How to succeed in the waves of transformation? Better business with superior


How to succeed in the waves of transformation? Better business with superior
Customer case: Ahlstrom
Business transformation, TIPS
Better business with superior
industry knowledge
How to succeed
in the waves of
Ahlstrom, founded in 1851, has a long and successful history in the global
manufacturing industry. During the past 10 years the company has been
going through a major transformation to chrystallize and enhance its
strengths in the global market. This means outsourcing of certain businesses,
focusing on core competence areas and creating a unified organization and
harmonized processes to be able to benefit from a new level of efficiency,
quality and high performance.
“Change is an every
day task in our
business – therefore
the most important
thing is to see the
interdependencies of all
changes. Together with
Tieto we can see things
in a longer perspective.
Experience creates
trust – and openness
and competent people
with good ideas drive
things to the right
Mr. Kari Suominen, Vice President,
Information Solutions, Ahlstrom
Today, Ahlstrom focuses on high
performance fiber-based materials
– with over 180000 products in
their portfolio. Speed is the key – the customer interface with more
than 30 plants and about 30 sales
units worldwide calls for highly
efficient global processes as well as
flexibility. In this challenge, the close
partnership with Tieto has added
value both in the stages of business
transformation and in delivering
IT solutions and services helping
to harmonize business critical
Strong partnership
adds value – both in
transformation and daily
The collaboration between Ahlstrom
and Tieto started in 1996. The first
joint goal was to integrate Tieto´s
industry based IT solution Tieto
Integrated Paper Solution TIPS to
support Ahlstrom´s manufacturing
execution – bringing efficiencies both
to the factory floor operations as well
as to order & sales processes.
During the years Tieto has been
actively growing their competencies
to meet the changing customer
needs driven by the dynamic global
business environment. For Ahlstrom,
the key competence of Tieto is an
outstanding combination of industry
knowledge and end-to-end business
process understanding – supported
by innovative IT solutions and
Customer case: Ahlstrom
reliable monitoring services.
Continuous harmonization and
transformation require rapid
agility and scalability. All business
development projects benefit from
Tieto´s flexible resourcing – offering
always a dedicated team with the
optimal competence.
Ahlstrom runs OrderPlan,
based on Tieto TIPS
- bringing superior
efficiency in sales and
Running 32 plants globally
requires a well crafted and proven
manufacturing execution system
to manage the complexities of the
business critical production, order
and sales processes. Matching the
versatile and individual needs of
Business transformation, TIPS
the modern end customers is also
critical. To do this successfully and
benefit from the efficiencies of a
unified process in all their plants,
Ahlstrom uses OrderPlan, based on
innovative industry based solution
Tieto Integrated Paper Solution
TIPS. It is an end-to-end solution –
offering the smooth management of
the whole order-to-cash value chain
with direct integrations to SAP.
OrderPlan combines the user
driven functionalities and the best
practices of Tieto’s over 30 years
of experience in delivering leading
IT solutions for the pulp and paper
industries. Since 2011 Ahlstrom
has also outsourced the OrderPlan
monitoring services to Tieto to
guarantee 24/7 service availability in
a global level.
Customer benefits:
• Significant working capital effectiveness improvement: from average of 81 days (2008) to average of 39 days (end 2010). Current 39 days implies release of ~210 MEUR
• Significant improvement in delivery measure OTAPIF (On Time As Promised In Full) • Average 10 % delivery capability improvement in pilot factories
• Improved waste reduction
• Improved flexibility with successful harmonization
• Faster and easier implementation of business driven changes
• Business benefits for all units
• Future-proof OrderPlan solution with continuous lifecycle management
• Higher service availability 24/7 with outsourcing
• Ahlstrom, founded in 1851, is a high performance fiber-based materials company, partnering with leading businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. The products are used in a large variety of everyday applications, such as filters, medical gowns and drapes, wall coverings, flooring, labels and food packaging.
• More than 30 plants and about 30 sales units worldwide, 5200 employees in six continents
• Business areas: Building and Energy, Filtration, Food and Medical, Label and Processing
• Listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki since 2006
Want to know more?
Contact Arto Malkki
+ 358 20 726 0499
Working capital
improvement from
81to 39 days
delivery capability
“Our business is global
and it means that we
need to be able to
be proactive on the
markets. Effective and
well designed IT fuels
the operation. Tieto´s
TIPS-based OrderPlan
is at the heart of
action – supported by
high availability Tieto
Managed Services
Ahlstrom & Tieto Partnership
since 1996:
•Business transformation and harmonization
• OrderPlan solution globally on 32 mills – connected with SAP
• OrderPlan 24/7 monitoring (Tieto Ostrava)
• 45 OrderPlan rollouts made since 1996

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