It`s About Your Life - Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra


It`s About Your Life - Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra
It’s About
Your Life
Annual Report
2011 – 2012
Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Core Musicians
Erin Brophey, Principal Oboe
Richard Carnegie, Principal Double Bass
Carol Marie Cottin, Principal Horn
Lahni Russell, Principal Cello
James Legge, Principal Viola
Randi Nelson, Principal Flute
Oxana Ossiptchouk, Principal Violin II
Michael Swan, Principal Violin (Concertmaster)
Stephanie Unverricht, Principal Bassoon
Margaret Wilson, Principal Clarinet
Core musician photos (except top left):
Trudy Janssens, Photography One 2 One
Annual Report 2011–2012
Core Musicians
inside cover
Annual Report
Board of Directors
Music Director’s Message
Education and Engagement
Fundraising Events and Volunteers
Administrative Staff and Players’ Committee
Funders and Corporate Sponsors
inside back cover
PHOTO CREDITS Trudy Janssens, Photography One 2 One; Rosanna Parry
Photography (Messiah); Marcia Provenzano Photography; Heather Fritz
Photography (The Red and Black Affair), Mike McCoy.
Annual Report
Acting President, Lynn Ewing (l)
General Manager, Jill Reid (r)
As we reflect on the past Season the words that come to mind are eagerness, passion and
perseverance. One would think that there should be only one word to capture the essence of
our past year and yet, it has been such an incredible season that we feel it was worthy of three
– eagerness to get on with the work that fills the musicians, management, volunteers and our
audience with passion that provides us all with the will to persevere when we reach a barrier or a
challenge. There were many notable moments and achievements in the 2011–2012 Season.
Here are some of those that were key:
•• We concluded the first full year of residency at 408
20th Street West. Our Riversdale home is filled with
laughter and light and incredible people. We love it.
•• New musical appointments were made to Stephanie
Unverricht, Principal Bassoon; Erin Brophey,
Principal Oboe; and Mathieu Pouliot as Principal
Percussion. Other musicians who were successful in
the audition process and the subsequent probation
included Nova Wong, Violin I, William Boan, Violin
II, Evan Friesen, Violin II, and Heather Wilson,
Viola. We also welcomed the return of Principal
Cello, Lahni Russell
Australian guest conductor Daniel Smith congratulates Principal
Cello Lahni Russell at February 2012 Masters Series concert.
•• New staff appointments included the signing of MarieHelene Nault Leblanc as Director of Operations and
Terry Heckman as Personnel Manager.
Dr. Monte Pishny-Floyd addresses the Music for a Sunday
Afternoon audience at ‘Celebrating Seventy,’ honouring him.
•• We have an incredible talent pool of musicians and
artists based here in Saskatoon and area. Those who
worked with us this season include Helen Kashap,
Deborah Buck, Sylvia Chave, Dr. Glen Gillis, Odette
Nicholson, Brian Unverricht, Catherine Berntson,
James Hawn, Saskatoon Chamber Singers, Garry
Gable, Frank Harrington, U of S students in College
Challenge, Graham Codling, Dr. Gerald Langner,
University Community Chorus, Greystone Singers,
Philip Kashap, Kim deLaforest, Emily Woytiuk, Miles
Buchwaldt, Michael Hrycay, Nevin Buehler, Jennifer
McAllister, Sara Spigott, Berlin Janzen, Adrianna
Dyksman, Danielle Robertson-Boersma, Mark Altman,
Will Martin, Gillian Lyons, Dr. David Kaplan, Monte
Pishny-Floyd, Tammy Tropeau, Studio One, Tisdale
and District Strings, Kari Alba, Alma Flamenca,
Mary Joy Nelson, Heather Molloy, Michael Harris,
Jordie Hughton, Braiden Stevenson, Zodiac Tapestry
Handbells, Sarah Ohnander, David Parkinson, Zachary
Carter, Melanie Sydiaha, Peter Gravlin, Stephen
Maguire, Janet Wilson, Tadeusz Biernacki, Saskatoon
Youth Orchestra (directed by Richard Carnegie),
Richard Margison, Lastiwka Ukrainian Orthodox Youth
Choir of Saskatoon, and Gainer the Gopher.
•• We presented the “Command Brass” from the RCAF
Band, Winnipeg with our own SSO Brass Quintet.
