liste des propositions de programmes dans
liste des propositions de programmes dans
LISTE DES PROPOSITIONS DE PROGRAMMES DANS LE CADRE DU REGLEMENT (CE) N° 501/2008 – MODIFIE PAR LE REGLEMENT (UE) N° 1085/2011 POUR LA PROMOTION SUR LE MARCHE INTERIEUR ET DANS LES PAYS TIERS RESULTATS DE L'EXAMEN DES PROPOSITIONS DE PROGRAMMES 2013 - PARTIE 1 : PROGRAMMES ACCEPTES September 2013 1 PROGRAMMES ACCEPTES TABLE DES MATIERES PAYS ORGANISATIONS PROPOSANTES PRODUITS PAGES ORGANIC 4 DAIRY 14 AT AMA-M CZ AGRÁRNÍ KOMORA ČR DK GAU FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES 24 EL EAS KAL + EAS MES DAIRY + OLIVE OIL + TABLE OLIVES 34 ES COAG-IR PDO PGI TSG (VEGETABLES) 43 ES CRDO CARIÑENA+CRDO CALATAYUD+CRDO CAMPO DE BORJA+CRDO SOMONTANO+CRDO TERRA ALTA WINES 57 FI LIHATIEDOTUSYHDISTYS RY MEAT (Pig) 74 FR CIGC + CNIEL + CHAOURCE + BEURE CHARENTE-POITOU + CANTAL + MORBIER + OSSAUIRATY + REBLOCHON + CAMEMBERT DE NORMANDIE + LIVAROT + PONT L'EVÊQUE + NEUFCHÂTEL + BEURRE D'ISIGNY + CRÈME D'ISIGNY + BRIES DE MEAUX + BRIE DE MELUN PDO PGI TSG (DAIRY) 82 FR FIL Rouge MEAT 93 FR CNIEL DAIRY 105 IT CONSORZIO DI TUTELA FORMAGGIO STELVIO + CONSORZIO MELA ALTO ADIGE + CONSORZIO DI TUTELA SPECK ALTO ADIGE PDO PGI TSG 122 LT LMPA BEEF, VEAL & PIG (Processed products) 136 LT BAB FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES 146 PDO PGI TSG 158 MULTI EL/RO COOP. KROKOS KOZANIS + UNION OF PDO/PGI PRODUCERS + SC SONIMPEX SERV COM SRL 2 PAYS ORGANISATIONS PROPOSANTES UIFP + ASPERGES DES LANDES + APKPA + APFEL SUD-OUEST + BUREAU NATIONAL INTERPROFESSIONNEL DU PRUNEAU + CONSEJO MULTI REGULADOR DOP KAKI RIBERA FR/ES/IT DEL XUQUER + CONSORZIO DELLA PERA DELL EMILIA ROMAGNA IGP + CONSORZIO PESCA E NETTARINA DI ROMAGNA + CONSORZIO RADICCHIO DI TREVISO NL FFH PL PRODUITS PDO PGI TSG (FRUIT & VEGETABLES) PAGES 168 HORTICULTURE 183 UPEMI MEAT 201 PT CVRVV WINES 211 PT FNAP HONEY 233 PT IVDP WINES 244 SI GIZ MESO IN IZDELKI MEAT (Quality Poultry Meat) 269 UK SUSTAIN ORGANIC 292 3 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Austria Title of the programme: Erzeugnisse der ökologischen/biologischen Landwirtschaft Competent Authority(ies): Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) Proposing organisation(s): AMA Marketing GesmbH Implementing body(ies): Creativity: A&V Werbeagentur Communication GmbH Media planning: WerbegmbH/OmniMedia Werbeges.mbH Type of measure: Mixed (information + promotion) Product(s): Organic farming Targeted Member States: Austria Duration: 3 years Total budget: 4.200.000 € Proposal received on: 05/06/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. Austrian programme for organic farming aimed at the Austrian market with a total budget of 4.2 million € over three years. Main objectives are a per capita increase in the consumption of organic products by 2% per programme year, a 5% increase in market penetration of certain organic products by the end of the campaign and awareness related objectives regarding the concept of organic farming and the notoriety of the EU and AMA logo. The programme targets consumers, distributors, opinion multipliers and teachers. Main actions are yearly “organic action days” organised all over Austria, print campaigns and editorial TV spots, educational material, events at POS and online measures/phone apps. 4 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Continuation of programme 2010-IM-502-AT, running until 23/09/2013 Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): (1) Increase the consumption of organic products - increase of per capita expenses for organic products by 2% per programme year (reference value: 68,60 € per capita/year in 2012, source: RollAMA) - increase by 5% the market penetration of organic products (basket of 11 product groups) at the end of the 3rd programme year (reference value 23,9% in 2012, source: Roll AMA) - increase consumption of seasonal organic fruit and vegetables. At the end of the 3rd programme year, market penetration shall have risen for 50% of selected seasonal organic fruit and vegetables (controlled by RollAMA). (2) Enhance consumer awareness regarding organic products At the end of the programme, 5 - 60% of respondents shall associate the concept of organic farming with the notion "free of chemicals" - 50% of respondents shall associate the concept of organic farming with the notions "animal welfare" and "no GMOs" (3) Enhance consumer awareness regarding controls of EU organic products At the end of the programme 50% of respondents shall associate both logos (EU and AMA) with strictly controlled organic products. (4) Enhance consumer awareness regarding labelling of organic products At the end of the programme 40% of respondents shall be able to distinguish organic products from non-organic products. At the end of the programme, 70% of consumers shall recognize the EU and AMA logo as a guarantee for safe organic products. Other objectives: - Provide comprehensive information about the benefits of organic farming, in particular in relation to environmental protection, animal welfare, maintenance of the countryside and development in rural areas - Encourage retailers and restaurants to sell organic products, encourage producers to switch to organic production methods Strategy: Slogan: "Ich will BIO" Campaign focuses on the n° 1 reason for consumers to buy organic, which is the feeling that eating organic is good for them. The campaign uses this motivation of the consumers and plays with it. The slogan offers a high potential for identification with the campaign. The other benefits of organic farming will also be communicated but will be secondary to the main slogan. Target group(s): Consumers in general and specific subgroups of consumers as young households, adolescents and consumers 50+ Opinion multipliers (journalists, star-chefs) Distributors (specialised retailers, supermarkets, wholesalers, caterers, canteens, restaurants) Teachers Themes: Basic principles of organic farming Additional benefits of organic production methods (climate protection, environmental protection, maintenance of rural countryside, animal welfare) No GMO used in organic farming Nutritional value of organic products Consumer security and controls in organic farming The different organic labels (EU and national) 6 Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment EU system for organic products Messages to be conveyed: Basic principles of organic farming (Regulation 834/2007, no genetically modified products, no synthetic phytopharmaceuticals, etc.) Production methods, availability, labelling etc. Additional benefits of organic production methods (sustainable agricultural methods, environmental protection) Nutritional value of organic products (fewer remnants of chemical products, smaller intake of chemicals through food) Consumer security and controls in organic farming (traceability, EU wide control mechanisms and the safety of 'international' organic products) Labelling: The EU organic logo guarantees that the products comply with strict EU wide production rules and are subject to rigorous controls. Core messages vary according to product concerned, for example: Meat and poultry: animal welfare and genetically non-modified feed Fruit & vegetables: no chemical/synthetical phytopharamceuticals and no easily dissolvable mineral fertilizers used. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: The focus is on below-the-line activities which go along with active press work. The aim of all below-the-line activities is to create the highest possible media coverage. Above-the-line measures are added to reach the broad public. Highlight of each year are the "BioAktionstage". The EU logo and website will be prominently placed on all material. 5.7.1 Bio-Days, focus "milk" Total budget: 887.610 € Every year, during two weeks end of September, distribution of 300.000 milk samples at prominent public spaces + 16 "Bio info points" in several cities Promotion of the event starts in the beginning of September on TV/Radio (ORF), on the internet (, in Cafés/Restaurants, organic supermarkets, on organic farms Cooperation with AT organic associations and retail sector which multiplies communicative output. Contacts: Each year 450.000 people directly, 5 million contacts via media cooperation 5.7.2 Print campaign (print ads, advertorials) Total budget: 1.076.850 € In all three years, advertorials and print ads will be placed in broad consumer and special interest media (e.g., "Krone Bunt", "BIO Austria"). 52 ads/advertorials per year, 1/2 page, 4 colours. OTS (consumer press): 10 Coverage (consumer press): 78,5% of target groups 7 5.7.3 TV thematic weeks Total budget: 165.000 € In all three years, 10 short emissions à 3 minutes as part of the TV programme "Konkret" on ORF2 Editorial content (production methods, different organic products, labelling etc.) Contacts: 421.000 viewers per emission 5.7.4 Info brochures for consumers Total budget: 105.000 € One new brochure per year à 100.000 copies, 24 pages. Focus on labelling of organic products (in particular EU logo + relevant information on organic farming such as environmental protections, animal welfare, development of rural areas Contacts: 200.000 readers 5.7.5 Bio Schatztruhe Total budget: 104.500 € Only in first year, infotainment tool for 7-10 years old, containing several games, posters, quizzes. 2.000 pieces. The content of the "Schatztruhe" will be created in cooperation with "Pädagogische Hochschule Wien" and distributed to teachers. 5.7.6 Bio kit for mothers Total budget: 103.000 € Only in second year, info kit for pregnant women, with focus on nutritional values, strict controls and environmental benefits of organic farming. Includes practical gadgets. 5.000 pieces The kit can be ordered via the AMA homepage, publicity for the kit also in print ads. 5.7.7 Gastronomic event Total budget: 20.120 € Only in third year, cooperation with organic-certified restaurants (180 exist in Austria). Motivate restaurants to identify organic ingredients in the menu; production of separate sheet with information on organic products to add to the menu. Posters to put up in the restaurant + high quality enamel signs to put up outside next to entrance saying "Ich hab' BIO". The aim is to have at least 40% of restaurants join in the action. 5.7.8 Extension web portal & smartphone apps Total budget: 124.340 € Extension of web site to become more of an infotainment tool to reach younger target groups. Links to . Year 1: Online game "Bio Bauernhof" to be played online, on smartphones and on Facebook (strategy and simulation game). Year 2: Smartphone app "EU organic logo" Year 3: Smartphone app for organic cooking The aim is to reach to 2.200 persons/month (current programme: 1.100 persons/month) 5.7.9 Database & BIO-MAP Total budget: 450.000 € "BIO MAPS" will be a tool to facilitate search for farms, retail and gastronomy that offer EU organic products. Set up of a database covering all Austrian organic businesses (1st year).Creation of a MAP app compatible with all mobile services (different operating systems, phones and tablets). Creation of a print version of the MAP and distribution al over Austria. The MAP will be promoted with the print campaign, the TV spots and during BIO action days. 900.000 expected net contacts. 8 5.7.10 Educational brochures for POS staff Total budget: 173.940 € Education of sales personnel at POS to ensure qualified information of consumers. Production and distribution of educational material during all 3 programme years. 2 new brochures (65.600 copies in total) + reprint of 3 existing ones (180.000 copies in total) + comprehensive POS booklet à 5.000 copies + consumer give aways 5.7.11 POS tastings Total budget: 450.000 € Tastings of EU organic products all over Austria on 5 days per year à 60 outlets. Hangars, banners and stoppers in participating POS to highlight products with EU organic logo. Expected contacts over 3 years: 210.000 consumers 5.7.12 Events for professionals Total budget: 150.000 € 2 events per year: one 5-day event (50 participants) and one 3-day event (50 participants) for professionals from the organic sector from within the EU. Events include seminars, visits of producers and distributors, networking events for exchange of ideas and best practices. Anticipated impact: For objectives and foreseen impact, see heading "Objectives" above. The primary anticipated impact is a rise of on average 2% per programme year of per-capita expenses for organic products (reference value 2012: 68,60 € per capita/year, source RollAMA panel). Methods: Data from RollAMA, Statistik Austria and Eurostat for data on consumption related objectives. Studies by IGF Institut and standardised media tests offered by market research institutes like Gallup and Focus to test awareness related objectives. Survey among all organic producers and organic retailers that are part of AMA database about satisfaction with turnover and business development. Expected return of questionnaires: at least 15% Media analysis, media monitoring, access statistics for evaluation of single actions. 9 Expected results per action + proposed method: Action 1) Bio Action Days Objective Reach at least 400.000 persons per programme year 2) Print Campaign 3) TV thematic weeks 4) Brochure 78,5 % coverage 420.000 viewers per emission 5) Bio Schatztruhe 6) Bio kit for pregnant women 7) Cooperation with gastronomy 8) Extension web portal 9) Database and Bio MAP 10) Info activity POS 11) Tasting POS 12) Events for "organic" professionals Measurement Lottery – returning vouchers Market research institute: counting of participants at every Info Point Number of distributed milk samples Media analysis Media analysis Distribution of all brochures within 3 years Distribution of all boxes within 3 years Distribution of all kits within 3 years Stock check At least 40% of organic certified restaurants join the initiative in 3rd programme year Increase of frequency by 100% at the end of year 3 Distribution of all brochures within 3 years Orders of enamel signs Orders of inlays for menu card Distribution of all "Bio Fibeln" Number of consumers that would be willing to buy the EU organic products offered for tasting Total of 100 relevant contacts ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme: 28/30 Quality of the programme: 34/40 European dimension: 07/10 Cost/efficiency: 18/20 10 Stock check Stock check Download rates, click rates Orders of educational material Downloads educational material Number of distributed "Bio Fibeln" POS survey at 2 representative stores List of participants Budget by action : € ACTIONS YEAR 1 295.870 358.950 55.000 35.000 104.500 5.7.1 Bio-Days 5.7.2 Print 5.7.3 TV thematic weeks 5.7.4 Brochures consumers 5.7.5 Bio Schatztruhe 5.7.6. Bio kit for mothers 5.7.7 Gastronomic activities 5.7.8 Web portal 5.7.9 Database Bio MAP 5.7.10 POS info 5.7.11 POS tasting 5.7.12 Events Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME YEAR 2 295.870 358.950 55.000 35.000 YEAR 3 295.870 358.950 55.000 35.000 103.000 TOTAL 887.610 1.076.850 165.000 105.000 104.500 103.000 20.120 124.340 450.000 173.940 450.000 150.000 3.810.360 0 359.640 22.300 150.000 48.500 150.000 50.000 1.270.120 0 119.880 29.980 150.000 42.320 150.000 50.000 1.270.120 0 119.880 20.120 72.060 150.000 83.120 150.000 50.000 1.270.120 0 119.880 10.000 10.000 10.000 30.000 1.400.000 0 1.400.000 0 1.400.000 0 4.200.000 0 1.400.000 1.400.000 1.400.000 4.200.000 Co-financing plan: € CO-FINANCING EU MEMBER STATE PROPOSING ORGANISATION SUBTOTAL YEAR 1 € 700.000 280.000 420.000 1.400.000 % 50 20 30 100 YEAR 2 € 700.000 280.000 420.000 1.400.000 % 50 20 30 100 YEAR 3 € 700.000 280.000 420.000 1.400.000 % 50 20 30 TOTAL € % 2.100.000 50 840.000 20 1.260.000 30 100 4.200.000 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: The programme is the continuation of running programme 2010-IM-502-AT that will end on 23/09/2013. Overall, the new proposal constitutes the third continuation of the Austrian organic campaign. A proposal submitted for the 1st round of 2013 was rejected due to the messages conveyed via the proposed visuals (superiority of AMA logo over EU logo). Programme eligible: Yes/No 11 100 First observations to be communicated to MS: In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. The Member State and the proposing organisation are invited to provide the following additional information: Proposing organisation The Member State states that the proposing organisation Marketing GesmbH is a private and not a public body (page 17 of Member State Memorandum, “Erklärung zur Bewertung und Identifizierung”). The Member State is asked to confirm this opinion basing its answer on the criteria a), b) and c) of article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC. Objectives The proposal states that market penetration for seasonal products should have risen for 50% of seasonal products which are part of a specific basket at the end of the programme period. Please also indicate by how much market penetration is supposed to rise compared to 2012 figures (pages 46, 47). Reference values/points of departure also need to be defined for the objectives aiming to improve awareness regarding organic products, controls and labelling (Ziele betreffend Erhöhung des Informationsgrades/Verbesserung des Kenntnisstandes der Verbraucher). Methods Please provide more information about the IGF Institute and the studies they perform on behalf of AMA. Actions Action 5.7.1 Bio-Aktionstage: A more detailed breakdown of costs is required for the unit costs of milk samples "Milchpackerl" (0,33 €). In particular, it should be confirmed that the milk will be purchased at production costs. The unit cost per T-Shirt (13 €) are disproportionately high compared to unit costs in similar campaigns. Alternative ways of production should be taken into account if possible. Action 5.7.2 Print campaign: The budget table on page 30 is not consistent with the media plan provided. The overall sums under “Summe Euro” are correct but the columns “Anzahl” and “Kosten/Einheit Euro” need to be adapted as there will be more than 52 print ads over the 3 years. Action 5.7.10 and 5.7.11 POS: Which POS will be targeted? Please provide names of targeted POS. Can you confirm our understanding that the organic products offered for tasting will be a balanced mix of products from several EU Member States? Action 5.7.12 Events The accommodation costs per night per participant should be kept in line with the ceilings defined in the standard contract under point Annex III, B. point 2.2 (120 € per night for programmes on the internal market). Visuals On the visuals, change the slogan from “Ich will Bio…aber nur, wenn’s streng kontrolliert wird” to “Ich will Bio...weil es streng kontrolliert wird”. Adapt the first part of the text in smaller font below the slogan as follows: „Bio-Lebensmittel sind das Beste, was die Natur hervorbringt. Das wird garantiert mit dem EU-Biologo und dem 12 AMA-Biozeichen. Dann unterliegen sie nämlich den strengen Auflagen der EUBioverordnung. [...] .“ The link to the EU pages on organic farming should instead take the OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/ poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 87/100 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Additional information was requested by letter of 24.6.13/2568377. By letter of 18.7.13 (received 22.7.13), the Member state replied satisfactorily to all requests for additional information. In addition, by email of 3.9.13, the competent authority confirmed that the publication took place via the OJ. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted - To be rejected 13 form of EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Czech Republic Title of the programme: White plus. Milk and milk products, BIG PLUS for you. Competent Authority(ies): State Agriculture Intervention Fund (SZIF) Proposing organisation(s): Chamber of Agriculture of Czech Republic Implementing body(ies): a priori, s.r.o. (PR and marketing agency) Type of measure: mixed Product(s): milk and dairy products Targeted Member States: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic Duration: 36 months Total budget: 474.587 EUR Proposal received on: 17 June 2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. A Czech proposal (continuation) on information and promotion of milk and milk products, proposed by the Chamber of Agriculture of Czech Republic, targeting Czech Republic and Slovakia (new market), aiming at increasing knowledge and sales of dairy products among women and children. The actions foreseen are media and public relations, activities on the Internet, milk festival in restaurants, presence in exhibitions and fairs, school children trips to milk producing farms. The programme will run for 3 years (2014-2017) with a budget of 474.587 EUR. 14 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) The programme's objectives are divided into quantitative and qualitative criteria: QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA - quantitative objective to increase the consumption of milk and dairy products in the threeyear horizon of 1.5% in Czech republic and 0,6% in Slovak republic, i.e. in financial terms of more than € 16.400.000 (in comparison to program budget, which is € 474.587) - quantitative secondary and supporting objective to increase the awareness about the communicated issues of 200% according to the results of the survey at the beginning and at the end of the program. 15 QUALITATIVE CRITERIA • communication campaigns must effectively support an increase in global consumption of milk and milk products in the target markets (in both there is the potential to further increase its level) • popularize milk and dairy products among families with children and youth • ensure milk and dairy products positive media coverage with clearly confirmed positive benefits of consuming milk Strategy : Based on experience with the project White plus from 2010 and continuous evaluation of its effectiveness, the focus will be strategically on a combination of both mass media and individual approach to target groups of the program. Compared to the current project, this program will not only focus on the market of Czech Republic, but on Slovak Republic as well (mainly because of mutual trade in the commodity milk and dairy products, ie. exports from the Czech Republic to Slovakia) with the ratio 71% of communication activities in the Czech republic vs. 29% in Slovakia. In the field of mass media attention will be paid to the following communication channels: print media (print) - primarily nationwide lifestyle titles (woman, families with children); internet (online) – again primarily lifestyle servers and special lifestyle section of news webs. This main channels will be at appropriate occasions supplemented by activities in other mass media, especially nationwide TVs and radio stations. Use of other mass-media (eg. outdoor / billboards) is not planned. Use of mass media channels will be completed with personal communication with journalists, experts, programme's ambassadors and also personal communication with final consumers (or general public) via presentations at fairs and special activity “Milk Quests” for schools. At the same time use of own communication platforms, i.e. program web portals (both in CZ and SK) and selective communication on social networks will be performed. Previous programme The proposal contains a description of the currently running programme (till 25/8/2013) to be continued. The PO would like to be able to continue the programme without a major interruption in the implementation between the two projects in order to maintain the observed recovery of this fragile market especially in the Czech market. The execution rate of the currently running programme is at around 93% of the budget and its general implementation has not shown any relevant problems. Among others the effectiveness of the PR activities is estimated as very high, as the return on investment in this activity is threefold in terms of achieved presence in the media. The previous programme White Plus from 2010 is reckoned to have had, even with a limited budget, a very important impact on the market situation by halting the threat of the consumption drop, and in the second phase by allowing to observe a visible recovery of the consumption growth for most of the dairy products in Czech Republic. The objective of the currently running programme is to increase by "up to 3%" the consumption of dairy products. According to the data shown in the market study in the first part of the proposal (p.23), if data from the Czech Statistical Office in the period 2010-2012 (2012 are the last available and are still an estimate) are taken into account we observe the following: - increase of milk consumption by 2% - increase of other dairy products consumption by 2% - increase of cheeses consumption by 1,5% - increase of butter consumption by 6% 16 - stable consumption of white cheeses; - drop in consumption of dairy conserves by 20% The biggest part in the overall demand is made up of "milk" (around 50% weight in quantity), "other products" (30% weight), "cheeses" (12% weight) and "butter" (5% weight). Taking into account the proportional weight of these products, the overall increase in quantities of the Czech dairy consumption in the observed period can be assessed at approximately 2%. Therefore the programme till now has achieved to a significant extent the assumed objective of up to 3% increase. Furthermore if the final data for 2013 confirmed the growing trend, an impact of 3% increase may de facto be reached at the moment of the conclusion of the campaign. Moreover it has to be noted as further advantage for the previous campaign is that this positive trend takes place in very unfavorable market conditions: - increase of VAT on food products from 9% in 2010 till 14% in 2012, and further to 15% in 2013, - unexpectedly severe economic crisis in Czech Republic with perspectives of recovery only appearing in the very final part of the programme, This all adds to the permanent general difficulty in keeping stable or increasing liquid milk consumption due also to fierce competition from the soft-drinks industry targeting younger people and "bad PR" campaigns against milk appearing regularly especially in the internet that should be counteracted by constant building of a positive image of dairy products. Concerning the objectives, it should also be borne in mind that the "overview of the situation" in the Guidelines in 501/2008 for this sector recognizes the difficult conditions of this often stagnating market, and the mere aim to stop the decline of consumption can even be a possible objective in more saturated markets. The new proposal includes the Slovak market which is a logical choice in the case of a Czech programme due to very tight historical, cultural, linguistic and trade links between these two countries and where potential for growth of dairy products is even higher due to lower per capita consumption. Target group(s) : Program target groups – common for CZ and SK: - women (housekeepers), 18 to 55 y.o. - children and youth, 6 to 18 y.o. Themes : * milk and dairy products are delicious with a wide range of applications both for drinking and for cooking (both in childhood and later in life for the whole family) * milk and dairy products are an integral and important part of a balanced and varied diet, especially with the addition of other important categories (eg fruits and vegetables) * milk and dairy products have specific characteristics and nutritional value, which can be hardly substituted by other food products * each individual consumer can find an appropriate category in the milk and milk products that to be included in his/her diet (milk, fermented milk products, cheese, etc.) with attention to his current state of health and any restriction 17 Aspects covered : quality; food safety; nutrition issues; health issues; labelling; environmental protection; image of EU’s products; Messages to be conveyed : * milk and dairy products are suitable for daily life in modern times and environment of 21st century and can be consumed in various forms * milk and dairy products have specific nutritional value, which may be more beneficial for certain ages (younger, middle-aged) * on the markets in the Czech and Slovak Republics, there is a range of dairy products suitable for different consumers and different consumer situations for different tastes (even taking into account any individual nutrient limitation) * there are milk and dairy products with different fat content, each of which may be more appropriate for certain consumers Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Czech Republic 1. Media and public relations (target group of women 18-55 years of age, children and youth 6-18 years old) 2. Activities on the Internet (target group of 18-55 women and children and youth 6-18 years old) 3. Milk gastrofestival "MilkParade" (target group of 18-55 women and children and youth 618 years old) 4. Presence in exhibitions / fairs (target group of women 18-55 years of age) 5. Project for school "Journey to milk cows wandering" (target group of children and adolescents 6-18 years) Slovak Republic 6. Media relations and PR (target group of women 18-55 years of age) 7. Communication activities on the Internet (target group of 18-55 women and children and youth 6-18 years old) 8. Presence in exhibitions / fairs (target group of women 18-55 years of age) 18 Anticipated impact: The expected impact of the program is primarily an increase in the consumption of milk and milk products by 1,5% in the Czech Republic and by 0,6% in Slovakia in the threeyear horizon. In financial terms this is more than € 16.400.000 overall market increase. At the same time the program should create a positive media space and ensure positive media coverage of milk consumption in the minimal amount of CZK 60 million / EUR 2,4 million for the program (together for Phase I-III). To correct the attitude of the Czech and Slovak public to milk and dairy products in terms of their more positive perception and awareness within defined target groups would also be a secondary and supporting objective with a 200% increase goal. The campaign will use methods of measuring the sales effect by using data from the national statistical offices. For the evaluation of the awareness increase surveys will be used - conducted at the beginning of Phase 1 and end of 3 with comparison of results, by an independent body. 19 ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 30 / 30 Quality of the programme: 36 / 40 European dimension: 6 / 10 Cost/efficiency: 20 / 20 Budget by action : € Co-financing plan : € RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 4(1) and 4(3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. Any reference to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned 20 shall be based on generally accepted data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. However: 1. The selection of the implementing body was based on contacting directly (by the Proposing Organisation, by a mailed letter) three companies in the market with good references, and having a good reputation in implementing in the past programmes similar to the one proposed hereby, and in particular no publication of the call for tenders was made in the website of the Proposing Organisation and/or of the Czech Paying Agency SZIF – the competent national authority is invited to give an additional confirmation that the procedure was competitive; failure to provide convincing proof that the procedure was competitive will have to result in considering this procedure as void and in non-retaining the programme for co-financing; 2. In relation to the above remark, it should also be additionally confirmed whether the Proposing Organisation (which has a wide, pan-sectoral role in the Czech market) is a body governed by public law or not, if yes a procedure as foreseen by art. 13 (2) would have needed to be applied for the selection of the implementing body and in that case the selection procedure actually applied would not be appropriate and this would result in non-retaining the programme for co-financing; 3. Concerning the sales objectives, which are expressed correctly in a quantified manner for three types of dairy product (milk, cheese, yogurts) where each of them is going to achieve the expected increase by 1,5% in Czech Republic and 0,6% in Slovakia, please indicate in a clear way the average value that is used for one kg of dairy product (all subtypes taken together in one average), and the way this value is obtained – this in order to ascertain the correctness of the very good value for money calculation that is provided in the project; 4. Please give your position concerning a possible increase of the objective for the Slovak market – otherwise please explain why an increase of more than 0,6% of the three dairy product sub-groups is not feasible, especially that the Slovak market has higher potential for growth than the Czech one due to lower per capita consumption; 5. Concerning the secondary awareness objective of the programme (increase by 200%), please provide more information about the evaluation method of this objective showing that it is a justified and realistic objective – its level is as compared to most of other programmes in which a measurement of awareness takes place unusually high, the standard levels of awareness increase range between 10% and 50%; a steep 200% increase could be achieved for some observations, but the dramatic lack of awareness should be in that case presented already at the stage of the proposal and not just through a pre-test at the beginning of the campaign; moreover please provide an assurance that the sample sizes used in the evaluation method of this supporting goal will be high enough for 21 statistical conclusions (n=100 in each target group, expected return ratio of questionnaires of just at least 30%); 6. Messages containing any potential reference to health effects of the consumption of milk and dairy products have to be used carefully in the programme, being always accepted by the competent health authorities in Czech Republic and Slovakia; moreover, as foreseen by the guidelines for dairy products in the Regulation 501/2008, without prejudice to art. 4(3), information on nutritional qualities of milk and milk products must be based on generally accepted scientific data and fulfill the requirements laid down in Directive 200/13/EC. 7. Please foresee in the messages to be applied in the programme in the course of its implementation more references to the European added value and European high standards of the products to be promoted, especially in the context of the new shape of the Common Agricultural Policy starting from 2014, where for instance an emphasis on greening in agriculture is put forward; moreover, for a futher improvement of the EU dimension of the programme, you may also consider using a website with the ".eu" extension which for instance may lead to the foreseen ".cz" and ".sk" websites, please consult; 8. It is observed that the overall budget of the programme (p. 139) doesn't foresee any costs for the evaluation of the results of the programme – regardless of it, please take in due account that a robust measurement of the results is a mandatory element of the programme's execution; Moreover: 9. On p. 85, 86, 88 and 121-123 – please provide a timetable of the work of the professional experts and ambassadors of the campaign, with an indication of the hourly rates for their services; 10. Please explain how the target groups will be actively encouraged to visit and to "like" the Facebook page (p. 94); 11. In the following actions please confirm that any dairy products for it coming from the associated producers in the Czech Republic will be delivered at factory prices: press conferences and actions for journalists (p. 85, 86, 88), MilkParade (p. 103-104), fairs (p. 110-111); 12. Please note that the budget and plan on p. 139-140 in the Czech part of the programme are presented in English language, moreover it would be recommended to indicate full names of the actions in the budget on p. 139. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted for co-financing. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes (multi country programme) Impact forecast and assessment' methods yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 22 good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 92 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 External consultant’s opinion: no CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): The programme can be accepted. The Proposing Organisation and the Competent Authority have provided all required clarifications. (communication of 2/08/13 (ARES 2817213). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 23 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Denmark Title of the programme: Fruit and Vegetables – Season for Good Taste Competent Authority(ies): The Danish AgriFish Agency Proposing organisation(s): Gartneribrugets Afsætningsudvalg (GAU) Implementing body(ies): Umwelt ( Type of measure: mixed Product(s): European fresh fruit and vegetables Targeted Member States: Denmark Duration: 36 months Total budget: 2.305.608 € EU co-financing: 1.166.487 € Proposal received on: 11.6.2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The campaign responds to the low levels of consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables of children in Denmark and it targets families and children. The campaign aims at the increase of the consumption of fruits and vegetables through the increase of awareness of seasonality for target groups. The programme has as target market Denmark. The actions employed are the promotion and provision of information via electronic media, internet and other, promotion at the points of sales and the promotion and provision of information in tailored made actions in schools. The programme has a budget of 2.305.608 € and its duration is 3 years. 24 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): 1. Encourage to higher consumption of European seasonal fruit and vegetables 2. Reinforce ‘Season’ as a well-recognised brand amongst consumers Strategy : The proposed programme has been designed in accordance with current market trends and the findings of the evaluations of the former two programmes run by GAU and part-financed by the EU1. Current market studies show that families with children (main target group) spend a declining share of their household budget on fruit and vegetables, which implies that they do not consider this as indispensable ingredients in the everyday meal. The main focus of the coming programme will therefore be to make fruit and vegetables a part of the everyday life; to make it a habit. The programme strategy is to blend fruit and vegetables into the target group’s existing purchasing and consumption habits rather than seeking to change habits as such. The ‘everyday’ will be the focal pointof all communication so that the target group can easily relate to and will be susceptible to the themes and messages conveyed. The activities 25 will approach and challenge the target group holistically: families with children need simple practical advice, information and inspiration communicated as “easy, tasty and non-expensive solutions”. As such communication comes to be based on the families with children themselves and come to be relevant with regard to their needs, challenges, habits and everyday circumstances. Consequently, and in comparison with the former Season programmes, activities such as festivals, exhibitions, fairs and the Strawberry Award, will be omitted from the programme, as the priority and budget allocation will be primarily for activities that will have a direct effect on the everyday and the moment of shopping. The programme takes a systematic approach to cooperation with stakeholders whom the target group interacts with in their daily activity of buying and preparing food. The actions proposed consist of collaboration with the discount retail sector and its existing media (Action 2) as well as, and to target children in particular, collaborations with schools and already existing courses on food and cooking (Action 3). In addition, a range of information and communication activities will function as a backbone for the entire programme and as activities supporting the implementation of the two other actions (Action 1). Target group(s) : 1. Families with children – including children (aged 11-14 years) in schools as an additional way to reach the families. 2. Home economics teachers as professionals and nutritionists working on a daily basis with children in schools (secondary target group) Themes : 1. The importance of including fresh fruit and vegetables in the family’s daily meals – and doing that is less expensive than most people would think 2. Taste, enjoyment, delight and convenience are additional key words integrated into the main message to be conveyed. Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : 1. “Everyday food with fruit, vegetables, and joy” 26 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. ACTION 1. SUPPORT ACTIONS The action covers activities related to communication and media and will work as a focal point for the entire programme and as activities supporting the implementation of the two other actions. All communication will be tailored so that it fits the everyday needs and interests of the chosen target group. 1.1. Season magazine: will remain the main supporting medium. The number of magazine releases will be increased to five times per programme year combined with an increase to 400.000 printed copies per publication. 1.2. Website ( and mobile site: will be redesigned to accommodate to a greater extent families with children and their everyday situations. An entry point for home economics teachers from where to download teaching material will be added to the existing site. The website will be updated continuously. 1.3. Newsletters: the two existing newsletters will remain; i.e. a monthly newsletter and a weekly one. To enhance usability for the target group, the weekly newsletter with green recipes will be released just before the weekend where most families plan and shop for the coming week. 1.4. Season Facebook page: will be used to establish close dialogue with the target group; raise brand awareness and credibility for Season, and to involve the target group and create ambassadors for the programme. Updates and comments will be posted on the page several times a week. 1.5. Online advertising and search marketing: will communicate call-to-action with a view to encouraging consumers in general and the target group in particular to visit the programme website. The main success criterion for the online campaign is to drive cost-effective quality traffic to the site. A detailed media plan specifies websites on which banner advertising is foreseen. 1.6. PR activities: will include press releases together with efforts aimed at bloggers and will operate in two tracks, an expert track as factual information and credibility are the best means to shift attitudes; and a product track to provide inspiration and advice. 10 press releases per year are scheduled to target written and broadcasted media and 3 campaigns aimed at 3-5 selected and relevant bloggers. Projected schedule: The provisional timetable for the programme indicates the projected schedule of each of the above activities. At the end of each programme year, the proposed implementing body (Umwelt) will assess and adapt the communication strategy to ensure synergy and the best use of the human and financial resources available. 2. ACTION 2. COLLABORATION WITH THE DISCOUNT SECTOR Families with children do the majority of their everyday shopping in discount stores and hence it is in discounters – and via their media – that the target group is present and can be met face-to-face. Therefore, Season’s existing cooperation with traditional supermarkets will be reduced to displays and the regular distribution of the magazine, whereas a dedicated effort will now instead be made in the three major soft discount stores Fakta, Netto and REMA1000. The collaboration will consist partly of tailor-made communication concepts (presence in the sector’s own media); partly of in-store events with Season personnel touring the store and handing out taste samples whilst providing customers with on-the-spot suggestions for how to easily and without excessive extra cost add fruit and/or vegetables to that particular evening’s meal. The aim is that these two activity parts together will bring about a 40% presence of the Season brand in discount stores in Denmark by the end of the programme period. 200 in-store events per programme year, a total of 600 events, are planned 27 to take place in a variety of stores under the three major soft discount chains in Denmark with a foreseen 3 hours per store. The aim is to hand out 100 - 200 taste samples and 100 - 150 Season magazines to consumers per store per day. Projected schedule: The incorporation of Season and its related messages into the discounters’ media will be done continuously throughout the three year programme period. At minimum, Season should be present in the discounters’ media five times per year, coinciding with the five annual releases of the Season magazine. The in-store events are scheduled to coincide for the most part with the publication of the Season magazine. 3. ACTION 3: SEASON ON THE SCHOOL SCHEDULE The programme’s proposed activity intended specifically for children in schools is a course plan designed for home economics classes to be implemented by Season guest teachers in municipal schools in Denmark. In accordance with the main programme message – “Everyday food with fruit, vegetables, and joy”, the guest teachers will create innovative and exciting sessions and ‘infuse’ their own fundamental joy for fruit and vegetables into the children. Another crucial parameter in the activity is to deliver the messages also to the parents and thereby bridge the school setting with the home context. The Season guest teachers will visit 25 school classes per year with in average of 25 pupils in each class (approx 625 children directly involved). Every session will last 2 x 45 minutes and will be followed by (minimum) 2 x 45 minutes during which the home economics teachers will continue on the fruit and vegetables theme by themselves. The school material already produced by GAU during the initial Season programme (2007-2009) will once again be put to good use and be made available for download from a new section on the programme website dedicated to home economics teachers. The aim is that 80% of the participating school teachers will integrate Season and the theme ‘fruit and vegetables in everyday meals’ in their future teaching. Further, it is the aim that 50% of the active members of the Association of Home Economics Teachers (not having been visited by a Season guest teacher) will put the theme on their course schedule. Projected schedule: For each programme year, approx. 25 schools will be selected in or around the month of May for implementation of the activity during the first half of the coming school year (August – December). Regular advertisements on the home economics websites and, inclusion in 4 home economics magazines per year as well as in 6 newsletters per year will be means to communicate on the Season guest teachers concept, on related and relevant fruit and vegetables topics and to gain visibility overall for the programme. Anticipated impact: - Reduce the percentage of families with children that eat less than 300 g/day from currently 84% to 75%. - Increasing the share of families with children that buy fruit and vegetables more than twice a week from currently 37% to 40%. - Increase fruit and vegetables’ share of the household budget in families with children from 8.6% to minimum 10%. - Raise families with children’s awareness of “Season” as a brand from currently 42 % to 50%. These four have been broken further down into sub-objectives (result and impact indicators) and, in accordance with the SMART concept, coherently presented in relation also to relevance and viability. 28 Method of impact evaluation The evaluation will be conducted by an external party, the market research institute GfK Consumer Tracking Scandinavia. The objective evaluation of programme progress is thus separated from management and coordination and from monitoring and control. A total of three consumer surveys are foreseen; one after each twelve-month phase. The GfK survey methodology is applied to 3,000 households realising 500,000 purchasing acts per year. A GfK survey conducted in March 2013 has served as a baseline for defining the overall objectives and results. Consumer perception and specific questions on consumers’ general awareness of the Season programme and brand will be included in the annual GfK surveys. Questionnaires relating to the Season magazine and the website will request feedback and suggestions for improvement. Automatic registration and tracking systems will be used to monitor web visitor rates, newsletter sign-ups, online advert click rates, etc. In-store and ‘inclass’ school activities will be evaluated via feedback and reports from Season personnel. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 27/30 Quality of the programme: 38/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 9/10 18/20 29 Budget by action : € Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total 13.065 13.065 13.065 39.195 299.586 299.586 299.586 898.758 Website 61.508 35.244 35.244 131.996 Mobile site 18.760 10.050 10.050 38,86 Newsletters 37.922 31.356 31.356 100.634 0 13.400 13.400 26.800 142.425 142.425 142.425 427.275 24.792 24.792 24.792 74.376 Total Action 1 598.058 569.918 569.918 Of this fees of the implementing body 241.133 212.993 212.993 667.119 40% 37% 37% 38% Action 2, Collaboration with discount sector ? Tailor-made concepts 14.673 14.673 14.673 44.019 In-store events 83.613 77.620 77.620 238.853 Total Action 2 98.286 92.293 92.293 282.872 Of this fee of implementing body 17.621 14.673 14.673 46.967 Ι8 /Θ 16% 16% 17% The Season home economics course 39.412 33.512 33.512 106.436 Communication channels towards the schools 10.132 10.132 10.132 30.396 Total Action 3 49.544 43.644 43.644 136.832 9.179 9.179 9.179 27.537 19% 21% 21% 20% 745.888 705.855 705.855 5.376 5.376 5.376 16.128 22.377 21.176 21.176 64.728 773.641 732.407 732.407 Overheads, 3% of (2) 23.209 21.972 21.972 Total for programme 796.850 754.379 754.379 Action I, Support actions ' Communication strategy Season magazine Season Facebook page Online advertising and search marketing PR activities Implementing body fee Implementing body fee 0 1.737.894 Action 3, Season on the school schedule Of this fees of the implementing body Implementing body fee Total activity cost (Actions 1+2+3 (1)) Cost of performance guarantee Evaluation, max 3% of (1) Total direct cost for the programme (2) 30 2.157.598 2.238.454 67.154 2.305.608 Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II EU 403.379 50,62 381.554 MEMBER STATE 0 0 0 PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL 393.471 49,38 372.825 49,42 372.825 796.850 100 754.379 100 754.379 50,58 0 YEAR III % TOTAL % 381.554 50,58 1.166.487 50,60 0 00 49,42 1.139.121 49,40 100 2.305.608 100 0 0 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1) In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 measures should not be brand oriented or encourage the consumption or encourage the consumption of any products on the basis of its specific origins. 2) In application of the second paragraph of Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008, it should be taken into account; if there is an actual or potential demand in the targeted market. 3) In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 4) In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 7) In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 8) In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 9) In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 11) In application of Article 8(1)3rd paragraph of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the Commission and be available on its website. 12) In application of Article 8(2)c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 13) In application of Article 8(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that for the purpose of implementing its programmes, each proposing organisation shall select one or more implementing bodies by an appropriate competitive procedure validated by the Member State concerned. In case the proposing organization is a public body in accordance with Directive 2004/18/EC the rules on public tendering apply. 14) Article 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 on "Pre-selection of programmes by Member States" foresees that Member States shall draw up a provisional list of the programmes they select on the basis of the criteria laid down in the specifications referred to in Article 8(2)(b). 2. The Member States shall check programmes aimed at third countries in particular against the following criteria: (a) consistency between the 31 strategies proposed and the objectives set; (b) the quality of the proposed measures; (c) their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned; (d) assurances that the proposing organisations are effective and representative; (e) the technical capacities of the proposed implementing body and assurances that it is effective. Programme eligible: Yes First observations to be communicated to MS: 1. In the programme it is presented the branding for the word "season". Season is a generic word and it is not clear what it is meant by branding in the programme. In addition, please have in mind that the promotion of brand names (commercial) is not an eligible action to be financed under Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008. Provide clarifications on this point. 2. In action 1 the budget items under sub-action "on line ads, insertion" (pages 56 and 61) should be broken down in more detail and further explained. 3. Concerning internet the extension ".eu" is suggested to be used for the website. 4. The hourly rates charged by the implementing body for the Art Director seem to be rather high, up to 201€ per hour. Please provide comprehensive clarifications on this observation. 5. In action No 2 on store events, it is presented that samples (fresh fruits and vegetables) of a value 804 € will be distributed to consumers. However 804€ is equal to a daily distribution of a value of 3,52 € of fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition this value of 3,52 € represents the costs for 100 to 200 samples of fresh fruits and vegetables according to the programme. This is unrealistic and additional information and clarifications should be provided on this point with the provision of an accurate number of planned samples. 6. Concerning action No 2, please provide the locations and the timeframe of the in-store events. In addition the costs of t-shirts and fleece jackets seem to be rather high (90€ per piece) and this expenditure should be clarified. 7. The calculations in the financing table of the programme should be corrected. 8. Concerning action 3, please provide the locations of the schools where the action will take place and the timeframe of the actions. 9. Additional information and clarifications should be provided on the European dimension of the programme as described in chapter 2.7 of the handbook for the programmes on the promotion of agricultural products within the framework of Council Regulation (EU) No 3/2008. 10. On page 54 there is a difference on the presented cost for photos i.e. 5.530€ per magazine equals 27.650€ and not 27.646€ per year. Furthermore on page 61 on staff training the presented cost of 360€ per each trained member of staff equals to 9.000€ and not to 8.996€. The amounts in the budget tables of the programme should be checked to avoid any differences and the resulting adjustments should be undertaken. If necessary new budget tables should be resubmitted (in case of changes on budget tables). OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good promotion of EU products Impact forecast and assessment' methods Yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 32 good Points awarded by MS: 92/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 1/1 to be rejected CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions. Observation(s) : - The extension ".eu" should be used for the creation of the internet site. - The competent authorities sent the proposal to the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)1980067). The Commission sent a list of observations to the competent authorities with letter (ref: ARES(2013)2717126). The competent authority provided a list of clarifications and additional information as a reply to the letter with the observations of the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)2932118). The clarifications and additional information provided in these letters clarified the points of the Commission observations. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 33 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Greece Title of the programme: Promotion of PDO cheeses feta, kefalograviera, whey products, PDO olive oil Kalamata, and olives Kalamata in USA; "Taste the real" Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Rural Development and Food Proposing organisation(s): EAS Kalavriton (coordinator)-EAS Messinias Implementing body(ies): Not yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): PDO cheeses feta, kefalograviera, whey products, PDO olive oil Kalamata, and olives Kalamata Targeted Member States: USA Duration: 3 years Total budget: 5.129.731 € EU co-financing: 2.564.865,5€ Proposal received on: 14.6.2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The programme aims at the promotion of PDO cheeses feta, kefalograviera, whey products, PDO olive oil Kalamata, and olives Kalamata. In particular the main goals of the campaign are the increase of the market presence of these products and the increase of market awareness. The campaign targets the market of USA and the actions employed are advertising in the press, promotion at the points of sales, electronic media, printed materials, trade fairs, infomercials and invitations of opinion leaders in Greece. The campaign has placed weight in the promotion of the products in the retail with an extensive action at the points of sales. The programme has a budget of 5.129.731 € and its duration is 3 years. 34 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure N/A Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No N/A Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) 1. To support the presence of products “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO” in the USA and to increase sales by 5%. 2. To increase awareness of products “PDO cheeses whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO” and their European Identity to target groups by 5%. Strategy : The program includes informative and promotional measures of the agricultural products and especially in the sector of cheese and olive oil products. The objectives were defined based on market analysis, conditions and potential for the promoted. The objectives of the program are presented under the SMART definition. The strategy has been formulated on the design and implementation of an integrated, cohesive and realistic plan. It is an informative and promotional campaign for “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO”. The presentation of themes such as EU food safety and 35 EU quality system are part of the program strategy. The selected media channels are appropriate for the promotion and the dissemination of information and messages of the campaign. The communication strategy will be in full compliance with the Regulations (EC) 3/2008 & 501/2008 and the legislation of USA. The actions aim to the promotion of the suggested products through information for their high value, advantages, special characteristics, certified quality and safety guaranteed by the EC procedures and prospective for commercial success. Part of the strategy implementation is the evaluation, measurement and constant observation of the actions results in order to ensure their quality and effectiveness. Target group(s) : 1. Consumers (Young people 20-40 years old, Women various ages,Elderly) 2. Distributors/Importers/Distributors – wholesalers/Executives responsible for retail sales/Restaurant managers 3. Opinion Leaders Themes : 1. 2. 3. 4. Quality Food Safety EC systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products Natural and distinctive characteristics of the high nutritional value products “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO” Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety Messages to be conveyed : The program will focus of the following messages: The suggested high nutritional value products “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO” Healthy and natural products Contribute to balanced and healthy development of constitution Various gastronomic delights Products adjusted to the modern way of life which are enjoyably consumed 36 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Utilization of electronic means [website & application for i-phone & smartphone and social networking (facebook & twitter)] By utilizing modern electronic means: Dynamic website development Make use of super markets database to send SMS to target groups Synergies to develop of collective trade name & attractive message 2. Development and production of promotion material 2.1 Development & production of information and promotion printed material Development & production of information and promotion printed material for the shows, promotions in super markets & malls: - Recipe book: 16-pages, B5 size, 4-colour good quality paper in English. Recipes & photos of the dishes with the program’s products and information about PDO products and nutritional information (50.000 items). - Information brochure: 4-pages B5 size, 4-colour good quality paper in English which emphasize on products a) as high quality traditional Greek product, b) their nutritional value (100.000 items). - Posters: 50x70cm size, B5 size, 4-color good quality paper in English. They will be used in events (2.500 items). 2.2 Production of promotion material Distribution of promotional / advertising material that will serve as a reminder of the promotion - Aprons with logo and message to be distributed during the events to opinion leaders (500 items). - T –shirts & caps with the logo and message to be distributed during the events (1.125 items). 3. Production of 4 info-commercials - Production of four 10-15' infocommercials using promoted products “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO”. 4. Participation in exhibitions of the field, promotion in super markets & malls 4.1 Participation and presentation of products to the following exhibitions: - IDDABA (The International Dairy-Deli Association) Denver, CO 06/2014: 1st year, 100sq.m., 4 days, 2 persons) - Summer Fancy Food Show 2015 Washington, 06/2015. 2nd year, 100sq.m., 2 persons, 4 days. 4.2 Promotion in five super markets & malls This action will be realized 150 POS for two days each per year in USA. The total promotional days are 300 per year. In every POS a promotion team with attained promoter and a supervisor, tasting and distribution of free samples, information to consumers, 6 hours per promotional day. Specific cities and regions will be overed. 37 5. Invitation of opinion leaders and commercial and distribution executives from the United States 6 members of target group (opinion leaders and executives in retail and wholesale) will visit production sites in Greece. This action will be realised in every year of the program (total of 18 persons). 6. Advertising 6.1 Advertising in magazines and sites of supermarkets and malls whare the action on the POS will take place. 312 full page ads. 6.2 Advertising in large circulation magazines and newspapers or placing their ad in inserts of gastronomy (Retailer Gourmet magazine, The New Nyork Times, Specialty Foods and NY magazine). Anticipated impact: 1. Increase consumption and sales of high nutritional value agricultural products (PDO/PGE) and especially of “PDO cheeses (Feta & Kefalograviera), whey products, Kalamata olive oil PDO, Kalamata olive PDO” 2. Inform consumers on the products 3. Establish products high in consumers preference Method of impact assessment: Method for the evaluation of the impact: Tests through questionnaires for the information and preferences of consumers Time references of the evaluation 3 different times (at the end of each year of the program) Measurement of sales increase of these products to target markets through commercial statistics which is evaluated to 5% ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 19/30 Quality of the programme: 23/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 14/20 38 Budget by action : € BUDGET YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III TOTAL 60.000 20.000 20.000 100.000 Development and production of promotion material Development & production of information and promotion printed material 120.000 0 0 120.000 100.000 0 0 100.000 Production of promotion material 20.000 0 0 20.000 Production of 4 info-commercials Participation in exhibitions, promotion in super markets & malls Participation in commercial/field exhibitions Promotion in super markets & malls 50.000 892.000 50.000 892.000 0 792.000 100.000 2.576.000 100.000 100.000 0 200.000 792.000 18.860 792.000 18.860 792.000 18.860 2.376.000 56.580 428.000 208.000 428.000 208.000 428.000 208.000 1.284.000 624.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 660.000 1.568.860 6.000 203.952 1.408.860 6.000 183.152 1.258.860 6.000 163.652 4.236.580 18.000 550.755 47.066 42.266 37.766 127.097 1.825.878 1.640.278 1.466.278 4.932.433 73.035 65.611 58.651 197.297 1.898.913 1.705.889 1.524.929 5.129.731 Actions 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 6 6.1 6.2 a b c Utilization of electronic means Invitation of opinion leaders and commercial and distribution executives from the United States Advertising Advertising in magazines and sites of supermarkets and malls Advertising in magazines of large circulation, newspapers and inserts for gastronomy TOTAL COST OF ACTIONS GUARANTEE COST IMPLEMENTING BODY FEE (a*13%) MEASUREMENT OF RESULTS OF ACTIONS (a*3%) TOTAL DIRECT COST FOR THE PROGRAMME GENERAL EXPENSES TOTAL PROGRAMME BUDGET Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II YEAR III % TOTAL % EU 949.457 50 852.945 50 762.465 50 2.564.866 50 MEMBER STATE 379.783 20 341.178 20 304.986 20 1.025.946 20 PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL 569.674 30 511.767 30 457.479 30 1.538.919 30 1.898.913 100 1.705.889 100 1.524.929 100 5.129.731 100 39 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1. In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 2. In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 3. In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 4. Article 4(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that any reference in messages to be disseminated to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted scientific data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. A trade or intertrade organisation as referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 which proposes a programme shall keep a list available for the Member State concerned and the Commission of the scientific studies and the opinions of authorised scientific institutions on which the messages in the programme referring to effects on health are based. 5. In application of Article 8(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that for the purpose of implementing its programmes, each proposing organisation shall select one or more implementing bodies by an appropriate competitive procedure validated by the Member State concerned. 6. Article 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 on "Pre-selection of programmes by Member States" foresees that Member States shall draw up a provisional list of the programmes they select on the basis of the criteria laid down in the specifications referred to in Article 8(2)(b). 2. The Member States shall check programmes aimed at third countries in particular against the following criteria: (a) consistency between the strategies proposed and the objectives set; (b) the quality of the proposed measures; (c) their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned; (d) assurances that the proposing organisations are effective and representative; (e) the technical capacities of the proposed implementing body and assurances that it is effective. 7. In application of Article 9(5) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, programmes aimed at third countries, the individual Member States shall ensure that any individual or regional measures part financed under Regulation (EC) N)3/2008 and that the programmes submitted complement national and regional campaigns. 8. In application of the second paragraph of Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008, it should be taken into account; if there is an actual or potential demand in the targeted market. 9. In accordance with Article 10 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 on "priority in selecting programmes aimed at third countries" it is laid down that among the programmes referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 submitted by several Member States, preference shall be given, in the case of programmes aimed at third countries, to those covering a group of products and placing particular emphasis on quality, nutritional value and food safety aspects of Community production. Programme eligible: Yes 40 First observations to be communicated to MS: 1 Provide further information on the production volume and Greek exports to USA of each individual promoted product for years 2011 and 2012 if possible. This figures will be used as a starting point for the impact assessment. The method for the evaluation of the influence on demand and sales of promoted products should also be presented. Provide further information on the current levels of awareness for PDO /PGI products for the target groups in the targeted markets. 2 Articles with reference to health should meet the requirements of article 4(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008. Provide clarifications. 3 Provide further details on the strategy in relation to the presentation of the European dimension on EU food safety and EU quality system. 4 Provide further information on how the promotion and the provision of information on PDO/PGI products and non PDO/PGI products will be distinguished to avoid any confusion. 5 Provide additional information and clarifications on the description of the use of the application of i-phone and smart phones as part of action 1 for the promotion and the provision of information on the products of the programme. 6 The action at the points of sales is quite an extensive action with an important budget. In consequence additional detailed information should be presented to cover the supermarkets and malls locations, their size and positions, the specific planning and timeframe of the action, the samples' detailed description including type, numbers, volume or weight and the type and number of brochures to be distributed. The cost per contact is high compared to other actions with higher returns in relation to this element. A modification to address this remark should be considered as an improvement of the programme. Provide additional information and clarifications to cover this observation. 7 Concerning action No 5, on invitations of opinion leaders, It is suggested that the presented costs should be adapted to the maximum eligible amounts of cost foreseen by the annex III.B.2.2 (internal market) of the model contract. This action will take place in Greece and the real costs are in line with the internal market amounts. 8 In action 6 the members of the groups of producers who will visit the target countries are members of the proposing organization. Therefore the relevant costs should be included in the general costs of the proposing organization. The modified budget table should be resubmitted (budget tables per year and per target country). 9 Concerning the evaluation of the competent authority of Greece for this programme, the evaluation form used that refers to the programmes targeting the internal market is used. However the correct form should be used that refers to the evaluation of the programmes targeting third countries and which is slightly different. Provide the evaluation of the programme in the correct form. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good Yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 41 good Points awarded by MS: 65/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 4/4 to be rejected CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions. Observation(s) : - The use of the extension ".eu" is suggested to be used for internet site of the campaign. - The competent authorities sent the proposal to the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)2211166 and ARES(2013)2139488). The Commission examined if the proposal is in conformity with the requirements of promotion Regulations; Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008. As a result of this examination the Commission sent a list of observations to the competent authorities with letters (ref: ARES(2013)2751534) The competent authority provided a list of clarifications and additional information as a reply to the letter with the observations of the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)2985221 and ARES(2013)3230607). The clarifications and additional information provided in these letters clarified the points of the Commission observations. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 42 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): Espagne Titre du programme: "Lo bueno de nuestra tierra lleva este sello". Programa de promoción y comunicación de los sellos de calidad diferenciada IGP/DOP, en legumbres, en el mercado interior. Organisme(s) compétent(s): MAAMA (Ministère de l'agriculture-ES) Organisation(s) proposante(s): Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos (COAG-IR) Organisme(s) d’exécution: Tactis Europe S.A. Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): Produits AOP et IGP (légumineuses) Etat membre(s) ciblés: Espagne, France, Portugal Durée: 24 mois Budget total: 599.053,47 € Co-financement de l'UE: 299.526,73 € Proposition reçue le: 12/06/2013 (E-mail, Ares(2013)2045300) 17/06/2013 (Courrier postal, Ares (2013)2144315) Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. COAG, Spanish farmers 'organization, has submitted a promotion and information programme on PDO/PGI vegetable products (chickpeas, lentils and beans) for a total budget of 599.053,47 € and for a period of 2 years. The aim is to promote awareness and use of differentiated quality products PGI and PDO with the following strategic objectives: - Increase the level of knowledge of European logos PGI / PDO. - Develop a campaign PGI / PDO in order to educate about the wide range of vegetables and increasing knowledge and value of PGI / PDO logos which distinguishes them from other products. - Promote the sale of such products in a "gourmet" market which does not buy standard vegetable. - Position these quality products in the minds of prescribers. The target audience is: consumers, restaurant industry, opinion multipliers, producers. The main channels foreseen are: media plan and graphic production, public relation actions including Horeca, social media, information and training actions for the sector. 43 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/le(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) technique et financière oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : A été mise en évidence une certaine méconnaissance des labels communautaires de qualité différenciée AOP/IGP auprès des consommateurs européens. Outre une méconnaissance des différences entre les différents labels et les implications économiques, sociales et environnementales liées à ces labels est également méconnu le fait que ces labels informent sur l'origine des produits ainsi que sur des aspects tels que la qualité, la tradition, l'emploi en zone rurale ou la biodiversité est un fait méconnu. Par ailleurs, la consommation des légumineuses a diminué de 50% au cours de ces 20 dernières années et seulement 1% des légumineuses bénéficient des labels de qualité. Le programme présenté se veut d'une durée de deux ans pour répondre à une planification stratégique qui consiste, sur base des résultats obtenus, à poursuivre dans le futur ce genre d'action et ce en collaboration avec d'autre AOP/IGP d'autres EM et ainsi développer conjointement un programme de promotion plus ambitieux. 44 Les deux EM cibles choisis pour ce programme en dehors de l'Espagne sont: - le Portugal, pays producteur et grand consommateur de légumineuse mais ne disposant pas de label de qualité - la France, pays producteur et consommateur de légumineuses et disposant de diverses indications géographiques protégées en légumineuses. Objectif(s) : Ce programme a pour objectif la réalisation d'activités d'information et de promotion destinées principalement à: 1. faire connaître à un grand nombre de personnes, le système communautaire de protection des dénominations de produits prévu par les règlements (CE) nº 509/2006 et (CE) nº 510/2006 ainsi, que spécifiquement, quelques légumineuses de qualité protégés par une AOP ou une IGP élaborés dans plusieurs régions d'Espagne. 2. promouvoir la consommation de produits AOP/IGP. Cette campagne visera les objectifs stratégiques suivants: - Promouvoir la connaissance des logos communautaires de qualité différenciée AOP/IGP auprès des divers échelons de la chaîne alimentaire: producteurs, restaurateurs, étudiants en hôtellerie et consommateurs. - Fournir une information détaillée sur la signification des logos de qualité AOP/IGP, leur différence et valeur ainsi que leur incidence sociale, économique et environnementale. - Informer les producteurs et groupements de producteurs des caractéristiques et avantages des productions couvertes par ces marques de qualité que sont l'AOP et l'IGP et encourager ceux qui ne sont pas encore partie prenantes à ces régimes à enregistrer la dénomination des produits, favorisant ainsi le développement rural de la zone. - Stimuler la consommation des produits à qualité différenciée IGP/AOP et en particulier les légumineuses disposant de ce logo de qualité. Un accent particulier sera mis en fonction du pays cible: Ainsi, pour les actions développées en Espagne, l'objectif prioritaire sera illustré à l'aide de 2 formes de préparation de pois chiches, lentilles et haricots IGP/AOP (en cuisson et en salade) et axé principalement sur le consommateur plus jeune de 25-45 ans afin de l'informer des bénéfices des légumineuses de qualité, de leurs possibilités gastronomiques et de leur facilité de préparation et conservation. Par ailleurs, le secteur de la restauration sera également ciblé afin de moderniser l'image des légumineuses au travers de ces logos. Les médias et leader d'opinions seront impliqués dans la dissémination des messages clés de la campagne et les agriculteurs seront conscientisés quant aux bénéfices de culture de légumineuses AOP/IGP et à l'importance de participer aux Conseils de Régulation susceptibles par ailleurs de faciliter l'accès de ses membres à un marché gourmet des légumes IGP/AOP. Pour la France et le Portugal, accroître la notoriété de ces logos de qualité IGP/AOP reste l'objectif principal au travers des 3 produits préalablement cités tout en assurant une présence croissante de ceux-ci sur le marché. En outre, éduquer et impliquer le secteur de la restauration dans la modernisation de l'image des légumes IGP/AOP constitue également un objectif précis tout en informant sur le concept et la valeur ajoutée de ce régime. Médias et leaders d'opinions devront être impliqués dans la diffusion des messages principaux de la campagne. Le réseau de commercialisation international des entreprises affiliées aux Conseils de Régulation devrait être élargi afin de fournir des légumineuses estampillées AOP/IGP auprès des établissements issus du marché gourmet européen. 45 Stratégie : La stratégie proposée est basée sur 2 types d'actions: 1. 2. Pénétrer, augmenter et consolider le réseau commercial et de distribution en réalisant un travail de formation et d'éducation des distributeurs et en travaillant sur tout le canal détaillants et Horeca. Agir sur les leaders d'opinion et les prescripteurs en travaillant les domaines de la gastronomie, la nutrition et la santé. Et pour mettre sur pied ces actions: La stratégie suivante devra être adoptée: - Création d'objectifs et actions concrètes pour chaque marché: le marché national (Espagne) et le marché international (France et Portugal) - Détermination du nombre de distributeurs existant et évaluation du nombre de distributeurs supplémentaires réalisable annuellement. - Renforcement d'actions auprès de différents canaux et en particulier l' Horeca, les prescripteurs et les professionnels. - Initier des actions auprès du consommateur final. Les objectifs suivants devront être réalisés: - Accroître le degré de connaissance des logos communautaires IGP /AOP. - Développer une campagne des logos IGP/AOP pour éduquer sur la gamme étendue de légumes tout en encourageant la connaissance et la valeur de ces logos distinctifs. - Favoriser la vente de ce type de produits sur un marché plus gourmet qui n'achète pas de légume standard. - Positionner/placer ces produits de qualité dans l'esprit des prescripteurs. Le projet sera divisé en 2 phases: - 1ère année: mise en valeur de la qualité offerte par le logo IGP/AOP aux légumes, positionnement du produit sur le marché et réalisation d'une campagne d'information sur le produit à promouvoir - 2ème année: les messages ayant été expliqués ainsi que la mise en valeur et la différenciation du produit ayant été initiés la 1ère année, cette 2ème année est consacrée à la promotion des ventes. Cibles: Les groupes cibles sont au nombre de 4: 1. Les consommateurs Suite à une étude relative à la Segmentation de styles de cuisines en Espagne présentée en septembre 2012 par KWP Lifestyles Kantar Worldpanel, les résultats obtenus laissent entrevoir une nouvelle approche pour mener à bien des actions auprès du secteur alimentaire. 2. Les relais d'opinion à savoir les chefs et autres références de la gastronomie espagnole mais aussi les moyens de communication généraux et spécialisés ainsi que les influenceurs en ligne (webs, blogeurs…). 3. La restauration - La Haute Restauration comme prescriptrice et génératrice de tendances. - La Restauration Moyenne permettant la connaissance de recettes faciles et économiques des légumes IGP/AOP - Les écoles d'Hôtellerie afin de former les futurs professionnels de la restauration. - La restauration en général en tant que canal pour parvenir au consommateur final national ou international 4. Les producteurs 46 - Les producteurs faisant partie prenante des 8 conseils Régulateurs afin de les aider à améliorer l'image de leurs produits et leur faciliter l'accès au marché - Les producteurs ne faisant pas partie prenante des Conseils Régulateurs et ne produisant pas de légumes à qualité différenciée pour que ceux-ci y adhèrent Thèmes : - Informer et communiquer sur l'importance du logo européen IGP/AOP. - Former sur le concept IGP/AOP et sa valeur ajoutée. - Expliquer les valeurs différentielles que ce logo apporte sur un produit tel que des légumes. - Moderniser l'image des légumes en utilisant les IGP/DOP comme drapeau. - Encourager les agriculteurs qui ne font pas encore partie intégrante des IGP/AOP à planter des légumes avec des dénominations enregistrées qui satisfont aux conditions et exigences essentielles d'inspection des divers Conseils Régulateurs des dénominations protégées. - Faire connaître les bénéfices des produits IGP/AOP et en particulier des légumineuses, ses possibilités gastronomiques et simplicité de préparation et conservation. - Possibilité d'internationaliser et accéder à un marché gourmet des légumineuses IGP/AOP. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : - Les logos de AOP / IGP sont importants pour les produits traditionnels et liés à la terre tels que les légumineuses. Ce label européen reconnaît en effet que ces produits sont liés à la terre, à l'environnement et au tissu rural, raison pour laquelle produire et consommer ce type de légumineuses sous-entend des valeurs sociales et environnementales très importantes. - Ce label de qualité différenciée AOP / IGP protège un produit qui est nutritif, sain et équilibré, avec une teneur élevée en fibres végétales, faible en graisse, riche en hydrates de carbone, riche en protéines-vitamines et minéraux. Outre le fait d'être lié à la terre et protégé par le logo AOP / IGP, il fait partie de la diète méditerranéenne - Le label AOP / IGP ne signifie pas une augmentation des prix ou un changement dans son usage et sa versatilité mais plutôt le fait que cette protection de l'UE contribue à mettre en valeur les qualités du produit pour le consommateur - Les Conseils de Régulation des AOP / IGP contrôlent l'ensemble du processus de production et de distribution, ce qui signifie pour le consommateur, une assurance des 47 caractéristiques organoleptiques du produit certifié, ce qui l'aidera à le conserver et l'utiliser - Ces produits ont toujours fait partie de notre cuisine traditionnelle et cela revêt de toute son importance lorsqu'ils sont protégés dans le cadre du label européen AOP/IGP - Le fait d'appartenir à des Conseils de Régulation, de suivre leurs règles et d'utiliser leurs semences, implique le suivi de protocoles de certification et de contrôle bénéfiques pour l'environnement, contribuant ainsi à une agriculture plus durable - Le label AOP / IGP offre une très large gamme de produits (pois chiches, lentilles, haricots) ce qui signifie une protection de la biodiversité agricole qui se traduit par une grande variété à la consommation. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : Cette campagne se veut dirigée et directe afin d'obtenir des impacts de qualité permettant d'accroître l'information et optimaliser les ressources budgétaires: 1. Plan Média (114.860€) Développement d'actions dans les médias afin d'assurer une couverture, une image et un impact en utilisant des revues qui permettent d'approfondir les messages principaux et attirer l'attention du consommateur au travers de publireportages incluant des informations sur le logo AOP/IGP mais aussi des recettes. Magazines: 24 insertions (3/an) sur 2 ans page couleur et ½ page couleur en mai-juin et octobre-novembre (Lecturas, Semana, Cocina facil, Saber Vivir). Couverture de 13,5% par an et de 4.302.310 contacts directs par année. 2. Activités au sein d'Ecoles d'Hôtellerie (27.357€) Travail en collaboration avec la restauration qu'il s'agisse des professionnels ou des consommateurs. Les Restaurants comme les Ecoles d'Hôtellerie découvriront un nouvel aspect des légumineuses et apprendront la valeur et la différentiation apportées par le logo IGP/AOP. - Mailing de matériel d'information à 25 Ecoles d'Hôtellerie (folder, poster, brochures de recettes, stylos, matériel d'information et photographique) Année 1: 25 écoles, 1000 contacts directs, 9.000 contacts indirects Année 2: 25 écoles, 1000 contacts directs, 9.000 contacts indirects - Masterclass dans les Ecoles d'Hôtellerie (contenu théorique et pratique avec des recettes à base des produits concernés IGP/PDO ; matériel d'information: pack de 7 produits IGP/AOP, diptique, livre de recettes, panneau IGP/AOP et ses variétés de légumineuses, bics; invitation des médias et leaders d'opinions spécialisés en gastronomie, cuisine, lifestyle) Année 1: 5 écoles, 200 contacts directs, 1800 contacts indirects Année 2: 5 écoles, 200 contacts directs, 1800 contacts indirects 3. Activités dans la Restauration (100.328€) Travail en collaboration avec la restauration qu'il s'agisse des professionnels ou des consommateurs. Les Restaurants comme les Ecoles d'Hôtellerie découvriront un nouvel aspect des légumineuses et apprendront la valeur et la différentiation apportées par le logo IGP/AOP. - Mailing de matériel d'information au secteur Horeca (folder destiné à 2000 restaurants en Espagne) Année 1: 2000 restaurants, 2000 contacts directs, 8.000 contacts indirects Année 2: 2000 restaurants, 2000 contacts directs, 8.000 contacts indirects - Quinzaines gastronomiques (été 2014 et 2015, hiver 2014 et 2015) liées aux modes de consommation traditionnels et sociaux (recettes, matériel d'information: brochure sur les produits et variétés, posters, leaflet de recettes, lettre, sticker, produit…) 48 4. 5. 6. 7. Année 1: 160 restaurants, 40.000 contacts directs, 160.000 contacts indirects Année 2: 160 restaurants, 40.000 contacts directs, 160.000 contacts indirects Activités de Relations Publiques (90.368€ + 26.400€) Le but de ces activités est d'impliquer les moyens de communication et les leaders d'opinion dans la diffusion de l'importance des logos IGP/AOP au travers des messages principaux de la campagne. Faire connaître les légumineuses enregistrées IGP/AOP auprès des moyens de communication se fera en développant des initiatives permanentes de relations publiques et actions particulières. - Cabinet de presse (dissémination des messages, diffusion et support de chacune des actions telles que le ranking des 10 plats les plus rafraichissants de l'été, rencontre avec des blogueurs…) visant principalement les leaders d'opinions 18.000.000 contacts visés (sur médias généraux et spécialisés, économiques, féminins/masculins, tourisme, affaires, enfants, bien-être, santé et nutrition tels que TV, radio , presse écrite, agences..) - Conseils gastronomiques d'un Chef espagnol dans la préparation du matériel graphique de la campagne avec l'appui d'un économiste pour le design Médias sociaux (14.500€) Divulgation des messages sur Internet via la création d'un canal de communication propre online. - Microsite de campagne "": contenu axé sur une information des produits concernés et le label IGP/AOP en ES, FR et PT - Dynamisation des Réseaux Sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) : publication quotidienne sur la campagne, lieux où les légumineuses sont à la mode, contacts avec les leaders d'opinion liés à la gastronomie, culture, mode et société en Espagne, France et Portugal. 24.000 contacts visés Actions de communication au secteur (60.692€) Information régulière auprès du secteur (opérateurs de la chaine, institutions et administrations publiques, Conseils de Régulation, entités liées au secteur qualité) de la campagne et des valeurs environnementales et socioéconomiques des légumineuses dont la dénomination est protégée. Mise en valeur des avantages à faire partie prenante des Conseils de Régulation. - Newsletter trimestrielle sur les initiatives de la campagne: 18 pour la campagne - Newsletter digitale destinée à envoyer l'information sur les initiatives menées avec supports visuels: 18 pour la campagne - Point d'information et de formation professionnelle destinés aux agriculteurs (posters, brochures, 8 jours de formation annuels pour 750 participants): 16 points d'information 22.000 contacts directs, 88.000 contacts indirects Actions internationales en France et au Portugal (24.767,20€) Réalisation d'une série d'actions internationales (présentation de la campagne et d'une gastronomie moderne et innovatrice liée à la terre) pour la dimension européenne du programme, le renforcement et la projection de la valeur du logo IGP/AOP mais aussi pour faire connaître la grande variété de légumineuses espagnoles couvertes par ce label distinctif de qualité notamment auprès d'agents commerciaux et de la distribution. - Evénement dans les Ecoles d'Hôtellerie Internationales: présentation de la campagne et des produits en présence de la presse et clients potentiels, développement d'un Point de Rencontre avec les professionnels pour discuter des logos IGP/AOP et légumineuses espagnoles et 2 activités: discussion sur le label de qualité différenciée AOP/IGP et un showcooking en présence d'un Chef espagnol pour la préparation de recettes à base des légumineuses. 49 - Mailing au secteur de la restauration avec un folder d'information sur la campagne et sur les légumineuses AOP/IGP ainsi que des recettes (3000 restaurants français, 1000 restaurants portugais) - Mailing aux distributeurs avec un folder d'information sur la campagne et sur les légumineuses AOP/IGP (1000 distributeurs français, 500 distributeurs portugais) Impact escompté: 8.400 contacts directs et 33.600 indirects par pays (Par pays: 2 écoles, 2 masterclass (400 contacts directs et 1.600 indirects), 6.000 restaurants français (6000 contacts directs et 24.000 indirects) et 2000 portugais (2.000 contacts directs et 24.000 indirects), 2.000 entreprises de distribution (2.000 contacts directs et 8.000 indirects). 8. Production graphique (26.400€) Support de toute la campagne: matériels graphiques, digitaux, photographies (recettes, produits…) Impact prévisible : Il est prévu de mesurer, par pays, les impacts prévisibles et le coût par impact Espagne: 2014 ACTUACIONES IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS MEDIOS 2015 TOTAL IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS 4.302.310 TOTAL TOTAL 4.302.310 8.604.620 ACTUACIONES EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA 1.200 10.800 12.000 1.200 10.800 12.000 24.000 ACCIONES EN RESTAURACIÓN 42.000 168.000 210.000 42.000 168.000 210.000 420.000 360 9.000.000 9.000.360 360 9.000.000 9.000.360 18.000.720 12.000 24.000 ACTUACIONES DE RR.PP ACCIONES DE SOCIAL MEDIA 12.000 ACTUACIONES DE COMUNICACIÓN AL SECTOR 11.000 44.000 55.000 11.000 44.000 55.000 110.000 TOTAL ACTUACIONES ESPAÑA 54.560 9.222.800 13.591.670 54.560 9.222.800 13.591.670 27.183.340 IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS ACTUACION EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA 200 MAILING A LA RESTAURACIÓN MAILING A LA DISTRIBUCIÓN Portugal: 2014 ACTUACIONES TOTAL ACTUACIONES PORTUGAL 2015 TOTAL IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS TOTAL TOTAL 800 1.000 200 800 1.000 2.000 1.000 4.000 5.000 1.000 4.000 5.000 10.000 500 2.000 2.500 500 2.000 2.500 5.000 1.700 6.800 8.500 1.700 6.800 8.500 17.000 50 France: 2014 2015 IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS TOTAL IMPACTOS DIRECTOS IMPACTOS INDIRECTOS TOTAL TOTAL ACTUACION EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA 200 800 1.000 200 800 1.000 2.000 MAILING A LA RESTAURACIÓN 3.000 12.000 15.000 3.000 12.000 15.000 30.000 MAILING A LA DISTRIBUCIÓN 1.000 4.000 5.000 1.000 4.000 5.000 10.000 TOTAL ACTUACIONES FRANCIA 4.200 16.800 21.000 4.200 16.800 21.000 42.000 ACTUACIONES Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : La mesure de la réalisation des objectifs et l'évaluation de la répercussion de la campagne seront confiées à un Organisme Externe Indépendant, à savoir: ARADA S.L.U. Objectifs et méthodologie: Suivi et évaluation des actions réalisées et leur conformité par rapport à la planification et aux critères établis préalablement. Evaluation des activités: La réalisation du programme dans son ensemble sera évaluée de façon continue en fonction des critères énumérés ci-après afin de pouvoir déterminer réellement sa qualité en ne se limitant pas au produit final mais en évaluant chaque phase de développement: Indicateur de réalisation des travaux Objectifs: Garantir à tout moment la qualité du projet et la réalisation des délais du travail technique. Réunions et groupes de discussion coordonnés par une Commission Technique: Technique de Suivi et Evaluation constituée ex professo à tel effet. 3 réunions annuelles sont prévues et étalées tout au long de la réalisation Ejecución: technique du projet: en début, à ,moyen terme et en fin d'année. Indicateur d'exécution technique Objectifs: Analyser sur base de l'orientation du projet, tant au niveau de la structure des contenus, qu'au niveau du langage et de la terminologie utilisée, de façon à adapter correctement au public cible. Technique: Questionnaires Publique: Travailleurs liés au secteur agraire Echantillonage: Environ 1.500 Exécution: Tout au long du programme Indicateur de l' impact Objectifs: Vérifier, sur base de données, la répercussion du programme. Analyse statistique de l'évolution de la demande et des ventes du produit Technique: concerné dans les pays visés par le programme. Exécution: En fin de programme. 51 Analyse de l'information et rapports: Pour l'évaluation des actions, seront réalisés des questionnaires d'évaluation anonymes sur la campagne afin de permettre l'évaluation du matériel, des activités réalisées et de la répercussion du programme. A posteriori, les données compilées seront traitées statistiquement afin d'obtenir une évaluation scientifique du degré de satisfaction du programme. Budget: Année 1: Année 2: 7.577,09€ 7.544,09€ Dimension européenne du programme: Parmi les objectifs de la PAC établis dans l'Article 33 du Traité, il y a: - Stabiliser les marchés, - Garantir la sécurité de la nourriture au consommateur à des prix raisonnables C'est pourquoi le proposant considère que l'octroi d'une aide communautaire pour des actions de promotions de légumineuses est totalement en ligne pour parvenir à ces objectifs. Avec cette promotion, une croissance future de consommation est espérée, renforçant ainsi les revenus agricoles, également objectif de la PAC. De plus, les experts s'accordent à dire qu'une diète saine joue un rôle fondamental dans la réduction des indices d'obésité et des risques de maladies graves à l'âge adulte. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable que la diète inclue une consommation suffisante de légumineuses. La dimension européenne du projet est acquise pour les raisons suivantes: - Il s'agit d'un label européen image de l'Europe. Portée d'un label européen IGP/AOP et sa synergie avec d'autres produits IGP/AOP même si ces derniers ne sont pas des légumineuses - Produit traditionnel européen lié à la diète méditerranéenne - Divulgation et information sur les différentes normes de production et variétés de légumineuses IGP/AOP - Réalisation d'une importante promotion de produits de production européenne auprès des consommateurs nationaux et communautaires - Divulgation sur les normes de sécurité alimentaire et santé européennes liées au label IGP/AOP - Amélioration des connaissances du secteur de la restauration ce qui dans le cas de la restauration espagnole, lui donnera une dimension internationale drapeau de la culture et de la production européenne. - Les actions prévues au sein du programme se développeront au sein d'autres EM tels que la France et le Portugal. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 24/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 28/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 7/10 16/20 52 € BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : 5.7. ACTUACIONES 2014 2015 IMPORTE 5.7.1. MEDIOS PLAN DE REVISTAS 5.7.2. ACTUACIONES EN ESCUELAS HOSTELERÍA MAILING A ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA MASTERCLASS EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA 5.7.3. ACCIONES EN RESTAURACIÓN E-MAILING SECTOR HORECA QUINCENAS GASTRONÓMICAS TOTAL IMPORTE IMPORTE 57.430,00 € 57.430,00 € 114.860,00 € 57.430,00 € 57.430,00 € 114.860,00 € 13.678,50 € 13.678,50 € 27.357,00 € 3.012,50 € 3.012,50 € 6.025,00 € 10.666,00 € 10.666,00 € 21.332,00 € 50.164,00 € 50.164,00 € 100.328,00 € 2.900,00 € 2.900,00 € 5.800,00 € 47.264,00 € 47.264,00 € 94.528,00 € 58.384,00 € 58.384,00 € 116.768,00 € GABINETE DE PRENSA 45.184,00 € 45.184,00 € 90.368,00 € ASESORAMIENTO GASTRONÓMICO 13.200,00 € 13.200,00 € 26.400,00 € 5.7.5. ACCIONES DE SOCIAL MEDIA 7.800,00 € 6.700,00 € 14.500,00 € MICROSITE DE CAMPAÑA 3.600,00 € 2.500,00 € 6.100,00 € DINAMIZACIÓN DE REDES SOCIALES 4.200,00 € 4.200,00 € 8.400,00 € 30.346,00 € 30.346,00 € 60.692,00 € NEWSLETTER 6.090,00 € 6.090,00 € 12.180,00 € NEWSLETTER DIGITAL 1.950,00 € 1.950,00 € 3.900,00 € 22.306,00 € 22.306,00 € 44.612,00 € 21.567,20 € 21.567,20 € 43.134,40 € ACTO EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA INTERNACIONALES 7.903,60 € 7.903,60 € 15.807,20 € E-MAILING A LA RESTAURACIÓN 3.240,00 € 3.240,00 € 6.480,00 € E-MAILING A LA DISTRIBUCIÓN 1.240,00 € 1.240,00 € 2.480,00 € ACTO EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA INTERNACIONALES 7.203,60 € 7.203,60 € 14.407,20 € E-MAILING A LA RESTAURACIÓN 1.240,00 € 1.240,00 € 2.480,00 € 740,00 € 740,00 € 1.480,00 € 13.200,00 € 13.200,00 € 26.400,00 € 504.039,40 € 5.7.4. ACTUACIONES DE RR.PP 5.7.6. ACTUACIONES DE COMUNICACIÓN AL SECTOR PUNTO DE INFORMACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL 5.7.7. ACTUACIONES INTERNACIONALES FRANCIA PORTUGAL E-MAILING A LA DISTRIBUCIÓN 5.7.8. PRODUCCIÓN GRÁFICA TOTAL DE ACTUACIONES (A) 252.569,70 € 251.469,70 € GASTO DE GARANTÍA DE EJECUCIÓN CORRECTA (B) 980,00 € 980,00 € 1.960,00 € REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO EJECUCIÓN (12%) (C) 30.308,36 € 30.176,36 € 60.484,73 € MEDIDAS DE LOS RESULTADOS DE LAS ACT. (3%) (D) 7.577,09 € 7.544,09 € 15.121,18 € TOTAL DE LOS COSTES DIRECTOS DEL PROGRAMA (A + B + C + D) 291.435,16 € 290.170,16 € 581.605,31 € GASTOS GENERALES (3%) 8.743,05 € 8.705,10 € 17.448,16 € TOTAL DEL PROGRAMA 300.178,21 € 298.875,26 € 599.053,47 € PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMEN T UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I % ANNEE II % 150.089,11 75.044,55 75.044,55 300.178,21 50 25 25 100 149.437,62 74.718,82 74.718,82 298.875,26 50 25 25 100 53 ANNEE III % TOTAL % 100 299.526,73 149.763,37 149.763,37 599.053,47 50 20 30 100 - RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Voir conclusions ci-après. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Voir conclusions ci-après. AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 75/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 1/3 Avis du consultant externe: Prédisposition favorable sous réserve de l'obtention de précisions (E-mail Ares(2013)2745658 du 24/07/2013) CONCLUSIONS: 1. Description du programme Changer la référence aux Règlements (CE) n° 509/2006 et (CE) n° 510/2006 abrogés et remplacés par le Règlement (CE) 1151/2012 entré en vigueur en janvier 2013. 2. Objectifs du programme L'objectif du programme est double: - d'une part faire connaître à un grand nombre de personnes, le système communautaire de protection des dénominations de produits au travers de 3 légumineuses: le pois chiche, la lentille et le haricot; - d'autre part, stimuler la demande des produits AOP/IGP Le programme présente une bonne étude chiffrée de la valeur commerciale des produits alimentaires AOP/IGP (dont les légumineuses), de leur production et de la consommation mondiale et européenne. Cependant: - il n'y a pas d'estimation de départ en ce qui concerne le degré de notoriété du label européen AOP-IGP ni en ce qui concerne le degré d'amélioration de notoriété visé. - il n'y a pas de description quantitative de résultats escomptés au niveau de la demande des produits AOP/IGP(accroissement des ventes ou de la consommation, rajeunissement de la cible consommateurs, adhésion de nouveaux membres aux AOP/IGP…). L'objectif principal du programme n'est donc pas mesurable. 54 3. Messages du programme Conformément à l'article 3 du Règlement de la Commission 501/2008, "Les messages faisant référence à des effets sur la santé doivent être acceptés par l'autorité nationale compétente en matière de santé publique". Dans la description du programme (p15), il est fait référence aux nouvelles attentes de la société européenne en matière de bien-être, santé et environnement. Pour rappel, toute référence à des effets sur la santé doit faire l'objet de l'acceptation de l'autorité compétente. 4. Actions du programme: Selon l'article 8, §1.c du Règlement de la Commission 501/2008: "1.c …être suffisamment développés pour que leur conformité avec la réglementation applicable et leur rapport coût/efficacité puissent être évalués." Le programme contient un ensemble d'actions qui dans l'ensemble sont suffisamment décrites. Cependant, quelques détails supplémentaires sont requis pour les actions suivantes: Action 3 Préciser les critères pour l'envoi du mailing informatif des 2.000 restaurants ainsi que leur répartition géographique Préciser les 8 villes ciblées par les quinzaines gastronomiques. Action 4 Préciser la plus-value de la répétition de cette action en année 2 en ce qui concerne les conseils gastronomiques et de l'engagement d'un "home economist": des recettes supplémentaires vont-elles être créées? Action 5 Préciser la notion de "contratación de un community". Préciser sur quelle base il est annoncé que 12.000 internautes seront touchés par an. Confirmer la traduction des pages Facebook et Twitter en portugais et français, ces marchés étant également touchés par cette action. Action 6 Préciser quels sont les agriculteurs destinataires des 3.000 newsletters (versions papier et digitale) et les régions concernées. Préciser des objectifs quantifiés pour cette action (combien d'agriculteurs est-ce que la campagne souhaite faire adhérer…). Action 7 Préciser l'école hôtelière choisie pour la France et les critères qui ont orienté ce choix et pourquoi une seule école. Préciser les professionnels prévus pour la discussion sur le label AOP/IGP. Préciser sur quelle base sont sélectionnés les 3.000 restaurants dans la région parisienne bénéficiaires d'un envoi mailing. Action 8 Préciser l'école ou les écoles d'hôtellerie visée(s). Préciser les participants et orateurs prévus à la discussion sur la Qualité Différenciée de l'Union européenne des AOP/IGP. Préciser les destinataires du Show cooking: les élèves de l'école, le public cible mentionné. Préciser sur quelle base sont sélectionnés les 3.000 restaurants dans la région de Lisbonne bénéficiaires d'un envoi mailing. Pour les actions orientées sur la France et le Portugal, afin d'accroître la cohérence du programme, un renforcement des actions 7 et 8 est souhaité. 55 5. Budget du programme Certaines actions ou parties d'action sont inéligibles et en particulier les frais du personnel contractant repris au budget de l'action 5.7.6. "Communication au secteur", frais de déplacement-logement et nourriture de 2 techniciens: ces frais ne sont pas éligibles car couverts par les frais généraux conformément à l'Annexe III. Préciser si ces frais sont imputables aux techniciens de la COAG. 6. Impact du programme et évaluation des actions En ce qui concerne l'impact et son analyse celui-ci est confié à un Organisme Externe Indépendant, à savoir: ARADA S.L.U. Veuillez mesurer: - la notoriété du label européen AOP/IGP ainsi que le niveau de demandes des produits concernés en début de programme - le résultat visé après les 2 ans du programme. Observation(s) Suite à la lettre d'observations envoyée par les services de la Commission le 25/07/2013 (Ares(2013)2750634), le demandeur a fourni des réponses satisfaisantes à tous les points soulevés (courrier du 28/08/2013 (Ares(2013)2937980)). Pour cette raison il est proposé d'accepter ce programme pour un cofinancement communautaire. Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 56 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): Espagne Titre du programme: “EUROPEAN GARNACHA/GRENACHE QUALITY WINES” Organisme(s) compétent(s): Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente – España (MAAMA) Organisation(s) proposante(s): CRDO Cariñena (Coordinador), CRDO Calatayud, CRDO Somontano, CRDO Campo de Borja, CRDO Terra Alta Organisme(s) d’exécution: Benson Marketing Group LLC Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): Vins AOP/IGP Etat membre(s) ciblés: Etats-Unis, Canada Durée: 36 mois Budget total: 2.250.596,54 € Co-financement de l'UE: 1.125.285,12 € Proposition reçue le: 12/06/2013 (E-mail,12/06/13Ares(2013)2045300) 14/06/2013 (Courrier postal, Ares (2013)2144315) Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. This information programme concerns the Grenache quality wines to develop in USA and Canada. Programme duration is 3 years and the total cost is 2.250.596, 54€. The main objectives are: • to increase awareness of Garnacha among the general public buying wine more than 1x/month. • to improve the positioning amongst general public, highlighting the attributes of Grenache. • to inform about quality and characteristics of wine PDOs proponents in the framework of the European wines of Grenache. • to highlight the importance of European quality signs. • to increase market share The main target group will be the final regular wine consumers, especially those in New York, Florida, California and Ontario and also press, channel members and specifiers. A series of activities are foreseen such as public relations, imaging, media, events focused on consumers (participation in Second Class "Wine Riot"), establishment of the Grenache Day, trade market. The number of final individual consumers impacted should be around 32.000.000. 57 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/le(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Des objectifs spécifiques ont été élaborés afin de tenir compte de la réalité du marché nordaméricain et de répondre à la nécessité d'objectifs SMART: Accroître la connaissance d'une variété typique européenne, la Grenache, au sein du grand public nord-américain achetant du vin plus d'une fois par mois et en particulier en Californie, New-York, Floride et Ontario Améliorer le positionnement de ce vin au sein du grand public, au même titre que le sont actuellement le Cabernet-Sauvignon, le Pinot Noir, le Malbec ou le Sauvignon Blanc en rehaussant les propriétés de la Grenache objectives (qualité, caractéristiques organoleptiques, diversité, savoir-faire…) et émotionnelles (exclusivité, prochaine mode, passion, romantisme, style de vie à la méditerranéenne…). Expliquer la qualité et les caractéristiques spécifiques des AOP proposantes parmi le vin européen de Grenache 58 Informer sur l'importance et les caractéristiques des signes de qualité européens pour les produits viticoles Accroître la part de marché des vins de Grenache européens aux EEUU et Canada et en particulier celui des AOP participantes Stratégie : Pour maximiser la rentabilité du programme, ont été sélectionnées des actions sur base des critères suivants: Définition précise du public cible: les consommateurs finaux ont été identifiés comme le public méconnaissant le plus le produit et en particulier les Millenial Treaters, Experienced Explorers et les Premium Brand Suburbans*. Les professionnels seront ciblés si nécessaire pour atteindre le public cible final. Focus sur des zones multi pays similaires afin d'obtenir des synergies tout au long de la campagne en matière de communication, messages… Adaptation au public nord-américain différent du public européen à l'aide d'une agence locale qui puisse prioriser les attentes du public cible Définition et uniformité du message au travers d'une image reconnaissable facilement qui permette de produite un effet accumulatif au travers des diverses actions Utilisation de canaux concentrés et complémentaires destinés au public cible à savoir les moyens de communication online et offline, les réseaux sociaux pour intéresser le public et les points de ventes proches du lieu de résidence pour découvrir le produit en le testant. Planification des actions pour rentabiliser leur efficacité Coordination des activités via les différentes DO proposantes Mesure rigoureuse de la campagne ex ante et ex post afin de tendre vers une cohérence entre les opportunités de marché identifiées, les objectifs, les messages, les actions et les canaux d'information (développement d'une image du programme et des objectifs visés pour chacune des actions développées). Mesure et suivi des résultats Le programme appliquera ces critères dans le but de parvenir à une synergie entre les opportunités de marché, les objectifs, les actions et les canaux de communication: Élaboration de lignes directrices de l'image Actions visant le consommateur aux EEUU et au Canada: - RP destinée à préparer le champ d'action pour le public cible - Media digital destiné à créer la notoriété auprès de tous les auditoires et de préparer un groupe social qui suivra le programme et transfèrera les messages et actions aux autres groupes sociaux - Evénements destinés à éduquer le consommateur et créer des tendances - Campagne "Jour de la Grenache" destinée aux consommateurs pour attirer le public cible sur des lieux où il pourra goûter et acheter le produit - Trade Marketing dans le but de transmettre les messages dans les marchés cibles où s'échangent des informations, des échantillons et où ont lieu des achats Mesures des impacts et suivi de l'efficacité de la campagne à l'aide d'une mesure stratégique des objectifs finaux (avant, pendant et après) et intermédiaires (nombre d'impacts…). Cibles : Ce programme vise principalement les consommateurs finaux habitués du vin et en particulier les consommateurs de New York (EEUU), Floride (EEUU), Californie (EEUU) et Ontario (Canada). 59 Ces consommateurs ont été subdivisés en 3 groupes* qui ensemble concentrent 81% de la demande de 50% des consommateurs: 1. les Millenial Treaters: moyenne de 28 ans, haute dépense, consommation fréquente, ouvert aux importations, actifs sur le web et réseaux sociaux, intéressés par ce qui est dit sur le vin par les amis, médias et restaurants 2. les Experienced Explorers: moyenne de 45 ans, haute dépense, consommation fréquente, ouverts aux importations, à l'écoute des détaillants 3. les Premium Brand Suburbans: 49 ans, dépense moyenne et consommation fréquente, moyennement ouverts aux importations, à l'écoute des détaillants Afin de toucher ce public cible, les professionnels du marché vin aux EEUU et Canada sont également visés. A ce titre, pourraient aussi être contactés la presse, les membres de la filière et certains consommateurs particulièrement influents. Thèmes: Les thèmes à traiter se veulent cohérents par rapport aux objectifs de ce programme d'information et tourneront autour des thèmes suivants: Les caractéristiques des vins européens de qualité élaborés avec la variété Grenache L'origine européenne et méditerranéenne de la Grenache (utilisation de la double prononciation espagnole et française afin de souligner le caractère transeuropéen) Les systèmes et labels de qualité des dénominations européens qui obéissent aux exigences de l'UE tels que les AOP proposantes. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Le vin de Grenache a des saveurs et arômes délicieux et adaptés au goût nord-américain (touche fruitée, puissance de saveur, …) Le vin de Grenache est une variété très diversifiée (vins rouges, blancs, rosés, sucres, monovariétale, coupage…) Le vin de Grenache offre une grande possibilité de consommation (viandes, légumes, desserts, chocolats…) Le vin de Grenache est un vin Exclusif (“the Next Big Thing”), connu par un nombre réduit d'experts Le vin de Grenache est une variété très sensuelle, romantique, passionnée… Le vin de Grenache est la variété européenne méditerranéenne par excellence et la plus répandue. 60 Le vin de Grenache représente les valeurs du style de vie européen méditerranéen. Le vin de Grenache est adapté au terroir et au climat méditerranéen reflété dans les qualités de ce vin Le raisin Garnacha/Grenache transmet un message de durabilité de l'agriculture européenne: la résistance de ses vignes aux fluctuations extrêmes du climat (chaleur, sécheresse) fait que les experts la considèrent comme une réponse clé au secteur face au changement climatique (cfr le III Congrès “Changement climatique et Vin” où le vin de Garnache a été abordé comme thème du Congrès présenté par Kofi Annan en 2010). Les AOP proposantes constituent un bon exemple de cette origine européenne et méditerranéenne La Garnacha/Grenache est une des variétés les plus sensibles aux méthodes de production: sans production de qualité, le vin peut beaucoup souffrir ; l'âge de la vigne est primordial et une attention particulière s'impose lors de son élaboration pour éviter toute oxydation…. Les systèmes et signes de qualité européens garantissent une élaboration adaptée. Les cinq AOP proposantes garantissent cette élaboration adaptée en tant que parties intégrantes des systèmes européens de qualité Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : Action 1: Création d'image (3.923€) Cette action vise à: 1. Créer les fondements pour toutes les communications de Marketing (image et langue) 2. Créer une identité unique et différenciée de cette variété et faire transparaître sa caractéristique de variété européenne méditerranéenne Des réunions internes et des recherches seront organisées afin de concrétiser les thèmes et messages de la campagne sous forme d'image concrète et de "claims" spécifiques (résumés de messages): Action 2: Relations publiques (139.577 €) Cette action vise à: 1. Créer un Bureau de presse destiné à mettre sur pied l'infrastructure de communication nécessaire pour la campagne 2. Générer et obtenir une couverture éditoriale pour la Grenache qui dépasse les 20.000.000 d'impact dans les 12 mois suivant le lancement des activités de RP. Pour ce faire, une panoplie d'éléments de communication est nécessaire: dossier de presse, envoi d'échantillons et dégustations, missions commerciales, événement presse vin, newsletter, communiqués de presse, interviews avec des journalistes, coupures de presse ... Préparation d'un kit presse: - Réunion en début de chaque année pour collecter in situ des informations et discuter la sélection des thèmes avec les divers Conseils de Régulation. - Rédaction d'un kit presse chaque premier trimestre de l'an et élaboration d'un calendrier annuel de distribution de la communication - Création d'une base de données (DB) d'archives digitales et d'images au cours du 2ème trimestre susceptibles d'être envoyés aux médias Envoi d'échantillons pour la presse 50 envois destinés aux rédacteurs intéressés par le produit pour la rédaction d'articles Mission d'échange de journalistes 4 journalistes (3 EEUU et 1 Canadien) issus de médias orientés consommateurs (revues, journaux, voyages, online…) ainsi qu'un accompagnateur/traducteur visiteront 6 à 10 caves (10 vignobles) par Conseils régulateurs pendant 5 jours (environ 75 vins différents) 61 Evénements vinicoles avec la presse 2 dîners presse sont prévus à New York et San Francisco en présence de 10 médias par ville afin de susciter l'intérêt pour le vin de Grenache et informer sur la diversité de la variété, sa singularité en Europe et connaître son importance sur le marché actuel. Rédaction et envoi de Newsletters Envoi de 8 newsletters au cours de la 1ère année aux médias sélectionnés ainsi, qu'aux consommateurs inscrits sur la liste de distribution Envoi de nouvelles aux médias Ces notes de presse compileront des informations intéressantes pour les consommateurs sur le vin de Grenache et seront envoyées d'une part de façon programmée via un service de nouvelles tel que Business Wire et d'autre part systématiquement lorsque des nouvelles surgissent: - 5 notes de presse seront envoyées tout au long de l'année par Business Wire (service de presse auquel ont souscrit de nombreux journalistes et Yahoo et actif dans la distribution de notes de presse de façon ciblée) - envoi de nouvelles concrètes à des médias spécifiques via une agence externe spécialisée - 10 interviews individuelles avec des journalistes et blogueurs - compilation, coordination et rédaction de notes de presse par l'Agence d'exécution & maquettage des textes ainsi que gestion des envois et contacts presse par un spécialiste externe Clipping presse L'Agence Cision/Burrel spécialisée dans le suivi et la compilation d'articles de presse será chargée du clipping presse. Tous les impacts on et offline ainsi compilés seront transmis via un portail online. Parmi les médias destinataires, ont été répertoriés: Médias digitaux, Style de vie - Presse gastronomique: Food & Wine, Bon Appetit, ou Saveur - Presse féminine/masculine: Men’s Fitness, Good Housekeeping, etc. - Presse voyage, négoces et style de vie y inclus les blogueurs, newsletters via courriel - Média de diffusion tel que le programme de télévision NBC TODAY SHOW, etc. Presse spécialisée destinée aux consommateurs de vin - Wine Spectator, Wine Advocate, Wine Access, Wine Enthusiast, Wine & Spirits, dont les lecteurs sont des distributeurs et des consommateurs - Internet: Tasting Table,,, etc. Presse professionnelle de la distribution - Presse régionale et nationale lue par les importateurs, les grossistes, les détaillants et HORECA: Market Watch, IMPACT, Tasting Panel, etc. Action 3: Les médias numériques/digitaux (103.350€) Cette action vise à: 1. Créer une plateforme de communication qui exploite des synergies entre les divers contenus des diverses actions (articles, images, vidéos) afin de transmettre les messages de la campagne à un public plus nombreux 2. Créer une communauté on-line au cours de la 1ère année avec plus de 2.500 consommateurs impliqués dans les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter) afin d'accroître la notoriété de la Grenache et des standards de qualité qui l'entourent. 3. Construire une promotion on-line autour de la Journée de la Grenache prévue en septembre 2014 afin de toucher plus de 4 millions de consommateurs Les activités prévues sont : Création et lancement de la page web de la campagne: Une pagea web sur le thème de la Grenache expliquera les caractéristiques des vins européens, de cette variété, les caractéristiques spécifiques des vins de proposants et informer sur les actions en cours. 62 Création et gestion de la campagne dans les médias sociaux: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube (2ème trimestre 2014) ainsi qu'annonces online (50% de publicité au cours du 2ème trimestre et le reste tout au long de l'année) afin de parvenir à un volumen important de followers dès le début. Les annonces online permettent de mieux cibler le public cible dans les zones visées (NY, CA, FLA y Ontario). L'utilisation des réseaux sociaux se fera dans le respect des lois locales et des standards du secteur vitivinicole des pays cibles ( Création d'un contenu spécifique pour la presse digitale: outre le contenu généré par les autres actions, des activités spécifiques destinées à générer davantage de trafic sont prévues: - Contenu audiovisuel: diriger et créer 8 vidéos de courtes durée (60-180 secondes) placés au fur et à mesure de l'année et destinées à être partagées. Ces vidéos visent à éduquer consommateurs et public commercial sur la place occupée par la Grenache dans la culture vinicole actuelle, sur son rôle d'accompagnateur de mets divers et sur ses qualités inégalables. Est envisagée l'inclusion d'images de NY et San Francisco ainsi que des Conseils Régulateurs participants. Journée de la Grenache (septembre 2014): utilisation de la publicité dans les réseaux sociaux, détaillants sur internet et autres canaux permettant de rentabiliser l'impact de cet événement international afin qu'il touche une majorité du public américain et canadien ainsi que le bouche à oreille. Concours: un concours será rélaisé aux EEUU et au Canadá via les réseaux sociaux . Les gagnants de chaque pays se verront récompensés par un voyage pour 2 personnes de 2 semaines aux Conseils de Régulation des proposants. L'objectif de ce prix est d'accroître la notoriété du vin de Grenache, augmenter le trafic sur les réseaux sociaux et obtenir le contenu et les images du voyage. A noter que la publicité sur Twitter et Facebook se fait via chaque tweet qui mène directement aux informations postées pour le programme. Action 4: événements axés sur le consommateur (29.467 €) Cette action vise à: 1. Eduquer et faire goûter les vins de Grenache à un gran nombre de consommateurs influents et démontrer la singularité de ces vins avec un accent particulier mis sur les Conseils Régulateurs participant. 2. Utiliser ces événements pour promouvoir les ventes auprès de détaillants locaux et sur le web. Les actions prévues sont: Second Glass “Wine Riot” ( : parrainer et participer à ces 2 dégustations célébrées à San Francisco en juin et à Nueva York en septembre ( Ces dégustations de renommée se déroulent pendant 2 jours (vendredi et samedi) pendant lesquels les participants peuvent goûter à tous les vins présentés ainsi que participer aux journées éducatives organisées dans la même enceinte. Cet événement attire 2.500 consommateurs/ville dont 70% ont entre 25 et 35 ans et plus de 60% sont des femmes (consommateurs "millennial"). Par ailleurs, ces participants ainsi que les organisateurs sont des utilisateurs assidus des réseaux sociaux ce qui laisse supposer une excellente opportunité de gagner des fans sur Facebook et Twitter et ainsi accroître la notoriété. Au sein de ces journées, sont également prévus: - un stand propre au vin de Grenache avec dégustations et informations une discussion de 45 minutes 63 l'alimentation de la page web du programme, Twitter (10 tweets par événement), Facebook (5 posts par événement) en postant images et contenu de l'événement. Coordination avec des détaillants locaux: Seront sélectionnés 3 détaillants de référence dans chacune des villes hôte de l'événement et auprès desquels il est possible de trouver les vins de Grenache des Conseils Régulateurs participants afin que l'Agence d'exécution puisse coordonner les promotions génériques des vins de Garnache. Une publicité spécifique est prévue afin que ces détaillants puissent promouvoir ce vin parallèlement au Wine Riot: - envoi des e-mail du détaillant pour sa base clients annonces dans le catalogue du détaillant production de matériel de communication destiné aux points de vente faisant référence aux dégustations du Wine Riot Action 5: "Journée Grenache" (178.337 €) Cette action vise à réaliser une campagne concentrée dans le temps (septembre 2014) et dans l'espace (New York, San Francisco y Miami) autour d'une date clé (la Journée de la Grenache) combinant ainsi publicité et autres moyens destinés aux consommateurs afin qu'ils se rendent dans les restaurants et auprès des détaillants pour goûter le vin de Grenache (30): Identification des représentants locaux et communication de la liste finale aux Conseils Régulateurs participants pour que leurs caves, importateurs et distributeurs soient informés Création & distribution de matériel de communication destiné aux restaurants et détaillants participants expliquant les bénéfices de la campagne Prise de contacts avec 100 potentiels participants (restaurants et détaillants) dans chacune des villes afin d'assurer un minimum de 25 dans chacune d'elles (50% détaillants, 50% restaurants), 30 pour bénéficier d'une formation du personnel et 30 où pourront avoir lieu les dégustations Impression des insertions des cartes des restaurants Préparation et envoi d'une note de presse de la campagne à la presse locale avec échantillons de vins Promotion du 1 au 30 septembre 2014 dans les 75 points participants Afin d'attirer les consommateurs, ce programme se centrera sur des tactiques "pull" (motivation des consommateurs pour se rendre sur les lieux participants et connaître et goûter le vin) et "push" (assurer que les importateurs et grossistes mettent à disposition le vin auprès des points participants); à savoir: Eléments de communication: production de plus de 10.000 éléments de communication sur les lieux de ventes (tire-bouchons, feuillets explicatifs pour les points participants, posters pour les détaillants, 24 insertions de cartes pour les restaurants, mini-cartes de la Grenache et de ses Dos participantes, verseurs et cahiers comprenant guide et recettes pour le consommateur). - Détaillants: posters à exposer sur place face aux consommateurs, tire-bouchons à utiliser pour les dégustations et offrir aux consommateurs et au personnel, verseurs pour utiliser lors des dégustations et offrir aux consommateurs Restaurants: insertions dans la carte pour la visualisation des consommateurs, les minicartes pour les consommateurs et le personnel Détaillants et restaurants: Feuillets explicatifs para las points participants et leur personnel expliquant les vins de Grenache et le programme. Page web: adaptation de la page web du programme avec un aparté expliquant la champagne de septembre et en insérant les points participants 64 Publicité: il s'agit du principal outil pour informer les consommateurs sur le vin de Grenache et les convaincre de les goûter en les attirants aux points de dégustation participants. - Presse écrite: insertion de publicité 4x6 dans la presse écrite générale (WSJ, o SF Chronicle) et spécialisée (NY Time Out) des 3 villes Presse online: publicité auprès de divers médias online spécialisés dans le vin en insérant la publicité dans les e-mails destinés aux abonnés, en plaçant des banners sur les pages web, en sponsorisant des tweets, etc… Publicité sur les lieux de ventes Activités sur les points participants avec un "Ambassadeur" local: : un représentant local reconnu pour ses connaissances du vin (sommelier, gastronome, journaliste…) et disposant d'un bon réseau (restaurants, détaillants et autres professionnels de la zone) sera engagé pour la coordination des points participants : - - il contactera tous les participants potentiels et signera des accords avec 25 d'entre eux il travaillera spécifiquement avec 75 restaurants et détaillants (50% & 50%) dans les 3 villes (25 dans chacune d'elles) pour s'assurer de disposer de vins de Grenache pour les consommateurs intéressés; réalisera la publicité de la campagne sur les points de ventes et avec le matériel de communication il travaillera avec 30 restaurants/détaillants en préparant le personnel à expliquer les vins de Grenache aux consommateurs et en organisant au moins 30 dégustations. Action 6: Trade marketing Commerce MKT (243.587 €) Cette action vise à 1. Collaborer avec différents détaillants online et offline pour inclure dans leur calendrier d'activités, des actions qui puissent promouvoir la connaissance et la dégustation des vins européens de Grenache sur les 4 marchés cibles (New York, California, Florida, y Ontario) 2. Fournir aux détaillants les outils de formation et de promotion pour faire parvenir les vins de Grenache aux consommateurs 3. Travailler au sein des calendriers promotionnels des détaillants 4. Accroître l'impact des actions aux consommateurs au-delà des actions de Les actions prévues sont: Collaboration avec 3 des principaux détaillants de ventes électroniques (certains disposant également de magasin) tels que K&L (California), Snooth (dans tous les Etats) ou Sherry & Lehman (NewYork) via une combinaison de moyens de communication: envoi de courriels à leurs clients avec le message du programme, dégustations particulières pour consommateurs, publicité digitale et contenu online. Négociation indépendante avec chaque détaillant afin de l'adapter à son calendrier d'activités. Collaboration avec 40 détaillants principaux en engageant 4 "Ambassadeurs" de la Grenache (les mêmes que pour l'action 5 ou différents) pour aider à mettre en place l'action de promotion auprès de ces détaillants à New York, California, Florida et Ontario, en leur assurant formation (40 sessions) et publicité: 120 dégustations de 3h en magasin, promotion orientée vers le consommateur (1.000 feuillets explicatifs , 25.000 colliers. 65 Impact prévisible : Evaluation des objectifs: une attention particulière est portée sur la méthode et l'exécution de l'évaluation des objectifs du programme au travers de moyens de mesures divers tels que: - des enquêtes ex ante et ex post réalisées par une agence autre que l'organisme d'exécution - mesures in situ collectées par l'agence d'exécution en matière d'impact - sources externes de mesures d'impact - collecte de données générées tout au long de la campagne et analysées par une équipe scientifique pour définir le degré d'efficacité de la campagne (évolution, lien entre les impacts et résultat final) Afin d'obtenir un nombre concret d'impacts positifs (nombre de publications dans les médias, nombre de participants aux dégustations, nombre de personnes participant aux actions de communication aux points de vente, nombre de fans sur facebook, impacts online, …), sont visés des objectifs intermédiaires et leurs messages destinés au public cible au travers de divers canaux de communication. L'évaluation de ces objectifs intermédiaires sera assurée par l'Agence d'Exécution tout au long du programme en récoltant via des sources externes ainsi qu'au travers d'informations in situ (nombre de participants dans les dégustations, actions de communication…) Objectifs intermédiaires: ACTIONS 2-RP contacts presse 2-RP impacts sur consommateurs 3-presse digitale, fans de Facebook 3-presse digitale, Twitter 3- presse digitale impacts sur consommateurs 4- Evénements consommateurs: Dégustations 4- Evénements consommateurs: fans Facebook 4- Evénements consommateurs: Twitter 5-Campagne "G Day" consommateurs: dégustations 5-Campagne "G Day" impacts sur consommateurs 6-Trade marketing consommateurs: dégustations 6-Trade marketing, impacts sur consommateurs TOTAL PRESSE TOTAL FACEBOOK TOTAL TWITTER TOTAL DEGUSTATIONS TOTAL CONSOMMATEURS FINAUX TOTAL CONSOMMATEURS INDIVIDUELS ANNEE I ANNEE II ANNEE III TOTAL 1.500 1.500 1.500 4.500 20.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 70.000.000 4.000 9.000 14.000 27.000 500 1.125 1.750 1.750 4.000.000 4.000.000 4.000.000 12.000.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 22.500 100 100 100 300 100 1.500 100 1.500 100 1.500 300 4.500 4.000.000 4.000.000 4.000.000 12.000.000 4.500 4.500 4.500 13.500 800.000 800.000 800.000 2.400.000 1.500 4.000 500 13.200 28.800.000 1.500 9.000 1.125 13.200 33.800.000 1.500 14.000 1.750 13.200 33.800.000 4.500 27.000 2.050 40.500 96.400.000 10.000.000 11.000.000 11.000.000 32.000.000 Nb: lancement page web : 15 millions d'impressions pour la pub et quelques 300.000 visites (un taux de click autour de 2%) pour générer le trafic initial. L'objectif final du programme est d'accroître la connaissance du vin de qualité de Grenache au sein du public nord-américain pour augmenter la part de marché de cette variété à long terme. 66 Pour ce faire, sont mis en place une série d'outils destinés à améliorer son positionnement et des explications quant aux sigles de qualité européens ainsi qu'à la qualité et les caractéristiques des AOP proposantes. Objectifs principaux: • Augmentation de la connaissance: mesure via une enquête périodique (ex-ante et ex-post) sur un échantillonnage de 2.000 consommateurs aux EEUU et 1.000 au Canada. L'évolution de la campagne sera mesurée tout au long de la campagne avec des interviews approfondis d'experts • L'objectif visé est d'accroître entre un 25% et un 50% le nombre de personnes qui connaissent, valorisent et ont goûté le vin européen de qualité Grenache ainsi que ses AOP participantes au cours des 6 derniers mois dans les zones visées par le programme (Californie, New York, Floride et Ontario). Un total de 10.000.000 consommateurs habituels de vin EEUU et Canada/an devraient bénéficier de la campagne de promotion Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : La méthode choisie se subdivise en 2 parties: 1. Evaluation des objectifs (présentation de rapports clairs, précis, exhaustifs sur les actions et leurs résultats pour rendre compte de l'efficacité, la rentabilité et les recommandations) 2. Evaluation de la stratégie et des actions 2.1 Rapport des actions aux Conseils Régulateurs participants 2.2 Prise en compte de paramètres tels que par exemple - Action 3 (RP): nombre de publications, type de média (auteur-résumé), diffusion et impact (clipping trimestriels), rapports des actions, nombre de participants et origine média, vins servis - Action 4: Facebook (fans, taux de participation, démographie, "j'aime" sur la pub, tendances), Twitter (followers, taux de participation et tendances), page Web (visiteurs, temps de consultation, démographie, tendances), Journée de la Grenache (nombre de tweets par événement, nouveaux fans ou followers) vidéo (nombre de vues), publicité digitale (impact, % de clics) - Action 5: Wine Riot (nombre de participants, marques de vins et quantité servie, photographies illustrant participation du client, échantillons sur réseaux sociaux, nombre de nouveaux fans et j'aime sur l'événement) - Action 6: Journée de la Grenache (nombre de points participants, actions réalisées, nombre de dégustations, plan média, nombre d'articles) - Action 7: Trade Marketing (nombre de participants, impact des courriels envoyés, nombre de dégustations, nombre de bouteilles dégustées, nombre de bouteilles achetées, photographies illustrant matériel de promotion, nombre de détaillants offline, nombre de formations et participants, moyens de communication utilisés pour la pub) Pour mesurer les objectifs principaux, une agence externe à l'Organisme d'Exécution, Wine Intelligence spécialisée dans le marché du vin, sera chargée des mesures d'impact des objectifs primaires. Les indicateurs seront évalués avant le programme et en fin de chaque annualité via un sondage auprès de 2.000 consommateurs aux EEUU et 1.000 consommateurs au Canada. Les indicateurs d'évaluation à prendre en considération seront: % de buveurs régulier connaissant le vin européen de Grenache 67 % de personnes valorisant positivement la qualité (bonne ou très bonne) % de personnes valorisant positivement le rapport qualité/prix (bonne ou très bonne) % de personnes ayant goûté ce vin dans les derniers 6 mois (actuellement, autour des 5% des buveurs réguliers de vin l'ont goûté) Par ailleurs, une série de 6 interviews menées en profondeur sera menée chaque année tout au long du programme afin d'aider à interpréter l'impact. Seront analysées les opportunités de la Grenache dans les pays cibles et son exploitation via le programme. La notoriété du programme sera basée sur un échantillon de 2.000 personnes aux EEUU et 1000 au Canada. Une équipe scientifique spécialisée dans le marché du vin et concrètement sur le marché nordaméricain utilisera les données générées tout au long de la campagne pour analyser son évolution et le lien entre l'impact des actions et le résultat final des objectifs principaux: Tendances de la consommation selon la variété de raisin Opportunités pour la croissance de la Grenache aux EEUU et au Canada Connaissance de la campagne et compréhension des messages Attitude envers ces vins suite à la campagne menée L'agence de recherche, Vinitrac, compte parmi son équipe de scientifiques: Bradley J. Rickard, professeur au Départment of Applied Economics & Management de l'Université de Cornell (EEUU). Luis Miguel Albisu, Chef de l'unité d'Economoe Agroalimentaires et des Ressources Naturelles du Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA). Gobierno de Aragón EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 23/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 27/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 7/10 16/20 68 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : ACTION Action 1: Creation d'Image Coûts Honoraires Acción 2: Relaciones Públicas 2.250.569,54€ Année I 3.923,00 € Année II 0,00 € Année III 0,00 € TOTAL 3.923,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 3.923,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 3.923,00 € 139.576,54 € 120.000,00 € 95.000,00 € 354.576,54 € 76.411,54 € 61.000,00 € 40.000,00 € 177.411,54 € 1. Subact. 2.1. Gastos contenido para prensa 2. Subact. 2.2. Gastos eventos prensa 3. Gastos 29.165,00 € 29.000,00 € 29.000,00€ 87.165,00 € 105.576,54 € 90.000,00 € 69.000,00 € 264.576,54 € Honorarios 34.000,00 € 30.000,00 € 26.000,00 € 90.000,00 € 103.350,00 € 105.000,00 € 105.000,00 € 313.350,00 € 27.130,00 € 27.000,00 € 27.000,00 € 81.130,00 € 56.500,00 € 57.000,00 € 57.000,00 € 170.500,00€ Gastos 83.630,00 € 84.000,00 € 84.000,00 € 251.630,00 € 1. Honorarios 2. Acción 4: Eventos Orientados Al 19.720,00 € 21.000,00 € 21.000,00 € 61.720,00 € 29.467,38 € 30.000,00 € 30.000,00 € 89.467,38 € 3. Gastos 24.615,38 € 25.000,00 € 25.000,00 € 74.615,38 € Honorarios 4.852,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 14.852,00 € 178.770,38 € 180.000,00 € 180.000,00 € 538.770,38 € 20.925,00 € 21.500,00 € 21.500,00 € 63.925,00 € 1. Acción 3: Medios Digitales 2. Subact. 3.1. Gastos Web y RRSS 3. Subact. 3.2. Gastos Contenido digital Consumidor 1. Acción 5: Campaña "G Day" Orientada a Consumidores 2. Subact. 5.1. Gastos Elementos comunic. y web 3. Subact. 5.2. Gastos Ejecución Publi. y Embajadores 145.853,38 € 146.500,00 € 146.500,00 € 438.853,38 € Gastos 166.778,38 € 168.000,00 € 168.000,00 € 502.778,38 € 1. Honorarios 2. Acción 6: Trade Marketing 3. Subact. 6.1. Gastos minoristas e-commerce 11.992,00 € 12.000,00 € 12.000,00 € 35.992,00 € 243.587,00 € 265.000,00 € 290.000,00 € 798.587,00 € 78.475,00 € 85.000,00 € 92.000,00 € 255.475,00 € Subact. 6.2. Gastos minoristas tiendas físicas 144.200,00 € 156.000,00 € 170.000,00 € 470.200,00 € 222.675,00 € 1. Gastos 2. Honorarios 3. Total de las Actuaciones 241.000,00 € 262.000,00 € 725.675,00 € 20.912,00 € 24.000,00 € 28.000,00 € 72.912,00 € 698.674,30 € 700.000,00 € 700.000,00 € 2.098.674,30 € Gastos 603.275,30 € 608.000,00 € 608.000,00 € 1.819.275,30 € 1. Honorarios 2. Gastos de garantía de ejecución correcta 3. Medida de los resultados de las 95.399,00 € 92.000,00 € 92.000,00 € 279.399,00 € 3.000,00 € 3.000,00 € 3.000,00 € 9.000,00 € 18.779,00 € 18.778,00 € 18.778,00 € 56.335,00 € actuaciones Total de los costes directos del programa 720.453,30 € 721.778,00 € 721.778,00 € 2.164.009,30 € Gastos generales 28.818,12 € 28.871,12 € 28.871,12 € 86.560,36 € TOTAL DEL PROGRAMA 749.271,42 € 750.649,12 € 750.649,12 € 2.250.569,66 € * Y inclus les honoraires facturés sur base des travaux réellement exécutés basés sur le nombre d'heures (puisque ces honoraires vacillent entre un 15,1% et un 15,8% des coûts des actions, supérieurs au maximum de 13%/15%). 69 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANTS CRDO Calatayud CRDO Campo de Borja CRDO Cariñena CRDO Somontano CRDO Terra Alta Total PROPOSANTS TOTAL ANNEE I 374.636,00 149.854,00 % 50 20 ANNEE II 375.324,56 150.129,82 % 50 20 ANNEE III 375.324,56 150.129,82 % 50 20 TOTAL 1.125.285,12 450.113,65 % 50 20 17.233,23 32.967,92 144.609,30 20.979,59 8.991,25 224.781,30 749.271,00 2,3 4,4 19,3 2,8 1,2 30 100 17.264,93 33.028,56 144.875,28 21.018,18 9.007,79 225.194,74 750.649,12 2,3 4,4 19,3 2,8 1,2 30 100 17.264,93 33.028,56 144.875,28 21.018,18 9.007,79 225.194,74 750.649,12 2,3 4,4 19,3 2,8 1,2 30 100 51.763,09 99.025,05 434.359,86 63.015,94 27.006,83 675.170,77 2.250.569,54 2,3 4,4 19,3 2,8 1,2 30 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Voir conclusions Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Voir conclusions AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Oui/non Coût efficacité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: 73/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 2/3 Avis du consultant externe: Avis favorable sous réserve de complément d'information (Email (Ares) 2013 2746203 du 27/07/2013. CONCLUSIONS: Le marché américain offre un grand potentiel pour les vins européens de qualité et notamment pour de par sa production, sa croissance et son prix, en particulier en ce qui concerne les vins importés. Néanmoins, les vins européens perdent des parts de marché face aux vins du Nouveau Monde. La principale variable en Amérique du Nord déterminant la décision d'acheter un vin est principalement le cépage (la variété de la vigne), suivie des recommandations et de la marque. Les pays à croissance d'exportations la plus élevée, sont ceux qui ont réussis à ce que les consommateurs les identifient à des cépages déterminés. Par exemple, l'Australie avec le Shiraz ou l'Argentine avec le Malbec. Il y a des variétés typiquement européennes telles que la Garnacha / Grenache, qui sont très appréciées et connues par les relais d'opinions et le canal nord-américains, mais largement 70 méconnues du grand public avec une part de marché particulièrement faible par rapport à l'importance de sa production en Europe. Par conséquent, il semble pertinent de cibler le marché nord-américain en tant que priorité dans les campagnes de communication sur les vins européens de qualité, et en particulier dans les régions de la Californie, New York, Floride et Ontario, avec une présence à la fois hors ligne et en ligne. 1. Identification du programme Le programme est présenté comme étant un programme d'information. L'un des objectifs visés est de stimuler la demande des produits concernés ; ce qui ressemble davantage à un programme de promotion. A modifier par programme mixte. 2. L'organisme d'exécution: Selon l'Annexe III.B du Modèle de Contrat, les honoraires de l'organisme d'exécution peuvent être facturés sur base des travaux réellement exécutés ou sur base d'un montant forfaitaire. L'organisme d'exécution sélectionné a opté pour des honoraires facturés sur base des travaux réellement exécutés, ce qui équivaut pour la 1ère année à: Action 1 100% des coûts 30 heures 3.923€ Action 2 24,39% des coûts 285 heures 34.000€ Action 3 19% des coûts 232 heures 19.720€ Action 4 16,46% des coûts 36 heures 4.852€ Action 5 14,87% des coûts 96 heures 11.992€ Action 6 8,59% des coûts 176 heures 20.912€ Prière de justifier le nombre d'heures et le niveau d'honoraire indiqués dans le programme et le cas échéant d'ajuster les montants. L'action 1 est exclusivement calculée sur base de coûts/horaires de personnel divers, cependant il n'y a pas de designer prévu: à justifier. Confirmer que les autres fournisseurs cités tels que "Aragon Exterior" (AREX) et "Wine Intelligence" seront sous-traités par l'Agence d'Exécution Benson Marketing Group. 3. Objectifs du programme L'objectif du programme est double: - d'une part faire accroître la connaissance du vin de qualité de Grenache au sein du public nordaméricain; d'autre part, augmenter la part de marché de cette variété à long terme. Le programme présente une bonne description chiffrée et documentée du marché cible, cependant les descriptions quantitatives en matière de consommation, de notoriété et du niveau de ranking sont insuffisamment détaillées. Sur base des informations disponibles, les objectifs principaux du programme ne sont pas mesurables. Veuillez préciser: - le degré de notoriété du vin de grenache en début de programme et le résultat escompté après les 3 ans de programme - le niveau de consommation du vin de grenache et son niveau de ranking mondial en début de programme et le résultat escompté après les 3 ans du programme. 71 4. Actions du programme: Selon l'article 8, §1.c du Règlement de la Commission 501/2008: "1.c …être suffisamment développés pour que leur conformité avec la réglementation applicable et leur rapport coût/efficacité puissent être évalués." Pour une meilleure lisibilité du programme, certaines annexes uniquement disponibles sur CD auraient dû être jointes au formulaire de présentation du programme et en particulier les critères de sélection de l'Agence d'exécution. Afin de permettre une évaluation optimale du programme, veuillez préciser les informations manquantes pour les actions suivantes: Action 2 Préciser le contenu des kit presse Justifier le nombre d'échantillons envoyés à la presse (50) Préciser les critères de sélection des médias bénéficiaires du kit, des échantillons, des newsletters et des dégustations Préciser les critères de sélection des journalistes et du nombre de journalistes envoyés en mission et en particulier pour le Canada. Justifier le besoin d'un accompagnateur pour les journalistes en mission et les frais y afférent d'autant plus si sa présence se limite à interpréter. Préciser le type d'interlocuteurs en dehors des producteurs prévus dans le cadre de ces missions Préciser les critères de sélection des médias bénéficiaires des nouvelles ainsi que des journalistes et blogueurs choisis pour l'interview Préciser le tirage des médias sélectionnés Pour le dîner presse, indiquer le coût des bouteilles de vin utilisées lors de ces dîners aux EEUU et au Canada (où il y a un monopole d'Etat).Veuillez noter que le coût de production doit être utilisé lorsque c'est possible. Expliquer pourquoi une agence de presse est utilisée 8 mois aux USA et 6 mois au Canada. Expliquer la plus-value de la répétition de cette action sur les 3 années de campagne. Action 3 Confirmer l'utilisation du site web avec extension ".eu" Préciser le type de concours organisé sur le web et justifier son coût. Elaborer le contenu et l'objectif des 8 vidéos prévues. Expliquer le CTR –Click Through Rate- de 2% estimé pour le nombre de visites de la page Web. Elaborer les évolutions attendues de cette action en années 2 et 3. Action 4 Préciser en quoi consistent les journées éducatives (thème, animateurs/orateurs, nombre de participants…) Préciser le contenu de la discussion de 45 minutes (orateurs, bénéficiaires, nombre de participants, thèmes prévus…) Préciser pourquoi la coordination se limite à 3 détaillants à San Francisco et 3 à New York et pourquoi l'envoi des courriels d'information s'arrête à la base de données de ces détaillants et non à l'ensemble des détaillants de chacune des villes concernées? Préciser le coût des bouteilles utilisées pour les dégustations lors du Wine Riots. Veuillez noter que le coût de production doit être utilisé lorsque c'est possible. 72 Action 5 Préciser le type de formateur chargé de former les employés des restaurants et détaillants participant à cette action. Préciser pourquoi Ontario n'est pas concerné par cette action ainsi que des villes comme Los Angeles et/ou Orlando. Préciser les médias locaux visés (type, tirage…). Confirmer que les coûts liés à la publicité on-line de cette action ne sont pas comptabilisés deux fois: une fois sous l'action 4 et une autre fois sous l'action 5. Expliquer pourquoi les coûts des publicités varient en fonction des supports on-line. Action 6 Préciser le type de médias sélectionnés pour annoncer l'action. Détailler le budget prévu pour la campagne "ventes par internet des détaillants". Justifier le nombre d'heures (660h) prévues pour les 4 ambassadeurs. Quantifier cette action en terme de ventes possibles. 