Astro Insight Report Robert Downey Jr. Dadhichi Toth


Astro Insight Report Robert Downey Jr. Dadhichi Toth
Astro Insight Report
Robert Downey Jr.
April 4, 1965
1:10 PM
Manhattan, New York
Dadhichi Toth
Astrologer - Face Reader
Phone: 61 2 95851500
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
This report contains specific tactics to help you achieve your destiny. If you pick up just one
appropriate tip and stick with it, this report will have paid for itself many times over.
This report is not to be taken for medical or legal advice and is not for therapy or fortune
telling purposes. It is not even a substitute for a live reading with a real astrologer. It is an exercise
of free speech and of the press. You are reminded that life is what you make it. Enjoy yourself.
Different planetary energies can work at cross purposes. No doubt, like yourself, this report is vast
enough to contain contradictions. Each section will help you to identify and resolve some of your
conflicts and quandaries. This report can even encourage you to raise your hopes.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Lucky Lottery Numbers for Robert Downey Jr.
The following are your exclusive lucky numbers based upon
the position of the heavenly bodies at your birth.
14 12 11 30 19 54 14 17 15 29
Robert Downey Jr.'s DAILY NUMBER
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Technical stuff & your numbers
True Node
Robert Downey Jr.'s Birth Data
Born on April 4, 1965 at 1:10 PM in Manhattan, New York
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 18:10:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 40 N 46 73 W 59
Aspects and orbs:
Quadranovile :
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 1
Elementally Robert Downey Jr.
Introducing the "building blocks" of astrology
The ancients conceived of four elements that made up the universe: fire, earth, air and water. The
section that follows provides a broad, general outline of your character and describes your
"elemental" make-up.
Robert Downey Jr.: The basics
Four or more planets in Earth signs:
You tend to be the practical type - down to earth and concerned with material comfort and
security. You favor "the real world". Inspiration, feelings and creative ideas don't mean as much to
you as do practical applications and immediate, tangible results. You deal in concrete facts. If you
can't see it, smell it, hear it, feel it, taste it or touch it, you figure it isn't significant. Dreams and
unfounded theories might not mean much to you.
Being pragmatic, you don't usually take chances with your time, money, energy or emotions. You
tend to be very dependable, although folks in the fast lane may find you a bit conservative and dull.
If you find that you're becoming bored or depressed, you should review your values and your
great need for security. If you're not satisfied with your life, try changing your usual way of doing
things and embrace the unknown. When paralyzed by fears and inhibitions, breathe deeply and
move slowly and deliberately towards what you want.
If you put your mind to it, you could cultivate a green thumb. Outward beauty is important to
you. You probably enjoy working with your hands. You can shape the materials of the earth into
useful products. You can do well in your own business, provided that you are the one who chooses
Fewer than 2 planets in Air signs:
You probably don't think or reason things out quite the way that other people do. Detached,
objective thinking is just not one of your stronger innate abilities.
It probably takes considerable effort for you to express yourself and you may even be distrustful
of smooth and fast talkers.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Although the university life per se may not be your thing, continuing education is necessary. If
you do not allow tolerance for cultural diversity, you may suffer from corresponding rigid physical
symptoms such as arthritis.
You are probably frustrated by too much book learning and learn more from hands-on
experience. Instead of people telling you, have them show you. You would profit by doing regular
breathing exercises such as pranayama, which is the yogic science of breathing.
Five or more planets in Mutable signs:
You're more versatile than most people. You enjoy variety and become bored easily. You're
pretty good at adapting to change and going with the flow. In fact, you'd rather go with the tide than
against it. Put another way, you're accommodating and obliging. You can adjust.
You're good at getting the word out- by phone, by pen or whatever.
It's possible that you do six or seventeen dozen things at a time. You're certainly not suited for
the Zen approach of one thing at a time; nevertheless, try and focus yourself more. Establish your
top two priorities in each of several arenas of your life.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 2
Sun for Robert Downey Jr.
The Sun gives you light and life. It also represents how and where you shine. The Sun is the star
of self-expression, ego-identity, leadership, honor, glory and pride.
Sun in Aries:
Essentially, if you want to be happy, you need to be first and best. Somehow, some way, you
need to find a competitive outlet. Ultimately, you only compete with yourself. You begin with the
question posed to every solar superhero, "How will you use your super powers?"
You are here to start something new, to go where no one else has gone, and to do what no one
else has done. The stars dare you to be a pioneer, a champion, and a doer.
One of the symbols for your Sun is the flaming torch. This is the sacred fire of your inner temple,
and this energy will always be available to you in everything you do.
Sun in 9th house:
You can find yourself and be yourself through travel and education. To a large extent, you define
yourself by your spirit of adventure. You could find travel exciting. Ethnic dining can be romantic.
Cast the light of your smile on international people, places, and things. You can become a
superstar by following the truth wherever it leads you. You can do some of your most creative work
in a setting far from where you were born.
You can lose yourself by losing your optimism and enthusiasm. Steer clear of dogmatists and
bigots. Take more pride in your own moral code. Broaden your horizons. Since to a large extent you
define yourself with your ideas, it is crucial that you learn to question authority and to think for
You can ground yourself and get closer to the earth by sprucing up your immediate environment.
Get together with some neighbors. Make specific plans to clean up your community. Pick up some
litter. Plant some trees. Make sure that you get your hands in the dirt, literally.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Ruler of 5th house in 10th:
Work to diminish the pessimistic, materialistic side of human nature. To give from the heart,
develop a strong career chart. Compared to most people, your ambitions, status and reputation are
more substantial. So is your need to prove yourself, be somebody and make yourself count. Your
stars are really encouraging you to carve out a substantial place for yourself in the professional
world. To express your love, you must become accomplished and responsible. You can really
achieve something by "playing with the controls" of your self-confidence. You can do something
original, creative and brilliant with your career.
Sun Conjunct Mercury:
Put more power into your creative projects. Allow yourself time for self-reflection and
introspection. You can become a star by making the most of your own intelligence. Get organized.
Use common sense.
Sun Conjunct Venus:
You know how to please people and you want to be liked. You can become a star by swaying
others with your natural charm and style. You may be warm-hearted, affectionate, and social. You
require comfort, pleasure, and luxury in your life in order for you to be you.
Sun Trine Asc.:
The universe wants you to know that it's OK for you to be an individual, to stand out, and to be
just a bit different from everybody else. The universe supports your efforts to be an unique human
To be a star you need to clarify your life's purpose and increase your life force. From time to
time, it is important for you to awake at dawn and begin your day with ritual, prayer, or meditation.
Your life will be as interesting and exciting as you decide it will be.
Sun Biquintile Mars:
You have some aggressive attributes. You are strong. You are reasonably driven, willful,
energetic, assertive, competitive, dramatic and enterprising.
You're willing to work hard to achieve your goals, and, if necessary, face danger. You tend to do
what you think is right. You are not one to give up or give in to fear. To become a star you need to
channel some of your energy into physical activity, athletics, and exercise. When you're restless, it
would be a good idea to do some kind of work-out.
Sun Biquintile Neptune:
You can become a star by tapping into the power of your imagination. Stay open and responsive
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to your personal vision. Get focused. Be inspired. Become aware of how creative you can be, both
on the job and in your personal life. Work on non-verbal communication. Use public relations to
help you accomplish your goal.
