How to Build a Successful European Seminar
How to Build a Successful European Seminar
Seminar How to Build a Successful European Partnership for Better Use of EU Funds? European Territorial Cooperation: Instruments, development opportunities for regions and countries. Programming period 2007-2013 and post 2013 financial perspective. Barcelona (ES), 10-12 December 2012 European Institute of Public Administration Institut européen d’administration publique Introduction Target group National, regional or local public administration, NGOs, associations and other actors interested or involved in the design, development and implementation of territorial cooperation programmes and projects Description The three days practical seminar will give a complete overview of all existing and accessible financial instruments for countries, regions, provinces and municipalities in the framework of territorial cooperation in the programming period 2007 – 2013, but as well foreseen evolution of the Territorial Cohesion from 2014 onwards. Regions and cities are very important players in programming and implementation of the EU Cohesion policy in terms of promotion of regional and local growth, job’s creation and maintenance related measures, but as well in the process of creation and implementation of JOINT EU co-financed projects in different areas of regional development. The EC encourages regions and cities from different EU Member States to work together and learn from each other through joint programmes, projects and networks. This seminar will be focused on the following areas: Objective 3 of the Cohesion Policy in the programming period 2007-13 - European Territorial Co-operation (former IC INTERREG), covering three types of programmes co-financed by ERDF: • 52 cross-border co-operation programmes along internal EU borders • 13 transnational co-operation programmes covering larger areas of co-operation such as the Baltic Sea, Alpine and Mediterranean regions • interregional co-operation programme (INTERREG IVC) and 3 networking programmes (Urbact II, Interact II and ESPON) covering regions of all 27 Member States of the EU European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), new legal instrument introduced by Regulation 1082/2006, designed to facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. It reflects the ongoing development of governance and organizational solutions in the area of territorial cooperation. EGTC are established mainly to manage or implement programmes and projects financed by structural funds, develop other forms of territorial cooperation without EU funding or to carry out actions relating to Community policies other than structural policy in the area of territorial cooperation. The ‘European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument’ (ENPI) replaced as of January 2007 the existing geographical and thematic programmes currently operating in the partner countries. Since 2007, the ENPI provides grants for local development projects that target sustainable development and approximate EU policies and standards in countries that are direct neighbours of the enlarged EU, involving both EU Member States and partner countries. The ENPI follows agreed key areas in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action Plans (specific action plans for development), which are the cornerstones of the ENP. Funds are allocated to individual country programmes depending on their needs and their implementation of agreed reforms. Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) – instrument of the EU pre-accession Policy providing the assistance to candidate and potential candidate countries of the European Union. The aim of the IPA is to prepare these countries for full EU membership, including preparation for the efficient programming and implementation of EU Policies and the absorption of EU Funds. However, the most important component in the context of the seminar is the Cross Border cooperation component of IPA. Learning methodology Traditional training methods (lectures and presentations, including concrete examples) will be combined with an interactive approach through discussions, exchange of experiences between participants, participants – experts and round table. One of the most important elements of the seminar is the presentation of best practices of JOINT EU cofinanced projects that were implemented in the previous programming period as well as those currently being implemented in the present financial perspective by different member states (Spain, Poland, Nederland, France and other countries) and practical workshop how to be efficient in joint projects, managed by experts in the field. Objectives By the end of the seminar, participants will have gained a thorough knowledge of all accessible financial and legal instruments for territorial cooperation, rules which apply to joint programmes and projects, how to use the best practices and how to avoid mistakes. The goal of the seminar is as well to build a real territorial cooperation network between participants and institutions for future joint projects and the exchange of practical experiences. Programme Monday 10 December 2012 10.55 Coffee break 11.15 I. Territorial Cooperation and partnership: objectives, instruments, legal solution, geographical division and possible future developments. 