AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR‐CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E./Atlanta, GA 30329 404‐636‐8400 TC/TG/TRG MINUTES COVER SHEET TC/TG/TRG NO: TC/TG/TRG TITLE: DATE OF MEETING: TC 2.6 Sound and Vibration Control January 25, 2010 DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT YEAR APPTD YEAR APPTD VOTING John Gierzak Robert Hassler Robert Lilkendey Jerry Lilly Matthew Murello Patrick Oliver Kim Osborn Tom Paige Chris Papadimos Karl Peterman Kenneth Roy Jason Swan Lily Wang Jonathan Weinstein CORRESPONDING Curt Eichelberger Mark Fly Rad Ganesh Patrick Marks Neil Moiseev Rich Peppin Douglas Reynolds Bill Rockwood Zhiping Wang Steve Wise Randy Zimmerman MEMBERS ABSENT VOTING Michael Froehlich Robert Simmons Matthew Stead CORRESPONDING Chuck Arnold Francis Babineau Mark Bastasch Warren Blazier Norm Broner Duane Brown Patrick Chinoda John Dunlap Ronald Eligator Lew Goodfriend Brian Guenther Art Hallstrom Joe Horesco Reggie Keith Howard Kingsbury Jim Kline Leon Kloostra Will Kowald Kevin Lai Geoff Leventhall Sally McInerny Duane McLennan Dustin Meredith Alexander Michaud Erik Miller-Klein Andrew Mitchell Emanuel Mouratidis Ralph Muehleisen Jose Nepomuceno John Pappas James Pooler Mike Resetar Eric Rosenberg Erica Ryherd Mark Schaffer Ken Shook John Sofra Bill Stewart May 10, 2010 LOCATION: Orlando, FL EX‐OFFICIO MEMBERS AND ADDITIONAL ATTENDANCE Danny Abbate Jenny Abney David Bloom Mike Brendel Joseph Brooks Nathan Busse Franco Cincotti Frank Forrest Manfred Gerber Larry Hopkins John Iacobruis Michael Keating Tim Kuski B.J. Landsberger Siu-Kit (Eddie) Lau Tim Mathson Dustin Meredith John Murphy Raj Prime Lauren Ronsse Michael Schwab Robert VanBecelaere Greg Wagner Donald Warick, Jr. Distribution All Members of the TC/TG/TRG TAC Section Head: Charles Wilkin TAC Chair: Craig Wray All Committee Liasions: Paul Cabot, William Atkinson, Kenneth Fulk, Frederic Genest, Mark Fly, Carl Lawson, Howard McKew, John Wells III Manager of Standards: Claire Ramspeck Manager of Research & Technical Services: Mike Vaughn 2 of 24 Meeting Minutes for ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.6 – Sound and Vibration Monday, Jan 25, 2010 Attendance List Main Meeting Minutes 3 4 Subcommittee Reports Attachment 1: Membership Attachment 2: Research Subcommittee Attachment 3: Programs Subcommittee Attachment 4: Publications Subcommittee Attachment 5: Webmaster Report Attachment 6: Standards Subcommittee Attachment 7: Liaisons 12 13 15 18 20 21 22 3 of 24 Attendance List Voting members: John Gierzak Robert Hassler Robert Lilkendey Jerry Lilly Matthew Murello Patrick Oliver Kim Osborn Tom Paige Chris Papadimos Karl Peterman Kenneth Roy Jason Swan Lily Wang Jonathan Weinstein Metal Industries, Inc. McGill AirFlow Siebein Associates Inc JGL Acoustics, Inc. Lewis S Goodfriend & Associates E. H. Price Limited CES Group Kinetics Noise Control, Inc. The Papadimos Group, Inc. Vibro-Acoustics Armstrong World Industries Sandy Brown Associates Univ Of Nebraska Architec Engg Industrial Acoustics Company Corresponding Members: Curt Eichelberger Mark Fly Rad Ganesh Patrick Marks Neil Moiseev Rich Peppin Douglas Reynolds Bill Rockwood Zhiping Wang Steve Wise Randy Zimmerman Johnson Controls AAON Twin City Fan Co. Johnson Controls Shen Milsom & Wilke Inc Scantek, Inc Univ Of Neveda, Las Vegas Trane Morrison Products, Inc. Wise Associates Titus Visitors: Danny Abbate Jenny Abney David Bloom Mike Brendel Joseph Brooks Nathan Busse Franco Cincotti Frank Forrest Manfred Gerber Larry Hopkins John Iacobruis Michael Keating Tim Kuski B.J. Landsberger Siu-Kit (Eddie) Lau Tim Mathson Dustin Meredith John Murphy Raj Prime Lauren Ronsse Michael Schwab Robert VanBecelaere Greg Wagner Donald Warick, Jr. AHRI Pennbarry Mason Industries Lau Industries AMCA International, Inc. Pennbarry Comfri - USA Pennbarry Venmar CES Huntair Vibration Eliminator Kinetics Noise Control, Inc Greenheck UNLV Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln Greenheck Trane Jogram, Inc. Mason Industries Univ. of Nebraska JBA Consulting Eng. Ruskin Morrison Products, Inc. Vibration Eliminator Co Inc bjlands@me.unlv. 4 of 24 ASHRAE TC 2.6 Sound and Vibration Control Main Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, January 25, 2010, Orlando, FL 1. Call to order (Wang) Meeting called to order at 2:18 pm 2. Introduction of those present (All) Introductions around the room Total attendees: Voting members: 14 Corresponding members: 11 Visitors: 24 3. Confirmation of current voting members (Paige) Voting members present: 14 of 17 – sufficient for quorum. 4. Review and approval of the minutes (Wang) Lily solicited approval of Patrick’s minutes. No objections. 