Table of Contents


Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Find the subject matter you wish to see information on and
click on the name. You will then be directed to several website
links on the subject.
Art Museums
Color Theory
Graphic Design
Business Education
Business Law
Cyber safety
For Parents and
For Students
Training Guides
Communication Arts
Digital Effects
Principles of Engineering
Intro to Engineering
Digital Electronics
Balanced Literacy
Book Reports
Literary Elements
Dr. Seuss
Hans Christian Anderson
Herman Melville
John Steinbeck
Reading across the
Teacher Resources
Dictionary, Thesaurus,
Encyclopedia, Reference
Homework Help
Bibliography Maker
Brainstorming for Free
Drama and Shakespeare
Lesson Plan Ideas
Online Full Texts of
Author's Works
Spelling and Grammar
Foreign Languages
Language Resources
Body Systems
American History
American Presidency
United States/States and
Colonial America/13
Salem Trials
Clothing 1700-1900
America Revolution
American Indians
Westward Expansion
Lewis and Clark
Oregon Trail
War of 1812
Depression Era
Twentieth Century
African American History
Current Events
Inventions and Inventors
Primary Sources
World History
Ancient World
Greek Mythology
Ancient Egypt
Medieval Period
Middle East Crisis
Russian Revolution
World War I
World War II
Anne Frank
Research about the play
Moving Images of Anne
Photos of Anne Frank
and the Holocaust
Middle East
Latitude and Longitude
and Maps
Activities and Games
Erie Canal
Columbus, Fry, Henry
VIII, Brunel
Industrial Technology
How to Links
Keyboarding Documents
Keyboarding Practice
K-5 Lesson Plan Ideas
K-5 grouped
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Early Childhood:
Body Parts and Senses
Books, Stories, and
Nursery Rhymes
Holidays and Seasons
Letters and Numbers
Special Classes
Number Sense and
Basic Facts
Decimals and Fractions
Telling Time
Data Analysis,
Probability, and Discrete
Patterns, Algebra, and
Structure and Logic
Lessons and Activities for
all Math
Interactive Games and
Homework Help and
Textbook Support
Composers and
Music History
Physical Education
Strength Training
Psychology and Sociology
Special Education
Assistive Technology
Lesson Plans
Life Skills
Visually Impaired
Speech and Language
Photos of Anne Frank
and the Holocaust
Fiddler on the Roof
Historical Characters
Musical Theatre
Play analysis
Silent Movies
Theater History
Scripts and publishers
Theatre Organizations
Teacher Resources
Theatre Arts
All About Me Project
Character Analysis
Anne Frank
Research about the Play
Moving Image of Anne
Brain Pop Art and Music
Art concepts, famous artists and musicians, Learning Music, Making music,
Musical genres, free movies
Mr. Tahaney's Home Page- Duncanville HS
Mrs. Walkup Art Class- Ryan Elementary
Art I- Has Art links, Art assignments, Student work examples, warm-ups B396
Elementary Art lesson plans, student examples, notes (k-5)
Art Edventures
Art Detective
Interactive online games for every grade level; support materials (K-3; 4-12)
Learn about world artists by playing this interactive game (K-8)
Web adventure about art history and art composition (4-12)
An interactive website designed to engage children in playful, interactive
learning about various works of art (1-6)
Lesson plans and activities (K-6)
Awesome collection of lessons and examples for the high school art class (912)
Search or browse through 7,500 artists; links directly to their works in
hundreds of museum sites and image archives worldwide (K-12)
Learn about the elements of art, principles of design, art vocabulary and more
An art term dictionary (K-12)
Includes an art gallery, lesson plan ideas, interactive activities (6-12)
Find supplies, free projects, art history modules, lesson plans (K-12)
The National Arts and Education Network; quality teaching materials and
professional resources (K-12)
Art Games
Art Teacher's Guide
Art Window
Art Teacher on the Net
Artist's Toolkit
Brush with Wildlife/ Carl Rungius
Crayola Creativity
eChalk Optical Illusions
Exploring Linear Perspective
Exploring Perspective
Eyes on Art
Flickr Multicolor Search Lab
Human Face and Figure
I Am an Artist
Incredible Art Site
Introduction to Line and Shape
Getty's Art Education site; lesson plans; curriculum ideas; activities (K-12)
Each section( Line, Color, Space, Shape, Balance, Movement/Rhythm) allows
students to watch animated demonstrations, view examples, and create their
own; includes an encyclopedia of Visual Elements (line, shape, color, space,
and texture) and Visual Principles (balance, emphasis, movement/ rhythm) (712)
Art principles are shown with dramatic graphics and innovative sound effects;
tutorial gives students practice using each principle and guides them in
creating a composition (7-12)
Provides a searchable database of lessons and artwork (K-12)
Interactive optical illusions (4-12)
Online exhibits that display various optical illusions (2-12)
Brief history of perspective and interactive vocabulary (7-12)
See how great artists work with perspective (4-12)
Students make their own art gallery while learning about several areas of art
Search for free images based on color (7-12)
Touches on every aspect related to art featuring people (7-12)
An interactive website with factsheets, links and interactive games on a wide
range of visual arts topics (K-5)
Art resources for high school teachers (9-12)
An interactive, online adventure to learn all about lines and shapes in art (K-3)
An art education page with weekly lessons, an art glossary, and much more (
Mr. Picasso Head
Create your own Picasso style persona and submit it to the Mr. Picasso Head
gallery (K-12)
NGA Kids
An interactive site that includes activities from various areas of art (K-12)
Perspective Drawing
Step-by-step instructions for basic one-point are presented on this site(5-12)
The Pottery Site
Timeline of Art History
Links to information about pots, potters, and various types of pottery (6-12)
Awesome resource for the study of any historical art period (9-12)
Interactive site that shows how a print is made and has samples to view (4-12)
What is a Print
Art resources
high school teachers (9-12)
Home Sweet Home-School's Resource Page -- The
Arts, Arts &
Art and Artists (Enchanted Learning)
Biographies of Famous Artists
Famous Painting Art Appreciation Lessons
Picasso Webquest
Portrait Detectives
Famous artists and their work; paint the masters' work online or print black
line masters (K-12)
This list covers just 75 of the most famous painters and sculptors (3-8)
These lessons will help students become familiar with and learn to appreciate
the works of famous artists (3-8)
A web quest for elementary students (2-6)
Take a guided tour of a portrait (3-12)
Art Museums
Art at Loggia
Art Institute of Chicago
Links to all the major art museums in the world (3-12)
Special exhibitions, collections, and latest news (3-12)
Eye Contact
Modern American Portrait Drawings from the National Portrait Gallery (K-12)
Smithsonian’s Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art; history of modern
art pages; an interactive sculpture activity (in Education/Art Interactive);
compare computer generated versus hands-on sculpture and identify the
differences in process (K-12)
High quality photographs of the museum's most famous works (1-12)
5000 years of art to explore (K-12)
Using the work of Leonardo da Vinci, this site provides interactive links to
perspective, vanishing point, and Sfumato (K-12)
Hundreds of images and virtual exhibits from this museum; includes some
Real Audio introductions (K-12)
Links to almost every museum in the world (7-12)
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Louvre Museum
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum of Science Multimedia Zone
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Virtual Library Museum Page
Color Theory
Online guide that explains color theory and shows how to use it in design (9Color, Contrast and Dimension in News Design12)
Evaluate colors in various ways (4-12)
Color Jack
Explore how color affects all parts of our world (4-12)
Color Matters
What's It's Color
An image-color processing utility that will evaluate an image and give you the
image's primary and complementary dominant colors, how many visually
unique colors are in an image, and the top ten visually unique colors
Graphic Design
Photoshop References and Tutorials
Digital Tutors
Eagen World
Fake or Foto
Atomic Learning-Photoshop CS
Illustrator Tutorials
Graphic Arts and Printing Career Guide
Links to help all users, novice to advanced, use Photoshop (9-12)
Several free video tutorials to teach you about various tools in Photoshop (912)
Examples of High School Graphic Design Projects (9-12)
Teaches the power of a photograph (4-12)
Short video tutorials covering various Photoshop tools (9-12)
Several good tutorials dealing with Illustrator (9-12)
Explore careers in Graphic Arts (9-12)
Dr. Constable's Bible Study
KID EXPLORERS ChristianAnswers
MP3 Audio Bible Study Lessons
Online Bible Study Lessons
Welcome to BibleTech 2009
Learning about the bible through technology
Dr. Constable's Bible Study Notes
Lesson Plans for all subjects
Audio Bible Study Lessons
Bible Stories Library
Bible Tech Speakers 2009
Business Education
Tonya Skinner's Home Page
!zzit Games
3D Dictionary
Association for Career and Technical
Business Education
DESE Division of Career Education
Hot Shot Business
Missouri Association for Career and Technical
Money Instructor
National Business Education Association
So, you want to learn Bookkeeping!
Top Marks Interactive Whiteboard
Business, Finance, and Computer Lesson Plans and Links
Two business education games to practice curricular concepts (7-12)
Technology dictionary (7-12)
Many resources and links (K-12)
Tonya Skinner; business education lesson plans and resources; searchable
database (7-12)
Missouri Department of Education; information and links for career education
Great interactive site where students have to start a virtual businesses (5-8)
Many resources and links (K-12)
Career, work, and business lesson plans (7-12)
Many resources and links (K-12)
Basic bookkeeping tutorial (9-12)
Q uality interactive sites (7-12)
Interactive business education resource site for all courses (7-12)
Business Law
Aussie Legal
Fact Monster
Understanding contracts (9-12)
Laws and rights (6-12)
Law for Kids
Laws, documents, stories, games, and links for students and teachers(5-12)
Free legal documents online which includes; wills, promissory notes, credit
report requests (9-12)
Inside the courtroom (3-12)
US Department of Justice
Computer Lessons for Kids and Small Adults
On Line Dictionary of Computing
Basic information about computers (K-12)
A searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools,
architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards,
mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects,
products, history, etc.; cross-referenced and linked to related resources (712)
Employment / Careers
America's Career InfoNet
Online resumé which allows to span the job sites, from Monster to Craigslist
by posting your online link (9-12)
Resource for making informed career decisions (4-12)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
College Grad
Great Hires
Hot Shot Business
Kansas City Job Network
Exploring career information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (4-12)
Create a resume; get career information (9-12)
Create, share and store your resume online for free (9-12)
Official workforce resource website for the State of Missouri (4-12)
Running a business interactive game (6-12)
Kansas City Job Network (4-12)
Life Skills for Vocational Success
Planning a Career
Life skills and aptitudes necessary for a person to function independently at
work and home (9-12)
How to choose a career and reach your career goals, job hunting tips, resume
writing, and job interviewing techniques (7-12)
See LSR7 Technology Integration - Personal Finance
Communication Arts
American Rhetoric
Clips from movie speeches; video and audio (K-12)
Communication Arts Sample Assessments
Middle School
High School
Click on the appropriate grade level; sites include interactive activities
showing scoring guides, sample tests, and teaching strategies (3-12)
Language Arts Lesson Plans/Resources
Web English Teacher
Links, lesson plans and activities for literature and language arts (K-12)
Links to lesson plans (1-12)
Resources for grammar, journalism, reading, Shakespeare, poetry, writing,
vocabulary, phonics, mythology, speech, etc. (K-12)
Analogy of the Day
Awesome Analogies
Solving Analogies
FactMonster; learn an analogy each day; online quiz (3-12)
Quia; game format (3-8)
Interactive practice for analogies (4-9)
Son of Citation Machine
Citation Styles
Fill in the blank format for creating a bibliography; the site then assembles the
bibliographical entry (4-12)
How to cite many types of materials using various citation styles (5-12)
Helps writers create bibliographies; MLA 5th edition and APA publications
manual (7-12)
Ask the Grammar Lady
Big Dog's Grammar
Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Free service; answers grammar questions (6-12)
From adjectives and verbs to active/passive construction (8-12)
Information, links, interactive quizzes and activities (8-12)
Correct Sentence
Eleven Rules of Writing
End Punctuation
Choose the sentence that is capitalized and punctuated correctly (3-8)
A brief grammar lesson on topics ranging from Parts of Speech to using
brackets (7-12)
A concise guide to some of the most commonly violated rules of writing,
grammar, and punctuation (8-12)
Choose the correct end punctuation (3-8)
English Grammar Connection
Grammar Blast
Interactive online lessons to improve students' English grammar skills (4-12)
Online activities; Houghton Mifflin (2-5)
Grammar Lessons
Grammar Ninjas
Grammar Rock Schoolhouse Rock
Grammar, spelling, punctuation from the Online Writing Laboratory (2-9)
Game format used to practice grammar skills (3-9)
Grammar Rock lyrics and audio (K-6)
Punctuation Practice
Interactive grammar site which provides information and activities (8-12)
Practice identifying punctuation errors (7-12)
Daily Grammar
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Noun Dunk
Parts of Speech Games
Parts of Speech Games
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Identification
Wacky Web Tales
Common vs. Proper Noun (3-7)
Quia: includes matching, Concentration, and flashcards (3-8)
Gamequarium; links to games (3-8)
Online activities to learn about the parts of speech and practice identification
Information and activities (5-12)
Online activities; categorized by grade level (K-6)
Practice the parts of speech in an interactive way (2-8)
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
(Allyn and Bacon)
Learn about the process of public speaking and find help preparing speeches
Reference Materials
Bartlett's Quotations
The Library Spot
Collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs (5-12)
Information and reference tools; downloadable dictionaries and thesauri;
Columbia Encyclopedia; 70 volume Harvard Classics collection and the works
of Shakespeare (4-12)
Resource for biographies (2-12)
Type in the word to retrieve definition and usage (2-12)
Search tools; language tools; research tools (2-12)
Links to numerous online libraries, reference materials, periodicals,
quotations, books, literary criticism, poetry and speeches (6-12)
Merriam-Webster Online
More than 160,000 entries; each word is accompanied by definition,
pronunciation, usage, grammatical function, and a brief etymology (1-12)
Defines two million terms, phrases and acronyms (4-12)
Picture Dictionary
1,881 illustrated dictionary entries; each word is used in a meaningful
example sentence; most entries have links to a related web sites (K-4)
Extensive collection organized by topic (2-12)
Bartleby's Great Books Online
Biographical Dictionary
ndexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based resources (3-12)
Thesaurus. com
Type in the word and synonyms will be returned (2-12)
Yahoo Reference
Links to dictionaries, thesauruses, quotations, libraries and more (3-12)
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Columbia Encyclopedia
Encarta Encyclopedia Center
World Book Online Reference Center
Information on the people, places, and events of yesterday and today (4-12)
Contains over 51,000 entries with more than 80,000 hypertext crossreferences (4-12)
Articles; links; resources (2-12)
Searchable encyclopedia (2-12)
Searchable database; multiple resources (2-12) K-2 Language
Drag 'n' Spell
Hands-On Spelling Activities
Harcourt Brace Spelling
Look, Cover, Write, Check
Scrambled Words
Spelling Bee Interactives
Spelling City
Spelling Sparklers
Scroll to Spelling Sparklers
Sitton Spelling
Highlight on Spelling
Rebecca Sitton Introduction for Parents
Sitton Spelling
Sitton Spelling Video
Rebecca Sitton's Spelling Program
Sitton Spelling Grade Level Activities
Word Bank
Phonics and spelling; word finds and memory games to improve language
skills (K-3)
Beat the clock by dragging the vowels to finish spelling the words before time
runs out! (K-3)
A variety of spelling activities (1-6)
Identify words that are spelled incorrectly; unscramble letters to spell a word;
by grade level(1-6)
Spelling Practice (2-6)
Unscramble the letters to spell a word (3-9)
Identify misspelled words (1-4)
Interactive; set of activities like an old-fashioned spelling bee (1-12)
Practice spelling; enter your own spelling list (1-12)
Suggestions for spelling lessons and activities (1-6)
Suggestions for spelling lessons and activities (1-6)
Word lists by grade level; spelling rules; games to play at home; home
practice (1-6)
Video overview of the Sitton program (requires Macromedia Flash)
Learn about the philosophy of this approach to spelling; download activities (16)
Introductory video to the Sitton Spelling program; contact your school for
access to the password (1-6)
Philosophy; word lists; How Parents Can Help (1-6)
Word lists; spelling activities (1-6)
1200 high usage words; Core Words; No Excuse Words (1-6)
Thinking Strategies
Choice Literacy
Into the Book- Strategies for Learning
Living the Life of a Reader and Writer
Mosaic of Thought Teaching Tools
Professional Development resources, advice and thoughts from contributors
like Debbie Miller, Ellin Keene, Franki Sibberson, and “The Sisters” (K-6)
Lesson ideas with video clips of strategy lessons in elementary classrooms (K12)
Video clips of Readers and Writers Workshop (K-12)
Lesson ideas, assessment suggestions, reporting forms, ideas for
communicating with parents (K-12)
Picture Books to Use with Thinking Strategies List of books to use to teach the thinking strategies (K-12)
Reading Workshop
Strategy Instruction for Beginners: Advice
from Ellin Keene
Classroom teacher’s website with forms for Readers Workshop, classroom
environment and lesson ideas, and anchor chart examples (K-6)
Audio clip- advice from Ellin Keene on how to get started with strategy
UT Digital Library Copyright Tutorial
About Microsoft Copyright
A Visit to Copyright Bay
Before You Post Your Work, Do You Need
Copyright Applies to Everyone
Copyright Center
Copyright Crash Course
UT Copyright Tutorial
From Microsoft
Learn about fair use practices and copyright infringement in educational
Useful information for students and teachers; a sample permission request
Comprehensive copyright information; interactive; videos
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; PDF document
Basic information
Goal is to encourage students to label their creative work with the copyright
symbol, the year, and their name
From the University of Texas; an instructive view of what you need to know
about copyright
Copyright and Fair Use in the Classroom, on
the Internet, and the World Wide Web
Copyright for Kids
Copyright and K-12 Who Pays in the Network
University of Maryland; learn what may be copied without permission and
when permission must be obtained; sample letter to copyright owner
Designed to teach students about copyright
Copyright Management Center
Copyright Quick Guide; Fair Use issues; permissions information and more
Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use
Fair Use Checklist
Request for Permission Template
U.S. Copyright Office
Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright
From Technology and Learning magazine; includes a "quiz" and handy chart
A checklist to use to determine compliancy
Fill in the boxes to generate a request for permission letter
Search copyright records; FAQs; top searches, information
From the Library of Congress; geared for students
Ten Big Myths About Copyright Explained
Learn about misconceptions surrounding copyright
Essentials of copyright; links; text may be reproduced for educational and nonprofit purposes
What is Copyright Protection?
Why Bother Understanding Copyright and
Computer Ethics?
Reviews educators' special copyright privileges and limitations
A PowerPoint presentation and PDF with information and links
Digital Ethics
BSA Play it Cyber Safe
Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics
Goal is to empower children, parents and teachers to prevent cyber crime
through knowledge of the law, their rights and how to avoid misuse of the
Cyberethics for teachers and kids
Informative article; includes Ten Commandments of Computer Use; teaching
suggestions; links
Academic Integrity
Anti-Plagiarism Tools
Avoiding Plagiarism
Interactive episodes on various topics of scholarly honesty
Learn how to detect plagiarism using a variety of tools
Find out what can be construed as plagiarism; how to deal with the work of
others when paraphrasing, writing, and researching
Exploring Plagiarism, Copyright, and
The Fraud of Plagiarism
On Plagiarism
Plagiarism Tutorial
Turnitin Research Resources
You Quote It, You Note It
Parts of Speech Games
Parts of Speech Games
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Identification
Wacky Web Tales
From Read, Write, Think; lesson plans and resources
An online tutorial designed to help students understand the difference
between plagiarism and paraphrasing
Information; check student work using the Plagiarism Sleuth
Information about online plagiarism
Flash video tutorial and quiz
Useful information about plagiarism
Interactive tutorial on plagiarism
Quia: includes matching, Concentration, and flashcards (3-8)
Gamequarium; links to games (3-8)
Online activities to learn about the parts of speech and practice identification
Information and activities (5-12)
Online activities; categorized by grade level (K-6)
Practice the parts of speech in an interactive way (2-8)
For Parents and Teachers
eSafety in the Home
FBI - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
iKeepSafe Internet Safety Coalition.url
Missing Children Website.url
National Crime Prevention Council
Teach Digital Curriculum Internet Safety
Teaching Digital Citizenship.url
The Police Notebook -Internet Safety
Links, tips, and information on eSafety
Information on Internet safety from the FBI
For Parents, Teachers, and Students
Website Links on Internet Safety
Information about Internet Safety
For Parents, Teachers, and Students
Answers questions about Internet safety, computers, and the Web.
Internet Safety, Social Networking Safety, Curriculum for Parents
How to teach digital safety
Links, tips, and information on Internet Safety from OK Police Dept.
