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C HURCH OF S T . M ONICA 413 EAST 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10075 RECTORY: 212-288-6250 W EBSITE : ASSOCIATES: REV. JOE A. FRANCIS REV. JOBY MATHEW IN SUNDAY SERVICE: REV. RICHARD AROLD ORGANIST & DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: MR. DAVID SCHAEFER CANTOR & LEADER OF SONG: MR. JOSEPH NEAL WWW . CHURCHOFSTMONICA . ORG PASTOR: REV. MSGR. THOMAS A. MODUGNO MASSES SUNDAYS: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 NOON PRINCIPAL LITURGY WEEKDAYS & FIRST FRIDAYS: 7:30AM, 12:00 NOON SATURDAYS: 9:00AM, 5:30PM VIGIL BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES: BY APPOINTMENT. PLEASE CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE PARISH STAFF WELL IN ADVANCE. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: CONFESSIONS ARE HEARD AT 5:00PM ON SATURDAYS AND ANYTIME BY APPOINTMENT. TWENTY-SIX SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2012 Page Two TWENTY-SIX SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2012 Today’s episode with Eldad and Medad proves that the Spirit of the Lord can “come to rest” on anyone in any place at any time. God’s method does not follow our measure. Therefore, it is wrong to waste our energy trying to stop those who want to honor Christ, no matter how meagerly. Christ died to bring about just such self-donation, just such unity. For this reason, we are to dedicate all our efforts, ironically, to severing from ourselves anything that impedes this allimportant unity with Jesus Christ. The graphic image that the Lord uses underscores just how amputating and alienating is the mutilation known as sin. TODAY’S READINGS ... First Reading — Moses said, “Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!” (Numbers 11:25-29). Psalm — The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart (Psalm 19) Second Reading — Come now, you rich. The wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud (Jason 5:1-6). Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK ... Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jb 1:6-22; Lk 9:46-50 Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Lk 9:57-62 Jb 19:21-27; Lk 10:1-12 Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Lk 10:13-16 Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Lk 10:17-24 Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 [2-12] SATURDAY: VIGIL 5:30 Miguel Simpao SUNDAY: ORDINARY TIME 7:30 Colleen Floyd 9:00 Lourdes Yasana 10:30 Special Intention 12:00 St. Monica Parishioners MONDAY: ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS 7:30 In Thanksgiving 12:00 Claire Glasson TUESDAY:HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS 7:30 Shirley Esterly 12:00 Minette Ferrier WEDNESDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Walter Ferber 12:00 Margaret Flood THURSDAY: ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 7:30 Priests of St. Monica 12:00 Frances and Jacky Marzek FRIDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Thomas J. Downing 12:00 Souls in Purgatory SATURDAY: WEEKDAY 9:00 Josephine Capardino PROCLAIM THE WONDER OF GOD ... The gift of the Spirit is given freely, not according to human expectations, but according to the generosity of God. Joshua wants Moses to stop Eldad and Medad from prophesying in the camp, when they were not with the others as the spirit was bestowed on them. Moses, so close to God’s mind in the matter, wishes everyone could possess the spirit of God and proclaim it to the nations. Psalm 19 celebrates the perfection of God’s law, and how it brings joy and delight. It is better than the finest gold or the sweetest honey. Moreover, God gives the wisdom of the prophets to everyone, especially the simple and lowly ones, even to children. It is the “little ones” who proclaim the wonder of God to all. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page Three 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Welcome to St. Monica's! The music for today's Eucharist can be found in our hymnal on the following pages: Entrance Hymn Here I Am, Lord 373 Penitential Rite Gloria * * Responsorial Psalm 654 The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart. Gospel Acclamation 168 Offertory Hymn Blest Are They 359 Sanctus Memorial Acclamation Great Amen * * * The Lord's Prayer 120 STEWARDSHIP .. QUESTIONS TO ASK GOD * Am I doing all I can to live in harmony with my family, co-workers, fellow parishioners, and people in my community? * Do my public behavior and private behavior consistently reflect my belief in you and gratitude for all your blessings? * Am I doing all I can to follow you, or only the least I can get away with? * What ministries, services, or programs are you asking me to support at my parish? * Am I praying to you for favors and answers, when I could be praying for opportunities to see solutions and act upon them? * How do you wish me to serve the community in which I live? * Since you invited the rich young man (Matthew 19:1630) to give away all that he had and follow you, are you calling me to do the same and be a priest or religious? * Am I hanging on to money and possessions because I am fearful of not having enough? * Instead of asking, “Why should I give this away?” do you want me to ask, “Why shouldn’t I give this away?” * How can I communicate better with my spouse and children so we can all become generous disciples? * Am I living so that others say of me, “What a great success,” or to have you say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? * Am I really in danger of giving too much too soon? Or is the real danger giving too little too late? * When I die, what will I wish I had given while I still had the chance? * Can you help me close the gap between what I’ll wish then that I’d given and what I’m actually giving now – of my time, my skills, and the money I have? LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW – Use these questions Lamb of God Communion Hymn Eat This Bread * 435 to spark family discussion, conversation with your spouse, or as the focus of personal prayer. Ask God to make you open to the “still, small voice” of the Lord. Copyright@ 2011 World Library Publications. All rights reserved Last week’s collection: $6, 363.00 Last year’s collection: $5, 759.00 KNOW THE ANGELS ... Recessional Hymn 309 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You *from the Mass For A New Era (at noon: from the Mass of Celebration) for texts, see pew card Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit. Without being seen, they are present with you. —St. Francis de Sales PLEASE REMEMBER… Both in life and in death, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14 Please remember St. Monica’s Church in your will. Page Four DAY OF RECOLLECTION ... Please join with the parishioners and friends of St. Monica’s for a ‘Pilgrimage to the Martyrs Shrine’ in Auriesville, NY. Auriesville is the site of the Mohawk Indians’ village of Osserneon. It was here that Fr. Isaac Jorgues, Rene Goupil, and John LaLande were martyred. The shrine began in 1885 as a monument to the first North American saints. The various outdoor shrines and the unique Coliseum Church remind us that the blood of the Zealous followers of Christ sanctifies this hallowed ground. It is from the blood of the martyrs that came the Lily of the Mohawks, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, born at Auriesville in 1656, and to be canonized on October 21, 2012. A bus will leave Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 7:30am SHARP. Cost is $50.00 per person NON REFUNDABLE which includes (bus, driver tip, and donation to the Shrine). A full day is scheduled beginning with a tour, (please bring picnic lunch), a visit to the ravine, the rosary recited at the Fatima Shrine, tour of the Coliseum, and concludes with Mass celebrated by Msgr. Modugno and then departure from the shrine at 5:30pm HOLIDAY BAZAAR … Our ‘Holiday Bazaar’ takes a lot of planning and hard work to make it a success! Every parishioner is invited to help, with the setting up, breaking down, or working on the actual days. We need your donations, please contact the rectory (212) 288-6251 with any questions and to sign up to help. OUTSIDE THE PARISH ... Theology on Tap – A Young Adult Ministry for those in their 20s and 30s presents “God, What is Your Plan for Me.” On October 1, 2012, Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, founder of Busted Halo and radio personality on the Catholic Channel, will be talking about a question many young adults have: What plan does God have in store for me? How do we know this plan? How do we discern it? Theology on Tap is located at Klub 45 Room-Connolly’s Bar, 121 West 45th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues. Event begins at 7:30pm and ends around 9:00pm. For more info, visit www.totnyc.org OASIS READING TUTOR ... Older adults are invited to work one-on-one with K-3 students who need help developing reading and language skills. Training, materials and ongoing support will be provided. No teaching experience is needed. Contact Harriet Stein, Program Coordinator hstein@unionsett.org or (646) 672-5044. RELIGION CLASSES FOR CHILDREN ... St. Stephen of Hungary, located at 414 East 82 nd Street is offering “Faith Formation for youngsters ages 5-15.”. Classes are held on Wednesdays, at 3:45 pm in the church. Whether you are new or returning students they would love to see you. Registration forms are available at the parish office. Questions? Contact Jayne at jporcelli@saintstephenofhungaryny.org or call (212) 8618500, ext 118. OPEN HOUSE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ... Regis High School, 55 East 84th Street, New York Wednesday, October 3rd from 5:30pm – 8:30pm (212) 288-1100.or edimiche@regis-nyc.org Convent of the Sacred Heart, 1 East 91st Street, New York Friday, October 12th form 8:30am – 10:30am (212) 722-4745 ext 103 or imullin@schnyc.org MASS INTENTIONS … At the Offertory of the Mass, the prayers of the church on earth are united with the church in heaven. The faithful maintain a bond with their departed loved ones, most especially at the Eucharist. An appropriate way to remember our beloved dead is through the offering of a Mass intention. The Mass book for 2013 is open, please stop by the rectory. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION ... Did you ever notice how often the angels are referred to during Mass? We commonly meet them in the Confiteor (“I ask blessed Mary, every virgin, all the angels and saints”), prefaces (“with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven”), the Roman Canon (“we pray that your angel may take this sacrifice”), and Eucharistic Prayer IV (“countless hosts of angels stand before you to do your will”). Last week and this week angels abound as we celebrated Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael yesterday and will honor the Guardian Angels on October 2. September 29 was originally the feast day for Michael alone. Gabriel and Raphael joined him in the 1969 reform of the Church calendar. The celebration of the Guardian Angels has been observed since the sixteenth century in Spain. Pope Clement X assigned the feast to the first free day after St. Michael’s in 1670, and there it has remained. Take some time this week to reflect on these, God’s messengers and our protectors, and maybe even celebrate with a little angel food cake! BANNS I Colleen Frank and Martin Swanzey SPECIAL DEVOTIONS Rosary: Weekdays after the Noon Mass and on Saturday after the 9:00am Holy Hour: First Friday of each month after the Noon Mass Devotions: Miraculous Medal on Mondays after each Mass Page Five RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The rite of Christian initiation is intended for adults. They hear the preaching of the mystery of Christ, the Holy Spirit opens their hearts, and they freely and knowingly seek the living God and enter the path of faith and conversion. By God’s help, they will be strengthened spiritually in their preparation, and at the proper time they will receive the sacraments fruitfully. This rite includes not only the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, but also the rites of the Catechumenate. Approved by the ancient practice of the Church and adapted to contemporary missionary work throughout the world. JANUARY SCHEDULE 2013 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th Meetings – Wednesdays in Rectory 413 East 79th Street @ 7:30pm FEBRUARY th 13 17th 20th 27th 6th Ash Wednesday Rite of Election St. Patrick’s Cathedral – SUNDAY Rite of Continuing Education SUNDAY MARCH 3rd 1st Scrutiny, 9:00 am - SUNDAY 6th 10th 2nd scrutiny, 10:30 am - SUNDAY th 13 17th 3rd Scrutiny Noon - SUNDAY th 20 24th Palm Sunday 25th 26th 28th 29th 30th 31st Reconciliation Monday Chrism Mass, St. Patrick’s Cathedral Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday To register please make appointment Msgr. Modugno (212) - 288-6250