Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of
November 11, 2012
Church of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Parish Office (914) 738-1449 ▪ Fax (914) 738-9454
Email . olph10803@msn.com - www.olph-pelhammanor.org
Rev. Robert J. DeJulio, Pastor
Rev. Abraham Vettiyolil, mcbs Parochial Vicars Rev. Oliver Offor
Weekend Associates
Rev. Edward T. Dowling, S.J., Rev. Stanley O’Konsky, S.J., Rev. Michael Greco, OFM, Cap.
Mr. Joseph McQuade Deacons Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mrs. Marianne Parker Parish Trustees Mr. Frank Barbieri
Mrs. Fabiola Brito Briseno, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Joseph Schippa, Music Director- Mrs. Elaine Ruggiero, Organist
Mr. Gabriel Gomez, Buildings and Grounds
Parish School
Pre-K – 8th grade
www.olphpelham.com ▪ (914) 738-5158
Mrs. Susan Cotronei, Principal
Religious Education Office
(914) 738-0670
Mr. Michael Hall, Director
Saturday . 4:00 - 4:45pm & by appointment
2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements.
There is a six month planning period required.
Please make an appointment with one of the priests for further
Devotions to Our Lady
Rosary . Monday - Saturday . 8:40am
Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday . 9:30am
Weekdays: (Mon-Sat) 8:00AM and 9:00AM
Weekends: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM
Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. 5:00PM, Sun. 8:00AM, 10:00AM, & 12:00 Noon
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners:
The sight of flag draped coffins being carried
into a church has become an all too often
party of the evening newscast. Behind the
coffin are loved ones; parents, siblings,
perhaps a spouse or a young child. This
vision speaks the horror of war that has been
part of the American experience since the
days we were established. The names change,
the settings vary, the cause changes but the
end result is that a family has lost a loved one
who died in service to our country.
We call these people heroes and so they are;
they have paid the ultimate price and for that
we must be grateful. They however are only
part of the cost of military service. Thousands
of others have suffered severe physical
injuries; thousands too endure the
debilitating effects of PTSD. They have come
back ‘home’ but much different from how
they left. Their lives have dramatically been
changed and so to as a result are the lives of
their loved ones as well.
This weekend we honor those heroic men and
women who throughout the course of our
country have answered the call to military
service. They have defended, protected and
served us well; and for that we are grateful.
We as a country must make it a priority to
take it upon ourselves to serve them now.
They are part of the treasured history of our
This year once again during the Advent
season we will again partner with the
Chaplain at Walter Reed Medical Center and
collect gift cards to be distributed to the
wounded warriors and their families. These
gifts help to show our respect and
November 11, 2012
appreciation for what they have done for us.
For many of these families income is a critical
issue and through our gift they are able to
provide something for themselves that
otherwise they might not be able to afford.
It’s not too early now to start preparing for
the gift card collection and to perhaps ask
family and friends from other areas to join in
this project as well.
We remember with great pride those who
have served us and the sacrifices they have
made. We thank them for their service.
Rev. Robert DeJulio
There will be a parish Mass of Thanksgiving
on Thursday, November 22nd at 9:00 AM.
Please plan to attend with your family.
Non perishable items for the Food Pantry
will be accepted that day and there will be
a collection at all Masses for Hope Food
Pantry in New Rochelle.
The upper parking lot is designated for
people who have mobility disabilities. The
area that are not marked for parking should
not be used as they are for emergency
vehicles. This is especially a problem for the
5PM Mass. As winter is fast approaching it
becomes even more important that
EVERYONE observe the proper procedure to
minimize the possibility of accidents.
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, November 12
8:00 AM - Chuck McCartney
9:00 AM - Rosalie Motta
Tuesday, November 13
8:00 AM - Mazzariello & Castellano Families
9:00 AM - Anna Derrico
Wednesday, November 14
8:00 AM - Antonietta & Domenico Ciccone
9:00 AM - Carolyn Donahoe
Thursday, November 15
8:00 AM - Adelane Patinelli
9:00 AM - Stephen Dalli
Friday, November 16
8:00 AM - Peter Lacalamita
9:00 AM - Joseph Paterra
Saturday, November 17
8:00 AM - Edward Miller
9:00 AM - Michael Sakowiez
Please join us to make a family Christmas
ornament for the Parish Christmas tree.
Sunday, November 25th in the school
cafeteria following the 9:30AM Mass.
Please register by November 16th at 7380670 or olphccd0670@optonline.net.
There will be no soup kitchen on
Friday, Nov. 23rd, 2012. The next one
will be on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012.
