2014 USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis Program Manual
2014 USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis Program Manual
2014 USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis Program Manual Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 Player Agreement 3 Area League Coordinators (ALCs) 3 Local League Program Requirements 4-5 Background Screening Process 6-7 Seasons and Program Fees 8 Divisions of Play and Level Descriptions 9 Guide to NTRP 10 10 and Under Tennis using QST Format Jr. Team Tennis Descriptions 11 Sportsmanship Expectations 12-13 Materials and Resources 14 Section and National Jr. Team Tennis Events 15 Section Championship Regulations 16 Frequently Asked Questions 17 Benchmark Rating Lists 18-35 USTA Southwest Section Community Tennis Coordinator Ashley Redman aredman@southwest.usta.com 7010 E. Acoma, Suite 201 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (480) 289-2351 PLEASE CHECK WWW.SOUTHWEST.USTA.COM FOR THE MOST RECENT INFORMATION For any questions, please email Ashley Redman at aredman@southwest.usta.com 2 INTRODUCTION TO USTA JR. TEAM TENNIS USTA Jr. Team Tennis is a grassroots USTA program that is marketed to boys and girls ages 6 to 18 of all skill levels. The philosophy of the program is fun, fitness and friends in an environment that stresses sportsmanship and socialization in a team tennis atmosphere. This manual is designed to give you a description of the USTA Southwest Section Rules and Regulations for USTA Jr. Team Tennis for the 2014 Championship Year (seasons that run in the fall of 2013 and spring and summer of 2014). Should this manual not cover an area you are inquiring about, please refer to the 2014 National USTA Jr. Team Tennis Regulations Manual. PLAYER AGREEMENT-USTA NATIONAL JR. TEAM TENNIS REGULATION 1.08 As a condition of their participation, all players participating in the USTA Jr. Team Tennis League agree to abide and be bound by the USTA Constitution and Bylaws; the USTA Regulations; the Rules of Tennis; the USTA Jr. Team Tennis Regulations; and the standards of good conduct, fair play, and good sportsmanship. USTA Jr. Team Tennis participation is limited to amateurs. Individuals who participate in any professional tournaments are ineligible for USTA Jr. Team Tennis participation whether identified as a professional or amateur athlete by the respective governing body. AREA LEAGUE COORDINATORS (ALCs) Chartered CTA Area League Coordinator Phone Number Email Address Northern Arizona Larry Lineberry jtt@ustanaz.com Central Arizona Jim Merritt Southern Arizona Mark Swenson Northern New Mexico Cee Ann Vaughan (478) 973-4388 nmtajtt@gmail.com Southern New Mexico Judy Harlas (575) 527-0299 jrharlas@aol.com Southeastern New Mexico TBD Greater El Paso Texas Leticia Greene (915) 920-5492 letshelmeg@aol.com 480-639-6704 jtt@phoenixtennis.com sazcpc@gmail.com 3 JR. TEAM TENNIS PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Below are a list of Minimum League Requirements for local leagues advancing to Section and National Championships compiled by the USTA Southwest Section Community Tennis Department and the 2014 National USTA Jr. Team Tennis Regulation Book. Some regulations may need to be determined by the Area League Coordinator (ALC) in your area. If there is an area not covered in the list below, please refer to the National Regulation Book. Violations of any regulation will be brought to the attention of the Community Tennis Coordinator and be handled as needed. 1. PROGRAM/LEAGUE NAME: Must be called USTA Jr. Team Tennis. 2. USTA MEMBERSHIP: All participants must have a valid USTA Membership for the duration of the local season 3. TENNISLINK TEAM TENNIS: TennisLink Jr. Team Tennis must be used to manage the league. The ALC must have all players and the local league schedule registered in TennisLink prior to the play of any team matches. Players may not participate with a team if they are not registered in TennisLink. 4. BACKGROUND SCREENING PROCESS: (See page 6 for details) 5. TEAM CAPTAINS: Each team must have a team captain/coach responsible for the team and its administrative affairs during the league season. Team Captains must be 21 years of age or older. 6. AGE ELIGIBILITY: Jr. Team Tennis age eligibility requirements are by the calendar year. A player must remain “age eligible” through August 31st of the championship year to be eligible for advancement opportunities to Section and National Championships. 7. NUMBER OF TEAMS: Program must have a minimum of 2 teams. 8. TEAM MINIMUM: Teams must consist of a minimum of three boys and three girls. 9. TEAM MATCHES: All teams are required to play a minimum of three team matches during a multi-week season. National Regulation 2.02G(2)d: Scores must be recorded in TennisLink Team. Tennis to meet the local play history eligibility requirements of three team matches (said matches may not come from a one day event at the local level) prior to advancement to the championship levels. 10. SCORING FORMAT: The designated Area League Coordinator may determine the scoring and play formats, as well as the methods of determining the winning team of a local team match that best meets the needs of the local league. Each team match must consist of one boy’s and girl’s singles, one boy’s and girl’s doubles, and one or two mixed doubles. 4 ALL LOCAL MATCH PLAY MUST BE COMPLETED BY JULY 21, 2014 JR. TEAM TENNIS PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS CONTINUED 11. TEAM LINEUPS: Coaches/captains for each team shall exchange their team match cards simultaneously prior to the beginning of the team match. No substitutions may be made in an individual match after the lineup has been presented, except for injury to, or illness of a player prior to the start of such match. If the substitution is made during the warm-up, the substitute player is entitled to a five-minute warm-up. 12. SCORE ENTRY: All team match scores must be entered into TennisLink Team Tennis within 24 hours of the completion of the match by the home team captain. Visiting team captains must log in to “Confirm” all scores. All local league scheduled match scores must be entered within 24 hours after the Season Ending Date. Team Standings will be determined at this deadline. Scores not entered will not be counted. 13. MORE THAN ONE TEAM: Players may play on more than one local team during the same season. Prior to any advancement to a championship (local, section, national), the player must declare which team he or she will participate on in such championship. 14. INDIVIDUAL MATCHES: If needed, an individual player may only play in two individual matches in a team match. Doubling up must be done in Mixed Doubles (may play singles and mixed, or doubles and mixed). 15. PROGRESSION: Players must participate in a minimum of three team matches at the local level to qualify for Section or National Championships. The method of determining the winning team of the local league competition to advance to the next level of competition is determined by the ALC. ALL LOCAL MATCH PLAY MUST BE COMPLETE BY JULY 21, 2014. 