Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries: A Panel Study Abstract
Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries: A Panel Study Abstract
Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries: A Panel Study By Nazrul Islam Department of Economics Emory University Abstract Recent research shows that productivity differences are more important than differences in input intensity in explaining income differences across countries. In this paper we use the panel approach to study productivity dynamics in a large sample of countries. We use a modified version of the Minimum Distance estimator to estimate the capital share parameter in a way that avoids both omitted variable bias and possible endogeneity bias. Productivity levels are then computed for two different time periods. This reveals productivity dynamics in the sample. Better data and more flexibility in parameter values will certainly help in further refining the picture. However the evidence is strong that countries vary widely in terms of productivity dynamics. The task ahead is to find out what accounts for the observed dynamics. First Draft: November 1999 Current Draft: February 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a preliminary version of the paper. Please do not quote without permission of the author. Send your comments to Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries: A Panel Study 1. Introduction Recent research has shown that productivity differences are more important than differences in input intensity in explaining income differences across countries. Some studies indicate that the productivity levels of the developed countries have converged. However, studies also indicate that such convergence has not occurred either among the developing countries or between them on the one hand and the developed countries on the other. This makes study of productivity dynamics in a large sample of countries interesting and perhaps more useful. Several different approaches have been used so far for international comparison of total factor productivity (TFP). Among these are the time series approach, the panel approach and the cross-section approach. Data limitations do not allow application of the sophisticated version of the time series approach to many of the developing countries. The panel approach was used earlier in Islam (1995) to produce productivity indices for a sample of 96 countries. Recently Hall and Jones (1996, 1999) have used the cross-section approach to produce productivity indices for 127 countries for the year of 1988. However, such static snapshot pictures cannot reveal the productivity dynamics. Yet it is these dynamics that can better reveal the determinants of productivity improvement. In this paper we apply the panel approach to produce productivity indices for two different time periods and thereby reveal the productivity changes. We begin by adapting Cahmberlain’s (1982, 1884) Minimum Distance estimator to estimate the parameters of the production function free of both omitted variable bias and possible endogeneity bias. The sample consists of 83 countries for which the Penn World Table (PWT) allows construction of five-year panels ranging over 1960 to 1990. The two subperiods distinguished are: (a) an initial sub-period ranging from 1965 to 1980, which mainly represents the 1970s; and (b) a subsequent period ranging from 1975 to 1990, which mainly represents the 1980s. The results indicate that the value of the capital share parameter for the 1980s is significantly higher than for the 1970s. Two possible explanations for this result are (a) shift in distribution in favor of capital and (b) greater role of human capital in the production process in the 1980s compared to that in 1970s. Productivity indices computed on the basis of the estimated parameter values show much turbulence in relative productivity levels across the countries. There is some persistence at the top and lower end of the spectrum. Seven countries make to the list of the top ten performers in both the periods. Similarly, eight countries are found to be common in the list of bottom ten in both the periods. However, the relative positions change even within these smaller lists. The major change in the short list of top ten performers is replacement of the US by Hong Kong as the top performer in the 1980s. In general, only three countries of the sample retain their productivity rank across the periods. For 25 percent of the countries, the change in rank (in either direction) ranges between 6 to 10. For another 12 percent each, this change ranges between 11 to 15 and 1 between 16 to 20. Five countries experience such substantial change in productivity that their ranks change by more than twenty. For the remaining 34 countries (forty-one percent) the change in rank ranges between 1 to 5. Underlying these rank-changes are real shifts in productivity levels. A cardinal measure of productivity change is obtained by expressing the productivity level of each country as percentage of the US productivity level. This allows productivity dynamics to be expressed as changes (in percentage points) in the relative productivity level of a country, with the US as the common benchmark. All the countries undergo change in terms of this yardstick. For a majority (thirty-four) of the countries the absolute value of this change remain limited to one to five percentage points. Fourteen of this group of countries experience change in the positive direction, while the remaining witness negative change. For about one-third (twenty) of the countries the absolute magnitude of the change (in either direction) ranges between six to ten percentage points. For another fifteen percent the change ranges between eleven to fifteen percent. Seven countries experience change that range higher than twenty percentage points. Happily for most of this group of countries the change is positive. For another five countries this change range between sixteen and twenty percentage points. For most of the countries of this latter group, however, the change is negative. We want to view the results presented in this paper as exploratory. There are several reasons for this. First, the results of any empirical exercise are often as good as the data used for the purpose. The PWT, despite their wide use and their purchasing power parity (PPP) feature, have drawn some criticisms. Some researchers have doubted the validity of the data and questioned the merit of research done on its basis. While we do not share the extreme variants of this criticism, we recognize that some aspects of the results may owe more to data construction than to the economic processes of interest. Second, despite use of an estimation procedure that avoids problems of both omitted variable bias and endogeneity bias, there remains scope for further improvement in the econometric methodology. Despite these possible shortcomings the work presented in this paper shows that is possible to move the analysis of international productivity differences forward from that of levels to that of changes. Instead of limiting to a static snapshot it is possible to capture the dynamics. The picture that one gets from such an attempt reveals enormous variation in productivity dynamics. Documentation of this variation is a necessary first step in understanding the productivity determinants. Analysis of these determinants and dealing with remaining methodological issues are some of the lines along which future research can proceed. The paper is organized as follows. Section-2 provides the background to the study question pursued in this paper. Section-3 discusses various issues related to the panel approach to productivity study. Section-4 presents the modified version of the Minimum Distance estimator that avoids the potential endogeneity problem. Sections 5 and 6 present and explain the results. Section-7 discusses various issues of interpretation of the results and the questions that remain to be investigated further. Section-8 contains the concluding remarks. 