Theme: Integration Through Design: Design Education Conference


Theme: Integration Through Design: Design Education Conference
Design Education
June 27-28, 2014
Theme: Integration Through Design:
Today (what is current) and Tomorrow (what may be coming)
In response to the feedback we received from our 2013 conference,
we are planning to offer hands-on workshops and poster sessions
for the 2014 conference. This is an invitation inviting you to submit
one or more proposal(s) for a workshop or poster/exhibit session. The
workshops will be 75 minutes with up to 25 participants. The posters/
exhibits will be displayed in a gallery or hallway for the duration of the
conference. The posters/exhibits could be considered as topics for
the unconference.
Proposal Guidelines
Presentation proposals may be submitted online.
Your submission will be blind reviewed to determine if it
is accepted
It is recommended that you have all information you
potentially need to enter, including contact information and
drafted session description before logging into the system.
When submitting a presentation proposal, please enter
the names and complete contact information for each
presenter participating in the session. The proposal
submitter will serve as the primary contact who will receive
correspondence regarding the proposal, and is responsible
for communicating pertinent information to all presenters.
Timeline for Proposal Submission
Proposals due: March 30
Notification of acceptance by: April 30
If there are any questions, please contact
Go to for information about how to submit
All required fields noted with an (*) in all sections must
be completed.
Because the vast majority of sessions will be audio recorded and
made available afterwards to conference attendees, all submitters
must give permission for DESIGN-ED to use their presentation for
educational purposes. Presenters should make every effort to use
content that has obtained all necessary permissions. DESIGN-ED
cannot be held liable for violations of any trademark, copyright or
visage violations. Any such violations will be directed back to the
content creator.
Type of Presentation: Workshop
A workshop proposal should explain how the workshop will be
instructional and interactive, with participants actively working
on a new approach, technique, and/or media used in teaching a
design lesson. Each workshop will be 75 minutes in length. A key
component of the workshop should be about the conference theme,
integration through teaching design. Conference registration discount
for each accepted workshop presenter: $100
Please include the following information in your proposal:
Title of presentation (limit of 100 characters):
Description of the content and format, which refers to the specific topics that will be covered (max. 300 words):
Primary goal(s) of the presentation and what the attendees should expect to get out of participating (max. 80 words):
Shortened description for conference program (max. 40 words):
Please indicate if you would be willing to
present this workshop more than one time:
Media to be used:
Each room will have a digital projector, screen and WiFi.
Please let us know if you have any other technology needs:
Presenter Information:
Complete name, title, organization, address, phone number, and e-mail address of each presenter:
Brief biographical sketch of each presenter (max. 80 words):
Proposals will be selected based on the following criteria:
A clear and concise description of the proposed presentation
Relevance to conference theme
Appropriate scope and focus for session type and time allotted
Evidence of presenter experience with topic and implementation
Appeal to participants
Type of Presentation: Poster/Exhibit
A poster/exhibit proposal should describe the type of information (or
product) that will be displayed and how it relates to the conference
theme. The poster/exhibit may concentrate on one aspect, for
example, “products created by 4th grade students for an integrated
architecture lesson” or more than one, for example, “ 3 lessons
taught in a high school fashion course”. The poster/exhibit should
be accompanied with a description, graph, or other means, which
communicates the main points of the lesson or event. These will be
displayed in a gallery space for the duration of the conference……
and may be used as an “unconference” topic by you or someone
else who is inspired by the display. Conference registration discount
for each accepted poster session presenter: $50
Please include the following information in your proposal:
Title of poster/exhibit (limit of 100 characters):
Description of the content of the specific topics that are covered (300 words or less):
Primary goal(s) of the poster/exhibit with what the attendee should expect to understand after viewing the display (max. 80 words):
Shortened description for conference program (max. 40 words):
Do you want your poster/exhibit in a locked room when we are not
in the building? (The alternative is having it displayed on an easel,
table, and/or wallspace in the lobby or main corridor)
Push pins will be provided for hanging posters and flat work. Tables will be provided for displaying 3-D work.
Presenter Information:
Brief biographical sketch of each poster/exhibit presenter (max. 80 words):
Complete name, title, organization, address, phone number, and e-mail address of each presenter:
Workshop and Poster/Exhibit session proposals will be selected based on the following criteria:
A clear and concise description of the proposed presentation
Relevance to conference theme
Appropriate scope and focus for session type
Evidence of presenter experience with topic and implementation
Appeal to participants
Submit Electronically
Each presenter must be a registered participant of the conference.
Conference registration discount for each accepted workshop
presenter: $100. Conference registration discount for each accepted
poster session presenter: $50