2015 | gmta summer newsletter
2015 | gmta summer newsletter
GEORGIA MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Inside this issue: 2 Conference Preview 3 Thank You to Our Hosts 4 MTNA Fellow 5 GMTA Theory Tests 6 Theory Results 8 MTNA Competitions 14 GMTA Judges List 14 GMTA Auditions 15 Teacher of the Year 23 Ad Index 23 GMTA Award Funds 24 Arts Awareness & Advocacy 24 Steinway & GMTA Grants 25 Spotlight on New Executive Director 26 Local Associations 27 Collegiate Chapters 29 Certification 30 Membership 31 MTNA Foundation 32 Music Link 33 Calendar 34 Leadership 35 A ce T GM ren e 5 f n 1 o 0 C 2 Ian Hobson Ingrid Clarfield President’s Report Summer Newsletter 2015 Greg McLean FROM THE PRESIDENT Robin Engleman, NCTM, GMTA President 2 Where have the last eight months gone?!? From Southern Division Meetings and Competitions in January to the MTNA Conference and Regional Auditions in March to State Auditions in April, these months have flown by! I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun! Lots of exciting things have been happening in GMTA: ACTIVE MEMBER RENEWAL DEADLINE - JUNE 30TH (see ad at bottom of page 12) If you’re a procrastinator like me and haven’t mailed your Membership Renewal Statement (yet), or, if you’re not old-school, renewed online, don’t forget to update ALL of your information. Double check what is showing up on the online MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. If what you see is not correct, you may either contact MTNA directly or contact Mandy, and she will see that your information is updated with MTNA. This reminder also applies to the STUDENT MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL DEADLINE which is SEPTEMBER 30th. MTNA COMPETITIONS GMTA was represented well at all levels (State, Division and National) of the MTNA Competitions and I salute our fine students and their teachers. You may find the names of all who won or placed on the state, regional or national levels on the GMTA website. Click on About Us / Student Activities / Winner Results. MTNA CONFERENCE Las Vegas was the site for this year’s MTNA Conference. What a great conference with exciting sessions, recitals, master classes and exhibits! Approximately twenty GMTA members gathered for this conference and ten attended the Gala where our own Martha Thomas was honored as an MTNA Fellow. MTNA recognized two GMTA members for their 50 year of membership in MTNA: Betty M. Nolting, NCTM of Atlanta and Sandy S. Yeargan, NCTM, of Rome. I hope you will plan now to attend next year’s Conference in San Antonio. It will be held April 3-6, the week that many of us will have Spring Break. AUDITIONS Much work goes into the preparation of these Auditions and we are grateful for those who made the Auditions such a success. Congratulations and thanks to Cathy Thacker and her staff for their excellent work preparing for and running the 2015 GMTA Local, Regional and State Auditions. Many thanks to the music faculty of the colleges and universities which hosted our Regional and State Auditions (see page 5). THEORY Under Jason Bennett’s excellent leadership, Theory has been divided into GMTA Theory Tests with Diane Boyd, NCTM and the GATE (Georgia Auditions Theory Exam) with Rebekah Healan. Both ladies and their teams did an admirable job of preparing their respective tests. Check out Diane’s report on page 7 and the extensive list of students and teachers who participated in GMTA Theory Tests. Kudos to Rebekah, her committee and all teachers in Local Auditions who helped administer the GATE to all precollege piano students for this trial run year. WEBSITE The Executive Board voted at their April meeting to dissolve the position of Website Chair. Jonathan Klein has served GMTA so ably in many ways, but in particular as website chair for several years. Since November, Mandy Reynolds, GMTA’s new Executive Director, has been handling the updates and communicating with Handmade Designs. I invite you to check out the updated web pages such as the Judges List, Grants and Awards; Georgia’s Own or the new Honorary Lifetime Members page. Whether you want to investigate November’s conference, read past newsletters, or look at Student Activities, the GMTA website has it all! When you access the website from your mobile device, you will see a more “mobile-friendly” look. And if you don’t know the login or password, contact any Local Association President, Mandy or myself for password information. FACEBOOK PAGE – Thank you, Cat Massey, for overseeing our Georgia Music Teachers Association FB page! AD HOC COMMITTEES An ad hoc committee, chaired by Jonathan Klein, was formed in November to recommend a schedule of fees for non-members who wish to participate in GMTA affiliated events. Many thanks to Jonathan, Cathy Thacker, NCTM and Betty Atkins! MTNA 2015-2017 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE includes two GMTA members: Tom Pearsall, NCTM of Statesboro and N. Mason Conklin, NCTM of Canton. Thank you for your service, Tom and Mason! 2016 GMTA AUDITIONS DATES may be found on Calendar (p 33) or on the website Calendar. 2015 MTNA COMPETITIONS will be held at Clayton State University in Morrow, Thursday, October 29th thru Sunday, November 1st. Note: different time; different location. The 2015 GMTA CONFERENCE will be held at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Thursday, November 5th thru Saturday, November 7th. Take a look at page 4 for more information about this year’s conference. Joy Poole has spent many hours putting together a great three days! You do not want to miss it! Thank you all for your work as teachers and as members of GMTA. If I can be of assistance to you, or if you have suggestions or concerns, always feel free to contact me. I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing summer. GMTA CONFERENCE 2015 November 5 - 7 Joy Poole, GMTA VP of Programs 3 Make plans now to attend the 2015 GMTA Conference held on the beautiful campus of Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia. Outstanding headliners and Georgia’s Own Sessions will provide many exciting and informative sessions. Our Conference Recitalist will be Ian Hobson (http://ianhobson.net) of the University of Illinois. “Ian Hobson is a musician of tremendous versatility who has earned an international reputation as a pianist, conductor, and educator.” Mr. Hobson has performed worldwide and won awards at many highly recognized competitions. The Conference Recital will be Friday evening. Hobson will host a Master Class for High School students on Saturday morning. Ingrid Clarfield (http://ingridclarfield.com) of Westminster Choir College will be our Pedagogy Headliner. Ms. Clarfield is a nationally recognized teacher, clinician, pianist and author. She is a well sought-after clinician presenting programs in more than a hundred cities across the United States. In 2012 she was honored with the distinction of MTNA Teacher of the Year. New to our conference in 2015 will be a Middle School Master Class led by Ms. Clarfield. The Commissioned Composer will be Greg McLean (http://www.gregmclean.net), one of Atlanta’s most versatile musicians. His compositions include works for The Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet and many National Competitions, Festivals and Conferences among other groups. Mr. McLean composes in all styles but especially enjoys jazz. We are looking forward to this year’s composition. A special reception will be held on Friday evening honoring our 50 year members. Join us as we honor those members. Attendees who are interested in serving as presiders, who welcome and assist the presenters, are encouraged to send an e-mail to Joy Poole (jpoole@burnthickory.com). For more information please visit the conference page of the GMTA website (http://www.georgiamta.org/conference.php). Looking forward to seeing each of you at the 2015 Conference. We really couldn t have done it without you! GMTA would like to thank all the institutions that helped host our 2014-2015 events. The success and service to our teachers and students is only possible due to the generosity of your schools and faculty. Our thanks extend to: Brenau University www.brenau.edu Clayton State University www.clayton.edu Region I Auditions State Conference, MTNA Competitions Georgia Perimeter College www.gpc.edu Region IV Auditions Georgia Regents University www.gru.edu Region II Auditions Mercer University www.mercer.edu Region III Auditions Kennesaw State University www.kennesaw.edu Region V Auditions University of Georgia www.uga.edu GMTA State Auditions MARTHA THOMAS NAMED 2015 MTNA FELLOW 5 Dr. Martha Thomas, NCTM, was named a Foundation Fellow at the 2015 MTNA Conference held at Las Vegas. The presentation was made during the MTNA Foundation Gala on Monday evening, March 23, at which time thirty-five members from many locations received this prestigious award recognizing them “for distinguished service to the music teaching profession.” They received an attractive certificate and pin and were photographed with the MTNA President, Kenneth Christensen, NCTM, and Gary Ingle, MTNA Executive Director and CEO. Newly named Fellows are recognized in an issue of The American Music Teacher and their names are added to a plaque located at the MTNA National Headquarters. Also, their names are added to the Fellow Listing on the Foundation Fund website which is an ongoing prominent recognition of Fellows from the program’s inception in 2000 until the present year. Members from local, state, division and national levels joined together to honor Martha with this award. The required minimum amount of $1,000.00 needed to designate her for this honor was well exceeded by the time of the 2014 GMTA Conference when the announcement was made as a surprise to her. Dr. Thomas has earned the reputation on all levels of GMTA and MTNA as being highly qualified and accomplished in all of her work. For her many years of dedicated service, she is very deserving of this honor. Martha Thomas is Associate Director for Academic Programs and Professor of Piano at the University of Georgia, and Immediate Past MTNA Southern Division Director