appropriate manager or specialist area for further investigation
– see Step 2.
To help us maintain security and quality of service for our customers,
we may record or monitor your telephone calls.