Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of
May 11, 2014
Church of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Parish Office (914) 738-1449 ▪ Fax (914) 738-9454
Email . olph10803@msn.com - www.olph-pelhammanor.org
Rev. Robert J. DeJulio, Pastor
Rev. Abraham Vettiyolil, mcbs Parochial Vicar Rev. Ferdinand Madaki
Weekend Associates
Rev. Edward T. Dowling, S.J., Rev. Stanley O’Konsky, S.J., Rev. Michael Greco, OFM, Cap.
Mr. Joseph McQuade Deacons Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mrs. Marianne Parker Parish Trustees Mr. Frank Barbieri
Mrs. Fabiola Brito Briseno, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Joseph Schippa, Music Director- Mrs. Elaine Ruggiero, Organist
Mr. Gabriel Gomez, Buildings and Grounds
Parish School
Pre-K – 8th grade
www.olphpelham.com ▪ (914) 738-5158
Mrs. Susan Cotronei, Principal
Religious Education Office
(914) 738-0670
Mr. Michael Hall, Director
Saturday . 4:00 - 4:45pm & by appointment
2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements.
There is a six month planning period required.
Please make an appointment with one of the priests for further
Devotions to Our Lady
Rosary . Monday - Saturday . 8:40am
Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday . 9:30am
Weekdays: (Mon-Sat) 8:00AM and 9:00AM
Weekends: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM
Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. 5:00PM, Sun. 8:00AM, 10:00AM, & 12:00 Noon
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 11, 2014
Mother's Day we think of her with reverence
and love and inexpressible gratitude. Amen.
Dear Parishioners:
Happy Mother's Day
While I was searching for a special prayer
to share with you on Mother's Day, I found
this one that is a little different and thought
you might appreciate it. It is a Prayer for a
Birth Mother from an Adoptive Mother.
Prayer for a Birth Mother, from an Adoptive
Rev. Robert DeJulio
Loving God, how can I thank you for the
generous woman who gave us her child?
Our years of sorrow and emptiness ended
with a phone call and a new child in our
home. We rejoiced in the utter happiness
that this birth mother - and her child - gave
us then. We have received so much joy over
the years.
We think of this special mother, Lord, this
generous woman who bore our child. The
one who went through the discomfort of
pregnancy and the pains of birth - only to
hand her child over to someone else to love
and care for.
Please, God, bless the life of this incredibly
noble woman. She gave me the great gift of
motherhood, and I can imagine the cost to
her: an empty spot in her own heart where
this child we somehow share, will always
Bless her life, dear Lord. Give her an
abundance of happiness and love and family.
Please let her feel the prayers we have for
her on each birthday of our child. Each
The next scheduled cooking day for
our Parish Chefs is Friday, May 23rd.
The menu consists of sloppy Joes and
two bags of frozen green beans.
Food should be brought to the Church
office by 1PM where it will be picked
up and delivered to St. Gabriel’s
Church. Please remember that all
meals are for a minimum of 20
people. For information, call Geri
Engstrom @ 738-1141.
Our annual Mass to confer the
Sacrament of the Sick will take place on
Friday, May 23rd at 11:30AM. The
sacrament may be received by any
Catholic who suffers from physical or
emotional disability or advanced age.
The anointing with oil manifests the
Church's commitment to healing and
prayer. Refreshments will be served in
the lower church following the Mass.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 11, 2014
Rosalie Hall Maternity Services
Monday, May 12
8:00 AM - Edward Miller
9:00 AM - Josephine Ciferri &
Caterina Rondinelli
Tuesday, May 13
8:00 AM - Vito DiFigola
9:00 AM - Giovanni DelVecchio
Wednesday, May 14
8:00 AM - Kathy Hanson
9:00 AM - Lucille Haddad
Thursday, May 15
8:00 AM - Michael Donovan
9:00 AM - Stephen J. Wodraska
Friday, May 16
8:00 AM - Millie & Leo Loscuito &
Eva Callari
9:00 AM - Petta & Mondrone Families
Saturday, May 17
8:00 AM - Edward Miller
9:00 AM - Frank Pfeiffer, Jr
The annual Raffle will take place May
29th, 2014.