You can turn your most pleasant fantasy into a reality. Picture the outcomes you want and then
make it happen. You have refined aesthetic taste and can profit by having original art and live music
in your life. You are like a Jaguar automobile. To run smoothly, everything must be fine-tuned. You
are keenly aware and sensitive and psychically connected. Be selective as to who and what you
allow around you. To become a star, learn to trust your first impressions and go with them.
Sun Sextile True Node:
A powerful person may help you to achieve your destiny. You are capable of becoming an
exemplary individual.
You can successfully reach your goals through contacts with the right people. An important
person will help you to achieve these goals.
You've probably heard about past lives but your present and future lives are just as important.
Attune yourself to your present and your future, and you will be a winner.
Sun Decile Moon:
To become a star, first get in touch with your own inner peace and serenity. Before going off, it is
a good idea to figure out what you want and how you can go about getting it.
Sun Quincunx Pluto:
You can become a star by dealing with power issues and power complexes. You tend to be
obsessive and extreme in your drive for power. But, once you consolidate your position, you can
make progress. When you define and commit yourself to a goal, your physical strength, mental
energy, and creative powers make you unstoppable. You may take up a cause. You can right wrongs
and fight injustices. You can change yourself and your environment. If anybody can begin again and
restructure for change, it is you.
Sun Undecile Saturn:
You're serious, responsible, industrious and hardworking. You probably matured early and may
have even missed out on much of the joy of childhood. You tend to get along well with the elderly
and more mature people. You can become a star by becoming more purposeful. Your discipline can
make you a self-made woman or man.
You can become a star by learning how to get more joy out of the sheer struggle of life. Become
consciously aware of the rules that you have made for yourself and others. Become aware of how
you have internalized voices that judge you for your success and failure.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 3
Moon for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, the Moon is an instinctual force. It is a symbol of your emotional life
including such things as home, family, mother, dreams, feelings, the public, women and your early
Moon in Taurus:
You can be pretty much set in your ways. You stand by your decisions and are more than a little
bit stubborn. It is highly unlikely that you will be pushed into a rash decision.
Under stress, you dig in and get the job done. You can also create the impression that you're
conservative to the point of narrow mindedness. The truth is that you like to move at your own rate
which is cautious and methodical. To cut back on stress and find satisfaction, you would enjoy a
good neck rub.
You have specific desires for good food and comfortable furniture.
Eat, drink and be merry. You take great pleasure from your senses. Neck ties, necklaces, or
scarves accentuate your attractiveness.
Moon in 10th house:
You feel at home when you're getting recognition for your personal services. Your professional
success is linked to your fulfilling the emotional needs of others. You know what the public wants
and you can give it to them.
You could create your own myth and live your own dream. You could become more of a public
person. You need to do what is socially safe. External events can play a major role in your love life.
Ruler of 4TH house in 2nd:
Family and heritage help to establish your values. To feel really secure, you need to have a lot of
money and a good attitude towards it.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Moon Opposition Neptune:
Part of you is sensitive, romantic and subject to changing moods. You can relate to people
through music and art. Find your tune and dance to it. You can experience spiritual, mental and
physical healing. Refine your inner vision.
People see your aura and are drawn by your mystique. You can make the most sensuous dreams
come vividly true.
You can learn to make excellent sales presentations and do creative work. Small sacrifices can
help you to obtain specific goals. Sometimes you are so idealistic that you need to deal with your
world in a more direct way. Give yourself an edge by clearly defining what you want and then going
for it.
Moon Sextile Chiron:
You can do great healing work in conjunction with your dreams. You should write letters to
Chiron and place them under your pillow before you go to sleep. For more information, read the
section on Chiron in Chapter 8.
Sun Decile Moon:
You can relate to people successfully in a group context. You can improve relationships between
the sexes.
Moon Decile Venus:
Your cheerful disposition can make it easy for you to relate to people. Your tact and diplomacy
serve you well. Your sensitivity and tenderness can bring you love. When you can tune your
emotions to your social involvements, Cupid will adjust his arrow for you. Enjoy your physical and
emotional desires.
You might have a sweet tooth and relate to people in a rather sensuous manner. You want to
make your home a pleasant place. However, you also enjoy getting out in public and enjoying
success. You can do very favorable things in conjunction with women, including business and
politics as well as in the personal dimension.
You can successfully relate to people once you learn some social graces and manners. You
naturally have strong feelings of love and friendship. You're a born diplomat.
It is fairly easy for you to establish rapport with others and make people feel good. You are
cheerful, calm and optimistic. Using a mixture of charm and sincerity, you can get almost anything
you are looking for.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 4
Mercury for Robert Downey Jr.
Mercury describes patterns of thought, of learning, and of assessing reality. Consequently it
affects your self-image and your thinking processes.
Mercury is Retrograde
In your early years, you tended to be in your own little world, focused within. As you age and
mature, your focus will become more external. Your mind will move into higher gear, and learning
will become easier.
You may have started your life by being rather self-conscious and shy, especially about speaking
and communicating. You may even appear absentminded. You are, in fact, contemplative and
attuned to, and aware of, subtle psychological states. You just can't always explain what you are
In time you may develop special communications skills and make your mark on the world. Along
the way, to make life easier and more fun, you would do well to learn to make some small talk and
be more natural with casual acquaintances.
Mercury in Aries:
You can change your mind and your point of view in a flash. Direct, assertive and forceful
communication is probably your style. You're impulsive, impatient and outspoken and tend to speak
first and think later. You are witty, original, quick, and enthusiastic.
You tend to be rather combative in your speech and enjoy a good debate. You have excellent
foresight and if you learn patience and perseverance you will do well.
Mercury in 9th house:
You are always thinking about new ways to communicate. And you enjoy talking to and about
international people, places and things. You learn by traveling in your mind. You can easily see the
"big picture" in different situations. Advanced education is important to you.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Ruler of 3rd house in 9th:
You can find success in the world of big ideas. Travel and education will play extra crucial roles
for your success. The more that you associate with international people, places and things, the
further that you will advance.
Ultimately, your world view and philosophy of life will shape your destiny. For this reason you
are directed to explore the academic world. Voice your thoughts and ideas. Find a public place to
express your fantasies.
Sun Conjunct Mercury:
You have a lively and alert mind and good organizational skills.
Mercury Biquintile Pluto:
Your mind is resourceful, probing and persistent. You are fascinated and at times even obsessed
with the mysterious and the unknown. You can be persuasive, cunning and sly. You would do well
in such fields as surgery, research, analysis, propaganda, politics or exploration. If you are relentless
in your mental routines, you will gain great insight. This will help you find an appropriate outlet for
sharing your deepest, most penetrating thoughts and ideas. You have great appeal for the masses.
You need to focus your powers of observation and get a grasp of the situation you are in. If you
carefully choose the right words, you can be very convincing. You have a talent for writing. Your
wit can open the doors to important places.
Mercury Decile Jupiter:
You have both common sense and good business sense. You can develop good literary skills.
You have a talent for politics. One way or another, you can always make money from your ideas.
You have an excellent command of language and can find travel to be extra rewarding. You do
well in the social arena. You naturally know what works and what does not work with people.
