Cover Sheet


Cover Sheet
Cover Sheet
Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels
3500 South Broad Street
Hamilton, N.J. 08610
Bulletin # 911176
Weekend of June 25th, 2006
Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049
Or Fax#609-585-5876
With any inquiries.
Thank you.
[2] Inserts to follow
Page 1
Sunday June 25th 2006 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Together, we pray for the sick,
those in hospice, the hospitalized and
the homebound of our parish:
“Christian the action of God and of man,
springing forth from both the Holy Spirit and ourselves...”
[ C 2564 ]
Monday, June 26, 2006
7:30 a.m. – Joseph Yuknalis, M/M Thomas Stokes
Dominick Arnenante , Carl & Nina Cina
7:00 p.m. – Veronica Maziarz, Frank & Maryanne
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
7:30 a.m. – Robert Szelingoski, Parents
7:00 p.m. – Joseph Cuttre, Frances Ottobre
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
7:30 a.m. – Olga Perez, M/M George Pregg
Ron Tellefsen, M/M Marion Elliot
7:00 p.m. – Lewis Babice, Mike & Maryann Babice
Thursday, June 29, 2006
7:30 a.m. – Effion Brown III, M/M Robert Aurora, Reso &
7:00 p.m. – Leonard P. Marano, Jr., Mother, Father &
Friday, June 30, 2006
7:30 a.m. – Effion Brown III-Mary Jo Butera
7:00 p.m. – Mary Palinkas, Carol Babice
Saturday, July 1, 2006
8:00 a.m. – Bernard Dzbenski, Jeanette Beach
5:00 p.m. – Mary Sanverdine, M/M Kambis [SR]
Sunday, July 2, 2006
7:30 a.m. – The Purgatorial Society , [SR]
8:30 a.m. – Robert Kranch, Cheryl A. Lauer [HA]
9:30 a.m. – Marie Pushman, Bob & Mary Lou Mickschutz
10:30 a.m.– For the People of the Parish [HA]
11:30 a.m.– Ronald Telefsen, The Celinski Family [SR]
5:00 p.m. – France O’Connel, Mary DiFalco & Family
Dymphna Agos
August Angioletti
Alice Aquilino
Robert Benson
Whitney Bivens
Fred Bogdan
Michael Bridge
William Briscoe
John Cairo
Jean Cairo
John Catana
Carl Catanese
Nicholas Cirillo
Anthony Davis
Joan De Lorenzo
Josephine De Marie
Josephine Da Santis
Larry Driver
Jason Dzbenski
Robert Esposito
Anthony Fabrizio
Frances Fedeli
Tony Feldenzer
Loretta Ferri
Mary Fokuo
Doreen Forberg
Helen Finn
Rev. J.C. Garrett
Anatoli Gischlar
Mary Gusz
John Hartmann
Madison Hernandez
Claire Hofmann
Paul Hohman
Jack Hornyak
Sandy Iglesias
Diana Infantine
Anthony J. Intorelli
Linda Iorio
Jennifer Jimmerson
Fr. Eugene Keenan
Pat Kelly
George Kmetz
Joseph Krawiec
Philip Krier
Marie Lee
Robert Lear
John Margicin
Patti Menichelli
Lucy Millerick
Page 2
Margaret McBride
Anna Modica
Fred Morelli
Anna Rose Mucci
Jan Niedermaier
Robert J. O’Boyle
Lucy O’Malley
Mike Panko
Albert Paul
Phyllis Pelke
Ray Pental
Janet Peterson
Bunny Posner
Elaine Ragano
Regina Procell
Rocco & Evelyn Ranalli
Carl Reinhardt Jr.
Mary & Louis Revesz
Helen Sabo
Michael Serenelli
Natalie Severino
Matthew Shea
Dorothy Smith
Chris Somma
David Terry
Concetta Testa
Katie Thomas
Stanley Thompson
Robert Tilton
Kevin Tucci
Felix Tuccillo Sr.
George Tylus
Stacy Udijohn
James Widmann
Helen Woloszyn
Madelene Woodrow
Frances Womack
Bernadette Wierzbicki
Helen Wyers
Martin Zimmerman
Here in this place new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away.