For Students
iKeepSafe Internet Safety Coalition
Internet Safety.url
For Parents, Teachers, and Students
Internet Safety games and links
The 10 Commandments for Kids Online
For Parents, Teachers, and Students
"Get your Web License" Activity for students
teachersfirst Internet Safety
Several Website Links with Games, Videos, literature about Cyber Safety
Training Guides
Internet Safety for Kids
TeachersFirst Resource Listings.url
National Child Safety Council
i-SAFE Inc.
eSafety wiki - Useful Links
TeachersFirst Resource Listings.url
Internet safety for Kids downloadable courses and free books
Cybersafe information
Internet safety for Kids downloadable courses and free books
Internet safety training materials
List of Cybersafety links
Cybersafe information
Consumer Reports
EcEd Web
Basic consumer skills for kids; product information; ad awareness, etc. (4-8)
Links to lessons, resources, activities for teaching economics (3-12)
Printable activities and coloring pages; online activities (1-6)
Federal Reserve
Game about international trade.url
Comprehensive site for economics; includes economic data, technology based
lessons, links, current events, and resources (K-12)
Resources, links, lessons, activities; free materials (4-12)
Game about international trade
Goods and Services Match Up
From EconLink; match goods and services with providers; build your own
business community; click on the links at the bottom of the page (1-4)
It All Adds Up
Money Central
Online games and simulations which teach about credit management, buying
a car, paying for college, and more; teen finance (7-12)
Covers many aspects of money (1-6)
National Council for Economics Education
Online Elementary Economic Lessons
Peanuts and Crackerjacks
Practical Money Skills
Trading Around the World
US Mint Kids Site
Young Investors
Online economic lessons; resources; links (K-12)
Links to economics based lessons (K-6)
Provides economics content in a baseball game format; from supply and
demand to salary caps; U.S. Federal Reserve (4-8)
Lesson plans; student activities; banking tutorial; games, financial calculators
Simulation of international trading (5-12)
Site on our nation's money; features games, cartoons, time machine, coin
news, teacher resources (K-7)
Activities; links; games; teacher support for teaching economics, stock market,
investments (4-12)
ASEE Engineering
CETA Engineering
and Technology
Classroom of the Future
ASEE Engineering K-12 Center seeks to identify and gather in one place the
most effective engineering education resources available to the K-12
community (K-12)
How Stuff Works
Enriching resources and lesson ideas created for teachers by teachers (9-12)
An interactive K-12 educational website (K-12)
Profiles, career planning information, and reasons why girls should consider a
future in engineering (6-12)
How Stuff Works is a great place to come to learn about how things work in
the world around you (8-12)
Junior Engineering Technical Society (7-12)
National Academy of Engineering
NIST Virtual Library
Much of the material on the site is adapted from Technically Speaking: Why
All Americans Need to Know More About Technology (9-12)
Engineering Research topics (9-12)
Pre K-12 Engineering
Virtual Experiments
Free resource for educators and administrators who are looking to integrate
engineering concepts and activities into the classroom (K-12)
Fully interactive engineering experiments (9-12)
Engineer Girl
Principles of Engineering
Building Big
Types of Engineering
Explore large structures and what it takes to build them with this five-part PBS
television series and web site from WGBH Boston (6-12)
Learn about 200+ types of engineering (9-12)
Intro to Engineering Design
IEEE Virtual Museum
View exhibits to learn how engineers have used electricity to revolutionize
the way we work, learn, play, and communicate (9-12)
Research Strategies for Design Engineers
Science Buddies
WWW Virtual Library-CAD
Beneficial information about researching (9-12)
Compare the Scientific Method to the Engineering Process (9-12)
Includes links to important CAD resources (9-12)
Digital Electronics
Animated Circuit Simulator
Circuit Design Lab
Digital Circuit Builder
Electronic Definitions and Terms
Electronics Calculator Site
Electronics for Beginners
Electronics Lab
The Electronics Workshop
Visualize (animate) the emulation of electronic circuit (9-12)
Several Java applets, each providing an opportunity to experiment with the
design of a particular circuit (9-12)
Assign an equivalence between a mathematical value and an electrical charge
Over 2000 electronic definitions for electronic devices, abbreviation
definitions and acronyms (9-12)
These calculators have been devised by an experienced electronics engineer,
and made available to the world at no charge (9-12)
Includes: Theory, Practical Skills and Projects, Components, Test and
Measurement, Digital Circuits (9-12)
Large collection of projects over various topics (9-12)
An introduction to electronics (9-12)
Electronics Zone
History of the Transistor
Introductory Digital Systems Tutorial
Make a Fuse Tester
Physics Tutorials
XYZ of Oscilloscopes
Contains thousands of electronic circuits (9-12)
History of the transistor and the story behind the invention (9-12)
Practical digital concept and theory for beginners (9-12)
Informative site with great pictures (9-12)
Several tutorials including: Torque and Rotational Motion; DC Circuits; FreeBody Diagrams; Exponent (9-12)
A Primer (9-12)
Bibliography maker
bsd Biography Maker.URL
Explains and teaches the steps to making a biography
Brainstorming online for Free
brainstorming online for free
Free online brainstorming tool
webspiration Online Visual Thinking Tool
Free online brainstorming tool, must create a free account, but good site
Drama and Shakespeare Lessons
Cascoly Online Shakespeare
Drama Resources @Web English Teacher
Trivia Game
Lesson Plans and activities for plays
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Library; Lesson plans and ideas for teaching Shakespeare (5-12)
A compiled list of scholarly Shakespearean resources and other original
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Shakespearean content including lesson plans and a timeline (9-12)
Shakespeare Online
An extensive resource (9-12)
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Online text, complete works
Lesson Plan Ideas
A wide variety of stories with instructional resources; includes of Inspiration,
Awesome Stories
Biographies, Sports, Movies and more (4-12)
An encyclopedia in eighteen volumes
Cambridge History of English & American Literature
includes the ancient Greek and Latin languages, as well as other aspects of
Centaur Systems educational software for the Classics
mythology, culture, and etymology
Communication Arts
LSSD Curriculum web page (K-12)
authors, study skills, grammar, writing tips
English BrainPOP.URL
Language Arts Lessons (6-12)
High School Language Arts.url
Internet Public Library Research for Young Kids (K-5)
List of sites for Literature
Kathy Schrock's Literature &Language Arts
Kids Read
Authors; reviews; series information; resources games (K-6)
Lesson Plans for Literature
Language Arts Lessons.URL
a comprehensive site on Laura Ingalls Wilder and her writings, includes free
printable worksheets
Little House on the Prairie
Workshops and Lessons on Reading and Writing
Reading and Writing Online Workshops and Lessons.url
Reading Planet
Reading activities (K-6)
Lessons and Web Resources
ReadWriteThink Lesson Plans.URL
online educational resources for teachers, parents, and kids from Scholastic,
Inc., publisher of children's books and supplementary learning
Scholastic Inc. materials
SMART-Ideas » Language Arts Lesson Plans.URLLanguage Arts Lessons (k-5)
Speech and Language
LSSD Curriculum web page; many reading resources (K-12)
the largest organization in the country dedicated specifically to the art of
poetry, supports American poets at all stages of their careers and fosters the
appreciation of contemporary poetry
The Academy of American Poets
Writing short stories
What Makes a Good Short Story?
Writing Assessment Services
A resource for student writers, sixth grade through adult professionals. Offers
instruction and evaluation of writing especially for homeschool families. Free
downloads of instructional materials.
Online full texts of Author's Works
Classics at the Online Literature Library
The Internet Classics Archive 441 works
The On-Line Books Page
The Internet Public Library
IPL Story Hour
Also check the Virtual Field Trips page.....
Text of classic Literature
Text of mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English
Online Books
Internet Public Library (k-12)
Internet Public Library Story Hour (k-5)
Online library of copyright-free English texts and scripted recordings; free
audio clips (K-12)
Spelling and Grammar Guides
Guide to spelling and grammar
phonics rules and a link to a quiz page
Anagram Site
sends a vocabulary word and its definition to the subscribers
Jane Straus' easy-to-use reference guide and workbook is now available as an
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation on-line resource
Guide to spelling and grammar.URL
Phonics Rules
Anagram Genius the definitive anagram site
A Word A Day every day
Castlemoyle Books plans
multi-grade, multi-learning style, individualized educational materials
includes Spelling Power, Writing Power and creative writing lesson
Common Errors in English
Common Errors
English Basics
Etymologic the brain
Grammar Gorillas
this free service of Word Place, Inc. teaches you a new word each day, sends
you e-mail messages with a writing lesson five days of the week and a quiz on
the sixth day; earlier lessons can be accessed in the archive section
all new weekly worksheets, provided free for teachers and parent-teachers to
copy for their kids
Etymology game
Identifying the parts of speech game
The Grammar Lady
Internet Anagram Server
The KISS Grammar Site
Includes a FAQ page, grammar hotline, grammar tips, newsletter and more
Grammar Tips and Help
Free innovative curriculum
Alphabet, phonics, beginning reading, spelling, printing, and more
SpellaRoo Spellaroo
can hop better than he can spell -- click on the word that is spelled wrong
worksheets you can print out for the alphabet, phonics, vocabulary building,
and more!
have your questions answered via email or discussion board about spelling,
grammar, punctuation, capitalization, sign up for the online newsletter, check
out the tutorials; the site includes other categories to support webmasters,
educators, students, and others
Daily Grammar
TampaRead's Worksheet Index
Webgrammar's Place
look up grammar rules, helper words, and other writing tips for sentences,
paragraphs and essays
Alphabet Animals
A Tale to Be Told
Between the Lions
An animal graphic for each letter of the alphabet (K-3)
A WebQuest; links to fairytales (1-6)
PBS; stories, games, printable activities, teacher resources (1-6)
Compare and Contrast
English Exercises Online
Activities designed to help students understand compare and contrast (2-6)
Interactive exercises for practicing reading skills (1-12)
Fact or Opinion
Quia; interactive practice; decide if a statement is fact or opinion (3-8)
Ideas on how to create characters and stories; stories in script form; lesson
plans; student activities (3-6)
Multiple online activities; categorized by grade level (1-6)
Links to a variety of activities (1-6)
Fiction Teachers
Houghton Mifflin Reading Activities
Literacy Activities
Literacy Skills for Kids
Digby Mole- Word Games
McGraw Hill Reading Activities
Reading Comprehension Connection
Reading Comprehension Practice
Reading Games for Kids
Reading Games for Young Kids
Reading Quest
Social Studies
Read, Write, Think Student Tools
Roy the Zebra
Starship English
Story Circle
StoryPlace Elementary Library
Story Scramble
Two Sisters and a Cat
Recreate the story (3-6)
Fill in the gaps (3-6)
Interactive activities include spelling, grammar, phonics and more (3-8)
Little Animals Activity Centre
Little Animals Activity Centre
Books and activities (1-6)
Interactive, online lessons to help improve students' reading comprehension
and vocabulary skills (4-12)
Reading comprehension practice (2-6)
A collection of reading games (K-2)
A collection of reading preparedness games (K-1)
Strategies for improving reading comprehension in content areas (5-12)
Many interactive reading tools to use with kids (K-6)
Online activities including reading for specific purposes (1-8)
Interactive reading literacy (K-3)
Synopsis and study aids for literatures (6-12)
Interactive reading activities (1-4)
Interactive, audio stories by themes (K-4)
Customize books; audio (K-4)
Sequence the story by dragging and dropping (K-3)
Interactive site focuses on reading comprehension (3-6)
Balanced Literacy
Balanced Literacy
Balanced Literacy Program
Balanced Literacy Parent Guide
Reading Workshop Resources
Scholastic; information; suggestions (K-6)
Information; printables; illustrated with video clips (K-5)
Information for parents (K-6)
Click on Teacher Resources on left side of page (K-6)
Book Reports
Better Book Reports - 25 Ideas
Book Report Forms
Creative ideas for student book reports (3-12)
Printable forms for many types of book reports (2-8)
More Ideas Than You'll Ever Use for Book
Book Report Sandwich Station
Book Report Rubric
A large variety of book report suggestions (2-12)
From Scholastic; interactive (2-9)
For use with any multimedia book review (2-12)
Literary Elements
Elements of Fiction
EThemes Story Elements
Literary Elements and Devices
A reference source for literary terms (5-8)
Links to sites about story elements (K-8)
Practice and activities with Literary Elements (6-12)
Resources for learning about and teaching literary elements and devices (712)
Adolescent Literature
American Literary Classics
Book Hive
Book Pop
Carol Hurst Children's Literature Site
Children's Authors and Illustrators on the
Children's Book Council
Lesson plans and resources for adolescent and young adult literature (6-12)
Many literature classics online to read (8-12)
Free online literature with over 2000 classic titles; study guides and teacher
resources (6-12)
Guide to children's literature and books (K-6)
Virtual books to read (K-4)
Resources for thirty plus authors; click on parts of box (K-6)
Books categorized by subject area and themes (K-8)
Includes authors' personal websites and websites maintained by fans,
scholars, and readers (K-12)
Reading lists; Young People's Poetry; authors and illustrators (K-12)
Children's Books Online: The Rosetta Project Illustrated antique children's books; books can be downloaded (K-8)
Children's Classics, Short Stories, Novels, and
Fiction Online
A variety of online books (1-8)
Clifford Interactive Books
Interactive online books featuring Clifford (K-2)
Supplementary, standards-based, web-delivered units of instruction centered
on core works of literature (K-12)
Edgar Allen Poe
Biographical information; writings; interactive (8-12)
Animated stories (K-4)
Free Audio Books
Listen to a wide variety of children's audio books (K-7)
Information and reference tools; downloadable dictionaries and thesauri;
Columbia Encyclopedia; 70 volume Harvard Classics collection and the works
Great Books Online
of Shakespeare (4-12)
with Roy the Zebra
Guided Reading and Reading Games with Roy the
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey
A ThinkQuest; information, resources (9-12)
Literature Circle Blackline Masters
Activity sheets, graphic organizers, work sheets (K-12)
Literature Lesson Plans
Review literature lesson plans; Discovery School (K-12)
Literature Lessons
Suggestions and ideas for teaching literature (K-12)
Nick, Jr.
Online stories, activities and games for the very young (K-2)
Project Gutenberg
20,000 free, downloadable books (5-12)
Free online interactive books
Raz-kids sample.url
Free downloadable books and stories
Reading A-Z - Samples.url
Reading units for popular books; includes Artemis Fowl, Flat Stanley, Holes,
The Incredible Journey, and others; online and printable worksheets, activities
Reading Units
SPARK Notes (English)
America's Leading News Source for Kids
K-5 Language Arts activities
Free online study guides, variety of novels, To Kill a Mockingbird, The
Chocolate War, Macbeth, Of Mice and Men, My Antonia, Animal Farm and
more (7-12)
Stone Fox Language arts.URL
Web English Teacher
Designed to teach children to read by incorporating rhyming games and highinterest books that teach phonemic awareness (sounds in words), phonics,
decoding skills, comprehension and downloadable free materials (PK-2)
Stone Fox book activities
Resources for authors and books (K-12)
Scholastic News Online, .URL
SMART-Ideas » Language Arts.URL
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss Resources
Dr. Seuss's Seussville!
Annotated links to lesson plans, book activities, games, online activities,
printables (K-6)
Many resources on this Random House site (K-3)
Fables/ Fairy Tales/ Folktales/ Myths
Aesop's Fables
Extensive online collection of Aesop's fables (7-12)
American Folklore
Grimm Fairy Tales
Myths and Legends
A retelling of American folktales, Native American myths and legends, tall
tales, weather and ghost stories from the 50 states (K-12)
Interactive site; stories read aloud; activities (K-6)
Read and learn about myths and legends; write your own (3-9)
Online information about classical mythology (7-12)
Learn about gods, heroes and monsters of Greek mythology (5-8)
World Mythology
Information about mythology and the relationships to the planets (7-12)
Hans Christian Anderson
Hans Christian Anderson Center
Hans Christian Anderson Tales
Bibliographical and historical references; works (6-12)
Access to the fairy tales of Anderson (2-12)
Herman Melville
Moby Dick
Moby Dick
Read online text (7-12)
Discovery School; Resources; links; lesson ideas (7-12)
The Fin, Fur, and Feather Bureau
of Investigation
Kids Mysteries from MysteryNet
Millennium Mystery Madness
Unit Plan for Mysteries
Who Killed William Robinson
Interactive stories filled with puzzles and challenges; quizzes, thinking games,
newsletters, and even a Hencoder (a Secret-Agent style encoding device) (2-6)
Solve the mysteries (2-6)
Facts about mysteries, how a mystery is formed and what should go into a
mystery (4-12)
Mystery lesson plans, activities, resources (2-6)
A chance to explore a real mystery (7-12)
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
Autobiographical information; resources; links (7-12)
Visit Weedpatch Camp (8-12)
Phonics Game Show
Syllables Introduction
Review phonics rules, vowels, and consonants (2-6)
Practice with identifying beginning-letter and short-vowels sounds through a
simple, fun game (K-4)
Information; basic review (4-9)
Fact sheet (What are syllables), quiz, printable worksheets, game (Syllable
Factory) (1-7)
Vowel Sounds Mix and Match
Match long and short vowels (2-6)
Picture Match
Syllable Practice Review
180 Days of Poetry
Instant Poetry
Modern American Poetry
Poetry As We See It
Poetry Express
Poetry Library of Congress
A poem a day for American high schools (9-12)
Activities for more than forty poetry forms (2-9)
Poetry analysis modern American poets like Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost etc.
ThinkQuest; learn about poetry devices; practice identification (4-12)
15 poetry activities; tips and techniques for writing poetry (K-12)
Learn about poets; read poems; resources including poetry webcasts (K-12)
Learn to inspire a love of poetry in students; how to write different types of
poetry, poetry fun, poetry theater and more (K-8)
Find a poet, poem, listen to poetry and more (K-12)
Fry's Readability Graph
Kathy Schrock; learn to use Fry's graph (K-12)
Find out the readability of a document, passage or website; learn to interpret
results; learn about reading levels and indexes (K-12)
From Kathy Schrock; information and links; create a readability graph (K-12)
Determine the reading level of a Word document or website (K-12)
Copy and paste a piece of text into the analysis window and receive a detailed
report on sentence length (average, minimum and maximum), most
frequently used words, complexity factor, readability, and average syllables
per word (6-12)
Reading Across the Disciplines
Reading Across the Disciplines Online
Online resource for teachers and students that accompanies the book (4-12)
Teacher Resources
Adolescent Literacy
Big Ideas for Beginning Readers
Research and best practices for adolescent literacy in schools (6-12)
Resources and links (K-4)
Encouraging Reading
Activities, lesson suggestions, information, book report ideas, resources (K-12)
Learn the different types of skills required for reading to help students
improve (5-12)
Resources for teaching reading strategies (K-12)
Information and links on reading, teaching and tutoring techniques 30 free,
downloadable books (K-12)
Over 700 online books; searchable (K-8)
A vocabulary learning tool; enter your own word lists (K-12)
Identifying Skill Requirements in Reading
Into the Book
Literacy Connections
International Children's Digital Library
Reading Comprehension Strategies
Reading Level
Reading Matrix
Activities, links and information for six strategies (K-6)
Search Leveled Books Database (K-12)
Searchable database for online reading activities (K-6)
Reading Partnership
Information on the research, principles about reading instruction (K-12)
Reading Resources Network
Reading Worksheets
The Teacher's Corner- Reading
WWW Virtual Library
From Scholastic; links to resources, articles, information, activities (K-12)
Free, downloadable worksheets (1-6)
Activities, authors, DOLCH Words, phonics, reading units (1-6)
Coconut Words
Fake Out
Word Central
Guide to Vocabulary
Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun
Super Kids Vocabulary Builders
Vocabulary-(Greek and Latin prefix and
Vocabulary Pinball
Vocabulary Web Games
Word Central
Word Wise
Words and Pictures
Working with Words
Read a short sentence and then choose the word that will complete it (2-4)
Build vocabulary by guessing the meaning of words (K-8)
Merriam Webster; Daily Buzzword; dictionary; links (5-12)
Topics include Etymology, Using a Dictionary, Using Word Relationships,
Analogies, Context Clues and more (7-12)
Interactive site offers a variety of games (words searches, crosswords,
hangman, match games and quizzes) using words assigned by category
(animals, food, geography and more) (3-6)
Build vocabulary with these activities; includes TextTwisters, Word Scrambler
and more (K-12)
Interactive activities to enhance vocabulary (2-12)
Greek and Latin roots; base; meaning; origin (7-12)
Play pinball to learn spelling and meaning of new words (3-6)
720 most frequently tested vocabulary words; web quizzes; improve SAT and
GRE scores (7-12)
Vocabulary building activities (2-6)
From FactMonster; grammar and spelling; analogy-of-the-day; word facts;
proverbs; online word game; and more (K-6)
Activities include Consonant Clusters, Long Vowel Sounds, High Frequency
Words, poetry writing (1-6)
Links to many word games and activities (K-12)
Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia & Reference Resources
A Web of Online Dictionaries free encyclopedia
Webster Dictionary
Index of on-line dictionaries with over 1,000 dictionaries in more than 200
different languages; the index includes glossaries of specialized terminology
and other vocabulary aids and includes an index of on-line grammars and
several pages of linguistic fun
web sites, plus magazines, books, and the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
dictionaries, grammar, writing, glossaries, thesaurus, reference, definitions,
quotations, foreign languages, jargon, computer terms
more than 14,000 articles from The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Third Edition
Online Webster's Dictionary
Foreign Language
Language Resources
Foreign Language Resources
BBC Languages
Children's Folk Games
Clip Art
Earth Calendar
Euro Tales
Food through the ages
Foreign Language News
Resources for Foreign Languages
Many activities in Spanish, French and German (8-12)
Children's games from around the world (K-12)
Clip art for modern language teachers (K-12)
Holidays by country (K-12)
Stories and quizzes in different languages (K-12)
Influence of food on cultures throughout history (8-12)
News and newspapers from all around the World (8-12)
A variety of useful resources for teaching French to primary children many of
French and German SMART Board Resources these resources have now also been translated into German (K-12)
Channel 4
Activities for Foreign Language Classes
E. L. Eastman Languages Online
Keyboard Shortcuts
Mango Languages
MFL Games
Multicultural Center
Study Stack
Vocabulary Trainer
Games which are based on key areas such as family relationships, food,
numbers, colors, directions and clothing in French and German (9-12)
Many lessons on a variety of subjects (K-12)
Activities and links (4-12)
Modern Language keyboard shortcuts (7-12)
Mango is an online foreign language learning web site. Learn different
languages at your own pace through simple tutorials on the web browser, or
download MP3 tutorials and listen to them offline (7-12)
Games in French and Spanish (4-12)
Information about holidays around the world (8-12)
Count down to Christmas in different languages (K-12)
Idioms (Spanish, French, English) (4-12)
Flash cards in different languages (K-12)
Word test, Spanish, German and French (K-12)
Enchanted Learning
French Dictionary
German Dictionary
Internet Picture Dictionary
Word Reference
English French picture dictionary (K-12)
French English dictionary (K-12)
Online dictionary English and Deutsche (K-12)
Flash cards, fill in the blank, spelling games and more (K-12)
Free online Spanish and French dictionary (K-12)
Craft Activities
Lewis Carroll
French Embassy
French Online Grammar Quiz
Primary French Games BBC
Swan Story
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
Things to make with directions in French and English (K-12)
Read the story of Goldilocks in French! (K-12)
French questions and answers (4-12)
Information about the French Embassy (9-12)
Grammar quizzes (8-12)
Resource for Paris (9-12)
Primary games, songs and activities in French (K-12)
Interactive French games and activities (8-12)
Online story in French, English and Welsh (K-12)
Many French links (4-12)
Three French Fables
French PPT
Each fable is presented as an interactive story in French, read by a native
speaker. (K-12)
PPT French Lessons
Austrian "Wiener Zeitung"
German Way
Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers
German PowerPoint presentations
Suchen Blinde Kuh Suche
Verb Conjugation
19th Century German Stories
Oldest existing daily newspaper in the world (founded 1703); web page covers
domestic and world news in German (K-12)
Daily life and customs in Germany (8-12)
German and English versions (K-12)
Animated German grammar (K-12)
Interactive German games and activities (8-12)
100 great children's sites (K-12)
Conjugate verbs by selecting the tense (8-12)
Many stories to read online (8-12)
Homework Help
BJ Pinchbeck
Foreign word
Homework Help
Homework Ugh!
