September 2003(new version).pub (Read


September 2003(new version).pub (Read
FEATURE FILM … Mulligan Circle, a feature-length dramedy conceived from the
mind of writer/director Monte Young, is currently in pre-production with the shoot set to
begin early November. The theme for Mulligan Circle surrounds the “suburban everyday man and
what he goes through” and has a similar feel to American Beauty, says Young, co-founder of the
film’s production company based in Palm Beach Gardens, American Rhino Productions. Mike Sedan, who
recently signed on to co-produce, was introduced to Young by the FTC’s Film Commissioner, Chuck Elderd.
“We just talked and immediately hit it off, [Young] is a very talented director” says Sedan. Sedan’s professional portfolio includes 29 films in which he produced, directed and/or edited, an extensive background that
will provide him with the production expertise desired by American Rhino Productions. Sedan is
excited about working on the film and found the script to be appealing, “the characters are fascinating and the story is a nice slice of life that a lot of people will relate to.” American Rhino has
signed Amy Locane (Airheads, Melrose Place) to play Hanna Banks, the trophy wife of an exbaseball legend and is in negotiations with several Hollywood notables. Local South Florida resident and 20-year industry veteran Irv Goodnoff (Hitters, Shut Up and Kiss Me, Carlita’s Secret)
Amy Locane
has also signed on to the production team as Director of Photography.
Palm Beach County’s most recent addition to its extensive list of originally produced television shows, Charter Destinations, takes viewers on a tour of the
most exquisite yachts ever built and visits the most exclusive ports of call the
world has to offer. The show offers an intimate view of experiences traditionally
reserved for the privileged, including a luxury yachting lifestyle with five-star service and the
epicurean masterpieces prepared aboard these magnificent vessels. The show’s magazine-style
format allows for exploration of all facets of the yachting lifestyle. The show is produced by Battle Medialab,
a South Florida HD video pioneer and is underwritten by ShowBoats International Magazine. Charter Destinations’ move to Palm Beach County was one born of a strategic partnership between Battle and West Palm
Beach based Intramedia Productions, a full-service audio, video and multimedia service company. “By
partnering with Intramedia, we join forces with a group that has proven talent, a passion for new technology, and a deep understanding of Palm Beach County business,” says Rod Molina,
Technology Director at Battle. For information, contact Battle Medialab at 954.527.5507.
Boca Raton based Allegro Productions has announced the release of Volume 33
of their award-winning elementary and secondary education series, Science Screen
Report (SSR) and Science Screen Report for Kids (SSR for Kids). The programs
have been provided free of charge for over 30 years to schools nationwide by more than 300 of
the Fortune 500 companies and hundreds of other corporations. SSR and SR for Kids, focusing on the most
current developments in engineering, technology, medicine, chemistry, conservation and the environment,
present complex subject matter in a positive and objective matter and are designed to stimulate student interest
in the challenges, opportunities and rewards of pursuing scientific and technology related careers. Notable
groups including The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology assists in production of the
programs, both of which have been consistent award winners with top honors at the National Educational
Film Festival and the American Film Festival and others. Scott Forman, Director of Corporate Relations for
the company, says of the programs, “We are thrilled to have teachers who once watched SSR as students utilize the materials to benefit the next generation of scientists and engineers. The best part is they are provided at
no cost to the schools and being able to have this type of national reach from Boca Raton is an added benefit.”
Science Screen Report videos and teacher’s guides become the school’s property and
are a time honored way for companies to involve themselves with the academic community. For more information about these or any of Allegro Productions’ products
or services, please call 800.232.2133 or visit
July Stats
July 2003
YTD 2003
YTD 2002
12-Month Rolling Revenue August 2002-July 2003
Castaways Bar and Marina
1111 Love Street, Jupiter
Castaways Marina and Bar in Jupiter offers visitors a tiki bar experience without leaving Palm Beach County! The location’s island feel
is radiated through the building’s charming wooden structure that is
open to the refreshing breezes carried by the beautiful Loxahatchee
Katie Cook &
River a few steps away. Owner Jimmy Burg recently welcomed two
Alan Jackson
noteworthy productions featuring Alan Jackson that gave Castaways
national recognition. Jackson used the bar as the backdrop in a video for his catchy
duet with Jimmy Buffet, It’s Five O’clock Somewhere, and Country Music Television (CMT) staged the interviews inside the bar for their one-hour special with host
Katie Cook entitled Alan Jackson’s Greatest
Video Hits which aired August 30.
