Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of
September 9, 2012
Church of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Parish Office (914) 738-1449 ▪ Fax (914) 738-9454
Email . olph10803@msn.com - www.olph-pelhammanor.org
Rev. Robert J. DeJulio, Pastor
Rev. Abraham Vettiyolil, mcbs Parochial Vicars Rev. Oliver Offor
Weekend Associates
Rev. Edward T. Dowling, S.J., Rev. Stanley O’Konsky, S.J., Rev. Michael Greco, OFM, Cap.
Mr. Joseph McQuade Deacons Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mrs. Marianne Parker Parish Trustees Mr. Frank Barbieri
Mrs. Fabiola Brito Briseno, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Joseph Schippa, Music Director- Mrs. Elaine Ruggiero, Organist
Mr. Gabriel Gomez, Buildings and Grounds
Parish School
Pre-K – 8th grade
www.olphpelham.com ▪ (914) 738-5158
Mrs. Susan Cotronei, Principal
Religious Education Office
(914) 738-0670
Mr. Michael Hall, Director
Saturday . 4:00 - 4:45pm & by appointment
2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements.
There is a six month planning period required.
Please make an appointment with one of the priests for further
Devotions to Our Lady
Rosary . Monday - Saturday . 8:40am
Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday . 9:30am
Weekdays: (Mon-Sat) 8:00AM and 9:00AM
Weekends: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM
Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. 5:00PM, Sun. 8:00AM, 10:00AM, & 12:00PM
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
On this Recovery Sunday the
following is a reflection offered by a
member of the parish. Hopefully it might
offer some encouragement to others who
need to begin this journey.
“Let go and let God.” This is one of
the basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The idea of “letting go” of our children is
difficult enough when it applies to sending
them off on positive endeavors: off to school,
off to camp, off to college. Having a child
who suffers from the disease of addiction is
the most painful test of letting go. There are
things in life that a parent cannot prevent or
fix. One of the most difficult lessons for me,
as the mother of an addicted child, is that I am
powerless over this disease.
My son had a happy childhood.
Growing up in Pelham, with loving parents
and siblings, he was smart, athletic, and had
many friends.
Addiction does not
discriminate. This disease strikes people of all
ages, races, IQ’s, and economic situations.
My son has always been a risk-taker, always
looking for the highest ski jump or the biggest
wave. Entering the teenage years, everything
seemed within the realm of expectable, if not
acceptable, teenage behavior. It’s not that we
were naïve, but when change takes place
gradually, a parent doesn’t necessarily notice
the temperature change until it’s just way too
What do alcohol and drugs give a
teenager? Confidence? Acceptance? Plenty
of evidence supports the fact that kids use
drugs to self-medicate for a host of underlying
reasons: depression, ADHD, and bi-polar
disorder, to name a few. However, with
adolescents and young adults, where does one
make the distinction between an underlying,
diagnosable condition and expectable teenage
behavior? Often, as in our case, the drug use
September 9, 2012
exacerbates the underlying condition. The
very skills he was lacking, leaving him
vulnerable to drug use, became stunted.
Emotional maturity suffered. Learning new
coping strategies is particularly complicated
for people whose drug abuse starts in the
teenage years. As my son said to me recently,
“Addiction is a nasty thing, but that does not
excuse my inability to move forward with my
life.” He is not unaware of the hurt and
anguish his behavior has caused. He wishes
he could undo what’s been done. The irony is
in how hard it is for him to stop.
Coming to terms with the irrationality
of this disease is by far the hardest thing I have
ever done. Understanding that it truly is a
disease helps, as well as remembering to
separate the person from the disease. I have
learned some difficult lessons: I didn’t cause
it (although it took some time to recognize
this), I can’t control it (though God knows I’ve
tried), and I can’t cure it (yet I will always
wish that there is something I can do). We
have been tested in ways we never thought
imaginable. One thing is certain: we have an
unlimited capacity to love unconditionally. I
thank God every day for the many blessings in
my life, including my husband and our
marriage, our healthy children, my faith, and
my precious son. We may be powerless, but
we do have a choice. We choose to hope.
We remind ourselves, always, to take care of
ourselves, live our lives, never give up, and
most importantly, to let go and let God.
First Time
Jeffrey Allebach & Lisa Bonifer
Tony Vijayan & Lima Iype
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, September 10
8:00 AM - Jessie & Matthew Adinolfi
9:00 AM - Anthony & Alberica Perrotta
Tuesday, September 11
8:00 AM - Kitty Carey
9:00 AM - Lily Vettiyolil
Wednesday, September 12
8:00 AM - Jo-Ann Berberich
9:00 AM - Josephine Ciferri
Thursday, September 13
8:00 AM - Mazzariello & Castellano Families
9:00 AM - Mae & William Ferguson
Friday, September 14
8:00 AM - Margaret Cannon Smith
9:00 AM - Donald Materi, Sr
Saturday, September 15
8:00 AM - Frank Coschigano
9:00 AM - Joan Mazalatis
Come sing with the Youth Choir at our
monthly Family Mass from October to
March. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from
4:15 to 4:45 in the Church, beginning
September 25th. Those in third grade and
older may join. Tuesday’s CCD students
are eligible.
Boys and girls in 5th grade and older are
invited to train to be an altar server for
The classes will begin on
Wednesday, September 26th at 4:15PM in
the Church. Please call the office at 7381449 to register.
September 9, 2012
Classes will begin in the fall for nonCatholics who wish to become members
of the Catholic Church and for adult
Catholics who have not received the
Sacraments of Communion or
Confirmation. For further information or to
register, please call the Church office 7381449.
If you are mourning the loss of a loved one
who died recently or years ago, this is an
invitation for you to join others to share
common expression of grief, to learn about
the grieving process and to receive comfort
and support. The program will run for 8
Saturdays starting October 6th at 9:30AM in
the lower church office area. There is no fee
but you are asked to register by calling the
office at 914-738-1449.
Sunday, Sept. 9th grades K-8, 9:15 to 10:45am
Monday, Sept. 10th grades 1-8, 3:15 to 4:45 pm
Tuesday, Sept. 11th grades 1-8, 3:15 to 4:45 pm
Thursday, Sept. 13th grades 1-8 3:15 to 4:45 pm
We need volunteer teachers for the
following days and grades:
Sunday: Grade 6 & 7
Monday: Grades, 2, 6, & 7
Tuesday: Grades, 4
Thursday: Grades, 7,
Please contact the Religious Education Director @
738-0670 if you are available.
Masses for 2013
Announced Masses for 2013 are now available
to be reserved. Please stop by or call the
Parish office to request a specific date and
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Times
September 9, 2012