Document 6548719


Document 6548719
 Check the Workshop You Will Attend:
 Tallahassee, FL - June 20, 2014
 Pensacola, FL - June 21, 2014
 Biloxi, MS - June 22, 2014
Kinesiology Taping
Receipts Sent Via Email - Please Print Clearly!
ATTENTION: Copy as needed for each attendee or print
additional forms at
Profession/Job Title* ______________________________________________
Address2 _______________________________________________________
City*_____________________________State*_______ Zip*_______________
Easy Registration!
$179 | Single Person
$169 | 2-4 People
$149 | 5+ People
1. Online:
2. Phone: (800) 433-9570
3. Fax: (615) 376-8233
4. Mail: Summit Professional Education
PO Box 908 | Franklin, TN 37065
$199 | Single Person
$189 | 2-4 People
$169 | 5+ People
Summit Professional Education
PO Box 908
Franklin, TN 37065
CE Renewal Date _________
/ _________
License Cycle Length ____________
Premium Kinesiology
Tape Provided!
Pricing* All prices are per person
*Early registration must be received 14 days prior to workshop.
GROUPS: Registrations and payment must be received together
via fax or mail. You may also register online if payment is with a
single credit card.
Billing Address*___________________________________________________
The Therapist’s Toolbox™ Live Workshop Series
 New Orleans, LA - June 27, 2014
 Baton Rouge, LA - June 28, 2014
 Jackson, MS - June 29, 2014
Kinesiology Taping,
Manual Therapy &
NeuroMuscular Re-Activation
Payment Required For Registration
Combining Evidence-Based Approaches
for Optimal Outcomes
Check, credit card or PO# MUST accompany registration form.
Price ____________ X Quantity ___________ = Total __________________
 Check enclosed, payable to Summit Professional Education
 PO#: __________________ (PO FORM required for registration)
 MC
 Amex
 Discover
Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________
Presented by Michael Blubaugh, MSPT, CPT, a twenty year veteran in the fields of sports rehabilitation, outpatient orthopedics,
lymphology, and sports performance training. He received his Manual Therapy Certification from the University of St. Augustine, is a
certified ACE personal trainer, and an IGNITE360 certified performance trainer.
Card #:__________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: _______________________ 3 Digit CSC/CVC: _________________
Benefits to Attending
Workshop Dates
Premium Kinesiology
Tape Provided!
• Review evidence-based treatments and effective methodology that result in
improved functional outcomes
The Therapist’s Toolbox™ Live Workshop Series
Kinesiology Taping,
Manual Therapy &
NeuroMuscular Re-Activation
Combining Evidence-Based Approaches
for Optimal Outcomes
Workshop Dates
Tallahassee, FL
June 20, 2014
Pensacola, FL
June 21, 2014
Biloxi, MS
June 22, 2014
New Orleans, LA
June 27, 2014
Baton Rouge, LA
June 28, 2014
Presented by Michael Blubaugh, MSPT, CPT, a twenty year veteran in the fields of sports
rehabilitation, outpatient orthopedics, lymphology, and sports performance training. He
received his Manual Therapy Certification from the University of St. Augustine, is a certified ACE
personal trainer, and an IGNITE360 certified performance trainer.
