What is International Baccalaureate?
What is International Baccalaureate?
James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program What is International Baccalaureate? The International Baccalaureate diploma program is a two-year liberal arts program which requires students to take one class in each of six (6) different disciplines. The program also contains three (3) essential core requirements. Diploma or Certificate The 6 Disciplines FULL DIPLOMA PROGRAM: Over the course of the two-year program students: Study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups Complete an extended academic (research) essay (EE) Follow a Theory of Knowledge course (TOK) Participate in creativity, action, and service activities (CAS) CERTIFCATE (SUBJECT BY SUBJECT): In some cases, students may opt NOT to enroll in the FULL Diploma Program and instead take a combination of IB, AP and/or other courses. IB courses are two-year courses. Registration and Test Fees will still apply regardless of the number of IB courses a student takes Certificate enrollment on a space-available basispriority for registration will go to DP candidates. The Campbell High School Diploma Program: Group Name Level Group 1 Group 2 English and Literature Second Language: Spanish OR Japanese Psychology Biology Math Studies Film Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action, Service Higher Level Standard Level Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Core Core Core Higher Level Higher Level Standard Level Higher Level n/a n/a n/a 1 Remove this page for your records. Submit pages 5-8 ONLY. James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program Is IB for Me? Whether a DP student taking all IB classes, or a student taking one IB class, this program requires commitments of resources from Campbell High School in the manner of staff, materials, and time. Although students and families self-nominate, an agreement and application must be filled out as part of the process into the International Baccalaureate program. There are no prerequisites other than high interest and willingness to work VERY HARD. However, it is recommended that students consider the following indicators of potential IB success: Algebra II 3.0+ Cumulative GPA Strong reading and writing skills Scholarly-minded and motivated Pursued the “Honors” designation in one or more courses in Grades 9 and 10 A schedule which can accommodate 30-40 hours of homework per week How much does IB cost? International Baccalaureate assesses the student’s achievement with a summative exam or portfolio at the completion of the two years. Each student is required to be registered with the IB organization as well as pay for each of the six exams. Parents must commit to paying all of these fees. The following fee schedule must be followed by parents of IB students to ensure that the all exams can be ordered on time. * Full IB Diploma Student Date October 15 – Junior year April 15 – Junior year October 15 – Senior Year Total Fee Registration fee (nonrefundable) Half of exam fees (3 exams) Half of exam fees (3 exams) Cost (as of Dec. 2011) $145 Fee Registration fee (nonrefundable) Half of exam fee Half of exam fee Cost (as of Dec. 2011) $145 $300 $300 $750 Student Taking IB Courses Date October 15 – Junior Year April 15 – Junior Year October 15 – Senior Year Total $100 per exam $100 per exam Varies per # of courses * Financial assistance may or may not be available – family situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. How do I apply? There are several steps to the application process: o Applications available on the JCHS website or from Grade 10 English teachers, Mrs. N. Young, or any IB teacher between January 6 and January 26 o Read through carefully with your parents who should attend the IB Parent Night on January 11 at 6:30 for additional information o …THEN FILL OUT THE APPLICATION o TO READ FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTRATION, GO TO PAGE 6 2 Remove this page for your records. Submit pages 5-8 ONLY. James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program PARENT/GUARDIAN STATEMENT OF INTENT -I have read the International Baccalaureate literature and commit my full support to my child’s participation. FOR Parents of Diploma Candidates Only: I understand that the TOK course required for the IB Diploma will be taught over a two-year period. I understand that IB DP candidates will complete and reflect on a CAS program strengthening personal attributes and that they must keep accurate and complete records of their CAS involvement. I understand that the Extended Essay is a required component of the IB Diploma Programme where students have the opportunity for reflective and evaluative research. Students must meet the EE deadlines and will earn a TOK grade for this. I understand that because my son/daughter will be taking a full day of IB classes, he or she will need to take summer school or eSchool in order to meet Hawaii BOE graduation requirements which can’t be accommodated in their regular schedule – additional fees will apply. FOR Parents of ALL IB STUDENTS I understand that IB classes will include a curriculum of college-level texts and novels. Some of these may have mature themes or content. This content is a part of the IB curriculum and has been approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization. I