A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: SPRING 2011 IT PROCUREMENT SITE SAVES ORGANISATIONS £MILLIONS Cheltenham BC boosted by E-sourced savings E-procurement is at the top of the agenda for many public sector organisa- the cost of buying IT is Cheltenham Borough Council. An online ICT procurement site which saves Government and £millions, has won a Queen’s Award for approach to IT procurement. buying for, Technology services provider, Probrand, developed this technology with support said: "The IT Index has made considerable and outstanding inroads towards 25% below OGC thresholds. Probrand’s automates procurement comparisons down to a single unified price, eliminatquickly enabling the best deal to be done within one secure environment without any ‘punch-out’ to supplier sites. customer-centric, giving the buyer what Peter Robbins, Managing Director of automated purchase cycle.” This IT procurement site is believed to be Europe’s largest automated ICT catalogue that daily updates over 150,000 products and services from more than 2,500 manufacturers ranked by best price and stock availability. It is also accredited by major reassurance that we are securing 15% of CBC's consumables budget, changing the face of how public and the cost of buying ICT. With customer “The fact that we know the IT Index conducts daily price comparisons based on product within the industry’s Mercato technology behind and year-on-year growth for the business and also, crucially, our supply chain partners. “This technology is deployed globally for IBM as part of its ‘Pre-Sales Advisor Tool’ project across 37 countries in 22 languages. It is very rewarding to see ally recognised mark of success.” budget. Savings made on individual products consistently range from 3-6% "On average The IT Index is saving at used to have to spend sourcing and comparing prices. serve and manage our IT infrastructure work on a robust network. This means our public is maintained without THE TECHNOLOGY THAT DRIVES THE See Page 3 and Special Supplement: Spring 2011 TRUSTED ADVISORS WHEN I.T SUPPLY CHAIN DISASTER STRIKES... Recognised for Procurement excellence everything from computers to cars and electrical products. Two further damaged plants that nents have also been unable to operate since the Tsunami and are now in recovery mode. One produced 70% of the world’s copper-clad laminates for Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). The other produced approximately 70% of worldwide aluminium substrate, which is used in disk drive manufacture. Taking the froth off stock prices Improving business processes, reducing overheads and increasing profits are challenges faced by every company. Probrand’s Iain Bowles, said: “Large manufacturers have invoked Business daily price and stock changes, shortening price and purchase processes is difficult. As a forward thinking business, high street coffee co, Coffee Republic, Value As Pee Herron points out: “We are now saving 5 days a month, which we used to spend managing procurement adminis- It has become widespread news that the Japan earthquake supply chain rich Sendai prefecture. And Probrand’s unique knowledge of the devastated area combined with deep understanding of the IT supply chain, has been helping customers understand the detailed impact the technology stock and prices. made a significant impact on our department very quickly. "We regularly benchmark The IT Index against spot prices in the market place especially when you bring in the factor of stock availability. It isn't difficult to use if you are on a two-month back stock levels in the manufacturing supply chain. This scenario is forecast to increase with delays and costs being passed through the supply chain to end users. Reports confirm that component manufacturing has been hit hardest, which in turn will impact finished products later in 2011. Components have a long and highly complex manufacturing cycle, requiring specific materials. For example, a semi-conductor wafer, the basic building block of the computer chip, takes around four weeks to manufacturer and comes from the damaged area. A very pure version of a cleaning fluid, manufacturing semi-conductors with from damaged plants in the Sendai area. A complete semi-conductor chip takes a further five to seven weeks to produce, limited supply has caused problems. Japan needs constant power through the damaged plants. Power shortage is a major issue with peak demand in increases. A hot summer in Japan will cause further power cuts and reduced is already being asked to limit demands for power during the summer months. shortage has already caused global car will be limited. supply issues but there is concern over medium to long term plans to overcome global shortage. Without stable power semi-conductors, at the heart of IT technology, will be limited. is not available to fulfil