16. COACHING: The ALC shall determine whether and at what times to allow coaching at the local level. In no event is coaching permitted during a tiebreak. 17. RANKINGS: Please review the current Jr. Team Tennis Intermediate Benchmark Ranking List that accompanies this manual. Any player with 1,000 points or more within any age group must participate in the Advanced Flight. National Regulation: 2.01G(5)d National Ranking: Players with a national ranking, in any age division and determined at a specified time of the year, must enter at the advanced level at any age division. Section Regulation: Any player whose name appears on the 2013 Year End National Combined Ranking List in any division must play in the advanced level (NTRP 3.5 and above) at any USTA Jr. Team Tennis age division. Players participating in a championship year fall league should be placed according to their respective NTRP level and will be reevaluated once the list is published. Should an intermediate fall league player appear on the year end list, he/she must move up into the advanced division for the remaining season(s) and may no longer participate with the intermediate team at the local or championship levels. The team of the affected player(s) may choose to move to the advanced division together. ” 18. SPORTSMANSHIP: 5 See the Player/Parent/Team Captain Sportsmanship Expectations on page 8. USTA BACKGROUND SCREENING PROCESS FOR TEAM CAPTAINS AND COORDINATORS Purpose The USTA seeks to ensure the safety of all participants, and as such, the USTA has expanded and incorporated its criminal background screening policy into Safe Play as a legitimate business necessity to further its mission. Criminal background screenings have been implemented by the USTA in order to: i. Ensure a safe, secure and fun environment for participants to compete and continue to develop and enhance their skills. ii. Provide parents and legal guardians with a sense of security for their children. iii. Prevent individuals with ill intentions from becoming involved with its programming. Background screening is designed as a preventative measure. It is not a guarantee against incidents of inappropriate behavior or criminal activity. The USTA encourages parents and legal guardians to play an active role in their child’s development, both on and off the court, to ensure their well-being. Requirement All Jr. Team Tennis Captains/Co-Captains, Coaches/Asst. Coaches, or Jr. Team Tennis Program Coordinators are required to obtain a background check before the first match is played. It is recommended that the captains/coaches apply for their background check at a minimum of three weeks prior to the season beginning to assure that it will be back and cleared before the first match is played. The background screening approval will take up to 10 business days to process. Once approved, the screening is good for 2 years. *Please note that any captain/co-captain or coordinator that does not have a background screening approved will be locked out of Tennis Link until the screening is approved. Youth Protection Policies and Procedures for USTA Jr. Team Tennis To ensure a safe and fun environment for all participants, the USTA has developed "Safe Play." Safe Play embodies the USTA’s commitment to respect and safety for every individual participating in a USTA event or program through the use of screening, education and reporting tools. The USTA expects individuals to adhere to Safe Play policies and standards, as well as all other USTA policies, procedures, and practices and applicable external laws and regulations. Safe Play consists of the following five requirements and standards: 6 1. Conduct, Policies & Guidelines 2. USTA Background Screening 3. Education & Training 4. Reporting Misconduct, Maltreatment or Violations of Safe Play 5. Grassroots Engagement & Communication FOR EASE OF REFERENCE, PLEASE PRINT OR SAVE THIS DOCUMENT TO YOUR COMPUTER The 3 steps outlined below must be fulfilled to be eligible to serve as a Jr. Team Tennis coach/manager, co-manager, or local/area coordinator. Please allow 10 business days for completion. Step 1: View training video: http://training.safesport.org. You will be prompted to create an account. The video is 90 minutes long. If you are unable to complete the course at one time, you can return and continue using the account you created. Step 2: Read the Youth Protection Policies and Procedures for USTA Jr. Team Tennis. Click here to download: http://assets.usta.com/assets/1/15/Youth_Protection_Policies_and_Procedures_for_USTA_Jr_-_2-22-13_Clean.pdf) Step 3: Complete Your Background Screen Application. In the application, you will be required to certify and affirm that you have successfully completed (1) and (2) above. The USTA has retained the services of an independent third party, the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI), to conduct background screenings of all applicants. Please begin your background screen through NCSI: https://www.ncsisafe.com/members/SelfRegLandingUSTAJTT.aspx Once you submit your application, you will receive your NCSI Applicant ID number on the screen. You will this number to check the status of your background screen (see (a) below) as well as when you login to TennisLink for the first time. My NCSI Applicant ID Number is: a) Once you have submitted your background screen information, results will be generated in approximately 10 business days. Please be sure to add ncsisafe.com to your accepted email domain list. Watch for an email from Compliance@ncsisafe.com in the days following your application; this will also contain your NCSI Applicant ID number which can be used to check the status of your application on NCSI’s website. b) NCSI may contact you within the 10 business day waiting period to request more information. You can confirm the legitimacy of the request by checking your status on NCSI’s website using the NCSI Applicant ID number; your status will note the same request for information. Please watch for communications from NCSI as these emails may end up in your “spam” folder. c) When you screen is complete you will receive either a green or red light, based on the results of your application and the USTA’s criteria. If you receive a green light, you will receive an email from the USTA notifying you that you’ve been cleared through Safe Play with instructions on what to do next. You also will be listed on the results page of USTA.com: http://www.usta.com/About-USTA/background_screening_program_results/. If you received a red light, you will be notified by NCSI of your status and you will not be eligible to participate in Jr. Team Tennis. d) For more information and FAQ’s: http://www.usta.com/About-USTA/background_screening_policy_faqs_for_jtt/ For all questions related to the background screen system, please contact: The National Center for Safety Initiatives Phone: (866) 833-7100 or E-Mail: clientservices@ncsisafe.com 7 For all policy-related questions, please contact: United States Tennis Association E-Mail: safeplay@usta.com SEASONS The USTA Southwest Section offers USTA Jr. Team Tennis in four seasons throughout the