Partnering with God in Changing Lives


Partnering with God in Changing Lives
Partnering with God in Changing Lives
Vol. 79
No. 1
March-April-May 2016 |
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Bringing Blessings
When trouble or trying circumstances come our way, we
often ask, “Why did this happen to me?” It would be better
if we would ask, “What can I learn from this? What is God
teaching me?”
Ruth Paxson, missionary to China during the first part of
this century, told of a woman who boarded a train with
her in Finland. The first thing Miss Paxson noticed was
her radiant face. But then she observed that the woman’s
right hand was missing, and in its place was a steel hook.
As they talked, Miss Paxson learned that she had been a
missionary in India, had contracted a lung disease, and
had been sent home to die. So she returned to her native Finland, bought a farm, and worked
vigorously. One day, while she was working on the thrashing machine, her right hand was cut
off. Now, as the two talked on the train, she told Miss Paxson, “When my hand was cut off, I
immediately looked up to my Lord and said, ‘Lord, what do you want me to do now that my
right hand is gone? What work? I’m not asking why, but what?” God used her to turn her farm
into a home for elderly Christians, bringing blessings to many.
Have adverse circumstances come into your life? They are there by design. Our nature is to
question God’s workings, but this delays the demonstration of His strength. His purpose is to
show the genuineness of our faith, and the sufficiency of His grace. Stop asking why, and then
God can show you what.
Those who bless God in their trials will be blessed by God through their trials.
“For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
~ Proverbs 2:6
Pastor Kelly
New Members
Alisa Backus
Ivy Brewer
Heidi Dunakin
Nathan, Lauren, Madison &
Benjamin Ferree
Debbie Heigaard
Rob, Melisa, Colin, Mason,
Brayden & Ava Herum
Betty Littreal
Harold, Pat, Debra, Gracie, &
Angel Mitts
Valerie Richards
Ken & Pam Staggs
Staff Recognitions
From Your Church Staff
KBC Ministry Assistants
are Awesome!
Our Ministry Assistants not only provide administrative needs to our Ministers, but also to the
entire congregation and community. During
Administrative Professional’s
Week, April 25–29, remember to thank
these special ladies:
Rachel Nichols, 7 years, April 15
Edith Pryor
Marlene Smith, Sharon Pinkston,
Edith Pryor, Rachel Nichols,
Brandi Riggs, and Johanna Wright
They work diligently behind the scenes in the
life of our church! Send them a card or notes of
encouragement and especially lift them up
in prayer.
Ministry Assistant
to Students & Children
Johanna Wright, 12 years, April 16
Director of Family Life Ministries
Edith Pryor, 5 years, April 26
Ministry Assistant of Education,
Discipleship & Missions
Rev. Ken Carlton, 8 years, May 4
Minister of Adult Ministries &
Pastoral Care
April 5
Brandi Riggs
April 22
Marlene Smith
April 26
Bruce Doss
May 22
Andrew Knollenberg
May 23
Easter Celebration
Easter Cantata
March 20
"The King Is Coming"
6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Good Friday Noon
March 25
Reflections on the Cross
12:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary
Good Friday Evening
March 25
Evening Service & Lord's Supper
7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary
An Easter Morning
of Worship
March 27
A Celebration of Our Risen Lord!
10:30 a.m., in the Sanctuary
9:00 a.m., Bible Study classes for all ages!
(no evening worship)
Friday, March 25 at Noon, and Monday, March 28 all day.
Friday, April 15,
7:00 p.m.
for all Active and Inactive
Our Goal: $13,000
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is one of Southern
Baptists best opportunities to help our missionaries and church
members do whatever it takes to reach North America with the
gospel. You can give your offering anytime during the months
of March and April. Every dollar goes directly to the missionaries
and their work on the field. Prayer guides will be available in the
Welcome Center and Greeter stands.
Cost: $10 per couple/$5 per person
Menu: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice, Salad, Steamed
Vegetables and Dessert
Special Guest Speaker!
Please complete a yellow Special Events envelope, enclose
payment and drop in the offering plate. We extend an
invitation to our Widows and Widowers as our honored
guests (no charge to attend). Please call the church
office at 499-5457 if you would like to attend the dinner.