Held at the Roxy Theatre, the concert was a benefit
for the SSO and a wonderful event featuring 10
incredible musicians.
•• The SSO participated in the first Pan-Canadian
Culture Days event with lectures, workshops and
an open rehearsal. Our musical petting zoo was a
featured event in the national advertising campaign in
The Globe and Mail.
•• Dr. David Kaplan, retired as our resident expert and
host of the Masters Series pre-concert chats.
Emmett Graham plays the concert grand piano in the SSO’s 20th
Street headquarters.
by composer Richard Carnegie, with the members of
the Saskatoon Symphony Chamber Ensemble
Our financial picture this season is directly related
to the extended timeline required to launch our
fundraising campaign “Orchestrating For The Future.”
In anticipation of the resulting deficit, we met with
our suppliers and implemented approved contingency
plans. We remain very grateful for their support and
incredible understanding. In-kind assistance along
with professional support and advice was received from
Rainbow Cinemas, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, City
of Saskatoon and the Canada Council for the Arts.
The Board and Management are committed to
achieving long term sustainability and will be calling on
your expertise and support throughout the year.
Dr. David Kaplan’s pre-concert chats have been a popular
tradition at Masters Series concerts.
•• The Ewing family generously donated a concert
grand piano to the SSO so that our space at 408 20th
Street West may now host small concerts and recitals.
Roger Jolly worked on the restoration of this beautiful
•• The Music for a Sunday Afternoon Series presented
the premiere performance of “Gone is All Your Fear”
We extend our heartfelt thanks to you, our audiences,
sponsors and donors, for supporting the Saskatoon
Symphony Orchestra. Your ticket purchases, donations
and sponsorships prove that you believe in the power
of music. Our exciting performances are only possible
with the level of support that you continue to show.
Lynn Ewing
Acting President
Jill Reid
General Manager
Board of Directors
June 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012
Executive Position Committees
Ken Coutu
Space Committee
Finance and Audit
Rob Dobrohoczki
Bev Drew
Past President
Lynn Ewing
Vice President
Finance and Audit
Human Resources
Meagan Hinther
Strategic Plan and
Roger Jolly
Mairin Loewen
Human Resources
Phav Meekins
Ken Pontikes
Strategic Plan and Governance
Finance and Audit
Bruce Simms
Finance and Audit
Chris Stoicheff
Strategic Plan and Governance
Doug Thorpe
Collective Bargaining
Human Resources
Jane Wollenberg
Finance and Audit
Human Resources
Strategic Plan and Governance
Book and Music Sale
Top: The Conexus Pops Series ‘At the Movies’ had a surprise
guest for ‘Jaws’; 2nd from top: (l-r) Dr. Gerald Langner, Garry
Gable, and Monica Huisman, ‘Voices of Spring,’ March 2012;
3rd from top: pianist Helen Kashap autographs t-shirts after
‘Feeling So Fine,’ September 2011; above: tiaras in vogue in
the winds section for ‘Sylvia’s Stories in Music’ October 2011
Music Director’s Message
Music Director, Victor Sawa
2011-2012 was quite the season!
After opening with our own Helen Kashap playing
Grieg’s masterful piano concerto, the Gyro Productions
Masters Series continued with Classics for Skeptics. An
appearance by guest conductor Vienna-based Alexei
Kornienko, combined with the renowned Canadian
Guitar Quartet, set the winter season ablaze with
Rodrigo’s Concierto Andaluz for 4 Guitars. In February
two dynamic, internationally-acclaimed musicians
performed on stage – violinist Lara St. John under the
baton of Australian Daniel Smith—bring the audience
to its feet. Particularly memorable for me was Brahm’s
German Requiem. Working with Monica Huisman
was such a joy and enhancing the performance with our
University of Saskatchewan partnership, was a treat. The
final concert in the series featured Mahler’s Symphony
No. 5. With the visit by the Saskatoon Youth Orchestra to
perform Shostakovich’s Festive Overture, Op. 96 with us,
it was a great season closer.
The Music for a Sunday Afternoon Series continues to
be a creation of works organized by our ten principal
core players. The musicians chose to celebrate the 70th
birthday of Saskatchewan composer Monte PishnyFloyd featuring his work Three Canadian Postcards.
