Document 6516692
Document 6516692
Report for the Ministry for Economic Devel opment Renewal of ManagementRi ght s forCellularServc ies (800/900MHz) The optimalspectrum quantity and current util isation PUBLIC NetworkStrategies Report Number 26019.24November 2006 0 Executive summary The Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has requested a short study that examines: • the optimal quantity of 800MHz and 900MHz spectrum for operators in New Zealand over the period 2011–2031: – the optimal quantity of spectrum required by the current management right holders in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands – the optimal quantity of 800 or 900 MHz spectrum that a new entrant would require in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands to operate a nationwide cellular network. • the amount of 800/900MHz spectrum substantially used by the current management right holders. Optimal spectrum in period 2011-2031 To determine the optimal spectrum we developed a bottom-up model that estimated the effect of splitting each of the 800MHz and 900MHz bands into two parts: one to remain with the incumbent (Telecom or Vodafone) and the other to be allocated to a new nationwide operator (TelstraClear or Econet Wireless). The model examined the amount of spectrum that should be allocated to each operator, varying in 5MHz steps between 0MHz and 20MHz. Defining the optimal split of spectrum as that which gives the lowest overall cost, we have determined that the optimal split is anywhere from a 5MHz:15MHz split to a 15MHz:5MHz split for both spectrum bands, assuming all operators are able to use their spectrum in higher bands. Telecom is unable to its higher band spectrum with its current CDMA technology; if this remains the case over the 2011–2031 period then the optimal split is 15MHz (Telecom):5MHz (TelstraClear). PUBLIC ii Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development The results show that it is very expensive to build a nationwide network without at least 5MHz of spectrum in the 800MHz or 900MHz bands. Current utilisation of spectrum in the 800MHz and 900MHz bands Using information provided by the operators to the MED and other publicly available data, we have found that the Telecom substantially uses 5MHz–8MHz in the AMPS-A band and at least 1MHz in the AMPS-B band. Vodafone appears to be substantially using all of its 900MHz spectrum. We also undertook a benchmarking exercise as a means of comparing current spectrum amounts of all the operators in sample countries. This found that Telecom and Vodafone held more spectrum than nearly all the other operators within the sample. We considered whether there was some justification to warrant a relatively large amount of spectrum, due to the characteristics of the New Zealand environment. A regression model was used to ‘normalise’ the disparate operators within the sample for key factors that may influence the amount of spectrum awarded to operators. Applying New Zealand data to the regression model results in a estimated allocation of 2 × 9.4MHz for Telecom and 2 × 10.7MHz for Vodafone, which is less than the actual holdings of the operators. PUBLIC Renewal of ManagementRih g t s forCellularSer ies vc (800/900MHz) Report for the Ministry for Economic Devel opment Cont ent s 0 Executive summary i 1 Introduction 1 2 Modelling optimal spectrum quantities 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Scope of the model 5 2.3 Outline of our methodology 6 2.4 Assumptions 9 2.5 Results 13 2.6 Analysis and conclusion 20 3 Current utilisation of spectrum 21 3.1 Introduction 21 3.2 Telecom 22 3.3 Vodafone 25 4 Frequency allocation: a comparison with other countries 29 4.1 Introduction 29 4.2 Selecting a sample of operators 29 4.3 How much spectrum do the operators in our sample hold? 37 PUBLIC iv | Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 4.4 Comparative analysis of the sample data 39 5 Summary 43 Annex A: Detailed data for selected countries A1 A.1 New Zealand A1 A.2 Denmark A2 A.3 Finland A4 A.4 Hong Kong A6 A.5 Ireland A8 A.6 The Netherlands A9 A.7 Norway A12 PUBLIC 1 Introduction The Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has requested a short study that examines: • the optimal quantity of 800MHz and 900MHz spectrum for operators in New Zealand over the period 2011–2031: – the optimal quantity of spectrum required by the current management right holders in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands – the optimal quantity of 800 or 900 MHz spectrum that a new entrant would require in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands to operate a nationwide cellular network. • the amount of 800/900MHz spectrum substantially used by the current management right holders. Our findings for the first part of the study are based on a bottom-up modelling exercise that determines the optimal amount of spectrum that could reasonably be forecast to be required by the relevant players over the period 2011–2031 (section 2). For the second part of the study we reviewed publicly available information and submissions to the spectrum renewal process to estimate how much spectrum operators are currently using in these bands (section 3). We also examined overseas data in order to draw on relevant experience for the New Zealand situation (section 4). The report concludes with a summary of our findings and recommendations (section 5). In setting its policy on renewal of management rights for the 800 and 900 MHz bands, the MED has a number of policy objectives: • optimise incentives to invest for both current holders and new entrants • promote competition in telecommunications markets PUBLIC 2 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development • minimise risk of stranded investment by current holders • minimise risk of supply discontinuity by current holders. While we believe that our study supports the MED’s process in ensuring the above objectives are achieved, it should be noted that the scope of the study does not extend to any detailed welfare analysis. While a full welfare analysis would enable examination of the issue of maximising the value of spectrum to society as a whole it would need to take into account all spectrum allocation and not be limited to the 800 MHz or 900 MHZ bands. Such an undertaking may well be worth considering but could not have been achieved within the short time-frame of this desktop review. Although this study was commissioned by the MED, the views expressed in this report are solely those of Network Strategies. Confidential data is denoted in the report by square brackets. PUBLIC 2 Modelling optimal spectrum quantities 2.1 Introduction We have developed a bottom-up Microsoft Excel model1 to determine the optimal amount of spectrum in the 800/900MHz bands to allocate to operators. The optimal spectrum for an operator is the amount of spectrum that results in the lowest cost for that operator. We would normally expect to see network costs decreasing as the amount of spectrum increased, with the rate of decrease slowing as the amounts of spectrum increase, a trend shown in Exhibit 2.1 below. 1 A bottom-up model is one that generates a network design based on actual engineering rules, assumptions and capacities. PUBLIC Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Exhibit 2.1: Relationship between network cost and spectrum [Source: Network Network cost 4 Strategies] Spectrum The optimal split of spectrum amongst several operators is that at which the total network cost (over all operators) is minimised. A key assumption in this model is that a variation in spectrum will only affect the wireless access network, which includes the sites and backhaul. The core network (switches and transport network) remains essentially unaffected. To avoid the difficulties of forecasting network costs over the next 25 years, and noting that backhaul is dependent on the number of sites, we have assumed that the number of sites required for coverage can be used as a proxy for the cost of the spectrum-dependent part of the network. In order to discount the costs of deployment of sites in the future back to the commencement of the licence period (2011), we have assigned a ‘relative cost’ of $1 to each urban site and $2 to each rural site, reflecting that rural sites generally cost more than urban sites. We also assume that each site incurs a capital cost of $0.10 (10 per cent of the urban site cost) each year, to represent the ongoing technology upgrades. This allows us to PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) use an Net Present Value (NPV)2 calculation to find a relative value of the network in 2011. It is important to note that, apart from costs, there are a number of other factors which will affect the design of a mobile network that extends 25 years into the future. These include take-up rates, traffic rates and network capabilities. We have not attempted to capture realistic forecasts for these factors as we do not believe that the absolute values will have a significant impact on the optimal allocation of spectrum3. Rather, we have focussed on trends and the differences between the operators. 