“Learn How to Annihilate the Economy with Social Media and Video Marketing (A
“Learn How to Annihilate the Economy with Social Media and Video Marketing (A
“Learn How to Annihilate the Economy with Social Media and Video Marketing (A Savvy Small Business Owners Guide)” By Kimberly Flores 1 Table of Contents Part 1: Economy Page Hyperinflation Is Coming: What to Expect…………………………………………………….. 3 Aaron Kutchinsky Sound Money, the Answer for an Economic Recovery……………………………………. Carmen Alexe 4 Market Brief - Earnings Surprises Continue - But for How Long?........................... Keith Springer 6 Part 2: Social Media Social Media Trends Turning Towards Future Growth………………………………………… Grant Riendeau 8 Should Your Company Hire an SMM?.................................................................. Brian Gibbs 9 Social Media for Small Business - 3 Secrets of a Good Website…………………………... 9 Ron Simon Part 3: Video Marketing Video Hosting - You Do Have Options!............................................................... 12 Deb Lane Use Videos in Your Local Business to Get on the First Page Of Google………………. 13 Wolfgang Bloomfield Part 4: Small Businesses Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Client Database……………………………………………… 15 Mark Colosi Using Social Media to Nurture Offline Leads……………………………………………………. 16 Justin Delos Reyes Planning Your Attack……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 18 Part 1: Economy Hyperinflation Is Coming: What to Expect Aaron Kutchinsky Hyperinflation refers to an economical situation where the price increases are uncontrollable. When the inflation rate is extremely rapid, it is a sign that hyperinflation is coming. It is a devastating phenomenon that affects the world economy. It destroys the value of cash and bonds. It can be recalled that the hyperinflation in 1923 occurred in Germany. It has been reported that the price level of goods increased by a factor of 20 billion, and that it doubled every 28 hours. Hyperinflation in the USA happened in 1861 to 1865, affecting the Confederate States of America, where the dollar depreciated to zero after the Civil War. After the First World War, the hyperinflation in Germany was one of the most studied phenomena in the world. The ratio for trade between the mark and the dollar was at 9:1 in the early 1920s. And in July 1821, the ratio rose to a staggering 77:1 and an extremely high ratio of 192:1 in January 1922. Similar to what happened in Germany the United States is also suffering the same fate. Inefficient money management can be one cause of this situation in the economy. It greatly affects world oil prices and market commodities throughout the world. Hyperinflation is coming, and if we are not prepared, we will truly suffer the same fate that has happened in the past 150 years of the economy. Many experts believe that hyperinflation leads to the complete rejection of the currency of sovereign nations. It is an economic progression where paper money, bonds, and other paper assets lose their value.One of the main causes of hyperinflation is the overflowing supply of paper money. The monetary and fiscal authorities are the ones responsible for issuing the supply of paper money. As a result, the government gains more at the expense of its citizens in the form of taxation. The value of money then declines because of the high taxation schemes that the government is imposing to those who possess paper money. Other factors affecting hyperinflation are unbalanced supply and demand caused by the excessive amount of printed money, and the minimal growth of products and services that do not match the large amount of printed money. Because there is excessive supply of money, its intrinsic value decreases. Here are some points to remember to determine whether your economy is suffering from hyperinflation: when people prefer to convert their wealth to other assets such as gold or silver, people regard the value of their monetary fund in foreign currencies are more stable, and when people prefer to exchange or barter goods rather than use money. Although hyperinflation has some good effects, most of the effects are negative. The reallocation of wealth from the general 3 public to the government is a serious consequence of hyperinflation. For borrowers, the effects of hyperinflation result to their gain, at the expense of the lender, particularly when contracts are signed during the worst point in inflation.With the many catastrophes affecting the economy nowadays, we should be aware that hyperinflation is coming and establish a plan that will help us survive this serious problem. http://ezinearticles.com/?Hyperinflation-Is-Coming:-What-to-Expect&id=6230955 Sound Money, the Answer for an Economic Recovery Carmen Alexe Relying on the current main stream media news would most likely make one believe that we're on the verge of an economic recovery. Despite the high unemployment rate, high number of foreclosures, a depressed real estate market, and rising prices on food and other commodities there's plenty of optimism that comes straight from the Central Bank and the Treasury. But what the officials don't take the time to explain in a logical manner is how can our debt burdened economy truly recover after decades of (Federal Reserve induced) bubbles and busts. Except for a minority of economists and investors the topic of sound money has never been put up for discussion. Because there is a direct correlation between sound (or unsound) money and the economy it is imperative to understand the meaning of sound money and its opposite, fiat currency. Sound money is characterized as money backed by a tangible asset such as gold, for example. Gold is a commodity that has been used by humans for thousands of years as a form of money. Because it comes with a limited supply it is the ideal specie. A gold backed dollar retains its value because unlike fiat currency (the dollar we have today) it cannot be created out of thin air. It makes our government and our politicians accountable since they would be less able to fund new and expensive government programs. Sound money is at the core of a free market economy and individual freedom. To better understand the most recent history of the U.S. dollar it's best to know that we did have a gold standard until 1971. However, shortly after the birth of the Federal Reserve in 1913 the dollar's position had been weakened. The nation's monetary policy had since been transferred by Congress in the hands of a few powerful international bankers. Beside managing the nation's money accounts the Federal Reserve's main activity consists in actually creating money that distorts production and creates inflation and the business cycle. During World War I the gold standard had been temporarily removed specifically to finance the war. During this time the window of opportunity for the Fed's creation of new credit and money supply had been fully exploited. The dollar experienced a significant decline however, the return to gold standard (prompting a reversal of inflation) helped regain partial stability. 