Various chamber works from Mozart, Bach and Brahms
make this Series a popular afternoon concert. This series
lends itself to new work and we were thrilled to have
a premiere of a Canadian work, Gone is All Your Fear
composed by Richard Carnegie, our Principal Bass.
The Conexus POPS Series began with David Rogers’
Broadway Heroes and erupted into the Classical
Mystery Tour’s tribute to The Beatles. We celebrated
great music with “At the Movies” – our “Oscars” concert.
Our final concert was For Michael featuring Jeans ‘n
Classics and the music of Michael Jackson.
Sylvia Chave hosted our first children’s concert as
we presented a unique interpretation of Saint-Saens
Carnival of the Animals. Dr. Glen Gillis was the
excellent guest conductor for both this concert and the
final children’s event which featured Platypus Theatre’s
“How the Gimquat Found Its Song”.
The SSO’s Holiday Spectacular truly was! We featured
the Nutcracker, with dancers directed by Tammy
Tropeau of Studio One. Carol of the Bells with the
Zodiac Tapestry Handbell Choir directed by Janet
Wilson was also a highlight, and guest conductor
Gainer the Gopher triggered a standing ovation. The
holidays for me are not complete without Handel’s
Messiah at Third Avenue United Church. We were
joined by the Saskatoon Chamber Singers directed by
James Hawn and soloists Mary Joy Nelson, Heather
Molloy, Michael Harris and Jordie Hughton.
Another event becoming a tradition is our Silent Movie
concert. Two performances of The Thief of Bagdad
sounded terrific in the Roxy Theatre, one Canada’s last
atmospheric theatres. Through a partnership with the
theatre, we were also able to hold several of our smaller
rehearsals in the space during the season.
We took risks as we presented two new special concerts.
The RCAF Command Brass joined the SSO Brass
Quintet for a rousing evening, and the SSO SGI College
Challenge brought together selected students from the
U of S Music Department with our symphony. The
latter concert was held on a week day morning, allowing
elementary and high school students to attend. Thanks
go to Dr. Brian Unverricht who conducted this new
concert and handles the Silent Movie events.
Yes, it really was quite a season and I thank Saskatoon
for the support. I am very proud to be the Music
Director of the Saskatoon Symphony.
Victor Sawa
Music Director
Supporters’ Circle
Thank you for your support!
June 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012
Orchestra Circle
Floyd T. Mcnabb
Catherine O’Leary
Helen & Vern Ratzlaff
Alan Ryan
Darla Saunders
Sherwood Scharfe
P. Michael & Margaret Swan
Brian Unverricht
Ryan Walker
Performer’s Circle
Elsie Tempel Schneiderman
Maestro’s Circle
Marguerite Caldwell
Don Ching & Darien Moore
Ken Coutu & Penelope Stalker
Yvonne Cuttle
Lynn Ewing & Bill Feldbruegge
Dr. Mary Marino
Betty Reynolds
Rod and Denyse Simair
Doug & Lilian Thorpe
Edward Tymchatyn and
Dorothy Booker-Tymchatyn
Jack and Sylvia Vicq
Mary Ballantyne
Estate of James Robert Caldwell
Shelley Ewing
Joe Fafard
John and Myrna King
Colin Macdonald and Theresa
Garnet and Susan Packota
Jill and Derby Reid
Bill Richards & Sandra Beardsall
Victor and Lesley Sawa
Robert D. & Lura Mae Meeds
Sider Fund (through the
Saskatoon Community
Jane and Peter Wollenberg
Darrell Bell
Bremner Family
Cheetham’s Pharmacy
Elly Christ
Robert Christie
Garry Gable
Gregory Hardy
Brian & Loretta Hartsook
Bob & Ollie Hasselback
Del Hayden
Ian Innes
Kerri Kobryn
