Commemoration Day - Workspace


Commemoration Day - Workspace
Commemoration Day
Wednesday 20 October 2010
Royal Albert Hall • London
The Rector’s
On behalf of
everyone at
Imperial, I am
delighted to
welcome our
graduands and
their guests
to Imperial for this day of celebration.
Our thanks go to you all for being
here so that we can loudly applaud
our students and share in the pride of
families and friends, whose support
contributes so much to their success.
Unauthorised photography is not allowed in the Royal Albert Hall.
(Official photographers receive special permission.)
Please switch off your mobile phone.
Graduation ceremonies are high points
in the College’s calendar, one of only a
handful of days during the year on which
the bells of the Queen’s Tower are rung,
and your presence on our campus creates
a fizzing sense of occasion. Today we will
host some 2,000 graduates and around
5,500 guests. And after crossing the stage
of the Royal Albert Hall, our graduands will
officially become graduates, entering into
a community of 160,000 Imperial alumni
spread across the globe.
This is the first Commemoration Day I will
attend as Imperial’s Rector and I know that
it will be a moving experience to see firsthand the enormity of what Imperial does
for individuals. I thank you for choosing
to bring your talents to Imperial. You,
I hope, have benefited hugely from your
time here and will continue to do so as
your careers progress.
Perhaps even more importantly the world
will benefit from your drive to apply your
knowledge that Imperial has instilled
and nurtured. I hope that you will be a
proud alumnus, flag-bearer, ambassador,
volunteer and supporter of the College
over the many years ahead of you.
This day is ultimately about your hard
efforts and high achievements, and it
is here to be enjoyed. Congratulations!
Whatever your next destination, our best
wishes shall go with you.
Warm regards,
Sir Keith O’Nions
thought and its
creation is the
common and shared
heritage of mankind.”
Abdus Salam FRS, Nobel
laureate and Professor of
Theoretical Physics at Imperial
from 1957–94
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
past and present
A new chapter in the
College’s history began with
the celebration of Imperial’s
100th birthday in 2007 and its new
status as an independent university.
Today’s graduation ceremonies
recognise the continuing high
achievement of Imperial’s students.
Imperial currently attracts over 14,000
students and 6,000 staff of the
highest international quality and has
a reputation worldwide for excellence
in teaching and research. The College
began its journey towards its current
position, as third in Europe and ninth in
the world overall (as rated by the Times
Higher Education world university
rankings 2010), a century ago with just
600 students and 12 professors.
The College was founded in July
1907 from the merger of three great
nineteenth century institutions — the
Royal College of Science, the City and
Guilds College and the Royal School of
Mines. Mergers in the late twentieth
century with St Mary’s Hospital Medical
School, the National Heart and Lung
Institute, the Charing Cross and
Westminster Medical School, the Royal
Postgraduate Medical School, Wye
College and the Kennedy Institute of
Rheumatology completed the formation
of the present Imperial College London.
Imperial’s founding charter created
an institution “…to give the highest
specialised instruction and to provide
the fullest equipment for the most
advanced training and research in
various branches of science especially
in its application to industry”. This
commitment to apply Imperial’s
research for the benefit of all has
been a constant theme throughout
the College’s history, and holds strong
today with current focuses including
interdisciplinary collaborations
to tackle climate change, and
mathematical modelling to predict
and control the spread of infectious
diseases, such as avian flu.
contribution to society during its
last century has been immense.
Inventions and innovations include the
discovery of penicillin, the development
of holography and the foundations of
fibre optics.
Famous names associated with Imperial
include T.H. Huxley, one of the greatest
scientists of the nineteenth century;
the author H.G. Wells; joint Nobel Prize
winners, Sir Alexander Fleming and Sir
Ernst Chain, discoverers of penicillin;
W.E. Dalby, the internationally
renowned railway engineer; W.H.
Perkin, inventor of mauveine, the first
aniline dye that led to the development
of the synthetic chemical industry;
Sir Almroth Wright, a pioneer of
vaccination; Eric Laithwaite, known
for his development of magnetically
levitated (maglev) high-speed trains;
and George Finch who, in 1922, was
able to climb higher than any previous
mountaineer due to his pioneering work
on oxygen and breathing apparatus.
Since the College’s creation, about
155,000 of the brightest students in
the world have been educated by such
authorities in their subjects. Today, the
College attracts students from over 150
countries across the globe, and has
a network of international links and
collaborations with many of the world’s
top universities.
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Until 1955, Imperial’s graduation
ceremonies took place in the Great Hall
of the University of London, which was
then located in the Imperial Institute
at the heart of the South Kensington
Campus. Before each ceremony, a
formal College procession filed from
Prince Consort Road to the Great Hall
of the Institute. All that remains of the
Imperial Institute today is the Queen’s
Tower, saved from demolition in the
late 1960s.
The first College graduation ceremony
in the Royal Albert Hall was held on
26 October 1955. The day’s events
commemorated the 1945 centenary
of the Royal College of Science; the
oldest forerunner of Imperial. The
RCS centenary was attended by King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth and
its anniversary became known as
Commemoration Day in honour of
their visit.
Imperial undergraduates and
postgraduates were all presented at the
same ceremony in the Royal Albert Hall
on Commemoration Day each October
until 1996, when a new postgraduate
ceremony was added in May. In 2007,
as part of the College’s Centenary
celebrations, an additional graduation
ceremony was held in Singapore to
reflect the large number of students
coming to Imperial from Asia.
The College crest
The College coat of arms, which
incorporates the royal coat of arms,
was assigned by royal warrant dated
6 June 1908. The motto was devised
by Imperial’s Governing Body with
the name as well as the purpose of
the College in mind and perhaps
drawing ‘decus et tutamen’ from line
262 of Book V of Virgil’s Aeneid. The
translation appropriate to the spirit
of the age and the intentions of the
founders is “scientific knowledge, the
crowning glory and the safeguard of
the empire”.
With 68 Fellows of the Royal Society
among our current academic staff, and
distinguished past members of the
College including 14 Nobel laureates
and two Fields Medallists, Imperial’s
Imperial’s graduation ceremonies
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
The Imperial mace
Imperial’s graduation ceremonies see
the procession of the Imperial mace,
a generous gift from the Goldsmiths’
Company which marked Imperial
becoming a university in its own right
and the award of its new charter by
Her Majesty The Queen in 2007. First
used in 2009, the mace is made of
silver and gilt, and weighs 7.1 kg. It
was made by craftsmen from Padgham
and Putland of Kent and its intricate
workings incorporate the College crest
and motto.
The history of our academic dress
The robes our graduates wear today have
their origin in the everyday dress of the
Middle Ages which consisted of a tunic
and cloak and, to protect the head and
shoulders, a hood. The ancient universities
in Europe began as communities of scholars
and teachers in religious schools around
great cathedrals or monasteries. Students
there were clerics, who would have worn
clothing similar to that of everyone else at
the time. As fashions in the world changed,
the church and universities retained their
cloaks which became the main item of
academic dress.
For centuries, the shape of a university
robe’s sleeve denoted the degree attained
by its wearer. However, the advent of
many new universities, each requiring an
individual system of robes, brought changes
that continue being made to the present
day. All Imperial College London graduates
wore University of London academic dress
until 2007. Then, to reflect its status as
an independent university, new robes
were designed and today’s graduation
ceremonies see graduates wearing both
Imperial and University of London robes.
See page 7 for more details.
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
May every young scientist
remember... and not fail to keep his eyes open
for the possibility that an irritating failure of
his apparatus to give consistent results may
once or twice in a lifetime conceal an important
— P.M.S. Blackett FRS, Nobel laureate
and Head of the Department of Physics at Imperial from 1953–63
recent imperial
New Singapore medical school
A new medical school training
undergraduate doctors in Singapore
and awarding joint Imperial College
London and Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) degrees is to be
established by 2013. The medical
school, which will be jointly managed
by NTU and Imperial College London,
will see Imperial developing and
delivering a course overseas for the first
time. There are already many members
of the Imperial family in Singapore –
the country is home to nearly 2,000
alumni and the College has developed
strong relationships there, working on
collaborative projects with universities
such as the National University of
Singapore and NTU, as well as with
research institutions overseen by
A*STAR, Singapore’s agency for science,
technology and research.
Fashion show at Imperial
More than 300 key figures from
industry, academia, fashion and
the media came to the College in
September to see Dr Manel Torres,
Spanish fashion designer and academic
visitor at Imperial, unveil his 2011
spring/summer collection. Celebrating
design-led technology developed at
Imperial, the show was a culmination
of 10 years’ work by Dr Torres, who,
with Professor Paul Luckham of the
Department of Chemical Engineering
and Chemical Technology, has created
the seamless spray-on material on
display. Fashion is just one of the
uses of this technology. Dr Torres
and Professor Luckham have set up
a spin-out company, Fabrican Ltd,
to explore other applications, such
as medicine patches and bandages,
hygiene wipes, air fresheners and
upholstery for furniture and cars.
Switching off has bigger impact
Switching off lights, turning the TV off
at the mains and using cooler washing
cycles could have a much bigger impact
on reducing carbon dioxide emissions
from power stations than previously
thought, according to research by
Imperial’s Grantham Institute for Climate
Change. A study in June showed that the
figure used by UK government advisors
to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide
saved by reducing people’s electricity
consumption is up to 60 per cent too low.
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Antarctic research expedition
aims to break records
Imperial tops London unis in 2010
sports rankings
Imperial scientists are partnering with
the Moon Regan Transantarctic team for
a record-breaking 3,600-mile scientific
expedition across Antarctica, the driest
and coldest continent on Earth. The
research-led expedition, which uses
six-wheel drive mobile laboratories,
a biofuelled ice vehicle on skis, and
the latest in wireless mobile sensors,
will set out in November to gather
data in a number of research areas.
The team also aims to improve the
time for the fastest vehicle crossing
of Antarctica and be the first to test
biofuel while travelling across this
extreme environment. A network of
mobile wireless sensors, developed in
the Institute of Biomedical Engineering
and the Centre for Transport Studies at
Imperial, will be used to continuously
monitor the environment, the vehicles
and the explorers themselves during
the expedition.
Imperial has won pole position among
London universities and has climbed
five places from 22nd to 17th in the
British Universities and Colleges
Sport (BUCS) Championships’
national rankings since 2009. The
championships see university clubs
and individuals competing in a range
of sports, from hockey to clay pigeon
shooting. Imperial’s new position marks
a climb from 48th place 10 years ago.
New hi-tech cancer research
A cutting-edge cancer centre dedicated
to robotic surgery, cancer imaging
and drug discovery was launched at
Imperial in June, putting London at
the forefront of cancer research. The
Imperial Cancer Research UK Centre
will see more than 200 clinicians
and scientists from Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial
College London working together to
develop breakthrough treatments for
the disease. The Centre is the latest
link in a unique chain of centres being
launched around the country. Cancer
Research UK already supports research
at Imperial but is set to increase its
contribution to £8 million a year to help
develop the new Centre.
University research contributes
£45 billion a year to UK
The £3.5 billion a year currently
spent on publicly-funded research at
universities generates an additional
annual output of £45 billion in UK
companies, according to a study co-led
by Professor Jonathan Haskel of the
Business School. The data also suggest
that benefits of research spending
in higher education are greater than
those from other areas of governmentsupported research and development.
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Bodywork may power cars of
the future
Parts of a car’s bodywork could one
day double up as its battery, according
to the scientists behind a €3.4 million
project announced in February.