in which post she served a two-year term on the MTNA Board of Directors. She has also served as President of the Georgia MTA and President of the Athens MTA. She began her teaching career at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and was a founding member of the Stevens Point Area MTA, still in existence today. A native Texan, she holds degrees through the doctorate from the Universities of Texas and Wisconsin and studied piano with William Race, Danielle Martin, and Howard Karp. In 2012 she received the GMTA Teacher of the Year Award, and in 2015 she was nominated for the office of Vice President of MTNA. As of April 2015, a total of $2,185.00 had been given to the MTNA Foundation in Dr. Thomas’ honor. Photo ©2015 Harry Butler, Nashville Martha Thomas is shown with the MTNA President, Kenneth Christensen, NCTM, and Gary Ingle, MTNA Executive Director and CEO at the Foundation Gala during the 2015 MTNA Conference held at Las Vegas when she was named a Foundation Fellow. GMTA Theory Tests 6 Jason Bennett, GMTA Theory Chair Over the years, numerous members have emailed me with questions about the theory tests, ranging from page layout to staff size to diminished triads, etc. For every person who asked, I assume there are others who would benefit from knowing the answer to those questions. Starting now, you can submit questions about either the GMTA Theory Tests or the Georgia Auditions Theory Exams (GATEs) using a specific email address for each, and answers to those questions will be published on GMTA’s website in an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document on each areas’ webpage. These FAQs will be continually updated as new questions are received and answered. GMTA Theory Tests gmta.theory.questions@gmail.com GATEs (for Auditions) gate.theory.questions@gmail.com As with any area in GMTA, the theory area is constantly reviewing and revising its policies, procedures, and content. Any changes that affect participation in the theory programs will be announced and published well in advance of the changes taking effect. As with all areas in GMTA, it is imperative that each member ensure that they watch for, make note of, and retain the information that GMTA makes available each year so that they can incorporate those changes as they prepare students to participate in various GMTA events, including the GMTA Theory Tests and the GATEs. GMTA THEORY TESTS Administrator Diane Boyd, NCTM Committee Dr. Susan Thomson (Georgia Southern Univ.) Donna Dasher, NCTM The 2014-2015 tests have been graded & returned, along with achievement certificates, to participating members. The results have been posted on GMTA’s website, along with participation statistics. Just go to http://georgiamta.org/studentActivitiesTAT.php and click on “2014-2015 GMTA Theory Test Results”. Goals for 2015-2016: Update/revise curriculum Publish a guide with examples of correct handwritten answers Please send any questions you have about the GMTA Theory Tests, including specific questions about music theory, to gmta.theory.questions@gmail.com. Answers will periodically be added to an FAQ on the GMTA Theory Test webpage. GEORGIA AUDITIONS THEORY EXAMS (GATEs) Administrator Rebekah Healan Committee Lois Finlay, NCTM Renee Holliman, NCTM Colette Keogh, NCTM Joe Lozier The committee is still processing and analyzing the tests & results and will publish a report for all GMTA members to read in an upcoming GMTA newsletter. The committee is planning to return the graded tests to the Local Associations to distribute to the individual teachers. Preliminary observations about 2014-2015: A few test questions were problematic and were invalidated. Had the scores counted, those questions would not have counted against any student’s grade. The committee will strive to craft questions that are as clear and focused as possible. Levels A & B were largely OK and will only need minor edits for next year. Level C is under review & will be revised based on what the committee is learning from the trial run this past spring. In order to avoid disqualifications that might arise from nonconforming grading at the local level, the GATE committee will establish qualifications for graders and will provide training and certification so that a consistent and uniform result can be assured across all the LAs. Continued on page 7.. Notes regarding the 2015-2016 GATEs: They will again be paper-and-pencil and will be graded locally by each LA. They will be made available in both the fall and spring so that LAs can choose a date that works best in their schedules. To ensure fairness, different versions of the tests will be created and distributed. Mailing / distribution dates TBA. Exemptions will become active. Details are still being finalized and will be published on GMTA’s website by 6/30/15, including a list of all students who have earned exemptions for each GATE level. On the date of Local Auditions, ALL of the GATEs for a grade level must have been administered and graded BEFORE the results of that grade level are announced. For example, an LA cannot announce the results of grade 6’s auditions until every participating student has either taken or been exempted from taking the Level A GATE, whether the student took the exam on a date prior to, or on, the date of your Local Auditions. If your LA plans to administer the GATEs on the day of its Auditions, you will need to plan accordingly. All 12th grade piano and piano concerto Auditions participants must take their GATEs by the date of their Local Association’s Local Auditions. GATEs will NOT be administered at either Regional or State Auditions. Please send any questions you have about the Georgia Auditions Theory Exams (GATEs), including specific questions about music theory, to gate.theory.questions@gmail.com. Answers will periodically be added to an FAQ on the GATE webpage. GMTA Theory Achievement Tests 2014-2015 Results Diane Boyd, NCTM 8 This year, 281 students representing 50 of our members took the GMTA Theory Tests. Of those 281 tests, 165 (59%) earned a 90 or above, and 35 scored a perfect 100! Congratulations to all the students and the teachers who prepared them so well for these tests! Thank you so much to the outgoing members of the GMTA theory committee, Dr. Priscilla Jefcoat, B.J. Sutherland, NCTM, & Gayle Vann. We welcome Donna Dasher, NCTM and Dr. Susan Thomson as they join this committee. I especially appreciate Jason Bennett for his encouragement and help in this transition year . Also, thank you to the GMTA administration for their ongoing support and commitment to the importance of teaching music theory to our students. Finally, thank you to the members of GMTA for supporting GMTA’s Theory Achievement Program, and continuing to emphasize to your students the importance and benefits of understanding and applying music theory. For more information about GMTA’s Theory Achievement Program, including the theory curriculum, past tests, and answer keys, please visit GMTA’s website at http://www.GeorgiaMTA.org, click on Student Activities, then scroll down to the Theory section and click on GMTA Theory Tests. INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT RESULTS NOTE: Results are listed alphabetically by members’ last names. Student Teacher Local Association OUTSTANDING THEORIST WITH HONORS (100%) Level 1 Ray Toma Elli Park Logan Lin Quinten Caliendo Katie Wright Sydney Lawson Aidan Bateman Ian Hammett Ammon Waite Selene Zhao Rachael Kim Tanvisri Alluri Ellen Chen Naomi Chen Tina Lin Arshiya Naidu Neil Nariani Nathaly Aburto Solomon Armstrong-Mensah Nichole Hodge Jazmyn McIntosh Ian Reese Jack Johnston Emma Burnsworth Michelle Chira Rhianna Soto Jessica Ganji Martha Aguirre Patti Bennett Diane Boyd, NCTM Grace Caudle, NCTM Grace Caudle, NCTM Nancy Claxton Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Ruth Harris Kristi Helfen Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Trudi Norman Yumi Patterson, NCTM Sarah Plyler Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Columbus Northeast GA Savannah South Metro Atlanta South Metro Atlanta Macon Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton Athens Decatur Columbus Columbus Columbus Gwinnett County Western GA Decatur North DeKalb North DeKalb Level 2 Fiona Burnett Seyi Oguntunmibi Ella Hammett Susan Andrews, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Gwinnett County Savannah Savannah Continued on page 9.. Sivamalai Chandrashekhar David Driskell Audrey Albertson Gene Gay Abi Ivemeyer Vineeth Krishnamurthy Rwei Hao, NCTM Kristi Helfen Robert Henry, NCTM Phyllis LaFon Yumi Patterson, NCTM Frances Thrailkill, NCTM North Fulton Decatur Cobb County Coweta-Fayette Gwinnett County Decatur Level 5 Evan Goode Pamela Martin, NCTM Decatur OUTSTANDING THEORIST (90-99%) Level 1 James Cullison Destiny Ricks Ian Allen Lydia Clack Zadiyah Ash Orcellia Barret Noble Cusick Alvin Djoume Maddie Keith Lauren Tripp Olivia Winn Mia Borkoski Maya Carr Sydney Phan Dylan Klinghoffer Makinna Faircloth Asher Lawson Anna Scott Bourassa Alayna Kamentz David Hoffman Nikki Yang Ella-Grace Zingaro Stephanie Kim Rebecca Snyder Sydney Juleus Minakshi Shivananda Emilee Tran William Tjokroamidjojo Maya Stricklang Papa Aye-Addo Eva Simonetti Kamau Muse Morris Emily Most Isabelle Rovere Rebecca Gemes Stanton Schorr Skylar Lewis Genesis Woods Caleigh Earls Sarah Beth Parker Mary Frances Dickson Lindsay Rice Katherine Gurno Fullerton Dale Madison Oliver Eva Lesciauskas Venecia Lai Evan Dong Jan Adams, NCTM Martha Aguirre Martha Aguirre Susan Andrews, NCTM Susan Andrews, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Lily Bowman Lily Bowman Lily Bowman Diane Boyd, NCTM Diane Boyd, NCTM Diane Boyd, NCTM Diane Boyd, NCTM Nancy Claxton Nancy Claxton Nancy Claxton Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Ruth Harris Judy Hayes Kristi Helfen Kristi Helfen Kelli Horton Pamela Martin, NCTM Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Trudi Norman Trudi Norman Trudi Norman Trudi Norman Cathy Sewell Cathy Sewell Heather Turner, NCTM Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Western GA Columbus