SRA. BECK’S SPANISH ... How to effectively survive a semester of Spanish at BHS


SRA. BECK’S SPANISH ... How to effectively survive a semester of Spanish at BHS
How to effectively survive a semester of Spanish at BHS
Cindy Beck, Room 238 (7:45-3:30), 206-780-1499
How to make a good impression:
a. Arrive to class on time. 3 tardies=detention
b. Be prepared: book(Tues-Fri), notebook, writing utensils,
workbook(when needed)
c. Get to work right away: Have homework ready, write/do the
opening activity, write new “tarea” on your “Documentación de Tarea”.
d. Be positive and respectful: “Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you.”(I need reminding of this as well…)
e. Stay in your assigned seat and listen to others. THERE WILL BE ONE 5-MINUTE
f. Leave any inappropirate words and behavior at the door. Choosing to
speak or act inappropriately will DEFINITELY AFFECT YOUR GRADE.
g. Speak and use Spanish as much as possible. TERCER AÑO: ¡¡SIEMPRE
How to pass the course: Basic tips on “Notas”(grades)
a. No late work (except for an excused absence) “Tarea” is always posted on
the board and on my website. Write it on your Documentación.
b. Label papers with: Name, Date, Period and Task (don’t lose points!)
c. Make up work: You have one week to make up a TEST/QUIZ. Tarea, will
be due the next class period(only for excused absences).
See me and/or my website for missed work.
Make an appointment ASAP with me to make up any tests/quizzes.
Parents…please take note of this especially.
Spanish Department Grading Scale:
100-93 A, 92-90 A-, 89-87 B+, 86-83 B, 82-80 B-, 79-77 C+
76-73 C, 72-70 C- , 69-67 D + , 66-63 D, 62-60 D- , 59 lower F
75% All oral assessments, participation, quizzes and tests
15% Homework
10% Final Exam
How to be prepared for success: Tools for enhancing learning.
a. Actively study, I mean FOCUSED study daily for 20 minutes, whether
you have official work to do or not. This will help your memory.
b. Begin to study vocabulary and new concepts as soon as they are
introduced in class. Don’t wait!!
Participate in Spanish often. Try, try, try. We learn by mistakes.
Be organized and prepared for class and for studying.
Be willing to work in pairs and groups as well as by yourself.
Use the textbook website (Esp I y II)for vocabulary flashcards (repeat
after then speaker) and practice quizzes which give you immediate
answers. Making your own flashcards to use at home can be very
helpful, too. Practice saying words and reading OUTLOUD at home.
g. Helpful tools to keep with you: scissors, glue stick, ruler, colored pens
or pencils, a small dictionary or verb chart form.
School and Department policies:
Emergency procedures:
When we have a fire or emergency evacuation drill, leave the class
immediately, follow me to the outside area to where we are required to
Academic Honesty:
This is a value that we honor here at BHS.
The consequence for cheating is DENIAL OF CREDIT for that work.
Class expectations for test and quiz taking:
1. Cellphones & electronics are completely OFF the body and put deeply into your
2. All papers and books are put inside your backpack and zipped up.
3. Nothing will be on your desk except for a pen or pencil.
4. Do not write on the desk even in the middle of an exam. Use the exam paper.
5. Do not take out your book to check any answers or start another assignment while the
exam is still on your desk.
6. Do not TALK to ANYONE but ME once the exam is on your desk, even if it is just to ask
for the date.
7. After the exam you may ASK if you can use your IPOD to listen to music. It might be OK.
8. Make sure your hands, body and clothing (including shoes) do not have writing on them.
9. Do not use small, little cheat sheets (or BIG ones, for that matter!).
10. Do not have your cellphone on your body when we go over a corrected exam.
On the separate attached form, PARENTS AND STUDENT, please
sign and date that you have READ THOROUGHLY and
UNDERSTOOD the above classroom expectations for Sra. BeckEstefan Cruz’s Spanish classes.
We, both parent(s) and student, have read and understood the above
classroom and school policy. We plan to abide by it.
*I will be in class. Participation is essential.
*I will cooperate with and not disrupt my
classmates / teacher.
*I will do my own work or loose credit. A zero will
be awarded for any form of cheating on a test
or quiz.
*I will practice 20minutes daily.
*Tests/Quizzes HAVE to be completed within a
week of returning from absence or no credit
will be awarded.
*Excused absence homework MUST be turned in
the next class period.
I plan to help my student be successful in the above areas and I agree to
this policy.
This signature sheet is work 5 pts towards the homework
Please turn this portion by the 2nd day of class.
If there is an issue during the semester, I will refer to this document
and your signatures to clarify once again what is expected and required
to succeed in my class.
Muchas gracias,
Sra. Cintia Beck-Estefan Cruz