5. Secretary's report (Rockwood) Subcommittee chairs were asked to supply their respective minutes within 10 working days for inclusion in the main meeting minutes. Please provide in electronic form to Bill Rockwood, 6. TC Chair's meeting report (Wang) At the last Louisville meeting, the category of International members will become “Voting Members Non-Quorum”. Every TC is allowed up to 2 members of that type. The conference and expositions committee is discussing the possibility that they will stop making program DVD’s. They have encountered resistance from people who don’t want to be recorded. There will be a new paper category to begin in Albuquerque – Conference Papers. A total of 76 abstracts for papers of this type were approved for Albuquerque. Paper requirements of this category are between those for Seminars and Transactions, with a less rigorous review process than the latter. Conference papers will be of maximum 8 pages, with a single-blind review, and approval by two reviewers. Conference papers will be published in the same way as Transactions. Chuck Wilkin noted that ASHRAE’s Strategic Plan is available. Suggestions are invited. CEC conf expositions also looking for suggested tracks. See Lily if you would like to make suggestions. Chuck Wilkin was Section 2 Head at Louisville. He missed the opportunity to thank Pat Marks for his excellent service as 2.6 chair. He presented Pat with a certificate. The TC also presented Pat with a gift book. 7. Chair's announcements and correspondence (Wang) See above. 8. Subcommittee reports (written reports to be provided to the Secretary) 8.1. Research Subcommittee (Eichelberger) See attached report from the subcommittee chair 5 of 24 Curt pointed out that Iain Walker, our research liaison, needs to be cc’d on all documents. His email address is: We need to keep him in the loop early and often. The strategic plan is open for comment through 2/22. The RAC assured us that all ideas for research should come through the TC’s, and we are encouraged to keep driving input in our area. 8.1.1. Research Chair’s meeting report 2010-2015 ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan See subcommittee report. 8.1.2. Ongoing research projects RP-1322 Performance, Perception and Criteria with PI Wang/UNL (Schaffer) Lily Wang at the University of Nebraska is the principle investigator. This project is near completion. A final report to the PMS is expected soon. Two transaction papers submitted for the Albuquerque meeting. Expect final report mid March. RP-1408 Attenuation of Lined Ducts with PI Reynolds/UNLV (Lilly) Doug Reynolds, UNLV, is the principle investigator. The objective of the research project is to modify the incremental sound attenuation values in the Application Handbook to show how they depend on duct length. Several types of fiberglass and non-fiberglass configurations will be tested, with data down to 50 Hz. PMS members: Jerry Lilly (Chair), Mark Schaffer, John Gierzak, Kim Osborn, J. R. Babineau and Rob Lilkendey. SMACNA liaison is Mark Terzingni. Expect flanking measurements in February. The PMS is planning a lab visit in March, and expects to complete round duct testing by June. Rectangular duct tests should be complete by December, and elbow and fittings test will follow. Several more months of data presentation and analysis will be required. Expect completion Fall 2011. In order to validate analytical models for breakout noise, an extension to RP-1408 was prepared and submitted to the RAC. Extension to conduct vibration and Lw intensity, for use in analytical modeling TRP-1529. Expect vote from RAC this week. 8.1.3. Work Statements/RTAR’s/URP’s TRP-1529 Numerical Modeling of Lined Ducts (Rockwood / Marks) This project will develop and validate full-frequency numerical modeling techniques for sound transmission through, and radiation from, HVAC ductwork. The PES includes Bill Rockwood, Pat Marks, John Weinstein, Warren Blazier, Pat Oliver, Neil Moiseev, Steve Wise and Chris Papadimos. Pat Marks will be leading the PES / PMS starting in Feb. The work statement was approved by the TC, submitted, and returned by the RAC with comments. Revisions are being made. Resubmission expected by 2/26/10, for review at the RAC meeting 3/21. RTAR-1560 Installed Performance of Vibration Isolators (Simmons) The principal author is Robert Simmons. 6 of 24 The objective of this project is to measure the effectiveness of various common isolator types in configurations representative of typical equipment installations. The RTAR was submitted and returned with comments. Robert will review the comments and his proposed updates with Iain Walker prior to resubmission. Effect of HVAC noise in hospitals (Roy and Babineau) New project w/ J.R. Babineau, looking at making evaluations of people’s perceptions of noise in health care facilities, and matching up subjective sides of their experience with objective data. The project may also be linked to health issues, and is expected to have an impact on ANSI. This will be a two year program. 8.1.4. Topics for future research Tonal Noise (Paige): The effects of tones of various prominence ratios on human perception. Tom revised an old RTAR. Lily will review and recommend a direction moving forward. Fluctuations (Wang): Not much detail available yet. BIM Systems (Peterman, Roy): Three-dimensional building design. Looking to get a start on the RTAR. System Effects on Silencers (Marks): Investigate pressure drop and sound de-rates in actual installations. Draft RTAR available. Piping Noise from Equipment (Rockwood): Investigate both refrigerant and water piping. Other miscellaneous topics did not get voted on at the subcommittee meeting. 