2 2. Importance and State of International Productivity Study Recent research has shown that productivity differences, rather than differences in input intensity, play a more important role in accounting for observed per capita incomedifferences across countries. For example, Hall and Jones (1999) note that of the 35-fold difference in per capita income between the US and Nigeria, difference in capital intensity accounts for a factor of 1.5, and the difference in educational level accounts for another factor of 3.1. Productivity difference accounts for the remaining 7.7 factor. Similar large differences in productivity were reported in Islam (1995). By “productivity” we are referring here to “total factor productivity (TFP).” However, “productivity” is sometimes also understood to mean “labor-productivity,” and per-capita income, because of its easy availability, is often used as a proxy for labor productivity. Numerous studies have been conducted with level or growth of per-capita income as the dependent variable. In fact, it is this genre of analysis that has led to or reinforced the finding that difference in “total factor productivity,” and not difference in input-intensity, is the main source of per-capita income difference. Some recent studies have shown that productivity levels of the developed countries have largely converged to each other. This productivity-convergence has been portrayed as part of the income-convergence process in this sample of countries. 1 However, research has also shown that such income-convergence and productivityconvergence have not occurred either among the developing countries themselves or between them on the one hand and the developed countries on the other. Hence, the larger sample of countries contains more variation in productivity performance, making study of productivity dynamics in such a sample more interesting and perhaps more useful. Separating out the contribution of total factor productivity from that of input growth is a thorny issue. Many large debates have been waged on this subject, and these debates are still continuing. Many researchers are skeptical about using aggregate production function in computing total factor productivity. 2 Others contend that it is not possible to separate out contribution of productivity from that of the inputs even within the aggregate production framework. 3 Despite these reservations, total factor productivity continues to be studied, and the aggregate production function continues to be the dominant paradigm within which this study is conducted. In part, this is because of Solow’s (1957, 1962) advice to accept the aggregate production function as a useful parable necessary to learn the lesson, if not the whole truth. Another reason for the prevalence of the aggregate production function approach is that there hardly exists any alternative operational concept that allows quantification of productivity differences across economies. However, there are different approaches to take even after adopting the aggregate production function framework for studying total factor productivity. The oldest among these is the “time-series growth accounting” approach. Starting with Tinbergen (1942/ 1959), this approach has attained a great degree of sophistication in the hands of 1 There is obviously a “selection” problem in this finding. See De Long (1988) and Baumol and Wolff (1988) for a discussion of this issue. 2 For a recent discussion of this issue, see Felipe (1999) 3 See, for example, the discussion by Abramovitz (1956, 1993) and Abramovitz and David (1973). 3 Jorgenson and his associates. 4 The approach requires disaggregated data on different types of capital and labor and their respective compensation. It is difficult to find this kind of disaggregated data for wider samples of countries. This limits the application of the sophisticated version of the time-series approach for large samples. This limitation, in part, has led to the emergence of other approaches for computation of productivity levels in large samples of countries. For example, Islam (1995) uses a panel regression approach to estimate productivity levels in a sample of 96 countries. On the other hand, Hall and Jones (1996, 1999) use a cross-section approach to compute productivity levels in a sample of 127 countries. Islam (1999) provides a discussion of these various approaches and compares the results produced by them. 5 Productivity analysis has therefore progressed from its earlier focus on laborproductivity to its current focus on total factor-productivity and from small sample to large sample. However, productivity levels computed for large samples of countries have so far been limited to only one particular time period. Thus, the productivity level estimates presented in Hall and Jones (1996, 1999) are for 1988. Those of Islam (1995) are for the 1960-85 period as a whole. These provide one-shot pictures of relative productivity levels across countries. But, these do not show how productivity changes over time across countries. In this context it is worth noting that growth researchers are no longer satisfied with analyzing such “proximate” sources of growth as investment rate and labor force growth rate, etc. The quest is now for ultimate or fundamental sources of growth and productivity. 6 Unfortunately, one-shot pictures of productivity differences are not adequate for this task. Productivity analysis with such one-shot pictures has to substitute cross-section variation for temporal change. This limits the analysis. It is therefore necessary to unearth the productivity dynamics, document them, and start analyzing them. In this paper, we take a step in that direction by employing the panel methodology to compute productivity levels at two different points in time. This reveals productivity dynamics across the periods. We begin by discussing in the following section the arguments for using the panel method and the issues that arise in using this methodology. 2. The Panel Approach to Productivity Study The Cross-section vs. the Panel Approach A comparison between the cross-section approach and the panel regression approach shows that both of these have their methodological strengths and weaknesses. 7 One merit of the cross-section approach implemented in Hall and Jones (1996) was it’s 4 For a recent compilation of Jorgenson and his associates’ work on productivity in the US and on international productivity comparison, see Jorgenson (1995a) and (1995b), respectively 5 Another approach to productivity analysis and efficiency comparison is often referred to as the stochastic frontier production function (SFPF) approach. Important works using this approach include Fare et al. (1994), Nishimizu and Page (1983). However, application of this approach requires data that are not available for large sample of countries. 6 See for example, Barro (1997), Hall and Jones (1999), and Sachs and Warner (1997). 7 See Islam (1999) for details. 