Engineering Student Organization Cover Sheet Affiliation Engineering Joint Council


Engineering Student Organization Cover Sheet Affiliation Engineering Joint Council
Engineering Joint Council
Engineering Student Organization Affiliation Cover Sheet
Welcome to the Engineering Joint Council (EJC). We are a consortium of student representatives from
each of the Engineering Student Organizations and professional society chapters. Our goal is to facilitate
opportunities for the undergraduate engineering student body and promote interaction with various
engineering student organizations and the College of Engineering Administration. The Council integrates
students and organizations in activities which promote campus outreach and organization visibility,
networking, collaboration, leadership development, and professional development.
Expectations and Responsibilities: The Role of an EJC Representative
This is a short summary of what is to be expected, but not limited to, from all of the EJC Representatives.
This position should be considered seriously, as EJC Representatives act as a buffer between the
Engineering Joint Council and their respective student organization. In addition, EJC will become the
primary pipeline between the College's Administration and the engineering students as well as becoming
a conduit between ASUCD's Commission of Student Affairs and the engineering students. Lack of
communication and involvement will result in the loss of privileges and benefits.
As an EJC rep you have been selected by your primary organization to become the liaison
between your organization and the Council. Your role as an EJC rep will be to communicate
EJC's activities to your organization and to communicate your organization's activities to EJC.
Your expectations and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Attend all EJC general meetings and scheduled dean meetings.
2. Participate, support, and attend all of EJC’s sponsored Events: EJC Fall Orientation for
Engineering Student Organizations, Winter E-Week, Spring E-ball, and Spring Officer
Awards Reception.
3. Attend a training/orientation session during Fall (details will be given).
4. Follow all policies laid down by the engineering facilities, EJC, and the College of
EJC will also maintain its ties to the National Association for Engineering Student Councils
(NAESC) by attending national and regional conferences. EJC will fund engineering students on the
council to attend these conferences. (Non-engineering majors on the council will not be funded).
What does being a EJC Affiliate mean for my organization?
Aside from all the benefits, it means your group will be able to get extra support from the EJC. We provide
support such as funding opportunities, event planning, industry connections, network opportunities, and
publicity resources. With our support, being an EJC Affiliate will give you the extra edge to function as a
successful, a well organized, and a more professional engineering student organization on the UC Davis
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How does my group qualify to be an Affiliate?
The following are the minimum criteria your group must meet in order to qualify for this program. These
1. Your group must be a registered/affiliated campus organization with Student Programs &
Activities Center (SPAC).
2. Your group must understand and support the mission and purpose of the Engineering Joint
Council and the College of Engineering.
3. Your group’s mission, goals, and services must focus on the development of engineering student
community on campus.
STEPS for affiliation:
Step 1: Register your organization with Student Programs & Activities Center (SPAC).
Step 2: Read the description on the Affiliation Cover Sheet; Fill out an Affiliate application form
turn in to EJC for review.
Step 3: Receive full Acceptance Letter (electronic) from EJC after acceptance; your organization
must continue to fulfill Affiliate expectations and requirements for EJC.
Loss of Affiliate Status:
A group is in danger of losing their Affiliate status when it does one or more of the following:
1. Fail to renew registration with Student Programs & Activities Center (SPAC).
2. Fails to re-sign an EJC affiliate form each year.
3. Misses more than one EJC meeting (dean’s meeting included) per quarter.
4. Fails to follow facilities usage policies on three separate occasions.
a. (warnings will be given after the first and second infractions
Benefits of becoming an Affiliate of the EJC
Able to participate in E-week and receive guaranteed funding on E-week related events.
Able to apply for event, conference, and/or competition co-sponsorship of up to $400 (must
complete EJC funding application form and attach total budget for the program).
Training Resources, such as mailboxes, storage room, and computers will be available when
Priority ad space in EJC e-news and bulletin boards.
Late-night and weekend facility usage.
Able to reserve rooms in Kemper Hall or the Scholar’s Center for your meetings during the entire
academic year. As long as it is available, you will be able to use it for your programs, leadership
meetings, etc…
EJC as a location for your small events.
Limited phone/fax privileges related to your organization business.