year. Having seasons makes it easier for communities to plan their tennis programs around a calendar year and helps promote year round team tennis play. Prior to starting a season, the designated Area League Coordinator (ALC) must register the program on the TennisLink Jr. Team Tennis website at http://teamtennis.usta.com. Please work with your local USTA Chartered CTA and Community Program Tennis Coordinator when developing the marketing plan for your Jr. Team Tennis program. The league dates should coincide within the season dates. All leagues must adhere to the requirements listed on pages 4 and 5 to be an “official” USTA Jr. Team Tennis program in the Southwest Section. Once your league has been approved by the USTA Southwest Section, marketing of the USTA Jr. Team Tennis program may begin along with scheduling of matches and collection of registration fees. The seasons for the championship year are as follows: SEASON START END Fall August 1st December 31st Winter November 1st January 31st Spring January 1st May 31st Summer May 1st July 31st USTA Jr. Team Tennis leagues are expected to fall within these time frames over at least a multi-week length season (minimum 3 team matches must be played during a league season). Leagues may be run up to four times per year, one per season. Program dates may overlap outside of season dates, but the majority of the season should fall within the dates for that particular season. All local league play must be completed by JULY 21, 2014 to be eligible for advancement to the Section Championships. VARIOUS PROGRAM FEES Local league program fees are at the discretion of the USTA District and are subject to an additional TennisLink fee. 8 DIVISIONS OF PLAY AND LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS Age 8 and Under 10 and Under Skill Level Beginner-QST (red/foam ball) Beginner-QST (orange/LC ball) Advancement District Championship determined by ALC District Championship determined by ALC 12 and Under 14 and Under 18 and Under Advanced Intermediate Beginner Advanced Intermediate Advanced Intermediate Eligible for Section Championship (except Eligible for Section and National Championship Eligible for Section and National Championship Beginner) The 8 & Under, 10 & Under, and 12 & Under Beginner (NTRP 2.0 & Below) division players are your novice players that are new to the game and have had no formal tennis instruction. They are just learning to play and judge where the ball is going. They enjoy tennis as a recreational sport and have very little or no match play experience. The 8 & Under and 10 & Under divisions will use the Quick Start Tennis (QST) format. For more details about QuickStart Jr. Team Tennis (QST JTT), see page 12. These divisions will only be held at the local level. There will be no advancement to Section or National Championships. The 12 & Under, 14 & Under and 18 & Under Intermediate (NTRP 3.0 & Below) division players are your low-intermediate to intermediate players that have learned how to serve and keep regular scoring on their own, are fairly consistent when hitting medium paced shots, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lacks execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power. These players are beginning to compete at tennis in local Jr. Team Tennis programs, Mid-School tennis program or Junior Varsity High School tennis as well as local tennis tournaments, some even winning smaller local tournaments. This division will have its teams advance to the USTA Southwest Section Championship, however only the winning teams in the 14 & Under and 18 & Under flights will advance to the National Championships. The 12 and Under, 14 & Under and 18 & Under Advanced (NTRP 3.5 and Above) division players are your high-intermediate to advanced players that have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but need to develop depth and variety. They exhibit more aggressive net play, have improved court coverage, and are developing teamwork in doubles. These players may be entering and playing USTA Sanctioned events and tournaments or compete on Varsity High School teams. This division will have its teams advance to the USTA Southwest Section Championship, however only the winning teams in the 14 & Under and 18 & Under flights will advance to the National Championships. 9 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS NTRP PLAYING LEVELS 1.5 - Beginner You have limited experience and are working primarily on getting the ball in play. 2.0 - Beginner You lack court experience and your strokes need developing. You are familiar with the basic positions for singles and doubles play. 2.5 - Beginner You are learning to judge where the ball is going, although your court coverage is limited. You can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability. 3.0 - Intermediate You are fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shots, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lack execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power. Your most common doubles formation is one-up, one-back. 3.5 - Advanced You have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but need to develop depth and variety. You exhibit more aggressive net play, have improved court coverage and are developing teamwork in doubles. 4.0 - Advanced You have dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate-paced shots. You can use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with some success and occasionally force errors when serving. Rallies may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident. 4.5 - Advanced You have developed your use of power and spin and can handle pace. You have sound footwork, can control depth of shots, and attempt to vary game plan according to your opponents. You can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve. You tend to over hit on difficult shots. Aggressive net play is common in doubles. 5.0 - Advanced You have good shot anticipation and frequently have an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. You can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys. You can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and have good depth and spin on most second serves. 5.5 - Advanced You have mastered power and/or consistency as a major weapon. You can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hit dependable shots in a stress situation. 6.0 to 7.0 - Advanced You have had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and have obtained a sectional and/or national ranking. 10 10 & Under Tennis Using the QST Format AGE 8 & under 10 & under COURT SIZE 36’ x 18’ 60’ x 21’ singles 60’ x 27’ doubles RACQUET BALL Up to 23” “Red” Foam or very low Compression Up to 25” “Orange” Low compression NET HEIGHT SCORING 2’9” Best of 3 games 1st to 7 points by 2 wins game; first to win 2 games 3’ Best of 3 sets of 1st to 4 games with 3rd set 1st to 7 points by 2 THE COURT To give kids the confidence and ability to cover the entire court, score points and build an all-court game, the court is shorter and narrower for both age groups. The net height is lower, too. To view the court size diagrams, see page 4 in the National JTT Regulation Book. THE SCORING The QST Scoring system is simple. It helps organizers plan competition and it gives parents and players a start and finish line. 8 & Under: there are only 7 points in a game, so match play is short and sweet. Kids play the best of 3 games; the first to score 7 points (by 2 points) wins the game. The first to win 2 games wins the match. The longest a match will last is approximately 20 minutes. 