Roberta Kowalishin
David Alexander
Articulate Eye
John Botari
John Clarke
Kay Davidson
Bev and Murray Drew
Terry Fenton
Peter & Carmen Foley
Jonathan F. Forrest
Mary Friesen
Hans Gelsing
Terry Heckman
Ruth Horlick
Arnold & Deborah Janzen
Elizabeth & Howard Klein
Koenig and Associates
Skip Kutz
Macpherson Leslie & Tyerman
L. Mitchell
Noella Nutting
Martha Pankratz
David Parkinson
Ronald & Betty-Ann Perkins
Ian Rawlinson
Jack & Olive Rynsburger
Don Schmidt
Saskatoon Fastprint
Marie Spencer
Ian and Meredith Sutherland
Johann & Erika Wentzel
Thomas & June Zurowski
Don & Sylvia Acton
Inger J. Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Candice Augustyn & Craig
Earl & Elaine Ballard
Mary Barrett-Lenz
Herta Barron
Darrell Bueckert
David Dupuis & Eden Baltulis
Dawn McLean Belyk
Evelyn Bergstrom
Karen Bindle
Gloria & Herman Boerma
Carole & Tony Boryski
Evelyn Bowman
Erin Brophey and Thomas
Betsy & John Bury
Margaret Caldwell
Bill & Mary Chapman
Wayne Chappell
Les and Bubs Coleman
Mary Conklin
Paul & Viola Coutu
Mary Lou Day
Rob Dobrohoczki
Dr. Anne Doig
Lorenzo Dupuis
Robert & Vina Edwards
Phyllis Ellis
Barbara and Jake Ens
Elsie Epp
Jacqueline Ferraton
Allan & Helen Few
Yvonne Fiddler
Joan and Peter Flood
Annette & Monte Floyd
Larry & Lynne Fowke
Joe & Cathy Fry
Daniel Funk
Don & Norma Gendzwill
Katharine Grier
Kelly Goerzen
Ted and Marie Hammer
Frank Harrington
Edward Hauck
Dodie Heckman
Dannon Herr
Dr. Bob & Mrs. Doreen Hickie
Sharon Hildebrand
Derek & Helen Hill
Akira Hirose
David Humphrey
Eunice Janzen
Jeremy Janzen
Irene Jantzen
Lillian Jen-Payzant
Bev Johnson
Roger Jolly
Kevin Junk
Beverley and Bruce Karras
Norwood and Lois Kavanagh
Gerarda Kaye
Anne Klaassen
James Kornelson
Gordon & Darlene Knapp
Gerry Kraay
Leland Kimpinski LLP
Murray & Rita Little
Mairin Loewen
Helen Logan
Brent Longstaff
Debra Marshall
Peggy and Tim Martin
Miss Mary Matwyuk
Brenda MacDonald
Marjorie Mazzei
John & Marilynne McEwan
Allan McGuire
Hugh & Sheryl McKee
Robert McLellan
Gordon McLure
Wally & Shirley McNeil
George McVittie
Phav Meekins
Stuart & Dorothy Middleton
Isabelle Mills
Brenda Moats
Maria & Peter Neijmeijer
Willette Neijmeijer
Ron & Pat Nowoselski
Karen Ogle
George & Ellen Parchomchuk
John Payzant
Ken Pontikes
Art & Janet Postle
Ross Remmer
Paul & Dorothy Riemer
Al & Sandra Ritchie
Connie & Murray Samulak
Lori Sander
Saskatoon Funeral Home
Harvey Sauder
Joan Savage
George Schmid
Judith Schmid
Viola R. Schmidt
Dr. Ralph & Marg Schneider
Marie Sellar
John Senior
Phillip Settler
Arlene Shiplett
Grant Skomorowski
Carol & John Smith
Kathryn & George Sofko
Terry Stannard
Pius & Bernie Steckler
Chris Stoicheff
Nicholas J. Stooshinoff
Alyssa Thompson
Ursulines of St. Angela’s
Agnes Valade
Al & Marjorie Veroba
Jim & Marilyn Veikle
Victor & Erna Wiebe
Bill & Sam Wildeman
Michael G. Williams
Gail Zink
Supporters’ Circle
Karen Altrogge
Renate Ankenbrand
Anonymous x 2
Carol Beaulieu
Anna Beeton
Gen Bobyn
Steve Boechler
Phavana Bougnavath
Jeanette Carley
Bobbi Crowe
W.J. DeCoursey
Dr. Jo-Anne Dillon
Alice Eichhorn
Lois Elder
Lorrie Ellian
Nicole Elliott
Esther Beryl English
Rick & Linda Ewen
Bonnie Ewing
Peggy Foster
Adam Fowler
Naomi Friesen
Bruce Garman
Angie Gerrard
Travis Giblin
Cassandra Grabowski
James Halmarson
Trent Hamilton
Susan Healey
Saache Heinrich
Shawn Heinz
Mary Jane Hendel
Wilfried Henseleit
Mike Hepp
Danika Hercina
Tamara Hinz
Matthew Hogan
Jimmy Hong
Suzanne Huber
George James
Renee Jansen