4 In 1933 president Franklin Roosevelt had taken the first step of the removal from the gold standard when Americans were no longer allowed to exchange dollar notes for gold. Whatever was left of the old gold standard applied only to exchange amongst Central Banks and between the U.S. government and other countries. After World War II the Bretton Woods system fixed the value of the dollar to $35 per ounce of gold. Uncontrolled government spending however, led to United States government's inability to meet its obligation of redeeming other countries' dollars for gold. More dollars flooded the world and as other countries requested to redeem the U.S. dollars they owned more gold was being sent oversees to these governments. The U.S government's inability to provide the physical gold to meet the international investors' needs of redeem-ability may lead us to believe that more dollar notes were printed and used in the world than physical gold existed at Fort Knox. As a result, the value of the dollar began to decline. Finally the government recognized that the United States was no longer able to redeem dollars for gold, so president Nixon completely closed the gold standard by removing all the dollar's ties to gold in 1971. The dollar has officially become a fiat currency. Over the long run it's clear that the prior gold standard kept inflation in check. For example, the value of a 1880 dollar was maintained all the way until 1914, the year after the birth of the Central Bank (Federal Reserve). Since 1971 the value of the U.S. dollar declined significantly due to its removal from the gold standard. The Federal Reserve continued to increase the money supply by creating new credit and dollar bills out of thin air. The dollar however maintained a powerful position amongst fiat currency for a long time due to the 1971 and 1973 agreements between OPEC and the U.S. that enacted the world's oil trading to be exclusively in U.S. dollars. These events gave the dollar the status of the world reserve currency. The high demand for (petro)dollars on the international exchange markets gave the government, the central bank, and the politicians the opportunity to abuse it by printing more money to satisfy their desires for financial gains and power. In his 1966 essay "Gold and Economic Freedom" Alan Greenspan", former chairman of the Federal Reserve said: "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." Sadly, Mr. Greenspan has become one of those central planners whose career at the Fed appears to have influenced his views on gold. Our history has never experienced such an expansion of money supply like in the past few years. The world has become rather anxious about the U.S. debt, the dollar's loss of value as fiat currency, and the country's inability to repay the debt to foreign creditors. As a result, emerging countries - Brazil, China, India, Russia - had already started to work-out a 5 plan towards trading in currency other than the dollar. What that means for us here in the U.S. is that our dollar will soon not be in demand and with that our lifestyles will change. Monetary inflation is the end result of the Federal Reserve's monetary expansion. It is a hidden tax on the poor and middle class with little impact on the wealthy, the bankers, and the big corporations. China is already experiencing the signs of the inflation triggered by the U.S. and the Federal Reserve's expansion of dollar supply, and as such is taking a pro-active approach. Just a few weeks ago the Chinese government declared that it intends to strengthen the Yuan to the level of the world reserve currency. Finally, as Texas Congressman, Ron Paul states in his book Pillars of Prosperity, that "it is our individual responsibility to live within our means. A society that lives within its means can only be accomplished by producing more, consuming less, saving, and investing wisely." And with that the concept of sound money will not anymore be so hard to grasp. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6203620 Market Brief - Earnings Surprises Continue - But for How Long? Keith Springer Earnings continue to push stocks higher, as Intel, Qualcom, GE and McDonalds, to name just a few, all reported earnings better than expected. Clearly the Quantitative easing programs are working. After all, $14 trillion in stimulus had better do some good. The problem is for how long. What happens when the QE programs end, and how long can earnings actually "surprise" investors. Eventually, investors will catch on and begin to expect exceptional earnings and companies will be hard pressed to deliver not only these "exceptional" earnings but actual positive surprises. Given the level of optimism, earnings surprises and the end of the Federal Reserve's stimulus programs, we could very well be seeing the peak in earnings this quarter relative to surprises. Once earnings begin to disappoint, even if they are relatively good, the rally will be over. In the short term, there is still some room in this market for nimble investors, as earnings surprises are likely to continue through earnings season and as optimism grows for the 3rd quarter. However, if earnings come in short, a market top will be close at hand. Investors should