08.45 Registration and distribution of seminar material 09.00 Opening of the seminar: introduction to the programme, objectives and methodology Iwona Karwot (PL), Lecturer and Project Leader, EIPA Barcelona 09.15 ‘Tour de table’: participants’ presentation to endorse networking 09.35 Introduction to the EU Territorial Cooperation Policy in the programming period 2007-2013 and its development in the next financial perspective 2014-2020: objectives, instruments and challenges Iwona Karwot 11.00 Coffee break 11.30 European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC): state of play and prospects in Europe Case study: the EGTC’s in Spain Gracia Vara Arribas (ES), Expert, EIPA Barcelona 13.00 Lunch 14.30 State of play of all ENPI CBC programmes and possible changes after 2013 Bodil Persson (SE), Coordinator Cross Border Cooperation Unit F3 - Regional programmes, Neighbourhood East, Devco, European Commission 15.30 Debate 15.45 Europe 2020 and Territorial Cohesion Alexander Heichlinger (AT), Expert and Manager of EPSA, EIPA Barcelona Success stories of Territorial Cooperation programmes and projects in Spain Belén Mendoza (ES), Director of the EU Programs Department in the Santiago de Compostela Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation. 12.45 Debate 13.00 Lunch III. Territorial Cooperation and key factors of high absorption of EU Funds 14.15 Panel of experts – countries’ report: Success factors of programming, management and implementation of Territorial Cooperation programmes for higher absorption of EU Funds Implementation of 3rd objective of EU Cohesion Policy in Poland - programmes and instruments Iwona Brol (PL), Director of the Territorial Cooperation Department in the Ministry of Regional Development ‘Sustainability, Transferability, Capitalisation. Case studies from Italian territorial cooperation projects and programmes’ Pietro Celotti (IT), Partner, Head of Culture and Tourism at t33 Implementation of Territorial Cooperation programmes and projects: Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and North West Europe (NWE) experience Liga Baltina (LV), Regional Development and Territorial Cooperation expert at the Centre for European and Transition studies 17.45 Final panel of experts – key elements of successful partnership building in Territorial Cooperation 18:00 End of the second day 17.15 Debate Wednesday 12 December 2012 17.45 End of the first day IV. Workshops 20.30 Welcome dinner 09.00 Key elements of different phases of joint – project: practical approach Xavier Tiana Casablancas (ES), Head of the European Co-operation Office in the International Relations Directorate of the Provincial Government of Barcelona. Tuesday 11 December 2012 09.00 Introduction of the second day Iwona Karwot II. Territorial Cooperation and partnership: experiences by regions and countries. Practical examples of best practices 10.30 Workshop: How to build a successful partnership in European Territorial Cooperation projects? Xavier Tiana Casablancas and Iwona Karwot 11.00 Coffee break 09.10 How to build a successful partnership? The Maas-Rijn EURO-region case Tore Chr. Malterud (NO), Former Head of Unit for European Public Administration in EIPA Maastricht 11.20 Workshop (continuation) 10.40 Debate 14.00 Closure and issuing of the EIPA certificates 13.15 Evaluation panel Xavier Tiana Casablancas and Iwona Karwot Experts (in alphabetical order) Liga Baltina (LV) Regional development and territorial cooperation expert at the Centre for European and Transition studies. She has over ten years of experience working with EU and other financial instruments (ERDF, ESF, Norwegian financial mechanism, Latvia-Swiss cooperation program, EU Territorial cooperation programs), out of which, more than six years being Head of International Projects and Communication department at the State Regional Development Agency of Latvia. Working experience covers also being member of national subcommittee for Territorial cooperation, acting as ESPON contact point in Latvia and having a working experience for Territorial cooperation programme in France. More than 5 years being part of research and expert team at the Centre for European and Transition studies and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Current PhD. cand. in Management Science at University of Latvia. Research focus is on the implementation of the place-based approach in regional development. Iwona Brol (PL) Director of the Territorial Cooperation Department in the Ministry of Regional Development. Since the end of 2002, she has been involved in programming and implementation of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programs under Interreg, Neighbourhood Programs, European Territorial Cooperation and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Programs.During the period 2007-2013 the Territorial Cooperation Department manages three crossborder programs under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and two cross-border programs under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. Pietro Celotti (IT) Partner, Head of Culture and Tourism at t33. He has over 10 years experience in the coordination of transnational projects for culture, rural tourism, continuing education and corporate internationalization. On behalf of the Italian Republic Embassy in Tunis he formulated a training plan for the launch of eco-cultural tourist routes in different regions of Tunisia. He currently coordinates technical assistance projects for local bodies involved in managing EU co-funded programmes and projects and is carrying out an assessment of cooperation programmes (Italy - Tunisia ENPI; ALCOTRA France-Italy 2007-2013). Since 2010 he has been teaching Europlanning techniques at the ‘Master of Relations with Eastern Countries’ of the University of Macerata. Alexander Heichlinger (AT) Senior Faculty Member, Expert at EIPA