4 allowance for the capital share parameter, α , to differ across countries. This however required the assumption of a common rate of return to capital for all countries. The method also required prior ordering of the countries according to some criterion. The productivity results obtained on the basis of these assumptions yielded some surprising candidates at the apex of the productivity ranking. In Hall and Jones (1999) the authors abandon the assumption of country specific α and opt for a common value of α . However, they choose the value of α arbitrarily. From this point of view, the panel regression approach has a certain advantage. It also assumes a common value of α for the sample. However, instead of imposing it arbitrarily, it lets the sample data determine the best-fit value of α . The cross-section approach also requires construction of capital stock data, which in turn requires assumptions regarding the initial capital stock values and the depreciation profiles. These may act as additional sources of noise in the data. The panel approach on the other hand can work directly with the investment rates. 8 These considerations persuade us to use the panel approach in this study, although we continue to regard the cross-section approach to be also viable. The panel approach itself has many issues to confront with. We now turn to a brief discussion of these issues. Issues of the Panel Approach The panel approach originates from the fact that the growth-convergence equation can be reformulated as a dynamic panel data model, and panel estimators can be used to estimate it. Since Islam (1993, and 1995) and Knight et al. (1993), the panel approach to growth empirics has become quite popular. This has led to some controversies too. For example, Barro (1997) expresses the view that panel estimation is not appropriate for estimation of the growth-convergence equation because it throws away the cross-section variation and relies on the within variation only. This contention is true of the fixedeffects model. Most of the other panel methods use both between and within variation. Also, it is a moot point whether the between-variation or the within-variation is more appropriate for estimation of the convergence parameters. 9 Nerlove (1999) highlights the issue of small sample bias in the context of panel estimation of the growth-convergence equation. He explores with a variety of panel data estimators and finds significant difference in results from their application. However, except for the Least Squares with Dummy Variable (LSDV) estimator (based on the fixed-effects assumption), all other estimators considered by Nerlove rely on the randomeffects assumption. It is important to note that the random-effects assumption regarding the country effect term (denoted by, say, µ i ) is not appropriate for the growthconvergence equation. In typical specifications of this equation the right hand side variables include savings rate, labor force growth rate, etc. The very rationale for discarding the cross-section regression and adopting the panel approach to estimate the 8 Also of note is that Hall and Jones have now moved away from the Hicks-neutral specification of technological progress that they used in their earlier (1996) paper. In Hall and Jones (1999), they adopt the Harrod-neutral specification, which has been also the specification of choice by most of the panel studies of growth. 9 On this issue, see Islam (1996). 5 growth-convergence equation is that the country effects µ i ’s are correlated with such right hand side variables. Notice also that the large samples used to estimate this equation include almost all countries of the world. Thus, almost the entire population is included in estimation, leaving little scope for random sampling of µ i . Finally, the deFiniti condition of interchangeability is clearly not satisfied in this context. For example, it is difficult to claim that such components of µ i as institutions and resource endowments of the US and Sierra Leone can be interchanged without affecting the outcome. All these considerations suggest that panel estimators based on random-effects assumption are not suitable for estimating the growth convergence equation. There are some panel-estimators that proceed by first-differencing the equation in order to get rid of the country effect term µ i . For such estimators it matters less whether the µ i ’s are random or not. Anderson and Hsiao (1981, 1982) take this approach and use further lagged values of the dependent variable as instrument. Arellano and Bond (1991) extend this approach and suggest using all possible lagged values of the dependent variable as instrument within a GMM framework. Others have taken this idea further. For example, Ahn and Schmidt (1995) show that there are non-linear moment conditions that are not exploited in Arellano-Bond, and efficiency can be improved by using them. Blundell and Bond (1998) show that several restrictions on the initial variables yield more linear moment conditions, and a GMM estimator inclusive of the latter encompasses Ahn and Schmidt’s non-linear GMM estimator. Caseli et al. (1996) actually use an Arellano-Bond (1991) type GMM estimator (henceforth referred to as AB-GMM) to estimate the growth-convergence equation. However, the AB-GMM estimator has generally been found to display significant small sample bias. Alonso-Borrego and Arellano (1996), Kiviet (1995), Harris and Matyas (1996), Islam (1993), Judson and Owen (1997) Ziliak (1997) and several other studies report such bias. In fact, one of the motivations for Blundell and Bond’s variant of the GMM estimator has been to reduce this bias. On the other hand, several studies have shown good small sample performance of the fixed-effects estimator (LSDV). This is despite the fact that in a model with lagged dependent variable, the LSDV estimator is consistent only in the direction of T and not N, as shown by Nickell (1981) and others. Kiviet (1995) has recently worked out some analytical results regarding small sample bias of the LSDV estimator and has proposed a bias-corrected LSDV. His simulations show that the bias-corrected LSDV performs better than the AB-GMM type estimators do. Judson and Owen (1997) also reach similar conclusions. The Monte Carlo study by Islam (1993) also shows relatively poor performance of the AB-GMM estimator in estimating the growth-convergence equation using the Penn World Table (PWT) data. These findings indicate that the results presented in Caseli et al. (1996) may suffer from significant small sample bias. The Endogeneity Problem However, Caseli et al. (1996) correctly draws attention to a potential endogeneity problem. To illustrate this, we introduce here the growth-convergence equation that has 6 dominated the recent empirical growth literature. A generic version of this equation can be written as follows: y it = γ y i, t−1 + β xi, t−1 + µ i + η t + ν it . (1) Here y it represents log of per capita GDP of country i at time t, yi , t −1 is the same lagged by one period, and x i, t −1 is the difference in log of investment and population growth rate variables of country i at time t-1. Finally, µ i is the individual country effect, ηt is the time (period) effect, and ν it is the transitory error that varies across both country and period. The derivation of this equation is available in many recent papers and hence is not reproduced here. 10 It proceeds from the following Cobb-Douglas production function with Harrod-neutral technological progress α Yt = K t ( At Lt )1−α , (2) where Y, K, and L are output, capital, and labor respectively. A is the labor-augmenting technology which grows exponentially at the exogenous rate g. The derivation