In The Words of His Holiness
Pope Benedict XVI
Pastor’s Notes
On the Eucharist
‘Treasure' of the Church’
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
O Come let us adore HIM. O Come let us adore HIM,
O Come let us adore HIM, CHRIST the LORD! These are
words that we more associate with a beautiful Christmas hymn,
and not something you would expect to hear the first week of
summer. But it is in the beginning of this summer season that I
invite the parish community of St. Raphael-Holy Angels to
come and adore Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. As announced
last week on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus
Christ (Corpus Christi), beginning on Wednesday, July 5th, the
Blessed Sacrament will be available for Adoration following
the 7:30 A.M. Mass, concluding with Benediction before the
7:00 P.M. Mass.
During the day we will need committed “adorers” to
sign up for an hour so that there will always be someone present during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. I am asking as many parishioners as possible to commit to one hour on
Wednesdays. If you have not signed up yet, please give me a
call at the rectory to commit to your hour. It is my prayer that
these Days of Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays will continue until we are ready to begin a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel where the parishioners will be able to adore the
Blessed Sacrament twenty four hours and day, seven days a
week. Please join me in this prayer.
Also, beginning on Monday, June 26th at 7:10AM, the
Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be recited
before the daily morning Mass. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said,
"The Rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there
enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is
the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and
knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it
is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of
this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of
the Rosary is beyond description." I encourage you to pray the
Rosary daily, and in your intentions please pray for an increase
in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for our
parish family here at St. Raphael- Holy Angels.
Finally I would like to welcome our new pastoral associate, Gerard “Gez” Ford who will have the responsibility of
our LIFETEEN youth ministry. Gez is a gifted man who has
worked with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal leading
youths to Christ through their outreach of Youth 2000. Let us
ask God to bless Gez and the LIFETEEN ministry as we lead
teens to Christ here at St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish.
In Jesus and Mary,
Father Jeff Kegley
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Today, in Italy and in other countries, the solemnity of
Corpus Christi is being celebrated, which already had its intense
moment in Rome in the city's procession on Thursday. It is the
solemn and public feast of the Eucharist, sacrament of the body
and blood of Christ: On this day, the mystery instituted in the
Last Supper and commemorated every year on Holy Thursday, is
presented to all, surrounded by the faith and devotion of the ecclesial community.
The Eucharist is, in fact, the "treasure" of the Church,
the precious heritage that her Lord has left her. And the Church
guards this heritage with the greatest care, celebrating it daily in
the holy Mass, adoring it in churches and chapels, distributing it
to the sick, and as viaticum to those on their last journey. However, this treasure, which is destined for those who are baptized,
does not exhaust its radius of action in the ambit of the Church:
the Eucharist is the Lord Jesus who gives himself "for the life of
the world" (John 6:51). At all times and in all places, he wishes to
encounter man and give him God's life. And not only this -- the
Eucharist also has cosmic value: The transformation of the bread
and wine into the body and blood of Christ constitutes, in fact,
the principle of divinization of creation itself. This is why the
feast of Corpus Christi is characterized particularly by the tradition of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in procession, a gesture
full of meaning. By carrying the Eucharist through the streets and
squares, we wish to submerge the bread descended from heaven
in the everyday of our lives; we want Jesus to walk where we
walk; to live where we live. Our world, our lives, must become
his temple. On this feast day, the Christian community proclaims
that the Eucharist is everything for it, that it is its very life, the
source of love that triumphs over death. From communion with
Christ arises the charity that transforms our lives and supports all
on the journey toward the heavenly homeland. For this reason,
the liturgy invites us to sing: "Good shepherd, true bread … You
who know all and can do everything, who nourish us on earth,
lead your brothers to the table of heaven, in the glory of your
Mary is the "Eucharistic woman," as Pope John Paul II described
her in his encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia." Let us pray to the
Virgin that all Christians may deepen their faith in the Eucharistic
mystery, so that they live in constant communion with Jesus and
are his valid witnesses. Next Tuesday, June 20, World Refugee
Day is being observed, promoted by the United Nations, to call
the attention of the international community to the conditions of
so many people, forced to flee from their own lands because of
grave forms of violence. These brothers and sisters of ours seek
refuge in other countries, animated by the hope of returning to
their homeland or, at least, to find hospitality where they have
sought refuge. Assuring them of my remembrance in prayer and
the constant solicitude of the Holy See, I hope that the rights of
these people will always be respected and I encourage ecclesial
communities to respond to their needs.