5. Budget du programme Justifier coûts et horaires (voir point 2). 6. Impact du programme et évaluation des actions En ce qui concerne l'impact et son analyse celui-ci est confié à un organisme externe indépendant, à savoir: Wine Intelligence. Toutefois, sont également concernées par l'évaluation des Agences de Recherche indépendantes: Vinitrac et une agence de recherche scientifique dont le nom n'est pas cité. Préciser le rôle de chaque organisme et préciser s'il s'agit de sous-traitants de Wine Intelligence ou de l'Agence d'Exécution Benson Marketing Group. En ce qui concerne les enquêtes périodiques à mener auprès d'un échantillon de 2.000 consommateurs aux EEUU et 1.000 consommateurs au Canada, préciser que les personnes interrogées soient résidentes dans les régions concernées et non sur l'ensemble du territoire américain et canadien. Une attention particulière devra être portée en matière d'analyse d'impact du programme sur la notoriété du vin de Grenache ainsi que sur son positionnement sur les marchés visés. En conclusion, le programme contient un ensemble d'actions cohérentes mais pas toujours suffisamment détaillées. Par ailleurs les honoraires de l'organisme d'exécution basés sur les travaux réellement exécutés devraient être justifiés et revus à la baisse le cas échéant. Observation(s) Suite à la lettre d'observations envoyée par les services de la Commission le 25/07/2013 (Ares(2013) 2750634), le demandeur a fourni des réponses satisfaisantes à tous les points soulevés (courrier du 28/08/2013 (Ares(2013)2937980)). Pour cette raison il est proposé d'accepter ce programme pour un cofinancement communautaire. Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 73 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME: Member State(s): Finland Title of programme: Certified Pork Meat - Sustainable Quality Competent Authority(ies): Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs PO Box 405 60101 Helsinki Proposing organisation(s): Finnish Meat Information Association (Lihatiedotus) PL 115 (Pasilankatu 2) 00241 Helsinki Implementing body(ies): Adsek Oy Type of measure: information Product(s): Fresh, chilled or frozen meat, produced in accordance with a Community or a national quality scheme (pork meat) Targeted Member State(s): Finland Duration: 3 years Total budget: 1.688.000 EUR EU Co-financing: 844.000 EUR Proposal received on: 17/06/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The Finnish Meat Information Association (Lihatiedotus) will inform consumers and food professionals during 3 years on pork produced according to the standards of the Finnish national quality system. Objectives of the programme are on the one hand the enhancement of the awareness amongst the targeted public and on the other hand the strengthening of consumer confidence and interest. For a total amount of 1.688.000 EUR the informative actions will mainly run through an advertisement campaign (TV, outdoor advertisements, print media and internet) as well as more directly towards the professionals through presence at professional exhibitions, a promo stand and the distribution of brochures. 74 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: yes Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure yes Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS yes Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) yes The programme is a coherent set of actions? yes Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules yes Product(s)/target countries are eligible yes Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) yes AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation yes Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions no Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) yes Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation yes Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body yes DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : Pork meat consumption has regularly increased on the Finnish market these last 20 years, mostly for prepared dishes and various types of sausages. However, pork still has a negative image in comparison to other meats; therefore a national quality scheme has been launched and is due for approval (summer 2013), in order to combat this negative image. Consumers consider pork meat as unhealthy, difficult to prepare. They want more information and traceability. The image of the product has to be reevaluated, following EU standards and promoting less intensive breeding conditions more in line with animal welfare requirements. The proposed programme aims at these different, complementary goals. Its quantitative objectives are: 1. 75% of target group is aware of new national quality system by name. 2. Target group knows main content of quality system and recognises relevant attributes. 3. Strengthen and increase consumer trust and interest in the national quality system for pork. 75 Strategy : Three year communication program during which the objectives are to be reached through effective, multi-channel and well-targeted actions. By applying the SMART principle the proposing organisation counts on the highest possible effect of the campaign in achieving the set objectives. Target group(s) : - Consumers, responsible for family purchases. - Food professionals and managers in institutional kitchens, restaurants and catering trade (public sector + private entities). Themes : 1. National Quality System 2. Product Safety 3. Well-being of animal stack and animal health 4. Quality criteria for horeca sector, compliance with national quality system Aspects covered: sustainable quality national quality system safety of food animal welfare standards Messages to be conveyed: The title of the Finnish national quality system is "Certified Meat QUALITY GUARANTEE". The system makes it possible to consume safe, controlled and traceable pork. The key messages of the programme will be: 1. Mark of safe meat (product safety). 2. Animal health among best in the world (animal welfare) 3. Beyond legislative requirements. 4. Based upon self-supervision of the meat chain. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Messages will be conveyed to the target groups through: - television advertisements: 6-8 weeks; 56x30s ad + 125x5s adds in YR1; 30x30s ad + 180x5s adds in YR2; 20x30s ad + 220x5s adds in YR3; - media notices: year round; 17 major daily newspapers (8 in YR2 & YR3); 3 retail magazines (all years) - outdoor advertisments: city streets (eg Abribus, sides of busses); 1119 banners in 37 towns - online advertisements: advertisement displays on leading news sites (aim: 3.6mio ad impressions/YR1; 2mio ad impressions/YR2&YR3); keyword advertisements (aim: 40.000 keyword directions/all years) - information through website: duration of programme - information through brochures: duration of programme (mainly for events) - information through events: Gastro Trade Fair, special industry functions & events, seminars & lectures, permanent presentation area (premises of suitable corporate partner) 76 Television advertising Press advertising Outdoor advertising Online advertising Trade fairs (probably in 2014 and 2016) Special industry functions & events Seminars & lectures Permanent presentation area Brochure YR 1 x x x x x YR 2 x x YR 3 x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x x x x x x Anticipated impact: Consumer assessment After the three-year programme, 35% of consumers responsible for day-to-day shopping from the target group will know the name of the national quality system for pork. Assisted recognition of the term ‘quality guarantee’ among the target group is 75% TARGET Spontaneous recognition: What is the name of the national quality system for pork? Assisted recognition: QUALITY GUARANTEE Image attributes After 3 months 20% After 12 months 25% After 24 months 30% After 36 months 35% 60% 65% 70% 75% Targets to be defined on the basis of the baseline study Additionally, certain words should be emphasised in the contents of answers, such as product safety, animal health and wellbeing. The image attributes sought are reliability and transparency, as a minimum. The final image attributes will be chosen on the basis of the baseline study results. This will also create a starting point for image attribute targets throughout the programme. The objective is to raise the preferences for selected image attributes as the foundation for the term QUALITY GUARANTEE. Image attributes should be based on the key messages presented and confirmed by the messages to be conveyed. Press monitoring The objective of press monitoring is to achieve 100 hits during the first 3-month period for the term QUALITY GUARANTEE. The target for the first programme year is a minimum of 300 hits. The target for the whole programme period is 500 hits. HoReCa sector At the end of year three, a survey will be conducted among the HoReCa sector on the adoption of the quality criteria in inviting tenders. The objective is for more than 30% of the survey participants to have adopted the quality criteria when acquiring pork, and for 75% of the participants to be aware that they can implement the quality criteria, if they so require. Appreciation methods of the impact: - Baseline study + intermediate measurement of overall efficacy of programme (3, 12, 24 and 36 months) - Survey through online panel after initial baseline study (after first 3 months, then every 6 months) - Aspects covered: content national quality scheme, image attributes, recognition, reliability, transparency, willingness to buy, preferences 77 - Television + press advertising: efficacy measured on basis of target group contacts, price and accessibility; realisation of OTS and TRP (target rating point) - Effectiveness website: amount of visitors, advertisement displays and hits - Press: volume of articles - HoReCa: survey at end of programme (review of implementation of quality criteria in acquisition of pork) ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE(S) : General interest of the programme: 30/30 Quality of the programme: 35/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 17/20 78 BUDGET BY ACTION : 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.7.6 6.1 € Campaign planning -basic planning -name, slogan, crystallisation -graphic design Television advertising -planning -production Press advertising -planning, implementation and production Outdoor advertising -planning, implementation and production Website -planning, implementation and production Advertising -basic planning Total Advertising Media agency -media plan -scheduling -media purchase Television advertising Press advertising Outdoor advertising Online advertising Total HoReCa Planning Trade fairs -presentation area rental, area planning and implementation Permanent presentation area -planning, implementation and area rental Brochure -design, implementation and production Total Communications -background work -communications plan -communications activities -monitoring Total Expert consultation -material expertise -marketing communications expertise Total Travel and accommodation -travel -accommodation Total General costs Measurability and monitoring of the effectiveness of programme activities Total 79 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total 11.500 6.000 4.000 10.000 10.000 31.500 6.000 4.000 6.000 37.000 3.500 6.000 37.000 4.000 4.000 9.000 11.500 9.000 8.500 8.000 8.000 24.500 5.000 90.500 4.000 26.000 4.000 26.000 13.000 142.500 1.000 4.000 5.000 255.000 132.000 60.000 45.000 502.000 1.420 3.000 3.000 255.000 82.000 1.420 3.000 3.000 255.000 82.000 30.000 374.420 30.000 374.420 3.840 10.000 11.000 765.000 296.000 60.000 105.000 1.250.840 5.000 2.000 2.000 9.000 5.000 9.000 9.000 23.000 12.000 7.000 7.000 26.000 8.000 30.000 8.000 26.000 8.000 26.000 24.000 82.000 6.500 4.000 10.000 2.000 22.500 2.500 3.000 10.000 2.080 17.580 2.500 3.000 10.000 2.080 17.580 11.500 10.000 30.000 6.160 57.660 16.400 16.400 32.800 10.000 10.000 20.000 10.000 10.000 20.000 36.400 36.400 72.800 4.500 500 5.000 13.200 20.000 4.500 500 5.000 7.000 10.000 4.500 500 5.000 7.000 10.000 13.500 1.500 15.000 27.200 40.000 716.000 486.000 486.000 1.688.000 CO-FINANCING PLAN IN EURO : CO-FINANCING EU MEMBER STATE PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL YEAR I 358.000 143.200 214.800 % 50 20 30 YEAR II 243.000 97.200 145.800 % 50 20 30 YEAR III 243.000 97.200 145.800 % 50 20 30 TOTAL 844.000 337.600 506.400 % 50 20 30 716.000 100 486.000 100 486.000 100 1.688.000 100 RESULTAT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks : Programme eligible : yes First observations to be communicated to MS : Proposing organisation and implementing body: The Member State is asked to confirm whether the proposing organisation is a public or private body, in the sense of Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC (c.f. Article 13(2) of Regulation 501/2008). 1. Page 21 of proposal: calculation on basis of unit prices as mentioned on page 20 (3.000 EUR/30s spot; 900 EUR/5s spot) results in other total amount as mentioned in table (280.500EUR instead of 250.000EUR); please explain and, if necessary, correct accordingly and adjust budget table and financing plan 2. Page 23 of proposal: provide a more detailed schedule of the periods outdoor advertising is planned 3. Page 23 of proposal: action Online advertising: production cost of advertisement displays is nowhere mentioned; please indicate what budget is foreseen and who will create them? 4. Page 24 of proposal: Gastro Trade Fair: it is indicated that the fair is organised every two year, therefore please explain why costs are foreseen for this action during all three years of the programme; also indicate in what year the programme will attend the fair 5. Page 24 of proposal: it is mentioned that cooperation with external private and public partners will be investigated; please indicate how Art 1§2 of Reg 3/2008 according to which "measures shall not be brand oriented" will be respected 6. Page 24 of proposal: in order to allow us to assess the opportunity for participation in these events, more details are required in relation to the "specialist industry functions and events" and the "seminars and lectures" where the national quality system for pork will be introduced (what, where, when, frequency, targeted public, history…) 7. Page 30 of proposal: several data in table 10 is incorrect on the basis of given unit prices and foreseen number of hours (eg "background work" during 46 hours at 140 EUR/h should be 6.440EUR instead of 6.500EUR); check and adjust table 10, and adjust budget table and financing plan accordingly 8. Page 35 of proposal: provide a budget table which corresponds with the standard table as explained in the guidelines on (see Application Form) General remarks: - Provide an overall total amount for the media airing and purchasing - Justify the mark of 8/10 for the EU dimension of this programme - Send a copy of the approval of the national quality scheme 80 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICE : Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods: yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: 90/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: good/average/poor 1/1 not applicable CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Following the request for additional information (30/07/2013 – Ares 2797746) FI sent us on 30/08/2013 a letter (Ares 2949639) with the requested information. After evaluating the letter from 30/08/2013, a number of issues remained unclear. Therefore an additional request to clarify the answers to the initial questions 1, 3, 7 and 8 was sent to the Finnish authorities on 11/09/2013 (Ares 3037525). On 12/09/2013 the Finnish authorities sent the reply from the PO (Ares 3038369). A note to the file (Ares 3045804) was added to the fiche. Recommandation(s) - To be accepted - to be accepted provided the proposing organisation gives a satisfactory reply to the above observations - to be rejected 81 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): France Titre du programme: Programme de promotion du logo communautaire AOP et des produits qui en bénéficient Organisme(s) compétent(s): FranceAgriMer Organisation(s) proposante(s): CNIEL (coordinateur) et 11 autres ODG des produits AOP laitières en FR Organisme(s) d’exécution: VAUDOO PUBLICS : agence de communication chargée de la gestion de la campagne MEDIABRANDS INITIATIVE, agence chargée de l'achat d'espace TNS société chargée de la mesure des résultats Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): AOP/IGP Etat membre(s) ciblés: France Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 6.121.505 € Co-financement de l'UE: 3.060.753 € Proposition reçue le: Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The aim of this programme is the promotion of the EU PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin) logo and especially of the French cheeses bearing this logo. The main actions involve television spots, electronic communication (Internet), campaign in specialised press and production of information material. The main target group are consumers between 25 and 49 years of age living in cities. The objective is to increase the awareness of the PDO logo among members of the target group by 40% after the three years of the programme and to stop the current loss of market share of PDO cheeses, with the ultimate ambition to obtain a 1% increase of the market share of PDO cheeses after three years. 82 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM (pas de co-financement de l'EM) oui/non/NA Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/le(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacitétechnique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : 1. Atteindre un taux de reconnaissance assistée du logo AOP de 40% minimum sur le public cible du programme au terme des 3 ans de campagne. 2. Stabiliser à 0% au terme des trois ans de programme (évolution 2015-2016), la perte de part de marché en volumes des fromages AOP commercialisés en France par rapport aux fromages non AOP. Stratégie : L’harmonisation des signes officiels de qualités mise en place au niveau européen par le règlement 2081/1992 a conduit à la reconnaissance des AOC françaises en AOP. Pour les consommateurs français, ce règlement a entrainé un changement du logo identifiant les produits d’appellations d’origine. 83 Un second changement sur le logo AOP communautaire est intervenu en 2009 pour mieux le distinguer du logo IGP: le logo AOP communautaire a alors évolué vers le rouge et or (au lieu du bleu et or). L’instauration de ce nouveau logo pour le consommateur a nécessité un effort de communication de la part des opérateurs, des filières des états membres et de l’Europe. Mais malgré des efforts conséquents et notamment deux campagnes européennes sur les produits laitiers AOP (2004-2006 et 2007-2010), le logo communautaire reste à ce jour à un niveau de notoriété très faible. Ce niveau est insuffisant pour en faire un critère de choix dans l’acte d’achat d’un produit par le consommateur1. Un « état zéro » réalisé en décembre 2012 indépendamment des post-test indique 19% en reconnaissance assistée auprès de la population française âgée de 15 ans et plus, soit bien en deçà de la notoriété de l’ancien logo AOC (58 % en reconnaissance assistée sur les 25-49 ans), et également en deçà de labels privés (label « fair trade » 29% en France sur les 15 ans et plus) ou du logo Agriculture biologique (38% en France sur les 15 ans et plus). Par conséquent, le niveau actuel de reconnaissance du logo communautaire AOP ne permet pas d’en faire un critère de choix pour le consommateur. Aussi, son consentement à payer un produit plus cher pour un signe de qualité qu’il ne connait pas n’est donc pas activé. Il en résulte au final une perte de part de marché pour les fromages laitiers AOP par rapport aux fromages non AOP. Deux constats forts motivent un programme d’information et de promotion en faveur des fromages, beurres et crèmes AOP : 1. Une forte méconnaissance du logo communautaire AOP et de sa signification par le consommateur. 2. Une érosion continue des parts de marché des fromages AOP par rapport au marché global des fromages (non AOP). Ce contexte général a incité la présentation de ce présent programme. Celui-ci ne vise pas la promotion d’une marque en particulier ou la consommation de produits sur la base de leur origine spécifique (une AOP est par définition une garantie d’origine mais le programme vise bien la promotion des AOP laitières en général, quel que soit leur origine spécifique. Il s’agit d’un programme de promotion collective centré sur le concept d’Appellation d’Origine Protégée, les produits laitiers qui y sont rattachés, et les valeurs dont ce signe de qualité est porteur pour le consommateur. Ce programme prévoit une communication directe auprès des consommateurs de la cible via le mass média TV et un important relai web. Des mesures complémentaires (site web, livret de présentation des AOP laitières françaises et européennes, carte de France et d’Europe des AOP laitières) permettent d’apporter des informations plus détaillées. Enfin, une information sur le programme et ses différentes actions est prévue auprès des professionnels afin de les inciter à la mise en avant du logo AOP et des produits qui en sont porteurs. En termes de conception, la stratégie proposée reprend les codes de communication des marques, codes particulièrement pertinents pour faire de l’AOP un repère partagé entre professionnels et consommateurs sur les valeurs clés. Le parti pris créatif de la campagne met en avant les produits de manière à rendre le discours plus explicite, moins institutionnel et d’avantage porté sur une entrée consommateur en donnant envie de consommer les produits. La stratégie de moyen est répartie entre des actions de promotion avec une concentration forte sur les mass média TV et internet, et des actions d’informations destinées à développer les messages portés à la cible ou à informer les professionnels pour mieux les impliquer dans la prescription/mise en avant des AOP Cibles : Consommateurs actifs âgés de 25 à 49 ans et vivant dans les agglomérations de plus de 100.000 habitants (une population de 4.050.000 personnes). 84 Thèmes : Qualité, image des produits communautaires, système communautaire AOP. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : - Une garantie d’origine et de savoir –faire. - Une diversité de goûts et terroirs qui permettent partager des aventures sensorielles uniques. - Une participation au développement durable des territoires. Le message central, proposé comme signature commune à toute la campagne est le suivant: « AOP, la plus belle marque d’authenticité ». Le mot « marque » entre dans le champ d’expression, à la fois dans son sens « utilitaire », et dans son sens « marqueur » ou « repère ». « L’authenticité » : c’est le cœur de promesse de l’AOP. C’est le mot qui résume le plus complètement les thèmes à traiter. L’explicitation du logo par l’acronyme AOP inscrit en toute lettre permet de travailler la mémorisation du sigle, de lui attribuer un nom, afin qu’il soit plus parlant pour le consommateur. Un logo, trois lettres, le tout marqueur de l’authenticité : la signature reprend en condensé le message à véhiculer par le programme, pour in fine augmenter la notoriété du logo et en faire un repère dans l’acte d’achat. En plus de cette signature transversale à toute la campagne, des prises de paroles plus complètes auront lieu selon les différents supports de communication. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : Action 1 : CAMPAGNE TV Année 1 (Octobre-Décembre 2014) – Film générique de 30 secondes présentant l'ensemble des AOP laitières qui insiste sur les valeurs attachées aux AOP. Il est estimé que ce film touchera environ 32,5 mio de spectateurs pendant l'année 1. Année 2 et 3 (janvier/novembre 2015 et janvier/novembre 2016)– Films personnalisés de 15 secondes : Conception et réalisation de 8 films courts, déclinaison du spot générique initial, permettant un nombre de diffusion plus important, donc une meilleure répétition et au final une meilleure mémorisation. Cible estimée à 112 mio de spectateurs pendant les 2 années. Chaines: TF1, M6, FTV, TNT, Csat, NRJ 85 Budget estimatif de l'action 1: Action 2 : CAMPAGNE INTERNET Réalisation de mini films de 10 secondes - zoom sur certains produits issus du film TV. Conception et réalisation de deux types de bannières dites « skin » (Flash avec interactivité et capture de données). Ces bannières se développent et habillent l’ensemble de l’écran lorsque l’internaute arrive sur la page. Elles attirent l’attention du consommateur et l’invitent à visionner la suite de l’animation: message d’information ou film court. Déploiement du plan media sur une sélection de sites internet en affinités avec la cible (sites dédiés à la culture, aux loisirs mais aussi à la cuisine et aux gastronomes) Diffusion en 50% en catch-up sur les sites TV et 50% en In-stream sur des sites en affinité avec la cible : TF1, Canal+ et France Télévision , Réseau Hi-média, Marmiton, 750gr, aufeminin. Budget de l'action 2: 86 Action 3 : MATERIEL D’INFORMATION Création et impression d’un livret et de carte des AOP laitières de France et d’Europe. Réalisation basée sur les contenus actuels enrichis par le concept de la nouvelle campagne (image et messages). Capitalisation sur le nom et les contenus du site institutionnel existant: Révision du site actuel par rapport aux exigences de la commission européenne. Actualisation aux couleurs de la nouvelle campagne enrichie par les AOP laitières européennes, adaptation des textes à la tonalité de la campagne européenne et intégration du logo Européen. Rechercher et mettre en ligne de nouvelles recettes et encourager de nouveaux producteurs et détaillants fromagers à s’inscrire en ligne. Budget de l'action 3: Action 4 : RELATIONS PRESSE PROFESSIONNELLE Intervention ciblée auprès de la presse professionnelle (publications spécialisées les plus significatives) pour donner de l’écho au programme de promotion et renforcer la participation des transformateurs et distributeurs à la mise en avant des produits AOP, en particulier les AOP laitières. Communiquer lors des périodes phares, telles que Pâques et l’après rentrée. Envoi et suivi de dossiers et communiqués de presse présentant la campagne de communication et le matériel d’information existant afin que les opérateurs puissent mettre en place des campagnes promotionnelles. Réalisation d’une annonce presse présentant les messages et outils relatifs à la campagne. Exemples de la presse qui sera ciblée: "Le courrier des fromagers, Profession fromager, Point de Vente, maxi cuisine, Cuisine Actuelle, Elle à table, Cuisine et vins de France, etc Budget estimatif de l'action 4: Action 5 : COMMUNICATION IN STORE Intervention ciblée auprès des crémiers-fromages, prescripteurs indispensables des AOP de par leur contact privilégié auprès des consommateurs. En effet, si ce circuit de distribution ne représente que 5,3% des ventes totales de produits laitiers AOP, pour 72% des fromagers, les AOP représentent plus de 50% du chiffre d’affaire réalisé sur la vente de fromages. L'objectif est d'impliquer les détaillants dans la propagation de la campagne et sensibiliser la cible via les détaillants fromagers. Moyen: Réalisation et distribution d’un macaron représentant le logo AOP à tous les détaillants et commerçant vendant des AOP laitières et diffusion auprès de la majorité des détaillants qui sont près de 3 200 détaillants fromagers en France. 87 Impact prévisible : L'impact prévu du programme est comme suit: Une notoriété assistée du logo portée à 40% sur la cible au terme de la 3ème année. Enrayer la baisse de part de marché des fromages AOP commercialisés en France par rapport aux fromages non AOP avec pour objectif une augmentation de +1% des parts de marché AOP entre 2014 et 2016. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : Pour mesurer l’impact de ce programme sur l’objectif de notoriété du logo (taux de reconnaissance assistée du logo AOP de 40% minimum sur le public cible par le programme au terme des 3 ans de campagne) un état zéro a été réalisé en décembre 2012. Il sera à nouveau réalisé en décembre 2013 par la société sélectionnée dans le cadre de ce programme afin de se baser sur la même méthodologie (échantillon national représentatif de 1000 personnes de 15 ans et plus et d’un sur-échantillon de 200 individus âgés de 25 à 49 ans, CSP+ correspondant à la cible média, enquête Online). Si le programme est retenu, cette mesure de notoriété sera reconduite chaque année, durant les trois ans du programme, pour mesurer l’évolution de la notoriété du logo AOP hors plan média. Cette évaluation aura lieu autant que possible à la même période que celle de 2012 (décembre). Elle pourra toutefois être légèrement décalée de manière à ne pas avoir lieu pendant une action en cours et éviter ainsi un biais méthodologique. Au final, nous disposerons de 5 points de mesures indépendantes des différents post-tests sur la notoriété du logo : 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 17,4/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 33,2/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 7/10 17/20 88 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : € 89 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I 1.020.251 1.020.251 2.040.502 % 50 100 ANNEE II 1.020.251 1.020.251 2.040.502 % 50 100 ANNEE III 1.020.251 1.020.251 2.040.502 % 50 100 TOTAL 3.060.753 3.060.753 6.121.506 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Il s'agit d'un programme avec une bonne stratégie, un message communautaire clair et bien défini, et avec des actions qui parlent à la cible (les consommateurs de 25-49 ans). Le programme utilise l'audiovisuel comme véhicule de messages ainsi que les canaux qui peuvent assurer une dissémination large du message (télé, internet, presse spécialisée etc). Remarques 1. Représentativité de l'organisme proposant • P.6: «le CNAOL intervient uniquement en terme de coordination du programme et ne participe pas financièrement». Quel investissement en termes de personnel et de temps de travail représente l’intervention du CNAOL? 2. Procédure de mise en concurrence et critères de sélection des contractants • Il y a lieu de préciser si CNIEL est un organisme de droit public ou pas; dans ce cas confirmer qu’il y a eu mise en concurrence d’organismes d’exécution par un processus transparent et en particulier confirmation du respect des règles spécifiques concernant les organismes publics. • Organisme d’évaluation: p.11: «Ration coût/qualité des prestations semble légèrement élevé par rapport aux prestations habituelles». Il y a lieu de détailler: quelles prestations sont plus chères, de combien, par rapport à quelle référence, et justifier le choix. 3. Remarques générales sur le programme: • Dans le titre du programme, la phrase 'logo communautaire AOP' devrait être remplacée par 'logo AOP de l'UE'. • De manière générale cette campagne se repose sur des valeurs d’authenticité mais ne propose pas de message ou de visuel innovant. Quelles sont les garanties pour que la qualité des supports choisis atteigne les objectifs du programme? • Dans les visuels qui accompagnent la description du programme (screenshots vidéo, affiche etc) il y a une interprétation du logo AOP qui n'est pas en conformité avec la règlementation en vigueur. Il est rappelé que le logo AOP doit être présenté de manière autonome et indépendante et il ne peut pas s'intégrer dans d'autres logos ou identités visuelles. 4. Objectifs • Selon le Règl. 501/2008, l'objectif des programmes de promotion des symboles AOP/IGP/STG est d'accroitre la notoriété de ces symboles, mettre en avant les avantages de ces produits et du système de qualité, traçabilité et contrôle qui les accompagne, et de faire le lien clair entre produit et territoire. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif du programme ne peut pas être la comparaison des produits laitiers qui bénéficient d'une appellation AOP avec ceux qui ne bénéficient pas, ni la croissance de la part du marché des produits laitiers AOP en détriment de la part de ceux qui ne bénéficient pas d'une AOP. Il y a donc lieu de reformuler cet objectif. 5. Mesure d'impact • L'"état zéro" sur base d'une étude montre une connaissance du logo de 19% de la population française de plus de 15 ans. Etant donné que le groupe cible de ce programme n'est qu'une fraction de cette population, cet état zéro ne peut pas être 90 % 50 20 30 100 utilisé comme base pour comparaison avec les résultats de la campagne. Le proposant doit présenter un état zéro qui correspond au taux de reconnaissance du logo par le groupe cible de la campagne. L'étude de 2012 qui montre un taux de reconnaissance de 31% n'est pas une base fiable pour comparaison? 6. Description des actions Action 1 • P.29: « toucher une moyenne de 157 millions de contacts»: sur quelle période? • Budget estimatif p32: détailler le traitement horaire et le nombre d’heures de travail prévu pour chaque catégorie de personnel. Action 2 • Nous conseillons l'utilisation de l'extension web .eu pour le site internet du programme. Pour plus d'information: Action 3 • Il y a lieu de préciser quelle efficacité aura une brochure de 28 pages pour communiquer avec la cible. • P.50-51: Préciser les distributeurs contactés et les écoles visées. Préciser la portée géographique de l’action. Action 4 • P.57: «Presse spécialisée gastronomie (Maxi cuisine, Cuisine actuelle, etc..)»: il ne s’agit pas de presse professionnelle. Cette presse est destinée au grand public. Modifier en conséquence l’intitulé de l’action. 7. Budget des actions Il y a lieu de donner des détails par rapport aux postes budgétaires suivants: Action 2 (internet), poste 4 "frais techniques"; Détailler le coût pour l'achat d'espace dans les actions 1 (campagne TV), 2 (internet) et 4 (presse). Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : voir ci-dessus AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 83/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre Avis du consultant externe: Oui/non 1/4 Favorable 91 CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 23/7/2013 (Ares 2740248), la Commission a transmis à la Représentation Permanente française les observations ci-dessus. Par courrier du 22/08/2013 (ARES 2918632), nous avons obtenu la réponse aux observations de la Commission. Après analyse des réponses fournies par l'autorité compétente française, il résulte que dans le budget de l'action 1 un montant de 32.551 € est prévu pour les honoraires du réalisateur d'un film. Le détail fournis montre que le montant horaire payé à cette personne est de 814€. La commission, considérant que ce taux horaire est excessif, a contacté les autorités françaises pour demander une diminution de ce montant. Par email du 13/9/2013 (ARES 3045975) les autorités françaises ont répondu favorablement à la demande de la Commission et ont soumis un nouveau budget pour le programme de promotion. Le nouveau montant prévu pour la rémunération horaire du réalisateur est de 284 €. Le budget total est modifié comme présenté ci-après. Le montant total du programme accepté est de 6.100.307 € et le montant à cofinancé par la Commission est de 3.050.153,5€ La réponse des autorités françaises est considérée satisfaisante et le programme peut être accepté pour un cofinancement communautaire. Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 92 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): FR Titre du programme: Programme d’information et de promotion en faveur des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge Organisme(s) compétent(s): FranceAgrimer Organisation(s) proposante(s): FIL Rouge (Sylaporc sera associé au projet) Organisme(s) d’exécution: Venise + autre société en cours de sélection pour l’évaluation générale de la campagne. Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): Viandes fraîches et produits à base de viande, produits conformément à un régime de qualité communautaire ou national. Etat membre(s) ciblés: France Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 4.807.692 € Co-financement de l'UE: 2.403.846 € Proposition reçue le: 14/6/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. This programme, presented by the French inter-professional organisation FIL Rouge, aims to promote the fresh and processed meat carrying the national quality logo "Label Rouge". The programme is constructed around two main actions: A radio campaign with 5 radio spots to be aired during 2 periods of each of the 3 years of the programme aiming to reach consumers and more concretely women between 35 and 59 years old. At the same time a second action will try to raise awareness among producers and distributors (via mailing and production of promotional material) in order to prepare them for the increased demand of the products caused by the radio advertising. Visuals and promotional material will be placed in supermarkets and other sale outlets carrying the product. The objective of the campaign is to raise the sales of the products concerned by 10% after 3 years and raise the awareness of the consumer as a superior quality product. 93 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM (pas de cofinancement de l'EM) oui/non/NA Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacitétechnique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Les viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge représentent une production de qualité respectueuse des territoires où elles sont produites et permettant de les faire vivre et de les dynamiser. Il est essentiel de les conforter et de les développer. Il existe une attente des consommateurs pour ces produits. Cette attente doit être activée par une campagne d’information des caractéristiques spécifiques de l’apport du Label Rouge pour les viandes et charcuterie, afin que les consommateurs en connaissent mieux l’intérêt et la valeur. De cet enjeu découlent deux objectifs : • Développer les ventes des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge • Faire émerger les viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge, dans leur dimension de qualité supérieure, dans l’esprit des consommateurs. 94 Stratégie : La stratégie du programme est la suivante : • Utiliser la communication radio pour informer les consommateurs sur la dimension qualité supérieure des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge, • Relayer cette communication en points de vente • Eduquer en développant un discours pédagogique mais qui doit rester percutant et attractif pour les consommateurs. • Développer l’intérêt et l’expertise spécifique des distributeurs. Le programme s’appuiera sur les axes stratégiques suivants: 1. Réaffirmer la qualité gustative supérieure des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge. D’après une étude Opinion Way menée fin 2009, les produits Label Rouge véhiculent une image positive principalement axée sur les dimensions de garantie, de contrôle et de qualité, ce qui place les valeurs gustatives au second plan. La qualité gustative supérieure étant l’essence même du Label Rouge, il convient de valoriser cette particularité, d’autant que le plaisir reste une attente forte de la majorité des consommateurs, et plus encore dans le domaine des viandes et charcuteries, eu égard au prix de la viande. Dans un contexte de crise, alors que le consommateur est très attentif à son budget (Sondage Opinion Way mars 2013 : pour 78% des Français, le prix est le premier critère de choix des produits alimentaires), l’actuelle montée des prix d’achat pénalise nettement la viande : le consommateur réagit à la hausse des prix de la viande par une diminution proportionnelle de ses achats (Etude IFOP, avril 2012). Il convient donc de réattribuer aux viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge des valeurs fortes, basées sur le goût et le plaisir. Et une garantie de goût est sécurisante par rapport au prix de la viande. 2. Ancrer les produits dans leur histoire. Les viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge sont les résultantes d’un travail passionné, accompli par des professionnels qui maîtrisent un authentique savoir-faire et travaillent dans le respect de l’animal (alimentation, conditions d’élevage, etc.), de sa transformation, et s’engagent à chaque étape pour produire des viandes et charcuteries de qualité. Le message devra s’attacher à mettre en avant cet engagement humain des professionnels, et bien rappeler quelles sont les spécificités du signe de qualité « Label Rouge » (cahier des charges strict, transparence, traçabilité des produits). Cibles : Les cibles prioritaires sont : 1. Les femmes 35/59 ans, soit 10.600.000 individus, qui présentent une véritable opportunité en termes d’affinité avec le message de valorisation des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge, et en termes de développement des ventes. En effet, les plus de 50 ans sont des consommateurs habituels des produits Label Rouge. Quant aux 35/59 ans, ils déclarent à 51% consommer régulièrement des produits Label Rouge, et 39% en consommer rarement (Etude Opinion Way, fin 2009) Sensibles à la qualité des produits qu’ils achètent pour les cuisiner, ces consommateurs forment une cible attachée aux valeurs véhiculées par les produits Label Rouge: il convient donc de valoriser le segment des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge auprès d’eux, pour augmenter la fréquence d’achat et la pénétration des viandes et charcuteries sur cette cible. 2. Les acteurs de l’ensemble des filières : a. Les filières amont, du côté de la production, et plus particulièrement les Organismes de Défense et Garantie qui s’emploieront à valoriser cette campagne auprès de leurs clients distributeurs. b. Les filières aval, en particulier les surfaces de vente et les commerçants traditionnels (artisans bouchers). 95 Thèmes : Les thèmes traités sont les bénéfices apportés aux consommateurs par le Label Rouge appliqué aux viandes bovine, ovine, porcine et aux charcuteries. Il s’agit de bénéfices rationnels et émotionnels : 1. Les bénéfices rationnels : La garantie de qualité supérieure. La garantie d’un jugement porté par les consommateurs eux-mêmes. La garantie d’un cahier des charges de production agréé par l’Etat membre, d’une traçabilité et de contrôles. 2. • Les bénéfices émotionnels: Valoriser le savoir-faire des hommes, alliant respect des terroirs, des animaux et du produit fini. La possibilité de se valoriser par rapport à ses amis et à ses proches. L’appartenance à un groupe qui apprécie la qualité. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Le signe officiel de qualité Label Rouge, appliqué aux viandes et charcuteries, garantit aux consommateurs une qualité supérieure aux normes commerciales habituelles. Le signe officiel de qualité Label Rouge est transparent et assure une parfaite traçabilité des produits. Il permet d’identifier des viandes et charcuteries produites par des éleveurs passionnés, engagés dans un cahier des charges strict, et garantit aux consommateurs des produits de qualité. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : Le programme prévoit deux actions: ACTION 1. Une campagne radio. La campagne radio vise les femmes entre 35/49 ans et les professionnels de la filière amont et aval; Elle sera composé de 5 spots radiophoniques différents (bœuf, veau, agneau, proc, charcuterie) qui seront diffusés pendant deux vagues d'étape de chaque année du programme, à priori aux périodes suivantes : La première entre Pâques et Pentecôte, La seconde entre octobre et fin novembre. Chaque vague publicitaire durera en moyenne 2 semaines. Les spots seront diffusés sur les principales radios françaises (entre autres France inter, RTL, Europe 1, NRJ, Nostalgie etc). 96 Les messages à diffuser seront: la qualité gustative supérieure prouvée des produits, les systèmes de production dont ils sont issus, le signe officiel Label Rouge aux produits Viandes et Charcuteries. Budget de l'action: EUR 3.258.260 comme suit: ACTION 2. Une déclinaison de la campagne radio avec mise en place de signalétique et affichage. Cette action prévoit la production et distribution du matériel promotionnel (affiches, stickers, dépliants, stop-rayons dans de 'kits'). Ces kits de matériel seront distribués aux artisans bouchers, chefs de rayon 'boucherie' et 'charcuterie' des supermarchés, hypermarchés et magasins de proximité; la production du matériel sera précédée par une campagne d'information des filières concernées, un mailing de présentation de la campagne à l'ensemble des points de vente. 97 Le coût total de cette action est €709.668 comme suit: Impact prévisible : Deux objectifs de la campagne : 1) Augmenter les volumes de ventes de viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge. 2) En faisant émerger les viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge, dans leur dimension de qualité supérieure, dans l’esprit des consommateurs. 98 Impact prévisible du premier objectif de la campagne : Les viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge représentent aujourd’hui, selon les produits, entre 1 et 6% de la production française. Il y a donc une marge de progression possible. L’objectif est que cette campagne permette de faire augmenter en moyenne de 10% en 3 ans les volumes de viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge. Pour mesurer cette évolution, FIL Rouge et Sylaporc disposent d’un outil : le bilan de production annuel des viandes et charcuterie sous signe officiel de qualité. Chaque année, FIL Rouge et Sylaporc récoltent via des questionnaires auprès des ODG un certain nombre de chiffres clés permettant de connaître et de caractériser les filières viandes et charcuteries sous signe de qualité. Les informations récoltées sont de plusieurs types : - Information sur les volumes annuels de production - Information sur les opérateurs impliqués dans les filières (nombre et localisation géographique des éleveurs, nombre et identité des entreprises d’abattage, découpe, conditionnement…) - Information sur les débouchés pour les produits Label Rouge (type de circuit de distribution…) Ainsi, en prenant comme base les données du bilan de production annuel avant le début de la campagne de communication et en les comparant avec les données du bilan annuel de production après les 3 ans de campagne de communication, il sera possible de savoir quelle a été l’évolution de la production de viande et charcuteries Label Rouge et ainsi de mesurer l’impact de la campagne. Les chiffres du bilan annuel 2011, concernant la production de viandes et charcuterie Label Rouge : Impact prévisible du second objectif de la campagne : 1. L’émergence des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge auprès de la cible : a. Les femmes de 35/59 ans représentent plus de 10 600 000 individus. Le plan media prévu permettra d’atteindre les performances suivantes : i. Plus de 750 spots diffusés par vague. ii. Une couverture de près de 75% de la cible media (soit près de 8 millions de femmes de 35/59 ans). iii. Chaque vague permettra de générer plus 90 millions de contacts. iv. Les femmes touchées entendront, en moyenne, près de 10 fois le message « Viandes et Charcuteries Label Rouge » b. La cible retrouvera également le message véhiculé dans les lieux d’achat, à travers les 5.000 kits de PLV qui seront diffusés en GMS et boucheries artisanales. 2. L’émergence des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge auprès des professionnels de la filière : a. Fortement impliquées dans la définition et la mise en œuvre du programme communautaire, les ODG joueront un rôle moteur en valorisant fortement la campagne auprès des différents maillons de la filière : producteurs, abatteurs, transformateurs, commerçants et GMS. 99 b. Par le biais des actions destinées à sensibiliser la distribution en amont du lancement de la campagne, on estime que les 13 centrales principales seront touchées (Auchan, Carrefour, Cora, E. Leclerc, Géant/Casino, Système U, Intermarché, Simply Market, Supermarchés Match, Monoprix, Carrefour Market, Carrefour Proxi). Près de 6.500 magasins d’enseigne et 2 000 boucheries artisanales seront ainsi touchées, via l’envoi du mailing d’information avec bon de commande de la PLV. c. Il est estimé à 50% le taux de remontées du bon de commande : soit environs 5.000 kits commandés (sachant qu’une même GMS pourra commander 2 kits : l’un pour son rayon viandes, l’autre pour son rayon charcuterie). d. Le taux de pose de la PLV est estimé à 60%. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : Evaluation par une société externe Les thèmes d’évaluation spécifiques feront l’objet de mesures par la société qui sera en charge de l’évaluation générale de la campagne : 100 101 EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 22/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 26,1/40 Dimension européenne : 6,6/10 Coût/efficacité : 13/20 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : € PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : 1. Présentation du marché Le marché des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge en termes de volumes est présenté, mais le dossier ne contient pas de détails en ce qui concerne la valeur du marché en €. En conséquence, il n'est pas possible de calculer le rapport coût/efficacité du programme, étant donné que nous ne sommes pas en mesure de savoir quelle sera l'augmentation des ventes des produits concernés en termes de valeur par rapport au coût total du programme (4,8 mio €). Une information sur la valeur du marché concerné par le programme doit être ajoutée. Etant donné que la production des viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge se situe entre 1% et 5,9% de la production totale des viandes et charcuteries en France, l'organisme proposant doit présenter une estimation de l'effet de cette campagne sur les commandes et 102 inclure dans la proposition les éléments qui garantissent que le secteur a la capacité de production pour faire face aux commandes élevées. 2. Groupes cibles L'idée d'impliquer les producteurs ("filière aval") avec des actions de sensibilisation (via mailing etc) est bonne, par contre ce groupe ne peut pas figurer comme cible principale de la campagne (voir annexe I du Règl. 501/2008). Il y a lieu de clarifier le rôle de ce groupe cible dans le programme ainsi que les moyens avec lesquels ce groupe sera touché par la campagne (i.e. pourquoi et comment ce groupe est une des cibles de la campagne radio?). Il existe une confusion en ce qui concerne le premier groupe cible (consommateurs/responsables d'achat): dans certains endroits cette cible est les femmes de 35-49 ans (i.e. page 17), dans d'autres les femmes entre 35 et 59 ans (i.e. page 15). Merci de clarifier. 3. Objectifs Objectif no 1 : Une augmentation de ventes de 10% sur 3 ans est proposée. Cet objectif est peu ambitieux au regard de la dynamique actuellement constatée (cf. entre 2010 et 2011 : +5,1% pour le bœuf LR, +4,8% pour l'agneau LR). Sur cette base ne peut-on pas prévoir un objectif plus ambitieux que 10% sur 3 ans ? Objectif no 2: Bien que le terme de "qualité supérieure" soit le terme de référence dans la définition pour le Label Rouge, ce terme est très vague car on ne sait pas de quelle qualité on parle. Le consommateur ne sait pas définir quelles garanties de qualité existent sous le Label Rouge et en particulier, la dimension "qualité gustative", valeur socle de ce label, n'est pas assez connue. En plus, il y a une certaine confusion dans l'esprit du consommateur face aux différents labels de qualité dont notamment les systèmes de qualité européens: il convient de bien clarifier la base du Label Rouge pour éviter toute confusion avec la base des systèmes communautaires (AOP, IGP, etc…). Il y a lieu donc de reformuler l'objectif pour le cibler sur la qualité gustative garantie par le Label Rouge. Objectif no 2: La valeur cible proposée pour cet objectif est "75% de la cible touchée, qui entendra en moyenne plus de 10 fois le message". Cet objectif n'est pas correctement défini car il concerne le succès de l'action même et pas l'impact de l'action sur la cible. La mesure de cet objectif doit se faire au regard de la perception des consommateurs quant à la principale garantie offerte par le Label Rouge (cf. les chiffres mentionnés dans la proposition: 32% savent que ce label est une garantie de goût supérieur vérifié par des consommateurs). Il faut mesurer cet objectif par rapport à la perception des consommateurs sur la notoriété du Label Rouge et les garanties offertes par le Label Rouge, et fixer des objectifs quantifiés en conséquence. Les parties "impact" devront aussi être revues. 4. Evaluation Les modalités d'évaluation du programme doivent être revues car elles ne sont pas cohérentes avec les objectifs fixés. En ce qui concerne l'objectif n°1 (augmentation des ventes par 10%), l'évaluation ne peut pas se faire sur base du "bilan de production annuel sous signe de qualité". L'évaluation doit se faire sur base des résultats des ventes pour lesquels un mesurage situation "zéro" doit être aussi prévu. Il est aussi important de bien définir le produit qui est 'viandes et charcuteries Label Rouge' et pas 'viandes sous signe de qualité' en général. En ce qui concerne l'objectif n° 2 (notoriété du LR/connaissance des garanties LR), la méthode d'évaluation proposée (mesure des taux de réception et de pose de la PLV) est insuffisante, car elle ne permet pas de constater si l'objectif (augmentation de la notoriété) est atteint. En ce qui concerne l'évaluation des campagnes radio, pour lesquelles des post-tests sont proposés, il faut préciser les indicateurs mesurés dans ces post-tests et assurer qu'un mesurage situation "zéro" existe ou est prévu, et faire le lien avec l'enquête de 2009. La proposition mentionne des thèmes d'évaluation spécifiques pour évaluer la campagne 103 (page 27). Il y a lieu de clarifier les modalités d'évaluation et de lier ces 6 évaluations aux objectifs globaux, si besoin déclinés en objectifs spécifiques et préciser le contenu de ces évaluations, par exemple : "interrogation d'un panel de 50 distributeurs" sur quoi ? quel est le lien avec les objectifs de la campagne ? "mesures quantitative des perception des consommateurs vis-à-vis des viandes et charcuterie LR" : quelle est la différence avec les post-tests de l'Institut OpinionWay ? 5. Budget S'il s'agit des mêmes 5 spots qui seront diffusés pendant les 3 ans de la campagne, pourquoi des frais de production de ces spots sont calculés 3 fois (pour chaque année de la campagne séparément?) Selon le budget, le matériel promotionnel sera produit pendant toute la durée de la campagne et pas en une seule fois au début. Pourquoi? Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Voir ci-dessous 'Remarques' AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 67,7/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre Avis du consultant externe: Oui/non 3/4 Favorable CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 23/7/2013 (Ares 2740248), la Commission a transmis à la Représentation Permanente française les observations ci-dessus. Par courrier du 22/08/2013 (ARES 2918632), nous avons obtenu la réponse aux observations de la Commission. La réponse des autorités françaises est considérée satisfaisante. Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 104 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): France Titre du programme: Promotion des fromages européens aux USA : « The cheeses of Europe – Make it magnifique » Organisme(s) compétent(s): FranceAgrimer Organisation(s) proposante(s): Centre National Interprofessionnel de l’Economie Laitière (CNIEL) Organisme(s) d’exécution: Agence Fifteen Degrees Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): produits laitiers (fromage) Etat membre(s) ciblés: USA Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 6.000.000 EUR Co-financement de l'UE: 3.000.000 EUR Proposition reçue le: 14/6/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. This programme aims to promote the European cheeses in the USA. The main aim is to increase awareness, diversity and accessibility of European cheeses mainly via consumer education to new recipes combining European cheeses with local consumption habits. The main actions foreseen by the programme is an online campaign with short videos showcasing recipes using European cheeses in sandwiches and other meals which are part of the dietary habits of the target group: the consumer between 25 and 49 years old with income superior to 75.000$ per year. This action will be combined with face-to-face activities, such as promotion in selling points, seminars targeting consumers and recipe competitions. The final aim is to increase volume of sales of European cheeses to the USA by 3% after each year of the programme and increase consumer awareness on European cheeses by 30% after the end of the 3 year campaign. 105 CRITERES D’ELIGIBILITE : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non/NA Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/le(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Accroître l’importation des fromages de l’Union Européenne de 3 % tous les ans de la campagne (en volume). Accroître l’exportation des fromages français de 8 % tous les ans de la campagne (en volume). Accroître la connaissance et la consommation des fromages d’Europe auprès de la cible de 10 % chaque année du programme. 106 Stratégie : Les fromages sont parmi les produits laitiers, la catégorie la plus appréciée des Américains. Plus de 96% des ménages en achètent. On compte aujourd’hui plus de 300 variétés de fromage disponibles sur le marché américain. La mozzarella avec 10,6 pounds (4,82 kg) et le cheddar avec 10,1 pounds (4,59 kg) par an et par habitant, sont les deux variétés les plus consommées. En même temps, la production américaine de fromages poursuit sa montée en puissance, en quantitatif comme en qualitatif. Le marché du « Natural Cheese » aux Etats - Unis est en progression constante depuis 10 ans et s’accélère depuis les deux dernières années avec notamment la croissance des fromages de l’Etat du Wisconsin. Les campagnes d’information et de promotion conduites par les « Cheese Boards » de Californie et du Wisconsin mettent en avant les productions locales et artisanales et promeuvent notamment leurs fromages haut de gamme. Selon une étude récente, auprès des 25-49 ans vivant dans des foyers dont le revenu annuel net est supérieur à 75.000 $ et dans des zones urbaines, il ressort que l’opinion globale des fromages d’Europe, reste très bonne (62% les aiment beaucoup). L’image des fromages européens reste largement marquée par les dimensions de qualité, de bon goût, de caractère et d’origine. Ainsi le différentiel existant avec l’image des fromages locaux se renforce sur les dimensions qui étaient déjà les forces des fromages européens (qualité, caractère, origine locale) mais s’est affaibli sur leurs faiblesses (utilisation en sandwiches, en cuisine, appréciation par toutes la famille, différentiel prix important…). Alors que les importations de fromages, toutes provenances confondues, baissent de 5% en volume entre 2009 et 2012, celles des fromages européens enregistrent une hausse de 14%. En valeur, sur la même période, les fromages européens gagnent près de 10 points de plus que les fromages étrangers en général. Ce programme vise donc à tirer profit de l'accroissement de la demande du marché américain en fromages européens en général et français en particulier. La stratégie consiste à promouvoir les fromages d’Europe en utilisant les fromages français comme illustration pour mieux positionner ces fromages face aux concurrents : les fromages locaux. 107 Le programme visera l’accroissement de la connaissance, la diversité et l’accessibilité des fromages par : L’éducation du consommateur à de nouvelles occasions d’utilisations en phase avec les habitudes de consommation locale. Une meilleure visibilité en points de vente et l’utilisation de ce point de contact comme vecteur d’éducation du consommateur. Des actions qui permettront aux consommateurs d’être sensibilisés directement aux fromages. Pour, enfin, accroître les volumes des exportations et toucher directement la cible en s’appuyant sur les actions de communication proposées. Cibles : Les « Food Adventurers » - 25 à 49 ans dont les revenus annuels sont de 75.000$ et plus. La presse nationale et locale. Les chefs de cuisine. Les bloggeurs gastronomiques et leaders d’opinion locaux. Les professionnels : GMS, importateurs / distributeurs… Thèmes : Image des produits communautaires, qualité. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Diversité Qualité Adaptable au goût culinaire du pays : un plat traditionnel américain, c’est bon ; si l’on rajoute du fromage, c’est très bon ; mais si l’on rajoute du fromage européen, c’est magnifique ! Accroche : « The Cheeses of Europe » Signature : « Make it Magnifique ! » 108 Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : ACTION 1: Campagne média 1. REALISATION, PRODUCTION ET DIFFUSION DE RECETTES VIDEO ET DE BANNIERES Réalisation d’une variété de recettes saisonnières – 20 recettes vidéo par année (5 diffusions tous les 3 mois), intitulées « Make it Magnifique », avec chaque année mise en avant de fromages différents. Les fromages concernés sont: En année 1, les fromages mis en avant sont : l’Emmental, le Reblochon, le Cantal, le Délice de Bourgogne, le Brie et le Camembert et le Comté. En année 2, les fromages mis en avant sont : le Beaufort, le St-André, le Chaource, la Tome de Bordeaux, le Bleu d’Auvergne, le Neufchâtel et l’Epoisses. En année 3, les fromages mis en avant sont : la Mimolette, le Morbier, le St-Marcellin, le Port-Salut, le St-Agur, le St-Nectaire et le Coulommiers. Préparées et animées par l’un des lauréats de l'émission de télévision américaine « Top Chef » et produites dans les cuisines de l’école hôtelière réputée de la ville de New York, The International Culinary Institute, les recettes mettront en avant les fromages en snacks, en apéritif, dans des sandwiches et en plats cuisinés. Chaque recette fera l’objet d’une recette vidéo diffusée : Sur les sites web les plus fréquentés par les consommateurs ciblés (,,,,,,,,,,, Sur leur téléphone portable – Smartphone / IPhone Sur leur I-Pad Sur le site Ces vidéos auront un format minimal de 15 et 30 secondes (selon les sites de diffusion) et maximal de 2 minutes. Réalisation également de 20 bannières animées (une par recette) qui renverront l’internaute vers le site et la recette vidéo de 2 minutes (Achat d'espace vidéos pendant 12 mois sur les sites web suivants :,,,,,,,,,,, Dates de production des recettes vidéo et des bannières : En années 1, 2 et 3 du programme : 10 en janvier et 10 en juin. Dates de diffusion: En années 1, 2 et 3 : 21 mars au 21 juin : diffusion de 5 recettes adaptées à l’alimentation printanière. 22 juin au 20 septembre : diffusion de 5 recettes adaptées à l’alimentation estivale, 21 septembre au 20 décembre : diffusion de 5 recettes adaptées à l’alimentation automnale, mais aussi aux menus de la fête nationale « Thanksgiving » et les fêtes de fin d’année. 21 décembre au 20 mars : diffusion de 5 recettes adaptées à l’alimentation hivernale mais aussi à l’occasion de la Saint - Valentin et de l’évènement le plus important des Etats-Unis, le Superbowl. COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE Chaque année, quatre communiqués de presse saisonniers seront réalisés et diffusés aux 25 supports écrits et blogs les plus importants du pays (10 février / 10 mai / 10 août / 10 octobre 1 en février: annonce la campagne , 1 en août: annonce le nom du Chef qui va créer les recettes vidéo, 1 en septembre : annonce des recettes vidéo d'automne et 1: annonce des recettes vidéo d'hiver). 109 Afin de communiquer sur les recettes vidéo mises en ligne, un e-mail sera également envoyé 4 fois par an à une base de données de 12 000 consommateurs avertis et professionnels du secteur fromager. BUDGET: 2.100.302,19 € pour les 3 ans y compris achat d'espace 2. ANNONCES PRESSE ECRITE Réalisation de 4 annonces presse mettant en avant des recettes élaborées à partir de fromages européens. Chaque annonce fera l’objet d’une pleine page quadri. Elle invitera également les lecteurs à visiter le site Internet et visionner les recettes vidéo. Supports choisis : - Culture Magazine, mensuel – 3 insertions – Cible : consommateurs et professionnels du secteur alimentaire, amateurs de produits alimentaires et de recettes « gourmet ». - Cheese Connoisseur, mensuel – 4 insertions – Cible : amateurs de fromage et professionnels de l’industrie fromagère. - Bon Appétit – 1 insertion dans l’édition du mois de juin, la plus importante de l’année aux USA (1 500 000 ex.) – Cible : consommatrices averties et professionnels du secteur. - Saveur – 2 insertions – Cible : amateurs de produits « gourmets » dont les produits européens. Soit 10 insertions par an (en avril, juin et octobre). Budget: 601 875,93 € pour les 3 ans y compris l'achat d'espace. BUDGET TOTAL DE L'ACTION 1: 2.972.395,92 ACTION 2: DIGITAL 1. SITE WEB Conception et réalisation d’un site internet : Le nouveau site sera balisé aux couleurs et au thème du programme, à savoir : « Make it Magnifique ». Tous les visuels du site seront animés au format « flash ». Le site comprendra les rubriques suivantes : Rubrique intitulée « Cheeses of Europe » : cette rubrique sera composée de sous rubriques : une rubrique par pays d’Europe dont les fromages sont disponibles sur le marché USA. Une fiche sera dédiée à chaque fromage dont le contenu définira son histoire, sa région d’origine, son mode de production ainsi que des idées de consommation /recettes. Rubrique AOP (PDO) : historique et définition du logo. A noter que le logo AOP sera apposé sur tous les fromages qui en bénéficient. Rubrique recettes écrites. Rubrique Recettes : Vidéo / bannières. Rubrique dans laquelle l’on retrouvera la formation « webinar » (voir Action 4). Rubrique harmonie des boissons et des fromages. Rubrique Evènements : cette rubrique comportera les dates et lieux de toutes les animations qui se dérouleront en points de vente ainsi que les opérations évènementielles telles que : la formation pédagogique sur les fromages (voir Action 4 – Volet 1), le concours fromages (voir Action 4 – Volet 2) ainsi que les « Pop Up Stores » (voir Action 4 – Volet 3). Rubrique Trade : noms et coordonnées des détaillants en fromages d’Europe. Rubrique prononciation en phonétique. Rubrique : « Votre avis nous intéresse ». BUDGET: 97.320,41 € pour 3 ans 110 2. APP SUR IPHONE, SMARTPHONE ET I-PADS Le but de ce support électronique est de renforcer tous les messages du programme ''Make it Magnifique'' en les rendant accessibles sur les nouveaux outils digitaux, aujourd’hui utilisés par un très grand nombre de consommateurs. Outil simple et pratique pour permettre à la cible de s’approprier les fromages d’Europe, des infos sur les points de ventes des fromages (géolocalisation) afin de les encourager à un achat immédiat des fromages. Mise à disposition de l’application sur les plates-formes classiques (ex: You Tube, I – Tune…) BUDGET: 53.083,65 € pour 3 ans 3. RESEAUX SOCIAUX Toutes les semaines, sur les sites des réseaux sociaux, Facebook et Twitter, les informations suivantes seront diffusées et notamment aux moments les plus forts lors des animations en GMS et des opérations évènementielles : Les recettes vidéo. Les fromages d’Europe : « Savez- vous que … » et donner des réponses telles que : région d’origine, mode de production… Dates et lieux des présentations / animations en points de vente. Dates et lieux des opérations évènementielles. BUDGET: 33.000,00 € pour 3 ans. BUDGET TOTAL DE L'ACTION 2: 207.246,57 € pour 3 ans ACTION 3: DEMONSTRATIONS / ANIMATIONS EN GMS MATERIEL PROMOTIONNEL 1. DEMONSTRATIONS / ANIMATIONS EN MAGASIN Mise en place de 1000 journées de démonstrations / animations / dégustations des fromages d’Europe auprès de 374 points de ventes de GMS et de détaillants de plusieurs villes des Etats-Unis. Les objectifs de cette action sont: Renforcer la présence des Brie, Camembert, Comté et autres, sur les linéaires des points de vente. Encourager la distribution à les référencer. Faire connaître la diversité ces fromages aux chefs de rayons et aux consommateurs. Lieux : New York Chicago Miami Austin Santa Fe (Nouveau Mexique) Phoenix San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Portland Seattle 111 DATES : tout le long de chaque année et en particulier lors des fêtes et des grandes manifestations qui se déroulent aux Etats-Unis, exemple : Novembre : Thanksgiving Décembre : fêtes de fin d’année Janvier : le Superbowl – l’évènement sportif le plus important des USA Février : Valentine’s Day Juillet : « Bastille Day »… MOYENS : Formation aux fromages d’Europe de 5 « ambassadeurs », un ambassadeur par région. Leur mission sera de : o Former en retour les hôtesses /animatrices qui animeront les présentations. o De s’assurer que les chefs de rayons mettent en place les fromages qui seront présentés lors des animations. o De s’assurer que le matériel PLV est bien mis en place. 3 à 4 fromages seront présentés lors de chaque animation : explication des fromages, dégustation et diffusion des fiches recettes qui seront réalisées à cet effet. BUDGET: 1.201.455,00 € pour 3 ans. 2. REALISATION DE MATERIEL PLV Le matériel PLV sera mis sous pli dans des kits pour livraison sur les points de vente, en soutien des présentations / animations qui se dérouleront. 1000 kits seront réalisés. BUDGET: 274.180,32 € pour 3 ans BUDGET TOTAL DE L'ACTION 3: 1.667.467,89 € pour 3 ans ACTION 4: OPERATIONS EVENNEMENTIELLES/SEMINAIRE DE FORMATION/CONCOURS CONSOMMATEURS/POP UP STORES 1. FORMATION D’UN ATELIER FROMAGE « ONLINE » “THE WORLD’S LARGEST SIMULTANEOUS CHEESE TASTING” Pendant 45 minutes, un professionnel de renom du secteur fromager animera une formation sur les fromages suivants : Camembert, Brie, Fourme d’Ambert, Comté et St Paulin : leur histoire, régions d’origine, méthodes de production et usage en consommation. La formation sera suivie d’une dégustation. Une centaine de consommateurs participeront à la formation qui se déroulera dans l’auditorium du International Culinary Institute de New York. Il est estimé que plus de 1000 consommateurs suivront la formation par internet. Les consommateurs prendront connaissance de la formation par les moyens suivants : o Quatre bannières seront diffusées sur le site internet et sur les sites web les plus fréquentés par la cible, en septembre et en octobre. o Une diffusion e-mail aux 12.000 consommateurs ciblés de la base de données –en octobre. o Deux communiqués de presse diffusés en septembre et octobre auprès de 25 supports gastronomiques et loisirs. o Une annonce presse dans Culture magazine –édition du mois d’octobre. o Facebook et Twitter, en septembre et en octobre. Les premiers 100 consommateurs qui s’inscriront seront invités à participer à la formation, au International Culinary Institute. Quant aux consommateurs des villes ciblées, ils prendront connaissance de la formation, via les mêmes outils de communication mentionnés ci-dessus. 112 Date, horaires, moyens de se connecter au « webinar » et la liste des fromages qui seront commentés et dégustés lors de la formation, seront transmis dans les outils de communication. Cela leur permettra de se procurer, à l’avance, les fromages et suivre la formation / dégustation en temps réel, seuls, en famille et / ou avec des amis. La formation sera filmée sous format vidéo et éditée en 20 minutes afin qu’elle soit mise en ligne sur le site toute l’année et permettre aux consommateurs qui n’ont pas pu s’y joindre en temps réel, de découvrir également la formation. Date et horaires de la formation : le dernier samedi du mois d’octobre à 14h00 afin que les consommateurs soient en pose week - end et afin que ceux de la Côte Ouest puissent suivre la formation. Idem en années 2 et 3 du programme. Les fromages mis en avant lors de chaque formation sont les suivants : En année 1 : Camembert, Brie, Fourme d’Ambert, Comté et St Paulin. En année 2 : Cantal, Bleu d’Auvergne, St - Marcellin, Mimolette et St- André. En année 3 : Chaource, Tome de Savoie, Port Salut, Emmental et St- Agur. BUDGET: 84.504,90 € pour 3 ans 2. CONCOURS CONSOMMATEURS « I MADE IT MAGNIFIQUE» Ce concours de recettes vise à sensibiliser directement les consommateurs ciblés à l’utilisation des fromages dans des recettes simples adaptées à leurs habitudes culinaires. Le concours sera annoncé sur le site web du programme ainsi que via quatre bannières sur les sites web les plus fréquentés par la cible, sur Facebook et Twitter, dans Culture magazine, par un e-mailing envoyé à 12.000 consommateurs ciblés, et par un communiqué de presse. Le concours sera annoncé sur les sites web suivants, pendant 6 mois:,,,,,,, Les consommateurs seront invités à soumettre une recette en entrée et une recette en plat principal, réalisées avec des fromages précis. Les recettes seront transmises au fur et à mesure sur Facebook et YouTube, et analysées par deux chefs qui choisiront les trois meilleures recettes d’entrée, et les trois meilleures recettes de plats. Les finalistes se rendront à New York le jour de la finale (dernier samedi d’octobre) et prépareront leurs recettes dans les cuisines de l’International Culinary Institute devant un panel de sept journalistes gastronomiques et Chefs réputés. Une vidéo sera réalisée à cette occasion et mise en ligne sur le site internet du programme. L’annonce des gagnants se déroulera lors d’un cocktail dinatoire le soir même des épreuves, en présence de 100 convives : journalistes, bloggeurs, Chefs de cuisine, entreprises fromagères européennes et VIP du secteur. BUDGET: 215.504,25 € pour 3 ans 3. CHEESES OF EUROPE POP UP STORE AUSTIN – TEXAS ET NEW YORK Un "Pop Up Store " est un espace de présentation éphémère, de tous types de produits, d’une durée d’un jour à un ou deux mois. Il permet en l’occurrence de faire découvrir et déguster les fromages d’Europe dans des situations conviviales, par le biais de recettes à base de fromages d’Europe préparées par des chefs de renom. Deux « Pop Up Stores » d’environ 6 000 m² sont prévus pour une durée de deux jours, chaque année du programme : le 7 et le 8 mars à Austin ; le 5 et le 6 septembre à New York. Le vendredi soir sera réservé à la presse nationale et locale, soit 250 journalistes ciblés (presse écrite, presse radio et télévision et bloggeurs) ; le samedi sera consacré au grand public. Chaque « Pop Up Store » sera filmé en format vidéo et mis en ligne sur le site internet Dates et lieux : En années 1, 2 et 3 du programme : 113 le 7 et le 8 mars : Austin – Texas - dans une galerie d’Art, lors du festival de musique le plus important des Etats-Unis, le SXSW, et pour lequel des consommateurs de tout le pays s’y rendent. Cet évènement nous garantira un nombre important de passage à notre « Pop Up Store ». le 5 et le 6 septembre : New York – dans un espace du quartier très fréquenté de SOHO. BUDGET: 282 969,40 € pour 3 ans (Austin) et 269 497,77 € pour 3 ans (New York), soit 552.467,17 en total. BUDGET TOTAL DE L'ACTION 4: 962.665,15 € Impact prévisible : Les objectifs du programme sont: 1. Accroître l’importation des fromages de l’Union Européenne de 3 % tous les ans de la campagne (en volume). L'objectif n'est pas mésuré. 