Network with other Engineering organizations affiliated with the EJC
Message area where you can leave messages for the members of your organization.
TV/DVD equipment use for your meetings, events at the EJC.
Your organizations’ contact info listed in resources materials and on the EJC website.
More exposure to industry.
Greater visibility on campus and on regional level.
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Engineering Joint Council
Engineering Student Organization Affiliation Form
Contact Information:
Student Development and Recruitment Center
Surge Building IV, Suite 409
One Shields Avenue - Davis, CA 95616
(Phone) 530 – 752 - 3390
Complete this form to register with EJC. Your honest response will help EJC make wiser decisions on how to
support your organization to meet your goals. An Incomplete form is not accepted and will affect the outcome
of your fully obtaining EJC benefits. Return this form by October 30, 2006 in an envelope to EJC’s mailbox
(address is given above). This information is secured and will remain in EJC’s confidential files.
For the Academic Year: __ 2007__ to ___2008___
I. SPAC Registration Status:
1. Are you currently registered with Student Programs and Activities Center (SPAC) or
ASUCD? (x)Yes
If No, please give future date of registration: ____________________
II. Description of your Organization:
2. Full Name of Engineering Student Organization (include any acronyms):
______________________Biomedical Engineering Society ________________
3. What is the mission/purpose of your organization?
As the UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Society, we strive to generate interest in ____
biomedical engineering and further the understanding of related sciences while_______
fostering academic community and industry relations. __________________________ _
4. Does your organization currently have a website? If so, please list the web address:
5. Does your organization have an advisor? If so, please provide name and contact
Name: _____Christtal Wintersmith______ Email: _____cdwinter@ucdavis.edu____
Position/Department: ___________Student affairs officer__________
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6. Please complete the list: fill in the names and contact information for these positions
within your organization
Position: President/Chair
Name: Julie Pham
Position: Vice President 1/Chair
Name: Michele Frendo
Position: Vice President 2/Chair
Name: Caitlin Mcdonnell Email:
Position: Secretary (optional)
Name: Matthew Lam
Position: Treasurer
Name: Aileen Cua
Position: EJC rep 1
Name: Kathie Ngo
Position: EJC rep 2 (optional)
Name: Jennifer Young
Position: EJC rep3 (optional)
Name: Matthew Yee
7. Please list any ANNUAL or NEW events your organization will/may coordinate, plan,
and/or host this academic year. Be sure to include possible dates (quarter & month is
fine) for each event.
Annual Event or Programs
Date or Quarter/Month
_______________Bowling with faculty ___________
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III. Financial Status
Complete this section to the best of your knowledge.
This is to help EJC understand your organization’s financial status, and source of your income. This will
help us make fair and wise decisions on how to distribute funding among the many engineering
organizations. (Use extra sheets if necessary)
8. Has your organization been funded by EJC in the past?
Ξ Yes € No
9. Does your organization regularly receive ON-campus funding?
On-campus sources include:
€ Yes Ξ No
EJC funds, Department or college funds, Contribution from advisors,
Prize money from competitions, Club registration fees,
If Yes, Please list the source of your funding and the anticipated amount.
Amount/month, quarter, or year:
If No, Skip to #11.
10. Does your organization regularly receive OFF-campus funding?
Off-campus sources include:
€ Yes Ξ No
Fundraising, contributions from industry, other donations
If Yes, Please list the source of your funding and the anticipated amount.
Amount/month, quarter, or year:
If No, Skip to Section IV.
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IV. Survey Questions (optional):
11. What goals and objective do you wish to accomplish with EJC? (Example: More
funding? Receive advocacy? Improve status at UCD?)
Our main goal and objective is to put our name out there.________________________
12. (This question applies only to previous representatives) Are there any areas EJC can
improve on? Fell free to write any suggestions or comments.
Bettter communication____________________________________________________
Please read and sign the following statement
I have read and affirm that all information provided on this affiliation form is correct and
complete to the best of my knowledge.
By signing below, as a representative of my organization, I give consent that EJC may
disclose information about my organization to interested parties and to the College of
I am confident that my organization will follow the policies provided by EJC and the College
of Engineering.
Print Name: ___________Kathie J Ngo_________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _______________November 16, 2007_____________________________________
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