Benefits to Attending
• Gain skills to supplement and support
kinesiology taping strategies with manual
therapy and neuro-muscular re-activation
• Review evidence-based treatments and effective
methodology that result in improved functional
• Practice with hands-on labs for upper and
lower quadrants
• Learn about documentation methods to
accurately justify treatment and patient
Jackson, MS
June 29, 2014
800-433-9570 l Online at
• Examine and master methods that test, treat,
and retest to modify modalities to achieve
optimal outcomes
• Gain skills to supplement and support kinesiology taping strategies
with manual therapy and neuro-muscular re-activation techniques
Tallahassee, FL
June 20, 2014
Pensacola, FL
• Practice with hands-on labs for upper and lower quadrants
June 21, 2014
• Learn about documentation methods to accurately justify treatment
and patient progress
Biloxi, MS
• Examine and master methods that test, treat, and retest to modify
modalities to achieve optimal outcomes
PTs & PTAs
OTs & OTAs
Athletic Trainers
Strength & Conditioning Coaches
Athletic Performance Trainers
New Orleans, LA
June 27, 2014
Who Should Attend
June 22, 2014
Personal Trainers
Certified Hand Therapists
Massage Therapists or call 800-433-9570
Baton Rouge, LA
June 28, 2014
Jackson, MS
June 29, 2014
Kinesiology Taping, Manual Therapy &
NeuroMuscular Re-Activation
Dates & Locations
Tallahassee, FL
June 20, 2014
Homewood Suites
2987 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 402-9400
Pensacola, FL
June 21, 2014
Hampton Inn Airport
2187 Airport Boulevard
Pensacola, FL 32504
(850) 478-1123
Biloxi, MS
June 22, 2014
South Beach Biloxi
1735 Beach Blvd
Biloxi, MS 39531
(228) 388-2627
New Orleans, LA
June 27, 2014
Doubletree New Orleans Airport
2150 Veterans Memorial Blvd
Kenner, LA 70062
(504) 467-3111
Baton Rouge, LA
June 28, 2014
Crowne Plaza
4728 Constitution Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(225) 925-2244
Jackson, MS
With a hands-on format, this workshop will empower you to bridge the gap between having the tools and applying
them in effective combinations to make a difference in a patient’s life while improving outcomes and management of
complex clinical pathologies and dysfunctions. Using interactive case-studies, this lab-intensive workshop will guide you
through effective treatment strategies using a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic taping, and neuromuscular
reactivation techniques that can be used on orthopedic, geriatric, neurological, and sports medicine patients.
This one-day workshop focuses on the most effective taping and proper billing practices to ensure that you are not only
able to achieve superior clinical outcomes with your patients but are also able to receive full reimbursement for the
services rendered. A test-treat-retest methodology is practiced so that immediate effects of treatments can be modified
as needed for optimal effectiveness, and after completing the workshop, you will be able to immediately implement the
strategies you learned for immediate positive outcomes.
About Your Program Instructor
With more than 20 years in the fields of sports rehabilitation, outpatient orthopedics, lymphology, and sports
performance training, Michael Blubaugh, MSPT, CPT is a highly experienced manual physical therapist, rehab
clinician and performance trainer. Mr. Blubaugh serves on the advisory boards of Imitative Learning Systems, Well
Spring Medical and Concord Physical Therapy and has taught more than 100 workshops across the U.S. He is coowner of Right Ready Sports Performance and Conditioning, which trains and rehabilitates athletes of all age groups
across a wide variety of sports. Mr. Blubaugh received advanced training and specialization in manual therapy and
massage therapy from the University of St. Augustine and is an Embelx nationally certified massage therapist, a
certified lymphatic therapist and has extensive experience in the field of edema management and lymphoma. In
addition to being a certified ACE personal trainer, a youth speed and agility training specialist with the International
Youth Conditioning Association and a certified Ignition360 trainer through the IMG Sports Performance Academies,
Mr. Blubaugh earned a BS in science education as well as a MS in physical therapy from the University of Kansas.
Learning Objectives
1. Demonstrate competency of manual therapy treatments of common impairments of upper, lower quadrant and
spinal column.
2. Distinguish which brands of tape would be most appropriate for certain populations.
3. List indications and contraindications to therapeutic taping.
4. Demonstrate competency in the use of kinesiology taping treatments of common impairments in upper/lower
quadrant and spinal column.
5. Explain why combined manual therapy, therapeutic taping and neuro-muscular reactivation results in superior
clinical functional outcomes.
6. Describe how neuro-muscular reactivation techniques differ from traditional therapeutic exercises used in the
rehabilitation process.
7. Utilize correct billing procedures for accurate reimbursement of taping modalities.
8. Implement manual therapy, taping strategies and muscle reactivation techniques that can be used the next clinical
day to provide superior pain management and improved functional outcomes.