2.2 Scope of the model Our understanding of the MED’s intention was that we should examine one new entrant in each band: Econet Wireless in the 900MHz band and TelstraClear in the 800MHz band. While more than one new entrant in each band is certainly possible, it cannot be considered cheaper than one new entrant, as each new entrant requires the deployment of a costly new nationwide network. Naturally, the status quo is optimal if considering the total cost: each band only incurs the cost of one nationwide network. The cost of one operator can be obtained from our model as the cost of the incumbent when the full allocation of 20MHz is retained. The model does not take into account technology transitions in which an operator operates two networks alongside each other. While two networks in a spectrum-constrained environment can be difficult and expensive to deploy, developing a model of a migration may not be meaningful, because we have no reason to believe that any operator will migrate from one technology to another in the 800/900MHz spectrum bands in the timeframe, any more than they will not migrate. For example if Telecom were to migrate to UMTS/LTE4 in its 800MHz band, it is likely to also deploy UMTS/LTE in its 2100MHz band, which it would use in heavily populated areas where it is better suited than the lower 2 3 4 A method of evaluating long term projects, based on the present value of future cashflows. These factors will however have a significant impact on actual network design and costs which are beyond the scope of this study. Long Term Evolution (of the GSM/UMTS family of technologies). PUBLIC 5 6 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development frequency bands, and only roll out UMTS/LTE in the 800MHz band in rural areas where it requires the superior coverage of the lower frequencies. Since networks generally are not spectrum limited in rural areas there is no additional cost or difficulty in deploying two networks in the same spectrum. [ ]. It is therefore difficult to develop a scenario that might represent any realistic migration. We have not modelled spectrum slack. Indeed we are not aware of any mobile operators specifically reserving spectrum for future technologies (that is, spectrum slack), especially when they already have copious amounts of unused spectrum in higher frequency bands. Even if they did, we doubt it would have any material effect on the results of the model as it would affect all operators. 2.3 Outline of our methodology To determine the relative cost for an operator, the following calculation steps are used: Determine We have implemented three types of customers: voice, handheld customers data and modem. Calculate network Each customer type contributes to the overall peak-hour network traffic traffic (it is the peak-hour traffic that determines network dimensions and therefore cost). The traffic varies with time, and between urban and rural areas. (Rural traffic is lower than urban traffic mainly because rural network deployment is not as progressive as in urban areas. We expect the network in rural areas to be coverage driven, and capacity driven in urban areas). Calculate traffic The key driver of the number of sites over the period of the licence density will be traffic density. This is in contrast to 2G and current 3G technologies which are simply driven by traffic volume. Forthcoming systems, which will be in use over the licence period, such as LTE and EVDO Revision C, are expected to use OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing), an adaptive rate system whereby small sites can carry more traffic than large sites PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) because the system makes use of stronger signals (over shorter distances) to transmit at higher data rates. We have assumed that when a cell is at its maximum radius, the capacity is some proportion of its maximum capacity (see the following section on assumptions) and that the capacity increases linearly as the cell radius decreases, until some point where the maximum capacity is reached. This is illustrated in Exhibit 2.2. Exhibit 2.2: Variation of capacity against cell radius [Source: Capacity Network Strategies] Radius Capacity of The capacity of a cell at maximum range depends on the spectral 800/900MHz cell efficiency of the system (bits per second per hertz), the amount of at maximum size spectrum owned by the operator (at 800 or 900MHz), and the capacity factor (describing how much lower the capacity is when the site is at maximum range than the maximum capacity). The maximum traffic density when the cell is at its maximum range is the capacity at maximum radius divided by the area covered by the cell at maximum radius. PUBLIC 7 8 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Number of If the traffic density is less than the traffic density capacity when the 800/900 MHz-only cell is at its maximum range then there is no need to extend the cell sites by using equipment operating at higher frequencies. The number of sites required is the total area to be covered divided by the maximum coverage area per site. Number of all- If the traffic density is more than the maximum traffic density when spectrum sites the cell is at its maximum range, then additional capacity is required. This could be achieved either by cell-splitting (adding more sites) or by adding additional capacity to existing sites, in the form of equipment using higher frequencies. We have assumed the latter method on the basis that additional sites will be a last resort because of the high cost of sites. The number of sites is calculated by assuming all sites have equipment to operate using the operator’s higher frequency spectrum. It is assumed that cells are centred around locations of high traffic, such as rural towns in the case of rural coverage. This means that we assume that the traffic in the centre of the site is of sufficient density in order that the higher frequency (1.8 or 2.1GHz) equipment can operate at full traffic density. Any remaining traffic is carried by the low frequency equipment (800 or 900MHz). If the low frequency equipment is not sufficient to carry all the remaining traffic then additional sites are deployed until the are sufficient to satisfy demand. The model does not attempt to model any umbrella/hotspot cell arrangements (for example, macrocells, microcells and picocells). Net present value To find a present value of sites installed in the future, urban sites are of sites allocated a simple relative capital cost of $1 and rural sites are allocated a relative capital cost of $25. Relative costs for rural sites are higher because rural sites are significantly more expensive than 5 The use of relative costs enables us to avoid having to forecast actual costs, which is extremely difficult. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) urban sites. In particular they often have higher civil works, tower and backhaul costs6. All sites are also incur a further annual capital cost of $0.10 which represents ongoing upgrades in technology and capability. Thus future sites can be discounted back to the start of the model period (2011) using an NPV calculation. 2.4 Assumptions We have attempted to make the model as technology-independent as possible. In fact, the only differentiation between the 800MHz case (i.e. Telecom and TelstraClear) and the 900MHz case (i.e. Vodafone and Econet) is the amount of spectrum held by the operators at the higher frequencies (see Exhibit A.2). Spectrum We have assumed operators in both bands have a maximum of 20MHz (paired). The amount of spectrum was varied in 5MHz blocks from 0MHz to 20MHz. (We recognise that this allows scenarios that are not currently possible in the 900MHz case because not all spectrum is up for renewal, but 5MHz is the basis for UMTS carriers, and is also likely to be the basis for CDMA carriers in the future.) In the higher frequency bands (1.8GHz and 2.1GHz), the actual amount of spectrum for each operator was used. We examine two options for spectrum in the higher bands: the first option is that each operator will be able to use all spectrum it holds in all bands. In particular this means that Telecom will be able to 6 In reality costs will vary with other factors as well, such as the equipment required (some sites will require only 800/900MHz equipment, while some will require equipment at 800/900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz), the cost of the site (building-mounted site versus rural hill-top site), difficulty of access, etc. PUBLIC 9 10 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development use its 1800MHz and 2100MHz bands, which it cannot currently do with CDMA technology. CDMA may develop so that it can be operated in these bands, or Telecom may migrate to UMTS/LTE which can also use these bands. The second option assumes Telecom cannot use its spectrum in its higher bands (as is the case today). Coverage Neither Telecom nor Vodafone publish coverage areas. However both Telecom and Vodafone advertise their coverage as 97% of the population. We combined this information with urban and rural profile data from Statistics New Zealand to estimate the area covered. We have assumed that coverage does not vary over time. Population We have used Statistics New Zealand forecast population growth data, and have forecast the population split between urban and rural. We have assumed that there will be no change in the proportions of customers living in urban and rural areas over time. Mobile penetration We have assumed three types of usage: voice, handheld data (data on the handheld) and modem (a data card or built in to a laptop). Voice: we have assumed voice penetration will be saturated by 2010, and will remain constant at 120%. Handheld data: penetration will start at 10% in 2010 and increase linearly to 50% in 2031. Modem: penetration will start at 10% in 2010 and increase linearly to 50% in 2031. Migration We have assumed that initially customers are split evenly between PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) the two incumbents. Customers start migrating in 2011 