yields the following correspondence between coefficients of equation (1) and structural parameters of the production function (equation (2)): (3) γ = e − λτ , (4) β = (1 − e − λτ ) (5) α , 1− α µ i = (1 − e − λτ ) ln A0 i , and (6) η t = g ( t 2 − e − λτ t 1 ) . Here τ is the length of time between t 2 and t1 , which correspond to t and (t-1) of equation (1), respectively. Finally, λ = (1 − α )( n + g + δ ) . Notice that by itself equation (1) does not suffer from endogeneity. The explanatory variable x i, t −1 is pre-determined. So, even if there is a contemporaneous feedback effect of y it on x it , this cannot affect x i, t −1 . Hence the problem of endogeneity arises via the estimation procedure. For example, LSDV estimates the equation on the basis of within variation, and it amounts to application of OLS to the following transformed equation: (7) where y i = ( y it − yi ) = γ ( y i,t −1 − y i, −1 ) + β ( xi, t−1 − xi , −1 ) + (vit − v i ) , 1 T ∑ y it , T t=1 y i, −1 = 1 T −1 1 y i, t −1 , x i, −1 = ∑ T t= 0 T 10 T −1 ∑ xi , t −1 , and t =0 vi = 1 T ∑ v it . T t=1 See for example Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992, 1995), Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992), Islam (1995), Mankiw (1995), and other related works. 7 There are now two problems with this equation. The first is the correlation between ( y i, t −1 − y i, −1 ) and ( vit − v i ) that arises from the dynamic nature of the equation. This problem has been studied earlier by Nickel (1981) and others. However, now a second problem arises because of endogeneity. The term xi ,−1 contains all future values of x it . Hence if there is a feedback effect of y it on x it , then there is a correlation between ( xi, t−1 − xi , −1 ) and ( vit − v i ) . Estimation of dynamic panel data models with predetermined regressors has received considerable attention in recent years. Arellano and Bover (1995) consider this issue in the context of the AB-GMM type estimators. Their suggestion is to transform the system using the ‘forward orthogonal deviations operator’ and then to use lagged values of the predetermined variables as instruments. Keane and Runkle (1992) suggest the forward filtering method of Hayashi and Sims (1983) as an alternative way of conducting panel estimation with pre-determined variables, including lagged dependent variables. They show that this method can be applied even to the level-equation when the effects are random. On the other hand, if the effects are fixed and correlated, then the method has to be applied to the first-differenced equation. Schmidt, Ahn, and Wyhowski (1992) show that filtering becomes irrelevant if all available instruments are used. Ziliak (1997) presents an application of several panel estimators in a situation of pre-determined variables. He finds that the GMM estimators suffer from severe bias, though the forwardfilter GMM estimator performs better. 4. The Modified Minimum Distance Estimator The endogeneity problem affects the Minimum Distance (MD) estimation procedure too. In case of the MD estimation, the problem enters through the specification of the individual, country effect term µ i . Under strict exogeneity, the MD procedure assumes the following specification of µ i : (8) µ i = κ C + κ 0 x i0 + κ 1 xi1 + L + κ T −1 xi ,T −1 + ψ i , where E (ψ i | xi 0 ,K, x i,T −1 ) = 0 . Substituting this into equation (1) yields (9) y it = κ C + γ yi ,t −1 + κ 0 xi 0 + κ 1 x i1 + L + ( β + κ t ) xit + L + κ T −1 xT −1 + (ψ i + v it ) However, in presence of endogeneity, x it through x i, T −1 will be correlated with v it , and this will bias the estimation results. In the standard MD procedure, the right hand side term y i, t −1 is reduced to yi , 0 through repeated backward substitution. Then in order to conduct unconditional estimation, yi , 0 ’s are substituted by their following specification in terms of x it ’s: 8 (10) y i0 = φ C + φ 0 x i0 + φ1 x i1 +L+ φ T −1 xi , T −1 + ζ i , where E (ζ i | x i0 , K, xi , T −1 ) = 0 . In presence of endogeneity, this substitution adds to the correlation problem above. However, unlike the LSDV estimator, the MD estimator can still be made to work in presence of endogeneity. One way to do this is to modify the specifications of µ i and yi , 0 . The basic idea behind the MD estimation is that µ i ’s are correlated with the x it ’s, and the estimation procedure strives to offer as general a (linear) specification of this correlation as possible. However, it is not necessary to specify this correlation only in terms of those x it ’s that fall within the period for which estimation is conducted. It is quite valid to specify this correlation in terms of lagged values of x it . Note that even in the standard format, the specification of µ i in the equation for the T-th period turns out to be entirely in terms of lagged x it ’s. Specification of µ i in terms of lagged x it increases the set of right hand side variables and may make the resulting Π -matrix wider. However, in principle, it is still possible to squeeze out estimates of the structural parameters from the elements of the Π -matrix using the usual MD format, and the usual properties of the MD estimator should hold. Chamberlain (1982, 1983) shows that the Π -matrix can have many different structures depending on the concrete nature of the estimation problem at hand. In the following we illustrate the procedure on the basis of a set up where T = 3. To simplify the exposition we ignore the time effects and suppress the subscript i. The equation for the periods T, T-1, and T-2 can then be written as: y iT = γ y i, T −1 + β xi, T −1 + µ i + ν iT (11) y i,T −1 = γ yi , T −2 + β xi, T − 2 + µ i + ν i,T −1 y i, T − 2 = γ y i, T −3 + β xi, T − 3 + µ i + ν i, T − 2 Assuming that y i, T −3 ’s are the initial values of y, we can use repeated backward substitution to express the system only in terms of initial y and the x’s. This yields the following familiar system expressed in matrix form: y i, T − 2 β (12) y i, T −1 = γβ y i, T γ 2 β 0 β γβ u i, T − 2 0 x i, T −3 γ 1 2 0 x i,T − 2 + γ y i, T −3 + 1 + γ µ i + u i, T −1 , 2 u i, T β x i, T −1 γ 3 1 + γ + γ where u i, T − 2 = v i, T − 2 , u i, T −1 = γ v i, T − 2 + vi , T −1 , and u iT = γ 2 vi, T − 2 + γ vi , T −1 + v iT . Now suppose, we have lagged values of x such as x i, T −4 , x i,T − 5 , and x i, T −6 . We can use these lagged x’s to specify µ i and the initial y as follows: 9 (13) µ i = κ C + κ T −6 xi , T −6 + κ T −5 xi ,T −5 + κ T − 4 xi ,T − 4 + ψ i (14) y i, T −3 = φ C + φ T −6 xi ,T −6 + φ T −5 xi ,T −5 +φ T −4 xi , T −4 + ζ i Substituting these into equation (12) we get a Π -matrix of the following type: (15) where (16) π 10 π 11 π 12 π 13 π 14 π 15 Π = π 20 π 21 π 22 π 23 π 24 π 25 π 30 π 31 π 32 π 33 π 34 π 35 π 16 π 26 , π 36 π 10 = γ κ C + φ C π 20 = γ 2 κ C + (1 + γ ) φ C π 30 = γ 3 κ C + (1 + γ + γ 2 ) φ C π 11 = γ κ T − 6 + φT − 6 π 21 = γ 2 κ T − 6 + (1 + γ ) φ T − 6 π 31 = γ 3 κ T −6 + (1 + γ + γ 2 ) φ T −6 π 12 = γ κ T −5 + φ T −5 π 22 = γ 2 κ T −5 + (1 + γ ) φ T −5 π 32 = γ 3 κ T − 5 + (1 + γ + γ 2 ) φ T − 5 π 13 = γ κ T − 4 + φT − 4 π 23 = γ 2 κ T −4 + (1 + γ ) φ T − 4 π 33 = γ 3 κ T − 4 + (1 + γ + γ 2 ) φ T − 4 π 14 = β , π 15 = 0 , π 16 = 0 , π 24 = γ β , π 25 = β , π 26 = 0 , π 34 = γ 2 β , π 35 = γ β , and π 36 = β . Equation for each period now has only predetermined variables on the right hand side. Hence consistent estimates of the π ’s are readily available. Ignoring the first column, which contains the intercept terms, this Π -matrix contains eighteen elements, which are in turn functions