Transportation will be provided.
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The King is Coming
March 20, at 6:00 p.m. our Celebration Choir will present, The King is Coming. Masterfully
arranged by Russell Mauldin, this Cantata is filled with classic songs and hymns like: The Day
He Wore My Crown, Jesus, We Crown You with Praise, Written in Red, He is Exalted, and The King Is
Coming. Bring your family and invite your neighbors and co-workers. Childcare is available for
preschoolers age 3 and under.
Andrew Knollenberg
Worship Leader &
Students Ministry
On Good Friday, March 25, at Noon, Reflections On The Cross will be held in the Sanctuary. A
time of meditation on the cross of our Lord Jesus presented through quiet organ music by Mrs.
Judy Beecham. (childcare not available)
APEX Student Ministry
Since the middle of December, our students
have been journeying through the book of
Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew is so unique
because it is the opening book of the New
Testament, and it bridges the Old and New
Testaments together. It is interesting because
it connects Old Testament prophecies and
promises and fulfills them in frequent events.
We started in Matthew 3 and will end in
Matthew 13.
We are continuing our Wednesday night and
Sunday night programs as well. Wednesday
nights are nights of discipleship, where our
students break off into their respective small
groups by age. Our small group leaders have
done a great job at building community with
our students. Sunday nights we have activities
and games for our middle and high school
students. That has proven to be an effective
outreach for newcomers.
Honey Bee Golf Course
Cost $75 individual, $300 team
A fundraiser for this year’s Student Summer
trip to Centrifuge. Informational/Registration
brochures are available in the Welcome
Center and all Greeter stands.
April 15-16
Dare 2 Share Conference
Washington, DC
Cost $57 early bird (before 3/18)
Keep up-to-date on all Student news with
our weekly Carabiner.
Check us out online:
Facebook: KBCAPEX
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Vitamins for Malawi
| Africa
Although this year Frank and Jynn Albano will not be going to Africa, there is still a need
for those who are going, to supply vitamins to the people in Malawi. We can still support
Villages in Partnership as they minister to the far reaches of the world and help end
hunger, thirst, and depravity in Malawi. Please bring multivitamins for men, women, and/
or children to the Welcome Center anytime in April.
Tim Zittle, Associate Pastor
Education, Missions, & Children
Walk for Life
April 16, Western Branch
April 23, Oceanfront
April 30, Norfolk Zoo
This year we encourage you to take part in one of these walks. Be sure to get as many
sponsors as you can so that the Crisis Pregnancy of Tidewater can be blessed.
Damascus Mission Trip
Mission Luncheon | May 1
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Prayer Walk/Literature Distribution
Walk for Life
The Damascus Mission Team would like
Vitamins for Malawi, Africa
to extend a special invitation to all adults,
ages 45 and up, to attend the May Mission
Damascus Mission Trip Donations
Luncheon, May 1, after morning worship
service. The cost will be $6.50 and you
Strawberry Festival Outreach
can RSVP with your payment by using
the KBC yellow envelope and turning it
in by April 25, 2016. This is a chance for
you to enjoy a nice lunch and find out
more about the Damascus Mission Team.
There will be SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES and
ENTERTAINMENT. Please come and be a
part of this special time. The Mission Team
will be serving for donations, to help pay for their lodging while in Damascus. Please be in prayer for this trip
May 11-14 as the team reaches out and serves the Appalachian Trail Hikers.
JUNE 26-30
Award Night
Monday, March 14
6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays at
6:15 p.m.
(no Awana
March 30, during
Spring Break)
If you are interested in serving this
year with VBS, please contact Emily Miles
or Pam Coley.
(Formerly M&M)
We are excited to transition our weekly Sunday
evening Children’s Ministry (ages 4 through 5th
grade) to KIDS ON MISSION. During this time we
will focus on missions and how we can use music
as a way to minister to others. Please keep this
ministry in prayer as we focus the children outward
to the needs of others.
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Significant Opportunities
This quarter we have a number of events on our church calendar which will provide
significant opportunities for personal growth and ministry action.