to the new operators at a constant rate, and after ten years (2015) customers are split evenly between all four operators. Traffic We have made basic assumptions about the peak-hour traffic generated per customer: Voice: We have assumed 0.04 Erlangs in 20107 (similar to current rates), increasing linearly to 0.20 Erlangs in 2031, a trend reflecting mobile phone usage replacing fixed phone usage. We have assumed voice has a data rate of 12kbit/s. Handheld data: Future data rates are entirely speculative as it depends on the applications that find success on the mobile platform. We have assumed different data rates for rural customers and urban customers, which partially reflects the difference in the capabilities of the network between those two areas (that is, operators will roll-out new technologies in urban areas before rural areas). In urban areas we have assumed an average peak data rate of 0.01Mbit/s in 2010 increasing to 0.5Mbit/s in 2031. In rural areas the rate increases from 0.001Mbit/s to 0.1Mbit/s. (This peak rate is the average over all users, taking into account the users’ duty cycles8 and activity rates9). Modem data: We have assumed the same data rate as for handheld data. 7 0.01 Erlangs in 2006 (597 million minutes in quarter/2.1 million customers = 284 minutes/customer/quarter = 3.1 minutes/customer/day = 0.01Erl assuming 20% of traffic occurs in the busy hour. This corresponds to 0.04Erl in 2010 assuming linear growth to 0.2Erl. Source of figures: Vodafone Media release, Vodafone New Zealand releases first quarter KPIs. 25 July 2006, available at 8 9 The proportion of the time a user is active. The proportion of the time an active user is actually transmitting. PUBLIC 11 12 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Site maximum We have used an illustration of the trend in growth of capacity capacity provided by Telecom in its submission10 to estimate the maximum capacity of a site. From this we can estimate that the maximum capacity will be about 5bit/s/Hz in 2010 and if we extrapolate linearly, about 10bit/s/Hz in 2031. We assume that this can be applied to all technologies. We have assumed that because technology deployment in rural sites lags that of urban sites, the capacity is less: 0.5bit/s/Hz in 2010, increasing to 2bit/s/Hz in 2031. Capacity versus As discussed in the previous section, it is expected that future range mobile technologies will all use OFDM, which allows adaptive data rates. (It is expected that adaptive data rates will be introduced in EVDO revision C and LTE). WiMAX has already been introduced using adaptive data rates. With the adaptive data rate, as the radius of the cell increases, the capacity drops off. We have assumed that all mobile technologies will have a similar capacity versus range trend as WiMAX. This assumption is reasonable because OFDM will have similar characteristics in all technologies. Using data provided by the WiMAX forum11, we estimate that full capacity is only possible when the cell’s radius is at 40% or less of its maximum radius, and at full radius the capacity has decreased to 40% of its maximum capacity. Maximum cell 10 In theory, maximum cell radii can be as large as 30km for GSM and Telecom New Zealand, Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services, 4 September 2006 (“Telecom submission”), graph 1. Available at 11 WiMAX Forum, WiMAX Deployment Consideration s for Fixed Wireless Access in the 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz Licensed Bands, Jun 2005, Figures 2–3. Available at PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) radii 40km for CDMA in rural areas. However in reality these maximum cell radii will not always be achieved due to terrain, non-ideal site locations etc. We have therefore de-rated12 maximum cell radii to those given in the following table (Exhibit 2.3). We have assumed no difference between the CDMA and GSM families of technologies. We have also assumed the maximum radii do not vary over time as new technologies are introduced. Maximum cell radius (km) Exhibit 2.3: 800/900MHz 1.8/2.1GHz Urban sites 2.5 1.5 Rural sites 15 12 Maximum cell radii [Source: Network Strategies] Please see the accompanying spreadsheet model for a full list of assumptions including sources and references. 2.5 Results The model results are listed below with the four operators all having an equal market share of 25% (after the initial introductory period for the new entrants of 10 years). We also tested the results with varying market shares (see below). Equal market share The results of the model are shown in the following tables. Each table shows the relative cost of the access network to each operator against the amount of spectrum the incumbent operator has in the 800/900MHz band (with the new entrant having the remainder). Each operator has an market ultimate market share of 25% 12 Reduce the rated capacity or size. PUBLIC 13 14 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development For the 900MHz spectrum and option A of 800MHz (where Telecom uses all its spectrum), the lowest overall cost is about the same for all scenarios from a 5MHz:15MHz split (incumbent: new operator) to a 15MHz:5MHz split. For option B of 800MHz, the cost to Telecom is much greater, and so the lowest cost scenario is 15MHz for Telecom and 5MHz for the new operator The information is also shown in the graphs in Exhibit 2.7 Exhibit 2.8 and Exhibit 2.9 . Telecom Spectrum (MHz) New operator Relative cost of Spectrum (MHz) access network Total cost Relative cost of access network 0 2721 20 1234 3956 5 671 15 1248 1919 10 642 10 1265 1907 15 619 5 1286 1905 20 601 0 3328 3929 Exhibit 2.4: Relative costs of 800 MHz operators (option A: with Telecom using spectrum in higher bands) [Source: Network Strategies] Telecom Spectrum (MHz) New operator Relative cost of Spectrum (MHz) access network Exhibit 2.5: Total cost Relative cost of access network 0 n/a 20 1234 n/a 5 6777 15 1248 8026 10 3411 10 1265 4676 15 2322 5 1286 3608 20 1781 0 3328 5108 Relative costs of 800 MHz operators (option B: with Telecom using 800MHz spectrum only) [Source: Network Strategies] PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Vodafone Spectrum (MHz) New operator Relative cost of Spectrum (MHz) access network Exhibit 2.6: Total cost Relative cost of access network 0 3081 20 1391 4472 5 950 15 1438 2238 10 858 10 1500 2358 15 791 5 1583 2374 20 740 0 3710 4450 Relative costs of 900 MHz operators [Source: Network Strategies] 4,500 4,000 Relative cost 3,500 3,000 2,500 New operator Telecom 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.7: Relative costs of access networks of 800MHz operators (Telecom using higher band spectrum) [Source: Network Strategies] PUBLIC 15 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 9,000 8,000 7,000 Relative cost 16 6,000 5,000 New operator Telecom 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.8: Relative costs of access networks of 800MHz operators (Telecom not using higher band spectrum) [Source: Network Strategies] PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) 5,000 4,500 4,000 Relative cost 3,500 3,000 New operator Vodafone 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.9: Relative costs of access networks of 900MHz operators [Source: Network Strategies] Varying market share In the results above, it was assumed that each operator ultimately had an equal market share (that is, 25%). The graphs below show the results if the market share obtained by the new operators is varied, first increased to 35% and then decreased to 15%. The remaining market share is split equally between the incumbents (15% and 35%, respectively). The graphs show that having more spectrum is more valuable to the operators with higher market share. PUBLIC 17 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 4,500 4,000 Relative cost 3,500 3,000 2,500 New operator Telecom 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.10: New entrant with 15% market share (800MHz network) [Source: Network Strategies] 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 Relative cost 18 3,000 New operator Vodafone 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.11: New entrant with 15% market share (900MHz network) [Source: Network Strategies] PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) 4,500 4,000 Relative cost 3,500 3,000 2,500 New operator Telecom 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.12: New entrant with 35% market share (800MHz network) [Source: Network Strategies] 5,000 4,500 4,000 Relative cost 3,500 3,000 New operator Vodafone 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 Incumbent's spectrum (MHz) Exhibit 2.13: New entrant with 35% market share (900MHz network) [Source: Network Strategies] PUBLIC 19 20 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 2.6 Analysis and conclusion From the model results we conclude that: • It is very expensive for an operator to provide nation-wide coverage without 800 or 900MHz spectrum. • As an operator’s spectrum in the 800 or 900MHz band increases from 5MHz to 20MHz, the cost to that operator continues to decrease slightly. In other words, if the incumbents lose spectrum in the 800 and 900MHz bands, their costs will increase slightly, assuming they can use their spectrum in higher bands. In particular, if Telecom is unable to use its spectrum in its higher band (that is, if it stays with its CDMA technology and CDMA does not evolve to use 1.8GHz and/or 2.1GHz spectrum), the cost of having lower spectrum is significant. • The lowest overall cost (for both operators in a spectrum band together) is obtained when both operators