Mercury Semisextile Chiron:
You should read and write about holistic health practices.
Mercury Quincunx Neptune:
Your imagination works overtime. You can paint pictures with words. You can think on your
feet. You can become a super salesperson. Some of your most creative work is done at an
unconscious level, almost as if you are attuned to a faraway source. You could be an actor, a
dreamer, a mystic, a faith healer or a psychic, or probably you are some combination of these.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Instead of letting your imagination play tricks on you, work to communicate meaningful and
significant information. Since you can unconsciously attune yourself to other people's thoughts and
motivations, you need to stay centered, balanced and grounded. Since you are naturally psychic and
prophetic, organization is a key to your success.
You need to learn a middle path between fantasy and reality, to be creative without being an
escapist. Your imaginative powers are second to none, and you could do creative work for a living.
With an extra creative effort, you could turn your richest fantasies into reality.
Mercury Novile Saturn:
Your infancy and childhood might have been tough. You can overcome it by working to develop
your reasoning powers. With effort, in time, you can have deep thoughts and do excellent mental
Learn to say what you mean in spite of your doubts. Make plans to see that your ideas are acted
upon. Work your ideas. Develop them toward implementation. Think things through and make sure
a response is warranted before you issue a criticism. "No problem can withstand the assault of
sustained thinking." Voltaire.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 5
Venus for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, the planet Venus is the force of affinity. Venus represents a good part
of what you attract, cherish, enjoy and are receptive to. Venus describes much of what makes life
worth living - among others, love and creativity.
Venus in Aries:
Your love is ardent and enthusiastic. You can be passionate, impulsive and sensuous. Romantic
adventures are important to you. Venus encourages you to actively assert yourself in the spirit of
love. And you especially enjoy "love at first sight".
You give off powerful magnetic energy and are very outgoing. You can more easily get what you
want from others by making an attempt to better understand their feelings. You think fast and get
many bright ideas.
Venus in 9th house:
You can find love and be in love by enjoying more give-and-take with the international
community. You have a natural affinity for people, places, and things from other parts of the world.
Creative thinking can improve your love life. You can teach or learn about the game of love. You
can decode the rules of love. You can gain exquisite pleasure through higher education. For you,
truth is beauty and truth is love. A loved one can expand your horizons.
Ruler of 7TH house in 2nd:
You need a partner who is successful in the financial world. Your personal resources and
earnings and values and possessions will all play a key role in your partnership. So it is important
that you make sure you are choosing the "right person" who shares these values and who provides
the kind of security you need.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Sun Conjunct Venus:
When it comes to personal relationships, you make an effort to be sincere, direct, open and
honest. Your compliments are effective. Your genuine respect for others can have miraculous
To get the kind of love you are looking for, you need to work on and develop your grace, charm
and sense of values. You can learn to use more allure and appeal to get more of what you want. You
can enjoy the appreciation people show for the favors you do. You could throw fine parties. You can
support and encourage the arts. You can learn to express yourself with ease and pleasure.
Venus Trine Asc.:
You have natural charm and beauty and fair features. You can get what you want through the use
of tact and diplomacy. People love your artistic, sociable, and harmonious attitude.
Venus Biquintile Neptune:
Inspiration derived from beauty and art is a major force for good in our civilized world. And you
have enough of it to enrapture an audience. You should recognize and use your charm and charisma
for positive results. Beautiful revelations will be yours.
There is a side of you that is kind, sensitive, high-strung and temperamental. At times, you are a
starry-eyed romantic dreamer and idealist. You can be both appreciative and compassionate toward
those you love. Because of your sensitivity, you can become happier by getting clearer about your
intentions before you become involved with people. In other words, you are encouraged to decide
what you consciously and unconsciously want relationships.
Cultivate more faith in yourself and disassociate yourself from people who try to tell you
what you should do. Do what you feel like doing. Do what feels good. You can
substantially improve your chances for success by associating with individuals who share
aspirations similar to your own. In some way, you could turn your love for music into a
money making proposition.
Venus Sextile True Node:
In order to be fulfilled, you need other people. However, you might not be cut out for regular
social intercourse. You should push yourself to seek some new friendships. Once you increase your
social connections, you will increase your political influence. Once you develop a more sociable,
obliging manner, you could open new gates to the future. Right now, kindred souls on other planes
of reality could be exchanging loving energy with you.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Venus SemiSquare Jupiter:
If you're not enjoying life, perhaps you're allowing others to unduly influence you for the worse.
You should avoid people who really don't care about you or your interests.
It's important to maintain your self respect by not paying too much attention to the unreal
expectations of others. Become more aware of your own needs. You can be generous but do not
allow others to take advantage of your generosity. You can help others to step up and step out
without allowing them to step on you. Allow other people to assume more care and responsibility
for themselves.
If you're not happy with the quality or number of people in your personal life, it would be good to
get out and meet new people so that you can attract a bigger circle of friends.
You have a great deal of magnetic personal power and attract others to you due to your cheery,
friendly personality. People are also attracted to you because of your honesty. You could earn
income by expressions of your creative and artistic abilities. You can attract new business through
your active social schedule. You can gather others around you in the spirit of fun and love. One way
or another, you can cash in on your talent for dealing with the public.
As you are probably aware, you will be happier if you can accept the fact that your moods are
cyclical. So enjoy different activities at different times in your cycles. There are times when it is the
right time to go out and make some new friends so learn to be aware of those times and act on it. A
sense of humor can prove to be one of your biggest assets.
Moon Decile Venus:
Affectionate, tender and graceful, you like things to be running smoothly and harmoniously.
You're a sensitive, caring person. To be happy, you need a beautiful, loving environment. You are
receptive to the arts. However, in order to keep the peace with others, you may avoid confrontations.
Your creative efforts have strong effect on people's emotions. You can contribute to the public
Venus Semisextile Saturn:
Does your value system sometimes put you in conflict with authority figures or even the law?
You tend to take relationships seriously. When you feel needy, you get too serious, and this can
keep people away, even if you truly care for them. You sometimes believe that you will be denied
the love you seek.
Because you think you don't often get the amount of affection you need, relationships aren't
always easy for you. You and your spouse or partner may be married to your work and duties. You
should strive to create a warm, personal home base. With effort and over time, you can reduce the
limits being placed on love. Marriage or a committed partnership might be prevented or delayed.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Some but not all of your romantic feelings may have to be sacrificed or sublimated due to the need
for you to take care of an elderly parent or relative. Or you may be psychologically bound to a
parent and thus restrained from attracting romantic love.
However, responsibility may only temporarily thwart your romance. With time and effort, you
can find a great love, perhaps with older, more mature individuals. If you learn your lessons, your
love life will improve as you mature. You may also marry someone whose age is somewhat
different from yours.
You can find happiness with the "right" work. When your duties are compatible with
your values, happiness will follow.
Venus Quincunx Uranus:
You have unpredictable creative energy. You often choose to do some exciting things. To be a
creative genius, you must be free enough to be original.
To be happy, cultivate the natural sparkle in your personality. Give yourself permission to be
original and don't let others take you for granted. You are excited by the unexpected. You are turned
on by originality. You probably are attracted to some unconventional relationships.
You can develop unique social skills and a flair for public relations.