8.2. Programs Subcommittee (Papadimos) See attached report from the subcommittee chair 8.2.1. Programs at this meeting – THANKS! Seminar 1 - Acoustics in High Performance Buildings (Karl Peterman) Seminar 10 - Noise and the Mechanical System Design Process (Rob Lilkendey) Forum 7 - (w/ TC 5.1 and 5.3) - Multiple Plenum Fans in an Array: What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages? (Rad Ganesh) 8.2.2. Programs being considered for next meeting – Albuquerque, NM, June 2010 Several programs, including transactions on noise and productivity (Ken) Seminar: resubmission of case studies in acoustics (Chris); seminar re HVAC noise in classrooms (Lilkendey / Murello); forum – incorporating acoustics into BIM (Karl). Ideas solicited for contributors. Considering seminar on fan arrays to follow today’s forum – not sure about the track. Other programs being considered for Las Vegas codes, standards, guidelines re green buildings (Karl) aerodynamic noise (Schaffer) abstracts for transactions due 4/10/10; seminar submissions due after Albuquerque note: Conference paper sessions are more likely to be accepted. In the past, Transactions sessions were always approved an we expect that this still is the case. 7 of 24 Conference paper sessions use the same presentation length as Seminars. Jason asked about Seminar 25, cooling towers. One paper was on sound. No one was able to report. 8.3. Publications Subcommittee (Wise) See attached report from the subcommittee chair 8.3.1. Handbook chapters Handbook Applications 2011 (Wise / Peppin) We are making good progress on the Applications Chapter resubmission. A few significant updates are underway, and action items have been assigned. Within one week, Steve will issue a memo to each subsection. The subcommittee members will then have until 3/21 to get material back to Steve. Steve made a solicitation for interest. To date, about 30 people have helped, and several have provided tremendous help. We don’t really have an outside reviewer – someone with fresh eyes – but would very much like to have someone to fill that role. On June 1, Rich Peppin and Steve will send out the latest draft for a vote by the TC. Only very minor changes will be possible after that point. 8.3.2. Other publications Acoustical Analysis CD (Guenther) The contractor (Bob Hanna) believes he is done and that the program is sellable. The evaluation subcommittee has not yet confirmed this. ASHRAE wants to get this program to market, but needs confirmation from the TC. Several working group members were able to review the code, but some weren’t. It appears that the program (or perhaps instructions) are not yet complete. Within the next three weeks, Steve will offer all voting members access to the program. He is planning on a webinar shortly after that, when the contractor will explain how to run the program. We will try to record that session. We will need feedback immediately, so we can either approve the program for sale or make specific comments. Neil M commented about technical correctness and usability. One shouldn’t have to read a book to know how to use the program. Jerry will propose a couple of scenarios for execution by the reviewers, so we can confirm that the program works. We will try to get a vote by Albuquerque, but are not sure if that’s possible. Apparently, the contractor is not willing to make changes to approved algorithms, but will work on the user interface per direction from reviewers. Concern about updates was expressed. When we make improvements or changes to handbook formulae or tables, the program is upgradeable to the new versions. The question is, how do we know what algorithms were used? The Algorithms book (which has in some cases changed)? Steve will work with Brian G to see how the documentation will be handled. Practical Guide 2nd Edition (Schaffer) Nothing to report. 8 of 24 Pocket Guide Nothing to report. Others – HPAC, ASHRAE Journal, NCEJ, etc. Nothing to report. 8.3.3. Web page and Yahoo Groups email (Moiseev) The web site was recently updated. Neil was not able to get to Mike Vaughn to get the URL in the ASHARE site to point to the ASHRAE index page. Because of the amount of material we have, we can’t use ASHRAE’s resources for everything. We have a page on ASHRAE’s server to redirect as appropriate, but this is not yet functioning. Feel free to email Neil with suggestions as to what should be on the web page. Neil asked for past reports to be linked to the page – they should all be available through ASHRAE web site for free, and accessible using the search engine. 8.4. Standards Subcommittee (Ronsse) See attached report from the subcommittee chair Lauren Ronsse is developing a list of standards that apply to us at ASHRAE. Chris asked about SPC 189 (Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings). We don’t have any representation on that committee, and are not sure how we get input to or have influence on that standard. The system appears to be missing a key element in our absence. This appears to be a weakness at ASHRAE: there’s no system for making sure that proper TC experts are engaged in standard development. Standard 189.1 Commercial, and 189.2 Health Care. Lauren solicited volunteers – Chris Papadimos agreed to work with Lauren on these. SPC 200 – Method of Test for Chilled Beams – is requesting input from our TC. There are two types of such systems: active and passive. Passive systems work by simple induction. In active systems, water is moved through the beams. The advantage of the latter is that the medium carrying the cooling is water, which is far more efficient than air. Neil will attempt to find the time to work with this SPC. SPC 197 – Method of Test for Passive Vibration Isolators (Peterman) ANSI Working Group on Sound