Columbus Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Macon Macon Macon Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton Athens Western GA Decatur Decatur Savannah Decatur Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Columbus North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb Continued on page 10.. Level 2 Anna Naguszewski Eva Hobson Camille Jennings Cameron Berard Aubrey Wolf Rohan Chandrashekhar Julisha Ritzpatrick Azariah Panlilio Asi Dimaculangan Harrison Boone Esther Clack Amiel Djoume Madeline Cusick Luci Hodges Maggie Hodges Hayes Stewart Lexi Allen Kayla Johnson Shinby Kim Daniel Jung Edward Cho Sophie Toler Vaibhav Mishra Amy Li McGregor Koenig Nicholas Bradley Savannah Everard Muskaan Gupta Alyn Kosasi Jocelyn Kosasi Ria Peesapati Kevin Yuan Reanna Rafiq Abhi Atluri Eric Lu J.C. Smith Robyn Essien Amadi Muse Morris Elana Becker Keshav Sukirya Demi Taveras Jordan Summerlin Mitchell Luebke Catherine Gemmell Madeline Shebs Jina Kim Daniel Kim Lily Jordan Lane Morgan Callie Rice Colton Redmond Maggie Simmons Abbie Stewart Chaewon Kim Ryan Knight Mia Titus Jack Jones Mark Toth Gary Gaur Jan Adams, NCTM Jan Adams, NCTM Jan Adams, NCTM Jan Adams, NCTM Aguirre Martha Aguirre Martha Aguirre Nancy Allred Nancy Allred Susan Andrews, NCTM Susan Andrews, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sue Barnes, NCTM Sylvia Beard, NCTM Lily Bowman Grace Caudle, NCTM Seon Hee Cho Seon Hee Cho Seon Hee Cho Nancy Claxton Nancy Claxton Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Donna Dasher, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Judy Hayes Kristi Helfen Kristi Helfen Kristi Helfen Mijung Kim Phyllis LaFon LuAnnLatzanich, NCTM LuAnnLatzanich, NCTM Jean Mann, NCTM Jean Mann, NCTM Jean Mann, NCTM Jean Mann, NCTM Pamela Martin, NCTM Trudi Norman Trudi Norman Trudi Norman Yumi Patterson, NCTM Yumi Patterson, NCTM Yumi Patterson, NCTM Sharon Reid Cathy Sewell Cathy Sewell Judy Thomas Judy Thomas Western GA Western GA Western GA Western GA Columbus Columbus Columbus South Metro Atlanta South Metro Atlanta Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Northeast GA Cherokee South Metro Atlanta North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton Macon Macon Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah North DeKalb North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton Western GA Decatur Decatur Decatur Gwinnett County Coweta-Fayette Coweta-Fayette Coweta-Fayette Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Decatur Columbus Columbus Columbus Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Athens Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Northeast GA Northeast GA Continued on page 11.. Jeremy Levin Aidan Mitchell Erin Lamberson Lindsay McGuire Lauren Brown Emilie Vu Lisa Van Ness Jane Lee Kyra Andrews Emma Dong Aidan Dealy Jacob Vann-Reifler Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Heather Turner, NCTM Heather Turner, NCTM Heather Turner, NCTM Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Decatur Decatur Columbus Columbus Columbus North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb Level 3 Susanna Seeman Caroline Jennings Anna Heaton Savannah Lang Rebecca Huang Liz Wong Annie Kong Carolyn Aufleger Rebekah Gheorghies Yumin Shivdasani Payal Fadnis Jonathan Xue Kunling Tong Hannah Todd David Hunt Jinsun Kim Robin Tucker Aditi Arunmozhi Grace Rowell Audrey White Daniel Settles Jan Adams, NCTM Jan Adams, NCTM Susan Andrews, NCTM Sylvia Beard, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Robert Henry, NCTM Robert Henry, NCTM Jacquelyn Hutson Jacquelyn Hutson Jean Mann, NCTM Pamela Martin, NCTM Michelle Peck Nancy Riley Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Western GA Western GA Gwinnett County Northeast GA North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton North Fulton Cobb County Cobb County Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Gwinnett County Decatur Gwinnett County Athens Decatur Decatur Level 4 Anna Clack Catherine Landers Catherine Baron Sarah Burgess Jesse Caswell Jesse Smith Judy Li Connie Xiao Sarah Cox Isaiah McCrina Anna Danek William Hunt Kevin Liow Michelle Pi Yifan Liang Liam McBane Robert Jeon Susan Andrews, NCTM Susan Andrews, NCTM Susan Andrews, NCTM Lily Bowman Aurelia Campbell, NCTM Nancy Claxton Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Judy Hayes Jacquelyn Hutson Jacquelyn Hutson LuAnnLatzanich, NCTM Sarah Moore Jeannine Morrison, NCTM Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Soohyun Yun, NCTM Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Cherokee Northeast GA Macon North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb Western GA Greater Marietta Greater Marietta Coweta-Fayette Augusta Decatur Decatur Cobb County Level 5 Andrew Royek Loren Tsang Jennifer Zou Aomeng Cui Diane Boyd, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Savannah North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb Continued on page 12.. Patrick Li Carson Collins Sean Zhong Katherine Bell Lois Finley, NCTM Gayle Vann Gayle Vann Gayle Vann North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb EXCELLENCE IN THEORY (80-89%) Level 1 Mason Stuart Nathan Rivera Joseph Dawson Sophia Wells Martha Aguirre LuAnnLatzanich, NCTM Julie Massey Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Columbus Coweta-Fayette Columbus Columbus Level 2 Evan Barrett Johnny Misley Sydney Cardwell Hannah Lewis Olivia Parker Aanya Sharma Ashton Hendricks Keren Palma Luke Gunter Isabelle Coleman Sue Barnes, NCTM Sylvia Beard, NCTM Julie Massey Mary Katherine Morris, NCTM Trudi Norman Yumi Patterson, NCTM Heather Petero Sharon Reid Cathy Sewell Heather Turner, NCTM Greater Marietta Northeast GA Columbus Columbus Columbus Gwinnett County Western GA Athens Greater Marietta Columbus Lily Bowman Diane Boyd, NCTM Nancy Claxton Donna Dasher, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Robert Henry, NCTM Barbara Korzan, NCTM Phyllis LaFon Nancy Riley Frances Thrailkill, NCTM Soohyun Yun, NCTM Soohyun Yun, NCTM Cherokee Savannah Macon Savannah North Fulton North Fulton Cobb County Columbus Coweta-Fayette Athens Decatur Cobb County Cobb County Martha Aguirre Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lois Finley, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Rwei Hao, NCTM Ruth Harris Kristi Helfen Phyllis LaFon Phyllis LaFon Jean Mann, NCTM Jean Mann, NCTM Marissa Woodall, NCTM Columbus North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North DeKalb North Fulton North Fulton Athens Decatur Coweta-Fayette Coweta-Fayette Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Cherokee Nancy Allred Lois Finley, NCTM Lisa Gaal, NCTM Phyllis LaFon South Metro Atlanta North DeKalb North Fulton Coweta-Fayette Level 3 Marie Blackmar Emily Perry Katie Bell Bourassa Caleb Everard Sophia Tran Srarya Ambadipudi Qilin Tong Joe Hassenplug Erica Tang David Han Alex Mitchell Shea Crider Grace Li Level 4 Sohan Shankar Caroline Li Anna Hu Teagan Mathur Alex Kong Renee Lu Natalie Dutton Vincent Wu Andrea Hill David King Andrew Rector Carly Schnable Caleb Sides Erik Park David Wang Level 5 Alayna Panlilio Anna Levine Chatur Shivananda Ashli Alexander Continued on page 13.. Anna Huntington Candice Lee Gayle Vann Gayle Vann North DeKalb North DeKalb ACHIEVEMENT IN THEORY (70-79%) Level 1 Lily Cincola Lily Bowman Cherokee Level 2 Jordyn Dawson Siya Daya Julie Massey Cathy Sewell Columbus Greater Marietta Level 3 Seun Oguntunmibi Zachary Hill Shaozi Wu Anna Khan Davis House Margaret Groover Allison McDaniel Donna Dasher, NCTM Ruth Harris Robert Henry, NCTM Barbara Korzan, NCTM Jeannine Morrison, NCTM Jeannine Morrison, NCTM Trudi Norman Savannah Athens Cobb County Columbus Decatur Decatur Columbus Level 4 Claire Lee Steven Robinson Maxwell Schneider Laurelyn Ostrowidzki Nick Ladue Seon Hee Cho Ellen Feibish, NCTM Jeannine Morrison, NCTM Marissa Woodall, NCTM Soohyun Yun, NCTM North Fulton Decatur Decatur Cherokee Cobb County Level 5 Elizabeth Smith Susan Andrews, NCTM Gwinnett County MTNA Competitions Carol Payne, NCTM, Vice President, MTNA Competitions 14 The stage is set for the competitions to be held the weekend of Oct. 29 – Nov. 1. We will be hosted by Clayton State University again this year. Michael Osment, Facilities Director of Spivey Hall, has been asked about the possibility of using the worldfamous hall for one of the competitions. Several of our students received honors at the Southern Division and National Competitions: High school student Luka Marinkovic, student of Jeannine Morrison, won the Southern Division, and subsequently was awarded Second Place in the National Senior Composition Competition for his piano composition. Gabriel Pique, saxophonist, and student of Connie Frigo at UGA won the Southern Division Young Artist Woodwinds Competition. Gabriel Pique, Michael Turner, Brandon Quarles and Shawna Pennock, members of “Milk,” a Woodwinds Chamber Ensemble from UGA, won the Southern Division Chamber Music, Woodwinds Competition. Connie Frigo is the teacher/ coach of “Milk.” The Columbus String Quartet, taught/coached by Sergiu Schwarz, and comprised of Sophie Wang, McClaran Hayes, Mario Rivera and John Rogler, won the Southern Division Young Artist Chamber Music Strings, and subsequently was awarded Second Place in the National Young Artist Chamber Music, Strings Competition. The GMTA Piano Judges List has been renamed “GMTA Judges List”. Judges of instruments other than piano may apply for inclusion on the list. The applications process will be the same as for the piano judges. Interested persons should apply using the application forms on the GMTA website. GMTA Judges List Yumi Patterson, GMTA Judges List Chair The GMTA Piano Judges List has been renamed “GMTA Judges List”. Judges of instruments other than piano may apply for inclusion on the list. The applications process will be the same as for the piano judges. Interested persons should apply using the application forms on the GMTA website. GMTA Auditions Results Cathy Thacker, NCTM, VP GMTA Auditions 15 The 2015 GMTA State Auditions were held on April 11 and April 18 at the University of Georgia, Hugh