Jiskha Homework Help
General foreign language resources for students (8-12)
Word and text translation, glossaries, resources (4-12)
English and foreign language help (8-12)
General language and foreign language resources (8-12)
Homework help in a variety of languages (8-12)
BBC Spanish
Brooklyn Children's Museum
Children's Games Around the World
Costa Rica
Disney Latino
Discovering Mexico
Elementary Spanish Program
Especially Espanola
Learn Spanish
Primary Spanish activities (K-12)
All about Latin America (K-12)
Children's games from Mexico and Brazil (K-12)
Music, coat of arms, map, facts, national anthem etc. (4-12)
PBS site about Costa Rica (4-12)
Disney playhouse in Spanish (K-12)
Virtual tour of Mexico (4-12)
Practice Spanish Vocabulary (K12)
Spanish language resources (8-12)
Drills for Spanish to English translation of vocabulary words, drills for verb
conjugations, and other grammar drills (9-12)
Reading activities in Spanish (K-12)
Play and learn Spanish (K-12)
A free online site that focuses on a variety of terms; access the tutorials, verb
drills, vocabulary practice and idiom generator (7-12)
Stories and activities (K-12)
My Spanish Picture Dictionary
Museo Virtual de artes el pais
Huge selection of vocabulary and pictures (K-12)
Virtual art museum from Uruguay (K-12)
My First Garden
Online stories in Spanish IPL
Mexico for Kids
Mexico para Ninos
English-Spanish Versions; guide to the world of gardening for kids (K-12)
Links to several online stories in Spanish (K-12)
Site made by kids about Mexico (K-4)
Learn about the history, government and sports of Mexico (K-12)
Review of topics such as numbers, colors, months, seasons, and animals;
printable crossword puzzle; online quiz for each topic to help practice Spanish
skills (K-12)
Electronic Spanish Flashcards
Reading is Fundamental
Literacy Center
Mi Casa Su Casa
Sesame Street Spanish Word of the Day
Interactive Spanish games (K-12)
New Spanish word each day (K-4)
Si Spain
Spanish Channel
Spanish Fire Safety
Spanish Interactive
Interactive service that promotes free exchange of information on Spanish
current affairs and its historical, linguistic and cultural development (9-12)
Numbers, ABC's, animals and time in Spanish (k-12)
Learn about fire safety in Spanish (K-12)
Spanish numbers and vocabulary in an interactive website (4-9)
Spanish Grammar Exercises
Spanish Help
Spanish Language Learning
Spanish PowerPoint's
Spanish Professor
Many Spanish grammar activities including sounds and short movies (7-12)
Free online Spanish help (K-12)
Spanish learning resources (9-12)
PowerPoint presentations for Spanish Class (4-12)
Helpful resource for students learning Spanish (4-12)
Spanish Steps
Spanish Spanish
Story Place
Spanish for Kids
Vistas del Sistema Solar
4 the Teacher
Spanish PPT
E. L. Easton - Languages - Spanish.URL
Students' Textbook Site
Spanish Language and Culture
Interactive basic Spanish course includes sound, photos and video clips (7-12)
Listen to Spanish letters (K-12)
Online Spanish stories and activities (K-12)
Spanish songs and music (K-12)
Learn about the planets in Spanish (K-12)
Spanish vocabulary and number activities (K-12)
PPT Spanish Lesson Plans
Test your Spanish, quizzes, worksheets, listen & Speak
Online Study Center for Spanish
Study Modules and Lessons
Alta Vista Translator
Dictionary Translator
Google Translator
Nice Translator
Word to Word
Translate words into different languages (K-12)
Translate words into different languages (K-12)
Translate words into different languages (K-12)
Translate words into different languages (K-12)
Translate web pages and text (K-12)
Language translator (K-12)
Games - The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8 Kids and Teachers.url
SMART-Ideas » Jeopardy and Quizzes.url
Countries of the World
Country Reports
Geography IQ
Geography Center Education World
HomeTownLocator Gazetteer
National Atlas
National Geographic Education Guide
National Geographic Kids
The Official U.S. Time
Places OnLine
World Fact Book
(National Geographic)
Resources and links(1-8)
Each Country Profile provides information on: geography, maps, flag, history,
current ruler, area, population, capital, largest cities, languages,
ethnicity/race, religion, literacy rate, economy, government (2-12)
Information; weather, flags, anthems; searchable (K-12)
Created by the UN to educate children about global issues and the UN;
curriculum-related games and activities; research tools; digital adventures (312)
Country facts and figures; includes lists of world rankings and a currency
converter (2-12)
Features lessons about landforms, the global economy, maps from space and
more (K-12)
Data for 1.8 million physical and cultural features, census information for
98,000 local areas and distance calculations for 177,000 populated places;
links to aerial photos, regional, local and topographical maps; search each by
city, town, county, state or zip code (4-12)
Federal source for national maps and geographic information that contains an
online map maker, dynamic maps, printable maps, articles, free geographic
data, and more (K-12)
Features a variety of educational resources related to geography (K-12)
News about science, geography, culture; games, activities, experiments;
educational resources such as homework help, maps, and an encyclopedia (28)
Get the official time in all of the U.S. states and territories (3-12)
Provides access to the place-based Web sites (4-12)
Profiles of the countries of the world (3-12)
Multiple resources including lesson plans, atlases, printable maps, interactive
museum, links, Geography Standards;searchable (K-12)
Latitude and Longitude and Maps
Atlas - Xpeditions @
Animated History of European Mapmaking
BBC - History - .url
download blank outline maps for the United States, or create your own
Find your Longitude
Where is that state game
Many black line masters which can be printed out for student labeling of
countries, states, continents, regions, flags, etc.; definitions/ descriptions are
Geography Label Me!
included (K-12)
Geography game
Links to a wide variety of historical maps including world, United States,
Historical Maps
Africa, Americas, Canada, and Mexico (4-12)
Historical Maps
Historical Maps of the United States
Lesson plans, glossary, timeline, questions & answers
Latitude and Longitude
and Meridians
Latitude and Longitude all about the lines running
atlas, expedition hall, standards
Latitude, Longitude and Mapmaking lesson plans
History of Cartography and maps
Map History / History of Cartography
Blank Base Maps
Map Machine
Map Quest
National Geographic site; view and print maps of the world (K-12)
free maps, driving directions, and live traffic reports
Mapping the World by Heart
an educational consulting service based around topics related to geographic
education, global education and world-mindedness, and geographic literacy;
also, a k-12 global-education and geography curriculum
A wide variety of maps including aerial and topographical maps of your area
Maps (U.S. Geological Survey)
Maps and Map Skills
Maps That Teach
Outline Maps
Outline and reference maps, make your own map, and map activities (K-12)
Maps to print, interactive maps, map puzzles (1-12)
Basic maps in PDF (2-12)
a selection of outline maps for use in the classroom or at home, print or
download any of these maps for your personal use in activities, reports, or
Outline Maps
Printable maps
Printable Maps.url
Create your own thematic maps (5-12)
World Atlas Political Map
A variety of political maps (5-12)
A world atlas of facts, flags, and maps (3-12)
Zip Code Census
Access demographic information for zip code areas (4-12)
working with maps, finding your way with map and compass, topographic
map symbols, Earthshots: satellite images of environmental change, learning
US Geological Survey geography and mapping:geography and much more!
maps for teaching world geography
Xpeditions @
Activities and Games
Connect to the World
GeoBee Challenge
Continent Game
Learn about the world through interactive games (K-2)
National Geographic; daily quiz questions (3-12)
Drag and drop the names of the continents (2-5)
Geography Games
Take an interactive quiz; links; play a 20 questions-like game and try to stump
the computer by guessing the right animal; geo-tour gives clues to a spot on
the world map and then guess where it is located (3-12)
Teacher created geography skill games; Quia (1-8)
Game organized according to the National Geographic Standards; designed to
help children think geographically and build a global context (4-7)
An online geography game that tests knowledge of world geography (1-12)
Globe Rider Games
Place the State
Place the State #2
Quizville Geography Games
Test Your Geography Knowledge
Travel IQ
United States Puzzle
Where Is That?
Features a fast paced game to learn basic geography such as Continents,
Countries, or States and Provinces; sponsored by National Geographic (3-12)
Tests geography knowledge (4-12)
Several games including Capitals and Capital Field Trip (4-12)
Drag and drop the states; different levels; Ben's Guide (2-8)
Drag and drop the state; indicates correctness within miles (2-8)
A variety of geography games (3-12)
Interactive quiz on geography (3-12)
Game format to review geography (3-10)
Drag the picture of the state to its proper location (2-12)
Funbrain; interactive geography games and activities (4-12)
World Geography
Interactive game; oceans and continents; information and images (3-8)
Color Landform Atlas
e-themes Landforms
Habitats and Landforms
Island Life
Landforms Glossary
Rivers and Coasts
Types of Land
Features various types of state maps (2-12)
Annotated listing of pertinent websites (K-6)
Links to a wide variety of related sources (K-12)
Interactive site which features islands (K-4)
Descriptions and photos (K-6)
From Enchanted Learning (1-5)
Definition; photos; extension (K-6)
From Harcourt; descriptions, photos (K-6)
Erie Canal
Tour of the Erie Canal.url
Tour of the Erie Canal
270 To Win!
3 branches of govt.url
Abraham Lincoln for Primary Children.URL
2008 interactive electoral map (3-12)
3 branches of government game
Abraham lincoln Game for primary children
Information and activities specifically tailored for educators, parents, and
Ben's Guide to the U.S.Government
students (K-12)
teaches kids from K-12th grade about the Federal Government through
activities, exercises, interactive activities
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Resource for the Bill of Rights and citizen responsibilities; lesson plans; online
Bill of Rights Institute
teacher's guide (8-12)
Internet-based, interactive activities that "teach" about Congress, the federal
Congress for Kids
government and civic duty (K-12)
Introduction to independence for kids
Congress for Kids.url
Access to lesson plans, student activities, historical materials, related web
sites, and subject matter (K-12)
Background information; interactive Constitution; Constitution Timeline,
Constitution Center
Founding Fathers, Founding Documents and more (2-12)
Constitution Quiz
Interactive game show quiz; multiple players option (3-12)
Damage done to the Declaration of Independence
Dec of Ind Damage.url
Vocabulary university comic strip story of elections
Experience the race for the presidency (5-12)
First Gov
Links to national, state and local sites (7-12)
Annotated list of links to evaluated sites from the Arts to Transportation (KFirstGov for Kids
Solve the mystery of the Bill of Rights
History Mystery - Bill of Rights.url
If you were president game
How would you run the country.url
If You Were President
Scholastic; Interactive (2-6)
Inside the White House
Online role play (4-8)
K-8 Texas House of Representatives for Kids
Kid's House.URL
Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives; information, links,
Kids in the House
teacher resources (2-8)
Kids Next Door
Learn about the community including people and places (K-12)
Interactive constitution
National Constitution Center Interactive Constitution.url
History Mystery Presidents game 1
Presidents game 1.url
History Mystery Presidents game 2
Presidents Game 2.url
History Mystery Presidents game 3
Presidents Game 3.url
All about US presidents
Guess the President hangman game
Quia - United States Presidents.url
The American Presidency A Glorious Burden.urlhands on presidential acitivities
Notes on the Debates in the Federal Convention
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School:
The Democracy Project PBS KIDS GO!
The Democracy Project PBS KIDS GO!.url
The- Duties
of theInstallation.url
Three Branches of Government - Flash Player
The Duties of the Three Branches of Government
Flash Player
Library of Congress Memory Project
The Federalist Papers
Print version of the US Constitution
U.S. Constitution Online
US Flag history
U.S. Flag
US Treasury for Kids
U.S. Treasury - For Kids.url
United States Government for Kids
ThinkQuest; information about the American government (3-6)
Vote: The Machinery of Democracy
Find out about the voting system in the United States (7-12)
Facts and sun for all ages
You Can Be President
Online role play (4-8)
BrainPop Health
Above the Influence
BAM (Body and Mind)
Bodywise-Facts About Eating Disorders
Child & Youth Health
First Aid Action
Health Careers
HHS Pages for Kids
HIV Basics and Prevention
Human Kinetics
Kids Health Galaxy
Learn to be Healthy
Mouth Power
PBS Lesson Search
Real Age Cafe
Sara's Quest
Scrub Club
Teaching Health
Visit the Dentist with Marty
Health activities
A large resource of materials for substance abuse prevention; created for the
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (7-12)
Create your own activity calendar; take a personality quiz; learn survival skills;
become a Disease Detective and more (K-6)
Informative site about various eating disorders (7-12)
Find information for being a healthy, happy kid (K-6)
Links to sites about the various body systems (K-8)
A fully interactive first aid course from the BBC (9-12)
Brought to you by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (9-12)
Health opportunities for today and tomorrow; searchable by occupation to
learn what that job specifically involves (9-12)
Activities and information (1-6)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; facts about toxic substances
and the environment; The Bike Hub; food safety coloring book; Global health
Odyssey; and more (K-6)
Articles and resources on HIV (9-12)
Collection of links on sport and fitness topics, academic and professional
subjects (9-12)
Various physical and mental health topics (K-6)
Interactive site which games and a medical library, sponsored by the
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (K-6)
Comprehensive lesson plans, interactive games and activities, WebQuests,
and much more (K-6)
Interactive game to learn how to keep a healthy mouth, sponsored by the
University of Maryland-Baltimore. (K-6)
Lesson plans and activities; searchable by grade range and lesson (K-12)
Body mass index (BMI) calculator (7-12)
Developed for children to learn about the effects of drugs on their brain and
body (K-6)
Interactive games, web episodes on hand washing and germs (K-3)
Teaching health and using technology; variety of links (7-8)
Interactive game to teach good dental hygiene (K-4)
Body Systems
BodyWorks Games
Body Systems
The Heart: An Online Exploration
Heart Anatomy
Human Body ThinkQuest
It's My Life
Human Anatomy Online
Interactive games on how the body works (2-6)
Information, animations, games, activities; Kids Health site (K-12)
Explore the heart and how it works (3-8)
Interactive interior view of the heart (7-12)
A ThinkQuest interactive tour of the human body (K-6)
PBS for Kids; facts and links about body topics (6-12)
Animations, graphics, and descriptive links (3-12)
Interactive site; games and activities (3-7)
Lets Learn About Your Heart
Science Human Body
Interactive tour of the heart, how it works, and how to keep it healthy (K-3)
Multiple interactive informational activities and resources (K-12)
Virtual Body
Virtual Knee Surgery
Interactive tour of the brain, skeleton, heart, and digestive tract (7-12)
Take on the role of the Surgeon throughout a total knee replacement surgery
Web Anatomy
Online interactive quizzes about the various systems of the body (7-12)
Build a Food Pyramid
Find out the shape of your food pyramid (4-12)
Center for Nutrition
Dole 5 A Day
United States Department of Agriculture web site on nutrition; resources on
dietary guidelines; food pyramids; recipes for healthy eating (K-12)
Activities, games, information (K-12)
Ed Tech
Food A Fact of Life
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
My Pyramid
NATS - Nutrition Analysis Tools & System
Nutrition Cafe
Nutrition and Food
Nutrition Explorations
Zip 4 Tweens
Lesson Plans, online activities, and websites on various nutrition topics (K-12)
Comprehensive and progressive approach to teaching about food, cooking
and healthy eating; includes support, downloadable resources, and
whiteboard activities (K-6)
Resources for sports nutrition and exercise science (9-12)
USDA's website with information, nutrition plans, and games using the new
food pyramid (K-12)
Online lookup analyzing the nutrient content of foods (7-12)
Resources, links and activities (K-12)
Links to web sites for nutrition and food (K-12)
Dairy Council; includes brochures, booklets, curriculum
aids, posters, games (1-8)
Links to vitamins and minerals (7-12)
Online nutrition games and recipes (4-8)
Tobacco Information and Prevention
Tobacco Quiz
PBS for Kids look at health hazards related to smoking; includes topics and
prevention (6-12)
How smoking affects your health (6-12)
National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; Tips,
research, free materials (7-12)
American Lung Association tobacco quiz (7-12)
Unfiltered TV
Facts and information about the dangers of tobacco, interactive features,
ways to get involved in the real-world, news stories, contests (6-12)
TeensHealth look at Smoking
Cartoonists Index
18th Century America -- a unique array of original newspapers, maps and
History related stories with hyperlinks to relevant information (5-12)
Research websites for History
Large collection of editorial cartoons; lesson plans explore and interpret the
symbolism in cartoons (7-12)
Online Trivia Games trivia games on geography, history, and more!
Center for History and New Media
Essays, original source materials, videos, audio recordings and more (8-12)
Century War
Costume Gallery
Chronicles historical fiction that spans two hundred years of American history
Information and links to clothing for several historical periods (K-12)
Interactive American History eXplorations; primary resources; online textbook
resources; interactive timeline and more (6-12)
Search for images related to the Middle Ages, the American Civil War, World
War II and other historical periods and events; also a wealth of information (K12)
Archiving Early America
Awesome Stories
Bits O'History Home Page
eHistory Picture Search
Eyewitness to History - History Through the
Eyes of Those Who Lived It
Famous Trials
High School Social Studies.url
Historical Valley Forge
History and Social Studies
History Central
History Interactive Lessons
History Mystery - Roaring 20's.url
History Mystery - Start the Game!.url
History Place
History Timelines on the Web ...
History Toolkit
History Wizard
home - Smithsonian's History Explorer.URL
Letters, narratives, diaries, recordings and interviews; take a look at some
Notable Quotes or hear Neville Chamberlain announce war with Germany;
first person accounts of history from Socrates' students, Mary Queen of Scots,
Harry Truman, the Dalton Gang and more (3-12)
Information on important historical trials; includes Thomas More, Amistad,
John Brown, O.J. Simpson and more (7-12)
a public forum for all matter geological -- includes geology in the news, virtual
classroom, virtual field trips, and more
9-12 Applying Technology Standards to Social Studies Lesson Plans
take a virtual tour of the museum, study the history, view a timeline, see the
weather reports, learn about the famous people who served, and more
EdSitement; extensive, reviewed lesson plans, activities, resources and links;
searchable by category and grade level (7-12)
Resources are grouped by topic: World History Chronology, America's Wars,
Nation by Nation (political atlas-like resources), Election Central, 20th Century
Almanac, Primary documents, biographies and special interest topics
including aviation, railroads, and more; covers before 5500 B.C. to the
present (4-12)
Includes teacher information, images, quizzes, PowerPoints (2-12)
Roaring 20's mystery
Solve the History Mystery in the fewest clues
Online exhibits include photos, timelines, and other information; Points of
View; Personal Histories; Something Different includes audio and slides
shows (7-12)
The History Beat US history internet links, history timelines, history resources
on the web and historical US cities
Help on history projects (8-12)
Search by topic, time period, region or keyword for multimedia collections,
films, books, articles and more (3-12)
Search for History Resources by grade and era K-12
curriculum guides, includes a page on Laura Ingalls Wilder
Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
K-5 Applying Technology Standards to Social Studies Lesson Plans
Interactive History Games
Main sourcebooks include Ancient History, Medieval History and Modern
History; subsidiary sourcebooks are African, East Asian, Indian, Islamic, Global,
Jewish, Science, Lesbian and Gay, and Women; primary and original source
Internet History Sourcebooks
material (8-12)
collections of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented
cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use, edited
by Paul Halsall
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
It's No Laughing Matter
Analyzing Political Cartoons
Sponsored by the National Park Service; a wide range of American historical
Links to the Past
resources (2-12)
a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the
antebellum period through reconstruction
Making of America
6-8 Applying Technology Standards to Social Studies Lesson Plans
Middle School Social Studies.url
Mr. Donn's
A variety of resources for teaching world and American history (3-12)
Mr. Social Studies
Links to online, interactive Social Studies activities (2-12)
National Archives and Records Administration online exhibit hall, digital classroom
Many documents and photos; worksheets for analyzing primary sources; and
National Archives- Digital Classroom
more (2-12)
Website reviews; "As a Historian"; primary source guides; teaching examples;
National History Education Clearinghouse
Best Practicies; and more (3-12)
"The Interactive Museum of News"; read the news from over 300
international newspapers; visit the Cybernewseum to learn about political
cartoons, headlines from the past, photojournalism and more (7-12)
compilations from the official Navy records of the American Civil War,
Official Records of the Union and the Confederate
the War of the Rebellion
New England life from 1790-1840
Old Sturbridge Village
Photo Archive from Life Magazine
information about Plimoth Plantation, the living history museum of the
seventeenth century in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the Pilgrim Story, the
history of Plymouth Colony (1620-1692), the Wampanoag Indians,
Thanksgiving, and links to related sites
American History Lesson Plans
Quia - Shared Activities.url
Links to over 5000 websites to manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical
Repositories of Primary Documents
photographs, and other primary sources worldwide (8-12)
WWW-VL History: Central Catalogue (index of approximately 2500 web sites)
quick history of the Revolutionary War, an overview of the events leading up
to the campaign, a timeline, games and more
Revolutionary War 1777
an illustrated history of the Roman Empire with chapters of history,
interactive maps, photos of re-enactments, an online quiz, and more!
