Manual: Distribution Substation Manual (DSM) Section I: Introduction Standard Number: HPC-5DA-07-0010-2012


Manual: Distribution Substation Manual (DSM) Section I: Introduction Standard Number: HPC-5DA-07-0010-2012
Manual: Distribution Substation Manual (DSM)
Section I: Introduction
Standard Number: HPC-5DA-07-0010-2012
Document Control
Viswa Easwaran
Viswa Easwaran
2014.01.15 09:13:42 +08'00'
Position: Standards Engineer
Document Owner
(May also be the Process Owner)
Approved By *
Justin Murphy
15:11:29 +08'00'
Justin Murphy
Position: Manager Asset & Works
Justin Murphy
15:14:02 +08'00'
Justin Murphy
Position: Manager Asset & Works
Date Created/Last Updated
January 2014
Review Frequency **
5 yearly
Next Review Date **
January 2019
* Shall be the Process Owner and is the person assigned authority and responsibility for managing the whole
process, end-to-end, which may extend across more than one division and/or functions, in order to deliver agreed
business results.
** Frequency period is dependent upon circumstances– maximum is 10 years from last issue, review, or revision
whichever is the latest. If left blank, the default shall be 1 year unless otherwise specified.
Revision Control
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The following positions shall be consulted if an update or review is required:
Manager Assets & Works
Manager Engineering Services
Manager Engineering Systems Planning
DM# 3770748
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1 PREFACE ..................................................................................................... 4 2 2.2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 5 Format and Content of the Manual ....................................................................... 5 Section 1: Customer Supply Arrangements ........................................................................... 5 Section 2: MV Network Arrangements.................................................................................... 5 Section 3: Substation Arrangements ...................................................................................... 6 Section 4: Kiosks – Equipment Installation Guide .................................................................. 6 Section 5: Substation Fire Protection Requirements .............................................................. 7 Section 6: Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................ 7 Section 7: Superseded Equipment - Installation Guide .......................................................... 7 Section 8: Distribution Automation.......................................................................................... 8 Section 9: Environmental Protection for Substation ............................................................... 8 Section D - Drawing Revision List .......................................................................................... 8 Use of the Manual................................................................................................... 8 3 REFERENCE DOCUMENT ........................................................................ 10 4 REVISION INFORMATION ........................................................................ 10 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 2.1.10 DM# 3770748
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This Distribution Substation Manual (DSM) contains the approved standard
arrangements for the design, construction and installation of distribution substations;
connection of customers to these substations and interconnection of the substations to
the surrounding MV and LV networks within Horizon Power’s North-West
Interconnected System (NWIS) and the Regional Non-Interconnected System (RNIS).
It supersedes the Western Power Distribution Substation Manual previously applicable
to Horizon Power networks.
Although the design principles and arrangements contained in this Manual are intended
to be generally applicable to all installations with Horizon Power’s supply networks,
there may be areas within the distribution network that require special consideration.
This Manual does not contain any equipment fabrication drawings. These are now
contained in a separate manual.
This Manual is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
Horizon Power Technical Rules
Distribution Design Manuals - Volumes 1 to 5
Field Instruction Practices and Standards Manual (FIPSM)
WA Electrical Requirements
Western Australian Distribution Connections Manual (WADCM)
Underground Distribution Schemes Manual
General Conditions for Individual Customers - DMS# 3133065. [Formerly identified as
General Conditions for Individual Customers - DSB 95/5]
Substation Installation Requirements - DM# 3666797 [Formerly identified as Substation
Installation Requirements - DSB 95/6]
DM# 3770748
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This manual is intended to provide guidelines on the format, contents and use of the
Distribution Substation Manual. In conjunction with the Substation Installation
Requirements and WADCM (Western Australian Distribution Connections Manual), it
describes the customer’s responsibilities in relation to the design and installation of the
Format and Content of the Manual
This Manual is divided into nine Sections as listed below. Each Section contains its
own drawing index, with revisions listed in Section D – Drawing Revision List. In
addition, some sections contain design notes.