of eight underlying parameters, namely (γ β κ T −6 κ T − 5 κ T − 4 φ T − 6 φ T −5 φ T −4 ) . We may denote these parameters together by the vector θ . The process of estimation of θ from the elements of Π -matrix can proceed in the usual fashion. In other words, we want θˆ such that (17) ˆ − g (θ ))' AN (vecΠ ˆ − g (θ )) , θˆ = arg min( vecΠ 10 where g (θ ) is the vector-valued function mapping the elements of θ into vec(Π ) , and AN is the weighting matrix. Chamberlain shows that the optimal choice for the weighting matrix AN is the inverse of Ω = E[( yi − Π 0 x i )( y i − Π 0 xi ) ′ ⊗ Φ −x1 ( x i xi′ ) Φ −x1 ] , (18) where Π 0 is the matrix of true coefficients, Φ x = E ( x i xi′) , and yi and x i are vectors containing y it ’s and x it ’s of the relevant time periods, respectively. It may be noted that Ω is a heteroskedasticity consistent weighting matrix. In actual implementation, it is replaced by its consistent sample analog N $ = N −1 ∑ [( y − Π $ x )( y − Π $ x ) ′ ⊗ S − 1 ( x x ′) S −1 ] , Ω i i i i x i i x (19) i N where S x = ∑ x i xi′ / N . Since only predetermined x’s appear in the system, the inference i =1 theory for the standard MD estimator should apply. Therefore under standard regularity assumptions, we should have D (20) N (θˆ − θ ) → N ( 0, [G ' Ω −1G] −1 ) where G = ∂g (θ ) ∂θ ′ . The estimated asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of θˆ is given by (21) 1 ˆ −1G ] −1 . Est. Asy Var ( θˆ ) = [G ′Ω N We now proceed to apply this modified MD estimator to study productivity dynamics in a large sample of countries. 5. Estimation and Results For estimation we focus on the 98-country sample that has figured widely in the recent studies of growth and productivity. 11 We begin by constructing the five-year panels in a similar fashion as in Islam (1995). The main reason for considering the data in five-year panels instead of in the yearly form is to minimize the role of short-term (business cycle) fluctuations in the estimation process. The recent version of the Penn World Tables allows the time period to be extended to 1990. For reasons that will be soon clear, having another five-year panel covering the period of 1990-1985 is important for the current study. However, not all the countries of the original 98-country sample have data for the year 1990. Hence, we have to drop the thirteen countries for which data 11 See for example, Barro (1991), Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) and Islam (1995). 11 are missing and thereby reduce the sample size to eighty-three. The entire period extends from 1960 to 1990, and we have six five-year panels, namely 1990-85, 1985-80, 1980-75, 1975-70, 1970-65, and 1965-60. The list of the countries included in the sample is provided in the Appendix Table-A1. While T = 6 is a reasonable size (with N = 83) for MD estimation, our task is made difficult by the following two facts. First, we need to distinguish two sub-periods within this overall period. Second, we need to leave some lagged observations so as to make it possible to specify µ i (and y i0 ) entirely in terms of pre-determined x it ’s. These two requirements put important constraints on the set ups that can be used. We adopt the following compromise formula. We consider two sub-periods, the first of which consists of the panels of 1965-70, 1970-75, and 1975-80. As is clear, this sub-period represent mainly the 1970s. The second sub-period consists of the panels of 1990-85, 1985-80, and 1980-75. This more recent sub-period represent mainly the 1980s. This allows the µ i for the first period to be specified in terms of x it ’s for 1965 and 1960. To keep the symmetry, the µ i for the second sub-period is specified in terms of x it ’s for 1975 and 1970, although more lagged x it ’s are available for this purpose for this sub-period. 12 With this setup, the Π -matrix for each period contains 12 elements (not counting the elements of the first column, which collects the terms involving the constants and the time effects). The number of parameters (again, not counting the constants and the time effects) to be estimated is six, thus leaving us with six degrees of freedom. We do not report the results on entire parameter vectors for consideration of space. Instead, we focus on only the implied values of α , the capital share. These values are reported in Table-1 below. Table-1 Minimum Distance Estimation of α , the Capital Share Time period 1970-1980 1980-1990 Estimated Value of α 0.2581 0.4574 Standard Error of Estimate 0.0923 0.1236 Value of the MD-statistic 0.3868 0.9666 Note: The MD statistic has a Chi-square distribution with six degrees of freedom. The critical values are 10.64, 12.59, and 16.81 for ten, five, and one percent level of significance, respectively. A few observations are in order here. First, we notice that the parameter α is estimated with considerable precision. Second, The value of the MD-statistic indicate that the restrictions imposed on the Π -matrix by the main dynamic equation (1) and the specifications of µ i and y i0 as given by equations (8) and (10) are sustained. These two observations are of econometric nature. From growth theory’s point of view however the main point to observe is the significance increase in the value of α 12 Notice that the panel for 1980-75 appears in both the sub-periods. This is to have some degrees of freedom for the estimation to be successful. 12 from the earlier to the more recent period. Two factors might have worked for this increase. First, notice that the production function (equation (2)) used to derive the dynamic model (equation (1)) does not include “human capital” as a separate input. The L stands for labor, and in implementation L is measured by head count of population or workers. There is no way for human capital to enter the picture through L. On the other hand, development of human capital requires some physical investment too (school buildings, equipment, etc.). It is therefore possible that capital K, implemented through the investment rate variable, captures some of increased importance of human capital in the production processes of the more recent period compared to those of the earlier period. The second possible reason for the increase in the value of α is purely of distributional nature. It is widely perceived that the balance of social forces has moved more in favor of the owners of capital in the 1980s compared to that in the 1970s. This is reflected by the waning strength of the labor unions, rising income and wealth inequality, etc. The higher value of α for the more recent period is likely to be a reflection of these shifts in distribution. This rise in the value of α in the recent period may not be an artifact of MD estimation. Some corroborative evidence from LSDV estimation can illustrate this. Table-2 presents the values of α obtained from LSDV estimation for two correspondingly similar periods. Table-2 LSDV Estimation of α , the Capital Share Time period 1960-1975 1975-1990 Estimated Value of α 0.2258 0.3160 Standard Error of Estimate 0.0388 0.0383 Note that the time periods are not exactly the same as those used for MD estimation. However, it is clear from the above that the estimated value of α does indeed prove to be much higher for the recent period compared to the earlier period. Recall the earlier discussion about problems with LSDV estimation in presence of lagged dependent variable and endogeneity. Hence, no claim is made here regarding inference-quality of the LSDV results. These are presented here for illustrative purpose only. In the remaining of this