Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting Thursday, 30 January 2014


Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting Thursday, 30 January 2014
Appendix 5.4
Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group
Governing Body meeting
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Clinical Procurement Corporate Governance and Strategic
Framework 2014
Jill Shattock, Director of Commissioning
Nicholas Garforth, Deputy Director Procurement & Market
Management, NEL CSU
Helen Boswell, Deputy Director, Clinical Procurement & Market
Management, NEL CSU
Haringey CCG is committed to providing high quality clinical services that meet the needs
of local communities as set out in its Operating Plan agreed by the Governing Body. Within
the framework of national procurement regulations it will look at all appropriate options to
secure the best services for the local population.
This strategic framework sets out the policy context that Haringey CCG will follow when
procuring clinical services, including the application of best practice to the clinical
procurement process. Where Haringey CCG proposes to award public contracts, the CCG
will ensure that the procurement is conducted in accordance with the EU Procurement
Directives as implemented into UK law by the Public Supply Contracts Regulations 2006
[(as amended) (SI/2006/5)] as well as taking account of relevant national and regional
guidelines and the requirements of the CCG’s Constitution and the provisions of the Public
Services (Social Value) Act 2012.
The Governing Body is also asked to note that the Government is currently implementing
the new EU Procurement Directive, which will have implications for timescales and
thresholds, as well as selection and award criteria. It is therefore anticipated that a revised
version of the Strategic Framework will be brought to the Governing Body later in 2014.
 Clinical Procurement Corporate Governance and Strategic Framework 2014
The Governing Body is asked to:
 APPROVE the Clinical Procurement Corporate Governance and Strategic
Framework 2014
Objective(s) / Plans supported by this paper: Requirement for CCG to have a Clinical
Procurement Corporate Governance and Strategic Framework.
Audit Trail: This document has been developed from the NELCSU’s own agreed Strategic
Framework document, and was first agreed as a draft template for CCGs to review and
tailor to local circumstances at the NELCSU Clinical Procurement Board on 28.8.13. It was
then brought in draft form to the Haringey CCG Audit Committee on 6.9.13 and 2.12.13,
and then on 21.1.14, when the Committee agreed to recommend it for approval by the
Governing Body.
Patient & Public Involvement (PPI): n/a
Equality Analysis: Equalities Impact Assessments are an integral part of the clinical
procurement process (see Appendix B).
Risks: The Governing Body is asked to note clause 3.2 (Conflicts of Interest) and the
guidance (as yet untested in law) on the implementation of the NHS (Procurement, Patient
Choice and Competition) Regulations 2013.
Resource Implications: Not known.