Venus Quincunx Pluto:
You're artistically gifted. You can be intensely original. You have strong personal power and
private passion. You have a strong sense of color. You can learn to wield the power of love. You
can get your deepest feelings matched by another. Focus on relationships that benefit you and your
well being. Learn to evaluate people's motives. You can use the transforming power of love to create
opportunities for irreversible changes for the better. In other words, you can be a force for social
You can be happy cultivating your extraordinary earning powers and your extreme attractive
force. Read THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON by George S. Clason. It contains the laws of
money and wealth and the practices necessary to create riches.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 6
Mars for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, the planet Mars is the force of motivation and mobilization. It is a
symbol of your drive, action and energy.
Mars is Retrograde:
Often, you do not do what you are told. You do not necessarily obey all of the laws, all of the
time. Because of this, it is important for you to decide which laws you will follow. You need a code
to live by to make your life easier.
Are you a candidate for repressed and potentially explosive anger? Do you exhibit passiveaggressive behavior? If so, it's a good idea for you to learn healthy and appropriate ways to deal with
your anger. Otherwise, your temper may get the best of you. An appropriate channel for these angry
feelings might be rigorous physical exercise. Exercises specific to your needs are in the section that
Energetically, you are not necessarily more docile or lazier than other people. You just use your
power and strength differently. You can go off on your own tangent. You can have cycles of being
quite unconventional.
Mars in Virgo:
Tidy is a word that comes to mind when describing you. You pay great attention to detail and
exhibit emotional control. You can be calculating, critical, and methodical. To make at least part of
your life successful, you need an arena for excellence.
You enjoy specific rituals and a variety of routines. You are connected to the earth and could
enjoy gardening, walking, or just walking the dog.
Mars in 2nd house:
Improve yourself image and yourself worth by asserting yourself in the financial world. You can
increase your capacity for practical, productive work. Fight to get what is due you. Work to improve
your earning power. First, define your territory and then go get it. You can get excited over money
and financial issues. Stay motivated and push directly through obstacles. Do whatever it takes to
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
create the security you need. Allow the thrill of the prospect of owning excellent things to motivate
Take the initiative to increase your income. Enterprise and hard work will pay off. Start a new
money-making project.
Ascendant in Leo and Sun in Aries:
You may come across to others as being dramatic and enthusiastic. At times you can wear a mask
or assume a persona that is, at the same time, both regal and childlike. When seeking a mate, be sure
to look for someone who values self-respect, a loving friendship, and a certain degree of
independence. It's also important for you to find a partner or significant other who is both intelligent
and interesting and who shares your interests.
At your best, you appear to be "bigger than life". At the same time, some people may find you to
be "just too much"! However, appearances are usually somewhat deceiving. For a better look at the
real you, read on. Please note that this section of the report is most time sensitive and can be off if
your time of birth is not accurate.
In addition, you tend to be very direct, bold, and to the point. You may, at times, fashion yourself
as a hero figure of sorts. Once you can find the right competitive outlet for your energies, where you
can be first and best in what you do, you will be halfway to success.
Because the Sun is said to be the "ruler" of your chart, the part in Chapter 2 on the Sun is crucial
to understanding ways that you can make your life run more smoothly.
Mars Conjunct Uranus:
Excitement motivates you. You have very fast reflexes and can be drawn to high speed machines
and the martial arts. Until you deal with issues around anger, it may be accident prone. And you can
be brutally frank. At times you are fearless and headstrong. You have a fighting spirit and an
exceptional amount of energy. For better or worse, your friends will undoubtedly play a decisive
role in your destiny.
You operate by your own rules and thrive on hard work. You do not easily submit to restraint.
Sometimes you feel almost irresistible urges to change or break free from commitments.
You're flamboyant and strong. You can achieve the unusual and the extraordinary.
Mars Conjunct Pluto:
When the chemistry is right, you can be almost superhuman and unstoppable. You have strong
desires and physical needs and a fearless persistence and determination to get what you want. You
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
can be quite willful and obsessive in the pursuit of pleasures. However, you can learn to be dynamic
and courageous without being cruel, brutal, or sadistic. Be forceful but friendly and you can
accomplish a lot. You get more respect if you learn to administer your authority fairly.
People want to see your ability to take action and your leadership abilities. Demonstrate some
courage and self confidence. To really pursue your goals, you need an exercise program suited to
your individual needs.
Mars Opposition Saturn:
Duty and financial planning are important to you. You can develop good organization, discipline,
and follow through. Good planning can lead you to excellence. To get what you want, you may have
to move the earth. You can be moderately aggressive in your romantic pursuits.
Sometimes it may seem as if the hand of authority wants to smack you silly. Learning to work
with "Mars-Saturn energy" can be a real pain. If you are faced with many difficulties to overcome,
you can become the kind of hero who moves mountains. You should be sure that the responsibilities
you choose will be exciting for you. Learn to combine caution and prudence with decisive action.
Learn when to stop and when to go. Usually, you are a productive, methodical worker. You are selfreliant with strong powers of endurance.
Sun Biquintile Mars:
Sports and fitness can be your thing. You're courageous, strong and daring, and possess healthy
appetites. You should develop your stamina and physique and channel more of your boundless
energy. It is important that you be more flamboyant and courageous.
There are indications that you are hot blooded, vigorous, vital, energetic and competitive. To
become a star, you need regular physical activities. Part of you is impulsive, rash, and pugnacious.
You're a volatile personality with explosive energy. You've got leadership abilities and a capacity
for hard work. You do need to get some recognition and a turn in the limelight.
Mars Biseptile Jupiter:
You believe in yourself and have good timing. You can put your beliefs into action. Ready for
something new? With your enterprising spirit and talent for organization, you can probably pull it
off. You show flashes of rebellious bravado and might enjoy golf?!
Put more energy into your education. To win more money and love, learn to act decisively on
your big ideas. Strong physical desires motivate you. Find your true ideals. Allow them to direct
your energy and you will find a renewed optimism and enthusiasm. "Fortune favors the bold". Your
intense stamina helps you to be a goal-oriented and adventurous but, at the same time, a willful,
wayward risk taker. Back up your motivation with preparation. You will get your opportunities.
Keep your blood pressure down. Make long walks through good scenic areas a part of your lifestyle.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 7
Jupiter for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, the planet Jupiter is the force of encouragement and expansion. Jupiter's
placement indicates what your most important beliefs are and where you have the opportunity for
Jupiter in Taurus:
Prosperity and abundance are part of your natural philosophy. You like the nice things that
money can buy. Perhaps sometimes you are overly self indulgent but, at other times, you can be
very generous. You can accomplish something big with your money. Having the right values will
insure your success.
Spend your money with a personal touch. Be steadfast in your purpose and you will succeed.
Jupiter in 10th house:
Widen the scope of your ambitions. Take your personal vision to the public. Back up your
conscience with right action. Recognize and act upon new professional opportunities. Renew your
faith in the unlimited possibilities for your career.
Extend, expand, and improve your sense of duty. The game of life is all about you achieving your
Ruler of 9th house in 2nd:
You can be blessed by material abundance and riches of all kinds. Start by getting more upbeat
and positive about your ability to provide a lot of high quality goods and services to other people.
You can develop an overwhelming confidence in a financial plan that is specifically tailored to your
needs and values. Reach out beyond your present limits and start right now to think richer thoughts.
