Family Dollar Stores Box Tops Sweepstakes


Family Dollar Stores Box Tops Sweepstakes
Tuesday Newsday – 2/25/14
Link to the Butterfield Website
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Dear Butterfield Families,
This was a short, but busy week at Butterfield. We had two evenings to honor
our student’s musical talents. Honor Band performed at Mountain View on Monday
evening, and the Orchestra String Fling was held on Tuesday evening. You can find a list
of the students that were involved in these activities in this newsletter. We are very
proud of them and the extra effort that they put in to be involved in these extracurricular activities.
The second graders learned a great rodeo poem in their class. They worked on Yo
Soy Un Vaquero, a Spanish poem that includes movements. Everyone had a good time
and expanded their knowledge of the rodeo and Spanish vocabulary.
Our sixth graders visited Tortolita Middle school this week in preparation of
their transition at the end of the school year. This is always a good, eye-opening
experience for them. The school is much larger that the elementary school and there
are many choices in classes for their consideration. It is fun for them to start thinking
about their future in school.
Research Shows Attendance is a Priority
When you think of parent involvement in schools, you might imagine volunteering in the
classroom or sending in needed items for the class or even just coming in to meet with
the teacher. These are all important things that parents will want to do, but there is
another priority: being sure that your child has good school attendance. Research shows
that beginning in Kindergarten, attendance affects future success in school, so it is vital
to form good habits right away. To make sure your child is in school on time and ready
to learn each day:
Establish an evening routine. Before bedtime, prepare as much as possible for the
next morning. You might choose outfits, make lunches and put backpacks by the door.
Establish a morning routine. Have your child do everything in the same order each
day. (Get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc.) Routines are easier for children
to remember and follow.
Schedule carefully. Schedule medical appointments and vacations outside of school
hours. Post the school calendar at home and make plans well ahead of time.
Patricia Abbuhl
Butterfield Principal
Congratulations to the Following Music Students:
Honor Band Participants:
Heather Harline
Kyleigh Ingalls
Hannah Johnson
Emma Riggs
Russell Duitman
Kyle Bansback
Ethan Pepe
Austin Rigg
String Fling Participants:
Gabby Finau
Bailey Jones
Rebekah Lutz
Alyssa Mason
Rosy Mendoza
Michaela Sams
Kaitlynn Smith
Andrea Valenzuela
Emily Valenzuela
Mario Weiler
Kaylyn Williams
Araceli Hernandez
Erin Karski
Jaimy Kincheloe
Jake Magiary
Matthew Mares
Paige Marino
Merayah Molina
Danika Searfoss
Arlette Teran
Caiden Wilson
Vivianna Castillo
Kathrin Cochran
Roxanna Lujano
Alexia De La Cruz
Brandon Tamayo
Miliani Trevino
Katelyn Van Detta
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School Events & Important Reminders
BCAC Meeting – Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30
All parents are invited to attend our monthly BCAC meetings. BCAC stands
for Butterfield Community Activities Council, and is made up of parents,
teachers, administrators, and friends of Butterfield. As a group, we work to
enhance our students’ education by providing enrichment activities,
classroom supplies, and various support programs for the school. If this is
something you’d like to become involved in, or if you just want to check it
out (no commitment necessary!), please feel free to stop by the library!
FREE babysitting is provided in Room C-3!
Carnival Planning Meeting – Tuesday, March 11th at 6:00 (before BCAC)
Parents, Teachers, and Staff members who are interested in helping us
plan for the 2014 School Carnival in late April are invited to attend our
planning meeting to be held just prior to the BCAC meeting next Tuesday.
We’d love to hear your input on ways to improve our school’s biggest
family event of the year!
Early Dismissal Thursday 3/13 & Friday 3/14
Due to grading and report card deadlines for the end of the third quarter, students will be
released at 11:00 AM on Thursday 3/13 and Friday 3/14. Please make appropriate plans for
your children after school on these days, and make sure your child and/or his teacher are
aware of your plans. Lunch will not be served on these dates.
Spring Break
Along with the end of the quarter comes Spring Break!
There will be no school March 15th – 23rd. We hope our
students enjoy their time off and return to school
refreshed and ready for the final quarter on Monday,
March 24th!
Parent-Teacher Conferences are the week of March 24th – 28th
Please make sure to make (and keep) your appointment with your child’s teacher.
These meetings are very important. Communication between home and school
provides us with the best possible conditions in which to meet the needs of your
child. Please plan to attend your conference – your child will appreciate your
interest, and you will gain new insights into your child’s capabilities. Working as a
team will help ensure your child’s success!
Early Dismissal Thursday 3/27 and Friday 3/28
Due to Parent-Teacher Conferences, students will be released at 11:00 AM on Thursday 3/27
and Friday 3/28. Please make appropriate plans for your children after school on these days,
and make sure your child and/or his teacher are aware of your plans. Lunch will not be
served on these dates.
Spirit Day – Friday, March 14th
March Madness!!