Customer Supply Arrangements
MV Network Arrangements
Substation Arrangements
Kiosks – Equipment Installation Guide
Substation Fire Protection Requirements
Superseded Equipment - Installation Guide
Distribution Automation
Environmental Protection for Substation
Drawing Revision List
Table 1: Sections of the DSM
Section 1: Customer Supply Arrangements
Section 1 shows the standard arrangements for the connection of LV or MV customers
to new or existing distribution substations. These drawings enable the designer to
select the correct method for connection of a customer along with the appropriate fuse
Section 2: MV Network Arrangements
Section 2 shows the standard arrangements for the interconnection of a new
distribution substation into the existing MV network. These drawings enable the
designer to select the required substation arrangement and also the correct method of
interconnecting the substation with the MV network.
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The standard also describes the philosophy associated with the design of MV network
at the different voltage levels. Also there are guidelines that must be taken into
consideration during the design of the network.
Section 3: Substation Arrangements
Section 3 shows the standard arrangements in relation to land and clearances for
distribution substations. The drawings are intended to be issued for the customer’s
reference. Each substation arrangement drawing has three sheets as described below:
Civil and Land Requirements
shows the land area required for the substation and any civil construction
requirements (but no civil design details). For substations which are required to
be fire rated, this sheet will also show the requirements for the fire rated
Equipment and Installation Details
shows the equipment required within the substation and its physical arrangement
on the site. All equipment shown is based on assemblies contained in the
Distribution Design Catalogue (DDC).
Earthing layout shown on this drawing is indicative only. Detailed
earthing drawings can be found in DSM 6.
Operational Clearances
shows the operational clearances required for equipment within the substation.
These drawings provide the designer with the basis of the substation site area
requirements to allow flexibility if alternative site areas/shapes are required in
specific cases to satisfy a customer’s need.
Where a customer requires a non-standard substation arrangement, (for example
where an odd shape site exists), the above drawings shall be made available to
the customer. It is the customer’s responsibility, in conjunction with his architect,
to prepare an alternative arrangement design. This design must meet all of HP’s
operational requirements and any relevant Australian Standards requirements.
The design shall be submitted to HP for approval.
Section 4: Kiosks – Equipment Installation Guide
Section 4 shows the general outlay and installation guide for the kiosk enclosed
distribution substation equipment used by HP. This includes MV ring main switchgear
kiosks (RMU’s), modular package substations (MPS’s), non Modular package
substations (non-MPS’s) and LV switchgear kiosks. Each kiosk arrangement drawing
has the following details:
General Arrangement
shows the physical arrangement and dimension references for the equipment.
Installation Guide
shows the requirements for installation of the equipment, for example, lifting
points, soil compaction and installation sequences. This sheet is for issue to
stakeholders and external parties responsible for preparation of site and
installation of the equipment.
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In addition the standard also provides guidelines on the various switchboard
arrangements permissible for LV kiosks and the cable arrangements applicable
for termination into a non-MPS transformer.
Section 5: Substation Fire Protection Requirements
Section 5 shows the fire protection requirements for distribution substations. These
drawings are intended to provide designers with guidelines on determining the fire risk
zones around a substation and what protection measures are necessary in the risk
zones. These drawings can also be issued to customers for the same purpose.
Section 6: Miscellaneous
Section 6 contains drawings relevant to distribution substations, which are of an
ancillary nature and which are referenced on one or more of the above drawings. They
Substation Ducting Cross Sections
shows the required cross sections of ducts into distribution substations.
Substation Exhaust Fan and Distribution Board Details
shows the details and distribution board for the fan supply when required in a fully
enclosed substation with no cross flow ventilation.
Indoor Substation Support
shows the details of the trench and dimensions of support beams/stanchions
required to install a district/sole use substation and MV switchgear inside a MV
Extensible Switchgear Support
shows the details of the support stanchion/beam for extensible type switchgear in
a MV switchroom.
Transformer Lifting Details
shows the detail for lifting transformers using lifting eyes or a monorail.
Earthing Requirements
shows the earthing installation requirements for the distribution substation
arrangements described by DSM 3 (indoor and outdoor).
Permissible Screening Arrangements
shows what screening requirements are permissible around substations (only
provided for substations which are not required to be fire rated). It details the
customer’s options and responsibilities in relation to the erection of screening
around the substation site.
Section 7: Superseded Equipment - Installation Guide
Section 7 shows the installation requirements for superseded equipment, specifically,
the old style of transformers and associated medium voltage switchgear installed in
non fire rated compounds, IPS transformers and IPS transformers with MV switchgear.