Researchers from the Department of
Aeronautics are working with Volvo
Car Corporation and other partners to
develop a prototype material that can
store and discharge electrical energy
and is also strong and lightweight
enough for car parts. Ultimately, they
expect that this material could be used
in hybrid petrol/electric vehicles to
make them lighter and more energy
z Stay in touch
Keep in touch with Imperial after
you graduate through Facebook and
the College’s two Twitter feeds. You
can also listen to news and views
from researchers and students on
our podcast.
• Follow Imperial on Twitter:
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• Imperial on Facebook:
• Download the podcast from
iTunes or from:
Science is simply common sense at its best...”
T.H. Huxley FRS, nineteenth century biologist known as ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’
and Professor at the Royal School of Mines, now part of Imperial
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Declaration of a
Now, as a new doctor, I solemnly promise that I will to the best of
my ability serve humanity; caring for the sick, preventing disease,
promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.
I recognise that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes
considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position.
I will practise medicine with integrity, humility, honesty and compassion;
working with my fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs
of my patients.
I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm
of my patients.
I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, political
affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence
my duty of care.
I will oppose policies in breach of human rights and will not participate
in them. I will strive to change laws that are contrary to my profession’s
ethics and will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources.
I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with
their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.
I will recognise the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and
increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life.
I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly
assess and respond to those of others.
I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through
teaching and research.
I make this declaration solemnly, freely and upon my honour.
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College LONDON
Academic dress
The robes worn by graduates today have their origin in the everyday dress of
the Middle Ages. The ancient universities in Europe began as communities of
scholars and teachers associated with cathedrals or monasteries. As fashions
changed, the cloaks of that period were retained by the universities and
became the main item of academic dress.
Imperial College London
first degree robes
Imperial’s new academic dress was first worn
following the College’s independence in 2007. The
unifying theme of the robes is the use of the colour
purple, inspired by W.H. Perkin’s invention of the first
synthetic purple dye, mauveine, in 1856.
BSc (Engineering), BEng and
BSc and MSci
Imperial College London robes worn by
recipients of fellowships, honorary degrees
and associateships
• FIC — Fellow of Imperial College London
• DSc — Doctor of Science
• AIC — Associate of Imperial College London
University of London
first degree robes
Imperial left the University of London on 8 July 2007,
but some graduates at today’s ceremony have chosen
to graduate with the University of London degrees
that were current at the time they began their studies.
They will be wearing University of London robes.
These robes are worn with distinctive hoods
denoting Imperial’s constituent college
• ACGI — Associate of the City and Guilds of London
• ARCS — Associate of the Royal College of Science
• ARSM — Associate of the Royal School of Mines
• AICSM — Associate of the Imperial College School
of Medicine
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Order of
The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing until the
Chairman of the Court and of the Council is seated.
First g ro u p
• Student Presidents
• Director of Education, Faculty of
Medicine, Professor Jenny Higham
S e con d g ro u p
• Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Professor Chris Philips
• Senior Assistant Registrar,
Ms Rebecca Penny
• Head of the Department of Physics,
Professor Joanna Haigh
• Wardens, College Tutors, Readers,
Senior Lecturers and Lecturers
• Dean of Students,
Professor Denis Wright
• Winners of Rector’s Medals for
Outstanding Contributions to
Teaching and Pastoral Care
• Clinical Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson
T h ir d g ro u p
• Academic Registrar, Mr Nigel Wheatley
• Professors
• Deputy Rector (Academic Operations)
and Principal of the Faculty
of Engineering,
Professor Stephen Richardson
• Non-clinical Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
Professor Nigel Gooderham
• Pro Rector (Education and Academic
Services), Professor Julia Buckingham
• Emeritus Professor Gordon Williams,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
• Winner of the Imperial College Medal
F o u rth g ro u p
• Principal of the Faculty of Medicine,
Professor Stephen Smith
• College Secretary and Clerk to the Court
and to the Council, Dr Rodney Eastwood
• Principal of the Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Professor Maggie Dallman
• Lay and Non-Academic Members
of the Court
• Head of the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Professor David Nethercot
Fi f t h g ro u p
• Director of the Institute for Security
Science and Technology,
Professor Chris Hankin
• Chairman of Court and of the Council,
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard
• The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
The future cannot be
predicted, but futures can be
— Dennis Gabor FRS,
Professor of Electron Physics at Imperial,
inventor of holography and Nobel laureate
Conductor of the Orchestra, Richard Dickins (Director of Music)
Conductor of the Choir, Colin Durrant
Organist, Andrew Lucas
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Programme of
11.15 • Wednesday 20 October
15.30 • Wednesday 20 October
Student Orator
Student Orator
The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
Presentation of Graduates
Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering
to whom the Associateship of the City and Guilds of London
Institute and first degrees of the university have been
Presentation 0f Graduates
Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Natural
Sciences to whom the Associateship of the Royal College
of Science and first degrees of the university have been
Musical Interlude
Zadok the Priest by G.F. Handel
Musical Interlude
Zadok the Priest by G.F. Handel
Presentation of the Honorary Graduate of
Imperial College London
The Emeritus Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, requests the Rector to confer the Honorary
Degree of Doctor of Science on the late
• Emeritus Professor Sir Hugh Ford
Presentation of the Associate of
Imperial College London
The Dean of Students requests the Rector to confer the
Associateship of Imperial College London on the late
• Miss Sharine Brown
in recognition of his outstanding contribution to
mechanical engineering
Presentation of the Imperial College Medal
The College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and to the
Council requests the Rector to award the Imperial College
Medal to
• The Reverend Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn
Presentation of Graduates
Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering
to whom the Associateship of the Royal School of Mines
and first degrees of the university have been awarded.
Presentation of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine
(MBBS) to whom the Associateship of the Imperial College
School of Medicine and first degrees of the university have
been awarded.
Declaration of a Doctor
Presentation of the graduate to whom the degree of
Doctor of Science has been awarded
• Dr Stepan Lucyszyn (Millimetre-wave and
Terahertz Electronics)
in recognition of the significant conrtribution she made
to the life and work of Imperial College London, and in
particular, for her dedication and commitment to improving
the student experience.
Presentation of Graduates
Presentation of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine (BSc)
to whom first degrees of the university have been awarded.
Presentation of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching
The Pro Rector (Education and Academic Services) presents
the winners of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching
• Professor Martin Liebeck (Mathematics)
• Dr Frank Berkshire (Mathematics)
• Professor Nigel Bell (Environmental Policy)
The Chairman of the Court and of the Council,
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard
God Save The Queen
Presentation of the Outstanding Achievement Awards
The Pro Rector (Education and Academic Services) presents
the winners of Outstanding Achievement Awards
• Dr Najette O’Donnell (Medicine)
• Mr Henry Painter (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
• Miss Francesca O’Hanlon (Civil and Environmental
Presentation of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching and
Pastoral Care
The Pro Rector (Education and Academic Services) presents
the winners of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching and
Pastoral Care
• Mrs Margaret Cunningham (Computing)
• Dr Mike Emerson (Medicine)
• Professor Anthony Bull (Bioengineering)
The Chairman of the Court and of the Council,
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard
God Save The Queen
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Honorary DEGREE
Imperial College London honorary degrees are awarded to
people of conspicuous merit, who are outstanding in their field
or who have given exceptional service to the College.
Professor Sir Hugh Ford
The Rev’d Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn
Professor Sir Hugh Ford has been
widely recognised as the engineer who
revolutionised the production of plastics
and metals in Britain.
Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn’s association
with Imperial began in the early 1950s,
when he became one of the team of
bellringers charged with ringing the
bells in the Queen’s Tower on the
South Kensington Campus. Already an
experienced campanologist, Mr Lunn was
recommended to the College as someone
with the skills necessary to deal with the
unique challenges posed by the Queen’s
Tower, the chief among them being the
building’s subtle swaying motion, which
affects ringing.
His association with the College began
in 1934, when he began his degree in
mechanical engineering at City and Guilds
College, one of the constituent colleges
that later merged to form Imperial. A high
achiever from the outset, he was awarded
the Bramwell Medal for the best first class
Sir Hugh Ford
degree in his year. He later gained a PhD
for his work on heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
During the Second World War, Sir Hugh worked on the first commercial,
high-pressure polyethelyne plant, helping to establish what
subsequently became a major international industry. He later researched
the operation of cold strip mills, which reduce thick ingots of metal to
thin sheets, and developed techniques that were eventually adopted
In 1948, Sir Hugh returned to Imperial as Reader in Applied Mechanics.
Over the next three decades, a string of promotions followed, initially to
Professor of Applied Mechanics in 1951, then to Head of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering in 1965. He went on to the position of Pro
Rector, working alongside the Rector, Lord Flowers, until his retirement
in 1980.
Sir Hugh was President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers from
1977–78 and of the Institute of Metals from 1985–87. He was a founder
Fellow of the Fellowship (now the Royal Academy) of Engineering and
held the position of Vice-President from 1981–83. He was elected a
Fellow of the Royal Society in 1967 and knighted in 1975.
Sir Hugh died on 28 May 2010 at the age of 96.
The Imperial College Medal is awarded for meritorious or
praiseworthy service to the College or for having otherwise
enhanced its reputation, mission and objectives.
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Rev’d Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn
The College appointed Mr Lunn to take charge of bell ringing in the
Queen’s Tower in 1976 and since then he has continued to ensure
the bells are rung on the nine official dates each year, which mark
royal occasions and celebrate graduates’ achievements, such as this
Commemoration Day and the Postgraduate Awards Ceremony in May.
Alongside graduation ceremonies, Mr Lunn has also been present at
other significant milestones in the College’s life. He was there to ensure
the bells were rung to acknowledge the visit by Her Majesty The Queen
in 2007, marking the College’s Centenary and independence from the
University of London.
Managing the team of bellringers for over three decades, he has
encouraged campanologists amongst Imperial’s students and staff to
develop their skills. He has also worked with the College to review health
and safety requirements for ringing the bells in the Tower.
Alongside clerical duties in London, including serving as a Prebendary in
St Paul’s Cathedral, Mr Lunn has been involved in a number of bellringing
societies, occupying the position of Master of the Ancient Society of
College Youths from 1973–74 and serving as a member of the St Paul’s
Cathedral Guild of Ringers from 1957–2009.
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Associateships of Imperial College London are awarded to
longstanding members of staff, former students or other
persons, whether members of the university or not, who have
rendered exceptional service to the College.
Miss Sharine Brown
Sharine Brown, Head of Accommodation
Services, joined the College in 1988 as
senior housekeeper of one of Imperial’s
halls of residence in Prince’s Gardens,
Linstead Hall, after 15 years working in
the NHS.
Miss Sharine Brown
In 1996, Sharine was promoted to
Manager of Residences, which later
became Accommodation Services. Over
the years, she demonstrated tremendous
commitment to improving the quality of
the residential experience that Imperial
offers to students.
Working at Imperial was more than a job to Sharine – she threw herself
into life at the College. Living alongside students in Linstead Hall, she
had first-hand experience of their needs. She used this knowledge to
radically transform student welfare provision and to ensure that halls
of residence not only offered the highest standard of accommodation
facilities but also fostered a strong community spirit.
In seeking to extend the support offered to students, Sharine developed
the Private Housing Office. Launched in 1998, the service, which is
today part of the Student Accommodation Centre, provides advice to
students who are looking for accommodation in the private sector,
offering guidance on living in London to ease what can seem a daunting
Throughout her career at Imperial, Sharine ensured that all staff in her
team felt valued and supported, and her door was always open to them.
Her dedication to duties outside her role was recognised in 2008, when
she was nominated for the Rector’s Equality Award for her efforts in
championing equality matters.
Sharine died on 26 April 2010 after a short illness.