Roman Empire
News Online, America's Leading News Source for Kids
Scholastic .URL
History of Child Labor Around the World
Scholastic News - Child Labor.url
Schoolhouse Rock
America rock lyrics and audio (K-6)
of Church and State: the Constitutional Principle
Separation of Church and State: the Constitutional
Social Studies PowerPoint Links
SMART-Ideas » Power Point Resource Links.URL
Social Studies Activities
SMART-Ideas » Social Studies.URL
Resources for History --
Social Studies
Social Studies Brian Pop.URL
Social Studies for Kids
Social Studies Online
State and County
Teaching with Historic Places
Test Your Geography Knowledge -- USA
The Electric Franklin
The History Net
The History Place
The Jerusalem Website
The Mayflower Web Pages
The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.url
The Texas State Senate - .URL
The United States Mint
The White House
This Day in History
U.S. Geography
U.S. Historical Documents Archive
U.S. Treasury - For Kids.url
US includes sites:
USGenWeb Project genealogy research -- l
USS Constitution Museum
Western Civilization, Fourth Edition
World History: HyperHistory
Quizzes fun educational exercises about the order of statehood, state capitals,
world capitals and more
BrainPop culture, economics, famous figures, geography, law, US history,
world history, movies
Lesson plans, activities, games, information (2-9)
Online resources for teaching elementary and middle school social studies (K8)
Industrial Revolution Solve the Mystery in the fewest clues
Quick Facts provides frequently requested Census Bureau information at the
national, state and county level
Lesson plans and resources for teaching history (K-12)
a huge repository of aerial photographs and satellite images taken from miles
overhead that you can view - find your house, or some place in the world that
you are currently studying
Map of the US, test your knowledge
contains primary source material, narratives, activities, interactive games, a
timeline, and more
Resource for world and American history; daily quiz; Today in History (K-12)
online exhibits - World War 2, Lincoln, Kennedy, plus more
historical sites, art and culture, current events, links to virtual tours, and much
includes the passenger list, transcriptions of historical documents, and much
Nuclear Weapons Proliferation game
Information News and Events of the 80th Legislative Session
Teachers and Kids corner with games and information
The White House Official Website
From the magazine, full of historical data
History Channel; information about what happened any date of the year (K12)
Documents hundreds of inventions of the 20th century; searchable by
decade (7-12)
can you identify all 50 states, or name the major rivers and lakes? More U.S.
geography activities are being developed
Archive of Historical Documents
For KIDS, white house, US mint, Engraving, USA, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau
US History
inks to state and county pages which often have local history for that area
brings Old Ironsides' history alive
resources, lesson plans, history links
navigate through 3000 years of World History with links to important persons
of world historical importance; civilization timelines; events and facts; and
historical maps
On the Web reports the news on a weekly basis from a Christian perspective,
to assist in developing a Christian understanding of the world, rather than
accepting existing secular ideologies -.url
Interactive history quizzes - Match-up, Historical Pairs, Flash cards, Sliding
Puzzles, Multiple-Choice
Xpeditions @
National Geographic Xpeditions Lesson Plans, Activities, Atlas, Hall, Standards
American History
History Channel- explores major changes in American society and culture
through the history o transportation and travel
America On The Move.url
PBS- Mount Rushmore films, timeline, gallery, teacher's guide
American Experience Mount Rushmore.url
of Sylvanus Thayer Award Address (Duty, Honor, Country)
American Rhetoric General Douglas MacArthurRecording
-- .url
famous speeches
American Rhetoric The Power of Oratory in theonline
Recording of Barbara Charline Jordan 1976 Keynote Address
America on the Move
American Centuries- A View From New
American Memory
America's Library
Digital Vaults
Famous Moments in American History
Library of Congress Learning Page
National Museum of American History
Our Documents
The Star Spangled Banner
U.S. Historical Census Bureau Browser
Within These Walls
Interactive site; learn about transportation and change in the U. S. (2-8)
Interactive sites; exhibits, activities; topics include clothing, tools,
architecture, education and more (3-12)
Access to the vast online collections of the Library of Congress; links
to selected primary sources on a variety of topics in United States history
arranged by chronological period (3-12)
Library of Congress page; people, events, geography; visual and audio
resources; interactive games and activities ( K-8)
Create a poster, video or challenge using materials from the National Archives
Inquiry-based, interactive modules designed to give students the opportunity
to conduct research, analyze primary sources, and draw their own
conclusions (5-12)
Information, activities focusing on famous moments in U.S. history (5-12)
19th century American history; content rich features have been drawn from
news articles, editorials, illustrations, and cartoons found in the pages of
Harper's Weekly (5-12)
Activities, resources, primary sources on a variety of topics including
immigration, Lewis and Clark, brand names, music, art and much more (5-12)
Interactive learning segments; history activities; downloadable PDF files (312)
In-depth information and resources for the 100 milestone documents in our
nation's history; teacher support materials (7-12)
Interactive site about our nation's flag (4-12)
Resource for American history, government, and politics (7-12)
Data describes the population and economy of U.S. states and counties from
1790 to 1960 including race, gender, education and occupation (5-12)
The history of a 200 year old Massachusetts home and the five families which
have lived there; interactive; Smithsonian (5-12)
American Presidency
Abraham Lincoln's Classroom
American Rhetoric Harry S. Truman - .url
study of the life of Abraham Lincoln; features a weekly quiz, maps, political
cartoons and commentary, links to web resources and a teachers section.
Recoding of The Truman Doctrine
American Rhetoric John F. Kennedy -Online Speech Bank George W. Bush --.url
TR An American Lion.url
30 Second Candidate
The American Presidency
American Presidents Life Portraits
Voice Library
Recording of Inaugural Address
Address to the Nation on the Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy
Ronald Reagan Space Shuttle Tragedy Address -Roosevelt videos clips, information
View and listen to political candidate commercials (5-12)
Grolier; includes information, video and sound clips, election results, links,
and presidential quizzes (3-12)
Biographical facts, key events of each presidency, presidential places,
reference material inaugural addresses, teacher information and more (4-12)
History section includes information on the Presidents themselves;
biographies of each first lady and cabinet member, listings of presidential
staff and advisers; Presidency in Action section features the functional side of
the presidency outlining the responsibilities of the president and the
resources at his disposal (4-12)
Sound files of the American Presidents beginning with Benjamin Harrison (712)
American Revolution
American Revolution Reference Resources
Annotated list of resources (K-12)
Chronicle of the Revolution
PBS Online; primary source material; links;; Road to Revolution game (4-12)
The Declaration of Independence
Information about the content, signers and history of the Declaration (3-12)
National Archives Experience; Charters of Freedom; information and links;
students can "sign" the declaration (3-12)
History Channel; learn about the background, signers, and content of
the Declaration (4-12)
Flash movie clips; includes Ben Franklin; Washington, Declaring
Independence, Paul Revere, Benedict Arnold and more (2-12)
From Colonial Williamsburg; investigate and decide to be loyal to Great
Britain or join the rebels (5-8)
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
Famous Moments in Early American History
Loyalty or Liberty?
United States/States and Capitals
Stately Knowledge
United States- Facts and Statistics
Postcards from America
Basic information and resources (K-6)
Capitals, States, lanscapes games and tutorials
Fifty Fun Facts; Firsts; Order of Entry into the Union (1-12)
Geography of America; important sites (3-12)
Guide to history, outdoors, tourism, events and attractions for the fifty
US 50 Guide
states (3-8)
Information and activities (PreK-8)
Information and links (1-12)
America's Story
Information and resources on individual states; stories (1-7)
Interactive map learn about the states
United States Interactive Map - New Yorkled.url
Learn about each state
Explore the States.url
Learn about the United States by playing interactive games; states, capitals,
All about the United States
landscapes (3-9)
50 States Elementary Lesson Plans
Lessons by state or generic worksheets and activities (1-12)
Symbols, maps, people, and other information (1-12)
Tecas Senate Kids
Texas Senate Kids.url
50 States
United States Facts Page
Information about the 50 states
ThinkQuest; packed with information, statistics, interactive games and puzzles
and more (2-8)
Colonial America / 13 colonies
History Globe.URL
13 Originals
America's Story Colonial America
Archaeology at Jamestown
The Jamestown Online Adventure
Founding the American Colonies; information and links (5-12)
Information, activities (2-8)
Two interactive archaeology modules demonstrate how Jamestown
Rediscovery archaeologists do their work (5-12)
Resource for 18th century America; visuals; primary source material; Now
Archiving Early America
Playing features videos such as The Life of George Washington (3-12)
All about Pocahontas
BBC - Famous People - Pocahontas.url
Sample Songs from the Colonial and Revolution period
Colonial and Revolution Songs.url
Colonial House . Interactive History PBS.url Interactive History of colonial times
Media Gallery colonial times
Colonial House . Media Gallery . Introduction PBS.url
Colonial Williamsburg
History Mystery - Start the Game!.url
History Mystery - Start the Game!2.url
History Mystery - Start the Game!3.url
Interactive Exercises--.url
Jamestown 1607 Survival.url
Jamestown Online Adventure
Focuses on colonial history; includes activities, information, visuals (3-12)
Early colonies, Jamestown and Chesapeake Bay
Use clues to solve the mystery of the Colonial period Game 1
Use clues to solve the mystery of the Colonial period Game 2
Use clues to solve the mystery of the Colonial period Game 2
Colonial Williamsburg
Historic Jamestowne
Build your own Plantation interactive
Jamestown 1607 Experience
Join the adventures as they establish the first permanent English settlement
in America (4-8)
National Geo Kids Jamestown Adventure with John Smith
Life onboard; what happened to the passengers; genealogy of Mayflower
passengers; women onboard; history of the ship; the Plymouth Rock colony;
primary sources including personal journals and wills of Pilgrims (6-12)
Colonial Williamsburg online Exhibits
Colonial Period 1607-1776 activites and lessons
Our America.url
Plimoth Plantation
Online activities which investigate life in Plimoth Plantation (2-8)
Interactive History of colonial times
SECRETS OF THE DEAD . Death at Jamestown PBS.url
Scholastic; learn about the daily lives of the Pilgrims and Wampanoag;
The First Thanksgiving
includes a timeline and teacher support materials (3-8)
Thanksgiving with history, recipe ideas, and crafts for the kids
All About Thanksgiving homespun
the Center.url
First Thanksgiving activity
The First Thanksgiving - You Are the Historian -Investigating
Online Learning
Online exhibit and lesson plan with teacher's guide
Interactive Lesson that let you dress up, read first person accounts , and look
at maps,
Things To Do.url
Virtual Jamestown Tour
Virtual Jamestown.url
Pochontas marries John Rolfe Video
You be the historian, what was it like living in the past?
You Be the Historian.url
Salem Trials
National Geographic.url
Salem Witch-Hunt--Interactive
The Witches Curse PBS
Clothing 1700-1900
A Day in the Life -- .url
Clothing 1700-1900.url
Colonial Williamsburg
Clothing from 1700-1900
American Revolution
Colonial and Revolution Songs.url
George Washington's Mount Vernon - .url
History Happens - .url
LIBERTY! . Perspectives PBS.url
LIBERTY! . Road to Revolution Game PBS.url
Movies of Early America
Revolutionary War Brief Contents.url
Save Our History - .url
The Paul Revere House.url
Sample Songs from the Colonial and Revolution period
Virtual Mansion Tour
Stories from history on video, Remember The Ladies
Lesson plans, activites,
Game about the revolution
Primary Source Material from 18th Century America.url
Animated Atlas of the war
Journals, homes, information
The Search for George Washington
Stories from history on video, Jack Jouette's Ride
Virtual Paul Revere Midnight Ride
Listen to stories from immigration island
History Happens - Immigration Island.url
Listen to stories of Lady Liberty
History Happens - Lady Off The Shore.url
Stories abot coming to America
Immigration Stories of Yesterday and Today Home.url
1900-1920 immigration to New York
Our America.url
Interactive tour of Ellis Island
Welcome to Immigration.url
American Indians
You be the historian bufflao hide use, paintings, make your own
Information about the Moundbuilders and life along the Mississippi River (1Ancient Architects of the Mississippi
Skagit River Mission game
First Americans
Information and activities (K-6)
History Happens - Fight No More Forever.urlListent o stories of Fight no More
Native Americans
Annotated list of resources for Native Americans (K-12)
Native Tech
Online, interactive activities (1-6)
Test on Native Americans
Online quiz (3-8)
The North American Indian
Photos; links (3-12)
Explore the role of the buffalo in the lives of the American Indians of the
Tracking the Buffalo
northern plains (2-8)
American Indians.url
Anasazi -
anasazi digs Resources and Information. This website is for sale!.url
Conquistadors - Mexico.url
Montezuma and the Aztecs, timelines, journals, teaching guide
Conquistadors - Peru.url
Project Inca!.url
The Inca Empire, timeline, journals, teaching journals
Step through a portal of time to the Incas
Secret of the Mya Glyphs
Amazing Travel Bureau @
Journey through Tikal
Ancient Mayan Ruins.url
Why do civializatiosns fall?
Annenberg Media Exhibits Collapse.url
Reading Maya Hieroglyphs
NOVA Online Lost King of the Maya .url
Maps of Maya- click on location and learn more about the site
Yucatán Peninsula.url
Cayon Rock Art Mission research game
Prehistoric Pueblos research misssion game
Westward Expansion
American West
Animated Atlas Growth of a Nation.url
Diamond Ranch Web Site (National
Cowboy Museum)
Gold Rush
History Mystery -.url
Mexican War Preview.url
Mormon Trail
Oregon Trail
Our America.url
OurStory.url -.url
Web Guide to the American West with sections on Archaeology, Cowboys,
Critters, Emigration, Films, "Indians", Outlaws, Places, Research and Trading
Post (K-12)
Interactice growth of a nation video
Tours, exhibits, games, characters, printables (2-6)
Gov. Warren's Expedition
Links; information (4-12)
Westward Migration Word puzzel
Expansion West and the Mexican War: Preview of California
This section occurs at the beginning of the Mexican War in 1846. At this time
California was under Mexican rule
The Pioneer Story; visit sites on the trail (3-12)
Learn about the Oregon Trail; visit sites along the trail (1-12)
Westward Migration diaries, journals, etc.
Stories of women from our past
Vocabulary from the California Gold Rush and puzzles
Lesson plans; primary resources; links (3-12)
Lewis and Clark
Interactive Lewis and Clark.url
Interactive Materials.url
Interactive Timeline Lewis and Clark.url
Interactive Trail Map.url
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark . .url
Lewis and Clark National Geographic
Lewis and Clark Online Exhibition
Lewis and Clark Timeline
National Geographic Lewis & Clark.url
The Lewis and Clark Adventure
Join the Expedition
Interactive Lewis and Clark activies
Interactive Timeline Lewis and Clark
Interactive Trail Map
Many activities, lesson plans, and resources (1-12)
Into The Unknown PBS
Activities, information, links (1-12)
Pictures; information (1-12)
Timeline of the expedition (1-12)
Interactive journey log, records, films, forums
From the U.S. Mint; game type format (2-6)
Trail video clips
Take an Adventure!
Oregon Trail
Fantastic Facts about the Oregon-Trail.url Severasl activities
Take a tour
Historical Sites.url
Student partners research a battle and then write a letter outlining their
perspective in that battle; includes guided research questions to assure
Civil War WebQuest
comprehension (5-8)
Gettysburg Address
Pathways to Freedom
Interactive site provides information about Lincoln's famous speech (4-12)
Interactive site; Underground Railroad in Maryland (5-12)
Primary source materials including Harper's Weekly articles, cartoons, and
prints; activities; and simulation (8-12)
National Geographic, take this interactive journey through the Underground
Railroad, following the slave route, exploring hiding compartments, meeting
slaves, and reviewing a timeline; classroom ideas offer activities by grade
levels (4-12)
Underground Railroad
Underground Railroad: Escape from
From Scholastic; interactive (3-12)
Voices from the Days of Slavery (Library of Twenty-three former slaves describe their lives: slavery, slaveholders, their
families, freedom (5-12)
War of 1812
(U.S. National Park Service).url
Fort McHenry National Monument and HistoricPhoto
Interactive exploration of the flag
Depression Era
People's Century Breadline J.url
video clips from Depression Era.url
John Takman Interview
Video Clips from the Depression Era
Twentieth Century
1920-1940 Kansas City Jazz Age
Brother Can you Spare a Dime
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: Political
Perspective After 40 Years
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt
Harlem Renaissance
Legends of Tuskegee
Remembering the 1940’s
Vietnam Radical Times
Tenement Museum
The Twentieth Century:
American Cultural History
20th Century
Year by Year
An online exhibit; The Jazz Age in Kansas City: Kansas City Paris of the Plains;
audio and visual (4-12)
Resources for the Great Depression (7-12)
Includes press releases, declassified documents, photographs, audio clips,
documents, naval charts and other declassified records on the U.S. hunt for
Soviet submarines; day-by-day, minute-by-minute chronologies (8-12)
Letters to the First Lady during the Great Depression (7-12)
Information and activities for this decade (7-12)
A multimedia exploration of the individuals, places, and creative works of the
period (9-12)
Features the achievements of African Americans such as Booker Washington
and George Washington Carver (7-12)
Resources for 1940's (5-12)
Many resources on the Vietnam Conflict (7-12)
Life as an early immigrant coming to the U.S. (7-12)
A series of web guides on the decades of the twentieth century; visuals; links
Decade review of the 20th century, timelines, Best and Worst, Disasters,
Entertainment, Sports; searchable (4-12)
African American History
The Time of the Lincolns Slavery and Freedom
American Experience .url
Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream
American Rhetoric.url
Martin Luther King, Jr. -- I've Been to the Mountaintop
American Rhetoric(April 3 1968).url
Matching game
Black History matching Game.url
Tuskegee Airmen 60th Anniversary
Celebrate Freedom -- .url
Black History in America
Culture & Change
Retrace marchers steps in their fight for equal rights
Fight for rights game.url
Interact with Gullah music
Gullah Music Activities.url
Civil Rights Movement Solve the Mystery
History Mystery -.url
Coretta Scott King Word Puzzel
History Mystery -.url
LBJ We Shall Overcome Address
Online exhibit
Virtual tour of MLK's home
MLK Birth Home Virtual Tour.url
Road Trip!.url
The History of Jim Crow.url
American Slave Narratives
Documenting the American South:
Underground Railroad--.URL
Underground Railroad--.url
Underground Railroad.url
Who am I- Black History.url
RFK Speech on MLK's assaination
virtual tours of civial rights history
Rosa Parks How I Fought for Civil Rights
Underground railroad story
Jim Crow Interactive Simulations
An Online Anthology of American Slave Narratives
First-Person Narratives of the American South
History of Slavery, Pictures, Information
History of Slavery, Pictures, Information
Following the footsteps lessons
Civil rights timeline game
Current Events
Shows what is happening hour by hour; scroll to the right to see the words or
10 X 10
click on a picture for the story (4-12)
Covers breaking news, sports, health and showbiz stories; includes pictures
and video clips; searchable (K-12)
PBS; background information; searchable (4-12)
Interactive exhibits featuring news from around the world; online exhibits,
Newseum - The Interactive Museum of News quizzes, lesson plans (7-12)
Time for Kids
World News
Visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news
aggregator; the objective is to demonstrate visually the relationships between
data and the unseen patterns in news media (7-12)
Archived for easy searching (K-12)
Sponsored by Time Magazine; contains news, multimedia, and more; articles
are archived so teachers can create stable links to curriculum-related; kidfriendly material (1-12)
Access news by region, country, topic, language (5-12)
Inventions and Inventors
Famous Inventions A-Z
The Greatest Inventors and Inventions
The History of Invention
Inventors and Inventions
Inventions and Inventors
Learn about inventions (3-12)
A Junior Thinkquest (3-7)
Interactive site provides information about inventions (4-12)
Links and resources; Enchanted Learning (K-12)
Links to major and minor inventions (K-12)
Primary Sources
Library of Congress
National Archives
Primary Source Learning
Primary Source Materials and Document
Based Questions
Using Cultural Artifacts and Primary Source
Documents in the Classroom
Introduces students to the study of primary sources, then has them analyze
documents about slavery in the United States (5-12)
Resources; information (5-12)
Resources for learning and teaching (3-12)
Links to Internet Resources (4-12)
Primary source tools (5-12)
A collection of historical and culturally significant timelines, arranged by
subject (K-12)
Dmarie Time Capsule
A collection of historical and culturally significant timelines, arranged by
subject (K-12)
Generates a time capsule for the date you enter; includes top televison show,
Academy Award winners, cost of items, popular books, news headlines and
more; data for 1800-2002 (4-12)
infoplease - Timeline Archive
How to Create a Timeline
A collection of timelines with categories including World History, U.S.,
Countries, Entertainment, Sports, War, Health & Science, and more (K-12)
Step-by-step instructions for creating a timeline (2-12)
Timelines of History
Timeline Student Interactive
1900-2003 World Events, U.S. Events, Economics, Sports, Entertainment and
more; World History 1000-2003; American Music 1640-2000; Fashion 18582000; Millennial Milestones, Ira Timeline 1920-2004; and more (2-12)
Timeline resources (3-12)
Numerous, searchable timelines covering people, events, periods, and places
Generates a timeline up to 9 events (1-12)
Universal history site with individual country timelines, also Today in History
and various subjects timelines (K-12)
Easy to use timeline generator (2-12)
History Timeline
History Timelines- American, World
Fact Monster Timeline
Timeline Index
Timeline Generator
Archaeology at Jamestown
ArchaeOlogy- Clues from the Past
Archaeology for Kids
CyberPursuits Archaeology
Two interactive archaeology modules demonstrate how Jamestown
Rediscovery archaeologists do their work (5-12)
American Museum of Natural History; interactive; investigate Inca ruins and
other sites; tools of the trade (4-12)
Information about how archaeologist work (3-6)
Links categorized by world regions (3-12)
Hunt the ancestor archaeology excavations and techniques
Abraham Lincoln
A & E Biography
Bio. Classroom
Biographical Dictionary
Biographies for Kids
Distinguished Women Past and Present
Famous People
Great African Americans
about Abraham
lessons and more to aid in the
teaching of biographies (3-12)
Features educational resources, study guides, projects, websites, and video
from A&E, including the History Channel and (3-12)
Covers more than 28,000 notable men and women from ancient times to the
present day; searchable by birth years, death years, positions held,
professions, literary and artistic works, achievements, and other keywords;
ideas, links and an interactive quiz (3-12)
Categorized from American Presidents to Women Who Made a Difference (16)
Links to biographical information and resources (5-12)
Interactive site; learn about people and take a quiz (K-5)
Enchanted Learning; short biographies (1-6)
The HistoryMakers
InfoPlease Biography
Meet Amazing Americans
My Hero
George Washington
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King
The King Center
An archive of multimedia-filled biographies; images and sound files;
categories include Art, Business, Civic, Education, Entertainment, Law, Media,
Medical, Military, Music, Political, Religion, Science, Sports, Style (6-12)
Features biographical profiles and special features about newsworthy people
around the world; searchable by subject or category (3-12)
Library of Congress; inventors, politicians, performers, activists, and others (K8)
Biographical information (3-12)
Get the facts on more than 30,000 people including U.S. presidents, explorers,
famous African Americans and more (1-12)
Explore puzzles, quizzes and fun historical features to learn about the life and
times of George Washington (K-6)
Over 3,000 entries of famous people, characters and creatures (4-12)
Timeline, quizzes and word search (K-4)
Information about Dr. King, biography, speeches and more (K-12)
biographies of writers, missionaries, evangelists, preachers, scientists,
explorers, including Livingstone, Nightingale, ten Boom, Billy Graham, C.S.
