Document 6527235


Document 6527235
Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task Assessment Cover Sheet Course/No: Unit(s)/No: 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) BSBOHS302B Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes Assignment Title: Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment Task Student Name: Jane Gregory Student No: 223498639 Teacher/Email: Cale O’Bryan ( Due Date: Student No: 223498639 Date Submitted: 1/03/2013 Declaration: (This must be signed by student) I declare that the submission is my own work with respect to plagiarism and does not violate any copyright laws. In the event of subsequent loss after submission, you will be asked to tender a duplicate copy of this assignment. Please keep a copy. Student Name: Jane Gregory Student’s Signature: TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 Date Signed: 1/03/2013 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 1 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task Student’s Receipt Course/No: Unit(s)/No: 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) BSBOHS302B Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes Assignment Title: Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment Task Student Name: Jane Gregory Student No: 223498639 Teacher/Email: Cale O’Bryan ( Due Date: No of Pages: 11 Date Submitted: 1/03/2013 Assessment Deliverables Checklist: (Must be signed by teacher) The following deliverables should be produced during the course of your project and submitted:  Cover Page – please ensure your name is clearly noted  Answers to Assessment Questions  Workplace Inspection Checklist with brief Procedure Outline  REPORT TO BE EMAILED TO YOUR TEACHER WHEN COMPLETE Teacher’s Name: Teacher’s Signature: Date Signed: TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 2 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment Task Units Covered: BSBOHS302B Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes Instructions: You are to submit a report no longer than 2000 words. In this assessment, you will need to demonstrate your competency in applying and participating to work health and safety consultative processes in the work place. In order to achieve this, you will need to carry out the following two tasks. Task Details: Task 1: Assessment questions 1. In relation to Work Health and Safety, briefly describe the following terms: Answer: −
Work Health and Safety (WHS) A term used to describe the legislation that is in place to ensure the health & safety of workers. −
WHS Legislation Legislative rules & regulations in place to ensure the health & safety of workers. −
Codes of Practice Practices & standards that help the individual identify hazards & dangers in the work place and how to manage them. −
Industry Standards The practices & standards that apply to a particular industry. −
Workplace Policies and Procedures Policies & procedures that are put in place at a particular place of work with regard to general & specific hazards & practices. 2. What does working safely mean? Answer: Taking care of the health & safety of oneself & others whilst following the practices & procedures at a work place. TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 3 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task 3. List some ways that WHS is relevant in the Information Technology industry? Answer: −
Only using qualified electricians & technicians to do electrical & cabling work. −
Evacuation procedures. −
Regular testing of electrical equipment. −
Ensuring cabling trip hazards do not occur. −
Maintenance of adequate lighting in offices, workrooms & car parks. −
Maintaining work vehicles to a safe standard. −
Mindful layout of offices & work rooms. 4. What are some of the main WHS policies and procedures that should be in place at a workplace? Answer: −
Evacuation/fire/accident/emergency procedures. −
Safe clothing/foot/head wear policies. −
Safe working heights/lift load policies. 5. In relation to WHS in the workplace, briefly describe the roles and responsibilities of: Answer: −
An employer −
To provide a safe & healthy work place. −
To provide safe work systems. −
To provide appropriate training & supervision. −
To notify & record incidents. −
An employee −
To adhere, when reasonable, to procedures, policies & instructions in the work place. −
To look to the safety of oneself & other fellow workers. −
A Health and Safety Representative −
To monitor actions taken by employer −
To investigate concerns by Workers. −
To investigate any issues noticed by representative. TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 4 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task −
To represent workers. −
A Health and Safety Committee −
To develop & implement policies & procedures in the work place. −
To facilitate co-­‐operation between relevant parties. −
Any other function, as agreed by the relevant parties. −
Work Cover Authori ty of NSW −
Responsible for administration and compliance for Work Health & Safety. −
Responsible for administration and compliance of licensing & registration −
Responsible for administration and compliance of return to employment for injured workers 6. What are three (3) employer obligations regarding consultation on WHS matters? Answer: −
Consult when conducting risk management activities −
Consult on making decisions affecting all workers & stakeholders −
Consult on changes affecting all workers & stakeholders 7. What are the maximum penalties for those employers who fail to consult with employees? Answer: −
In the case of an individual—$20,000, or −
In the case of a body corporate—$100,000. 8. In what ways can employees contribute to the WHS consultation process? Answer: With the formation of Health & Safety Committees & Designated Work Groups, arrangements such as Health & safety Management Arrangements are made, ensuring that employees will be consulted right throughout the WHS processes. Giving employees the opportunity to express concerns, raise issues, propose options, make recommendations and have input before final decisions take effect. TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 5 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task 9. In what ways can employees raise WHS issues within the workplace and with others? Answer: Issues can be raised with the Health & safety officer from a Designated Work Group. As established through an organisation’s Health & Safety Management Arrangements, dispute resolution mechanisms exist. 10. How are employees consulted when decisions are made or changes are proposed that affect their health, safety and welfare at work? Answer: Via the Health & Safety Representative & Designated Work Group or Health & safety Committee. 11. What are some of the barriers that may limit the workplace consultation process? Answer: −
Bad relations −
Cultural & linguistic differences −
Not enough time allowed −
When Information is not made readily available & understandable −
When the decision has already been made 12. What is Due Diligence and how does it relate to WHS in the workplace? Answer: The act of taking every reasonable effort, within the particular circumstances, to provide a safe & healthy work place. 13. What are some common inspections that might be carried out at a workplace? Answer: −
Fire Extinguishers/sprinklers/fire alarm −
Electrical tags −
Walkways clear of obstructions −
Fire stairs clear of obstructions −
Correct attire worn – hardhats/eyewear/closed shoes etc TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 6 of 7 Western Sydney Institute of TAFE (Richmond) 10315 Certificate IV in Web-­‐based Technologies (Website Development) Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes – Assessment task −
No trip hazards −
Signage/emergency exits/power cut off/gas cut off etc −
Safe storage of hazardous substances 14. You have noticed a faulty power point used in the main office at your workplace. There is the potential for a worker to receive a shock, if not worse. What procedure should be followed and what should you do next? Answer: −
Switch the power point off −
Remove plug −
Label as out of service −
Call an electrician/send for repair/replace as required −
Report fault to WHS unit if required −
Check if electrical check tagging is in order & review if necessary Task 2: Conduct a Workplace Inspection Create a Workplace Inspection Checklist to use in an office environment (this can be real workplace, one you are familiar with or simulated). You will need to list at least 6 points within each section of the Checklist (i.e. Fire, Electrical, General Lighting etc.). You can create a checklist of your own or use the template provided on the WSI Online site. After a Workplace Inspection Checklist has been completed, briefly outline (in point form) the procedure for what should happen next? Answer: −
Inspection, including a Safety Representative and a member of staff from the work area. −
Systematic checks on an annual basis or as deemed necessary. −
Observations documented on checklist & updated for future. −
Hazards reported immediately and closely monitored. −
Immediate analysis of report, development of action plans and dates set for completion and review. −
Hazard Report Forms and Job Request Forms should be completed where necessary. TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Created: 07/11/2013 Version 1.0 BSBOHS302B WHS.docx Modified: 07/11/2013 Page 7 of 7 

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