Hodgson School of Music. GMTA Auditions Staff would like to extend our gratitude to the Hugh Hodgson School of Music for allowing us the use of its facilities for the GMTA Auditions. The following categories were represented: • Pre-College Piano, Grades 4-11 – 469 Region Participants; 185 State Participants Grade 12 – 39 Participants •High School Piano Concerto – 13 Participants •College Piano – 28 Participants •High School and College Voice – 16 Participants •Strings/Guitar, K-College – 65 Participants •Brass and Woodwinds –0 Participants •Instrumental Concerto – 20 Participants Theory – 272 Participants We had a total of 835 students and 160 teachers participating this year. Congratulations to all students and teachers! PIANO DIVISION Grade 4 - Dr. Elena Cholakova, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Susan Meng Anne Sun Atlanta Award: 1st Alternate Ethan Liu Ping-yun Hsu Cobb Award: 2nd Alternate Kelley Lu Ping Xu North DeKalb Award: Award of Excellence Caroline Malcom Zhu-Yun Wei Yunjie Zhang Cody Wang Anne Sun Hwee Boon Ng Wen Zao Chen Ping-yun Hsu Atlanta Atlanta North DeKalb Cobb Award: Honorable Mention Richard Wang Richard Xu Kyra Andrews Anna Li Carol Payne Elena Cholakova Gayle Vann Anne Sun South Metro Atlanta North DeKalb North DeKalb Greater Marietta Grade 5 - Dr. Elena Cholakova, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Carey Byron Elena Cholakova Atlanta Award: 1st Alternate Grace Peng Elena Cholakova North DeKalb Continued on page 16 Award: 2nd Alternate Katherine Yang Elena Cholakova Athens Award: Award of Excellence Amy Huang Kimberly Shen Daniel Pan Mina Lim Anne Sun Ping Xu Ping Xu Jee Eun Wada Greater Marietta North DeKalb North Fulton North Fulton Award: Honorable Mention Daniel Kim Henry Ren Catherine Gemmel Kunling Tong Jean Mann Hyangbin Choi Jean Mann Robert Henry Gwinnett Augusta Gwinnett Cobb Grade 6 - Rwei Hao, NCTM, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Sarah Lao Anne Sun Atlanta Award: Master Class Charles Li Clara Park Augusta Award: 1st Alternate Daniel Shen Keli Xu North Fulton Award: 2nd Alternate Emily Zhao Anne Sun Atlanta Award: Award of Excellence Robert Jeon Nicholas Ge Soohyun Yun Ping-yun Hsu Cobb Cobb Award: Honorable Mention Rebecca Wu Aaron Wei Ping-yun Hsu Miao-Fen Lin Cobb North DeKalb Grade 7 - Rwei Hao, NCTM, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Julia Li Elena Cholakova North DeKalb Award: Master Class Charlie Liu Lena Zuiff North Fulton Award: 1st Alternate Kevin Chen Anne Sun Atlanta Award: 2nd Alternate Ryan Yang Joseph Hokayem Athens Award: Award of Excellence Catherine Shih Gabriella Kogan Elena Cholakova Elena Cholakova Atlanta Athens Award: Honorable Mention Shirin Dinasan Vivia Lung Shu-Ling Chen Anne Sun North Fulton Atlanta Grade 8 - Susan Andrews, NCTM, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Helen Bryant Award: Master Class Yannie Tan Alex Wasserman Alexander Kobrin Cobb Columbus Continued on page 17 Award: 1st Alternate Isabella Pu Nancy Elton Atlanta Award: 2nd Alternate Yuy Hsiang Anne Sun Atlanta Award: Award of Excellence Evonne Iau Emily Guo Moses Wang Renee Lu Hwee Boon Ng Anne Sun Joseph Hokayem Lois Finlay Atlanta North DeKalb Athens North DeKalb Award: Honorable Mention Grace Xu Grace Yu Nicholas Hong Maxwell Ahola Ping Xu Ping Xu Ping Xu Davide Palmer North DeKalb North Fulton North DeKalb Cherokee Grade 9 - Susan Andrews, NCTM, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Grace Wei Ping Xu North Dekalb Award: Master Class #1 Michael Roman Stephanie Freeman Gwinnett Award: Master Class #2 Stephanie Zhang Elena Cholakova Atlanta Award: 1st Alternate Melody Wang Hsin-Lan Chien Cobb Anne Sun Atlanta Ping Xu Ping Xu North Fulton North DeKalb Award: Award of Excellence Joshua Anderson Christine Yang Irena Wang Ansley Tiarn Davide Palmer Elena Cholakova Anna Arshavskaya Anne Sun Cherokee Athens Decatur Greater Marietta Award: Honorable Mention Lucas Kuan Benjamin Chin Ethan Widjaja Loren Tsang Hsin-Ling Chen Richard Xie Matthew Kim Anne Sun Anne Sun Jee Eun Wada Lois Finlay Hsin-Lan Chien Elena Cholakova Mijung Kim Greater Marietta Atlanta North Fulton North DeKalb Greater Marietta Athens Gwinnett Award: 2nd Alternate Ruby Lee Award: Outstanding Performer Joshua Li Daisy Zhou Grade 10 - Diane Boyd, NCTM, Chair ward: Conference Recitalist Shaozi Wu Robert Henry Cobb Award: Master Class #1 Anthony Zhang Anne Sun Atlanta Award: Master Class #2 Nathan Wu Robert Henry Cobb Continued on page 18 Award: 1st Alternate Ethan Shen Keli Xu North Fulton Award: 2nd Alternate Raymond Zhu Frances Yao North DeKalb Award: Outstanding Performer Felicia Guo Elena Cholakova North DeKalb Award: Award of Excellence Julie Xiang Lauren Chen Laura Zhang Eric Park Ping Xu Jonathan Klein Ping-yun Hsu Jean Mann North Fulton Athens Cobb Gwinnett Award: Honorable Mention Linsey Chen Timothy Wang Rachel Liu Charles Tortorete Jonathan Klein Ping-yun Hsu William Ransom Claudia Theise Athens Cobb Decatur Golden Isles Grade 11 - Diane Boyd, NCTM, Chair Award: Conference Recitalist Laura Street Nancy Elton Atlanta Award: Master Class #1 John Hideto Mori Edith Schiff Atlanta Award: Master Class #2 David Zhao Elena Cholakova Atlanta Award: 1st Alternate Richard Pei Ping Xu North DeKalb Award: 2nd Alternate Richard Red Anne Sun Atlanta Award: Award of Excellence Jennifer Zou Elaine Liu Aly Soriano Lois Finlay Huu Mai David Watkins North DeKalb Cobb Cobb Award: Honorable Mention Connie Xiao Mia Pattillo Alice Tang Lois Finlay Elena Cholakova Ping Xu North DeKalb Athens North DeKalb Grade 12 - Lisa Gaal, NCTM, Chair Award: Senior Cash Award - Tie Dain Song Catherine Xie Lois Finlay Ping Xu North DeKalb North DeKalb Award: Outstanding Performer Hannah Dubuc Alex Tchaykov Ben Perri Joshua Shue Carter Culwell Susan Naylor Inna Satunovsky Robert Henry Hwee Boon Ng Jan Adams Cherokee South Metro Atlanta Cobb North Fulton West Georgia Award: Award of Excellence Ryan Chen Tim Huang Christopher Sun Keiko Ransom Joseph Hokayem Gang Yao Decatur Athens North Fulton Continued on page 19 Barret Ham Sophie Li Haidee Chen Susan McDuffie Clara Park Joseph Hokayem Macon Augusta Athens Award: Honorable Mention Hannah Kemelmakher Cindy Nguyen Foster Simmons Imsun Lee Forest Kirkland Mary Ann Nichols Helen Chen Wesley Cheung Alice Kobylivker Debra Hughes Marissa Woodall Inna Satunovsky Edith Sweatman Claudia Theise Joseph Hokayem Lois Finlay Greater Marietta Gwinnett Cherokee South Metro Atlanta Augusta Golden Isles Athens North DeKalb Piano Concerto - Lisa Gaal, NCTM, Chair Award: Concerto Winner Judy Li Lois Finlay North DeKalb Award: 1st Alternate John Hideto Mori Edith Schiff Atlanta Award: 2nd Alternate Laura Street Nancy Elton Atlanta Award: Award of Excellence David Zhao Aly Soriano Elena Cholakova David Watkins Atlanta Cobb Award: Honorable Mention Kelsey Yao Aomeng Cui Vera Soukhojak Lois Finlay North DeKalb North DeKalb Continued on page 20 College Piano - Joanna Kim Doyle, NCTM, Chair LOWER COLLEGE PIANO OP-Conference Recitalist: David Dang, student of Richard Zimdars OP-1st Alternate: Karina Chan, student of Kristi Helfen AE: Meitan Lu, student of Geoffrey Haydon HM: Michael Dubuc, student of Susan Naylor MIDDLE COLLEGE PIANO: OP-Conference Recitalist: Anna Vertypolokh, student of Alexander Kobrin OP-1st Alternate: Vicorie C. Brown, student of Lyle Indergaard OP-2nd Alternate: Soyoun Sheehan, student of Soohyun Yun AE: Katherine Kemp, student of Susan Naylor AE: Beth Anne Ake, student of Robert Henry AE: Yiwen Zhang, student of Chenny Gan HM: Yun Chen, student of Chenny Gan HM: Emma Lin, student of Richard Zimdars UPPER COLLEGE PIANO OP-Conference Recitalist : Logvinyuk Ekaterina, student of Alexander Kobrin OP-1st Alternate: Ksenia Kurenysheva, student of Alexander Kobrin AE: Zhirui Zhou, student of Alexander Kobrin HM: Yuyoung Park, student of Geoffrey Haydon HM: Wei Huang, student of Alexander Kobrin HM: Danielle Duncan, student of Alexander Kobrin Continued on page 21 VOICE DIVISION - Dr. Pat Callaway, NCTM, Chair VOICE – 10TH GRADE st OP-1 Alternate: Alissa Benkowski, student of Stephanie Tingler OP-2nd Alternate: Claire Reticker, student of Frances Richards VOICE – 12TH GRADE OP-Cash Award: Sevda Arjomand, student of Frances Richards OP: Linseigh Green, student of Frances Richards VOICE – 11TH GRADE VOICE – MIDDLE COLLEGE OP-Conference Recitalist: Katie Tiemeyer, student of Rebekah Healan OP-1st Alternate: Tess Denniss, student of Frances Richards OP-2nd Alternate: Cristina Bleacher, student of Frances Richards OP-Conference Recitalist: Christopher Robin Sapp, student of Stephanie Tingler OP-1st Alternate: David Miller, student of Stephanie Tingler INSTRUMENTAL DIVISION Instrumental Concerto - Debra Hughes, NCTM, Chair OP-Conference Recitalist: Andrew Koonce, student of Sonja Foster OP-1st Alternate: Phoebe Liu, student of Sonja Foster OP-2nd Alternate: James Kang, student of Marilyn Seelman OP-3rd Alternate: Rebekah Willard, student of Sonja Foster AE: Robin Yang, student of Eun Jeong Lim AE: Anna Hu, student of Que Yang AE: John Kang, student of Martin Gueorguiev AE: Joo Young Maya Kang, student of Sonja Foster HM: Alex Choi, student of Eun Jeong Lim HM: Yueci Grace Chen, student of William Pu HM: Nina Youn, student of Mirna Ogrizovic HM: Zoe Lo, student of Sonja Foster HM: Faith West, student of Valerie Gardner HM: Annie Su, student of William Pu UPPER COLLEGE GUITAR OP-Conference Recitalist: Corey Flowers, student of Philip Snyder MIDDLE COLLEGE GUITAR OP-Conference Recitalist: Andy Mines, student of Philip Snyder OP-1st Alternate: Ben Maoss, student of Philip Snyder LOWER COLLEGE GUITAR OP-Conference Recitalist: Mitchell Powers, student of Philip Snyder OP-1st Alternate: Joshua Parks, student of Philip Snyder Continued on page 22 Strings - Anne Sun, Chair STRINGS : GRADES 2-3 OP-Conference Recitalist: Eugenie Lim, student of Sonja Foster OP-1st Alternate: Anna Willard, student of Martha Gerschefski AE: Jayden H. Lee, student of Martin Gueorguiev HM: Hynnbin Moon, student of Mirna Ogrizovic STRINGS: GRADES 4-5 OP-Conference Recitalist: Tobias Liu, student of Sonja Foster OP-1st Alternate: Katherine Kim, student of Sonja