10 & Under: play the best of 3 sets; the first to win 4 games wins a set. For the third set, the first player to win 7 points (by 2 points) wins the match. THE BALL Kids need a ball that’s equal to their playing abilities. A regulation tennis ball moves to fast, bounces too high, and is too heavy for the smaller racquet. Each age group, therefore, uses a ball better suited to their unique playing ability. 8 & Under: a foam ball or very low-compression ball moves slower, bounces lower and travels less distance. 10 & Under: a low-compression ball moves a little faster and travels farther than the ball used with the younger group, but it still has a lower bounce than a regulation ball. 11 PLAYER / PARENT / TEAM CAPTAIN SPORTSMANSHIP EXPECTATIONS The USTA Southwest Section is committed to develop and promote the growth of tennis and with USTA Jr. Team Tennis as one of the most successful junior programs for the United States Tennis Association we will continue to grow tennis at all levels for juniors of any age. In order to maintain the success of the program and the growth of tennis there needs to be a clear understanding of the processes and expectations placed on the coaching staff, athletes, managers, parents and supporters of USTA Jr. Team Tennis and the USTA Southwest Section. The foundation of our program is based on the following areas: fair play, sportsmanship, competitiveness, teamwork, leadership, and participation. This player/ parent contract therefore reminds our program participants of the expectations that it takes to establish a truly unique and successful program. It is required that any participant, player or parent, sign this contract in order to participate in the USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis program. USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis PLAYER Expectations: • Players are held to the USTA Code and Friend at Court Regulations. Violations of any regulations will be dealt with accordingly. • Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Players are expected to express proper tennis court and tournament etiquette. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes: • Racquet abuse, ball abuse, profane language, negative signs, obscene gestures, trash talk and taunting, cheating, stalling, faking injury, pouting, berating opposing team, and insubordination to the team captains, umpires, other coaches, tournament directors, and your parents. • Players are expected to have fun with our program and promote teamwork with the rest of their team. 12 SPORTSMANSHIP EXPECTATIONS CONTINUED USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis PARENT Expectations: • Parents are expected to support their athlete in a positive manner, being a role model of good sportsmanship and fair play. • Parents are expected to abide by the classic tennis sportsmanship rules, including: -Cheering/applauding only when your athlete hits a winner or plays a great point. -Congratulating your athletes opponent and parent(s) (win or lose) on a match well played. -Not making exaggerated audible noises, negative body language, or any other reaction to a suspected poor call, opponent behavior, missed shot by your own athlete, or behavior by an opponents captain, parent or supporter. • Parents are expected to treat the team captains, USTA administrators and tournament directors with respect. Please do not ask tournament directors when your athlete is going to play, or levy complaints about a tournament. Please refer to the team captain for such issues. • Parents understand that the team captain, USTA Southwest Staff, and tournament directors can have parents removed from matches at the competition location. Parents are expected to anticipate nothing but the best experience for their athlete and their involvement in USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis. Parents are expected to understand that for an experience to be worthwhile and educational, highs and lows are to be expected. • • Parents are expected to understand that acts of nature (that of God and Human nature) play a role in our events and matches. Parents are expected to exercise patience in consideration with the weather, rescheduling of matches, dual match sites, the irresponsibility or disorganization of other programs, and other issues outside of the team captains, USTA Southwest Staffs, and tournament directors control. USTA Southwest Jr. Team Tennis Team Captain/Team Manager Expectations: • Team Captains are expected to emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork, fun, and ethics to athletes in Jr. Team Tennis. • Team Captains are expected to communicate clearly with players, parents and supporters about the policies, procedures, practice, match times, travel plans and expectations. • Team Captains are expected to make decisions in the best interest of their athletes well being, in regards to their safety, health, education, and development. • Team Captains are expected to represent their athletes in captains meetings and act as a liaison between Jr. Team Tennis Coordinators, USTA Southwest Section Staff, tournament directors, parents, and athletes. • Team Captains are expected to lead by example in regards to sportsmanship, honesty, leadership, teamwork, and ethics. 13 MATERIALS AND RESOURCES There are many materials, such as this manual, that are available to Jr. Team Tennis coaches that will aid in coordinating a Jr. Team Tennis league, whether big or small. Some of those materials and resources include: 1. Local full & part time community staff support. 2. Sectional staff support/National staff Support 3. Backgrounds Screening Website: www.usta.com/safeplay 4. Section website: www.southwest.usta.com 5. National Jr. Team Tennis website: www.jrteamtennis.usta.com 6. QuickStart Tennis websites: http://partners.quickstarttennis.com http://consumers.quickstarttennis.com 7. USTA Jr. Team Tennis materials catalog full of prizes, clothing, and promotional items at www.tennisawards.com 8. TennisLink Team Tennis registration website found at http://teamtennis.usta.com where coaches can register teams. A client manual (cheat sheet) can also be found on this website to assist with questions on how to complete the forms in addition to the “TennisLink Instructions” in this manual. 9. Licensed USTA vendor T-shirt companies able to print & ship Jr. Team Tennis T-shirts for your program. 10. 2014 USTA Jr. Team Tennis Regulations Book provided by National. 