You can make your own kind of success in the financial world. Resources, liquid assets,
earnings, values, money and possessions will all play a key role in your attitude. You are marked for
extra riches and rewards. To get them, make sure that you are doing the "right thing" with your
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Jupiter Opposition Neptune:
If somebody tells you that their fantasies and imagination are greater than yours, they are
exaggerating. The question is what will you do with your great creative force? How about writing
some fiction? Maybe you are suited for water colors.
Venus SemiSquare Jupiter:
You are warm and cordial when relating to others. You value good fellowship and the good life.
However, using self discipline would improve the results.
Take care not to be unduly and overly influenced by the optimism of others. Learn to apply more
financial safeguards. You are eager for much too much all at the same time. Try to curb your
Mercury Decile Jupiter:
Dexterity and adeptness will win you the day. Get one more communications skill such as
fluency in another "language".
Perhaps you're a pinch fast and loose with the facts and devoted to grand schemes. You're quite
imaginative, a broad thinker, and can learn and assimilate massive amounts of information. Do
people sometimes find you long-winded? Learn to listen more.
Jupiter Tridecile Pluto:
Combining mass marketing and micro marketing you could develop a new approach to just about
everything. You have some great appetites and ambitions and organizational skills. You can become
a winner by seeking out and creating any number of professional and political successes. You can be
good at solving problems for others, now do it for yourself.
Mars Biseptile Jupiter:
Great energy crackles around you. You are very outspoken and you need a variety of activities to
keep you busy.
You can be incautious and impulsive. Before demonstrating your courage, consider the
consequences. Justify your optimism before you commit yourself to action. If you could manage
your energy more wisely and if you could learn more self control, you could become a great hero.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 7A
Work for Robert Downey Jr.
It is a wonderful thing to do the "right" work. To make a contribution, to provide a product or
service, or to be of use are excellent things, all the more so when you are making lots of money and
are recognized and appreciated. There is a direct correlation between work and time. So, as they say,
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. The information that follows will give you an edge on
your journey down the road to success.
Midheaven in Taurus and Venus in Aries:
You look for comfort and stability in your work. You consider yourself successful to the degree
that you are doing something practical and worthwhile. Money is also an important factor. Practice,
repetition, and experience will help you lay a firm foundation for your success. You will be happy in
your work if it is aligned with your value system. You will not be happy in your work if you are too
stubborn, lack focus, or indiscriminately indulge your own "needs", even if they are not good
common sense.
You could work in the fields of biology, ranching, diplomacy, or the food industry. You are also
suited for vocations such as banking or finance and the stock exchange, as well as anything creative,
artistic, or beauty enhancing.
You may prefer self-employment or free lance work. You like physical activity and exertion, and
have a competitive drive and a go-getting, enterprising, entrepreneurial spirit.
Because the planet Venus is said to be the "ruler" of your career, a good reading of chapter 5 on
Venus is essential to making your professional life run smoother.
Ruler of 10 house in 9th:
You can find success in the world of imports and exports. Travel and education will play crucial
roles in your success. The more that you associate with international people, places and things, the
further you will advance. Ultimately, your world view and philosophy of life will shape your
destiny. For this reason you should explore and get involved in the academic world.
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Ruler of 2nd house in 9th:
To earn a lot of money, you probably need a higher education. Your work could involve major
amounts of travel and even relocation. You could be a natural for earning money in law, religion,
publishing, teaching, consciousness raising, or in the import-export trade.
Ruler of 6th house in 8th:
To earn the necessities of life, power and strength will be the key. You could be involved with
other people's money. The more that you are devoted to your work, the more that you will
transform. When it comes to training and task orientation, go where you find the necessary support
and do something you find to be fascinating. Your career can involve insurance, securities, pest
control and waste disposal.
Moon in 10th house
You can turn your dreams into reality. You can also advance to the top through belonging and
closeness. You could run a business out of your home.
Suitable work may include health care, day care, food handling and preparation, real estate or
home repair.
Jupiter in 10th house
You can advance to the top by reaching beyond limits and expanding current horizons. Go places
and learn things. Place importance upon a belief system that fits your unique needs. The good news
is that your stars are encouraging you to seek fame and fortune. Better yet, you can make a name for
yourself. Best of all, if you put this all together, you will become some kind of optimistic wheelerdealer.
Suitable work may include acting, politics, entertainment, advertising, broadcasting,
telecommunications, publishing, stock options or commodity trading, financial investment, or law or
MC SemiSquare Chiron:
It probably isn't easy, yet somehow it may be necessary for you to deal with the power of special
skills that will help you to achieve your destiny.
You can also advance to the top through diligence, going out on a quest and sending others on
quests, taking a maverick approach to some important work, or acting in an advisory capacity. You
need to be useful on own terms.
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Suitable work may include body work, chiropractic care, massage, herbs, astrology, or any of the
ancient traditions which are making a come back under the banner of "New Age".
Saturn Septile MC:
One, get some peace and quiet. Two, figure out what it means. Three, create your own luck and
magic through the power of hard work.
You can also advance to the top through professionalism and expertise, competency, diligence
and discipline. You want tangible results and readily accept responsibility.
Suitable work may include any position where you are the boss or are in charge. You are also
suited to be a professional, authority, or expert. Until you figure it out and get it together, you may
well be overworked and underpaid.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 8
Saturn for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, the planet Saturn is the force of discipline. Saturn defines your duties,
responsibilities and the structure of your life. Saturn represents mastery, seasoned professionalism,
efficiency, consolidation and dependability.
Saturn in Pisces:
You pay more serious dues than most people. You can be held back until you work through some
guilt complexes, have free expression of yourself, and build up your feelings of self worth. In short,
you need to learn to truly let go. Be realistic about psychology and the human dilemma.
More than most people, you are limited by the amount of responsibility you take for yourself.
Do not wear cheap shoes. Treat yourself to some massage toys that are especially for the feet.
Allow yourself the luxury of a frequent foot massage. Make it a point to get a personalized
consultation from someone who tells fortunes by reading feet.
You could work behind the scenes for the government, or a large institution. Whenever you feel
the need to indulge in self pity, channel your energy into work for the less fortunate.
Be moderate or abstinent with alcohol. Steer clear of drug abuse. Eat fresh garlic and avoid
horror movies and people on the dark side of the occult.
Saturn in 8th house:
Until your passions take on a new maturity and complexity, you can be held back. Work to
structure your energy Work to become more trustworthy and dependable with secrets. You may
have to pay some dues before you can get satisfaction.
You can get and use power behind the scene. Become more of a metaphysician. Do your duties to
the mysteries of life. Any occult study you do will pay off.
You can benefit from depth psychology and analysis. You need to confront your fear of life and
death issues. You are the kind of person who can live a long life. You are encouraged to work to
extend your life expectancy.
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Others may control you through money. Work to acquire some financial independence. Do the
task before you and your prize will be great indeed.
Mars Opposition Saturn:
Aspects of your life are harsh, severe and austere. It is partly your lot to deal with some hard
feelings, hard attitudes, inhibitions and dictatorial tendencies.
Once you improve your timing, and find a practical use for your energy. your situation will
improve. To gain more power and a big payoff, work patiently toward a clearly defined goal.