Try to learn something
about everything and everything
about something.” —
T.H. Huxley FRS, nineteenth
century biologist known as ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’ and Professor at
the Royal School of Mines, now part of Imperial
Wednesday 20 October 2010
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Graduate Prizewinners 2010
The following awards and prizes are given to students with
a record of exceptional achievement in scholarship.
Imperial College
Business School
Charles Salter Prize
Joe Gleeson
Governors’ Prize Business
Benjamin Faber
Chemical Engineering Student
Centenary Prize
Toby Moss
John Newman
Joan Woodward
Memorial Prize
Christopher Jones
Tanaka Business School Prize
for Best Overall Performance
in Joint Honours
Aditi Kothari
Computing Student Centenary
Tytus Dobrzynski
Cullis Testimonial Fund
Louise Stokes
Faculty of Engineering
David West Prize
Alex Leung
A.G. Charleton Institutions of
Mining and Metallurgy Prize
Jonathan Paul
De La Beche Medal
Jessica Wright
ABS Consulting Prize
David Blundell
Earth Science and Engineering
Student Centenary Prize
Jonathan Paul
ACGI Medal for Excellence
William Abbott
ARM Project Prize
Matthew Whitworth
Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Student
Centenary Prize
Feng Yi Chan
Governors’ MEng Prize in
Carolin Ecsy
Governors’ MEng Prize in
Mechanical Engineering
Terence Leong
Governors’ MSci Prize in
Mitchall D’Arcy
Governors’ Prize in Civil
Jiri Zita
Greatorex Prize
Laurent Van Houcke
Bessemer Medal
Christopher Reece
Ernest Edward Glorney
Scholarship – MMAT
Benjamin Foss
Chun Ann Huang
Henry Ford II Scholar Award in
Electrical Engineering
Le Ho
Best Computational Project
Michael Pothitos
Finsbury Medal
Ye Tian
Best Year Three BEng Poster
Ian Tay
Governors’ BEng Prize in
Jingzhi An
Ian Tay
Best Year Four MEng
Presentation Prize
William Abbott
Bioengineering Student
Centenary Prize
Clinton Goh
Black Rock Studio Project
Leon Demetriou
Bramwell Medal
Kiat Goh
C.F. Rae Griffin Book Prize in
Zi Pang
Cadzow Smith Engineering
Joe Gleeson
Governors’ BEng Prize in
Electrical and Electronic
Xiaofeng Shi
Governors’ BEng Prize in
Jing Yang
Governors’ BSc Prize in
Amiruddin Jamil
Lee Memorial Prize
Laurent Van Houcke
Materials Student Centenary
Thibault Salomon
Mechanical Engineering
Student Centenary Prize
Benjamin Loh
Microsoft Research Prize
William Sonnex
Nicholas Battersby Prize
Spyridon Pavlidis
Nujira Prize
Feng Yi Chan
Peter Pratt Memorial Prize
Clementine Walker
Henry Ford II Scholar Award in
Mechanical Engineering
Kiat Goh
Pippard Memorial Medal and
David Blundell
Henry Sawistowski Travel
Jing Li
Ling Qiao Li
Daniel Lundy
Stephanie MacDonald-Taylor
Igor Ostrikov
Sherif Salam
Stefan Schwering
Roger Sargent Prize
Henry Balstom
Erin Johnson
Hinchley Medal
Grace Chen
IBM Project Prize
Caroline Anjorin
Illing Prize
Andrew Parsons
Institute of Materials Prize
Oliver Joris
Governors’ MEng Prize in
Luke Terry
Institution of Civil Engineers
Louisa Brown
Governors’ MEng Prize in
Electrical and Electronic
Thulasi Mylvaganam
Institution of Engineering and
Technology Prize
Chern Ern Lee
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Ken Weale Prize
Anthony Maina
Loveless Book Prize
Jaqueline Cegla
Head of Department Prize for
Best Project ISE
Ziaoyu Zhang
Governors’ BEng Prize in
Avgoustinos Kadis
KBR Prize in Environmental
Hilary Dyer
Governors’ Prize in Chemical
May Kheng Chua
Ernest Edward Glorney
Scholarship – EASC
Jonathan Paul
Best Year Three BEng Poster
Prize – Student Choice
Jingzhi An
Ivor Tupper Prize
Manuel Tragut
Lonza Prize
Boris Iskandar
Fu-Howe Lee
Hays Civil and Structural
Engineering Prize
Alexander McLaren
BAE Systems Prize
Rohan Nanda
Institution of Mechanical
Engineers Prize
Denis Politis
Governors’ Prize in
Ye Tian
Eric Laithwaite Prize
Boon Pin Peh
Armourers’ and Brasiers’
Company Award
Joseph MacDonald
Park Maneepairoj
Clement Le Neve Foster Prize
Adrian Shelley
Governors’ MEng Prize
in Information Systems
Polake Kuvinichkul
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Royal Aeronautical Society
Thomas Adelus
Shell Prize
Grace Chen
Li Ling Chong
Adam Kelloway
Craig Lampert
Philip Xenakis
Siemens Memorial Medal and
Book Prize
Bing Zhang
Sir Bruce White Prize in
Civil and Environmental
Livio Orazio Maria G. De Lutio
Sir Bruce White Prize in
Electrical Engineering
Constantinos Christou
Sir Bruce White Project Prize
in Mechanical Engineering
Dimitrios Kyriazis
Sony Prize for Outstanding
Siew Ping Low
Governors’ BSc Prize in
Sean Constable
Sparkes-Pippard Prize
Elliott Dye
Governors’ BSc Prize in Chemistry
Simin Goh
Corporate Partnership Programme
Azalea Raad
Ignacio Solla Paul
Governors’ BSc Prize in
Manon Abiteboul
Department of Computing Prize for
Wilhelm Kleiminger
Martin Eden
Detica Prize for Technical
Nicholas Ng
Governors’ BSc Prize in
Mathematics in Computer Science
Benedict Devlin
Governors’ BSc Prize in Physics
Sophia Huang
Governors’ MSci Prize in Physics
Laura Bethke
Third Year Applications Prize in
Ez-Eldeen Hassan
Governors’ MSci Prize in
Florence Slater
Unwin Medal and Prize
Elliott Dye
Governors’ MSci Prize in
Simon Chu
Usmani Prize in Micro-Electronics
Yujia Yang
Tessella Prize for Software
Tobias Clemson
Tyndall Prize
Peter Sinclair
Usmani Prize in Biotechnology
Ei Mun Chuah
Worshipful Company of Scientific
Instrument Makers Award –
Instrumentation Prize
Stuart Higgins
Worshipful Company of Scientific
Instrument Makers Award –
Project Prize
Dominic Moseley
Punil Pattani
Faculty of Medicine
Abrahams Prize
Shoban Ashwath
Simon Melderis
Zena Shukur
Agnes Cope Prize
Jack Beadle
Walter Redlich Prize
Andreas Georgiou
Governors’ MSci Prize in
Mathematics and Computer
Oliver Wright
Warington Smyth Medal and Prize
Edward Spencer
Governors’ Prize in Biology
Carlotta Ridolfi
Anthony de Rothschild Prize
Danai Balfoussia
Watts Medal
Caroline Eakin
Governors’ Prize in Biomedical
Min Sim
Barron Prize
Kalpesh Vaghela
Luke Winn
Harwood Prize
George Bodakh
British Pharmacological Society
Strachan MacKenzie
William Peck Book Prize
Adam Kelloway
Willis Jackson Medal and Prize
Umer Shabbir
Winton Capital Applied
Undergraduate Project Prize
Stephan Wray
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Abdus Salam Undergraduate Prize
Laura Bethke
Beloff-Chain Prize
John Cassidy
C. Ewart Stickings Memorial Prizes
Stefanos Ioannidis
Matthew Ashenden
Callendar Prize
Kate Clements
Departmental Prize in Chemistry
James Bannock
Fleur Ferguson
Yah Ting Koh
Simon Krautwald
Arun Shivalingam
Donald Davis Prize
Jean Moschetta
Oliver Wright
Evans Medal in Inorganic
Florence Slater
Forbes Memorial Medal
Emilie Devienne
Gabriel Ferez Prize
Jason Yu
Gerald Whitrow Prize
Kylash Rajendran
Gloucester Research Ltd Prizes
Stefania Calabretta
David Jones
Fatih Lau
Katy Rubin
Howarth Prize
Thomas Barber
H.V.A. Briscoe Prize in Inorganic
Adam Russell
Hyman Levy Memorial Prize
Olympia Papachristofi
Ian Clark Memorial Prize
Aishwarya Krishna
IBM Prize for Pure Mathematics
Simon Chu
Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications Prize
Andrew Bromfield
Peter de Boeck
James Prize of the New Phytologist
Emilie Devienne
John McCombie Memorial Prize
Hemal Bosamia
June Mahon Memorial Prize
Louis Wai
Ken Allen Prizes
Edoardo Barengo
Ajmal Raja
Thomas Carroll
Anne Julie Kommer
Gabriele Messori
Sebastian Wood
Tim Zuehlsdorf
Laurent Bonomo Prize
Sean Constable
Joseph Illingworth
Ludlam Prize
Ann Winning
Murray Prize in Physiology
Sarah Martin
Tensor Society Mathematics Prize
Similan Anandajeyarajah
Alan J Stolow Prize
Nekisa Zakeri
Calvely Prize
Raj Shah
Ektoras Georgiou
Cheadle Prize
Catherine Frankum
Reya Gohil
David Lees Memorial Prize
Michael Matheou
Dudley Phillips Memorial Prize
Duphal Patel
Edgar Lawley Prize
Reya Gohil
Faculty of Medicine Prize
Eleni Asimacopoulos
Felicity Coad
Pablo de Vena Franks
Catherine Frankum
Junaid Fukuta
Ektoras Georgiou
Natasha Kundi
Jonathan Lenihan
Frederick Bird Prize
Danai Balfoussia
Glazer Prize in Surgery