2 Accroître l’exportation des fromages français de 8 % tous les ans de la campagne (en volume). L’objectif du programme est d’augmenter de 8% par an les volumes exportés de fromages français vers les Etats-Unis à partir de la valeur de 2012, soit une hausse moyenne de 1.879 tonnes par an. L’impact de ce programme sur la filière laitière peut être approché à partir des données de l’Observatoire des prix et des marges de FranceAgriMer suivantes : La production de 1 kg de fromage (base : Emmental) nécessite 13 litres de lait. Le prix moyen du litre de lait payé au producteur en 2012 était d’environ 0,329 €. Une hausse moyenne annuelle des exportations de fromages de 1 879 tonnes occasionnerait un surplus de demande de lait de 24,4 millions de litres, soit une croissance en valeur de 8.4mio EUR par an. 3 Accroître la connaissance et la consommation des fromages d’Europe auprès de la cible de 10 % chaque année du programme. Dès le début du programme, un pré-test sera conduit par le cabinet d’évaluation sélectionné afin de connaitre le pourcentage des consommateurs ciblés quant à leur connaissance et consommation des fromages d’Europe. A partir des résultats, l’objectif est d’en accroître leur connaissance et par là-même, leur consommation de 10% par année pour atteindre 30% à la fin du programme. Les études d’évaluation à la fin de chaque année du programme, permettront de mesurer cette évolution chez les consommateurs ciblés au concept « Cheeses of Europe – Make It Magnifique». Aujourd’hui, le nombre de consommateurs ciblés est de : 17.600.000, actifs dans la tendance des « Food Adventurers ». Impact des actions prévues dans le programme Action ACTION 1 : CAMPAGNE MEDIA Volet 1 : Réalisation des outils de communication média « online ». Volet 2 : Achat d’espace pour parutions des outils de communication. Impact prévu Les bannières / recettes vidéo seront vues 18.878.332 fois chaque année du programme. Le résultat souhaité est de toucher 5% parmi les consommateurs ciblés. L’objectif est de toucher 10% des lectrices de ce type de support, soit 229.510 consommatrices potentielles aux fromages d’Europe tous les ans du programme. 114 ACTION 2 : LE DIGITAL Volet 1 -SITE WEB Une estimation de 1.500 visiteurs sont attendus sur le site tous les mois, soit 18.000 visiteurs par année. 115.800.000 consommateurs aux USA sont détenteurs d’un Smartphone dont 42% ont installé un APP sur leur téléphone, soit 48.636.000 consommateurs. Parmi ceux-ci, 42% de consommateurs ont un revenu annuel de 100.000 US $ et plus, soit 20.427.120 consommateurs. Il est espéré de toucher 5 % parmi ces consommateurs, soit 1.021.356 consommateurs par année du programme. Une estimation de 15.000 nouveaux amis des fromages d’Europe sont attendus sur Facebook par année, soit un total de 45.000 amis à la fin des trois années du programme. Par ailleurs, 500 bloggeurs, amateurs et professionnels, sont également attendus tous les ans, soit 1.500 bloggeurs à la fin des trois années du programme. Volet 2 –APPS (IPhone – Smartphones et IPads) Volet 3 - RESEAUX SOCIAUX. ACTION 3:TRADE/CONSOMMATEURS Volet 1 : Présentation et animations des fromages en GMS . Volet 2 : Matériel de promotion et d’information. ACTION 4 : EVENEMENTIELS Volet 1 : Séminaire de formation en live et via le webinar. Volet 2 : Concours consommateurs «I Made it Magnifique». Une estimation de 100.000 à 200.000 consommateurs participeront aux animations en points de vente chaque année du programme et auront l’occasion de découvrir et déguster les fromages d’Europe, soit entre 300.000 et 600.000 consommateurs à la fin du programme. Ces consommateurs seront en mesure d’influencer leurs amis en leur servant des recettes à base de ces fromages et ainsi, en faire d’autres consommateurs fidèles. Le matériel PLV encouragera les chefs de rayons des 374 points de vente de mieux connaître les fromages d’Europe et ainsi de mieux les référencer sur leur linéaires. Aussi, le dépliant permettra à 250.000 consommateurs de découvrir les fromages d’Europe. Le nombre de consommateurs qui participeront à cet évènement, via les bannières, le e-mail, les réseaux sociaux, l’annonce presse et sur le site devrait atteindre 4.000 à 5.000 tous les ans soit, 12.000 à 15.000 consommateurs à la fin des trois années du programme. Ce type de concours attire environ 800 à 1.000 candidats dont 50% sont des chefs de cuisine qui œuvrent dans la restauration. Aussi, ces chefs, prépareront les recettes présentées au concours dans leurs établissements et feront 115 Volet 3 : « The Cheeses of Europe Pop Up Stores » – Boutiques éphémères. connaître les fromages d’Europe à leurs clients, soit un nombre approximatif d’un total de 4.000 clients par année. Tous les ans, 1.800 consommateurs découvriront les fromages d’Europe lors de chaque « Pop Up Store », soit un total de 3.600 consommateurs à la fin de chaque année du programme. 75 retombées de presse / blogs qui mentionnent les recettes préparées lors de ces manifestations, sont également attendues à la fin de chacune des manifestations, soit 150 retombées annuelles. Ces retombées sont suivies par environ 1% de la cible visée, soit une moyenne de 170.000 consommateurs, soit un total annuel de 340.000 consommateurs qui sont susceptibles de préparer les recettes aux fromages d’Europe chez eux. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : L’impact de ce programme sur la filière laitière peut être approché à partir des données de l’Observatoire des prix et des marges de FranceAgriMer. La méthode de mesure de l'impact de ce programme sur l'évolution des exportations des fromages européens n'est pas presentée. Les études d’évaluation à la fin de chaque année du programme, permettront de mesurer l' évolution chez les consommateurs ciblés au concept « Cheeses of Europe – make it magnifique». L'évaluation sera effectuée en utilisant des méthodes classiques (website tags, questionnaires, formulaire de soumission de commentaires etc). EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : Qualité et efficacité du programme : Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 22/30 25,7/40 5/10 14,8/20 116 € BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I 1.000.000 0 1.000.000 2.000.000 % 100 ANNEE II 1.000.000 0 1.000.000 2.000.000 % 100 ANNEE III 1.000.000 0 1.000.000 2.000.000 % 100 TOTAL 3.000.000 0 3.000.000 6.000.000 % 50 0 50 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Objectifs: 1. Objectifs Le premier objectif (accroître l’importation des fromages de l’Union Européenne de 3% tous les ans de la campagne en volume) n'est ni mesuré, ni détaillé. Le texte du programme ne contient aucun élément sur les méthodes d'évaluation de cet objectif. Il n'y a aucune indication qui permet de juger cet objectif réaliste. Il y a lieu de préciser si le 3% d'augmentation des importations des fromages de provenance de l'UE aux Etats-Unis comprend le 8% de l'augmentation des importations des fromages français, où il s'agit d'une augmentation de 3% qui concerne les 'importations de fromages de provenance UE-27 (ie hors France). Quels moyens met en œuvre l'organisme proposant pour atteindre et garantir l'augmentation de 3% en ce qui concerne les importations des fromages européens? Le 3ème objectif (augmentation de la notoriété des fromages UE 10% par an pour arriver à 30% à la fin du programme) semble assez optimiste et l'organisme proposant n'a pas inclus 117 les éléments qui permettent d'apprécier l'exactitude de cette évaluation. De plus, le point de départ pour cet objectif (point 'zéro' – notoriété actuelle) n'est pas défini. 2. Messages Les messages du programme doivent être développés. La mention de quelques fromages non français ne suffit pas pour donner une bonne dimension européenne au programme. Il faut développer les aspects de la PAC qui donnent le caractère spécial aux fromages européens/français. Il ne suffit pas de dire que les fromages européens/français sont bons. Il faut expliquer pourquoi ces fromages sont "magnifiques" (tradition, savoir-faire, qualité du lait, contrôles, respect pour la nature et les animaux). La dimension européenne du programme pourrait s'améliorer avec la présence de quelques fromages non français lors des actions face-to-face (dans la stratégie actuelle du programme ces fromages sont exclus). 3. Description des actions Action 2, volet 1 (site web) Les noms de détaillants peuvent figurer en 2ème niveau seulement (pas sur la page d'accueil, mais sur une page séparée qui sera liée à la page d'accueil). L'organisme proposant doit s'assurer que cette rubrique contient la plus large liste de détaillants et que tous les fromages sont présents. Nous conseillons l'utilisation de l'extension web .eu pour le site internet du programme. Pour plus d'information: Action 3 Pour mieux apprécier le rapport-coût-efficacité de cette action, il y a lieu de donner plus de détails sur les points budgétaires suivants: - points de vente: plus d'1.000.000€ pour hôtesses: il est nécessaire de donner plus de détails à propos de ce poste budgétaire (nombre de personnes, nombre d'heures, coût par heure). - Formation ambassadeurs: Expliquer le coût de 9.000€ par formation pour former 5 personnes par année (45.000€ par année), et indiquer pourquoi il faut former des nouvelles personnes chaque année. De plus, le texte indique 5 ambassadeurs, mais 6 régions sont citées (pages 42-43). - Serait–il possible de présenter la liste de fromages qui seront promus lors des actions 'points de vente'? Action 4 (volet 2, concours): Il y a lieu de donner plus de détails concernant le coût de 3.000€ par personne pour réceptionner les recettes du public, en total 18.000€ pour les 3ans. (volet 2, concours): Ce concours prévoit une limitation au nombre de fromages éligibles pour participation. Pourquoi? Nous notons aussi qu'il ne sera pas possible de participer au concours avec une recette qui utilise des fromages européens mais non français. Il est nécessaire de justifier cette limitation et expliquer sa cohérence avec le champ d'application du programme. (volet 2, concours): Selon le proposant, "ce type de concours attire environ 800 à 1.000 candidats dont 50% sont des chefs de cuisine qui œuvrent dans la restauration. Aussi, ces chefs, prépareront les recettes présentées au concours dans leurs établissements et feront connaître les fromages d’Europe à leurs clients, soit un nombre approximatif d’un total de 4.000 clients par année". Le proposant doit fournir des données concrètes sur l'estimation de ce public cible. De plus, il n'y a aucune garantie que les chefs présenteront ces recettes dans leurs établissements. Il y a lieu donc d'expliquer sur quelle base l'impact de cette action est calculé. 118 (volet 3 "pop-up store"): Il est important de s'assurer que toutes les entreprises-membres du CNIEL qui sont intéressées puissent participer et que cette exposition propose la gamme la plus large possible de fromages. (volet 3 "pop-up store"): Il est nécessaire de fournir des éléments qui permettront l'appréciation du rapport coût-efficacité de cette action. Il faut expliquer les coûts suivants: coût de 1.919,68€ par communiqué de presse, coût de la location de l'espace: 7.581,37€ par jour à Texas et 7.640 € à NY, prix de location des vitrines réfrigérées 1.200€ par unité. De plus, si nous comparons avec le nombre total de visiteurs attendus à chaque pop-up store (1800 pax, p.65), nous arrivons à un prix de 78,3€ par participant sur les 3 années à Texas, puis 74,8€ par personne à New York. Le proposant doit justifier cette action par rapport à son coût qui semble élevé. (volet 3 "pop-up store"): Le proposant estime que les retombées de presse sur ces pop-up stores seront suivies par environ 1% de la cible visée, soit une moyenne de 170.000 consommateurs, soit un total annuel de 340.000 consommateurs qui sont susceptibles de préparer les recettes aux fromages d’Europe chez eux. Il y a lieu d'expliquer sur quelle base cette estimation est faite. 4. Evaluation et mesure d'impact Page 71 Mesure de l’impact: Il y a lieu de préciser le «cabinet spécialisé» qui fera l’évaluation. Les explications fournies sur l’évaluation portent sur l’évaluation de l’exécution des actions et pas sur l'impact du programme. Il faut expliquer comment sera mesuré l’impact global du programme sur base des 3 objectifs fixés. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Voir ci-dessus AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 67,5/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre Avis du consultant externe: Oui/non 4/4 Favorable CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 23/7/2013 (Ares 2740248), la Commission a transmis à la Représentation Permanente française les observations ci-dessus. 119 Par courrier du 22/08/2013 (ARES 2918632), nous avons obtenu la réponse aux observations de la Commission. Après examen des réponses fournies par l'organisme proposant, un doute reste concernant le rapport coût-efficacité de l'action 3, dans laquelle on constate qu'un prix de plus d'1.000.000 d'euros sera dépensé pour honoraires d'hôtesses. Le calcul fourni par le proposant démontre que le coût horaire par hôtesse est de 85,58 euros. Ce prix semble exagéré. Pour cette raison AGRI-D.4 a pris contact avec l'autorité compétente française pour demander une diminution de ce budget consacré aux honoraires d'hôtesses. L'organisme proposant a réagi par email à la demande de la Commission (Ares(2013)3045975) et a proposé un nouveau prix pour ce poste budgétaire (507.600 euros au lieu de 1.026.960 euros). Le nouveau budget présente est comme suit: ACTIONS Action 1- Campagne Media Action 2 - Digital : Site Web APPS, Réseaux Sociaux Action 3 - Demonstration / animations en GMS Materiel PLV Action 4 - Opérations evènementielles: Séminaire de formation - Concours " I made It Magnifique" - Pop Up Stores Total des actions (1) Frais de garantie de bonne exécution Honoraires de l’organisme d’exécution (maximum 13/15 % de (1), annexe III, point B.1.2) Mesure des résultats. des actions (maximum 3 % de (1), annexe III, point C.5) Total des coûts directs pour le programme Frais généraux CNIEL(maximum 3/5 % de (2), annexe III, point A.2) TOTAL DU PROGRAMME 1° ANNEE 900.726,04 € 65.616,56 € 2° ANNEE 3° ANNEE 900.726,04 € 900.726,04 € 58.393,75 € 183.404,06 € 318.758,44 € 318.758,44 € 318.758,44 € 956.275,32 € 280.676,90 € 284.899,71 € 286.899,71 € 852.476,17 € 1.564.777,94 € 4.694.333,82 € 176.094,42 € 176.224,42 € 528.564,76 € 1.565.777,94 € 176.245,92 € 59.393,75 € TOTAL 2.702.178,12 € 1.563.777,94 € 50.000,00 € 52.000,00 € 52.000,00 € 154.000,00 € 1.792.023,86 € 1.791.872,36 € 1.793.002,36 € 5.376.898,58 € 12.350,48 € 12.501,98 € 11.371,98 € 36.224,26 € 1.804.374,34 € 1.804.374,34 € 1.804.374,34 € 5.413.123,02 € 120 PARTICIPATION FINANCIERE Union Européenne Organisation proposante TOTAL 1° ANNEE € % 902.187,17 50% 2° ANNEE € % 902.187,17 50% 3° ANNEE € % 902.187,17 50% 2.706.561,51 % 50% 902.187,17 902.187,17 902.187,17 2.706.561,51 50% 50% 50% 50% TOTAL 1.804.374,34 100% 1.804.374,34 100% 1.804.374,34 100% 5.413.123,02 100% L'organisme proposant a donc fourni des réponses satisfaisantes à toutes les observations et questions de la Commission. Pour cette raison il est proposé d'accepter ce programme pour un cofinancement communautaire. Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 121 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Italy Title of the programme: "PRO.GA.DE – Prodotti Garantiti d'Europa" Competent Authority(ies): MIPAAF Proposing organisation(s): Consorzio di Tutela Formaggio Stelvio (chef de file), Consorzio Mela Alto Adige, Consorzio di Tutela Speck Alto Adige Implementing body(ies): EOS – Export Organisation Suedtirol Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Products with EU quality logos: Formaggio Stelvio, Mela Alto Adige, Speck Alto Adige Targeted Member States: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy Duration: 36 months Total budget: 3.000.000 EUR Proposal received on: 17 June 2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. An Italian proposal for three EU quality logo products (Formaggio Stelvio cheese, Mela Alto Adige apple, Speck Alto Adige ham) for the markets of Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, aiming at increasing sales and awareness among the target groups (responsible for purchases, journalists and opinion makers, chefs, operators of distribution). The programme would run in the years 2014-2017, with a budget of 3.000.000 EUR. The actions foreseen are information materials, PR, advertising campaign, workshops, food events, study tours. 122 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) 1. Informing about the content, functioning and Community character of the EU Quality logos and the EU legislation behind it; 2. Better information of the consumers (and their associations), retailers, professionals from the food sector, journalists and opinion makers about the PDO, PGI, TSG logos; 3. Encourage producers and processors who are not producing under an EU quality logo to adhere to these systems 4. Stimulate the demand and the consumption of the quality products by informing consumers about the existence, meaning and advantages of the quality schemes, and by making them acquainted with the logos, the conditions necessary to obtain the denominations, the required checks and the traceability system 5. To induce consumers to make more informed and conscious choices, by tackling also issues such as food safety, seasonal production, sustainability and environment friendly production, animal welfare. 123 6. To give higher value to EU quality logos by pinpointing the strict link with the territory of origin and its community and the in order to differentiate them from imitations and abuses Strategy : The following are the main axes of the strategy of the campaign: - use of "testimonial" products: the concrete agricultural quality products that will be used in the campaign are real examples of "tangible objects" representing and translating into practice the EU concepts and policies behind the "intangible object" which is the EU quality logo; - target groups (from various countries) with adapted messages, places and ways of conveying messages in function of the differences in the variety of agricultural products, knowledge of the EU logos, consumption habits; - content of communication: coherent messages to be conveyed constitute a key part of the programme for the attainment of the objectives and expected results. It is necessary to create tailored, short and easy to memorize key messages that will convey the EU dimension of the programme and its goals. Attractive and identifiable images will have to accompany the messages for a better recognition of the programme and the EU quality policies. - appropriate mix of instruments: PR, events and meetings, publication of photos and short messages in press, diffusion of information materials. Target group(s) : TG1: consumers and their associations – in particular persons responsible for household purchases; TG 2: persons working in the agri-food sector: importers, distributors buyers, retailers, producers, processors. TG 3: HORECA – chefs, owners of renowned restaurants. TG4: journalists, opinion makers. Themes : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EU quality policy; EU agricultural production; Graphic symbols (logos) of quality and labeling; Systems of checks and traceability; EU quality designations and commercial success stories; Safeguarding the EU agrifood diversity Active role that the consumer can and should play in demanding a safe and quality certified production. Aspects covered : quality; food safety; specific methods of production; nutrition issues; health issues; labeling; animal welfare; environmentally friendly; image of EU’s products; 124 Messages to be conveyed : The implementing body will have the task of creating short messages that will characterize the campaign. They will accompany the distinctive graphical images of the programme and will be present on the information material, as an introduction to more detailed and deepened texts, therefore, for obvious reasons, the messages will have to be short but contain key words that will attract the attention on the EU dimension of the programme, its objectives, the value of the designations and the EU agricultural production, for which the testimonial products are representatives. The messages will reflect the themes above mentioned. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: For each action the target group is indicated: Action 1 – PR and information material: - creation, production and distribution of information materials, - all targets - basic PR, - journalists, opinion makers, multiplying effect on all target groups - kick-off press conference, - journalists, opinion makers - study tour in the regions of production – journalists? - food event (only Austria and Czech Republic), cooperation with media – journalists, opinion makers, chefs Action 2 – On-line and paper press – all target groups Action 3 – Specific actions for the target groups - information/expo material, - consumers, staff in supermarkets - information/tastings in POS in big supermarket chains. - consumers Volume and planned schedule of the mentioned above actions has been presented in the diagrams below: 125 Year 1 126 Year 2 127 Year 3 128 Anticipated impact: The quantified objectives set by the campaign are: - 10% increase of awareness about the EU quality logos/schemes; - 5% increase of sales of the promoted products in the target markets, with an opening of the Czech market for the Stilfter cheese (probably no sales in this market nowadays). An objective that will be measured and is expected to be positive, but has no precise quantified indicator is the "increase of the number of certified products in the target markets" following the campaign. The main features of the evaluation method are the following: The effectiveness of the campaign will be evaluated through a set of qualitative and quantitative assessments. All the results will be presented in an evaluation report prepared by an independent body after the campaign is finished. Quantitative research will be based on 2 sets – a pre-test and a post-test at the end of the campaign. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 19 / 30 Quality of the programme: 24 / 40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 5 / 10 12 / 20 129 Budget by action : € Massnahme 1 – PR and information material: creation, production and distribution of information materials, basic PR, kick-off press conference, study tour in the regions of production, food event (only Austria and Czech Republic), cooperation with media Massnahme 2 – On-line and paper press Massnahme 3 – Specific actions for the target groups – information/expo material and information/tastings in POS in big supermarket chains. 130 Co-financing plan : € RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. However: 1. On p. 18 it is mentioned that the selection of the implementing body was based on contacting directly (by the Proposing Organisation, by mailed letter) 5 agencies (3 Italian, 2 German ones) in the market with good references, and having a good reputation in implementing in the past activities similar to the one proposed hereby – the 5 agencies have been invited to present their proposals for the selection of the Implementing Body: in particular no publication of the call for tenders was made in the website(s) of the Proposing Organisation(s) and/or of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture – the competent national authority is invited to give an additional confirmation that the procedure was competitive; failure to provide convincing proof that the procedure was competitive will have to result in considering this procedure as void and in non-retaining the programme for co-financing; 2. On p. 141 the description of the expected impact of the programme and of the accompanying evaluation method starts, but it contains the following shortcomings to be removed by providing appropriate thorough improvements as listed below in the next points: - on p. 149 there is no indication of the evaluation method to be used for assessing the expected 10% increase in awareness (what samples' sizes, which target groups, what technique of assessing the increase – interviews?, CATI?, other techniques?); moreover it should be specified more in detail to which measured target this 10% expected increase relates – is it an average increase for all target groups in all target countries, or is it a minimum increase expected for each target group in each target country? Other ways of interpreting this 10% increase? The indicator is also mentioned on p. 153 but still there isn't any clarity as far as the way of measuring this indicator is concerned. Please provide thorough and unambiguous explanations on this indicator; for the sake of clarity, it is suggested to specify one by one in a summary table the expected increase of awareness in each target group in each of the target markets. Finally please confirm if there is no existing information about the consumers' behavior towards products bearing EU quality logos, on p. 153 it is mentioned that no such available studies exist, which 131 seems to be rather unlikely for all or most of the target markets of the programme which are among the most developed in consuming quality products; moreover to be noted that contrarily to what is suggested, on p. 39 a study on relevant consumer behaviors in Italy is mentioned and more in general the description of the target markets on p. 41-57 demonstrates the likely existence of supporting research and data; - on p. 150-151 the increase of the number of registered PDO/PGI/TSG products is expected, however there is no quantified estimate of the expected increase, especially due to the effects of the programme, the mere assurance that a measurement of the difference between the starting point of the number of existing registered products and the final figures will take place is not a sufficiently defined objective (this by the way is a description that should be in the column "instruments of verification" and not "indicator"). Moreover is it not justified to foresee a proportionally different increase for different markets, due to differences in production and consumption trends? Moreover is it not possible to foresee in the programme a direct verification that a certain product has been registered directly in relation to the efforts of the campaign (contacts with producers etc.)? - on p. 152 the increase of sales by 5% is foreseen, but it is not clear if it is an average increase for all promoted products in all target countries, or is it a minimum increase expected for each promoted product in each target country? Other ways of interpreting this 5% increase? If there are no sales of Stilfser cheese in the Czech Republic, it is not correct mathematically to foresee a "5% increase", as the starting point is zero (here it is also worth noting that there is an inconsistency in the programme, as on p. 114 it is stated that "all testimonial products are currently present in all 4 target markets", which would include the Stilfser cheese in Czech Republic). Clear and unambiguous data on the current levels of sales of the 4 testimonial products in each target market have to be provided, moreover for the sake of clarity, it is suggested to specify in a summary table one by one the increase of each of the promoted product to each of the target markets. Finally, in the column "instruments of verification" the description of the measurement of the sales increase should be indicated (what type of statistics?, national?, from the sector?, what calendar of measurements?). - some objectives (p. 152) do not have an appropriate impact indicator: one of these objectives is "to induce consumers to make more informed and conscious choices, by tackling also issues such as food safety, seasonal production, sustainability and environment friendly production, animal welfare", the second one is "to give higher value to EU quality logos by pinpointing the strict link with the territory of origin and its community and the in order to differentiate them from imitations and abuses" please explain how these programme's objectives are going to be measured? (the mere measurement of a possible increase of sales of the promoted quality products, as it is suggested on p. 152, does not have to fully reflect the achievement of these objectives) - on p. 152 the information on the sales of Alto Adige apples PGI in the Czech Republic is not expressed clearly; - on p. 153 a general indication of the intention to perform ex-ante, running and ex-post tests/evaluations is presented, however the calendar of these tests should be much more precise. 3. The market study on p. 60-61 is not sufficient (it doesn't present any trends/data on the testimonial products, the only information in the programme eing at p. 152)), moreover it contains no information on Austrian and Czech markets – please provide information on the trends concerning sales and knowledge about the EU quality logos and products (and in particular the testimonial products) proposed under these schemes by referring to the broad presentation of these two target markets on p. 51-57; 4. On p. 72 – the description of the messages to be conveyed and of the campaign's visual is vague and should contain more information so that it can be assessed already at the stage 132 of the proposal that they are well suited to allow achieving the objectives of the programme, that they will form a coherent vision of the three testimonial products having a common strong local identity, and that they will efficiently reflect the themes of the programme - tentative examples of messages and visuals should be provided; 5. Few if any actions are directly aimed at (potential new) producers in this campaign according to the current description of the programme, therefore it is needed to specify better which of them are aimed at them, and how they can effectively contribute to the expected increase of the number of new producers in the quality schemes; Moreover: 6. On p. 80 the distribution of the quantities of the brochures and gadgets for each action and target market where they'd be used should be indicated, apart from the general total of 388.500 and 22.500 units. Explanations on p. 80 are too vague. This information is important in order to assess the value for money of this action and the possible impact of the programme in all target groups; 7. On p. 75-76 the duration, indicative location and the number of invitees and the key of their selection of the press conference, of the study tours and of the gastronomic event (the latter only for Austria and Czech Republic) should be indicated; explanations on p. 91-92 are not sufficient; in particular it is not clear who would be the invitees to the study tours (only journalists?, producers?, other targets?); moreover please explain why the kick-off conference doesn't take place earlier as compared to other actions of the programme (p.135), normally this should rather be foreseen right at the beginning of a campaign; 8. On p. 81, 83, 85, 88 (basic PR, action A.1.1) please describe in detail who would be running the PR office, by indicating the type of personnel category, the quantity of time needed for this service and their hourly rates; 9. On p. 82, 84, 86, 89 the items "predisposition of various materials" and "gadget" should be explained more in detail – what is this cost for, if the design and production costs of these items have already been foreseen before in the programme; 1. 10. On p. 82, 84, 87, 90 ("cooperation with media") please provide a much deeper break down of the cost and describe in detail who would be running the cooperation, by indicating the type of personnel category, the quantity of time needed for this service and their hourly rates; 10. On p. 95 the "creation and graphics for new photo subjects" is foreseen for 12.000 EUR – please provide a deeper breakdown of this cost and demonstrate that this price cannot be lowered by using graphical resources from some other actions of a similar type in the programme; 11. On p. 96-98 and 101-102 the frequency of the ads in each paper is presented – mainly it is 1 or 2 ads per year in a given magazine – is it a sufficient quantity of ads?, regardless of the thorough explanations on p. 102, please demonstrate that such a strategy provides a better result (impact) than focusing on fewer titles with a bigger frequency of the ads; moreover please comment if it could be true that the price negotiation variable mentioned on p. 102 could be made more predictable and controllable by cooperating with fewer magazines with a bigger frequency of the ads; it is necessary to revise thoroughly the media plan and to provide improvements in the scope needed in order to optimize its impact; 12. On p. 104 given the overall high value of the action "production of kit for events" it is necessary to provide a much better description of this action and a much deeper break down of the unit cost of 407,85 EUR; moreover the distribution of the quantities of the 252 kits for each action and target market where they'd be used should be indicated; 13. On p. 105, 107, 109, 111 and 117 the unit cost of the "information/tasting event" in the points of sales has to be broken down more, the description of the action has to be more precise (what personnel is hired – is there no coordinator/supervisor of the promoters?, and what materials/objects are used – size, type, surface, assumed position in the 133 supermarket), moreover the timing and location of all these events (1.512 in total in all 4 markets in the duration of the whole programme) have to be clearly indicated already at the stage of the proposal; explanations on p. 114 are too vague and cannot be accepted, moreover they do not seem to take into account that there will three times more actions than described (the description clearly refers to only one year of this activity, when comparing with the budget tables); please also present clearly the use of the 252 kits in all the 1.512 promotions – will they rotate between the promotions, how is their rotation going to be ensured?, at what cost? 14. On p. 106, 108, 110, 112 the background of the "speaker" has to be provided; 15. On p. 123 and 125 the background of the "moderator" has to be provided; 16. On p. 115 – what is the assumed time duration of each insert in the in-house magazine and of each workshop in the supermarkets? 17. A specific website is not planned for the programme; however please explain much more in detail what information on the programme (messages, themes, visuals, in which quantity/frequency and in which part) will be available on the websites of the proposing organisations and how the target groups will be actively encouraged to visit the pages containing information about the programme on the websites of the proposing organisations (p. 79); which website(s) addresse(s) would be published on the information materials of the programme? For a further improvement of the EU dimension of the programme, you may consider using a simple website with the ".eu" extension which for instance may lead to the foreseen websites of the proposing organisations, please consult; 18. In the following actions please confirm that any products for it coming from the associated producers (if foreseen) will be delivered at factory prices: catering for 35 persons (p. 81, 83, 85, 88), production of kit (p. 104), showcooking (p. 123 and 125); 19. It would be recommended to give a clearer name to the action 3 ("Specific actions aimed at target groups"), as from the description of the action it targets only two of all the target groups of the programme (consumers, and staff in supermarkets); 20. It would be recommended to indicate full names of the actions in the budget on p. 158 Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted for co-financing. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes (multi country programme) Impact forecast and assessment' methods yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 134 good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: Priority awarded by MS: 60 2/2 (among the IM programmes from Italy in this wave) External consultant’s opinion: yes – the expert recognizes a number of valuable points of the programme, however they tend to suggest a refusal of the programme. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): The programme can be accepted. The Proposing Organisation and the Competent Authority have provided all required clarifications. (communications of 23/08/13 (ARES 2921228) and additional clarifications provided on 6/9/2013 (Ares 3010203), on 10/9/2013 (ARES 3022950) and on 11/9/2013 (ARES 3035054). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 135 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME: Member State(s): Lithuania Title of programme: Information and promotion programme for EU meat products in Russia Competent Authority(ies): Lithuanian Agricultural and Food Market Regulation Agency L.Stuokos-Guceviciaus g. 9-12 LT-01122 Vilnius Lithuania Proposing organisation(s): Lithuanian Meat Processors Association (LMPA) K. Donelaicio str. 2-116, 44213 Kaunas, Lithuania Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Meat (Processed products) Targeted Member State(s): Russia (Central FD, North Western FD) Duration: 3 years Total budget: 3.641.926 EUR EU Co-financing: 1.820.963 EUR Proposal received on: 06/06/2013 (by email) Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. Lithuanian Meat Processors Association (LMPA) will promote during 3 years EU sausages and other meat product in Russia for a total amount of 3.641.926 EUR. Aim is to increase the demand for and consequently improve the export of the products in the targeted market. Thereby final consumers will be addressed in order to stimulate a shift in purchasing behaviour and professionals will be approached to ensure product availability on the Russian market. Above the line marketing (TV, press, advertisement) will be deployed to convince the final consumers whereas the professionals will be addressed through fair participation, seminars and business meetings on the one hand and by advertising in specialised press on the other hand. 136 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: yes Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure not yet selected Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS yes Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) yes The programme is a coherent set of actions? yes Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules yes Product(s)/target countries are eligible yes Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) yes AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions yes no Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) yes Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation yes Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body IB to be selected DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : 1. To increase demand for EU sausages and other meat products in Russia by developing preferences towards EU label and stimulating shift in purchasing behaviour. 2. To increase export of EU sausages and other meat products by facilitating cooperation with local intermediaries with the aim to ensure product availability in the Russian market. Strategy : The programme strategy: The export from the EU to Russia will be increased by improving market penetration and developing durable final demand. It will be achieved by building competitive advantage for the EU label based on quality and diversity and motivating to change selection of sausages and other meat products towards the EU origin throughout the entire supply chain - from local intermediaries (importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers) to final consumer. The programme focuses on tackling 2 main obstacles: weak market penetration and the fact 137 that generally positive consumer associations with EU production does not transform into relevant purchasing criteria. Participants in the entire supply chain - from professionals to consumers - need: 1) to be aware of the diversity of selection and be educated on what features, guaranteed by the EU label, mean, how they represent product quality; 2) to be motivated to make behavioural changes. It will be achieved via extensive information and advertising campaign through mass channels supported by in-store stimulations on the one hand, and through development of contacts with local intermediaries explaining advantages of the EU sausages and other meat products on the other hand. Target group(s) : 1. Final consumers 2. Professionals, i.e., importers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers. Themes : 1. Quality 2. Diversity Aspects covered: quality safety of food labelling animal welfare standards image of Community products Messages to be conveyed: 1. The EU law lays down stringent requirements guaranteeing the standards of all European products. 2. The EU has a great diversity of meat products, with a distinct flavour and rich history, able to satisfy various tastes. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Taking into account different needs and situation of final consumers and professional local intermediaries the programme consists of 2 sets of coherent actions different for each of the target groups. The professional audience is smaller in number but requires more personal communication and more profound knowledge about the programme messages. Therefore they will be approached via actions in press, trade fairs, info-seminars, business meetings and advertising material. Final consumer base is much larger and therefore most of the means are directed at mass audience - TV, press, transit. Seeking to stimulate the behavioural changes in-store actions and advertising material are also included. 138 Breakdown of the budget and actions according to the target groups: The intensity of the actions in the 1st year is slightly slower and increases in the 2nd and 3rd years. 24% of the budget expenses are planned for the 1st year, which will focus on professionals more as it is important to firstly improve availability of the products. 39% of the expenditures for actions are planned for the 2nd year, when the focus is planned to shift more towards consumers. 37% of the expenditures are planned for the 3rd year continuing the actions for professionals and consumers. All programme actions are divided into 3 groups: actions for professionals (28% of the budget), actions for consumers (63% of the budget) and advertising material (9% of the budget). 139 The list, volume and scope of actions: Number of actions Measure 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 ACTIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS unit (1/2 A4 page) unit Advertising in specialized press (1/2 A4 page) Participation in fairs: Prodexpo (Feb.), event Moscow (stand - 21 m2 ) Participation in fairs: event (stand - 21 m2 ) World food (Oct.), Moscow Participation in fairs: event (stand - 21 m2 ) Peterfood (Nov.), St. Petersburg event Info-seminars for professionals: Moscow (30 attendants) event Info-seminars for professionals: St. Petersburg (30 attendants) trip (9 meetings Business meetings, Moscow per trip) trip (6 meetings Business meetings, St. Petersburg per trip) Articles in specialized press ACTIONS FOR CONSUMERS 2.1 TV advertisement: broadcasting 15 s clip in regional TV 2.2 TV advertisement: creation 15 s clip 2.3 Transit advertising: placement 1 vehicle for 1 month 2.4 Transit advertising: production for 1 vehicle 2.5 Articles in popular press 2.6 Advertising in popular press 2.7 Tastings and product consultations 2.8 3 In-store advertising in the meat section unit (1/2 A4 page) unit (1/2 A4 page) event (500 contacts) unit (1 month) ADVERTISING MATERIAL I II HI year year year TOTAL Expected number of contacts 25 35 33 93 5 921 317 3 10 9 22 3 300 000 3 8 6 17 2 550 000 1 1 1 3 32 145 1 1 1 3 25 545 1 0 1 2 13 030 3 2 2 7 210 1 1 2 4 120 6 7 6 19 171 6 5 5 16 96 430 743 687 1860 62 545 659 116 174 145 435 1 0 0 1 105 105 105 315 35 35 35 105 3 6 4 13 9 750 000 2 5 3 10 7 500 000 134 349 322 805 402 500 34 69 73 176 12 320 000 13 392 800 19 180 359 324 460 production twice a year 3.1 Leaflets unit 17000 17000 17000 51000 51 000 3.2 Calendars unit 75000 75000 70000 220000 220 000 3.3 Souvenir 1 unit 12000 12000 12000 36000 36 000 3.4 Souvenir 2 unit 5500 5400 5400 16300 16 300 3.5 Souvenir 3 unit 420 370 370 1160 1 160 TOTAL ACTIONS 68 791 436 1. ACTIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS. The summer and winter periods are planned to be less intensive due to slowdown in business activities (due to holiday season, winter festivals). The actions are coordinated to amplify the impact: for example, fairs are coordinated with infoseminars; additional info-seminars are coordinated with business meetings. Business meetings are planned regularly to ensure development and maintenance of the contacts. Information and 140 advertising in press will supplement other actions by setting up a favourable context - creating initial awareness and interests. 2. ACTIONS FOR CONSUMERS. The timing of the actions is coordinated, highest intensity is planned in autumn and spring months. The only exception is distribution of calendars carrying the programme messages to consumers in December by placing them in the meat section at stores. The messages will be most widely spread using TV, press and transit advertising channels. Behavioural shift will be stimulated with tastings and product consultations and advertising in the stores. 3. ADVERTISING MATERIAL. The purpose of advertising material is to consolidate information conveyed to the target audiences via other channels, to perform reminder function and also to increase attractiveness of presented information. The list and usage of advertising material: Type 3.1 Leaflets 3.2 Calendars Price, €/unit 0.5 0.25 Quantity, units 51,000 Consumers 220,000 Consumers Target group 3.3 Souvenir 1 2 36,000 Consumers 3.4 Souvenir 2 5 16,300 Professionals 3.5 Souvenir 3 25 1,160 Professionals Usage Leaflets presenting and elaborating the messages of the programme. Distribution at fairs, tastings, placement in the stores. Calendars carrying information about the programme topics. Calendars carry additional value to consumers and are expected to increase attractiveness of the information. Distribution at the stores (placement in the meat section) at the end of the year. Distribution at locations allowing direct contact with consumers — mainly tastings and fairs. Example of the items: brochures, magnets, etc. Distribution during fairs, info-seminars and business meetings. Example of the items: catalogues, pens, blank notes, fabric bags, etc. Distribution during fairs, info-seminars and business meetings. Example of the items: wall calendars, planning diaries, wooden cutting board, gift packages, etc. Anticipated impact: 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 Current level 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 1 2 3 4 Total increase 4-1 Cumulative over 3 years To increase demand for EU sausages and other meat products in Russia by developing preferences towards EU label and stimulating shift in purchasing behaviour. The share of consumers stating that EU 15.3 17 20 25 +9.7 points +5 origin is important purchasing criteria, % million people The share of consumers who have bought 30.7 32 35 40 +9.3 points +4.8 EU sausages or other meat products over million the last month, % people To increase export of EU sausages and other meat products by facilitating cooperation with local intermediaries with the aim to ensure product availability in the Russian market. Export of sausages and other meat 10.4 13.0 15.6 17.9 +7,500 tonnes + 15,300 products from the EU to Russia, 000 tonnes tonnes Export of sausages and other meat 41.4 45.5 54.6 62.8 +€21.4 +€38.8 products from the EU to Russia, €million million million 141 Appreciation methods of the impact: Objective / indicator 1 1.1 To increase demand for EU sausages and other meat products in Russia by developing preferences towards EU label and stimulating shift in purchasing behaviour. The share of consumers stating that EU origin is important purchasing criteria, % Method applied CONSUMER Regions: SURVEY Central, North Western FDs N = 500 Phone call survey Regularity After each programme year ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS After each programme year 1.2 The share of consumers who have bought EU sausages or other meat products over the last month, % 2 2.1 2.2 To increase export of EU sausages and other meat products by facilitating cooperation with local intermediaries with the aim to ensure product availability in the Russian market. Export of sausages and other meat products from the EU to Russia, 000 tonnes Export of sausages and other meat products from the EU to Russia, €million ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE(S) : General interest of the programme: 28/30 Quality of the programme: 40/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 18/20 142 Sources: national statistical authority, Eurostat CN codes: 16010091; 16010099 BUDGET BY ACTION : 1 € ACTIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS I year II year Budget, € III year TOTAL 237 040 295 050 309 840 841 930 1.1 Articles in specialized press 26 100 87 000 78 300 191 400 1.2 Advertising in specialized press 24 600 65 600 49 200 139 400 43 895 43 895 43 895 131 685 37 115 37 115 37 115 111 345 34 310 0 34 310 68 620 1.3 Participation in fairs: Prodexpo (Feb.), Moscow Participation in fairs: World food (Oct.), Moscow Participation in fairs: Peterfood (Nov.), St. Petersburg 1.4 1.5 1.6 Info-seminars for professionals: Moscow 30 000 20 000 20 000 70 000 1.7 1.8 Info-seminars for professionals: St. Petersburg Business meetings, Moscow 8 500 17 520 8 500 20 440 17 000 17 520 34 000 55 480 1.9 Business meetings, St. Petersburg 15 000 12 500 12 500 40 000 409 630 783 730 711 540 2.1 2.2 TV advertisement: broadcasting TV advertisement: creation 52 200 15 000 78 300 0 65 250 0 195 750 15 000 2.3 Transit advertising: placement 36 750 36 750 36 750 110 250 2.4 Transit advertising: production 24 500 24 500 24 500 73 500 2.5 Articles in popular press 38 100 76 200 50 800 165 100 2.6 Advertising in popular press 24 400 61 000 36 600 122 000 2.7 Τastings and product consultations 109 880 286 180 264 040 660 100 In-store advertising in the meat section 108 800 220 800 233 600 563 200 89 250 87 500 86 250 263 000 8 500 8 500 8 500 25 500 2 ACTIONS FOR CONSUMERS 2.8 3 ADVERTISING MATERIAL 1 904 900 3.1 Leaflets 3.2 Calendars 18 750 18 750 17 500 55 000 3.3 Souvenir 1 24 000 24 000 24 000 72 000 3.4 3.5 Souvenir 2 Souvenir 3 27 500 10 500 27 000 9 250 27 000 9 250 81 500 29 000 1 166 280 1 107 630 3 009 830 190 087 180 704 492 022 TOTAL ACTIONS 4 735 920 OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES 122 231 4.1 Cost of performance guarantee 3 483 3 483 3 483 10 449 4.2 Implementing body's fee (13%) 95 670 151 616 143 992 391 278 4.3 Evaluation of the results (3%) 22 078 34 988 33 229 90 295 857 151 1 356 367 1 288 334 3 501 852 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 5 Applicant's expenses (4%) TOTAL 34 286 54 255 51 533 140 074 891 437 1 410 622 1 339 867 3 641 926 CO-FINANCING PLAN IN EURO : I year € II year % € III year € % TOTAL % € % EU 445 718,5 50% 705 311 50% 669 933,5 50% 1 820 963 50% LITHUANIA 267 431,1 30% 423 186,6 30%Θ 401 960,1 30% 1 092 578 30% LMPA 178 287,4 20% 282 124,4 20% 267 973,4 20% 728 384 20% TOTAL 891 437 100% 1 339 867 100% 100% 1 410 622 143 3 641 926 100% RESULTAT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks : Programme eligible : yes First observations to be communicated to MS : Page 8 of proposal: Three major LMPA members have committed themselves to co-finance 20% of the programme; how will LMPA guarantee the generic character of the programme? Page 9 of proposal: Indicate how Art 13§2 of EC Reg. N° 501/2008 will be respected? Page 12-13 of proposal: Give more concrete details on the specific meat products that will be used in the programme, and motivate the choice. Page 34 of proposal: Objective 1: what "EU Label" is meant to be used in the programme? Page 38-39 of proposal: Target groups need to be more specified and quantified: "final consumers" is too wide as a basis for a good media plan and the market analysis doesn't give a precise indication of the key decision takers amongst the professionals; who will be the prior targeted professional during the three year programme: the importer or the wholesaler? Page 46 of proposal: Provide more details in relation to the cost build up (unit price) of the placement cost of the articles and advertisements. Page 48-51 of proposal: Explain why for a 5 day event (Prodexpo Moscow) 7 day subsistence allowance is counted for the attending personnel. Same request for World Food Moscow (4 day event, 6 day of allowance) and Peterfood St. Petersburg (3 day event, 4 days allowance). Page 52 of proposal: Provide more details concerning the cost build up for the Presentation at the info-seminars, and explain the difference of 1.000 EUR between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Page 57 of proposal: Provide more details on the cost build up of the placement cost for the articles and advertisements in popular press. Page 58 of proposal: More details are needed in relation to the selected stores where tastings & product consultations & in-store advertising will take place; also motivate the choice of venues. Page 66 of proposal: Explain what is meant with "EU organic agriculture" in the context of this programme's EU dimension. The programme's aim appeared to be to inform about a national quality scheme concerning meat without any reference to organic agriculture. Page 67 of proposal: A mistake was made in the budget table (action 1.4); according to the information on page 50 the amount should be 37.115 EUR instead of 35.385 EUR; please adjust the budget table and the financing plan accordingly, and make sure that the financial commitments are adjusted accordingly. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICE : Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good average Impact forecast and assessment' methods: yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 144 good Points awarded by MS: 94/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 1/4 not applicable CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Following the request for additional information (30/07/2013 – Ares 2937997) LT sent us on 30/08/2013 a letter (Ares 2949812) with the requested information. A note to the file (Ares 3013529) was added to the fiche. Recommandation(s) - To be accepted - to be accepted provided the proposing organisation gives a satisfactory reply to the above observations - To be rejected 145 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat membre: Lituanie Titre du programme: Augmentation en Lituanie de l’intérêt et promotion des ventes de fruits et légumes produits dans l'UE Organisme compétent: Lithuanian Agricultural Products and Food Market Regulation Agency Organisation proposante: Association Baltic Agriculture and Business (BAB) Organisme d’exécution: non encore sélectionné Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produits: fruits et légumes frais Etat membre ciblé: Lituanie Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 2 801 811 € Proposition reçue le: 06.06.2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The programme aims at promoting consumption if fresh fruits and vegetables produced in the EU. The national consumption habits In Lithuania are much lower than the EU average for such products, and it has even decreased in recent years. By promoting the high quality level, security, diversity, benefits and attractivity of the EU production, the programme pretends to inform households, children and adolescents, mass caterers and increase their awareness of the potential benefits for public health of en increased consumption if fresh fruits and vegetables. Il will thus improve the value added of such a production, employment and income in the rural world, in line with the CAP orientations. Press campaign (TV, radio, printed press), degustations, animations on points of sale, participation in local/national fairs in Lithuania, electronic medias, brochures and leaflets form part of the joint strategy of the 3 years throughout the country. 146 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non pas encore Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’organisation proposante oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Les produits/pays cibles sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution à vérifier DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectifs : - modifier les habitudes alimentaires des consommateurs (spécialement enfants et adolescents) en les encourageant à consommer des fruits et légumes produits dans l'UE - encourager une consommation régulière et fréquente de fruits et légumes frais produits dans l'UE en informant sur la qualité, la diversité, la sécurité et les bienfaits de la production de l'UE - moderniser l'image des fruits et légumes transformés et les rendre plus attractifs pour les consommateurs européens. Stratégie : - élargir le marché et permettre un futur développement de la demande de fruits et légumes frais cultivés dans l'UE 147 - augmenter la conscience du consommateur sur les bienfaits et l'impact positif des fruits et légumes pour la santé - encourager les consommateurs à inclure les fruits et légumes dans leur alimentation quotidienne - présenter les normes de qualité exclusives et les exigences de l'Union pour la culture et la fourniture de fruits et légumes frais Le programme cible d'une part l'insuffisante connaissance du consommateur pour les fruits et légumes frais et son attitude vis-à-vis de ces produits, qu'il ignore largement dans ses choix alimentaires. L'objectif est donc de stimuler effectivement la consommation en développant la prise de conscience de la nécessité d'équilibrer la diète alimentaire quotidienne dans un sens plus favorable à ces produits. Les promoteurs du programme ont b ainsi retenu les ménages d'une part, les enfants en établissements scolaires d'autre part comme les groupes cibles principaux susceptibles d'être les plus réceptifs aux valeurs de la campagne d'information envisagée. Le programme cherche à atteindre ces deux groupes en recourant aux moyens d'information les plus influents: TV, Internet, radio et presse, pour attirer l'intérêt sur les fruits et légumes frais et informer sur leur influence bénéfique. Les actions sur les points de vente et les foires spécialisées viennent en complément des présentations ludiques, des spectacles animés et la dégustation de produits aideront à renforcer l'image positive de produits naturels et frais, et à créer ainsi de nouvelles habitudes de consommation à long terme chez les enfants et les adultes. L'action vers les traiteurs de masse (restaurateurs, y compris les cantines scolaires et restaurants plus spécialement tournés vers les enfants), par des présentations spéciales utilisant différentes sources d'information et du matériel professionnel, renforcera cette sensibilisation. Une structure de coordination sera créée, associant les divers partenaires et veillant à la cohérence du programme et de ses diverses actions, séparément et entre elles. Le programme étant directement relié à des considérations de santé publique, l'approbation par le ministère de la santé a d'ores et déjà été reçue et toutes les allégations en la matière seront validées par les autorités nationales compétentes. Cibles : - Ménages - Traiteurs de collectivité - Enfants et adolescents Thèmes : Les thèmes traités dans ce programme sont basés sur le Règlement 501/2008 Annexe 1 pour les fruits et légumes frais. Ils sont les suivants : - Les fruits et légumes dans la nutrition quotidienne sont bénéfiques pour la santé, spécialement pour les enfants et les adolescents: la pluralité recommandée de consommation (5 par jour), la fraicheur et le caractère naturel garantis, la facilité et la simplicité de consommation satisfont le consommateur et son confort. - -les fruits et légumes cultivés dans l'UE répondent aux exigences strictes de qualité des produits, tant dans le processus de production que dans les normes élevées appliquées pour garantir la qualité du produit, sa valeur nutritionnelle et son goût. 148 Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : - Une consommation régulière de fruits et légumes est bénéfique pour les consommateurs, spécialement les enfants et les adolescents - Les fruits et légumes produits dans l'UE répondent à une règlementation stricte garantissant leur qualité Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : A partir de l'expérience du marché et étant donné le spectre d'information à diffuser, la manière la plus efficace de communiquer les thèmes du programme et de construire une prise de conscience réside dans le contact direct et indirect avec le public complété par du matériel d'information pour consolider le niveau de connaissance ainsi atteint. Deux manières de s'adresser au consommateur sont planifiées:-une communication directe par divers événements comme les foires spécialisées, avec le but d'atteindre et d'influencer les ménages, l'un des groupes cibles les plus importants, responsable des choix et des achats de produits - des présentations thématiques pour toucher un groupe de professionnels, les traiteurs en restauration collective - des dégustations et attractions pour un plus vaste public sur les points de vente, y compris à destination des enfants et adolescents Cette communication directe est soutenue par la distribution de matériel d'information coloré et attractif. Cette stratégie permet une plus grande efficacité dans la reconnaissance des fruits et légumes européens et de leur exceptionnelle qualité. Les actions indirectes, différenciées en fonction des divers groupes cibles de consommateurs, portent sur la diffusion, par les canaux électroniques et les médias, d'une information qui peut être répétée, mise à jour et transmise sans délai. Une campagne d'information sur les médias et canaux électroniques est accessible plus longtemps, ses allégations semblent plus fiables et plus autorisées, et les destinataires acquièrent ainsi une perception plus profonde et plus interactive. Tous les moyens de communication ont été sélectionnés pour leur facilité à atteindre l'audience cible, à accroitre son intérêt et à la persuader d'effectuer un choix motivé et à long terme, susceptible de se prolonger au-delà de l'accomplissement du programme luimême. Evénements spécialisés Il s'agira d'activités diverses orientées vers différents groupes-cibles: participation à 39 foires commerciales et expositions spécialisées. Il s'agit de différents événements tournés vers des publics cibles différents: 39 foires de l'agriculteur, sur des places publiques. Ce type d'évènement s'est développé depuis quelques années et connaît un succès croissant, lié à la 149 recherche de produits authentiques et dans lesquels on peut avoir totale confiance. 30 de ces foires durent une journée, sauf les marché de Noël et marché de Noël et du nouvel an qui durent 3 et 2 jours. La plupart ont lieu à Vilnius. Les foires saisonnières (Foire des moissons, Geguzine Fair, foire de l'été sain, en lien avec des évènements thématiques (World food day et événements reliés à des congés annuels de Noêl, Nouvel an, sont utiles pour promouvoir les produits frais et naturels cultivés en Lituanie et dans les autres pays membres de l'UE. Il est également prévu de participer à la fameuse Foire de Vilnius et de la Lituanie en y invitant des participants de tout le pays et de l'étranger. La tradition de la St Casimir par exemple remonte à quelques siècles et elle est devenue un événement significatif qui dure 3 jours et attire plus de 2 000 participants de la Lituanie et des pays voisins et parfois un demimillion de visiteurs, dont des Polonais, Lettons et Biélorusses, susceptibles d'élargir l'audience du programme. Sont également prévues des foires et expositions internationales pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation (AgroBalt et Kg paséis) qui sont des événements importants pour l'agriculture et ont lieu dans les deux plus importantes villes, Vilnius et Kaunas, avec une popularité grandissante. Des dégustations de produits, une information sur les manières de préparer les plats, la mise en valeur des bienfaits nutritionnels d'une alimentation meilleure apportent une occasion exclusive de promotion directe plus efficace pour susciter l'intérêt du consommateur et forger de nouvelles attitudes envers les produits frais en naturels, la claire traçabilité des produits de l'UE, leur diversité, leur bénéfice pour le consommateur. Deux stands seront utilisés pour les diverses productions et une information parallèle aux dégustations On prévoit 5 à 10 000 visiteurs/jour pendant les marchés ouverts d'une journée et 20 000 dans les foires de villes et expositions internationales. Le total des 37 participations devrait permettre de toucher 350 000 à 400 000 personnes, essentiellement du groupe-cible ménages. Les conférences spécialisées pour traiteurs en restauration collective, au nombre de 12, seront tenues chaque trimestre pour promouvoir les idées modernes et la vogue d'un mode de vie sain et d'une nutrition saine. Ce créneau est considéré utile pour disséminer le message du programme à des experts en nutrition, des traiteurs pour collectivités (restaurants, cafés, cantines scolaires et préscolaires etc.), afin d'accroître leur intérêt et de les encourager à inclure plus de fruits et de légumes dans leur activité quotidienne, en privilégiant les ingrédients végétaux aux produits animaux. Il est prévu d'inviter 2 orateurs de différents milieux: un nutritionniste ou médecin et un expert de l'alimentation. Les participants (environ 100 par séance de 4 heures) devraient s'élever au total à 1200 personnes. La participation aux foires (37 216€) et les conférences spécialisées (23 040€) représentent 40% des dépenses de communication directe, et environ 2% du budget total. Information sur les points de vente Ces actions ont lieu dans des magasins, sur des places du marché et dans des supermarchés; il est prévu une dégustation de produits et une présentation de la qualité par des mesures directes de communication attractives pour les consommateurs. Des actions de 3 heures sont programmées dans les plus grandes foires comme Gariunai Farmers's Market à Vilnius (8-10 000 visiteurs par jour et dans des marchés agricoles plus modestes (Kaunas, Ukininku trugelia) avec environ 3 000 clients/jour. Cette mesure a été retenue car elle permet une introduction directe du produit sur le marché et elle attire l'attention des consommateurs tout en maintenant le contact avec les consommateurs existants. Elle permet un feedback de leurs opinions immédiates, de leurs idées et affirmations. Ce type de marchés a une vogue croissante auprès des consommateurs, qui identifient l les agriculteurs comme des fournisseurs sûrs et fiables, capables de présenter une qualité élevée pour un prix raisonnable. A noter qu'en Lituanie la tendance reste à a acheter majoritairement les légumes auprès du producteur ou des marchés d'agriculteurs. En outre, ces actions de dégustation seront organisées à destination des enfants et adolescents, avec présentation des principales qualités des fruits et légumes par des acteurs professionnels et une animation adaptée à ce public. 150 Coût total de la mesure: 203 528€, (env. 7,2 % du budget total) - dégustations pour enfants: 72 actions prévues, employant des images de "fruits et légumes qui marchent", distribuant des fruits et légumes frais en même temps que des dépliants d'information avec des images attractives de la production de l'UE. Les actions ont lieu dans des magasins, places du marché et supermarchés de 18h à 19h, moment où on peut toucher un nombre suffisant d'enfants accompagnant leurs parents pour les achats. Les consommateurs adultes fréquentent les places du marché principalement le week-end, dans des villes comme Vilnius et Kaunas. Dans ce cas, les présentations sont programmées le samedi et le dimanche de 11h à 12h. 24 actions par an (18 à Vilnius). Chaque année, 6 dégustations sont en outre prévues dans d'autres grandes villes. Enfin, des dégustations de produits cibles sont prévues pour les adultes, de manière créative, comme dans une cour de ferme. Coût de la mesure: 63 504 €, env. 2,2% du budget total) - dégustations pour ménages, "en direct de la cour de ferme". Elles sont prévues confortables et attrayantes, en jouant sur l'image d'une cour de ferme; elles ont lieu dans des magasins, places du marché et supermarchés, en fonction de l'affluence et de la réputation des lieux choisis. La durée dépend de l'affluence. On escompte 36 000 contacts (env. 500 par action)-, pour 72 dégustations en tout, dont 18 par an à Vilnius et 6 par an à Kaunas. Ces actions ne seront pas toutes programmées à la même heure, pour ne pas toucher la même clientèle. Coût de la mesure: 80 624 € (env.2,6% du budget total) - animations en points de vente Une action animée est programmée, pour renforcer les images positives de fraicheur et de naturel, en incitant de jeunes enfants à créer des personnages amicaux et sympathiques. Public escompté: 130 consommateurs potentiels par action de 2 heures. Le scénario sera adapté selon les évènements; sur base d'un canevas type, avec 1 acteur animateur. Des dégustations sont prévues pour les enfants. Coût de la mesure: 59 400€, (env. 2,1% du budget total) Radio, télévision, presse Il s'agit de moyens indirects mais relativement efficaces pour toucher tous les groupes cibles du programme. Les actions audiovisuelles portent sur des reportages télé et radio tandis que de l'information est diffusée à la presse. Coût total: 1 624 514€ (env. 59% du budget total) - Radio : tout au long du déroulement du programme, en association avec des jeux pour les jeunes consommateurs (sur une base mensuelle), avec un accent un peu plus marqué en année 2 et 3. Elle permet d'atteindre indirectement un plus large public; de plus en plus de personnes écoutent en effet dans leur voiture ou sur leur lieu de travail. Il est prévu de recourir à l'une des stations les plus populaires, avec une audience jeune, réceptive et à l'esprit ouvert. Des interviews en live de5 mn sont prévues, pour diffusion en semaine (6 à 9 jours par mois), avec des annonces préalables et des extraits à titre d'amorce d'audience. 300 diffusions sont prévues (100 par an). D'autre part des flashs commerciaux courts et intensifs sont prévus, avec des messages clairs sur la variété, la qualité et les bienfaits de la consommation des produits du programme. Ces messages changent selon les saisons, les évènements prévus et les réactions anticipées des consommateurs potentiels. Des jeux radiophoniques pour les jeunes auditeurs sont prévus dans les programmes pour enfants, avec des quiz et des puzzles radio en lien avec la thématique du programme (réponse pas mail ou appel téléphonique Ces jeux auront lieu 6 à 9 fois par mois, l'après-midi, moment de loisir des jeunes auditeurs. Total prévu: 300 (100 par an) Toute l'information transmise par radio concerne les fruits frais et les légumes de l'UE, avec l'accent sur leur variété et leur qualité, ainsi que les normes de production, de distribution et d'étiquetage. Coût total: 338 340 € - Télévision : elle a été retenue de par ses avantages indéniables en termes d'efficacité et de capacité à fournir le meilleur accès aux consommateurs de masse (99,3% de la population possède un récepteur) et l'écho obtenu est plus intensif et plus profond que par d'autres 151 canaux. Il est prévu des émissions et des spots et insertions publicitaires sur des shows populaires des chaines nationales, à destination des adultes, notamment des femmes moyennement cultivées, de 20-45 ans avec un revenu moyen ou supérieur, leur préférence alimentaire étant décisive pour la famille. Les enfants et adolescents sont retenus par ailleurs pour leur sensibilité aux annonces vidéo et leur tendance à faire confiance à ce qui leur est présenté: ils voient 15 annonces alimentaires par jour à la télévision, à 98% pour des produits riches en matière grasse, sucre, sodium. Les publicités qui leur sont destinées présenteront des manières malsaines de manger, avec leurs résultats négatifs: des messages adaptés aideront à développer leur consommation de fruits et légumes frais. Les programmes d'information (45 mn) seront diffusés sur l'une des chaines principales, le week-end; ils présenteront des produits d'une exceptionnelle qualité, ainsi que les méthodes et exigences du stockage, de la distribution et de la vente. Principaux objectifs; informer le groupe cible sur les bienfaits des produits, encourager une plus grande fréquence de consommation, accroitre la conscience pour les produits de l'UE. Sont prévues des interviews de nutritionnistes, de vedettes, d'athlètes et de partisans du régime végétarien; le but est d'approfondir la compréhension pour une nourriture saine et des produits naturels de l'UE. A destination des plus jeunes, les messages seront présentés d'une manière ludique, avec le concours de chefs connus ou comme simples leçons pour éviter les déceptions dans la préparation des repas. 