Sheet 3: How to open and manage your account


Sheet 3: How to open and manage your account
Sheet 3: How to open and manage your account
Your current account is, as it were, the hub of your cash management system.
To open your KBC account, simply drop into any KBC Bank branch and ask to open one!
To find the most convenient KBC branch, check the Internet on:, select ‘En’ for English in the top bar (at the
left), then ‘Contact KBC’, then click on ‘KBC Bank branches’ and enter the name of your preferred town/city. Alternatively,
you can look us up in the Yellow Pages, contact us at ‘’ or call your expat adviser on +32 (0)2 429 58 12.
Of course, there are one or two minor formalities. We need your name and address, for example – but if you don’t yet have
an address in Belgium, no problem, we provisionally put your account under your employer’s address. We also require your
validated signature. Then, within minutes, you’ll have your account number.
If you’re really pressed for time, you might find it more convenient to fill in the application form enclosed (Sheet 9) and email, post or fax it to us.
Your account is operational as soon as it is opened. You can deposit cash and have all money transfers, including your
salary, paid into it. To have your employer transfer money to your account, all you have to do is notify your account number
to your personnel department. You can also withdraw cash from your account at will, besides using it to make all your payments, i.e. rent, loan repayments, telephone, water and electricity bills, etc.
As a matter of fact, these regularly recurring bills can be handled by direct debit, whereby you complete the requisite form
and return it to the creditor or the KBC branch of your choice. The creditor then arranges everything directly with the bank.
This means that your invoices are paid automatically, without you having to worry about them.
You can also give the bank a standing order to pay regularly recurring expenses for which you receive no invoice or account (rent, for example). These payments are made at predetermined times and the standing order remains in force until
you cancel it. You can, of course, amend the details whenever you wish.
Finally, at KBC we make banking easy – 24/7 – for people with busy (often international) schedules. The vast majority of
your routine banking transactions can be carried out electronically via your PC (through KBC-Online banking).
For example, you can set up your own standing orders and then monitor or amend them yourself on your PC. At the same
time you can consult any direct debits you arrange with the bank.
Managing your KBC account, is made easy thanks to ‘Account information facility’ which provides you with clear and
complete details of all incoming and outgoing payments on your account (see sample statement overleaf).
Your account information going back 10 years will be permanently available to you via KBC-Online. To look up the details
of a payment made in the past, or to find out what a particular transaction came to up to 10 years ago, simply use the
search box in the ‘Account information’ facility. If you then decide that you also require this information in hard copy, you
can make a report. Creating and printing statements of account is, therefore, a thing of the past!
If you want to save the information on your own computer or you decide that it needs to be printed out after all, use the new
‘Request reports’ facility. The type of report you should request depends on what you want to do with it later. Reports in
paper form remain in A4 format and contain exactly the same information as conventional statements of account.
Are the reports I print in KBC-Online legally valid?
The reports replace paper statements. For instance, you will be able to use these reports to prove to a supplier that payment has been made. However, in the case of a legal dispute, the judge will always request the bank to provide a document
as proof of payment. This can be requested from your bank branch, where a hard copy will be printed or posted straightaway.
Which type of report can I create in KBC-Online and what can I do with it?
Report based on a period
You can create this type of report for all your accounts and other banking products (pension savings schemes, term investments, etc. ).
Report based on the statement number
You can only request this type of report for current or savings accounts (always in PDF or A4 format).
April 2011
Report based on search criteria (amount, description, etc.)
You can only request this type of report for current or savings accounts (available in PDF format or as a CSV file).
Report for all transactions since the previous one
This report is always in PDF or A4 format.
You can decide how you’d like the information to be grouped together in this type of report:
• having transactions on all accounts grouped together in a single document is the most practical choice if you are
going to print them out;
• creating a separate document for each account is useful if you intend to save them on your computer in a separate folder for each account.
CSV files
You can request a report in CSV format for both current and savings accounts. The CSV file containing the account information has the following fields:
• your account number;
• the alternative name of your account;
• the account holder’s name;
• the statement number;
• the transaction date;
• a description of the transaction, including the beneficiary’s or principal’s account number;
• the value date of the transaction;
• the transaction amount;
• the account balance after this transaction.
Data from a CSV file can be read into a spreadsheet or database program (Microsoft Excel, StarCalc, Apple Numbers,
Microsoft Access, etc.). You can then use the program to select, sort and process the transactions in order, for example,
to help you run the household budget or a club’s finances.
If I have printed out the transactions for June once already, can I print them out a second time in a
report at a later date?
Yes, you can print out or save the same transactions as often as you like.
Can I receive a copy of each transaction on paper just the once and on a regular basis?
We discourage this, because information can be found much more quickly in KBC-Online than on paper statements of
account. If you want to avail of this service, however, select ‘Report for all accounts since the previous one’ in the ‘Request
reports’ facility. Group everything together in a single document and print it out. The transactions will be printed on a new
page for each account and can then be classified in separate folders per account. You can obtain these folders free of
charge from your bank branch.
The ‘Request reports’ facility is provided as standard in KBC-Online, an application which is free of charge to holders of
KBC Expat Convenience package, KBC Compact Accounts or KBC Convenience Accounts.
You can also print the statements free of charge in the KBC-Matic lobby of any KBC Bank branch, or, for a small fee - just
the postage - have them mailed at pre-determined intervals (daily, weekly, etc.) to an address nominated by you.
Do I have to keep my statements of account?
No. As a private individual, you do not have to save a copy of your account statements in paper or electronic form. KBC will
always provide you with a paper version of any tax certificates to included with your tax return or to be kept for your own
particular needs
KBC makes monitoring your account as easy as ABC.
April 2011
KBC Covenience Account
from 01-06-2009 until 09-06-2009
no. date
IBAN BE96 7390 0617 9305 EUR
value date
Balance on 01-06-2009 at 00:00
1 389,01 +
007 02-06-2009 PAYMENT OF PURCHASE
02-06-2009 AT 18.55 TIME, DELH KESSEL LO
6713 7040 0657 9115 5
35,00 -
6713 7040 0657 9115 1
70,00 -
007 04-06-2009 TRANSFER FROM 411-5119761-19
DIRECT DEBIT NO. 741-7101261-71
19,95 -
DIRECT DEBIT NO. 741-4177191-18
51134726 01/06 COLLECT. HOSP.
15,56 -
007 05-06-2009 PAYMENT OF PURCHASE
05-06-2009 AT 20.48 TIME, DELH KESSEL LO
6713 7040 0657 9115 1
34,18 -
007 08-06-2009 PAYMENT OF PURCHASE
08-06-2009 AT 20.33 TIME, COLRUYT LUBBEEK
6713 7040 0657 9115 1
51,85 -
007 09-06-2009 PAYMENT OF PURCHASE
09-06-2009 AT 12.31 TIME, A EN T
6713 7040 0657 9115 1
65,01 -
Balance on 09-06-2009 at 24:00
1 769,75 +
Registered office: KBC Bank NV - Havenlaan 2 - 1080 Brussel - België
VAT BE 0462.920.226 - RLP Brussels - CBFA 026256 A
Member of the KBC group
electronic statement
April 2011