Vatican City, June 18,2006
Page 3
See in this space our fears and our dreamings, brought here to you in the light of this day.
The Holy Rosary:Beginning on Monday
June 26th at 7:10AM, the Most Holy
Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will
be recited before the daily morning Mass.
Everyone is invited to come early before
Mass to pray with us. Holy Mary, the
Mother of our God, intercedes for us and bestows all the
graces we need. We meet on the right side of the Church
facing the icon of Mary and Jesus. We sincerely hope you
will join us.
$ 2,505.00
Thank you
for your generous and continued support of your parish.
If any parishioner is ill, homebound,
or in a near-by nursing home, and is
not already receiving a pastoral visit
from one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or from
Sister Sandra, please call the rectory
at 609-585-7049 and speak with
Sister Sandra. God Bless You!
September 2006 begins our new Parish
Calendar Year schedule. Please contact
John Marue at the rectory,9:00am to
12:00 noon, Monday to Friday, by calling 585-7049 to coordinate all your parish scheduling requirements. You may
drop off your calendar schedules for the New Year - September 2006 to August 2007 - at the rectory. Please be sure
to include your name and telephone number and any other
contact information that you may have so John can reach
you with questions or scheduling conflicts. Thank you and
God bless you for all that you do in serving your parish and
the people of our community.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Fall 2006 Trip To Italy!
JUNE 17thAND JUNE 18th
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
With the summer upon us, the need for
food assistance increases as children are
home from school. We struggle to keep
our shelves stocked so that we will not
have to turn needy families away. You can help by donating
just one item each week. It really does make a difference. All
types of non-perishable food items are always appreciated, as
well as personal care, household cleaning and paper products.
Monetary donations are also most welcome as they allow us
to purchase items from Mercer Street Friends Food Bank to
supplement our supply.
Upcoming “Reach-Out Saturdays”July 8th and August 5th
We are beginning to schedule committee meetings for our
Parish Picnic. Many thanks to those of you who have responded to the call to assist with the planning of what promises to be, a wonderful event! We continue to invite you to
participate in helping to make this day a success. Please call
Ray Kolczynski at 609-298-7713 if you would like to assist
on the Picnic Committee.
The parish of St. Raphael-Holy Angels
is sponsoring
a pilgrimage trip to Italy.
. November 1-11, 2006, to Rome,
Assisi, Florence, Padua & Venice.
Call Sister Sandra at the rectory 609-585-7049
Please See an Usher
If you have an emergency or if you are disabled and need assistance. Also, if you are disabled with special needs, see an Usher before
Mass regarding receiving Communion.
for information and reservations.
Page 4
Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in the blind and the lame
St. Raphael’s Music Ministry-
JUNE 30TH. Registration forms, [green], for students who
will be new to our parish religious education program, [Gr.
K-7], are available at the back of both church buildings. If
you wish for your child/children to be enrolled in the program beginning in the Fall, we must have the completed
registration in the Religious Education office by June
30th. Along with the registration form and the fee, you must
attach a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate. [even if
he/she was baptized at St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish]. If
your child is transferring from another parish, we must have a
transfer certificate from the previous parish indicating the
dates of attendance and the sacramental dates. All families
who wish to have their children enrolled in the Religious
Education program must be registered members of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish.
The schedule of classes for the Fall is as follows:
Grades 1 & 2 Wednesday afternoons:4:00 – 5:00
Grade 3
Tuesday afternoons: 4:00 – 5:00
Grades 4 & 5 Wednesday evenings: 7:00 – 8:15
Grades 6 & 7 Tuesday evenings:
7:00 – 8:15
Re-registration forms for the 2006-07 school year were sent
home with the students who were in our program this past
year. In the event you may have misplaced the form, additional forms, [yellow] are available at the back of the church
or please stop by the religious education office. If your child
is to return to the program in the Fall, we must have the completed re-registration forms returned to the Religious Education office no later than June 30th. Registration forms received after this date will be subject to a $30.00 late fee. All
registration and re-registration forms may be deposited in the
designated baskets that are located at each of the church entrances, or mailed to:
The Religious Education Office
151 Gropp Ave., Hamilton, N.J. 08610.
Call the office at 609-585-3848 with any questions.