Kimberley Doolan
H.W.C. Vines Prize
Simon Melderis
Mayuran Sivanandan
Jasmine Anandarajah Prize
Reya Gohil
Tim Wang
Abimola Akinwunmi
Julia Buckingham Prize
Jessica Davies
Malcolm Morris Memorial Prize
Thomas Margot
Max Bonn Memorial Prize
Sumeet Hindocha
Meadows Prize
Simon Melderis
Medical Women’s Federation Prize
Amit Samani
Morris Prize
Theresa Wright
Pereira Prize
Anuja Mitra
Psychiatry Prize
Luke Winn
Richard Hebb Prize
Simon Melderis
Stanford Cade Prize
Moubin Faizullah Khan
Jonathan Lenihan
Steadman Prize
Sebastian Lugg
Stevenson Prize
Danai Balfoussia
Sturges Prize
Lio Konstantinou
James Willsmore
Luke Winn
Joshua Wong
T. Watts Eden Prize
Susan Tadros
Thomas Henry Prize
Abigail Morbi
Thomas Skurry Prize
Tom Ward
Victor Ludorum Llewellyn Prize
Tim Wang
Wallace Prize
Luke Winn
William Travers Prize
Mathilde Pauls
Department of Humanities
Sir Arthur Acland Prize for
Thiam Ang
Viktor Jensen
Golding Medal Prize
Batool Hariri
Outstanding Achievement
Gordon M. Holmes Prize
Ji-Peng Olivia Li
Jahnavi Patel
Rachel D’Oliveiro
Faculty of Engineering
Francesca O’Hanlon
Henry Painter
Green Armytage Prize
Natasha Kundi
Faculty of Medicine
Najette Ayadi O’Donnell
Hanbury Prize
Jaymin Patel
Humphrey Arthure Prize
Omer Serhan Omer
Mayuran Sivanandan
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
graduates 2010
note that
this list of
names is provided
for the information
and interest of
those attending
the ceremony. It
represents a list
of graduates and
diplomates at the
time of going to
press, not all of whom
are attending the
Faculty of Engineering,
Associates of the
City and Guilds of
London Institute
and Bachelors of
Ram Raj Robert Chawla
Ez-Eldeen Hassan
Imtiaz Rahim Maricar
Ruby Wong
Tasneem Abdoola
Jingzhi An
Julien Benchetrit
Chun Hin Jerry Chan
Anjali Char
Wing Yu Cheung
Herman Chu
Alexander Dahinten
Michael Gassmann
Chun Hoi Michael Ho
Sai Kit Ambrose Lo
Hal Neville-Jones
Ioannis Orfanidis
Michael O’Shea
Andreas Protopapas
Min Ken Seah
Kyasha Nadiene Judith Sri
Tariq Suddle
Zhi Ye Sui
Winnie Wing Yee Tam
Jun Jie Ian Tay
Adam Zhi Tong
Terry Chun Kit Tsang
Jayant Wadhwani
Tianyi Wang
Talia Wieder
Chun Tung Julian Wong
Ying Ying Wu
Stephanie Yen
Daniel Abebe
Adiya Abisheva
Mohammad Aboljadayel
Theodosios Andreou
Christakis Angeli
Jasveersing Askurn
Matthew Bell
Niket Biyani
Thomas Booth
Craig Bradnam
Frederick Cox
Robert Cromwell
Benjamin Fearnley
Michael Funnell
Sean Hernon
Yeming Huang
Christopher Jones
Avgoustinos Kadis
Edward Kreiman
Eleftherios Kyriacou
Chongchong Lai
Michael Le Bail
Chang Liu
Navin Manash
John McDonnell
Zamira Murtazayeva
Kelvin Ng
Dipesh Patel
Christopher Pinnick
Antuan Shakhin
Cheuk Yiu Charmaine Tam
Vojtech Tremcinsky
Matthew Whitworth
Belinda Hoi Ying Wong
En Xie
Marat Zhunussov
Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
Junaid Arshad
Zhangjie Chen
Azfarul Islam
Yunzhe Jiang
Stefan Kaba-Farreiro
Raghav Kao
Omair Khalid
Ho Meng Kong
Chun Yin Lai
Ping Lin
Zi Ye Lu
Syed Pirzada
Zhen Qi
Lasith Senanayake
Umer Shabbir
Wenzhe Sheng
Xiaofeng Shi
Vipul Singhal
Manuel Tragut
Lionel Wong
Haotong Yang
Hesham Zafar
Bing Zhang
zA special way to remember the day
A DVD of the ceremonies is available at a cost
of £20. If you have not already ordered a copy
and would like to do so, please email us at
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Nicos Aletras
Richard Collins
Andrew MacDonald
Suliaman Malik
Opekere Omuku
Hitesh Patel
Rangsinee Piyasombatkul
Chun Li Wang
Annie Wong
Associates of the City
and Guilds of London
Institute and Masters
of Engineering
Thomas Adelus
Fadzarudin Anuar
Guillaume Archimbaud
Jose Luis Arizaga
Quentin Behaghel
Aamir Bhagani
Arafat Bhatti
Charlie Burnett
Andrew Carmichael
Andrea Carrara
Nikhil Chandaria
Niroshan Chandrakumar
Ruifeng Chen
Xiufang Chen
Denis Chistyakov
Michael Nok Him Chow
Valerio D’Alessandro
Rene De Nazelle
James Evans
Matthias Forsingdal
Manu Goel
Rebeca Gonzalez
David Hankin
Danial Khoshkhou
Evgenij Klenin
Mohammed Kortiwala
Emily Kutarski
Laurence Lai
Ting Jun Lee
Chi Ho Leung
Henry Marsden
Elizabeth McAuliffe
Craig McPherson
Javed Miah
Ibrahim Mohamed
Mohamed Arsad
Simon Mouradian
Rohan Nanda
Victor Navarro Fernandez
Victor Fernandez
Abiel Neo
Tom O’Connor
Adam Omar
Zi Yang Pang
Michael Pothitos
Thomas Robinson
Mohammed Shah
Peter Shone
Alastair Sim
R Max C Steel
Heidi Stevenson
Benjamin Stubbens
Gordon Tam
Qi Ting Tan
Benjamin Tay
Jean Theodore
Nicholas Thornton
Ye Tian
Ronald Uzande
Ho Loong Wong
Akif Wyne
John Yeates
Cameron Yozin-Smith
Shu Zhang
William Abbott
Alessandro Allievi
Rajesh Bharakhada
Kok Yean Chooi
Alessandro Ciucci
Loucas Constantinou
Yanis Djinnit
Zheng Da Clinton Goh
Andreas Procopiou
Rajeev Rikhye
Dirk van Swaay
Xulin Tan
Philip Webster
Tianli Yu
Chemical Engineering
and Chemical
Ayowole Adeagbo
Akin Ali
Judiyah Amirthanathar
Jared Ang
Sonika Bakkar
Henry Balston
Hani Baluch
Oliver Bevis
Julien Bitton
Ryan Broughton
Allen C H Cai
Jacqueline Cegla
Ling-Kang Chao
Jiabao Chen
Huizhen Chen
Wenqian Chen
Chia Cheng
Apisiri Chinwanno
Li Ling Chong
May Chua
James Cooke
Wei Cui
John Dimarco
Oyindamola Egbeyemi
Gavin Evans
Nneka Ezeigwe
Wen Fan
Mitchell Fern
Xue Goh
Kristopher Gordge
Alexander Gorrod
Xiaotian Gu
Alexander Guslistyy
Hazwan Hadian
Xiujiao He
Kai Hii
Parnkamol Howatson
Weimeng Hu
Hew Huang
Syed Hussain
Boris Iskandar
Na Jiang
Zita Jiri
Mingjun Jin
Erin Johnson
Abdul Kamara
Adam Kelloway
Adlil Khan
Shammi Khan
Qing Hong Lai
Craig Lampert
Fu-Howe Lee
Zue Leong
Jing Li
Ling Qiao Li
Chieh Ping Lim
Paddy Lisulo
Marie Livio de Lutio
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Jason Logan
Samuel Low
Daniel Lundy
Anthony Maina
Sasha Maitala
Stephanie Mambo
Stephanie Monta
Toby Moss
Bishrut Mukherjee
John Newman
Denis Orlov
Hossam Omar Osman
Igor Ostrikov
Majiroghene Otobo
Rahul Pai
Rashika Patel
Akash Patel
Rizal Prasetya
Teerapa Promphan
Bilal Raza
Jawad Rehman
Sherif Salam
Benjamin Scott
Mariam Shahinuddin
Faris Sheibani
Oritsegbubemi Sillo
Christopher Sim
Janet Skitt
Konrad Slominski
Robin Small
I Fen Soh
Marcus Southern
Muhamad Sukiman
Franzeska Sutadji
Anthony Sutton
Jin Yang Tan
Oladipo Tijani
Sarlilpak Uasuwonkul
Yui Lim Wong
Philip Xenakis
Yi Yang
Xin Yang
Dinojan Yogan
Muhammad Zahid
Francesco Zhou
Mazrah Zulkifly
Civil and
Zirgham Afridi
Sheida Afshan
Luqman Ahmed
Anass Al-Salih
Holly Amesbury
Adam Aziz
Recha Baeumle
Li Bai
Simran Bains
Thomas Biagioli
Dimitrios Bitsos
David Blundell
Rosannah Bolhassan
Alexandre Boury
Emma Brett
Louisa Brown
Christopher Burke
Carol Chui Yuk Chan
Panos Chatzipanagiotis
Ho Man Cheung
Alexandra Cizeron
Alice Clarke
Sarah Clayton
Matt Collins
Paul Corry
Wilhelm Dahl
Livio De Lutio
Elliott Dye
Hilary Dyer
Mona Haghani
Nur Elias
Daniel Ellis
Shan Zhu Fang
Alistair Garner
Andreas Georgiou
Jerome Goblet
Charles Harris
Paul Hofmeyr
Gareth Hopkins
Rui Huang
Stephen Hullock
Karan Kainth
Joseph Kennedy
Kyriakos Kyriakides
Franklin Lancaster
Cheuk Wing Lee
Fong Lik Lee
Peggy Hoi Ki Leung
Jie Ling Li
Sui Wa Ma
Charlotte Mace
Hinni Maraj
Alexander McLaren
Andrew McLellan
Andreas Michael
Amir Nanneh
Robert Negri
Max Younsuk Oh
Harkiran Pabla
Henry Painter
Kate Porter
Konrad Slominski
Robin Small
Hiroaki Tanaka
Christopher Tennant
James Thomas
Jeremiah Chun-Ning To
Suraj Varsani
Arabella Walker
Jonathan Watkins
Simon Webber
Douglas White
Hiu To Derek Wong
Ho Nam Woo
Jun Yue
Wai-Yin Yum
Xiaolei Zhang
Francesco Zhou
Xiaodi Zhou
Jiri Zita
Ismail Gunsaya
Daryl Harrison
Michal Hoffman
Maxwell Holland
Peter Hvass
Yifan Ji
Oliver Johnston
Ramesh Kanesan
Serkan Karaagac
Soroush Karimi
James Kearney
James Kerr
Wilhelm Kleiminger
Maciej Kurek
David Lawrence
Guy Leaver
Andrew Lim
Sisi Liu
Wing Liu
Andrew Lyle
Christopher Matthews
Soraya Merrylees
Jan Mier-Jedrzejowicz
Matthew Newcombe
Nicholas Chun Wang Ng
Quang Hung Nguyen
Diagoras Nicolaides
Sebastian Nordgren
Jennifer Osborne
Oroma Oyewole
Hakan Ozbay
Azalea Raad
Jaskirat Rajasansir
Vladimir Roitch
Viral Shah
Kirit Singh
Andrew Slater
Christopher Smith
Ignacio Solla Paula
