Metro Bus and Metro Rail System Map
Metro Bus and Metro Rail System Map
05-0647mr ©2006 lacmta Expressserviceso=ervariousperkslike comfortable,high-backseatingwith readinglights,fasterserviceviacarpool lanes,andconvenientconnectionsto majoremploymentcentersandpark/ride lots.Visitmetro.nettofindoutwhich expressserviceisbestforyou. LA County. Askyouremployertocall 213.922.2811. Beforelong,youmaybeableto GoMetroFREE! Whetheryouworkforalargeorsmall business,wecantailorourprogramtofit individualcompanyneedsandmakeit easyforyouremployertopayyourwayall year’round. Metro has a special incentive program for employers to purchase your pass. Metro works with LADOT and other municipal carriers to provide you with an express bus network for better commuting throughout Get your boss to pay for your pass. Go Metro to work. Julio de 2006 Mapa del Servicio Express de Metro Vaya en Metro al trabajo. Haga que su jefe pague por su pase. Metro Express Service “9 to 5” Map July 2006 Metro trabaja con LADOT y otros medios de transporte municipales para proporcionarle una red de autobuses Express para que viaje mejor a través del Condado de Los Angeles. L osserviciosExpressofrecenvarios beneficiostalescomoasientoscómodos conrespaldosaltosylucesparaleer, serviciorápidovíaloscarrilesdecarpool yconexionesconvenienteshaciacentros deempleoprincipalesylugarespara estacionaryviajar.Visitemetro.netpara obtenermásinformaciónsobrequé servicioExpresseselmejorparausted. Metro tiene un programa de incentivos especial para que los empleadores le compre su pase. Yaseaquetrabajaparaunacompañía grandeopequeña,nosotrospodemos desarrollarunprogramaqueseacomode alasnecesidadesindividualesdela compañíayfacilitequesuempleador lepaguesusviajesdurantetodoelaño. Pídaleasuempleadorquellameal 213.922.2811.Antesquesedecuenta, puedaque¡VayaenMetroGRATIS! TO SANTA CLARITA/PALMDALE/LANCASTER A Better Way to Travel Una mejor manera de viajar A 786 S 792 S 797 Metro Express Service A 785 SYLMAR 118 “9 to 5” Map July 2006 C 574 TO SIMI VALLEY GRANADA HILLS C 419 M et C 419 MISSION HILLS TO CHATSWORTH 5 ro lin k Express routes use freeways and carpool lanes. Frequent morning and evening service, combined with nearby park/ ride facilities and Metro Rail/Metrolink connections make commuting easy! C 575 An 210 lo pe Va lle SAN FERNANDO VALLEY yL in e 170 405 C 573 C 574 SUNLAND C 409 te Metrolink Ventura County Line NORTHRIDGE Express Bus Routes S 794 S 799 C 573 NORTH HOLLYWOOD BURBANK ALTADENA C 409 C 413 VAN NUYS LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE METRO ORANGE LINE C 549 GLENDALE PASADENA TO THOUSAND OAKS WOODLAND HILLS LasrutasExpressofrecenservicioporlas autopistasyloscarrilesdecarpool.Elservicio frecuenteporlasmañanasylastardes combinadoconelaccesoaestacionamientos cercanosyconexionesconelserviciodeMetro RailyMetrolinklehacesuviajediarioal trabajomuyfácilyconveniente. WEST HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD SANTA MONICA C 437 E 534 WASHINGTON/ FAIRFAX WEST ADAMS C 574 C 437 FOX HILLS 1 2 Llegueasuparadacinco minutosmástemprano LAX C 438 105 C 438 C 448 SLAUSON 405 REDONDO BEACH Paguesutarifaomuestresupase GALLERIA AT SOUTH BAY SOUTH PASADENA 110 O 701 E 489 Relájeseydisfrutede suviajealtrabajo L End of Route Montebello Bus Lines M Park/Ride OCTA O Santa Clarita Transit S Torrance Transit T E 445 E 450x E 550 E 446 E 447 F 690 WEST COVINA F 482 CLAREMONT E 484 F 482 F 493 57 F 497 DIAMOND BAR 57 HUNTINGTON PARK 710 E 460 105 METRO GREEN LINE Me tro NORWALK lin kO ran ge Co BELLFLOWER O 721 91 un ty &9 1L ine CERRITOS ORANGE COUNTY ARTESIA L 66ZAP O 721 605 91 FULLERTON PARK/RIDE CARSON ANAHEIM E 460 E 446 E 447 110 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY E 445 1 57 CYPRESS 710 405 O 701 DISNEYLAND 5 LONG BEACH E 550 LA HARBOR LONG BEACH HARBOR SEAL BEACH TO HUNTINGTON BEACH SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY F 493 HACIENDA HEIGHTS 605 F 699 F 480 Metrolink Riverside Line POMONA 60 INDUSTRY POMONA TO MONTCLAIR F 482 F 486 E 577x SAN PEDRO SAN DIMAS E 484 M 342 F 480 F 492 F 690 210 EASTLAND F 480 CENTER CAL POLY UNIVERSITY POMONA PLAZA AT WEST COVINA F 488 F 486 F 493 F 497 5 GLENDORA F 492 F 488 Metrolink San Bernardino Line 10 F 699 F 498 F 499 COVINA DOWNTOWN F 481 E 577x M 343 E 445 E 550 RANCHO PALOS VERDES F 488 F 498 10 E 577x 91 E 444 C 448 Park/Ride (Metrolink only) Map is subject to change without notice Not to scale AZUSA F 494 MONTEREY PARK 110 COMPTON ROSECRANS * Detailed route maps with stops/stations and park/ride lot locations are available at Losmapasdetalladosdelasrutasindicando lasparadas,estacionesyestacionamientosestán F 492 CAL STATE UNIVERSITY LA LA COUNTY/USC MEDICAL CENTER METRO BLUE LINE Relax and enjoy your commute Transit Centers Long Beach Transit 57 EL MONTE BUSWAY 10 E 444 4 F HARBOR FWY T1 3 Freeway Foothill Transit TEMPLE CITY MONTEBELLO O 701 O 721 METRO GREEN LINE HAWTHORNE 1 Pay 4 your fare or show your pass C 605 ARCADIA E 484 E 487 E 489 37TH ST/USC/ EXPO PARK T2 EL SEGUNDO Metrolink Commuter Express F 494 M 341 LAX CITY BUS CENTER C 438 3 F 481 F 486 F 492 F 494 F 498 F 699 MANCHESTER Be at3your stop 4 five minutes early B F 494 F 690 210 60 T1 T2 MARINA DEL REY F 480 F 482 F 488 F 493 F 497 F 499 METRO BLUE LINE LADERA HEIGHTS VENICE C 430 C 431 C 437 E 550 DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES* E 444 E 447 E 445 E 450x E 446 E 460 405 1 S 794 S 799 ECHO PARK KOREATOWN PICO/RAMPAU 10 A 785 101 METRO RED LINE BEVERLY HILLS C 534 C 573 WEST LA F 690 134 HIGHLAND PARK METRO GOLD LINE C 413 C 419 WILSHIRE CENTER A 786 C 430 B 10 METRO RED LINE C 431 C 534 UCLA 1 4 Plan 2 your trip3at LOS FELIZ A 786 TO MALIBU 1 5 S 792 S 797 Metro Liner Big Blue Bus EAGLE ROCK STUDIO CITY C 573 C 574 Metro Rail A E 487 METRO GOLD LINE C 549 134 C 422 C 423 E Antelope Valley Transit SIERRA MADRE 210 2 101 Metro Express TO SAN DIEGO PHILLIPS RANCH 21 �������� Metro Blue Line Destination Guide Metro Blue Line Guía de Destinos ��������������� ���� ������������������� ������ �������� ������ ������� ������ ������� ������ Work. Shopping. Schools. Entertainment. They’re all nearby on the Metro Blue Line. ��������� ������ ������� �������� ����� ������ ������� �������� ��������������� ������ ��������� ������� ������ ������ �������������� ������������������ �������������� ���������������� �������������� ��������� ����������� ������������� ��������� ��������� ������� ���������� ���� ������������ ������������� ��������� ������������ ������ � ������������������� ������� ���� ����� ��������� With extensive bus and rail service throughout LA county, Metro is already going just about any place you are. So relax and Go Metro. ������� ����������� ��������������� ��������������� ��������� ��������� ������������� ����� ���� ��������������� �������������������� ��������� ������� ��������� �������� ���� ������� ����������������� ������������� ������ Go Metro to work and play Discover a world of convenience on the Metro Blue Line. From the excitement of the Staples Center and the endless weekend activities inLong Beach to the employment centers of downtown, Metro helps you get where you’re going quickly and efficiently. ������� ������������������ ��������������� ���������� ������ ������� Plan your adventure For trip planning assistance and all other questions, call 1.800.COMMUTE, Metro’s toll-free telephone information hotline. Tell the customer representative where you want to go, where you are starting and the day and time you want to travel. You can also get customized bus and rail itineraries 24 hours a day on the Metro Trip Planner at The convenient way to ride all day For less than the cost of gas and parking, you can buy a $3 Day Pass and take advantage of unlimited travel all day on Metro Rail, Metro Rapid, Metro Liner and Metro Local service. 01 Da JAN 2005 P THU 0123 07 RSD y metr ass AY 7 �������� ��� ������������ ��������� ������� �������� �������� ������ ������� ������� �������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������� ����������������� ���������� ������������������ �������������������� ���������������� ���������� ���������� �������� ������� ������� ������� ������ ��������� ��������������������� ������� ������� ��������� ���������� �������� ���������� �������������� ��������� ������ ������� ������� ������� ������� ������ ������� �������������� ������������ ��������� ���������� ������� ������������ ���������� Con un extenso servicio de autobuses y trenes a lo largo del Condado de Los Angeles, Metro ya llega a casi cualquier lugar donde usted se encuentre. Asi que relájese y Vaya en Metro. Planee su aventura Para obtener ayuda con la planificación de su viaje y otras preguntas, llame a 1.800.266.6883, la línea telefónica de información gratuita de Metro. Dígale al representante del Servicio al Cliente dónde quiere ir, dónde quiere iniciar su viaje y en qué día y hora quiere viajar. ��������� ���������������������������������� ���������������������� Vaya en Metro al trabajo y a la diversión Descubra un mundo de comodidades con la Metro Blue Line. Desde la emoción del Staples Center y las actividades interminables de los fines de semana en Long Beach hasta los centros de empleo del Centro de Los Angeles, Metro le permite llegar a donde quiera ir rápid0 y eficientemente. ������������� ���������� Usted también puede obtener itinerarios personalizados las 24 horas al día en el Trip Planner en La forma conveniente de viajar todo el día Por menos del costo de gasolina y estacionamiento usted puede comprar un Pase Diario de $3 y tener la ventaja de viajes ilimitados durante todo el día en el servicio de Metro Rail, Metro Rapid, Metro Liner y Metro Local. 01 Da y P a ss metr o .net 012 3 07 7 2006 Trabajo. Compras. Escuelas. Entretenimiento. Todo está muy cerca de usted con la Blue Line. 06-1504ns ©2006 lacmta 06-0466ns 7th street/metro center station 7th St between Figueroa and Hope St transfer point to metro red line Attractions Shopping Los Angeles Visitor Information Center 7th & Fig 1 Macy’s Plaza 2 Robinson’s May 7th & Fig Food Court Arnie Morton’s Steak House California Pizza Kitchen Ciao Trattoria Corner Bakery Kyoto Restaurant Panda Express Nearby Dining Includes 1 2 grand station slauson station 103rd street station compton station wardlow station 5th street station 1st street station Grand Av at Washington Bl (Free Bicycle Parking) Slauson Av at Long Beach Av (Free Bicycle Parking) Grandee Av at 103rd St Compton Bl at Willowbrook Av (Free Bicycle Parking) Wardlow Rd at Pacific Pl (25 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) 5th St at Long Beach Bl 1st St at Long Beach Bl Attractions Nearby Dining Includes Attractions Attractions Nearby Dining Includes Attractions Grand Olympic Auditorium Los Angeles Municipal Court Metropolitan Branch Bob Hope Patriotic Hall 7 LA Mart Burger King McDonald’s Subway Los Angeles Trade Technical College Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Schools florence station Shopping Florence Av at Long Beach Av (100 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) Attractions 6 Shopping Nearby Dining Includes 6 Tom’s Jr. Burgers 7 10 Nearby Dining Includes Florence Library 11 Roosevelt Park 12 Payless Shoe Source Swapmeet Boy’s Burgers 10 Señor Taco 11 Watts Towers Art Center 16 Watts Towers of Simon Rodia Los Angeles City Library Food 4 Less Payless Shoe Source Burger King Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits Subway 15 Shopping Nearby Dining Includes 12 15 16 16 20 City of Compton Public Library 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Mall Martin Luther King Jr. Transit Center Compton City Hall & Court House Renaissance Plaza Monument 21 Wilson Park Compton Town Center Circuit City Superior Warehouse 22 International House of Pancakes Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits Subway 21 25 Shopping willow station Long Beach Bl at 27th St (920 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) Attractions Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Schools 25 22 Louisiana Fried Chicken Quality Donut Veteran’s Memorial Park Sketcher’s Footwear and Outlet Long Beach Fashion Warehouse California Sushi and Teriyaki Taste of India Jackie Robinson Academy 26 26 Nearby Dining Includes 30 29 Attractions Long Beach CityPlace The Found Theatre 30 Big 5 Sporting Goods 29 KB Toys Nordstom Rack Ross 31 El Pollo Loco Hometown Buffet Mitaki Restaurant Panda Express Subway Togo’s Eatery Nearby Dining Includes 31 35 Betrand Smith Acres of Books Bike Station Center Theatre Downtown Long Beach Farmer’s Market Edison Theatre 35 Long Beach Convention Center 36 Long Beach Performing Arts Center 37 Raymundo’s Fine Art and Soul Gallery Ten Salon and Spa Terrace Theatre/Center Theatre Blue Nile Café Uncle Al’s Seafood Utopia Good Food and Fine Arts 37 36 21 Grand 7th St/Metro Center Pico Metro Red Line North Hollywood Wilshire Center Union Station 3 Washington San Pedro Slauson Vernon Imperial/Wilmington Firestone Florence Compton 103rd Street Del Amo Artesia Willow Pacific Coast Highway Wardlow Metro Green Line Redondo Beach Norwalk -5.647 in 4 8 5 13 9 14 17 18 19 23 24 Anaheim 28 27 1st Street 5th Street Transit Mall Pacific 32 33 34 38 40 39 pico station san pedro station firestone station imperial/wilmington station artesia station 23 pacific coast highway station pacific station transit mall station Pico Bl at Flower St Washington Bl at Stanford St Firestone Bl at Long Beach Av (Free Bicycle Parking) Wilmington Av at I–105 (975 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) transfer point to metro green line Artesia Bl at Acacia Av (380 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) Pacific Coast Hwy at Long Beach Bl Pacific Av at 4th St 1st St at Pine Av (Free Bicycle Parking) Attractions Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Attractions Attractions Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Los Angeles Convention Center Staples Center 5 Fashion District 4 Aladdin’s Coffee Shop Fox Skybox Restaurant and Bar The Palm Windows Restaurant 3 Nearby Dining Includes King Taco Subway 8 washington station Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Col. Leon Washington Park Los Angeles County Library 7 Styles 14 China Express 13 Attractions Shopping Washington Bl at Long Beach Av vernon station Vernon Av at Long Beach Av Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Information subject to change Attractions Nearby Dining Includes Alameda Swap Meet 9 Perfect 1 Dollar Chinese Food Via Italia Pizza Schools Willowbrook Library Kenneth Hahn Plaza; Factory 2-U Payless Shoe Source RadioShack 17 Rite Aid 18 Denny’s 19 Jordan’s McDonald’s Pizza Hut Subway Taco Bell Charles R. Drew University of Medicine Crystal Park Casino 24 Payless Shoe Source Little India del amo station Del Amo Bl at Santa Fe Av (280 Parking Spaces/Free Bicycle Parking) Shopping Nearby Dining Includes Del Amo Indoor Swap Meet China Express Del Amo Burger Incredible Café Express Long Beach Discount Clothing Azteca 27 Kentucky Fried Chicken McDonald’s Pizza Hut 28 Shopping anaheim station Anaheim St at Long Beach Bl Nearby Dining Includes Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuit Yoshinoya Beef Bowl Restaurant Nearby Dining Includes Pine Square 16 AMC Theatres The Vault 350 Lincoln Park 2000+ Bookstore Bath and Body Works Colonial Bakery Crown Books 34 Express RadioShack Z Gallerie Flame Broiler George’s Greek Café Sizzler Taco Beach 33 32 Attractions Nearby Dining Includes Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific Long Beach City Hall Long Beach Public Library Pine Avenue Queen Mary 40 Shoreline Village The Pike at Rainbow Harbor 39 Aladdin Grill and Café Hooters Johnny Rockets Smooth’s Sports Bar and Grill Subway 38 > Fares > Passes & Tokens > Safety Tips > Disabled Services > Contact Information > And More! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Now there’s a fast, affordable connection between Downtown LA and LAX that’s easy to reach from Metro Rail, Metro Bus, Metrolink and Amtrak. Try the new Union Station FlyAway. LAX Los Angeles International Airport > FlyAwaybusesrun24hoursaday(every 30minutesfrom5amto1am,andeach hourfrom1amto5am).Thebusesleave fromBay9ofthePatsaourasTransitPlaza adjacenttoUnionStationviatheEastPortal. > Ticketsare$3one-way($2eachwayfor children2-12).Purchaseticketsbeforeyou boardattheFlyAwaykioskinthePatsaouras TransitPlaza.Note: Metro Passes are not valid on this service. > Secureundergroundparkingisavailablein theMetroGatewaybuildingfor$6aday. L ookforcompletedetailsat nionStationFlyAwayisoperatedby U LosAngelesWorldAirports. Union Station > Metro Loc al > Metro R apid > Metro Gold/Red Line > Amtrak/Metrolink Patsaouras Transit Plaza Cesar E Chavez Av Vignes St Metro 6 4 3 Union Station / East Portal Patsaouras Transit Plaza Map Legend # 9 Bus Plaza 5 N 8 7 BusPlazaEntrance GatewayParkingEntrance BusBays LAXFlyAwayTicketKiosk 2 1 Nuevo servicio directo a LAX. 06-2097sy ©2006 lacmta ¡Pruébelo! Union Station FlyAway Ahora hay una conexión rápida y económica entre el Centro de Los Angeles y el aeropuerto LAX que ofrece conexiones fáciles con Metro Rail, Metrolink y Amtrak. Pruebe el nuevo servicio FlyAway desde Union Station. LAX Los Angeles International Airport > L osautobusesFlyAwaybrindanserviciolas 24horasdeldía(confrecuenciasde30minutos entre5amy1amycadahoraentre1amy5am). Losautobusessalendesdelaparadanúmero9 delaPatsaourasTransitPlaza,accesibleporlas puertasdelEastPortaldeUnionStation. > L osboletosdeidacuestan$3($2porun viajeparaniñosdeedades2a12).Comprelos boletosantesdeabordarenelkiosco delservicioFlyAwayenlaPatsaourasTransit Plaza.Aviso: Los Pases de Metro no son válidos en éste servicio. > C uentaconestacionamientosubterráneoseguro eneledificioMetroGatewaypor$6aldía. E lservicioUnionStationFlyAwayesdirigidopor LosAngelesWorldAirports. Union Station > Metro Loc al > Metro R apid > Metro Gold/Red Line > Amtrak/Metrolink Patsaouras Transit Plaza 6 Metro Cesar E Chavez Av Vignes St 9 Plaza de Autobuses 5 N 8 7 4 3 2 Union Station / East Portal Patsaouras Transit Plaza Map Legend EntradaalaPlazadeAutobuses EntradaalEstacionamientodeGateway # ParadasdeAutobuses KioscodeBoletosdeFlyAway 1 Connecting to LAX just got easier. Try it! Union Station FlyAway Compare the value of an annual Metro Pass with Commuter Benefits to a $624 per year salary increase. Annual Costs and Value Employer Employee $624/yr salary increase Spends $443 to provide (after taxes) Takes home $362 $624/yr Employer-paid Tax-free benefit Spends $412 to provide Takes home $624 $624/yr Employee-paid Pre-tax benefit Saves $31 in payroll taxes Saves $262 in income and payroll taxes Options The Right Benefit What’s next? Remember to consult your company management, legal and financial sta= before implementing. For more information please go to: Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits *California State Income Tax Benefits for Employees California State Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 17149 excludes rideshare benefits from income. See Instructions for California Schedule CA (540), line 7, column B, page 45 for reference. The tax benefit programs described herein encompass transportation, payroll and human resources issues. Depending on the structure of your organization it is advisable to involve these departments early in the planning process. This information is in no way designed to serve as legal or financial advice. Please consult your company’s legal and financial personnel before implementing any of the programs described here. The pertinent law can be found Section 132(f) of the internal Revenue Code, Title 26 of the United States Code, as modified by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st century. IRS publication 535 also explains the law. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952 213.922.2811 06-2344mr ©2006 lacmta Vanpools and parking for employees that rideshare may also qualify for tax breaks under the Commuter Benefits program. Metro Commute Services Commuter Benefits Everyone saves with Commuter Benefits. What is Commuter Benefits? Commuter Benefits is a tax-free/pre-tax program that allows employers to o=er up to $1,260 per year to encourage their employees to use transit. To qualify the employer must distribute transit passes (or vouchers) to the employees (cash reimbursement is not allowed). What’s in it for you? O=ering Commuter Benefits provides a valuable return to employers and employees and will help to improve employee productivity, reduce stress, improve air quality and mobility, and reduce energy consumption. Employer Benefits > Reduces payroll taxes > Low cost employee benefit > Reduces parking costs > Improves recruitment and retention > Improves company image Employee Benefits > Uses pre-tax money for transit > Increases take-home pay > Reduces transit commuting cost > Reduces vehicle operating costs or vanpool Choose the option that works best for you: Employer-Paid Tax-Free Benefit > After paying for the employees’ transit fares, the employer receives a full tax deduction and pays no payroll taxes on the amount > Recommended for employers who want or need to encourage more use of transit Employee-Paid Benefit > Employees use pre-tax salary to pay for transit expenses > Recommended for employers with limited cash, with no parking issues and no need to encourage more use of transit Combination Plan > Employer pays some of the transit expenses and the employee pays the rest > Employer and employees share savings as listed above > Recommended for employers who want to encourage more use of transit but cannot cover the entire cost Who is eligible for Commuter Benefits? All W-2 recipients are eligible, including those working for private sector companies, non-profits and government agencies. Now, let’s get started: Follow these easy step-by-step instructions to determine your potential savings. Employer Savings Steps Example 1. Determine the number of employees who currently use transit 40 employees take transit 2. Determine the average amount paid for transit $52/month for transit 3. Multiply this cost by the number of employees who take transit, then by 12 months 40 employees take transit x $52/month x 12 months = $24,960 4. Multiply this amount by 10% (if you want to include average estimated payroll and other contributions) or 7.65% (for average payroll tax savings alone) to get the total estimated annual payroll tax savings Estimated annual payroll tax savings: $24,960 x 10% = $2,496 Share the ride. Go Metro to work. Metro Commute Services welcomes you to your new job with a week of free commuting and a Metro Travel Kit. Metro is responsible for overseeing and improving all forms of transportation in Los Angeles County. Anyone who drives, uses public transit, bicycles or walks on any street in the county is a Metro customer. > Metro Local We operate the nation’s largest clean-burning compressed natural gas bus fleet, which improves air quality throughout the region. > Metro Rapid Metro Rapid can speed you to your destination up to 25% faster than local bus service. It stops at major intersections only and has special sensors that keep tra;c lights green when Metro Rapid is coming. > Metro Rail and Orange Line Metro’s 75 station system connects downtown LA to the San Fernando Valley, Long Beach, Pasadena, Hollywood, South Bay, Norwalk and dozens of points in between. For rideshare information visit or call 1.800.COMMUTE and push “3” . 08-0557ir ©2007 lacmta If bus and rail service is not available to you, Metro can help you find a carpool partner or local vanpool so you can take advantage of over 400 miles of carpool lanes in LA County. Don’t let your commute drive you crazy, let Metro help you find an easier way to get to work. Congratulations on your new job. Considering the high cost of gas, we’d like you to keep Metro in mind as you learn new ways to get to work. Riding Metro saves wear and tear on your car and provides a relaxing alternative to fighting tra;c. section i To help you get acquainted with Metro, we’re o=ering you an entire week of unlimited local riding – on us! Just fill out the adjacent panel and submit to your Employee Transportation Coordinator and we’ll send you a free pass to Go Metro for one week. No, I’m a frequent rider of public transit Riding Metro is easy. Call 1.800.COMMUTE or use the Metro Trip Planner at to plan your trip. No Will this be your first time using public transit in LA County? Yes No, I’ve ridden a few times before Have you used public transit in other areas? Yes, many times Yes, a few times Again, congratulations on your new job and we look forward to seeing you aboard soon. Applicant’s Employer Name Getting started is easy! Applicant Name > Complete sections I and II > Submit the completed sections to your Employee Transportation Coordinator for authorization > Check your mailbox for your free Travel Kit Your free Metro Travel Kit includes: > Free Weekly Pass** > Rider’s Guide > Destinations Guide > System Map Street Address City | State | Zip *Email Address section ii etc to authorize and fax to 213.922.5640 ETC Name Telephone Number ETC Signature of Authorization ** Metro Weekly passes are valid from Sunday through Saturday for specific calendar weeks. You will receive the next available weekly pass from the date your completed form is received. * Email addresses are kept confidential and will not be sold to any third party. Guarantee a Ride Home What if I have to work late? What if my child gets sick? I’d rideshare, but... What if I have a personal emergency? We’re sure you’ve heard all the reasons why your employees can’t rideshare. But sharing the ride is always easier and less stressful when employees know they can get home if something comes up. Now, with Guaranteed Ride Home, you can offer your employees a ride home when they really need one. We guarantee it! Guaranteed Ride Home Here’s how the program works: > Your company signs up for Guaranteed Ride Home. > Employees who share the ride to work get a rental car or taxi ride home in an emergency.* > Eligible employees get up to four rides in a 12-month period. If your company currently has a program, you can still sign up for Guaranteed Ride Home and supplement your company’s with ours. This easy-to-manage program is provided at no cost to employers in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Contact Metro Commute Services at 213.922.2811, or visit for more information. * Valid emergencies include the unexpected illness of an eligible employee or a member of the employee’s family, unscheduled overtime, missed connection with planned ride home. See the GRH Program Guidelines for complete program details. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952 213.922.2811 07-0038ir ©2006 lacmta This regional program is sponsored by Metro, Orange County Transportation Authority, Riverside County Transportation Commission and San Bernardino Associated Governments. CA NY ON BOUQ UET 70TH E 90TH E 50TH E 40TH E 30TH E 100TH E 70TH E 70TH E 90TH E 50TH E 50TH E 40TH E 30TH E 20TH E 90TH E 30TH E 20TH E 90TH E 87TH E 82ND E CHESEBORO 96TH E 47TH E 40TH E 30TH E 20TH E 25TH E MA EM MILLS INDIAN HILL N MILLS INDIAN HILL TOWNE N BERKELEY TOWNE MOUNTAIN WILLIAMS TO CENWNE T DR ER WHIT E D B WHE E LER GAREY N DAM IE TOW NE CENTRAL MIL LS INDIAN HILL SAN ANTONIO TOWNE PARK WHITE LE X FA IRP RESERVOIR LAG CENTRAL VIL PIPELINE P EL OO RESERVOIR SAN ANTONIO TOWNE GAREY PARK WHITE HAMILTON ION GS RIN SP N TOWNE GOLDE BL ND BAR DIAMO GE ID D ITR MM SU WO O TER EN GL OW AD CANY O ME BREA ROLLING KNOLL E EY VA VISLLEY TA N BL RD TON LER MOUNTAIN WHEELER SAN DIMAS CANYON WALNUT AV SAN DIMAS AV BL R D ON AM DI S CR UNS OS ET SIN G R RI OCK VE R GS RIN NOGALES SP AV SA AZU BA K LIN RO ET /M AK TR AM STIMSON R BA D Y FW GE AM ON DI FUL OR AN RA NDO ON IMS ST EASTERN US AZ VALINDA DEL VALLE DA EN GLE DA IEN HAC CA NY ON BR EA 1ST BEACH 57 57 ALONDRA ORA NG E COUNT Y DA AM COYOTE CREEK AK /M ET RO LIN K CREE K IRADA LA M FULLERTON ANAHEIM ORANGE SANTA ANA TUSTIN IRVINE LAGUNA NIGUEL/MISSION VIEJO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO SAN CLEMENTE OCEANSIDE YORBA RIA L ROSE RA LIN KRAEMER MI PE LINDA E STATE COLLEG BI OL A LA IM Cal State Univ. Fullerton NUTWOOD CHAPMAN CHAPMAN COMMONWEALTH COMMONWEALTH ORANGETHORPE KNOTT WHITAKER FULLERTON MA NC ST Bike ER FULLERTON PARK & RIDE 91 ANAHEIM GLASSELL BEACH KNOTT MOODY K EE COSTA MESA FWY VALLEY VIEW WEST Disneyland Resort FREEDMAN KATELLA KATELLA ANAHEIM ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER EUCLID HARBOR MAGNOLIA KNOTT GAB RIE L ORANGE CHAPMAN FW EN GARD GROVE FWY Bicycle Lockers at Metro Stations Bike lockers are available for rental at most Metro stations. A refundable $50 key deposit is required. Bike Lockers are for the storage of bikes and biking-related items only. For locker rentals, call 1.800.commute or visit N AN O Metro 1.800.commute City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation Bicycle Program 100 S. Main St, 9th Floor, Los Angeles CA 90012 213.972.4962 Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) 617 S. Olive St, Suite 110, Los Angeles CA 90014 213.629.2142 Bikestation Long Beach 221 E. First St, Long Beach CA 90802 562.436.BIKE Bike routes and other information NE SEAL BEACH BL W HEWES RD GA GARDEN GROVE BL 405 Resources RIM C ANYO RR H Below are some ideas for successful bicycle commuting: NC RA HL route to work; due to road and traffic > Determine your O N conditions bike routes are often necessarily different from driving routes > Talk to your employer, discuss any special arrangements and locate the bike in a secure area at your workplace > Preview your bike route by driving it, during actual commuting times to get accurate conditions and time estimates > Perform regular maintenance checks on bike and equipment SANTIAGO CANYON > Maintain a healthy bicycling diet and have water/liquids readily available during your ride and even snacks for a longer cycling trip > Dress for the occasion – wear a helmet and comfortable clothing, pack a change of clothing appropriate for the workplace and a toiletry kit to freshen up when you arrive > Get an early start as you begin your bike commute program and allow enough time to arrive for work on time CHAPMAN OLN LINC BALL BALL Commuting Bike T LINCOLN R SE EUCLID 5 BROOKHURST MAGNOLIA Knott's Berry Farm CRESCENT FW YON SANTA ANA CAN LA PALMA AV LA PALMA AV LA PALMA AV Y E SID R IVE PO R STANTON ARTESIA FWY BEACH 91 LOS ALAMITOS MONTE VISTA AMELIA LONE HILL LONE HILL VALLEY CNTR SUNFLOWER BONNIE COVE GRAND AV A NI IF OR CA L YO N IEND A GLENDORA AV GRAND REEDER 2ND ELLEN LA RK VALINDA A SU N CA N LL BU TU HAC MISS NI GL EN DO RA IF OR CA L BARRANCA A NS SU S AV ET NS IL W AV H 7T BARRANCA CITRUS HOLLENBECK HOLLENBECK ET AV AZUSA AV LARK ELLEN GE AN OR GE OR LO W AN PU SANTA GERTRUDES SANTA GERTRUDES SANTA GERTRUDES H AC BE HE BLOOMFIELD NORWALK BL RIV ER 20TH E 10TH E CENTER VALLEY CULLEN WABASH GLENDORA AV S PASADNEA AV CERRITOS AV PASADENA AV LORAINE LIVE OAK AZUSA AV SAN GABRIEL AV AZUSA AV LARK ELLEN PU A LL DI AR TE EN 2ND TE EN SUNSET ORANGE BL PA RK IN LD W BA BL K PA R IN LD W BA LIM A SCOTT SCOTT VIEW LA MIRADA VALLEY VIEW IMPERIAL ROSECRANS E VALLEY VIEW MARQUARDT IMPERIAL HWY LA MIRADA CO YO TE STUDEBAKER 15TH E 10TH E 10TH E 5TH E RR A SI E Y RRA HW SIE VERNON AV VINCENT IRWINDALE AV MAINE IE L GA BR SA N WY RF RIVE GABRIEL SAN E RFE CO ON BIRCH SAN SA N DI FW BEACH Y WESTMINSTER BROOKHURST HARBOR AC H BE SANTA ANA SE AL 405 405 BOLSA BOLSA 1ST 1ST SANTIAGO CANYON Bike Commute Centers Bike Commute Centers are located adjacent to Metro stations. This type of facility provides secure bicycle parking spaces for rental and offers other services that range from valet parking to access controlled bicycle rack enclosures, repairs, sales, rentals, changing facilities, restrooms, and beverages. For more information, call 1.800.commute or visit MAIN O BRISTOL EG BL H 96TH E AGUA DU CANYO LCE N AGUA DULCE CANYON HASKEL CANYO L N DR DA EN IRWINDALE AV CAL IFOR NIA K AZUSA CANYON 10TH PEC ELL SW COG DU OC A LIM CO VALLEY CAR S KATELLA RT PO W E RE NE Terminal Island McFADDEN BO M JA VIN EDINGER EB L GRAND GOTHARD GOLDEN WEST Y HW SPRINGDALE T AS CO BOLSA CHICA 1 C PACIFIC CHALLENGER WAY ANTELOPE VALLEY HWY 20TH W 30TH W TIERRA SUBIDA LOMAS HIGHLAND BUENA VISTA MOUNTAIN CALIFORNIA VINEYARD BRADBURY SHAMROCK HA CI MAAGNOLIA MYRTLE MYRTLE 10TH MAYFLOWER 6TH 8TH 6TH K PEC KW AY PA R NI A EA N VIE CA W TA LIN A LA MARQUARDT VALLEY VIEW 91 CARMENITA SHOEMAKER BLOOMFIELD NORWALK BL NORWALK BL CENTER MOUNTAIN MYRTLE MAYFLOWER 3RD IFO R CA L UR EL .