How to write your CV and application letter ? 0473/339 338


How to write your CV and application letter ? 0473/339 338
How to write your CV and
application letter ?
Carine Chisu – Business Coach
0473/339 338
What do we do today ?
• Part 1 : How to write your CV ?
• Part 2 : How to write an application letter ?
▫ Advertisement
▫ Spontaneous
Which parts in a CV ?
1. Personal information
2. Education
3. Professional experience
4. Competencies
5. Various information
• What about hobbies ?
• What about lectures, publications, seminars ?
First part : Personal information
• Name + surname Æ make a difference if it is not
obvious (bold or italics)
• Official address + address where you actually
• Phone number + email address
• Age
• Place of birth
• Nationality ?
• Gender ?
Part 2 : Your educational background
• In chronological or antichronological order :
depends on how you feel about it / the reader
• Insert all the dates : gaps are no good signs for
• Insert the name of the school/university and the
place (no full address)
▫ It is your CV
▫ Not the one of your professors
• No insertion of elementary school
• Mention your thesis and title PhD (+ grades if any)
• For publications , seminars : full list in attachment
in separate document
Part 3 : Your professional background
• Do I have professional experience ? YES !
Teaching experience
Student jobs / summer jobs
x If several years : positive impression
• Insert all dates
• Mention the name of the employer + place
• 3 bullets to explain the position : choose the
vocabulary (e.g. responsability, people management,
budget, …)
Part 4 : Various competencies
• Language skills :
▫ Do not forget your mother tongue !
▫ Do not exagerate but do not minimize either
▫ Even basic skills can be interesting if not for now,
maybe for the future
• Computer literacy :
▫ Make the list of all the programs you can use
• Driver’s licence
Part 5 : Various information
• Other experiences :
Trip around the world
Youth camps : leadership
Group sports : competition (!)
Social engagement
Extra trainings
Beware of …
• Pay attention to details :
Easy to read : not overloaded
Grammar & spelling
Look & feel
Not too many hobbies : employers want people
who are ‘totally’ dedicated to their work !
• How long ?
▫ 1-2 pages max
▫ Full list in attachment on demand
General remarks
• No copy paste of the CV
▫ CV = facts & figures / application letter = occasion to
present the person behind it
▫ Personalize it : try to get the name of the person you
address your letter to
• 1 page max with address and signature
• Use the vocabulary of the potential employer if
▫ Profile
▫ Description of the position
• Start with mentioning where you saw the ad
• Mention the position and the place of the
position (best in Concerns : …) + repeat
• Then state why you are writing
▫ Avoid : I am very much interested !!!!
• Starting phrase :
▫ " Please find enclosed my CV, which I am forwarding to you
as an application for the position of......."
• Present & « sell » yourself
▫ Trick : description profile + job description
▫ Why are you different than all the others who will
apply ?
x Languages
x Experience
x Education
x Use adjectives like "demonstrated ability",
"well developed", "strong"
• Closing paragraph :
▫ Do not be shy to ask for an appointment
▫ Mention where & when you can be reached
x If holidays : mention it !
▫ « Should you require more information, … »
▫ Close with : Sincerely yours
▫ Full name + signature
• Do not forget to attach your CV !
Spontaneous application
• More difficult
▫ Use more upfront information
x The internet
x People you know
x Articles in press
• You need more solid argumentation on why you
want them to hire you
• Difficult : balance between telling them for
which position & leaving it up to them to think
March 24th :
How to prepare for the interview :
- content
- « package »
Until March 15th