Document 6517498


Document 6517498
 AWARE-LA Saturday Dialogue “What is a White Anti-Racist?” February 1, 2014 New Members please arrive at 12:30pm sharp. Facilitators please arrive at 12:15pm sharp. Facilitator Prep Time
12:15pm – 1:00pm Select new member orientation leader, greeter, and facilitators for each section. New Member Orientation
12:45pm – 1:15pm Welcome to the space and introduction of AWARE-LA organizational model. All Members please arrive at 1:00pm. Returning Member Check-Ins
Informal check-ins, reconnect with each other. 1:00pm – 1:15pm Welcome and All-Group Check-In
1:15pm – 1:40pm Welcome to the Saturday Dialogue. Check in: share your name, your preferred gender pronouns (PGPs), and something
that came up for you about race over the last month. Read Communication Guidelines. Ice Breaker
1:40pm – 1:50pm And the wind comes and takes you away....
One person will stand in center. The person in center says something related to race. All people for whom this
statement is true stand up. Facilitator says, "And the wind comes and takes you away." Then all standing participants
move to a different seat (including the person in the center), leaving one participant standing. That individual continues
the process. Open Dialogue
Facilitated all-group discussion to address the following questions: -What is white anti-racism? -What does it mean to practice anti-racism as a white person? -What do you need to practice anti-racism as a white person? -What does community do to address those needs? Snack/Break
1:50pm – 2:45pm 2:45pm – 2:55pm Personal Solidarity /Snack
2:55pm – 3:25pm Groups of three have 10 minutes each for sharing/strategizing/active listening on personal/interpersonal issues around
race & racism. Ask for timekeeper to make sure each person has 10 minutes. Make time for feedback if desired. Announcements & Volunteers
• Workgroup Announcements • Community Announcements 3:30pm – 3:45pm Pass-the-Hat & Check-Out
3:45pm – 4:00pm Pass the hat for AWARE-LA donations. Share 1 plus, 1 change, OR 1 insight from today. AWARE-LA Volunteer Dialogue
Saturday Dialogue Facilitation Team, Active Resistance & All-Workgroup Discussion
Saturday, February 1, 2014 | 4:30-7:30PM 4:15-4:30PM
Space prep and facilitation volunteers
meet: task out greeter, facilitator/
timekeeper people for AR and SD space,
facilitators for all-workgroup discussion
• On wall: Community Organizing goals;
Org Map; and discussion guidelines.
Check-in if any new people joining:
• Name, any preferred identity or
pronoun recognition, share something
about yourself
• Review organization goals, and goal of
Volunteer Dialogue space
4:40PM-6:00PM Workgroup breakouts
for continuing volunteers
Saturday Dialogue Facilitation
- review pluses, changes, deltas from last
dialogue (10 min)
- plan March Dialogue: Leadership Format
- Discuss Yearlong Schedule
- Start up AWARE Education Space?
- What else can SD planning do to
improve SD gatherings?
Active Resistance
- review agenda; additions, changes?
1. Following up with contacts from
surveying and outreach
2. Creating & editing AWARE documents
for outreach
• What do we have? What do we
need to do?
3. Goals? Get 20-25 white DT residents
involved and active members
- Which tactics get us to this goal?
- How can we make the most of limited
time and resources?
4. Discuss tasked out work from Dec
Google Hangout
• Poster, organizations, social media
5. Looking for new space
- Jan or Feb Learning exchange with LA
- report back from West Coast Day of
Action, WS Workshop
- When to make the partnership public?
- What do we need to have in place
before we do?
- What would be a good opportunity to
publicize our work?
6:00-6:20PM Workgroups check-in
Participants discuss important topics,
issues, or ideas that came up in the
workgroup space
• Get feedback and input from all
6:20-7:20PM All Workgroup Discussion
• Discussion Topics:
o How to handle conflict in meetings
o Challenging privilege in the aware
o New space updates
• New VD Ideas:
o Quarterly VD “mini-retreats” to
discuss theory
• Task Board (@ every meeting
workload check-ins)
o Do you need help? Do you want to
• Questions Corner (@ every meeting
running list of questions/topics for
o Questions you would like to bring to
the all workgroup space!
§ Example: How can we
document our lesson plans,
activities, etc?
o Newer members: Do you have any
questions about AWARE?
§ Example: What are the values
• One on Ones Requests? Offers?
7:20-7:30PM Individual check-out: plus,
change, and/or insight