William Sonnex
Samir Talwar
Alykhan Tejani
Luke Terry
Paul Thomas
Samuel Tournoff
John Van Den Driessche
Patrick Willis
Stephen Wray
Jonathon Wright
Kofoworola Agbaje
Alireza Ahrabian
Benjamin Alun-Jones
Thiam Ang
Jen Ching Yan Au
Christopher Baker-Brian
Richard Ball
Andrew Bean
John Beard
Timothy Brinded
Jose Caballero
Selwyn Sau Wah Chan
Feng Yi Chan
Wing-Onn Chan
Kok Yeen Cheek
Kuan Chen
Pinglu Chen
Giannis Christofi
Alexandros Christofides
Constantinos Christou
Weili Dai
Thanh Dan
Tanay Dutt
Zoe de Freitas
Ildefonso De La Cruz
Miguel Del Castillo
Aleksandrs Ecins
Dimitrios Elissaios
Temilade Ade-John
Lawrence Adranghi
Saleem Allcock
Caroline Anjorin
Richard Baker
Kiran Booth-Patel
Daniel Burrell
Preeti Chandra
Alexander Charalambous
Diana Chis
Derek Chow
George Christou
Peter Coetzee
Giorgos Constantinou
Michael Cook
Ha Nam Dao
Leon Demetriou
William Do
Tytus Dobrzynski
Martin Eden
Gemma Ellis
George Georgiades
Richard Gill
Zhitao Gong
Varsha Gopal
Krzysztof Gostynski
Electrical and
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Stephen Fleming
Edward Fulda
Gary Furlong
Zhe Gao
Robert Garland
Tianze Guo
Adamos Hadjiadamos
Mohammad Hamayun
Twaambo Hamuwele
Xiuya He
Lip En Ho
Yuji Hoshi
Aung Kyaw Htet
Huawei Huang
Yue Jia
Sin Kang
Efthymios Karaiskos
Ndubuisi Kejeh
Polake Kuvinichkul
Stefanie G.I. Kuenzel
Tim Ki Lau
Chern Ern Lee
Tae Sung Lee
Chi Ho Lee
Nga Pi Ida Leung
Samuel Macbeth
Kwun Lung Matthew
Na Li
Pei Lin Li
Weizheng Li
Xiaomian Li
Sze Chie Lim
Changsheng Liu
Jian Hang Liu
Lin Liu
Vasiharan Logeswaran
Jian Yuan Loh
Zara Sharda Kaur Loi
Kent Lou
Siew Ping Low
Thomas Luth
Irina Chi Wai Ma
Peter Mack
Karen Mak
Hemal Mehta
Ali Merali
Luis Merida Marcano
Maria Mestre
Pierre Morris
Oliver Mower
Thulasi Mylvaganam
Swee Fung Neo
Wei Ying Audrey Ng
Jee Wayn Ong
William Otter
Theofanis Papamichalis
Spyridon Pavlidis
Boon Pin Peh
Michal Romaniuk
Christopher Rowe
Daniel Royde
Alexander Rybka
Raveena Sachdev
Attakorn Saiyasombat
Au Sigh Dong Samitone
Miguel Sarabia del
Siti Syed Jalal
Venus Tam
Alpha Tang
Wensong Tang
Kar Ming Kevin Tse
Laurent Van Houcke
Sheng Wang
Richard Ware
Robert Williams
Kwok Hei Wong
Chao Wu
Yili Xu
Yujia Yang
Zhimeng Yang
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
I have been trying to
point out that in our lives chance
may have an astonishing influence
and, if I may offer advice to the
young laboratory worker, it
would be this – never to neglect
an extraordinary appearance or
happening.” –
Sir Alexander Fleming,
Nobel laureate and discoverer of penicillin at
St Mary’s Hospital, now part of Imperial
graduates 2010
Xianbo Yao
Hiu San Yeung
Seng Choon Yong
Homer Zaloum
Michael Zammit
Luping Zeng
Chengcheng Zhang
Qiaoyu Zhang
Sheng Zhong
Feng Zhu
Mei Zou
Elena Agathokleous
Ruth Archibald
Emily Arnold
Alexandre Avila
Charles Bannar-Martin
Francesco Busiello
Yan Qing Cao
Dan-Fung Chan
Jeffrey Chan
Kok Ding Chan
Ching Ho Cheung
Zhern Yoong Chong
Shien Ing Choy
Ioannis Christodoulou
Simon Chung
Nicolas Constantinides
Thomas Cox
Alexander de Rosa
Joe Dearsley
Wenqian Duan
Dinesh Durai Ratnam
Tristan Ellison
Mahmoud Ewas
Christopher Farrell
Georgios Filippou
Peter Frampton
Adam Freeman
Shaaz Ghouse
Karl Giles
Kiat Meng Benjamin Goh
Nabilah Hamid
Laura Mai Harito
Joshua Harris
John Hawkins
Joseph Howells
Keita Ishikawa
Ikwan Jamaludin
Jairo Jaramillo
Kristian Jenner
Viktor Jensen
Alana Johnson
Leon Johnstone
Neel Joshi
Hans Kumar
Larissa Kunstel-Tabet
Dimitrios Kyriazis
Terence Zhiyu Leong
Yick Laam Leung
Deborah Lewis
Chunyin Li
Kwong Ming Li
Zhong Wei Li
Christian Liddiard
Ngo Tin Liu
Yixin Liu
Siming Liu
Benjamin Chang Feng Loh
Nikolas Sakari Lohi
Cristobal Lowery
Andrew MacFadyen
Lok Hin Daniel Mak
Stephen Malkin
Marco Mancuso
Leo Martins
Graham McCarthy-Fellows
Mark Mearing-Smith
Amit Meghani
Shahreeman Mohd Nor
Peter Moorhouse
Nestor Mouzourakis
Cheong-Wu Charles Nam
Aditya Narayanan
Noman Nasir
Peter Ng
Yuki Ohashi
Caroline Olley
Ketan Patel
Jack Paternoster
Ioannis Pesmazoglou
Dehydys Pimtel De Lamo
Constantinos Pittas
Denis Politis
Steven Poon
Iain Purves
George Refsum
Samuel Rickards
Cheryl Ru Zhen See
Raj Shah
Vishal Shah
David Sharp
Salman Siddiqui
Ben Smith
Benjamin Smith
James Smith
Antonios Sobhi
Fitsum Degefa
Sami El Mammeri
Christopher Spencer
Georgios Stamatopoulos
Oliver Strutt
Leo Tagg
Ren Yin Tai
Donna Tam Ngar-Dong
Hua Aun Tan
Mei Wan Tan
Katie Tang
Matthew Taylor
Nicola Terdich
Ambrose Tey
Samuel Tilakasiri
Daniel Townsend
James Tozer
Diem Tran Thi Ngoc
David Trevelyan
Ka Man Wan
Henry Weaver
Yat Chun Wong
Cheuk San Wong
Matthew Wong Fong Fon
Jonathan Wright
Billy Wu
Xiao Yang
Jien Loong Yeoh
Alfred Chak Man Yu
Yuanyuan Zheng
Associates of the
Royal School of
Mines and Bachelors
of Engineering and
Bachelors of Science
Earth Science and
Arshad Ahmed
Jamil Amiruddin
Catriona Beadel
Romain Chauvet
Amiruddin Jamil
Jack Jones
Joseph McCurdy
Oliver Nicholls
Bolanle Osibodu
Kirsty Patterson
Henry Witt
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Neelakshi Agate
Shane Alam
Matthew Allinson
Kai Santosh Aucharagram
Jason Chan
Hung Chu Chan
Yui Tak Cheung
Hannah Cresswell
Benjamin Foss
Ian Fulton
Edoardo Giorgi
Chun Ann Huang
Paul Iskander
Min Yi Kang
Minsung Ko
Hang Piu Lam
Lydia Tze Kee Leung
Kwok Chuen Jacky Li
Zhi Yang Lim
Yuxi Liu
Dan Yi Sarah Luo
Joseph MacDonald
Park Maneepairoj
Andrew Murray-Bruce
William Parry-Jones
Alexander Wing Yee Pong
Akintola Salami
Sivakanthan Sivalingam
Borja Sorda De La Pena
Melody Suchail
Zhicheng Wang
Huimin Xu
Jing Yang
Quan Yuan
Hua Zhang
Shanshan Zhu
Chang Chen
Ruskin Constant
Zoe Dobell
Carolin Ecsy
Alexandru Enica
Alexander Ford
Yasir Gani
Joe Gleeson
Benjamin Hanson
Oliver Joris
Shakiba Kaveh
Harpal Khaira
Bij-Na Kim
Taek Bo Kim
Edwella Ying Ya Lee
Alex Leung
Yiming Ma
Alankar Lodha
Mathias Mesa
Charles Murdoch
Aaron Nunkoosing
Alistair Philpott
Christopher Reece
Thibault Salomon
Muhammad Shaikh
Bowen Shen
Simranjit Singh
Saxon Tint
Clementine Walker
Tian Le Wang
Chengbo Xie
Junjie Xiong
Hui Yu Yan
Associates of the
Royal School of
Mines and Masters
of Engineering and
Masters of Science
Earth Sciences and
Robin Andrews
Olzhas Berkimbay
Laurence Bird
Nathan Blundell
Mark Brodie
Emily Chapman
Yeon-Jung Choi
Mitchall D’Arcy
Patrick De Sousa Costa
Caroline Eakin
Stephanie Earp
William Goodman
Thomas Jewell
Samantha Jones
Melanie Kinchington
Yung Kwan Loo
Steven Meunier
Christopher Milliner
James Moore
William Neal
Simon Alan Nevard
Nurah Oyekan
Andrew Parsons
Francis Patton
Jonathan Paul
Adrian Shelley
Christine Smith
Harriet Jennifer Smith
Edward Spencer
Louisa Stokes
Michael Stoner
Katie Vowles
Jason Williams
Jessica Wright
Eric Ka Lok Yiu
Doctor of Science
Stepan Lucyszyn
Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Associates
of the Royal College or
Science and Bachelors
of Science
Seham Akkad
Gul Ali
Mala Alwani
Shray Amar
Charlotte Beastall
Emma Beresford
Andrew Biggs
George Bodakh
Alban Cadu
Harpreet Chhokar
Eugene Chia
Alessandro Costamagna
Elizabeth Joy Cox
Charlotte Creager
Sajitha Ramal de Alwis
Franklin De Montfort
Hyun Sung Do
Sammi Elfituri
Meera Ganeshadevan
Jiahui Gao
Simin Shermin Goh
Vitali Goubski
Abdishakur Haji Abdi
Yoo Lee Han
Dave Haston
Georgina Hicks
Laurence Hughes
Jack Jeffries
Albert Kang
Amirah Kassim
Yah Ting Koh
Emilia-Fotini Kouroussis
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Jessica Hoi-Man Lai
Christopher Chung Yan
Selina Luu
Vishal Mehta
Iain Kim Leng Morton
Manu Nair
Guak Bee Ng
Philip Overton
Stefano Poggio
Daniel Pohoryles
Mohammed Rahim
Thomas Rowley
Ji Hyung Suh
Boris Yik To Tsang
Kate Wylie
Tatsuki Yabashi
Sung Hyun Yu
Ka Hei Yuen
Life Sciences
Maria Aamir Latif
Damien Adams
Gloryanne Aidoo-Micah
Demran Ali
Sascha Alles
Resha Alrabeh
Lauren Anderson-Dring
Chieh Hwee Ang
Joshua Ansell
Matthew Ashenden
Alexandra Ashford
Asif Ashraf
Moseope Atiba
Azadeh Bahrami
Brian Junbeom Bak
Thomas Barber
Charlotte Barthen
John Beale
Thomas Bell
Jackson Wei Wee Bong
Jessica Bowers
Jacob Peter Brady