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These drawings align the installation of this superseded equipment with the current
version of the DSM to avoid the potential problems when excavation occurs around the
transformer during the installation of cables.
In addition the drawings also show the superseded construction used in indoor support
beam for substations.
Section 8: Distribution Automation
Section 8 shows drawings relevant to the automation and typical configuration of
Remote Terminal Units (RTU’s) for switchgear units. [Note that most Drawings (DSM08-1 to DSM-08-06) are superseded, except for those relating to Schneider RM6 units
Section 9: Environmental Protection for Substation
Section 9 shows requirements for substation installations in environmentally sensitive
sites (Specifically areas that require oil containment and areas above the normal flood
level ratings).
This standard covers:
Standard arrangement in relation to land and clearances for distribution
substations that require oil containment.
Land and construction requirements for areas with above normal flood levels.
Section D - Drawing Revision List
Section D shows the list of the latest updates that have been made on all the drawings
in the manual.
Use of the Manual
The DSM documents described in Section 2.1 are discrete and can be referred to
individually as per design requirements. The steps below illustrate the use of DSM’s for
a new distribution substation that is to be installed to meet the load requirement of
DM# 3770748
Determine the customer’s maximum load demand. This is discussed in detail in
the Distribution Design Manual Volume 3 - Supply to Large Customer
Determine the type of substation required, i.e. District, Sole Use or Customer
Owned. This is discussed in detail in the Distribution Design Manual Volume 3 Supply to Large Customer Installations. It is also discussed briefly in the
Substation Installation Requirements.
Check if any additional capacity is required to be fed back into the street.
Determine the minimum number and sizes of transformers required to be
installed in the substation. In the case of a new discrete load, before this can be
determined it may be necessary to discuss the level of security required by the
customer (e.g. the customer may require 2 x 630 kVA transformers rather than
1 x 1000 kVA transformer).
Select the most appropriate Customer Supply Arrangement drawing (contained in
Section 1 of this Manual) based on the above information. Note that the
transformer size in conjunction with the customer’s maximum load demand will
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determine the size of fuse, link or disconnect required for the customer and also
whether or not the customer’s switchboard must be contiguous. Also refer to the
Substation Installation requirements.
Determine whether a modular package substation (MPS) arrangement or non
MPS arrangement is required. Section 4 describes the various arrangements
available for the installation of the equipment.
Select the most appropriate MV Network Arrangement drawing (contained in
Section 2 of this Manual) based on the neighbouring MV network to which the
substation will be connected. Note that MV transformer fuse sizes are provided in
drawing DSM -1-02.
Determine the fire protection requirements for the substation based on the
proposed location of the substation in relation other land uses in the vicinity (e.g.
other structures or buildings) and the drawings contained in Section 5 of this
Manual. See Substation Installation Requirements.
Select the correct Substation Arrangement drawing (contained in Section 3 of this
Manual) from the table on the MV Network Arrangement drawing based on the
substation type and fire protection requirements. If the substation is to be situated
in an environmentally sensitive site then refer to arrangements in Section 9.
Based on the Substation Arrangement drawing and other information determined
in previous steps (e.g. transformer size, type and size of customer
fuse/link/disconnect, and need for a contiguous switchboard), finalise the design
and prepare an assembly list for the substation.
In the case of a non fire rated substation, the customer’s requirements for
screening of the substation should also be determined at this point. See Section
6-13 for more detailed discussion on substation screening.
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The following Reference Documents have been used to prepare this Standard:
Doc Ref.
Document Title
Distribution Substation Manual Section 1 Customer Substation
Substation Installation
Western Australian Distribution
Connections Manual
Record No
Horizon Power
Horizon Power
Horizon Power and
Western Power
(Informative) Horizon Power has endeavoured to provide standards of the highest
quality and would appreciate notification if any errors are found or even queries raised.
Each Standard makes use of its own comment sheet which is maintained throughout
the life of the standard, which lists all comments made by stakeholders regarding the
A comment sheet found in DM: 3749536 can be used to record any errors or queries
found in or pertaining to this standard, which can then be addressed whenever the
standard gets reviewed.
Rev No.
DM# 3770748
Original Issue
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