Measurement in Rooms (Lilly) Meeting tomorrow at 8:00 – 12:00. Initial work being done at Michigan tech. Because the first meeting at Portland was very poorly attended, members agreed to prepare material for the section(s) assigned to them. A draft section of the standard was divided up to members and sent out for their input. Update on ANSI S12.60 “Classroom Acoustics” standard revision (Ronsse) 9 of 24 The committee is working to separate the standard into three parts: 1) Permanent Classrooms, 2) Relocatable Classrooms, and 3) IT Equipment in Classrooms. The revised document incorporated comments taken through 2/26. We submitted about 40 of the 72 total comments. Many were addressed, such as measurement locations. The group discussed spectral quality and a note relative to this was added. A short section on audio system noise was also added. It was noted that the 35 dBA requirement is only applicable to fixed speed systems. 37 dBA is acceptable for variable speed systems at high speed. Anyone wishing to see the revised draft may contact Lauren. 8.5. Standing Subcommittees 8.5.1. Sound Criteria (Moiseev) Because Neil was unable to chair this meeting, Steve Wise took over. He led a discussion on how the handbook is leaning toward adding dBA and dBC to provide an indicator of sound quality. A single number was recommended, with a range to allow for judgment. 8.5.2. Vibration Isolation (Simmons) Robert discussed the RTAR, and potential modifications to the handbook chapter. 8.6. Operations Subcommittee (Oliver) 8.6.1. Bylaws No activity 8.6.2. Honors and awards No activity 8.6.3. Long range planning No activity 8.6.4. Membership (Paige) See attached report from the subcommittee chair Currently, we have 15 voting members, and are allowed 17. We have 2 non-quorum members. After Albuquerque, 4 members will be rolling off. We will add 7 voting members, and 5 new corresponding members. in 2010 / 2011, will have 18 voting members, 2 international members, and 49 corresponding members. Deleted Duane Brown and Emmanuel Mouritidis. 8.6.5. Liaisons ASHRAE TC 2.1 Physiology and Human Environment (Wang) Lilly is a voting member ASHRAE TC 2.7 Seismic and Wind Restraint Design (Meisel) Meeting will be held tomorrow. There was a seminar today on wind loads. The Practical Guide to Seismic Design will be revised and published at the next meeting. 10 of 24 ASHRAE TC 5.1 Fan Design and Application (Joe Brooks) Several research projects are complete or almost complete. The focus is inlet effects on fans. Axial fans are done, the BI report is coming soon, the FC report is to be recommended for approval today, and Plenum fans are still being bid. Possible continuing projects include taking the measured inlet system effects data and analyze them for trends, and providing a publication for data accessibility to others, including the ISO committee on fans. Also, a wealth of data is available at the lab at UK / REL. ISO TC-117 is being consulted for what is available. The Plenum Fan Array forum well attended. One of the main issues on research projects on system effects is the large quantity of data collected. TC 5.1 needs help processing data related to sound. This is key because it is going into the handbook. The main task they need help with is the one coming up which will combine data from all different types of fans, analyze them, and distribute them for use by engineers. They are looking for assistance, not someone to take charge. They need some way to relate fan geometry changes to acoustic performance effects. The data are still not in a user friendly form; the committee would like very much to nondimensionalize them. Curt, Kim and Greg Meeuwsen offered to help. ASHRAE TC 5.2 Duct Design (*) No input. ASHRAE TC 5.3 Room Air Distribution (*) No input for chilled beam project. AHRI (Abbate) A list of standards was distributed. Need to include in the Appendix – AMCA (Joe Brooks); CRP (Paige) ASHRAE 268 – agreed to adopt is. Standard AMCA 310 is means of predicting sound performance of fans at different sizes and speeds. AMCA 300 accuracy evaluation underway Looking at the certified ratings program – major reviews underway Air curtain acoustic performance – used here and especially in Europe ANSI (Eichelberger) Make sure ANSI is related to ISO. ISO 13261 is a version of AHRI-260. it adds intensity to the standard – much more prevalent in Europe than in USA. ANSI (Ronsse) No report. ASA (Wang) Next meeting in Baltimore 4/23/10 11 of 24 ASTM (Peppin); E33 (Paige) new standard 4 microphone transmission (ask rich about this. New 336 in-situ field testis) for TL being revised. Test method for facades being revised. ISO (Reynolds); ISO TC205 (Roy) E33 has 3 task forces: E477 duct silencers – looking at revs to existing methods. 2 – acoustical louvers – new committee discussing test configurations. Readings taken outdoors in free field environment,. Draft std shortly (Karl) – 3 – duct lagging IL – scope expanded to include dust breakout (Lilly) ISO: new resolution from Kyoto based on PMP document here; meeting of US tag tomorrow. VISCMA (Simmons) Met on Saturday. Work continuing on seismic rating system Others: CTI, INCE, NCAC, etc. No report. 