June 29, 2014
Marriott Jackson
200 East Amite St
Jackson, MS 39201
(601) 969-5100
Workshop Outline
Continuing Education Credit
I. The Combined Use of Manual Therapy, Therapeutic Taping and Muscle
»» Evolution of taping
»» Different brands of tape: Which work best for whom
»» Why combined treatment methods are superior to traditional methods
»» Evidence supporting the use of taping
»» Evidence supporting the use of manual therapy
»» Taping for edema including ankle, hand edema/arm
»» Use of taping for scars and fascia restrictions
»» How using manual therapy and taping creates improved pain
management and improved functional outcomes.
Occupational Therapists - Summit Professional Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing
education - provider #5873. This course is offered for 0.6 AOTA CEUs (6.0 contact hours). The assignment
of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures
by AOTA. FL: Summit Professional Education is approved by the Florida Board of Occupational
Therapy Practice as a continuing education provider - #50-8381, 6.0 hours. GA: This seminar meets
the requirements for Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy amended rule 671-3-.08(5) and (10)
Renewal of License, Penalties, Continuing Education Requirements. This seminar is offered for 6.0 hours.
II. Detecting Dysfunctions in the Kinetic Chain
»» Movement screening
»» How to detect warning signs of dysfunction
»» Why detection and prevention of pain and dysfunctions are more
important than treatment after the fact.
»» Why pain is not necessarily a good indicator of dysfunction
III. Ankle/Knee/Hip
»» Anatomy and mechanics
»» Evaluation and treatment: Live case study
»» Positional muscle testing and muscle reactivation of the lower extremity
»» Taping for Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, dropped foot, sprained
»» Taping for common hip dysfunctions including total knee and total hip.
»» Taping for knee instability
»» Taping for patella-femoral pain
»» Reactivation techniques for achieving terminal knee extension
»» Neuro-taping for gait dysfunctions
Bring a pillow, pair of scissors and towel. Dress comfortably; appropriate
for lab (shorts and loose - fitting top or tank top) so that skin can be
exposed. We will be practicing treatment as well as practicing with
kinesiology tape.
Summit Professional Education is a national leader in high-quality educational products and services for
today’s professional. Our seminars and training programs are designed to help professionals achieve
improved performance and results in all areas. Our faculty is the “best of the best” in their fields of expertise,
providing programs that really make a difference to participants. If for any reason you are not satisfied with
the program, simply notify the registrar of your intent to withdraw from the program prior to the first morning
break, turn in your workshop materials and receive a 100% refund or credit on a future program.
Confirmations of registration will be sent via email. A copy of your registration confirmation will serve as
Athletic Trainers - Summit Professional Education is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to
offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This program has been approved for a maximum
of 6.0 hours of category A continuing education. Certified Athletic trainers are responsible for claiming
only those hours actually spent participating in the continuing education activity. BOC Approved Provider
Number: P3785. FL: Summit Professional Education is approved by the Florida Board of Athletic Trainers
as a continuing education provider - #50-8381, 6.0 hours.
Hand Therapists - This course offers 4.0 contact hours of Category A, Formal Courses in Upper Quarter
Therapy and 2.0 contact hours each of Category C, Formal Courses with General OT or PT Content, hand
therapy education.
Kinesiotherapists - This course has been approved by the Continuing Competency Board for
Kinesiotherapy as meeting the professional development requirements of the Council on Professional
Standards for Kinesiotherapy (COPS-KT), 6.0 contact hours (0.6 CEUs).
Massage Therapists - Summit Professional Education is approved by the National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider, Provider
Organization #152. This course is offered for 6.0 contact (CE) hours. 100% attendance is required for
a certificate of completion to be issued, no variable credit is given. State licensure boards have final
authority on the acceptance of individual courses. FL: Summit Professional Education is approved by the
Florida Board of Massage Therapy as a continuing education provider - #50-8381, 6.0 hours.
Strength and Conditioning Coaches – This course has been approved by the National Strength and
Conditioning Association Certification Commission for Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
(NSCA-CSCS) for 0.6 CEU or 6.0 contact hours of continuing education, provider #I1059.
