Summer 2016 - Eveline`s Sunshine Cottage


Summer 2016 - Eveline`s Sunshine Cottage
Summer 2016
Home Sweet Home
June 15, 2001 we opened the doors of our
very first apartment and to the first
single mothers and their children who
would live at Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage
while obtaining their education.
Through hard work and
determination we have celebrated
15 COLLEGE Graduations!
On June 15th, 2016,
15 Years to the date that we opened
that first door to opportunity, stability,
and hope, we held an open house to
celebrate the completion of two
brand new homes.
Amarillo Area Foundation Amarillo Business Foundation
Payne Foundation Inc. Kimble Foundation Trust
Mary E. Bivins Foundation Josephine Anderson Trust
Dr. Kent and Ilene Roberts Balliet
A-1 Rocket Industries Inc.
Alvarez Masonry
Custom Gardens
The Drawing Board
Ferguson Enterprises Inc
Grant Construction
Jenkins Doors and Windows
Ply Gem Windows
Rhynehart Roofting
Tascosa Brick
Affordable Plumbing Heating & Air
Beto’s Drywall LLC
Cooke Electrical Contracting Inc.
D-Rays Construction
Golden Spread Redi-Mix Inc.
Loc-Tite Inc.
Morgan Trim Inc.
PPG Paints
Quality Insulation
Sherwin Williams
Stock Building Supply
Winston Water Cooler, LTD
West Texas Builders Supply
The general definition of the word RETREAT is, “the organized group
withdrawal from general activities in order to develop a closer relationship.” In April, we brought together the graduates’, the present successes, and the new future
successes for a MOMS weekend. OH
MY, what a fantastic group coming together to share information, to encourage
each other, and to eat, laugh and to enjoy
each other for a weekend. I am so proud
of each single parent Mom who is part of
our “sisterhood”. They are the role model
for their family. They work hard to stand
on their own two feet and to be the family
strength, while they strive for good
grades, and work toward a college degree
for their future success. The families in
Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage become a “bonded group” for a lifetime. With
PRIDE, they make the Board of Directors and me, smile.
“I will leave behind the ‘I don’t knows’, ‘the I can’t’, and ‘I’ll
never be enough’... And find the REAL me.”
As we touch new lives coming into Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage, we realize life in
poverty is like playing a game. One never knows whether to face the obstacles, or
just “skirt’ around them and hope that we can still come out ahead. One of the hardest challenges to face is figuring out, “who we are, how to grow strong in our selfbelief, and how to get rid of the “old doubting demons” that float in our brain. With
that said, I asked the new Moms moving in to Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage two questions, as I have done with others in the past; “What are you leaving behind when you
come into Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage, and what do you hope to find in Eveline’s
Sunshine Cottage?”
The answers are very moving and very truthful. One said, “I am leaving behind selfdoubt, the ‘I don’t knows’, ‘the I can’t’, and ‘I’ll never be enough’ and I hope to find in Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage... myself… the
REAL me that GOD always intended for me to be, confident, secure, educated… the kind of woman that can change her own fate
and in turn can change the lives of her children”. Another Mom said that she hopes to be a more “present Mom with less distractions
and worries about finances and the future of the children……” that both Mom and the children, can achieve goals, unity, strength and
encouragement through the sisterhood of other single Moms. “The world is tough and with lots of hate, but we will be a part of a
community that loves us”. Another Mom said “I am leaving behind fear and self-hate, other than success, I am hoping to work on
healing my heart, building my self- esteem, building friendships and becoming an awesome Mom.” Those in poverty need to decide
how to “side step” the people that bring them down, and most of all, how to become strong in their emotional belief in themselves,
rise to the top and become the person that they want to become. No more walking up the set of abandoned, concrete steps that lead to
nowhere, but now believe that those steps as steps that lead to a strong, bright future. So with that said, we want to transition our girls
from weakness to strength, from, “grass” to grace and from going nowhere to going everywhere.
Gentle Blessings, Eveline Rivers-McCoy & Quinci Eveline Floyd
Thank you to our wonderful donors!
Abbruscato, Thomas & Robyn
Amarillo Area Foundation
Amarillo National Bank
Atmos Energy Corporation
Austin, Dr. & Mrs. Steve
Baldwin, LaCretia
Bali, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Barker, Jimmy & Carolyn
Beggs, Dr. David & Rita
Bingham, Millie
Birdsong, Carl & Shylan
Bonds, Christine
Bonifield, Hugh & Tamara
Bonifield, Miles & Berklye
Bonifield, Taylor & Jeffrey Faught
Boudreaux, G Shell & Connie
Boyd, Bonnie
Bradshaw, Lisa
Brady Dental Group'
Brandt, Mark & Sandi
Brent, Nancy
Britten, Joshua & Kacie
Bryson, Dr. & Mrs. Neil'
BSA Health System
Bunn Jr., Larry & Libby
Burks, Brad & Susan
Burnett-Veigel, Cindy
Cameron, Don & Joyce
Campidilli, Tony & Holly
Carroll, Mike & Jamie
Carter, Ross & Shelley
Caviness, Terry & Janette
Chesnut, Jeff & Denise
Comer, Mickey & Pebbie
Conoco Phillips
Culp, Gary & Peggy
Currie, Mr. & Mrs. Neil
Currie, Tully & Erica
DeBrango, Bernadette
Doores, James
Doughten, Cathy
Duesterhaus, Davlyn
Dulle, Caroline
Duncan & Boyd, Inc.