We will have a showing of "The War Room" on the Sunday evenings of March 6 and
13, followed by a book study of "The Battle Plan for Prayer" on Sunday evenings April
3 through June 5. This powerful story is having a notable impact on individuals and
churches across the country, and the timing could not be more appropriate.
Ken Carlton, Associate Pastor
Adult Ministries & Pastoral Care
The Prayer Walk and Literature Distribution on Saturday, March 19, will provide you an
opportunity to share with individuals and families our Hope in Jesus Christ and information
about Kempsville Baptist Church and its ministries. More information will be forthcoming.
Adult Bible Studies
Check out the Sunday bulletin and website as new studies are announced.
WEDNESDAY MORNING Women’s Bible Study,
a new study begins March 9: Stepping Up: A Journey
Through The Psalms of Ascent, by Beth Moore ­—
10:00 a.m., Large Conference Room. Facilitator:
Mary-Ellen Weissinger
WOMEN: What Love Is: The Letters of 1, 2, 3 John, by
Kelly Minter — 6:15 p.m., room A113. Facilitators: Toni
Backus & Kathy Thompson.
WOMEN: Living in Truth by Mary Jo Sharp — 6:15 p.m.,
room A100. Facilitator: Pam Coley.
MEN’S FRATERNITY: Stepping Up: A Call to
Courageous Manhood by Dennis Rainey —
6:15 p.m., room A200. Facilitator: Rob Jeffrey.
MEN & WOMEN: The Daniel Plan: Five Essentials Series —
6:15 p.m., room B121. Facilitator: Sean Burris.
ADULTS: Gospel of Luke, Bible Study & Prayer Service, 6:30
p.m., Large Conference Room. Led by Rev. Ken Carlton.
9:00 a.m., a class for every age: Explore the Bible, a study from Acts 1-12 . Bible Studies for Life
– More than Enough: How Jesus Meets Our Deepest Needs.
Saturday, April 9, 8 AM - 10 AM
Cost: $5.00. Menu: Eggs, Bacon, Gravy, Biscuits,
fruit, etc. Speaker: Pastor Angel Serrano of the
Father’s Heart Ministry (DC Church Plant)
Saturday, May 7
11 AM-until. Cost: $5.00. Cookout with hot dogs.
Every Tuesday, 11 AM, Large Conference Room
Bible study on the Holy Spirit, led by Rev. John
Sunday, May 1, Noon, Family Life Center
Cost: $6.50 for adults 45 & up
Proceeds go toward supporting the Damascus Trail
Days Mission Trip.
Women’s Conference
Beth Moore, Living Proof Live
April 29 & 30
Ted Constant Convocation Center, Norfolk, VA.
Cost: $69
Register online at
Women’s Annual Tea for Two
All ladies are invited; ages 14-140!
Saturday, May 21
2 PM – 4 PM
Family Life Center
Cost: $5/person, plus a canned or boxed food item for the Church Food
Pantry. Register and pre-pay by using a yellow special events envelope.
Registration ends: Noon, Wednesday, May 18. Guest Speaker & Special
Entertainment. Wear your Sunday best and invite your friends!
l Be a Hostess of a pre-decorated table set for 6
l Be a Sponsor and decorate your own table. Be creative!
For questions or planning assistance, contact Bonnie Hester at 499-5965.
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serving from
5 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Johanna Wright, Director of
Family Life & Facilities Ministries
2 – Fried Chicken / 9 – Soup & Potato
Bar / 16 – Pork Loin w/stuffing / 23 –
This & That / 30 – No Meal
33rd Annual Pungo
Strawberry Festival
May 28 & 29
KBC will have a booth at the Pungo Strawberry Festival.
Volunteers are needed to man the booth. For further
information, contact Bobby Powell at 546-1000.
