What is the Stanford EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005?


What is the Stanford EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005?
What is the Stanford EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005?
The Stanford EPGY Academic Talent Search, designed and organized by Stanford University
Education Program for Gifted Youth to
1. identify gifted students in Hong Kong with exceptional mathematical and writing abilities and,
2. recommend these students to join gifted programs to enable them to learn at a level and pace
most appropriate to their abilities to prepare them ultimately to take University level courses
offered by Stanford University during their high school years
was successfully administered to over 1600 students gifted in mathematics and English writing from over
80 schools in Hong Kong during the first and second talent searches in the years 2003 and 2004
respectively. (http://www.infokids.com.hk/TalentSearch04/talentsearch04.htm)
Stanford University EPGY shall administer the 2005 Academic Talent Search in Hong Kong supported
by InfoKidsSM, the English Language Teaching Unit of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and
HKedCity on January 30 2005 to identify students academically gifted in either
mathematics aged between 7 and 16 (birth dates between Jan 31 1988 and Jan 30 1998) or
writing (in the English language) aged between 11 and 17 (birth dates between Jan 31 1987 and
Jan 30 1994).
Date of Talent Search: Jan 30 2005
Venue: Po Kok Secondary School, Tseung Kwan O
Who is eligible?
Students whose age meet the above criteria and scoring within the top 5% in either mathematics or
English Writing in their grades may apply to participate either through the nomination of their schools or
their parents.
What benefits will students, parents and schools receive?
The EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005 aims to
1. help students, parents and schools better understand the individual student’s abilities. The Talent
Search gives these top students a chance to take the Stanford Aptitude Test designed to bring
the very best out of their abilities.
2. reveal more about their abilities by providing an analysis report on the student’s aptitude . The
report is to be generated by Stanford University EPGY.
3. compare the student’s results with other equally highly able students in the same age group in
Hong Kong and around the world.
4. recommend options and opportunities in EPGY programs in Hong Kong during normal school
terms or at Stanford University during the summer
5. reward successful students with recognition of their outstanding achievements.
6. provide the opportunity for teachers from participating schools to attend a workshop on English
Writing in April 2005
TALENT Search 2005: Applications close on December 10 2004
Completed application form together with
1. a copy of the latest school report
2. a copy of a photo identification document
3. a passport sized photo
4. teacher’s recommendation form (http://www.infokids.com.hk/TalentSearch05/teacher05.pdf)
5. the talent search fee of HK$280(by cheque made payable to INFOKIDS)
6. a stamped self addressed envelop and
7. a copy of an essay submitted to your teacher at school or to other open competition within the
last 6 months (this condition applies only to students entering the English Writing category)
to be returned to:
Stanford University’s Education Program for Gifted Youth HK Administrative Center provided by InfoKidsSM:
6/F Catic Plaza, 8 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
and marking on envelop “Stanford EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005”
Students selected to join the Search shall be notified before Dec 31 2004 in writing.
Students not selected shall have the forms and cheque returned by post by Jan 15 2005.
Students joining the Search shall receive an analysis report on the student’s performance from
Stanford University EPGY.
Outstanding students may also be recommended to join EPGY mathematics or Writing programs in
Hong Kong during normal school terms (see attached pages for a brief introduction or browse
http://www.infokids.com.hk/epgy/index.html/ for details ) and\or
at Stanford University’s EPGY summer institute during the summer months
Tel: 2504 2228 Fax: 2504 2669 Email: epgy@infokids.com.hk
Website: www.infokids.com.hk
Application Form : Stanford University’s EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005
APPLICATION FORM 報名表 (Parent Nomination 家長推薦)
(Please use BLOCK letters)
(Please tick
Mathematics 數學
English Writing 英文寫作)
(for students joining English Writing Search: English is | is not my first language)
Name: _________________________________________________________
(same as on Passport/ID Card)
In Chinese
Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yy) _____________________________________ Sex: _____________
Birth Certificate/Identity Card/Passport No.: ___________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: (Home) _______________ (Office) _________________ (Mobile) __________________
Fax: (Home) ______________ (Office) _____________ Email: ___________________________
School: _________________________________ Grade: ______ School finishes at _________ pm
I agree for the applicant to join the Stanford University EPGY Academic Talent Search 2005 and its result
announced by InfoKids to be final.