& BREA ROSECRANS K FI GAFFEY N DIVIDSION ST 10TH W 15TH W 20TH W 25TH W 31ST W 35TH W 40TH W 50TH W 60TH W 30TH W 50TH W 60TH W 70TH W 90TH W 70TH W QUIT O CANY ON EAN MC B W CY ILEY N S RA TEV NC EN H P SON KW Y D HIG HLA N 5TH 2ND 2ND 2ND CED AR EW VI COLLEGE ER NT PA I CARMENITA CARMENITA SHOEMAKER BLOOMFIELD NORWALK BL CO EE CI PA WES TER DIVISION 30TH W 50TH W 60TH W 70TH W 90TH W 110TH W RANCH HE S HU G KE LA RIDGE ROUTE THE OLD RD OA KS SANTA ANITA 1ST SANTA ANITA AN ITA N NT AI OU M PECK PAINTER EN GR E F EA IO TO N AN N SA PIONEER PIONEER GRIDLEY STUDEBAKER L NA AG O DI ES LO S CO YO T WOODRUFF PALO VERDE 5T XIMENO PARK TEMPLE XIMENO REDONDO TEMPLE CHERRY R FOSTE CR CARMENITA WOODRUFF BELLFLOWER BL CLARK LAKEWOOD BL REDONDO BELLFLOWER BL TEMPLE CHERRY ORANGE AV ITOS ALAM ER TYL TYLER LE AF RD GS IN SP R FE NT A SA GR EE NL SHOEMAKER BLOOMFIELD NORWALK BL PIONEER STUDEBAKER ORR & DAY PIONEER PARAMOUNT BL LAKEWOOD BL ORANGE AV CALIFORNIA MARTIN LUTHER KING JR ATLANTIC METRO BLUE LINE RT IMPERIAL HWY Biola University WALKER BELLFLOWER BL CLARK LAKEWOOD BL DOWNEY RD PARAMOUNT BL GARFIELD CHERRY ORANGE AV ATLANTIC CHERRY REDONDO PINE 1ST SANTA ANITA AV EL MONTE DO EST O PICKERING ON NS RE SO GREENLEAF OA DW AY BR BL NORWALK LEE AR SEY JER ER RIV SAN G ABR IEL WOODDRUFF McNAB AV WOODDRUFF CLARK DOWNEY RD BELLFLOWER BL CE RR ITO S LAKEWOOD BL PARAMOUNT BL HO N RIO SANTA ANITA CENTRAL CENTRAL R VE RI EL RI GA B NO Y R F W IVE IEL R GAB R SAN NEE R PIO DAY OR R& LONGWORTH ALBURTIS PIONEER WO OD D ROSETON RU FF WO OD KE LA BELLFLOWER BL BL D WO O KE HOLLY BAL DWIN MERCED MERCED POTRERO N SA PK W Y R NEE PIO BL K RW AL NS PA SS O ONS PAS S BL SH IRE OO K BR RE HI KS LA NT IN GT ON OLD RANCH POTRERO LASHBROOK BL AD ME SE RO R I VE NR SA SE RO NT OU AM PA R SEM EA D B L RO RD EY DO WN RD EY DO WN OO BR ARD EN ENCINITA LEE MABEL HONDO RIO WALNUT GROVE BL NT OU AM PA R AD ME DO HON RIO BL T OU N AM NT AM OU PA R BA LD WI N ALTURA ROSEMEAD BL ROSEMEAD BL WALNUT GROVE SAN GABRIEL BL L NT B MOU PAR A A RE AR POPL LO EL F BL UF S LO EL EB NT VE S RI PA R BL S VE RI MICHILLINDA ROSEMEAD BL MADRE WALNUT GROVE SAN GABRIEL BL DEL MAR DEL MAR NEW JACKSON 6TH 4TH LE MAP D NW OO EE NT MO GR EB E PL MA D NW OO EE S M O GR L HO O SC ER RIV D OL OL SC HO R RIV E D OL BALDWIN MICHILLINDA SIERRA MADRE VILLA SAN GABRIEL BL DEL MAR SA AN NTA ITA A RR SE RAMONA OX 21ST WILC HOW ARD FI GA R GARFIELD LD FIE LD FIE GA R ER IA ON JA B O HO ND O RI HU ALTADENA DR MUSCATEL ALLEN CRAIG SIERRA MADRE BL BONITA SIERRA ALMANSOR IELD GAR F EL D N FINDLAY GA R EASTERN EASTERN LOS ANGE LES RIV ER EASTERN GARFIELD SAK HUN ORANGE AV ATLANTIC ATLANTIC LONG ATLANTIC BEACH BL PACIFIC MAGNOLIA ANGELES FOREST OXFORD ALLEN HILL SIERRA BONITA HILL WILSON GARFIELD GARFIELD ATLANTIC T ES CR TIC ATLA N ONA ARIZ FORD WILCOX WILCOX RA YO T IGH WR ER ES RIV ER LOS ANGEL LONG BEACH BL LONG BEACH BL SANTA FE PACIFIC MAGNOLIA EASY LOS ANGELES RIVER Y FW LONG BEACH FWY EASY SANTA FE UEZ CH ANNEL ISLAND L IN A HACIENDA LAKE LAKE LAKE WILSON EL MOLINO EL MOLINO OAK KNOLL IC ST A ATL AN T VI N ER ST EASTERN ALAMO HELIOTROP E ATLANTIC ATL ANT IC ATL ANT IC FWY BEACH LONG Y DA IR MCHELEN EDA RM TE FORD HENRY ALLEN SAN LOS ROBLES LOS ROBLES ARROYO ARROYO ATLANTIC HA AL A NN RIA EA DOWNEY ROWAN INDIANA OTIS LIS BUL DELTA SANT A FE MED A ALA GTO N WIL MIN AV IN GT ON IL M W AV GTO N AM ED A OSA TA R GO FAIR MA REN RAYMOND FREMONT AV A BR M EASTERN Y LE MA VA L SO TO N EE A EN CALIFORNIA STATE BUL LIS CENTRAL AV BONITA RAYMOND FAIR OAKS FAIR OAKS FOOTHILL FWY LINCOLN SE CO PA AR SA RO DE YO NA LIS COL M ON GR ER EV LO R A EN LO R CALIFORNIA STATE MOUNTAIN OTIS MILES SEVILLE PACIFIC SANTA FE ACACIA SANTA FE CENTRAL AVALON BL AVALON BL BANNING Y HARBOR OAK S WINDSOR AV 64 4 AV 6 ER EY NT ON IS SI RA SIER SS I MI SO TO ID CL EU STATE COMPTON AV CENTRAL CLOVIS AVALON BL SAN PEDRO ST AVALON BL ALA M MONETA DOLORES FIGUEROA GI BS JO HN LAKE EA VI GL ST E A AV 51 AV 50 IN GR IFF LINCOLN PARK BL GRIFFIN DALY ST AT E ALAMEDA ALAMEDA SOTO HOOPER VIEW FIGUEROA BROADWAY FIGUEROA VERMONT T ON RM VE GAFFEY WESTERN CAS ITA S CHEVY CHASE BL ROCK RA N SA FW Y O DR SA COMPTON BL HOOPER COMPTON AV CENTRAL AVALON BL ELM HARBOR TRANSITWAY HARBOR FWY S MAIN WIL MIN AL RO HIL LLING LS RD RT PO FAIR OAKS OD NWO ELLE EA GL E FA EL AI PE N METRO BLUE LINE L TRA CEN CENTRAL SANTA FE ST N SA BL AVALON SO TO N RI SP M OA DW AY AN GR BR PE PL E DR O IN MA MA ST SAN PEDRO SAN PEDRO ST SAN PEDRO ST MAIN BROADWAY MAIN FIGUEROA BROADWAY HARBOR FWY BERENDO VERMONT NORMANDIE NORMANDIE VERMONT CRENSHAW BL DOLORES WESTERN NORMANDIE ON HAR BO R F W BEND SE UG UE ALTA CANYADA FWY GLEN DALE EY GO VERDU A EN AD PA S OA DW AY PE HO NG E IV OL OA D ER GU FI R FL OW E OA D DW AY AN GR BR MAIN MAIN HARBOR TRANSITWAY FIGUEROA BROADWAY FIGUEROA HOOVER VERMONT VERMONT BUDLONG HALLDALE WESTERN WESTERN GRAMERCY VAN NESS CRENSHAW BL MAPLE MADRONA MADISON HAWTHORNE BL ANGELES OCEAN VIEW VERDUGO GO RV HA EAGL E ROC K BL W Y ST AD I UM BR O AD AL VA R RO A UE FIG DU SS M OY NE CHEVY CHASE ADAMS ET CH ER FL AV PAR K GLENDALE BL AK E RL SIL VE T MP AR RA BROADWAY FIGUEROA RO BL DA LE EN GL BL DA LE GLE N BRAND CENTRAL BL E DA L GLENDALE BL PARK BL W SILVER LAKE BL HYPER GR IF FI TH NO RE HOOVER HOOVER HOOVER HOOVER VERMONT VERMONT NORMANDIE NORMANDIE WESTERN DENKER GRAMERCY SPINNING VAN NESS CRENSHAW BL YUKON YUKON PRAIRI E HAWTHORNE BL EARL ANZA BL SAN FR ANC IS BRIGGS BRIGGS ROSEMONT LA CRESCENTA AV DUNSMORE BRAND PACIFIC EN GL GE GE OR ST . ION TALMADGE HOOVER VIRGIL VIRGIL VERMONT VERMONT NORMANDIE NORMANDIE WESTERN WESTERN VAN NESS VAN NESS SPINNING VAN NESS YUKON PRAIRIE PRAIRIE HAWTHORNE BL INGLEWOOD AV ANZA HA W EN S CR RN LOWELL CENTRAL SO NO HIGH L RA AND GRAN ER N ES T W HILLHURST METRO RED LINE VERMONT CATALINA NORMANDIE NORMANDIE NORMANDIE WESTERN WESTERN VAN NESS VAN NESS 8TH CRENSHAW BL YUKON DOMINGUEZ CREEK HAWTHORNE BL RAMONA INGLEWOOD AV REDONDO BEACH AV RINDGE VERDES BL PA LO S VIA COLUSA UR SP R SILVE CANADA BL DVIE W AL L EN WILTON ARLINGTON CRENSHAW BL DEGNAN CRENSHAW BL PRAIRIE PRAIRIE HAWTHORNE BL LA BREA INGLEWOOD AV AVIATION AVIATION AVIATION HWY COAST PACIFIC GRA ALA NVIA MIRA MO CI PR AM ED A AL N LE WESTERN WESTERN WILTON ARDEN BL AW WES T ES LL CR HI EUCALYPTUS MARKET AIRPORT CATALINA ROSELAWN A E IV OL AL GARFIELD WILTON GOWER VINE CAHUENGA ROSSMORE CR T A BRE LA EA RED LA BR OND O SER HAU INGLEWOOD AV RA JE TI LA NASH E B L HOR N HAW T HA CI COMMERCE AV AG NO CY LI PR A ES S M RD UG O VE OD WESTERN C YN BEACHWOOD GOWER VINE CAHUENGA HIGHLAND HIGHLAND EN SH RED HAU OND O SER FAX FAIR A JE R TI LA SEPULV EDA BL SEPULVEDA BL SEPULVEDA BL SEPULVEDA BL ESPLANADE O M W AL NU T IV E LL MT Y DR WO BARHAM LA BREA LA BREA GARDNER FAIRFAX LA CIENEGA LA CIENEGA SON FER JEF LA BREA L RB CK LV E DO CU AD BR EMERSON LOYOLA MAIN N RE HU E SC PA SE BUCKINGHAM MO TO R NG TO N HI W AS BL L RB CU LO NA MUL D C YN COL CY N LIB U DE N CA M HO CAHUENGA NICHOLS CANYON CRESCENT HTS CRESCENT HTS DOHENY DOHENY N RTSO ROBE HILG ARD L RB CU LV E A N A DA GR D HOL LAN NES VIRGE OV I BR ID GE VISTA BUENA VINELAND VINELAND COLFAX COLDWATE R CANYON LA CIENEGA IA RN IFO CA L LV E CHAUTA MT GLEASON ORO VISTA SHERMAN BL D SU NL AN COLFAX HOLLYWOOOD WY AV TUJUNGA LANKERSHIM LAUREL CYN WHITSETT WHITSETT COLDWATER CYN OL WHITSETT COLDWATER CYN FULTON FULTON VE BE Y FW DIE GO N SA UQUA TEM LAS AP BE N YO MA M N CA CORNELL 110TH W RD VENTURA CYN WOODMAN WOODMAN RL YG LE N WOODCLIFF DA PU LV E HAZELTINE VAN NUYS BL HASKELL LIBBIT MANDEVILLE CAN YON ET NS SU ESC AL LINLAK DE E RO VE R AR HU BB HAZELTINE KESTER VAN NUYS BL BL SEPULVEDA WOODLEY HAYVENHURST SE TUJUNGA AV BALBOA LOUISE E DA B L RESE TO CA PA NY NG ON A LINDERO C YN LA IR WE AN D GR CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE LA HABRA BL Y E LE LEFFINGWELL FW UM Y ER WHITTIER BL A AN AN D W PK LEF RUSSELL A NT KAN S VIEW C LAKE YN LL F SP THR RI EE NG S NA RO CO HI F TO ER SA DOMIN G D BL ED PO LK VAN NUYS BL SEPULVEDA BL HASKELL WOODLEY HAVENHURST HAVENHURST BALBOA LOUISE WHITE OAK WHITE OAK LINDLEY RESEDA BL NESTL AV VAN A BL Y HW S LA GAREY O CU KE ITE IN CH COYOTE SPRINGS N YO W E ST LA WH CITRUS PO LK SO E SEPULVEDA BL HASKELL WOODLEY HAVENHURST BALBOA ENCINO LOUISE BALBOA LINDLEY LINDLEY RESEDA BL WILBUR TAMPA CORBIN WINNETKA MASON AV LDE N TOPANGA CAN YON SHOUP CAPISTRANO WINNETKA AV SALE AV SALE AV FALLBROOK DE SOTO CANOGA OWENSMOUTH TOPANGA CANYON SHOUP FALLBROOK WOODLAKE WOODLAKE MANTON AV A N A DA GR CAHUENGA HASKELL WOODLEY HAVENHURST RUFFNER BALBOA ENCINO LOUISE ZELZAH WHITE OAK ZELZAH WHITE OAK LINDLEY RESEDA BL DARBY RESEDA BL WILBUR TAMPA CORBIN WINNETKA MASON DE SOTO CANOGA TOPANGA CANYON SHOUP FALLBROOK WOODLAKE BERNARDINE AV PLATT PLATT HU BB A N BA LB OA RESE DA B L BU R WIL WILBUR VANALDEN TAMPA CORBIN WINNETKA AV MASON DE SOTO CANOGA RO XF OR D OL DE TA MP A WINNETKA AV TAM PA DE SOTO CANOGA TOPANGA CANYON OWENSMOUTH VALLEY CIRCLE E RC L CI VALLEY D LAN T S RE FO MUL Y HW Y FWY LES ANGE PY D AN GR IR LA HARBOR PY IND N CA S IND HARBOR N EX EA NOGALE PAT HF IC EA RIVERSIDE DR EX L GVIEW 57 DER IN PATHF TR EC EL E OC WALNUT AV 60 ON BR N A T 1S Chino Hills Diamond Ranch High School PHILADELPHIA RA SO PAT HF Y ES PL IN NA M HO FRANCIS ST COLIMA E RA PHILLIPS TE KST ON A LE KI OW A E CR L CO MAP LL LAR IM HW E AR M AR N D 60 GALE DIAMOND BAR PL CO S GE IRD ID TE B BR GA D SAN B ERNA RDI NO COUNT Y NC RIO FWY W K BO EE CR LAN GO EY 9TH MISSION N PA GS HI IM L WEL FING WESTMINSTER T E IN AR SEAL BEACH IN N ONA LEY LEMON FWY COLIMA 17TH A EA W IE RV T EA ES CL CR ND GR SPRIN LDEN E PHILADELPHIA S ITO EN LYCOMING A POMON ROWLAND HEIGHTS A LIM POM AN ROWLAND LEXINGTON ARM GO INDUSTRY VA ARA GOLD RUSH LD CURRIER Y E LL TH CO CARREY SANTA CL 60 N GEWO W ED R PU SUNSE CROSSI T NG MO VALLEY SI GA DE L LE INE POM ONA FWY ST T N M AS CO E OR VY NA OC FRANCIS LE INDUSTRY RIV RD EN Y OL PROSPECTORS TE OAK Y 1 NA VA N E CHAPMAN 2ND RO Y E LL LE ER 605 SAN DIEGO FWY CO WALNUT GRA FW D RA LLE EVA D LE MO ID PUENTE HILLS VER MAL El Dorado Park PHILLIPS L VA LE KS AMAR TEMP OW NA TE INGW AV POMONA 9TH R EAST ONTARIO PEDLEY RIVERSIDE DOWNTOWN MISSION Y AMA HOLT HOLT MISSION 57 KINGSLEY KINGSLEY DOWNTOWN POMONA 71 GR AD MO ER AV DE CERRITOS VE GRO BENITO HOLT Cal Poly University Pomona Mt. San Antonio College PALO OD GWO MULBERRY ELL CR 226TH NGE ORA OYO ARR Y LA ORANGETHORPE TE YO CO 10 N YOU Whittwood Mall ADELFA 183RD AV MORENO Montclair Plaza A VIST BR ALONDRA ON TEMPLE INYO GAR O E LEY METROLINK RIVERSID EE IN INK RN HIS RC MU VINE CR MA TR VE KIN VALLE VALINDA LA PUENTE LE ME Mc MONTCLAIR UPLAND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FONTANA RIALTO SAN BERNARDINO ARROW LA 10 AV Devry Insitute of Technology US CLAREMONT SAN BERNARDINO AV NO FWY SAN BERNARDI JANINE S Y VERDE 57 TR ROUTE HUNTINGTON BEACH WARNER VERDE SAN BERNARDINO AV Frank G. Bonelli Regional County Park N MERCED ARROW LA HABRA ER FW EX PL IR FA CAMERO CI FOOTHILL Claremont Colleges 6TH ARROW LA County Fairplex Wa VIA 8TH School of Theology at Claremont VI L L S MB AN BRACKETT FIELD PUDDINGSTONE RESERVOIR E LINE WEST COVINA VA L ES Park CLAREMONT POMONA Pomona Raceway D Y RO C BONITA GST ONE B k Cree lnut 16TH 210 HARRISON DIN TE CAMERON AMAR E 60 D AD SH LIN GA L N PUD SA AN RO BA La Verne AV O ILL GR AN CYPRESS AV S IMA EN Eastland Center L 16TH E EG L OL LA VERNE University of BADILLO LL MI A BIOL AN ER SI P LO TE AN Y BL JU LI ET PO BL MARGO LOYN ES IFIC PAC RB 2ND STUDEBAKER 22 GE ILLA ELIOT NAPLES CROWN VALLLEY CANYON HILL FW PECK IER MULLHOLL HWY O ID ND ON CO NY ES CA ND SA T FOO TE STA EW SH T 05-3163ns SIERRA Y HW SAND N O CANY SECO CYN RD VI RU S N HU N BONITA PU SAN BERNARDINO FWY CORTEZ BONITA HIL PUENTE WORKMAN 10 57 BASELINE ARROW G EN BIX BY V D BELMONT SHORE /M OC TO R DO COVINA SAN DIMAS CIENEGA ROWLAND CAMERON 7TH Y 2N N Queen Mary SOUTH BADILLO VE RO HW N HA TON GS LIVIN NE NE IE EL AL ITT CO AS 4TH BROADWAY FW Cal State University Long Beach T 72 N SA Y MT BASELINE FOO T COVINA BL DI ATHERTON A PI AN N M BROADW AY 1ST C 7TH R N GU GE TR ILL AN TON ALICANTE FW FOOTH BASELINE GLADSTONE SA Y AP 1ST STREET OCE SPRING EI 7TH AR HALLIBUR MA L RT CA ARTESIA BL WARDLOW W WILLO O AH 10TH 7TH AK IMPERIAL HWY A MT EMMA TA ME SI ILL EG N FI DA MA H TE LITTLEROCK FOOTH CIVIC CENTER WARDLOW STEARNS AN 10TH PA CI AM PR HAWAIIAN GARDENS 405 E SANFORD ANAHEIM ST FI TH HA TR N WH CONANT RTO ANAHEIM ST DO AN RN L FE AL WH NE GE VALLEY LA VIL D A ANIT AV IC M CE EL HO RANC PALM ATH E 8TH SANTA TE EL MON WEST L CITY B PACIFIC COAST HWY SAN L E O O AD R LO CO GOLDEN TEMPLE S LO D T YO CO EY WIL N CY TH OS RL CA BALDWIN L CITY B WEST ES STEARNS AN BE MC ELL ROCKW CANYON N IA GOLDEN TEMPLE GO IA RA Y FW SA OR GL VA Q U E SUNSET BL D OR DF Long Beach City College LONG BEACH EN LONG BEACH HARBOR D SIGNAL HILL L NA D AP CARSON ST PARKCREST WILLOW EA VES EA HILL Park SPRING OC REE M PACIFIC VERA WILLOW 2N BL GR AR 138 IS BE 405 4TH Shoreline Village NG RI SP 5TH STREET ELINE IC O WO Y SHOR SE FW TRANSIT MALL R AKE EB UD ST BL GO ER Y TR UN UB CO CL CH BEA E DI WILLOW CARSON ST CONANT LONG BEACH AIRPORT (LBA) WARDLOW AN O RIT WNEY DO G LON N BIXBY RV LA PALMA AV CENTRALIA 605 CARSON ST SPRING 7TH 4TH OV E AN Heartwell TR TA M YE CN PKWY ON E CU LE A GS VINCENT GRADE/ACTON ARROW COVINA PUENTE Plaza at West Covina NA ER PL AM OA DW AY 195TH DEL AMO GR ON AR NORWALK/ SANTA FE SPRINGS 195TH ER LS MA NN ARTESIA RN NE M ARROW COVINA BL ROWLAND MAPLEGROVE CO RR NT A FOOTHILL ROUTE 66 JUANITA CYPRESS ST Schabarum Park LA 166TH SOUTH O ARBOR CARSON ST Y A BE FOSTER RIN AV U PEARBLOSSOM HWY GOLDEN HILLS South Hills Park ARROW MERCED LIM IER R SP Y LD GLENDORA BASELINE ARROW PL Whittier College LA CERRITOS DEL AM CENTRALIA BOMBERRY LE PENN LAKELAND EL MT GLADSTONE LA HABRA ITT 42 183RD CO VI AR E TR 183RD MAUNA LOA WORKMAN TO AM 605 GU NE TU M UI VA L ROSECRANS ER L RIV K REE N C IO AN C HADLEY UL 5 ROUTE 66 210 Puente Hills Mall M EXCELSIOR AL OS TA BADILLO CA M SQ OT LA TO W DEL AMO FI CI K FLORENCE AV ALONDRA Los Cerritos Center PA CI AN L LA CUARTA FOSTER L F W Citrus College Azusa Pacific University DINO M RM Y E FOOTHILL SAN BERNAR FR IL HADLEY HWY AZUSA 1ST BADILLO NO FWY BERNARDI SAN BEVERLY BL ARTESIA BL IE GABR PTO A TO WHITTIER 91 LAKEWOOD UI BROADWAY TO N RAMONA SAN COM N SA ANAHEIM PACIFIC Lakewood Center Mall SQ HACIENDA HEIGHTS 166TH SOUTH HARDWICK CI TE LL FLORA VISTA CANDLEWOOD AN SAN JOSE CREE K MI IMPERIAL BENNETT METROLINK SAN BERNARDINO LINE ER AN Cerritos College ALLINGTON DEL AMO PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY L NE RO NA FE SUSA ROSE MARKET ON NT WILLOW 10TH BL ATLANTIC CEDAR OLIVE FR BL TELEGRAPH RR N YO LEADORA FOOTHILL PUENTE LO S SANTA FE SPRINGS EXCELSIOR MIDWAY ST RA RG VE RI NA A GE AN 605 LIVE OAK O RAM M PHILADELPHIA BA SIERRA MADRE AV LEADORA Y IRWINDALE DE N H BL SANTA INE UE L O BL WILMINGTON AV METR HARDING SPRING 103 EL BEAC ARTESIA BL SOUTH WARDLOW