Dave Janz
Berna Jones
Martha Kashap
Karen King
Christy Kuse
Cody Lang
David Larson
James D. Leach
Elaine Lee
Jeff Lewis
Theodore Makeechak
Lucille Mann
Jeanne Marcotte
Irwin McAdam
Reid McBride
Michael Mcdine
In Memory of Carol Boden
by Saskatchewan Athletics,
Patricia & Richard Santo, Erik Ketilson, Melvyn Ferster,
Jack & Shirley Bergloff
In Memory of Mary Barbara Hader
by Miss Mary Matwyuk
In Memory of MIKE HEPP
by Aldean Glass
by Jill Reid, Mike McCoy
In Memory of Ross johnson
by Jill & Derby Reid
In Memory of Geraldine MacKinnon
by Kathy Hamilton, Margaret Kirk,
Ledcor Construction Ltd., Don McEown,
Carol McEown, Kathleen Sutherland, Doreen Kargut,
Yvonne Lubos, Molly Stayner & family, Vicki Sterling
In Memory of my grandmother and
the victims of the 228 incident in taiwan
Leslie Ruo
Thank you for your support!
Wendy McSheffrey
Michael Meekins
Sylvia Mills
Margaret Monks
Fred & Muriel Montbriand
Mercedes Montgomery
James Morrison
Ans Nahirney
Whitney Nordstrom
Merle Nostbakken
Bruce & Hilda Noton
Bonnie Nicholson
Tonia and Seth Olson
Janice Paterson
Janice Paterson
Edith Penley
Marjorie Perry
Beth Peters
Jennifer Pfeifer
John Prietchuk
Melinda Pryor
Dr. Louis F. Qualtiere
Henriette Quessy
Neil Rawlyk
Jeanne Remenda
Linda Remmer
Mark Reynolds
Catherine Helen Rodin
Myrna Rolfes
Saskatoon Youth Music Theatre
Frances & William Schultz
Neil Schwartz
Sheila Scott
Kirsten Seipp
Linda Shaw
Natalie Shiff
Audrey Siemens
Gloria Simpkins
Roona Sinka
Grant Skomorowski
Nancy Sollosy
Elaine Symcniuk
Lisa Taylor
Karen & Darren Toews
The Trading Post
Kathleen Turner
Mark Turner
Vlatka Tustonic
Margaret Upham
Andrew Van Kessel
Florence Vibert
Deborah Walker
Lynn Weber
Dr. Ross R. Wheaton
Francis Wight
Janay Worobetz
Yamaha Piano Centre
Yamaha Piano Centre
Audrey Zbitnew
Women of Note
Women of Note is a membership of women who believe in
the Saskatoon Symphony and its vital role within the city of
Saskatoon. Formed March 1, 2012, the group wishes to ensure that the orchestra remains healthy, fully engaged with
its community and able to continue to offer excellent symphonic music. Their generous financial donation, making
them members of Women of Note and ambassadors for our
symphony, is deeply appreciated.
Judy Anderson
Betsy Bury
Lynn Ewing
Connie Gutwin
Mary Marino
Darien Moore
Lorraine Salt
Darla Saunders
Shannon Whyley
Jane Wollenberg
Growing Our Community – Education and Engagement
Culture Days
Culture Days gave the SSO an opportunity to create
free events and activities for the public to engage with
the orchestra. We welcomed the St. Mary’s Drumming
Circle and exchanged knowledge about drums used in
the powwow circuit and on the classical stage. College
students were given a tour of TCU Place and a lecture
demonstration by symphony musicians. Our core
musicians also invited the public into a rehearsal and a
free musical “petting zoo” was offered prior to a concert.
Meet the Beat
Meet the Beat was an interactive concert where the
audience was invited to follow Mathieu Pouliot and
Darrell Bueckert, principal percussionist and principal
timpanist of the SSO, in a trip around the world to
discover traditonal, classical and ethnic percussion
instruments. From the military snare drum to the exotic
marimba, every instrument on stage was performed on—
even by the students. Meet the Beat was performed in
front of 450 students from Bishop Filevich, École Henry
Kelsey School, and École Française de Saskaton.