Please check under “This Week at
St.Raphael-Holy Angels” for rehearsals that
are taking place. We will begin a summer
schedule soon...this would be a great time
for you to “come and see” if this ministry is
for you! The psalmist tells us “make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” St. Augustine also said “to sing [or
ring] is to pray twice.” It would be nice to meet and have new
people who are interested in this ministry.
Some CD’s are still available on ‘How Sweet The Sound’ for
$15.00 each. See Lori or Rob after any Mass.
The Holy Name Society— Our mission and the purpose of
our being is to love, defend, praise, honor and evangelize the
holy name of Jesus. All men of our parish are encouraged to
join us. Please call the rectory if you are interested.
The Rosary-Altar Society–We are dedicated to the worship
of Blessed Virgin Mary, the holy Mother of God. Please call
the rectory if you have considered joining us.
Elderberry Club – We are going to the Taj Mahal on Monday, June 26.The cost of the trip is $17.00. You receive $25.00
back in coupons plus a $5.00 food coupon. To avoid a long
wait, have a ‘Taj Mahal’ cart handy before you go to collect
your coupons.
We are also planning a trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse on
December 14th to see the Christmas Show. Cost will be
$65.00. If you are interested in either of these trips, please call
585-6842 or 585-6035 for reservations.
Our “God Bless America” Patriotic Party and Picnic for the
residents of the Mercer County Geriatric Center is scheduled
for Wednesday, June 28. This is a fun day for both the residents and our St. Raphael-Holy Angels volunteers!
Volunteers of all ages [including confirmation students] make
this day a success!
Sunday, June 25, 1:00pm Can you help wrap presents, make
decorations and finalize plans for the party? Meet at Kathy
Wooley’s home [call 585-4307 for directions]. All are welcome. The more the merrier! Lunch will be served.
Wednesday, June 28, We need help decorating from 10:00 to
11am. In the past our young people have been particularly good
at this, and we again welcome student participation. The actual
party will run from 11-3. Smiles and lots of helping hands are
needed to pass out party hats/favors, serve drinks/lunch/water
ice, run games, distribute gifts and join in the sing-a-long. If
you can’t stay for the entire party, please join us when you can.
If you can help or want more information, please call Kathy at
the number above.
Page 5
Call to us now, and we shall awaken. We shall arise at the sound of our name.
Discovering God’s Glorious Plan
For Your Life
Based upon an introductory program by
Christopher West.
Thursday Evenings
This seminar began on June 22nd
And will continue until July 27th
7:30- 8:30 PM
@ St. Raphael’s Spiritual Center (formerly the convent)
Registration $30.00 for course materials
To register, contact the Rectory Office
The Holy Father's teaching offers a much-needed new vision to understand marriage and sexuality.
He asks us to reclaim the Christian understanding of sexuality and the human person as GIFT in order to show us the true meaning
of human love and life. This enlightening and life-enhancing teaching offers a model for self-giving love and true happiness for all
Christians, whether single, married or religious.
Page 6
We are the young our lives are a mystery, we are the old who yearn for your face.
Co-ed Soccer League
The Mercer County CYO is starting a co-ed soccer league
for 4 and 5 year olds [must be 4 yrs old by 9/1/06 and 6yrs
old after 11/6/06].
Games will be played on the CYO grounds in Yardville on
Saturday mornings beginning in mid-September and ending
around Halloween.
St.Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Sports would like to enter
at least [1] one team in this fun and instructional league. If
you are a parish member and you have a child that might be
interested in playing, contact Vince Peroni, the Parish Athletic Director, at 585-5479.
St. Raphael’s Lucky Number Calendar winning numbers
Week ending Saturday, June 24th. 2006
Date of Winning Number
Winning Number
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
If you are entering the 7th or 8th Grade next year & have
reminded that Option 1 tuition payments are
due on or before July 1st, 2006.
an interest in playing in a summer basketball league for
St. Raphael–Holy Angels, please contact Brian Sakowski
at 585-0129. All games will be played on Sunday nights
at Trenton Catholic Academy.
Thanks to all of the students, faculty and sponsors for supporting
the Saint Raphael School 5th Annual Walkathon. The walkathon was a great success despite the weather.
The school raised over $3,100 for the second floor air conditioners.