not get impatient and/or carried away with the market's recent performance, throw caution to the wind and think it's going to be easy. We continue to look for the best "Total Return" investments, that provide above average dividends/income, upside potential and most importantly, downside protection. We are still finding yields of 7-10% and although 6 these may underperform the high fliers in the news, when the market turns, investors will be happy to have maintained reasonable objectives. Neither the turmoil in the Middle East, nor the impending doom of a nuclear meltdown in Japan, or tornadoes tearing through the United States mid-section will jar the earth off its axis and hurl us towards the sun... at least not today.These events proved to be a catalyst for the correction we so desperately needed. The market dropped about 6 ½% from its high, right in line with the 5-7% I was looking for, and well under 10% which would have signaled a potential catastrophe. Sure, a retest of last week's low is likely, but that level should hold. Now investors can focus on the fundamentals that truly drive stocks, the economy and earnings. With both of these, nothing has changed. The economy is "slogging through the mud" and slowly improving. It better after $14 trillion in stimulus! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6203105 7 Part 2: Social Media Social Media Trends Turning Towards Future Growth Grant Riendeau Social media marketing started out as a fad. Now, it has become a must have in the marketing industry. For example, Facebook alone has created an intense surge for newer marketing tactics. For many years, companies have tried new trends and associations to find a greater audience, and reach the ultimate-consumer faster. Due to technology, many companies have figured out the trends, and are going beyond their previous limits to reach these consumers. They have hired more employees who are tech-savvy, which is weeding out the older generations who aren't as familiar with the technology. Advertisements on Facebook are important success-factors because they can reach over 1 million targeted demographics if a strategic business unit needed to branch out to that many consumers. With the addition of these social trends, companies can "mass market" to their targeted demographics with less work, and are getting more for their money. Basically all they need is an employee on the computer 24/7, who updates the ads, and sites. Here has come a large basis for Media Marketing. With social marketing being a huge trend, more companies are being created for businesses who don't fully understand the social trends, or cannot keep of the costly time constraints of these sites. These companies want to help these businesses create a plan of attack, working directly with them to create a futuristic business plan marketed toward the future. Making videos, ads, and blogs increases the consumer viewership for these products, and will benefit the business, and the consumer in the longrun. Various marketers focus on their competition; however, its competition has moved on to advanced areas of marketing, and they are suffering due to their inability to connect with their clients and consumers. Not only is this a trend in the Midwest, where companies come to flourish, but companies across the United States come and go, not because of their lack of product diversity, but their lack of knowledge of their targeted demographics. In fact, not many companies have come out to help these small business. Companies have created their own niche for their consumers, and wants to provide affordable advertising for their clients, and ultimately increase their revenue, and product growth line. Should businesses want to continue with positive cash flow, they would need to focus on their opportunities in their market. Strategic business units need to market their hedgehogs, and create room for product maturation, and increase their brand equity. Some companies focus on their strengths, rather than their opportunities and threats. Hopefully these businesses will convert their weaknesses into strengths, and take full advantage of their opportunities. Through new marketing tactics over the years, it has been found that the common trend is to market online. Social media is only one aspect of advertising, so it shouldn't be the sole use of marketing, but an important key to the success of your individual company. Every 8 company has the opportunity to grow, they just need to know where they want to grow, not how. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6219403 Should Your Company Hire an SMM? Brian Gibbs Now is an exhilarating time in small business marketing, with organizations everywhere splitting into two categories - the ones that desire a social media marketing strategist, and the ones that have no idea exactly what one of these specialists are capable of doing for their company. Believe it or not social media marketing is considerably new. So new in fact, that half of the planet still does not know what it really is. The question on everybody's mind continues to be - is this marketing strategy so rewarding that you ought to think about hiring somebody to handle it for you? The answer is a resounding yes! But, why? There are generally three types of SMM: First is the uncommon, skilled person who is out there for hire, and will work for you taking care of and looking after your interactive marketing needs. The most common (but, not generally the best) is the do-it-yourself method, in which you (or possibly an employee) assume the extra responsibility of managing your social marketing. Another is the social media marketing firm, or outsourcing your social marketing to an experienced organization who can deliver the outcomes you desire. For smaller businesses who cannot pay for an SMM, doing the work on your own is okay but bear in mind as you grow you'll sooner or later need to rely on someone else for the full-time position. The point here is that you'll require a specialist if your social media marketing strategy is going to become a real success. That is why companies are increasingly using the services of these experts. Much like 1849, we are in a 'goldrush' phase, in which companies are experiencing amazing results from something as basic as a having a Twitter account. The Social Media Marketing Specialist Jitters If you have been utilizing internet marketing for some time, you will understand that the web consists of expert-experts. Everybody wants you to believe that they understand everything with regards to a specific topic. Unfortunately, most really don't know anything substantial. This is especially true of the 'social media marketing expert. 