Lewis, Wesley, Mother Teresa, Slessor, Aylward, Columbus, Carver, Bunyan,
Jakes, Carmichael
Heroes of History Sam Wellman's heroes of history:
World History
BBC - History - Weapons Through Time.url
Discover the Ottomans
Electronic Passport
Japanese Samurai
British History Weapons Through Time Game
BBC History Archive, Timeline, Ancient History, British History
Includes history, family, art, culture and more (7-12)
Browse the world in a virtual classroom (3-12)
Extensive information on past and present world explorers (K-12)
People, places and events in world history (K-12)
Portraits, information, tour and links (7-12)
Wonders of the World Hillman
Impartial descriptions and photos of the world's top 100 wonders (4-12)
Wonders of the World ThinkQuest
You Wouldn't Want to be . . .
Ancient World
ThinkQuest sites feature a variety of lists of seven wonders that include
Natural Wonders, Ancient Wonders, Engineering Wonders, etc. (3-12)
Read interactive stories to learn about gladiators, polar explorers, sailors, or
mummies (2-10)
(See also Ancient Egypt)
House of Ptolemy
Forum Romanum
Ancient Athens
Ancient China British Museum
Ancient China KidsKonnect
Ancient Mediterranean World
History for Kids! Kidipede
Mesopotamia British Museum
Mr. Dowling's Mesopotamia
an aid in the study of the Ptolemaic (Macedonian-based Greek), Roman
Imperial (Greco-Roman), and Byzantine rulers of Egypt based in Alexandria,
this site is intended for all classicists and students of Hellenistic history
dictionary of mythology, Roman history, Roman life, Latin language, Latin
literature, picture index, and more!
Photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of
ancient Athens (7-12)
Extensive resource about Ancient China (4-12)
Links to resources on Ancient China (7-12)
Information and resources for Greece, Rome, Egypt (4-9)
Valuable information and links (3-9)
Information, pictures, timeline and resources (7-12)
Resources, links, quiz (7-12)
Greek Mythology
The Families of the Gods World Mythology
Greek Mythology
Myth Web
World Mythology; information and links (K-12)
Information, graphics, and resources (7-12)
Learn about Greek gods and goddesses (5-12)
Ancient Egypt
The Amarna Site Egypt's Amarna Period
Ancient Egypt @ The British Museum
Ancient Egypt Primary Project Pages
Ancient Egypt Online @ The Royal Ontario
Ancient Egypt Webquest
Ancient Egypt WebQuest
Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans
Eqypt's Amarna Period
Many graphics and extensive information (5-12)
This site is divided into six main sections; Ideas,
Links, Resources, Information, Hands-on and Feedback (2-6)
Intended to provide some of the tools needed to explore the World of the
Pyramids (4-12)
Learn about Ancient Egyptian daily life, mummies, hieroglyphics, King Tut,
games and archeology (4-8)
WebQuest about the history of Egypt (4-8)
A variety of teaching ideas, resources, links (3-12)
At the Tomb of Tutankhamen
Neferchichi's Tomb
ThinkQuest-Mummies of Ancient Egypt
The Pyramid Challenge
Tutankhamun & the Golden Age of the
Pharaohs: Educational materials
WebQuest -- King Tutankhamun: Was It
National Geographic; set in 1923 and the long-sought tomb of Tutankhamun
is about to yield its secrets (4-12)
Basics of Egyptian hieroglyphics with web-based lessons; interactive number
and fraction translators (4-12)
Walk through King Tutankhamun's virtual tomb, view pictures during the
excavation, or learn about his father Akhenaten (K-12)
Free Egypt related clip art; interactive activities (3-9)
Information about Ancient Egypt that covers a large spectrum of topics such
as mummification, the pharaohs, the temples, the monuments, the myths and
legends, the lives of the ancient Egyptians, and more (5-12)
Interactive game about pyramid building (3-7)
Resource for teaching and learning materials (K-12)
A WebQuest designed to determine if King Tut was murdered (4-9)
Medieval Period
The End of Europe's Middle Ages Tutorial
Medieval Job Finder
A web tutorial on the Middle Ages (5-12)
Follow Marcus the Mouse through eight different regions of a castle as he
encounters people and facts; learn about banquets, knights, prisoners and
more (2-6)
Explore the Middle Ages with the help of guides of various social stations in
order to see what life was like for different kinds of people; learn about all
facets of life in Medieval Europe including trade, the crusades, literature, and
medicine of the times (3-12)
eMINTS links to informative sites (3-10)
Students take a simple personality quiz which identifies a suitable Medieval
Job and includes a description of their duties (4-12)
Medieval Sourcebook
Middle Ages
Multiple resources and links on the Medieval period; searchable (4-12)
Homes, clothing, entertainment, life, health (5-12)
Ghosts in the Castle
Medieval Europe
Medieval Feudalism
Middle East Crisis
Israel- Palestine Conflict
Israel and the Palestinians
The Middle East in Crisis
Prospects for Peace
News Hour; background information; links; lesson plans (7-12)
BBC; up-to-date information; background studies and links (7-12)
Current and historical information and links (7-12)
Lesson plan with printables; resources (7-12)
Renaissance Connection
Renaissance Out of the Middle Ages
Renaissance, The Elizabethan Era
Welcome to Renaissance Faire
Interactive web site provides information and graphics (7-12)
Interactive; informative; images; exhibits (5-12)
Links to many resources (5-12)
Language; costumes; historical perspectives, and more (5-12)
Russian Revolution
Alexander Palace Time Machine
Russian Revolution Hoot Scoot
Russian Revolution Source Book
"The Home of the Last Romanovs and Russian History" (7-12)
Interactive game which reviews the Russian Revolution (7-12)
Links to a wide variety of resources (7-12)
World War I
All Quiet WebQuest
BBC - History - .url
Learn about WW I while completing this WebQuest (8-12)
World War One Trench Virtual Tour
Soldiers' Stories Audio Gallery
BBC - History - Soldiers' Stories Audio Gallery.url
Weapons of War Mark 1 Tank
BBC - History -.url
history through the eyes of those who lived it
EyeWitness to History - .url
Aminmated map of Battle of Somme
WWI Movies
The Great War . Chapter 1 . Explosion PBS.url Videos and lessons
World War I
BBC; animations; timelines; games; and more (8-12)
World War I Online
WW I War Times Journal
Read and listen to stories of the War from the people who lived it includes
diaries, letters, scrapbooks, newspaper cuttings, photos and keepsakes (7-12)
True stories, articles, games, timneline, poems
Flash maps; photos, information (8-12)
True stories, articles, games, timneline, poems
World War II
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation (12-08-41)
Inside the Nazi State . Maps & Plans PBS
Tells the story of World War II through personal stories, words, and accounts
Autobiography of War
from veterans and those living in that time (7-12)
Animated Map Operation Overlord
BBC - History - .url
Animated Map The Fall of France (Dunkirk)
BBC - History - .url
Animated Map The North African Campaign
BBC - History - .url
Genocide Under the Nazis
BBC - History - .url
The Battle of the Atlantic Game
BBC - History - .url
World War II Movies
BBC - History - .url
Voices of D-Day.
BBC - History - url
videos, information, lessons
BBC - History - World War Two.url
Animated Map The Burma Campaign
BBC - History -.url
audio of Churchill
Elie Wiesel, The Perils of Indifference audio speech
history through the eyes of those who lived it
EyeWitness to History - .url
WWII solve the mystery game
History Mystery - Start the Game!.url
Children of WWII- What it was like for the children
animated map of auschwitz
animated map of d-day landings
animated map of Battle of El Alamein
animated map of The Italian Campaign
WWII Movies: D-Day
Be a witness, interactive mapping initiatives
mapping initiatives.url
NOVA Great Escape Inside Tunnel Harry PBS.urlInside the tunnels
Decoding Nazi Secrets Send a Coded Message
NOVA Online .url
Hitler's Lost Sub
NOVA Online Hitler's Lost Sub Fire a Torpedo.url
Private Art: WW II Letters To and From
A collection of letters written by and to a WW II soldier (8-12)
Bombing Nazi Dams PBS
D-Day . Background PBS
Pearl harbor video and audio
Eleanor Roosevelt Maps
The American Experience .url
American Rhetoric.url
Auschwitz .url
The Ultimate Collection of World War I and
World War II Research Statistics
Virtual Reality Movies Auschwitz.url
Voices of World War II
World War II Rationing
Links and statistics to most aspects of both World Wars; free downloads
available (8-12)
Virtual Reality Movies Auschwitz
Audio resources for WW II (7-12)
Experience rationing during WW II (7-12)
education, imagines, witnesses, audio/video, links, books
Categorized by documents, maps, films, etc. (7-12)
Follow Harold's Journey Through His Interactive Map (With Audio). What
was contained in the suitcase he mistakenly took back to his hiding place?
Cybrary of the Holocaust
How did this event save his life? (7-12)
Illuminating the Past, Enlightening the Future
Holocaust Memorial Center:
United States Holocaust Museum: exhibitions, information, educational
Holocaust Museum
resources (K-12)
Memorial Museum, survivor stories, timeline, history
Tampa Bay Holocaust Memorial Museum
Research guides, people, special features
The Nizkor Project -- Holocaust Educational Resource
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Education, research, history, remembrance, genocide, support
A Cybrary of the Holocaust,
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Anne Frank
a photo scrapbook of Anne’s life and family, Anne’s journal and how it
survived WWII to become one of the most widely read personal accounts
of the Holocaust
Anne Frank
Excerpts from the Missing Pages of Anne Frank's
Diary from the Missing Pages of Anne Frank's Diary
Holocaust research sites Anne Frank FAQ
Anne Frank FAQs (USHMM Library).URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank - Exhibit.URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank - the official Anne Frank House website.URL
Information about Anne Frank
Anne Frank aritcle from Holocaust Learing Center.URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank Center.URL
Anne Frank Diary Reference Guide
Anne Frank Diary Reference.URL
In Spanish
Anne Frank en Espanol.URL
Unique online source bank for students.
Anne Frank Guide – URL
Lessons in Human Rights and Dignity
Anne Frank .URL
The Writer: An Unfinished Story
Anne Frank .URL
Cybrary of the Holocaust Student Gallery.URL Cybrary of the Holocaust Student Gallery
Faces of Courage- Teenagers who resisted.URLFaces of Courage- Teenagers who resisted
Children's Art about the Holocaust
Imagine--The Art Gallery Room 1.URL
Interview with Miep Gies
Interview with Miep Gies.URL
Going into hiding
NIE Going into hiding.URL
Sparknotes of the Diary
SparkNotes Diary of a Young Girl.URL
Music from the Holocaust
The Music of the Holocaust.URL
Auschwitz Museum Archive
Then and Now Picture painting tour.URL
Time 100 Anne Frank
TIME 100 Anne Frank.URL
Virtual Tour
of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
Virtual Tour of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration
Research about the Play
about the play itself.URL Classroom Study Guides.URL Classroom Study Guides2.URL
Anne Frank @Web English Teacher.URL
Anne Frank Additional Resources.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank In the World - Teacher Workbook -Anne
Utah Frank
sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank The Biography The Cybrary Presents
an Excerpt.URL
Frank Biography
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Holocaust Cybrary remembering the Survivors,Remembering
the survivors
Holocaust Lesson Plans and Curricula.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank Teacher Manual
Lesson Exchange Anne Frank intro (Middle, Literature).URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Lesson Plan for Faces of Courage.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
No Way Out, Readers Theater.URL
Collection of Letters from No Way Out
Random House for High School Teachers Catalog
The Diary
and information
of a Young Girl
by Anne
the diary
the play
Reading Group Guide ANNE FRANK DIARY OF ALessons
by Anne
the diary and the play
Shamash's Jewish Links Holocaust.URL
Teachers Guide to the Holocaust
The Holocaust History Project Homepage.URL Holocaust History project
The Truth About Anne Frank A 12 Hour Class Outline.URL
Truth about anne Frank
We Remember Anne Frank-- Teacher's Guide.URL
Resource List for Anne Frank
Anne Frank WebQuest
Moving images of Anne
Photos of Anne Frank and the Holocaust
Photos of Anne Frank and Family
Anne Frank - gallery public domain.URL
Photos of Anne Frank and Family
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library & Museum.URL Photos of WWII
Holocaust Photos.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
Photographs Documenting the Holocaust in Hungary.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
Results for 'holocaust photos'.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
The Holocaust.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
Pictures of World War II by History Link 101.URL
WWII Pictures
U.S.A History - Image Archives - Public Domain.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
History Mystery - Explorers1.url
History Mystery - Explorers2.url
Solve the Mystery Explorers game 1
Solve the Mystery Explorers game 2
Columbus, Fry, Henry VIII, Brunel
BBC - Schools - Famous People.url
Famous People activites
videos, activites, inforamtion
P B S C o n q u i s t a d o r s - C a b e z a d e VConquistadorsa c a.url
Viking Quest Game
BBC - History - Viking Quest.url
Viking Name Converter
GORM Viking Name Converter.url
History Mystery - Vikings Word Puzzle.url History Mystery - Vikings Word Puzzle
NOVA Online The Vikings- videos, activities, lessons
NOVA Online The Vikings.url
Lost Vikings of Greenland TV Episode
PBS - Secrets of the Dead.url
V I K I N G S T H E N O R T H A T L A N T I CVikings
S A G A.url
Warrior Challenge. Vikings. Interactive ZoneVikings.
PBS.urlInteractive Zone, Tour a viking warship
Asian Studies
Center for East Asian Studies
Center for European Studies
Links to various Asian topics and countries (K-12)
Links to resources for Eastern Asia (2-12)
Resources for Europe (1-12)
Center for Russian and East European
Electronic Passport
Holidays from Around the World
Kulture Kidz
World of Islam
North Pole
Links for topics on Russia and East Europe (1-12)
Browse the world in a virtual classroom (1-10)
Information about holidays from different countries (1-6)
Interactive site; learn about African American culture (K-8)
National Geographic (3-12)
Christmas around the world (1-6)
China on the Net
Annotated list of links to China related sites (K-12)
Six Paths to China
Great Wall of China
Interactive activities and WebQuests for learning about China (4-12)
Explore the Great Wall of China (4-8)
Japanese Lifestyles
Japanese Culture
Hotlist of Life in Feudal Japan
Resources and links (7-12)
Information categorized by subject (7-12)
Links to resources on Feudal Japan (7-12)
Africa BBC
Africa Cam
Africa Maps
Kids Africa
Up-to-date information and resources (3-12)
Online web cam of Africa (K-12)
Extensive collection of maps (K-12)
Includes regional information, African Challenge, photos, Teacher
Resources, Africa for Kids, links, resources and more (3-12)
Many resources and links (K-12)
Timelines and links to African history (5-12)
Links and resources to a variety of African topics (7-12)
Explore Africa as you hunt for treasure with your guide Anansi the spider
The Story of Africa
BBC; the history of the continent from an African perspective (7-12)
Africa PBS
African Studies Center
African Timeline
Internet African History Sourcebook
Interesting Facts about Japan
Kids Japan
Trivia about Japan (3-12)
Get basic information includes geography, politics, culture and much more
Middle East
Middle East Center
Lesson plans, free materials, links and resources (6-12)
Blackwell's Holidays and Seasons
A collection of links to Internet resources (K-12)
Learn about Hanukkah (K-12)
Christmas Around the World
Christmas Around the World Peace
Learn about the origins of Christmas and Christmas traditions (K-12)
Earth Calendar
History Channel
How Stuff Works
Winter Holidays Around the World
Learn how Christmas is celebrated in many countries K-8)
Find out what holidays and events are being celebrated around the world;
search by date, country or religion (3-12)
History of Christmas (K-12)
How Christmas works (K-12)
A collection of activities and links (K-6)
Industrial Technology
Industrial & Technology Education.URL
Careers in Industrial Technology
Fantastic Contraption
Links to career (K-12)
Numerous links to industrial technology career paths (7-12)
Create your own fantastic contraption to solve the puzzle (K-12)
How Everyday Things Are Made
How Stuff Works
National Safety Council
Learn how everyday things are made; from candy bars to airplane (4-12)
From automotive to transportation, find out how things work (7-12)
Injury prevention resources for the workplace (7-12)
Automotive Encyclopedia
Automotive Technology Lesson Planning
How Cars Work
An overview of the automobile's basic systems (9-12)
A wide range of automotive topics including repair, car buying, resources and
links (9-12)
Online lessons on how a car works (7-12)
Construction / Architecture
Advanced Building Technologies
Architect Studio 3D
Building Big
Education Index
(Architecture and Design)
Education Index
Google Sketchup
Small Blue Printer
Ninety technologies and practices that improve the energy and resource
efficiency of buildings (7-12)
Design a house with Frank Lloyd Wright for your client and walk through it in
3D (7-12)
Focus is large structures and what it takes to build them; includes Bridges,
Domes, Skyscrapers, Dams, and Tunnels; interactive engineering labs (7-12)
An index of the best sites related to architecture and design (7-12)
An index of the best sites related to construction trades (7-12)
Free software for creating, modifying, and sharing 3D models (7-12)
Design your house plan blueprints online, then take a 3D walkthrough your
design, and check out an isometric view and print out your plan (7-12)
How To Links
Cable channel with a wide variety of home improvement topics with plans
and instructions (7-12)
Home improvement cable channel (7-12)
Online source of home improvement, remodeling and repair information (712)
Retailer and Manufacturer of home automation electronics for every aspect
of your home; products to make life more convenient, safe, and fun (7-12)
Do It Yourself Network
Home and Garden TV
NASA Robotics
Robotics and Christ
The world's most advanced humanoid robot, created by Honda (7-12)
Resources for teachers and students (7-12)
Design and build your own robots in the interactive construction labs and
discover the basic skills needed for becoming an expert roboteer (7-12)
Robotics Competition Details.URL
Robotics Details.URL
KeyBoarding Documents
Black and White Keyboard
Colored Keyboard
5th Grade Curriculum
6th Grade Curriculum
Blank keyboard
Colored fingering keyboard
Illustration of proper technique
Link to the LSR7 5th grade curriculum including lessons and activities
Link to the LSR7 6th grade curriculum including lessons and activities
Keyboarding Practice Sites
Keyboard challenge
Al Bunny's Typing Class
Computer Circus
Crazy Typing
Keyboarding Lessons and Ideas
Keyboarding Practice
Keyboarding Practice
Learn 2 Type
LSR7 Internet Safety Site
Neo Pets
Net SMART Kids
Peter's Online Typing Course
Power Typing
Rank My Typing
Type the letters and see if the bunny can beat the turtle; free download
Choose the keys you want to practice
Type letters as they pass through the timing bar
Attempt to vaporize asteroids (letters) before they hit your space ship; free
From BBC; learn and practice keyboarding
Lessons and tests
16 lessons to practice your keyboarding skills
Keyboarding for Kindergarten
Information about teaching keyboarding, technique checklist, resources. Click
Introduction to Keyboarding for Elementary School Students for step-by-step
Type a letter on the keyboard and watch it light up on the screen
Basic practice exercises; home row and more
Interactive exercises which help you learn to type
LSR7 Internet Safety site for parents and students
Practice typing words on the Grundo's
Internet Safety site used in third grade keyboarding
Free online typing lessons and typing exercises for beginning typists
Free online typing tutor
Test your speed and accuracy among peers
Spell Dictator
Type Masta
Type Me
Typer Shark
Typing ABCs
Typing Test
Typer Spider
A Keyboarding Page
ABCya! Keyboard Challenge
BBC - Schools - .URL
Byte Back T.URL
CTE-Keyboarding .URL
Elementary Keyboarding Guide .URL
Elementary Keyboarding.url
Free online typing .URL
Type the word by filling in the empty bubbles before they move off the screen
Practice typing words on a squadron of planes
Typing game; practice letters
Rescue falling letters and words by typing them correctly
Typing games; play online or download
Practice typing the letters of the alphabet
Free typing test that tests typing speed
Practice typing from letters to words
For learning techniques, drills, finger positions and much more
Learn the Keys Game
Dance Mat Typing - Home
Typing Tutorial Introduction
Lesson Plan Search Results
(Interim Edition) - Table of Contents
Elementary keyboarding
Typing test with touch typing tutorials
Flash Typing
Dance Mat Typing
Free Typing Games
Glencoe's Online Keyboarding
Key Seeker
Free typing games online, fun and lesson based keyboarding games including
home row! - .URL
Keyboarding Games
gamequarium Keyboarding Games.URL
Mrs. Johnson's Keyboarding Page
Utah keyboarding Site
K-12 Keyboarding - USOE.URL
Keyboarding activities
Keyboard Activities.URL
Keyboarding Practice
Keyboarding Practice.URL
Keyboarding resources
Keyboarding Resources.URL
keyboarding tutor Free Typing Games
online free touch typing program .URL
Free typing games online
Quazart Free Typing.URL
free online touch typing course in five lessons
typeonline - .URL
Online typing practice and exercises site; In "Practice," the game will not let
Typing Pal Online
you move on until you type each letter correctly
K-5th Lesson Plan Ideas
To see detailed lesson plan ideas for each subject, go to that subject individual page.