Wear Green!
BCAC Board Elections in April
It’s time for our parent group to look ahead and decide who our leaders will
be for the 2014-2015 school year. Elections for all board positions will
be held, and we invite any interested parents and teachers to run for
office. Elections will be held at the April BCAC meeting so we can have
our new board up and running before summer vacation.
The following officer positions make up the BCAC’s board:
Activities Coordinator(s) – oversees all social events – does not need to actually plan
each event, but give oversight to individuals who are running various events – this
position has traditionally been shared by co-coordinators in the past.
Volunteer Coordinator(s) – organizes the volunteers needed at events throughout the
year by making phone calls and sending e-mails as needed.
Fundraising Chairperson – oversees fundraising events such as Entertainment
books, catalog sales, Santa’s workshop, etc. – presents prospective fundraising ideas
and vendors to the BCAC for approval
Technology Representative – typically a teacher, this individual keeps the BCAC
informed of the school’s technology needs and accomplishments and serves as a
liaison with the Technology Committee
Teacher Representatives – three teachers serve as liaisons for the teachers and staff
– report to the BCAC on grade-level activities – give feedback to the BCAC on various
projects and ideas
If you’d be interested in any of the officer positions, and would like more information, please
contact Dena Engel or Brian Castillo, or just plan to attend the BCAC meeting on April 8th!
It’s a
Mad Science Night!
Tuesday, March 25th
5:30 – 8:00
More details coming soon!
Save The Date!
Please help your child join OUR School Team Online!
BUTTERFIELD is proud to partner with the
American Heart Association to help kids with
special hearts! Mark your calendars now for
our upcoming Jump Rope For Heart event
taking place
MARCH 13, 2014
Your child will
receive this
NINJA Lifesaver
Duck when they
raise an online
Your child will
receive this Mr.
Cool Duck –
inspired by our PE
Teachers – when
they raise $75
The American Heart Association’s Mission: To Build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular
diseases and stroke.
YOU can help the American Heart Association
by helping your child make a web page. It is
safe, effective, & saves YOU time for raising lifesaving donations. Visit &
click on “Students Sign Up” to get started.
Carnival Games
Train Rides
Obstacle Course
Jumping Castles
Basket Raffles
Good Food
Friends, Fun and More!
Save the Date!
More information to come
regarding ticket pre-orders, raffle
basket items, and volunteer
Summer School Information is Now Available!
Marana Community Schools is happy to announce that Summer
School information is now available online for the following
High School -
Middle School -
GEM Camp -
Jump Start -
Soaring into Second Grade Camp -
For additional information or questions, please contact us by email at or by phone at (520)352-7012.
Sixth Graders – Register Now for “Jump Start”
Don’t forget to register early for Jump Start at Tortolita Middle School this
summer. Space is limited, so register early! Each year Tortolita Middle
School holds a summer program called Jump Start. This program is designed
to give 6th graders a “jump start” on their upcoming 7th grade school year.
During the 2 week program, teachers from Tortolita will be teaching your child how to stay
organized, how to set goals, how to do research, make presentations, and many other important
skills he/she will need to be successful in middle school. In addition to the above curriculum,
your child will also have the opportunity to meet some of the Tortolita staff, learn his/her way
around the school, practice how to open lockers, and adjust to a different and diverse schedule
with many different teachers. The program also includes two field trips – one each Friday!
Jump Start is a unique opportunity for your student and has proven to be very successful in
addressing the “pre-middle school” jitters.
Jump Start Information and Registration
Weekly Flyers -
Items This Week
Arts & Music
Young Rembrandts Drawing Classes – Thursdays at Butterfield (1/16 – 2/27, Grades 1-6)
Classes have already started, but can be pro-rated if you still want to join us!
Family & Community Activities
Grief Support Group – for Youth, Teens, & Families – free support provided by TuNiditio
Kare Center Presentation – Resources for families who are raising children of relatives
Marana 5K & 10K Run/Walk – proceeds will help build a track at Thornydale Elementary
Marana Founder’s Day – Saturday, March 8, 9-5 PM – FREE Admission!
Strengthening Families Program – Free Interactive Workshop for Families
Sports & Wellness
Continental Ranch Swim Team – A competitive swim team for ages 4-18
Mt. View Wrestling Club – Tuesdays & Thursdays for kids in elementary – high school
National Youth Sports – Baseball, Basketball, Football, Cheer, Volleyball, & Soccer
Summer Break Opportunities
Camp Invention – at Quail Run Elementary, June 2nd-6th
Pima County Library Activities
Geasa-Marana Library Activities
Chess Club – Every Friday 2-4 PM, Open to all ages
Free Homework Help – Fridays 3-4 PM
Kids’ Book Club – Read the Book, then Watch the Movie! – 1st Wednesday of each month
Wheeler Taft Abbett Library Activities
Storytime Activities (August – May)
Teen Writing Club – Wednesdays 5-7 pm
UofA Museum of Art Lecture Series