IV. Shoulder Complex
»» Anatomy and mechanics: The four joints of the shoulder
»» Evaluation and treatment: Of the shoulder complex
»» Assessment of the shoulder and mobilization of the four joints
»» Common dysfunctions of the shoulder and how to treat them
»» Manual therapy for keystone dysfunctions
»» Taping corrections for common shoulder dysfunctions associated with
rotator cuff pain and faulty shoulder mechanics
»» Taping for shoulder subluxations
»» Neuromuscular reactivation for shoulder positional weakness
»» Manual therapy, taping and muscle re-activation for postural dysfunction
Personal Trainers - This course has been approved by the National Strength and Conditioning
Association Certification Commission for Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) for 0.6 CEU or 6.0 contact
hours of continuing education, provider #I1059.
V. Postural Assessment and Taping:
»» Evaluation and treatment: Live case study
»» Taping for forward head and rounded shoulder posture
»» Postural bracing using kinesiology taping
Included with your registration you will receive a comprehensive manual compiled by the instructor.
R EXTENSIVE LABS : With taping, exercise, and manual treatment techniques.
Premium Kinesiology Tape Provided!
Physical Therapists - AL: not available. FL: This course has been submitted to CE Broker on behalf of
the Florida Physical Therapy Association for approval, 7.0 CEH. GA: As per policy #7 (f) of the Continuing
Competence Policy of the Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy a program approved by another state
board qualifies for class I approval. This course has been reviewed and approved by the Arkansas Board
of Physical Therapy, 6.0 hours. LA: This course has been submitted to the Louisiana Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners for approval, 6.0 hours. MS: As per state regulation 5.4.1.A attendance at educational
programs, where continuing education credit is approved by the American Physical Therapy Association
(APTA), the Mississippi Physical Therapy Association (MPTA), or any other state Physical Therapy
Association educational program is accepted by the MS state Board of Physical Therapy. This program
was approved by the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association for 6.0 hours.
Workshop Schedule
Your instructor will break
for 15 minutes in the
morning and afternoon at
appropriate times.
7:30am – Registration & Breakfast
8:00am – Workshop Begins
11:30am - 12:30pm – Lunch On Your Own
3:30pm – Workshop Adjourns
your receipt for fees paid at the time of registration. Walk-ins are welcome but must register onsite. Please notify
us at least thirty (30) days in advance if you have special needs or require assistance. Certificates are mailed
to the seminar location 5 business days in advance. If your certificate is not available the day of the seminar,
please complete a certificate request onsite and a copy will be sent to you. Hotel locations must occasionally be
adjusted. Please provide an email address and phone number to receive any important updates.
attendee. If the cancellation is made within ten days or less, refunds will not be granted for any reason. A credit
voucher will be issued that may be used toward a future seminar. Credit vouchers are transferable and do not
expire. In cases of inclement weather where the seminar is conducted as scheduled, you may request a credit
voucher toward a future seminar. If we must cancel or change the seminar for any reason, our liability is limited
to the cost of tuition. If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment.
Substitutions may be made at any time. Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by fax or mail
ten (10) days prior to the seminar in order to receive a refund less a $20.00 administrative charge per canceled
W-9: To download a copy, logon to
FEID Number: 20-2064736
Rehabilitation and Other Professionals - This seminar qualifies for 6.0 continuing education hours as
required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your
course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific
filing requirements.
This event contains intermediate level content.
Participants must pay tuition fee, sign in, attend the entire seminar, complete an evaluation and sign
out in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not
receive a certificate. Failure to sign in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No
exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available.
DISCLOSURES: Guidelines exist whereby all speakers must disclose any relevant relationships. Michael
Blubaugh is compensated by Summit as an instructor. He has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Have continuing education credit questions? Please email our CE Department at for the latest approval status. Join Our Faculty
Summit Professional Education is currently seeking qualified
professionals to develop and teach workshops nationally. Visit for more information.
800-433-9570 |