K-5 Grouped
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Access K-12 Databases.URL
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Lesson Plans for Math, Science, Reading,
Writing, Literacy, Computers, Learning Centers, Social Studies, and More!.url
K-12 research Sites
teacher resource site for busy worksheets, units, l.URL
K-2 Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Spanish Computer Lab
Computer Lab Favorites
early childhood
ECAP Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative
at the University
Family-friendly Entertainment and Education [Home page] ChristianAnswers.Net.url
Busy Teacher's Cafe- A K-6
Elementary School K-5 Lesson Plans
Sheridan Elementary School's Lessons and Links.url
Kinder Can Too Blog Lessons.URL
Kinder Can Too.URL
Kindergarten Lesson Plans.url
Reagan All Star Kinderbears Excellence Is Our Tradition.url
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
1st Grade
First Can Too!.URL
First Grade Lesson Plans.url
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
2nd Grade
Second Grade Lesson Plans.url
Welcome to Mrs. Russell's Website!!!.URL
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
3rd Grade
3rd Grade - Lesson Plans.url
Mrs. Jenschke's 3rd Grade Blog.URL
Third Grade Lesson Plans.url
Technology Rich Lesson Plans - 3rd grade.url 3rd grade technology rich lesson plans
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
4th Grade
Fourth Grade Lesson Plans.url
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
5th Grade
Fifth Grade Lesson Plans.url
see subject pages for ideas for individual subjects
Early Childhood
ABC Teach
AOL School Junior
Flashcards and coloring pages for learning the alphabet, numbers, colors and
Search engine for finding early childhood sites
Barnaby Bear
Take an adventure with Barnaby Bear: stories, scrapbook, games and more
Dr. Seuss's Seussville!
Early ICT
English Child Songs
Firefighter Protective Clothing Tour
Fisher Price Online Learning
Jigsaw Puzzles
Kent ICT
Kiddie Games
Kids' Pages
Kiddy House
Kidz Club
Kids Scholastic
Kids Space
Little Animals Activity Centre
Mother Goose Caboose
PBS Kids
Peep and the Big Wide World
Pinky Dinky Doo
Reading Games for Young Children
Reading is Fundamental Monthly Calendars
Sesame Street Workshop
Sheppard Software
Technology Projects for Early Childhood
Links to a variety of interactive early childhood sites
Variety of online games
Variety of activities including writing letters, numbers, online stories, and
Many resources on this Random House site
A collection of themed activities and resources to support learning
Over 170 songs for young children
Every piece of standard firefighter gear is shown along with videos, sound
bytes and information about how and why the gear is used
Activities for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
Click and drag puzzle pieces for many different themes
Variety of activities in math, literacy and more
Preschool games in a variety of topics
Interactive and printable coloring pages, alphabet, riddles, stories
accompanied by beautiful illustrations, illustrated animal rhymes and jigsaw
Links to a variety of online activities for early childhood
Variety of online activities and printables for learning ABC's, phonics and
animated stories
Read, listen, color, and count on this interactive site
Make animal play sounds, listen to music, read stories by kids or submit
student work
Pictures and sounds to help children learn from letters to sight words
Online activities with audio
Interactive learning of rhymes, poetry, numbers, letters, colors, etc.
Variety of interactive activities for young learners
Links to a variety of interactive activities in all topics
Links to popular PBS program sites such as Arthur, Bernstein Bears, Reading
Rainbow, etc.
Variety of early learning activities
Variety of learning activities
A collection of reading preparedness games
Monthly activity calendars, which provide engaging reading and writing
activity suggestions to last a month
Variety of games for learning letters, numbers, shapes and colors; art and
music activities by Sesame Street
Interactive activities in a variety of early childhood areas
Ted and Floppy's
Variety of PowerPoint books that can be downloaded or viewed online
Interactive memory games, coloring projects, learning numbers and more
with a teddy bear theme
Top Marks
Up to Ten
Primary interactive websites; click on Fountain level for early childhood
Animated story books, musical games, songs, etc.
All About Frogs
Animal Breeds
Care for Animals
Farm Phonics
Links, information and facts about frogs
Photographs and information about a variety of breeds
Designed by the American Veterinary Medical Association for helping young
children learn about caring for pets
Practice beginning sounds online
Fun with Spot
Insects and Spiders Coloring Pages
Kids' Farm
Little Animals Activity Centre
Snuffy's Safari
Under the Sea
Interactive activities with the popular dog, Spot
Printable handouts suitable for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten
Stories of farm animals, wild animals, pets and more
Choose an animal then take part in a variety of learning activities
Snuffy from Sesame Street is looking for animals in the ocean, jungle and
Thematic unit about the ocean and the animals that live there
Body Parts and Senses
First for Health
Freedom Knot
Getting Dressed
Make a Face
Mr. Veghead
My Five Senses
Plaque Attack
Your Amazing Body
Cartoons that animate healthy habits
Learn how to tie shoes
Dress the different characters
Click to change the expression for each part of the face
Create a face using vegetables
Animated book with sound about the five senses
Dental hygiene
Ernie from Sesame Street is the guide through body parts
Books, Stories, and Nursery Rhymes
Book Pop
Children's Storybook Online
Clifford Interactive Books
Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales
Infant Explorer
Kidz Club Stories
The Magic Key
Mighty Book
Mrs. P
Online Stories
Pre-School Story Place
Sebastian Swan
Stories from the Web
Story Circle
StoryPlace Elementary Library
Reading is Fundamental for Early Childhood
Tar Heel Reader
Web-Pop Online Books
Virtual books to read
Stories online with animals as characters
Interactive online books featuring Clifford
Animated stories
A collection of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tales told online
Read online storybooks (bigbooks) about animals and bugs
Animated stories with printable versions
Read a story online
Free online activities with songs and monthly themes
Online storybooks
Online books with spoken text
Variety of themes with links to online stories, activities, suggested reading
and parent's activity
Read a book online
Stories, songs and games for early readers
A variety of activities; books read aloud
Stories and activities for children 0 - 7
Interactive, audio stories by themes
Customize books; audio
Activities, songs, and more are geared toward children from birth through
A collection of speech enabled, easy-to-read books on a wide range of topics
Children's author Stephen Cosgrove has created a collection of several
interactive fantasy books for elementary students
Change the Color Activity
Click on the color buttons and see the background change color
Colors All Around Us
Color Eggs
Color Game
Color Story
I Spy Colors
Many color themed activities
Click to change the color of the eggs
Sort the objects by color
Animated story with sound
Click on the object of the given color
Bob the Builder
Build a Neighborhood
Construction Activities
Online games and activities with Bob the Builder
Choose an area to get started and then create a neighborhood
Links to several sites with construction as a theme
Disaster Kitchen
Interactive site to locate 13 hazardous situations in the kitchen
Dole 5 A Day
Got Milk?
Provides information about the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables
Information about the nutritional values of milk
Holidays and Seasons
Holidays and Celebrations
The Snowman Game
Virtual Snowflake
Links to year-round holiday themed activities
Click and drag items to create a snowman
Create a beautiful virtual snowflake
Letters and Numbers
Alphabet Action
Alphabet Animals
Bembo's Zoo
Count the Bananas
Count Your Chickens
Counting Fruit
The Counting Story
Fishy Count
Literacy Corner
Number of the Day
Number Train
Spider Counting
123 Order
Click on each letter of the alphabet to hear its name and see a corresponding
animated word
An animal graphic for each letter of the alphabet
Watch each letter of the alphabet transform into a wild animal
Count how many bananas the monkey eats
Practice counting online
Practice counting fruit
Click on the numbers and read the story
Count how many fish are in each picture
Practice uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, shapes, colors and more
Learn a number each day with the Count from Sesame Street
Move the boxcars to count to ten
Click a number and that many spiders will appear
Alphabet PowerPoints free for downloading
Practice counting and decide what number is next
Draw Me Shapes
I C Shapes
Kidz Club Shapes
Matching Shapes
Picture Perfect
The Preschool Room
Shape Book Patterns
Story of Shapes
Special Classes
Guess the shape or draw with the animation to create shapes
Click on circle, square or triangle to see photographs with each shape
Animated book about shapes
Click and drag the colored shape to its shadow
Identify shapes in the animated pictures
Learn the basic shapes with fun online sites
Ready to print out lines of a variety of shapes
Animated book about shapes
Special Classes
Barney Makes Music
Combines stories with learning the basics of music
Kids Sing Corner
Kinder Art
Musical Mouseum
Online Coloring
Sing Along with Me
Up to Ten Songs for Kids
Songs with music to teach phonics, nursery rhymes, fun songs and more
Resource of art lessons for young children
Sing along, listen or find the lyrics to your favorite kids' songs
Links to many online coloring and painting sites
Words and music to a variety of popular songs for children
Animated songs with music
Davis Fire Engine
Fire Truck Puzzle
Online tour of a fire engine
Click and drag on the puzzle pieces to create a fire truck picture
Jay Jay the Jet Plane
Matching Parts
Strange Truck
Variety of activities by PBS using Jay Jay the Jet Plane as the main character
Match the front of a vehicle to its back
Create a strange truck by clicking
Lessons and Activities for all Math
K-8 Math.URL
Crownover Middle School Math Ideas.URL
All Math
Amy's Electronic Classroom
BBC Numeracy Games Secondary
Cool math .com -
Integrating Technology into the Math Classroom
Interactive math activities and resources (K-8)
Interactive activities in number concepts, algebra and geometry (3-8)
Activities ranging from algebra to data handling (5-12)
Interactive practice with facts, data handling, shape, space, measurement (16)
Interactive activities for math (K-6)
8-12 grade math help
An amusement park of math and more! Math lessons, math games, math
"An amusement park of math" with games, geometry and fractals (K-12)
eManipulatives Grade 6.URL
Enriching Mathematics
Nearly 800 Java applets for a variety of interactive math practice (3-12)
6th Grade math manipulatives
Interactive games, problems, resources (4-12)
mental arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, exponential and
logarithmic functions and more
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section in nature, art, geometry,
architecture, music, geometry and even for calculating pi -- puzzles and things
to do, learning and recreation rolled into one
Includes mathematician biographies, formulas, and explanations featuring
diagrams and drawings (9-12)
BBC Revise Wise Math
Exercises in Math Readiness
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
Fibonacci Numbers and the Pascal Triangle
Fun Math Lessons
Fun Mathematics Lessons by Cynthia Lanius - .URL
Harvey's Homepage
Lessons ranging from basic math to calculus hosted by Rice University (K-12)
mathematics lessons for elementary, middle, and high school including
geometry, fractions, and algebra
The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8 Kids and Teachers
Download a variety of math Smart Notebook activities (K-8)
History of Mathematics
biographies of mathematicians, history topics include overview of the history
of mathematics, Babylonian and Egyptian mathematics, the trigonometric
functions, Pi through the ages, prime numbers, non-Euclidean geometry,
topology enters mathematics, and much, much more!
I Know That
Free registration for interactive math movies on a variety of topics (K-6)
k-2 math
Illuminations Tools
Tools which can be used to explore math and create interactive lessons (K-12)
illuminations Welcome to Illuminations.URL 102 online math activities, 540 math lessons, weblinks
provides a large mathematics database which is useful for practicing and
sharpening various skills for the student in K-6
INEW -- Internet Educational Workbook
Interactive Math Tools for 6-12
interactivate Tools.url
Interactive Math
6-8 Math
covers various topics from K-12 and undergraduate math, the deductive side
of mathematics is emphasized throughout, games and puzzles are analyzed
and explained, education through entertainment
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
IXL Math
Unlimited math questions in more than 1,000 topics (Pre-K - 5)
Johnnie's Math Page
Links to interactive math tools and activities (K-8)
K-8 Math lessons, activities, help
k-8 math.URL
Interactive grade level activities (K-8)
KS3 Mathematics
Interactive animations and exercises (2-6)
Learn Alberta
Interactive math lessons and learning strategies (5-12)
Learning Clip
Math For Morons Like Us
Math Forum Calculation Tips & Tricks.URL
Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library
Math Forum K-12 Algebra.URL
Register for free interactive lessons for a variety of math applications (K-4)
activities that support and extend primary geometry and algebra concepts
and skills
Fun and interactive lessons for a variety of math topics (K-6)
Interactive math activities, lessons and pretests (K-8)
Collection of applets for trigonometry, calculus, vector, conics and more (712)
BrainPop Math lessons algebra, geometry, numbers, ratio, percents,
probability, etc.
Pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, graphs and functions, trigonometry,
coordinate geometry and combinatorics practice (6-12)
math tutorial/reference covering pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, algebra II,
pre-calculus/calculus, includes a message board
Explanations of rules and tricks
Covers all math topics
K-12 Algebra Resources- projects, classroom materials, forums
Math Games Page.
Short Illustrated list from Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles.url
Math Goodies
Math is Fun
Actively engages learners and provides them with immediate feedback (3-6)
Variety of topics with interactive lessons, templates and step-by-step
directions (1-6)
Math League Help
Math Mastery's Extra Practice
Math Olympiads
Math Playground
a help resource for 4-8th grades with decimals, whole numbers, and
exponents, using data and statistics, fractions, geometry, ratio and
proportion, percent and probability, integers, metric units and measurement,
introduction to algebra, positive and negative numbers
Variety of tutorials in a variety of areas (1-8)
Math Olympics
K-6 Math
Linda's Electronic Classroom
LINKS Learning
London Grid for Learning
Manipula Math
Math BrainPOP.URL
Math Exercises
Math Slice
Math Slice- practice math TAKS
Math Train TV Math Practice.url
Mathematically Correct
Maths Dictionary
Variety of practice with basic facts, time, money, fractions and more (1-8)
Practice Math TAKS
Kids teaching kids using video to demonstrate math (1-12)
K-12 Math practice
Math lesson plans
devoted to the concerns raised by parents about the need to restore basic
skills to math education NB: This site is often referred to as the "Fuzzy Math"
An online math dictionary (K-12)
Maths Online
Middle School Math.url
Moving with Math
Activities to enhance teaching decimals, data handling and graphing (5-12)
6-8 Integrating technology and Math Lesson Plans
math materials using manipulatives from the pre-K to pre-algebra
Mr. Anker Tests
Mr. Myer's Math
Mr. Nussbaum
Activities for number sense, geometry, time, money and fractions (3-6)
Variety of resources created by teacher, Nathan Myer (3-5)
Interactive math activities with a variety of topics (4-8)
presents efficient, gentle and fun ways of learning advanced mathematics,
interactive materials, texts, consulting, and workshops can benefit learners of
all ages and levels, especially young children and math anxious persons -unschoolers and homeschoolers find Natural Math methods most suitable for
their needs
Natural Math
Math exercises that are great for mental math (3-12)
Numeracy Hour
Variety of interactive activities divided into math subtopics (K-12)
Plane Math
Math activities which involve aeronautics (3-8)
Project Interactive
Interactive java applets and lessons (3-10)
Variety of interactive math games using Shockwave (K-8)
Rainforest Math
Over 200 interactive math practice activities (K-6)
work with materials presented to review techniques and formulas in college
and pre-college mathematics, the learning units are presented in worksheet
format and require active participation
S.O.S. MATHematics
Math lesson plans
SMART-Ideas » Math.URL
Math Power Point Resource Links
SMART-Ideas » Power Point Resource Links.URL
Starter of the Day
366 activities designed for daily challenges (3-6)
TAKS math & reading test
Taks Math Practice
TAKS Math practice
Taks Math Practice
Variety if flash activities that begins with dividing fractions and continues to
Teacher Link
advanced math skills (4-12)
That Quiz
Quizzes for integers, fractions, number sense and geometry (1-8)
check out the Interactive Mathematics Program or download a free game of
Pig simulation
The Interactive Mathematics Program Home Page
at Key Curriculum
Virtual Manipulatives
National Library of Virtual manipulatives for math (K-12)
Variety of math lessons and interactive activities (K-12)
World of Math
Extensive mathematics resources (7-12)
Worksheets -- .URL
Calculators, Lessons, and Worksheets
Interactive Math help, worksheets, flashcards, games, homework help
Free Arithmetic Worksheets
FREE Worksheets for Whole Number Arithmetic
Math worksheets
Julie McCarthy's - Home Page.URL
Math Fact Cafe
Free printable worksheets K-5
Math Worksheets
Create and print math worksheets for simple arithmetic (K-8)
Mathematics Computation
Mathematics Problem Solving
math worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
all new weekly worksheets, provided free for teachers and parent-teachers to
copy for their kids -- 4th-5th
Mathematics Worksheet Factory
MathGen --
Print Free Graph Paper.url
SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator
The Math Worksheet
create instant, customized, and unlimited worksheets for the practice of
arithmetic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division -download a free copy
Math Worksheet Generator create unlimited K-6 math worksheets
this web page will allow you to create and print math worksheets for children
learning simple arithmetic -- requires a browser that supports JavaScript 1.1
and Style Sheets, and a printer
Print free graph paper
create your own worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and fractions
Online Math worksheet generator
Interactive Games and Practice
play games like Math and Hidden Picture, test math skills with flashcards
which you can create and print!
A+ Math improve math skills interactively;
Math game
Breaking Chocolate Bars
Dove Whisper- GAMES
Math Games and Practice
Math game
Fish Soup
Math Game
Flipping Pancakes
Great Math Games
Math games and practice for all levels
games and puzzles
Math Homework Help for Algebra, Geometry, Calculus
Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Sudoku Puzzles to
Homework Help and Tutorials
Ask Dr. Math
Archived videos from a TV show illustrating math concepts (K-12)
ask Dr. Math a question using the Dr. Math Web form, or browse the
extensive archive of previous questions and answers
Free Math Help
Links to resources for algebra, geometry, calculus and trigonometry (7-12)
AAA Math
Links to support basic skills, interactive practice and challenge games (K-8)
Select a subject from basic math to advanced calculus (K-12)
Textbook Support
Math Advantage
Discovering Algebra
Discovering Geometry
McDougal Littell
Pearson Prentice Hall
Math Surf
Activities that support the Harcourt text book (K-8)
Activities that support the Key Curriculum Press text book (7-12)
Activities that support the Key Curriculum Press text book (7-12)
Activities that support the McDougal Littell text books (7-12)
Activities that support the Prentice Hall text books (7-12)
Activities that support the Scott Foresman text books (K-6)
Interactive tools in English and Spanish by Harcourt (3-6)
Holt Math Home Page
MacMillan McGraw-Hill
Resources for middle school math, pre-algebra, algebra and geometry (6-12)
Resources that support the MacMillan McGraw-Hill text books (K-5)
McGraw-Hill Glencoe
Resources that support the secondary McGraw-Hill Glencoe text book (6-8)
Number Sense and Operations
Count On
Interactive games and resources (K-6)
Count Us In
Disaster Math
Function Machine
Fifteen games designed to teach basic number concepts (K-3)
Word problems related to natural disasters (5-8)
Online activities for basic math (K-12)
Interactive single step and two step operations (3-6)
Give the Dog a Bone
Guess the Number
Math Forum
Math Playground
Find the hidden number between 1 and 100 in less than a minute (K-2)
Guess the number the by entering digits higher or lower (1-3)
Math resources categorized by subject (K-12)
Math games, logic games, worksheets, and online quizzes (K-6)
Mixin Math
Create a virtual treat from purchasing ingredients to dividing it up (2-6)
Number Lines
Number lines from whole numbers to decimals in this executable file (K-8)
Number Sense Games
Backwards counting on a dot-to-dot as well as greater than and less than (K-4)
Interactive practice reading a number line from 1 - 1,000,000 (3-8)
Numeracy Resources
Place Value Game
Play to Learn
Primary Games Math
Interactive math activities; Select an activity and click "View the Item" (K-6)
Create the largest possible number from the digits given (K-4)
Learn to tell time, count money and multiply (K-3)
Math games (K-4)
Interactive math games arranged by age groups (K-12)
Sea Shell Rounding
Seuss U
Speed Grid Addition 1
Speed Grid Addition 2
Speed Grid Addition 3
Speed Grid Multiplication
Speed Grid Subtraction 1
Speed Grid Subtraction 2
Speed Grid Subtraction 3
Splat Squares 0-99
Splat Squares 1 - 100
Super Sequencer
Round to the nearest place value or decimal in this executable file (4-8)
Practice rounding two-digit numbers (2-4)
Simple, interactive counting activities (1-2)
Level 1 addition game against the clock (2-6)
Level 2 addition game against the clock (2-6)
Level 3 addition game against the clock (2-6)
One player game against the clock (2-6)
Level 1 subtraction game against the clock (2-6)
Level 2 subtraction game against the clock (2-6)
Level 3 subtraction game against the clock (2-6)
Interactive and printable chart with numbers 0 - 99 (K-4)
Interactive and printable chart with numbers 1 - 100 (K-4)
Enter numbers and use the interactive tool to count by any given increment (14)
Math worksheet generator with answer key (K-8)
Teaching Treasures
Tic-Tac-Toe Squares
Times Table
What to Learn
Word Problems
On-line interactive mathematics from picture counting to dividing (K-4)
Practice basic and advanced math skills, cubes and square roots (K-8)
Use interactive grids to help with learn multiplication facts (3-4)
Interactive practice with math facts; Click > Go to see activity (3-6)
Variety of math word problems (K-6)
Basic Facts
100's chart
A+ Math
AAA Math
A printable chart of 100's
Interactive activities, flashcard creator and homework helper (K-12)
over 900 pages of free online interactive arithmetic lessons, problems and
games for grades K-8
Addition Machine
Baseball Math
BBC Bitesize Games
Fact Dash
Interactive practice with addition at three levels (1-5)
3rd grade math
Timed math practice of the basic facts (1-8)
Play a math baseball game to practice facts (1-8)
Play a math basketball game to practice facts (1-8)
Interactive learning for a variety of math skills (K-6)
Interactive games, songs and activities ranging from counting to
multiplication (K-5)
Select the essential math skills for a timed practice (1-8)
Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed number facts (16)
Flash Cards
Leveled practice with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (1-8)
Mad Minutes
Math Cafe
Timed practice with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (K-8)
Fact sheet factory for basic facts, flashcards and time (1-6)
Math Magician
Timed practice with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (2 - 8)
Interactive games, printable worksheets, homework helpers, activities (K12)
BBC Numeracy Games Elementary
Cyber Challenge
Math Mayhem
Play an online multiplication game while learning about the planets (4-8)
Multiplication Games (many choices)
Multiplication lessons, games, help
Power Football
Play a math football game to practice facts (1-8)
pre-K - 3rd grade math
Pre K - 3rd grade math
Soccer Shootout
Play a math soccer game to practice facts (1-8)
Spacey Math
Timed and leveled interactive game that practices math facts (K-8)
Subtraction Machine
Interactive practice with addition at three levels (1-5)
Sums 4 Fun
List of interactive math activities
Super Maths World
Several interactive math activities in a variety of areas (K-8)
Tables Tester
Interactive practice with multiplication at three levels (3-6)
Multiplication lessons, games, help
Teach Multiplication Facts -
Test the Toad
Add or subtract then move the toad to the correct answer (K-3)
Timed Multiplication Test
Timed Multiplication test
Tumbletown Tales
Interactive math activities (K-3)
Vector Kids
Welcome to Mrs. Russell's Website!!!.URL
Strengthen basic math and other skills with interactive educational tools (K-6)
2nd grade Mrs. Russel's math site (2)
Decimals and Fractions
BBC Skillwise
Decimal Games
Division Machine
Fraction Flags Halves
Fraction Flags Thirds
Fraction Frenzy
Fraction Paint 2x2
Fraction Paint 3x3
Fraction Paint 4x4
Activities for whole numbers, measures, fractions, percents and decimals (312)
Interactive games to practice decimals (6-12)
Interactive practice with division at three levels (3-8)
Use graphics to paint flags that relate to fractions (2-6)
Use graphics to paint flags that relate to fractions (2-6)
Match equivalent fractions as difficulty level increases (6-12)
Fraction Paint 2x2 square
Fraction Paint 3x3 square
Fraction Paint 4x4 square
Fraction Paint 5x5
Fraction Paint 6x6
Fresh Baked Fractions
Pizza Fractions
The Decifractator
Visual Fractions
Who Wants Pizza?