30 programmes prévus, sur 3 ans. Des insertions publicitaires pour adultes sont également prévues au cours d'une émission populaire et diffusée aux heures de grande écoute (par ex 19h en semaine) sous forme de publicité "cryptée", plus efficace et moins agressive, plus facilement acceptée. Sur une saison de 5 mois, 39-40 épisodes cryptés sont prévus. Enfin, les spots sur les canaux nationaux (30 s. 2004 diffusions) jouent plus efficacement sur la conscience du consommateur et sur ses attitudes car ils sont compris plus facilement et plus rapidement. Il est prévu de retenir l'un des canaux les plus populaires; le message reprendra les principaux thèmes de la campagne. Au total, la TV devrait être l'un des outils les plus influents pour atteindre les objectifs du programme, induire des changements dans les habitudes de nutrition, spécialement des enfants et adolescents, et encourager les consommateurs à choisir les fruits et légumes de l'UE en informant sur la qualité, la sécurité et les bienfaits de ceux-ci. Enfin, des flash TV sont prévus sur les points de vente (audience attendue: 230 000 pers. pour une diffusion de 200 fois par jour, 7 jours/mois, avec des messages courts, clairs et attrayants. L'efficacité de ce type d'annonces est jugé supérieure car l'intervalle avec l'acte d'achat est quasi inexistant. Ces diverses formes de diffusion TV devraient au total atteindre 1,5 million de personnes. Coût total 1 248 120 € Presse Articles, communiqués et annonces aident à atteindre indirectement la plus large audience, et à un prix relativement plus bas. Des annonces sur les principaux thèmes et messages du programme sont prévues dans les journaux nationaux, en fonction de leur diffusion et de leur coût. Des articles spécialisés et communiqués sont prévus dans ces mêmes journaux nationaux et régionaux. Cette campagne est complémentaire des autres car elle touche une large audience, renforce l'acceptation des principes de la campagne d'information, les textes dans la presse comportant une image de sérieux; en outre l'effet induit potentiel es important par le bouche-à-bouche. Il est en outre prévu de diffuser des communiqués de presse aux agences lituaniennes pour informer les grossistes en restauration collective des actions menées à leur intention. Au total, pour les différentes formes de cette campagne médias, est prévue une campagne de 300 émissions radio thématiques, de 300 jeux thématiques et de 30 programmes TV 152 conjointement avec 2 240 radios commerciales, 120 insertions promotionnelles dans des shows TV, 2004 spots TV (30s), soit au total 50 400 spots TV au total tant sur els points de vente que dans les divers types de médias. Ces mesures sont d'une intensité différente, d'une portée et d'un impact variables envers el consommateurs. Ensemble, elles constituent une panoplie structurée; elles représentent ensemble 78% du coût du programme, ce choix se justifiant de par leur capacité à toucher ensemble des groupes cibles. Radio et presse écrite devraient toucher env. 1 million de personnes et la télévision 1,5 million. Coût total presse: 74 304 € Médias électroniques Choisi pour son potentiel d'accès, le web comprend une large gamme d'informations archivées et organisées de manière à garantir une utilisation simple et pratique et une diffusion sans délai. Sont compris un site web (formulation de la conception, design et mesures techniques, création de matériel visuel, renouvellement et maintenance) Les dépenses sont calculées sur base de devis demandés aux fournisseurs. Des articles online (coût individuel: 575 €) sont également prévus (création et placement sur des sites populaires, les dépenses sont calculées sur base de devis des fournisseurs de service) et des bannières (création thématique, placement sur des sites sociaux populaires; dépenses calculées sur base de devis des fournisseurs) Il est prévu de créer et de placer 108 articles sur la période de l'action, de diffuser les bannières 300 jours; cette fréquence est considérée optimale pour créer de la publicité et promouvoir le programme et ses thèmes parmi tous les groupes cibles. Il est prévu de toucher env. 100 000 personnes sur les 3 ans par le site web, et on espère une audience similaire pour les réseaux sociaux (Facebook), avec des messages renouvelés chaque jour; l'animation et la mesure d'audience du site sont confiées à des spécialistes reconnus. Toutes ces actions bénéficieront d'expériences antérieures. Les articles devraient toucher env. 200 000 personnes sur les 3 ans. Enfin, les bannières, qui seront en place pendant 196 jours à raison de 4 jours avant un événement et sur les principaux sites populaires du pays devraient être répétées 80 000 fois et atteindre 500 000 contacts tout au long du programme. Coût total: 275 576 € Autres outils Cet ensemble de mesures inclut le matériel de promotion visuelle qui sera distribué à l'occasion de diverses actions directes et indirectes du programme. Des dépliants et des brochures sont considérés comme un complément mais constituent un plus significatif pour créer des contacts directs avec les consommateurs, capter favorablement leur attention sur le thème promu et finalement pousser et promouvoir l'image des produits cibles et communiquer le message du programme. Sont prévues des brochures (12, à raison de 4 par an) reprenant les principales informations du programme, avec des images attractives des produits cibles et des explications sur leur origine, les exigences auxquelles ils répondent et leur impact pour le consommateur. Des indications précises sur les lieux et modes de distribution sont également données, et des exemplaires adaptés et mis à jour sont prévus pour les grossistes de la restauration collective. 150 ex. sont prévus par événement et 1800 ex. au total pour tout le programme. Les dépliants sont prévus pour une présentation courte mais attrayante de la thématique du programme, avec des indications sur les caractéristiques et exigences de la production européenne, et sur les initiatives à venir. La distribution aura lieu durant les foires agricoles et sur les points de vente lors des dégustations. 1000 ex sont prévus par jour et par événement, soit 276 000 au total. Le total de ces mesures s'élève à 2,5 % du budget et vient en soutien des mesures programmées. Coût total: 58 881 € (2,1% du budget total); 153 Impact prévisible : L'impact ultime espéré du programme est d'augmenter progressivement la demande; il prend en compte les spécificités du marché local concerné et devrait donc élever le taux de connaissance du consommateur sur les bienfaits des produits frais et naturels et induire une meilleure identification et une plus grande acceptation des produits agricoles de l'UE en Lituanie. L'éducation et l'information du consommateur, avec des mesures spécifiques pour les enfants et adolescents, sont complémentaires pour accroître l'intérêt, l'acceptation et conséquemment, la demande. Les changements attendus dans l'attitude des consommateurs se résument comme suit: - augmentation de 28 à 40% des adultes consommant plus d'une fois par jour des fruits frais - nombre d'adultes consommant plus d'une fois par jour des légumes frais passant de 16 à 30% - pourcentage d'élèves mangeant plus d'un fruit frais par jour passant de 23% à…% - pourcentage d'élèves mangeant plus d'un légume frais par jour passant de 16% à 30% - part des consommateurs connaissant la qualité du produit et les normes de sécurité de l'UE en hausse de 21%, de 19% à 40% - part des consommateurs qui reconnaissent les avantages des fruits et légumes frais de l'UE et font leur choix en conséquence passant de 29% à 45% Les études de connaissance du consommateur sont considérées comme la meilleure méthode pour suivre l'évolution. L'impact du programme sera déterminé en fonction des changements constatés dans la conscience du consommateur pendant la période de mise en œuvre des mesures. La première étude a été menée avant la préparation du programme, de manière à quantifier le point de départ; elle sera répétée chaque année selon la même méthodologie. Les études de comportement du consommateur jugent pour leur part des résultats de leur attitude d'achat et de consommation et révèlent l'impact des actions d'information: elles font ressortir les changements d'attitude en mesurant et en comparant les données générées pour les produits concernés, avant et après les mesures. Des évaluations auront lieu chaque année pour mesurer systématiquement les résultats des actions. Dans un souci d'impartialité, elles seront confiées à un ou des organisme(s) extérieur(s) indépendant(s) expert(s) en la matière. 3% du budget sont prévus à cet effet (74 294 €) et les études programmées pour nov-déc 2014, 2015 et 2016. Dimension européenne du programme : Les retombées à long terme de ce programme au niveau européen seront une meilleure et plus large application de la Politique Agricole Commune à l’horizon 2020, avec un concours direct à la stratégie Europe 2020 et au programme national lituanien de 2012 Le programme répond aux orientations de la PAC, qui privilégie le soutien à une agriculture garantissant la sécurité alimentaire, un usage durable des ressources naturelles et la dynamisation des zones rurales, ainsi que la croissance et l’emploi. Il contribue en outre aux priorités du livre vert sur la promotion et l'information sur les produits agricoles: mieux expliquer aux consommateurs les efforts des producteurs UE pour atteindre le plus haut niveau de qualité, offrir la gamme la plus large de produits et de goûts en provenance des différentes régions, aider les producteurs UE face à de nouveaux défis, notamment à une situation économique imprévisible. Les mesures d'information sont destinées au marché local, où la consommation de fruits et légumes frais diminue, et sont choisies pour délivrer des messages illustrant les caractéristiques spécifiques des produits européens, leur qualité, les aspects gastronomiques, les questions de santé, le développement durable et la sécurité. En accroissant le goût du public pour les fruits et légumes frais de l'UE il contribue à l'accroissement de la valeur ajoutée du secteur agricole européen, en augmentant la conscience du consommateur sur la qualité, la diversité, la disponibilité de ces produits, il améliore l'image de marque de la production de l'UE et stimule ainsi une consommation en déclin et dont il souligne la valeur 154 nutritionnelle et les effets en termes de diète alimentaire équilibrée, en particulier pour les groupes cibles retenus (ménages, enfants et adolescents, grossistes en restauration collective, leaders d'opinion sur les groupes considérés) Les mesures à destination des jeunes sont notamment complémentaires de la formation de leurs habitudes alimentaires et répondent aux orientations nationale et européenne en ce sens. En outre, le programme aura des retombées concrètes en termes de développement rural en ce sens qu'il développera la prise de conscience de l'importance des produits de l'UE, de par leur qualité, confortant ainsi ni leur compétitivité au-delà du simple choix de prix. Il développera également la prise de conscience chez le consommateur de l'importance de l'environnement et du paysage, grâce à des méthodes de production qualitatives et respectueuses de l'environnement et des exigences du développement durable. Il aidera enfin à améliorer la qualité de la vie dans les zones rurales et à diversifier leur économie en incitant les producteurs à s'orienter toujours plus vers les marchés et les produits à plus forte valeur ajoutée, consolidant ainsi leur situation économique et sociale. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE : Intérêt général du programme : Qualité et efficacité du programme : Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 19/30 40/40 8/10 11/20 155 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : € PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EUROS : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I 447 947 268 768 179 179 895 894 % 50 30 20 100 ANNEE II 478 713 287 228 191 485 957 426 156 % 50 30 20 100 ANNEE III 474 245 284 547 189 698 948 491 % 50 30 20 100 TOTAL 1 400 905 840 543 560 362 2 801 811 % 50 20 30 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : - préciser quels fruits et légumes frais seront plus particulièrement concernés par le programme - p.29 corriger le libellé exact de la campagne européenne, qui n'est pas 5 fois par jour mais au moins 5 fruits et légumes par jour - pour les dégustations sur les foires et expositions, apporter la garantie que les produits pour les dégustations seront fournis au prix coûtant, et corriger si nécessaire les montants prévus à cet effet dans le budget. - de même pour les dégustations (enfants, en direct de la cour de ferme, points de vente) - pour l'insertion promotionnelle (télévision), le libellé de la p. 4" n'est pas clair; préciser combien d'annonces il y aura, par action et au total - p. 47 (other channels) il y a une erreur dans la rubrique Total du tableau 26, à corriger. AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 78/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 4/4 Avis du consultant externe: CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 157 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): GREECE - ROMANIA Title of the programme: “Promotion of EU PDO/PGI Products in USA and M. East” Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Rural Development and Food, GREECE / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ROMANIA Proposing organisation(s): 1. UNION of Producers of PDO/PGI products (Greece) Krokos Saffran Kozani (Coordinator) - Kourellas SA 2. SC SONIMPEX SERV COM SRL (Romania) Implementing body(ies): Νot yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): PDO/PGI products Targeted Member States: USA, Middle East (United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia) Duration: 3 years Total budget: 3.845.256 € EU co-financing: 1.922.628 € Proposal received on: 14.6.2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The programme promotes and provides information on PDO and PGI products from Greece and Romania. The objectives of the programme are the improvement of their image and the increase of their demand in the target markets of USA and Middle East. The actions of the programme comprise presentation in the internet, advertising on TV and the press, participation in trade fairs, public relations and a series of printed materials for information and advertising purposes. The programme has a budget of 3.845.26 € and its duration is 3 years. 158 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure N/A Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) 1. Improvement of the image of PDO/PGI products as high quality products +50%. 2. Enhancement of the demand for PDO/PGI products +20%. Strategy : The strategy has been drawn in such a way to increase awareness and demand of PDO and PGI products in the targeted markets. The programme is designed in line with EU Regulations on promotion where multi country cooperation is increased between participant organizations. The strategy is based on the intrinsic quality, objectives and added value. The programme promotes a basket of products not in completion with each other in the market. The programme comprises an appropriate marketing mix to address the objectives of the programme. In order to achieve high impact, the Programme has been strategically designed to focus on major urban centres of the target countries, while the advertisement actions will take place on national scale. Measurement of the results and evaluation of the impact of the Programme consist part of the strategy. It will be based on measurable indicators (qualitative 159 and quantitative), in order to come to accurate conclusions about the impact of the programme and its response to the objectives. Target group(s) : - Distributors (importers, wholesalers, retailers, supermarkets) - Consumers (Households, consumer organizations, age groups: 18-35, 35-60) - Opinion Leaders (specialised journalists, media, distinguished professionals of the food sector, nutritionists) Themes : - European quality standards-EU quality system Food safety Promotion of the Community logos – Labelling Image of European products Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : Main message to be communicated: “Foods with European Identity” Other messages: - I know where they are produced; I know what I consume, - Product with European quality and identity, - Natural products with tradition and history. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Communication 1.1. Concept: The core instrument in its attempt to create recognizable and easy to imprint images and messages. The concept must communicate the dynamics of products projecting their indistinct qualities implementation: 1st trimester. 1.2. Website– Design, construction and constant update of a website which will provide information about the products and the Community schemes and updated information regarding to the implementation of the programme, presentation of messages, intrinsic quality of product, gastronomic tips. A dynamic tool supportive to other activities, with user friendly design. In 4 languages (Greek, Romanian, English, Arabic), implementation: 1st trimester. Maintenance & update: throughout the implementation period. 160 1.3. Brochures – Design and production of 180.000 units of 6page information brochures. Technical characteristics: coloured, printed on illustration paper 115-130gr/m2, 24 x 11cm, stapled with hard cover paper (200gr/m2. In 2 versions (English, Arabic), implementation: 1st trimester. 1.4. iRecipes – The action includes an application for iPhone / smartphones which will be located on the website and inviting the users / consumers to download their mobile. The application will allow the user through images, sounds and information to learn how to make useful recipes accompanied by useful information on the nutritional content of products. Cost includes the design/development/copyright and adjustment, implementation: 1st trimester 2. Exhibitions 2.1. Summer Fancy Food, USA :3 participations with a special constructed stand of 65m2, tasting, 4 persons, invitations, implementation: July 2014, 2015, 2016. 2.2. Gulf Food, UAE : 3 participations with a specially constructed stand of 50m2,6 persons, tastings, invitations, implementation: February 2014, 2015 and 2016. 2.3. Saudi Food, S.Arabia :3 participations with a special constructed stand of 50m2 , 6 persons, tastings, invitations, implementation: September 2014, 2015 and 2016. 3. Public Relations 3.1. Business missions The action includes the organization of series of business missions, annually where external associates of the proposing organization will participate and get familiarized with condition and business environment in each target market. There will be organized 18 missions Greece: USA 6 persons, UAE 5 persons, Saudi Arabia 1 person, Romania: USA 1 person, UAE 2 persons, Saudi Arabia 2 persons). 4. Promotion actions 4.1. Consumer information at points of sales: information and sampling of EU PDO/PGI products at points of sale in the target countries. They will be combined with the distribution of information material, communication and electronic campaign and advertising actions. The following POS will be undertaken: USA (N. York, Boston, Chicago): All in all 40 supermarkets/stores (Greece) M. East (UAE, S. Arabia): All in all 10 supermarkets/stores (Greece) and 10 supermarkets/stores (Romania) (20 POS in a total) 4.2. Events for special groups of interest: 12 specialized presentations in selected hotels in various cities of target markets.1200 distributors/professionals and opinion leaders/journalists are expected to attend. Information about the products, the producers and the Community schemes, tasting of the products, implementation: annually. 5. Advertising 5.1. Advertisements - Design and publication of 20 coloured ads A4 in well know and prestigious national newspapers/magazines in the target markets: 10 in USA and 10 in M. East. (4 ads in the first year, 4 ads in the second and third year), implementation: annually. 5.2. TV Shows – 12 special tributes to TV cooking shows will be presented in order to raise the awareness of consumers regarding the PDO / PGI products of the program, increasing their knowledge of benefits of their consumption and the wide variety of uses. The action includes the production of 2 episodes-(1) for saffron and (1) for dairy products of the Programme- in cooperation with popular cooking shows in the USA and their broadcast in various TV channels ,implementation: annually. 6. Visits of opinion leaders 6.1. Visits of opinion leaders – It includes the organization of 9 visits and hosting of 57 members of target groups at the production units of the proposing organisations in Greece and Romania. 3 visits from USA (24 people), 6 visits from M. East (33 people). Implementation: annually 161 Travel and subsistence expenses 15 Trips in total They will serve the needs of preparation, management, follow up and implementation of particular actions. Anticipated impact: After the implementation of all information and promotion actions it is expected that the objectives of the Programme will have been met: 1. Improvement of the image of PDO/PGI products as high quality products +50%. 2. Enhancement of the demand for PDO/PGI products +20%. Method of impact assessment: An evaluation study will be conducted at the end of every year of the Programme. The measurement of results includes (a) quantitative assessment of the actions (collection of quantitative data and correlation to the anticipated results), (b) qualitative evaluation (based on the questionnaire which will project the satisfaction of participants in the actions) and (c) measurement of the impact of each action, to each target group, in each country, in each year. The questionnaires will be addressed to all target groups and will be filled in during the exhibitions and the promotion actions. They will be used as a means to collect data regarding the habits and preferences of the consumers, the level of knowledge of all target groups about the European quality framework, their opinion about the PDO/PGI products. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: Quality of the programme: European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 26/30 33,5/40 9,5/10 17,5/20 162 Budget by action : Total Programme Budget ACTIONS 1 Communication 2 Exhibitions 3 Public Relations 4 Promotion Actions 5 Advertising 6 Visits of opinion leaders Total for actions (1) Costs of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (15% of (1), Annex III, point B.1.2 of the contract) Travel expenses Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1), Annex III, point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads 6% of (2), Annex III, point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME Year I Year II Year III TOTAL 91.500 173.000 48.500 505.000 152.000 60.000 1.030.000 4.100 154.500 14.500 173.000 48.500 505.000 204.000 60.000 1.005.000 3.900 150.750 14.500 173.000 48.500 505.000 204.000 60.000 1.005.000 3.900 150.750 120.500 519.000 145.500 1.515.000 560.000 180.000 3.040.000 11.900 456.000 9.500 30.900 9.500 30.150 9.500 30.150 28.500 91.200 1.229.000 1.199.300 1.199.300 3.627.600 73.740 71.958 71.958 217.656 1.302.740 1.271.258 1.271.258 3.845.256 TARGET MARKET Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total USA 784.082 755.091 755.091 2.294.264 Middle East 518.658 1.302.740 516.167 1.271.258 516617 1.271.258 1550992 3.845.256 Total budget 163 Co-financing plan : € Greece CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II % YEAR III % TOTAL % EU 50% 551.624 50 549.451 50 549.451 50 1.650.526 50 MEMBER STATE – GREECE 220.649,6 0 20 219.780,40 20 219.780,40 20 660.210 20 PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL 330.974,4 0 1.103.248 30 329.670,60 30 329.670,60 30 990.316 30 100 1.098.902 100 1.098.902 100 3.301.052 100 Romania CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II % YEAR III % TOTAL EU 50% 99.746 50 86.178 50 86.178 50 272.102 MEMBER STATE – ROMANIA PROPOSING ORGANISATION 30% 59.847,60 30 51.706,80 30 51.706,80 30 163.261 39.898,40 20 34.471,20 20 34.471,20 20 108.841 TOTAL 199.492 % 50 30 20 100 172.356 100 172.356 100 544.204 100 TOTAL FINANCING PLAN CO-FINANCING EU 50% MEMBER STATES PROPOSING ORGANISATIONS TOTAL YEAR I % YEAR II 651.370 50 635.629 280.497,2 0 370.872,8 0 1.302.740 21,5 271.487,20 % 50 YEAR III TOTAL % 50 1.922.628 50 21,4 271.487,20 21,4 823.472 21,4 28,5 364.141,80 28,6 364.141,80 28,6 1.099.156 28,6 100 100 100 3.845.256 100 1.271.258 635.629 % 1.271.258 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1. In application of the second paragraph of Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008, it should be taken into account; if there is an actual or potential demand in the targeted market. 2. In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 3. In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and 164 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, programmes submitted by more than one Member State or providing for actions in more than one Member State shall be given priority. In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. In application of Article 8(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that for the purpose of implementing its programmes, each proposing organisation shall select one or more implementing bodies by an appropriate competitive procedure validated by the Member State concerned. Article 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 on "Pre-selection of programmes by Member States" foresees that Member States shall draw up a provisional list of the programmes they select on the basis of the criteria laid down in the specifications referred to in Article 8(2)(b). 2. The Member States shall check programmes aimed at third countries in particular against the following criteria: (a) consistency between the strategies proposed and the objectives set; (b) the quality of the proposed measures; (c) their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned; (d) assurances that the proposing organisations are effective and representative; (e) the technical capacities of the proposed implementing body and assurances that it is effective. In application of Article 9(5) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, programmes aimed at third countries, the individual Member States shall ensure that any individual or regional measures part financed under Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 and that the programmes submitted complement national and regional campaigns Programme eligible: Yes First observations to be communicated to MS: 1. Provide further information, with reference to the current exports of promoted products to target markets and current awareness of target groups for the products and themes of the programme, for the quantitative assessment of the impact of the programme. 2. It is suggested that the "… .eu" is used as extension for the creation of the internet site. 3. In action 2, on the participation in trade fairs, additional information and clarifications should be provided on tasting and the role/need of persons employed during the trade fair for support and translation. 4. The action on the points of sales is considered an expensive action in relation to the cost per contact. Therefore it is considered that higher yield actions (cost per contact) such as advertising could have a higher budget expenditure to the expense of the points of sales action. Provide additional information and clarifications on this observation. 5. Concerning the action 6, invitations to opinion leaders, it is suggested that the costs are adapted to those foreseen in annex III.B.2.2 of the model contract. The visits refer to the internal market rules since they will be undertaken in Greece and Romania. Therefore the amounts could better match the aforementioned rules of the model contract to be eligible. Provide additional information to cover this observation, if necessary new budget tables should be provided. 6. Provide the budget tables that present expenditure by year and by target market i.e. Saudi Arabia, UAE and USA. 165 7. The declarations of the annex of the application form should be provided by the third participant organization of the programme (producer of dairy PDO and PGI cheese products) 8. For the competent authorities of Greece and Romania: In accordance with Article 9(4) of Commission (EC) No 501/2008 Member States have to agree on administrative collaboration procedures for the monitoring implementation and checking of the programme. Provide additional information to cover this observation. 9. Concerning the evaluation of the competent authority of Greece for this programme, the evaluation form used that refers to the programmes targeting the internal market is used. However the correct form should be used that refers to the evaluation of the programmes targeting third countries and which is slightly different. Provide the evaluation of the programme in the correct form. 10. Article 6(1) of the Council Regulation (EU) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade or intertrade organizations representative of their sectors are eligible for financial support. Additional information and clarifications should be provided to confirm the evaluations of the competent authorities of Greece and Romania in particular regarding the eligibility of the company Kourellas SA as beneficiary. 11. Provide clarifications whether the proposing organizations are considered public bodies in accordance with Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: Yes (multi country programme) Impact forecast and assessment' methods Yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: Priority awarded by MS: good good 85,5/100 2/4 (EL) 1/1 (Ro) External consultant’s opinion: "to be accepted subject to clarifications" CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions. Observation(s) : The competent authorities sent the proposal to the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)2325260 and ARES(2013)2140034). The Commission sent a list of observations to the competent authorities with letters (ref: ARES(2013)2751534, ARES(2013)3230607 and ARES(2013)2748073) The competent authorities provided a list of clarifications and additional information as a reply to the letters with the observations of the Commission services with letters (ref: ARES(2013)3224748 and ARES(2013)2985221). The clarifications and additional information provided in these letters clarified the points of the Commission observations. 166 Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 167 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Espagne, France, Italie Title of the programme: PROGRAMME D’INFORMATION ET DE PROMOTION DES IGP- AOP en France, en Italie et en Allemagne, au travers de l’exemple de 8 fruits et légumes Competent Authority(ies): FRANCEAGRIMER (France) Ministère de l’Agriculture (Italie) Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (Espagne) Proposing organisation(s): Association des Producteurs de Fruits et Légumes du Sud-Ouest – France Consejo Regulador DOP Kaki Ribera Del Xuquer Espagne Union Interprofessionnelle de la Fraise du Périgord France Syndicat de défense de l’asperge des sables des Landes France Association de promotion des kiwis des pays de l’Adour - France Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Pruneau - France Consorzio della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna - Italie Consorzio Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna - Italie Consorzio Radicchio di Treviso - Italie Implementing body(ies): SOPEXA – Allemagne/France/Italie Organisme de mesure d’impact : IFOP – Allemagne/France/Italie Type of measure: Information + promotion Product(s): Système de qualité Organic farming Targeted Member States: Allemagne, France, Italie Duration: 3 years Total budget: 3.900.000 € Proposal received on: 14/06/2013 Information and Promotion Campaign on the European Quality System with the aid of the European Union, France, Spain, Italy and 8 proposing organizations of fruit and vegetables . All eight of these fruit and vegetables carry a guarantee of their provenance and quality: the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)or the Geographical Protected Indication (PGI): Fraise du Périgord, Asperge des sables des Landes, Kiwis de l’Adour, Pruneau d’Agen, Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna, Radicchio di Treviso, Kaki Ribera del Xuquer. 168 The aim of the programme is to enhance knowledge of the PDO-GIP among consumers, distributors and food professionals across France, Italy and Germany, and to educate on the benefits of the provenance indicator schemes, the relevant checks, controls and traceability systems that are put in place to ensure ongoing quality, and to differentiate the products and raise their profiles. Duration : 3 years/ Total budget: 3.900.000 €/ Targeted Member States: Allemagne, France, Italie ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Pour la France un certain lien avec le programme 2010-IM-499-FR+ES, termine 28/09/2013 Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): Obtenir une meilleure connaissance des signes IGP/AOP des fruits et légumes, en fournissant une information exhaustive sur le contenu, sur le fonctionnement et sur le 169 caractère communautaire de ces signes, à travers d’exemples concrets en France, en Italie et en Allemagne; Entraîner un développement des ventes des fruits et légumes sous signes IGP/AOP, impliqués dans la campagne. - gain de notoriété de 3 à 5 % à la fin des 3 ans du programme - augmentation moyenne de 30% des ventes des produits sous IGP/AOP partenaires du programme, à la fin du programme (soit une augmentation moyenne de 10% par an). Strategy: Le programme s’appuiera sur les axes stratégiques suivants: - Valoriser les qualités des fruits et légumes sous signes IGP/AOP pour satisfaire les - attentes actuelles des consommateurs, de plus en plus exigeant eu égard à la qualité et à la sécurité alimentaire: de vrais goûts (produits de saison, cahiers des charges, contrôles permanents, lien avec le terroir) et de vraies histoires (patrimoine de culture alimentaire européenne, lien entre les produits/les terroirs/les hommes et les cultures de chaque produit/région). - Profiter de la saisonnalité de la gamme des produits pour avoir une prise de parole annuelle de cette campagne. - Créer une campagne unique, avec une stratégie de communication européenne, qui soit adaptée à la réalité de chaque pays cible. - Pour cela, il est prévu la création d’un positionnement unique, d’un cadre créatif unique, d’une signature unique avec une accroche unique, d’une approche européenne de la campagne avec des déclinaisons créatives et un plan d’action cohérents entre les pays et qui collent à la réalité des marchés. cadre créatif unique : une "charte graphique" dont les codes fondamentaux, qui mettent en valeur les signes de qualité européens, seront appliqués par l'ensemble des partenaires pour toutes les déclinaisons produits dans les 3 pays. signature unique : « L’Europe signe les produits de ses Terroirs », avec une déclinaison par produit Target group(s): - consommateurs - leaders d’opinion (journalistes) - distributeurs du secteur (acheteurs, grossistes, détaillants) La principale action du programme (communication auprès des consommateurs) est réalisée dans les magasins de grande distribution, car c’est le lieu où sont commercialisés environ 70% des volumes des fruits et légumes sous IGP/AOP partenaires du programme. Il est donc nécessaire de communiquer là où le consommateur peut trouver le produit, c’est-à dire là où il est commercialisé. Themes: Les « bénéfices » des produits sous signes IGP/AOP Les bénéfices rationnels: les caractéristiques spécifiques de chaque produit : variété, goût les garanties des cahiers des charges européens AOP/IGP et des contrôles la fraîcheur de la saisonnalité 170 la naturalité des produits Les bénéfices émotionnels: l'importance des liaisons avec chaque terroir le savoir-faire des hommes, une tradition très actuelle la possibilité de se valoriser par rapport à ses amis et à ses proches l’appartenance à un groupe qui crée la tendance. Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts EU labelling system respect for the environment Messages to be conveyed: « L’Europe signe les produits de ses terroirs » L’objectif de ce programme est d’afficher clairement l’engagement européen et ne plus se contenter d’une caution en signature. Aujourd’hui toutes les communications produit sont cautionnées d’un label en signature (Bio, AOC, Max Havelaar, Label rouge…). Cette profusion nuit à la lecture des nouveaux signes de qualité européens AOP/IGP. Or les logos communautaires AOP et IGP sont des symboles compris dans l’ensemble de la Communauté Européenne comme désignant des produits répondant à des conditions de production spécifiques liées à leur origine géographique et étant soumis à des contrôles. Le discours est basé sur 3 niveaux : l’Europe, la culture du produit et le produit luimême. Rappel du cahier des charges IGP/AOP. Valorisation d’un terroir et du produit issu de ce terroir, les avantages pour le consommateur (sécurité, valeur nutritionnelle, naturalité, saveur, traçabilité). Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Lieux de réalisation et Produits concernés France (Fraise, Kiwi, Asperge, Pruneau, Kaki) Italie (Poire, Pêche/Nectarine, Chicorée) Allemagne (Pruneau) ACTION 1 : Action de Relations Publiques/Relations presse → Information des leaders d’opinion Bureau de presse Dossier de presse Actions déclinées par pays : portage presse, action bloggeurs, action «bouche à oreille » sur les réseaux sociaux 1.1 Actions communes de bureau de presse 1.1.1. Dossier de presse Afin de développer la promotion des signes officiels de qualités européens, expliquer les objectifs du programme et présenter les actions, un dossier de presse sera réalisé dans chaque 171 pays, selon une approche graphique unique. Il sera composé de : Une partie commune : • Les caractéristiques des signes des qualités européens, leur rôle de soutien de • l’héritage culturel communautaire, l’économie des filières, chiffres clefs, production, les hommes, le site web… • Des informations générales sur la campagne Un espace spécifique par pays : • Des fiches par produit, présentées comme des exemples de la production européenne de qualité, et leurs atouts (sécurité, valeur nutritionnelle, saveur, traçabilité, lien avec le terroir) • Descriptif des actions réalisées par pays En France : Envoi du dossier de presse en début de programme à environ 400 journalistes de la presse nationale, régionale, écrite, audiovisuelle et web : environ 300 presse grand public et presse professionnelle environ 100 sites internet et blogs culinaires influents En Italie : Envoi du dossier de presse en version électronique à 400 journalistes de la presse consommateur, professionnelle, bloggeurs, et création de 200 CD-Rom. En Allemagne : Envoi d’un e-mailing à 250 journalistes de la presse grand public et 70 journalistes de la presse professionnelle pour téléchargement du dossier sur le site internet de la campagne et envoi du dossier version papier aux journalistes en faisant la demande. 1.1.2 Bureau de communication Chaque pays disposera d’un bureau de communication ayant pour objectifs de : Entretenir des contacts permanents avec la presse Susciter des articles/reportages Gérer les demandes d’informations et saisir les opportunités pour valoriser nos messages auprès des journalistes Mise à disposition de visuels pour les journalistes via un espace presse dans le site web Mise en place d’une surveillance de la presse écrite et audiovisuelle et suivi des retombées Réalisation d’un Press Book avec synthèse et valorisation des retombées presse 1.2 Actions déclinées par pays 1.2.1 En France : Organisation de 6 portages, soit un portage par produit, afin d’annoncer sa saisonnalité et sensibiliser la presse à son origine, ses qualités et bénéfices intrinsèques. Produits concernés : Fraise du Périgord IGP, Kiwi de l’Adour IGP, Asperge des Sables des Landes IGP, Pruneau d’Agen IGP, Kaki Ribera del Xuquer AOP. Chaque portage sera adressé à 60 journalistes, comprenant l’ensemble des cibles presse (presse professionnelle Fruits & Légumes ; presse nationale, régionale, écrite et audiovisuelle; presse web et blogs influents). 172 1.2.2 En Italie : Mise en place d’une action dédiée à une sélection de 15 food bloggeurs afin de les sensibiliser aux fruits et légumes AOP & IGP et les inciter à relayer l’information : Portage, avec envoi d’un échantillonnage des produits aux food bloggeurs Organisation d’une rencontre permettant d’échanger autour de la campagne fruits et légumes AOP & IGP Dégustation des produits préparés par un traiteur Deux rencontres sont prévues en fonction de la saisonnalité des produits : • o une première rencontre en période hivernale pour la mise en avant de la chicorée et de • la poire • une seconde rencontre en période estivale pour la mise en avant de la pêche et de la nectarine Envoi de 3 communiqués de presse spécifiques : lancement du site internet action points de vente et street marketing, avec focus actions points de vente action points de vente et street marketing, avec focus street marketing 1.2.3 En Allemagne : Mise en place d’une action « word of mouth » avec la plateforme Brandnooz afin de sensibiliser les consommateurs « foodies » actifs sur les réseaux sociaux : Présentation du Pruneau d’Agen et des fruits et légumes AOP/IGP sur pendant 8 semaines et lien vers le site Internet Annonce de l’action par newsletter et sur Facebook Recrutement de 250 consommateurs et bloggeurs par un questionnaire afin de se focaliser sur le groupe cible Organisation d’un concours de recettes : Gain : 1 week-end de 3 jours pour deux personnes à Agen. L’effet viral : • Les participants postent leurs avis sur le Pruneau d’Agen sur et/ou sur leurs blogs, pages Facebook etc. et en parlent en personne à leurs proches qui en parlent à d’autres etc. • 250 participants… -> …testent avec 1.250 autres personnes -> Chaque participant en parle à 10 pers. -> …qui en parlent à 2,4 autres personnes -> 30.000 conversations -> 500.000 contacts en ligne * (* Impressions de pages des éléments d‘action) Sondage : à la fin de l’action, les participants sont questionnés sur leur perception du Pruneau d’Agen (env. 15 questions qualitatives). Reprise des résultats du sondage pour le travail de presse en année 2. Description de la plateforme Brandnooz : La plateforme, spécialisée dans le WOM pour les produits alimentaires 70.000 membres et 300 bloggeurs inscrits 1 million de pages vues par mois 12.000 contacts Facebook, 25.000 abonnés à la newsletter Envoi de 3 communiqués de presse en Allemagne : lancement de campagne (site Internet, campagne de promotion, …) communiqué « Snacks d’Automne » (avec envoi d’une recette) communiqué « Desserts de Noël » (avec envoi d’une recette) Création de 4 recettes originales et créatives (y compris photoshooting avec styliste food 173 Budget Total Action 1 pour les 3 Années : 368.512 euros (Coûts ventilés pages 217-219 du formulaire de demande) ACTION 2 : Action de Promotion → Sensibilisation des professionnels et des consommateurs Objectifs : Valoriser les Fruits et Légumes AOP & IGP chez les détaillants via les grossistes Inciter les professionnels à avoir le « réflexe » fruits et légumes AOP & IGP Sensibiliser les consommateurs aux fruits et légumes sous signe AOP & IGP et les convaincre de leur qualité supérieure 2.1 Action d’initiation dans les points de vente de la GMS En France : Auchan, Casino, Leclerc, Monoprix, Carrefour Intermarché, Système U. En Italie : Coop, Conad, Auchan, Carrefour En Allemagne : Kaufland (régions), Kaiser’s Tengelmann, Edeka (régions), Rewe (régions), Globus, Hit, Metro C&C Impact prévisionnel : France : 438 000 contacts directs via les hôtesses Italie : 195 000 contacts Allemagne : 135.000 contacts directs via les promoteurs ambassadeurs et 1.250.000 contacts indirects via la PLV et les insertions dans les catalogues des enseignes ciblées 2.2 Actions de sensibilisation sur les marchés de gros : En Allemagne pour le Pruneau d’Agen. Impact prévisionnel : Allemagne : 2.000 à 3.000 détaillants activés via les mises en avant des établissements du grossiste partenaire et 1 à 1,5 millions de contacts consommateurs indirects 2.3 Actions création de trafic point de vente : En France : Mise en place d’une campagne radio ; Création de 2 spots radio de 20 secondes ; Périodes de diffusion selon la saisonnalité des produits : 6 Jours Actifs : Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi. Station : RTL Impact : 10 900 000 contacts En Italie : Organisation d’un road show dans les zones littorales de la Vénétie et de l’Emilie Romagne. Impact : 55 000 contacts consommateurs En Allemagne : Actions découverte via des opérations de « sampling » : Organisation d’opérations de « sampling » dans 3 métropoles allemandes. Villes : Berlin, Cologne et Munich Lieux : lieux publics avec une forte fréquentation (la place Alexander à Berlin, le parvis de la cathédrale à Cologne, la place Marien à Munich) Impact : 600 kilos de Pruneaux d’Agen distribués durant les 6 jours d’animation 72.000 contacts directs 600.000 contacts indirects Budget Total Action 2 pour les 3 Années : 2 911 442 euros ACTION 3. : Action Média →Information des professionnels et des consommateurs Objectifs : Améliorer l’information auprès des professionnels et des consommateurs sur les atouts des signes de qualité européens Stimuler la demande des produits concernés 174 Médiatiser et créer du trafic vers le site internet Stratégie : · Création d’un site internet commun qui constituera l’outil d’information de référence tout au long du programme · Mise en place d’une campagne sur la presse écrite, sur internet et sur la radio, au travers des supports les plus performants et pertinents · Sensibilisation sur les produits “ambassadeurs” Cibles : · Professionnels de la distribution (acheteurs, importateurs, distributeurs) · Consommateurs, en particuliers responsables des achats, et passionnés de cuisine et de gastronomie 3.1 Création d’un site internet commun aux 3 pays Un contenu commun, en 5 langues (français, italien, allemand, espagnol, anglais) : • Présentation générale de la campagne européenne • Caractéristiques fondamentales des appellations AOP & IGP Un contenu spécifique à chaque langue : • Fiches spécifiques sur les produits impliqués dans la campagne locale et leurs atouts : - Sécurité, valeur nutritionnelle, saveur, traçabilité, liens avec les terroirs - Valorisation des zones de production (mini films vidéo intégrés) - Recettes et curiosités • Informations sur la campagne locale • En année 2 et 3, une partie des ressources liées au développement et à la gestion du site internet sera utilisée pour renforcer le plan média consommateur. Les passages seront multipliés et par conséquent, les performances augmenteront proportionnellement. 3.2 Plan média internet 3.2.1 En Italie : Mise en place d’une campagne de bannières sur les sites et, leaders en Italie dans le secteur de la cuisine. 3.2.2 En Allemagne : Insertions bannières sur et + Partenariat avec WomenWeb : le plus grand réseau allemand pour les femmes regroupant entre autres les sites des magazines du Jahreszeiten Verlag soit 1,46 million de visites par mois. Les sites regroupés sur le réseau WomenWeb sont :, Fü,,, Allegra,,,,, 3.3 Plan média presse écrite 3.3.1 En France : Une insertion par produit dans FLD HEBDO, diffusion hebdomadaire de 30 000 exemplaires soit au total 150 000 lecteurs. Produits concernés : Fraise du Périgord IGP, Kiwi de l’Adour IGP, Asperge des Sables des Landes IGP, Pruneau d’Agen IGP et Kaki Ribera del Xuquer AOP. Budget Total Action 3 pour les 3 Années : 326 146 euros 175 Expected results per action + proposed method: L’impact du programme devrait conduire à un gain de notoriété des IGP/AOP d’environ 3 à 5 % au bout de 3 ans, auprès des consommateurs acheteurs de fruits et légumes. Méthodologie proposée par l’IFOP : L’IFOP réalisera une enquête auprès des consommateurs acheteurs de fruits et légumes afin de mesurer la notoriété et l’image des signes AOP/IGP. Cette enquête sera réalisée à 4 reprises dans les 3 pays cibles (France, Italie, Allemagne): - à T0 (avant le démarrage du programme), - à T1 (à la fin de la 1ère année), - à T2 (à la fin de la 2ème année), - à T3 (à la fin de la 3ème année). L’interview sera fait en face à face, en sortie de caisse des magasins, auprès d’acheteurs de fruits et légumes (car il s’agit des personnes potentiellement touchées), âgés de 18 à 65 ans. Les dispositifs de communication/promotion étant différents dans chacun des 3 pays cibles (budget plus important sur la France), l’enquête sera dimensionnée différemment dans les 3 pays : - 300 interviews auront lieu en France lors de chaque enquête, - 200 interviews auront lieu en Italie lors de chaque enquête, - 200 interviews auront lieu en Allemagne lors de chaque enquête, soit un total de 700 interviews d’acheteurs de fruits et légumes. o Cette enquête, à partir de ces questionnaires, permettra, au niveau des personnes interrogées, de : o mesurer l’évolution de la notoriété des signes de qualité IGP/AOP, o déterminer le niveau de souvenir de l’opération ainsi que le niveau de reconnaissance, o mesurer l’évolution du niveau d’incitation à la consommation de ce type de fruits et légumes, o mesurer le pourcentage d’augmentation de la consommation de ce type de fruits et légumes. Mesure de l’augmentation des ventes L’impact du programme en termes d’objectif d’augmentation des volumes de fruits et légumes commercialisés sous AOP/IGP devrait être une augmentation d’environ 30% en moyenne pour l’ensemble des 8 produits, soit une progression moyenne d’environ 10% par an. 176 Ce taux d’augmentation pourra être différent selon les produits : La mesure de l’augmentation des ventes se fera à partir des déclarations officielles annuelles des organisations proposantes auprès des pouvoirs publics (déclaration annuelle des volumes vendus sous IGP/AOP auprès de l’INAO pour la France et auprès des organismes compétents pour l’Italie et l’Espagne) ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme: 17/30 Quality of the programme: 33, 2/40 European dimension: 9, 3/10 Cost/efficiency: 16, 3/20 177 Budget by action : € 178 Co-financing plan: € RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Le Programme est pour la France une certaine continuation du programme Multi FR+ES 2010-MI- FR+ES Fruits et légumes AOP-IGP- 498 qui termine en septembre 2013 et qui a mis en avant 7 fruits et légumes. Les produits français restent les mêmes (Asperges des Landes, Fraise Périgord, Kiwis de l’Adour) le muscat du Ventoux ne reprend pas et est remplacé par le Pruneau d’Agen. Pour l’Espagne, c’est un nouveau produit qui est promu (Kaki de la Ribera del Xuquer (région de Valence)), et un nouvel Etat Membre est associé, l’Italie avec ces produits sous label qualité européen : Poires, pêches/nectarines, chou rouge. L’évaluation par l’IFOP du programme précédent est fournie et montre, dès la fin de la deuxième année, une augmentation globale de la notoriété des signes de qualité AOP/IGP notamment en France. En Espagne, la crise économique a des répercussions sur les produits AOP/IGP qui sont perçus comme des produits chers. Programme déséquilibré du point de vue budgétaire étant donné que l’action 2 (communication auprès des consommateurs en grande et moyenne distribution) représente 83% du budget mais c’est le lieu où sont commercialisés environ 70% des volumes des fruits et légumes sous AOP/IGP partenaires du programme. Il est donc nécessaire de communiquer là où le consommateur peut trouver le produit, c'est-à-dire là où il est commercialisé. Bonne dimension européenne puisqu’il s’agit d’un programme multi-pays, multi-produits avec des produits qui communiquent en dehors de leur pays d’origine. Les autorités nationales ont confirmé qu’APFELSO est une Association Loi de 1901; il s'agit d'un organisme de droit privé, financé par les cotisations de ses adhérents. Il n'est donc pas concerné par les procédures de passation des marchés publics. D’autre part, l'offre a été 179 publiée en France et en Italie, car il s'agit des 2 pays dans lesquels seront conduites les principales actions de promotion. Il y a certes un partenaire espagnol (Kaki), mais il n'y a pas d'actions réalisées en Espagne (le Kaki espagnol fera la promotion en France). Il était préférable de consulter des agences qui connaissent bien la France et l'Italie. Programme éligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: De manière générale, il est regrettable que s’agissant d’un programme Multi-pays, la campagne ne mette pas en valeur, dans chacun des trois pays ciblés, l’ensemble des 8 produits. Expliquer les raisons qui ont empêché d’envisager cette option et, si possible, améliorer le caractère multi-pays. Serait-il possible de mieux décrire les synergies avec le programme précédent (réutilisation du matériel, d'articles, de slogans publicitaires, spots radio existants et déjà connus des consommateurs) afin d'en capitaliser les effets, les leçons retenues, les écueils à éviter. Dans les sociétés ayant participé à l’appel d’offre, il est question de Sopexa (Italie). Est-ce Sopexa (Italie) et non Sopexa (France) qui va exécuter le programme ? Actions: 1. (p.29) Expliquer ce que l’on entend par « portage ». D’après la description, le portage est adressé à 60 journalistes. Le coût est de 4.000 euros/portage. Quelle est la différence avec le « dossier de presse » qui lui est adressé à 400 journalistes ? Justifier le coût du portage par rapport à celui adressé à 15 bloggeurs en Italie et estimé à 50 euros. 2. (p.29) pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de d'information ou de relais vers le site internet en France (comme en Italie et en Allemagne)? 3. (p 31) le budget alloué à l'action 1 en France semble très important (60580€ pour l'année 1), alors qu'elle est très générale et moins concrète qu'en Italie ou en Allemagne. L'action en France se limite à des dossiers de presse et actions de portage, alors qu'en Italie et en Allemagne des actions plus ciblées sont proposées (foodbloggeurs, coopération avec Quel est l'impact précis attendu des actions en France? "Déclencher des articles"? Dans quel type de presse? L'action en France pourrait-elle est mieux ciblée? 4. (p. 32) Justifier pourquoi l’action 1 Relations Publiques/Relations presse) en Allemagne coûte (51.407,44 euros) presque autant que la même action en France (60.580,00) alors qu’en Allemagne elle ne concerne qu’un produit (le pruneau d’Agen) et en France elle concerne 5 produits. 5. (p.32) En quoi consistent les « frais de coopération » pour l’action Brandnooz qui s’élèvent à 14.000 euros ? 6. (p.35 et 36) Action dans les points de vente de la Grande Distribution en France et en Italie. Les enseignes sont indiquées mais pas les régions ou villes où l’action va se réaliser. Les préciser. Paradoxalement, dans le budget de cette action pour l’Italie (p. 45) il est question de frais de voyage « km 780 et km 456 », à quoi correspondent ces distances ? 7. (p.40) Action 2 en France Plan média radio. Expliquer pourquoi la cible du plan media radio- responsables des achats de moins de 50 ans-est plus réduite que la cible du programme global, les consommateurs en général. 8. Pour les spots radio pourquoi avoir choisi seulement deux produits et pour quelles raisons l’asperge IGP et le Kaki AOP. 180 9. (p. 41) Action road show en Italie insuffisamment décrite, est-il possible de préciser davantage l’action, les villes dans lesquelles elle va avoir lieu ? A quoi correspondent les frais de voyage Km 782 ? Expliquer le nombre de 26 hôtesses prévu dans le budget (tableau page 45). 10. (p. 46) Dans la description de l’action de sensibilisation sur les marchés de gros en Allemagne, il est indiqué (p. 39) qu’elle aura lieu au sein des 5 à 7 marchés de gros les plus importants d’Allemagne. Pourquoi a-t-on alors besoin de 20 « merchandiser » (coût total 6.000 euros) comme c’est indiqué dans le tableau budgétaire ? 11. (p.47) Dans le tableau budgétaire de l’Italie, pour le road show il existe une ligne budgétaire de 13.450 euros par an pour « Impression brochures PLV, cadeaux, stand » et une deuxième de 25.200 euros/an pour « Logistique PLV et produits en dégustation ». En quoi consiste cette « Logistique PLV » additionnelle à la ligne précédente ? 12. (p.47) Le matériel de dégustation (assiettes, serviettes, cure-dents etc) (20.000 euros) est comptabilisé pour 40.000 unités. Le road show étant prévu, selon la description (p 41) pour 4 jours, est-ce réaliste ? Le prix total du road show (203.611 euros /an) est-il justifié pour une si courte durée ? Justifier. 13. (p 52) Action Plan média internet : Les bannières porteront-elles sur le programme en général ou sur les fruits en particulier. Dans ce dernier cas, est-ce qu’elles concerneront les 8 fruits et légumes du programme ou les sites nationaux ne porteront que sur les fruits ou légumes à promouvoir dans leur marché (Italie 4 produits, Allemagne, 1 produit) ? 14. Pourquoi le plan média en France se concentre exclusivement sur la presse écrite professionnelle (alors que le projet de l'action 1 la vise déjà)? (impact prévisionnel très faible - 150000 contacts par rapport aux 1.000.000 de contacts en Allemagne -pour un budget très élevé) 15. (p 54) Justifier la différence de montants pour la même action Média/Internet en Italie (28.281 euros) et en Allemagne (15.425,03 euros). Impact/Evaluation: Les données des ventes du Kaki Ribera del Xuquer fournies dans le tableau p. 19, 25.000 tonnes sont des ventes dans le marché ciblé, c'est-à-dire la France ? (p. 63) A-t-il été vérifié que les organismes compétents (homologues de l’INAO pour la France) en Italie et Espagne délivrent des déclarations annuelles des volumes vendus sous IGP/AOP des fruits et légumes concernés dans les marchés cibles concernés (exemple volume Kaki AOP vendu en France). 181 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/ poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 82/100 Priority awarded by MS: 2/4 Avis du consultant externe: Accepter le programme avec demande de clarifications des animations marchés de gros en Allemagne et publicité presse professionnelle en France. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted - To be rejected 182 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): Netherlands Titre du programme: Favorite Flower Organisme(s) compétent(s): Ministry of Economic Affairs Dienst Regelingen Postbus 19530 2500 CM Den Haag E-mail: Organisation(s) proposante(s): Foundation Flower Council of Holland (Stichting Bloemenbureau Holland) Organisme(s) d’exécution: not yet selected Type de mesure: mixte Produit(s): Live plants and products of ornamental horticulture (cut flowers) Etat membre(s) ciblés: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands Durée: 36 months Budget total: € 8.073.579,00 Co-financement de l'UE: € 4.036.789,50 Proposition reçue le: 13/06/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. A Dutch three year informative and promotional campaign which aims at increasing the consumption of cut flowers of European origin. The programme will run in the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom where through attracting consumers, maintaining contact with consumers and spreading the message through social media the objectives will be pursued. Thereby two specific groups of consumers will be targeted, 'cultivated performers' and 'cosiness seekers', and wholesalers and florists will be implied as supporting target groups needed to reach the main two target groups. By increasing the knowledge on the variety of cut flowers, the programme should lead to a change in behaviour and attitude regarding the spending of cut flowers resulting in structural higher purchasing intentions. The programme amounts to a total budget of 8.073.579 EUR of which the EU co-finances 50% and the Foundation Flower Council of Holland finances the other half. 183 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM to be selected not applicable Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution IB to be selected DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : To increase the consumption of cut flowers of Community origin. Stratégie : To inform consumers on the wide product variety of cut flowers, produced in the Community and thereby increase consumption Germany, France, UK and Netherlands have been chosen as target countries for the campaign because the market situation in those countries enables the execution of one campaign. This makes the campaign very efficient. In the communication strategy three mutual connected fundaments are designated that contribute to the realization of a maximum reach of consumers, both qualitative and quantitative: 184 Attracting consumers by means of orchestrated activities, aimed at specific target groups of consumers. Maintaining contact with consumers by means of internet platforms that enlarge commitment from/with consumers Spreading the message and the activities by using the social media of committed consumers. Herewith conversation value is created and committed and inspired ambassadors/consumers spread the message. Base of the campaign is a (mobile) video game with an older and obvious rich lady and five young and gorgeous gardeners who execute orders of the old lady (voice-over only). The five gardeners show a large variety of cut flowers of which the player of the game can choose from. At the end one ‘favorite flower’ remain and this favorite flower is presented in a spectacular way. The outcome of the game can be shared on Facebook and Twitter by a direct connection and the gamer can invite friends to play the game too in order to see if the friend chooses the favorite flowers the initial gamer presumed. If there is a match both gamers win a bouquet of the favorite flower. The campaign directly aims at the consumer by social media & advertising and POS-material and with information bearers & advertising to wholesalers and retailers to inform them about the activities. The target groups of the campaign are pointed at the game by advertisements in specific magazines, a large outdoor campaign with direct connection to the game by means of a QRcode, pr-activities and pr-stunts in some large cities in all four countries. The objectives, choice of target groups, the strategy and the visible actions are coherent and integrated. Cibles : Main target group: Specific groups of consumers: High end market: ‘Cultivated Performer’ as frontrunner and trend maker High End / Mass Market: ‘Cosiness Seeker’ as important frontrunner Supporting target groups: Wholesalers and florists in Germany, France, United Kingdom and Netherlands. A small part of the budget will be spent to inform wholesalers and florists about the campaign in their specific role as part of the chain. Thèmes : Consumer’s spending promotion and information for the category ‘Living plants and products of ornamental horticulture’, more specifically: cut flowers. Aspects couverts: image des produits communautaires Messages à communiquer : The promotion of the large assortment of cut flowers that is produced in the European Union, is aimed at enlarging consumer’s spending on cut flowers. Concrete messages are: Top quality cut flowers are available in a very large assortment They bring new life in relations between people (the gift component) Cut flower make you feel happy 185 Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : There is 1 general (not-country related) budget sheet and 4 per member state with quantity and volumes and provisional time schedule of the actions. The campaign budget is divided among 4 countries as follows: Germany: France: United Kingdom: Netherlands: 35% 25% 25% 15% 186 Not country related actions + Actions for Germany 187 Actions for France + Actions for United Kingdom 188 Actions for the Netherlands 189 Impact prévisible : The prognosticated impact of the proposed campaign on consumer’s level will be as follows: Knowledge of the large assortment of cut flowers that are produced in the European Community will increase Behaviour and Attitude regarding the spending of cut flowers will improve which results in structural higher purchasing intentions. Activities in the campaign will trigger consumers directly to purchase cut flowers. In each of the countries involved in this campaign consumer’s purchasing will increase as a result of the campaign (or a foreseen decrease in consumption will be smaller) Based on actual consumer’s spending in 2013 as well as a forecast of autonomous change in spending (increase or decrease) , the positive result of the entire campaign will amount for approximately € 239 mln. (see table) In 2014 the campaign will (partly) absorb the expected decrease of consumer’s spending on cut flowers in France, UK and Netherlands. In 2015 the campaign will partly absorb the expected decrease of consumer’s spending on cut flowers in France and UK. In the years in which some parts of the campaign will not take place in one of the countries involved, there still is a positive influence because of the fact that some parts of the campaign will still be visible, such as the game, YouTube movies, the internet site and social networks. Table of foreseen impact (PO replaced table on the basis of more recent data; please see note to the file + reply NL ares 2934159) 190 Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : The Flower Council has standard procedures concerning result measuring for all its activities. These standards are based on regulations of the Horticulture Product Board in the Netherlands and are in compliance with the rules of this program of co financing. Independent and specialized companies investigate the impact of all activities according to EU-standards. The standard result assessments are based on generally accepted consumer marketing units: Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour. Changes/improvements in Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of consumers (and retailers) will be assessed. Most important assessment will be: Based on a zero-measurement at the start of the campaign, the consumer’s spending as forecasted in the table above, will be assessed. This will be calculated as spending on cut flowers per capita. The following questions (amongst others)1 will be asked in the annual assessment (in 2013 there will be pilot-assessment) 1 Exact questions will be composed in close cooperation with research bureau and will be available upon request for the National Authority and/or the EU. 191 On Consumer’s level: Demographic factors Reputation Favorite Flower Purchase behavior during campaign Reputation campaign (open answers) Visibility ads in media Visibility posters and other POS material Visibility advertisements Name per magazine/medium Name websites Valuation campaign material Valuation campaign Influence of campaign on behavior and attitude consumers Change of purchasing behavior caused by campaign Detailed valuation amongst designated target groups Improved consumer’s spending intentions On wholesale & retail level: Name of campaign Service (reception of correct packages) Way of application Name websites and visits Use of POS material (types and frequencies) No. of participating retailers and wholesalers Assessment of materials Knowledge of the campaign and source of the knowledge Reaction of clients on behalf of campaign and materials Sales (% more/less per category of sales point) Development shop traffic during campaign Purchasing patterns of clients Willingness of future participation in campaign Very detailed information will be made available through media bureaus about the outdoor campaign (billboards, digital as well as print), including maps of locations of billboards, photographs, video, OTS, GRP and no. of contacts. Visits to websites will be investigated and analyzed with use of Google Analytics (unique visitors, loyalty, website visit details) Facebook: no. of notifications, no. of shared notifications, no. of photographs as well as sentiment of notifications Twitter: no. of notifications, reactions and retweets Besides the effects of the campaign on turnover and consumer’s spending, an assessment of POS-material will take place, not only on consumer’s level, but also on retail level and amongst wholesalers. Retailers are questioned to measure the effectiveness of the POS material in the entire campaign. Extended reports with graphics and explanations will be delivered to the National Authority and/or European Commission. 192 EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 28/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 32/40 Dimension européenne : 7/10 Coût/efficacité : 18/20 € BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : See Annex 1 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I 1.217.161,50 0 1.217.161,50 2.434.323,00 % 50 0 50 100 ANNEE II 1.732.727,50 0 1.732.727,50 3.465.455,00 % 50 0 50 100 ANNEE III 1.086.900,50 0 1.086.900,50 2.173.801,00 % 50 0 50 100 TOTAL 4.036.789,50 0 4.036.789,50 8.073.579,00 % 50 20 30 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : 1. Page 10 of proposal: Please provide the source of the data mentioned in the table at the bottom of the page; 2. Page 11 of proposal: On what grounds do you claim to be able to reach 51,3% of all Facebook users, and how do you explain that it is likely ("aannemelijk") that the selected target groups will use more intensively Facebook? 3. Page 12 of proposal: - Market situation per country: the data used for Germany and the UK are not recent enough to make a reasonable assessment of the current market situation (2008 data for Germany and 2007 data for UK); - It is unclear which data source has been used for each of the different paragraphs (production, development sale channels and consumption, development use social media and internet); please provide more details on which source was used for which paragraph, and give references; - It is incorrect to use data on Social Media to make assumptions on the use of Facebook (social media is more than Facebook); please adjust the proposal accordingly; - Provide a reference of the quoted Nielsen research; 4. Page 14 of proposal: - Under the section "development sale channels and consumption" of the market situation in The Netherlands following statement: "Op basis van aantallen bloemen is de situatie geheel anders. Door het veel lagere prijspeil mindere kwaliteit, weinig tot geen toegevoegde waarde) van de bloemen in de supermarkt is het aandeel van de supermarkt naar schatting van handelaren beduidend meer dan 50%. Cijfers hierover ontbreken echter." If there is no supporting data, how can you then make this assumption; please explain; 193 - Under the section "development use social media and internet" it is stated that the Dutch are amongst the biggest users of social media; how is this claim supported, and here also Facebook and social media are wrongly used as synonyms; 5. Page 16 of proposal: in the section "Coherence between actions and objectives", it is claimed that "Cut flowers destined for the higher market segment are almost always produced in the EU"; please provide data supporting this claim; 6. Page 17 of proposal: describing the acceptability (SMART objectives) of the proposal, it is claimed that 8mio EUR of the campaign only represents 3% of the (predicted) profit; that would mean that the (predicted) profit would be 266mio EUR whereas on page 39 (expected impact) a prognosis of 239mio EUR is made; please explain this difference; 7. Page 18 of proposal: it is claimed that growing use of social media will lead to a higher spreading of the message; please explain on which – reliable - base this assumption is being made; 8. Page 27 of proposal: the mentioned cost for action A5 (11.200 EUR) does not correspond with the cost mentioned in the table on page 28 and with the budget table under section 8; please adjust accordingly; 9. Page 37 of proposal: "Honorarium van het Uitvoeringsorgaan": is the use of time sheets foreseen for the personnel costs or will the flat rate be used; now it seems that timesheets are being used for the calculation of the flat rate cost; please clarify; 10. Page 38 of proposal: an asumption is made in relation to an expected decrease in consumption in 2014 and 2015; please explain on what grounds this assumption has been made? Additional remarks: - It would be in favour of the European dimension of the programme if the used extension of the various digital carriers would be ".eu". Therefore the European Commission suggests the use of this extension for the programme. - Please explain how, if necessary, the proposing organisation will select the implementing body in accordance with Art 13§2 of Reg 501/2008. AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 85/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 1/1 Avis du consultant externe: n.a. 194 CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Le 23/07/2013 (Ares 2796485) une demande pour info supplémentaire a été envoyé aux authorités néerlandaise. Le 27/08/2013 (Ares 2934159) nous avons reçu la réponse des authorités néerlandaise sur base de laquelle une note de dossier a été rédigé (Ares 3042304). Recommandation(s) - à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter 195 Annex 1 Detailed budget 'LIEVELINGSBLOEM' (not country related) photography right, design updating, engineering web applications, media strategy & concept development no. Action 2014 2015 2016 Total Buy out photography/video rights & voice-over video Concept development, enrichment & finetuning Setup media strategy €19.775,00 €19.775,00 €19.775,00 €59.325,00 €25.000,00 €25.000,00 €25.000,00 €75.000,00 €42.500,00 €42.500,00 €43.500,00 €128.500,00 €5.000,00 €2.250,00 €2.250,00 €9.500,00 €20.600,00 €21.010,00 €21.400,00 €63.010,00 A6 Updating leaflets, lifesizers & posters, banners, factsheets, flower cards Updating of design billboards, outdoor posters Adjustment website & maintenance €2.500,00 €2.500,00 €2.500,00 €7.500,00 A7 New webapplication €15.000,00 €12.000,00 €10.000,00 €37.000,00 A8 New webapplication tablet types €7.500,00 €1.500,00 €1.500,00 €10.500,00 A9 Webapplication smartphone QR enabled €50.000,00 €2.000,00 €2.000,00 €54.000,00 A 10 webhosting entire campaign €4.750,00 €4.850,00 €4.950,00 €14.550,00 A 11 Re-editing/technical adjustments/maintenance webvideo TOTAL BUDGET NOT COUNTRY RELATED €10.000,00 €5.200,00 €5.250,00 €20.450,00 €202.625,00 €138.585,00 €138.125,00 €479.335,00 2014 2015 2016 Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Detailed budget 'LIEVELINGSBLOEM' (Germany) no. Action D1 POS for Florists €15.900,00 €16.255,00 €16.355,00 €48.510,00 D 1.1 Lifesizers carton €10.750,00 €11.000,00 €11.000,00 €32.750,00 D 1.2 Print cost A2 size 'vote' posters €2.250,00 €2.295,00 €2.340,00 €6.885,00 D 1.3 Distribution cost €2.900,00 €2.960,00 €3.015,00 €8.875,00 D2 POS for Wholesalers €8.000,00 €8.176,00 €8.347,00 €24.523,00 D 2.1 print cost A4 factsheets campaign info €800,00 €816,00 €832,00 €2.448,00 196 D 2.2 Production cost alu banners €4.300,00 €4.400,00 €4.500,00 €13.200,00 D 2.3 Distribution banners €2.900,00 €2.960,00 €3.015,00 €8.875,00 D3 Consumer's Media €614.000,00 €698.000,00 €719.000,00 €2.031.000,00 D 3.1 Billboards placement €315.000,00 €355.000,00 €360.000,00 €1.030.000,00 D 3.2 Production cost outdoor €9.000,00 €9.000,00 €9.000,00 €27.000,00 D 3.3 online advertising lifestyle website €290.000,00 €334.000,00 €350.000,00 €974.000,00 D4 PR activities €121.000,00 €156.120,00 €161.380,00 €438.500,00 D 4.1 €43.200,00 €44.280,00 €37.500,00 €124.980,00 D 4.2 pr strategy set up & execution media contact, soc media control, seeding pr stunt 1 €38.000,00 €55.000,00 €61.000,00 €154.000,00 D 4.3 pr stunt 2 €38.000,00 €55.000,00 €61.000,00 €154.000,00 D 4.4 documentation press clippings €1.800,00 €1.840,00 €1.880,00 €5.520,00 TOTAL GERMANY €758.900,00 €878.551,00 €905.082,00 €2.542.533,00 2014 2015 2016 Total Detailed budget 'LIEVELINGSBLOEM' (France) no. Action F1 POS for Florists €19.650,00 €20.080,00 €39.730,00 F 1.1 Lifesizers carton €- €10.750,00 €11.000,00 €21.750,00 F 1.2 Print cost A2 size 'vote' posters €- €6.000,00 €6.120,00 €12.120,00 F 1.3 Distribution cost €- €2.900,00 €2.960,00 €5.860,00 F2 POS for Wholesalers €7.900,00 €8.074,00 €15.974,00 F 2.1 print cost A4 factsheets campaign info €- €700,00 €714,00 €1.414,00 F 2.2 Production cost alu banners €- €4.300,00 €4.400,00 €8.700,00 F 2.3 Distribution banners €- €2.900,00 €2.960,00 €5.860,00 F3 Consumer's Media €663.500,00 €758.500,00 €1.422.000,00 F 3.1 Billboards placement €- €295.000,00 €330.000,00 €625.000,00 F 3.2 Production cost outdoor €- €8.500,00 €8.500,00 €17.000,00 F 3.3 online advertising lifestyle website €- €360.000,00 €420.000,00 €780.000,00 F4 PR activities €101.800,00 €136.440,00 €238.240,00 F 4.1 pr strategy set up & execution media contact, soc media control, seeding €24.000,00 €24.600,00 €48.600,00 197 €- F 4.2 pr stunt 1 €- €38.000,00 €55.000,00 €93.000,00 F 4.3 pr stunt 2 €- €38.000,00 €55.000,00 €93.000,00 F 4.4 documentation press clippings €- €1.800,00 €1.840,00 €3.640,00 TOTAL FRANCE €- €792.850,00 €923.094,00 €1.715.944,00 2014 2015 2016 Total Detailed budget 'LIEVELINGSBLOEM' (United Kingdom) no. Action U1 POS for Florists €19.650,00 €20.255,00 €- €39.905,00 U 1.1 Lifesizers carton €10.750,00 €11.000,00 €- €21.750,00 U 1.2 Print cost A2 size 'vote' posters €6.000,00 €6.240,00 €- €12.240,00 U 1.3 Distribution cost €2.900,00 €3.015,00 €- €5.915,00 U2 POS for Wholesalers €7.900,00 €8.243,00 €- €16.143,00 U 2.1 print cost A4 factsheets campaign info €700,00 €728,00 €- €1.428,00 U 2.2 Production cost alu banners €4.300,00 €4.500,00 €- €8.800,00 U 2.3 Distribution banners €2.900,00 €3.015,00 €- €5.915,00 U3 Consumer's Media €663.500,00 €758.500,00 €- €1.422.000,00 U 3.1 Billboards placement €295.000,00 €330.000,00 €- €625.000,00 U 3.2 Production cost outdoor €8.500,00 €8.500,00 €- €17.000,00 U 3.3 online advertising lifestyle website €360.000,00 €420.000,00 €- €780.000,00 U4 PR activities €101.800,00 €132.880,00 €- €234.680,00 U 4.1 €24.000,00 €25.000,00 €- €49.000,00 U 4.2 pr strategy set up & execution media contact, soc media control, seeding pr stunt 1 €38.000,00 €53.000,00 €- €91.000,00 U 4.3 pr stunt 2 €38.000,00 €53.000,00 €- €91.000,00 U 4.4 documentation press clippings €1.800,00 €1.880,00 €- €3.680,00 TOTAL UNITED KINGDOM €792.850,00 €919.878,00 €- €1.712.728,00 2014 2015 2016 Total €5.230,00 €5.310,00 €- €10.540,00 Detailed budget 'LIEVELINGSBLOEM' (Netherlands) no. Action N1 POS for Florists 198 N 1.1 Lifesizers carton €2.200,00 €2.250,00 €- €4.450,00 N 1.2 Print cost A2 size 'vote' posters €1.530,00 €1.560,00 €- €3.090,00 N 1.3 Distribution cost €1.500,00 €1.500,00 €- €3.000,00 N2 POS for Wholesalers €2.828,00 €2.866,00 €- €5.694,00 N 2.1 print cost A4 factsheets campaign info €408,00 €416,00 €- €824,00 N 2.2 Production cost alu banners €1.320,00 €1.350,00 €- €2.670,00 N 2.3 Distribution banners €1.100,00 €1.100,00 €- €2.200,00 N3 Consumer's Media €369.950,00 €369.950,00 €- €739.900,00 N 3.1 Billboards placement €155.000,00 €155.000,00 €- €310.000,00 N 3.2 Production cost outdoor €4.950,00 €4.950,00 €- €9.900,00 N 3.3 online advertising lifestyle website €210.000,00 €210.000,00 €- €420.000,00 N4 PR activities €110.770,00 €114.215,00 €- €224.985,00 N 4.1 €16.950,00 €14.375,00 €- €31.325,00 N 4.2 pr strategy set up & execution media contact, soc media control, seeding pr stunt 1 €46.000,00 €49.000,00 €- €95.000,00 N 4.3 pr stunt 2 €46.000,00 €49.000,00 €- €95.000,00 N 4.4 documentation press clippings €1.820,00 €1.840,00 €- €3.660,00 TOTAL NETHERLANDS €488.778,00 €492.341,00 €- €981.119,00 8. Eigen activiteiten (Max. 50% van de acties) 2014 €- 2015 €- 2016 €- Total €- €- €- €- €- TOTAAL VOOR DE ACTIES (1) Kosten ter waarborging van de goede werking = €2.243.153,00 €3.120,00 €3.222.205,00 €- €1.966.301,00 €- €7.431.659,00 €3.120,00 Honoraria van het Uitvoeringsorgaan (max 13% €50.050,00 €46.000,00 €46.000,00 €142.050,00 van acties 1-7, bijlage III Punt B1.2 van contract) 2,23% 1,43% 2,34% 1,91% Meting van de resultaten (Max. 3% van (1), €67.250,00 €96.500,00 €98.250,00 €262.000,00 bijlage III Punt C5 van contract) 3,00% 3,00% 5,00% 3,53% 1,2% van 15% van de jaarlijkse maximale bijdrage van de EU 199 Totale rechtstreekse kosten voor het €2.363.573,00 €3.364.705,00 €2.110.551,00 €7.838.829,00 programma (2) Algemene kosten (Max. 3% van (2)-8, bijlage III €70.750,00 €100.750,00 €63.250,00 €234.750,00 Punt A2 van contract) 2,99% 2,99% 3,00% 2,99% TOTAAL BUDGET VOOR PROGRAMMA €2.434.323,00 €3.465.455,00 €2.173.801,00 €8.073.579,00 200 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Poland Title of the programme: "QAFP – Quality Guaranteed" Competent Authority(ies): Agricultural Market Agency Proposing organisation(s): UPEMI Implementing body(ies): Partner of Promotion Sp z o.o. Type of measure: information Product(s): Meat and meat products produced within the QAFP Quality System Targeted Member States: Poland Duration: 36 months Total budget: 2.999 952,03 EUR Proposal received on: 10 June 2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. A programme on meat and meat products produced within the national Quality System "QAFP", with quantified information objectives (increase of knowledge and awareness) addressed to consumers, Horeca and opinion leaders. The budget is 2.999 952,03 EUR and the programme would run in the years 2014-2017. The programme foresees such actions as www site, PR (press office, press conference, workshops, press reports), informational materials, press and internet campaigns, cinema campaign, idea placement campaign in tv, outdoor campaign, direct events, QAFP Workshops. 