ANAHEIM ST DU ARTESIA FWY DEL AMO 710 BL AV T N CA SOLEDAD TUJ 39 RO W BALDWIN PARK KM ROSECRANS FLOWER 91 MARKET HILL RI 70TH AZ LI IN WH BRO ADE D CH AR LES WO R GRIDLEY LONG A ALAMED 70TH SOUTH DL OW IE AV T Newhall Pass CYPRESS ST LI EL KL E E RF OR BELLFLOWER LE E LOS ANGELES ST OR W SL FOSTER COMPTON BL AR TURNBULL CANYON ES ROSECRANS NA RD SA Rio Hondo College GTON FIR STUDEBAKER ATLANTIC BULLIS ALONDRA Y ROADS WASH IN TH NORWALK 19 WA R INGS HAST H DR RANC BULLIS K LONG BEACH BL ROO SANTA FE A ALAMED B LOW WIL EK SOMERSET KW H IMPERIAL VI E O AK CROSS AN N A HWY ACTON UNG A HIL Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area LIV DA H CK SLAU NORWALK PARAMOUNT OP PE L JO RR TT SIERRA MADRE AV 605 A ST RKM WO ROSECRANS ROSECRANS R LI DUARTE City of Hope Medical Center 10 ELLIOTT LEFF METRO GREEN LINE 105 L EL TE PEARBLOSSOM HWY Angeles National Forest Placerita Canyon Park ILE FOO T TI LA 605 DUARTE RD D FL OR LAKELAND LAKEWOOD CENTURY FWY AV FOSTER WARDLOW B GA L GA STEWART & G ND AL PLACERITA CYN WE FOOTHILL BALDWIN PARK TE TO NE RAY DE Y E W GS CO SON DUNNING CLARKMAN ES MAIN DEL AMO N CE FIR E 710 SA AL RL Y S DAVENRICH Stonewood Center GR GA R IN VICTORIA DRE RI CAR L Compton College MA ND ALONDRA 103 RK YO BL JR A AY PE Y FW NG 405 H S C LI 42 EN ROYAL OAKS M N H CI Y LE L VA E OP EL T CK 126 FW 39 TE SO AP FL OR LE OG AU GR BRADBURY BL R N LE 19 VA L LL IL TT USO 5 NT AL 605 TE EW AR T& SLA AV ST IM GABRIEL NE PICO RIVERA A AN KI RB CE FOSTER BL HI EN E 14 Y AN DO HUNTINGTON FEE IN N LEMON VE FL OR CE VACCO SW DUR M A NT R SA AVALON BL Korean Bell SHEPARD PASEO DE L MAR 14 AV S San Gabriel Mountains IDG BE MI NG TO N SA HE H AP LU T R EG IN ERL Y HI USO L TE H BL RT COMPTON BL WILLOW W H UT SCO L TY T METROLINK ANTELOPE VALLEY LINE H PRINCESSA NEWHALL PALMDALE FO R ER E AT ST NE N GE WILCOX AP GR BEAC MA DU 72 WA S 210 GARVEY Whittier LEGG Narrows LAKE Rec. Area W SLA FIRESTON 710 SA 47 RIEL GAB IO ISS AN OR ON LT LE LONG MONA LYNWOOD SAN SM FU TE TIC EDA TWEEDY E RF N TE IE SA C BEV BL ND R BRYA ER AN TA AN S E ES AV OLYM PIC HO WE LO A NT RUSH AV R AV S OVE U KLINGERMAN A IT SO GE R-12 R CALG OKR RI HEM EL MONTE RUSH AV R AV S SOLEDAD CANYON BRO R VE LOWER AZ USA RD EL MONTE AIRPORT 19 ES RID SANTA CLARITA LYONS Y WY GLADSTONE LOC K TOWNEWAY SOUTH EL MONTE BL DOWNEY CAN YON PALMDALE BL 138 T AN DR O AV MISSION DR LD T LOS A GT ON Y ENA ARIN ES FIE ON EM BL AV Q To Lake Los Angeles SIE W Y F SOLEDAD CANYON D SOLEDA CANYON PKW California Institute of the Arts CANYON COUNTRY WH CA ITES NY ON SANTA CLARITA IC M TN ALTAD SAN M L ROB R GA FR TIER GAGE RF GA N ATLA ALAM 42 SOUTHERN N D WHIT NEWHALL RANCH MAG VALENCIA VALEN CE LINCOLN MAD WA S FO S LD A E CARSON ST C K GROVE OA LOS FREMONT FWY CECILI AK TLA DOMINGUEZ 1 OLN VICT ORIA BEVE RLY BL HIN AU CLARA N TO PACIFIC COAST HWY CH PIL LOS ROBLES ORANGE GROVE ACH LONG BE AV LT L RD T UE UQ ON BO ANY C HW IDE Angel's Gate Park AV Q E RD SI EN LD GO LINCOLN L GAGE BOYLE EDA ALAM CRE WILMINGTON AV N TO MP CHICO 213TH 233RD AVALON BL AL AS Royal Palm State Beach L EAR O D EL MAR AE AF SAN R E CO D CARSON AR MIN BELL GARDENS AV ABBOTT DEL AMO HARRY BRIDGES SE 25TH PAS E CUDAHY COR ARTESIA ANAHEIM ST TER GAGE Montebello Town Center COMMERCE SL D Six Flags Magic Mountain GTON K LIVE OA RIO EL MONTE AMIGOS LOS LINC ISON COMMERCE IO 47 INI OL A SIE HILL 22ND W H AC BE VIE RD D 25TH ARROYO 26 PL H H L NE AN L E A PWO O CH Ports O’Call Village SAN PEDRO 19TH N ARROYO AV M TE 8T L CENTRA Z UE DR DUME 9TH 13TH E BI AR TW ES W Marymount College 9TH NT RD M E 9T AL AVALON BL NG ES RD VE 213 1ST YO RO Y IU AD ST PL M CENTR RD STANFO ST MI DO VINCENT THOMAS BRIDGE 7TH AR AFAEL SAN R AV 57 2 5 AV K O ND NA LIN FW DR ER RO E AT ST NF SA ET /M EN TE ND SC 7TH DR 50 AK LD LE BL BA IMPERIAL O WATERFRONT RAIL CAR E S DE ER SV E LO DR PA ING TON TIC AN W 1ST WA SH LA ROSA RD OLN MONTEBELLO COMMERCE INE FREER LINC Y HA N L AT CLARA SANTA AN E N HE HUNTIN REAL CAMINO WOODRUFF OLIVE 60 BL LO EL EB NT MO N NGEL 1L L AT R NE SUMMERLAND BL 5 751 N CEA LEST DR S WEST AV N TR AM GO GLENDA DRO SAN PE WILMINGTON AV FIGUEROA RANCHO PALOS VERDES ROSEMO V A A VIST DA LIN IO VIS AV DI R AV 54 E AT W AT RI SA GREENLEAF SEPULVEDA BL WILMINGTON AV CA RL Y OLYMPI C 711 A ST 223RD MAIN D OA UER FIG S R PARK D FIEL EST OA AM AD GRIFFITH OL PIT YO ARRO O RIVER VERDUGO D OR ND NA ER NF SA S GELE 223RD OA WESTMONT VE EAST LOS ANGELES C TI &9 FWY NA AN INI FLORENCE LONG BEACH GR O POM FERGUSON BELL COMPTON UNIVERSITY WILMINGTON N ER S V EAST FIGUER VERDUG N LOS A MAIN LA Harbor College ROLLING HILLS CR AN LL TR PO NA E LINE ND 711 IMPERIAL/ WILMINGTON ANAHEIM ST SID IFF CL FWY ATE N ST DR ST T DES DEL AMO Harbor Park ES VER OS PAL MALIBU FIGUER DES AH EIM PACIFIC COAST HWY CR PALOS no permit needed 262ND ST AN CREST 1 T 228TH 110 GAFFEY MALIBU ZOO S 1 O PAL AK CENTURY TURMONT ON M UR CARSON ST WESTERN Malibu Bluffs Recreation Area 1 PE Home Depot Center Soccer Stadium Cal State University Dominguez Hills LOMITA BL PACIFIC COAST HWY MIRA W Y E VIE HW AV HI DE NT AA ARTESIA BL SEPULVEDA BL HARBOR CITY S LO DR PA ES RD NG N WATTS S VICTORIA 213TH LOMITA BL LOMITA 255TH ST ROLLING HILLS VE ESTATES RD DR TWEEDY GREENLEAF T 234TH VE NI 1 PACIFIC CO AST HW Y W OR G BA S FIRESTONE BRENNER CARSON AV P SOLEDAD PASS LLE VA PE ELO E EL MONTE STATION GARVEY RUSH AN BE TH CIA BL OLIVE DUARTE RD ROSEMEAD S E SA O. L LE INDEPEND CALDWELL VICTORIA 405 228TH NARBONNE PA LO S R S D U R CENTE BL 242ND ST T AN RANDOL 105 192ND 110 223RD East Los Angeles College VE GARDENA FWY GRIFFITH TORRANCE BL AMO ESHELMAN BL DE MALIB M LVED A S RD IC PACIFIC COAST HWY PASEO LUNAD O DEL CESAR E CHAVEZ INE O AY M RY RT RR LONGDEN VALLEY GRAVE LEG FLORAL RIVERSID EC 91 ARTESIA TRANSIT TH CENTER 190 Harbor/UCLA Medical Center COL FLORAL ING TON NG BITTERLAKE HARBOR GATEWAY T MON WA SH ORA GE SOUTH GATE ALBERTONI SEPU CO AS NK HUNTINGTON PARK 103RD WALNUT ST 213 CARSON ST BL L HIL 1 C GARDENA BL 190TH 248TH ST FI IN RNE THO ES ER S V LO PA CIV 166TH 182ND K PA CI OLI GAGE ALONDRA ALONDRA GRAVES MONTEBELLO ETROLINK ETR SOUTHERN COMPTON AIRPORT REDONDO BEACH BL SS PA Y ERE NE W RA HA NC LL H E N Y R YO N CA T OT SC College of the Canyons BU TEMPLE CITY WAY BROAD MONTEREY PARK RD 720 ENCE COMPTON BL GARVEY CALIFORNIA RD DUARTE LONGDEN K LIVE OA AZUSA LOWER HELLMAN NEWMARK 710 WHITTIER BL 751 92ND ROSECRANS EMERSON 3RD K/M 120TH COMPTON COMPTON BL ARTESIA BL Y YP AR WT ON HAW ROSECRANS BL 170TH FW SK LL HIGHRIDGE LAS FL ES OR A LATIGO CYN CROSS CREEK IC CO AST HW Y H ITA NE AN PAC IF CH BEA O ND EDO WESTERN HW DEN R PA AMB CIF LA ICO MARINE GARDENA BL LO M CAMPESINA DI YN U C LIB GARDENA 147TH CAL STATE LA I NT HU ARCADIA GRAND EL MONTE BUSWAY HELLMAN RIGGIN PH SA 751 NT A FE WILLOWBROOK N VALLEY Santa Anita Fashion Park N TO NG FOOTHILL COLORADO HUNTINGTON K LIVE OA BROADWAY AV Santa Anita Park LAS TUNAS LAS TUNAS MIS SIO 10 DR AMTRAK/M 19 LONGDEN RO FOOTHILL CAMPUS OLIVE O ER FWY BALBOA NGTON HUNTI ALHAMBRA 710 EL SEGUNDO BL ROSECRANS TORRANCE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT IN Pepperdine University 154TH ESHELMAN T CLOY RAL CYN COR Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area AV P MONROVIA GREYSTONE SYCAMORE COLORADO HUGO REID DU E NIP N CAL STATE UNIVERSITY LA FRUITLAND AN 135TH AIN IO SS RD LEONIS FIRESTONE AVALON AV A R MB EY ER LO S FLORENCE CALIFORNIA NDA HACIE ADA RO RD ARTE ROSES 60 GAGE 103RD ST SAN GABRIEL H MI SLAUSON IMPERIAL HWY 161ST ARLINGTON CO AS DR N LA GA PALOS VERDES ESTATES E GOLD BL 5T PA CIF 110 RD 55TH FLORENCE ON GT IN T UN COMMONWEALTH BLANCHARD 751 VERNON SAN PASQUAL HELLMAN SLAUSON 108TH HARBOR FWY ROSECRANS CABRILLO AL RE A BL O M FIC RAACI P ME DU Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area MA 132ST 190TH 23 E M A 705 VERNON TA 124TH 135TH CARSON ST BL BL BANDINI VERNON AV R ARLINGTON A AZ PL O R DEL ALTH COMMONWE IN Del Amo Fashion Center NT PIUMA 148TH A RO PIUMA 146TH BI VE MO 37TH 41ST MANCHESTER 103RD MO M DFO TRA FLORENCE 711 110 SOUTH PASADENA DEL MAR BL R L C HIL OL ARB AV M T ES ORANGE GROVE COLORADO SIERRA MADRE VILLA Y RE NTE MADRE BL SINGING WOOD 210 Huntington Library and Gardens ALHAMBRA AV LL VA L FOW SIERRA MADRE SIERRA FALLEN LEAF COLORADO SAN MARINO VIEW GRAND MADRE BL SIERRA ALLEN HA O H AM 55TH GAGE 405 TORRANCE DR W RDES VIA N RING M CA C SP TAL CRYS ZA PROSPECT A IN S PALO 41ST ALEGRIA FOOTHILL SAN PASQUAL VIRGINIA OLYMPIC 745 139TH LU M SEPULVEDA Y VERDES N GLENARM N GTO H 720 SAUGUS Castaic Junction Vasquez Rocks County Park Y NEWHALL GROVE AL 5 A ST EL SEGUNDO BL MAPLE CO CA 1 K AN A VI ST A IDO OND ESCANYON C DAVN PO A COPPER VAL VERDE AGUA DULCE 5 MOUNTAIN CALIFORNIA MONTEREY NC ACE CITY TERR NA COLDEN 98TH ATHENS DEL AMO ST RSON ITA CALLE DE ARBOLES SO California Insititute of Technology CK RA N Pasadena City College GREEN Y LDE LAKE HUNTINGTON 4T POMO METRO GREEN LINE DIE LO M PALOS PIUMA HO AV K U.S. AIR FORCE PLANT 42 GO ORANGE COLORADO MISSION N CENTURY FWY TORRANCE BL IC ER YORK E VILLA CORDOVA MISSION WASHINGTO VERMONT TORRANCE BL Redondo State Beach N CY 710 190TH DEL AMO REDONDO BEACH T D OL SAN AN D ON AM DI STUN There are no restrictions on weekends and holidays. ARTESIA BL 107 R YO CALLE MA LATIG O C YN N DR ECT N CY Y AL C 710 190TH NT U LIB MA AN LL Malibu Creek State Park O OND RED GALLERIA AT SOUTH BAY A ANIT 751 MPIC WASHINGTON W Z OLY S 780 DEL MAR FILLMORE CO CE SA R 1S E C T HA VE IER 745 162ND GO R Z ITT 10 DEL MAR BL MONTEREY HILLS AS 751 AV E WH NADEAU 120TH BEACH BL BL CH BEA Galleria at South Bay Redondo Beach Pier STU MULH GRANT L LLHO LLAND D OLLAN MANHATTAN 740 RY L TA CA R MU VISTA 745 754 El Camino College BE BO LAKE MUL LH O CIN 107 OSP HE R HA N NA MU LL HO LL 135TH LAWNDALE L IP 720 PASADENA DEL MAR BL AV 6 0 ME AR WA B E C H 7TH SLAUSON 120TH 147TH EY DO RON LAS VIRGENES RESERVOIR N CENTURY LA S W College 156TH PR WY AST H IC CO PACIF A UR O AG OSA FO VALLEY TRIUN HERM AY W SAS RK A PA LAB CA C PACIFI IN LEY VAL Y FW URA T VEN WESTLAKE VILLAGE SA 101 AGOURA MO HER AGOURA NC AV K AV N K H LA HW RRA WASHINGTON FOOTHILL FWY WALNUT ST GREEN ERE MONT EL SERENO AL CA Z RD 705 MANCHESTER 105 MARINE HERMOSA BEACH 6TH O MERCURY LA COUNTY + USC MEDICAL CENTER 10 R NE VALLEY Y GG BOYLE HEIGHTS 4TH 92ND 108TH 405 ARTESIA BL K CALABASAS RA FW Y DER R PA RA ELIZABET SIE M TA NR O LINE GOLD MOUNTAIN E VILLA TIN SA 7T AD AM DEN NEW YORK FWY NA DE HUN H 51ST HARBOR FWY SEGUNDO BL LIN REDONDO BEACH E OR DM ND AR HLA HIG RD ASAS B CALA VENTU YN OC TU VEN LIA ND 101 LIN A HLA T NA EN EL HIG ES IN R RAINBOW CANWOOD HIDDEN HILLS MUREAU NT A L M DE 101 CR S NE RU RA SSE NC LL H KA Morning (6:30 – 8:30 am) Weekday Restrictions: Metro Blue Line northbound, Metro Gold Line southbound, Metro Green Line westbound, Metro Red Line both directions from Union Station to Wilshire/Vermont CE TA VIS GE IR Y SA LER G R MA SHIN PER DEL TA VIS SV A F W RO BUCK R N CE H H CASTAIC YM HE San Gabriel Mountains JU BROADWAY A HAWTHORNE 91 FW 745 110TH ROSECRANS GR UNION STATION GE Y A RO BI FLORENCE AV 710 HAWTHORNE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT NORTHROP TR O M 4T H N SA PA METROA AV EV 8T VERNON AV EA MA ME LA TUR AV N F 3 Eaton Canyon Park William Carey International University 3 LINCOLN HEIGHTS MAIN NG N AI Y GR MAYWOOD 754 110TH DOUGLAS 751 UR AV 4 ON 5T S PA SA PAS A Debs Regional Park 5 SAN PEDRO ARBOR VITAE 120TH MANHATTAN BEACH KANAN VEN KA Metro Rail welcomes cyclists, however, trains are often crowded and space for bikes is limited, especially during rush hours. Bikes are allowed to board trains except for the following times and directions: BR G EL H AC BE LY BB PE 135TH Y DB HOWARD L T ON M DR H 41ST COLDEN 108TH BROADWAY 405 CYPRESS PARK LINCOLN/ CYPRESS WO O A CU A IST HERITAGE SQUARE E LO M YORK UE SI IS 6T 780 MERIDIAN FIG M PERSHING SQUARE C ND I 23 FF MANCHESTER CRENSHAW E 2 PICO WASHINGTON AD A R LO 110 RE CENTURY EL NE Y RA JE FLORENCE AV 76TH 42 710 MARIPOSA IS 1 MENDOCINO AS CALIFORNIA Occidental College TOW CHINATOWN T PI GT ON 740 745 79TH AVIATION/LAX W 1/2 0 OSA CAL AVE R N RA R LO CO HIGHLAND PARK CY P SS AS MEMORIAL PARK DO LA SOUTHWEST MUSEUM RI 1S 780 HIGHLAND PARK RO SP HIN SLAUSON Hollywood Park Racetrack 740 ULD FOREST COVE VE WESTLAKE LARO 711 76TH IMPERIAL HWY GO S BL THOUSAND OAK AGOURA CYN Bike Rules NT C AGOURA HILLS CK RO R ADEYE OB S E GREY QUARTZ HILL AV M 5 ALTADENA DR ORANGE GROVE A ID 2N 54TH GAGE Great Western Forum MARINE V E N T U R A CO U N T Y WA S Exposition Park 110 BL CAL AVE R CO E NS RS Dodger Stadium H FW ITE MT WASHINGTON EM H OL YM NT YOSEM MN ALU E AC AD 5T 6T VE EAGLE ROCK YORK Elysian Park DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES GRAND 37TH ST/USC/EXPO PARK 705 KS Angeles National Forest RIP E OV Scholl Canyon Park VE CIVIC CENTER 210 Rose Bowl NOA D 98TH ROSECRANS M Mount Saint Mary’s College GL 2 RI 90TH HARDY N T 7TH STREET/ METRO CENTER 110 USC HAWTHORNE 1 I AR S 105 EL SEGUNDO ST E HW T OU ARBOR VITAE R BU ON RT 2N H BL K OA EN GLE MA WASHING TON Art Center College of Design 134 GL EA INE 6T 754 CENTURY EL SEGUNDO 134 O AY ALTADENA DR MONTANA LIDA A LIND AV A VIST VY CK ALP D LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE HOWARD YORK 101 3R PIC Hills SANTA AN R3 EL SEGUNDO BL Dockweiler State Beach 711 E A CROSBY COLORADO ACACIA NA TUR E SLAUSON HYDE PARK 740 ID 1S 54TH MANCHESTER MANHATTAN BEACH BL SB THOUSAND OAK L A UR L IN D TA GR 754 710 740 E Metro Rail IL HILLCREST University of West Los Angeles R PA RS D RD SLAUSON 710 740 LA O FL GRAND D AN Manhattan State Beach N OU RH LA CIENEGA N RE EE TY DE HY AC H IMPERIAL AVALON 6TH WI LS HIR 48TH 54TH K BE CE 96TH D GROV ALT ADE VEN Y OT T RL Y B L 3R Rafael 2 780 SC VE 51ST 54TH G AN LAX CITY BUS CENTER LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (LAX) Y WEST BE PICO M.L. KING JR SLAUSON INGLEWOOD AV MARIPOSA Casino Pier Avalon Bay E OV BL A H RS WESTCHESTER WORLD WA LITTLE HARBOR L VE 2 FW Y OL YM 754 CENTINELA 405 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER T ER RI O EXPOSITION M EI 5 PIC TA VIS S ELE D WESTLAKE/ MACARTHUR PARK 754 OA K D A CH ET PLE 23 VERNON AV X D EL H 80T HO L LYW OO VE 39TH IRE BROADWAY COLORADO ECHO PARK E N 740 STOCKER FAIRFA OO EW N CENTINELA State Highway or Freeway LOMA ALTA WOODBURY E FL E NS 10 39TH DEVIL’S GATE RES UR O CH H KOREATOWN JR FAIRVIEW TER PKWY Santa Catalina Airport CRENSHAW FOX HILLS TRANSIT CENTER WESTCHES Catalina Harbor NT A SLAUSON JE Otis College of Art Design NG BL SU TEM WILSHIRE/ VERMONT KI FAIRVIEW Loyola Marymount University PE VIS Playa del Rey TWO HARBORS JE E FF 1 42 Isthmus Cove ON RS E FF N E L. BER Glendale College CH MO COLISEUM H M. LOMA ALTA San DIVISION BL 705 LADERA HEIGHTS Point of Interest 126 ILL O E ER ET S SITIO 39T FO OT H CAN S KSH 2 8T JEFFERSON DES MONTROSE AS GLASSELL PARK F ROW L ER ILV E EXPO SA L ZB ENA E AK NIC 710 Verdugo Hills Hospital Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) CH PALMER GLENDALE SILVER LAKE 8TH 48TH O RS LN CO LIN Proposed Stop A IC RIN MA I FIJ CO RED LINE STOCK ER 90 TI M RE LT RA R3 N LA I AR L BA MARINA DEL REY CE K EE WY CR NA F AL RT FRANKLIN METRO PICO 210 MOUNTAIN E WILSON I EL S LO WASHINGTON STOCKER 405 GL SHO TRACY OLYMPIC D AN LV AS ED A BL E Kenneth Hahn State Rec Area LA CIENEGA West LA College LL IN L XE AV M AV J AV L AV R RTINEZ S GLENOAKS CHEVY CHASE FE LOS BL WILSHIRE 710 WEST ADAMS IN KER 780 BL Z LI 780 WILSHIRE/ NORMANDIE VENICE BL RODEO BALDWIN HILLS LOS FELIZ ADAMS 705 N OL PICO/RIMPAU TRANSIT CENTER E COLISEUM SO TE NT NTA STOC Glendale Galleria ATWATER VILLAGE VERMONT/BEVERLY WILSHIRE/ WESTERN RODEO RL SA W E OV CH PU K 2 WASHINGTON NE CK JA A N MI LTY SANTA CATALINA ISLAND WEST LA COUNTY MA GA ES D EL SE H PA R VERMONT/ SANTA MONICA LA 101 City 754 College HOLLYWOOD A FWY SANTA MONIC 705 ES FIT VERMONT/ SUNSET FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN 4TH ICE MOU WILSON BROADWAY 5 SUNSET 3RD ON QU WOO D 780 HOLLYWOOD/ WESTERN 4TH EXPOSITI DU AV A NT CE ES CR UB LA Y CL NTR COU Y TOR VIC A IST A V EN SH WA LA Zoo Autry Museum of Western Heritage G Observatory HANCOCK PARK 710 3RD NV GLENDALE H GLEN VI S VA TA LL DE E L ALTH E W ON N O Y COMM CAN Y TON 705 ING JEFFERSON NI 710 BL GH AN IN NT ST DR RIF 6TH SA KENNET 134 ELIZ LOS F ADAMS CE H SANTA MONICA BL WASHINGTON/ FAIRFAX NI 5T R HOLLYWOOD BL PICO ND DORAN HOLLYWOOD/ VINE OLYMPIC LA ED Y A FW 6TH LAC HU R TO MO RL CE PL N VIA CIF PA off road – Unpaved > Metro Bus bike racks hold two bikes; if the rack is full, please wait for the next bus > You are responsible for loading, securing and unloading your bicycle from the rack > Do not step into tra;c while loading or unloading your bike > If an object rolls under the bus, do not retrieve it; tell the operator and wait for the bus to pull away, then retrieve it > Make your bike “rack ready” by removing water bottles, pumps or any loose items that might fall off > Tandem bikes or bikes with motors, solid wheels, large racks, child seats or other attachments are not allowed on racks > Folded bikes can be taken on board the bus ID HU CA BEVERLY DR R TO MO E OV IN HL LE UG EL LA L MC WT SA NI N IRA A W Metro’s Bikes on Buses program is simple. Just pay your normal fare and load your bicycle in the rack at the front of the bus – free! Loading instructions are right by the rack, which is designed to hold each bicycle separately and in place with a spring-loaded clamp. E S WY DB B CE VE WASHINGTO N I SH BL CAD IL VE CULVER CITY C IN BL M NT E AR ST L CK NO H AS W LA ADM ICE PK E TH B DA OF EG DI L PA AO BL BEVERLY NV BEVERLY DR Y UR N E LV SA PU MS BL R HA N DA ON GT 717 ER S T M WO Y LL HO MELROSE VENICE GUS H ER TUR VEN MB FL OW VIS T VA A DE LL L E 2 SA ON N CA NT SE PALMS RS CU OA K Griffith Park HOLLYWOOD/ HIGHLAND FOUNTAIN 717 RAU NATIONAL ON GT VE HO ICE MAR VISTA A Bike Rules ATT A ET EN VE WILSHIRE N VE class II – On-Road Striped Bike Lane A striped lane for one-way bike travel on a roadway. class III – On-Road Bike Route (signage only) Streets designated as preferred routes through high demand corridors. CE D OO EW GL ET V KINNEY Metro Bus RI 720 E NN GL Y WN LA SUNSET 6TH ROM CHEVIOT HILLS C L E OV LN OT OF AN IN BL BE R LG WA IA OR ICT CO ABB E AV RL BL ON GT N AI LIN VENICE AL TIO NA IN M R3 EW E D N DA RR H RO 717 BL CT OR Hollywood Bowl HOLLYWOOD BL VERDUGO N KE DO PARK GRIFFITH FRANKLIN OLYMPIC AIRD 101 SAN MA LAN D PARK LA BREA 705 US Highway or Freeway T HIGH LL YW OO BL BA TH 4T N SE D VI OLM E OV OO TW RA TE G PO MS AN UB CL LEN Y G ERL STH ES VE E LV E ON GT IN R AI H EA Venice Beach NN L PA HL AS class I – Off Road Paved Bike Path A completely separated bi-directional right-of-way designated for bicycles. MA RT HL AS 6T OC E CO PI LL IN Y ND D AN TH 11 TH 17 14 N E OC E BEVERLY HILLS C PI YM OL TE RR BU AN PA SHIR PICO RANCHO PARK N SANTA MONICA AIRPORT BL WIL S W PU W SA BA RK 705 720 TIO NA T LS AR PE RK OC WE D SE L A FWY MONIC TH P PA M C PI YM OL CO PI 28 ICO BURTON Metro Customer Center ES UN HO Runyon Canyon Park CR MO AN WY T ES R FO 3RD L NA BL AN BEV E O WO RA TH OL NC H R3 OLM ST WE DE SANTA Santa OCEAN Monica PARK College LI 7T Santa Monica Pier N BL T OLY CENTURY CITY 10 AR EW MPIC S 2 O ST M 17 H H RA DA FE D LN 4T A Bike Map TA AN AY DW DO OA RA R B LO CO H Using N ON FO IRE LI H CA ILS A W ON IZ AR 4T Santa Monica State Beach EA A IC A 6T OC B 720 I RN H 7T Will Rogers State Beach WEST O IZ AR LOS ANGELES L NA R FO TH TH TA ON M CO N WY E AT TG AN ST TH TH LI TH TE ON GT IN H AS W NA IO OH BL CA NI TA AN WESTWOOD S XA E L LY R CA 14 CO AS ES VI W TH C N SA 17 IC 26 SANTA MONICA 11 PA CIF 720 M 20 Topanga Beach 761 A E E SHIR TE N TA ON T EN TE E LV ET 1 PACIFIC COAST HWY ON BARRINGT Y ND BU N YO DES N CA NS 761 WIL VICEN SAN SU LE CONTE VE PU ER PACIFIC PALISADES MALIBU 1 NT A PALIS NA N YO TU AN GA C ET SUNS CASTELLAMMARE R PA AMB CIF LA ICO T SE N SU BEVERLY BL 3RD 720 STH SE KE N TOPA BRENTWOOD SA 2 WE EY TUNA CANYON FLORES UCLA GA YL 705 DR SU CA NI M A NT H FW T E NS PIUMA 705 BL O ON Y RL VE O BE DE RO 761 PEAK ILL TH OO LE RTZ QUAILL H AV L AV J PALMDALE BL N TA I RN Warner Brothers Studios SANTA MONICA BL MELROSE N CA DD EL ET O IA OOD LYW IM N YO AN T C EDIC EN RE A ANG TOP YON CAN SA A EV NN VI WEST HOLLYWOOD F T KE FE UG ERD Cahuenga Pass SU DO RE C EL T N The Getty Center AV N AV L SPUNKY CANYON EY C ANYO Brand Park AI ZOO Universal Studios UNIVERSAL CITY CAH U E NS 210 TO CHIQUI TT SCO EN BU K LAR UR O CAN L N Disney DR SIDE Studios RIVER NBC Studios Universal Citywalk/ Amphitheater LA SUNSE BE OD SUNSET BEL AIR YO N EDA UNIVERSAL CITY L O Mount EN W Olympus 761 UI AV K AV I LANCASTER BL PALMDALE HASL ILL AV CA N SA 101 OMA S > Ride a well-equipped bike > Inspect your bike regularly > Use a helmet > Wear light color clothing at night and bright colors during the day > Maintain a healthy diet and have water/liquids readily available Eating and drinking beverages are prohibited on Metro Bus and Metro Rail. G MA V RIVERSIDE DR ENG A HOLLYWOOD HILLS ET BURBANK MULH L Y G RL VE BE TU S BL D OLLAN FWY SAN DIEGO YO N OA K M ALA MULHOL ROSC CA N EN LIA NO 134 D BEN D OL GA NT a word of caution RN IFO CAL HOL S PAS TOLUCA LAKE 101 405 Topanga State Park E AV K-8 AD RO Y FW L LAN Mount Saint Mary’s College - Chalon TO PA N Interstate Freeway LAK CA E DG E AT ST AL 750 SE NS CHA TN N STUNT D OLLAN MULH Be bike-safe Permits no longer required for bikes on Metro R LE ND VENTURA FWY R R IVE BL K YO CAN > Watch for cars pulling out > Make eye contact with drivers making turns > Scan the road behind you GL FE RN BAN W I G LL Santa Monica Mountains Metrolink & Station TH RI EN LD GO CLYBOURN 27 Ride defensively General rules for bikes on Metro Rail: > Do not board a train that is full > Allow other passengers to exit and enter the train first > Wheelchairs have priority > Never block aisles or doors > Do not block the operator’s door > Do not take bike down train aisles > Always hold on to your bike; do not leave it unattended, however, in an evacuation, leave your bike > Use elevators or stairs, not escalators > Walk, do not ride, your bike on station platforms > Folded bikes are permitted > Tandem or 3-wheeled bikes are prohibited; reclining (recumbent) bikes cannot exceed 6 feet in length > Park bikes at rail station racks; bikes chained to fences or railings may be removed > Failure to obey bike rules may result in a citation N BUR LAND Skirball Cultural Center N YO KS OA EN ANGE LE S SH E LIN ANKER ED L OR MOORPARK ST H VICTORY BURBANK BL R MET HOL A N CA GA GL D BL SUNLAN HOL Civic/Government 2 FO OT H SU NN ET DO CYN MUL N JU TU ST UR 101 KE AN HI CAMARILLO STUDIO CITY ND A UNG TUJ NYON CA EH ON ST EY DL DR RO Stough Park BURBANK W VALLEY VILLAGE NT Wildwood Canyon Park EMPIRE MAGNOLIA VENTURA Sepulveda Pass Afternoon (4:30 – 6:30 pm) Weekday Restrictions: Metro Blue Line southbound, Metro Gold Line northbound, Metro Green Line eastbound, Metro Red Line both directions from Union Station to Wilshire/Vermont IM 750 Transit Center/Hub AV M BE E GOOD HILL PARKER LU LU VICTORY REL > Do not weave between parked cars > Follow lane markings > Do not ride on sidewalks LO S Airport ORANGE 5 Woodbury University LAU Ride in a straight line VENTURA FWY LLA LHO MU ND TO CA PA NY NG ON A RD RD CHANDLER RIVERSIDE CANYON LA CRESCENTA NO SA NORTH HOLLYWOOD CHANDLER MAGNOLIA LA TUNA HO BURBANK AIRPORT METRO ORANGE LINE SHERMAN OAKS 761 Topanga State Park MULHOLLA DO DO H RS RA RST > Do not pass on the right > Do not ride against tra;c > Use hand signals A BR AN AN AN OXNARD ST LAUREL CANYON BURBANK BL RIVERSIDE DR VENTU Transitway & Station L Verdugo Mountains RN KE HU HAYVEN Obey all tra;c signs & signals 750 761 761 LL FE FE ON 761 405 Park/Recreation Area IZA N RA N SA IL LU LU IS MAGNOLIA LB HO OXNARD ST MAGNOLIA BA L MU NE LI OA ENCINO EY 750 VALLEY VISTA N N N LA URA LL VA VENT KS WELLS VENTURA FWY EL ON NY TO MO SA SA NORTH HOLLYWOOD VICTORY CHANDLER Antelope Valley College AV L SQ Castaic Lake State Recreation Area NO BOB HOPE AIRPORT (BUR) KITTRIDGE VALLEY COLLEGE L K B BAN BUR 101 VANOWEN LA Valley College 761 RIV AV K Map is subject to change without notice HO SHERMAN WY 170 210 ED BURBANK BL TARZANA PE LO B WELLS LES TUJUNGA OXNARD ST ER D AY W SAS RK A PA LAB A C TE WELLS EY N SATICOY WOODMAN DL GE NR RN VAN NUYS W OO AN E OS SUN VALLEY VAN NUYS SEPULVEDA HU CI FO OT H D PE STRATHERN VALLEY GLEN D CALABASAS AN 101 OA EN GL K OY WOODLEY VICTORY LOS ON NT FE R PA 750 DUMETZ ND OXNARD ST AN LL HO UL B CALA RA F WY LLA RESEDA M RD ASAS VANOWEN 761 Metro Liner & Station DAY ILL F WY EB W LHO K CLAR VENTU CANOGA MU TAMPA LINE SERRANIA FW M VENTURA FWY WOODLAND HILLS NYON TOPANGA CA RA TU VEN HA NK LI RO LE Y HIDDEN HILLS BURBANK BL RA S LUI SAN 101 405 Sepulveda Dam Recreation Area OXNARD ST VENTU VEN TOP NGE OXNARD ST WARNER CENTER A TUR ORA ET ST RO M RC CI Tips Bike Safety MARIANO R K BAN BL SATIC LINK D AN FWY BL BURBANK ETRO KE LA School/College/University Scale/Miles (Approximate) FOOT H SUN VALLEY WOOD Y BALBOA VICTORY MET TO SO DE ST HATTERAS LE Warner Center OXNARD ST D ST VA L 750 ON NY CA OXNA R SHERMAN WY PIERCE COLLEGE Los Angeles Pierce College ERWIN LL HI OT FO AK/M BL CANYON LA TUNA HOLLY AMTR SATICOY AV J AV L S RD TUJUNGA CA NYON NL TU PE 170 RESEDA VICTORY 750 EL VAN NUYS SUMMITROSE SU OR XF I OR E FLYAWAY TERMINAL SHERMAN WY IA OR D EL W DE SOTO Topanga Plaza AI LF TE CALVERT Y FW CALVERT L VICTORY OR W NT FOOTHILL SHADOW HILLS PE A TH B E AS CH SH SH AV PARTHENIA ON WENTWORTH SUNLAND ILL D EL ON ROSCOE VAN NUYS AIRPORT (VNY) VANOWEN D R FO AN UR LA Y VICTOR VANOWEN RD VANOWEN S AK NO Y N W L HI OT FO EN BUR CANOGA PARK SHERMAN WY RMA SHE VANOW Knapp Ranch Park WEST HILLS WY ON TA SHERMAN RA 761 SATICOY O Bell Canyon Park D OR NF STRATHERN SATICOY E GL OS PANORAMA CITY LE E ARLETA BO AR TY LIN PARTHENIA ST Y COUN E RN R BU ER NT CA SATICOY STRATHERN ROSCOE TURA ON Y NY FW CA E AT ST AN ROSCOE K VEN EL LO S IVER ES R ST PARTHENIA L GE INGOMAR STRATHERN AV 27 OLIN E GU TA 5 761 FO OT H DAM ST BR A N CHASE ROSCOE METR SEN M RR A DM PARTHENIA R O SB WENTWORTH HAN NE O TE NORDHOFF NORTH HILLS NORTHRIDGE Hansen Dam Recreation Area Y NORDHOFF NORTHRIDGE FOOTHILL FW Y LL O WO YON NORDHOFF UR LA TA LE AN GA C NORDHOFF FOOTHILL BE R BU PLUMMER Cal State University Northridge Mira Loma Jail AV J Z N MU E GH Shopping Area AV H AV I LANCASTER LANCASTER BL AV P 761 A ER TOPAN Northridge Fashion Center NORDHOFF EN LD GO AR NT CA PLUMMER PRAIRIE High Desert Hospital N Tourist Attraction/Sports Venue R3 Municipal Rapid Bus Line & Stop NY ON AV I O LAKEVIEW TERRACE D AN RN FE R N AI SA LF TE AV 761 LAKE HUGHES AV G LANCASTER JOHNSO 720 138 AV I Bike Commuter Center (Proposed) Metro Rail & Station 210 PI TA DEVONSHIRE MISSION HILLS C O SB C ER PACOIMA LE DEVONSHIRE UN GA E RN NU N VA CHATSWORTH ST LASSEN A E SAN JOSE AV H AV G H RR TE CK X FO LA L BE BL YS Y D AR PLUMMER PLUMMER I RR HE PA MARILLA CHATSWORTH RESERVOIR ON XT SAN FERNANDO MISSION BL CHATSWORTH ST LASSEN 118 C B GRANADA HILLS DEVONSHIRE 761 LE AD BR SA YON Bike Racks/Lockers Bike Commuter Center Metro Rapid Bus Line & Stop San Gabriel Mountains A T HA F WOODMAN LASSEN H 7T RD BUR CHATSWORTH D AN R BR H D T R O SW BIG TUJ O OY RR SAN FERNANDO BL ON M ER N G IN M SI IS N RA DEVONSHIRE KM E C AN Bike Route (Class III) Bike Racks Access Point AY RD AY OR W DO 405 Bike Lockers L AC HA L AC AN N NA 118 Mason Park CHATSWORTH A RINALDI RINALDI RD B UB H Bike Lane (Class II) M SYLMAR SAN FERNANDO AV H AV G NAC PIN Bike Path (Class I) Angeles National Forest 210 5 WIL CHATSWORTH ST LE DO AN BL EY 118 SIMI VALLEY MOORPARK CAMARILLO OXNARD MONTALVO AD SYLMAR DL RINALDI RONALD REAGAN FWY K Y W OO PORTER RANCH IN RB CO 118 IC RN FE EDA RES S S RR N SA N O ESN LL HI OT FO S N ON ESN OA K HE BR Y FW E AT ST EN BL LD A GO ED LV PU SE April 2006 Brown's Creek Canyon Park EN LA Mission College GE SA YR E GL NEE AV I ID E RD BA LB OA 210 BO O'Melveny Park NT DR BL ED FOOTHILL FWY MO April 2006 14 AV G AV G FAI R EL W OLIVE VIE NORTH LA COUNTY WIN LA County Olive View Medical Center Newhall Pass Santa Susana Mountains Veterans Memorial Park 14 SO E Metro Bike Map Bike Map 5 Y SIERRA HW NEWHALL SANTA CLARITA PRINCESSA VINCENT GRADE/ACTON PALMDALE LANCASTER Lost & Found If you forget your bike... If you forget your bike when you leave the bus, call 323.937.8920 between 11am-4pm, M onday – Friday. Provide as much information as possible, including bus number, line number, direction of travel, time of day, bike description, bike registration markings, etc. CALENDAR Para conexiones convenientes a las especiales de Go Metro enlistadas aquí, use el Trip Planner en Viaje en Metro a... Juegos y diversión Sudoku La Caminata Memoria se mueve al Centro de Los Angeles el 4 de noviembre La Oficina de Oradores de Metro ofrece presentaciones gratuitas a grupos cívicos y organizaciones en una variedad de temas de transporte. ofrece información clave y descarga de información rápida para aparatos portátiles Metro habla, usted aprende sobre transporte Ahora, los usuarios con aparatos electrónicos portátiles pueden tener información útil para su viaje en la palma de su mano al ingresar a una versión más simple y pequeña de, el nuevo El sitio proporciona el Planeador de Viajes de Metro, información sobre pasajes, mapas del Sistema de Metro y otra información para usuarios hecha a medida para las pequeñas pantallas y el acceso más lento a Internet de los aparatos. El nuevo sitio funcionará en una variedad de aparatos con acceso a Internet, aproximadamente 90% de aparatos portátiles y otros tipos de tecnología. Para adecuarse a las pequeñas pantallas y los controles limitados de aparatos, el nuevo sitio de Internet dirige rápidamente a los visitantes a información. La Oficina de Oradores de Metro realiza presentaciones gratuitas a grupos cívicos y organizaciones en una variedad de temas de transporte. Aprenda sobre las opciones de viaje compartido, cómo ayudar el medio ambiente con Metro, complejos de viviendas construidas cerca de centros de transporte o los últimos avances de la tecnología de transporte. Encuentre más información o programe una presentación en Participe en un foro interactivo con la Presidenta de la Junta Directiva de Metro, Pam O’Connor Presidenta de la Junta Directiva de Metro, Pam O’Connor y otros ejecutivos de Metro llevarán a cabo foros interactivos en Los temas variarán y se publicarán por adelantado en O’Connor invitó al público a darnos sus comentarios para mejorar el congestionamiento de tráfico del Condado de Los Angeles en un foro el miércoles, 17 de octubre. En esa primera sesión, se trataron temas como la expansión del sistema de los carriles para autos de uso compartido en las autopistas, los servicios de remolque de Metro Freeway Service Patrol, la construcción de nuevas líneas de tren, la adición de más servicio de Metro Rapid y cómo hacer las camionetas de uso compartido más económicas. Para participar en foros interactivos en el futuro, visite y mándenos sus preguntas y comentarios. Ahorre $2 en el Desfile de Hollywood de Santa el 25 de noviembre Celebre “Las Leyendas de Mariachi” con la presentación de José Hernández y su Mariachi Sol de México en el 17o Festival Anual de Mariachi el domingo 18 de noviembre en Mariachi Plaza, un evento dónde los mariachis se reúnen en First y Boyle en Boyle Heights por 40 años. Es un nuevo giro en una tradición Angelina. El Desfile de Hollywood de Santa da inicio a la temporada de festividades el domingo 25 de noviembre con celebridades, bandas, carrozas, automóviles clásicos, cuadrillas a caballo y mucho más a lo largo de Hollywood Boulevard. ¡Establezcaunametademantenerseenforma!Comience asistiendoalMaratónProgresivoWildatHeart/5KWalken