Fraction Paint 5x5 square
Fraction Paint 6x6 square
Tutorial with practice about fractions (5-8)
Practice equivalent and simplified fractions (3-6)
Interactive practice with fractions (2-4)
Practice with numerators, denominators and decimals (5-8)
A tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles (5-8)
A lesson to teach fractions (3-5)
Cash Out
Change Maker Game
Students play the role of a cashier and give change to customers (3-5)
Interactive game involving counting back change (3-8)
Kids and Money
Kids Bank
Learning About Money
Making Change
Match the Coin
MegaPenny Project
Money Factory
Money Flashcards
Interactive games involving making decisions about spending money (3-6)
Cartoon-style format that explains different forms of currency (1-3)
Information about U.S. coins (1-3)
Drill and practice game on making change (1-6)
Variety of activities using U.S. coins (K-3)
Visual aids showing the large quantities of U.S. pennies (K-6)
Identify who is on which U.S. bill (3-8)
Practice with counting money (1-6)
Money Games
Money Program
Practical Money Skills
Savings Quest
Shopping Spree
Provides practice with counting money and money word problems (1-6)
Interactive practice with counting money (1-3)
Interactive practice with the skill of managing money (3 - 8)
List of interactive games dealing with money (3-12)
Students make money saving decisions (3-8)
Choose the correct coins needed to purchase an item (K-2)
Telling Time
Beat the Clock
Hickory Dickory Dock
Set the Clock
Practice telling time game
Interactive game to practice telling time (K-3)
Set the clock to match the given time (K-3)
Telling Time Games
Time for Time
Time Teller
Interactive analog and digital clocks, as well as practice with calendars (K-4)
On-line activities for students as well as resources for teachers (K-4)
Interactive clock to practice telling time (K-4)
Time Works
Click and drag the numbers to their correct positions on an analog clock (K-2)
Move the hands on the analog clock to match the time on the digital clock (K3)
Virtual Time
Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete
Billy Bug
Interactive activity using coordinates 0-10 (1-6)
Billy Bug 2
Interactive activity using coordinates 1-5 including negative numbers (1-6)
Coin Flipping
Create a Graph
Fun Based Learning
Flip a virtual coin which also calculates and displays the probability (3-12)
Create different types of graphs by entering data (3-12)
Easy, medium and hard levels of graphing with plot points (3-12)
Interactive Graphs
Jefferson Lab
Line Plots
Line Plot Activity
Line Plots with M&Ms
Small Blue Printer
Stem and Leaf Plots
Stem and Leaf Plot Instructions
Stem and Leaf Plot Quiz
Virtual Dice
Virtual Spinner
Visual Fractions
What are your chances?
What's the Point?
Create a bar graph by entering data (1-6)
Activities include coordinates and algebra practice (7-12)
On-line game ranging from -4 to 4 on the x-axis and -4 to 4 on the y-axis (812)
Instructions for creating a line plot (3-6)
Instructions for line plot activity and interactive practice (3-6)
Lesson plan using line plots (3-6)
Build a house and view it from above or take a 3D walk through and print (312)
Lesson about using stem and leaf plots (5-7)
Examples and practice with stem and leaf plots (5-7)
Self-check quiz for stem and leaf plots (5-7)
Roll the virtual dice with 6, 8, 10 or 12 faces (2-12)
Use this spinner to teach probability (2-12)
Visual and interactive practice with fractions (3-12)
Another site to roll the virtual dice (2-12)
Online challenge of graphing skills (4-12)
Patterns, Algebra, and Function
7th Solving One - Step Equations
7th Grade Math Solving One - Step Equations
Flash enabled examples for working a variety of algebra problems (7-12)
Algebra Help
Lessons for algebra skills, calculators that show how to solve problems (6-12)
features lessons to learn or refresh old skills, calculators that show you how to
solve problems step-by-step, and interactive worksheets to test your skills
Algebra Help
Algebra pre-, I, II, Geometry Help
Algebra Homework Help, Solvers, Free Math Tutors.URL
Online teaching tools for algebra, geometry, statistics and probability (7-12)
Factor Finder
Interactive Math Miscellany and Puzzles
Enter a number to generate all the factors in this executable file (5-12)
Pre-algebra and algebra videos that revolves around the world of off-road
motorcycle racing (7-12)
Math puzzles and activities accompanied by interactive illustrations and
simulations (6-12)
Algebraic functions, geometry, calculus, and general math equations (4-12)
Interactive dictionary with terms, formulas, diagrams, tables, and more (6-12)
Lessons, Internet links, homework guidelines, math study skills self-survey (712)
Regents Exam Prep
Practice algebra, data handling, numbers, space, shape and measures (6-12)
Hot Chalk
Winplot Basics
Instructions for Winplot
Winplot Instructions
Tutorial to start using graphing functions (8-12)
Online tutorial for using Winplot (8-12)
Online instructions for using Winplot (8-12)
Using Winplot
Online tutorial that uses video to demonstrate Winplot functions (8-12)
2-D and 3-D Shapes
Alphabet Geometry
Area and Perimeter
Figures and Polygons
Geometer's Sketchpad: Math Forum
Geometry Games
Geometry Step-by-Step
Graph Paper
Graph Paper and Measurement Tools
Line Symmetry
Visual tutorial of 2-D and 3-D shapes (2-6)
Interactive examples of transitions, reflections, rotations and more
Visual tutorial of area and perimeter (3-6)
Interactive site with geoboards (8-12)
List of shapes that link to pictures and explanations of each (3-8)
More Mathematics
Variety of resources for use with Geometer's Sketchpad (8-12)
Chinese tanagrams and spatial games (3-6)
Animations, quizzes, Incan geometry, quotes by great thinkers (7-12)
Plain graph paper PDF generator
Variety of graph paper generators
Activities and examples dealing with symmetry (K-12)
Mathematics Materials for Tomorrow's Teachers (M2T2) - interactive modules
created by teachers, university researchers, and graduate students (6-12)
Links to several lessons in a variety of areas such as functions, geometry,
trigonometry, and more (7-12)
Demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem (7-12)
Pythagorean Theorem
Puzzle Parlor
Shape Surveyor
Symmetry Interactive Resources
Tangrams by PBS
Multiple choice questions that deal with the Pythagorean Theorem (7-12)
Puzzles to practice transitions (4-12)
Four levels of practice with area and perimeter (3-8)
Variety of links for teaching symmetry (3-6)
Interactive tanagrams puzzles leveled easy and hard (3-6)
Tangram Puzzles
Manipulate virtual shapes to create tanagrams; discover patterns (K-12)
Provides a wide variety of trigonometry functions (8-12)
Woodlands Shape Skills
Interactive practice with shapes, coordinates, symmetry and angles (K-8)
Animated learning modules of particular concepts created by teachers who
attended workshops at The Community College of Baltimore County (7-12)
Yellow Pages for Mathematics Multimedia
Numbers, Shapes, Space, Measurements, handling Data
BBC - Schools - KS2 Bitesize Revision - Maths.URL
Geometry blog and help
Geometry Rocks Blog.URL
Measure It Game
Leveled practice with measuring in centimeters and inches (2-6)
Tools to convert temperature, length, distance, area, volume and weight (3Metric Conversions
Online Conversion
Convert area, length, speed, temperature or volume (4-12)
Ruler Game
Game to practice sixteenths, eighths, quarters, halves, and wholes (3-8)
Table of Contents - Math Open Reference.url Geometry Help and explanations
Teaching Measures
Modules to practice measuring length, mass and capacity (2-6)
Interactive sites for learning Number Skills, Geometry, and Measurement (KWoodlands Math Zone
World Measurementl
Measurement activities
Structure and Logic
Calculus Help
Grey Labyrinth
Power Lines
Basic calculus concepts and topics (9-12)
Puzzles, riddles word problems that test logic, perception and math skills (812)
Place numbers in the cells to add up to the power line total (4-8)
On-line calculator that solves equations and more (K-12)
S.O.S. Calculus
Tutorials about sequences, series, limit and continuity and more (9-12)
NotePad Music Creator.URL
The Inspired Classroom.URL
Broadway 101
Carnegie Hall Listening Adventures
Choral Public Domain Library
Classics for Kids
Colorado Public Radio
Copyright Law
Creating Music
DSOKids (Dallas Symphony Orchestra)
Keeping Score
KIDiddles Song Lyrics
KUSC Creative Kids Central
Make Your Own Music
Metronome Online
Music of Countries and Cultures
Music House - Sounds
Music Lessons
Music Roller Coaster
Music Theory
Music with Ease
Music Tech Teacher
Musical Mysteries
Name that Tune
Nashville Symphony Orchestra for Kids
Music notation software
Whether you are a music teacher or not, listening to music can be part of your
teaching repertoire. You can use listening experiences to teach, reinforce and
enhance the curriculum you currently teach
"Thru the Stage Door" presents a study guide for careers involved with
Musical Theater, especially professional musical theater opportunities in New
York's theater district (5-8)
Learn about sound, music notation, text, and instruments in a fun, interactive
exploration of musical repertoire (K-6)
Large website devoted exclusively to free choral sheet music with over 7,600
scores (9-12)
Teaches principles of classical music to students; Games, Music Styles,
Instruments, and more (K-12)
Listen to classical music live (K-12)
A copyright guide for music educators (K-12)
Create music online; listen to classical music and select what type of
instrument is playing or who wrote the piece; take piano lessons on-line; a
part of Kids' Hub (K-12)
Introduce symphonic music, the orchestra and its instruments; games,
classroom activities, audio clips (K-12)
Revolutions in music by the San Francisco Symphony (4-12)
find the lyrics to your favorite kids' songs (K-6)
Learn about various forms of classical, instrumental, and vocal music; as well
as careers in music (4-12)
Build your own musical group and adjust dynamics and soloing (K-12)
An online metronome, ideal for quick and easy use; also helps with rhythm
and tempo (K-12)
Reference Articles about music in many different countries (4-12)
Four part interactive activity; Learn names of percussion instruments, match
sound to an instrument, listen and copy a rhythm, recognize the instrument
that is not playing (K-3)
Free music lessons (5-12)
Great anticipatory set that focuses on written music notation or the
expressive elements of music: dynamics and tempo featuring the Zurich
Chamber Orchestra (4-12)
Interactive music theory tutorials; lesson topics include: staff, clef, and ledger
lines; note duration; measure and time signatures; rest duration; dots and
ties; simple and compound meter; odd meter; steps and accidentals and
more (K-12)
Biographical information on composers, composer images, multiple genres,
games and activities (K-12)
Online games, quizzes, and printable worksheets to assist with classroom
instruction (K-12)
Interactive activities that teach about sound, rhythm, mood, and the orchestra
Children's songs, oldies, and patriotic songs; a sing-a-long section with many
popular songs (K-12)
Explore all the instrument families and hear all the members of the orchestra
The free notation program, "Noteflight" allows the user to create, edit,
arrange, and share music online, while running the program from their
browser (K-12)
Online Music Dictionary
Music resource from the New York Philharmonic that allows kids to play freely
with musical instruments and write their own songs; lesson plans (4-12)
An extensive dictionary of musical terminology (5-12)
Online Theory Flashcards
PBS Kids Music
Customizable theory flashcards for beginner to advanced students (3-12)
MIBAC (Music Instruction By a Computer) offers two levels of online theory
lessons (K-12)
Sing-a-long songs and musical activities that correspond with various PBS Kids
television shows (K-3)
San Francisco Symphony for Kids
Interactive activities and games; be sure to check out the Music Lab (K-12)
Online Theory Lessons
Science of Music
Silver Burdett Making Music Series
Songs for Teaching
Sphinx Kids!
Styles and Genres of Music
Explore the science of music through online exhibits, movies, and questions;
Compose, mix, dance, drum, and experiment online (K-12)
Making Music textbook series; select by grade level to access articles on
composers, genres, performers and instruments (K-6)
Use music to teach content across the curriculum (K-8)
Classical music interactive learning and games (K-6)
Reference articles on various types of music such as marching bands, movies,
and rock n' roll (4-12)
Composers and Musicians
Artsy Fartsy
Classical Composer's Index
Duke Ellington
John Phillip Sousa
Louis Armstrong
Biographical information on 5 of the world's greatest composers; listen to
samples of their music (K-12)
Includes a biography; recommended works and recordings; other related
reviews and articles (4-12)
Standards-based lessons and activities developed by MENC; interactive
listening lessons; a virtual art exhibit and original poetry readings; an
annotated scrapbook; Ellington-related resources featuring selected
bibliographies and discographies, web links, curriculum sources; and more
American Composer, Conductor, and Patriot (K-12)
From ArtsEdge site; celebrates the life and times of this musical legend (5-8)
An interactive experience set to the music of Rimsky-Korsakov’s symphonic
Rimsky Korsakov's Scheherazade Interactive suite (K-12)
Boom Thang!
Chord House
Drum Pattern Programmer
Global Groovin'
Instrument Families
Interactive Guitar
A game that allows you to create, record, and play your own jivin' tunes (3-12)
Create playable piano and guitar scales in all forms (7-12)
Compose your own drum pattern using all parts of a drum set (K-12)
Mix music using sounds from around the world (K-6)
Learn about the instrument families and hear their sounds (K-12)
Play notes and chords online (K-12)
Interactive Guitar Chords
Kidtastic Music Center
Musical Instrument Encyclopedia
Music Staff
Online Practice Record
Build guitar chords online and listen; Change guitar type, speed, and tune
your guitar (K-12)
Write and explore music with this online tool (K-12)
Learn about and listen to instruments, play virtual instruments, and sing-along songs (K-6)
Experience a sampling of instruments complete with images and music
samples; includes a musical instrument quiz (K-12)
Enables parents, students, and music educators to find music teachers, music
schools, and music lessons anywhere in the U.S.; also has online lessons (412)
Requires free registration; keep track of practice time online which can be
printed or emailed to the teacher (4-12)
American Symphony Orchestra League; learn all about classical music and the
instruments that make it (K-12)
Virtual Instrument Museum
Virtual Keyboard
An interactive, computer-based practice program for woodwind, brass, string,
and vocal instruments; requires a sign-up and subscription fee (4-12)
Composers' finest symphonies, listen to instruments of the orchestra, and a
biographical timeline (K-12)
Free violin pictures to use on your web page or PowerPoint (K-12)
Violin sound clips, images, care & maintenance (4-12)
Play a tune on a virtual set of Boomwhackers (K-12)
World musical instrument collection from the music department at Wesleyan
University (K-12)
Choose from several different instruments (K-12)
Virtual Orchestra
Explore sights and sounds of the different families of the orchestra (K-12)
Smart Music
The Symphony - An Interactive Guide
Violin Images
Violin Making
Virtual Boomwhackers
Music History
PBS Jazz for Kids
Smithsonian Jazz
Soulsville USA
A site dedicated to bringing you the best information on music and composers
from every period (7-12)
Learn about the history of jazz and its artists through recordings, readings,
photographs, video, and fun activities (3-12)
Reference articles related to the music of many different historical periods (412)
A ThinkQuest which covers music history, theory and contains an overview of
the styles (5-12)
Web-based curriculum and DVD toolkit that explores jazz as an art form and
its impact on American history (K-12)
Jazz history and Jazz Education (K-12)
Interactive activities about Jazz musicians, instruments, and styles of Jazz
music (4-12)
Intended to promote and preserve the American art of Jazz (9-12)
Stax Museum of American Soul Music in Memphis, TN (6-12)
This Day in Music History
Who's birthday is it, Broadway shows, and who was topping the charts (7-12)
Essentials of Music
Jazz for Young People
Music from Historical Periods
Music Notes
NEA Jazz In The Schools
Passion for Jazz
Physical Education
Games and Physical Education Resources
Physical Education Online
Sports Media
Many physical education resources (K-12)
A collection of practices and games, tried and tested over a period of
20 years (3-12)
Traditional and modern playground and street games (1-3)
Lesson Ideas, Assessment Ideas, Best Practices, and Adapted Physical
Education (K-12)
A lengthy list of physical education associations, sites, vendors, and lesson
collections (K-12)
Activities to address student outcomes (K-12)
Click > Database>Lesson Plans for a wealth of ideas and links (K-12)
Sports Plan
Teach P.E.
Sports Central
Sports Injury Clinic
Virtual Library of Sport
Interactive web based solutions for teachers, coaches and players (6-12)
Interactive quizzes, information, links (7-12)
Information, history, changes of major sports (7-12)
Information on over 90 sport injuries; Virtual Therapist (7-12)
"One stop shop for quality sports resources on the internet" (3-12)
Playground fun
Animated Plays
Coaches Clipboard
Coach Meyer Basketball
Animations of basketball plays used by the nation's top high school and
college teams (5-12)
Articles, plays, player tips, animated diagrams, video clips for coaches and
players (5-12)
Northern State University Basketball Coaches website; includes various
basketball literature and coaching materials (9-12)
Strength Training
Coach Like a Pro
KW Sport Zone
Georgia State University
Basketball weight training program (7-12)
Strength and weight training (7-12)
Basics of strength training (7-12)
Psychology Websites
The Teaching of High School Psychology
Resources and links (9-12)
Useful links (9-12)
Resources; national standards (9-12)
Sociology Classroom
Sociology on the Web
Sociology Topics
Links and resources (9-12)
Links to internet resources (9-12)
Links to a wide range of sociology resources (9-12)
an exciting scientific adventure based upon ongoing research of UC
paleontologists studying about life in Montana 60-70 million years ago.
Adventures at Dry Creek.url
Science Lesson Plans and activities
BBC - Schools - KS2 Bitesize Revision
Bill Nye
Bill Nye the Science Guy
7th Grade Science Teacher Home page with lessons and blogs
Blogmeister Mr De Leon .url
Crownover Middle School Yeatts, Ronnie.url Integrating technology into Science classroom lesson plans
Earth's Layers
PowerPoint lessons on the layers of the earth
3D simulations
ForgeFX - Interactive 3D Simulations, CasestudyInteractive
Pearson Prentice
Hall.url for 6-8 classrooms
K-8 Science resources
Science Games from Discovery Channel
Game Central Discovery Channel.url
Games & Quizzes
Science games
TV Show/Videos about enzoology
PK-6 Online Science Lab
Kids Astronomy
Solar System for Kids
videos, activities, games, stories
Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More
-- National
Gas, Liquids, and Solids learning game
Learn about different microscopes
Animated demo of cell mitosis
mitosis An Interactive Animation.url
Science Teacher Home Page with lessons
Ms. Henry's Homepage.url
NASA for Kids
NASA for Kids
NASA Simulations, Science Activities
NASA Simulations.url
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids- videos, activities, games, stories
National Geographic Kids- experiments
National Geographic Kids- experiments
National Hurricane Center
National Hurricane Center.url
NOVA Galileo's Battle for the Heavens PBS.url PBS- Galileo
Planet Adventure
planets, ocean animals, technology integration into Science
Movies and Interactive Tutorials on Science topics
Science Animations.url
Math in Science
Science apps.url
BrainPop Science several topics
Science BrainPop.url
Teacher and Student Science Resources
Science Education at Jefferson Lab.url
science fair 1
Science Fair Ideas and examples
science fair 2
Science Fair Ideas and examples
science fair 3
Science Fair Ideas and examples
science fair 4
Science Fair Ideas and examples
science fair 5
Science Fair Ideas and examples
Make Science Toys at home with household materials
Science Toys.url
Science and Technology lesson plans
The virtual Courseware Project produces interactive, online simulations for
the life science laboratory or for earth science field studies.