Edwards, Mrs. Gene
Evans, Courtney
Evans, Wayne & Dora
Faith City Ministries
Faris, L.T. & Lea
Ferguson, Barbara
Fincher, Lana
First United Bank
Fry, Stanley Jr., DDS
G & J Truck Sales
Garner, Janet
Gilmore, Diann & Perry
Gleason, Peter & Pamela
Graham, Charles & Joan
Graham, Cynthia
Grant, Kathie
Green, Matthew & Nickkolina
Hakimi, Charla Killion
Happy State Bank
Henard, Joe & Kay
Herrick, Scott & Gloria
Hickman, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pat
High Plains Eye Health Center, Inc.
Hilbert, Harvey & Sandra
Hodges, Janice
Hoff Davis, Lisa
Holloway, Dr. Shane & Melissa
Howard Smith Co. Realtors
Hudgins, M/M Jack S.
Hunt, Mary
Hurt, Carolyn
Johnson & Sheldon, PLLC
Johnston, Jim & Karen
Jones, Anne
Karr, Dr. & Mrs. Carter
Kelley, Elizabeth & Bryan
Lowe, Horace
Lowery, Troy & Jan
Marsh 3, Wendy & Stanley
Masters III, Wesley & Emily
Mayo, Mikal
McClendon, Bill & Sherrie
McCown, James & Janice
McMennamy, Glenn
McMordie, Magdalena
McPherson, Travis & Rebecca
Moore, Stan & Debbie
Moore, Vicki
Neeb, Andrew & Leska
Newsom, Judy
Nolan, Dodd & Jennifer
Oeschger, Bryson & Deanna
Oeschger, Kristin
Oeschger, Lawrence & Sharon
Ollinger, Kelvin & Debbie
Ollinger, Sherry
Pat's Designs
Paul Tiffany Homes, Inc.
Pendleton, Penny
Perkins, Peggy
Perrin, Dalles & Bobbie
Pfeffer, Mary
Pinkston, Robert & Laurie
Poole, Karen
Ray, William & Gayle
Ricci, Jay & Sharon
Rigdon, Debbie & Sam
Riggs, Brenda
Riley-Cleaver, Kay
Roberts, Jane
Roberts, Kelly
Sadau, Katherine
Sather, Jennifer
Schenk, Jonathan & Jessica
Schooler, Mary & Maurice
Seidlitz, Mark & Elena
Sheldon, Kathy
Shelly, Tim
Sinclair, BG & Rosa Martha
Smallwood, Danny & Yolanda
Smith, Dale A.
Smith, Stephanie
Smith, Tommy & Patty
Spurlock, Neal S.
St. Andrews Parish
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
St. Stephens UMC
Stich, Patricia
Stickel, Maria
Street, Joe & Laura
Stribling, Clay & Katherine
Swan, Jan
The Secret Place
Thompson, Donald & Saundra
TML Co., Inc.
Tolk, John & Diana
Toot'n Totum Food Stores, LLC
Top Notch Outfitters
Tryton Properties
United Way of Amarillo and Canyon
Vaughn, Sandy Wyley
Vincent Trust, Robert Carr
Walders, Judy
Walker, Patricia R.
Ware, Patrick & Blake
Watson, Kimbra
Weatherly, James & Cindy
Westgate Computers.
Whittenburg, Kelly
Wilkie, Eric & Tricia
Williams, Nancy
Willis, Brandon & Marci
Wooten, Karyn V.
Wyatt, Bart & Cydni
Wyley-Vaughn, Sandy
Xcel Energy'
Zambrano, Alfonso & Britny
Cynthia Creswell
by James D Eliza
Carolyn Long
by John Mark Sunday School Class
Mike Hughes
by Administration Staff & Management Team of
Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration
“Picnic in the Park”, what a fabulous fundraiser and gathering of wonderful people. I
cannot give enough thanks to Sharon Oeschger
as Chairperson for “Picnic in the Park”, and
her wonderful “support system”, Stephanie
Hugg, Konni Campbell, Jamie Carroll and
Deborah Mack. They made the event Happy,
Colorful, Inviting, Informative, Memorable,
Successful and they fed us very well. It gave
Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage the opportunity to
enjoy many wonderful people, and at the same
time to tell our guests about our wonderful
sisterhood and our “college successes”. It also
gave us the opportunity to thank so many who
support our taking the poverty level and homeless, single parent families, and college educating them!!!
Jill Pryor-Rippa gave a very moving speech
about her perseverance and the encouragement
she received while living at Eveline’s
Sunshine Cottage. What Jill reminded us of in
her speech, was a phrase that was often repeated when she felt overwhelmed or defeated,
“You can do this! You just haven't done it
Cottage Successes. Past, Present & Future
PO Box 50974, Amarillo TX 79159 Phone: (806) 803-9357 / Fax: (806) 355-8127
Website: Email:
Thank you for supporting Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage
_____$500 _____$200 _____$100 _____$50 _____Other
Address _________________________________City State Zip ____________________ Phone ___________________________
Email Address _________________________________ Check Visa  MC 
Credit Card Number __________________________________Exp. Date ________________ 3 Digit SEC#___________________
*Please make checks to : Eveline’s Sunshine Cottage PO Box 50974 Amarillo TX 79150 (806) 803-9357
Non Profit org
U.S. Postage
Determination and Education
are the future…
Amarillo, TX
Permit #247
PO Box 50974 Amarillo, TX 79159
Current Needs: We have 14 new childr en coming in, so if you ar e cleaning out clothes please keep us in
mind. We are currently looking for the following clothing: Boy 8 yrs old—8 shirt, 7 shorts/jeans, Girl 5 yrs
old— 7 top and bottom, plus dresses, Boy3 yrs old—size 3/4-top and bottom, New baby GIRL to be born Sept.1,
fall and winter baby clothes and
We also have the following material needs: Large boxes of Tide
laundry soap, dryer
sheets, shampoo,
toothpaste, deodorant, paper towels,
toilet paper, and
gasoline gift cards.