14 SECTION AND NATIONAL JR. TEAM TENNIS EVENTS USTA Southwest Section Championships USTA Southwest Section will be hosting the 2014 USTA Southwest Section Championships on August 2014 in Phoenix, AZ. For teams/players to be eligible to participate in the Section Championships, your l ocal league must be registered online by the registration deadline for the summer season. All local match play must be completed by JULY 21, 2014. The deadline to register for the championships is July 25, 2014. Please refer to the next page for championship regulations. TEAMS WILL BE SUBJECT TO PAY A CHAMPIONSHIP ENTRY FEE AND TEAM DEPOSIT. 2014 14 & Under Advanced and Intermediate National Championship: The 2014 National Championships for the 14 & Under Advanced and Intermediate Divisions will be held. Winners in the 14 & Under Advanced and Intermediate divisions from the USTA Southwest Section Championship will be invited to represent the USTA Southwest Section at the USTA Jr. Team Tennis National Championships. 2014 18 & Under Advanced and Intermediate National Championship: The 2014 National Championships for the 18 & Under Advanced and Intermediate Divisions will be held. Winners in the 18 & Under Advanced and Intermediate divisions from the USTA Southwest Section Championship will be invited to represent the USTA Southwest Section at the USTA Jr. Team Tennis National Championships. Event USTA Southwest Section Championships USTA Jr. Team Tennis 14 & Under Advanced and Intermediate National Championships USTA Jr. Team Tennis 18 & Under Advanced and Intermediate National Championships Site Phoenix, AZ TBD TBD Dates August 1-3, 2014 October 17-19, 2014 October 24-26, 2014 14 & Under Advanced 18 & Under Advanced 14 & Under Intermediate 18 & Under Intermediate Divisions 12 and Under Intermediate 12 and Under Advanced 14 and Under Intermediate 14 and Under Advanced 18 and Under Intermediate 18 and Under Advanced Dates and times are subject to change. 15 USTA SOUTHWEST JR. TEAM TENNIS SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP REGULATIONS Below are regulations created by the USTA Southwest Section Community Tennis Department from the National 2014 USTA Jr. Team Tennis Regulation book for teams advancing to and participating in the Section Championships. Please refer to the National Regulation Book for a complete list of the championship regulations. 1. ELIGIBILITY: A player is eligible to progress to championship level competition, including National Championships, if that player has played on the same team in at least three team matches during its local USTA Jr. Team Tennis season and has the results of said three matches recorded in TennisLink Team Tennis. Only one match result may be the product of a defaulted or forfeited match by the opposing team to count towards advancing for all players involved. A retired match shall count toward advancing for all players involved. 2. PROGRESSION: The first and second place teams in the local league or competition (such as an Area Playoff) set by the ALC will be entitled to advance to the Section Championships. *If there are two teams from the same District eligible for the Section Championships and no other teams in that division from another District are eligible to advance, then the first place team from the local season automatically be entitled to advance to the National Championship. 3. TEAM SUBSTITUTIONS 2.03B: If a player on a qualifying team advancing to a championship competition is, for whatever reason, unable to participate, a substitute player may be added to the qualifying team’s roster from the same local league in order to meet the minimum team size requirement. 2.03B(1) In no event can more than two substitutes be added to a team’s roster for competition, one boy and one girl, be added to a team’s roster for competition. 2.03B(2) Any substitutions must be approved prior to the championship. 2.03B(3) If the qualifying team cannot field the minimum number of qualifying players, the second place team may advance for further competition. 2.03B(4) Substitution players are only allowed for those teams who originally had the team minimum of 3 girls and 3 boys. 2.03B(5) Eligibility of substitute players fro a team advancing from one level of championship to another may be impacted by the return of the original player. The coach/manager must decide which player will participate since a team roster cannot be increased for subsequent advancements. 4. AGE ELIGIBILITY: Players must remain age eligible through August 31st of the championship year to be eligible for advancement opportunities. 5. USTA MEMBERSHIP: Any individual who progresses to the Section Championship must be a current USTA member for the duration of the championship. 6. TEAM REGISTRATION FEE: Each team will be subject to pay a championships entry fee of $150 per team. Teams may not exceed 10 players. Additional players over the 10 16 player maximum are invited to participate in the championship for an additional fee of $10 per player. FREQUENLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: How many players do you recommend per team? A: 8-10. This allows some flexibility if players need to miss a match, yet the team is still small enough that the players get to play and feel like a valued member. The team minimum is 6, 3 boys and 3 girls. Q: Do the players need to be USTA Members? A: YES! All participants in USTA Jr. Team Tennis must be current members of the USTA for the duration of the local league season. Membership must also be valid should the team advance to the championship level. Q: Can a player play on more than one team? A: Yes, but only during the local league. The player must declare which team they will participate on should both advance to the championship level. Q: Can a player play more than one time in a team match? A: Yes. An individual player may play up to two matches in one team match. Should a player double up, it must be done in mixed doubles. (ex: player can play singles and mixed or doubles and mixed). Q: Who is in charge of recording match scores? A: The home team coach/captain, but the visiting team coach/captain should go on TennisLink to confirm that the correct scores were entered. Q: When is the age cut-off date? A: A player must remain age eligible through August 31st of the Championship Year. Q: If my team plays a team in a different division will it count as local play (ex: 18 Intermediate team playing an 18 Advanced team). A: Yes. You will need to inform your Area League Coordinator, so that they can set up that match for you. Q: What if I have one player who is advanced and the rest of the team is intermediate, what level should the team play at? A: If that player is going to play on your team, the entire team must play up to the Advanced level. Q: If I have two teams, can I switch players back and forth between the teams during the local season? A: No. Unless you register those players on both teams, paying for two registration fees. 17 MODIFIED RANKING LISTS FOR THE 2014 CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR JR. TEAM TENNIS LEAGUES INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED LEVELS The NTRP (National Tennis Rating Program) which defines the characteristics of a player’s levels, is the official system for