9. New business/Old business Hot Topics: dBA / dBC – Group discussion on potential benefits of using dBA and dBC to help with indoor criteria. Indoor noise – Ad hoc committee. End reflection – Jerry conducted tests which contradicted RP-1314. ASHRAE 130 – The test method gives Lw of the opening and not the item under test. Subgroup will come up with wording to be suggested. Oliver and Eichelberger volunteered to help. Inquiries re hot topics should be directed to Lily. She already has one topic for Albuquerque. 10. Next meeting date and location – Albuquerque, NM – June 28, 2010 11. Adjournment 4:15 pm 12 of 24 Attachment 1: Membership Report: Tom Paige Current Roster for 2009-2010 15 Voting Members (9 manufacturers, 5 consultants, 1 academic) – 3 vacant seats 2 International Members (2 consultants) – no vacant seats 48 Corresponding Members (20 manufacturers, 24 consultants, 4 academics) 179 Yahoo Groups Online Members Upcoming Rollover Roster for 2010-2011 (Effective July 1, 2010) The following 4 voting members will roll off and become corresponding members after the Albuquerque meeting: Michael Froehlich – Manufacturer Jerry Lilly – Consultant Kim Osborn – Manufacturer Jonathan Weinstein – Manufacturer The following 7 corresponding members will be upgraded to voting members after the Albuquerque meeting: Francis Babineau – Manufacturer Warren Blazier – Consultant Curt Eichelberger – Manufacturer Neil Moiseev – Consultant Rich Peppin – Consultant Douglas Reynolds – Academic Randy Zimmerman – Manufacturer The following 2 corresponding members were deleted from the roster: Duane Brown, Emanuel Mouritidis The following 6 new applicants will become corresponding members: Kevin Gaghan – Gaghan Mechanical Inc. Manoj Khati – Kringer Ventilation Industries (India) Siu-Kit Lau – University of Nebraska Raj Prime – Mason Industries Lauren Ronsse – University of Nebraska Michael Schwob – JBA Consulting Engineers Rollover Roster for 2010-2011 18 Voting Members (9 manufacturers, 7 consultants, 2 academic) – no vacant seats 2 International Members (2 consultants) – no vacant seats 49 Corresponding Members Chair – Lily Wang Vice-Chair – Patrick Oliver Secretary – Bill Rockwood 13 of 24 Attachment 2: Research Subcommittee Report: Curt Eichelberger Highlights of Research Chair’s meeting: Reminder that our Research Liaison, Iain Walker (, should review all RTARs and WS. Please copy Curt Eichelberger ( on all correspondence with the Research Liaison. 2010 – 2015 ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan is available for comment on the ASHRAE web site ( through February 22. The plan will be submitted for approval in the Summer. Ongoing Research Projects: RP-1322 Productivity and perception, Mark Schaffer, chair. Lily Wang, University of Nebraska, principle investigator. Two Transaction papers were submitted for the Albuquerque meeting. Final report should be submitted to the PMS by mid-March. RP-1408 The effect of lining length on the insertion loss of acoustical duct liner. Jerry Lilly is chair. Doug Reynolds, UNLV, is the principle investigator. The objective of the research is to show how the sound attenuation of lined ducts depends on duct length. Flaking measurements of the test facility will be started in February. Members of the PMS are planning to visit the UNLV Lab in March. The preliminary schedule is to complete the round ducts by June 2010, the rectangular ducts by December 2010 and the elbows and branch configurations by June 2011. The data analysis and report preparation will be completed by August 2011. RP-1408 Extension. An extension to the 1408 Work Statement was prepared and approved by TC2.6, by letter ballot in January. The contract extension is to collect vibration and sound intensity test data on a small subset of duct configurations. The purpose is to collect test data to enhance the analytical models of breakout noise that we anticipate developing in TRP-1529. RAC will vote on this contract extension Wednesday, 26, 2010. Work Statements: TRP-1529 Full frequency numerical modeling of sound transmission and radiation in lined ducts – This project will develop and validate full-frequency numerical modeling techniques for sound transmission through, and radiation from, HVAC ductwork. The Work Statement was returned with comments from RAC in October, 2009. The WS is being revised by Bill Rockwood and Pat Marks; and will be resubmitted for vote at the next RAC meeting on March 21, 2010. RTARs: RTAR-1560 Installed performance of vibration isolators – This RTAR as returned by RAC with comments and is being revised by Robert Simmons. The next step is to review with our Research Liaison and resubmit to RAC. Effect of HVAC noise in hospitals – Ken Roy and J.R. Babineau prepared a draft RTAR. This is a potential joint project with TC2.1 (Physiology & Human Environment) and TC9.6 (Health Care Facilities). The next step is to finalize the draft and submit to the TC for letter ballot. Topics discussed and prioritized by (# votes) for future research: (11) Tones - Investigate the effects of tonal HVAC noise on humans. The objective would be to determine the effect on human performance and perception for various tone prominence-ratios (PR) and frequencies. Tom Paige revived an old RTAR and Lily Wang volunteered to review this RTAR and existing literature; and recommend a direction moving forward. 