The student who raised the most money in each class received a prize. The winners were:
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
Grace Conboy
Elizabeth Vernon & Kayla White
Amy Szwed
Jennifer Conboy
Alissa LaMorte
Chuck Temple
Samantha Costa
Chase Nickelson
Jonathan Sewnig
James Peters
The class who raised the most money was……5th grade!
Each student received a coupon for Coldstone Creamery.
Congratulations to all of the students and thanks again for your support!
Page 7
We have been sung through-out all of history, called to be light to the whole human race.
Community Events…
Thank you so much for participating in the Baby
Shower for our Parish’s Spiritually Adopted Babies.
Your gifts, your prayers and your support meant a lot.
Thank you for the consideration
Thank you for the thought
May God richly bless you
For the happiness you brought.
Anchor House
Annual Ride for Runaways
The mission of Anchor House is to strive to alleviate the problems encountered by runaway and
homeless youths, to reunite them with their families, to strengthen family relationships in stable living conditions, and to assist youth in planning a
course of action which will help ensure their successful future.
Anchor House is Central Jersey’s shelter for
runaway, homeless and abused youths.
On July 9th, 2006, over 200 cyclists and support
crew members will participate in a week-long, 500
mile bicycle trip starting in Rochester, New York,
culminating with a ceremony on July 15th, 2006, at
Quaker-bridge Mall. Donations that are collected
go directly to the shelter and its programs.
“Celebrating Our Faith” Tent Revival, will take place
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, June 25th through
27th, at St. Veronica Church, 4215 US Hwy #9
North, Howell, NJ. Each night will begin at 6:30pm
with the Rosary, followed by music, preaching, display booths, liturgy, clowns, food, and Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament.
This year, our exciting speakers will include
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, an author frequently seen on
EWTN; Joe Klecko, former NY Jet and 6-time all
pro; Fr. Bill Halbing, internationally known Bible
Teacher and Pastor; Singer/Songwriter, Bob Filorama;
and Our Most Rev. John M. Smith, Bishop of the
Trenton Diocese. Music will again be provided by
Refuge, the ministry from the Cathedral of St. Francis,
Diocese of Metuchen.
Come celebrate who we are in Jesus Christ.
For more information please call 1-800-430-0586 or
Representatives from Anchor House will
be collecting donations after all Masses
this weekend June 24th and 25th.
Please help us to help the kids. Thank you!
Page 8
Gather us in the rich and the haughty, gather us in the proud and the strong.
St. Raphael School Renovation
Sponsorships #1 includes a plaque with your
choice of name placed at the entrance to the
classroom. Sponsorships #2-4 include a plaque
with your choice of name placed inside the classroom. Sponsorship #5 includes a plate with your choice of name placed on a large plaque.
All donations are greatly appreciated!
1. Leading the Way (entire room sponsor):
2. In Thy Steps (floor sponsor):
3. God’s Rainbow (paint sponsor):
4. I see the glory Lord (blinds sponsor);
$ 500.00
5. Helping Hand (Booster)
$ 100.00
Sponsorship choice_______ Would you like your name to appear on plaque?__________
I am not choosing a specific sponsorship;
please accept my donation for_________.
Please send form to:
St. Raphael School Renovation Fund (checks payable to St. Raphael School)
151 Gropp Ave.
Hamilton, NJ 08610
Attention: Hope Costa
Questions may be directed to:
Hope Costa 609-585-7733
Page 9
Give us a heart so meek and so lowly, give us the courage to enter the song.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Contemporary Ensemble
Adult Recreational Volleyball
St. Raphael
Parish Gym
SR Parish Center.
7:30PM - 9:15PM
7:30PM - 9:30PM
8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM]
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
PLEASE NOTE: Children’s choir [Cool Kidz] will resume in the fall.
For information on Heaven’s Echo, keep watching the bulletin for details.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Young Adult Ministry– Spirit and Truth
SR Spiritual Center
[the former Convent]
SR Parish Center
7:30PM [After the 7:00PM Mass]
8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM]
CALL 609-581-3675
609– 585-4483
Altar Candles this week…
For St. Raphael Church
Leonard P. Marano Jr.
Req. by Mother, Father & Brother
For Holy Angels Church
Joseph Petix
Req. by Ann Bird
Ervin L. Hewitt Jr.
Gino Richard Tottorotto
Robert M. Spack
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