determining the levels of competition for the USTA’s Jr. Team Tennis Leagues. In addition, the USTA Southwest Section has determined that players participating in Jr. Team Tennis are to be verified with this Modified Ranking List created by the USTA Southwest Section Junior Player Development Manager and the Community Tennis Manager. This list is a resource for Area League Coordinators and Captains to place participants in the appropriate levels. The Modified Ranking List has been developed based upon the section standings from previous months. For 2014: The ranking list will be based upon the section standings from September 1, 2012 to September 1, 2013. These rankings were determined by removing points earned in all level 6 tournaments and only counting points earned in tournaments Levels 3, 4, and 5 and the 2013 Jr. Team Tennis Section Championships. A player with 1,000 points or more in any age group based upon this list must participate in the advanced division. Participants with fewer than 1,000 points on this list are eligible to participate in the Intermediate division but may choose to play up in the Advanced division. Please note that a player ranked below these ranking guidelines may in fact be at a higher NTRP level, therefore coaches/captains and Area League Coordinators must use good faith in the placement of participants into the appropriate levels. The Area League Coordinator may choose to move a player to the appropriate level if necessary. Players on any list with 1,000 points or more must play in the advanced flight. Shaded areas indicate players with ranking eligible to participate in the Intermediate flight. *Please note that if a player with 1,000 points or more in the 10 and Under Division would like to compete, but there is no 10 and Under Advanced division offered in the local league, that player is allowed to play in an intermediate division of a different age group. 18 Girl’s 10s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Neyestani, Anna Bella Phoenix AZ 2995 2/18/2005 2 VUKSAN, TEODORA Mesa AZ 2858 11/6/2004 3 Katz, Naomi El Paso TX 1658 5/4/2004 4 MASSEY, ALEXIS MIKAILA Las Cruces NM 1585 10/2/2004 5 Flowers, Emily Grace Tucson AZ 1155 9/15/2003 6 Bloss, Avery Madison El Paso TX 1110 1/30/2004 7 Wang, Matilyn Scottsdale AZ 1080 12/29/2004 8 Rosales, Trinity Celeste Las Cruces NM 978 7/8/2003 9 Koenig, Ava Scottsdale AZ 923 4/20/2003 10 MASSEY, BAILEY JO Las Cruces NM 905 6/19/2003 11 Hannen, Alexandra Lynn Scottsdale AZ 860 5/4/2005 12 Merrion, Eliza Lynn Farmington NM 815 9/2/2002 13 Frazier, Julia Scottsdale AZ 775 1/5/2005 14 Snell, Madeleine Mabel El Paso TX 735 12/30/2002 15 Jewitt, Alexandra Morgan Surprise AZ 580 7/22/2003 16 Luecke, Katharina Julia El Paso TX 560 3/19/2004 17 Isaac, Rylee Nicole El Paso TX 518 8/1/2003 18 Johnson, Sereniti R Mesa AZ 480 11/11/2006 19 Kershner, Ryan A Phoenix AZ 480 9/25/2003 20 Bui, Christine HienNhi Albuquerque NM 425 3/22/2003 21 Lederer, Rio Tucson AZ 400 5/9/2003 22 Correa, Mikaela Angelina Gilbert AZ 390 1/9/2005 23 Gavino, Gwendolyn Paige Tucson AZ 385 1/9/2003 24 Escobar, Valentina El Paso TX 380 7/22/2003 25 Zamora, Adrianna Lydia Tucson AZ 350 7/31/2003 26 Gonzalez, Isabel El Paso TX 165 3/31/2004 27 Wang, Caitlyn Scottsdale AZ 73 5/14/2003 28 Chapman, Caroline El Paso TX 25 10/2/2003 29 Johnston, Kate X Chandler AZ 25 3/1/2003 30 Dominguez, Zara Leticia El Paso TX 25 6/25/2003 19 Girls 12s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Corley, Carmen Alexis Sandia Park NM 4968 9/17/2001 2 Stein, Lauren Paradise Valley AZ 4655 5/23/2002 3 Hochstatter, Amber Phoenix AZ 4628 9/19/2002 4 Koenig, McKenna Scottsdale AZ 3838 10/9/2001 5 RODERICK, MAYA ELYSSA Tempe AZ 3640 5/13/2001 6 Stelse, Hailey Ann Scottsdale AZ 3618 7/28/2002 7 Neyestani, Ava Banou Phoenix AZ 3505 1/19/2002 8 Smith, McKenna Marie Paradise Valley AZ 3365 5/27/2001 9 Broerman, Catherine Hunter Scottsdale AZ 3260 5/8/2001 10 Frazier, Josie Scottsdale AZ 3210 1/20/2001 11 Stutz, Erica Scottsdale AZ 2723 1/26/2002 12 Moss, Gabriela Joye Paradise Valley AZ 2668 10/9/2001 13 Visic, Emilija-Emi Phoenix AZ 2543 3/5/2001 14 Gorden, Abigail El Paso TX 2303 10/14/2002 15 Nguyen, Emily Farmington NM 2235 4/11/2001 16 Malkin, Misa Tucson AZ 1938 8/3/2002 17 MASSEY, JOCELYN PAIGE Las Cruces NM 1848 1/12/2002 18 Chavez, Cienna Jade Albuquerque NM 1743 10/28/2002 19 Katz, Naomi El Paso TX 1608 5/4/2004 20 Neyestani, Anna Bella Phoenix AZ 1455 2/18/2005 21 Herrera, Mikayla Raine Albuquerque NM 1335 1/17/2001 22 Hannen, Erin Nicole Scottsdale AZ 1330 1/23/2002 23 Caballero, Jasmine Malie 24 Glidden, Lorelei Phoenix Tempe AZ AZ 1100 988 1/9/2002 5/9/2002 25 Rosales, Trinity Celeste Las Cruces NM 978 7/8/2003 26 ruja, MiaAngelina El Paso TX 818 4/21/2003 27 Wieland, Julia Oro Valley AZ 720 7/11/2001 28 Hoffman, Natalie Fountain Hills AZ 700 7/2/2001 29 Rouf, Rimona Saira Phoenix AZ 675 6/22/2002 30 Cardenas, Isabel El Paso TX 575 2/14/2001 31 Bloss, Lauren El Paso TX 480 2/9/2001 32 Boxrud, Natalie Nichole Mesa AZ 460 6/8/2001 33 Behrend, Maria Victoria Albuquerque NM 410 1/31/2001 34 MASSEY, BAILEY JO Las Cruces NM 375 6/19/2003 35 ruja, AnaCristina El Paso TX 368 2/5/2001 36 Stogner, Skyler Autumn El Paso TX 360 1/11/2001 37 Vijan, Elizabeth Marie Scottsdale AZ 345 1/18/2002 38 Jun, Melanie Alamogordo NM 325 11/17/2001 39 romanoski, ela lise Tucson AZ 270 1/24/2002 40 Moss, Karolina Masted Paradise Valley AZ 245 10/21/2003 41 Gavino, Gwendolyn Paige Tucson AZ 220 1/9/2003 42 Dechoux, Tristanne A. Paradise Valley AZ 210 2/13/2001 43 Shah, Rayna Scottsdale AZ 190 4/19/2003 44 Belitz, Brooke Scottsdale AZ 138 4/27/2002 45 Lederer, Rio Tucson AZ 70 5/9/2003 46 Ehrlich, Elise El Paso TX 65 11/12/2001 47 Hogan, Grace Catherine Scottsdale AZ 60 2/16/2001 48 Milionis, Victoria Chandler AZ 60 1/16/2003 20 Girl’s 14s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Bridges, Taylor Marie Mesa AZ 4530 12/3/1998 2 Corley, Ivana Alexis Sandia Park NM 4145 9/11/1999 3 Kuuttila, Sarianna Albuquerque NM 4123 2/23/1999 4 Lilien, Julia Scottsdale AZ 4063 9/15/1999 5 Schroer, Jamie Tucson AZ 3898 12/29/1999 6 Ramras, Sabrina Anya Paradise Valley AZ 3883 7/23/2000 7 Koester, Grace Paradise Vly AZ 3860 11/9/1999 8 Joyner, Anastasiya Las Cruces NM 3805 3/24/1999 9 Alda, Shailla Veronica Phoenix AZ 3665 9/23/1999 10 Lamoreaux, Anya Shirley Mesa AZ 3505 9/22/1999 11 Posorske, Reagan Cave Creek AZ 3463 11/5/1998 12 Lamoreaux, Madeline Barbara Mesa AZ 3220 9/22/1999 13 Frazier, Josie Scottsdale AZ 3210 1/20/2001 14 Colling, Solymar M. El Paso TX 2795 4/21/2000 15 Sweiss, Lena A. Phoenix AZ 2683 4/29/1999 16 Broerman, Catherine Hunter Scottsdale AZ 2680 5/8/2001 17 Akin, Emily Marie Phoenix AZ 2660 12/8/1999 18 Corley, Carmen Alexis Sandia Park NM 2658 9/17/2001 19 Ochotorena, Alexandra Albuquerque NM 2598 6/17/1999 20 Nelson, Zoey Marie Goodyear AZ 2293 12/11/1999 21 Vuksan, Bojana Mesa AZ 2110 1/21/1999 22 Lynch, Megan M. Albuquerque NM 2068 12/14/1998 23 RASMUSSEN, JILLIAN Phoenix AZ 1980 2/2/2000 24 Watson, Abby E. Tucson AZ 1940 7/2/2000 25 Lawlor, Gabriela A. Litchfield Park AZ 1668 2/6/1999 26 