$12,000.00 in prizes.
Tickets are available in the Church
Second Time
David Murphy & Kristin DeMatteo
Nicholas Michael Wargo & Marie Aliberti
Sister Ellen Hunt and Sister Diane Prusinski,
Misericordia Sisters at Rosalie Hall Maternity
Services Division of Catholic Guardian Services,
will be giving a presentation of the work of the
above program at the Masses on Saturday, May
17 and Sunday, May 18. Both Sisters work at 420
Howe Avenue, in the Bronx, which houses six
teen-age mothers and their children. Sister Ellen
works as a Social Worker for young mothers who
have an unexpected pregnancy. Concrete
services, including a crib, baby clothing , baby
food, are provided as needed as well as
aid. Cash
donations would be greatly appreciated. Be
assured of the Sisters' grateful prayers.
OLPH School is currently accepting
applications from qualified students for
the 2014/15 school year.
If you are
interested in information or to set an
appointment for an interview, please call
the school at 914-738-5158, or visit our
website olphpelham.com.
Beginning the weekend of May 24-25 we
will be starting the summer Mass schedule:
Saturdays 5:00PM, and Sundays 8:00AM,
10:00AM and 12:00 Noon.
This schedule
will be in effect until Labor Day.
We are entering the final phase of this year's
Appeal. If you have not yet made a donation,
please consider doing so.
If you need
assistance, please call the church office at
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 11, 2014
We Welcomed the newly Confirmed
Jessica Argento
Julianne Argento
Bridget Barsanti
Nicholas Biggs
Lauren Boiano
Sophia Calero
Theodora Caminiti
Joshua Caraballo
Briana Ciadullo
Owen Collins
Mychala Coughlin
Delia Crotty
Dylan Crowley
Sarah Cullen
Kaitlyn Czajka
Jacob Dawson
Caroline DeVico
Ian Devine
Madison DiFrisco
Duffy Doyle
Nicholas Dulock
Noah Dulock
George Dunhill
Christopher Epes
Matthew Falvey
Timothy Francois
Caroline Franks
Kylie Galiani
John Gardner
Nicholas Garvey
Dylan Gesang
Julia Golfo
Stephen Gray
Kyra Green
Lauren Hade
Madison Hartigan
Sofia Imperato
Olivia Imperato
Henry Johnson
Andrew Kalyvas
Thomas Kim
Victoria Labriola
Juliana Leone
Anais Leon-Kelly
Stephen Liddy
James Lisanti
Kiera Mallinson
Thomas Marra
Katherine Maydwell
Hannah McFarland
Shade McFarlane
Patrick McLaughlin
Conor McNulty
Nicholas Milanese
Taylor Mooney
Jared Morel
Michael Mottola
Desmond O'Rourke
Michael Pachuta
Audra Parisi
Eva Perez
Alexis Peters
John Prignano
Angelie Prima
Peter A. Raftopoulos
Caitlin Reilly
Jayson Reynolds
Gina Marie Robbins
Tristan Robbins
Patrick Roche
Michael Rodopoulos
Samantha Romanello
Bianca Rossingnuolo
Michael Ruggiero
Isabella Saljanin
Sydney Shotkoski
Christiana Silva
Zoe Smith
Timothy Solimine
Kaitlyn Soto
Andrew Spana
Lauren Tahan
William Taubner
Anthon Terraciano
Christopher Tolan
Brady Tolan
Jaylynn Vargas
Andrew Vermes
Thomas Walsh
Cameron Ward
Taylor Rose Williamson
Jonathan Zarcone
Mrs. Joan Brisson
Mr. Joseph Keane
Mrs. Diane Rodriguez
Ms. Lisa Argento
Ms. Jeanemarie Ward
Mrs. Ann Dulock