understand that if a student requests to drop an IB course, the request must be made in writing by parents and must be approved by an administrator who may ask for a parent conference prior to granting an exit from the class. If a full diploma students wishes to drop any IB course, the request must be in writing and an exit interview must be conducted with parents, student, administration and counselor. I understand that the highest standards of integrity govern all IB coursework. Any cheating or plagiarism is grounds for being removed from the program. I understand that upon official enrollment at the beginning of the year, all IB students will be expected to sign an Honor Code detailing the definition of academic malpractice and its consequences. I understand that there is a fee schedule for the IB Programme and I agree to pay the amounts listed on that schedule by the published deadlines. I understand that there is an estimated 30-40 hours per week average of homework for the full IB Candidate, or about 4-7 hours per IB course, and I am willing to help my child clear his or her schedule in order to prioritize his/her academic work. I understand that summer assignments given out in May counts toward Term1 grades. I will ensure that my child has uninterrupted study time daily and will supervise the use of the study time in the most productive way. If my child decides to enroll in one or more IB classes, I agree to support his/her participation for two years, as most IB courses are four semester courses. I will also commit my support to the IB teachers by following their guidance regarding further study in order to ensure my child’s successful completion of the program s/he has chosen. I understand that the International Baccalaureate curriculum is prescriptive and as such Pre-IB/IB staff must teach what IB prescribes. This is your copy of the Statement of Intent. Please keep this for your records. Sign and return the copy attached to the application itself. 3 Remove this page for your records. Submit pages 5-8 ONLY. James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program This page is intentionally left blank. 4 James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program IMPORTANT! PLEASE CHECK ONE OR THE OTHER: _____I am applying as a candidate for FULL IB DIPLOMA _____I am applying to take one (1) or more IB courses JCHS IB Application STUDENT INFORMATION: Please print in ink. Last Name:__________________________________ First Name:_______________________ M.I._______ Current Grade Level: _________ Gender (circle one): M F Birth date: __________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________ Zip Code:_______________________________ Student Email Address(es):_________________________________________________________________ Name of Mother/Guardian:_________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Cell/Work Phone:_______________________________ Mother/Guardian Email Address(es):__________________________________________________________ Name of Father/Guardian:__________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell/Work Phone:_______________________________ Father/Guardian Email Address(es):__________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN EVALUATION FORM Parents/Guardians: please check the column that most represents your opinion with regard to each statement on the left. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree My child usually finishes what he/she starts. My child manages time well. My child manages stress well. My child possesses good organizational skills. I am willing to encourage my child to prioritize his/her academics and extracurricular activities. I am willing to support my child’s commitment to the program even when he/she has a heavy homework schedule. My child has access to a computer and the internet at home (circle one). Yes No I would be interested in serving on an IB Parent Committee. Yes No If you marked “Yes” please check all that apply: ___I would be willing to lead/assist in fundraising ___I would be able to help with refreshments for events ___I would be willing to volunteer as a chaperone ___Other:______________________________________ 5 James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program Student Last Name:__________________________________ First Name:_______________________ M.I._______ PARENT/GUARDIAN STATEMENT OF INTENT -I have read the International Baccalaureate literature and commit my full support to my child’s participation. FOR Parents of Diploma Candidates Only: I understand that the TOK course required for the IB Diploma will be taught over a two-year period. I understand that IB DP candidates will complete and reflect on a CAS program strengthening personal attributes and that they must keep accurate and complete records of their CAS involvement. I understand that the Extended Essay is a required component of the IB Diploma Program where students have the opportunity for reflective and evaluative research. Students must meet the EE deadlines and will earn a TOK grade for this. I understand that because my son/daughter will be taking a full day of IB classes, he or she will need to take summer school or eSchool in order to meet Hawaii BOE graduation requirements which can’t be accommodated in their regular schedule – additional fees will apply. FOR Parents of ALL IB