A devoted professional
and family man, Irv Goodnoff relocated to South Florida not only to promote an increase in film production
locally, but also to care for his aging
mother. His professional career spans
20 years with over 36 feature films,
countless shorts, TV series, commercials and rock videos to his credit. Due
to his extensive experience with High
Definition in recent years, Goodnoff
participated in “A Night of High Definition & Digital Cinema,” a panel discussion devoted to his works at the 2003
Palm Beach International Film Festival. Goodnoff is currently participating
in several projects as a result of contacts
made at this year’s Festival and is available to lecture, participate in panel discussions or for media interviews. For
more information, call 954.427.9127.
After three years in planning,
the G-Star School of the
Arts for Motion Pictures
and Television opened to a
complement of 175 students
G-Star Campus last month. The school,
brainchild of Founder/
President Greg Hauptner, offers students a
complete, certified and accredited high
school education all on the honors level.
Each course is integrated into the motion
picture and television arts and sciences curriculum for example, students are required
to write screenplays rather than English
essays. Teachers were chosen from industry
professionals within the community for their
talent and dedication to education. The
school occupies ten acres in West Palm
Beach with classroom, studio and office
space. G-Star is the only school operating
with this type of program in the
world. For more information,
call 561.627.9659.
A traditional education is built on teaching students the fundamentals such as English, mathematics and science. More
often than not, however, students are ill-equipped for what
lies ahead of them beyond school. Since 1992, the FTC has
had an internship program aimed at familiarizing individuals
with a the film and television industry both educationally and professionally. The
program provides supervised training, experience, and professional opportunities
within the film and television industry and exposure to prospective employers while
creating a strong, talented and dependable labor pool to prospective employers.
Interns are given opportunities to learn both in and out of the office. Most recently, Ko-Mar Productions welcomed the FTC’s interns on set during a shoot for
ESPN featuring Burt Reynolds. “This was the first time these interns had the opportunity to experience a hot set,” says the FTC’s Director of Operations, Michelle Hillery. For information on the program, contact the FTC at 561.233.1000.
Join the 2004 Palm Beach International
Film Festival Thursday, April 15Thursday, April 22 for world premieres,
special events, seminars, film screenings and more.
Please visit for information on
film entries, sponsorships, advertising, membership
information, volunteering and internships. Details to
follow in future FTC newsletters.
MEMBERS...Cineworks Digital Studios
is proud to announce the AICP/Cineworks
General Membership Initiative, offering
a $1,000 in kind service credit to AICP Florida General Members who initiate or renew their membership. The AICP (Association for Independent Commercial Producers) is dedicated to representing the
interests of US production companies and suppliers.
To learn more, join the AICP on September 19
from 6:00-9:00pm at the Gulfstream Hotel in
Lantana for a night of networking with industry
professionals or call Jim Hodges at 305.754.7501.
The production crew of
The Montel Williams
Show recently visited
Palm Beach County to shoot a segment on home
security featuring the famed Palm Beach “Dinner
Time Bandit”, Walter T. Shaw. Shaw highlighted
ways homeowners can secure their home from intruders. The segment will air at 10:00am or 3:00pm
on Friday, September 19. The FTC’s Director of
Operations, Michelle Hillery, offered her home and
family as subjects for the taping of the show.
The West Palm Beach Public Library offers young
children yet another activity to enjoy when visiting
the library! The youth theatre area is set up with a
comfortable carpet, small chairs and a sitting area to
watch videos with family and friends. The library
also offers youth programs including the Creation
Station, held the first Wednesday of every month at
3:00pm. Call 561.868.7700 for information.
Film Commissioner, Chuck Elderd
Director of Operations, Michelle Hillery
Production Manager, Jennifer Hirsemann
Production Coordinator, Cyndi C. Demitruk
Location Manager, Jason Goldman
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Marton
Education Consultant, Victoria Rominger
PBC Board of County Commissioners
Karen T. Marcus, Chair
Burt Aaronson
Addie L. Greene
Jeff Koons
Tony Masilotti
Mary McCarty
Warren H. Newell
If you would like to be included in this monthly publication, please contact the Film Commission at
561.233.1000 or email information to
Focus on Film September 2003
Volume V Issue 20
Editor: Jennifer Hirsemann
Masthead Design: Wendy Meyer