Sea & Sky website
Lessons, games, activities about the sea and the sky
SMART-Ideas » Power Point Resource Links.urlScience PowerPoint lessons
Science Lesson Plans and activities
SMART-Ideas » Science.url
Physics Tutorials, Multimedia Physics Studio, Physics Help
The Physics Classroom.url
Science NetLinks Lessons
Tool Index.url
National Geographic Jason Project
Welcome to The JASON Project!.url
Weather Information
Welcome to Weather Underground Weather Underground.URL
Special Education
Band-Aids and Blackboards
EP Magazine
Equity Index
Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences
This is a site about growing up with various medical problems. Its goal is to
help people understand what it's like, from the perspective of the children
and teens who are doing just that. (K-12)
Exceptional Parent Magazine provides information, support, ideas,
encouragement and outreach for parents and families of children with
disabilities, and the professionals who work with them (K-12)
A searchable database designed to locate resources and tools (K-12)
An explanation of learning styles and multiple intelligences to help
those with learning disabilities develop strategies to capitalize on their
strengths; includes a teaching style inventory (3-12)
MisUnderstood Minds
A PBS site on learning disabilities and differences; find information and
resources for parents (K-12)
National Dissemination Center for Children
With Disabilities
National Center to Improve Practice in
Special Education Through Technology,
Media, and Materials
National Rehabilitation Center
Extensive information and resources (K-12)
Remedia Publications
Teaching Special Kids
Designed to "promote the effective use of technology to enhance educational
outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional
disabilities" (K-12)
Contains many documents which may be searched related to disabilities; links
to other sites with information related to persons with disabilities (K-12)
Four levels of teaching games (K-12)
Helps kids who struggle with learning understand that they are smart,
have unique talents, and can succeed in school and life (3-6)
On-line Resources for Teachers (K-12)
Outside the Box
Provides resources and encouragement to parents, educators and
professionals (K-12)
ADHD resources (K-12)
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology
Articles on using technology to assist special needs students (K-12)
Asperger's Homepage
Autism Society of America
Answers many questions for teachers and parents (K-12)
A wealth of information for parents, professionals, and anyone else interested
in learning more about autism (K-12)
Online Asperger Syndrome Information and
Information for parents and teachers (K-12)
Information for families about Asperger Syndrome and Autism (K-12)
The Source
Hearing Impaired
Using Interactive Whiteboards with Deaf
Case study provides evidence that using an interactive whiteboard with
primary aged pupils is an effective tool and that it is of particular benefit to
deaf bilingual children (K-6)
LD On-Line
LD for Teens
Support Strategies for Teachers
Information for administrators, teachers, and parents (K-12)
Great information for teens with a learning disability (6-12)
The first website created expressly for kids with learning difficulties (K-8)
Nice list of strategies for classroom teachers (K-12)
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans and Activities for SPED
Successful lesson plans and activities by special education teachers (K-12)
Teacher's First Resource
Lesson plans for special education (K-12)
Life Skills
eHow To
Everyday Life Project
Food Safety Quiz for Kids
Food Network for Kids
Jif Cooking for Kids
National Down Syndrome Society
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Teaching Strategies for Students with TBI
Williams Syndrome Association
How to do just about anything; sew a button, hem pants, much more (3-12)
Free registration allows you to use this site with interactive lessons that give
you the opportunity to experience daily challenges without real-world
consequences (3-12)
Interactive quiz for kids produced by the FDA (K-8)
Very informative site with live cooking demos for kids (2-8)
Lots of kid-friendly recipes (K-12)
Informative site sponsored by The National Organization for Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome (K-12)
Comprehensive Internet Source on Down's syndrome (K-12)
This site provides information for educators (K-12)
Suggestions for helping students in the classroom who have traumatic brain
injuries (K-12)
Latest information about Williams Syndrome (K-12)
Sensory Integration Exercises
Nice selection of printable worksheets to help fine motor skills (K-12)
Great chart of sensory exercises with links to their descriptions/directions;
multisensory activities (i.e. proprioceptive, kinesthetic, vestibular, touch,
hear, smell, taste, etc) (K-12)
American Speech-Language-Hearing
Informative site for Speech, Language, and Hearing Teachers (K-12)
Visually Impaired
American Foundation of the Blind
American Sign Language Browser
Eye MD
Free Classic Audio Books
Library of Congress Webcasts
Orientation and Mobility Resource
Strategies for Teaching Students with Vision
Many resources and links (K-12)
Look up video of thousands of ASL signs (K-12)
Resources and links (K-12)
Digital Narration for the 21st Century (K-12)
Audio and Video Resources (4-12)
Resources and links (4-12)
Teaching tips for the visually impaired (K-12)
Texas School for the Blind and Visually
That All May Read
Extensive site that has great information and nice collection of online
Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS administers a free
library program of braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers
in the United States by postage-free mail (K-12)
Speech and Language
Communication Arts
American Speech, Language, Hearing
Grammar Crackers
I Love Speech and Language
Parent Pals
Speaking of Speech
Speech and Language Pathology
Speech Language Pathology Websites
Special Speech Sites
Speech and Language Impairments
Speech Pathology and Special Education
Stuttering Foundation of America
Voice, Speech, and Language
World of Words
LSR7 's Technology Integration site; packed with online activities (K-12)
Information and resources (K-12)
Quizzes and games keyed to English syntax and morphology (1-8)
Links to many appropriate online activities (1-8)
Links and information for parents (K-12)
Activities for speech and language, social stories, communication
boards, speech homework worksheets (K-12)
Articulation and Pathology games (K-8)
A variety of printable activities and ideas for different ages (K-12)
Resources, stories, games, links (K-12)
Extensive list of annotated links to speech pathology resources (K-12)
Links to web resources (K-12)
Links to resources (K-12)
Links to pertinent websites (K-12)
Information and resources (K-12)
National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders;
Resources and links (K-12)
Vocabulary games and activities; designed for children with vocabulary
delays (K-12)
Long and Short Vowels
Online Articulation Games
Print and Do
Speech Therapy Activities
Star Words (High Frequency Words)
Teaching Phonetics
Tongue Twisters
Vowel Sounds OW Voice
Short Vowel
Word Blender
Words and Pictures
Star Fall Learn to Read
Interactive matching of long and short vowels (1-6)
Online activities created by Tracy Boyd (K-6)
Interactive phonics practice and games (1-6)
Each sheet focuses on a specific group of consonant clusters (1-6)
A variety of articulation resources (1-12)
Interactive word recognition game (1-6)
A real-time Flash animated articulatory diagram of each consonant and vowel;
an annotated step-by-step description of how the sound is produced; video
and audio of the sound spoken in context; interactive diagram of the
articulatory anatomy (K-12)
Database of tongue twisters (2-12)
Activities from Read,Write,Think (3-5)
Activities from Read,Write,Think (3-5)
Online activity; select the beginning and end sounds of a word (1-6)
Students can write poetry and sentences (1-6)
Books which are read aloud; online activities (K-6)
BrainPOP Technology lessons and activities
Theatre Arts
All About Me Project
Calculate your exact age
age calculator.URL
the Etymology and History of First Names.URL
Behind the Name Free Clipart, clip art Illustrations and Photographs
Classroom Clipart .URL
Web search for kids
KidsClick! Web Search.URL
MapQuest.Com Maps, Directions and More.URL
Pics for kids
Pics4Learning - Tech4Learning.URL
salaries of different jobs Job Salary Calculator. Salary SurveyCompare
Shows what happened in history on day selected
This Day in History.URL
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Airfares, hotels, vacations, cruises, car rentals and more at
spell your phone number
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Character Analysis
Character Analysis Graphic Organizer Printouts
Character Analysis.URL
Online character analysis worksheet
Death of Salesman by Arthur Miller.URL
Character Analysis for Death of a Salesman Character Analysis project
readwritethink Drama Map.URL
Online interactive character analysis
Homework Helper - Costumes.URL
The Costume Page.URL
Costumes from different time periods
Costume research
Anne Frank
a photo scrapbook of Anne’s life and family, Anne’s journal and how it
survived WWII to become one of the most widely read personal accounts
of the Holocaust
Anne Frank
Excerpts from the Missing Pages of Anne Frank's
Diary from the Missing Pages of Anne Frank's Diary
Holocaust research sites Anne Frank FAQ
Anne Frank FAQs (USHMM Library).URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank - Exhibit.URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank - the official Anne Frank House website.URL
Information about Anne Frank
Anne Frank aritcle from Holocaust Learing Center.URL
Anne Frank Exhibit, sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank Center.URL
Anne Frank Diary Reference Guide
Anne Frank Diary Reference.URL
In Spanish
Anne Frank en Espanol.URL
Unique online source bank for students.
Anne Frank Guide – URL
Lessons in Human Rights and Dignity
Anne Frank .URL
The Writer: An Unfinished Story
Anne Frank .URL
Cybrary of the Holocaust Student Gallery.URL Cybrary of the Holocaust Student Gallery
Faces of Courage- Teenagers who resisted.URLFaces of Courage- Teenagers who resisted
Children's Art about the Holocaust
Imagine--The Art Gallery Room 1.URL
Interview with Miep Gies
Interview with Miep Gies.URL
Going into hiding
NIE Going into hiding.URL
Sparknotes of the Diary
SparkNotes Diary of a Young Girl.URL
Music from the Holocaust
The Music of the Holocaust.URL
Auschwitz Museum Archive
Then and Now Picture painting tour.URL
Time 100 Anne Frank
TIME 100 Anne Frank.URL
Virtual Tour
of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
Virtual Tour of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration
Research about the Play
about the play itself.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play Classroom Study Guides.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play Classroom Study Guides2.URL Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank @Web English Teacher.URL Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank Additional Resources.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank In the World - Teacher Workbook
- Utah
Exhibit, Network.URL
sources, teaching, gallery, links
Anne Frank The Biography The Cybrary Presents
Anne an
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Holocaust Cybrary remembering the Survivors,
the survivors
Holocaust Lesson Plans and Curricula.URL Lessons and information about the diary and the play
Anne Frank Teacher Manual
Lesson Exchange Anne Frank intro (Middle, Lessons
and information about the diary and the play
Lesson Plan for Faces of Courage.URL
Lessons and information about the diary and the play
No Way Out, Readers Theater.URL
Collection of Letters from No Way Out
Random House for High School Teachers Catalog
of a Young
Girl by
and the
Reading Group Guide ANNE FRANK DIARY OF
by Anne
the diary and the play
Shamash's Jewish Links Holocaust.URL
Teachers Guide to the Holocaust
The Holocaust History Project Homepage.URL
Holocaust History project
The Truth About Anne Frank A 12 Hour ClassTruth
about anne Frank
We Remember Anne Frank-- Teacher's Guide.URL
Resource List for Anne Frank
Anne Frank WebQuest
moving images of Anne
Only know moving footage of Anne Frank from a wedding
Photos of Anne Frank and the Holocaust
Photos of Anne Frank and Family
Anne Frank - gallery public domain.URL
Photos of Anne Frank and Family
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library & Museum.URL
Photos of WWII
Holocaust Photos.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
Photographs Documenting the Holocaust inPhotos
of the Holocaust
Results for 'holocaust photos'.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
The Holocaust.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
Pictures of World War II by History Link 101.URL
WWII Pictures
U.S.A History - Image Archives - Public Domain.URL
Photos of the Holocaust
education, imagines, witnesses, audio/video, links, books
Categorized by documents, maps, films, etc. (7-12)
Follow Harold's Journey Through His Interactive Map (With Audio). What
was contained in the suitcase he mistakenly took back to his hiding place?
Cybrary of the Holocaust
How did this event save his life? (7-12)
Illuminating the Past, Enlightening the Future
Holocaust Memorial Center:
United States Holocaust Museum: exhibitions, information, educational
Holocaust Museum
resources (K-12)
Memorial Museum, survivor stories, timeline, history
Tampa Bay Holocaust Memorial Museum
Research guides, people, special features
The Nizkor Project -- Holocaust Educational Resource
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Education, research, history, remembrance, genocide, support
A Cybrary of the Holocaust,
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Fiddler on the Roof
Town Players of Pittsfield 84th Season 2004 - 2005
Spring Production Fiddler on the Ro.URL
Historical Characters
Black- Home.URL
History Month Resource
Gale - Free Resources - Black History - Biographies
History Matters The U.S. Survey Course on the Historical
Web.URL Characters
guide to Whose Line is it Anyway - Games Guide
Mark's guide to Whose Line is it Anyway - Games
Musical Theatre
Songbooks Printed Music General & K-12 Educational.
Clarus Music Ltd. - URL
Jack Wolcott's Theatre History on the Web.URLTheatre History
Musical research
The Cyber Encyclopedia of Musicals -.URL
MTI musicals
The Musical Worlds of MTI.URL
American Mime Theatre - Home Page.URL
American Mime Theatre - Home Page.URL
Charades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.URL
Charades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.URL
ITS BEHIND YOU DOT COM - The Magic of Pantomime.URL
ITS BEHIND YOU DOT COM - The Magic of Pantomime.URL
Links to Other Mime Pages.URL
Links to Other Mime Pages.URL
Marceau Foundation.URL
Marceau Foundation.URL
pantomime. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth pantomime.
Edition. 2001-05.URL
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05.URL
pantomime.URL - Welcome! - Formerly the Pantomime
- Welcome! - Formerly the Pantomime Pages.URL
PeoplePlay UK - Pantomime Guided Tour.URL PeoplePlay UK - Pantomime Guided Tour.URL
Physical Theatre, Mime, and Pantomime - Theatre
and Pantomime - Theatre Resources from Artslynx.URL
Rules for Charades.URL
Rules for Charades.URL
The Art of Mime.URL
The Art of Mime.URL
The Great British Tradition - Pantomime.URL The Great British Tradition - Pantomime.URL
The History of Mime.URL
The History of Mime.URL
The Mime Journal - How To Reach Us.URL
The Mime Journal - How To Reach Us.URL
The World of Mime Theatre.URL
The World of Mime Theatre.URL
What is a pantomime anyway.URL
What is a pantomime anyway.URL
Play Analysis
Virtual Classroom Tour Reel Reading.URL
Virtual Classroom Tour Reel Reading.URL
180 Days of Poetry
Instant Poetry
Modern American Poetry
Poetry As We See It
Poetry Express
A poem a day for American high schools (9-12)
Activities for more than forty poetry forms (2-9)
Poetry analysis modern American poets like Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost etc.
ThinkQuest; learn about poetry devices; practice identification (4-12)
15 poetry activities; tips and techniques for writing poetry (K-12)
Poetry Library of Congress
Learn about poets; read poems; resources including poetry webcasts (K-12)
Learn to inspire a love of poetry in students; how to write different types of
poetry, poetry fun, poetry theater and more (K-8)
Find a poet, poem, listen to poetry and more (K-12)
Complete Works of WS
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.URL
Who was the real Shakespeare Webquest.URLWEbQuest about WS
Silent Movies
Silent Movies
Lesson Plan
Jennifer Lemish, Lesson Plans, Silent Movie PowerPoint
Literature Through Silent Movies.URL
Literature Through Silent Movies.URL
Software Design in the Arts I (387)I (Spring 2005).URL
Software Design in the Arts I (387)I (Spring 2005).URL
Theatre History
Burcardo Library and Theatre Collection.URL Burcardo Library and Theatre Collection.URL
Federal Theatre Project Collection Home Page.URL
Federal Theatre Project Collection Home Page.URL
Internet Theatre Database.URL
Internet Theatre Database.URL
Jack Wolcott's Theatre History on the Web.URLJack Wolcott's Theatre History on the Web.URL
PeoplePlay UK - Guided Tours.URL
PeoplePlay UK - Guided Tours.URL
Scottish Theatre Archive.URL
Scottish Theatre Archive.URL
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, Bankside, Southwark,
Globe Theatre, Bankside, Southwark, London.URL
The Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre
Jerome Institute.URL
Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute.URL
Scripts and Publishers
Barnes &
Barnes &
Dramatists Play Service, Inc.URL
Dramatists Play Service, Inc.URL
Meriwether Publishing Comtemporary Drama.URL
Meriwether Publishing Comtemporary Drama.URL
Opening Night Playbills.URL
Opening Night Playbills.URL
Samuel French.URL
Samuel French.URL
ScriptCrawler - free screenplays, transcripts, teleplays.URL
ScriptCrawler - free screenplays, transcripts, teleplays.URL
Welcome to
Welcome to
Alcone Company Inc. Technical Notes.URL
Alcone Company Inc. Technical Notes.URL
JCC phone numbers.URL
JCC phone numbers.URL
Theatre and The Empire Theatre -- San Antonio.URL
The Majestic Theatre and The Empire Theatre --The
Theatre Organizations
Opening Night Playbills.URL
Opening Night Playbills.URL
Playbill Home Page.URL
Playbill Home Page.URL
San Antonio Theatre Coalition - SATCO.URL San Antonio Theatre Coalition - SATCO.URL
San Antonio Theatre Coalition SATCO.URL
San Antonio Theatre Coalition SATCO.URL
Texas Scenic Company - Stage Equipment.URL Texas Scenic Company - Stage Equipment.URL
AFI 100 Greatest Quotes.URL
AFI 100 Greatest Quotes.URL
American Film Institute.URL
American Film Institute.URL
Theatre Links.URL
Theatre Links.URL
TSC - Theatrical Stage Equipment.URL
TSC - Theatrical Stage Equipment.URL
Theatre Teacher Resources
Drama Workshop Ideas For Teaching Drama.URL
Andrew McCann's Drama Workshop Ideas For Andrew
Assignments for 6th Grade Middle School Business Education and Computer
Assignments for 6th Grade Middle School Business
and Computer Science Education.URL
- K-12 Language Arts and English Lesson Plans.URL
Awesome Library - K-12 Language Arts and English
Drama Resources @Web English Teacher.URL Drama Resources @Web English Teacher.URL
Access to Educational Sources - Teacher Resources.URL
Global Access to Educational Sources - TeacherGlobal
Jefferson County Schools.URL
Jefferson County Schools.URL
4 Teachers Theatre Dramatic Arts Lesson Directory.URL
Lesson Plans 4 Teachers Theatre Dramatic ArtsLesson
ProTeacher Drama Teachers Resource Room.URL
ProTeacher Drama Teachers Resource Room.URL
RubiStar Projects.URL
STEM~Net's Theatre Lesson Plans Page.URL
Teacher Links.URL
Teachers.Net - LESSON PLANS - The Teachers.Net Lesson Bank offers teachers
1000 lesson
Teachers.Net - LESSON PLANS - The Teachers.Net
Bank offers
teachers over 1000 lesson pla.URL Welcome.URL Welcome.URL
Theatre Lesson Plan Exchange.URL
Theatre Lesson Plan Exchange.URL
Welcome to CEDFA!.URL
Welcome to CEDFA!.URL
are visiting a site outside of The Educators Network.URL
You are visiting a site outside of The Educators You
Drama Resources @Web English Teacher.URL Drama Resources @Web English Teacher.URL
The Greeks.URL
The Greeks.URL
Academy of Motion Pictures
Official site of the Academy Awards (7-12)
Audition Tips
Tips for auditioning (7-12)
RubiStar Projects.URL
STEM~Net's Theatre Lesson Plans Page.URL
Teacher Links.URL
Modern Times
Musicals 101
Screenwriting Glossary
Student materials and guidelines for arts-based instruction and
assessment (K-12)
Drama and theater sites for kids (K-12)
Official site Tony Awards (7-12)
Vaudeville and popular entertainment (7-12)
Drama scripts (9-12)
Introduction to the world of children's theater (4-8)
Information on actors, directors, films, etc. (9-12)
Costumes or clothing throughout history (9-12)
Theatre games and classroom ideas, a short listing of plays for
performance and an annotated bibliography of books for the classroom
drama teacher (k-12)
Free presentations in PowerPoint (7-12)
Set and props, cost, lighting and composition, stage management,
interviews (9-12)
Site devoted to the works of Gilbert and Sullivan (9-12)
Official database for Broadway theater (9-12)
Kabuki, one of Japan's finest traditional theatrical arts (9-12)
Warm-up activities (K-6)
Various techniques for method acting (9-12)
Articles about great films, trends and directors, must enter e-mail
address to access page (9-12)
Cyber encyclopedia of musical theater, TV and film (9-12)
American theater history (9-12)
Glossary of screenwriting terms (7-12)
Yale School of Drama
Comprehensive link library to academic theater departments (9-12)
Movie Musicals from Stage to Screen
Old Time Radio
Performing Arts Links
Readers Theater
Sleepover Planet
Information on musicals which have gone from stage to screen (9-12)
Information on many musicals (9-12)
Old Time Radio Shows (9-12)
Resource on theater and actors (9-12)
Using drama to teach reading (K-12)
BBC backstage at the theater (K-12)
Arts Work
American Theater Wings
American Variety Stage
Children's Creative Theater
Classic Movie Favorites
Costumes of Clothing
Creative Drama and Theater
Drama and Stage Craft
English Theater National Arts Center
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
Internet Broadway Database
Kids for Broadway
Method Acting
Stage Fright Management
Shakey's Place
Traditional Theater in Japan
Theater Database
Theater History
Turner Classic Movies
Tips and tricks to help overcome stage fright (3-12)
Founder of the first acting "System" (9-12)
Enter Shakespeare's Globe Theater and learn about his life and works at
this informative site (9-12)
An introduction to Japanese theater (9-12)
Ancient theater, medieval theater etc. (9-12)
Information about the history of theater (9-12)
Many activities and websites involving television (9-12)
Games, Movie trivia, Classic Movie trailers, etc (9-12)
Bob Hope
Biography Channel
Comedy O-Rama
Edwin Booth
Golden Age of Theater
Inside the Actors Studio
Robert De Niro
Sarah Bernhardt
Movie List
Time 100
The Other Booth
Life, career, etc. (9-12)
Biographies of movie stars (9-12)
Comedy's roots in radio (9-12)
Autobiography (9-12)
A history of playbills and theater programs (9-12)
Biographies, interviews, famous actors (9-12)
Biography, filmography, photos (9-12)
Biography (9-12)
List of 100 best actors, actresses, movies etc. (9-12)
Times 100 best entertainers of all time (9-12)
Edwin Booth (9-12)
Alfred Hitchcock
Great Directors and their best films
Orson Wells
Senses of Cinema
Biography, filmography, photos (9-12)
Learn about the best films of English language films (9-12)
Filmography (9-12)
Filmography and web resources on great directors
Arthur Miller
Neil Simon
Lillian Hellman
Tennessee Williams
Shakespeare and the Internet
PBS; biography (7-12)
PBS; biography (7-12)
Biography (9-12)
Biography (7-12)
Life, criticism, resources (7-12)
Virtual Theater Tours
Ancient Greek Theater
Ancient Theater Tour
Globe Theater
Photos of Greek Theater (9-12)
Virtual Reality Tour of Ancient Theaters (9-12)
Virtual tour (9-12)
Kennedy Center
Virtual tour of the Eisenhower Theater at the Kennedy Center (9-12)

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