study, we will use the MD values of α . Note that we need estimated α values only to compute the productivity indices. The relative standing of countries within a sample and within a period is not likely to be that affected by small differences in the value of α . Nevertheless, use of an α obtained from a consistent estimator such as the modified MD estimator above should be a better option compared to setting α arbitrarily. It is to the task of computation of the productivity indices that we now turn. 13 6. Productivity Levels and Changes The estimated coefficients of the dynamic model (equation (1)) can be used to obtain the estimated values of µ i ’s. The correspondence given by equation (3) and (5) can then be used to recover the estimated values of A0i . The appendix Table-A1 compiles the results. The columns (2)-(4) show results on relative productivity levels for the initial period, and the columns (5)-(7) show the results for the subsequent period. The numbers in columns (8) and (9) give the ordinal and cardinal measures of change in productivity level of the individual countries between the two periods. To help assimilate the information provided in Table-A1, we present several tables. Table-3 shows the top ten and the bottom ten performing countries in terms of total factor productivity in the two periods. Several things come to notice. First is persistence. We see that seven countries are common in the list of top ten for both the periods. It is only France, Belgium, and Japan who, while being in the top ten in the initial period, fail to do so in the subsequent period. Hong Kong, the UK, and Denmark replace them. Similarly eight of the bottom ten remain common in both the initial and subsequent periods. Two countries, namely the Central African Republic and Chad, lift themselves to higher productivity levels in the subsequent period, and Nigeria and Zimbabwe replace them. Second, most of the high-performing countries are from North America and Europe (and Australia). Other than these only Japan, Trinidad, and Hong Kong enter this top list. Third, Hong Kong replaces the US as the country with the highest total productivity level in the 1980s. Fourth, most of the countries of the least performing countries are from Africa. The only notable exception is India. In terms of productivity India finds herself in this bottom rung in both the periods. The persistence of countries in the top and bottom list should not overshadow the wide-ranging movements that occur between the two periods. On can look at these dynamics from two points of view, namely the ordinal and the cardinal. The ordinal view is presented in Table-4. It summarizes the extent of movement in terms of change in rank. The following observations can be made. First, there are three countries whose rank does not change. These are El Salvador, Mexico, and Sweden, having the ranks of 49, 24, and 6 respectively. Second, a few countries undergo productivity improvement of such magnitude that the ranks of a large number of countries go down. Thus while thirty countries’ productivity rank improves, as many as fifty countries’ rank suffers. There are 5 countries whose rank improves by more than 20. Of the remaining, the number of countries whose rank improves by 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 are 9, 9, 3, and 4 respectively. On the deterioration side, the number of countries whose rank deteriorates by 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 prove to be 25, 12, 7, and 6 respectively. There is no country whose rank suffers by more than 20. More useful for subsequent analysis are the cardinal shifts in productivity. For cardinal analysis we express the productivity level of the individual countries as percentage of the US productivity level in both the periods. Thus the numbers in column (9) give the change (in percentage points)13 in the productivity level of a country relative to that of the USA. We summarize this information in Table-5. On the improvement side, we see that the number of countries whose productivity level relative to that of the USA 13 Obviously, after multiplying by hundred. 14 improve by 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 percentage points are 14, 8, 4, and 1 respectively. For another six countries, this improvement exceeds twenty percentage points. On the deterioration side, the number of countries whose productivity relative to that of the USA declines by 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 percentage points are 20, 16, 8, and 4, respectively. This decline exceeds twenty percentage points for one country only. Graph-1 presents both the ordinal and cardinal information in the form of a picture. The X-axis represents the relative (to the US) productivity level in the initial period. The Y-axis does the same for the subsequent period. The 45-degree line represents the points where the relative levels in the two periods are the same. The graph is selfexplanatory. All that we observed above in terms of the Tables can now be perused in the context of this graph. These results confirm that significant productivity movements are occurring among the countries over time. The picture is complex. The movements are in different directions and are of widely different magnitudes. This information can now be used to find out and analyze the determinants of productivity. 7. Interpretation and Issues It cannot be claimed that all issues regarding estimation of the productivity indices have been resolved, and all is well with the results presented in this paper. First of all there are some data issues. The present exercise is based on the Penn World Tables (PWT). Relative productivity indices cannot be computed unless data for different countries are brought to a common base. From this point of view the PWT is particularly appealing because it has a common base and the conversion is done using the purchasing power parity (PPP) principle. Also, almost all the recent papers on growth and productivity have used this data set. 14 Yet the PWT is not above some criticism. Several researchers have questioned the validity of the data and hence the merit of research done on its basis. 15 While we do not share the extreme variants of this criticism, we recognize that some aspects of the results may actually owe to problems of data construction rather than to the economic processes of interest. From methodological point of view, some issues concerning assumptions about α and g remain. To the extent that we are ready to assume a common α across countries, the estimation procedure used in this paper has the attractive properties of being free from omitted variable bias and endogeneity bias. However, one may remain squeamish about a common α . Although it is difficult to either obtain or econometrically estimate countryspecific α , particularly for different periods, the effort in this direction can certainly continue. The same can be said of g. In this paper we continue to assume a common g within a period. This allows treating the ratio of initial productivity level as the relative productivity level for the period as a whole. This can be illustrated through equation (22) below. 14 The American Economic Association (AEA) has even awarded prize to Robert Summers and Alan Heston for putting together this data set. 15 See for example Bardhan (1995). Temple (1998) also discusses the data issues. 