elRoseBowlenPasadenaelsábado3denoviembre. El ingreso al festival es gratis y se encuentra abierto de 10am a 4:30pm. Talentos internacionales y locales se presentarán durante todo el día. También habrá actividades artísticas para niños, exposición de artesanos locales y puestos de comida. Llegue temprano y disfrute del desfile desde la orilla de la calle, gratis. O mejor aun, levántese del piso y siéntese en la tribuna para verlo todo. Llame al 1.866.727.2331, mencione la palabra clave “RUDOLPH” y obtenga $2 de descuento en los asientos de la tribuna que cuestan $35. Puedeelegirparticiparenlacaminatade5Keldíadelevento orealizarelmaratónprogresivocompletoyrecaudarfondos porcadamilladelmaratón.Losfondosayudarána importantesasociacionesbenéficascomprometidasconla saluddelcorazóndelasmujeres. El desfile recorre una ruta de 2.3 millas sobre Hollywood Boulevard, Vine Street, Sunset Boulevard y Orange Drive. Llegar a este evento es rápido, fácil y conveniente con Metro. Las estaciones Hollywood/Highland y Hollywood/Vine de Metro Rail se encuentran justo en la ruta del desfile. Compre un Metro Day Pass y evite las largas líneas después del desfile. Todoslosparticipantesrecibiránunacamiseta.ElWild HeartExpo,gratisparaelpúblico,completaráeldíadel eventoofreciendoinformacióneducativasobreelcorazón delaAsociaciónAmericanadelCorazón. ¡Viaje en Metro! Las Líneas 30-31 llegan a Mariachi Plaza. Para planear su viaje, use el Trip Planner en Dos por el precio de uno en la Celebración de los Libros Judíos Conozca famosos autores, disfrute de música y entretenimiento en la Celebración de los Libros Judíos de la Universidad Americana Judía el domingo 11 de noviembre de 9am a 3pm en el Familian Campus de la Universidad Americana Judía, 15600 Mulholland Drive, LA. La entrada al evento cuesta $10 para adultos y $5 para niños. Muestre su pase de Metro o boleto de Metro Rail válido y obtenga dos boletos por el precio de uno. Microbuses de servicio de enlace gratuitos al evento salen desde Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino y The Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Westwood. Para más información, visite o llame al 310.440.1246. Feria Ecológica de Estudios Universal de Hollywood el 10 de noviembre Aprenda como ser una licuadora de energía humana, convertir un espacio de estacionamiento en un “parque” y qué árboles son los mejores para su jardín en la Feria Ecológica de Estudios Universal de Hollywood el 10 de noviembre de 10am a 4pm. Muestre su pase de Metro o su boleto de Metro Rail válido en el evento y reciba una bolsa de reciclaje gratis, cortesía de Coca Cola (la oferta es válida hasta que se acaben). La entrada a la Feria Ecológica es gratuita y no incluye el ingreso al parque. Un “Equipo Verde” de expertos presentará exhibiciones prácticas y demostraciones interactivas y divertidas dirigidas a la familia. Maratón Progresivo Wild at Heart/5K Solución del mes pasado 7 5 2 1 4 9 6 3 8 Visiteheartmarathon.comparamásdetallesypararegistrarse. “Viaje en Metro” para descuentos: Para más información sobre los descuentos cuando “Viaje en Metro,” visite “Destination Discounts” en 6 2 3 8 3 6 8 7 5 2 1 4 9 9 4 1 3 6 8 7 5 2 6 7 5 8 9 3 2 1 4 1 8 9 2 7 4 5 6 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 6 9 8 1 4 7 5 5 9 7 4 2 6 3 8 1 8 1 4 5 3 7 9 2 6 Llene la cuadrícula hasta que cada fila, columna y caja de 3-por-3 contenga los números del 1 hasta el 9. La solución del rompecabezas estará en el siguiente Metro Monthly o encuéntrelo por Internet en la sección de Go Metro Monthly Specials. Sopa de letras de destinos de Metro > ¿Quiere ser embrujado los martes? Viaje en Metro al espectáculo WICKED que ahora se presenta en el Teatro Pantages en Hollywood. Solamente muestre su pase de Metro o boleto de Metro Rail válido en la taquilla y obtenga su descuento de 20% en las presentaciones de los martes. > Ready. Set. Grow, cuando “Viaje en Metro” con su “First 5 LA Card” y ahorre en numerosos descuentos familiares para el Zoológico de Los Angeles, el Teatro IMAX de California Science Center y muchos más. Para más información, llame al 1.888.347.7855 o visite 9 6 2 5 7 8 5 2 4 3 7 2 3 6 8 5 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 9 8 6 3 5 La nueva ruta empieza en The Watercourt de California Plaza, la cual llevará a los caminantes a pasar por lugares históricos como Disney Hall y Central Library durante la caminata de dos millas. Los organizadores tienen la meta de recaudar más de $500,000 para apoyar la investigación y los programas de la Asociación de Alzheimer. Para más información o para registrarse, visite 17o Festival Anual de Mariachi el 18 de noviembre 4 1 Por primera vez en 15 años, la Caminata Memoria está “en movimiento” hacia el Centro de Los Angeles. La 15a Caminata Anual Memoria del Capítulo California Southland de la Asociación de Alzheimer 2007 se llevará a cabo el domingo 4 de noviembre y la inscripción empezará a las 7am. Metro ofrece nuevos servicios para usuarios con aparatos electrónicos portátiles con acceso al Internet. Cambielaordendelasletrasdebajoparadescubrirelnombrede undestinopopulardeLosAngelescercaaunadelasparadasdel sistemadeMetro. L E R A MO I M S O C I MC I M LA PISTA del mes: Línea 40 o 42 de Metro Local. Save $2 Off Seating At Santa Parade Nov. 25 Metro monthly November2007 17th Annual Mariachi Festival Nov. 18 For convenient connections to the Go Metro specials listed here, check the Trip Planner at Memory Walk Moves To Downtown Nov. 4 Metro Challenge Sudoku Metro Speakers Bureau offers free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics. 17th Annual Mariachi Festival Nov. 18 O=ers Key Info, Fast Downloads For Hand-Held Devices Riders with hand-held electronic devices can now get useful travel information at their fingertips by logging on to a smaller, simpler version of – The site provides Metro’s Trip Planner, fare information, maps of the Metro System and other rider information tailored to the electronic devices small screens and slower internet access. The new site will function on a variety of web-enabled devices, approximately 90% of current hand-held devices and all but the most basic machines. To accommodate the devices’ small screens and limited controls, the new site quickly leads visitors to information. Metro Speaks, You Learn About Transportation Metro Speakers Bureau provides free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics through its Metro Speaks program. Hear presentations about ridersharing options, how to go “green” with Metro, transit-oriented developments or the latest advances in transit technology. Find out more about Metro Speaks or schedule a presentation at Chat Online With Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor and other Metro executives will host monthly lunch-hour chats live at Topics will vary and will be posted in advance on O’Connor invited the public to share their ideas on the agency’s tra;c-busting plans for LA County and share ideas for staving off gridlock in Metro’s first Live Chat on Oct. 17. In that first session topics such as expanding the network of freeway carpool lanes and the Metro Freeway Service Patrol, building new rail lines, adding more Metro Rapid service and making vanpools more affordable were discussed. To participate in future chats, go to and post your questions and comments. Celebrate the “Legends of Mariachi ” featuring the return of Jose Hernandez y su Mariachi Sol de Mexico at the 17th Annual Mariachi Festival, Sunday, November 18 at Mariachi Plaza, a 40-year-old landmark where mariachi musicians gather at First and Boyle in Boyle Heights. Entrance to the festival is free and runs from 10am to 4:30pm. Local and international talent will perform throughout the day. There will also be children’s art activities, local artisans on display and food booths. Go Metro! Mariachi Plaza is served by Lines 30-31. For your exact route, use the Trip Planner at Two For The Price Of One At Celebration of Jewish Books Meet famous authors Larry King, Kirk Douglas and Anita Diamant, enjoy music and entertainment at the American Jewish University Celebration of Jewish Books on Sunday, November 11, from 9am to 3pm at the American Jewish University Familian Campus, 15600 Mulholland Drive, LA. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children. Special for Metro riders: show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail tickets and get two tickets for the price of one. Free shuttles to the event run from Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino and The Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Westwood. For more information visit or call 310.440.1246. Save $2 O= Seating At Hollywood’s Santa Parade Nov. 25 It’s a new twist on a Southland tradition. Hollywood’s Santa Parade kicks off the holiday season at 5pm on Sunday, November 25 with celebrities, marching bands, floats, classic cars, equestrian units and more along Hollywood Boulevard. Come early and enjoy the parade from curbside for free. Or better yet, get up off the ground and sit in the grandstand to see it all. Call 1.866.PARADE1(1.866.727.2331) mention the code word “RUDOLPH” and get $2 off $35 grandstand seating. The parade runs along a 2.3-mile route on Hollywood Boulevard, Vine Street, Sunset Boulevard and Orange Drive. Getting to the event is fast, easy and convenient on Metro. And Metro Rail’s Hollywood/Highland and Hollywood/Vine stations are right along the parade route. Buy a Metro Day Pass and avoid long lines after the parade. Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Nov. 10 Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Set a fitness goal for yourself! Get started by attending the Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Walk at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Saturday, November 3. 7 5 2 1 4 9 6 3 8 All participants receive a T-shirt. The Wild Heart Expo, free to the public, will round out the event day offering heart education information from the American Heart Association. 6 2 3 8 3 6 8 7 5 2 1 4 9 9 4 1 3 6 8 7 5 2 6 7 5 8 9 3 2 1 4 1 8 9 2 7 4 5 6 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 6 9 8 1 4 7 5 5 9 7 4 2 6 3 8 1 8 1 4 5 3 7 9 2 6 Fill out the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9. The solution to this puzzle will be in next month’s Metro Monthly or find it online at the Go Metro Monthly Specials link. Ahorre $2 en los asientos del Des>le de Santa el 25 de noviembre Metro monthly noviembredel2007 17o Festival Anual de Mariachi el 18 de noviembre Metro Destination Scramble “Go Metro” for Destination Discounts: > Feel like being wicked on Tuesdays? Go Metro to the musical WICKED now playing at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the box o;ce and get 20% o= Tuesday evening performances. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the event and receive a free recycled bag, courtesy of Coca Cola (o=er good while supplies last). Admission to the Eco-Fair is free and does not include admission to the theme park. > Ready, Set, Grow, when you “Go Metro” with your First 5 LA card. Save on family discounts to the LA Zoo, California Science Center’s IMAX and more. Call 1.888.347.7855 or visit A “Green Team” of experts will feature hands-on exhibits and fun interactive displays for the whole family to explore. Last month’s solution Choose to participate in the 5K walk on the event day or to do the full progressive marathon and raise pledge dollars for each marathon mile. Pledges will assist a number of important charities committed to women’s heart health. Learn how to be a human-powered blender, turn a parking space into a “park,” and which trees are best for your yard at the Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Saturday, November 10 from 10am to 4pm. 9 6 2 5 7 8 5 2 4 3 7 2 3 6 8 5 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 9 8 6 3 5 The new route beginning at The Watercourt at California Plaza, will take walkers past such landmarks as Disney Hall and the Central Library during the two mile walk. Organizers have a goal of raising more than $500,000 to support research and programs of the Alzheimer’s Association. For more information or registration, go online at Visit for details and to register. 4 1 For the first time in 15 years, Memory Walk is “on the move” to Downtown LA. The 2007 Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter’s 15th Annual Memory Walk will be staged Sunday, November 4 with registration beginning at 7am. Metro has launched a new feature designed for riders who carry hand-held electronic devices that can access the Internet. Find more Destination Discounts when you “Go Metro” visit “Destination Discounts” at Re-arrangethelettersbelowtonameapopular LAdestinationontheMetrosystem. L E R A MO I M S O C I MC I M HINT This month’s Metro Local Line 40 or 42. 07-0998tr ©2007 LACMTA Go Metro to... For convenient connections to the Go Metro specials listed here, check the Trip Planner at Memory Walk Moves To Downtown Nov. 4 Metro Challenge Sudoku Metro Speakers Bureau offers free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics. 17th Annual Mariachi Festival Nov. 18 O=ers Key Info, Fast Downloads For Hand-Held Devices Riders with hand-held electronic devices can now get useful travel information at their fingertips by logging on to a smaller, simpler version of – The site provides Metro’s Trip Planner, fare information, maps of the Metro System and other rider information tailored to the electronic devices small screens and slower internet access. The new site will function on a variety of web-enabled devices, approximately 90% of current hand-held devices and all but the most basic machines. To accommodate the devices’ small screens and limited controls, the new site quickly leads visitors to information. Metro Speaks, You Learn About Transportation Metro Speakers Bureau provides free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics through its Metro Speaks program. Hear presentations about ridersharing options, how to go “green” with Metro, transit-oriented developments or the latest advances in transit technology. Find out more about Metro Speaks or schedule a presentation at Chat Online With Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor and other Metro executives will host monthly lunch-hour chats live at Topics will vary and will be posted in advance on O’Connor invited the public to share their ideas on the agency’s tra;c-busting plans for LA County and share ideas for staving off gridlock in Metro’s first Live Chat on Oct. 17. In that first session topics such as expanding the network of freeway carpool lanes and the Metro Freeway Service Patrol, building new rail lines, adding more Metro Rapid service and making vanpools more affordable were discussed. To participate in future chats, go to and post your questions and comments. Celebrate the “Legends of Mariachi ” featuring the return of Jose Hernandez y su Mariachi Sol de Mexico at the 17th Annual Mariachi Festival, Sunday, November 18 at Mariachi Plaza, a 40-year-old landmark where mariachi musicians gather at First and Boyle in Boyle Heights. Entrance to the festival is free and runs from 10am to 4:30pm. Local and international talent will perform throughout the day. There will also be children’s art activities, local artisans on display and food booths. Go Metro! Mariachi Plaza is served by Lines 30-31. For your exact route, use the Trip Planner at Two For The Price Of One At Celebration of Jewish Books Meet famous authors Larry King, Kirk Douglas and Anita Diamant, enjoy music and entertainment at the American Jewish University Celebration of Jewish Books on Sunday, November 11, from 9am to 3pm at the American Jewish University Familian Campus, 15600 Mulholland Drive, LA. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children. Special for Metro riders: show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail tickets and get two tickets for the price of one. Free shuttles to the event run from Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino and The Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Westwood. For more information visit or call 310.440.1246. Save $2 O= O= Seating At Hollywood’s Santa Parade Nov. 25 It’s a new twist on a Southland tradition. Hollywood’s Santa Parade kicks off the holiday season at 5pm on Sunday, November 25 with celebrities, marching bands, floats, classic cars, equestrian units and more along Hollywood Boulevard. Come early and enjoy the parade from curbside for free. Or better yet, get up off the ground and sit in the grandstand to see it all. Call 1.866.PARADE1(1.866.727.2331) mention the code word “RUDOLPH” and get $2 off $35 grandstand seating. The parade runs along a 2.3-mile route on Hollywood Boulevard, Vine Street, Sunset Boulevard and Orange Drive. Getting to the event is fast, easy and convenient on Metro. And Metro Rail’s Hollywood/Highland and Hollywood/Vine stations are right along the parade route. Buy a Metro Day Pass and avoid long lines after the parade. Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Nov. 10 Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Set a fitness goal for yourself! Get started by attending the Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Walk at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Saturday, November 3. 7 5 2 1 4 9 6 3 8 All participants receive a T-shirt. The Wild Heart Expo, free to the public, will round out the event day offering heart education information from the American Heart Association. 6 2 3 8 3 6 8 7 5 2 1 4 9 9 4 1 3 6 8 7 5 2 6 7 5 8 9 3 2 1 4 1 8 9 2 7 4 5 6 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 6 9 8 1 4 7 5 5 9 7 4 2 6 3 8 1 8 1 4 5 3 7 9 2 6 Fill out the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9. The solution to this puzzle will be in next month’s Metro Monthly or find it online at the Go Metro Monthly Specials link. Ahorre $2 en los asientos del Des>le de Santa el 25 de noviembre Metro monthly noviembredel2007 17o Festival Anual de Mariachi el 18 de noviembre Metro Destination Scramble “Go Metro” for Destination Discounts: > Feel like being wicked on Tuesdays? Go Metro to the musical WICKED now playing at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the box o;ce and get 20% o= Tuesday evening performances. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the event and receive a free recycled bag, courtesy of Coca Cola (o=er good while supplies last). Admission to the Eco-Fair is free and does not include admission to the theme park. > Ready, Set, Grow, when you “Go Metro” with your First 5 LA card. Save on family discounts to the LA Zoo, California Science Center’s IMAX and more. Call 1.888.347.7855 or visit A “Green Team” of experts will feature hands-on exhibits and fun interactive displays for the whole family to explore. Last month’s solution Choose to participate in the 5K walk on the event day or to do the full progressive marathon and raise pledge dollars for each marathon mile. Pledges will assist a number of important charities committed to women’s heart health. Learn how to be a human-powered blender, turn a parking space into a “park,” and which trees are best for your yard at the Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Saturday, November 10 from 10am to 4pm. 9 6 2 5 7 8 5 2 4 3 7 2 3 6 8 5 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 9 8 6 3 5 The new route beginning at The Watercourt at California Plaza, will take walkers past such landmarks as Disney Hall and the Central Library during the two mile walk. Organizers have a goal of raising more than $500,000 to support research and programs of the Alzheimer’s Association. For more information or registration, go online at Visit for details and to register. 4 1 For the first time in 15 years, Memory Walk is “on the move” to Downtown LA. The 2007 Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter’s 15th Annual Memory Walk will be staged Sunday, November 4 with registration beginning at 7am. Metro has launched a new feature designed for riders who carry hand-held electronic devices that can access the Internet. Find more Destination Discounts when you “Go Metro” visit “Destination Discounts” at Re-arrangethelettersbelowtonameapopular LAdestinationontheMetrosystem. L E R A MO I M S O C I MC I M HINT This month’s Metro Local Line 40 or 42. 07-0998tr ©2007 LACMTA Go Metro to... For convenient connections to the Go Metro specials listed here, check the Trip Planner at Memory Walk Moves To Downtown Nov. 4 Metro Challenge Sudoku Metro Speakers Bureau offers free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics. 17th Annual Mariachi Festival Nov. 18 O=ers Key Info, Fast Downloads For Hand-Held Devices Riders with hand-held electronic devices can now get useful travel information at their fingertips by logging on to a smaller, simpler version of – The site provides Metro’s Trip Planner, fare information, maps of the Metro System and other rider information tailored to the electronic devices small screens and slower internet access. The new site will function on a variety of web-enabled devices, approximately 90% of current hand-held devices and all but the most basic machines. To accommodate the devices’ small screens and limited controls, the new site quickly leads visitors to information. Metro Speaks, You Learn About Transportation Metro Speakers Bureau provides free presentations to civic groups and organizations on a variety of transportation topics through its Metro Speaks program. Hear presentations about ridersharing options, how to go “green” with Metro, transit-oriented developments or the latest advances in transit technology. Find out more about Metro Speaks or schedule a presentation at Chat Online With Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor Metro Board Chair Pam O’Connor and other Metro executives will host monthly lunch-hour chats live at Topics will vary and will be posted in advance on O’Connor invited the public to share their ideas on the agency’s tra;c-busting plans for LA County and share ideas for staving off gridlock in Metro’s first Live Chat on Oct. 17. In that first session topics such as expanding the network of freeway carpool lanes and the Metro Freeway Service Patrol, building new rail lines, adding more Metro Rapid service and making vanpools more affordable were discussed. To participate in future chats, go to and post your questions and comments. Celebrate the “Legends of Mariachi ” featuring the return of Jose Hernandez y su Mariachi Sol de Mexico at the 17th Annual Mariachi Festival, Sunday, November 18 at Mariachi Plaza, a 40-year-old landmark where mariachi musicians gather at First and Boyle in Boyle Heights. Entrance to the festival is free and runs from 10am to 4:30pm. Local and international talent will perform throughout the day. There will also be children’s art activities, local artisans on display and food booths. Go Metro! Mariachi Plaza is served by Lines 30-31. For your exact route, use the Trip Planner at Two For The Price Of One At Celebration of Jewish Books Meet famous authors Larry King, Kirk Douglas and Anita Diamant, enjoy music and entertainment at the American Jewish University Celebration of Jewish Books on Sunday, November 11, from 9am to 3pm at the American Jewish University Familian Campus, 15600 Mulholland Drive, LA. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children. Special for Metro riders: show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail tickets and get two tickets for the price of one. Free shuttles to the event run from Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino and The Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Westwood. For more information visit or call 310.440.1246. Save $2 O= Seating At Hollywood’s Santa Parade Nov. 25 It’s a new twist on a Southland tradition. Hollywood’s Santa Parade kicks off the holiday season at 5pm on Sunday, November 25 with celebrities, marching bands, floats, classic cars, equestrian units and more along Hollywood Boulevard. Come early and enjoy the parade from curbside for free. Or better yet, get up off the ground and sit in the grandstand to see it all. Call 1.866.PARADE1(1.866.727.2331) mention the code word “RUDOLPH” and get $2 off $35 grandstand seating. The parade runs along a 2.3-mile route on Hollywood Boulevard, Vine Street, Sunset Boulevard and Orange Drive. Getting to the event is fast, easy and convenient on Metro. And Metro Rail’s Hollywood/Highland and Hollywood/Vine stations are right along the parade route. Buy a Metro Day Pass and avoid long lines after the parade. Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Nov. 10 Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Set a fitness goal for yourself! Get started by attending the Wild at Heart Progressive Marathon/5K Walk at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Saturday, November 3. 7 5 2 1 4 9 6 3 8 All participants receive a T-shirt. The Wild Heart Expo, free to the public, will round out the event day offering heart education information from the American Heart Association. 6 2 3 8 3 6 8 7 5 2 1 4 9 9 4 1 3 6 8 7 5 2 6 7 5 8 9 3 2 1 4 1 8 9 2 7 4 5 6 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 6 9 8 1 4 7 5 5 9 7 4 2 6 3 8 1 8 1 4 5 3 7 9 2 6 Fill out the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9. The solution to this puzzle will be in next month’s Metro Monthly or find it online at the Go Metro Monthly Specials link. Ahorre $2 en los asientos del Des>le de Santa el 25 de noviembre Metro monthly noviembredel2007 17o Festival Anual de Mariachi el 18 de noviembre Metro Destination Scramble “Go Metro” for Destination Discounts: > Feel like being wicked on Tuesdays? Go Metro to the musical WICKED now playing at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the box o;ce and get 20% o= Tuesday evening performances. Show your valid Metro pass or Metro Rail ticket at the event and receive a free recycled bag, courtesy of Coca Cola (o=er good while supplies last). Admission to the Eco-Fair is free and does not include admission to the theme park. > Ready, Set, Grow, when you “Go Metro” with your First 5 LA card. Save on family discounts to the LA Zoo, California Science Center’s IMAX and more. Call 1.888.347.7855 or visit A “Green Team” of experts will feature hands-on exhibits and fun interactive displays for the whole family to explore. Last month’s solution Choose to participate in the 5K walk on the event day or to do the full progressive marathon and raise pledge dollars for each marathon mile. Pledges will assist a number of important charities committed to women’s heart health. Learn how to be a human-powered blender, turn a parking space into a “park,” and which trees are best for your yard at the Universal Studios Hollywood Eco-Fair Saturday, November 10 from 10am to 4pm. 9 6 2 5 7 8 5 2 4 3 7 2 3 6 8 5 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 9 8 6 3 5 The new route beginning at The Watercourt at California Plaza, will take walkers past such landmarks as Disney Hall and the Central Library during the two mile walk. Organizers have a goal of raising more than $500,000 to support research and programs of the Alzheimer’s Association. For more information or registration, go online at Visit for details and to register. 4 1 For the first time in 15 years, Memory Walk is “on the move” to Downtown LA. The 2007 Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter’s 15th Annual Memory Walk will be staged Sunday, November 4 with registration beginning at 7am. Metro has launched a new feature designed for riders who carry hand-held electronic devices that can access the Internet. Find more Destination Discounts when you “Go Metro” visit “Destination Discounts” at Re-arrangethelettersbelowtonameapopular LAdestinationontheMetrosystem. L E R A MO I M S O C I MC I M HINT This month’s Metro Local Line 40 or 42. 07-0998tr ©2007 LACMTA Go Metro to... Share the ride. Get the rewards. “Your incentive program takes very little of my time and our employees are very happy. When participating employees receive giftcards, their co-workers want to find out more about the program so they can participate too!” Andres Vasquez St. Johns Medical Center “You have a great program, and the employees have certainly enjoyed the ‘envelopes’ they received. So many of them carpool now, it seems ingrained. What a good thing!” Janet Ho=man Haldeman, Inc. Sign up your company for Metro Rewards and we’ll provide the giftcards. “I just wanted to thank you for the giftcards. Our rideshare employees who received them were really happy and very appreciative.” Eva Mihalka Jones Day – Los Angeles “As an Employee Transportation Coordinator for a large multi-tenant o;ce o ce complex, it can be di; ;cult to get the rideshare message to tenants. The giftcards have really made a di= di= =erence erence in getting employees to share the ride to work. Your program has helped us improve our AVR.” Cristina Corrales Howard Hughes Center 06-2378mr ©2006 lacmta “Your incentive program is the perfect vehicle to assist us in meeting the challenge of putting people in a position to rideshare so they see the rewards for themselves. Coordinating and managing this program requires little e= e= =ort ort and the materials you have are great.” Raphael Guillen City of Pico Rivera Stop driving. With Metro Rewards, it really pays to rideshare. We’ll pay your employees to share the ride! Here’s how: > Eligible employees* receive a $15 giftcard good at their choice of Target, Ralphs, Best Buy or Starbucks > Metro Rewards participants are entered into monthly and quarterly drawings for $100 giftcards > Metro Rewards is renewable annually as long as participants continue to rideshare * To qualify, employees must work at a participating worksite, rideshare at least eight workdays a month for three months or longer and must complete a Metro Rewards application. Metro Rewards is a great way to provide an employee rideshare incentive at no cost to your company or employees. So, sign your company up now! Just talk to your Metro Rewards representative to get all the details. Call Metro Commute Services at 213.922.2811. Outside Panel 3 = 8.375” wide Outside Panel 2 = 8.5” wide Outside Panel 1 = 8.5” wide Vanpool Program Participation Application and Agreement section iv – route information pick-up locations drop-off locations Location 1 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) Ex: 101 Main St., 1st/Spring St., or Union Station City/Zip Code Location 1 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) City/Zip Code Location 2 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) City/Zip Code Location 2 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) City/Zip Code Location 3 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) City/Zip Code Location 3 (Address, Intersection, or Landmark) City/Zip Code Get in. Join a Metro Vanpool. Contact your Employer Representative for more information, or call Metro at 1.800.COMMUTE (option #3). You can also visit to >nd a vanpool in your area or learn how to start one. section v – passenger list Name Telephone No. Miles Traveled to Work Miles Traveled from Work 1. Driver ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) Enterprise Rideshare Midway Rideshare VPSI, Inc. ) 1.877.VAN.RIDE 1.800.VAN.RIDE 15. ( 1.800.VAN.4.WORK > Vanpooling has always been a smart way to share the ride and lower the cost of getting to work. > The Metro Vanpool Program now makes it more affordable than ever. > Start saving as much as $400 per month! > Just fill out the enclosed application. step on e Per California Penal Code section 637.6, this information will only be used for ridesharing purposes. step two section vi – authorization Metro Vanpool Program means the public vanpool subsidy program administered by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro). Participant means all persons or institutions that sign the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Agreement and hold a valid vanpool agreement with an authorized Metro Vanpool Program Contractor (vanpool leasing agency), and governs the activities of a vanpool group, including, but not limited to: leaseholder, bookkeeper, employer, driver, or substitute driver, who operate a vanpool as part of the Metro Vanpool Program. By signing this Application, the undersigned Participant represents that he/she is authorized to enter into an agreement, the Application information provided herein is true, and has read and agrees to the Terms and Conditions of the attached Metro Vanpool Program Participation Agreement. step three Participant Signature Date Metro does not accept applications direct from applicant. Interested parties shall submit a completed application through an authorized Metro Vanpool Program Contractor(vanpool leasing agency):Enterprise Rideshare, Midway Rideshare, or VPSI, Inc., for enrollment consideration by Metro. Select the Metro partner leasing agency of your choice to set-up and start your vanpool agreement. Complete and sign the enclosed Metro Vanpool Program Participation Application and return the completed application to your vanpool agent. Leasing agents will forward your application to Metro for review and approval. Shortly, you will receive a Metro enrollment notice from your vanpool agent. 