14 of 24 (8) Fluctuations – Champion: Lily Wang. Investigate the effects of time-fluctuating HVAC noise on humans. Looking for someone to prepare an RTAR. (8) Building Information modeling (BIM) – Champions: Karl Peterman and Ken Roy. Looking for ideas to prepare an RTAR. (7) System effects on silencers – Champions: Pat Marks, Pat Oliver, Tom Paige. Silencers are tested/rated according to an ASTM standard in very ideal configurations. The objective of this project would be to investigate the pressure drop and sound insertion loss de-rate in typical applications. Also of interest is self generated noise. Draft RTAR is available. (3) Piping noise from equipment – Champion: Bill Rockwood. Structure-borne noise in buildings due to HVAC equipment piping installations (refrigerant and water piping). (0) Review the Room Corrections – Objective would be to review the room effect calculations that exist in the Application Handbook. Bill Rockwood suggested that much of this work could be performed with predictive models. (0) Fan-elbow effects – Various ideas were discussed on how to eliminate uncertainties inherent in the RP-1219 testing so that future research might lead to better confidence in the results. (0) Noise generation in ducts – Champion: Hywel Davies, CIBSE, UK. Possible project with TC5.2 and CIBSE. Purpose is to quantify noise generation in ducts and fittings for various duct layouts. Motivation is to understand the relationship between energy use in ducted systems and noise generation. Ralph Muehleisen and Doug Reynolds volunteered to review the literature to determine if existing flow noise generation theory in ducts and fittings may need validation with experimental work. 15 of 24 Attachment 3: Programs Subcommittee Report: Chris Papadimos This Meeting – Orlando, FL, Jan 23-27, 2010 Theme: Building Sustainability from the Inside Out Two TC 2.6 sponsored seminars for this conference well attended: o Acoustics for High Performance Buildings (Peterman) o Noise and the Mechanical Systems Design Process (Lilkendey) Forum 7 on Multiple Fan Arrays – Advantages and Disadvantages (Ganesh) Sponsors: TC 5.1/2.6/5.9 Next Annual Meeting – Albuquerque, NM, June 26-30, 2010 Theme: Raising Efficiency to New Levels The submission deadline is Friday, February 12, 2010 Forum (1 moderator - 60 min, no presentations) Seminar (1-2 presentations - 60min; 3-4 presentations - 90 min) Technical Paper Session (only for reviewed and approved technical papers) Poster Paper (only for reviewed and approved technical papers) Conference Paper Session (only for reviewed and approved conference papers) The technical program is organized under the following tracks: Track 1: What Is Sustainable Anyway? Track 2: Energy Facts and Simulation Track Track 3: Ventilation Systems Track 4: Refrigeration for the Future Track 5: Central Plant Systems Track 6: BIM/CAD/Paper and Pencils Track 7: Energy Conservation vs. New Generation Track 8: Living with HVAC&R Systems Track 9: High Efficiency HVAC Systems Track 10: Professional Skills Track 11: Data Center and High Density Cooling Programs to consider: Type Transaction Seminar Track N/A 8 Date TBD 6/27/10 Time TBD 8:00 AM Seminar 8 6/27/10 11:00 AM Forum 6 6/28/10 11:00 AM Subject Noise and Productivity (RP 1322) Unique Case Studies in Acoustics (Gorton, Wowk, Clemente, Davis) Acoustic Considerations for Classrooms (Lilkendey, Murello, Swan, …) How to integrate acoustics in BIM Next Winter Meeting – Las Vegas, NV, Jan 29 – Feb 2, 2011 Theme: Zero Energy Design Chair Ken Roy Chris Papadimos Rob Lilkendey Karl Peterman 16 of 24 The 2011 ASHRAE Winter Conference will feature more market-based papers and programs than in previous technology-driven ASHRAE conferences. In addition, the conference will include traditional full-length Technical papers (previously known as Transactions Papers) as well as a new Conference paper format, which requires an abstract and, upon approval, a paper. Submission deadlines for Seminars and Forums: shortly after Albuquerque (July 2010) The technical program is organized under the following tracks: Track 1 Codes and Standards in the HVAC&R Industry Track 2 Integrated Design Track 3 Low Energy Design Track 4 Refrigeration Update Track 5 Industrial HVAC&R Track 6 Net Zero Energy Track 7 HVAC Systems and Equipment Track 8 Professional Skills Track 9 HVAC Fundamentals and Applications Possible Programs: Type Seminar Track 1 Date TBD Time TBD Subject Codes/Standards Guidelines Chair Ralph Muehleisen Seminar 7 TBD TBD Chris Papadimos Seminar 7 TBD TBD Sound and Vibration for Air Handling Units with Fan Arrays Aerodynamic Noise Mark Schaffer Seminar 8 TBD TBD Acoustical CD Karl Peterman Upcoming Meetings Annual Meeting 2011 o Theme: Montreal - June 25 to 29, 2011 Net-Zero Buildings Winter Meeting 2012 o Theme: Chicago - Jan 21 to 25, 2012 Program Topics "In the Hopper" Miscellaneous program topics – listed in order of priority by vote in Orlando and as tentatively assigned for upcoming conferences. 