Moore, Madison Scottsdale AZ 1520 9/17/1998 27 Nielsen, Abigail Albuquerque NM 1453 2/2/1999 28 Contrucci, Hannah Albuquerque NM 1353 5/11/1999 29 Reed, Katie Phoenix AZ 1295 12/23/1999 30 Brown, Alexandra El Paso TX 1255 12/12/1998 31 Neyestani, Ava Banou Phoenix AZ 1045 1/19/2002 32 Boxrud, Isabella Sidney Mesa AZ 1025 1/28/1999 33 Ramos, Karla Gabriela El Paso TX 910 10/5/1999 34 feuer, hailey Phoenix AZ 785 6/15/2000 35 Gavino, Chloe Isabella Tucson AZ 760 3/29/2000 36 Bannon, Abbigayl Morgan El Paso TX 690 10/28/1998 37 Antohi, Elizabeth Ann El Paso TX 645 6/22/1999 38 Alety, Neha Chandler AZ 625 10/21/1999 39 Malkin, Misa Tucson AZ 620 8/3/2002 40 Puehse, Natasha Carefree AZ 610 5/23/2001 41 Moss, Gabriela Joye Paradise Valley AZ 550 10/9/2001 42 Farris, Andrea K El Paso TX 480 10/2/1999 43 Craft, Jordan Sydney Scottsdale AZ 475 6/11/1999 44 Lehman, Lexi Scottsdale AZ 425 4/5/1999 45 RODERICK, MAYA ELYSSA Tempe AZ 420 5/13/2001 21 Girl’s 14s Continued Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 46 Stogner, Skyler Autumn El Paso TX 335 1/11/2001 47 sapien, sofia gabriela El Paso TX 325 7/23/2000 48 Zamudio, Luz V Chandler AZ 320 4/23/2000 49 Chavez, Madelynn Avery Albuquerque NM 310 7/21/2000 50 Herrera, Mikayla Raine Albuquerque NM 310 1/17/2001 51 Smith, McKenna Marie Paradise Valley AZ 300 5/27/2001 52 Hobbs, Sofia El Paso TX 275 3/14/2000 53 Zadro, Halle G Tucson AZ 275 2/20/2000 54 Stein, Lauren Paradise Valley AZ 260 5/23/2002 55 Adewumi, Sarah Phoenix AZ 255 1/8/1999 56 Fulgenzi, Jenese Las Vegas NM 240 6/27/2000 57 Shiloff, Rebecca Leah El Paso TX 240 6/8/2000 58 Lampert, Lindsay Jenna Scottsdale AZ 220 8/10/2000 59 Liem, Elena Audrey el paso TX 210 4/16/1999 60 ruja, AnaCristina El Paso TX 200 2/5/2001 61 Behrend, Maria Victoria Albuquerque NM 180 1/31/2001 62 Tamburro, Sarah Elaine Phoenix AZ 180 5/1/1999 63 Lewis, Viviana Marie El Paso TX 163 8/24/1999 64 Hochstatter, Amber Phoenix AZ 160 9/19/2002 65 McBeth, Kendall El Paso TX 150 9/11/1998 66 Gorden, Marigrace El Paso TX 138 9/1/1998 67 Vijan, Elizabeth Marie Scottsdale AZ 75 1/18/2002 68 Martinez, Ana Regina El Paso TX 75 1/4/1999 69 Keeling, Kate Corrales NM 75 5/2/2000 70 MASSEY, JOCELYN PAIGE Las Cruces NM 60 1/12/2002 71 Fulgenzi, Jaci Las Vegas NM 50 11/20/1998 72 Deokar, Anamika Chandler AZ 50 11/27/1998 22 Girl’s 16s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Pick, Melissa Albuquerque NM 5168 10/5/1997 2 Bridges, Taylor Marie Mesa AZ 4530 12/3/1998 3 Isayev, Elizabeth Ani Scottsdale AZ 3933 2/17/2001 4 Letzt, Alexandra Elizabeth Scottsdale AZ 3790 6/16/1997 5 Joyner, Anastasiya Las Cruces NM 3640 3/24/1999 6 Corley, Paris Jade Grants NM 3538 1/3/1998 7 Alda, Shailla Veronica Phoenix AZ 3500 9/23/1999 8 Kuuttila, Sarianna Albuquerque NM 3440 2/23/1999 9 Salaway, Rebecca Scottsdale AZ 3003 5/31/1998 10 Posorske, Reagan Cave Creek AZ 2955 11/5/1998 11 Nothaft, Delaney Tempe AZ 2635 10/28/1998 12 Ramras, Daniela Kseniya Paradise Valley AZ 2478 7/2/1998 13 Majerle, McKenzie Taylor Paradise Valley AZ 2303 5/24/1997 14 Brown, Kelsey Delaina Tucson AZ 2118 12/19/1996 15 Vuksan, Bojana Mesa AZ 2110 1/21/1999 16 Weihs, Chloe Hannah Peoria AZ 2050 3/22/1998 17 Colling, Clarisa T. El Paso TX 1895 11/17/1997 18 Antohi, Marjorie Maria El Paso TX 1835 2/2/1998 19 Ramirez, Ashley Cave Creek AZ 1568 5/18/1998 20 Harlas, Lindsay Las Cruces NM 1538 4/13/1997 21 Corley, Ivana Alexis Sandia Park NM 1528 9/11/1999 12/16/1997 22 Barkdull, Sabrina Sophia Scottsdale AZ 1335 23 Prost, Corinne L. Peoria AZ 1235 5/9/1997 24 Moore, Madison Scottsdale AZ 1190 9/17/1998 25 Koester, Grace Paradise Vly AZ 1185 11/9/1999 26 Bhat, Kirtana Tucson AZ 1175 7/23/1997 27 Nguyen, Danielle Farmington NM 1125 5/5/1997 28 Nelson, Zoey Marie Goodyear AZ 1120 12/11/1999 29 Ramras, Sabrina Anya Paradise Valley AZ 993 7/23/2000 30 Frazier, Josie Scottsdale AZ 980 1/20/2001 31 Duran, Kelli Danielle Las Cruces NM 818 7/22/1997 32 Watson, Katie C. Tucson AZ 625 2/28/1998 33 Denney, Abigail Elise Peoria AZ 615 6/20/1997 34 Greene, Megan Renee El Paso TX 610 1/24/1997 35 Dennis, Caitleen Lee Hobbs NM 605 9/9/1997 36 Lombardi, Fabia Scottsdale AZ 545 2/12/1998 37 Jones, Caitlin Taylor El Paso TX 475 6/6/1997 38 Andersson, Madeleine Fairacres NM 455 10/16/1996 39 Cardenas, Maria Jose El Paso TX 390 12/6/1997 40 Liberson, Melissa Phoenix AZ 335 7/26/1997 41 Gonzalez, Nicole El Paso TX 330 7/15/1998 42 Alberson, Carrie Brianne Las Cruces NM 330 6/15/1998 43 Olson, Molly McDermott Las Cruces NM 315 6/19/1997 44 Kahn, Melissa Phoenix AZ 300 9/26/1996 45 Leidy, Caroline Tucson AZ 270 5/21/1997 46 Apodaca, Daniella I. Albuquerque NM 255 12/29/1997 47 Foreste, Elizabeth Prescott AZ 250 8/1/1997 48 HANNASCH, TIFFANY ELYSE Peoria AZ 240 10/11/1996 49 Coleman, Riley Farmington NM 210 23 11/22/1997 Girl’s 16s Continued Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 50 Sweiss, Lena A. Phoenix AZ 210 4/29/1999 51 Donahue, Caroline Madeleine Albuquerque NM 205 12/26/1996 52 Foster, Jaimi D. Chandler AZ 205 2/20/1997 53 Esparza, Gianna El Paso TX 195 12/15/1997 54 Whicker, Laura Los Alamos NM 180 11/17/1996 55 Roman, Sydney Gilbert AZ 155 3/23/1997 56 Lawlor, Gabriela A. Litchfield Park AZ 150 2/6/1999 57 Ochotorena, Alexandra Albuquerque NM 105 6/17/1999 58 Antohi, Elizabeth Ann El Paso TX 100 6/22/1999 59 Lynch, Megan M. Albuquerque NM 88 12/14/1998 60 Contrucci, Hannah Albuquerque NM 88 5/11/1999 61 Herrera, Estefania Itati El Paso TX 60 5/22/1997 62 Cardwell, Ashley El Paso TX 60 6/24/1997 63 Yepo, Mariel El Paso TX 50 10/30/1996 64 Turley, Alexis Goodyear AZ 50 12/26/1996 24 Girl’s 18s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Satterfield, Michelle L. Paradise Valley AZ 4370 2 Letzt, Alexandra Elizabeth Scottsdale AZ 3790 6/16/1997 3 Slaysman, Savannah Phoenix AZ 3623 12/31/1997 4 Sanford, Allie Phoenix AZ 3563 11/20/1996 5 Clarke, Madison Angela Phoenix AZ 3525 7/13/1996 6 Lyall, Meghan Kyley Mesa AZ 3525 9/16/1995 7 Lee, Chloe Albuquerque NM 3473 5/11/1996 8 Wojcik, Kyra J. Goodyear AZ 2365 5/10/1996 9 Bhat, Rachana K. Tucson AZ 2010 2/18/1995 Tucson AZ 1975 2/6/1995 5/24/1997 10 Brown, Sara C. 4/16/1995 11 Majerle, McKenzie Taylor Paradise Valley AZ 1703 12 Corley, Paris Jade Grants NM 1665 1/3/1998 13 Baklini, Susan Albuquerque NM 1555 12/21/1994 14 Savedra, Sarah A. El Paso TX 1460 12/19/1994 15 Majerle, Madison Shae Paradise Valley AZ 1303 5/17/1995 16 Domingo, Katrina M. Oro Valley AZ 1295 8/12/1995 17 Guerin, Juliana B. Las Vegas NM 1260 6/14/1995 18 Lombardi, Natalia Scottsdale AZ 1248 3/29/1996 19 Lombardi, Alexia Scottsdale AZ 1083 3/29/1996 20 Cohen, Maggie J. Phoenix AZ 840 9/22/1995 21 Nothaft, Delaney Tempe AZ 765 10/28/1998 22 Rush, Scarlet Phoenix AZ 735 12/17/1996 23 Antohi, Marjorie Maria El Paso TX 610 2/2/1998 24 Anderson, Rebekah Britni El Paso TX 565 7/17/1996 25 Morgan, Mikayla R. Anthem AZ 485 9/15/1995 26 Fitzsimmons, Colleen Obrien Hernandez NM 463 8/8/2005 3/21/1999 27 McKenzie, Kylie Anne Anthem AZ 385 28 Margevicius, Madeline Alma Los Alamos NM 370 5/25/1995 29 Cunningham, Madeline M. Litchfield Park AZ 350 10/11/1995 30 Byrne, Kate Phoenix AZ 325 4/18/1996 