201 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) 1. 2. 3. Informing about the rules regarding production of culinary pork meat and pork meat products produced within the QAFP Quality System; Presenting the quality values of the mentioned above products; Increase of both knowledge and trust regarding the quality and safety of pork culinary meat and meat products with the QAFP sign. Quantified objectives: 1. Creating a positive image of the products with the QAFP mark and increasing their recognition among consumers (TG1A and TG1B) by 25%; 2. Creating a positive image of the products with the QAFP mark and increasing their recognition among HoReCa group (TG2) by 25%; 3. Increase of purchase regarding both QAFP culinary pork meat and meat products among HoReCa group (TG2) by 15%; 4. Increase of expert knowledge regarding certification, production process and quality values of QAFP marked products among the journalists key opinion leaders (TG3) by 30% and creating an attractive and positive media image of those products. 202 Strategy : Campaign’s strategy focuses around culinary meat and meat products certified within the QAFP Quality System mark. Informational activities will be targeted at three groups: TG1 Consumers (split for 2 sub-groups – women responsible for household shopping, and so called “foodies” , for which cooking and culinary experience are a hobby), TG2 – HoReCa group, and TG3 – journalists and key opinion leaders. Three sets of activates have been planned for different target groups. First set have been planned for mentioned above target groups. It includes building and managing a www site containing all the necessary information and frequently updated news, public relations activities as well as informational materials distributed during different events. Second set of activities is aimed for consumers, and those activities include: press campaign, idea placement campaign in tv, ad campaign in cinemas, outdoor campaign on city-light media, internet campaign and set of events. The last, third set of activities is aimed for HoReCa group, and these are QAFP workshops, planned for chefs. All these activates have been design to provide all the necessary information regarding QAFP Guaranteed Quality System while reaching a wide spectrum of representatives of the provided target groups, for which subjects as food quality, safety, it’s repeatability and accessibility are a key factor and concern. They have been also focused around spring and Christmas time, in both cases which these are the moments of increased demand for pork and pork products. In terms of strategy it is important to achieve the desired perception of meat produced in QAFP system. Regardless of the diversity of the priority objectives within specific target groups, the key is the image of the product and the perception of its benefits in a consistent manner. Therefore the strategy is to build a perception of QAFP meat as following: QAFP meat is a good choice The entire production cycle is controlled to guarantee high quality of the meat Ease of choosing a high quality - the meat is packaged and labeled, properly stored QAFP meat price is adequate to the quality QAFP meat is a good choice This is an important element of food pyramid - contains essential components, is a source of protein and vitamins QAFP meat have the right amount of fat and comes from a trusted source - affects my well-being great part of a healthy and active lifestyle QAFP meat is a choice of taste QAFP meat is tender, juicy and soft It is a taste that both kids and adults like QAFP meat can be prepared in various ways without any difficulty It is easy to prepare and can supply an infinite amount of culinary ideas The Key issue in the program is the synergy of activities for the three groups and the fit of individual messages and their mutual integration Important are: 203 consequence and coherence of argument complementarity and reinforcing messages their individual fit and timing identify the key points of contact. Target group(s) : TG1: consumers TG1 A: women aged 25-65, living in cities, responsible for daily purchases, taking care of the quality of everyday life, often influenced by advertising in their choices, paying a premiupm for higher quality products, the main factor in their purchase choices are the nutritional qualities of the foodstuffs; TG1 B: foodies – women and men aged 20-45, living in cities, open to novelties, paying attention to nutritional values and taste, like to cook, they celebrate food, they go to restaurants and bars; TG 2: HORECA: representatives/owners of restaurants, hotels, catering companies in bigger cities, with a high standard of the services provided. TG 3: journalists and opinion leaders: increase of professional knowledge about the certification, the production process and values of QAFP products and creating an attractive/positive media image. Themes : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Meat and meat products production standards, methods and requirements; Guaranteed Products Quality System’s advantages; Taste and quality values of pork meat; Knowledge regarding pork meat preparation and cooking process; Meat safety issues Image of pork meat among consumers, HoReCa group and journalists Aspects covered : quality; food safety; specific methods of production; nutrition issues; health issues; labelling; animal welfare; image of EU’s products; Messages to be conveyed : 1. Characteristics of the QAFP system and the requirements set before the certified companies; 2. Taste, quality and food safety characteristics of QAFP certified meat and meat products; 3. Issue of repeatability of meat parameters, including quality, in case of QAFP certified products; 4. Lack of meat “enhancing” methods in case of QAFP certified products, such as water addition; 5. QAFP system package labeling; 6. Trust issues in case of food products, in this case culinary meat and meat products. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: The actions designed for the campaign have been split into 3 main groups. 204 In case of first group, so called “Shared” group (TG1, TG2, TG3), it consists of www site production and update, PR activities (press office, press conference, workshops, reports) and production and distribution of press report. WWW site and press office will be working throughout whole campaign, except the so called start-up time in case of the site. Informational materials will be produced at the start of the campaign and distributed during different events and workshops. In case of the second group, targeted at TG1 – meaning consumers, it consists of: press and internet campaigns, cinema campaign, idea placement campaign in tv, outdoor campaign and direct events. In case of press campaign 22 titles have been chosen, in which press ads and advertorials will be presented every year, during both spring and Christmas time. The same model has been used in case of internet campaign, where banners film ads will be presented at six portals during the same period of time, as in case of press. Cinema campaign, due to its characteristics, has been planned for the first and second year, to help developed the initial impact, and it will be provided in three cinema networks during spring and Christmas again. Idea placement campaign has been planned during every year, again in the same period of time, in two breakfast television programs. Outdoor campaign will be present in six polish major cities and agglomerations, while using the city-light media on bus and tram stops. The last planned activity – direct actions – three workshops for consumers organized with the help of press and contests for bloggers. Third and last group of activities is target at TG2, meaning HoReCa group, and it only consists of QAFP Workshops. These workshops, 7 per year, will be organized for chefs. Their aim will be to both inform them regarding the QAFP quality system as well as to educate them about the proper meat preparation and processing. The volume and planned schedule of the mentioned above actions has been presented in the diagram below. 205 ACTIONS I YEAR I (2014) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I YEAR II (2015) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I YEAR III (2016) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Building the site WWW SITE Contests Site update Site positioning Press office PRESS OFFICE (PR) Press conferance Workshops Reports for press INF Materials TV - IP Campaign Production Distribution Dzień Dobry TVN 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Pytanie na Śniadanie 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Preparing the spot Cinema campaign Multikino New Age Media KinAds Internet campaign Virale Tele tydzień 1 Życie na Gorąco 1 Chwila dla Ciebie 1 Wysokie Obcasy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pani Domu 1 1 1 1 1 Naj 1 Viva 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Show 1 1 1 1 1 Twój Styl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dobre rady 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kobieta i życie 1 1 1 1 Poradnik Domowy Świat Kobiety 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Party Claudia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Przyjaciółka Tina Press campaign 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oliwa 1 1 1 1 1 1 Przyślij Przepis 1 1 1 1 1 1 Moje Gotowanie 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kuchnia 1 1 1 1 1 Sól i Pieprz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Upper Silesian Region Warsaw Outdoor campaign Poznan Wroclaw Tricity Lodz Direct actions "Cook with us" "Blog with QAFP" Workshops QAFP Nowości Gastronomiczne Workshops Świat hoteli 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 206 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anticipated impact: The quantified objectives set by the campaign are: - creating a positive image of the products with the QAFP mark and increasing their recognition among consumers (TG1A and TG1B) and HoReCa group by 25%; - increase of purchase regarding both QAFP culinary pork meat and meat products among HoReCa group (TG2) by 15%; - increase of expert knowledge regarding certification, production process and quality values of QAFP marked products among the journalists key opinion leaders (TG3) by 30% and creating an attractive and positive media image of those products. The main features of the evaluation method are the following: The effectiveness of the campaign will be evaluated through a set of qualitative and quantitative assessments. All the results will be presented in an evaluation report prepared by an independent body after the campaign is finished. Qualitative research will be based on individual interviews with the representatives of presented target groups in 3 major cities in Poland. Quantitative research will be based on 3 sets – a pre-test, test in the middle of the campaign, and test at the end of the campaign. Tests aimed at consumers will be implemented as canvass, whereas tests aimed at HoReCa will be implemented through a CATI method poll. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 23,2 / 30 Quality of the programme: 32,4 / 40 European dimension: 6,4 / 10 Cost/efficiency: 15,2 / 20 207 Budget by action : Group € Activities Coherent creative line WWW site Public Relations Informational materials SUM Press campaign TV campaign Cinemas campaign Outdoor campaign (OOH) Internet campaign Direct activities SUM Workshops for chefs Trade press SUM Shared TG1 Consumers TG2 HoReCa YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III Net cost Net cost Net cost € 7 500,00 € Guarantee's cost for order's proper execution Campaign's effectivness research Fee - 13% SUM OF DIRECT COSTS Proposing Organization's costs - 3% TOTAL BUDGET NET € - € 10 500,00 € 16 330,00 € 6 040,00 € 6 040,00 € 28 410,00 € 101 590,60 € 86 087,00 € 73 927,54 € 261 605,14 € 37 912,30 € 780,00 € 780,00 € 39 472,30 € 163 332,90 € 95 907,00 € 80 747,54 € 339 987,44 € 206 905,00 € 206 905,00 € 206 905,00 € 620 715,00 € 83 200,00 € 83 200,00 € 83 200,00 € 249 600,00 € 98 470,00 € 55 480,00 € € 153 950,00 - € 34 330,00 € 34 330,00 € 34 330,00 € 102 990,00 € 204 185,00 € 201 740,00 € 278 830,00 € 684 755,00 € 48 700,00 € 48 700,00 € 48 700,00 € 146 100,00 € 675 790,00 € 630 355,00 € 651 965,00 € 55 928,00 € 55 928,00 € 55 928,00 € € 12 000,00 € 12 000,00 € 12 000,00 € 36 000,00 € 67 928,00 € 67 928,00 € 67 928,00 € 203 784,00 YEAR I TOTAL COST OF ACTIONS 3 000,00 SUM YEAR II € 907 050,90 € € 10 395,34 € € 1 958 110,00 SUM YEAR III 794 190,00 - € 800 640,54 € 167 784,00 - € 2 501 881,44 € 10 395,34 € 27 211,00 € 23 825,00 € 24 019,00 € 75 055,00 € 117 916,00 € 103 244,00 € 104 083,00 € 325 243,00 € 1 062 573,24 € 921 259,00 € 928 742,54 € 31 877,20 € 27 637,77 € 27 862,28 € 1 094 450,44 € 948 896,77 € 956 604,82 € 2 912 574,78 € 87 377,25 € 2 999 952,03 Co-financing plan : € YEAR I Co-financing EU Poland UPEMI SUM YEAR II YEAR III SUM % € 547 225,22 € 474 448,39 € 478 302,41 € 1 499 976,02 50% € 328 335,13 € 284 669,03 € 286 981,45 € 899 985,61 30% € 218 890,09 € 189 779,35 € 191 320,96 € 599 990,40 20% € 1 094 450,44 € 948 896,77 € 956 604,82 € 2 999 952,03 100% RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. 208 However: 1. In the programme there is no mention of another currently co-financed running programme on the QAFP system (on poultry and goose meat, by National Poultry Council – KRD, which started 28/9/2011, duration 3 years); a parallel programme on the QAFP system in the Polish market would be possible (in particular because it is for pig meat and not poultry), it should however be indicated in this proposal how actions will be organised in order to be sure that resources will not be doubled for the same events, audiences etc., and it should all the more so be indicated what possible synergies and mutual reinforcements of these campaigns could be observed for an increased information impact in the Polish market; 2. The objective of the proposed programme is correctly "information", so the improvement of sales is, also correctly, not a direct objective of the programme, but only a secondary and complementing one; however, more data on the level of production of pigmeat in the QAFP system should be provided, as well as the levels of its consumption in Poland, so that it could be assessed that the product does exist in the target market and is available for the potential buyers; also a quantified forecast on the production potential of QAFP pigmeat in the future should be given; moreover it should be noted that "distributors" are not a direct target group of the campaign – please explain how the programme will contribute to the increased presence of the QAFP pigmeat in the market without targeting directly the distributors; 3. Please foresee among the messages to be applied in the programme in the course of its implementation the type of messages that are foreseen in the sectoral Guidelines for this sector in Annex I of Reg. 501/2008; moreover the measurement of the impact of the programme (in the domain of the increased awareness) should be focussed on the observation of an improvement of knowledge of these messages. Moreover, please adjust the following points: 4. On p. 38 in the description of the tender procedure for the selection of the implementing body it is mentioned that 3 final offers came on 18 March, however on the previous page it results that the date should be 8 March – please clarify; 5. When catering, tastings or seminars with the use of QAFP meat are mentioned in the programme (for instance on p. 136, 139, 213), please confirm that the meat products will be delivered at factory prices; 6. On p. 139 the assumed size of the room should be mentioned, the fees of the "expert and service" should be broken down and justified better, the description of the "follow up of invitations" should be improved; 7. On p. 143 the yearly cost of 42.240 EUR should be broken down more – who will be hired in the press office?, what type of personnel?, what part of the amount above mentioned is going to be made up of "cost of running of the press office"?, what does the latter include? How will the daily work of the press office be monitored? 8. On p. 144 please justify better the level of the flat-rate fees of the experts, or if applicable reduce them to average market levels; 9. On p. 169, 171 and 214 the expected size of each advertorial is provided, but not the expected page in the selected magazines – please provide this information; 10. On p. 175 the strategy of the idea placement is focussed on breakfast broadcasts; please explain if there is no other type of popular TV programme where the information actions may take place (which would be perhaps a more preferable one for quality pig meat)? Popular broadcasts aired at the time of barbecues or dinners (more in the evening time slots) may be also recommended. If it is still reckoned that breakfast programmes are the best tool, please improve the justification of this choice. 11. On p. 185 the actions "RPM" and "sound group" should be explained better; moreover some words is clearly missing in some of the sub-actions, please verify and add the 209 missing wording; finally please explain on the basis of which strategy are the costs of the spot campaigns calculated – is it on the basis of the strategy of "purchase of guaranteed audience" mentioned on p. 183? Does the choice of this strategy mean that the length of the action in the cinemas may be longer/shorter than assumed (in order to reach the guaranteed audience)? 12. On p. 198 – how can the effectiveness of the viral spots be measured? Is there a way of assessing the number of views of each clip? Moreover, can the costs of production of the movies be lowered by re-using some materials/concepts from other actions of the programme? 13. In the programme you may consider using a website with the ".eu" extension, which could be used along with, or at least lead to, the foreseen ".pl" website, please consult; Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted for co-financing. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: Yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/average/poor 77,2 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 External consultant’s opinion: no CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted. The Proposing Organisation and the Competent Authority have provided all required clarifications. (communication of 25/7/2013 ARES 2755865). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 210 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Portugal Title of the programme: Programa de Crescimento e Consolidação do Vinho Verde nos Países Terceiros Competent Authority(ies): Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas (IFAP) Proposing organisation(s): Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes (CVRVV) Implementing body(ies): Not selected yet Type of measure: promotion/information/mixed Product(s): Vinho Verde with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Targeted Member States: Brazil, Canada, USA, Norway, and Switzerland Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1,271,267.85EUR EU co-financing: 635,633.93 EUR Proposal received on: 8/06/13 (electronic) and 13/06/13 (paper) This programme aims at strengthening the knowledge and demand for European wines in third countries, enhancing the image and quality of wines in general, and wines with Protected Designation of Origin Vinho Verde in particular. Target markets include Brazil, Canada, USA, Norway, and Switzerland. On one hand, trade/professionals will mainly be reached through actions such as educational trips to the Vinho Verde Region as well as seminars, tastings and meetings with Vinho Verde producers. On the other hand, educational tastings and advertising campaigns will be the principal actions used to target adult consumers. 211 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation N/A Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : Strengthen the knowledge and demand for European wines, enhancing the image and quality of wines in general, and wines with Protected Designation of Origin Vinho Verde in particular; # 1 - Report the current quality level of the Vinho Verde wine and demonstrate it through tastings # 2 - To educate and enhance the knowledge of the target audiences about the diversity of styles/profiles of Vinho Verde wine, moments of consumption and matching with food # 3 - Strengthen the presence of Vinho Verde in targeted markets # 4 - Increasing media attention # 5 - Benefit directly/indirectly all operators of the Vinho Verde Region: 21.000 winegrowers and 600 bottlers. 212 Strategy : The program to be implemented is based on a clear differentiation strategy of Vinho Verde PDO (based on the unique attributes of PDO Vinho Verde) and great value of the Protected Designation of Origin Vinho Verde (different profiles of Vinho Verde for higher prices categories). Target group(s) : - Trade/Professionals - This audience includes the media/journalists, importers, distributors, retailers and sommeliers. More than a business partner, the trade is an important vehicle for educating consumers, acting as trendsetters, often explaining and influencing consumers in choosing the wine. In this sense the role of sommeliers is fundamental in restaurants as well as retailers in supermarkets, liquor stores, and hotels and importers in influencing distributors. Journalists have the power to educate and influence professionals and consumers. - Adult Consumers. Themes : 1. Specifications, quality and diversity of European Wines 2. Information about the Community regulations on wines with protected designation of origin, in particular the Vinho Verde PDO regulation To benefit from a PDO label, the viticultural product is subject to rigorous control of every phase of its production, from vine to consumer. The grape varieties used, the methods of vinification and its organoleptic characteristics are only some of the elements whose control contributes to the award of this PDO. It is the responsibility of the Regional Viticultural Commissions to carry out this control, so as to guarantee the authenticity and quality of PDO products from within its specified regions. The certification Vinho Verde PDO shows that the requirements lay down by the Common Wine-growing Market Organization (European Commission regulations), by National legislation and the rules of the Region itself, have been met, relating to: - Geographic area of production; - Types of soils for the vines; - Suitability of grape varieties; - Cultural practices and methods of training vines (traditional and those recommended by CVRVV); - Register and characterization of the vines; - Yield per hectare; - Wine-making methods and practices; - Oenological practices; - Minimum natural alcohol content; - Physical-chemical and organoleptic characteristics; - Wine-making, distillation, storage and pre-packaging facilities; - Inscription according to the general norms of the Vine and Wine Institute and the internal procedures of CVRVV; - Distribution and marketing; - Labeling to be used on containers. 3. Information about the Vinho Verde PDO, certified quality, the intrinsic qualities of this wine. For the consumer, a viticultural product that carries a PDO label is sure to be genuine and authentic, a favorable factor in the perception of its quality. 4. Vinho Verde and food. 213 Aspects covered : quality wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : - The Vinho Verde is a European wine with PDO; certificate. - Vinho Verde offers appealingly light wines and lower alcohol wines, reflecting the natural assets of this unique coastal wine region. - There is no other wine like Vinho Verde in the world. Vinho Verde provides refreshingly different wines to most other great white wine regions by basing much of its winemaking craft on the clever use of blends from several indigenous varietals, including the classic Alvarinho. - These qualities together deliver a range of distinctively fresh, crisp, and lightly aromatic styles. - There are different profiles of Vinho Verde, which share common characteristics (freshness, lightness, low alcohol) but present with different styles - white, rosé, sparkling and sparkling, semi-sweet, dry batch, varietal, etc. - Vinho Verde wine is surprisingly gourmet (food friendly), harmonize with huge dishes and international cuisines - Always great value – outstanding quality wine at everyday and premium price ranges; ideal for many relaxing wine moments and food occasions. All these messages are based on the intrinsic qualities of the PDO Vinho Verde and conform to the law applicable in the target markets. It is intended to communicate a Europe rich in tradition and culture, whose values are revealed in agricultural products (wines) that are produced with quality in the European Community; to demonstrate to Third Countries the ability that European Community have, as experienced producer of quality wines, to combine these cultural and historical values with modern technologies and consumer tastes. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Corporate Design 1. Corporate Design Conceptual and graphic production of the communication materials, production of photographic images for illustration and incorporation in the communication materials. Translation into the language of the target markets. Brazil 1. Brazil Media & Trade Program Media & Trade Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the media and trade needs (brochures, ads, press kit ...). Educational Tour: Educational trip to the Vinho Verde Region for trade – journalists, importers/distributers and sommeliers. Media & Trade Meeting: The activity takes place in a city per year (Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Campinas), for 25 professional guests: - Educational and interactive seminar, guided by a CVRVV technician and a prominent expert in the local market - Guided tasting of Vinho Verde wine and food 214 - Meetings for individual presentation of Vinho Verde wines to the professional guests 2. Brazil Consumer Program Consumer Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the consumer needs (brochures, ads, information guides ...). Educational Tastings: 10 Vinho Verde educational tastings for consumers at the points of sale (Retailer tastings), bars or restaurants (Friday tastings), food and wine events (Food & Wine tastings and Top Chefs tastings) and other relevant events (Special tastings). The activity includes brand activation with hobbies and/or giveaways, the promoters training, and when relevant Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Campinas. 3. Brazil Informative Advertising Campaign Vinho Verde Information campaign online and offline. Provisional plan: 4. Brazil Implementing Body Staff Expenses Flights and stays during the execution of the program’s activities. 5. Brazil Wine and Materials Transport Shipment of samples (wines and materials) for the execution of the program’s activities. Air transport to the destination airport and land transport to the final address, including legalization and customs duties, insurance and other related expenses (shipping boxes for redistribution per several final addresses etc.). Canada Being this a monopoly market with high legal limitations to communication with the wine consumer, the program does not contemplate direct action to end-consumer. 1. Canada Media & Trade Program Media & Trade Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the media and trade needs (brochures, ads, press kit ...). Educational Tour: Educational trip to the Vinho Verde Region for trade – journalists, importers/distributers and sommeliers. Educational Tastings: 5 Vinho Verde educational tastings for members of the media or trade (guild of sommeliers or importers and distributors teams). The activity includes a local and specialized trainer/speaker, and Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in different cities according to the acceptance of the target audiences. 2. Canada Wine and Materials Transport Shipment of samples (wines and materials) for the execution of the program’s activities. Air transport to the destination airport and land transport to the final address, including legalization and customs duties, insurance and other related expenses (shipping boxes for redistribution per several final addresses etc.). 215 USA 1. USA Vinho Verde Website Maintaining a website specifically for the U.S. market, with informative, attractive and high quality contents - an introduction to the Vinho Verde Denomination of Origin, information and education for trade, media and consumers, and information about education events in the U.S: Vinho Verde Events: Keep consumers and trade updated on Vinho Verde events. List upcoming events on the homepage that will hyperlink to an Events Page with additional details including participating producers, venue, and RSVP contacts. Following events, will upload slideshow of event photos via Flickr. News Bureau: Post relevant news articles and recent Vinho Verde wine reviews on homepage, linking to the original articles. Food and Wine Pairings: Build a tool to help consumers pair Vinho Verde with a particular dish. Trade Information: Include detailed information for the wine trade and media including upcoming trade events, recent vintage reports, and statistics about Vinho Verde wine in the U.S. Educational Materials: Provide PDFs of Vinho Verde brochures and maps that can be downloaded and printed for consumers and trade to learn more about Vinho Verde viticulture. 2. USA Media & Trade Program Media & Trade Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the media and trade needs (brochures, ads, press kit ...). Press Office: Information service about Vinho Verde for media and other trade – includes both traditional media and wine bloggers. Works as a comprehensive, year-round news bureau to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the media. The aim is to promote greater awareness and knowledge of Vinho Verde. - Individual presswork - individualized advice to journalists, to achieve greater depth in press coverage - Submit wine samples for selected journalists and bloggers to encourage reviews - Monitoring of the news published and clipping service. Educational Tour: Educational trip to the Vinho Verde Region for trade – journalists, importers/distributers and sommeliers. Media & Trade Meeting: The activity takes place in a city per year (New York, Chicago and San Francisco), for 25 professional guests: - Educational and interactive seminar, guided by a CVRVV technician and a prominent expert in the local market - Guided tasting of Vinho Verde wine and food - Meetings for individual presentation of Vinho Verde wines to the professional guests Educational Tastings: 15 Vinho Verde educational tastings for members of the media or trade (guild of sommeliers or importers and distributors teams). The activity includes a local and specialized trainer/speaker, and Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in different cities according to the acceptance of the target audiences. 3. USA Consumer Program Consumer Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the consumer needs (brochures, ads, information guides ...). 216 Educational Tastings: 15 Vinho Verde educational tastings for consumers at the points of sale (Retailer tastings), bars or restaurants (Friday tastings), food and wine events (Food & Wine tastings and Top Chefs tastings) and other relevant events (Special tastings). The activity includes brand activation with hobbies and/or giveaways, the promoters training, and when relevant Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. 4. USA Informative Advertising Campaign Vinho Verde Information campaign online and offline. Provisional plan: 5. USA Implementing Body Staff Expenses Flights and stays during the execution of the program’s activities. 6. USA Wine and Materials Transport Shipment of samples (wines and materials) for the execution of the program’s activities. Air transport to the destination airport and land transport to the final address, including legalization and customs duties, insurance and other related expenses (shipping boxes for redistribution per several final addresses etc.). 7. USA Market Study Study to evaluate the results of the activities executed during the 3 years of the program in USA. Study’s outputs: - Final quantification of the impact measures in the U.S. market - And, by extrapolation form USA market considered as a reference market, program’s impact in other target markets. Norway Being this a monopoly market with high legal limitations to communication with the wine consumer, the program does not contemplate direct action to end-consumer. 1. Norway Media & Trade Program Media & Trade Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the media and trade needs (brochures, ads, press kit ...). Educational Tour: Educational trip to the Vinho Verde Region for trade – journalists, importers/distributers and sommeliers. Media & Trade Meeting: The activity takes place in Oslo, for 25 professional guests: - Educational and interactive seminar, guided by a CVRVV technician and a prominent expert in the local market - Guided tasting of Vinho Verde wine and food - Meetings for individual presentation of Vinho Verde wines to the professional guests 217 Educational Tastings: 5 Vinho Verde educational tastings for members of the media or trade (guild of sommeliers or importers and distributors teams). The activity includes a local and specialized trainer/speaker, and Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in different cities according to the acceptance of the target audiences. 2. Norway Implementing Body Staff Expenses Flights and stays during the execution of the program’s activities. 3. Norway Wine and Materials Transport Shipment of samples (wines and materials) for the execution of the program’s activities. Air transport to the destination airport and land transport to the final address, including legalization and customs duties, insurance and other related expenses (shipping boxes for redistribution per several final addresses etc.). Switzerland 1. Switzerland Media & Trade Program Media & Trade Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the media and trade needs (brochures, ads, press kit ...). Educational Tour: Educational trip to the Vinho Verde Region for trade – journalists, importers/distributers and sommeliers. Media & Trade Meeting: The activity takes place in a city per year (Zurich and Geneva), for 25 professional guests: - Educational and interactive seminar, guided by a CVRVV technician and a prominent expert in the local market - Guided tasting of Vinho Verde wine and food - Meetings for individual presentation of Vinho Verde wines to the professional guests 2. Switzerland Consumer Program Consumer Material: Coordination and production of e-newsletters and informational materials customized to the consumer needs (brochures, ads, information guides ...). Educational Tastings: 5 Vinho Verde educational tastings for consumers at the points of sale (Retailer tastings), bars or restaurants (Friday tastings), food and wine events (Food & Wine tastings and Top Chefs tastings) and other relevant events (Special tastings). The activity includes brand activation with hobbies and/or giveaways, the promoters training, and when relevant Vinho Verde wine and food matching guided by recognized chefs and/or sommeliers. The educational tastings will take place in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. 3. Switzerland Implementing Body Staff Expenses Flights and stays during the execution of the program’s activities. 4. Switzerland Wine and Materials Transport Shipment of samples (wines and materials) for the execution of the program’s activities. Air transport to the destination airport and land transport to the final address, including legalization and customs duties, insurance and other related expenses (shipping boxes for redistribution per several final addresses etc.). 218 Anticipated impact: #1 – Increased awareness and demand of Vinho Verde, enhanced image and perceived quality of wines with Protected Designation of Origin Vinho Verde #2 – Increase the Vinho Verde presence in target markets - Growth rate/year of the Vinho Verde demand in Brazil = 6% (base 1.1 million liters) - Growth rate/year of the Vinho Verde demand in Canada = 6% (base 1 million liters) - Growth rate/year of the Vinho Verde demand in USA = 5% (base 4 million liters) 219 - Growth rate/year of the Vinho Verde demand in Norway = 7% (base 160.000 liters) - Growth rate/year of the Vinho Verde demand in Switzerland = 7% (base 900.000 liters) #3 – Increase media attention - Number of articles published/per year in the Brazil: 6 - Number of articles published/per year in the Canada: 6 - Number of articles published/per year in the USA: 20 - Number of articles published/per year in the Norway: 6 - Number of articles published/per year in the Switzerland: 6 # 4 - Average producers’ satisfaction level after participation in the program’s activities: positive (evaluated by questionnaire in the end of each activity) # 5 - N. º of contacts made per activity – average of 5 contacts by producer (evaluated by questionnaire in the end of each activity) # 6 - N. º of business previewed per activity – average of 3 commercial businesses by producer (evaluated by questionnaire in the end of each activity) Method of impact assessment: Evaluation Methodology: - Evaluation Study of the results of the program's activities (USA) - Evaluation questionnaires of the visits to the Vinho Verde Region (guests' responses) - Statistical data from INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística – Portugal): demand - value and volume - per target market - Clipping: number of articles published about Vinho Verde per target market - Evaluation questionnaires of participation of the producers in the program's activities ASSESSMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 27/30 Quality of the programme: 32/40 European dimension: 7/10 Cost/efficiency: Budget by action : 14/20 € 220 221 222 223 Co-financing plan : € 224 Revised Budget by action : € 225 226 227 228 Revised Co-financing plan : € 229 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: This programme is the continuation of four programmes: - Programa de Promoção do Vinho Verde em Países Terceiros (FEOGA - Nº 04DFA2/SPA-040), aprovado a 22 de Abril de 2004 e com bom término a 21 de Abril de 2006 (mercados visados: EUA, CANADA, BRASIL E SUÍÇA); - Programa de Informação e Promoção do Vinho Verde nos Países Terceiros (FEOGA contrato 07- DFA/SPA-025), comparticipado pelo IFAP/EU, com bom término a 4 de Março de 2010 (mercados visados: EUA, CANADA, BRASIL, SUÍÇA E NORUEGA); - Programa Reforço de Informação e Promoção dos Vinhos Verdes (DOP) nos Países Terceiros (Contrato FEAGA n.º 05 02 10 01 – 3801 437), comparticipado pelo IFAP/EU, com bom término a 25 de Fevereiro de 2013 (mercados visados: EUA, CANADA, BRASIL, SUÍÇA E NORUEGA); - Promoção de vinho em mercados de países terceiros, Concurso nº 1/2010, contracto 0011/APVMPT/11, comparticipado pela IFAP/EU, em execução da terceira e última fase (mercados visados: EUA, CANADA, BRASIL E SUÍÇA). Annual reports of these programmes were sent together with this application and show the positive impacts these programmes had on the target markets. One has to note that CVRVV is representing a very high number of producers (21,000) and that although the programmes seem to repeat themselves, they may benefit different producers and target different markets within a country. CVRVV indeed intends to extend the range of wines proposed in each of these target markets. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Proposing organisation and implementing body: - The Member State is asked to confirm whether the proposing organisation is a public or private body, in the sense of Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC (c.f. Article 13(2) of Regulation 501/2008). - As there is a risk of double funding of promotion activities for wine in third countries, the Member State is asked to confirm that the activities foreseen within this programme will not receive any other funding from the EU, in particular within the framework of the wine support programme (Article 103p of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007). - Provide a detailed calendar for the procedure to be followed to select the implementing body (p. 11). Programme type: - According to the objectives and actions description, the programme type should be modified to mixed and not promotion only (p. 13). Objectives: - All objectives should be quantified for each target country. Some indications are given under the impacts' section but they should be further detailed under this chapter (p. 18). Actions: For all target countries: - Media Trade and Consumer Material: provide more detailed information on the type of material to be produced as well as to whom they will be distributed; justify the wide range of costs used (from 3,500 to 10,150 EUR); - Educational tastings: indicate the approximate numbers of participants/contacts per training; justify the unit cost used per training (this cost varies from 1,000 to 2,500 EUR depending of the target country); confirm that the cost of the wine used for tasting 230 corresponds to factory prices. If it is not possible in some of the target markets (for example because of monopolies), duly justify the costs used; - Samples transport: justify the costs foreseen with the volumes transported and the distances. For USA actions: - Press office (USA): confirm that the cost of the wine samples to be sent to journalists and bloggers corresponds to factory prices; indicate the size of these samples (p. 28); - Website (USA): in the description of this action (USA), it is clearly mentioned that this corresponds mainly to the maintenance of the existing website while in the cost section, the cost foreseen includes much more. Please clarify and justify the cost; - Media & Trade meetings (USA): justify or modify the numbers of hours attributed to the coordination of these actions by the executive agency (37.5 hours) as similar actions in other countries require less time; - Market Study (USA): this study is part of the compulsory final evaluation of the programme and does not represent an action as such. It should therefore be removed from this chapter and its cost should be included in the 3% foreseen for the final evaluation (see below in budget). Impacts and final evaluation: - Indicate the expected numbers of direct and indirect contacts for each action; - An evaluation study is foreseen for the USA market and is proposed to be used to extrapolate the impacts of the programme in the other target countries. Provide more details on this evaluation and on its methodology. In addition, it seems that extrapolating the data obtained from this study to results obtained on the other target markets will have its limitations and won't produce reliable data to assess the overall impact of the programme. Therefore the final evaluation methodology should be refined and further detailed. Budget and administrative certificates: - The cost of the implementing body is based on time sheets and not on a percentage fee. As a result it sometimes represents more than 40% of the cost of the actions. This seems very high and should be duly justified or revised if necessary; - 3% for the compulsory final evaluation of the programme should be added to the budget. - Financing plan: two plans are presented, one with 20% MS co-financing and one with no MS co-financing. This is not allowed as the co-financing plan should be determined when the proposal is submitted. Confirm that the MS will finance 20% as stated in their summary table and remove the other financing table from the proposal. The declaration of the proposing organisation should also be modified accordingly; - The social security and financial certificates are not valid anymore and should be resubmitted. European dimension: - It would be in favour of the European dimension of the programme if the used extension of the various digital carriers would be ".eu". Therefore the European Commission suggests the use of this extension for the programme. 231 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: 80/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 3/5 N/A CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that sufficient additional information is provided. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications by email on the 27th August 2013 and by mail on the 2nd September 2013. All details can be found in the Note For the File (Ares(2013)3089923). Recommendation(s): - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 232 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): PORTUGAL - PT Title of the programme: The Excellence of Honey Competent Authority(ies): Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas (IFAP) Proposing organisation(s): Federação Nacional de Apicultores Portugueses (FNAP) Implementing body(ies): Not yet selected Type of measure: promotion/information/mixed Product(s): honey Targeted Member States: FRANCE – FR, GERMANY – DE, PORTUGAL – PT, SPAIN – ES, SWEDEN – SE and UNITED KINGDOM – UK Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1,206,456.30 EUR EU co-financing: 603,228.15 EUR Proposal received on: 8/06/13 (electronic) and 13/06/13 (paper) This programme aims at promoting honey as a product of excellence around two themes: “Do you really know honey?” and “More Honey, More Life”. The main target groups are families, particularly young families (less than 35 years), youth population (ages between 5 and 12), as well as restoration, school canteens and distribution companies. Apart from horizontal marketing and communication activities, this programme foresees the participation to various international fairs and exhibitions in France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. In addition, for Portugal, two annual events around gastronomy are planned – namely the "Melisème" action (tasting with producers and journalists) and "Aldeia do Mel" (activities around honey including showcookings, workshops, labshops, games, tastings, sales, music, etc.) – as well as public relations activities including participation in fashion events, presence at airports and schools' actions. 233 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation N/A Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : 1. Promote the unique characteristics, as well as nutritious qualities of honey as functional food. 2. Create the preference and promote honey consumption based on its characteristics and qualities, as a healthier alternative, and as better alimentation, suitable for any life phase e different life styles; 3. Lower the average age of consumers; 4. Increase the average consumption (per capita) of honey in Portugal (0,3 Kg/person/year) to a value near EU average (0,6 Kg/person/year) – growth of 5% a year; 5. Change the present balance of the Portuguese market, reinforcing the importance of retail market, from the actual 15% share to 25%, allowing the producers to retain the gains provided by selling final products; 6. Channel the expected production growth, consequence of the augmentation of hives and high market price cycle, in order to face the expected growth on demand; 7. Promote the image of Honey as a product of excellence; 234 8. Maximize the efficacy and coverage levels of the communication within the target audiences; 9. Promote the honey image, and the importance of honey consumption, as (i) environmental friendly, (ii) fundamental for biodiversity (both flora and fauna resources), (iii) promoter of ecosystems and habitats and for that as a fundamental contributor for the maintenance and development of rural areas and population. Strategy : In order to achieve our goals and proposed objectives, we have decided for a strategy of development which lays in a fluid communication process, capable of changing the consumers’ habits. The strategy is based on three complementary areas, which should always be looked upon in a combined manner: 1. Marketing and communication should accompany the entire program, and make easier the information flow, laying down conditions for the consumers better understanding of our messages. 2. As far as the public relations actions are concerned, the direct contact with different audiences will allow us to better interact, especially with children. These actions are of extreme importance as they allow the development of experimentation activities, which will work as consumption enhancer. 3. Events and Fairs: fairs still have a major importance in the food sector, as always are present the major distributors. The events will be activities that will allow us to have a more near and direct contact with different audiences. It’s our belief that this strategy is the more correct and appropriate to achieve the goals and proposed objectives. Target group(s) : 1. Families, particularly young families (less than 35 years); 2. Youth population (ages between 5 and 12); 3. Restoration, school canteens and distribution companies; 4. Media and Social communication. Themes : 1. With this program we aim to develop the message: “Do you really know honey?”. With this message we intend to create expectations in the consumers, and by that, growth the awareness for the benefits of honey consumption. 2. Additionally we intend to promote the increase of honey consumption, and to establish an consumption habit, through the message: “More Honey, More Life” Aspects covered : quality safety of food nutritional values labelling respect for the environment image of Community products Messages to be conveyed : 1. The benefits and different applicability of honey as food; 2. Beekeeping is an environmental friendly activity, perfectly integrated in natural ecosystems and habitats; 235 3. The profits and indirect benefits of beekeeping and honey consumption for today society and global economy are unquestionable and not measureable. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Action 1 – Marketing and Communication A. Messages' definition, Communication strategy and corporate image including the electronic newsletter Message systemization and creation of corporate image for reinforcement of different target audiences, both of the European Honey sector and civil society, placing honey in the mind of European consumers. B. Media coverage including one press conference as well as its preparation and followup Direct contact with all national media, and some foreign ones, for transmitting the program messages, its development and other. The aim is to reach the general public, as well as other considered targets, through the systematic issue of media statements, promotion of interviews, opinion articles and similar, and organizing some periodic meetings with several media. Recollection of information published in the press national wide, and content analysis of the news published in the media. 236 C. Graphic communication and visuals including graphic design, images bank, creation and production of booklets, leaflets and guides, promotional video The creation of graphic parts will function as message reinforcement. It’s a fundamental tool for street action and mass distribution. D. Website creation and Social networks Through the website it is intended to reach a wider audience as possible, but it will be used at the same time as a research and information tool for journalists of different media and other professionals. The intention is to reach younger audiences trough discussion forum, tips and other advices for a healthier lifestyle. Action 2 – Public relations With these actions it is intended to guaranty a close contact with different audiences, serving not only to reach those that we communicate directly to, but also other audiences capable of influencing consumption behaviour. A. Participating in 2 National fashion events: "MelGastronomous" stand where finger foods and drinks based on honey will be served B. Presence at airports (3 days/year, each year): "MelGastronomous" stand C. School actions (75 schools/year, 500 students/school): participation of one chef (from the "MelGastronomous" stand), one specialist in biodiversity/bees, one nutritionist and, for one school per year, one VIP as well. Action 3 – Participation in Fairs and Exhibitions To participate in the following main national and international events and fairs (food industry), and by doing so reaching different targets and audiences: PT: Salão "Prazer de Provar" – Santarém (in 2014, 2015 and 2016), SISAB Salão Internacional do vinho, Pescado e Agro-Alimentar – Lisbon (in 2015), Alimentária – Lisbon (in 2014) FR: SIAL – Paris (in 2014 and 2016) DE: Anuga – Cologne (in 2015) ES: Alimentaria – Barcelona (in 2015), Salón del Gourmets – Madrid (in 2016) UK: IFE – London (in 2015) SE: Love Food & wine Fair (Alska Mat & Vin) – Malmo (in 2015) A. Miniworkshops, labshops with finger foods based on honey B. Similar structures to be mounted on main squares of each city at same time as fairs or exhibitions Action 4 – Gastronomy With the proposed events we aim to communicate and establish a relation of proximity with opinion makers (journalists, producers and area experts) for one hand, and for another, to guaranty a massive involvement of the population. A. "Melisème" action (once per year): tasting with producers and journalists (Porto in 2014 and 2016, Lisbon in 2015) B. "Aldeia do Mel" (once per year): various activities around honey including showcookings, workshops, labshops, games, tastings, sales, music, etc. Method of impact assessment: Direct contacts: 237 The programme also oversees to have around 7 million of indirect contacts. The following tools are foreseen: Registration of direct contacts (estimated numbers above) Web statistics for indirect contacts Final evaluation of the market behaviour, compared to the previous years Two studies to measure the notoriety of honey in the different target groups, one at the beginning of the programme and one at the end ASSESSMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 28/30 Quality of the programme: 34/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 7/10 16/20 238 Budget by action : € Co-financing plan : € Revised Budget by action : € 239 Revised Co-financing plan : € 240 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: N/A Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Proposing organisation and implementing body: - The Member State is asked to confirm whether the proposing organisation is a public or private body, in the sense of Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC (c.f. Article 13(2) of Regulation 501/2008). - Selection of the implementing body: reference should be made to annex 6 and not 7 (p. 7). Target markets and objectives: - Clarify which are the target markets (chapter 4.4, p. 8): add Portugal explicitly in the list given; since DE, FR, ES, SE and UK are also mentioned as markets targeted through this programme, the current situation of honey on these markets should be added in chapter 5.1. - Objectives should be better aligned with the guidelines of Annex I of Regulation 501/2008; for instance, the following objectives should be deleted: o lower the average age of honey consumers o change the present balance of the Portuguese market o channel the expected production growth - Objectives should all be SMART, in particular they need to be quantified and measurable for each of the target markets (p. 13). Actions: - For all actions, include in their description (in chapter 5.5 – and not in the annexes) a table presenting their respective costs. In particular: o align description of action 1 in chapter 5.5 (p. 17-21) with the budgetary breakdown provided p. 36. o provide breakdown costs for the following actions (p. 36) as they are currently missing from the proposal: First three marketing and communication activities Video National Fashion Events Meliseme Aldeia do Mel - Action 1.B (p. 18): clarify how many press conferences will be organised, provide more details (when will it be organised, who will participate, which media will be used, etc.); precise which "social communication organs" will be used. - Action 1.D (p. 20): which language(s) will be used for the website and the communication materials? Will you need translation costs? If so, their relative costs should be included. - Action 2.A (p. 22): precise when, where, for how long and who will participate in the National Fashion Events. - Action 2.C (p. 26): according to the calendar it is foreseen to visit 74 schools during three months each year (including the month of December). Is that realistic? If too ambitious, modify the calendar accordingly; provide information on the "brinde promocional" to be distributed at the School events. 241 - Action 3 (p. 23): clarify if you intend to participate in the Feira Agricola de Santarem or in the Salao de Prazer de Provar as stated in the annex and in the calendar; reference should be made to annex 7 and not 8 (p. 24); provide more details on the actions to be carried out on the main squares: where, when, how long, who, how many visitors expected, etc.? In annex 7, SISAB should be organised in 2015 and not in 2014 as mentioned in the calendar. - Action 4.A (p. 25): provide more details, in particular on who will participate, how many participants, how long will it last; explain the cities chosen. - Action 4.B (p. 25): provide more details, in particular where will it take place, what will be the programme of this event, who and how many persons will participate, etc. Impact and final evaluation: - Provide more details on the methodology of the final evaluations (p. 32): who will carry it out, who will be interviewed, etc. Ensure that all objectives for each target markets will be assessed through these. - Note that to take maximum benefits of initial studies, we highly recommend to carry them out before proposals are made. This indeed enables a better design of the proposals. Therefore ensure that this initial study will be carried out at the very beginning of the programme. - Revise the quantification of foreseen direct impacts: o 74 schools (and not 75) will be visited by the FNAP associates as one per year is already counted in the School action with a public figure. o ANUGA, action in Cologne: only one participation is foreseen according to calendar. o SIAL, action in Paris: two participations are foreseen according to calendar. o The 3 Meliseme actions are missing and should be added. - Number of contacts through the website (25 visits per day during three years) may be too optimistic, revise if necessary. Budget: - Ensure consistency between the budget breakdowns provided in chapter 5.5 and the summary budgetary table (chapter 8 – p. 36). - Provide the budget breakdown by target markets. - Travels and accommodation costs for members of the proposing organisation (FNAP) are not eligible as such and should be included in the general costs sub-items; therefore delete all these costs in each of the actions. - Confirm that the costs of samples to be distributed are factory prices. - Confirm the size of samples to be distributed during all relevant actions; for instance, 30g to be used for schools but what about other activities such as fairs. - Justify the higher cost for the chef participating in the school actions (300 EUR/day compared to 200 EUR/day for other actions) or modify accordingly. European dimension: - It would be in favour of the European dimension of the programme if the used extension of the various digital carriers would be ".eu". Therefore the European Commission suggests the use of this extension for the programme. Administrative certificates: - Modify and resubmit the FNAP declaration to be consistent with the financing plan provided. - Resubmit more recent attestations for finance and social security. 242 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 85/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 1/5 N/A CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that sufficient additional information is provided. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications by email on the 28th August 2013 and by mail on the 2nd September 2013. Additional clarifications were received by email on the 11th September 2013. All details can be found in the Note For the File (Ares(2013)3090024). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 243 FICHE D'EVALUATION D'UN PROGRAMME DE PROMOTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Portugal Title of the programme: Porto e Douro – The Excellence of European Terroir II Competent Authority(ies): Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas (IFAP) Proposing organisation(s): INSTITUTO DOS VINHOS DO DOURO E DO PORTO (IVDP) Implementing body(ies): not selected yet Type of measure: promotion/information/mixed Product(s): PDO/PGI Wines Targeted Member States: Portugal, France, Spain and Germany Duration: 36 months Total budget: 3,085,961.31 EUR EU co-financing: 1,542,980.66 Proposal received on: 8/06/13 (electronic) and 13/06/13 (paper) This programme aims at promoting PDO/PGI wines, in particular Porto and Douro wines, on the internal market (Portugal, France, Spain and Germany). Two target groups are considered: final consumers and opinion leaders, including trade representatives, journalists (both specialized and more generalized), sommeliers, directors of Food & Beverage, as well as buyers, retailers, agents, and importers. A part from online presence and promotional material, the programme foresees the organisation of public relations events (tasting and educational events), training and informational events (in Hotels as well as in Catering Schools and Colleges), tailored training for Professionals and Consumers as well as participation in fairs and other prestigious events 244 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No/NA Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation N/A Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) Strategic objectives of the IVDP: the IVDP has the mission to guarantee the sustainability of the row. To Promote the Concept of the Denomination of Origin, created and developed in Europe, undertaking communication activities about quality, typicality, norms, labelling, notoriety of the system, the increment of value and guarantee using, as an example, the Porto and Douro D.O.s. Over the three-year period, the aim is to reach out directly to over 40 000 European citizens and to over 150 000 indirectly via the Media. Most of these citizens work in the wine business, directly or indirectly (restaurants, tourism, food distribution, teaching and the Press. The advantages of the excellence of European agricultural products will also be thus shown, when integrated in healthy competition with wine products from other parts of the World. In this strategy, the communication of the “Wine in Moderation” program, a 245 European strategy for moderate wine consumption, will be ever-present in the IVDP’s message and also all its activities in this project. To contribute towards the rise in value-added wine sales quotas in the markets in question, especially the Premium Port and Douro categories. In markets where consumption is decreasing, strategies to communicate the concept “drink better” in quality and price should be devised. A sustained project focusing on premium wines meets this objective whilst, at the same time, improving the health and dynamics of the Douro Demarcated Region wines (Port and Douro wines) and – also – the economic activity of the EU agricultural sector. With this project, the aim is to: Increase by 2% in the Special categories Ports (global Port sales in each market). Increase sales of DOC Douro wines to the markets in question by 3% a year (average price) In view of these objectives, below is a projection of the respective growths in each of the target markets: To reach out to both professionals and wine appreciators, as a strategic communications axis of the two previous objectives. Being aware of the challenges involved in direct communication with the final consumer, there is a huge amount of on-going work to be carried out with this public. The aim is to contact the targets either before their integration in the work place (schools and other teaching facilities) or once they are working (associations, companies, groups, trade fairs, etc.). The objective of the IVDP is to organize activities in 180 hotel schools in France, Spain and Germany (through the holding of Master Classes). Portugal has an autonomous program to this project, in the IVDP’s promotional budget, but the objectives and strategies are shared. In all, it is possible that 3000 pupils will have been involved in these activities over three years, professionals who will swell the ranks of the European labour market. With the activities for professionals, the targets are sommeliers, chefs, owners and managers, waiters, beverage and supermarket retailers, buyers and journalists, totalling 6000 professionals over the duration of the project. All these targets will have had direct contact with the Denomination of Origin concept and with both Port and Douro wines. Strategy : The markets were carefully selected based on the large experience of the IVDP, in the actual context of supply and demand whilst taking into account the results of several events organized in the past few years. Knowledge of the markets and the program of proposed events will permit that the defined targets be reached. 246 The Communication strategies of this program are based on these axes: Public relations events: tasting and educational events: different wine tastings among the target public (journalists, opinion leaders, wine professionals, On and Off Trade, etc.). These events will take place in very prestigious spaces and have a strong media impact. This type of public relations events will guide consumers to choose the wines from the Community be it in the supermarkets, in restaurants or other places. Training and informational events about the quality of the Douro and Port wines in Hotel and Catering Schools and Colleges: this type of event aims to create awareness and interest in future professionals of this sector and allow them to obtain deeper and more complete knowledge about our products. The French and Spanish markets were selected for these activities. Training for Professionals: events aimed at providing on-going training and information, including seminars, providing reliable information to this public on the EU norms. Training for Consumers: with a program directed to Port and Douro wine lovers, we propose the holding of initiatives that are different and that cause impact thus allowing us to approach to the capital’s public. Participate in fairs and other prestigious events: the presence of the Port and Douro Wines in prestigious, internationally acclaimed fairs (Prowein and Vinexpo), will promote and enhance the image of these, as well as other European wines and products. Online Presence: the use of the internet, and other virtual tools, is considered essential in the modern global village setting of online communications. Production and distribution of promotional material: the objective is to sustain and strengthening all the marketing events previewed in the program, maximizing their promotional effect and projecting to the target public a solid and positive image of the promoted products. Target group(s) : These actions are intended to cover a diverse audience (final consumer) and prescriptor, who can be the driving force in the sharing of experiences, enhancing the scope of these activities and increasing the number of contacts made (adoption of a seed marketing strategy). The target public of the proposed events is the “trade” professional sector of each market, specially influential journalists (both specialized and more generalized), sommeliers, directors of Food & Beverage, as well as buyers, retailers, agents, importers and other opinion leaders, who can influence – in a positive way – future habits of E.U. consumers and their wine preferences of wine. In some activities, the final consumer is also a target. Themes : Aspects covered : quality specific production methods labelling image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. 247 In relation to quality European wines (DOP and table wines with regional IG), focus will be given to: The specificities which serve as a basis for the delimitation of the denominations of origin; The organoleptic characteristics of the wines; Their process of certification; Their suitability and combination with the gastronomy of the target countries. This project to promote the Port and Douro Denominations of Origin will centre on communication, namely: The enhancement of Special Category Ports; To place focus on the complementary designations of Douro Wines (with emphasis on the words "Reserve" and "Grande Reserva"); The use of these as examples of the European Denomination of Origin System, which recognizes and gives them unique and inimitable qualities; The recommendation of responsible and moderate consumption; Pairing of wines with local food. Messages to be conveyed : It the aim of the IVDP to inform consumers on the carefully conducted certification process applied to these wines, thus demonstrating its added value in terms of health and food safety and feasibility. In this way, Port and Douro wines are differentiated – and, by extension, European wines – by their use of the region as the core of their promotional activities. We propose to demonstrate to the internal market the capacity of the Member States, as experienced producers of quality wines, allying these cultural and historical values to modern technology and the preferences of the Community and international consumers by the use of tastings of, and information on, Port and Douro wines and their links to the gastronomy of each member state. We aim to create a higher awareness and knowledge to the target public about the guarantee of quality, typicality and authenticity of Port and Douro wines, produced in the Douro Demarcated Region, using them as an example of the European Union system of Denominations of Origin. We intend to promote to all publics the importance of responsible and moderate consumption of Wine. We propose to inform consumers about the regulations governing the description, denomination and presentation of the wines, namely their labelling. Make consumers aware of the importance of quality control in wines, of which the IVDP laboratories are in international reference. 