Hydrology 101 Gavin Fields, David Lergessner


Hydrology 101 Gavin Fields, David Lergessner
Hydrology 101
Gavin Fields, David Lergessner
XP-LIVE webinar
 This is part of our XP-LIVE educational program
 Webinars have been recorded and are available at
Hydrology 101
 Introduction
 Hydrology: The Physical Characteristics
 Historic vs Design Storms
 Routing Methods
 Results
 Direct (2D) Rainfall
 Question / Answer
XP Solutions
 Software for modeling wastewater, stormwater, and floods
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) and analytical engines
 CAD/GIS type interface and data management tools
 Graphical reports, maps, animations
 1D analytical engine solves the complete St. Venant (Dynamic Flow)
equations for gradually varied, one dimensional, unsteady flow
 2D analytical engine embedded as xp2D
Why Hydrology is important?
 Agriculture
 Planning
 Stormwater
 Flood / Risk
 Engineering
 Assessing Change
Hydrologic cycle
Managing water means managing catchments
Definition: Land bounded by
natural features such as hills or
and from
A catchment is an
area or basin of land surrounded
by hills or mountains
all run-off water flows to a low point such as a stream, river or the ocean or sometimes
runoff water flows to a low point.
a lake.
The boundary of a catchment is known as an interfluve.
Roads often follow the interfluve
Catchments vary in size.
The Murray-Darling basin drains 1/7th of the Australian continent
Rivers play an important role in shaping the landscape.
Topographic maps
help to identify
slope patterns and
catchment areas.
Topography also plays a major role in weather and climate events.
Coastal ranges have a significant impact on rainfall distribution.
Rising air cools and loses its
Rain shadow
Mountains force the
winds to rise.
Orographic Rainfall
Port Douglas 8.30am
The Outer Reef same day just over 60kms away
On the western side of
India, the Western Ghats
cause orographic rainfall.
The Himalayas to the
north not only block rainbearing winds but they
also deflect them to the
Monsoon rains cause widespread slow onset flooding in
northern Australia and parts of Asia
Water running off the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range in this
area will find its way into the Brisbane River System
The Brisbane River is a relatively short river by world standards.
Water falling on the western side of the Great Dividing Range in this area will begin a
journey of hundreds of kilometres across the Australian continent.
On the way the water from the river will be used in many different ways.
Runoff characteristics vary from sheet flow to stream flow
conditions as passing showers cross low flat areas that join river
systems on the way to South Australia.
Some places show evidence of river erosion
yet may be dry for many years.
The amount and type of vegetation cover
is important and affects runoff.
Rainforests are adapted to use as much water as possible.
Fire can have an impact.
Fire or the absence of fire can have an impact.
Just how much of the rainfall received by an area as runoff depends on a
number of factors. The material on which the rain falls plays a significant role.
The Indo-Gangetic Plain is composed of alluvium, which is material
deposited by rivers. This material consists of silt, clay, sands and gravels.
The soil and rock type affect run-off rates.
In some areas the flow of water is rigidly controlled.
Redcliffe 1957
Redcliffe 1987
Urbanisation affects infiltration rates
Redcliffe 2014
There are many different types of floods:
• flash floods which can be of natural or human origin with very little warning
eg heavy rainfall in a catchment with narrow valleys or the
failure of a dam or levee
• rapid onset floods which rise quickly over one or two days and just as quickly fall
• slow onset floods which rise over a period of days and take weeks or months to fall.
Many factors affect the type of run-off and flooding which may occur.
There is a time lag between the rainfall and the flood peak. This allows
flood predictions to be made in distant places.
Rivers such as the Barron River in north Queensland can experience very rapid
changes of flow.
Hydrology Overview
Precipitation – losses = runoff
 Precipitation
Rainfall intensity, duration, volume
Snow Melt
 Losses
Depressions Storage
Peak flow
Peak volume
[Max Flow = 0.3350]
Hydrology Rates
 Runoff
Node - Laur 0%
Rainfall Total
Flow (cms)
1 Wed
Jan 2014
 Design Storms
 Average intensity/ absolute depth is required
 Storm duration is required
 Temporal pattern is required
 Historic Storms
 Recorded storm events
 Return period can be calculated
Historic Storms
 Observed rainfall:
 Can be used for flood forecasting models after calibration
 Can be used for validating/verifying the models
Precipitation Frequency/Probability
 Event Frequency
 Uncertainties of nature
 Result from random components
 Limited historic data
 Event Probability – P(E)
 P(E) = n/N
 Example
the percent chance of occurence
 10 times / 100 years = 0.1 or a 10% chance of occurrence in 100 years
 Often referred to as the 10 year storm
Annual Exceedance Probability
 Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) or
 Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
 Risk
 Mis-representation
 Particularly in the Media
Storage and Losses
 Interception
 Surface Detention
 Evapotranspiration
 Additional factors
 Infiltration
 Soil moisture storage
 Groundwater
 Depression storage
Prior weather conditions
Duration of rainfall event
Temperature (snowfall)
Loss Methods
 Horton
 With cumulative maximum infiltration
 Green-Ampt
 Uniform loss
 Proportional loss
 Initial and continuing loss
 Initial and proportional loss
 SCS Model
 Fraction initial abstraction
 Fixed depth initial abstraction
 To obtain the runoff from rainfall excess
 Process is called runoff routing
Key Parameters
 Area
 Rainfall
 Catchment Slope
 Catchment Roughness
 Catchment Width and
Length (at times)
Land use characteristics
What Do We Want to Produce
 Hydrographs
 Derive peak flow and volume
 Related to rainfall frequency
 Historic rainfall or design storms
Hydrology methods
 Rational Method
 Laurenson
 Unit Hydrographs – Time Area
Rainfall and Runoff Results
Many Hydrology Methods
SWMM Runoff
Kinematic Wave
Unit Hydrographs
SBUH, Snyder
Time Area
Nash, Clark
LA County Method (MODRAT)
Alameda County (Snyder)
2 Sacramento Methods
5 UK Methods
 Rational Formula
 Plus Regional Methods
Rational Formula
 Derived from the concept of critical catchment
k=unit conversion constant
C=runoff co-efficient
I=intensity against the ToC
A=catchment area
Laurenson (rafts) Hydrology
 Most widely used in Australia
 By Dr. Eric Laurenson
Laurenson Hydrology (Contd..)
 Non-Linear Reservoir Equation:
s = B q n +1
B = 0.285 A0.52 (1 + U ) −1.97 S c
− 0.50
s → storage
q → disch arg e
n → storage non − linearity exp onent
B → storage delay coefficient
A → subcatchment area
U → urbanized fraction of catchment
S c → catchment slope
BX → multiplication factor for gauged catchments
PERN → function of Manning ' s roughness
Time-Area Hydrology
 Derived by the British TRRL (1922)
 Rainfall excess hyetographs convoluted through the
Time-Area diagram
Effect of development
 Typically impervious and roughness characteristics are
Direct Rainfall
• Land surface grid (DTM) needed
• Rainfall applied to grid cells
• Initial & continuing or Green
Ampt losses can be applied
Surface roughness based on
Direct Rainfall (cont.)
Questions? Comments?
Thank you for joining this presentation,
Hydrology 101
By Gavin
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