Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization Cover Sheet 2014– 2015


Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization Cover Sheet 2014– 2015
Chesapeake Conservation Corps
Host Organization Cover Sheet
2014– 2015 / 410-974-2941
Applicant Information
Name of Organization/Legal Applicant:
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Street Address:
501 6th Street
Annapolis, MD 21403
Anne Arundel
Main Telephone:
Web Page:
Legal Applicant Federal I.D. Number:
State Legislative District:
U.S. Congressional District:
Executive Director:
Albert H. Todd
Executive Director’s Telephone:
Executive Director’s Email:
Name of Application Writer/Initial Contact:
Lou Etgen
Contact’s Title:
Maryland Director
Contact’s Telephone:
Contact’s Email:
Name of Corps Volunteer Mentor:
Lou Etgen
Mentor’s Title:
Maryland Director
Mentor’s Telephone:
Mentor’s s Email:
Number of Corps Volunteers Sought
2. Type of Organization (check one):
Non-profit organization
Community associations
Service, Youth, or Civic Groups
Institutions of Higher Education
Local government (county or municipality)
Unit of State Government
3. Organization Mission:
The Alliance brings together individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to find
collaborative solutions, to build a strong commitment to stewardship, and to deliver innovative, broadlysupported programs that benefit the land, waters, and residents of the Chesapeake Bay.
4. Types of Activities in which a Volunteer Corps Member will be engaged: (see “Corps Volunteer
Eligible Activities” section above for description of each activity type. Check all that apply.
Watershed Restoration
Energy Conservation
Environmental Education
5. Short Description: Please provide a short numbered list (5 maximum) of the Corps Volunteer’s
responsibilities and activities. Keep in mind, this description will be posted online and used to solicit
Corps Volunteer Applicants (about 100 words maximum).
1. Help expand the communications and outreach efforts of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay,
teaching people about the health and restoration of the watershed and strengthening the public’s
commitment to environmental stewardship.
2. Develop educational and outreach products for both print and web content, including blog posts,
behavioral guides, educational resources and social media messages.
3. Enhance the Chesapeake Bay Program’s online interpretation of scientific data to help people better
understand how the Bay is doing.
4. Assist in planning and hosting of field events, offering support to program coordinators and assisting
with efforts to effectively reach out to the public and build greater citizen participation.
6. General Liability Insurance: Does your agency currently have general liability insurance for its
Partnership Application Electronic Signatures
In submitting this partnership application to become a Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host
Organization, we attest that all information provided is true to the best of our knowledge.
Signature of Legal Applicant Director
February 20, 2014
Signature of the Host Organization Mentor
February 20, 2014
Thank you for applying to be a Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization!
Chesapeake Conservation Corps
Host Organization Narrative Instructions
2014 – 2015 / 410-974-2941
1) Activities: Please describe the types of watershed restoration, energy conservation, agricultural and
forestry, infrastructure, AND/OR education activities in which the Corps Volunteer(s) will be engaged.
The Corps Volunteer will help further expand the communications and outreach efforts of the
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, teaching people about the health and restoration of the
watershed and strengthening the public’s commitment and participation in environmental
The Volunteer will help develop and enhance both print and web materials used by the Alliance,
contributing content to the Alliance website ( and to the Chesapeake
Bay Program’s suite of websites (including and, which serve as interactive educational resources about the watershed
environment. This content can include press releases, blog posts, behavioral guides (i.e., How
Tos and Tips), educational resources (i.e., Field Guide entries and FAQs) and social media
messages. The Volunteer will also work with the Chesapeake Bay Program Communications
Team to enhance their interpretation of data, helping teachers and students use scientific
evidence to better understand how the Bay is doing. The Volunteer will work with Alliance
Development and Communications Staff as well as Program Coordinators to assist them with
outreach and education efforts related to ongoing Alliance projects.
The Volunteer will attend Alliance and CBP field events, offering logistical support to program
coordinators and reaching out to members and the general public. These events can include
educational workshops, field tours, tree plantings, stream clean-ups, and more.
2) Outcomes: Provide a list of quantifiable outcomes to be accomplished by the Corps Volunteer(s).
Examples might include number of rain gardens installed, number of volunteers engaged, number of
energy audits accomplished, number of green schools engaged, number of students reached, etc.
Number of blog posts written: 12
Number of behavioral guides created: 12
Number of educational resources created: 8
Number of field events supported: 6
New Web Content Elements: 4
3) Advancement of mission: Describe how the service of the Corps Volunteer will advance the mission
of the organization.
The Corps Volunteer will help strengthen the public’s commitment to environmental
stewardship, teaching people about the health of the Chesapeake Bay and using interactive media
to connect people with the watershed. The Corps Volunteer will also help to build greater
volunteer participation in community events as well as foster citizen stewardship.
4) Key Staff: Describe the staff members who will work most closely with the Corps Volunteer. What
roles and responsibilities will these key staff have in supporting the Corps Volunteer’s activities?
The Corps Volunteer will be mentored by Lou Etgen, the Alliance’s Maryland Director, who will
help him or her manage his or her time and priorities and become acquainted with Alliance
programs and staff.
The Volunteer will also work directly with Laura Ricciardelli, Director of Development;
Margaret Enloe, Director of Communications for the Chesapeake Bay Program; Dan Brellis,
Program Manager and Alliance Webmaster; and Catherine Krikstan, Web Writer and Social
Media Specialist. These staff members will offer the Volunteer support and guidance in
developing content ideas and in editing and publishing content in print and online.
5) Work Skills Training: Please describe any formal or informal work skills training your organization
can provide to a Corps Volunteer.
The Alliance recognizes its responsibility to provide its staff members and volunteers with strong
guidance that will better qualify them for their next career steps. The Corps Volunteer will
receive formal training in writing, editing and publishing print, web and social media content.
The Volunteer will also receive training in event planning and coordination and in the use of
online mail and database services (such as IContact and Salesforce NGO).
The Volunteer will have opportunities to attend several workshops, seminars and forums,
including the Watershed Stewards Academy’s annual conference, the Stormwater Partners
Retreat and the Chesapeake Watershed Forum. The Volunteer will also have opportunities to
connect with the Bay and its watershed through restoration events, field days, media events, and
kayak sojourns.
6) Budget of Matching Resources: Please provide a table indicating resources the organization
anticipates providing.
Example Budget Lines
Type of Match (Cash or In-kind)
Parking - required
Mileage Reimbursement - required
Conference attendance costs - optional
Telephone/Internet - required
Office Space - required
Volunteer training supplies - optional
10% of the Volunteer stipend ($1500) required for three-consecutive-year Hosts
Other: _________________