Foster OP-2nd Alternate: John Mark Willard, student of Sonja Foster AE: Elly Kim, student of Martin Gueorguiev AE: Dean Kim, student of Martin Gueorguiev AE: Peter Chen, student of Martin Gueorguiev AE: Hannah Yi, student of Martin Gueorguiev HM: Sandhya Li Nayar, student of Mimi Tam STRINGS: GRADES 6-7 OP-Conference Recitalist: Jennifer Deng, student of Que Yang OP-1st Alternate: Rebekah Willard, student of Sonja Foster OP-2nd Alternate: Patrick Kim, student of Martin Gueorguiev AE: Eunice Chen, student of Mirna Ogrizovic AE: Erin Kong, student of Mirna Ogrizovic AE: Christina Jeong, student of martin Gueorguiev HM: Sophie Chan, student of Mimi Tam HM: Vivia Lung, student of Mimi Tam STRINGS:GRADES 8-9 OP-Conference Recitalist: Dohyuk Sean Young, student of Valerie Gardner OP-1st Alternate: Kevin Kim, student of Mirna Ogrizovic OP-2nd Alternate: Joo Young Maya Kang, student of Sonja Foster AE: Serena Gao, student of William Pu AE: Nina Youn, student of Mirna Ogrizovic AE: John Kang, student of Martin Gueorguiev HM: Zoe Lo, student of Sonja Foster HM: Yueci Grace Chen, student of William Pu STRINGS: GRADES 10-11 OP-Conference Recitalist: Andrew Koonce, student of Sonja Foster OP-1st Alternate: Faith West, student of Valerie Gardner OP-2nd Alternate: James Kang, student of Marilyn Seelman AE: Kyle Qian, student of William Pu HM: Annie Su, student of William Pu HM: Sarah Jang, student of Martin Gueorguiev STRINGS: GRADE 12 OP- Cash Award: Christopher Yu, student of Martha Gerschefski GMTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR Rebekah Healan, GMTA President-Elect and GMTA TOY Chair 23 15 The GMTA Teacher of the Year Award is presented annually to a member of GMTA in recognition of lifetime achievement as a music teacher, with excellence in teaching, musicianship, professional activity, and service to the community and/or state. Any GMTA association or member may nominate any other GMTA member for the Teacher of the Year. The GMTA Teacher of the Year will be selected from nominated applicants and entered in the MTNA Teacher of the Year competition. The online submission form will require following information or uploaded documents: http://www.georgiamta.org/memberResources-teacherOfTheYearApp.php Teaching/professional achievement Number of years of teaching experience Evidence of teaching excellence (i.e. students’ successes) Accomplishments/contributions to MTNA Participation in Local, State and/or National MTNA programs Community involvement Former student and/or parent letter of support (upload document) Professional colleague letter of support (upload document) Nominations will need to be submitted online by Monday, September 14, 2015. The winner will be acknowledged at the 2015 GMTA Conference Banquet. With so many fine teachers in Georgia, please consider nominating one of your favorites. For a list of past Teachers of the Year and to read their Teaching Tips go to: http://www.georgiamta.org/memberHonors-TOTY.php We are excited to announce that our website is now considered mobile-friendly! By making this update, it is now much easier to view our website on mobile devices without the need to zoom in and scroll horizontally. Google is also giving a boost in search ratings to websites that are considered mobile-friendly, which may lead more people to visit our website. www.georgiamta.org Advertisement Index Armstrong Atlantic State University: Page 21 Atlanta MTA: Page 3 Brenau: Page 33 Clayton State University: Page 19 Columbus State University: Page 30 Gwinnett County MTA: Page 22 Kennesaw State University: Page 7 Music Teachers Helper: Page 22 North DeKalb MTA: Page 3 North Fulton MTA: Page 32 Reinhardt University: Page 13 Savannah MTA: Page 22 Shorter University: Page 30 Steinway Piano Galleries: Page 22 University of Georgia: Page 32 University of West Georgia: Page 20 Young Harris College: Page 25 GMTA AWARD FUNDS Heather Turner, NCTM, GMTA Awards Chair 24 15 Congratulations to the students who received an award from the GMTA Composition Fund in 2014 : Emilie Vu, Brandon Dicks, and Luka Marinkovic. We would also like to congratulate Yannie Tan, winner of the 2014 Junior Piano Performance Competition. Yannie received an award from the Broadhurst Fund. Many thanks to the individuals and Local Associations of GMTA who supported the Award Funds during the past few months. Since the beginning of the school year, $960 has been donated to the awards funds including the money raised from raffling the gift baskets at our conference last November! What a wonderful way to support our students and encourage their creativity and musicianship! Please help us continue to provide this support by donating a gift basket for the 2015 conference. If your Local Association would like to participate in the raffle, or if you have any questions about the Award Funds, please contact me at high_meadows_farm@yahoo.com. GMTA has three Award Funds: The “GMTA Composition Award Fund” was established in 1987 and initially funded by beloved GMTA member Betty Nolting. It is given at the GMTA Conference each year to first-place winners in the MTNA Student Composition Competitions for the state-level competitions in each age category. The “GMTA Broadhurst Fund”, established in 1992 by the Broadhurst family in commemoration of Joan Broadhurst, goes to the MTNA Junior Performance Competition winner of the state-level competition. It is also presented at the GMTA conference. The “GMTA Award Fund” includes honorary and memorial gifts and is awarded at the discretion of the GMTA Finance and Advisory Committee. Donations not made to a specific fund go into this fund. ARTS AWARENESS & ADVOCACY Debra Murphy, GMTA AA&A Chair The 28th annual Arts Advocacy Day was held in Washington, D.C. on March 23 & 24. This event brings together a broad cross section of America's cultural and civic organizations, along with grassroots advocates. The ambition of Arts Advocacy Day is to accentuate the relevance of establishing public policies and appropriating increased public funding for the arts. Activities this year included an orientation, advocacy training, legislature and political updates, and a briefing on the National Endowment for the Arts, Arts in Education Programs, and Charitable Giving. Each year, attendees are inspired by lectures intended to stimulate dialogue on policy and social issues affecting the arts. This year Norman Lear gave a moving lecture to a sold-out crowd, and the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra added inspiring musical performances to the program. As music educators, we are compelled to be aware of issues affecting music at the local and state levels. Discuss these issues with your elected officials and strive to provoke change. We are the voice that can affect future generations for arts preservation! GMTA's Georgia's Own The Georgia's Own webpage has received a makeover! I am most grateful to Tom Pearsall for sharing his creative vision and for his efforts on the project before passing on the project to me. In addition to the current listing of members willing to make presentations, three additional GMTA members have been added to the list. There are four additional members who are interested in being added to the list. Information is being gathered to finalize these new additions. Check back often. 2015 STEINWAY PIANO GALLERIES MUSIC EDUCATOR GRANTS AND GMTA GRANTS 25 In 2015-2016, GMTA active members may apply for $400 grants for teacher professional development and student music instruction. These grants are being provided by Steinway Piano Galleries and GMTA. GMTA will also be accepting applications from collegiate members for grants to go toward tuition, conferences, or other music events. General information regarding the grants is below. Additional information can be found our website (www.georgiamta.org). Number of Grants Steinway Piano Galleries will award four $400 Steinway Piano Galleries Music Educator Grants. Of these four grants, one will be awarded to the 2015 GMTA/MTNA Competitions Young Artist Piano Performance Winner, and one will be awarded to the High School Senior Piano Winner from the 2016 GMTA Spring Auditions. GMTA will award four $400 GMTA Grants. Applications Steinway Piano Galleries will email the applications for the Steinway Piano Galleries Music Educator Grants directly to GMTA active members. The application for the GMTA Grants is available on the GMTA website (www.georgiamta.org). GMTA active members may apply for both grants; however, a member may receive only one grant. Applications Deadline The application deadline for both the Steinway Piano Galleries Music Educator Grants and the GMTA Grants is Monday, September 14, 2015 (always the 2nd Monday in September). Awarding of the Grants Seven of the eight grants will be awarded at the 2015 GMTA Conference November 5-7 at Agnes Scott College. The remaining grant will be awarded to the High School Senior Piano Winner from the 2016 GMTA Auditions. SPOTLIGHT ON GMTA’S NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: MANDY REYNOLDS 26 Mandy Reynolds graduated from Gainesville State College in December 2009 with a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education. Following graduation, Mandy obtained a Master of Elementary Math Education from Western Governors University while serving as a full-time kindergarten teacher at Kennedy Elementary School in Winder, Georgia. During her teaching career Mandy served as the kindergarten representative for the school leadership team. In 2013, Mandy left her teaching position to become a stay-at-home mother to her first child, Brayden. In addition to the everyday activities associated with raising a child, Mandy has stayed busy and involved by becoming more active in her church and local mommy groups. Mandy was hired as the Interim Executive Director of GMTA in September of 2014. In December, Mandy was offered the permanent position of GMTA Executive Director. She looks forward to many successful years with GMTA. As many GMTA members know, Mandy is the daughter of Donna Lee, GMTA’s past Executive Director. Since leaving GMTA, Donna has completed a Master of Nursing