Saturn Opposition Uranus:
Conservative and radical elements conflict within you. You can gain power once you realize
there is more to the common good than public posturing. Beware the magnetism that fascism can
hold for radicals and revolutionaries. Respect the rights of others and you will gain more self
Saturn Opposition Pluto:
World problems can be a bummer and you may be better off without the evening news and the
daily newspaper. Tune out doomy gloomers. Get your information from divergent sources. To get
more power get on line to computerized networks of information.
Saturn Square True Node:
To obtain some of your professional goals, you will require approval from the powers that be.
There is a dynamic tension between your ambitions and the ruling class. To gain more power, learn
more about the historical influence of secret societies.
Venus Semisextile Saturn:
You almost have to work for and earn love. You can get more power by realizing that whenever
you feel unloved or unappreciated, you are caught in a mirror image. You can change that image.
You can feel deserving of love and appreciation. You can be successful in love.
Mercury Novile Saturn:
You have a practical and logical mind and you are studious and purposeful. To gain more power,
develop your powers of concentration.
You may wish to work with such systems as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Your
planning abilities and forethought can be good for big business, research and politics.
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Sun Undecile Saturn:
You tend to be emotionally cool and do some of your best work in private. Your organizational
and executive abilities can bring you success. At least part of you is patient and precise. You will
probably accomplish just about as much as you make up your mind to do.
You will enjoy some spectacular success in your golden years. There are indications that you will
have a long life so please take good care of yourself. You can gain more power and have a big
payoff by making your health, well-being and longevity a priority.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 8A
Chiron for Robert Downey Jr.
Discovered in 1977, Chiron is a relative newcomer to astrology. Named after the half-brother of
the Greek god Zeus, Chiron is a comet from outside our solar system, according to the latest
scientific findings. In Greek mythology, Chiron was tutored by the Sun and the Moon (Apollo and
Artemis) and, in turn, taught the offspring of other gods.
Chiron taught special skills such as astrology, philosophy, ethics, music, medicine, horseback
riding, and weaponry. These skills where thought necessary for gods, and humans, to achieve their
destinies. The position of Chiron in your birth chart denotes what and where you may teach or be
taught. It is also where you can be healed and how you can heal others.
A Centaur, who is part human, and part horse, Chiron is a half-breed. His higher self sometimes
struggles with his own animal nature. What follows is a description of the "Chironic" side of your
Chiron on equator
You are a "Chironic Character." You can be: a sage, medicine man, shaman, chiropractor,
reverend, helper, guide, way shower and astrologer. You can develop a phenomenal power to teach
or heal. Find the right mentor and then do what they do best.
Chiron in Pisces:
To become more spiritual, you need to become more of a maverick. Rearrange your concept of
the gods. TIP: Read THE 12TH PLANET by Zecharia Sitchin ISBN 0-380-39362-X. It's the
astounding, overwhelmingly documented story of Earth's celestial ancestors.
Open new doorways to the world of mystery. Do it secretly. Imagine for a moment that you're
Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame, Yoda the Jedi Knight or Helen Keller mentoring the blind, then give
some sagacious thought to how you can best help those who can not help themselves. Do it
Chiron in 8th house:
Do you have an unusual animal magnetism? You could take a maverick and non-conformist
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
approach to psychological healing. Embark on an intimate quest. Find someone to teach you about
personal power. To get your needs met, open up some new fields of an intimate kind. Break out of
Pluto Opposition Chiron:
You could take a maverick approach to command and control issues. You could exert a great
influence on people's sanity. Immerse yourself with learning experiences on the use and abuse of
Neptune Trine Chiron:
There is something very mysterious about your identity. Deal with the power of projections, be
they movie projections, psychological projections, or forecast projections.
Asc. Biquintile Chiron:
People may see you as being deeply hurt and somehow grievously wounded, or they may see you
as being a gifted healer, sage or shaman. It depends upon where you stop.
Moon Sextile Chiron:
"INNATALISM - The doctrine that human reproduction ought to be discouraged in favor of
radical life extension as a chief means of perpetuating (trans)humanity." Mark Plus.
SPECIAL INITIATION: To simplify for beginners, in the introductory section on the moon, I
neglected to point out what you might have inferred, if you had given it thought. The moon is also a
symbol for robotics. With so much of our life unconscious we are very much a kind of biological
computerized robot. We can learn to program our own programs. Mark Plus has given it a go. This
concludes your message on instinctive mentoring.
MC SemiSquare Chiron:
You can be held back until you become more mature and realistic about your place in society.
You may have to pay some dues and redouble your determination to succeed. Take on new
professional responsibilities.
The astrological classics all agree that you will rise in the world through steady, persistent
efforts. It is important that you do not compromise your principles for the sake of your ambition.
Balance your professional desires with what is fair and just.
Concentrate and then organize. Work on new standards of competency. Confront your fears of
success. Build character by overcoming any limitations placed upon you by your old reputation.
Work on coming to terms with your mother and father and male female social roles.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Mercury Semisextile Chiron:
You have a need to say unusual things. Some of what you say is quotable in an unusual way.
What kind of tricks and foolish things do you permit yourself to think and do? You can see
through some pretenses. Will you act upon your perceptions?.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 9
Uranus for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, Uranus is the force of liberation. Uranus is where you change
unexpectedly and are surprised. It's where you are unusual, eccentric, or extraordinary.
Uranus is Retrograde:
When you are feeling especially anxious and socially alienated, it may be a sign that you are
rebelling against yourself. Allow yourself the freedom to be unique and, possibly, unconventional.
Unusual friends are pluses too. You can be.
Uranus in Virgo:
Your work life can be erratic; reform your work place. Make some inquiries. Free yourself and
others in the slave labor pool. You get a 7 year itch to have an unusual job, and learn to do your job
in unusual ways.
Parts of your diet are unsettling. It is important that you free yourself from unhealthy and
restricting habits. Renew your interest in organic food and high tech nutrients and supplements.
Uranus in 2nd house:
A financial alarm clock is saying wake up. You can rebel in the way you express your values,
and earn and spend your money. Specifically, you can make money in unusual ways, go on spending
binges, and have major ups and downs in your income. The 9 to 5 world of money making just isn't
for you. Become more unique and resourceful in earning your money; open yourself to new ideas
and instantaneous insights concerning cash.
You can discover original ways to make money. Computer and high tech skills will prove to be
of tremendous assistance. An entrepreneurial spirit will prove helpful. You can make more money
by doing more business with your friends. You can make contributions to scientific and
humanitarian causes.
Ruler of 11th house in 9th:
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Include more international people in your circle of friends. Be more of a friend with adventurous
and academic people. Learn some social roles and lessons about exploration. Set realistic, yet
inspiring, goals for your long-range travel.
As you expand your world view and philosophy of life, you expand your character and destiny.
Mars Conjunct Uranus:
You're courageous, original and impatient. You need a variety of action and excitement. You can
be about as unconventional as is humanly possible. You can develop unique physical powers.
If what you've begun is unworthy of finishing that's OK. Start to think about the worthiness of
finishing before you commit your energy to something new.
Confront bullies. Resist being dominated. Develop your own unique strength. Curb your
temper and any asocial and antisocial tendencies that you may have. Enjoy some more mutual high
spirited, high energy encounters. Find outlets for your excess energy and learn when to take it easy.