In the Community
Performances by SSO musicians were held at various
events and openings throughout Saskatoon, creating
awareness of the Orchestra and creating valuable
partnerships. Notable performances were held at Flowers
by Fred, Celebrating Seniors Awards Dinner, Saskatoon
Quilt Show, YWCA AGM, Royal University Hospital,
SGI Awards, and Conexus Credit Union Branch
Opening. Many concerts are created especially for seniors
and this season we were able to travel to Seniors’ Homes
in Saskatoon and to 10 rural communities as well. These
are part of a new partnership with the Health Arts
Services of Regina. Our musicians also perform at the
Symphony fundraisers throughout the season.
Culture Days at the SSO: top: SSO musician Arlene Shiplett and
Bethany College students at Symphony 101; 2nd from top: SSO
percussionists join St. Mary’s Community School drumming
circle at Drumbeat; above left & right: parents and kids take
part in Culture Days musical petting zoo activities while SSO
trombonist Brian Unverricht demonstrates his skills.
Dilys & Eric Burt Scholarship This fund, established
through the Saskatoon Foundation, provides music
scholarships to young Saskatchewan musicians, assisting
them with their professional goals. The most recent winner,
Arthur Boan, a member of our Symphony, is enrolled in
the music program at the University of Saskatchewan.
Concerto Competition In cooperation with the
Saskatchewan Music Festival Association and the
Regina Symphony Orchestra, the concerto competition
is held every two years, alternating between Saskatoon
and Regina. The 2009 winner, violinist Sam Milner
of Saskatoon, currently studying in Montreal McGill
Schulich School of Music, was being programmed
into our 2012-2013 season, however, due to an injury
he is unable to perform at this time.The 2011 winner,
Sam Deason, a pianist also from Saskatoon, will be
performing in the 2013-2014 season.
Wallis Opera Competition This competition,
organized by the Saskatchewan Music Festival
Association, is held in even-numbered years, alternating
between Regina and Saskatoon. In addition to the
$5,000 first prize, the winner may be featured as guest
artist with the Regina and Saskatoon Symphony
Orchestras. Meara Conway, a soprano from Regina who
also studies at the McGill Schulich School of Music, will
be featured in Handel’s Messiah in the coming season.
The SaskTel Symphony School Tour
The SaskTel Symphony School Tour program, generously sponsored by SaskTel, featured performances by
the Saskatoon Symphony Chamber Ensemble Core musicians in elementary schools The program develops understanding and appreciation of symphonic music, presents concepts and ideas aligned with
music education standards, and integrates with other curriculum, such as language arts and social
studies. The following schools participated in the SaskTel Symphony in Schools program in 2011–12.
St. George School
Queen Elizabeth School
John Dolan School
St. Edward School
Silverwood Heights School
Fairhaven School
Westmount School
St. Mary Community School
Prince Phillip
Dr. J. G. Egnatoff School
Lakeridge School
Pope John Paul II School
Caswell School
Mayfair School
Lawson Heights School
Allegro Montessori School
Sutherland School
Forest Grove School
Bishop Pocock School
Brunskill School
Saskatoon French School
Brilliant Star Montessori School
Ecole Lakeview School
Brevoort Park School
Fundraising Events
The Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra thanks each and every
volunteer for all the hard work they do to support their
Saskatoon Symphony. Here are the events that helped to
generate over $120,000 during the 2011-2012 season.
The Red and Black Affair
March 3, 2012
Committee: Mark Turner, Karen Reynaud
Altrogge, Lynn Ewing, Karen King
The Red and Black Affair was a gala event at the
Delta Bessborough held as a fundraiser for the
SSO and Saskatoon Opera. Guests were treated
to superb wines and cuisine, an opportunity
to purchase one of a kind art from some of
Saskatchewan’s best artists. The highlight of
the evening was a performance by international
opera star Richard Margison and the Saskatoon
Symphony Orchestra, with guest conductor
Tadeusz Biernacki. (photos: Heather Fritz Photography)
Off to the Races
August 26, 2011
Committee: Derby Reid,
Lynn Ewing, Don
McBean, Mike McCoy,
Sharon Hildebrand,
Michael Hrycay, Jill Reid
November 9, 2011
Committee: Lynn Ewing, Phav
Meekins, Laura Tastad, Jane
Jan. 27 and 28, 2012
Committee: Ken Coutu,
Lynn Ewing
Middle: Committee members Lynn Ewing and Karen
King; above: Richard Margison and the SSO perform.