Education degree and is working full time as a trauma educator at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. She is doing great and enjoying her new job, but also misses working with GMTA. Here is a sample of how some GMTA members played hooky while in Las Vegas at the MTNA Conference. Aurelia Campbell & Martha Thomas LOCAL ASSOCIATION REPORTS 27 Gwinnett County MTA Debra Hughes, NCTM, Past President GCMTA meetings each month feature a quality teaching program to help us become better music teachers! This year our programs featured a piano duet concert by two GCMTA members; meeting the needs of special needs students; Dalcroze Eurhythmics; a master class by Lois Finlay and a program on improvisation. There was also a discussion on how to improve our studio management. Music Day in November is an evaluation festival in which the outstanding performances in each grade level are awarded cash prizes. In our December fundraiser, students are given the opportunity to perform on the Steinway piano at a local electronics store. We hold three Federated Festivals in which the high school piano students compete for scholarship awards. Awards are also presented to the outstanding strings, vocal and woodwind students. The Junior/Senior Scholarship Competition is held in March. Four students are recipients of $2000 in scholarship awards. In April, we held our Ensemble Extravaganza and at our May luncheon Jean Mann was honored as the 2015 GCMTA Teacher of the Year. This year GCMTA formed an Advisory Committee which wrote a Procedural Manual and revised our by-laws. We have assigned mentors for new members and have printed up business cards and membership brochures to give to prospective members. GCMTA offers on-line festival registration and the password-protected on-line membership directory. In May we installed a new President, Treasurer and Executive Board. It has been a great pleasure to serve as President these past two years with Gwinnett County Music Teachers Association where we encourage and build up each other, our students and our organization. Columbus MTA Martha Aguirre, President Hi, everyone. I'm so excited about what is happening in Columbus. I'd be happy to share with any or all of you what we are doing. So far, we have exactly one (1) new member, but there are several who are on the horizon, and we hope to pull them in within the next few weeks. The synopsis of what we are doing is: 1. Every member is challenged to connect with someone they know that is involved in teaching. 2. We have gone to older records to re-connect with members who have lapsed. 3. We are each brainstorming about people who know people who know people (music stores, retired school teachers, church musicians, etc.) 4. Our calendar is fuller than it has been in a long time. We have guest speakers coming in June and July for professional development. Then in August we are having our welcome tea with a LONG list of invitees (see above). At our tea we also plan to recognize members who have been with MTNA for more than 30 years. Even in our small community, I think we are looking at 5 or more members. 5. We have revised our Constitution and Bylaws, and one thing we decided on was that the membership chairman is responsible for keeping records, and alerting us to new members, etc., but we are doing an informal mentoring program to hook new members up to established members (notice I did not say "old" members:) for contacting and involving them in our association. 6. In the bigger picture (not so much immediately) we are reaching out to our university membership and graduate programs. 7. Last week we had a 6 hour "mini-retreat" to revise our Constitution and Bylaws. We threw in some entertainment and lots of food, and accomplished everything we set out to do! Including creating our slate of officers, voting in those positions (most of them repeats of last year), and creating job descriptions for every position. Whew! North Fulton MTA Ashley Craig-Diaz, NCTM, President North Fulton MTA had a very engaging and inspiring year with clinicians such as Dr. Sergio Gallo, Dr. Priscilla Jefcoat and Mr. Keith Jefcoat, Mr. George Mann, Ms. Hyorim Lee, Dr. David Watkins, and Mrs. Paula Wamsley. In October, students of NFMTA members had the opportunity to participate in a master class and one-on-one lessons with Mr. Dennis Alexander. In addition to Mr. Alexander’s master class, students had many performance opportunities throughout the year, starting in November with the NFMTA Fall Festival, December’s Celebrate with Music at North Point Mall, and local Spring Auditions. Students shone at NFMTA’s Student Spotlight Recital, where teacher’s top students were selected to perform for a public audience. LOCAL ASSOCIATION REPORTS 28 Cobb County MTA Huu Mai, President The Cobb County Music Teachers Association enjoyed a year of inspirational programs and ever evolving events. Dr. Jerico Vasquez presented a program on building technique, Dr. Joy Song shared her innovated use of icon stickers, and Dr. Joanna Kim-Doyle inspired us with a program on collaborative playing. As is our tradition, our March program featured CCMTA scholarship recipients from the Kennesaw State University School of Music organized by our own Dr. Soohyun Yun. Through the efforts of our Local Auditions Chair, Dr. Hsin-Lan Chien and her husband, we were able to conduct our Local Auditions Registration entirely online. In December, CCMTA joined Greater Marietta MTA and Cherokee MTA in our annual Pianothon event held in Town Center Mall. The CCMTA is looking forward to collaborating with the Atlanta MTA on a master class featuring Dr. Robert Henry of Kennesaw State University early next year. Coweta-Fayette MTA Annette Day, NCTM, President Coweta-Fayette MTA has had a very active year, focusing equally on student activities and continuing teacher education. Fall activities included our annual Sonata/Sonatina Festival, which featured 4 one-hour recitals and involved more than 60 students. Teacher programs included our own Inna Satunovsky sharing from her years of playing and teaching experience, first in the Soviet Union, and for the past 20 years in Georgia. Another meeting was an enlightening teacher symposium on the topic of sight-reading. The year 2015 was inaugurated with a rich program on Collaborative Piano, presented by David D’Ambrosio. In February, Mary Walker presented a lively program on Favorite Pieces to Teach After Level 3. This was followed by a covered dish lunch and afforded extra Q and A time with Mary. In March, very large number of our students participated in the NFMC Festival held in Peachtree City. Others took part in the local auditions and GMTA theory Exams. Our Spring Honors Recital was a celebration of many of our young musicians’ success. The recital showcased our CFMTA Annual Jr./Sr. Scholarship winner and the Excellence in Artistry winners. It was inspiring to hear each others’ students at their best! We will finish the year with a luncheon to install new officers on May 9. Decatur MTA Jane Frackenpohl, President & Charles Hutton, President-Elect The Decatur Music Teachers Association opened our 2014-15 programs with our very own DMTA member, Dr. Sergio Gallo, Professor of Piano Performance and Pedagogy, Georgia State University, performing works from his recent recordings for the Naxos label by Adolf von Henselt and also Liszt Transcriptions of Meyerbeer. In November, we held our annual Fall Music Fest where students of all ages, levels, and abilities have an opportunity to perform two compositions, along with scales and cadences, in one or more of these categories: SOLO, DUET, and/or ORIGINAL COMPOSITION. Students receive a rating and detailed comment sheet plus an opportunity to receive one of three cash prizes with our Musical Artistry Awards. Next year we are adding a sightreading component to the event. On February 8, we held our biennial Piano Ensemble Extravaganza Concert at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. This event was open to all students from early beginner to advanced and even adult students. It featured four pianos and 18 ensembles including two teacher ensembles conducted by Fran Thrailkill and Mary Brown Hinely. The net earnings from this event are used to fund the Musical Artistry Awards at our Fall Music Fest Event. On Valentine’s Day we held our annual Jo Evans Scholarship competition at Agnes Scott College. The Josephine Evans Memorial Fund was established by the Metropolitan Atlanta Music Teachers Association (or MAMTA) in 1983 to honor the memory of this much loved piano teacher and Decatur musician. Open to all Georgia high school students in two age categories, grades 9-10 and 11-12, students play a SLOW movement from a sonata by Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, or Schubert and a contrasting piece of the student’s choice. Cash prizes are given in each category. Winners will be performing at our final meeting of the year on May 4. COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Soohyun Yun, NCTM, Collegiate Chapters Chair 29 The first annual GMTA Collegiate Colloquium, hosted by the Kennesaw State University Collegiate Chapter, invited 26 collegiate members and 4 piano faculty from Kennesaw State University (KSU), Reinhardt University, Shorter University and Young Harris College on January 24, 2015. Jerico Vasquez, faculty of Shorter University, and Cynthia DeFoor, faculty of Young Harris College, presented on “Maintaining a Private Studio” and “Stress Management”, four Collegiate chapters showcased their activities throughout the past year, GMTA President Robin Engleman spoke about GMTA activities, Susan Naylor, the Immediate Past Chair of the Collegiate Chapters, spoke about GMTA Collegiate Handbook. All attending collegiate members were divided into four groups which discussed pedagogical topics for a future conference. Photos of the event can be found at MTNA-Collegiate Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/GMTACollegiateChapters News From Collegiate Chapters Kennesaw State University Collegiate Chapter, (KSU-MTNA) Soohyun Yun, NCTM, Faculty Advisor KSU-MTNA assisted