Clare Brand
James Brash
David Briggs
Thomas Britton
James Brown
Helene Broyde
Eleonore Buffet
Rebecca Burgoyne
Joanna Burrows
Yajiao Cai
John Cassidy
Vanessa Chan
Jennifer Chan
Iris Hsinyu Chang
Kuan-Wei Chen
Jerry Chen
Chaoran Cheng
Joanne Chidgey
Guo Heng Chin
Robin Chisman
Katrina Ka Yin Chiu
Katie Chmura
Kang-Ik Cho
Mark Chong
Chun Ho Terence Chu
Sau Man Chu
Ei Mun Chuah
Sin Wai Chung
Ryan Clarke
Mackenzie Clavin
Nicholas Clough
Sean Constable
Claire Copeman
Sarah Corran
Elizabeth Couper
James Course-Choi
Roxanne Mayalene
Shuopeng Cui
Eleanor Cunningham
Madeleine Cuss
Rachel Daniels
Nina Davies
Amey Deshpande
Emilie Devienne
Anna Dower
Catherine Downs
Jonathan Dunderdale
Orchi Dutta
Vicky Edwards
Raffaella Facchini
Anum Farooq
Mariam Faruqi
Daniel Fielden
Stephanie Flynn
Jacqueline Hoi Lam Fok
Kathryn Fountain
Jerry Fuady
Nikita Gandhi
Hazim Ghani
Alex Gillies
Sophia Gnych
Rosie Goldsmith
Charlotte Graham
Robert Gregson
Andreas Hadjivasiliou
Lauren Hagedorn
Genta Hajri
Robert Harington
Grace Harrison Ronge
Nida Harwood
William Hawthorne
YaoYao He
Pui Yiu Pearl Ho
Sin Yu Ho
Ming Lee Hoe
Victoria Hudson
Mashal Hussain
Syed Hussain
Alice Hyde
Joseph Illingworth
Sita Indrakumar
Stefanos Ioannidis
Simon Jacobs
Nadja Jema Khan
Senthuran Jeyapalan
Nan Jia
Yuan Jiang
Lei Jiao
Yoon Hee Jin
Thomas Jones
Celine Jucht
Nada Jumabhoy
Rehana Kaba
Esther Kang
Ranalie Karunaratne
Fahima Kausar
Alexander Kendall
Natalie Grace Kernan
Lee Feng Khoo
James Kightley
Hyung Joon Kim
Mingu Kim
Selhae Kim
Maria Emily Knott
Alicia Koenig
Jacqueline Koh
Aditi Kothari
Aishwarya Krishna
Christiaan Kroon
Michael Kyriakides
Kathryn Lagrue
Honyee Lai
Yeuk Kee Jackin Lam
Agnieszka Langner
Carmen Lau
Vivien Yin Wai Lau
Vivien Mei Shan Lau
Simon Lawson
Jeffrey Tin Chi Lee
Yi Xin Lee
Adam Lee
Lawrence Nien-Lun Lee
Janice Lee-Layhadi
Andrew Leese
Phoebe Hin Yung Leung
Kei Keith Leung
Katherine Ho Yan Leung
Nathan Ley
Wai Yin Li
Mei Yu Lim
Michelle Lim
Jade Littlewood
Xiaochen Liu
Tom Lloyd
Ines Lolossidis Uslar
Hoi Ting Luk
Catherine MacKenzie
Anuj Malhotra
George Martin
Sarah Martin
Francis Mayne
Pierre McCarthy
Jessica McEwan
Chloe Mckeon
Sophie McLachlan
Sadie McNaughton
Sjoerd Miedema
Callum Millard
Nyla Mirza
Alexander Morris
Rebecca Muhley
Carla Mulas
Ye In Nam
George Nathanael
Sacheen Nathwani
Zareen Nazir
Liang Zheng Reuben Ng
Chi Yan Ng
Ye Ring Ngan
Sahdia Niazi
Fiona O’Connell
Salwana Othman
Magda Palczynska
Lucy Palmer
Sarah Paracha
Arnika Paranjape
Sona Parmar
Faye Parsons
Komal Patel
Satyam Patel
Deepak Pathak
Evgenia P Petrides
Sian Phillips
Amy Pinsent
Ho Yee Poon
Jameson Poon
Thea Powell
A.N.M. Rezwanul Quayum
Sae Hoon Ra
Gokul Ramakrishnan
Mariam Rashid
Jordan Read
Andia Redpath
Eleanor Reynolds
Ashkenaz Richard
Carlotta Ridolfi
Michael Robson
Adam Rutherford
Hugo Luis Sant’Ana
Jorrit Schafer
Nadia Schweimler
Francisca Sconce
Joseph Scott
Edward Scourfield
Sevanna Shahbazian
Kirill Shkura
Min Fang Michelle Sim
Sameer Sirohi
Xenia Snetkov
Timothy So
Rachel Soon
Si Nga Sou
Rebecca Spriggs
Elizabeth Stevens
Ying Sun
Grigorij Sutov
William Swain
Maciej Szukszto
Sundas Tahir
Andee Tay
Frances Thomson
Clare Tickle
Junman Stephen To
Christopher Toepfer
Tike Marita Tosin
Constance Tragett
Pirada Trongwongsa
Christina Tsoulou
Christopher Tutill
Sundeep Varma
Anthony Veal
Alexia von Pfefer
Louis Lut Hin Wai
Oliver Walker
Valin Wang
Joshua Weiyuan Wang
Feng Wang
Xiao Wang
Xinzhu Wang
Louise Victoria Webb
Andrew Winterhoff
Junho Won
Zhen Lim Wong
Tin Yan Wong
Jonathan Chi Man Wong
Jonathan Worboys
James Wren
Christopher John Wright
Daniel Wright
Kun Xue
Cheok Hao Yeap
Clara Yeohyun Yoon
Jacqueline Yu
Susan Yangshan Yu
Jason Shu Lim Yu
Xiaojie Yu
Hiu Yan Yung
Yulin Zhang
Jingwen Zhang
Noor Abdullatif
Manon Abiteboul
Eleni Agathocleous
Similan Anandajeyarajah
Javier Aresti
Liane Woon Athill
Christoph Baenziger
Harriet Elizabeth Bailey
Shipa Begom
Benjamin Biswell
Andrew Blackwood
Helen Brown
Stefania Calabretta
Freddie Chalke
Pang Yue Chan
Elizabeth Chan
Ka Wun Kathy Chau
Yang Chen
Qi Chen
Ho-Loon Cheung
Ayrin Choudhury
Tanveer Chowdhury
Ting Hong Choy
Ming-Hei Chung
Michael Coombe
Melanie Cooper
Thomas Crouch
Alexander Crystol
Anchal Daryanani
Benedict Devlin
Lei Ding
Chumila Dissanayake
Suyu Dong
Christiana Ellina
Andrew Elliott
Omar El-Said
Qiqi Jack Fan
Edward Fisher
Ho Sing Fung
Zi-Qi Gao
Yiming Geng
Helen Gill
Bianca Granara
Gregory Grogan
Mitin Hirani
I. Ting Isaac Ho
Ivan Ho
Alexander Hogg
Holly Hook
Lin Hou
Benjamin Hu
Zhibing Hu
Samuel Hurst
Ji Yeon Im
Ho Yin Boris Iu
Rory Jackson
Qian Kun Jiang
Younsoo Jo
Jairaj Singh Johal
David Jones
Adam Juraszek
Stephanie-Una Kalotheou
Andria Kamintzi
Akbaralli Kapasi
Carlos Karingal
Marc Kerstein
Tommy Keung
Gamal Khamis
Mohammad Khan
Mikhail Khrypach
Ye Na Kim
Vitaliy Kozak
Wing Hang Victor Kwan
Ting Hin Keith Lam
Andrew Won Shing Leung
Hoi-Ling Leung
Nicholas Lewis
Dongdong Li
Ling Li
Ji Li
Siqi Li
Dong Li
Saijia Li
Yuan Li
Winnie Yongxin Liang
Hing Lun Lin
Victor Lingenthal
Ching Nam Lit
Chang Liu
Dong Liu
Zhong Yang Liu
Hang Luan
Joseph Lynch
Shing Ma
Yanni Ma
Jinfei Ma
Iro Maliali
Pavlina Masoura
Jack Massey
Fatema Merali
Petros Metaxas
Priya Mistry
Jean Moschetta
Ge Mu
Nishanth Navaneetharaja
Melissa Chian Yue Ng
Jacklyn Ng
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Michael Kwaku Sekyereh
Yi Min Ong
Thomas Onslow
Callum O’Rourke
Ling Pan
Konstantina Panagidou
Olympia Papachristofi
Jennifer Pasha
Umir Patel
Martin Pavlovsky
Andrew Pointon
Sadekur Rahman
Ajmal Raja
Matias Rantanen
Shaileendra Ravindra
Fay Fei Ren
Yafei Ren
James Lee Repsch
Oliver Rogers
Yanlin Rong
Alice Roots
Yanzhou Sha
Liyiwen Shen
Fatima Siddiq
James Simpson
Gurdeep Singh
Gajan Sivarajah
Sarah Skeete
Jaroslaw Skiba
Niall Smith
Piotr Smyk
Nicole Yiannis Stavrinidou
Sarah Stevens
Dilpesh Sumaria
Elena Symeou
Chun Hang Tang
Cheuk Sze Joyce Tang
Stanislavs Tarasovs
Harriet Terry
Sonali Thakrar
Kevin Thomas
Timothy Treglown
Moazzam Ullah
Ashley Uglow
Jasveet Uppal
Ravindran Uthayakumar
Andreas Vassiades
Charles Veillet-Lavallee
Beatrice Hing Yu Wan
Jue Wang
Lei Wang
Rudan Wang
Sihan Wang
Xue Wang
Magnus Wilson
Ka Shing Samuel Wong
Jun Wong
Wing Hong Woo
Natalie Wood
Matthew Woods
Di Wu
Min Hong Wu
Shang Ru Wu
Qian Xie
Nisha Xu
Xinwei Xu
Chen Yang
Siu Hang Yik
Yuk Wai Daniel Yip
Jiawen Yu
Genghan Yue
Makram Zard
Jian Zeng
Cong Zhang
Xuening Zhang
Zilong Zhang
Yan Zhao
Zheng Zhao
Zhijie Zhao
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
graduates 2010
Jiayun Zhou
Yifei Zhu
Muhammad Abdul
Craig Andrew
Nicholas Baladis
Christopher Barry
Liam Bennett
David Blake
Abigail Broadbent
James Buckland
Joanna Cheung
Alexander Childs
Jayraj Chokshi
David Christopherson
Kieran Cooney
Niccolo Corsini
Elliott Cox
Jonathan Durrant
Rhiannon Edwards
Spaden Elmhirst
Katy England
Dewi Evans
Edward Fear
Ruben Freytag
Adam Gill
James Goldsack
Annabel Grant
Eamonn Guilfoyle
Alexander Hogan
Sophia Huang
Pietro Iozzo
Shoaib Iqbal
Nurul Ismail
Hugh Jessel
Fredrik Johansson
Chaz Keiderling
Mohammed Khawaja
Anne Kommer
Rajiv Krishnakumar
Constantinos Kyriakides
Hannah Laurie
Sofie Liljegren
Alexandra Mackenzie
Andrew McAlister
Francesca McKenzie
Christopher McWilliams
Christopher Myers
Sasha Nicoletti
Shane O’Neill
Catherine Parkinson
Andrew Payne
Jamie Perrelet
David Phillipps
Clarissa Wan Ru Poh
Sarah Reed
Michael Richards
Balkar Sahota
Omar Shahien
Stephanie Shaw
Ben Sheridan
Tabitha Skinner
Benjamin Skuce
Elizabeth Sparks
Maurice Tasker
Katya-Yani Vyas
Emmett Walsh
Patrick Wood
Robin Wood
Weixi Zhou
Tim Zuehlsdorff
Associates of the
Royal College of
Science and Masters
of Science
Michael Allen
Tiffany Allwood
Ruth Ball
James Bannock
James Bates
James Becker
Shahania Begum
Hemal Bosamia
Jason Brunell
Amanda Cheung
Meng Chiang
James Copley
Alexander Crawford
Zain Farooq
Fleur Ferguson
Andrew Forester
Conor Galaska
Joseph Gault
Daniel Godfrey
Rosie Grayburn
Esther Klara Karin
Robert David Harding
Lucy Harrold
Fei He
Chensi Jin
Natasha Keasberry
Connor Kettle