248 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Ações Janeiro Fevereiro Março Abril Maio 1.2. Grande Prova de Vinho do Porto Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Porto 1.3. Concurso "Gastronomia com Vinho do Porto" Na ci ona l 1.4. Porto & Douro Wine Show Li s boa 1.5. Porto Wine Fest V N Ga i a 1.6. Oficinas de Aromas e Sabores (Douro) Regi ã o do Douro 2.2. Presença na VINEXPO Bordéus Ma rs el ha , Pa ri s , Bordéus , Li l l e, Lyon, Ni ce, Toul ous e, Di jon 2.3. Seminários Regionais para Profissionais Ai x-Ma rs ei l l e, Ami ens , Bes a nçon, Bordea ux, Ca en, Cl ermont-Ferra nd, Crétei l , Di jon, Grenobl e, Li l l e, Li moges , Lyon, Montpel l i er, Na ncy- Metz, Na ntes ,Ni ce, Orl éa ns -Tours , Pa ri s , Poi tiers , Rei ms ,Rennes , Rouen,Stra s bourg,Toul ous e e Vers a i l l es . 2.4. Seminários em Escola de Hotelaria MEIAS FINAIS: REGIONAIS FINAL: Pa ri s 2.5. Concurso "Master of Port" 2.6. Intervenção na internet, Redes Sociais e Viagens de Imprensa 2.7. Relações Públicas no Festival de Cinema de Cannes Ca nnes Ma dri d/ Ba rcel ona / Sa ntia go de Compos tel a / Bi l ba o/ Má l a ga / Gi jon 3.2. Seminários em Escola de Hotelaria Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Palma de Maiorca, Santiago de Compostela, Málaga, Canárias e Valência 3.3. Seminários com Associações de Sommeliers 3.4. Programa com Restaurantes com estrelas Michelin Eixo Madrid| Barcelona | San Sebastián 3.5. Intervenção na internet, Redes Sociais e Viagens de Imprensa 3.6. Presença na Feira ProWein 3.7. Masterclass e Prova Aberta Dezembro Dus s el dorf Ano I Ano II Ano III Col oni a Es tuga rda Col oni a Leverkus en Berl i m Leverkus en Portugal Espanha França Alemanha 1. PORTUGAL This program involves Portugal in to a set of across the board activities covering a wide range kind of audiences, from professionals to consumers, as follows. 1.1. Promotional Material The objective is to sustain and strengthen all the marketing events referred to in the program, maximizing their promotional effect and creating a solid and positive image of the promoted products with the target public. All the planned actions in this market will be supported by promotional material. This will apply to all markets proposed in this program. 249 1.2 Port Wine Tasting (Oporto)| Predicted duration: 3 days The aim is to organize an event of world reference for Port, to be held on an annual basis. The event is to take place in Oporto and will target international wine journalists and opinion leaders. The tasting will have a strong media component and act as a showcase for one of the most special and prestigious Ports, produced only in years of exceptional quality: Vintage. Due to the presence of worldwide opinion leaders at the event, visits to the city of Oporto, the lodges in Vila Nova de Gaia and the Douro Demarcated Region will also be organized. 1.3 “Gastronomy with Port Wines” Contest | Predicted duration: 5 weeks This contest invites restaurants from north to south of the country to find the perfect formula for pairing gastronomy and Port and Douro Wines. An initiative that will promote regional products and encourage the creativity of chefs and experts throughout the country, electing the Port and Douro wines as essential to the harmonious accompaniment of meals. The restaurants that accept the challenge are visited by the jury of the contest, made up of four qualified elements with the necessary expertise + 1 secretariat), who evaluate the combination of wines with the menus. The elements that compose are divided into cuisine and wine experts. The restaurants are divided into three categories: gourmet/fine dining, informal/casual and traditional/typical. The participating restaurants will receive certificates but more than that: they can be proud to contribute unequivocally to the promotion of Portuguese cuisine and Port and Douro wines, whose quality is well known and recognized. This action aspires to be a reference in the national gastronomic scene in relation to the pairing of Port and Wines and food. Exclusively dedicated to Portuguese restaurants, this national competition will achieve the following objectives: Promotion of Port and Douro wines in a combination with the Portuguese gastronomy; Increase the awareness of professional kitchen and serving staff to the potential of Port Wine; Improve the service of these wines in restaurants in order to increase its value; Raise awareness of the correct pairings between the Port and Douro Wines and gastronomy; Raise awareness to new forms of pairing and to the celebration of Port. The competition also has a formative and informative perspective. Contribute to increased knowledge and awareness of the target audience regarding Port and Douro wines so that they can apply the knowledge gained in their professional lives, is another aim of conducting this Contest. 1.4 Porto & Douro Wine Show (Lisbon) | Predicted duration: 3 days With a program aimed at wine lovers, connoisseurs and new consumers, these new editions of the Porto & Douro Show will bring a renewed program. Through a concept and also studied and concerted actions, we will reach new audiences, expanding the market to new consumption of very interesting targets for the wine. This event allows us to respond to the need of an event held in Lisbon with different and impacting initiatives, approaching Port and Douro to the Capital's public (consumers, prescriptors and buyers). A part of the program will show case Tutored Tastings by an IVDP technician, pairings, Conversations around the Wine and show cooking sessions with renowned chefs as well as wine tastings as well directed to specific groups, showing the way for new audiences Objectives: Through the concept to be developed (for example, fashion), we will reach younger consumers whilst projecting an image of quality and rigor/requirement; Increase the notoriety of the Port and Douro wines; Transmit the diversity of existing Port and Douro Wines; Educate and inform the target audience about Port and Douro Wines produced in the demarcated region of the EU; Inform the different ways of tasting port wine (straight or in cocktails). 250 1.5 Porto Wine Fest (Vila Nova de Gaia) |Predicted duration: 6 days With a program aimed at wine appreciators, wine connoisseurs and new consumers, as well as both national and foreign tourists, the Porto Wine Fest was created. Its aims are to promote and reinforce the Port brand in a contemporary, “cool” and trendy setting, to both actual and future wine appreciators as well as tourists from both Portugal and abroad. Held on the bank of the River Douro, in the heart of the historic Port bonded area, where the lodges are situated, the event allows the visitor to taste a Port, to celebrate with Port, to relax with Port and to snack with a Port. The Fest affords us the opportunity to bring a large number of consumers and tourists closer to Port during the high point of the tourist season, giving us the chance to de-bunk myths and show alternative forms of consuming Port. The Fest is also foodorientated and many well-known chefs as well as public personalities. During this event, many novel Port-based cocktails will be presented. Visitors will be able to sample these and learn first-hand how to make them, thus opening up a whole new avenue of opportunities of consumption. Objectives: Contact with younger consumers (current and potential). To use the opportunity to communicate the image of a product that brings together quality, tradition and rigor. The introduction of new concepts of consumption and de-seasonization of Port (Port is a welcome companion on any occasion and time of year); Increase the notoriety of Port; Show the existing diversity of Ports; Inform and educate the target audience on Ports, wines produced exclusively in a EU Demarcated region; Bring visitors closer to the lodges, increasing visits and purchases; Introduce new forms of drinking Port (cocktails). 1.6 Aromas and Flavours Workshops (Douro) | Predicted duration: 6 months The activities are aimed at young people between the ages of 10 to 18. The events will take place in the Douro Region. This novel project aims to organize “technical workshops” to awaken, deepen and develop two senses fundamental to the development of human balance: smell and taste. Information in the form of kits with technical information and practical exercises will be adapted according to the different classes and aims. The teams will be made up of teaching and winemaking professionals. The aim is to motivate younger people to the importance of these senses within the framework of their full development and point the way to new horizons in the professional sphere (for example, wine-making, catering, etc.). Due to the young age of the target group, wine will not be present at these workshops, the emphasis being on other food products. 1.7 Transport and Insurance Costs The costs refer to the transport of wines and other items to be used for all the activities in this market. 2. FRANCE The strategy of promotion and information for the French market of this program is intended that the market has a strong action on the professional public, especially students of hotels and restaurant schools. However, some actions are also considered for the final consumer. 2.1. Promotional Material The objective is to sustain and strengthening all the marketing events previewed in the program, maximizing their promotional effect and creating on the target public a solid and positive image of the promoted products. All the planned actions in this market will be supported by information materials. This will have a transversal character to all markets proposed in this program. 251 2.2 VINEXPO (Bordeaux) | Duration: 5 days Launched in 1981 by the Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce and Industry, VINEXPO has become a major wine event for professionals from all over the world. Over the space of 16 editions, VINEXPO has increased tremendously, as the following figures show: 1981: 524 exhibitors from 21 countries, 11.000 trade visitors from 50 countries; 2011: 2.474 exhibitors from 48 countries, 48.000 trade visitors from 135 countries, including 1.408 journalists and wine writers. VINEXPO is an excellent showcase, visited by buyers from the four corners of the Globe. It is also a premium forum for the debate and exchange of ideas and trends on both the production and sale of wines. VINEXPO also produced a number of important studies, symposia and conferences where crucial wine-related matters are discussed, this being considered of great relevance by the wine producers. This international fair is also very influential both the home market and abroad. The inclusion of this event has a transversal influence on the entire project. Advantages: It is in the epicentre of the vitivinicultural industry, building a strategy for the future: in this fair, it is possible to obtain a global view of the markets and also accompany closely the latest trends and future opportunities. The opportunity to be in constant contact with the wine world: VINEXPO is a leader in this sector, uniting at one event hundreds of professionals crucial to incrementing sales Investment with guaranteed returns: VINEXPO is a fantastic opportunity for all wine business people and has a huge capacity for generating trade. Activities: Mailing of invitations and information on Port and Douro Wines to journalists from over 100 countries, professionals working in various areas of the wine trade, agents and buyers, wine educators and bloggers; Mailing of invitation with information on the Port and Douro Wines stand and its coexhibitors and their representatives to retailers and professionals working in various areas of the wine trade; Publicize parallel promotional Port and Douro wines events; Organization of tastings, guided by professionals; Support co-exhibitors; Rental of a 250m stand in a advantageous area. 2.3 Regional Seminars for Professionals | 1 day per seminar The seminars listed in this action are aimed at a range of professionals concerned with the wines. They include information sessions for chefs and cook associations and will be given a strong emphasis on specialized retail stores, which are called in this market "cavistes". These activities will focus on professionals and be based on informative and teaching activities based on Douro and Port wines. The events are planned for Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Dijon and Nice. The IVDP, due to its legal status, is responsible for informing and promoting both the European Protected Designation of Origin system as well as moderate drinking, activities that it has developed over the years throughout Europe. It is intended to reach and inform these targets about the benefits of protection and defence of protected designations of origin and the 252 maintenance of the application of the European system of quality wines, using as examples the cases of the Port and Douro Wines. The activities focus on communication of all aspects that make up the systems of Protected Designation of Origin, its basis and legal reasoning, the law in the European context, its implications, labelling and marketing, forms of fraud detection and defence European product with DO and I.G as well. The seminars will primarily aim to equip participants with tools to identify and protect the quality wines produced in Demarced European Regions. Therefore we will contribute to greater knowledge and awareness about the systems governing european quality products and, in particular, Port and Douro wines, so that they can apply the knowledge gained in their professional activities. We will contribute to increase knowledge and awareness of the Target about European quality products and, in particular, the Port and Douro wines, so that they can apply the gained knowledge in their professional lives. 2.4 Seminars for Hospitality and Tourism schools (year-round activity) These seminars are especially dedicated, prepared and directed to students and teachers of hotels and tourism schools of France, who are under the jurisdiction of National Education Ministry of France. They will be prepared together with teachers to better leverage the information given to the students. We intend to hold 60 activities each year of the project in the following cities: Aix-Marselles, Amiens, Bordeaux, Caen, Clarmont-Ferrand, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, Limoges, Lyon, Montpellier, Nancy, Metz, Orleans, Tours, Paris, Poitiers, Reims, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Versailles. The Hospitality and Tourism schools are today a force of skilled human resources, reflected in the enthusiasm that the industry have joined in the acceptance of these new experts in hotels and tourism areas. On the other hand, the schools have been giving great importance to the participation of their students in festivals and national and international competitions. These schools established itself as a center of cultural and technical level to prepare professionals who can meet the challenges facing the business sector and institutional tourism and hotels. Through a scientific and technical preparation objectified according to the needs of the sector, recent graduates are true agents of change, capable of facing challenges and opportunities in a great uncertainty context and intense competition. We believe that the actions taken at Hospitality and Tourism schools have central importance for the development and increased of the popularity of Portuguese wines, internally or externally. Once that these schools have the future technical staffs of Hospitality and Tourism industry, it is imperative to begin to "educate" them and make them aware to the importance of the wines produced in the demarked region of the European Union, to their quality, to the requirements and control. The training courses aim to raise awareness and clarify the current students of Hospitality and Tourism School for the known and recognized quality of our wines. These are the future chefs and hoteliers responsible, whose role will be important for further dissemination and appreciation of terroir and quality, increasing wine consumption in the EU. 2.5 “Master of Port” Contest | Duration: Annual Port and Douro Wines and two national entities representing the professional sector, the SGMP and USDF, took upon themselves the responsibility for the development of this action, which contribute to the better knowledge of the Port Wine, of professionals connected with the restoration, specifically sommeliers. Candidates must have sommelier training and be over 18. They must also have a minimum of two years professional experience as sommelier, Maître d’hôtel, Head waiter, restaurant manager or wine buyer. 253 During the initial phase of the competition, competitor’s representatives of regional chambers of the USDF will have to answer a written questionnaire to assess the expertise of each participant, followed by a blind tasting of two Port wines. This contest has two stages: Regional Finals and then a National Final. After scrutiny of the exams by members of the Technical Committee of the USDF, the 12 best candidates go on to the final to again undergo more rigorous testing of their knowledge and skills. Once the Technical Committee of the USDF, headed by their President, have again marked the papers and technical exercises, the winner is announced. This contest is considered as an essential part of any sommeliers’ education and is an important step to the Best Sommelier in Europe and the World’s Best Sommelier. The winner receives a stay in Portugal for two persons as prize. The event is a part of the seminar program for students and teachers of the French Hotel Schools. 2.6 Internet, Social Networks and Press Trips |Duration: annual A considerable number of consumers interact daily over the Web. The interaction from this media has proved over the last three years of major significance when compared with other media, giving evidence that an online strategy should be considered in a marketing plan. In the context we live, with rapidly changing online and offline, we already abandoned a reactive web stance in favour of a more active participation on the web. We have evolved from static web pages to the platform web where users create and develop relationships through videos, podcasts, blogs and social networks, among others. This new web paradigm moves through a constant consumption of content, which in turn triggers a natural process by reaction of users sharing the free production and new contents. Any user has now the ability and power to convey messages with intensity equal or greater, since the digital environment allows obtaining genuine and transparent information. We must understand how the online has transformed the world. Given the importance of the French market for Port and Douro Wines, we believe necessary and important to capitalize digital communication. It is time to understand and demystify the myths around this media. It is our intention to: Develop the microsite to the French market, hosted by the IVDP site Manage of social networks in French and adapted to local market Microsite: Internet is an indispensable tool in the search for information from our target. The development of a microsite is fundamental to the communication and to structure the communication in this market. The microsite will be worked according to the market and will provide information regarding: The Douro Region: the territory, its characteristics; Promotion of Protected Designations of Origin; Styles and forms of aging of Port Wine; Characterization of different types of Port Wine; Service temperatures; Consumer Moments of Port suited to this market. Social Networks: Social networks are changing the life habits and global communication form. Millions of users around the world are multiplying daily. This is one of the biggest phenomena of the last decades, with consequences for marketing and communications activities. Research in this area indicates that social networks have been an exponential growth in recent years and the trend is for it to grow and intensify their use. 254 The presence of the Port and Douro Wines in social networks is, therefore, fundamental, in a strategic market for Port and Douro wines. Accessibility, proximity, daily presence on the consumers lives, and possibility to work on viral marketing are the objectives. Press trips: Due the importance of this market for Port and Douro wines, it is considered relevant to invite 3 wine journalists per year or reporters writing about food or life-style issues. This will allow them to get better acquainted with the region and some European highquality products. They will also understand more fully the unique characteristics of these wines, whilst forming a bond with these and their region of origin. 2.7 Cannes Festival Film |Duration: 10 days The Cannes Film Festival is the most important film event in the world, with the presence of more than 4,000 journalists from over 30,000 accredited, representing the full spectrum of the film industry. This festival reflects the dual nature of cinema, the industrial and artistic essence, promoting the appearance of new artists and being an important stage for the meeting of the most representative professionals from this industry. The Port and Douro Wine has the mission to make Public Relations sessions to these professional targets, that are not wine market players, but they are prescribers and opinion leaders in their communities. On the other hand they will act as advisers and pass the word about their good experiences with Port wines and quality wines produced in the European Union. Facts and Numbers: More than 30.000 people attend the Festival; Created in 1946, it takes place in Cannes in May; Presence of more than 4.300 journalists, of who over 1.700 are French and more than 2.500 journalists representing a total of 84 countries; Official Sponsors: once it is one of the most know and recognized Film Festival in the world, it is supported by companies with international representation: Air France, Europcar, HP, L’Oreal, LG e Renault, among many others. A wine tasting in a Festival like this, allows us to achieve a form of communication and brand exposure different from the usual. If we make known our wines to a market with a difficult access, we are communicating the product in two ways, since, in today's society, beliefs and tastes of media figures are increasingly taken into account by the ordinary consumer, and even influence their intention to purchase or consumption of a particular product. On the other hand, these festivals offer us the opportunity to communicate our wines in several countries at once. We would like an action for journalists and opinion leaders, in a very specific and limited environment, in which we can communicate the unique characteristics of our wines with more detailed information, and a more interactive and personal way, creating a connection with a market segment difficult to access. In addition to this market segment, we also consider the ordinary consumer that as we see in the statistics, is a considerable presence in this type of event. In parallel, we could not overlook an audience also crucial for Port wines - French Sommeliers. We will contribute to greater knowledge and awareness about the European quality products and, in particular, the Port Wines, so that they can apply the knowledge gained in their professional lives. Our Presence How? It is important to achieve a partnership with a high quality space, exchange of information and contacts. It should be considered a place for artists, journalists, filmmakers and opinion leaders to meet. Ways: 255 Daily Tastings to artists, journalists, filmmakers and opinion leaders; We will use the own bar of the space of partnership; we will have a space for presentation of Port Wines. Cocktails or Simple Ports will be prepared by a bartender and promoted by specialized host formed for this purpose, every day of the Festival; Tastings for French Sommeliers; Tastings for actors and Portuguese filmmakers; Gifts of Port during high impact moments. The presence at the Cannes Film Festival will ensure: Disclosure / internationalization of Port Wines, produced in Demarked Region of the European Union; Allow several contacts with a diverse audience; Enhance contacts with several journalists, actors, opinion leaders, sommeliers, etc. 2.8 Shipping and Insurance Costs The costs refer to the transport of wines and other items to be used for all the activities in this market. 3. SPAIN Spain has a similar profile in this project to that of France, with a strong emphasis on professional publics, connected or not to the wine trade. Due to its strong gastronomic traits and the increase of the excellence segment of the tourist trade, the emphasis is on the hotel schools and on Tourism. This gives the IVDP the opportunity to press ahead with the message of the excellence of European DO areas. 3.1 Promotional Material The objective is to sustain and strengthening all the marketing events previewed in the program, maximizing their promotional effect and creating on the target public a solid and positive image of the promoted products. All the planned actions in this market will be supported by information materials. This will have a transversal character to all markets proposed in this program. 3.2 Seminars for Hospitality and Tourism schools |Duration: 4 weeks There is still much work to do in this market as for the education of new and young professionals in the field of hospitality, culinary and catering service in the field of knowledge about the Port and Douro wines, and the added value given by the European designations of origin and geographical indications. This action centred on schools and on future professionals who will soon enter the labour market, is essential to reach this challenge. The goal is to reach 15 schools and professionals throughout Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Compostela, Bilbau, Málaga, Mayorca, San Sebastian, e Gijón). Given that, these schools are the future staff skilled in the sector of hospitality and tourism, it is imperative to begin to "educate" them and make them aware of the issue of the wines that are produced in the demarcated regions of the European Union with quality by their own required control. These educational activities aim to raise awareness and clarify the current students of the Hospitality and Tourism Schools for the known and recognized quality of our wines. These are undoubtedly the future chefs and hoteliers, whose role will be important for further dissemination and appreciation of terroir and quality, increasing wine consumption in the EU. 3.3 Training for Professionals – Sommelier Associations |Duration: 3 weeks With the holding of regular seminars, this project aims to give the professionals of this area more expertise and greater knowledge, thus greater understanding, of Douro and Port wines. The seminars will be held in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Palma de Majorca, Santiago de Compostela, Malaga, The Canary Islands and Valencia. 256 3.4 Program with Michelin Star Restaurants Another very important vector for the Port and Douro wines are the professionals who are already in the market, especially chefs and sommeliers. Spain is one of the countries in the internal market where the restoration and innovation in this sector is more bustling and creative, which impels a strengthened commitment to raise awareness of these professionals for consumption, prescription and suggestions of these wines. This project fits into the perspective of education and information, offering seminars (3) in top restaurants, aimed at wine professionals (hotels, sommeliers, journalists, etc.) stating truly the public about the EU standards. The axis Madrid | Barcelona | San Sebastian will have priority due to the number of Michelin star restaurants. Therefore we will contribute to greater knowledge and awareness about the recipients of European quality products and, in particular, the Port and Douro wines, so that they can apply the knowledge gained in their professional lives. The activities focus on communication of all aspects that make up the systems of Protected Designation of Origin, its basis and legal grounds, the law in the European context, its implications, labelling and marketing, as well as forms of fraud detection and defence European product with D.O and I.G. Will be mostly technical seminars seeking to provide its participants with tools to identify and protect the quality wines produced in European trade demarcated regions. 3.5 Internet, Social Networks and Press Trips | Duration: annual The social networks are changing life habits and the way global communications are conducted. Millions now use these networks daily and their number is constantly increasing. This important phenomenon is of utmost relevance in the field of marketing and communication. Research shows that social networks have risen exponentially in the last years and that this tendency will continue as well as the increase in usage. The presence of Port and Douro wines in these networks is seen as fundamental in this strategic market. Access, proximity, presence in the consumers’ day-to-day and the possibility to work the viral marketing angle are the objectives. As in the case of the French market, it is considered important to invite 3 wine journalists per year or reporters writing about food or life-style issues. This will allow them to get better acquainted with the region and some European high-quality products. They will also understand more fully the unique characteristics of these wines, whilst forming a bond with these and their region of origin. 3.6. Shipping and Insurance Costs The costs refer to the transport of wines and other items to be used for all the activities in this market. 4. GERMANY The German market has a special profile compared with other markets of this program. Its main activity focuses on the participation of Port and Douro Wines in the international trade fair PROWEIN, and in the preparation of promotional material as well. 4.1 Promotional Material The objective is to sustain and strengthening all the marketing events previewed in the program, maximizing their promotional effect and creating on the target public a solid and positive image of the promoted products. All the planned actions in this market will be supported by information materials. This will have a transversal character to all markets proposed in this program. 4.2 PROWEIN Fair PROWEIN is the European trade fair leading for business of wine and spirits. To be successful in the international market in this sector must be present in Dusseldorf, say the te experts, because is here that companies gets to know the main key elements. Access to this fair is only allowed to registered trade visitors. This means that we only will meet the industry representatives who understand the business and people that have a big wish 257 to make business contacts with other partners. This fair is a great opportunity for the Demarcated Douro Wine Region. At this Fair, theory and practice go hand in hand and is a great forum for information activities for German and international professionals. PROWEIN is exclusive, because the entry is only allowed to registered trade visitors. This means that we will inly find sector representatives. These conditions are reflected in the statistics: 83% of all visitors are decision makers who represent the company's business; 80% of exhibitors are satisfied with their commercial success. This international fair is also very influential both the home market and abroad. The inclusion of this event has a transversal influence on the entire project. Advantages: The PROWEIN concept is quite popular amongst professionals; The fair leads to an increase of knowledge, through seminars, wine tastings and informative sessions; At PROWEIN, all the relevant areas are presented in one area. Trends and innovation allow contact with a world completely dedicated to wines. Numbers: 4.783 exhibitors from 48 countries; 44.000 visitors (8% increase in relation to 2012); 787 journalists from all over the world; 50% Retailers, Importers and Exporters; 32% Services: Gastronomy, Catering, Hotels, etc. Target: Visitors of the fair (world's largest importers, journalists, catering, distributors, general public, etc.), sommeliers, chefs, teachers from hospitality and tourism Schools / Gastronomy. Action: Sending invitation and information about the Port and Douro Wines; Journalists from around the world, German journalists and professionals specialized in wines, general press and "bloggers"; Sending invitation with relevant information about the stand of Port and Douro Wines to importers, retailers, supermarkets; Tastings guided by professionals; Construction of a stand in with 320m2, in a very privileged location. 4.3 Masterclass and Walk Around Tasting | Duration: 2 days/activity Following the consolidation strategy for Port Wines in this market, in the same day, it will take place a Masterclass followed by a Walk Around Tasting (2 per year). These actions will take place in a prestigious location with conditions for both initiatives. Date: May and September Cities: The cities were selected considering the potential for Port Wines Year I: Cologne and Leverkusen Year II: Stuttgart and Berlin Year III: Cologne and Leverkusen Master class: Thematic Seminar, educational and interactive, held from 11h30 to 12h30, about Port Wines, guided by a renowned German wine specialist. 258 This Masterclass will approach the following points: The specificities which bases the delimitation of the denominations of origin; The organoleptic characteristics of the wines; Their process of certification; Styles and forms of port wine aging; Characterization of the different types of Port Wines; Service temperatures. Keeping and wine storage; Suggestions. Moments of Consumption. Walk Around Tasting: Between 15h00 and 19h00 of the same day, there will be a walk Around Tasting of Port Wines. It will be tasted wines, from different years and types, from 20 wine producers. Target: 125 professionals from the sector. 4.4 Shipping and Insurance Costs The costs refer to the transport of wines and other items to be used for all the activities in this market. Anticipated impact: 259 260 Method of impact assessment: To better explain this item we propose the analysis of the following indicators along the project, where the same will be presented in the intercalary reports for execution: Completion indicators: Number of companies/entities which directly benefit with the project per event; Level of General relevance perception of the project (benchmarked through the answers from a inquiry using a scale of 5 points, corresponding 1 point to bad and 5 points to very good); Satisfaction level of the companies concerning the organization of the event from the promoter (benchmarked through the answers from a inquiry using a scale of 5 points, corresponding 1 point to bad and 5 points to very good); Quality of the results in view of the objectives of the participating companies (benchmarked through the answers from a inquiry using a scale of 5 points, corresponding 1 point to bad and 5 points to very good); 261 Indicators for monitoring results: Number of pages obtained in remarkable magazines and/ or newspapers following the promotional events among the invited journalists; Number of average contacts made for each event – Fairs and tastings (benchmarked through the answers to the inquiry). ASSESSMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 28/30 Quality of the programme: 31/40 European dimension: 7/10 Cost/efficiency: Budget by action : 14/20 € 262 Budget per market/event/year in Euros Events / Market Year I Year II Year III TOTAL PORTUGAL 1.1. Promotional and educational material 1.2. Port Wine Tasting (Oporto) 6.800,00 € 7.004,00 € 7.214,12 € 21.018,12 € 100.000,00 € 103.000,00 € 106.090,00 € 309.090,00 € 1.3. "Gastronomy with Port Wine" Contest 60.150,00 € 60.150,00 € 1.4. Porto & Douro Wine Show (Lisbon) 50.000,00 € 51.500,00 € 53.045,00 € 154.545,00 € 1.5. Port Wine Fest (Vila Nova de Gaia) 20.008,00 € 20.606,10 € 21.228,63 € 61.842,73 € 1.6. Aromas and Flavours Workshops (Douro) 20.000,00 € 20.600,00 € 21.218,00 € 61.818,00 € 1.7. Shipment, Transport and Insurance costs 3.000,00 € 3.090,00 € 3.182,70 € 9.272,70 € 199.808,00 € 265.950,10 € 211.978,45 € 677.736,55 € 6.800,00 € 7.004,00 € 7.214,12 € 21.018,12 € Subtotal FRANCE 2.1. Promotional and educational material 2.2. Attendance at the VINEXPO Wine Fair (Bordeaux) 294.670,00 € 294.670,00 € 2.3. Regional Seminars for professionals 41.800,00 € 42.900,00 € 44.000,00 € 128.700,00 € 2.4. Seminars at Hospitality Schools 73.900,00 € 76.117,00 € 78.400,51 € 228.417,51 € 2.5. "Master of Port" Contest 22.500,00 € 23.175,00 € 23.870,25 € 69.545,25 € 2.6. Intervention on Internet, Social Networking and Press Trip 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 2.7. Public Relations at Cannes Film Festival 52.030,00 € 53.605,90 € 55.229,08 € 160.864,98 € 2.8. Shipment, Transport and Insurance costs 7.202,00 € 13.743,06 € 7.304,50 € 28.249,56 € 214.232,00 € 521.514,96 € 226.627,46 € 962.374,42 € 5.800,00 € 5.979,00 € 6.164,12 € 17.943,12 € 3.2. Seminars at Hospitality Schools 20.000,00 € 20.600,00 € 21.218,00 € 61.818,00 € 3.3. Seminars with Sommeliers Associations 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 3.4. Program at Michelin Stars Restaurants 25.000,00 € 25.750,00 € 26.522,50 € 77.272,50 € 3.5. Intervention on Internet, Social Networking and Press Trip 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.150,00 € 5.304,50 € 15.454,50 € 75.800,00 € 78.079,00 € 80.427,12 € 234.306,12 € 6.800,00 € 7.004,00 € 7.214,12 € 21.018,12 € 225.000,00 € 231.750,00 € 238.702,50 € 695.452,50 € 10.100,00 € 10.403,00 € 10.715,09 € 31.218,09 € 7.100,00 € 7.313,00 € 7.532,39 € 21.945,39 € 249.000,00 € 256.470,00 € 264.164,10 € 769.634,10 € Total Sub - Total 738.840,00 € 1.122.014,06 € 783.197,13 € 2.644.051,19 € Total Fee - 13% 96.049,20 € 145.861,83 € 101.815,63 € 343.726,65 € Total of general costs - 3% 22.165,20 € 33.660,42 € 23.495,91 € 79.321,54 € 857.054,40 € 1.301.536,31 € 908.508,67 € 3.067.099,38 € Subtotal SPAIN 3.1. Promotional and educational material 3.6. Shipment, Transport and Insurance costs Subtotal GERMANY 4.1. Promotional and educational material 4.2. Attendance at the PROWEIN Wine Fair (Dusseldorf) 4.3. Master Class and Walk in Tasting 4.4. Shipment, Transport and Insurance costs Subtotal Total Program - Internal Market These values include VAT at the prevailing rate 263 Co-financing plan : € YEAR I PROGRAM - 36 months YEAR II YEAR III TOTAL Euros % Euros % Euros % EUROPEAN UNION 50% 428.527,20 € 50 650.768,15 € 50 454.254,34 € 50 1.533.549,69 € PROPONANT ORGANIZATION 50% 428.527,20 € 50 650.768,15 € 50 454.254,34 € 50 1.533.549,69 € TOTAL 857.054,40 € 100 1.301.536,31 € 100 908.508,67 € 100 3.067.099,38 € These values include VAT at the prevailing rate Revised Budget by action : € em Euros MERCADO / Ações ANO I ANO II ANO III TOTAL PORTUGAL 1.1. Produção de Material educativo e promocional 7.318,00 € 7.544,00 € 7.776,12 € 22.638,12 € 100.000,00 € 103.000,00 € 106.090,00 € 309.090,00 € 0,00 € 60.150,00 € 0,00 € 60.150,00 € 1.4. Porto & Douro Wine Show (Lisboa) 50.000,00 € 51.500,00 € 52.939,49 € 154.439,49 € 1.5. Port Wine Fest (Vila Nova de Gaia) 20.008,00 € 20.606,10 € 21.228,63 € 61.842,73 € 3.000,00 € 3.090,00 € 3.182,70 € 9.272,70 € 180.326,00 € 245.890,10 € 191.216,94 € 617.433,04 € 7.159,50 € 7.381,00 € 7.608,62 € 22.149,12 € 0,00 € 294.670,00 € 0,00 € 294.670,00 € 2.3. Seminários Regionais para Profissionais 41.800,00 € 42.900,00 € 44.000,00 € 128.700,00 € 2.4. Seminários em Escolas de Hotelaria 73.900,00 € 76.117,00 € 78.400,51 € 228.417,51 € 2.5. Concurso "Master of Port" 22.500,00 € 23.175,00 € 23.870,25 € 69.545,25 € 2.6. Intervenção na Internet, Redes Sociais e Viagens de Imprensa 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 2.7. Relações Públicas no Festival de Cinema (Cannes) 52.030,00 € 53.605,90 € 55.229,08 € 160.864,98 € 7.202,00 € 13.743,06 € 7.304,50 € 28.249,56 € 214.591,50 € 521.891,96 € 227.021,96 € 963.505,42 € 1.2. Grande Prova de Vinho do Porto (Porto) 1.3. Concurso "Gastronomia com Vinho do Porto" 1.6. Despesas com transportes Sub-total FRANÇA 2.1. Produção de Material educativo e promocional 2.2. Presença na Feira VINEXPO (Bordéus) 2.8. Despesas com transportes e seguros Sub-total 264 ESPANHA 3.1. Produção de Material educativo e promocional 4.767,00 € 4.918,00 € 5.075,12 € 14.760,12 € 3.2. Seminários em Escolas de Hotelaria 20.000,00 € 20.600,00 € 21.218,00 € 61.818,00 € 3.3. Seminários com Associações de Sommeliers 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 3.4. Programa com Restaurantes com estrelas Michelin 25.000,00 € 25.750,00 € 26.522,50 € 77.272,50 € 3.5. Intervenção na Internet, Redes Sociais e Viagens de Imprensa 10.000,00 € 10.300,00 € 10.609,00 € 30.909,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.150,00 € 5.304,50 € 15.454,50 € 74.767,00 € 77.018,00 € 79.338,12 € 231.123,12 € 7.159,50 € 7.381,00 € 7.608,62 € 22.149,12 € 225.000,00 € 231.750,00 € 238.702,50 € 695.452,50 € 10.100,00 € 10.403,00 € 10.715,09 € 31.218,09 € 7.100,00 € 7.313,00 € 7.532,39 € 21.945,39 € 249.359,50 € 256.847,00 € 264.558,60 € 770.765,10 € 719.044,00 € 1.101.647,06 € 762.135,62 € 2.582.826,68 € Honorários do Organismo de Execução - 13% 93.475,72 € 143.214,12 € 99.077,63 € 335.767,47 € Resultado das Ações - 3% 21.571,32 € 33.049,41 € 22.864,07 € 77.484,80 € 834.091,04 € 1.277.910,59 € 884.077,31 € 2.996.078,94 € 25.022,73 € 38.337,32 € 26.522,32 € 89.882,37 € 859.113,77 € 1.316.247,91 € 910.599,63 € 3.085.961,31 € 3.6. Despesas com transportes e seguros Sub-total ALEMANHA 4.1. Produção de Material educativo e promocional 4.2. Presença na Feira "Prowein" (Dusseldorf) 4.3. Masterclass e Prova Aberta 4.4. Despesas com transportes e seguros Sub-total TOTAL das Ações TOTAL dos Custos Diretos do Programa Despesas Gerais da Entidade Proponente - 3% TOTAL PROGRAMA - Mercado Interno Os valores incluem IVA à taxa em vigor Revised Co-financing plan : € PROGRAMA - 36 meses UNIÃO EUROPEIA 50% ANO I ANO II ANO III TOTAL Euros % Euros % Euros % 429.556,89 € 50 658.123,95 € 50 455.299,82 € 50 1.542.980,66 € 429.556,89 € 50 658.123,95 € 50 455.299,82 € 50 1.542.980,66 € 859.113,77 € 100 1.316.247,91 € 100 910.599,63 € 100 3.085.961,31 € ORGANIZAÇÃO PROPONENTE 50% TOTAL DO PROGRAMA Os valores incluem IVA à taxa em vigor 265 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: IVPD is currently (partially) running the following programmes: - Discover the origin (2011-2014): multi-countries programme with FR and IT, target countries are UK and IRL, budget: 4,300,00 EUR - Porto e Douro – a excelencia do terroir europeu (2009-2012): the programme ended in October 2012, taret countries were FR, DE, ES and PT, budget 2,500,000 EUR This proposal is the continuation of the later, with the same target countries and mainly the same type of actions (although there are a few new actions added). This proposal was submitted in Feb. 2012 and was refused. It was then submitted again in June and December 2013 and refused again but for eligibility reasons. Now the proposal addresses most of the comments made during the previous evaluations, describes clearly the strategy to be followed in each target country, sets SMART objectives and presents a coherent set of well-described actions. Nevertheless some aspects still need to be clarified, and very little information is provided on the impact assessment and the final evaluation of the programme is missing. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Proposing organisation and implementing body: - The Member State is asked to confirm whether the proposing organisation is a public or private body, in the sense of Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC (c.f. Article 13(2) of Regulation 501/2008). - The implementing body is not selected yet but a precise calendar of the procedure to be put in place to ensure the signature of the contract on time is required (p. 4). Previous programme: - Provide a summary of the previous programme evaluation (chapter 4.6 – p. 7-9). If no final data are available yet, provide numbers for the first two phases of the programme. Objectives and themes: - According to Annex I of Regulation 501/2008, one of the main goals of programme promoting PDO/PGI wines on the internal market is to inform consumers about responsible drinking patterns and the risks of alcohol abuse. In the objective section, a quick reference is made to this theme "Wine in moderation" but it is not mentioned further in the proposal. Ensure that this message is carried out throughout the programme. - Check consistency between the number of citizens to be directly reached by the programme (above 40.000, p. 16) and the total number of direct contacts in the foreseen impact (total for actions' contacts equals to 36.090, p. 48-51). - Clarify the objective to be reached for the Portuguese market. Please include the targeted numbers in the table accordingly (p. 17). Actions: - Calendar: indicate that the action 1.3. Concurso "Gastronomia com Vinho do Porto" will only take place in year 2; correct numbering of the two last actions as they should read 4.2 ProWein and 4.3 Masterclass e Prova Aberta (p. 22). - 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 Material de Merchandising: justify the numbers of each promotion materials to be produced for each target country (p. 23, 29, 39, and 44). - 1.2 Grande Prova de Vinho de Porto: spell out the cost for the organisation and production of this event (107,563.32 EUR); explain if the average cost of 650 EUR per 266 journalist for travel costs corresponds to their travel from their home country to the event place or to the tour organised in the Douro and Porto Region (p. 27). - 1.4: spell out the cost for the organisation and production of the "Porto & Douro Wine Show" (84,975.00 EUR); justify and modify - if necessary - the very big area rented (1.190m2) for the "Porto & Douro Wine Show" (p. 27). - 1.6 Oficinas de Aromas e Sabores: delete this action as it is not coherent with the rest of the programme and will not participate to the set objectives (p. 26); adjust the budget accordingly. - 2.3 Seminários Regionais para profissionais do sector: confirm that 4 seminars will be organised each year (p. 30) and modify description in budget table accordingly (p. 37). - 2.4 Seminários em Escolas de hotelaria: specify the duration of each seminar (p. 31). - 2.5 Concurso "Master of Port": specify how many of these will be organised within this programme (p. 32), according to the budget table, one will be organised during year 1 and 2 while during year 3, only the first step of the competition will be organised. - 2.6 and 3.5 Websites: clarify what content will be added to the existing French (p. 33) and Spanish (p. 41) versions of the website as well as justify and spell-out their respective cost since these versions do already exist (p. 38 and 43). - 3.2 Seminários em Escolas de Hotelaria: specify the duration of each seminar and indicate that 15 schools per year will be targeted in order to be consistent with the budget table (p. 39). - 3.2 and 3.3: justify the numbers of "custo de cada deslocacao" used in the budget table, respectively 7 for 15 training actions and 5 for 8 training actions (p. 42). - 3.4 Programa com Restaurantes com estrelas Michelin: this action is indicated to last one week and to include 3 seminars (p. 40) while in the budget table (p. 42) it seems that 3 seminars will be organised per year for a duration of two days each; check consistency and clarify the total number of seminars and the duration for each of them (p. 40 and 42). - 4.2 Feira ProWein: revise the area rented (300m2 instead of 320m2) in order to be consistent with the budget table (p. 45). - 4.3 Materclass e Prova Aberta. Explain why this action will be carried out in the same cities in year 1 and 3 (p. 45). Impact and final evaluation: - Indicators of realisation and of results are specified in order to measure the impact of the programme during its implementation. But there is no information on how the final evaluation will be carried out. Provide detailed information on this final evaluation (p. 48-51) and modify the budget accordingly (see below). Budget: - 3% for the compulsory final evaluation of the programme should be added to the budget (p. 54). - Financing plan: numbers in the total column are wrong due to the use of an incorrect formula. Modify the financing plan to have the correct totals as indicated in the detailed budget table (p. 55). European dimension: - It would be in favour of the European dimension of the programme if the used extension of the various digital carriers would be ".eu". Therefore the European Commission suggests the use of this extension for the programme. 267 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 80/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 3/5 N/A CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that sufficient additional information is provided. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications by email on the 27th August 2013 and by mail on the 2nd September 2013. All details can be found in the Note For the File (Ares(2013)3090095). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 268 PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION SHEET IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME: Member State(s): Slovenia Title of programme: Quality, Safety and Traceability – Poultry meat of EU origin Competent Authority(ies): Republic of Slovenia, Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development Proposing organisation(s): Commercial Branch Association of Meat Industry Implementing body(ies): d.o.o. Type of measure: information/promotion/mixed Product(s): Quality poultry meat of EU origin Targeted countries/territories: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Republic of Kosovo, Montenegro Duration: 3 years Total budget: 1 570 425,12 € EU Co-financing: 785 212,56 € Proposal received on: 13/06/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. The programme aims at promoting information and promotion of EU poultry meat in five Balkan countries and territories where consumption is low, and knowledge of the EU high requirements in terms of quality schemes, safety, labelling and traceability systems. The backbone of the campaign will: be direct contact with the consumers, in active cooperation with professionals in meat-processing industry, nutritionists and health professionals. Consumers in the different target markets already look for meat products of higher standards; thanks to the EU systems and practices already applied, they can be sure that the poultry meat they will purchase will be a good basis for a healthier life and better diet. 269 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: yes/no Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure yes/no Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS yes/no Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) yes/no The programme is a coherent set of actions? yes/no Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules yes/no Product(s)/target countries are eligible yes/no Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) yes/no AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation yes/no Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions yes/no Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) yes/no Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation yes/no Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body yes/no DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : 1. Informing about the meaning of the controlled and safe origin of quality poultry meat will strengthen the public confidence in quality poultry meat of EU origin. The high EU standards applied by producers in all Member States ensure qualitative, safe and traceable poultry meat irrespective of the country of origin. 2. Informing about the quality schemes for products and foodstuffs with special qualities due to higher quality, geographical origin, and traditional and environmental-friendly production, which is defined by the European Union, will help consumers to recognise products of higher quality. 3. The promotion and information activities will increase the knowledge about the importance of including EU quality poultry meat in human nutrition in order to live a qualitative life, as the poultry meat is nutritious, tasteful, price available and easy to prepare. 4. As a result of the information and promotion campaign of poultry meat the consumption of EU poultry meat in the target markets will increase during the implementation of three 270 years campaign, namely: in BIH for 6 %, in Serbia for 5 %, in FYR Macedonia for 4 %, in the Republic of Kosovo for 4 %, and in Montenegro for 4 %. On the basis of a previous programme carried out in 2007-2010, the confidence in EU poultry meat measured in 2010 increased by 33% in Serbia, 26 % in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7% in the FYR of Macedonia; according to the statistical data on poultry meat sale in target countries, there still is a big potential for increasing the consumption. Strategy : The campaign target markets close to the European Union, with a culmination of opportunities for the increase of demand and consumption of poultry meat. As such these targets present a third market that is practically the closest to and the most logically connected with the EU. The campaign aims at creating opportunities which will allow consumers to pay more and more attention to the EU quality schemes and the quality, safety and traceability systems that ensure the deserved reputation of the EU production. At a time of economic crisis many people often resort to cheaper solutions and products and it is thus of great importance for them to be warned that buying cheaper products, mainly those from underground markets, are not without risks. This campaign is a continuation of the completed project “Quality, Safety, and Traceability – Poultry meat of EU origin” (contract number: 328-12-9/2006/17), but will be started with a completely new visual image, the goal being to line the campaign with fresh communicational trends that will have a maximum effect on target population. The backbone of actions will be a direct contact with consumers and other target public, i.e. “below-the-line” communication action. The public will be addressed on the spot directly, which is the easiest and the most effective and memorisable way to present the topics and the questions that need to be addressed when purchasing poultry meat and products thereof. Organising workshops and inviting representatives of B2B will help to communicate with the B2B target public about the main project messages in an attractive yet technical-manner, and thus address them more actively. The goal is to influence the operation of the communication object and not just to attract attention by a good use of advantages offered by social networking, an excellent channel for reaching general public, and a price-effective and lowcost manner of communicating and informing. Other forms of informing will not be neglected. Adapting all communication tools envisaged by this campaign to the characteristics of particular target groups will bring bigger effectiveness of an action and bigger influence on a particular target group member. Active cooperation with professionals in meat-processing industry, nutritionists and health professionals will give greater weight and credibility to our activities. The programme will continue with the positive communication and messages as it will not draw the attention to the deficiencies of the domestic and non-EU poultry industry and poultry meat, but rather to the advantages and the importance of the origin of poultry meat. Planned activities will strengthen consumer and other target group awareness and influence their behaviour so as to create opportunities for the EU poultry meat sector. Target group(s) : 1. Consumers and their associations 2. Persons responsible for household purchases 3. Institutions (restaurants, hospitals, schools, etc.) 4. Distributors and their associations 271 5. Press and opinion leaders Themes : 1. The campaign messages need to become the primary association when a consumer decides to buy poultry meat. At the time of economic crisis and low buying power in various countries it is very important to direct the consumers’ attention to avoid cheap products that do not meet the quality and safety standards defined by the European poultry meat processors with the vertical traceability system. 2. The average consumption of poultry meat takes the second place these days but the share of poultry meat is increasingly growing according to forecasts. In comparison with other sorts of meat, poultry meat is already low-cost competitive whereby the qualitative poultry meat of EU origin ensures the highest standards of food safety due to special quality schemes, labelling and traceability Ensuring the price and the quality is the effective way to solve the price vs. quality dilemma of a consumer. 3. Institutions in targeted countries must understand the responsibility towards their pupils, patients and other consumers of the food provided by those institutions. Introducing them the European quality production processes and vertical traceability system can assure them that the poultry meat they will provide will be of high quality, safety and will be a good basis for their healthy life. 4. The development of markets and discussions over accession to EU will increase the awareness of consumers in all target markets. It is therefore expected that the quality and the safety of products, nowadays often forgotten, will be more and more important for the consumers. Together with this larger awareness is the increase of consumers’ expectation that the products shelved include safe products of the highest quality too. Distributors, their associations and decision-making persons in B2B and Horeca sector have to be aware of the risk when a product does not meet the traceability and the quality standards. They have an objective responsibility in their relation to consumers, by their strong influence on the supply. 5. The growth of poultry meat demand and consumption – all target countries have to start evolving their production and processing industry meat closer to the EU standards, otherwise their domestic producers will experience a great shock at the accession. Their consumers are already looking for meat products of higher standards, still they prefer to buy cheaper and economically advantageous, yet often unsuitable meat. Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. 272 Messages to be conveyed: 1. The consumer has a right to demand from his meat provider that the poultry meat is produced according to quality production processes, vertical traceability system and other high hygiene standards. 2. Quality poultry meat is an excellent choice for nutrition of all family members, for it contributes to safe and balanced diet and to diversity of daily menus in a simple and affordable manner. 3. Catering institutions hold the responsibility for the food they provide. Because some of the institutions provide food to the more vulnerable part of society (babies, children, patients, etc.) they have to be even more careful that the poultry meat they offer follows quality processes, vertical traceability system and other high hygiene standards. 4. Consumers want the most for their money and distributors have to recognise their need for poultry meat produced with quality processes and vertical traceability system. The quality poultry meat from the EU strictly follows these high standards. 5. EU production standards assure poultry meat from EU is produced according to quality processes, vertical traceability system and other high hygiene standards. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. WEB COMMUNICATION On-line communications: On-line communication will combine more elements (a new Web Portal, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, QR code and Newsletter), which will be active during the entire 36 months of the project. These elements will be intertwined and supplemented and will connect as well other project activities. This measure will serve as one of the measuring tools: number of visits of the Web portal, Facebook, Twitter, number of You Tube videos seen and all other responses. Web portal Web portal will be launched in all five target countries at the beginning of the information and promotion programme and maintained and updated with new topics during the entire project. The web portal will be used mainly for presenting information and promotion of quality poultry meat and products thereof and will serve as a linking tool for the complete project as other activities and information regarding this programme will be presented on-line. It will include basic information and facts on poultry meat and introduction to EU standards The web portal will also offer recipes and the public will be invited to send proven or innovative recipes with poultry meat. Thus it is to become an interactive place for exchanging information. The web portal will be the most recognisable place for launching information about safety of consumers, the EU quality schemes, and quality, safety and traceability of meat of EU origin. Newsletter Monthly web news – “newsletter” informing system - the public will be informed about novelties and top themes on poultry meat on a monthly basis, given some advices about the selection of food and present various recipes. Some key dates of issuing newsletters are the following: the Global Family Day (January 1st), the World Consumer Rights Day (March 15th), the World Health Day (April 7th), the International Family Day (May 15th), and the World Food Day (October 16th). Taking into account these dates, themes like the suitability of poultry meat in comparison with other food will also be addressed. 273 Twitter and Facebook An account will be opened on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, which will also spread the issues to a wider public through these social networks that are an important source of information and influence as well public opinion. Twitter and Facebook will be also integrated via the campaign’s website. They will strengthen the communication with their users and allow thus valuable return information. QR code The project official web site will be accessible via mobile phones as well. QR code will be included in brochures and all other visual elements, enabling an easy access to the web site via mobile phone. QR code will be included in all promotional elements. You Tube You Tube profile will be used for all project video content, such as reports from events and other interesting shots. The broadening of visual messages will thus be optimised. Financial construction per countries: Subject 1 5 Web page construction Yearly maintenance Facebook profile Twitter profile You Tube 5 Newsletter 6 QR code 7 Total 2 3 4 SERBIA BIH FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total 15.050,00 4.334,00 4.384,00 4.334,00 4.434,00 32.536,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 15.000,00 2.040,00 2.040,00 2.065,00 2.040,00 2.190,00 10.375,00 1.890,00 1.890,00 1.902,50 1.890,00 1.965,00 9.537,50 3.900,00 3.900,00 3.950,00 3.900,00 3.900,00 19.550,00 5.796,00 5.796,00 5.904,00 5.796,00 6.012,00 29.304,00 800,00 32.476,00 200,00 21.160,00 200,00 21.405,50 200,00 21.160,00 200,00 21.701,00 1.600,00 117.902,50 2. PRINTED MATERIAL – Informative and promotion brochure An informative and promotion brochure will be the only printed informational material of the campaign. Due to its colourful form and a direct introduction to customers, the brochure will enable a relatively in-depth presentation of the messages. It will be distributed mostly in promotional tastings as an informative and promotional material, with all basic information. It is also intended for the participants in workshops and other events. With its colourful and popular form and attractive photographs it will catch reader’s attention and will be understandable for the widest target public. It will find its place in private recipes collections, due to its practical information and usable recipes for everyday cookery. Therefore, its practical and informative value will cover a longer period. However it will also be technically informative enough to present the project topics to the widest public in a credible manner. Dimension: size A5, coloured-printed 4/4, 32 pages. 274 Printed material - number of copies per action Action SERBIA Tastings and promotions 1000 per event Workshops 25 per person Cooking competition 150 per action Press conference (number of perticipant*1,5) 200.000 Total FYR MONTENEGRO KOSOVO MACEDONIA 130.000 60.000 40000 50000 BIH Total 480.000 10.000 7.500 5.000 2.500 2.500 27.500 600 600 450 450 450 2.550 150 120 105 75 75 525 210.750 138.220 65.555 43.025 53.025 510.575 Financial construction per countries: 5.9.2. BROSHURE Serial Subject No. 1 Translation SERBIA BIH FYR MONTENEGRO MACEDONIA KOSOVO Total 768,00 768,00 832,00 768,00 896,00 4.032,00 1.760,00 704,00 704,00 704,00 704,00 4.576,00 Printing 33.720,00 22.115,20 10.488,80 6.884,00 8.484,00 81.692,00 Delivery TOTAL 150,00 36.398,00 150,00 23.737,20 150,00 12.174,80 150,00 8.506,00 150,00 750,00 10.234,00 91.050,00 2 Design realisation 3 4 7 Prices in EURO 3. TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS IN SHOPPING CENTRES Tastings and promotions focused on the advantages of the qualitative poultry meat of EU origin will be organised in shopping centres in all target countries, establishing a direct communication with consumers on the spot and influencing their decisions about purchasing. Various themes will be presented on the spot, namely: the EU quality schemes, advantages of the quality, safety and traceability system, advantages of quality poultry meat, the correct preparation of poultry meat and other significant themes which each and every consumer should be aware of. This action will contribute to: acquiring and strengthening the consumers’ confidence in quality and safety of EU poultry meat wider information about the advantages of including poultry meat in our nutrition and on safe consumption of food, direct influence on buying decisions and nutrition habits of consumers. An attractive stand will be organised with well-known project logo, hostesses and a cook dressed in clothing with project logo and suitable emblems. During presentation, poultry meat will be prepared on the spot. Culinary part of this action will be adapted to the local particularities and will present, with its sensual irritation, an important part for encouraging tastings on the spot. Informers will be properly educated in order to present information in line with the campaign. They will distribute informative brochures and promotional bags and, at the same time, invite visitors to tastings and to check the campaign’s web portals with their recipes, questions or remarks. Costs of promotional bags are included in these costs. Tastings will be organised when the number of visitors in shopping centres is the highest, as well as in places with high frequency. It is our aim accordingly to get 1000 visitors per tasting. Two tastings at the same time, but on different locations are envisaged in countries with more 275 tastings planned (Serbia and BIH), in other countries (FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo), one tasting on one location will be organised in a day. TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS SERBIA BIH FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total Number of events 200 130 60 40 50 480 TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS Number of promotional bags (300 per event) SERBIA BIH MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total 60.000 39.900 12.000 15.000 144.900 FYR MACEDONIA 18.000 276 Financial construction per countries: TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS 1 2a 2b 3 4a 4b 5 6 7 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f Promotional fee in supermarkets (8 hours per event) Shopping bag – cotton shopping bag with logo Promotional material – distribution Promotional counter with logo (lease) Quality EU poultry meat for tasting Other materials for preparation of degustation meals (rice, noodles, oil, spices) Two hostesses (2x 8 hours per event) Cook (1x 8 hours per event) Roll wall with logo (2x) Clothing with logo for personnel (2 packages per person) Aprons with logo for personnel Kitchen gloves with logo for personnel burner for the preparation of meat (lease) Woks for preparation of meat (lease) Paper plates for serving the meat Total SERBIA BIH 36.000,00 21.060,00 FYR MACEDONIA 9.000,00 58.800,00 150,00 1.500,00 26.000,00 6.000,00 38.220,00 150,00 1.500,00 16.900,00 3.900,00 17.640,00 150,00 750,00 7.800,00 1.200,00 11.760,00 150,00 750,00 5.200,00 800,00 14.700,00 150,00 750,00 6.500,00 1.000,00 141.120,00 750,00 5.250,00 62.400,00 12.900,00 22.400,00 12.800,00 500,00 896,00 14.560,00 500,00 8.320,00 784,00 4.800,00 2.880,00 250,00 392,00 3.840,00 1.920,00 250,00 336,00 4.000,00 2.400,00 250,00 336,00 49.600,00 20.500,00 9.570,00 2.744,00 72,00 54,00 300,00 300,00 5.000,00 170.772,00 54,00 40,50 300,00 300,00 3.250,00 109.838,50 36,00 27,00 150,00 150,00 1.500,00 46.725,00 36,00 27,00 150,00 150,00 1.000,00 32.169,00 36,00 27,00 150,00 150,00 1.250,00 38.749,00 234,00 175,50 1.050,00 1.050,00 12.000,00 398.253,50 277 MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total 5.800,00 7.050,00 78.910,00 4. WORKSHOPS Informative and promotional workshops will be organised in various cities of target countries, aimed at three target groups: consumer organisations, institutions and distributors, as well as media representatives. Will be invited to such workshops: employees of the Horeca sector (restaurants, hotels, and food managers), persons in public institutions responsible for purchase and preparation of food, representatives of consumer organisations, of distributors and their associations, other interested food experts. Each workshop will consist of two parts. In the first part, there will be three lectures of various experts, each 90 minutes long. One of these experts will be from the European Union. Participants will also gain practical knowledge as they will be instructed in the second part of the event how to prepare poultry meat meal in an innovative and healthy manner. Workshops will be adapted to each country, its cultural and culinary particularities and market specificity. The purpose of these events is to present information, to discuss various topics and to carry out a culinary practicum. Workshops will include the following elements: information on the EU quality schemes, safety and traceability system, nutrition value of poultry meat, information on the campaign, Cookery course. Around 20 representatives of target public will participate in each workshop. Participants will receive a promotional notebook with logo, a promotional pencil, a promotional brochure and also a package of additional 25 brochures to distribute within his/her organisation. Each action will be described in details and in pictures, and presented in a short video on the web portal. WORKSHOPS Number of events SERBIA BIH 20 15 FYR MACEDONIA 10 278 MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total 5 5 55 Financial construction per countries: WORKSHOPS 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 6 7a 7b 7c 7d 4 3 experts per event - every expert 1hour and ½ of lecture Overnight stay and food for EU expert Transportation for EU expert Technical equipment Congress room – rental costs Moderator Hostess (8 hours per event) Chef – culinary practicum Chef assistants - 4 assistants per workshop EU Quality poultry meat and other materials for the culinary practicum Pencils with logo for participants Notebooks with logo for participants Entertainment of participants – food and beverage Invitations - translation Invitations - design Adrema preparation Invitations – dispatching and animation Total SERBIA BIH FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total 15.000,00 10.200,00 7.000,00 4.000,00 6.000,00 3.600,00 1.280,00 3.600,00 2.400,00 11.250,00 7.650,00 5.250,00 3.000,00 4.500,00 2.700,00 960,00 2.700,00 1.800,00 7.500,00 5.100,00 4.000,00 2.000,00 3.000,00 1.800,00 640,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 3.750,00 2.550,00 1.750,00 1.000,00 1.500,00 900,00 320,00 900,00 600,00 3.750,00 2.550,00 2.000,00 1.000,00 1.500,00 900,00 320,00 900,00 600,00 41.250,00 28.050,00 20.000,00 11.000,00 16.500,00 9.900,00 3.520,00 9.900,00 6.600,00 4.000,00 270,00 1.050,00 3.000,00 202,50 787,50 2.000,00 135,00 525,00 1.000,00 67,50 262,50 1.000,00 67,50 262,50 11.000,00 742,50 2.887,50 11.000,00 24,00 256,00 250,00 24,00 69.954,00 8.250,00 24,00 103,00 250,00 18,00 52.445,00 5.500,00 26,00 103,00 250,00 12,00 35.591,00 2.750,00 24,00 103,00 250,00 9,00 17.736,00 2.750,00 28,00 103,00 250,00 9,00 17.990,00 30.250,00 126,00 668,00 1.250,00 72,00 193.716,00 5. COOKING COMPETITION IN PREPARING MEALS FROM POULTRY MEAT A public cooking competition in preparing meals from poultry meat will be carried out in order to draw attention to the content presented through the project. Such a contest will take advantage of the popularity of cooking competitions and shows. The campaign’s messages will thus be launched through various additional channels in an attractive manner. This action will contribute to the popularisation of poultry meat in general and will, throughout the cooking competition, communicate these messages to some parts of the wider public normally hard to reach. This competition is an excellent manner to encourage the public to consider and to test possibilities offered by poultry meat, and it gives an opportunity to form the topics with insufficient alluringness in the start in a very attractive action. The competition will be performed in two categories, with three team members: teams of general public will compete in a category “Amateur cooks”, and teams of young cooks will compete in a category “Young cooks”. At the beginning of each event, there will be an hour-long introductory part – an educational part with short lectures on the advantages and the meaning of qualitative poultry meat, EU quality schemes, and the importance of safety and traceability. This action composed of several events will be divided in two major parts: elimination and the finals. We plan to carry out three elimination events in three different cities in Serbia and BIH, and two in two cities in Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. Each action will last four months 279 per county. It will also increase the number of website visitors as the entire entry will be via the Internet, and the rules and competition news will be published on the website. The competition will be carried out when no other activities take place. Financial construction per countries: 5.9.5. COOKING COMPETITION Serial Subject No. 1 A nutritionist – a lecture, a commission member – 4 hours 2 Chef – a commission president - 4 hours 3a EU expert – a lecture 3b Transportation (by air) for EU expert 3c Overnight stay and food for EU expert 4 Congress room – rental costs 5 Cooking equipment – cooking islands, dishes and sets 6 Moderator (4 hours/competition) 7 Food and other materials for the cooking competition (team has to prepare a four persons meal) 8 Technical equipment 9a Promotional material - aprons with logo for personnel 9b Promotional material – chefs hats 10 Advertising in magazines 11 Winner’s prize: 3-days in Slovenia; a visit trip to the poultry meat production 12 Entertainment of participants – food and beverage TOTAL 1.000,00 Prices in EURO FYR MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total MACEDONIA 1.000,00 750,00 750,00 750,00 4.250,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.050,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 3.400,00 4.250,00 6.250,00 2.890,00 11.900,00 16.000,00 2.400,00 1.216,00 1.600,00 2.400,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 7.600,00 9.016,00 1.600,00 660,00 1.216,00 720,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 5.504,00 2.910,00 440,00 13.800,00 3.960,00 480,00 10.200,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 1.940,00 49.500,00 19.800,00 640,00 36.196,00 1.040,00 33.096,00 800,00 26.716,00 800,00 26.566,00 800,00 26.716,00 4.080,00 149.290,00 SERBIA BIH 6. COOKING COMPETITION IN PREPARING MEALS FROM POULTRY MEAT A public cooking competition in preparing meals from poultry meat will be carried out in order to draw attention to the content presented through the project. Such a contest will take advantage of the popularity of cooking competitions and shows. The campaign’s messages will thus be launched through various additional channels in an attractive manner. This action will contribute to the popularisation of poultry meat in general and will, throughout the cooking competition, communicate these messages to some parts of the wider public normally hard to reach. This competition is an excellent manner to encourage the public to consider and to test possibilities offered by poultry meat, and it gives an opportunity to form the topics with insufficient alluringness in the start in a very attractive action. The competition will be performed in two 280 categories, with three team members: teams of general public will compete in a category “Amateur cooks”, and teams of young cooks will compete in a category “Young cooks”. At the beginning of each event, there will be an hour-long introductory part – an educational part with short lectures on the advantages and the meaning of qualitative poultry meat, EU quality schemes, and the importance of safety and traceability. This action composed of several events will be divided in two major parts: elimination and the finals. We plan to carry out three elimination events in three different cities in Serbia and BIH, and two in two cities in Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. Each action will last four months perr county. It will also increase the number of website visitors as the entire entry will be via the Internet, and the rules and competition news will be published on the website. The competition will be carried out when no other activities take place. Financial construction per countries: 5.9.5. COOKING COMPETITION Serial Subject No. 1 A nutritionist – a lecture, a commission member – 4 hours 2 Chef – a commission president - 4 hours 3a EU expert – a lecture 3b Transportation (by air) for EU expert 3c Overnight stay and food for EU expert 4 Congress room – rental costs 5 Cooking equipment – cooking islands, dishes and sets 6 Moderator (4 hours/competition) 7 Food and other materials for the cooking competition (team has to prepare a four persons meal) 8 Technical equipment 9a Promotional material - aprons with logo for personnel 9b Promotional material – chefs hats 10 Advertising in magazines 11 Winner’s prize: 3-days in Slovenia; a visit trip to the poultry meat production 12 Entertainment of participants – food and beverage TOTAL 1.000,00 Prices in EURO FYR MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total MACEDONIA 1.000,00 750,00 750,00 750,00 4.250,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.050,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 3.400,00 4.250,00 6.250,00 2.890,00 11.900,00 16.000,00 2.400,00 1.216,00 1.600,00 2.400,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 7.600,00 9.016,00 1.600,00 660,00 1.216,00 720,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 5.504,00 2.910,00 440,00 13.800,00 3.960,00 480,00 10.200,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 1.940,00 49.500,00 19.800,00 640,00 36.196,00 1.040,00 33.096,00 800,00 26.716,00 800,00 26.566,00 800,00 26.716,00 4.080,00 149.290,00 SERBIA BIH 281 7. COOKING COMPETITION IN PREPARING MEALS FROM POULTRY MEAT A public cooking competition in preparing meals from poultry meat will be carried out in order to draw attention to the content presented through the project. Such a contest will take advantage of the popularity of cooking competitions and shows. The campaign’s messages will thus be launched through various additional channels in an attractive manner. This action will contribute to the popularisation of poultry meat in general and will, throughout the cooking competition, communicate these messages to some parts of the wider public normally hard to reach. This competition is an excellent manner to encourage the public to consider and to test possibilities offered by poultry meat, and it gives an opportunity to form the topics with insufficient alluringness in the start in a very attractive action. The competition will be performed in two categories, with three team members: teams of general public will compete in a category “Amateur cooks”, and teams of young cooks will compete in a category “Young cooks”. At the beginning of each event, there will be an hour-long introductory part – an educational part with short lectures on the advantages and the meaning of qualitative poultry meat, EU quality schemes, and the importance of safety and traceability. This action composed of several events will be divided in two major parts: elimination and the finals. We plan to carry out three elimination events in three different cities in Serbia and BIH, and two in two cities in Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. Each action will last four months perr county. It will also increase the number of website visitors as the entire entry will be via the Internet, and the rules and competition news will be published on the website. The competition will be carried out when no other activities take place. 