demand. July to will be price with stock becoming more of an issue later in the danger period.” web based, which means I can gain access when I’m out of the office. "For a business such as ours, which has a small IT team, it is helping us more we can focus our energies on front line Page 2 robrand’s work within the purchasing and supply community has earned a major procurement Purchasing & Supply (CIPS). The business demonstrated excellence in procurement policies and procedures to join an elite group of accredited Mike Mari, Head of CIPS’ Procurement Excellence Programme, said: "Probrand delivers what CIPS calls the immovable auditability, version control, archiving, procurement workflow that include approvals, sign off, contracts and procedure, amongst others. Probrand delivers all of this through fully automated systems and has succeeded where many have failed.", which brings together all of the elements of good However, most component and chemical plants are now in the recovery end-to-end offering. stock in the manufacturing supply chain and the component suppliers’ produc- Chris Haynes, Director EDT at the Department for Work and Pensions, said: Semi-conductors are used in the manufacture of a variety of complex technology based components used in a process and deliver savings and efficiencies are to be sought out and commended, especially when Government is working so hard for sustainable “The IT Index has simplified the management of purchases. The other P A right Royal honour for Birmingham... by Jon Griffin, Birmingham Mail As a professional 'company watcher' I have industries have disappeared. Changing sands of the Midlands business scene for over 13 years. lives of many. shining example of entrepreneurial growth. A from some of the UK's top Government Probrand has been enterprising and innova- Probrand is one of those. Queen's Award to prove it. rise and watched it become a world class player in its sector - providing much needed employment and securing major contracts It's a genuine honour for everyone connected with the firm, and a reason to make the City of Birmingham and its business community feel extremely proud. very important that buyers are able to see what is officially recognised as good reduce the amount of paper used during the RFQ process, enhance supplier management, offer granular levels of product and service detail, including any purchase decision whilst extending the reach of their budgets." Page 3 and Special Supplement: Spring 2011 TURNING DATA INTO DOLLARS FOR IBM GLOBALLY The Three Pillars of Public Service services are considered by many as the key pillars of public sector service delivery. Probrand is proud to support every area through a number of public sector framework agreements, providing best priced products and technical excellence on deployment of infrastructure projects. Our specialist teams offer guidance demands of each sector and the complex nature of large scale public sector IT infrastructure. And this landmark hardware sales-support the build, configure and price cycle for IBM shorten the sales cycle. website that empowers end users with Probrand and partner supplier Mercato complex business processes with large scale data management and delivery of web-based it very easy to do what was previously a very difficult job. “Pre-Sales Advisor only ever offers compatenvironment, which means errors or costly returns are avoided. This is unprecedented and has been delivered across 37 countries in 22 languages. This is the methodology that has been delivered for IBM, bringing together, harmonising and enriching IBM’s internal, supply chain where price, stock and specifica- “Mercato’s strength in management of data has aided business intelligence and strengthened the end-to-end indirect supply chain with IBM System X servers. Reduced Returns Powerful and integrated web ‘tools’ guide purchasers to build and configure bespoke accurately. Used by distributors and resellers to learn, build, price and source IBM servers, “Pre-Sales Advisor has been well received Probrand’s Stephen Bushell meets Sir Gus O’Donell to demonstrate On the deployment of a remote access arm, Icomm Technologies, Tim Mullan, IP telephony systems lead at Gloucesand easy to manage. We now provision total cost of ownership to be approximately 60% less than if we had adopted to deliver service. For example, it has unlocked capability for crisis workers to instantly respond to night-calls from reduced returns, reduced dependencies on Spreadsheets and enabled IBM to drive quickly into emerging markets.” experience at faster and improved data accuracy.” This means anyone can build a unique invite their nearest IBM supplier to offer the best price and delivery date. It releases NEIL TONKIN Architect Tel: 0800 26 26 29 On The IT Index, Bradford Grammar school Network Manager, Simon of 30% on our IT budget.”