Uranus Conjunct Pluto:
It's possible that you may push the limits until you break through (What?)... You were born to
experience social change. It is possible that if you consciously probe the deepest parts of your
unconscious mind(s), and process your stuff, progressive historical forces will prevail. Sometimes
you may face anthropological and sociological disruptions in your personal and professional life.
Strive to overcome personal problems by overcoming your humanity and becoming a
transhuman. Start by developing a new technical skill. Scope out futurism. Read science fiction.
Take some time to be left alone and some time for experimentation.
Saturn Opposition Uranus:
Unusual ambitions stir you to restlessness. With enough self control, you can do anything.
Work to resolve the conflict between your duty and your need for freedom. If it's tried and true,
keep it. If it's bold and new, check it out. When necessary, confront authorities and work for
individual rights.
Venus Quincunx Uranus:
Unusual taste delight you. Become a patron of the avant-garde. There can be a rather
unconventional side to your private life. There is no personal need for you to fit yourself to
conventional rules for relationships.
Sudden romantic attractions and disengagements can keep you emotionally strung out until you
come to terms with strong personal needs. The brilliance in your aura is great and good.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 10
Neptune for Robert Downey Jr.
Neptune represents fads, impressionability, style, glamour, imagination and inspiration. Neptune
is the force of deep space and the force of consciousness expansion.
Neptune is Retrograde:
You're a bit self-absorbed with past difficulties and anger from the past. Sometimes you sail on
wave after wave of uncharted space. In order to stay focused you need an annual retreat to distill
your inspiration and your creative juices. You can make daydreams real. It's your choice; you can be
a channel for higher or lower spiritual forces.
Neptune in Scorpio:
When it comes to the taboo world, you're part of a generation that tends to have a blind spot.
Your religious beliefs and disbeliefs are radical and extreme. Once your generation takes off its rose
colored glasses and stops idealizing power and money, you can really get into the swing of things.
Power and money are for the most part, energy to be circulated. Get into the flow, but don't hold on,
especially to macabre bizarre death wishes. Opt for life extension, cultivate longevity.
Write the affirmation "Divine prosperity brings me plenty of fabulous riches and fabulous
orgasms. Divine prosperity helps those who help themselves." 7 times a day for seven weeks. For at
least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks, concentrate your mind exclusively on the meanings of "power".
Neptune in 4th house:
You can create your ideal home. Start by continuously flooding your mind with pictures and
images of your ideal living conditions, and of people who live in gorgeous homes and successfully
adapt a few strays. Stop watching TV shows and movies about people who live in bad
neighborhoods. Start watching programs like This Old House. Enjoy a flight of fancy about
domestic bliss. As an after-thought, go hear a keynote speaker articulate the virtues of domestic
tranquility. Be sure to sit up front where you can hear them loud and clear. Listen for hidden
messages. Further instructions will arrive in the future.
Ruler of 12th house in 10th:
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You could be undone by public scandal. Letting ambition override ethics might be a hidden
enemy or weakness. However, in every negative situation is the potential for something good. You
can reverse the effects of bad luck if you get into the spirit of giving something back to the
community. Buy a camera and take some photographs of people of substance. Listen to more
classical music. Sometimes you're dreaming and sometimes you're awake. Other times you're in
trance states. Make the most of the situation. Hypnotize yourself to become more .
Moon Opposition Neptune:
Your major mood swings, great imagination and genuine interest in the spiritual worlds all
contribute to your fantastic creative potential. Know when you're playing make believe. It's a wise
person who knows their limits. Don't drink alcohol. Learn to trust your first impressions. Regularly
affirm that the more you trust your intuition, the easier your life becomes.
Become more consciously attuned to environmental undercurrents. Many temptations try to lure
you to a seemingly easy path. Avoid the undue influence of gossip. Keep your promises. Get more
involved with community benefits and events.
Learn to get over self doubts. Become less idealizing of others and more sure of yourself.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune:
Some trend setting skills can be yours. Allow your humanitarian instincts to guide you. Your
psychic and spiritual insight can help you to do for others what they can't do for themselves. Show
some more mystical, cheerful compassion. Allow your soft spot for animals to expand.
Neptune Trine Chiron:
When seeking a learning or healing experience, allow your intuition to guide you. You can
develop uncommon extrasensory skills. Like many things in life, your psychic powers will not likely
sprout much past seed stage unless you pay attention and take care.
Sun Biquintile Neptune:
You're unconsciously in contact with the emotional life of others. You don't have to be
hypersensitive or vulnerable, but you do need to be grounded in your own identity. To do this, try
adding more fresh root vegetables to your diet. If you have been having trouble diagnosing medical
conditions, try a chiropractor.
You can develop subtle uses of power through hypnosis and magic. Develop your ability to see
through appearances. Get more involved with music, poetry and metaphysics. You have unique and
vivid dreams. Learn to distinguish between fact and fantasy. What does the expression, "You can't
cheat an honest person," mean to you?.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Venus Biquintile Neptune:
You're some subtle, seductive, beautiful powers going for you. Make the most of it by wearing
nice clothes and looking your best. Personally speaking, you've some high expectations for
relationships and tend to seek an ideal of love. Learn to see people as they really are.
Give direction to your artistic skills. Be a producer of art or arty things. On the consumer side,
shop in more one of a kind small boutiques. It can be good to dream of luxuries and sensuous
fantasies. It is better to make specific plans for a beautiful escape.
Mercury Quincunx Neptune:
Love of fantasy is a contributing factor to your living in your own virtual world. Empathy and
creative imagination are yours. Mischievous, magical, weird and wonderful ideas are there for you.
Put some into practice. Stop making excuses. Learn to read body language and between the lines.
Instead of withdrawing into seclusion, learn to make periodic retreats. You could learn to
communicate your ideas to others professionally. Work on your handshake.
Neptune Triseptile True Node:
Cavort with kindred spirits. Every few years or so, rent a place on the water and invite lots of
friends to share your hospitality. Study the idea of "Water Brother" as developed by Robert A.
Heinlein in Stranger in a Strange Land.
To fulfill your destiny, you need to develop your psychic and intuitive skills. Just as importantly,
you need to learn to see yourself and other people and situations as they are, not as you really wish
they were.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 11
Pluto for Robert Downey Jr.
Astrologically speaking, Pluto is the force of cleansing. Pluto represents trust and violation of
trust, control, obsessions and power struggles. Pluto is the force of intense transformation.
Pluto is Retrograde:
Become aware of your deeply seated psychological motivations. Recognizing and grappling with
your repressed desires and your suppressed anger will benefit you tremendously. Among the
benefits are: increased energy, productivity and peace of mind, body and soul. Spend some time
alone contemplating and meditating.
Pluto in Virgo:
You're also part of a Pluto generation that is destined to deal with radical transformation on the
job and in everyday routines and with health care. You have some unusual ideas about health,
healing and nutrition. Politically speaking, you may champion practical reforms such as the
advancement of Libertarianism.
Once you're truly committed to a project, the service and support you offer are tremendous. You
may not often be the first person to think of a new idea, but you can be the first to implement one.
At times, you are particular to the point of obsessive perfectionism. Then, if your needs aren't met,
you can be devastatingly critical.