15 (22) Ait A e gt A = 0i gt = 0i . A jt A0 j e A0 j However, this also leaves unexplained what leads to change in the relative productivity level from one period to the other. Thus the assumption of a within-period common g has a contradiction with substantial changes in relative productivity level that this study reveals. Future research may focus on this issue. An important issue concerns interpretation of A0i or “total factor productivity (TFP).” It is well known that A0i and TFP is an omnibus term that encompasses many different elements. 16 In his Nobel address, Solow approvingly mentions “unpacking” by Denison of “technological progress in the broadest sense” into “technological progress in the narrow sense” and several other constituents. (Solow, 1987). Among the latter are, for example, “improved allocation of resources” (which refers to movement of labor from low productivity agriculture to high productivity industry), economies of scale, etc. So interpreting the changes in relative productivity levels that we observe through this study is not easy. This will require an entire separate level of study. However, we may take note of one particular aspect of this issue, particularly to facilitate comparison with other studies such as of Hall and Jones (1996, 1999). This concerns human capital. Unlike Hall and Jones we have refrained from including humancapital in the production function. There are two reasons for this, both relating to data. First, human capital data are generally fraught with problems. In most cases the schooling years are not adjusted for differences in quality. Also the estimates of returns to schooling for one region may not hold for others. There is also the issue of appropriate definition and measurement of human capital. Etc. Thus, incorporation of human capital into the analysis is likely to lead to considerable noise in the data. Second, unlike Hall and Jones, which is a level exercise for one particular year, the present exercise requires human capital data for all the quinquennial years. Such data are difficult to get for a large sample of countries. Moreover, research shows that the time series dimension of available human capital data is worse than the cross-section dimension. 17 The decision to leave human capital out of the production function does not imply that human capital is not important. What this means is that the productivity dynamics presented in this paper in part captures the variation and dynamics of human capital formation. This relationship may be more clearly seen as follows. Proceeding from equation (2) we have (23) ln Y − α ln K − (1 − α ) ln L = (1 − α ) ln A S . The notation A S indicates that this A comes from the original Solow production function given by equation (2). On the other hand, if we proceed from the following Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992)’s version of human capital augmented production function, (24) 16 17 Y = K α H β ( A MRW L )1−α − β , See Islam (1999) for a discussion of this and the related issues. See for example, DeGregorio (1992), Benhabib and Spiegel (1994), Islam (1995), and others. 16 where H is the stock of human capital, then we have (25) ln Y − α ln K − (1 − α ) ln L = (1 − α − β ) ln A MRW + β (ln H − ln L ) = (1 − α ) ln AMRW + β (ln h − ln A MRW ) . Here h is human capital per unit of L. Together with (23) this implies that (26) β 1 − α − β S MRW ln A = + ln h . ln A 1−α 1− α This shows that A computed on the basis of equation (2) contains a component coming from human capital. This relationship between A S and human capital is simpler in the context of the following production function used by Hall and Jones (1999): (27) Y = K α ( A HJ H ) 1−α , They specify H to be e φ ( E ) L , where E is years of education. With this specification the relationship between A S and AHJ is simply given by (28) ln A S = ln A HJ + φ ( E) All this makes clear that part of the story of productivity dynamics displayed in this paper has to be told in terms of variation and change in human capital accumulation. However, that will not be the entire story. Many other factors have to be distinguished and identified. It is to this intriguing but promising task that we may look forward. 8. Concluding Remarks Recent research has shown that productivity differences far overshadow differences in capital accumulation in accounting for (per capita) income differences across countries. However, analysis of international productivity differences has not kept up with it importance. For a long time cross-country growth regularities were studied under the assumption of identical technology. Recent research has broken that mold and this has led to some attention to productivity differences across countries. This has also given rise to new methodologies for estimation of productivity indices in large sample of countries, such as the panel regression approach and the cross-section growth accounting approach. These methodologies have so far produced one-shot pictures of productivity differences across countries. However, for a deeper understanding of productivity determinants, it is necessary to unearth and analyze the productivity dynamics. This paper takes a step in that direction by computing productivity indices in a sample of eighty-three countries for two periods, namely the seventies and the eighties. 17 For this purpose it uses an estimation procedure that avoids both the omitted variable bias problem and the endogeneity problem. The results show enormous diversity in productivity dynamics across countries. Almost all countries undergo change in relative productivity level. Some experience movement in the upward direction while others witness movement in the downward direction. 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Rep -0.50157 65 78 0.131229 0.065894 -0.16995 -0.39115 58 72 0.197986 0.128355 7 6 0.066757 0.062461 Chad -0.47727 76 0.070324 -0.22055 60 0.179299 16 0.108975 Congo Egypt -0.08977 -0.05857 50 47 0.198464 0.215754 0.079347 0.244547 34 27 0.322677 0.446004 16 20 0.124213 0.23025 Ghana -0.34627 70 0.099868 -0.13825 55 0.210673 15 0.110805 Ivory Coast Kenya -0.14247 -0.46997 54 74 0.172346 0.071712 -0.28445 -0.57315 64 78 0.1582 0.089856 -10 -4 -0.01415 0.018144 Madagascar -0.15387 55 0.167165 0.289647 22 0.487209 33 0.320043 Malawi Mali -0.59097 -0.57697 83 82 0.051868 0.053849 -0.76995 -0.49935 81 77 0.061106 0.103835 2 5 0.009239 0.049987 Mauritania -0.47997 77 0.069817 -0.74665 80 0.063961 -3 -0.00586 Mauritius Morocco 0.078428 -0.09447 33 51 0.311358 0.195982 0.360747 -0.01865 16 45 0.560035 0.266304 17 6 0.248676 0.070323 Mozambique -0.19977 62 0.147834 0.163547 31 0.380553 31 0.232718 Nigeria Rwanda -0.24167 -0.19687 64 61 0.132146 0.148987 -0.64845 -0.07625 79 51 0.077531 0.237884 -15 10 -0.05462 0.088898 Senegal -0.29087 69 0.115837 -0.01275 44 0.269401 25 0.153564 S. Africa Togo 0.032728 -0.51437 36 79 0.2755 0.063674 -0.07865 -0.86245 52 83 0.236768 0.050977 -16 -4 -0.03873 -0.0127 Tunisia -0.07607 48 0.205878 -0.03075 47 0.260065 1 0.054187 Uganda Zambia -0.44377 -0.53277 73 81 0.076923 0.060613 -0.07105 -0.78675 50 82 0.24032 0.059128 23 -1 0.163397 -0.00149 Zimbabwe -0.35827 72 0.096711 -0.47315 75 0.109305 -3 0.012594 Canada Costa Rica 0.506528 0.088028 2 32 0.979595 0.319465 0.595047 0.040047 3 39 0.886306 0.298763 -1 -7 -0.09329 -0.0207 Dom. Rep. -0.05207 46 0.219542 -0.22335 61 0.178319 -15 -0.04122 El Salvador Guatemala -0.08687 0.001928 49 39 0.200011 0.253693 -0.06985 0.030447 49 41 0.240886 0.293196 0 -2 0.040875 0.039503 Honduras -0.26527 66 0.124055 -0.29745 67 0.154221 -1 0.030166 Jamaica Mexico -0.16837 0.259328 59 24 0.1608 0.505368 -0.31435 0.265947 68 24 0.149198 0.465102 -9 0 -0.0116 -0.04027 Nicaragua -0.15687 56 