November 11, 2012
The Silent Auction is looking
for the donation of unique
items – Tickets to sports
events, Broadway shows, gift
certificates for spa treatments, cooking or
yoga classes would be great additions to this
very special table. You can also make a
monetary donation so we can purchase
items for this table. Contact Marina Kolmer
at marinakolmer@yahoo.com
The OLPH Choir needs your voice! New
members are invited to join our very
welcoming choir as we prepare for the
holiday season. Rehearsals are held on
Sundays at 10:15 AM downstairs in the
Choir Room prior to singing at the 11:00
AM Mass. All voice types are needed.
Please consider joining this very special
ministry. For further information, please
call Dr. Joe Schippa at 914-907-4997.
Please pick up your new workbooks
in the Sacristy. Thank you!!
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
needs your support. CCHD was founded to
end the cycle of poverty in America by
funding organizations that help individuals
help themselves. With the tradition improving
education, housing situations, and economic
development, CCHD continues to make a
positive impact in communities nationwide.
Fight poverty in America.
Defend human
dignity. Give to the CCHD collection
November 11, 2012
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
THANKSGIVING-IN-A- BOX Outreach expands for 2012
The annual Thanksgiving-in-a-Box food drive for needy families, now in its 7th year, will once again be an
interfaith Pelham event. This year the drive will be coordinated through Huguenot Memorial Church, the
Pelham Jewish Center, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Catharine's Parish and Christ Church. The Pelham
volunteers will be partnering with Family Services of Westchester and providing boxes of food to families in
their Port Chester, Tarrytown, Mount Vernon, Yonkers, and Pelham locations.
We are asking volunteers to assemble a box of food for a family of 6-8 people. Last year, we were able to
provide much needed food for 305 families. Due to these ongoing difficult economic times, we are hoping
to provide for 425 families through our 2012 outreach but we can only do that with your help!!
HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE? It is really simple!
Contact one of us let us know you'd like to put together a box!
Huguenot Memorial Church:
Pelham Jewish Center:
St. Catherine's:
Christ Church
Tina Constable
Rachel Collens
Michelle D'Urso
Heidi Carey
Beth Conway
738-9182 (tconstable@randomhouse.com)
738-4160 (rachelcollens@optonline.net)
738-6442 (mdurso25@gmail.com)
738-4332 heidi.carey@gmail.com)
738-1003 (conwayem@mac.com)
Boxes will be available
Buy the food items (outlined below) and pack the box.
Bring the box to the Huguenot Memorial Church kitchen (located in the basement) by 5pm on
Tuesday November 20, 2012. Boxes can be delivered as early as Saturday November 17 starting
at 10am.
If you are interested in helping deliver the boxes on Wednesday morning November 21, 2012, please email
Thanksgiving-in-a-Box items include:
(NOTE: Everything will fit inside the box except for the ham and the pie)
 1 pre-cooked sliced spiral ham (8-10 pounds – you will find these in the meat section of your grocery store.
Please, no canned
2 (28-32oz - or 2 lb) bags of rice
3 (15 oz) cans corn
3 (15 oz) cans peas
1 (5 pound) bag of potatoes –approximately 12 potatoes
1 (3 pound) bag of apples - approximately 8-10 apples
1 (1 pound) box of pasta –any kind
1 (24 oz) jar of tomato sauce
1 pie (any kind - NOT FROZEN!)
1 bag/container of cookies
2 (64oz) containers juice (please no cider or anything that needs to be refrigerated!)
About Family Services of Westchester
Family Services of Westchester is a private, not-for-profit, non-sectarian agency located in Westchester County, New York. Founded in 1954,
with headquarters in Port Chester, New York, Family Services is dedicated to supporting families in need throughout Westchester through programs such as
Family Mental Health Services; Adoption & Children's Services; Head Start and Early Head Start; Senior Services; Home Health Care; Big Brothers-Big Sisters;
AmeriCorps; Therapeutic Foster Care for Youth; and a spectrum of services for families living with HIV/AIDS
The following items are needed
only the specified clothing please
D Batteries
3mil trash bags
N95 Face Masks
Pry Bars
Work Gloves
Portable Lantern
Mold cleaning products
General cleaning products
First Aid Kits
Extension Cords
Sweat shirts & Pants*
Wool caps*
Thermal underwear*
Baby clothes*
Fleece/Thermal Vests*
Winter gloves - all sizes
Baby wipes
Baby Powder
Oral Hygiene Products
Paper Plates and Cups
Battery operated radios
Cell Phones
*clothing should be 'like new', clean and undamaged*
WHEN: Nov. 17-18
During weekend Masses only
NEEDED: If you have access to a
large truck we can use or have
questions please email:
or call the church at 738-1449