Parent’s name: _______________________ Signature: __________________ Date: ____________
Since 1995
HKED Reg. No.: 527793
Stanford University
Education Program for Gifted Youth
Hong Kong SAR Administrative and Teaching Center
Stanford University EPGY courses grow out of over 40 years of extensive research at Stanford
University and are offered exclusively at InfoKids in Hong Kong. They allow gifted students to take
courses suitable to the level of their ability, regardless of the availability of such courses locally, and in a
way that is minimally disruptive to the rest of the student’s school experience. With these courses
schools can meet the educational needs of their most advanced students without having to hire special
instructors to teach courses to small numbers of gifted students.
EPGY courses are structured on computer based learning mode. In Hong Kong a real classroom
learning environment is administered at InfoKids to allow greater interaction between students and their
tutors and amongst the students themselves. The real classroom is supplemented by a virtual classroom
over the internet where more difficult topics receive additional attention and explanation.
Courses offered by InfoKids to high ability students in elementary, middle and high schools are:
M00A (K-2)
M00B (3-4)
M00C (5-6)
M00d (7-8)
M011 (Honors Beginning Algebra)
M012 (Honors Intermediate Algebra)
M013 (Honors Pre calculus)
M015 (Honors Geometry)
M040\41\42*(Calculus A,B,C)
P010 (Introductory Physics) P051* Mechanics P053* Electricity and Magnetism
W009 (Elementary Writing)
W010 (Intermediate Writing)
W011 (Fundamentals of Expository Writing)E001*(Expository Writing)
EG20 (Grammar Review)
Programming C11A (Intro to C Programming)
C015(Java Programming)
*Advanced Placement Level courses
Students who score within the top 5% of their grade will be eligible to take a Stanford Aptitude Test at
InfoKids the results of which will be used as a yardstick for admission.
The EPGY Courses
EPGY courses use state-of-the-art computer based multimedia technology. The software presents
lectures consisting of digitized sound and synchronized graphics that appear on-screen in the manner in
which a teacher would present material in class. In Hong Kong, lectures will also be delivered in the
Chinese language to assist in understanding.
Lectures are followed by on-line computer exercises, which range from quizzes, in which students
answer questions, to interactive expositions in which students are led through detailed material step by
step while being asked questions about it. Mathematics courses also include derivation exercises, in
which students construct proofs within a symbolic computation environment. The EPGY software
analyzes each student’s results on these exercises and requires that the student display mastery of the
subject before advancing in the course. By using sophisticated data collection and analysis techniques
via email and the internet, the software allows instructors to keep detailed records of the individual
progress of each student.
All EPGY courses include elements away from the computer. In the mathematics and physics courses
students are required to complete exercises from an accompanying textbook and to take regular off-line
chapter examinations. The writing courses include substantial off-line reading and essay writing.
EPGY courses are designed with gifted students in mind. Students are never forced to sit through
exposition of material that they already understand. Moreover, courses are individualized so that fast
learners can proceed quickly through material while slower learners will receive additional instruction.
The Virtual Classroom
The Virtual classroom is a tutorial session which provides a live interactive environment in which
students and their InfoKids / Stanford instructor can talk to each other and write on a common
whiteboard via the internet. In the virtual classroom students have a chance to ask their own questions
on concepts and to hear what other students have to say in addition to discussion and explanation of
more difficult topics.
Course Credit
Students who complete EPGY courses at InfoKids will receive a certificate jointly signed by InfoKids and
EPGY. EPGY instructors will work with InfoKids instructors to determine grades for each student. For
courses at the Advanced Placement level and beyond1, EPGY instructors shall then be providing direct
instructions via the virtual classroom and students upon completion of courses receive a transcript from
the Continuing Studies Program at Stanford University whereby acquired credits will be applied towards
undergraduate studies at Stanford University.
Students aged between 5 to 18 and scoring within the top 5% within their grade (for the
related Mathematics, English or Physics subjects)
Requirements: (1)
fill in and submit the application form and
a photocopy of the latest school report
sit and pass the Stanford Aptitude Test
Application fee for the Stanford Aptitude Test is HK$280
EPGY course fee is HK$3,000 per quarter {or US$450 (Maths); US$ 575 (English) if tutoring is
direct from Stanford} paid on a quarterly basis (an average student may take up to 3 quarters to
complete one course)
Questions can be directed at InfoKids 2504 2228
Web: http://www.infokids.com.hk email: epgy@infokids.com.hk
* An additional HK$150 per quarter being licence fee for Maple shall be charged for courses M011 or
University level courses: Linear Algebra; Multivariable Calculus; Differential Equations; Complex Analysis ; Modern
Algebra; Real Analysis; Point-set Topology; Number Theory ; University Logic; Light and Heat; Modern Physics