The 24th Annual Book and Music Sale, April 12–21, 2012
Report from the Management Committee
of the 2012 Book and Music Sale
Management Committee members
Brenda Iwasuik, Fran Burgess, Marilyn Veikle, Martha Pankratz,
Ron Lambert
•• The 24th annual SSO Book and Music Sale was held April 12–21,
2012 at our new location at 408 20th Street West. The recorded
music sale was located one block away at 504 20th Street West.
•• Total proceeds were $99,548.48 (not including sponsorships), a
decrease of over $20,000.00 from the previous years total. However,
a decrease had been expected due to the move to a new location and
smaller space. The 2012 amount brings the accumulated total raised
since 1989 to $1,309,248.56. The entire proceeds, aside from a few
expenses over the years, have gone to support the operations of the
Saskatoon Symphony Society, and through it, to the SSO.
•• For the first time, the sale had community sponsorship from the
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA). The sponsorship
amount ($7,500.00) is not included in the stated sale proceeds.
As part of their sponsorship, SIGA gave 3 inner city schools sale
passports which included a coupon, which could be exchanged for
one book at the sale. 800 coupons were given out with 225 redeemed.
•• 50 year-round volunteers donated 5,500 hours in the 12 months
leading up to the sale. This time was spent picking up donations,
sorting, pricing, as well as organizing and working at the event itself.
•• An additional 117 volunteers donated 1,222 hours during the sale
event, as well as during set up and knock down.
•• Total volunteer time donation for the sale was 6,722 hours.
The SSO Book & Music Sale moved in August 2011 from their longtime home in the Confederation Mall to the new offices at 408 20th
Street West. When the space was initially looked at, it was felt that it
would be large enough for both a workroom and sale space. With a lot of
hard work and help from the SSO office staff and landlord, we were able
to hold a relatively successful sale this year. However, in future years, it
will be necessary to find easily accessible space to store stock during the
sale, as well as a larger venue to house recorded music sales.
Top: Line-up at SSO headquarters on opening day of sale;
2nd from top: browsing turns to buying at the sale; 3rd from
top: early morning on-location interview - Sale co–chair
Brenda Iwasuik and Global’s Sherri Clark; above: Marilyn
Veikle, co-chair, and management committee member Fran
Burgess present cheque to the SSO at May 2012 concert.
Administration, Players’ Committee, Musicians on Board
Jill Reid
Keri Beebe
General Manager
Executive Assistant
Darci Speidel*
Cara Roney
Victor Sawa
Marie-Helene Nault Leblanc
Terry Heckman
Lillian Jen Payzant
David Humphries
Berlin Janzen
Music Director
Director of Operations
Personnel Manager
Orchestra Librarian
Production Manager
Summer Student
Marketing and Audience Engagement
Mike McCoy (Articulate Eye)Director of Marketing
Mary Ann Therrien
(Articulate Eye)
Marketing Support
Mike Covey Director of Sponsorship
Education and Community Outreach
Lenora Bells
Arts Education Consultant
*On leave
SSO Players’ Committee
Christina Bakanec
Saache Heinrich
Oxana Ossiptchouk
Joan Savage
Don Schmidt
Musicians Elected to Serve on the
Board of Directors
Darrell Bueckert
Don Schmidt
Funders and Corporate Sponsors 2011–2012
Funding Agencies
Series Sponsors
} or
you are,
you’re going,
we will be there.
Wherever our members have come from or where
they are going on their financial journeys, we’re
behind them every step of the way.
It’s not about how much they have. It’s about what
they want to achieve. At New Community, everything
we do is about our members and our community.
Presenting Sponsors
321 20th St. West, Saskatoon, SK
P 653-1300 F 653-4711
Corporate Supporters
Darren’s Music Place
Media Sponsors
408 - 20th Street West, Saskatoon SK S7M 0X4
Ph (306) 665-6414 :: Fx (306) 652-3364
Providing a professional orchestra that fosters and promotes classical music
to enhance the artistic, intellectual and social life of our community.