hosting the Cobb County MTA, Local Audition on 2/28/2015 and the GMTA Regional V Audition on 3/28/2015 at KSU, successfully. Beth Anne Ake and Soyoun Sheehan, officers of KSU-MTNA performed at the Scholarship Winners Recital in CCMTA monthly meeting on 3/6/2015. Four officers of KSU-MTNA presented three individual posters and one group poster on piano pedagogy topics at the 20 th KSU Annual Symposium of Student Scholars on 4/16/2015. In May, KSUMTNA will organize the third music festival for local pre-college students at KSU. Reinhardt Collegiate Chapter, “Naturally Sharp” Susan Naylor, NCTM, Faculty Advisor At our meeting after the Collegiate Colloquium at KSU on Jan. 24th, 2015, we elected our officers for 2015-16. Two of the events that we talked about attending were the Collegiate Chapters National Symposium at University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC, and the GMTA Collegiate Colloquium in 2016. On March 21st, 2015, 8 members from our chapter visited the Emeritus Senior Center in Canton to present musical selections and lead the residents in singing hymns. We visited with them before and after the music presentations. On April 21st, 2015, we had our end-of-year party where we went out to eat and then went bowling. We plan to have a meeting of the Naturally Sharp Executive Board members in August 2015, to plan our activities for next year. UGA Collegiate Chapter, “Tonic” Peter Jutras, NCTM and Martha Thomas, NCTM, Faculty Advisors Participated and presented a session titled “Secrets of Successful Group Teaching” at the MTNA Collegiate Chapters Piano Pedagogy Symposium at Southern Methodist University on January 17-18, 2015. Young Harris College Cynthia DeFoor, NCTM, Faculty Advisor Young Harris College Piano Ensemble concert is Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Four of the ensemble members are MTNA Collegiate members. Rocsane Tabulinar, Grace Mason, Kate Snell and Ariel Philo. Statistics Collegiate Members Registered for GMTA State Conference on November 7, 2014: 31 members from 6 colleges Attendance at the Collegiate Chapters Meeting at GMTA State Conference 2014: 35 collegiate members and 5 faculty advisors from KSU-MTNA, Naturally Sharp (Reinhardt University), Tonic (UGA), Shorter University, Young Harris College, Wesleyan College (not officially organized yet through MTNA) As of January 9, 2015, GMTA has 44 Collegiate Members and almost half of those are new members this year. CERTIFICATION Ashley Craig-Diaz, NCTM Certification Chair 30 As of January 2015, GMTA had a membership of 722, and of those, 103 hold current National Certification. We rank 27 th in the nation for certification with 14.3% of our members holding National Certification. CONGRATULATIONS TO KENDRA BALL GANNAWAY who earned her National Certification through Administrative Verification! Now is the time to renew your National Certification for 2015/2016! You may do so at https://members.mtna.org/ mtnarenewcertificationform/. It is incredibly easy and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding renewal. There are two ways you may become at Nationally Certified Teacher of Music: through Administrative Verification or through completing a Teacher Profile Project. You may read more information about both at http://www.mtnacertification.org/process/. MEMBERSHIP Jane Lester, GMTA VP of Membership 31 MTNA has come up with a Membership Drive Campaign Handbook. This is located on the MTNA Website. It includes new member recruiting and member retention ideas. For New Members: Welcoming Packet. A welcome letter or email from the state or local association president with a thank you and an invitation to the group’s next meeting sets a positive tone with the new member. Although time-consuming, a follow-up phone call from the president or a local contact is a wonderful personal touch that is well worth the effort if it results in more active, satisfied members. (Personal interaction with new members is the best way to get them involved and ensure they stay involved in your association’s activities.) First-time Meeting Buddy System. Establish a committee of existing members that will be assigned to call new members to invite them to the next association meeting. Then the “buddy” greets the new members at the meeting and introduces them to other members to ease any initial apprehension. Some associations even go so far as to establish a rule that if a new member is present at a meeting or function, no two officers can talk to each other. They must talk with the new members. First-year Member Reception At State Convention. Have your state president host a reception – open to all members – during which first-year members are recognized by the group. Think of all you can do to make them feel welcome and included. Association Newsletter. List new members in each issue of your newsletter. Encourage established members to call and welcome them to the group. Scholarships. Local associations award scholarships to a certain number of new members each year to attend state conference. Mentoring. Ask seasoned teachers and long-time MTNA members to mentor new members. Pairing new members with veteran members will encourage the new members’ participation in your group’s activities and will result in increased member satisfaction and retention. Some suggested guidelines for a mentoring program are included in the next section of this handbook. Retention Ideas For All Members: Programming: Plan programs that are diverse, comprehensive and applicable to all members of your association. Be sensitive to members’ schedules and locations by offering alternative times and locations for meetings and activities throughout the year. Use varying means of communication to spread the word – newsletters, telephone calls, surveys, newspapers, television, radio, email and so on. Provide seminars and programs for the new teacher getting started in the teaching field (business aspects of running a studio and so on). Provide child care. Assist members in getting reconnected to a new local association after they move. Encourage meetings and activities that appeal to the non-pianist. Provide assistance for members who need financial assistance in order to attend the state conference (registration, conference meals, carpooling). Arrange carpooling for monthly local association meetings. Go after non-renewals. Find out why they did not renew. Look for trends and make adjustments (types of programs, more fellowship, and the like). Keep up-to-date in technology – use in association records and communication, plan programs on the use of technology in the teaching studio. Hold state-wide competitions or festivals for all instruments and voice. Keep members informed through local and state newsletters/websites. Include materials for festivals and auditions, membership directories, member handbooks, links to other resources, events, awards and pedagogical articles. -Work younger members into leadership positions. -Develop quality activities for students of members. -Educate independent teachers on ways they can become full-time. -Give IMT’s ideas for affording to attend the national conference. -Get members involved in all facets of MTNA: local, state and national. Encourage them to read the journals, visit MTNA website, become certified, enter students in the competitions, serve and recruit. MTNA FOUNDATION Colette Keogh, NCTM, MTNA Foundation Chair 32 Thank you, Georgia Music Teachers and Local Associations, Your investment in MTNA, through a contribution to the for your generous contributions to the MTNA Foundation Fund. MTNA Foundation Fund, is tax deductible and will help advance the value of music study, music making, and the Georgia has contributed $3,537.00 to the Fund in 2014. professionalism of music teachers. Congratulations to Martha Thomas, who was recognized as a new Fellow at the MTNA National Conference in Las Vegas in Donations can easily be made online at mtna.org. Click on March 2015. Donations made in Martha’s honor to the MTNA MTNA Foundation Fund at the top of the page, then click on Foundation Fund totaled $2,185.00. Contributions are still “Make a Donation” and follow the online instructions. being accepted if you would like make a donation. We are already off to a good start for 2015. Donations totaling $65 have been credited to Georgia in the first quarter. Thank you for your contributions. The MTNA Foundation Fund makes possible the many programs that benefit the professional growth of teachers and musical growth of our students. The Commissioned Composer program, MTNA Student Competitions, Collegiate Chapter of the Year, Teacher Enrichment Grants, Studio Teacher Fellowship Grants and Teacher Enrichment Grants are only a few of the many programs funded by the MTNA Foundation Fund. MUSICLINK FOUNDATION Nora Martin, MusicLink SE Regional Coordinator Think, for a minute, about that rare student who comes to you loving music and already showing musical talent. The one who is eager to learn and, as a result, progresses quickly. Think of that student, whom you view proudly as he or she excels at exams, wins contests, or is chosen for first chair in the school orchestra. 