have equal amounts of that spectrum, although there is not much difference overall between splitting the spectrum evenly (10MHz:10MHz) and providing 5MHz to one operator and 15MHz to the other (5MHz:15MHz). • The actual costs of the individual operators varies between the operators for two reasons: – it is assumed that the incumbents already have a number of sites at the start of the licence period. These sites are not included (they are treated as sunk costs). It is assumed all new operators’ sites are included. – The amount of spectrum in the higher 1.8GHz and 2.1GHz bands has an effect on the total cost, especially in later years when the traffic levels increase. PUBLIC 3 Current utilisation of spectrum 3.1 Introduction In general, an operator is likely to use all the spectrum that it has available because using more spectrum than would otherwise be necessary means that the operator can plan and design a lower cost network. Vodafone mentions this point when it discusses spectrum requirements in its cross submission13: … there is only an increase or reduction in costs associated with having access to less or more cellular spectrum rather than some “required” or “optimal” amount of spectrum. However both Telecom and Vodafone have seen changes to their operations that may affect how much spectrum they substantially use. For example, Telecom has changed the technology it uses in the 800MHz band from AMPS/D-AMPS to the significantly more efficient CDMA, and Vodafone has purchased more spectrum in the 900MHz band, and has rolled out a WCDMA network in its 2.1GHz spectrum. Below we determine how much spectrum is substantially used by the operators. Our analysis is based entirely on publicly available information, and the submissions and cross submissions to the spectrum renewal process. 13 Vodafone New Zealand Ltd, Submission to the Ministry of Economic Development: Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services, 13 October 2006 (“Vodafone cross submission”), PUBLIC paragraph 19. Available at 22 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 3.2 Telecom Telecom’s 800MHz spectrum consists of two 10MHz bands, traditionally referred to as the AMPS-A and AMPS-B bands. Currently the AMPS-A band is used for Telecom’s CDMA network and the AMPS-B band is used for its AMPS/D-AMPS14 network15. AMPS-A (CDMA) The 10 MHz band supports seven CDMA carriers of 1.25MHz each (a small intertechnology guard band is required at the boundary of the spectrum). Telecom states that it currently uses three carriers for voice and data based on its 1X technology, and one further carrier for EV-DO16. It also temporarily expands some base stations to six carriers17 during periods of higher traffic (such as during holiday season or for special events). This is a cheaper solution for expanding capacity than deploying extra sites. We assume that these temporary capacity expansions do not count as substantial use of the spectrum by Telecom. AMPS-B (AMPS/D-AMPS) The 10MHz band supports 333 30kHz carriers. 14 15 16 17 Sometimes referred to as TDMA. Telecom submission, paragraph 19. Ibid. Presumably this excludes the EVDO carrier. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Telecom currently has less than 65 000 customers on its AMPS/D-AMPS network18. We can roughly determine the amount of spectrum Telecom requires for those customers based on the network when it was at its peak: • The maximum number of customers on the AMPS/D-AMPS network was nearly 1.3 million customers, at the time the migration to the CDMA network commenced in mid 2001. The spectrum used by the AMPS/D-AMPS network would have been the entire 20MHz less the spectrum required for one CDMA carrier (1.25MHz) plus an intertechnology guard band (0.625MHz19) – a total of 18.125MHz. At 30kHz per channel, this provides a total of 604 channels. • Assuming no (or few) sites have been decommissioned, and assuming the AMPS/DAMPS customers today generate a similar level of traffic to customers in 2001, the traffic per site will have decreased by a similar proportion as the number of customers: there are now 5% of the 2001 number of customers; the corresponding number of carriers is 5% of 604, or 30. This number of channels uses about 1MHz of spectrum. • In 2001, there would have been significantly more analogue customers than today. There is only one circuit on an analogue channel, whereas there are three circuits on a digital channel. Therefore as few as one-third the number of channels is required to deploy the network today (for a given level of traffic per site); consequently the spectrum requirement today (per customer) is less than in 2001. • The average traffic generated per customer (Erlangs) is likely to be far lower in 2006 than in 2001, because the remaining AMPS/D-AMPS customers today are prepaid customers who use their phones infrequently20. 18 Telecom media release, Telecom Delivers Strong First Quarter Result, 3 November 2006, available at 19 Telecom New Zealand, Telecom Cross Submission on Renewal of 850MHz Spectrum, 12 October 2006 (“Telecom cross submission”), page 15. Available at 20 Telecom media release, 025 Network Shutdown – 31 March 2007, 11 October 2006, available at PUBLIC 23 24 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development • On the other hand, the non-linearity of the Erlang formula at low levels of traffic means that the number of channels for a certain level of carriers is likely to be underestimated. These last three points work to cancel each other out, so if Telecom were to design an efficient frequency plan for today’s traffic levels, 1MHz may be a reasonable estimate of the level of spectrum required by Telecom in its AMPS-B band. In addition, we note that the last time Telecom had 65 000 customers on its AMPS/DAMPS network was likely to be in the early 1990s (our records show it had 132 000 AMPS customers on 31 December 1993). We assume that Telecom was using its full quota of spectrum in 1993 where needed. However, there are a number of differences between the network of today and of 1993: • In 1993, the network was only analogue (AMPS), whereas most (if not all) customers today will be digital (D-AMPS). Therefore the spectrum requirement today is less than in 1993. • In 1993, the network was still being rolled out, and many sites were deployed to meet coverage requirements. However today’s network was designed to meet the network’s peak capacity – nearly 1.3 million customers in mid 2001, prior to the start of migration to the new CDMA network. Therefore, assuming no (or few) sites have been removed from service, sites are on average smaller and therefore carry fewer customers per site. Therefore the spectrum requirement today is less than in 1993. • In 1993, most mobile users were early adopters and were likely to be frequent users. Today, the remaining AMPS/D-AMPS customers have old phones (Telecom has not sold AMPS/D-AMPS phones for many years); which are used infrequently. Therefore the traffic carried is much less and consequently the spectrum requirement today is considerably less than in 1993. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Summary Telecom is using three 1X carriers and one EVDO carrier in its CDMA network utilizing the AMPS-A band. It occasionally expands some sites to six 1X carriers due to short term demand. We conclude that the spectrum substantially used is between 5MHz (four carriers) and 8MHz (seven carriers) (excluding guard bands). Telecom’s D-AMPS network, using the AMPS-B band, has decreased to about 5% of the customers it had at its peak. Assuming Telecom has not decommissioned any (or many) sites and the current frequency plan is efficient, the spectrum substantially used would have correspondingly dropped from about 18MHz to about 1MHz. We therefore conclude that the spectrum substantially used is at least 1MHz. 3.3 Vodafone Vodafone declares that it uses all its spectrum in the 900MHz band21 22. While we have found no evidence suggesting otherwise, we wish to highlight a number of factors that could influence the amount of spectrum substantially being used: • Prior to the spectrum auction in July/August 2002, Vodafone had 14MHz of spectrum in the 900MHz band (it is this spectrum that is the subject of this spectrum renewal study). Potentially the additional spectrum purchased in this auction allowed it to free up some spectrum, but we note that the number of customers has just about doubled in this time (from 1.1 million on 30 September 200223 to 2.1 on 30 June 200624), meaning that any gains from the additional spectrum are likely to be exhausted. (This is 21 22 23 Vodafone cross submission, paragraph 39. Ibid, paragraph 53. Vodafone media release, Vodafone NZ Revenue and Customer Numbers Jump Again, 12 November 2002, available at 24 Vodafone media release, Vodafone New Zealand reports First PUBLIC Quarter KPIs, 25 July 2006, available at 25 26 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development compounded because it appears network traffic – the real driver for network rollout – is rising faster than the number of customers25). • We are not aware of any traffic (in particular voice) being carried using Vodafone’s 1800MHz spectrum. Vodafone states that the 1800MHz spectrum auction occurred too late for it to be as useful as it might have otherwise been26. • Vodafone introduced its UMTS 3G network, operating in the 2100MHz band, in mid 200527. While 3G phones use the 3G network by default28 – which will free up capacity in GSM base stations and hence spectrum – 3G coverage is still restricted to the hightraffic urban areas of the main centres29 and hence the effect is not likely to be great at this stage. • Vodafone has been reported as having offered a block of spectrum in the 900MHz band to Econet for ‘a cost-based price’30. While this could be interpreted as meaning Vodafone has spectrum to spare, it is more likely that the network would need a redesign with additional sites to compensate for lower spectrum, and that the price is set by Vodafone based on the cost of such a network redesign. • 25 Of most interest is [313233] Vodafone media release, Vodafone New Zealand reports First Quarter KPIs, 25 July 2006, available at 26 27 Vodafone cross submission, paragraph 39. Vodafone media release, Vodafone unleashes mobile revolution on New Zealand, 10 August 2005, available at 28 29 30 That is, only using the GSM network when 3G coverage is not available. Vodafone New Zealand website, Econet Wireless New Zealand, Response to Ministry of Economic Development: Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services Discussion Paper, 27 August 2006, page 3, available at 31 32 33 Vodafone Cross Submission, paragraphs 43, 45. For example, Telecom cross submission, Appendix E Telecom cross submission, paragraph 20. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) • Finally we compare the spectral efficiency of Vodafone’s and Telecom’s networks (GSM and CDMA respectively). An efficient reuse number for GSM is 9 (3 sites×3 sectors per site); one GSM transceiver (TRX) in each sector in a reuse pattern requires a total of 1.8MHz (0.2MHz per TRX×9). At an average of 7.5 traffic channels per TRX34 this corresponds to 240kHz required for one traffic channel in each sector in the whole reuse pattern. On the other hand, CDMA has a reuse pattern of 1; 1.25MHz is required to cover the same 9 sectors covered by 1.8MHz in GSM. At a capacity of 34.5 Erlangs per site (11.5 per sector)35, the number of traffic channels per sector is 19 (at 2% blocking probability). This corresponds to 66kHz required to provide one traffic channel per sector – about 27.5% of the bandwidth required for GSM, or (using Telecom’s words), three to four times more capacity36. Extending this calculation to Telecom’s reported requirement of 5MHz of spectrum (4 carriers), Vodafone would need around 18MHz to support the same traffic demand in a site. Summary We conclude that while Vodafone may be currently using its entire allocation of 21MHz, it is possible it may not actually all be needed, because: • Vodafone has offered Econet a portion of its spectrum • [ ] • comparing spectral efficiency with CDMA indicates about 18MHz would be needed to support the same traffic that Telecom supports on 4 carriers. Thus, the amount of spectrum substantially used could be as low as 14 to 16MHz (5 to 7MHz less than its full allocation of 21MHz). 34 35 36 Assuming eight channels per TRX, less one control channel for every second TRX, leaving 15 traffic channels per two TRXs. Network Strategies estimate Telecom media release, Customers Flock To Telecom’s CDMA, 8 August 2001, available at PUBLIC 27 28 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development PUBLIC 4 Frequency allocation: a comparison with other countries 4.1 Introduction The amount of spectrum held by overseas operators may provide a useful comparison with the situation in New Zealand. We have undertaken some comparative analysis of a sample of operators, firstly collecting information on the quantity of spectrum held by the operators, and secondly undertaking a statistical analysis to identify if there are any factors which may have a relationship with the amount of spectrum held by the operators. While we have selected a sample, the members of which have various points of similarity with Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand (described in Section 4.2), key differences still exist. There may be certain characteristics which explain why one operator may appear to have only a small amount of spectrum, or another operator a particularly generous allocation. The purpose of the statistical analysis is to adjust the sample data for these significant factors. This then allows us to compare the allocation of spectrum for Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand with that of the other operators within our sample. 4.2 Selecting a sample of operators Mobile networks reflect the characteristics of the local environment. These characteristics include: • population distribution and density PUBLIC 30 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development • mix of urban, suburban and rural areas • coverage area • terrain • traffic levels • the amount of spectrum available. Every country is unique, which makes direct comparisons difficult, nevertheless it is still possible to use information from other countries to draw conclusions about the use of spectrum in New Zealand. We have collected information across several countries which have operators of similar size in terms of subscriber numbers to Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand: • Denmark • Finland • Hong Kong • Ireland • the Netherlands • Norway. While most of these countries have a number of points of similarity with New Zealand, in terms of demographic or geographic characteristics, Hong Kong represents a very different environment. It is one of the most competitive mobile markets in the world. With five operators (and 14 different networks) serving a population of just under 7 million within a small area characterised as an extremely high density urban environment, it offers great challenges in radiofrequency planning. Hong Kong thus provides an interesting illustration of an extreme case: namely, what can be achieved with a given amount of spectrum across multiple operators with high traffic densities. In addition to all the mobile operators within the above countries, we have supplemented our sample with a small selection of operators from Canada, United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Hungary. This enabled the inclusion of several CDMA operators, as well as introducing more variation within the sample in terms of operator and country characteristics. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) As Exhibit 4.1 shows, in terms of subscriber base both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand are positioned at around the midpoint of our sample of operators. Exhibit 4.1: Vodafone Germany KDDI Japan Vodafone UK Vodafone Spain ALLTEL United States KPN Mobiel Netherlands TELUS Mobility Vodafone Netherlands Telenor Norway Sonera Finland Pelephone Israel Telfort Netherlands T-Mobile Netherlands TDC Denmark Vodafone Ireland Vodafone Hungary Vodafone New Zealand Hutchison HK Elisa Finland Orange Nederland Telecom New Zealand Netcom Norway O2 Ireland HK CSL New World PCS HK China Mobile Peoples HK Sonofon Denmark Telia Denmark SmarTone HK Finnet Finland SUNDAY HK Aliant Canada Meteor Ireland Mobile subscribers by operator, 2005 [Source: regulators, operators] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Subscribers (millions) All of the countries within our sample have extensive mobile networks, with coverage in excess of 94% of the population, although there are individual operators in some countries PUBLIC 31 32 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development which do not offer national coverage, or extend their coverage via roaming agreements with other operators. Most of the New Zealand population live in non-rural areas, with the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway also displaying similar urbanisation levels (Exhibit 4.2). The urbanisation levels in the various spectrum licence areas for the United States and Canada can vary from national data. For example in Aliant’s licence area – encompassing the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick – only 54% of the population live in non-rural areas. Exhibit 4.2: Hong Kong Proportion of the United Kingdom population living in Denmark New Zealand non-rural areas for United States selected countries Canada [Source: World Netherlands Bank] Norway Spain Germany Hungary Japan Ireland Finland 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % population in non-rural areas In terms of land area, New Zealand is just below the midpoint of the countries within our sample (Exhibit 4.3 – this graph excludes the United States and Canada as the resultant scale would mask variation in the smaller countries). Note that our analysis uses land area as a proxy for coverage area, and in the cases of the regional US and Canadian operators we have used the spectrum licence areas rather than the national land area. There is little information available on the geographic coverage area for mobile operators – most report PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) coverage only in terms of percentage of population covered. Coverage is either low or nonexistent in unpopulated areas. Exhibit 4.3: Spain Land area of Japan selected countries Germany [Source: World Finland Bank, Hong Kong Norway New Zealand C&SD] United Kingdom Hungary Ireland Denmark Netherlands Hong Kong 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Area (sq km, '000s) New Zealand has a similar population density to both Finland and Norway (Exhibit 4.4 – note that Hong Kong was omitted due to its effect on the scaling for this graph). However, caution should be used if inferring characteristics of mobile traffic density (for the purposes of network dimensioning) from a national figure. All countries will have areas of high density population (typically in the central business districts of major urban centres), areas of medium population density (such as in suburbs) and low density areas (rural regions), which means that subscribers, and the traffic, will be spread unevenly over the entire coverage area. Furthermore, for regional operators population density may also differ from the national figure. PUBLIC 33 34 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Exhibit 4.4: Netherlands Population density Japan for selected United Kingdom Germany countries [Source: Denmark Network Strategies] Hungary Spain Ireland United States Finland New Zealand Norway Canada 0 100 200 300 400 Population density (persons per sq km) Most of the countries in our sample have mature mobile markets, with more than 90 subscriptions per 100 persons, with the exception of Canada, the United States and Japan (Exhibit 4.5). In such markets, the opportunity for subscriber growth becomes more limited, as this translates into a proportion of the population taking up more than one service. Indeed, penetration has already exceeded 100% in Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and Hong Kong. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Exhibit 4.5: Hong Kong Mobile penetration Norway in selected Ireland countries, 2005 United Kingdom [Source: Network Denmark Netherlands Strategies] Finland Spain Germany New Zealand Hungary United States Japan Canada 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% Mobile penetration (%) The traffic levels experienced in New Zealand are substantially lower than for many of the other operators in our sample. There is a relationship between the number of subscribers and the traffic volumes (Exhibit 4.6), nevertheless there is some variability of average minutes of use per subscriber between operators. PUBLIC 35 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development 50,000 ALLTEL 45,000 40,000 Traffic minutes (millions) 36 35,000 30,000 KDDI 25,000 20,000 Vodafone Spain 15,000 TELUS 10,000 5,000 Vodafone UK Vodafone Germany KPN Mobiel Sonera Vodafone NZ Telecom NZ 0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Subscribers (millions) Exhibit 4.6: The relationship between subscribers and annual outgoing traffic volumes [Source: operators, Network Strategies] If we exclude the larger operators from the above graph (Exhibit 4.7), we see that both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand have a relatively low level of traffic given the number of subscribers. Only the Dutch operator Telfort has less traffic, but this is due to the subscriber base being predominantly low-usage prepaid customers. A discussion of the reasons behind low traffic levels in New Zealand is beyond the scope of this project – it is a complex topic and would be an avenue for further research. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) 15,000 TELUS Traffic minutes (millions) 12,000 9,000 KPN Mobiel Sonera 6,000 Vodafone Ireland 3,000 Telenor Vodafone Netherlands TDC Denmark Elisa Vodafone Hungary Sonofon Vodafone NZ Telecom NZ Telfort O2 Ireland Aliant 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Subscribers (millions) Exhibit 4.7: The relationship between subscribers and annual outgoing traffic volumes for smaller operators [Source: operators, Network Strategies] 4.3 How much spectrum do the operators in our sample hold? The amount of 800/900MHz spectrum held by both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand falls at the upper end of the allocations of the other operators within our sample (Exhibit 4.8). In the table below, row shading is used to denote those operators that use CDMA technology. PUBLIC 37 38 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Licensee Subscribers 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 bands band band n.a. 2 × 4.6MHz – – Orange Nederland 1 914 000 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz Telfort Netherlands 2 332 000 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 17.4MHz 2 × 10.0MHz Telia Denmark 1 146 667 2 × 7.2MHz 2 × 14.2MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Meteor Ireland 565 000 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz O2 Ireland 1 602 000 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Vodafone Ireland 2 047 000 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Vodafone Hungary 2 038 000 2 × 8.6MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz SmarTone Hong Kong 1 054 000 2 × 8.7MHz 2 × 11.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Sonofon Denmark 1 284 443 2 × 8.8MHz 2 × 19.2MHz 2 × 15.0MHz TDC Denmark 2 253 263 2 × 8.8MHz 2 × 26.2MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Hong Kong CSL 1 300 000 2 × 9.3MHz 2 × 12.4MHz Hutchison Hong Kong 1 971 000 2 × 11.4MHz 2 × 11.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Vodafone Netherlands 3 976 000 2 × 11.4MHz 2 × 5.2MHz 2 × 14.6MHz 12 923 000 2 × 12.0MHz 2 × 24.8MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 5 740 000 2 × 12.4MHz 2 × 17.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 29 165 000 2 × 12.4MHz 2 × 5.4MHz 715 493 2 × 12.5MHz 2 × 5.0MHz n.a. 5 2 × 12.5MHz 2 × 20.0MHz n.a. 10 622 324 2 × 12.5MHz n.a. n.a. 830 000 2 × 13.2MHz 2 × 14.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Netcom Norway 1 651 000 2 × 14.2MHz 2 × 16.4MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Telenor Norway 2 731 000 2 × 14.2MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz KDDI Japan 22 699 000 2 × 15.0MHz – 2 × 15.0MHz Vodafone UK 16 325 000 2 × 17.4MHz 2 × 5.8MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Network Norway Vodafone Spain KPN Mobiel Nederland Vodafone Germany Aliant Canada TELUS Canada 4 520 700 ALLTEL United States Finnet Finland 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 – 1 2 × 14.8MHz 1 3 1 1 1 2 × 9.9MHz 2 1 1 2 Elisa Finland 1 962 101 2 × 18.8MHz 2 × 15.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Telecom New Zealand 1 808 000 2 × 25.0MHz 2 × 20.0MHz 5 2 × 22.5MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 Sonera Finland 2 507 000 2 × 22.0MHz 2 × 18.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz Vodafone New Zealand 2 024 000 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 1 Plus 5.0MHz of unpaired spectrum 2 Plus 4.8MHz of unpaired spectrum 3 Plus 5.4MHz of unpaired spectrum 4 Plus 2 × 12.0MHz from the merger with New World PCS in April 2006 5 Some regional variation Exhibit 4.8: 1 Summary of spectrum holdings of licensees with 800/900MHz spectrum, ranked by spectrum amount [Source: regulators, operators] PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) 4.4 Comparative analysis of the sample data We have seen that both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand have a relatively generous quantity of spectrum in the 800/900MHz bands (Exhibit 4.8), in comparison with the other operators within our sample, however such a simple comparison does not take into account any factors that may vary from operator to operator, and which may justify the amount of spectrum held. So, the next step in the comparative analysis is to try to identify if there are any factors which have a significant relationship with the amount of spectrum, and then develop a model which may adjust the sample data for these factors. Such a model can then be used to estimate, based on the sample data, how much spectrum Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand would be expected to hold. A statistical analysis of our sample data, using multiple regression, shows that there are four significant factors which have a relationship with the amount of spectrum held by the operator37: Spectrum = 7.760 ( 7.28) + 1.806 × 10 −4 × Traffic(1.97) + 6.987 ×10 −4 × PopDensity (1.14) + 9.628 × 10 −6 × Area(1.99) − 1.182 × CDMA(−0.50) Adjusted R2 = 0.419 F4,12 = 3.890 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.78 where: • Spectrum is the amount of paired spectrum in the 800/900MHz bands, expressed in MHz • Traffic is the outgoing traffic, in millions of minutes • PopDensity is the population density, in persons per square kilometre • Area is the land area, in square kilometres 37 The numbers within parentheses associated with the variables in the model are the t-statistics, and are a measure of the statistical significance of each variable. All the variables within our regression model are statistically significant. PUBLIC 39 40 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development • CDMA is a dummy variable which has the value of one if the operator uses CDMA or zero otherwise. Clearly, our model only goes part way towards explaining the variability within the sample data. This is indicated by the relatively low adjusted R2 value, and the lack of statistical significance of the predictor variables (indicated by the t statistics). It is not surprising that we have not captured all the sources of variability within the data – the frequency allocation process varies from country to country, and certainly in some jurisdictions, such as Japan, there has been criticism that the process lacks transparency38. Thus it would be difficult to capture in such a model all the key drivers influencing the various spectrum management agencies. Nevertheless, the model can still be used as an indication of how the spectrum amounts in New Zealand compare with those in other countries. It should be noted that this model is based on a reduced data sample of 17 operators: • In order to estimate the spectrum amount for Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand based on the characteristics of the overseas operators, data for the New Zealand operators needed to be excluded from the multiple regression – inclusion of the New Zealand data would bias the result. • Outgoing traffic data was not available for all the operators within our sample, and for a number of operators outgoing traffic was estimated from the traffic data that was reported (either total incoming and outgoing traffic, or average minutes per subscriber). A number of operators were excluded from the analysis, as we were unable to obtain reliable current traffic information within the timeframe for this project. • A small number of operators were removed from the sample due to being outliers, or extreme observations. The licence areas for TELUS and ALLTEL are extremely large in comparison with all other operators (1.6 and 2.6 million square kilometres respectively); the statistical analysis found that Sonera and Elisa were also outliers. It is 38 See for example TeleGeography CommsUpdate, ‘Spectrum allocation decision angers Softbank’, 7 September 2004. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) standard practice to remove extreme observations in order to improve the fit of the statistical model. One factor we did not examine – due to limited time – was the presence of any relationship between the spectrum allocation in the 800/900MHz bands and the amount of spectrum held in higher frequency bands. It should be emphasised that this regression model does not estimate ‘optimal’ spectrum – it is unable to provide any information on whether the operators in our sample have an optimal allocation. It cannot be used to estimate the appropriate amount of spectrum for New Zealand operators – a far more complex task than can be captured in such a simple model, as described in Section 2 – nor can it be used to derive any conclusions regarding causality – for example are the traffic levels driving the amount of spectrum, or are operators seeking to maximise spectrum utilisation and are thus encouraging high traffic volumes? The model does however suggest that in comparison to the operators within our sample, both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand have a relatively generous spectrum allocation within the 800/900MHz bands, given adjustments for various factors that differ between New Zealand and the other countries. Applying New Zealand data to the regression model results in a estimated allocation of 2 × 9.4MHz for Telecom and 2 × 10.7MHz for Vodafone, which is less than the actual holdings of the operators. This confirms our finding based on the simple comparison of Exhibit 4.8. PUBLIC 41 5 Summary Modelling optimal spectrum quantities • It is very expensive for an operator to provide nation-wide coverage without 800 or 900MHz spectrum. • As an operator’s spectrum in the 800 or 900MHz band increases from 5MHz to 20MHz, the cost to that operator continues to decrease slightly. In other words, if the incumbents lose spectrum in the 800 and 900MHz bands, their costs will increase slightly, assuming they can use their spectrum in higher bands. In particular, if Telecom is unable to use its spectrum in its higher band the cost of having lower spectrum is significant. • The lowest overall cost (for both operators in a spectrum band together) is obtained when both operators have equal amounts of that spectrum, although there is not much difference overall between splitting the spectrum evenly (10MHz:10MHz) and providing 5MHz to one operator and 15MHz to the other (5MHz:15MHz). • The actual costs of the individual operators varies between the operators for two reasons: – it is assumed that the incumbents already have a number of sites at the start of the licence period. These sites are not included (they are treated as sunk costs). It is assumed all new operators’ sites are included – the amount of spectrum in the higher 1.8GHz and 2.1GHz bands has an effect on the total cost, especially in later years when the traffic levels increase. PUBLIC 44 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Current utilisation Telecom is using three 1X carriers and one EVDO carrier in its CDMA network utilizing the AMPS-A band. It occasionally expands some sites to six 1X carriers due to short term demand. We conclude that the spectrum substantially used is between 5MHz (four carriers) and 8MHz (seven carriers) (excluding guard bands). Telecom’s D-AMPS network, using the AMPS-B band, has decreased to about 5% of the customers it had at its peak. Assuming Telecom has not decommissioned any (or many) sites and the current frequency plan is efficient, the spectrum substantially used would have correspondingly dropped from about 18MHz to about 1MHz. We therefore conclude that the spectrum substantially used is at least 1MHz. While Vodafone may be currently using its entire allocation of 21MHz, it is possible it may not actually all be needed, because: • Vodafone has offered Econet a portion of its spectrum • [ ] • comparing spectral efficiency with CDMA indicates about 18MHz would be needed to support the same traffic that Telecom supports on 4 carriers. Thus, the amount of spectrum substantially used could be as low as 14 to 16MHz (5 to 7MHz less than its full allocation of 21MHz). Comparisons with other countries Both Telecom and Vodafone New Zealand have a relatively generous quantity of spectrum in the 800/900MHz bands (Exhibit 4.8), in comparison with the other operators within our benchmark sample. At the same time a simple comparison does not take into account any factors that may vary from operator to operator, and which may justify the amount of spectrum held. To normalise for these factors we undertook regression modelling. The model suggests that in comparison to the operators within our sample, both Telecom and Vodafone New PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Zealand have a relatively generous spectrum allocation within the 800/900MHz bands, given adjustments for various factors that differ between New Zealand and the other countries. Applying New Zealand data to the regression model results in a estimated allocation of 2 × 9.4MHz for Telecom and 2 × 10.7MHz for Vodafone, which is less than the actual holdings of the operators. PUBLIC 45 Annex A: Detailed data for selected countries A.1 New Zealand Population, 2005 4 120 900 Population density (persons per square km) 15.2 Area (square km) 270 500 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) 86% Mobile subscribers 3 832 000 Mobile penetration 93% Outgoing mobile traffic (millions of minutes) 2 944 Mobile operators Licensee 2 Exhibit A.1: New Zealand – summary characteristics [Source: Statistics New Zealand, operators, World Bank] Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 outgoing call bands band band 2 × 20.0MHz 2 × 20.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 1 × 5.0MHz minutes (millions) 2005 Telecom New Zealand 1 808 000 Vodafone New Zealand 2 024 000 Exhibit A.2: 1 306 1 638 2 × 22.5MHz Mobile spectrum licences, New Zealand [Source: Radio Spectrum Management New Zealand, operators] PUBLIC A2 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Telecom New Zealand Exhibit A.3: Base stations 540 CDMA coverage (as % of population) 97% Vodafone New Zealand Base station sites over 1100 GSM coverage (as % of population) 97% Network investment (since commencing operations in 1998) Selected network characteristics , New Zealand [Source: operators] NZD2 billion A.2 Denmark Population, 2005 5 427 459 Population density (persons per square km) 126.0 Area (square km) 43 090 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) 86% Mobile subscribers 5 478 246 Mobile penetration 100.9% Outgoing mobile traffic (millions of minutes) 6 485 Mobile operators (excludes MVNOs) Exhibit A.4: Denmark – summary characteristics [Source: NITA, Statistics Denmark, World Bank] 4 Just over 26% of mobile subscriptions in Denmark are with a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) or reseller. This means that the networks of the mobile operators also carry a significant amount of wholesale traffic in addition to traffic to and from the operators’ retail services. TeliaSonera acquired Orange Denmark in 2004 and was required to return one of the two 2G and two 3G spectrum licences by the end of 2005. TeliaSonera requested that it retain the 2G spectrum (the 3G spectrum was re-auctioned and awarded to Sonofon), but we have been unable to confirm if the Orange 2G spectrum was retained. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Licensee Subscribers Outgoing 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 minutes band band band – – 1 × 5.0MHz (millions) 2005 Hi3G Denmark ApS 117 206 199 2 × 15.0MHz Sonofon (including CBB) 1 284 443 TDC (including Telmore) 2 253 263 Telia Denmark 1 146 667 1 637 2 × 8.8MHz 2 × 19.2MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 586 2 × 8.8MHz 1 564 2 × 16.4MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 9.8MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 14.2MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 7.2MHz 2 × 15.0MHz Other providers 1 1 676 667 588 – – – Some providers use the networks of more than one mobile operator Exhibit A.5: Mobile spectrum licences, Denmark [Source: NITA, European Radiocommunications Office] National Exhibit A.6: Base stations, 1999 6654 Sonofon Base stations 540 GSM coverage (geographical) 98.7% Selected network characteristics , Denmark [Source: operators, NITA] TDC GSM900 coverage (geographical) >95% Telia Denmark GSM1800 coverage (geographical) >95% PUBLIC A3 A4 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development A.3 Finland Population, 2005 5 255 580 Population density (persons per square km) 15.5 Area (square km) 338 200 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) Mobile subscribers, June 2006 61% 5 360 000 Mobile penetration 98% Mobile traffic n.a. Mobile operators 4 PUBLIC Exhibit A.7: The Finland – summary characteristics [Source: FICORA, Statistics Finland, World Bank] Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Licensee Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 incoming & bands band band 1 – outgoing call minutes (millions) 2005 Ålands Mobiltelefon AB Elisa Matkapuhelinpalvelut 13 000 n.a. 2 × 3.8MHz 1 1 2 × 11.6MHz 1 962 101 3 509 2 2 × 0.2MHz 1 1 × 4.8MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 2 × 15.6MHz 2 2 1 × 4.8MHz 2 2 × 0.