282 Financial construction per countries: 5.9.5. COOKING COMPETITION Serial Subject No. 1 A nutritionist – a lecture, a commission member – 4 hours 2 Chef – a commission president - 4 hours 3a EU expert – a lecture 3b Transportation (by air) for EU expert 3c Overnight stay and food for EU expert 4 Congress room – rental costs 5 Cooking equipment – cooking islands, dishes and sets 6 Moderator (4 hours/competition) 7 Food and other materials for the cooking competition (team has to prepare a four persons meal) 8 Technical equipment 9a Promotional material - aprons with logo for personnel 9b Promotional material – chefs hats 10 Advertising in magazines 11 Winner’s prize: 3-days in Slovenia; a visit trip to the poultry meat production 12 Entertainment of participants – food and beverage TOTAL 1.000,00 Prices in EURO FYR MONTENEGRO KOSOVO Total MACEDONIA 1.000,00 750,00 750,00 750,00 4.250,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 800,00 1.000,00 1.400,00 680,00 2.800,00 3.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.050,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 600,00 750,00 1.200,00 510,00 2.100,00 2.800,00 3.400,00 4.250,00 6.250,00 2.890,00 11.900,00 16.000,00 2.400,00 1.216,00 1.600,00 2.400,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 1.200,00 1.800,00 7.600,00 9.016,00 1.600,00 660,00 1.216,00 720,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 896,00 510,00 5.504,00 2.910,00 440,00 13.800,00 3.960,00 480,00 10.200,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 340,00 8.500,00 3.960,00 1.940,00 49.500,00 19.800,00 640,00 36.196,00 1.040,00 33.096,00 800,00 26.716,00 800,00 26.566,00 800,00 26.716,00 4.080,00 149.290,00 SERBIA BIH 8. PROMOTIONAL EXPERT ARTICLES Publishing articles in magazines will help reach the target consumers and other persons involved in housekeeping and purchases, as well as professionals in purchasing and/or food preparation. In order to communicate the campaign’s messages to target public, the promotional articles based on technical facts will be published in magazines. Articles will present technical contents in a popular way. They will be published in various printed media in each target country and will enable a detailed and accurate description of separate key topics connected with qualitative poultry meat. We plan to publish 8 various whole-page articles in 5 different commercial and technical media, giving thus an opportunity to address the widest segment of target public. The stress will certainly be on magazines and supplements that deal with a qualitative, healthy and active life. In a separate media, articles will be published as a series of 8 articles in two or three-month, dependent on the media periodicity. Publishing expert articles in the selected printed media will: - gain and (furthermore) strengthen the consumers’ trust in the quality and safety of poultry meat of EU origin; 283 - gain a wider information of people about the advantages of including poultry meat in their nutrition and about its safe consumption; - influence the consumers’ purchasing decisions and nutrition habits; - create new visits of the project’s website and other digital communication tools. Financial construction per countries: 5.9.6. PROMOTIONAL EXPERT ARTICLES Serial Subject SERBIA No. 1 Translation 576,00 2 Articles design 3.640,00 3 Media planning and buying 46.782,00 TOTAL 50.998,00 BIH 576,00 1.456,00 25.484,00 27.516,00 FYR MONTENEGRO MACEDONIA 624,00 576,00 1.456,00 1.456,00 28.501,60 29.900,00 30.581,60 31.932,00 Prices in EURO KOSOVO Total 672,00 3.024,00 1.456,00 9.464,00 25.668,00 156.335,60 27.796,00 168.823,60 9. ON-LINE ADVERTISING The backbone of information-promotional on-line actions of this campaign is pointed at “below-the-line” communication activities, which directly address the consumer. However, for an optimal efficiency, “above-the-line” activities need to be realised to a certain extent as well, dispersing the campaign’s messages through other indirect channels. Advertising through various websites will help gain bigger perception of campaign’s messages and create visits of the campaign’s website. Indirectly, activities will be created, connected to other campaign’s actions. Advertising will be dynamic, banner shaped, immediately drawing the visitors attention. Banners will be launched in the most visited websites of a particular countrydealing with the topics related to purchasing, food preparation and health. In each country banners will be launched in three various websites for one month per each year. Advertising on the Internet will be launched during those months when other activities, applied for addressing the public, will not take place, whereby the authenticity of the campaign’s messages will be ensured all the time. Financial construction per countries: 5.9.7. ON-LINE ADVERTISING Serial Subject No. 1 Banner – design and formation 2 Media planning and buying TOTAL SERBIA 1.350,00 9.405,00 10.755,00 BIH 540,00 6.735,00 7.275,00 FYR MACEDONIA 540,00 7.005,00 7.545,00 284 MONTENEGRO 540,00 3.984,00 4.524,00 Prices in EURO KOSOVO Total 540,00 3.417,00 3.957,00 3.510,00 30.546,00 34.056,00 10. PRESS CONFERENCE Press conferences will take place in each country as an introduction for the 3-year informational and promotional campaign. The goal is to present the project and to excite the interest for the planned activities. Press conferences will be organised in the capital cities of target countries. The list of invited persons will include representative of general and specialised media in the field of nutrition, healthy life and cooking, and other interested public such as consumer associations, companies involved in poultry meat and products thereof, distribution and catering organisations and traders, giving the press conference a wider extent. They will be attended by informers who will present the content and by representatives of target countries and the EU. A nutritionist and a representative of a target field will be invited, as well as a representative of an EU poultry industry, of a veterinary organisation and of the proposing organisation, who will present the campaign’s extent. Two of the informers on the press conference will thus come from the EU. Press conferences will be launched during the first months of the campaign. Target number of participants is 100 people in total in Serbia, 80 in BIH, 70 in FYR Macedonia and 50 in Montenegro and Kosovo each. Financial construction per country 5.9.8. PRESS CONFERENCE Serial Subject No. 1 Congress room, technical equipment – rental costs 2a Overnight stay and food for experts 2b Transportation (by air) for EU expert 2c EU experts’ fees 3 Moderator 4a Chef – rental costs 4b Cooking equipment – cooking islands, dishes and sets 4c EU Quality poultry meat and other materials for the culinary practicum 5 Promotional gifts for participants 6 Entertainment of participants – food and beverage) 7 Translation of informative material 8a Invitation - translation 8b Invitation - design 8c Adrema preparation 8d Invitations – dispatching and animation TOTAL SERBIA BIH FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO Prices in EURO KOSOVO Total 700,00 440,00 700,00 600,00 350,00 350,00 600,00 340,00 700,00 600,00 350,00 350,00 500,00 340,00 800,00 600,00 350,00 350,00 600,00 340,00 700,00 600,00 350,00 350,00 500,00 340,00 800,00 600,00 350,00 350,00 2.900,00 1.800,00 3.700,00 3.000,00 1.750,00 1.750,00 400,00 400,00 400,00 400,00 400,00 2.000,00 400,00 1.000,00 320,00 800,00 280,00 700,00 200,00 500,00 200,00 500,00 1.400,00 3.500,00 1.000,00 240,00 24,00 256,00 250,00 15,00 6.725,00 800,00 240,00 24,00 103,00 250,00 12,00 5.889,00 700,00 260,00 26,00 103,00 250,00 10,50 5.669,50 500,00 240,00 24,00 103,00 250,00 7,50 5.164,50 500,00 280,00 28,00 103,00 250,00 7,50 5.208,50 3.500,00 1.260,00 126,00 668,00 1.250,00 52,50 28.656,50 285 11. STUDY VISITS FOR MEDIA IN THE EU Expert and study visits of editors and journalists in plants for production and processing of poultry meat is one of the communication tools which help to form a long-term alliance between EU meat processing industry and consumers in third countries. We plan to organise an expert and study visit for the key editors and journalist covering trade, economy, agriculture and nutrition. Information checked on the spot is more effective and more impressive than information written as a press release. Journalist will be acquainted with processing industry and the quality, safety and traceability system in practice. They will meet the representatives of the Slovene Commercial Branch Association of Meat Industry and will take part in an accompanying programme. The expert and study visit for media from all target countries to Slovenia will last 3 days (two nights) with 30 journalists from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20 journalists from FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. The foreseen price includes costs of transport, overnights stays, food and promotional material and gifts. Financial construction per countries: STUDY VISITS FOR MEDIA IN THE EU 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c 6d 4 BUS transport in Slovenia Air tickets from capitals to Ljubljana Overnight stays (2 nights -120€ per person a day) Food for participants (3 days, 90 € per person a day) Promotion material - Pencils with logo Promotion material- Notebook with logo Promotional gift Invitation - translation Invitation - design (40% of basic price) Adrema preparation Invitations – dispatching and animation Total SERBIA BIH 2.400,00 10.500,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 8,10 63,00 210,00 24,00 256,00 250,00 15,00 28.126,10 286 2.400,00 10.500,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 8,10 63,00 210,00 24,00 103,00 250,00 15,00 27.973,10 FYR MACEDONIA 2.400,00 8.000,00 4.800,00 4.800,00 5,40 42,00 140,00 26,00 103,00 250,00 15,00 20.581,40 MONTENEGRO 2.400,00 7.000,00 4.800,00 4.800,00 5,40 42,00 140,00 24,00 103,00 300,00 15,00 19.629,40 KOSOVO 2.400,00 8.000,00 4.800,00 4.800,00 5,40 42,00 140,00 28,00 103,00 250,00 15,00 20.583,40 Total 12.000,00 44.000,00 28.800,00 28.800,00 32,40 252,00 840,00 126,00 668,00 1.300,00 75,00 116.893,40 European dimension - the target public will achieve a higher visibility and understanding of EU quality systems, which provides a higher quality of products bearing the symbols of these schemes - thus, the image of EU products and of EU agriculture, and consequently of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, will be promoted among likely future candidates. - increased knowledge of EU signs and products will lead to an increased confidence in EU products. In the peculiar case of poultry meat, where consumption is increasing, it will lead to more, and more selective, imports, for the same and for other new consumers. The envisaged effects and the evaluation methods: Ensuring correct information on the EU quality schemes, national quality schemes, and the control system, which all together ensure a strict control from breeding to sale, as defined by regulations, will return and strengthen the consumers’ confidence into EU quality poultry meat that has been deeply shaken by avian influenza. Target groups will gain a higher level of awareness of high EU standards applied by producers and which ensure qualitative, safe and traceable poultry meat irrespective of the country of origin. The increased conscience of the importance of including quality poultry meat within human nutrition for the quality of life will be perceived at the same time. The interest in purchasing EU poultry meat will increase due to the comparative advantages of EU products. This will result in an increase of the EU exports towards target countries. The result of the information and promotion campaign will be measured in the increased consumption of poultry meat in target countries within the campaign implementation, namely in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 6 %, in Serbia for 5 %, in FYR Macedonia for 4 %, in Montenegro for 4 %, and in the Republic of Kosovo for 4 %.Official statistics on consumption and sale of poultry meat in a particular country will serve as a basis for the measurement of these changes. The concrete anticipated effects of the information and promotion campaign of poultry meat of EU origin in target markets and the ways of measurement are presented in continuation within each particular action. Results will be measured equally for all target countries. Measurement and recording of the statistics will be carried out by a selected independent external body. Results will be measured by the number of website visits, on the spot participants, contacts made, and media publications. A market analysis with a 3-year periodical research will also be carried out and used to apparise the campaign results, the official statistics being published rather late. 287 III. BUDGET YEAR 1 YEAR 2 in € 471.519,32 431.078,63 WEB COMMUNICATION SERBIA 23.187,00 4.652,00 BIH 11.861,00 4.672,00 FYR MACEDONIA 12.008,25 4.723,00 MONTENEGRO 11.861,00 4.672,00 KOSOVO 12.100,50 4.834,00 PRINTED MEDIA – informative brochure SERBIA 36.398,00 BIH 23.737,20 FYR MACEDONIA 12.174,80 MONTENEGRO 8.506,00 KOSOVO 10.234,00 TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS IN SHOPPING CENTRES SERBIA 58.852,52 51.783,64 BIH 32.223,50 46.569,00 FYR MACEDONIA 21.327,00 15.687,00 MONTENEGRO 11.703,00 12.886,00 KOSOVO 11.443,00 19.188,00 WORKSHOPS SERBIA 29.106,00 BIH 32.020,00 20.425,00 FYR MACEDONIA 35.591,00 MONTENEGRO KOSOVO 17.990,00 COOKING COMPETITION SERBIA 36.196,00 BIH 33.096,00 FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO 26.566,00 KOSOVO EXPERT ARTICLES SERBIA 32.372,71 BIH 17.466,72 FYR MACEDONIA 16.263,23 MONTENEGRO 18.854,57 KOSOVO 16.916,81 10.879,19 ON-LINE ADVERTISING SERBIA 3.585,00 3.585,00 BIH 2.425,00 2.425,00 ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE(S) : General interest of the programme: 28,75/30 Quality of the programme: 27,25/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 4,75/10 10/20 288 YEAR 3 396.043,56 4.637,00 4.627,00 4.674,25 4.627,00 4.766,50 60.135,84 31.046,00 9.711,00 7.580,00 8.118,00 40.848,00 17.736,00 26.716,00 26.716,00 18.625,29 10.049,28 14.318,37 13.077,43 3.585,00 2.425,00 TOTAL 1.298.641,50 117.902,50 32.476,00 21.160,00 21.405,50 21.160,00 21.701,00 91.050,00 36.398,00 23.737,20 12.174,80 8.506,00 10.234,00 398.253,50 170.772,00 109.838,50 46.725,00 32.169,00 38.749,00 193.716,00 69.954,00 52.445,00 35.591,00 17.736,00 17.990,00 149.290,00 36.196,00 33.096,00 26.716,00 26.566,00 26.716,00 168.823,60 50.998,00 27.516,00 30.581,60 31.932,00 27.796,00 34.056,00 10.755,00 7.275,00 BUDGET BY ACTION : € YEAR 1 YEAR 2 in € 471.519,32 431.078,63 WEB COMMUNICATION SERBIA 23.187,00 4.652,00 BIH 11.861,00 4.672,00 FYR MACEDONIA 12.008,25 4.723,00 MONTENEGRO 11.861,00 4.672,00 KOSOVO 12.100,50 4.834,00 PRINTED MEDIA – informative brochure SERBIA 36.398,00 BIH 23.737,20 FYR MACEDONIA 12.174,80 MONTENEGRO 8.506,00 KOSOVO 10.234,00 TASTINGS AND PROMOTIONS IN SHOPPING CENTRES SERBIA 58.852,52 51.783,64 BIH 32.223,50 46.569,00 FYR MACEDONIA 21.327,00 15.687,00 MONTENEGRO 11.703,00 12.886,00 KOSOVO 11.443,00 19.188,00 WORKSHOPS SERBIA 29.106,00 BIH 32.020,00 20.425,00 FYR MACEDONIA 35.591,00 MONTENEGRO KOSOVO 17.990,00 COOKING COMPETITION SERBIA 36.196,00 BIH 33.096,00 FYR MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO 26.566,00 KOSOVO EXPERT ARTICLES SERBIA 32.372,71 BIH 17.466,72 FYR MACEDONIA 16.263,23 MONTENEGRO 18.854,57 KOSOVO 16.916,81 10.879,19 ON-LINE ADVERTISING SERBIA 3.585,00 3.585,00 BIH 2.425,00 2.425,00 FYR MACEDONIA 2.515,00 2.515,00 MONTENEGRO 1.508,00 1.508,00 KOSOVO 1.319,00 1.319,00 PRESS CONFERENCE SERBIA 6.725,00 BIH 5.889,00 FYR MACEDONIA 5.669,50 MONTENEGRO 5.164,50 KOSOVO 5.208,50 STUDY VISITS FOR MEDIA IN THE EU SERBIA BIH FYR MACEDONIA 20.581,40 MONTENEGRO 19.629,40 KOSOVO YEAR 1 YEAR 2 TOTAL 471.519,32 431.078,63 Costs of the performance guarantee Implementing body’s fees 1.200,00 1.200,00 289 YEAR 3 396.043,56 4.637,00 4.627,00 4.674,25 4.627,00 4.766,50 60.135,84 31.046,00 9.711,00 7.580,00 8.118,00 40.848,00 17.736,00 26.716,00 26.716,00 18.625,29 10.049,28 14.318,37 13.077,43 3.585,00 2.425,00 2.515,00 1.508,00 1.319,00 28.126,10 27.973,10 20.583,40 YEAR 3 396.043,56 1.200,00 TOTAL 1.298.641,50 117.902,50 32.476,00 21.160,00 21.405,50 21.160,00 21.701,00 91.050,00 36.398,00 23.737,20 12.174,80 8.506,00 10.234,00 398.253,50 170.772,00 109.838,50 46.725,00 32.169,00 38.749,00 193.716,00 69.954,00 52.445,00 35.591,00 17.736,00 17.990,00 149.290,00 36.196,00 33.096,00 26.716,00 26.566,00 26.716,00 168.823,60 50.998,00 27.516,00 30.581,60 31.932,00 27.796,00 34.056,00 10.755,00 7.275,00 7.545,00 4.524,00 3.957,00 28.656,50 6.725,00 5.889,00 5.669,50 5.164,50 5.208,50 116.893,40 28.126,10 27.973,10 20.581,40 19.629,40 20.583,40 TOTAL 1.298.641,50 3.600,00 Measurement of results, actions TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME Overheads TOTAL FOR THE PROGRAMME TOTAL 61.297,51 14.145,58 56.040,22 12.932,36 51.485,66 11.881,31 168.823,40 38.959,25 548.162,41 21.926,50 570.088,91 501.251,21 20.050,05 521.301,26 460.610,53 18.424,42 479.034,95 1.510.024,15 60.400,97 1.570.425,12 CO-FINANCING PLAN IN EURO : FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION European Community Member State Proposing organisation Total st 1 year EUR % 285.044,45 50,00 171.026,67 30,00 114.017,78 20,00 570.088,91 100,00 nd 2 year EUR % 260.650,63 50,00 156.390,38 30,00 104.260,25 20,00 521.301,26 100,00 rd 3 year EUR % 239.517,48 50,00 143.710,49 30,00 95.806,99 20,00 479.034,95 100,00 Total EUR % 785.212,56 50,00 471.127,53 30,00 314.085,02 20,00 1.570.425,12 100,00 RESULTAT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks : Programme eligible : yes/no First observations to be communicated to MS : - confirm that the executive body is not a public entity - Confirmation has been given and the statute of the applicant precised - meat for tasting should be furnished at production costs; certify that this will be the case Such a certification has been given. - what is the size of the stands for tastings and promotions ? The size is précised; it has been determined In order to also allow promotional tastings and other accompanying information-promotion and promotional measures - what is precisely meant by "EU expert" for the workshops: experts coming from EU member countries (if so, how are they selected) or from the EU institutions ? They are specialists form EU countries competent on meat quality matters; they can come from ministries or private professional organisations. Commission experts, especially on quality matters, are also welcome - there should be a table per year for measurement of results, quantitative objectives measured by the survey should also be set. Such a survey will be included in the regular market analysis foreseen every year during project implementation. It will measure in each country the level of knowledge of EU poultry meat, its advantages and EU standards for guaranteeing that UE meat is of high quality, safe and healthy. The starting point will be the study carried out in year 1; another one is foreseen in year 2 and a final one immediately after the end of the information-provision and promotional activities, with the same questions as the original survey. The aim is to increase by 6% in year 1 and by 4% each of the two following years the proportion of consumers aware of the advantages of EU quality poultry meat yearly, and by the same percentage the proportion of consumers aware of the high standards of quality and safety for poultry meat of EU origin, as well as the confidence in EU quality poultry meat, the proportion of consumers aware of the quality schemes used to mark higher-quality products and that of consumers who include poultry meat in their diet at least twice a week. In addition, digital communication (websites, Facebook profile, etc.) will also be used to monitor the changes in the awareness of consumers in target markets, and people attending tasting events will be asked to fill in the survey, with questions on 290 knowledge of the advantages of poultry meat in general and EU quality poultry meat in particular. - - a .eu site should be preferred The recommendation will be followed and a website will be created. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICE : Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods: yes/no Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/average/poor 70,75/100 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 External consultant’s opinion: n.a. CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Clarifications needed to allow a more in-depth appraisal Recommandation(s) - To be accepted - to be accepted given the satisfactory reply to the above observations - to be rejected 291 EVALUATION SHEET OF A PROMOTION PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME: Member State(s): UK Title of programme: A Promotional and information campaign to increase awareness of the benefits of organic food and farming, and to encourage increased frequency of purchase of organic produce in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 2014 - 2017. “Organic. Naturally Different”. Competent Authority(ies): Rural Payment Agency (RPA) Proposing organisation(s): SUSTAIN : The alliance for better food and farming Implementing body(ies): Haygarth Group Ltd Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Organic food and drink Targeted Member State(s): UK Duration: 3 years Total budget: €1,652,587 EU Co-financing: €826,293.73 (50%) Proposal received on: 17/06/2013 Programme summary for the Spokespersons' service (brief description of products, objectives, target groups, actions). Preferably in EN and 2 paragraphs max. This is the continuation of a 3-year programme ending in September 2013 (campaign which won the award "Best Advertising Led Campaign" in 2013). This programme aims at informing and promoting organic products in the UK. The main objective is to grow sales of organics, aiming to return the market to growth by 2017 and potentially grow the market by between 1-3%. The target groups are the regular consumers and occasional purchasers of organic products. The actions include panels in London underground, digital displays on relevant food sites and retailers online shopping sites, refreshment of the website, creation of new applications for Facebook and digital challenges like "Cook organic challenge", posting videos and interviews on Facebook with master classes of cooking chefs, sponsoring a national award that encourages people to cook with organic products, providing consumers with loyalty point rewards to encourage the consumption of organic products directly into the retailors. 292 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: yes Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure yes Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS no Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) yes The programme is a coherent set of actions? yes Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules yes Product(s)/target countries are eligible yes Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) yes AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions yes no Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) yes Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation yes Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body yes DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : The objectives of this programme are to: • continue to grow sales of organic foods and farming, aiming to return the market to growth by 2017, and potentially grow the market by between 1‐3%; increase understanding of the benefits of organic food and drink; improve consumer and media attitudes to organic. Strategy: The strategy is to increase demand for organic food and drink by clearly promoting the benefits of organic production to those consumers who are most likely to buy more organic. The strategy will involve: Evolving and optimising the advertising ensuring that it will still grab people’s attention. Having a light hearted tone of voice, which is humorous and contemporary. Ensuring that the language explaining the benefits of organic is simple yet compelling. 293 Maintaining a strong focus on the audience with the most likelihood to spend more on organic the “Heavyweights” and “Occasionals.” Keeping a strong central message that will help increase sales. Working to create stronger advocates from the 65,000 plus Facebook following. Having a “push” and “pull” strategy – the push coming from the advertising and the pull coming from on‐ line work. Addressing the price barrier and clearly communicating the value of organic food. The campaign will focus around five core areas: Advertising: the big “shout” that will raise awareness and make people stop and think about organic, prompting them to buy more of it. Digital & social media: where people come to find out more, and then interact and become part of the campaign and help spread the word. Media and PR work: to create the stories in the media that encourages people to re‐ think organic in positive ways through independent comment and endorsements from journalists. Retailer activation: raising awareness of organic in-store so shoppers are reminded about its benefits as they shop Measurement and evaluation: to ensure the campaign is achieving results and to continually check back on progress so plans can be amended as necessary. The strategic pathway for the campaign started with the previous campaign creating a “reason to believe” in organic. There was a great deal of information to get across in a simple way and the benefits of organic were not yet understood. The next step is to give consumers a “reason to buy” organic so the strategy will be more confident and overt about this in the next campaign. The strategy will include talking about the difference in price of organic food and drink, but will do this with confidence showing people that organic may sometimes cost more, but it is worth it. There will also be a strong call to action, a similar tone of voice that has been proven to work very effectively in the first campaign. Target group(s): The consumers: Regulars (or Heavyweight) buyers who buy organic products more than 27 times per year and Occasional purchasers who buy organic between 7 and 26 times per year. Themes: The campaign's main themes are to increase understanding of the benefits of organic food and drink and organic production methods. Main themes: Organic productions systems have very high animal welfare standards. Organic is good for the environment and biodiversity and is more natural. Organic food contains lower pesticide residues and organic farming uses fewer pesticides. The campaign will stress the value of organic food and drink –it sometimes may cost more, but it is worth it. The use of the word "organic" is protected by law so organic food has undergone stringent checks. The campaign will also increase understanding of the EU standards contained in Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 and the new EU logo for organic food, building recognition following its introduction in 2010. 294 Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products organic products Messages to be conveyed: The campaign name is "Organic. Naturally different" and the proposition is built around "If your food could talk, what would it tell you?" The campaign aims at encouraging consumers to think beyond what the food looks like to consider the processes it went through to get it on their plate. The key messages to be communicated in the campaign are: Organic is natural and great tasting food. Organic has lower pesticide residues. Animals on organic farms are raised to high animal welfare standards. Having seen the campaign, consumers should think more about the food they are buying, they should feel good about choosing organic and they will have powerful reasons to buy organic. Each version of the advertisement will: Be generic – no brand names will be mentioned. Explain a key benefit of organic food and farming. Refer to EU funding. Highlight the new EU organic logo to improve consumer and trade recognition. Include a call to action to a campaign Facebook page enabling respondents to learn more about organic foods, to view our latest recipes and news. The proposing organisation is evolving stronger messages, based on those developed for the first programme as they are proven to work. Leapfrog research shows the messages are well understood by shoppers, with 80% of those surveyed saying they were likely to buy more organic, having seen the adverts. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Action 1 – Creative Objective: That the campaign creates awareness and “talkability” and stimulates people to reappraise organic, go online to find out more and buy more organic food and drink. How will the objective be achieved? Having the existing awareness for the adverts in the previous programme means the campaign should capitalise on it and use the same creative concept again: The campaign will continue to be good value for money. Evolving the current campaign will ensure we build on the momentum from the previous campaign and do not waste time and money developing new approaches from scratch. Consistency works. Organic now has an effective, award winning advertising “look and feel” and it makes sense to build on this. The advertising campaign achieved over twice the usual awareness levels for the industry, achieving 39% awareness among London Underground users (average 17%). The importance of clarity. The same research shows 84% of consumers find our advertising “clear and easy to understand” so we will continue with the same concept. The advertising is not “worn out.” The advertising has not yet been seen by enough people to require a total change. Based on this foundation the proposing organisation will develop a new campaign by: 295 Making the “reason to believe” section of the advert (the text at the bottom) more prominent so that it will be easier for consumers to remember the message Addressing the perception that organic costs more, and is the main barrier to buying more organic. The adverts will address this head on and show people that organic is worth it. Encouraging people to “buy something organic today” or using similar words as a call to action. Expected impact: The Monitoring and Evaluation Campaign tracking2 will show: Awareness of campaign in London, where advertising appears: 40% Likelihood of campaign encouraging more people to buy organic: 75% Budget summary table for action 1: Activity Planning and research for creative Concept development Copywriting and design Artwork Creative services Facebook ads Digital display ads Total Budget (in EUR, over 3 years) 29,380 12,693 5,289 3,807 2,938 19,978 12,926 94,014 Action 2 – Media Objective: To create a strong visual impact with campaign advertisements to remind people about the benefits of organic and give them a reason to buy it. How will the objective be achieved? The objectives will be achieved by encouraging those who see the adverts to take three key actions: i. Think about the key benefits of organic food and drink. ii. Buy organic. iii. Communicate the benefits of organic to their own circle of friends and family. Channel Outdoor of Home Advertising (OOH) Cross Track 48 Sheets) 2 Placement London: London Underground Key Function & Channel Benefits / Rationale Creates the big communications “shout”, to make people stop and think about organic Creates strong visual impact to remind people about the key benefits of organic & give them a reason to buy Creates awareness very quickly Proven success with this format previously: o 80% of people stated they would be more likely to buy organic having seen the campaign London targeting allows us to cost effectively reach a concentration of core organic consumers o Around 40% of people who agree that “it’s definitely worth paying more for organic” live in London or South East (source: TGI ) Please see Sections “Measurement of results” and “Expected Impact” below for more on Measurement and Evaluation 296 Digital Display Relevant Food Sites (I.e. Delia Online/ Good Food) As well as relevant keyword targeting, Display across key food sites Keyword and “lifestyle” sites Targeting (i.e. iVillage and Women’s Health), across the Vibrant digital network Social Media Social channels i.e. Facebook, Twitter Digital Retailers Online Shopping Sites o London Underground advertising captures people when they have “dwell time” waiting on the platform for trains. In this way the adverts are unavoidable o 87% of commuters welcome advertising on the tube and they have the desire to engage with it as it fills their “dead” time (source: CBS) o Consumers spend an average of 3 minutes on the platform engaging with cross track ads (source: CBS) Using London Underground allows us to showcase different creative executions and product benefits Reach audience in relevant environments, allowing us to reach people when food and wellbeing is front of mind Opportunity to promote the organic message to people with an established interest in food and related topics, with minimal wastage Precise keyword targeting provides message at key discovery moments “Network” buys allow cost efficient message placement Advertising formats allow us to demonstrate the numerous benefits of organic as well as inviting interactivity to gain message visibility Cultivates organic advocates and creates momentum around key campaign messages Allows two-way conversations and interactivity with audiences Presence in owned media (our own website and Facebook pages) and earned media (other people’s social media pages) spreads the message further without any extra media budget o Credibility of messaging is extended when derived from peer to peer recommendation or advocacy o 87% of people trust peer recommendation over conventional advertising (source: Jupiter research) Taps into established communities of interested audiences Encourages “talkability” around key issues and product benefits o Encouraging people to both think about the key benefits of organic and communicate these to a wider audience, essentially making our audience spread the organic word on our behalf Placement affords video content for greater message depth and context, plus higher levels of interactivity Premium page post link ads on Facebook can drive direct to point of purchase at key retailers, encouraging greater organic sales Provides national presence Remind shoppers about key benefits of organic while they shop 297 Paid Search Google Encourage shoppers to switch to organic at the point of purchase Targeting capabilities allows us to reach those with an established interest in organic products, or those who would be most receptive to organic messaging – allowing our budget to work harder for us Provides national presence Introduces paid search, to capture people who have demonstrated an interest in organic Drives awareness of Organic UK’s website o Pushing consumers to “owned “ media space, allows us to explain the benefits of organic with more detail than an advert can allow o Driving audience to the “owned” media space, facilitates ongoing communications with the consumer, beyond the life of the paid for media campaign Provides national presence The activity will be phased to maximise people’s spending levels and to reach people at most receptive times of year.3 The majority of the media activity will fall in to two key bursts: Phase one: End of January/beginning of February There are two benefits to starting in January. First, the adverts will be seen by people in the New Year when they are thinking of changing their eating habits. Second, the timing means that the campaign will not have lost momentum since it ended in September. Phase two: “Organic September”: The month of September is designated as the month-long promotion of organic food and drink in the UK. It therefore makes sense to amplify the activity around this time when organic has a high profile. Impact 4 Channel Out of Home Advertising – Posters in London Underground Digital Display Social Media Digital Retail Paid search Delivery c. 45% coverage of all ABC1 Londoners at an average “Opportunities to See” (OTS) of 6.4 per burst This equates to 4.57m total impacts per burst. Due to improved buying efficiencies, this advertising activity will cost approximately 23% less than the current campaign c. 3.3m impressions and c 1.1m reach c.1.9m reach and over 19k clicks o There will also be extra reach and exposures from brand advocates who share our Facebook posts and Twitter messages c.3.6m impressions and over 10,000 clicks c. 8m reach and c. 80,000 clicks Coverage: The percentage of the target audience who have an opportunity to see an advertisement. Reach: Interchangeable, with coverage, though tends to be used instead of coverage when referring to digital opportunities: The percentage of the target audience who have an opportunity to see an advertisement. 3 4 See full application for media plan See below the table for a full explanation of terms used 298 OTS: Opportunities to See the advertisements in a campaign. The term “opportunity” recognises that whilst everyone who reads/looks at an advertisement could see that advertisement, not everybody does so. In terms of a poster site an OTS occurs when a person passes a poster site. Budget summary table for action 2: Activity Budget (in EUR, over 3 years) London Underground 48 sheet cross track 412 480 Display advertising 70 509 Social media advertising (Facebook) 70 509 Retailer partnerships 2 each year (online shopping 176 274 sites) Search engine optimisation (paid search to ensure 70 509 website is more visible) Total 800 282 Action 3 - Digital marketing and social media Objective: For digital to be the hub for the campaign – where consumers go to find out more and to share our campaign messages and talk about organic to their friends achieving “peer to peer advocacy” (helping spread the benefits of organic themselves). How will the objective be achieved? In summary the campaign will refresh the website and Facebook page, create excitement, visibility and create a new “app” for Facebook each year to ensure continued engagement with our “fans.” The work on this action will include: Digital activity that encourages our community on Facebook to become true organic advocates, encouraging sharing of digital assets including recipes, hints and tips on shopping and the benefits of organic with their friends and family to help amplify the advertising campaign and PR activity. Digital challenges promoted via the Facebook wall and hosted in a Facebook application will include a “Cook Organic Challenge!” where the Facebook community use five organic ingredients to come up with their own take on a classic British dish. This will be a seasonal activity supported by hints and tips from our celebrity chef partner. Organic meal plans will be created with our celebrity chef and blogger ambassadors to demonstrate the good value and ease with which it’s possible to shop and cook organic. These will have a seasonal and provenance focus and will also encourage our community to share their own adaptation of the plans with us on Facebook and via their blogs. Shareable assets will be created following the theme of the advertising and will include tips on buying organic, simple recipes and campaign messaging. They will also celebrate occasions such as Christmas. To help our audience learn more about what organic means and how committed and expert our campaign supporters are, we will run a series of pledgor profiles on Facebook for example with video interviews and question and answer sessions. Video content will include master classes with our celebrity and blogger ambassadors who will share their personal tips and advice on cooking organic, for example cooking for special occasions such as Easter, but also other social occasions including BBQs and preparing the perfect picnic. Competitions are a proven route to amplifying the campaign and engaging with our audience. We will run regular competition activity on both the Facebook wall and via a dedicated competitions app with a range of prize options and values to encourage as many of our fans to take part as possible. 299 The focus for Twitter will be to continue to engage with food bloggers and the wider mainstream media as well as pledgors and trade media to amplify news on organic, news on wider food issues and to share the opinions of the campaign. Community management for the Facebook account will continue to post daily and moderate conversation and engagement on the wall. Posts will feature food and related lifestyle news to promote debate among our community as well as posts to direct fans to our digital activity on the app(s) and with our celebrity ambassador’s activity for example. Rationale Some 85% of all adults in the UK regularly use the internet and this rises to over 90% of adults in the 25 – 54 age group.5 Over 50% of the UK population is on Facebook.6 The campaign therefore needs to engage people and capture their interest while they are on line, and this is why the campaign Facebook page and website are the key information hubs for the campaign. They are also an extremely cost effective way of reaching our audience. Impact Facebook Facebook is the activity hub for the campaign and a platform for conversation between us and organic consumers. As we continue to promote Facebook as the home of Organic UK in the advertising campaign and social media advertising, the number of fans or community will grow. Carefully targeted Facebook adverts and media spending will help to ensure we are recruiting the “right” people on to our page. Thus quality over quantity of fans will ensure we maintain the same level of engagement or “sharing” that we are currently achieving. The Facebook activity aims to build on the 57,000+ community of committed organic “fans” we already have with these specific aims: To create a positive perception of organic and encourage more people to use organic in their daily cooking. Our target will be 100k likes at the end of the next three years of the campaign. Build advocacy amongst the existing community. Our target will be an average 2.5% “talking about” figure7. Twitter When we first launched the organic Twitter account, Twitter was considered to be more of an “emerging channel”. This has evolved considerably over the past three years and has proven to be a key channel primarily for targeting and engaging with influencers (such as journalists and bloggers) as well as consumers. As this trend looks set to continue, Twitter will become an invaluable PR tool to maintain relationships with these key influencers. Currently the campaign has over 4,000 followers and our target is to increase that to 8,000 at the end of this campaign. Website As the focus of the organic campaign and consumer behaviour has shifted over to social media channels, traffic to the website will remain stable, and is still important for more information about organic as well as organic recipes. By supporting the site with additional paid search we expect to increase traffic to site during bursts of above the line (ATL) campaign activity. The impact of the website is likely to be 1,450 unique visits per month, of which: New visitors 75% 5 Office for National Statistics, Internet Access Quarterly Update, 2012 Q4 Social Bakers, United Kingdom Facebook Statistics 7 The “talking about figure” is the number of people engaging with your content, rather than being a passive receiver of information 6 300 Returning visitors 25% Average dwell time 1 minute 20 seconds Budget summary table for action 3: Activity Social media creative and assets (seasonal assets for Facebook and Twitter, designer, Facebook Profile Creative) Facebook activity (Facebook based activity, shareable assets, competition fee) Image fund Community management for social channels Digital account management Website – Creative and functional updates Total Budget (in EUR, over 3 years) 21 152 47 300 3 525 105 764 21 153 21 153 220 048 Action 4 - PR Objective: Extend the reach of the advertising and paid for media by developing engaging stories on the benefits of organic production, food and drink for consumer PR and also have an effective trade PR programme. How will the objective be achieved? CONSUMER Celebrity and blogger endorsement and partnerships will continue as both have been effective in making our voice heard in a crowded media marketplace. These relationships will also be useful as they amplify the digital part of the campaign, and provide content for our social media channels too. The celebrity will also work with us on a recipe challenge which will show consumers how easy it is to buy organic and make it stretch over a number of meals, giving great value for money and dealing with one of the main barriers to purchase organic which is price. The celebrities below are just examples of who the proposing organisation would consider working with: Si King and Dave Myers – The Hairy Bikers: They have several cooking series on mainstream terrestrial TV, and also cookbooks. The pair are widely viewed as ‘national treasures’ and are praised for their down-to-earth cooking and love of good food. Tom Kerridge has a two Michelin starred restaurant and appears regularly on TV programmes, Saturday Kitchen and the Great British Chef. He is know for his hearty and wholesome cooking and straight talking approach to food and how we eat. 301 The campaign will sponsor a major national award that encourages people to cook with /use/endorse organic ingredients. The Observer Food Awards are held annually and are the among the most highly regarded and popular awards in the UK, receiving considerable media attention. There are a number of categories that would suit the organic campaign, including Best Independent Retailer and Best Ethical Restaurant, so there will be an opportunity for the campaign to work with the award organisers to tailor the sponsorship to suit its objectives. Celebrate with organic – encouraging more use of organic at more meal occasions using PR activity to remind people to enjoy organic both as part of their everyday food, but also when enjoying special mealtimes with family and friends. Create vibrant stories around the theme of “you get what you pay for” - using PR stories to remind people of the importance of understanding the quality and content of their food. Target influential consumer and food journalists with news around the value of organic, work with these stories to shift perceptions of organic from a price point of view and focus more on animal welfare, the reduced pesticide residues in organic food and drink and knowing where your food comes from. Media will include: Weekend Telegraph – Xanthe Clay, Daily Telegraph – Harry Wallop, The Guardian – Emine Saner, Word of Mouth Blog – Felicity Cloake, BBC Radio 4 Farming Today – Melvin Rickarby, Food Programme – Sheila Dillon, Good Housekeeping – Monaz Dumasia, Tesco Magazine – Jenny McIvor, Metro – Chloe Scott, Prima – Heather Whinney, Healthy Food Guide – Ellen Wallwork, Great British Food – Natasha Lovell-Smith, Metro – Kylie Martin, Olive – Janine Ratcliffe, Lavender and Lovage – Karen Burns Booth, Eat Like a Girl – Niamh Shields. One-to-one media briefings will allow the opportunity to work closely with campaign pledgors and leading journalists to develop feature stories on key aspects of organic as well as to look at the value of organic over and above any price premium. TRADE As part of the trade activity the proposing organisation will hold briefings with the trade media once a year. This event will be an opportunity for the key trade titles to talk to the leading organic category producers about their business and how it’s progressing and to look at new product development and innovations for example. The objective here is to develop news stories that will engage the trade media and provide platforms for better understanding of each key organic category to increase listings in the major multiples and also to increase business for the independent sector and online. Category profiles will be used throughout the year to reinforce the success of organic products and also to keep the trade media up-to-date with the latest product and category news. The trade PR campaign will work with key industry figure to develop profile and interview opportunities both with food trade press but also extending this to the business sections of quality national titles including The Times, The Financial Times and Daily Telegraph, for example. Rationale For consumers, articles in their favourite newspaper or magazine can really engage people and persuade them to try organic for the first time. For the trade, PR can help us overcome negative attitudes on organic and encourage retail buyers to stock more organic lines. PR is therefore an important part of this campaign. It will work hard to shift opinion about organic with particular focus on the benefits of organic. PR also allows in-depth communication of some of the more complex areas of interest to consumers. High quality 302 images and well researched written materials will support the efforts of the press office to develop influential editorial coverage. Impact The proposing organisation will measure the changing media opinions about organic through regular media auditing. This will be a survey of media coverage before the campaign starts together with telephone interviews with key journalists who have already written about organic. This activity will be repeated every 12 months during the campaign to track and measure not only our share of ‘voice’ but also how our key messages are being received. In terms of activities, building on the success of the Year 3 campaign, the PR activity aims to provide: 6 one-to-one media briefings 10 feature-led pieces 20 pieces of coverage - broadcast and print For the trade campaign the PO will be aiming for: 1 major organic feature 9 further pieces of coverage during the course of each of the three years of the campaign. PR aims to deliver a return on PR investment of 3:1 Budget summary table for action 4: Activity Budget (in EUR, over 3 years) Celebrity ambassador 41 129 Blogger ambassador 10 576 Media relations and media briefings 84 611 Award sponsorship 37 017 Focus on organic feature 29 380 Total 202 715 Action 5: Retailer activation Objective: To re-ignite trade interest in the organic category so organic becomes more prominent in store, there are increased numbers of product lines in store and organic moves further up the retailer’s agenda How will the objective be achieved? A two pronged strategy will be implemented focusing on major multiple retailers (accounting for 70.7% of organic sales) and independent stores (accounting for 15.1% of organic sales) in 2013.8 Both outlets are important for organic food sales and therefore both need attention. MAJOR RETAILERS PROGRAMME: Multiple retailers continue to generate a significant majority share of organic sales. However, sales through UK multiple retailers have reduced in some areas and therefore this has had an impact on overall organic sales which this campaign aims to address. Within the multiple grocery channel, the two largest organic retailers, Sainsbury’s and Tesco suffered the biggest declines, down 1.1% and 6.9% respectively. 9 Three main factors are impacting multiple sales: Continued pressure on household spending as family budgets are squeezed Continued reduction in organic ranges offered in shops A lack of investment in own-label organic ranges 8 Organic Market Report 2013, Soil Association 9 Organic Market Report 2013, Soil Association 303 The campaign will address this by working on point of sale materials for retailers. Multiple retailers represent the largest opportunity for driving organic sales and if we can increase sales through them, this will have a significant impact on the organic market overall. Supermarket loyalty cards will provide the means for targeting organic shoppers by frequency, spend and product category: Targeted emails – emails would be sent to highly targeted occasional organic shoppers incentivising increased purchase of organic products through the incentive of additional Tesco Club Card loyalty points At till loyalty points – to provide added value to customers, loyalty point rewards will be used as an incentive to increase organic purchase. Specifically, targeted occasional shoppers would be offered additional points for purchasing a higher number of organic products on subsequent shops. INDEPENDENT RETAILERS PROGRAMME: Organic sales through independent retailers have remained stable and the channel represents a valuable opportunity for organic sales growth as the channel grows its share of grocery sales. The recession, growth in single person households, an increase in ageing population and growing interest in local produce and local communities all have a positive influence on the appeal of independent retail, in particular convenience shopping, with sales representing 20% of total grocery sales (£33.9bn sales out of total grocery sales of £163.2bn in 2011). UK Convenience stores’ sales are forecast to grow by 29% to £44billion over next 5 years according to IGD Forecast. Of the £10billion growth about half is expected to come from symbol groups and a third from the convenience formats of the multiples. Greater caution about how people spend money has led to an increase in shopping ‘little and often’ to avoid overspending; shoppers feel they have greater control in convenience. Increase in smaller households leading to less meal planning – so the convenience format suits changing lifestyles. One person households reached 7.6 million in 2011 (increase of 1 million over last 10 years); Reducing food waste is highly important for these people: smaller packs & shelf life both important. An ageing population of 9.2 million over 65 years old in 2011 – up 0.9million since 2001; Older people more engaged with local community – more likely to support local producers, local retailers, lower food miles, and freshness. The marketing challenge lies in the number of independent retailers – some 50,000 in the UK including symbol groups, unaffiliated independent retailers, convenience formats of multiple grocers, convenience forecourts and co-operatives. In this context the opportunity is to provide point of sale materials amplifying the core marketing campaign. This could be provided in two formats Printed Point of Sale materials A digital downloadable toolkit Availability of the Point of Sale material would be promoted via trade media and through distributive trade Cash & Carry stores and Wholesalers. Rationale In the 2010 – 2013 campaign we had major success with advertising online on supermarket websites. This has led to some excellent increases in demand for organic products. (See section 4.6 above). So it has proven that if you catch consumers’ attention with advertising when they are actually in the middle of shopping, this has a positive impact on sales. The campaign therefore needs to work in store to improve visibility of organic products in store and to remind people that organic ranges exist. Impact The expected results outlined below have been calculated based on previous results from online banner placement campaigns and cross-industry benchmarks. 304 Targeted coupons have well monitored redemption rates from retailer loyalty programmes. Our activity should fall between redemption levels of 7-12% - for the purposes of these calculations an expected 10% redemption has been used. The impact of the Point of Sale materials in independent retailers is harder to predict due to a number of reasons including variety of store formats and customer profiles. An estimate has been used equal to 50% as effective as comparable online banner placements. Multiple Retailer: Expected sales uplift: (Coupons issued x expected redemption x basket spend uplift) 142,800 x 10% x £5 = £71,400 Independent Retailer: - Sales value of independents: £480.6m - Proportion of stores reached 0.8% - Activity length of 3 months - Expected basket uplift of 5.5% (11% x 50%) - Expected sales uplift: (Independent Market Value x reach (store% x timings) x % increase (50% of online)) £480.6m x (0.8% x 3/12) x (11%*0.5) = £52,866 TOTAL EXPECTED SALES UPLIFT = £124,266 (Uplift during campaign activity. Additional uplift expected post campaign) Budget spend and allocation can be reviewed each year to determine the most efficient and effective use of budget. Budget summary table for action 5: Activity Multiple retailer Individual retailer activation Total Budget (in EUR, over 3 years) 132 446 36 777 169 223 Anticipated impact: The impact of each individual Action has been detailed above where we show the impact we expect for every Action the campaign takes. Those expected results above, and those below have all been developed using the “SMART” method as detailed in the European Commission handbook section 5.2.10 Section 5.10 above also shows how we will track impact and measure results throughout the programme both quantitatively and qualitatively. In addition, we also expect to have the following impact. Quantitative Overall impact on demand for organic products Using Kantar data the campaign will track and assess sales every year to measure demand for organic products. Currently total organic sales stand at -1%11 having risen from a deficit of 12% when the current campaign began in 2010. By the end of the campaign we would expect, at the very least, a return to growth for the organic market. Growth in the UK market is subject largely to distribution and availability of products through a relatively small number of large retailers and a significant but less organised independent 10 SMART objectives are stated in the EC Handbook as: Specific, measurable, achieveable, relevant and time bound 11 Kantar March 2013 305 sector. It is also subject to the variations in fortunes of the different product sectors that comprise the overall market as well as the global economy. Given the recent history and experience with the first three years of the programme we would hope to see growth by 2017 at one of these levels: - Good: with between 0.5 to 1.0% growth - Significant: as between 1.0 to 2.5% growth - Excellent: 3% growth. This level of growth will only be achieved if there is a significant improvement in the UK’s economy. Currently the UK economy is forecast to grow by between 0.5% and 2.4% in 2014.12 The average forecast is for growth to be 1.5% in 2014; therefore the estimate of 3% growth is very optimistic when set against this backdrop. On-line advertising impact When the campaign adverts are on-line we aim to increase sales of organic products by 10%. This data will be provided by the retailers we advertise with as they track results for every advert that appears on their site. Qualitative Changing attitudes & awareness The campaign is aiming for the impact below. This will be tracked, as per section 5.10 above via our Monitoring and Evaluation programme. Key measures Wave 3 Leapfrog Wave 4 Leapfrog Expected impact of Research June Research October 2014 – 2017 2012 2012 campaign (average across three years) 13 Recognition of campaign amongst London Underground users How likely do you think this campaign will be in encouraging more people to buy organic food? (London only) Reasons for not buying organic more often: PRICE Increase in proportion of occasional purchasers saying they buy “a couple of organic products each time I shop” 12 33% 39% 40% 81% 71% 75% 93% 87% 84% 17% 9% 20% HM treasury, Forecasts for the UK Economy, a comparison of independent forecasts, Economic Assessment Team, May 2013 13 Whilst these are our aims we would also point out that it is very difficult to predict the impact we will have on people’s attitudes as we cannot foresee political or economic events or food scares that are outside our control. However, based on experience of the past three years, this is what we would hope to achieve, if all things continue as they currently are. 306 Appreciation methods of the impact: Objective: To measure the impact of the programme on consumer understanding of the benefits of organic and to assess the impact, change in attitudes and effect on buying behaviour of the different actions. The impact of this programme will be both behavioural – measured in terms of numbers of households buying organic, frequency of purchase, spending on organic foods - and attitudinal - measured by consumer understanding and disposition towards the benefits of organic foods and farming. Attitudinal research The purpose of the tracking research is to monitor consumer understanding of, and disposition towards, organic food and farming in the light of the campaign. Tracking will question our two groups who are the target audience for the campaign: Heavyweight purchasers, who buy organic 27+ times per year; Occasional purchasers, who buy organic 13-26 times per year. Tracking research will be conducted on-line as this is the most cost effective way to reach our audience. The sample of 1,000 people would be recruited from the Toluna panel or similar; one of the largest and most professionally run online research access panels. All eligibility criteria including demographics would be screened at recruitment. A separate sample would be interviewed at each wave. We have assumed two open ended questions (spontaneous understanding of benefits, and spontaneous awareness of communications) so we can track awareness and understanding over time. Activities Research design Fieldwork Analysis Provision of full tabulations, data file, and a summary report in the form of a PowerPoint document after each wave Debrief presentation and discussion of implications Behavioural research The primary quantitative measures will be annual sales of organic foods for 2013 – 2017 from Kantar data as well as sales results of any on-line advertising undertaken. Each communication channel used by the campaign will also be monitored closely by: Coverage of the target audience; Opportunities to see; Cost per exposure; Return on Investment. Overall budget for measurement of results : EUR 35,255. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE(S) : General interest of the programme: 25/30 Quality of the programme: 29/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 5/10 17/20 307 BUDGET BY ACTION : € ACTION Year I Year II Year III TOTAL 1. Creative 35 255 26 441 32 317 94 013 2. Media 266 761 266 761 266 761 800 282 3. Digital marketing and social media 69 628 75 210 75 210 220 048 4. PR 67 572 70 509 64 634 202 715 5. Retailer activation 56 408 56 408 56 408 169 223 TOTAL 495 623 495 329 495 329 1 486 280 CO-FINANCING PLAN IN EURO : CO-FINANCING EU MEMBER STATE PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL YEAR I 275 532.11 % 50 YEAR II 275 380.81 % 50 YEAR III 275 380.81 % 50 TOTAL 826 293.73 % 50 275 532.11 50 275 380.81 50 275 380.81 50 826 293.73 50 551 064.22 100 550 761.62 100 550 761.62 100 1 652 587.46 100 RESULTAT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Programme eligible: oui First observations to be communicated to MS: General remarks: Geographical extent of the actions: A study has been made on London Underground users 'awareness, but why no other places are targeted? Why are no other big cities in the United Kingdom targeted? Goals Provide the starting point, with reference to the level of awareness of target groups for the products and themes covered, before the start of the programme in order to assess the quantitative impact of the programme. Proposing organisation Please confirm that the proposing organisation is not a public body as stipulated in Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC. Themes/Target groups Are the themes to be addressed (increase understanding of the benefits of organic food and drink and organic production method) adapted to those target groups who already buy organic food? Creative The size of the EU flag and of the organic logo is small as compared to the overall size of the visuals. Is it possible to reconsider this part of the creative so that at least the organic logo is more prominent? Annex 3 of the application form (programme identification sheet): The financing plan p.20 of the annex 3 of the application form does not match with the financing plan of the programme proposal (p.44). 308 Specific remarks: Target groups: The reason why this programme focuses on consumers who already buy organic is not clear. Why not trying to reach new consumers? Did the first campaign not succeed in this specific goal: getting new consumers go on this market? Furthermore, more details on these target groups would be useful: number of households targeted, evolution of these numbers over the past years and in relation with the previous campaign. Why not target opinion multipliers as it was done during the previous campaign? Did these target groups show not to be relevant during the previous campaign? Moreover, please give details of the awareness of the target group after the first campaign. As trade (action 4), retailer (action 5) and media (action 4) are also involved in the programme, they should be mentioned in the target group. Themes to be addressed Please precise that "the use of the word "organic" is protected by European law so organic food has undergone stringent checks". Impact According to the Annex III.C.5 of the Standard Contract, "performance of the evaluation will be entrusted to an independent external body that is an expert in the field…" Please confirm that this provision is respected. Actions Action 2: Cross track (48 sheets): why is only London targeted, why no other big cities are targeted? Digital display: please provide the names of the "relevant food sites" where messages will be edited and explain the selection process of these sites. Action 3 (social media): How is the campaign launched on the Web? Is this campaign limited to the already existing "fans" or a new target is aimed? Action 4 (PR): Section "trade", the target group is not the consumer but journalists and target groups of trade press and business sections of national titles. This PR action seems also to target the retail buyers. Therefore, these groups should be mentioned as "target groups". Action 5 Please specify the geographical extent of this action: where are the shops (major retailers and independent retailers) located? Please specify also the sell material which will be used for this action. Finally, as far as the website of the programme is concerned, we invite you to use the extension .eu (please refer to the site for more information). OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICE : Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good European dimension / added value: poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods: yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 309 good Points awarded by MS: 76/100 Priority awarded by MS: 1/3 External consultant’s opinion: Programme à accepter sous réserve des remarques (voir doc Ares(2013)2787034) CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Les réponses aux questions posées ont été reçues par email du 21 août 2013 Ares(2013)2964804. Elles sont satisfaisantes. Recommandation(s) - To be accepted 310