17 of 24 Votes 18 11 11 9 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subject Codes, Standards and Guidelines (Las Vegas Seminar) Leader Ralph Muehleisen BIM – how to integrate acoustics? (Forum for New Mexico) Acoustical Calculations CD (Las Vegas Seminar) HVAC Sound Control for Classrooms (New Mexico Seminar) Vibration-Induced Noise Basics: VAV box noise Room Criteria + Noise Fluctuations Flexible Couplings Air handlers with fan arrays (Forum in Orlando to Seminar???) Basics: Noise from Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers Green Products for Acoustical Applications Case Studies for Acoustics (New Mexico Seminar) Aerodynamics Noise (Las Vegas Seminar) Relationship between IEQ/Comfort and green buildings (forum?) Duct Breakout Noise Fan Selection for Acoustics Ductless Systems – PTAC’s, WSHP, Consoles, etc. Outdoor Noise / Liabilities from Outdoor Noise Commercial Refrigeration / Transportation Noise Flanking Paths Variable Capacity Compressors Exhaust Noise Tunnel Ventilation Standard of test for seismic devices / isolation systems (w/ 2.7) Lily Wang Karl Peterman Matt Murello Karl Peterman John Gierzak Rich Peppin Chris Papadimos Pat Marks Mark Schaffer Chris Papadimos Chris Papadimos Mark Schaffer Warren Blazier Doug Reynolds Mark Schaffer Jon Weinstein Matt Murillo Pat Marks Rich Peppin Bill Rockwood 18 of 24 Attachment 4: Publications Subcommittee Report: Steve Wise Attendees: Rich Peppin, Patrick Oliver, Jerry Lilly, Mark Fly, Kim Osborn, Jon Weinstein, Tom Paige, Karl Peterman, Pat Marks, Bill Rockwood, Neil Moiseev, Jason Swan, Curt Eichelberger, Ken Roy, Robert Hassler, Manoj Khati, Eddie Lau, Angela Waters, Mike Schwob, Brian Reynolds, Robert Simmons, Doug Reynolds, Don Warick, Jr., John Iocabellis 1. Coordination on other ASHRAE publications a. The new publication “ASHRAE Performance Measurement Protocol”, done jointly with CIBSE/USGBC/IESNA, has been completed due to efforts by Curt Eichelberger as host of a volunteer group. This was described in Seminar 1 chaired by Karl Peterman. b. ASHRAE 130 (terminal unit testing) was discussed with regard to end reflection adjustment factor. Karl Peterman will pursue this topic. c. Pat Marks and Curt Eichelberger discussed a new IgBC/ICC code document which has Section 909-Sound Transmission. This section has simple acoustical design rules, (e.g. minimum STC for MER walls) and will be monitored as it develops to catch any conflicts with the ASHRAE Handbook. 2. Ch8-Fundamentals Jon Weinstein is coordinator. All is good. 3. Ch 47 – Applications Rich Peppin is coordinator. The major update for 2011 is in final stages, with formal TC vote in Albuquerque, June 2010. At the Orlando meeting we gave an update of agreed changes and some 30 items that need further work. The schedule is as follows: Feb 1: e-mail to all volunteers regarding assignments, with the chapter divided into sections. Mar 1: requested that all section volunteers get their substantial revisions submitted. Mar-Apr-May: compilations, figure checks, etc (99+% draft version of final document) Jun 1: A new completely updated version will be circulated to all corresponding TC members. June Meeting, Albuquerque: TC 2.6 Vote Note: We are looking for fresh eyes from outside the TC to review the document for overall impact. So far, this list includes only John Murphy. 4. Acoustical CD Attendees: Brian Guenther, Rich Peppin, Jerry Lilly, Mark Fly, Kim Osborn, Jon Weinstein, Tom Paige, Karl Peterman, Pat Marks, Bill Rockwood, Neil Moiseev, Jason Swan, Curt Eichelberger, Ken Roy, Robert Hassler, Manoj Khati, Mike Schwob, Doug Reynolds, Danny Abate d. Brian Guenther summarized the status of the working group’s review to date. Some had trouble even launching the program Some found partial functionality. For example, for a scenario with ductborne noise, the program would take input AHU noise data, compute duct attenuation, and predict sound levels in the occupied space. This would work individually for both supply and return paths, but, it was not obvious how to make the program add the two results together. Documentation of procedures, equations, data look-up tables, etc. is sporadic. In spite of the above, the contractor and ASHRAE believe the program is almost complete. d. The plan for going forward is: 19 of 24 By ~Feb 15, we will send out to all TC correspondents an invitation to obtain the latest copy of the software for evaluation. A new Working Group will be established from responders. The announcement memo will include a proposed Webinar with the contractor, Bob Hanna. There will be 1-2 example scenarios for evaluation by all volunteers (to confirm we all get the same answer). An each volunteer will also come up with their own additional scenarios to double-check against their usual long-hand evaluations. The contractor will confirm the latest rev of software, and create a list of each supporting file, dll, equation, etc., that is used in the program. It is hoped that the Webinar can be scheduled in February, and reviewers will be given about 1 month to test the program. Until we get their feedback ~April 1, it is not possible to estimate a completion date for final program revisions and TC vote for approval of ASHRAE release. 20 of 24 Attachment 5: Webmaster Report – Neil Moiseev The web page is still up and running. We have an index page on the ASHRAE server, however, the ASHRAE website still does not point to it. I will again contact ASHRAE to formally change the link of the TC 2.6 page. URL: I welcome input as to things people would like to see on the web site, comments on existing conditions and content. Again I am ask for your help in improving the site and making it more useful to people. Curt Eichelberger is pursuing getting a listing of all TC 2.6 sponsored research to place on the web site. This list will include the following: Subject, Date of published report, principal investigator, sources for the report papers. Hope to get the out of print final reports placed on the website. I need to ask Mike Vaughn in re how to get these listings and whether this would be permissible. 