STUDENTS I understand that IB classes will include a curriculum of college-level films, texts and novels. Some of these may have mature themes or content. This content is a part of the IB curriculum and has been approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization. I understand that if a student requests to drop an IB course, the request must be made in writing by parents and must be approved by an administrator who may ask for a parent conference prior to granting an exit from the class. If a full diploma students wishes to drop any IB course, the request must be in writing and an exit interview must be conducted with parents, student, administration and counselor. I understand that the highest standards of integrity govern all IB coursework. Any cheating or plagiarism is grounds for being removed from the program. I understand that upon official enrollment at the beginning of the year, all IB students will be expected to sign an Honor Code detailing the definition of academic malpractice and its consequences. I understand that there is a fee schedule for the IB Program and I agree to pay the amounts listed on that schedule by the published deadlines. I understand that there is an estimated 30-40 hours per week average of homework for the full IB Candidate, or about 4-7 hours per IB course, and I am willing to help my child clear his or her schedule in order to prioritize his/her academic work. I understand that summer assignments given out in May counts toward Term1 grades. I will ensure that my child has uninterrupted study time daily and will supervise the use of the study time in the most productive way. If my child decides to enroll in one or more IB classes, I agree to support his/her participation for two years, as IB courses are four semester courses. I will also commit my support to the IB teachers by following their guidance regarding further study in order to ensure my child’s successful completion of the program s/he has chosen. I understand that the International Baccalaureate curriculum is prescriptive and as such Pre-IB/IB staff must teach what IB prescribes. “I understand and agree to the terms and conditions in the above SOI as well as the fee schedule on Page 2.”” Parent /Guardian Signature________________________________________Date: __________________ Parent /Guardian Signature________________________________________Date: __________________ Student Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________ 6 James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program Student Last Name:__________________________________ First Name:_______________________ M.I._______ STUDENT PERSONAL EVALUATION The International Baccalaureate Program is a nationally and internationally recognized program designed for academically committed students who set high personal and educational goals and who want to pursue excellence in multiple academic areas, including the humanities in addition to mathematics and science. In the space below, please explain (1) why you would like to participate in the IB program and (2) why you think you would succeed in an academic setting such as the International Baccalaureate provides. Response must be authored and handwritten by the student. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, list any awards, academic achievements or honors you have received in school or in the community. List any sports, clubs, organizations, or service groups in which you are involved in either the school or community. “I have completed all parts of the Student Personal Evaluation accurately and independently to the best of my knowledge.” Print Name:_____________________________ Signature:____________________________ Date:_________ 7 James Campbell High School International Baccalaureate Program Student Last Name:__________________________________ First Name:_______________________ M.I._______ IMPORTANT! PLEASE CHECK ONE OR THE OTHER: _____I am applying as a candidate for FULL IB DIPLOMA _____I am applying to take one (1) or more IB courses IB Course Selection Please note: you must still turn in your completed registration cards at registration fair. See us for help at the IB table Indicate with an “X” in the rightmost column the courses you want to take Diploma Candidates: Mark all courses, but CHOOSE between Spanish and Japanese o Group Group 1 Name English and Literature Group 2 (Pick ONE) Group 3 Second Language: Spanish Second Language: Japanese Psychology Group 4 Biology Group 5 Math Studies Group 6 Film Core Extended Essay Core Theory of Knowledge Core Creativity, Action, Service Select: Turn pages 5-8 of the JCHS IB Application in to Mrs. Karen Chun in Room G-208 on or before Friday, January 27 o Go through the registration process as you normally would, collecting stickers for your various courses o Attend Registration Fair on Wednesday, February 1 at your designated time (ON TIME APPLICATIONS AND REGISTRATION CARDS RECEIVE PRIORITY OVER LATE APPLICATIONS AND CARDS) If you need to keep a copy of the back page of the application (with your selections), you must make your own copy before turning the application in. IB teachers and counselors will check your registration cards for accuracy/conflicts after February 1, 2012 (Registration Fair) YOU WILL BE CONTACTED BY THE IB COMMITTEE FOR “NEXT STEPS” o o o Thank you for your interest in the JCHS IB Program! 8