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 3 2 × 9.8MHz 4 2 × 8.4MHz 2 2 × 9.6MHz Finnet Verkot Oy 830 000 n.a. 2 2 × 5.2MHz 2 2 × 14.6MHz 2 2 1 × 4.8MHz 2 2 × 1.4MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 2 2 × 3.0MHz 2 2 × 3.6MHz Nokia Networks Oy Sonera Mobile Networks Oy n.a. n.a. 2 507 000 8 047 5 – – 2 × 1.0MHz 2 × 18.6MHz 1 × 4.8MHz 2 × 5.2MHz 3 2 × 13.4MHz 4 2 × 11.4MHz 2 × 9.6MHz 1 2 × 1.6MHz 1 Province of Åland only 2 Finland excluding the province of Åland 3 Metropolitan area, Turku, Tampere and Oulu 4 Finland, excluding the metropolitan area, Turku, Tampere, Oulu and the province of Åland 5 Test locations only Exhibit A.8: Mobile spectrum licences, Finland [Source: FICORA, operators] PUBLIC 2 × 14.8MHz A5 A6 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Elisa Exhibit A.9: 3G base stations (by end 2006) >1000 3G coverage (as % of population by end 2006) 40% Finnet (DNA) GSM coverage (as % of population) 99% Selected network characteristics , Finland [Source: operators] Sonera GSM coverage (geographical) 97% GSM coverage (as % of population) 99% A.4 Hong Kong Population, 2005 6 965 900 Population density (persons per square km) 6309.7 Area (square km) 1 104 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) 100% Mobile subscribers, 2005 8 544 255 Mobile penetration 122.7% Mobile traffic n.a. Mobile operators 5 PUBLIC Exhibit A.10: Hong Kong – summary characteristics [Source: OFTA, C&SD Hong Kong, World Bank] Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Licensee Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 incoming & band band band – 2 × 10.0MHz – outgoing call minutes (millions) 2005 China Mobile Peoples Telephone Company 1 287 000 Hong Kong CSL 1 300 000 n.a. (Q3) 2 × 1.6MHz n.a. 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 2 × 0.8MHz 2 × 1.6MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 1.0MHz 2 × 0.8MHz 3 317 2 × 4.8MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 14.8MHz (estimate) 2 × 0.7MHz 2 × 1.6MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz – (Q2) 1 971 000 Hutchison 2 × 0.2MHz 2 × 0.2MHz 2 × 1.8MHz 2 × 0.6MHz 2 × 0.6MHz 2 × 2.5MHz New World PCS (merged with Hong Kong CSL in April 2006) 1 290 000 SmarTone 1 054 000 n.a. – 2 × 1.6MHz 2 × 0.4MHz n.a. 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 2 × 0.8MHz 2 × 1.6MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 2 × 1.6MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 0.4MHz SUNDAY / Mandarin Communications Exhibit A.11: 738 000 n.a. – Mobile spectrum licences, Hong Kong [Source: OFTA, operators, Network Strategies] Hutchison Exhibit A.12: Base stations (by end 2006) 3 000 GSM coverage (as % of population) 99% Selected network characteristics , Hong Kong [Source: operators] PUBLIC A7 A8 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development A.5 Ireland Population, 2005 4 130 700 Population density (persons per square km) 58.8 Area (square km) 70 270 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) 61% Mobile subscribers, 2005 (2G) 4 213 000 Mobile penetration Ireland – summary characteristics [Source: ComReg, World Bank] 102% Mobile traffic n.a. Mobile operators Licensee Exhibit A.13: 4 Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 incoming & band band band – – 2 × 15.0MHz outgoing call minutes (millions) 2005 Hutchison (operating as 3 Ireland) Meteor O2 n.a. n.a. 1 × 5.0MHz 565 000 n.a. 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz – 1 602 000 n.a. 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 1 × 5.0MHz Vodafone 2 047 000 5 020 2 × 7.5MHz 2 × 14.4MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 1 × 5.0MHz Exhibit A.14: Mobile spectrum licences, Ireland [Source: European Radiocommunications Office, operators] PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) 3 Network Exhibit A.15: Base stations 540 3G network coverage (as % of population) September 2006 (actual) 80% Target end 2007 85% Selected network characteristics , Ireland [Source: operators] Meteor GSM coverage (as % of population) – this includes areas where Meteor has no network, which are covered via a roaming agreement with O2 98% O2 Ireland Annual network investment ⁄200million Vodafone Ireland GSM coverage (as % of population) 99.5% Network investment (cumulative) ⁄1billion Weekly network investment ⁄3million A.6 The Netherlands Population, 2005 16 305 526 Population density (persons per square km) 392.6 Area (square km) 41 530 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) Mobile subscribers, 2005 80% 16 000 000 Mobile penetration 98% Mobile operators Exhibit A.16: The Netherlands – summary characteristics [Source: OPTA, CBS, World Bank] 5 There are five mobile operators in the Netherlands: KPN, Orange Nederland, T-Mobile, Telfort (now owned by KPN) and Vodafone. All operators, with the exception of T-Mobile, hold licences for spectrum in the 800/900 MHz bands (Exhibit A.17). PUBLIC A9 A10 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development Licensee Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 outgoing call band band band minutes (millions) 2005 KPN Mobiel Nederland 5 740 000 9 059 2 × 4.0MHz 2 × 2.4MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 8.4MHz 2 × 2.6MHz 2 × 14.8MHz 2 × 2.6MHz 2 × 5.0MHz 2 × 5.0MHz Orange Nederland NV 1 914 000 T-Mobile Netherlands B.V. 2 300 000 n.a. 2 × 0.8MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 4.2MHz n.a. – 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 10.0 MHz 2 × 2.4MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 2.4MHz 2 × 10.0 MHz 2 × 2.6MHz 2 × 4.4MHz 2 × 5.0MHz Telfort B.V. 2 332 000 760 1 6 609 2 2 × 1.4MHz 2 × 3.6MHz Vodafone 1 3 976 000 2 × 2.4MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz 2 × 10.0 MHz 2 × 9.0MHz 2 × 2.6MHz 1 × 5.4MHz 2 × 2.4MHz 2 × 2.6MHz 2 × 14.6MHz The low traffic volume is a result of the modest usage levels of Telfort’s predominantly prepaid subscriber base: 73% of the Telfort subscriber base is prepaid 2 Incoming and outgoing traffic Exhibit A.17: Mobile spectrum licences, the Netherlands [Source: Agentschap Telecom] KPN KPN operates two 2.5G GSM networks (one being the Telfort network acquired in October 2005) and a 3G UMTS network. A combined upgrade and integration of the 3G network and the Telfort network with HSDPA was announced in February 2006, with the upgrade of the KPN UMTS coverage area expected to be completed by the end of the year39. 39 Total Telecom (2006) KPN to save up to E300m from network rollout, 28 February 2006. PUBLIC Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Base stations Exhibit A.18: 2.5G sites 3918 3G sites 1735 2.5G network coverage Outdoor (as % of population) >99% Outdoor (as % of area) 99% Indoor (as % of population) 98% Outdoor (as % of population) characteristics, excluding Telfort network, 2005 72% Subscribers Exhibit A.19: Traffic 7,000 KPN subscriber 10,000 and traffic growth, 9,000 6,000 2001–2005 8,000 5,000 7,000 6,000 4,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 PUBLIC (excludes Telfort) Minutes (millions) Subscribers ('000s) network [Source: KPN] 3G network coverage 2001 Selected KPN [Source: KPN] A11 A12 Network Strategies Report for the Ministry for Economic Development A.7 Norway Population, 2005 4 640 200 Population density (persons per square km) 14.3 Area (square km) 323 800 Urbanisation (% population living in non-rural areas) 77% Mobile subscribers, 2005 4 754 453 Mobile penetration Exhibit A.20: Norway – summary characteristics [Source: NPT, World Bank] 102.5% Mobile traffic n.a. Mobile operators 5 There are two nationwide GSM networks in Norway: Telenor and Netcom. Teletopia has limited coverage, concentrating on the Oslo area. Automobil Invest (operating as Network Norway) launched its network in May 2006. Licensee Subscribers Annual 800/900MHz GSM1800 IMT2000 2005 outgoing call band band band – – 1 × 5.0MHz minutes (millions) 2005 Hi3G Access Norway AS Netcom Network Norway Telenor ASA n.a. n.a. 2 × 14.8MHz 1 651 000 1 757 2 × 4.6MHz 2 × 6.4MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 9.6MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 2 × 15.0MHz n.a. n.a. 2 × 4.6MHz – – 2 731 000 3 799 2 × 4.6MHz 2 × 10.0MHz 1 × 5.0MHz 2 × 9.6MHz Teletopia Exhibit A.21: n.a. n.a. – 2 × 14.8MHz 2 × 6.4MHz Mobile spectrum licences, Norway [Source: NPT, Network Strategies] PUBLIC – Renewal of Management Rights for Cellular Services (800/900MHz) Netcom Exhibit A.22: GSM coverage (as % of population) >98% Telenor characteristics, GSM network coverage - Outdoor (as % of population) 99.8% - as at March 2006 (as % of population) 70.6% - March 2007 target (as % of population) 80.9% Subscribers Exhibit A.23: Traffic (estimated) 3,000 7,000 2,500 6,000 5,000 2,000 4,000 1,500 3,000 1,000 2,000 500 1,000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 PUBLIC Telenor subscriber and traffic growth, 2001–2005 [Source: Telenor, Minutes (millions) Subscribers ('000s) Norway [Source: operators] UMTS network coverage 2001 Selected network Network Strategies] A13
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