07-3189sy ©2007 lacmta Participant Name (Print) Getting started is easy. Metro will send a start-up kit to the approved Metro Vanpool Program Volunteer Participant. We look forward to seeing your vanpool on the road! Please match green to previous poster/take-one jobs (See Arleen) PMS 382 C Inside Panel 1 = 8.5” wide Inside Panel 2 = 8.5” wide Vanpool Program Inside Panel 3 = 8.375” wide Vanpool Program Participation Guidelines Vanpool Program Participation Agreement Participation Application terms and conditions Please retain a copy of these guidelines for your records and future reference. Eligibility Metro Vanpool Program Enrollment Notice The Metro Vanpool Program offers up to a $400 monthly subsidy for vanpools of 7-15 passengers that have a destination to a Los Angeles County worksite for which a completed Program application & agreement has been submitted and approved by Metro. (See also “Application & Enrollment” below). Each authorized leasing agency will submit completed and signed Metro Vanpool Program Participation Applications to Metro by the 15th of each month for the vanpool to be considered for enrollment on the first day of the following month. Applicants will be notified by the leasing agency to which the application was submitted regarding enrollment approval. Private transit, private shuttles, private vanpools and owner-operated vanpools are not eligible to enroll in the Metro Vanpool Program. “Private” refers to services that are exclusive to a particular institution or group and not open to the general public. Application & Enrollment To apply, the individual or institution that holds a valid vanpool agreement with any Metro authorized leasing agency must complete a Metro Vanpool Program Participation Application & Agreement and submit it to their vanpool leasing agent. The three authorized vanpool leasing agencies include: Maintaining Metro Vanpool Program Enrollment There are certain requirements for maintaining enrollment in the Metro Vanpool Program. Vanpool agreement holders must: a) Respond to Metro and Leasing Agent requests for information, such as: > Monthly Operating Reports > Passenger and boarding lists; > Vanpool operating updates; > Enterprise Rideshare 1.800.VAN.4.WORK > Available seats listing; > Midway Rideshare 1.877.VAN.RIDE > Odometer readings and reports; > VPSI, Inc. 1.800.VAN.RIDE > Current driver and alternate driver contact information; Vanpool agreement holders must submit the application to their respective vanpool leasing agency by the 15th of the month to be considered for enrollment on the 1st of the following month, e.g., apply by August 15th to be considered for enrollment on September 1st. > Occasional surveys as requested; and Enrollment Evaluation Metro will review each Participation Application for eligibility and completeness and authorize Metro Vanpool Program enrollment based on the following eligibility rules: 1) Vanpools must end at employment sites located within Los Angeles County. 2) Vanpools must begin service with at least a 70% vehicle occupancy rate, e.g. a 7-passenger van will qualify to start with a minimum of 5-passengers including the driver. 3) Available vanpool seats must be advertised and open to the public. 4) Vanpool agreement holder must agree to all Program terms and conditions, including reporting monthly and periodic operating data and costs to Metro as requested. > Any other information as requested by Metro. b) Maintain a minimum of 70% percent vehicle occupancy. Vehicles that fail to maintain at least 70-percent vehicle occupancy for three consecutive months may either be required to change to a more appropriately-sized vehicle, or may be terminated from the program. c) Follow the program participation guidelines and terms of agreement as described herein and contained within the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Agreement and the Metro Vanpool Program Participant Manual. Metro retains the right to deny funding for any new Metro Vanpool Program vanpools and to terminate the funding of any individual vanpool or the entire program if Metro deems it to be in the best interest of the agency to do so. This Metro Vanpool Program Participation Agreement (Agreement) sets forth the terms, conditions, and responsibilities of the volunteer participants in the Metro Vanpool Program (Program) and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro). The Program is administered by Metro. The Volunteer Participant (Participant) shall refer to all persons or institutions that sign the Agreement and hold a valid vanpool vehicle agreement with an authorized Metro Vanpool Program Contractor (Contractor) who governs the activities of an individual vanpool group, including, but not limited to: leaseholder, bookkeeper, driver or substitute driver, or employer who operate a Program vehicle. The Contractor refers to the vanpool leasing agency authorized by Metro to participate in the Program. Each Participant has read, acknowledges, and agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions. Volunteer Participants Participant shall be considered a volunteer under the law. Participant acknowledges that participation in the Program is strictly voluntary and that such participation is not acting in or required by the course and scope of official company business, nor does it in any manner establish an employeremployee or an agency relationship with Metro. Reporting Participant shall record and maintain daily and monthly records as required by the Program, utilizing required forms and formats as provided by Metro and submitting these records to Metro as instructed and scheduled by Metro. Public Access Participant shall cooperate and act to ensure that no person shall be denied the opportunity to participate in, nor be subject to discrimination in the conduct of the vanpool because of race, creed, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, or employer group. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Program provides ridesharing referral services for vanpool seat availability without screening the character or background of referrals. Metro shall have no responsibility or liability for any acts or omissions of vanpool passengers or referrals. Invalid Use Metro retains the right to discontinue Participant’s enrollment or pursue claims, demands or lawsuits against, or seek prosecution of Participant who misrepresents vanpool operation or commits inappropriate use of the vanpool and/or Program. Indemnification Neither Metro nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason to anything done or committed to be done by the Participant under or in connection with any work performed by and or services provided by the Participant, their employer, officers, agents, employees and subcontractors under this Agreement. The Participant shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold Metro and its officers, agents, and employees harmless from and against any liability and expenses including without limitation, defense costs, any costs or liability on account of bodily injury, death or personal injury of any person or for damage to or loss of risk of property, any legal fees and any claims for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of Participant’s participation in the Metro Vanpool Program, including without limitation (i) breach of Participant’s obligations under this Agreement; or (ii) any act or omission of Participant, or their employer, officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors in connection with its participation in the Metro Vanpool Program. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give rights to any person or entity that is not party to this Agreement. 1. All fields must be completed on this form. 2. Return this form to your vanpool leasing agency. See the Application & Enrollment section in the Participation Guidelines. 3. For assistance with this form, please contact your vanpool leasing agency. Term of Agreement The Agreement shall be effective as of the date signed by the Participant and shall continue in full force until one of the parties terminates the Agreement by giving the other party written notice 15 days prior to the planned date of termination. section i – personal information Termination By Metro / Miscellaneous This Agreement, the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Guidelines, the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Application and the Metro Vanpool Program Participant Manual contains all the terms and conditions of the Agreement between Metro and the Participant. Any changes or additions to the Agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties. The captions or headings on any paragraphs in this Agreement are for reference only and do not affect any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the right of Metro to adjust or modify its services or perform any other lawful functions. / / Application Date Metro retains the right to discontinue Participant enrollment and terminate this Agreement immediately or withhold subsidy payments, pursue claims, demands or lawsuits against, or seek prosecution of any Participant for any of the following reasons: a. Misrepresentation of vanpool operation and/or inappropriate use of the Program services; b. Failure to submit daily, monthly, and other scheduled records to Metro as required; c. The operation of the vehicle becomes inconsistent with Program eligibility requirements; d. Failure to provide timely responses to reasonable requests for information such as, but not limited to, those listed in the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Guidelines and/or the Metro Vanpool Participant Manual; e. Failure to abide by Program Terms and Conditions or the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Guidelines; or f. Discontinuance of vanpool operation during the term of Agreement. Termination notification shall be confirmed by telephone, electronic mail, or by postal mail service to the current address on record. / Vanpool Start Date Participant’s Last Name Participant’s First Name Home Address Apt. # City | State | Zip Employer # cut on dotted line The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) administers the Metro Vanpool Program (Program) to provide alternative transportation choices to commuters, improve air quality, and reduce congestion on regional roadways. This program offers a monthly financial subsidy to commuter vanpools to equally offset the monthly lease fare to each vanpool passenger. instructions Employer Address ( ) Home Telephone City | State | Zip ( ) ( Work Telephone Ext. ) Contact Telephone* E-Mail Address *This number will appear on public vanpool seat availability lists. section ii – vanpool vehicle information Switching to a new vanpool leasing agency (contractor)? ® Yes or ® No Metro agrees, during the term of the Agreement to: > Provide monthly Program subsidy up to $400 per month not to exceed 50% of the vehicle lease cost payable to vehicle owner/Contractor pursuant to the terms of the Program. > Provide Participant with all policies, rules, report forms with instructions, and schedules applicable to the Program. Current or New Contractor Name Old Contractor Name (if any) ® Luxury or ® Bench Van No./Vehicle ID Starting Odometer Seating Capacity (including driver) Seating Type Vehicle Model Vehicle Year > Collect and record all agreements, reports, surveys, and other Program correspondence as required of the Program or requested by Metro. > Promote, advertise and provide ridesharing referral services for Program participation and vanpool seat availability. > Cooperate to ensure that no person shall be denied the opportunity to participate in the vanpool because of race, creed, color sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, or employer group. Participant agrees, during the term of the Agreement to comply with these Agreement Terms and Conditions, the Metro Vanpool Program Participation Guidelines and the Metro Vanpool Participant Manual. It is herein acknowledged that: > Metro retains the right to deny funding for any new vanpools and to terminate the funding for a vanpool or the Program if Metro deems that it is in the best interest of the agency to do so. Vehicle Make $ $ Monthly Lease Amount Fare Per Passenger section iii – schedule information Vanpool Operating Days? (Check all that apply) ® Mon. ® Tues. ® Wed. ® Thur. ® Fri. ® Sat. ® Sun. Driver Starts Route : am pm Final Work Site Arrival : am pm Driver Departs Work : am pm Driver Ends Route : Daily Round Trip Miles am pm > Metro reserves the right to establish a wait list for Program enrollment, change the Program, or cancel the Program at any time, without obligation, at the sole discretion of Metro. > Metro is authorized to promote, advertise, and release to the general public vanpool route information, seat availability and participant e-mail contact information for passenger solicitation purposes. Continued on back Think “carpool.” Then think bigger. Cut your commuting costs. Save time. Park your car. Metro Vanpool fares average $140/month. Consider that, on average, driving alone to work costs $230/month. Vanpooling delivers a 30% savings! Shave 20 minutes off your daily commute. There are 237 miles of carpool lanes out there for you and your vanpool. So why waste time in tra;c? Park and Ride lots all over are waiting for you. Just park, get in your Metro Vanpool and you’re on your way, leaving the high cost of parking behind. Vanpools are similar to carpools, but they involve more people, bigger vehicles and longer commutes. And along with those bigger numbers come bigger savings: you’ll spend less on fuel, give your own vehicle a rest, and increase quality time during your commute. So how does it work? Riders usually travel 30 miles or more (round-trip) to work on a regular basis. Each van seats of 7 to 15 passengers. The total cost of the vanpool lease, plus fuel and maintenance costs, are split between vanpool members. One person usually serves as a driver/coordinator and handles routine maintenance in exchange for a discounted or free ride each month.* And everyone saves time...and money. * A typical driver fare discount is 50%.