M. M.~ Jfi ..
M. M.~ Jfi ..
How to verify American Express Cards 1Q:I fij M.~Jfi American Express~ How to verify MasterCard 1Q:I fij M.~fJj M as te rCa rd .. :. : ~MC" security character is no longer required and will be eliminated. effective June 1,2006. "MC"! :r~l,lli;tk2DD6lf:6flll3 <>:lii1i!liIUt.. .. i,' • 1:- Exisling card back with lradilional magnetic . - " tape. lJ!rHn.:t.i~MiI!ll!lllJilt.'l 1*1Il. Shows both encdive date and expiry dale, Card number debossed ~IJIIl!t~ -t'l.liI!lHn1k'~jjijj. at the back. a. 13 1\1ID. !:IJ111I First four digits of the BIN must match the firsl four digits althe primary account number (PAN). ~ '''lTl1!If!!~I!\~'lf1111~+'' D.:t.Fil!!lf!r;.tl!\lDr!/. MasterCard Debit card DebIt reflects traditional same changes. card back magnetic with Check clarily Centurion. tape. lP'IIH1~.:t.~1AA.l!lmwta lft1¥rR. If, Ilit-t ln$!H "Hjlf.! U a9WIt. of the lIlJll+J:z fa"l.) j~IWd!i;~IIJi. the ~igit sewrity code number is not scratched oft Ensure I!!Ifrrlii'i'A'li>:~-';:;~ ('filfi&Hr.!&:Mj~) • - r. Chip may be present card. .~..t PI fit: on ZH-J .':td-t .• The hologram is relocated of the card in a lowered accommodate chip . to the back position to , t.o.••• nu,olo - o.:,\l!.IiIi'Jl <i1k-ti~a9l'1i,~ flfMflo", It. Fine Line Printing (The bottom border line is adually he words "American Express" Duplicate acrount l'i.(i\ m J:EP'/'j !/H ilfim f.i1l'J-t'iiJt. in micropnnting). Only shows the expiry date. Compare age of the presenter. H"J:±JjIJII1II3. tttVl."'lf:ffi !A!I,-t A!l') lr Il'i. Ensure the Card number matches the number displayed on the American Express POS terminal. -ti!IiIiUil~~!'.:! "American Express" !l'J'i'Il. 1li1'lli!lili,,-tl::TU~Ii1k +lill'J!R&!ll~}'J:. Brand Mark areas. ~'rrir.JMasterC.lrd';t.tftz Zi .• anBS MasterCard Debit card reflects same changes. N.1Ji~-tjn$l{+'!'F~l'Ill A'ln!/.'. ml It~ -'I. ( .••• I - ~ > -'.!!! 9bWH S~ Mt~'~~I c.' American Express Int'I. Inc. hologram at (he back. integrated with ~j.lve~~a~el~.strip~~~ fIi'i>:i' J:A'l!'RF' ~~!A! lliJ;;;blFIi!l/l;r. A'l1Hr!/. ~~~ _ U I CI~ AMERICAN EXP.RESS I" _ U number same as on card face. "~.J
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