9 Many of these "authorities" spend several hours on Facebook and Twitter, however they do not know the first thing about marketing and advertising tactics. To discover a real expert look at their qualifications, or evidence of success. Proclaiming to be a guru just isn't sufficient - where's the proof? Advantages of a Social Media Marketing Specialist To nail down the advantages of a genuine SMM, why don't we think about this list: A Social Media Marketing Specialist will save you time They will save you the irritation of doing the work on your own They will save you money, since your time is not lost doing something you don't really understand They can make you money as your community, fans, and friends develop They will develop your community to get a increase in income potential They can help increase your consumer research options An expert brings you closer to your customers, so brand faithfulness grows An SMM demonstrates to the world your enterprise is contemporary and sophisticated They provide your company with an increased growth benefit, and the opportunity of better results than the others companies within your industry. With each of these strengths, why aren't more organizations hiring social media marketing companies? To put it simply - they do not know what can be expected from them, yet. As time progresses and companies fully understand social media marketing, we will suddenly see a huge increase of new job opportunities in this industry. (It has already begun). For the time being, retain the services of your own personal social media marketing professional to get ahead. It's not necessary to hold out for everybody else to catch up! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6232210 Social Media for Small Business - 3 Secrets of a Good Website Ron Simon When using social media marketing for your business, the first and most important element is your website. Your website or landing page is the first contact your potential customer has with you after finding you through your social marketing campaign. To reduce your visitors clicking off the page, use these three guidelines: First- Think simple and free of clutter 10 Just like your desk, if your website is packed pull of unorganized and random elements... clean it up quickly. Most of the time visitors to your site will judge your page within 3 seconds and either decide to stay or leave. Having a cluttered site makes it hard for your visitor to find out if you have what they are looking for. Always make it easier for your web visitor to find exactly the information you are providing without having to click all over the place. Also, make sure to guide your web visitor in the direction they need to be going. For instance if there is information about different types of information, give them a choice like "If you are looking for dental insurance, click here... for motorcycle insurance, click here." Making it simple helps them find what they need quickly and reduces the chance of them leaving early. Second - Avoid big filed graphics and animations Your web visitors will be coming to your site from various different platforms, computers, and internet speeds. If you load up your site with large graphic files or processor heavy animations, you limit the amount of people that can view your site. These days, many people use their phone and other mobile devices to quickly find information or a merchant and you don't want to restrict their access. Flashy sites are for winning agency awards, not for doing business. Keep it simple and light. If you need help building a site, don't worry about having to learn HTML, CSS or Java. Use simple but powerful web building software like Weebly or WordPress and you'll have a very a nice looking site that will do more than you need for running a business. Third - Tell your visitor what to do The call to action is the most important step you need to have in your website or any other marketing piece you have. It tells your reader, "Look, to get your cavity fixed, pick up your phone, call 555-1234 right now and end the pain immediately!" While that might sound simple or obvious, you would be surprised the difference having a line like that makes. Be sure to have clear, simple directions on what to do to contact you or how to request more information at the end of every page you have online or in print. You will quickly see a jump in your response. Having a website for your social media marketing is vital. But don't let it overwhelm you, it can be as simple as clicking a few buttons and writing some basic descriptions if you use the resources mentioned above. If you already have a website for your small business, go through it and make sure you're keeping it simple and clean as discussed in the first steps. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6226087 11 Part 3: Video Marketing Video Hosting - You Do Have Options! Deb Lane No doubt if you are reading this article, you are familiar with YouTube, the most widely known video hosting service online. YouTube has gained immense popularity because it's free, can be shared with the world and has a viral effect. A good video on YouTube can get loads of hits simply because people share them with their friends and family or on social networks. YouTube is not the only answer though... Because, in part, Google bought YouTube, video plays a huge part in search engine ranking now. More and more as you visit various business related websites, I bet you are seeing more videos than in the past. Videos are a great tool because it is so effective in building that Know, Like, Trust (KLT) factor, especially when there are real people on the video. Visitors can get a sense of what type of person and/or company they are dealing with, as they would going to a brick and mortar business. While YouTube is a great way to get your video out to the world, they do have terms and conditions that could prohibit you from outright promoting your business. You can post an educational video, but if you are putting out a video that blatantly promotes your business, your account could get terminated. The other potential disadvantage of YouTube is that potential competitor sites are embedded in the advertising links that pop up. This could cause your visitor to become distracted and leave your site, something you don't want to happen! Today there are a lot of free and paid video hosting services available online. If you Google "video hosting companies", you'll get several results. The video hosting company we use at Marketer's Edge is included with our overall web hosting package. We can store unlimited videos on their servers, tailor them to work with sales templates, our autoresponder, embed them on our blogs and websites, and there is no other advertising except the option of watermarking our affiliate link to our hosting company, and any hyperlinks we choose to add to our video. Videos take up a lot of space and bandwidth. Keep this in mind if you'll be using your web host to store your videos. Many web host providers determine their costs based on the amount of space and bandwidth your site consumes. If you use an autoresponder, be sure your video hosting provider works well with your other marketing tools. There are other free video hosting services available other than YouTube if you are on a tight budget. They too will likely post ads on your videos or video sites in exchange for a free account. These video hosting providers can be very helpful in generating traffic to your site due to their popularity. When using free services, be sure to read the terms of use thoroughly to ensure your compliance. 12 Whether you choose a free or paid service, one that is included with your hosting plan, or a combination of services, you'll want to get busy generating some videos about you, your business and/or product and get them on the internet! http://ezinearticles.com/?Video-Hosting---You-Do-Have-Options!&id=6215979 Use Videos in Your Local Business to Get on the First Page Of Google Wolfgang Bloomfield How can videos help to get you on the first page of Google if you used them in your local business? This you will find out, and much more too, by reading this article through to its conclusion. Videos and video marketing is very popular with Google, since its acquisition of YouTube, and therefore videos tend to be pushed to the top of the search results, often before your Local business website. More and more people now search YouTube when they are looking for information, and now that Google is presenting local search results first, this gives you the chance to get your local business on the first page of Google in your local area. Not only that but if you link your videos back to your local business website, it stands a much better chance of fairing well in the local search results. A lot of people these days would rather watch a video, about a product or a service, than read an article about it, many videos now go viral, meaning that people will tell their friends about it, and so the video gets passed around. There are many video websites out there, apart from YouTube and they tend to pick up these videos to use on their sites, and so do other website owners, all of this means more exposure for your local business, not only in your local area, but the whole world over. How would you like your sales people to work for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? Well by putting videos on your website, this is now possible, as your videos are now virtual sales assistants, and you could be making sales whilst you are sleeping, waking up a little richer each day, how would that make you feel the next morning? There are many ways that you could use videos on your local business website, you could have the business owner welcoming your website visitors to his business, telling them what his business is all about, he could show people around his workshop, and show them examples of his work as well. 13 Can you imagine the power of this in your local area? What do you think could happen to your sales and profits? Do you think that your local business will grow and prosper using these tactics? You bet it will. None of this was possible just a couple of years ago, but now you can compete with those large national companies, now that Google have levelled the playing field, by presenting local search results first, this gives you the local business owner, a distinct advantage over your national competitors. Make good use of this information and act on it fast, before your local competition finds out about it too, and beat you to the first page of Google in your local area, you cannot afford to ignore this, and miss out on this exciting opportunity. Video marketing is here to stay for a long time to come, and by now you should be able to see the power of this, and be able to understand that by using videos in your local business and your website, you have a really good chance of getting on the first page of Google in your local area. http://ezinearticles.com/?Use-Videos-in-Your-Local-Business-to-Get-on-the-First-Page-OfGoogle&id=6204995 14 Part 4: Small Businesses Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Client Database Mark Colosi I want you to realize that your most valuable asset is: Your Client Database Because most of your future business will come directly and indirectly from your database of clients. And if you ever want to sell your business, the main thing another business owner would be buying is the future revenue stream. You see, without clients your business is not worth very much. Yes, you may have a building, and equipment but you would get the same amount of money for those items if you just sold them separately. So for another person to buy your business at a decent price, it has to have existing clients. So, there are a few things you need to do to save money with your database and protect your database. You want to make sure your database is keep current and accurate. What do I mean by this? When you know about your clients moving you have to change their address in your database. 