33 available to students and teachers by becoming a part of MusicLink. If you would like to learn more, log onto the MusicLink website at www.musiclinkfoundation.org. We encourage you to join us by clicking on “How to Participate” at the top of the Home Page. If you are already teaching a student on Now imagine that this student was never able to take lessons— scholarship, complete the ML Registration Form to become part never had the opportunity to realize their musical potential. of the program. If you want to volunteer to teach a student, This happens every day, everywhere. Many children’s families complete the Teacher Volunteer Form. don’t have the financial means to provide lessons for their Email us to request a packet of information to share with children. colleagues to begin a local MusicLink program in your Each of us, however, can change a life for the better by community. You can make a huge difference in the life of a agreeing to teach just one of these students for reduced or no child. We know. We have reached over 6000 students in all 50 charge. Through the program, MusicLink, this student can be states and several Canadian provinces, creating musicians, one hand picked by a music teacher who already has identified him student at a time. or her as musically talented and eager to learn. The initiation process is simple and many systems are in place to help you get Or find your local coordinator on the MusicLink website or started and support you along the way. Perhaps you are already contact your SE Regional Coordinator, Nora Martin, at teaching a child on scholarship. By completing one form online, wolf1193@charter.net. you can take advantage of the many discounts and opportunities GMTA CALENDAR 34 2015 June 30: Active Membership Renewal Deadline. Active membership year runs from July 1 thru June 30. August 1: Executive Board members, including Local Association Presidents, are asked to submit articles to Natalie Hardy at nsmhardy88@gmail.com. August 22: GMTA Council of Local Association Presidents Meeting and GMTA Executive Board Meeting, Clayton State University, Morrow, Georgia September 14: Application Deadline for GMTA Teacher of the Year, Steinway Piano Galleries Music Teacher Grants, GMTA Grants (Deadline always on second Monday of September) September 16: Online Application Deadline (3:00 p.m. Eastern Time) for MTNA Competitions September 30: Student Membership Renewal Deadline. Student membership year runs from October 1 - September 30. October 29-November 1: MTNA Competitions, Clayton State University, Morrow, Georgia November 5-7: GMTA State Conference, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia December 1: Executive Board members, including Local Association Presidents, are asked to submit articles to Natalie Hardy at nsmhardy88@gmail.com. 2016 January 15-18: Southern Division Meetings and Competitions, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida February 29: Postmark Deadline for GMTA Regional Auditions Applications March 19: GMTA Regional Auditions. Dates have not yet been confirmed by all Regional Host Facilities as of June 21, 2015. March 21: Postmark Deadline for GMTA Auditions Applications April 3-6: MTNA Conference, San Antonio, Texas April 9: GMTA Council of Local Association Presidents Meeting and GMTA Executive Board Meeting, University of Georgia, Athens April 9: GMTA State Auditions for College Piano, Instrumental, Voice and Instrumental Concerto, University of Georgia, Athens April 16: GMTA State Auditions for Pre-College Piano and Piano Concerto, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia November: MTNA Competitions, Location TBA November 3-5: GMTA State Conference, Mercer University, Macon, GA GMTA LEADERSHIP 35 Executive Board: President: Robin Engleman, NCTM englemanr@bellsouth.net President-Elect: Rebekah Healan rebekahhealan@yahoo.com Vice President of Conference: Joy Poole jpoole@burnthickory.com Vice President of Membership: Jane Lester jlpiano@bellsouth.net Vice President of Newsletters: Natalie Hardy nsmhardy88@gmail.com Vice President of GMTA Auditions: Cathy Thacker, NCTM cbt88@bellsouth.net Vice President of MTNA Competitions: Carol Payne, NCTM canticle80@gmail.com Secretary: Jackie Reed, NCTM jackiereed@bellsouth.net Member-at-Large: Portia Hawkins, NCTM pshawkins8@aol.com Member-at-Large: Betty White, NCTM bettypiano@comcast.net Immediate Past President: Dawn McCord, NCTM dmccord@westga.edu Executive Director: Mandy Reynolds georgiamta@gmail.com Committee Chairs: Chair-Arts Awareness & Advocacy: Debra Murphy murf2227@bellsouth.net Chair-Certification: Ashley Craig-Diaz, NCTM acraigdiaz@gmail.com Chair-College Faculty: Paula Thomas-Lee, NCTM ptl@reinhardt.edu Chair-Collegiate Chapters: Soohyun Yun, NCTM syun1@kennesaw.edu Chair-Finance/Advisory: Susan Andrews, NCTM pianosusan@comcast.net Chair-GMTA Awards: Heather Turner, NCTM high_meadows_farm@yahoo.com Chair-Independent Music Teachers Forum: Annette Day, NCTM daystudio@bellsouth.net Chair-MTNA Foundation: Colette Keogh, NCTM cakeogh16@gmail.com Chair-Piano Judges List: Yumi Patterson, NCTM yumisan2k@bellsouth.net Chair-Technology: Joe Lozier joe@lozierstudio.com Chair-Theory: Jason Bennett BennettMusicStudio@gmail.com Local Association Presidents: Athens MTA: Jack Bamford jbamford@athenschristian.com Atlanta MTA: Kathy Ackermann crosstownjazz@bellsouth.net Augusta MTA: Sarah Moore sevans583@gmail.com Cherokee MTA: Laura Lozier laura@lozierstudio.com / Paula Thomas-Lee, NCTM ptl@reinhardt.edu Cobb County MTA: Huu Mai huutmai@gmail.com Columbus MTA: Martha Aguirre AguirreMV@aol.com Coweta-Fayette MTA: Annette Day, NCTM daystudio@bellsouth.net Decatur MTA: Jane Frackenpohl janefrack@earthlink.net Golden Isles MTA: Donna Nilsson nilsson.music@att.net Greater Marietta MTA: Ruth Ann Clark cfraclark@earthlink.net Gwinnett County MTA: Mary Ann McTier mam0609@comcast.net Macon MTA: Susan Mincey susanmincey@cox.net North DeKalb: Laurel Harrell harrell7@bellsouth.net North Fulton: Ashley Craig-Diaz, NCTM acraigdiaz@gmail.com Northeast Georgia: Cindy DeFoor, NCTM cdefoor@yhc.edu Rome: Kyla Cummins Zollitsch kylacummins@hotmail.com Savannah: Diane Boyd, NCTM dianelboyd@comcast.net South Metro Atlanta MTA: Benjamin Bertin bwbertin@gmail.com Western Georgia: George Mann, NCTM georgemannga@aol.com GMTA Audition Staff: State-Level Audition Chairs Auditions Chair College/Adult: Joann Kim Doyle, NCTM joanna.kim@ung.edu Auditions Chair Instrumental Strings, Woodwinds, Guitar, & Brass: Anne Sun shuannesun1011@gmail.com Auditions Chair Voice [Grades 9-12, College/Adult]: Pat Callaway drpat@healthyvoicestudio.com Auditions Chair Piano 4 & 5: Elena Cholakova elena.cholakova@emory.edu Auditions Chair Piano 6 & 7: Rwei Hao, NCTM rhao@bellsouth.net Auditions Chair Piano 8 & 9: Susan Andrews, NCTM pianosusan@comcast.net Auditions Chair Piano 10 & 11: Diane Boyd, NCTM dianelboyd@comcast.net Auditions Chair Piano 12, Concerto (Instrumental 6-11, Piano 9-11): Lisa Gaal, NCTM musicbylisa@att.net Continued on page 36 Auditions Coordinator Region I: Ping Xu feliciapingxu@yahoo.com Cherokee, Gwinnett, North DeKalb, Northeast Georgia Auditions Organizer Region I Piano Grades 4 & 5: Jean Mann Auditions Organizer Region I Piano Grades 6 & 7: Glen Eckman Auditions Organizer Region I Piano Grades 8 & 9: Viola Tan Auditions Organizer Region I Piano Grades 10 & 11: Ping Xu Auditions Coordinator Region II: Colette Keogh cakeogh16@gmail.com Athens, Augusta, Golden Isles, Savannah Auditions Organizer Region II Piano Grades 4 & 5: Edith Sweatman Auditions Organizer Region II Piano Grades 6 & 7: Sarah Moore Auditions Organizer Region II Piano Grades 8 & 9: Nancy Riley Auditions Organizer Region II Piano Grades 10 & 11: Colette Keogh Auditions Coordinator Region III: Cindy Feagin cindymfeagin@cox.net Columbus, Coweta-Fayette, Macon, South Georgia Auditions Organizer Region III Piano Grades 4 & 5: Susan Mincey Auditions Organizer Region III Piano Grades 6 & 7: Susan Mincey Auditions Organizer Region III Piano Grades 8 & 9: Ruth Rowell Auditions Organizer Region III Piano Grades 10 & 11: Ruth Rowell Auditions Coordinator Region IV: Kristi Helfen pkhelfen@yahoo.com Decatur, North Fulton, Atlanta, South Metro Auditions Organizer Region IV Piano Grades 4 & 5: Hwee Boon Ng Auditions Organizer Region IV Piano Grades 6 & 7: Jackie Reed Auditions Organizer Region IV Piano Grades 8 & 9: Julie Soh-Harbin Auditions Organizer Region IV Piano Grades 10 & 11: Keiko Ransom Auditions Coordinator Region V: Joy Poole jpoole@burnthickory.com Cobb, Greater Marietta, Rome, Western Georgia Auditions Organizer Region V Piano Grades 4 & 5: Joe Camillo, NCTM Auditions Organizer Region V Piano Grades 6 & 7: Deanne Ohman Auditions Organizer Region V Piano Grades 8 & 9: Wanda Hughes Auditions Organizer Region V Piano Grades 10 & 11: Linda Lokey, NCTM MTNA Competitions Staff: Competitions-Junior Performance: Julie Smith pianojem1984@gmail.com Competitions-Senior Performance: David George davidngeorge1@gmail.com Competitions-Young Artist Performance: Debra Hughes, NCTM bndhughes@comcast.net Competitions-Chamber Music Performance: Debra Hughes, NCTM bndhughes@comcast.net Competitions-Composition Competitions: Soohyun Yun, NCTM syun1@kennesaw.edu Membership The Georgia Music Teachers Association (GMTA) is a member of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and memberships are jointly held in both organizations. Members receive subscriptions to The American Music Teacher. Membership is open to individuals professionally engaged in any field of musical activity and dues should be sent to MTNA, 441 Vine Street, Suite 3100, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-3004. MTNA is available toll-free at 1-888-512-5278 to answer your questions regarding membership dues or on the web at www.mtna.org Notice The GMTA Newsletter is an information journal focusing on matters directly related to MTNA, GMTA and local associations only. It does not promote the studios of individual teachers or institutions by publishing articles regarding the accomplishments of teachers, students, or an institutions’ activities. Paid advertising is available for this purpose. GMTA expressly reserves the right to refuse publication of any article photograph, or advertisement contrary to the objectives of MTNA or the Associations. All articles are subject to editing due to size or content. Advertising Limited advertising space is available for firms or individuals who have a product or service of specific interest or benefit to GMTA members. All correspondence regarding advertising should be sent to the Executive Director Donna Trivette by fax (770) 945-7504 or by email georgiamta@gmail.com Submittals GTMA publishes its online newsletter three times per year. Publication dates and their respective deadlines are as follows: January 15th (Deadline: December 1) June 15th (Deadline: May 1st) September 15th (Deadline August 1st) Editors Natalie Hardy, VP Newsletters nsmhardy88@gmail.com Robin Engleman, NCTM, President englemanr@bellsouth.net Proofreaders Susan Andrews, NCTM, FAC Chair Mandy Reynolds, GMTA Executive Director