Simon Krautwald
Peter Lusted
Andrew MacLachlan
Ladan Mokhlesi
Jonathan Monsen
Hoi Ching Judy Ng
Katie Oliver
Harriet Olley
Jade Osei-Tutu
Jack Paget
Shehan Pathirana
Andy Roast
Adam Russell
Arun Shivalingam
Florence Slater
James Theivendran
Florence Thomas
Gabriele Uliana
Alexander Ward
Ben Wardzinski
Aled Williams
Freyja Woods
Chin Pang Yau
Ya Wen Zhang
Yun Zhang
Yucheng Zhou
Life Sciences
Heather Steele-Stallard
Anushka Ramjag
Yu Zhi Zhang
Ozgur Akyuz
Edoardo Barengo
Kaldip Bassi
Andrew Bromfield
Steven Chambers
Simon Chu
Richard Collins
Peter de Boeck
Sareh Heidari
Jonathan Hill
Ram Karavadra
Barbara Kiskovski
Fatih Lau
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Roman Lewis
Jason Ta-Liang Lim
Philip Meier
Ivo Mihaylov
Richard Nehme
Nicholas Newell
Dung Nguyen
Benedict Nicolson
Priyesh Parmar
Trishen Patel
Gavin Pereira
Quang Phan
David Polikoff
Roser Preuss
Juginder Puri
Kylash Rajendran
Stephan Richtering
Katy Rubin
John Sandall
Matthew Thomas
Duc Tien
Zehan Wang
Simon Weber
Edward Yue Shung Wong
Oliver Wright
Luojia Yang
Yuan Yue
Martin Zerbib
Rowan Baker
Sophie Baril
Laura Bethke
Zuzanna Blaszczak
Nadine Bleach
Daniel Boocock
Alexander Borresen
Mustapher Botchway
David Bott
Kyle Bottrill
Thomas Branch
Joseph Brown
Nathaniel Brudney
Ivana Bubevska
Timothy Burr
Sam Campaigne
Yameng Cao
Thomas Carroll
Joseph Chapman
Ai Tieng Chua
Vincent Chung
Kate Clements
Tobias Clemson
Thomas Coggrave
Mark Collinson
Neil Consterdine
Michael Cooper
Jorge Costa Dantas Faria
William Ian Cowley
Harry Cronin
Peter Cullen
Gaia de Battista
William Duncan
Joseph Earl
Matthew Eckold
Victoria Sol Galligani
Andrew Gilbert
Joshua Gordon
Simon Gross
Kerem Halil Shah
Ian Harrison
Nicholas Hartley
Dominic Heining
Stuart Higgins
Dominic Hunt
Sarah Jane
Cheng Jiang
Mark Johannesen
Alexander Johnstone
Alexander Jones
David Jones
Owain Jones
Kai Peter Kamberger
Mala Kapacee
Advait Kapadia
Nina Kearsey
Jonathan Lansley-Gordon
Andrew Lavery
Arrow Lee
Joseph Lees
Eurion Leonard-Pugh
Tariq Lewis
Ying Li
Anthony Lim
William Little
David Lloyd
Peter Logg
Scott Lympany
Marco Malinverni
Sheila Matharu
Gabriele Messori
Tabassum Mirza
Simon Morgan
Sophie Morris
Dominic Moseley
Francis Murphy
Sarah-Emily Mutch
Sarah Oliver
Philip Orange
Kamaljit Panesar
Amisha Patel
Punil Pattani
James Pettit
Damian Phelan
Paul Plant
Steven Potts
Nicholas Prouse
Maxsim Pudney
Dipali Raniga
Lois Reid
Daniel Reilly
Edmond Richards
Alexander Savell
Laura Shemilt
Andrew Simpson
Peter Sinclair
Elizabeth Smith
Mark Smith
Edwin Stansfield
Oliver Steele
George Stevenson
Matthew Stokes
Dina Subkhankulova
Nora Tandberg
Luke Tattersall
Gabriel Torres Pascual
Edward Townes
Alexandra Chung Shun
Michael Turrell
Carl Vetter
Richard Waldie
Thomas Gruffydd Williams
Ann Winning
Sebastian Wood
Jingjing Yan
Megumi Yoshida
Michitoshi Yoshida
Faculty of Medicine,
Bachelors of Science
Mohammed Asad Afzal
Shami Acharya
Alfred Addision
Leah Adler
Sana Agha
Shahzad Ahmad
Nicole Ahmed
Sheeraz Ahmed
Fiyyaz Ahmed-Jushuf
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Mariam Akinpeju
Hudaifa Alani
Mariam Ali
Katherine Argentine
Cheryl Alles
Zahra Al-Raweshidy
Aziza Al-Yassin
Karim Khalid Amer
Hussain Amin
Afiya Andrews
Sarah Annon
Alice Amitage
Lawrence Armstrong
Ahrantan Arnold
Benal Arslan
Primala Ashokan
Alec Aslanyan
Jason Aw
Carl Axelsson
Pooja Bahri
Christina Baithun
Christopher Baldwin
Aaron Bancil
Amrita Banerjee
Upama Banerjee
Sam Barclay
David Bargiela
Sophie Batt
Jack Beadle
Rachel Beer
Shahiba Begum
Kush Bhatt
Abhishek Bhattacharya
Arindam Biswas
Emily Bottle
Miriam Brandon
Stephanie Bromage
Isobel Brown
Oliver Brown
Hannah Bryars
Courtney Burtenshaw
Elsa Butrous
Alexander Bycroft
Daniel Cadoux-Hudson
Louise Campbell
Tamsin Cargill
Rachel Carten
Jay Cash
Priyanka Chadha
Ya Fong Gloria Chan
John Cheong-Hin Chan
Anita Ying Ying Cheah
Qingyang Chen
Justin Zai Tian Cheng
Gabriel Liu Yuan Cher
Melissa Chin
Anika Choraria
Victor Yung Sin Chow
Holly Clarke
Laura Cleaton
Charles Cleland
Hannah Collins
Simon Cooper
Oliver Cousins
Maja Dabagh
Nikunj Davda
Diana Davenport
Jessica Davies
Michael Davies
James Debate
Adam Dennis
Sarah Denny
Mihir Desai
Hardeep Dhanjal
Samuel Dickson
Lydia Dimitry
Carol Doan
Amy Downes
Roisin Dunwoody
Julia Eddington
Sarah Edwards
Abess El-Ali
Gareth Evans
Lauren Ewington
Benjamin Faber
Moubin Faizullah Khan
Assad Farooq
Mahthab Farooq
Gavin Fatania
Sarah Fellows
Dinushi Fernando
Michael Field
Clio Franklin
Katarzyna Gajari
Kieran Galvin
Catharine Geldart
Jayasish Ghosh
Abhijit Singh Gill
Hannah Gillingwater
Sunir Gohil
Alexander Gray
Christopher Gray
Naomi Greenwood
Karen Gunanayagam
Chandni Gupta
Omar Hafeez-Bore
Christopher Haggart
Reza Hajhosseiny
Umer Hakeem
Hyun Kyu Han
Jenny Hao
Keith Hariman
Natasha Haringman
Ahmad Hariri
Mary Harrington
Polly Anne Harris
Adam Haymes
Daniel Herridge
Sarah Hewett
Michael Hewitt
Sumeet Hindocha
Kai Man Alexander Ho
Katherine Hodkin
Jonathan David Hogg
Alexandra Holyome
Caroline Wei Shan
Edward Hoy
Adam Hughes
Jennifer Hughes
Laura Li Yao Hui
Claire Hunt
Rory Hutchinson
William Ibbotson
Abhiney Jain
Shabana Janmohamed
Reeza Jarrall
Aarti Javeri
Mohammed Jawad
Muhammed Jawad
Sarah Jawad
Jeevana Jayatunga
John Jeffery
Jonathan Jenkins
Sophie Jenkins
Vicky Jeyaprakash
John Jones
Jay Joshi
Mitesh Joshi
Rashad Jurangpathy
Miriam Kahan
Shammi Kakad
Eleanor Kan
Joshua Kapp
Atif Khan
Maham Khan
Reenam Khan
Sophia Khan
Isaac Kim
Ali Kirresh
Sara Shun Wah Ko
Gurleen Kooner
Ratna Kothari
Anna Kropiwnicka
Andre Kubler
Ramandeep Kular
Natasha Jessica Kushal
Christopher Kyriacou
Wai Kwan Lily Lai
Chiu Kuan Joseph Lee
Ming Jie Lee
Catriona Leonard
Ke Chin Jeremy Li
Cheron Li
Dana Li
Matthew Li Kam Wa
Malpreet Lidder
Eric Lindberg
Chiang Yu Joseph Liu
John Livesey
Vinothan Loganathan
Aphiwat Luangsomboon
Sebastian Lugg
Shin Yee Luk
Olatundun Macaulay
Robert MacKay
Samir Mahboobani
Marthani Maheswaran
Pandora Male
Aysha Malik
Luqman Malik
Khalid Malik Tabassum
Georgios Manolis
Robert Manton
Jamie Manuell
Thomas Marjot
Ola Markiewicz
Sam Mason
Nicolas Massie
Michael Matheou
Jakob Mathiszig-Lee
Ashley Matthies
Colleen McGregor
Thomas McKitrick
Thomas McWilliams
Zineb Mehbali
Ishan Dilip Mehta
Jayna Mistry
Vikash Mistry
Anuja Tulip Mitra
Marta Mlynarczyk
Joanne Moffatt
Lavanya Mohan
Waaka Moni-Nwinia
Joanna Moore
Abigail Morbi
Maria Muelmenstaedt
Tiffany Munroe-Gray
Emily Murray
Meena Murugan
Chira Mustafa
Khayam Naderi
Deepa Nair
Adam Nawaz
Osayuki Nehikhare
Niroshan Neminathan
Natasha Newlands
Zheng Yuan Ng
Pasha Normahani
Kim On
Zainab Oseni
Benjamin O’Sullivan
Amanda Owusu-Agyei
Christopher Oyediran
Mitul Palan
Anand Pandit
Rachel Panniker
Sunny Parikh
Simon Parker
Ankit Patel
Arti Patel
Dhupal Patel
Madhvi Patel
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Neeral Patel
Pawan Patel
Raju Patel
Rishi Patel
Sagar Patel
Sameer Patel
Shaneel Patel
Shweta Patel
Vinesh Patel
Shivani Pathmasrirengan
Mira Pecheva
Andrew Peetamsingh
Jack Penn
Timothy Peplow
Elizabeth Perry
Nicholas Perry
Lara Philipps
Anju Geeta Suyin
Agata Plonczak
Anita Byravi Ponnuthurai
Adam Pope
Thomas Potter
Ramit Prashar
Elizabeth Precious
Nishal Primalani
Emily Prior
Isma Qureshi
Shiva Radhakrishnan
Sunit Raja
Sadaf Raza
Deepika Reddy
Charles Rendel
Sharmin Ria
Alexander Martin Rouse
Nigel Rozario
James Rutter
Mariam Salako
Joseph Santiapillai
Nora Schorscher
Susan Scott
Dincer Semerciler
Naz Senvar
Rajvi Shah
Meera Shah
Davina Kar-Wai Sham
Shams Shamoon
Ban Sharif
Omair Shariq
Nikhil Sharma
Khayam Sheikh
Milad Sherafati
Alysha Shetye
Claire Sin-Hidge
Thomas Sissons
Vidhiyaa Sivajee
Katherine Smith
Charlotte Somerville
Livia Soriano
Ann Sturdy
Najia Sultan
Veena Surendrakumar
Claudia Swan
Ahmed Ali Syed
Prabhjit Takher
Asad Tamimi
Sarah Yu Tian
Ken To
Steven Traill
Ahmed Twaij
Salman Uddin
Irfan Ullah
Adem Uner
Chuin Ying Ung
Neha Varma
Marcelo Rios
Kumail Versi
Saranya Vickramarajah
Priyanga Vijayakumar
Bavithra Vijayakumar
Imperial College Commemoration Day
A common fallacy...