Reserved Prices:
ADULTS (ages 12 and up): $6
CHILDREN (ages 4-11): $3
PRESCHOOL (ages 3 & under): $2
Walk-In Prices:
ADULTS (ages 12 and up): $6.50
CHILDREN (ages 4-11): $4
PRESCHOOL (ages 3 & under): $3
6 – Fried Chicken / 13 – Mexican Soft
Taco / 20 – BBQ w/slaw /
27 – Meat Loaf w/Mashed Potatoes
4 – Fried Chicken / 11 – BBQ Ribs w/
Mac & Cheese / 18 – Lasagna /
25 – Burger Night
We want to make it easy for families to eat together and enjoy a great night
of ministry, so each Wednesday Night we offer a full meal at a nominal fee.
Whether you’re a family of one or more, join us for a home cooked meal.
Reservations should be made through the church office, no later then
12:00, noon, on the Monday before dinner or by turning in the reservation
slip (Blue Card) located in the pew rack or Welcome Center. Payment is
required for all reservations unless you are a first-time attendee, we would
love for you to be our guest. First time guests can call our church office to
make your reservation (499-5457).
All dinners include salad bar, main course, bread, drink, and dessert.
Chicken nuggets are always available for children.
Standing reservations are recommended but not required. We allow for
a SMALL number of walk-ins at an additional cost.
Mother’s Day, May 8
Father's Day, June 19
March 11 & April 22
(No movie night in May)
Cartoons, 6 p.m. | Feature, 7 p.m.
Watch the Sunday Bulletin for title of
featured film. Chicken nuggets, hot
dogs, nachos, french fries, cheese pizza,
funnel cakes, soft drinks, and candy…at
a nominal cost. Reserve a table or have
a birthday party—call Johanna Wright,
Consider donating Bibles in honor of or in memory of those special
people in your life – Mom and Dad.
Special Gideon envelopes will be inserted in
the Sunday bulletins for you to order a Bible(s)
in recognition of your Mom or Dad. Your gift
will be acknowledged in a Sunday Bulletin
insert on Mother’s Day, May 8, and on Father’s
Day, June 19. Please make checks payable
to "The Gideons International." Place your
envelope in the offering plate or bring to the
church office on or before May 2 for Mother’s
Day, and June 13 for Father’s Day.
5204 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Thank You From:
These individuals and families
wish to express their gratitude for
your kindness and prayers during
their time of need.
Dr. Kelly J. Burris
Senior Pastor
Rev. Timothy G. Zittle
Associate Pastor, Minister of
Education, Missions & Children
Rev. A. Kenneth Carlton
Associate Pastor, Minister of Adult
Ministries & Pastoral Care
Andrew Knollenberg
Worship Leader & Student Ministry
Johanna Wright
Director of Family Life Ministry
Rev. Charles H. Jones
Pastor Emeritus
John & Susan Danchise
Martha & Cecil Faulk
Marlene Smith
Jay & Shirley Stokes
Jim & Shirley Taylor
Charlie Elliott Family
Russell & Janet Nixon
John & Jinci Carter upon
the birth of a granddaughter,
Mekanna Carter, born to
Justin & Mederise Carter on
11/3. Makenna has a big
sister, Carleigh.
Rick & Stacey Kearney, on the
birth of a daughter, Harper
Grace, on 1/27. Harper’s big
sisters are Hailey & Rylee.
Sympathy To:
Jason & Kym Mister and Family in the death of his uncle,
MITCH MISTER, on 12/29/15.
The Family of HERB REYNOLDS upon his death on 1/13.
Clarence Felts & Family in the death of his wife,
James & Melinda Brewer and Family in the death of her
father, DON MCCUISTON, on 1/17.
Michael Stone and Family in the death of his wife,
PAM STONE, on 1/18 in NC.
John & Gail Settle and Family in the death of his father,
JOHN R. SETTLE, JR., on 1/26.
Christopher, Tiffany & Heather Culbertson and Family in the
death of their grandmother, JEAN ENGLAND, on 1/28.
Emory & Lucille Hall and Family in the death of her BROTHER
on 1/30.
Phil Steinfield and Family in the death of his wife, BETTY, on
Joyce Hedgpeth and Family in the death of her husband,
JAMES, on 2/9.
Jackie Heins and Family in the death of her son, and Rev.
Jerry & Anna McLeod, her brother, JOHN HEINS.
Jay & Shirley Stokes and Family in the death of his mother,