Pluto in 2nd house:
You probably have hidden resources and possibly have deep pockets. Right now, it is crucial for
you to transform the way that you make your money. It is critical to form a plan to eliminate debt,
especially high interest bearing debt. If necessary, use bankruptcy or form a chapter s corporation to
your advantage. Intensify your savings. Regenerate your values. If you probe you will find how to
make more money and get closer to God simultaneously. Reorganization is the permanent condition
of a vigorous income. You can raise a little hell in the financial world or you will get burned.
Ruler of 8th house in 4th:
Try giving an extra considerate flavor to your encounters. Get intense with jasmine, patchouli and
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sandalwood. Share some gifts of silver and amber.
Mars Conjunct Pluto:
At times you may act drastically, possibly because of conscious or unconscious anger. Channel
more of your considerable energy into creative projects.
Uranus Conjunct Pluto:
You're quite different from most people in that you're quite a bit more willful. You're really an
untamable genius and even a die hard rebel.
You are capable of about as much personal change as you decide. Dare to be a unique individual.
Rather than reacting or responding to circumstance, try initiating change.
Saturn Opposition Pluto:
If you're fearful of being manipulated it's probably with good reason and from hard experience.
Avoid vigilantes.
As you mature your task will be to figure out and get to the bottom of your father and power
issues. Taking the law into your own hands is not to be taken lightly or without sufficient reason.
Perhaps your father did not claim his power. Maybe he had few models of how to succeed in the
world and had to invent his own.
Pluto Opposition Chiron:
If you want to change your deepest, darkest complexes, you must first acknowledge and accept
them. Create a place for psychological healing.
Pluto Square True Node:
Transform your environment. Make some radical ecological changes. Study history in terms of
ice ages. Find out what it means to move heaven and earth.
Mercury Biquintile Pluto:
Your hands have transformative power. Grant the technocrat within yourself permission to work
with your human side. Allow your words to be guided by your talent for analysis. "Speak truth;
change thinking." If you can speak the truth you can change people's thoughts.
To beat the odds and become a bigger winner in the money game, cultivate more writing and
communications skills.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Deep insight, shrewd thinking and a powerful consciousness are yours to develop. You are
interested in discussing forbidden topics. You only tell people what you want them to hear. You're a
natural for psychology, analysis and detective work. Also, you've more than your share of anxiety to
work through. Some of the great pain of the age is yours to deal with.
Jupiter Tridecile Pluto:
If other sections of this report offer confirmation, you could achieve great wealth. You've a talent
for transforming yourself and society. You can do something distinguished and prominent for the
great masses of people.
Pluto Semisextile Asc.:
You are capable of maintaining a great masquerade. In lieu of struggling to control others, work
to control yourself. Instead of steeling yourself against others, strive to plummet the depths of your
own soul.
Sun Quincunx Pluto:
Are you ruthless with yourself? Are you constantly striving for more? Do you punish yourself
for not being good enough?
Have you crossed the word "compromise" out of your dictionary? Keep your eyes off of self
transformation and you may plummet into a bottomless chasm. Control of others does not bring you
safety, success or satisfaction. Self control is helpful. Self transformation is pivotal. Develop deep
roots and you will rise far in life.
Venus Quincunx Pluto:
Possibly unrecognizable outer circumstances have led you to hold some resentment and need for
domination over all love relationships. The more you try to manipulate those around you, the sooner
you will lose the possibility of getting what you want from them. Don't become a victim of your
own hellish hate. Get to the root of your mother complexes.
When it comes to your personal capacity for love, manipulation and power are both issues.
Become conscious of the games that you are playing, and the maneuvering that you are doing. You
are challenged to let go of the need for control. Then you can let go of the games that you do not
enjoy and you can put more of your love energy into games that are creative, exciting and
pleasurable, such as transforming the world of art.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
Chapter 12
Moon's Node for Robert Downey Jr.
The nodes represent points in space where the moon's orbit crosses the orbit of the Earth as the
Earth orbits the Sun.
True Node in Gemini:
It is possible that in a past life, you were born in a country that is different from the country you
were born into this time around. You may be ready to clean up old legal and religious karma. When
under stress, you may experience great difficulty in relating to the locals and their ways of thinking.
Continually impressing others with your own personal dogma may be the path of least resistance,
but it is not necessarily the way for you to go. In fact, your stars are calling for you to become more
receptive to new local connections. Cause neighborhood events to happen soon. Your spiritual path
lies in finding the right neighborhood and then establishing stronger local ties.
Fulfill yourself through new areas of experience with your sisters and brothers. Attune yourself
to forces from the future that are encouraging you to think more for yourself. Study great thinkers
from the past and at the same time, develop your own unique way of thinking.
It is possible that in a past life you lived in the Wild West, Columbia or Peru. This time around,
Akashic (a record of all that has ever occurred) forces are leading you to visit, do business with and
make friends with people from India, Nepal and Tibet.
North Node in 11th house:
Part of the cosmic plan is that in this lifetime you are being nudged to share your talents with the
world. Over the course of other lifetimes you may have focused on the personal thing. For the
purposes of this incarnation the stars impel that you please consider creating more social affiliations.
Become involved with a service club or professional organization that feels right for you.
Saturn Square True Node:
Work with more cyclical changes, and the fates will be kinder to you.
To the extent that your life isn't working, you have not met the challenge to make the most of the
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
moment and realize that the fulcrum of power is in the moment between being and becoming.
TIP: This time around define success on your own terms.
Pluto Square True Node:
To the extent that you do not have consciousness expansion you have yet to meet the challenge
of the inner alchemist.
Cycling through past lives, you were conceivably a spy, tax collector, head shrinker, and member
of the political underground.
The greater that you focus your concentration on attracting, absorbing, assimilating and radiating
and savoring increasingly healthy and vigorous levels of cosmic vitality the kinder the fates will be
to you.
Sun Sextile True Node:
Make friends with talented individuals.
The creative process will play a pivotal role in your destiny. The more that you pay attention to
your most ingenious and inventive ideas, the kinder the fates will be to you.
In all probability, through the course of many lifetimes, you were a taoist, cultivating yourself.
Pick back up on this and study the I Ching and the works of Lao Tsu.
Venus Sextile True Node:
The more that you pay attention to the civilizing force, the kinder the fates will be to you. Budget
money for attractive clothing and jewelry.
It is conceivable that in a cycle of past lives you were a diplomat, a beauty queen, a hair dresser
and a romantic. To make the most of this lifetime, go for art and beauty, and profit and pleasure.
Asc. Sextile True Node:
The more that you pay attention to your chosen responsibilities, the kinder the fates will be to
Neptune Triseptile True Node:
To the extent that you are not singing at least one song every day you have not yet met the
challenge of your own raised spirit.
Cycling through past lives, you were conceivably a musician, sailor, slave, idealist, mystic and
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
saint. As some kind of monk/nun/health nut you've explored unusual ideas.
Celestial sounds will play a pivotal role in your destiny. You need the complete recordings Paul
Horn made inside the Great Pyramid. It's distributed by celestial harmonies.
Attune yourself to the music of the spheres, and the fates will smile with you. Get a copy of The
Planets by Gustav Holst and play this symphony regularly.
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth
© 2011 Dadhichi Toth