21 of 24 Attachment 6: Standards Subcommittee Report: Lauren Ronsse I. New Standards Activity a. SPC 197 – Method of Test for Passive Vibration Isolators (Peterman) b. ANSI Working Group on Sound Measurement in Rooms (Lilly) c. BSR/ASA S12.60-201X “Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools, Part 1: Permanent, Site-Built Schools” update (Ronsse) i. WG 52 has responded to the comments submitted by ASHRAE TC 2.6 ii. The response to comments and current draft is available for review until 2-26-10 iii. Contact Lauren Ronsse ( if you would like to receive a copy of the current draft to review d. ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1 – 2009 for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (Papadimos) i. Preview of standard available online at: ii. Only acoustical guidelines in standard are related to STC / OITC ratings iii. User’s guide for standard still being developed (anticipated release date in June 2010) II. Action Items a. Develop and maintain a list of ASHRAE standards that reference sound and vibration control issues and appoint a representative from TC 2.6 for each standard b. Notify TC 2.6 members when each standard is up for review. Compile and submit comments from TC 2.6 on standards. 22 of 24 Attachment 7: Liaison Reports ASTM E33 – Tom Paige There are 3 active E33 task groups of interest to TC 2.6: 1. Duct Silencers (E477): This task group is working on revisions to the existing test method that will be balloted this year. A new silencer testing round robin will be conducted to assess the improvements in the precision of the test method after the revisions. 2. Acoustical Louvers: A new test facility configuration was discussed for testing acoustical louvers. The sound source room has an opening in the roof where the louver is mounted and the readings are taken outdoors in a free-field environment. It will be an insertion loss test, measured with and without a test specimen in the opening. A draft standard will be ready shortly. Karl Peterman is the task-group chair. 3. Duct Lagging Insertion Loss: The scope of this standard was expanded to include duct breakout measurements. Jerry Lilly will be the new task-group chair. The next meeting of ASTM E33 will be held in St. Louis in May, 2010. AHRI – Daniel Abbate Standards recently approved by ANSI: 1. AHRI 270-2008 - Sound Performance Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment 2. AHRI 300-2008 – Sound Rating and Sound Transmission Loss of Packaged Terminal Equipment 3. AHRI 350-2008 – Sound Rating of Non-Ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment 4. AHRI 575-2008 – Method of Measuring Machinery Sound within an Equipment Space Standards we finished since the summer 2009 ASHREA conference: 1. AHRI 250-2008 – Performance and Calibration of Reference Sound Sources 2. AHRI 280–2008 – Requirements for the Qualification of the Reverberation Rooms in the 63Hz Octave Band 3. AHRI 885-2008 – Procedure for Estimating Occupied Space Sound Levels in the Application of Air Terminals and Air Outlets Standards currently being worked on 1. ISO 13261-3, Sound Power Rating of Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment – Part 3: Ducted Equipment 2. AHRI Standard 370-2001, Sound Rating of Large Outdoor Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment. 3. Standard 260-2001, Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment 4. Standard 275-1997, Application of Sound Rating Levels of Outdoor Unitary Equipment 5. ANSI/AHRI 530-2005, Rating of Sound and Vibration for Refrigerant Compressors Discontinued AHRI Guideline L, Assessing the Impact of Air-Conditioning Outdoor Sound Levels in the Residential Community If there are any questions, please contact Danny Abbate at AHRI. 703-524-8800 ext. 327 23 of 24 ANSI – Lauren Ronsse I. ANSI/ASA S12.60: Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools a. Reaffirmed in 2009 b. Work is well underway to separate this standard into a series of standards to address different issues i. Part 1: Permanent, Site-Built Schools Currently under review ii. Part 2: Relocatable Classroom Factors (2009) Available for free download iii. Part 3: Informational Technology Equipment in Classrooms Work underway iv. Part 4: Informative Technical Report Envisioned to cover topics previously included in ANSI/ASA S12.60 (R 2009) Annexes A, B, C, D, F and G Liaison Contacts – Neil Moiseev Organization Handbook Liaisons Committee Applications Fundamentals AHRI Contact Phone# E-mail 703.524.8800 Robert Tillsdale Duane P. Brown ARI 260 Fan Sound Power Bill Rockwood ARI 885 Terminal Box Dan Int-hout AMCA AMCA ADC ANSI ASA Silencer testing General Tom Paige Joe Brooks Lauren Ronsse Lily Wang Tom Paige (Rich Peppin) ( Robert Simmons Karl Peterman Paul Meisel Robert Simmons Lily Wang (Doug Reynolds) Joe Brooks George Gamble Brad Kansesh ( ASTM E-33 VISCMA SPC 197 - ASHRAE TC 2.7 ASHRAE TC 5.2 ASHRAE TC 2.1 ASHRAE TC 5.1 Vibration Isolation and Seismic Control Manufacturing Assn MOT for Attenuation Characteristics of Vibration Isolators Seismic Restraint Duct Design Human Performance Fans 214.789.3434 24 of 24 Organization ASHRAE TC 5.3 SPC 189.2 Committee Contact Room Air Distribution Design, Construction and Operation of High-Performance Green Health Care Facilities Phone# E-mail J.R. Barbineau