0.165828 -0.28885 66 0.156842 -10 -0.00899 Panama Trinidad 0.007328 0.494728 37 3 0.257387 0.94913 -0.16105 0.520747 56 4 0.201469 0.766233 -19 -1 -0.05592 -0.1829 USA 0.514228 1 1 0.656647 2 1 -1 0 Argentina Bolivia 0.240028 -0.19657 26 60 0.479917 0.149106 0.126047 -0.32105 32 69 0.353594 0.147252 -6 -9 -0.12632 -0.00185 Brazil 0.133628 30 0.360949 0.026247 42 0.290793 -12 -0.07016 Chile 0.003428 38 0.254713 0.070847 35 0.317347 3 0.062634 23 Initial Country ( µi − µ ) (1) (2) Initial Initial Subsequent Subsequent Subsequent Change in Change in Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity Relative (to ( µi − µ ) Rank Relative to Rank Relative to Rank the US) the USA The USA Productivity (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Colombia -0.01247 41 0.244098 -0.00615 43 0.272907 -2 0.028809 Ecuador Paraguay -0.00997 -0.02737 40 42 0.245737 0.234552 -0.19565 -0.10835 59 53 0.188264 0.223384 -19 -11 -0.05747 -0.01117 Peru -0.03837 44 0.227744 -0.23525 63 0.174209 -19 -0.05354 Uruguay Venezuela 0.185128 0.299228 28 23 0.414314 0.562344 0.060447 0.254947 38 26 0.310946 0.455185 -10 -3 -0.10337 -0.10716 Bangladesh -0.28067 67 0.119044 0.258547 25 0.458407 42 0.339364 Hong Kong India 0.373028 -0.47347 13 75 0.685197 0.071043 0.663347 -0.47535 1 76 1.013214 0.108834 12 -1 0.328017 0.037791 Israel 0.309428 22 0.577913 0.318747 19 0.515794 3 -0.06212 Japan Jordan 0.380728 -0.09697 10 52 0.69947 0.194674 0.312347 -0.37465 21 71 0.509367 0.132572 -11 -19 -0.1901 -0.0621 S. Korea 0.062928 35 0.298701 0.063147 37 0.312596 -2 0.013894 Malaysia Pakistan 0.074828 -0.35577 34 71 0.308372 0.09736 0.038447 -0.16955 40 57 0.297828 0.198142 -6 14 -0.01054 0.100781 Philippines -0.16577 58 0.161923 -0.34495 70 0.140516 -12 -0.02141 Singapore Sri Lanka 0.315928 -0.15767 21 57 0.588059 0.165473 0.188347 -0.05585 29 48 0.399501 0.247585 -8 9 -0.18856 0.082112 Syria 0.188728 27 0.418326 0.183947 30 0.396071 -3 -0.02225 Thailand Austria -0.10837 0.361528 53 17 0.188822 0.664421 -0.02085 0.317547 46 20 0.265159 0.514583 7 -3 0.076337 -0.14984 Belgium 0.384328 9 0.706244 0.394647 12 0.598495 -3 -0.10775 Denmark Finland 0.362228 0.330828 16 20 0.665668 0.611993 0.398947 0.269247 10 23 0.603559 0.468119 6 -3 -0.06211 -0.14387 France 0.404628 7 0.745692 0.379947 13 0.581503 -6 -0.16419 Germany Greece 0.380728 0.169028 11 29 0.69947 0.396834 0.366847 0.064147 14 36 0.566768 0.313209 -3 -7 -0.1327 -0.08362 Ireland 0.372528 14 0.68428 0.398847 11 0.603441 3 -0.08084 Italy Netherland 0.346428 0.398228 19 8 0.638095 0.733023 0.340547 0.423347 18 9 0.538302 0.633114 1 -1 -0.09979 -0.09991 Norway 0.379928 12 0.697973 0.364147 15 0.563778 -3 -0.1342 Portugal Spain 0.117428 0.258728 31 25 0.345628 0.504556 0.088947 0.214147 33 28 0.328804 0.420214 -2 -3 -0.01682 -0.08434 Sweden 0.417028 6 0.770864 0.465747 6 0.687956 0 -0.08291 Switzerland Turkey 0.453028 -0.03317 4 43 0.848864 0.230937 0.430347 -0.12625 8 54 0.641857 0.215685 -4 -11 -0.20701 -0.01525 U. K. 0.367328 15 0.674819 0.491547 5 0.723626 10 0.048807 Australia 0.435628 New 0.354028 Zealand P. N. Guinea -0.22827 5 18 0.810225 0.651212 0.461147 0.360047 7 17 0.681783 0.559267 -2 1 -0.12844 -0.09195 63 0.136973 -0.41305 73 0.122964 -10 -0.01401 Note: The shows: µi ’s are the estimated country effects obtained from estimation of equation (1). As equation (5) µi =(1− e −λτ ) ln A0i . The µ is the average of µi over i, where i is the subscript for the countries. 24 Table-3 Best and Worst TFP Performers Rank Top ten in the initial period Top ten in the subsequent Period 1 USA Hong Kong 2 Canada 3 Rank Bottom ten in the initial period Bottom ten in the subsequent period 83 Malawi Togo USA 82 Mali Zambia Trinidad Canada 81 Zambia Malawi 4 Switzerland Trinidad 80 Burundi Mauritania 5 Australia UK 79 Togo Nigeria 6 Sweden Sweden 78 Ctrl. Afr. Rep Kenya 7 France Australia 77 Mauritania Mali 8 Netherlands Switzerland 76 Chad India 9 Belgium Netherlands 75 India Zimbabwe 10 Japan Denmark 74 Kenya Burundi Note: The ranks are on the basis of estimated values of µi . Under the assumption the µi remain unchanged within the period. The “Initial Period” mostly refers to the 1970s, and the “Subsequent Period” to the 1980s. 25 Table-4 Productivity Dynamics: Change of Rank Improve -ment in rank by No Of countries 1-5 9 6-10 Countries Countries Deterior -ation in rank by No. of Coun tries Benin, Malawi, Mali, Tunisia, Chile, Israel, Ireland, Italy, New Zealnd 1-5 25 Kenya, Mauritania, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, Trinidad, USA, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Korea, Syria, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Australia 9 Burundi, Cameroon, Ctrl. Afr. Rep., Morocco, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Denmark, the UK 6-10 12 Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Malaysia, Singapore, France, Greece, Papua New Guinea 11-15 3 Ghana, Hong Kong, Pakistan 11-15 7 Nigeria, Dom. Rep., Brazil, Paraguay, Japan, Philippines, Turkey 16-20 4 Chad, Congo, Egypt, Mauritius 16-20 6 Algeria, South Africa, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Jordan More than 20 5 Bangladesh, Madagascar, Mozambique, Senegal, Uganda More than 20 0 Note: The ranks are on the basis of estimated values of within the period. 26 µi . Under the assumption the µi remain unchanged Table-5 Productivity Dynamics: Change in Relative Productivity Countries Deterior -ation in relative pdvty by (pct. Points) 0-5 No. of Count ries Countries 20 Algeria, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, South Africa, Togo, Zambia, Costa Rica, Dom. Rep., Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Malaysia, Philippines, Syria, Portugal, Turkey, Papua New Guinea Cameroon, Ctr. Afr. Rep., Morocco, Rwanda, Chile, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand 6-10 16 Nigeria, Canada, Panama, Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, Israel, Jordan, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, New Zealand 4 Chad, Congo, Ghana, Senegal 11-15 8 Argentina, Venezuela, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Norway, Australia 16-20 1 Uganda 16-20 4 Trinidad, Japan, Singapore, France More than 20 6 Bangladesh, Egypt, Hong Kong, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique More than 20 1 Switzerland Improve -ment in relative pdvty by (pct. points) 0-5 No Of Countries 14 Benin, Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, India, Korea, the UK. 6-10 8 11-15 Note: Relative productivity level signifies the ratio of A0 of a country to A0 of the USA for the same period. Under the assumptions this ratio remain the same within the same period. 27 Graph-1 Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries Productivity Dynamics in a Large Sample of Countries 1.1 1.1 HKG Subsequent Relative Productivity 1 USA .9 CAN .8 1 .9 .8 TTO GBR .7 .7 SWE AUS CHE NLD DNK IRL BEL DEUFRA MUS NZLNOR ITA ISR AUT JPN MDG MEX VEN FIN BGD EGY ESP SGP SYR MOZ ARG PRT COGCHL KOR GRC URY CRIBRA GTMMYS COL SEN THA MAR TUN LKA UGA RWASLV ZAF PRY TUR GHA PAN PAK CMR ECU TCD DOM DZA PER CIV BEN HND NIC BOL JAM PHL JOR CAR PNG BDI IND ZWE MLI KEN NGA MRT MWI ZMB TGO .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Initial Relative Productivity .8 .9 1 Note: “Initial Relative Productivity” refers to productivity relative to the US in the 1970s, and “Subsequent Relative Productivity” refers to productivity relative to the US in the 1980s. Relative productivity is measured by the ratio A 0i A 0 ,US given in columns (4) and (7) of the Appendix Table-A1. 28 . The data for the graph are