18% of the US population moves every year. And if your database gets large, say 5,000 people in it, you will want to have your list "scrubbed." What I mean by this is there is a BIG database that has all the "changes of address" in it for the entire US and Canada. For the most current companies offering this service, do a Google search under "Database Management." They will take your list for a small fee and match it up against all the people who changed their address and give you the new address in your database. Why would I do this? You would only do this if you are sending regular mail to your entire list because you will save money on postage and printing because all your mail will actually be delivered. If you don't do this, a percentage of your mail will not get delivered and you just wasted the money it costs to print it and mail it. 15 Makes sense? The next thing you must do is backup your database in case your computer crashes or someone steals your computer or it gets burned up in a fire. How often? The more changes to your database the more often you need to back it up. I would say at least once each month. This is easy to do. You just make a copy of your database on a CD and store it in a safe place. It probably would not hurt to print out a hard copy every once in a while. I don't do any of this stuff; it is all done for me. And you should have it all done for you. Remember you have to work SMART, not hard Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6238013 Using Social Media to Nurture Offline Leads Justin Delos Reyes As a business professional you probably have stacks of business cards in your desk drawer. How often do you follow-up with the people who handed them to you? If your answer falls in the rarely to never categories, what are your reasons for not following up? Is it lack of time? Is it because you have more important things to do? Or is it because you would rather focus on people who you know can help your business? The answer might be "yes" to all of those questions. And rightfully so. But why risk letting a lead fall through the cracks if there's an easier way to follow-up than making a phone call? Social media gives you the opportunity to follow-up with leads of both minimal, and of the utmost importance to you. And the best part is that it's more convenient in regards to effort and time. After you make the initial introduction (at a networking event or a trade show, for instance), an online marketing team can take the business cards you received and run with it on social media. A social media strategy dedicated to nurturing leads can put you in a position to stay in the consciousness of the people you meet. It can also help you keep an eye on what they are doing to potentially help your business. And it can have a greater pass along effect through their network of contacts. You never know who is looking for what at any given time. As they say in show business (and marketing), "Timing is everything." 16 Make an Immediate Connection Connect with the people you meet as quickly as possible. The fresher your offline conversation is, the better your chances are of being accepted as a friend on a social network. That means asking them for their URL or searching for them on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter within 24 hours of your initial introduction. LinkedIn users have the opportunity to see who visits their profiles. If you take the time to visit a lead's profile, you may as well try to connect with them because he or she will know that you visited their page. If they have a public profile set-up, they want to be found. You should not hesitate to get in touch with them - no matter how brief your in-person meeting was. Complete Your Profile An incomplete profile can turn potential leads off from accepting your connection request. Last month we asked our Facebook followers if they would connect with people who didn't have a profile picture on their account, and a majority of the respondents said no. Fill out most, if not all, of the information that social networks allow you to enter. More importantly, include a call-to-action somewhere in your profile to signal that you are open for networking and doing business. Share Great Content Savvy professionals recognize that content is like currency on social networks. And the best way to nurture the connections you make is to share solid content with them. Checking-in privately with your leads on a regular basis can be touchy - especially through phone or email. But it's more convenient on social networks. All you have to do is publish and share content that grabs people's attention. When they share content from their profile, make yourself even more visible by commenting on it. Keep at It Converting leads through social media is a long process. It can take months before a potential lead recognizes your work and decides to contact you offline. If you do not have the time to complete a profile and regularly share content, find someone who can do it for you. Using social media and constantly updating your profile and sharing content is a part of the courting process. Be persistent! It will pay off in the long run and will help you discover opportunities you may have missed otherwise. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6235018 17 Planning Your Attack If you are not getting the business you once were with traditional advertising, it's time to look into online methods. How many times in the last week have you watched a commercial rather than read about something? If you answered yes, you deserve to see this set of tools I am using to make businesses profitable again. Let’s Connect! Kimberly Flores Social Media, Video Marketing and Online Branding Specialist (951) 234-7688 http://millionairementoringvideo.com/ 18
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