Barcelona and Head/Manager of the European Public Sector Award (EPSA). Over the last 16 years he has been involved in and has led numerous assignments for regional and local authorities in the enlarged Europe as well as for the European institutions and other international organisations, e.g. Resource reference in the 2012 edition of the United Nations Public Service Awards Day and Forum; Membership of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe’s 2012 Programme ‘Best Practices on Regeneration of the European coastal towns’; Member of the EC DG Employment 2010 Steering Committee in ‘Assessment of administration and institutional capacity building interventions and future needs in the context of the European Social Fund’; Jury member of the Living Labs Global Showcase Award 2010; Partner in and member of the Scientific Committee of the ALSO Project – Achievement of the Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategy Objectives by INTERREG, EC INTERACT Secretariat (2005-2008); etc. Since 2009 he heads the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) project management team at EIPA. EPSA will celebrate in 2013 its fourth edition. He has published 9 books and has many other publications in his name (i.e. academic articles, policy and discussion papers, expert reports, etc.). Iwona Karwot (PL) Lecturer and project leader at EIPA Barcelona. Doctor in EU Regional Policy. Specialised in EU funds, with main focus on European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and pre-accession funds (former PHARE, IPA). Working experience as EU expert, trainer, manager or adviser in the framework of Institutional Building and Technical Assistance EU projects in the field of regional development: Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Turkey, Kosovo, etc. Tore Chr. Malterud (NO) Former Head of Unit for European Public Administration in EIPA Maastricht (NL). He gained a cand.oecon degree from the University of Oslo and studied labour legislation and constitutional questions. He followed the training programme for Directors-General and the Defence College in Norway. Before coming to EIPA in 2001, he worked for various employers and business organisations, was councillor at the Norwegian Mission to the EU, and held the position of Director-General within the Norwegian Government. He is the author of the book “Hverdagens Europa” (1992), and has also published a number of articles in professional publications. Tore Malterud is responsible for a module in the Norwegian MPA and Regional Development Managers program. Tore Malterud holds a PhD from University of Aarhus in Denmark. Belén Mendoza (ES) Director of the EU Programs Department in the Santiago de Compostela Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation. Former Secretary General of CECICN (Conference of European Cross-border and interregional city networks), where her job focused on cross-border and interregional projects and consultancy work for International Relations issues for the City Council of Santiago de Compostela. She was in charge of the designing and monitoring of projects of the different European Programmes: Interreg IVB, Interreg IVC, Framework Programme, Europe for Citizens, Daphne, and Youth in Action. She has coordinated ATLANTE project (Interreg IIIB), SUITE project (URBACT II) and SANTIAGO-UNE project (Europe for Citizens). She also took part in the General Assemblies or Executives Bureaus and was in charge of the communication with the entities and institutions in which the City Council of Santiago is a member. Bodil Persson (SE) Deputy Head of Unit F3 Regional programmes East, EU Commission. Responsible for the 13 operational ENPI Cross Border Cooperation programmes both East and South. She has been involved in Cross Border Cooperation with countries on the other side of the external border since many years closely involved in setting up the Neighbourhood programmes and the preparation and implementation of the ENPI CBC programmes. She is directly responsible for the 2 sea basin programmes ‘Mediterranean programme’ and the ‘Black Sea programme’. Xavier Tiana Casablancas (ES) Expert in EU Structural Funds national and regional programmes (programming, project preparation, project management, evaluation). Experience in European Territorial Cooperation and other programmes: project preparation and project management. Experience in lobbying EU Policies related to urban and regional issues. Good knowledge of networks. Involved in the management of transnational networks (Arco Latino, Partenalia, etc.). Gracia Vara Arribas (ES) Expert at EIPA Barcelona. She specialises in European law, regional participation in decision making, and the legal aspects of European integration, with a particular focus on regional and local governance (Multilevel Governance). In the area of territorial cooperation through the legal tool EGTC she was a member of the Committee of the Regions group of selected experts on the topic (CoR Ateliers 2008), conducted a research on the EGTC´s in Spain (2008), and published several articles on the issue, the last one under the title ‘European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) -New spaces and contracts for European integration?’ (Eipascope number 2009/2, co-authored G. Vara & G. Spinaci). General Information Seminar venue Hotel Catalonia Berna**** C/ Roger de Llúria, 60 ES - 08009 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 272 00 50 Working language The seminar will be conducted in English. Registration • Participation fee: €875 (includes: documentation, two lunches, a welcome dinner, coffee breaks and a certificate of attendance). Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration. • Deadline for registration: 26 November 2012 • The NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IS LIMITED. (we will not accept any registration once the places available are covered) • Payment: you should pay after having received the confirmation of your registration and before the seminar. Please indicate the method of payment on the registration form. For cancellations received after the deadline, we will have to charge an administration fee of €150 unless an alternative participant is nominated. • EIPA offers its members a reduction of 10% of the registration fee. This reduction is available to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s member countries (i.e. AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, ES, SE, UK) as well as civil servants working for an EU institution or agency. If you are eligible for a discount, please tick the box in the registration form. For more information, please visit EIPA’s website: Information European Institute of Public Administration, EIPA Barcelona Miriam Escolà, Programme Organiser C/ Girona, 20 - 08010 Barcelona (ES) Tel.: + 34 93 567 24 08 Fax.: +34 93 567 23 99 E-mail: You can also submit the online registration form which can be found on EIPA’s website: where you will also find all relevant information on this seminar. Your name and address will be part of EIPA’s database for our mailing purposes only. If you do not want to be included in our mailing database, please tick the box in the registration form. Hotel reservations: The EIPA Barcelona will be pleased to make reservations for you at this hotel (where special rates are applied for EIPA participants): HOTEL CATALONIA BERNA**** C/ Roger de Llúria, 60/ 08009 – Barcelona (ES) €105 Double room for single use, breakfast buffet included (+ 10% VAT) €125 Double room, breakfasts buffet included (+ 10% VAT) Should you wish to make use of this possibility, please indicate the dates of arrival and departure on the registration form as well as the type of room. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel on checking out. Please note that if you register after the deadline, hotel reservations cannot be guaranteed. Do not consider yourself registered as long as you have not received an e-mail from us confirming your registration. Registration Form How to Build a Successful European Partnership for Better Use of EU Funds? Barcelona (ES), 10-12 December 2012 Surname: .................................................................................................................................. Title: .............................................................. M/F First name: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Current position: . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Organisation: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Work address: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Postal code & town: ............................................................................ Country: ................................................................................................. Tel. No: ..................................................................................................... Fax No: . .................................................................................................. E-mail address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Official Dinner: Yes No Invoices data Name of the institution or organisation: ........................................................................................................................................................ Fiscal number: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Postal code, city: .................................................................................................... Country ............................................................................... Registration fee (see conditions in general information) Includes participation in the seminar, a documentation folder, coffee breaks, two lunches, a dinner and a certificate of attendance. Discount of 10% (Please check first the conditions at (FAQ – special discounts) €875 Method of payment Bank transfer It is necessary to state the name of the participant and the reference ‘1261001’ EIPA Barcelona’s account nº IBAN: ES27-0182-6035-43-0018000225, BIC: BBVAESMM at the BBVA, Plaça Catalunya 5, 08002 Barcelona (ES) Credit card Amex Mastercard Visa Card Card No: . ............................................................................ Expiry date: ................. /.................. CVC ........................................................... Hotel reservation Please book this hotel for me at Hotel Catalonia Berna**** (see fares in ‘General information’) Double room for single use Date of arrival:.................................. Date of departure:................................ Double room Number of nights: .......................... No hotel reservation required Meals Vegetarian: yes Fish allowed: yes no Other dietary requirements: ................................................ To ensure the optimal organisation of the seminar, please return the completed registration form by fax or e-mail before 26 November 2012 to: Miriam Escola, Programme Organiser, Tel.: +34 93 56 72 408; Fax: + 34 93 56 72 399; E-mail:, – The registration will be confirmed by e-mail. Your name and address will be part of EIPA’s database for our mailing purpose only. Please tick if you do not want to be included in our mailing database.