to which science is subjected
today is that it claims certainty,
infallibility and complete
emotional objectivity. It would be
more nearly true to say that it is
based upon wonder, adventure and
— Sir Cyril Hinshelwood OM PRS,
Nobel laureate and Senior Research Fellow
at Imperial, 1964–67
graduates 2010
Yizhou Wan
Daniel Wang
Salman Waqar
Thomas Ward
Alasdair Warwick
Bethan Warwick
Thomas Whitehead-Clarke
Eleanor Winstanley
Bethany Wong
Camellia Wong
Jason Wong
Katie Huoy Ting Wong
Martin Ho Yin Wong
Jonathan Woodward
Elliott Worku
Theresa Wright
Sophie Wrigley
Gabriel Zherong Yan
Ambreen Yasin
Christopher Pui Yan Yee
Dharani Yerrakalva
Kamran Yousuf
Mengshi Yuan
Nekisa Zakeri
Fei Zhang
Associates of the
Imperial College
School of Medicine
and Bachelors of
Medicine, Bachelors
of Surgery
Umar Abdulmajid
Rima Aboud
Sami Naim Abu-Wardeh
Kira Achaibar
Metesh Acharya
John Adam
Zoe Adams
Alfred Addison
Victoria Adewole
Elvis Aduwa
Nickil Agni
Mehtan Ahmed
Abimbola Olabisi
Sara Al Chalabi
Jessica Alcena
Helen Alexander
Ibrahim Ali
Benjamin Allin
Anish Amlani
Mustafa Anjari
Alice Armitage
Ahranyan Arnold
Meret Arsanious
Shazia Arshad
Emily Maire Ashby
Eleni Asimacopoulos
Selena Audit
Najette Ayadi O’Donnell
Retesh Bajaj
Gerard Baker
Danai Balfoussia
Shane Bandara
Ashwath Bandi
Mohamad Barakat
Sabina Barbur
Ajoy Bardhan
Lauren Barraclough
Melvinder Basra
Luckshman Bavan
Balpreet Bering
Sneha Bhatt
Amita Bhattacharjee
Randip Bhogal
Sabrina Black
Sonja Bland
Maresa Brake
Kieran Burton
Lucy Capildeo
Sarah-Kate Carney
Laura Castle
Sarah Castle
Denise Chi Yun Chan
Sarasvati Uttamlal
Chang Ho Choi
Munazzah Chou
Ayesha Choudhary
Jennifer Chui Hom Lap
Adam Clare
Amy Clifford
Felicity Coad
Christopher Coomber
Ta Cooper
James Corbett
Charlene Damji
Kavita Dave
Pablo De Vena Franks
Shruti Dholakia
Nizar Din
Danielle Dixon
James Dodd
Rachel D’Oliveiro
Kimberley Doolan
Hasna Dulfeker
Onyinyechi Duru
Rahaf Eldin Elgonaid
Tamara Elliott
Shireen Emadossadaty
Chukwuemeka Ezekwo
Moubin Faizullah Khan
Annette Fenner
Catherine Frankum
Katherine Fu
Junaid Fukuta
Kunal Gadhvi
Katarzyna Gajari
Pierre-Adrien Gaudin
Victoria Geenes
Ektoras Georgiou
Theo Georgiou Delisle
Roxanne Giggens
Saher Gill
Sai Gnanasambanthan
Reya Gohil
Bindi Gokani
Thomas Goozee
Karen Grewal
Malvika Gulati
Prashanth Gunanayagam
Harriet Gunn
Manoo Gupta
Helai Habib
Richard Hackett
Thomas Hampton
Hisham Harb
Batool Hariri
Saad Hassan
Patricia Haylock-Vize
Dominic Higgs
Simon Hilliard
Simon Hislop
Alison Ho
Jonathan Hodgkinson
Natalie Hope
George Hunter
Sin Man Emily Ieng
Kei Iizuka
Tanya Indrakumar
Isuru Induruwa
Hugh Ip
Nadine Izumi-Richards
Timothy Jagelman
Aanchal Jain
Reza Ali Jarral
Noorulhuda Jawad
Senthil Jayaprakasam
Imperial College London Commemoration Day
Samantha Jayaweera
Priya Jeevananthan
Natasha Jiwa
Batul Kaj
Ashish Kalraiya
Aya Kamoda
Mayuri Kandasamy
Shin Young Kang
Rahim Kanji
Elizabeth Keeling
Mohammedabbas Khaki
Nadia Khalid
Keng Khor
Klio Konstantinou
Reena Kotecha
Suruchi Kothari
Sreedhar Krishna
Yalini Kugathas
Raekha Kumar
Natasha Kundi
Aya Kuwabara
Esther Kwong
Nikolina Kyprianou
Andrew Lake
Suzanne Marie Lawson
Hemant Laxaman
Ava Sou Wing Lee
Jonathan Lenihan
Rupert Levy
Ji-Peng Olivia Li
Leda Lignos
Yuen-Hui Rachel Lim
Daoquan Lin
Callum Little
Alexander Qichen Liu
Helena Kang Lo
Lucinda Lo
Nitin Loomba
Duncan Lowe
Michael Lowley
Strachan Mackenzie
Jenny Macrae
Alexander Magnussen
Noman Mahmood
Daniella Maleknasr
Ifigenia Mantrali
Guy Martin
Thomas Maynard
Catriona McCarthy
Felicity McEwan
Sarah Mehdi
Simon Melderis
Charles Miller
Amit Mishra
Zameer Mohamed
Alexandra Monkhouse
Thomas Moore
Walter Morris
Conor Lynch
Sabena Mughal
Murali Muniyappa
Matthew Murphy
Waheedullah Mustafa
Ali Najefi
Annakan Navaratnam
Natalie Nobar
Karl Norrington
Olawale Obadare
Marleen Obeid
Saleh Okhovat
Charlotte Oliver
Omer Omer
Saki Onda
Stephanie Jen Chyi Ooi
Sophia Nyuk Jin Paget
Zohra Panju
Nehal Parmar
Nassim Parvizi
Akash Patel
Arti Narendra Patel
Chiraush Patel
Jahnavi Patel
Janvi Patel
Jaymin Patel
Kush Prafull Patel
Mira Patel
Mitul Patel
Shweta Patel
Sindhu Pathmabaskaran
Seema Pattni
Mathilde Pauls
Lady Diana Pena
Albert Yue Poon
Arash Poorghobad
Daniela Potter
Anoop Krishna Prasad
Sinthiya Punnialingam
Janahan Ragunathan
Tasneem Rahman
Anish Raithatha
Serena Rakha
Eamon Ramhamadany
Nalisha Ramroop
Taslima Rashid
William Ratliff
Ali Rauf
Richard Reading
Udaya Dubba Reddy
Gavin Richards
Juliet Richman
Samreen Rizvi
Jenny Robbins
Emma Roche-Kelly
Elena Roosinovich
Sumon Roy
Shiraz Sabah
Sormeh Salehian
Amit Samani
Sarayu Sanguhan
Harpreet Sawhney
Annabel Schleh
Elizabeth Scotney
Soumen Sen
Leon Sergot
Karishma Sethi
Neil Shah
Rajiv Shah
Raj Shah
Sumera Shahaney
Emily Han Shao
David Shatti
Michael Shenouda
Avni Sheth
Mani Shidanshid
Takanori Shimizu
Jin Sup Shin
Zena Shukur
Hemdeep Singh
Aditya Singhal
Pramudith Sirimanna
Mayuran Sivanandan
Todd Bradley Smith
Neil Dev Soneji
Lucy Southwell
Robert Spaull
Timothy Patrick Spencer
Peter Standen
Ricky Stanton
Kapil Sugand
Wednesday 20 October 2010 • Royal Albert Hall
Pamela Sun
Richard Sykes
Susan Tadros
Ameet Tailor
Vasundhara Talwar
Ayame Taniguchi
Gokhan Tanriover
Chiara Taylor
Boon Teh
Jemma Theivendran
Laura Thomas
Sebastian Thomas
Justin Thuraisingham
Gareth Towersey
Michelle Tseng
Laura Tucker
Sarah Turner
Chukwuma Uduku
Imran Umrani
Kalpesh Vaghela
Christina Vajdi
Jennifer Van Griethuysen
Elizabeth Vardon
Niraj Vetharajan
Shree Voralia
Jay Vyas
John Wahba
Oliver Wakelam
Sakina Walji
Alice Walker
Robert Walker
Daniel Walter
Ammar Ahmed Waraich
James Wei Wang
Shuang Wang
Tim Tianyuan Wang
Xu Wang
Kiera Welman
Louis Wessels
Katie Williams
James Willsmore
Jamie Willson
Luke Yan Naing Winn
Joshua Liang Chao Wong
Rebecca Wood
Nicole Wood
Gary Woodsford
Jennifer Wormald
Constance Chen Hwa Wou
Ryosuke Yamada
Dharani Yerrakalva
Dominic Yue
Rashad Zafarulla
Sheldon Zhang
Alice Zheng
Marya Ziauddin
z Share your memories
Add your photos and videos of graduation
to Flickr and YouTube and tag them
‘IMP150’ — they might be selected for
the College website!
A message for
new alumni
Congratulations! Today is special. You are
graduating from Imperial and this is a cause
for celebration.
Unless you are following Brian May’s (Physics 1968, PhD 2007)
example, chances are that you won’t be on the stage of the
Albert Hall again. So take your moment well. Revel in it. Smile
for the cameras. Give our Chairman a hug. High five your
Principal. Salute your classmates. Be as emotional as you like.
Just don’t embarrass the parents, please. And try not to lose
your way back to your seat because that gorgeous chemist
from halls sitting in the front row just winked at you.
Yes, Commemoration Day is your day to smile, swagger and glow in your general
magnificence upon graduating from Imperial.
Now comes the cool bit, thankfully, after the hot bit. Two hours in the hall in robes can
leave us all a bit warm. So you’ll need a drink at the reception afterwards, but that’s not
the cool bit I mean. Your days as a student are just the beginning of a lifelong relationship
with Imperial.
Now that you have completed your studies, you have become an alumnus of the College,
and on behalf of them all, I am delighted to welcome you into our community of 155,000
Imperial alumni in 190 countries. There are 48 international alumni associations around the
world but the Alumni Office, both at South Kensington Campus and online, serves as your
welcome sign back to the College.
As an Imperial alumnus, the College continues to look after you. You have access to the
Careers Advisory Service and Central Library, as well as a professional networking directory,
a dedicated alumni jobs board, and opportunities to meet other alumni at professional
networking events.
There are social events throughout the year in the
UK and overseas and you will hear about them all
as long as you register yourself as an alumnus at – membership is lifelong
and free, so please keep us updated with your latest
contact details.
Alumni are also proud supporters of the College. In
the last year alone, the generosity of alumni raised
almost £500,000 from small, individual annual
contributions, which go directly towards keeping the
College open to the brightest students and providing
a world class education. We hope that, in time, you’ll
be able to give something back. Together the smallest
gifts can make an enormous difference to lives.
Just as an example, if everyone graduating today
pledged to give £20 each for the next three years we
could provide a full scholarship to any of our courses.
Finally, please keep in touch and share your news via
the Alumni Office, and look out for the next edition
of the Imperial magazine, which will be in the mail
around Christmas time.
I hope you and your family have a very happy
Commemoration Day and you enjoy your first
official alumni event, the reception that follows
this ceremony. Many congratulations once again,
and welcome to the Imperial family.
Tom Miller (Biology 1995)
Director of Communications and Development
Consistently rated amongst the world’s best
universities, Imperial College London is a
science-based institution with a reputation for
excellence in teaching and research that attracts
over 14,000 students and 6,000 staff of the highest
international quality.
Innovative research at the College explores the
interface between science, medicine, engineering
and business, delivering practical solutions that
improve quality of life and the environment —
underpinned by a dynamic enterprise culture.
Since its foundation in 1907, Imperial’s contributions
to society have included the discovery of penicillin,
the development of holography and the foundations
of fibre optics. This commitment to the application
of research for the benefit of all continues today,
with current focuses including interdisciplinary
collaborations to improve health in the UK and
globally, tackle climate change and develop clean
and sustainable sources of energy.