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FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF INDIANAPOLIS • COME AS YOU ARE DECEMBER 8, 2013 Frederick Lewis, Senior Minister • Evan Bever, Associate Minister Steve Potts, Music Director • John Bolt, Worship and the Arts Director • George Kimsey, Visitation Ministe r WELCOME TO FBC OF IN DIANAPOLIS We hope you will join us for worship, learning, fellowship, ministry, and service opportunities as listed below. Please stop by The Welcome Center for information and join us in the Atrium for refreshments and fellowship. Come as you are… H O W T O C O N N E C T AT F B C If you are new to FBC and would like to find out more about our church, we offer the following opportunities… Come and Consider - an information session on the church. Membership - is offered through: Confession of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism Transfer of Letter Christian Experience Service Opportunities - many local and mission-related projects are ongoing within the church. Fellowship Groups and Studies - join in Bible Studies, book groups, or Sunday morning small groups. For more information, please talk to someone at The Welcome Center on Sundays, or call the office at 317-846-5821 during the week, or visit our website 24/7 at www.fbcindy.org. OUR SUNDAY SCHEDULE December 8 8:50AM 10AM December 15 10:20AM 11:30AM 1PM 5PM 8:50AM 10AM 10:20AM 11:30AM 1PM 4PM Small Groups and Sunday School Care for Infants and Toddlers Second Sunday in Advent In This Way - Evan Bever Spirit Seekers, Rm. 208 New Journeys, Parlor First Karen Baptist Church, Sanctuary Youth Group Meeting (grades 6-12) Small Groups and Sunday School Care for Infants and Toddlers Third Sunday in Advent In This Way - Evan Bever Spirit Seekers, Rm. 208 New Journeys, Parlor First Karen Baptist Church, Sanctuary Youth Group (grades 6-12) will be participating with the Christmas Caroling Party *For your information, the sermons are available online. Go to: www.fbcindy.org and link to Resources/Sermons. MEETINGS THIS WEEK Tues. Dec. 10, 6PM Tues. Dec. 10, 6:30PM Wed. Dec. 11, 9:30AM Wed. Dec. 11, 11:30AM Wed. Dec. 11, 1PM Publication Deadlines: Adult Ministries, Rm. 110 Personnel Comm. Rm. 112 Worship Staff, Pastor’s Office Prayer Gathering, Parlor All Staff, Rm. 112 EVENTS THIS WEEK MISSION FAIR 2013 Sunday, December 8, 8:30AM-Noon This alternative giving event benefits local non-profit organizations including FBA and Beginnings. There are fliers with order forms that can be mailed to the church if you make a decision after Dec. 8. ARCHIVES CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Dec. 8, 8:30-Noon (closed during Worship) Come for a little Christmas in FBC’s best kept secret- the Archives! Christmas displays, pictures, and Mission Fair-related events over the years on exhibit. SPIRIT SEEKERS FOR CHILDREN DURING WORSHIP Sunday, December 8, 10:20AM, Rm. 208 This group is for children during worship (age 4 through Grade 5). Children will be dismissed from the service at approximately 10:20AM. Parents, please pick up children after worship in Rm. 208. CAREGIVERS OF ADULTS Sunday, December 8, 6-8PM Support group meeting for those caring for older family members. GEORGE ROBINSON’S RETIREMENT EVENTS Monday, December 9th, 5-7:30PM Most of you know that our First Baptist Athletic Director, George Robinson, is retiring as of December 15. His FBA and FBC families will be celebrating his years of ministry during an Open House in the Gym at First Baptist on the above date and time. If you would like to contribute to a love gift for George, please make your check payable to First Baptist Church and mark on the memo line “George Robinson.” On December 15th the worship service will honor George’s 24 years of ministry and a reception with photo opportunities will follow. SALLY DODGSON, RITA CHAPMAN CIRCLE Tuesday, December 10, 10AM, Parlor Join our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month. SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Thursday, December 12, 7PM, Chapel We will remember those friends and loved ones whose loss we feel during the Christmas holidays. This service is planned by the FBC Stephen Ministers and Norman Brandenstein will take us on his journey of faith regarding the death of his mother, Virginia Brandenstein. A reception will be held after the service in the Parlor. Tuesday @ 10AM for the Weekly Connection to jmcconnaughey@fbcindy.org and Wednesday, December 18 @ noon to agiannini@fbcindy.org for the January Inspiration Thursday @ noon for the E-spiration to agiannini@fbcindy.org DECEMBER FOOD PANTRY Tuesday, December 17, 4-6PM (Note 3rd Tuesday) Normally this event falls on the last Tuesday of the month, but because the last Tuesday in December falls on New Years’ Eve and the 4th Tuesday is Christmas Eve, a change needed to be made. This month and only this month, the Pantry will fall on Tuesday, December 17 from 4-6PM. Set-up will take place on Monday the 16th. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Lou Curless at curlessm@sbcglobal.net or Barb Minks at sbminks@msn.com. WWW.FBCINDY.ORG DECEMBER EVENTS MISSION CORNER Volunteer & Service Opportunities CHRISTMAS CAROLING Sunday, December 15, 4-7PM Join us for a family holiday event as we carol for our “shut-ins” then enjoy pizza together. Register on the bulletin’s response sheet or by e-mailing the FBC office, information@fbcindy.org. DECEMBER FOOD PANTRY CELEBRATING CHRIST’S BIRTH - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 DONATIONS Family Service, 5PM The Light of Christmas - Music Makers, Children’s Choir Program Wassail and Fellowship in The Atrium, 10:30PM Candlelight Service, 11PM-Special Music by the Keynote Brass Tuesday, December 17, 4-6PM See Featured Opportunities on Page 1 THE FOOD PANTRY’S DECEMBER SPECIAL IS…MONETARY Leave it in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or mail it to the church. ON TUES. NOV. 26... J A N U A RY E V E N T S WINTER FUN DAY Friday, January 3-10AM-2PM This is for children age 5 through Grade 5. The cost is $5 per child (payable at the door) which includes lunch. Sign your child up on the bulletin response sheet. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Cindy McMath at mcmathfamily@att.net G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N The November Food Pantry served 212 families which meant a total of 811 individuals did not go hungry this month. Over 700 people were served Thanksgiving Dinner at Edna Martin Christian Center. Thanks to all who donated, cooked, transported, and served! WE’RE COLLECTING PENNIES AND PEANUT BUTTER The Food Pantry is requesting jars of peanut butter and your pennies to help with our year-end budget. There is a table in the Atrium where you may donate both items until Christmas. CHILDREN’S BOOKS DECEMBER GIVING Please consider... Completing and returning your 2014 Estimate of Giving Card on line, by mail or in worship, if you have not yet done so. Making a special above and beyond gift in 2013 to help us conclude the year in the strongest fiscal position possible. A Special December envelope is available in the pew. Completing your planned giving by Dec. 31, 2013. Thank you for your generosity and commitment. WE WELCOME STEVE CARR TO FBA The FBA Transition team and the FBC Administrative Council introduce Steve Carr as the new Director of First Baptist Athletics. Steve is a 2005 graduate of Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree in social work. He brings experience in youth sports, urban Young Life programs, and most recently case management for the Indianapolis Department of Child Services. We welcome Steve and his wife, Lindsey and their children Jack, 6; Crosby, 3; and Jonah,1 to the FBC/FBA family. Steve began training on December 2 with George Robinson until December 16, when he will assume full time responsibilities. SHARING OUR FAITH AND STORIES-FBC ADVENT DEVOTION Rejoice with us as we celebrate the Advent Season through the eyes of our own members. Each unique Advent Devotion brings to life a story of faith; a time when God became real “in this way.” If you are signed up for our weekly e-newsletter online, you will receive an email reminder on Monday mornings during Advent with a link for the week’s daily devotions at our FBC website. In an effort to keep our printing costs down, we are only printing this upon request. If you do not have computer access, we ask that you contact the office for a printed copy at 846-5821 or information@fbcindy.org. You may bring new or gently used children’s books to the Atrium for Food Pantry give-aways. ANNUAL ADVENT MISSION PROJECT Hats, Mittens, and Socks for Kids Decorate a tree with your donations of new mittens, hats, gloves, scarves or socks in infant through teen sizes. All donations will be given to children at Edna Martin Christian Center and Nora Elementary Collecting from December 8 through January 5 in the foyer. -“I was cold and you helped me.” FBA TOY DRIVE FOR EDNA MARTIN CHRISTIAN CENTER From November 23-December 14 Help by bringing new and very gently used toys (unwrapped) to the FBA office. If no one is there, please leave the item(s) outside the athletic department door. DID YOU FORGET TO ORDER FROM TASTEFULLY SIMPLE? Beginnings will continue giving the fund raiser discount when you order for the holidays, mentioning them when you order! That's a win, win for all of us! Call the Coordinator at 416-3652. THANK YOU... We appreciate all who helped decorate the church this week! 2014 OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE AVAILABLE Please stop by the table in the downstairs hallway and pick up your 2014 envelopes. We ask though, that you not use these envelopes until 2014. FBC Weekly Prayer Ministry LOCAL, NATIONAL AND GLOBAL CONCERNS… ABCGI delegation in Burma for the Judson 200th anniversary celebration: Joan Friesen-Executive Minister, Joseph Huse-Lebanon FBC, Stephen & Klem Kio-Indiana Chin Baptist, Jeff Stratton-Southport BC., Bob and Pat Coats-Indianapolis First BC. FOR THOSE… Who are making the FBC Mission Fair possible INDIVIDUALS REQUESTING PRAYER Eileen Ackman The Mann Family Maryann Miller Gary and Judy Saltsgaver Ruth Taylor The Williams Family WEEKLY BIBLE READINGS Matthew 3:1-12 Isaiah 26:7-15 Isaiah 4:2-6 Malachi 2:10-3:1 Philippians 3:7-11 Philippians 3:12-16 Matthew 21:28-32 THANKSGIVING FOR… George Robinson and his 24 years of ministry at FBC and FBA 8600 N. COLLEGE AVE., INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 317-846-5821