31 Schreiber, Jacqueline Sedona AZ 300 10/25/1995 32 Wechter, Megan J. El Paso TX 300 12/2/1994 33 Baca, Marissa Rennae Oro Valley AZ 285 5/14/1995 34 Cory, Erin Goodyear AZ 275 2/3/1996 35 Greene, Megan Renee El Paso TX 265 1/24/1997 36 Camara, Vanessa El Paso TX 255 12/15/1995 37 Nickerson, Mackenzie Paige Phoenix AZ 255 11/2/1995 38 Karp, Noelle M. Tucson AZ 255 12/22/1995 39 Serrano, Emily Phoenix AZ 250 12/7/1994 40 Gomez, Daniela Jasmine El Paso TX 240 12/29/1995 41 Daniels, Demi Mesa AZ 235 4/24/1995 42 Velez, Jesenia Rosa Clovis NM 200 12/16/1994 43 Harlas, Lindsay Las Cruces NM 138 4/13/1997 44 Lucido, Susanna Los Alamos NM 113 9/16/1994 45 Rotwein, Meredith S. El Paso TX 105 11/5/1994 46 Seay, Amber Nicole Hobbs NM 75 1/1/1995 47 Dennis, Caitleen Lee Hobbs NM 75 9/9/1997 48 Kern, Mollie El Paso TX 60 2/3/1996 49 Barnett, Lucy El Paso TX 60 10/16/1996 25 50 Koss, Savanna Pheadra Phoenix AZ 55 10/24/1995 51 Hazama, Sayaka El Paso TX 10 1/11/1995 Boys 10’s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Stelse, Cole Scottsdale AZ 1690 12/14/2004 2 Perry, Jared Tucson AZ 1625 9/27/2004 3 Chong, Andrew H Phoenix AZ 1540 5/7/2003 4 Williams, Rhys Edson Paradise Valley AZ 1425 5/19/2004 5 Isayev, Maxim Scottsdale AZ 1195 1/27/2005 6 spurbeck, daniel El Paso TX 1045 12/22/2004 7 Richards, Ntal Scottsdale AZ 995 5/11/2003 8 Herrera, Sebastian A El Paso TX 625 8/17/2003 9 Maniar, Arjun El Paso TX 565 7/2/2003 10 Snell, Holland John El Paso TX 530 1/30/2005 11 Jung, Fabian El Paso TX 520 12/19/2003 12 Moorthy, Arjun K Scottsdale AZ 480 10/11/2002 13 Brown, Henry Scottsdale AZ 480 8/16/2004 14 Perisic, Ivan Scottsdale AZ 420 3/16/2006 15 White, Caden J. El Paso TX 415 3/26/2004 16 Brown, Jack W Scottsdale AZ 410 5/1/2003 17 Urlaub, Lance Phoenix AZ 400 11/29/2004 18 Smith, Leyton P El Paso TX 390 7/23/2003 19 Scanlan, Jack Thomas Yuma AZ 390 12/9/2004 20 Chede, Abhinav Gilbert AZ 360 1/3/2006 21 Bhat, Vinyas Tucson AZ 350 12/3/2004 22 Arroyo, Cristobal El Paso TX 330 10/2/2002 23 Rangel, Pablo Emilio El Paso TX 330 10/14/2002 24 Herrera, Nicolas A El Paso TX 300 10/26/2006 25 Casey, Greyson Scott Tucson AZ 300 12/25/2004 26 Peterson, Liam R Mesa AZ 300 5/4/2003 27 Bigun, Kaylan Phoenix AZ 210 5/23/2006 28 Hubbard, Jack Albuquerque NM 165 10/24/2004 29 Black, Kieran Tucson AZ 60 2/3/2004 30 Moorthy, Arun J Scottsdale AZ 60 3/26/2005 31 Heredia, Emilio Nogales AZ 50 8/29/2003 32 Nguyen, Ethan Farmington NM 40 3/11/2004 33 Corley, Ethan D Tempe AZ 25 7/23/2003 34 Samonte, Kyle Michael El Paso TX 5 2/20/2003 26 Boys 12’s Rank Position Player's Name City 1 Rata, Cezar Glendale 2 Yohannes, Abraham Albuquerque 3 Costa, Filipe Zinezi Tempe 4 ALDA, CRISTIAN CONSTANTIN Scottsdale 5 Hootman, Coleton Albuquerque State AZ Combined Points Birthdate 4305 5/22/2001 NM 3270 1/12/2001 AZ 2875 8/4/2002 AZ 2805 3/21/2002 NM 2775 5/8/2001 11/8/2000 6 Williams, Rush Evan Paradise Valley AZ 2710 7 Hootman, Hunter Albuquerque NM 2545 5/8/2001 8 Cromeens, Logan David Tempe AZ 2390 7/17/2001 9 Parikh, Harsh Hemang Tucson AZ 2335 7/21/2001 10 Donovan, Morgan J Fountain Hills AZ 2255 10/24/2002 11 Auh, Jonathan Scottsdale AZ 2175 9/23/2003 12 Hupp, Christopher Robin Tucson AZ 2095 3/14/2002 13 Wang, Dylan Scottsdale AZ 1975 8/30/2001 14 Stelse, Cole Scottsdale AZ 1690 12/14/2004 15 Lee, Mason A Tucson AZ 1560 10/17/2000 16 Borrel, Henri Cole Scottsdale AZ 1545 10/5/2001 17 Katzman, Neil Franklin Albuquerque NM 1480 1/15/2002 18 Parsley, Dylan Ray El Paso TX 1440 9/25/2000 19 Alvarez, Alex Tucson AZ 1375 12/1/2000 20 Swenson, Jack T Scottsdale AZ 1055 5/26/2002 21 Gopakumar, Adway Scottsdale AZ 915 11/4/2000 22 Gonzalez, Emilo El Paso TX 875 12/19/2001 23 Katz, Jordan El Paso TX 830 8/21/2002 24 Min, Sage Albuquerque NM 735 12/9/2000 25 Leon, Charlie Andres Tucson AZ 640 5/24/2001 26 Perry, Brendan Tucson AZ 620 4/14/2002 27 McConnon, Colin Phoenix AZ 585 2/22/2002 28 Herrera, Sebastian A El Paso TX 575 8/17/2003 29 Bhat, Kaushal Tucson AZ 570 12/11/2000 30 Warrier, Akshay Albuquerque NM 525 3/3/2001 31 White, Bryce Crawford El Paso TX 515 6/20/2001 32 Briganti, Brandon Craig Albuquerque NM 430 3/3/2002 33 Samaha, Georgio Albuquerque NM 410 2/1/2003 34 Spurbeck, Ethan Alexander El Paso TX 400 3/7/2002 35 zaragoza, mauricio alberto El Paso TX 340 11/4/2000 36 Chong, Andrew H Phoenix AZ 330 5/7/2003 37 Sotelo, Santiago El Paso TX 330 2/22/2002 38 Majerle, Max Paradise Valley AZ 300 8/10/2002 39 Brown, Jack W Scottsdale AZ 260 5/1/2003 40 Moss, Mateo Marchesini Paradise Valley AZ 260 10/21/2003 41 Boland, Andrew Jaguar El Paso TX 255 7/6/2001 42 jurado, david El Paso TX 250 10/5/2001 43 Collis, Graham Albuquerque NM 250 3/11/2002 44 Ramirez, Cody Cave Creek AZ 210 1/25/2001 45 Bigun, Kaylan Phoenix AZ 210 5/23/2006 46 Vikram, Avinash Scottsdale AZ 205 3/4/2001 47 White, Caden J. El Paso TX 205 3/26/2004 48 Ludwig, Davin Craig Tempe AZ 195 3/8/2002 49 Bui, Francis Albuquerque NM 180 6/14/2001 50 Lambert, Chris Mesa AZ 130 6/9/2001 51 Samaha, Elias Albuquerque NM 100 12/20/2001 52 Lee, Julian Jaeson Albuquerque NM 50 7/13/2001 53 Sanborne, Beau Scottsdale AZ 50 1/22/2002 54 Unterkofler, Eric Tempe AZ 50 10/24/2000 27 Boy’s 14s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Stringfellow, Brandon Michael Phoenix AZ 5780 2 Stofflet, Cole Henry Scottsdale AZ 5055 8/25/1999 6/8/1999 3 Sauer, Griffin Phoenix AZ 4178 11/8/1998 4 Elalami, Hussein Wing Chi Gilbert AZ 4015 3/8/1999 5 Vallabhaneni, Niroop Paradise Valley AZ 3698 5/28/2002 6 Xu, Joshua w. Chandler AZ 3373 7/1/2000 7 Bloss, Justin El Paso TX 3295 6/15/1999 8 Hassey, Carlos Surprise AZ 3080 6/1/1999 9 Herrera, Sebastian El Paso TX 2915 12/5/1999 10 Montoya, Yvan El Paso TX 2735 10/6/1998 11 Steele, Christopher Mesa AZ 2548 1/25/1999 12 Parikh, Harsh Hemang Tucson AZ 2523 7/21/2001 13 Coleman, Malachi WL Los Ranchos NM 2323 12/12/1998 14 Fucci, Andrew John Gilbert AZ 2055 7/20/2000 15 Fucci, Christopher Michael Gilbert AZ 1970 9/25/1998 16 Wojcik, Yarek Goodyear AZ 1860 1/13/1999 17 Limpic, Kyle Alexander Paradise Valley AZ 1760 12/18/1998 18 Esparza, Benny El Paso TX 1733 10/23/1999 19 Jurecky, Eric Jake El Paso TX 1663 4/4/1999 20 Krimbill, Cameron M. Scottsdale AZ 1615 5/6/1999 21 Perisic, Igor Scottsdale AZ 1550 11/18/1998 22 Lawlor, Maximo A. Litchfield Park AZ 1463 8/12/2000 23 Smith, Carsyn Phillips Paradise Valley AZ 1375 6/12/1999 24 Prost, Ethan M Peoria AZ 1370 5/26/1999 25 Elalami, Hassan w GILBERT AZ 1308 3/8/1999 26 Wang, Henry Ji Tucson AZ 1125 2/26/1999 27 grijalva, mauricio sebastian Chandler AZ 965 3/4/1999 28 Spurbeck, Nicholas Wesley El Paso TX 840 7/3/1999 29 Katz, Ethan El Paso TX 793 3/13/2000 30 Diaz, Marcello El Paso TX 785 3/8/1999 31 Reid, Spencer Charles Tucson AZ 600 4/19/2000 32 Stein, Brent Paradise Valley AZ 595 7/16/2000 33 Jiang, George Qi Tucson AZ 590 5/22/2000 34 Brown, Trey Tempe AZ 550 12/29/1998 35 Schreiber, Andre Sedona AZ 480 3/18/2000 36 White, Bryce Crawford El Paso TX 465 6/20/2001 37 Rata, Cezar Glendale AZ 450 5/22/2001 38 rios, andrey Chandler AZ 430 1/30/1999 39 Niu, Hardy Scottsdale AZ 350 1/26/2000 40 Sominsky, Anthony R. Scottsdale AZ 350 10/5/1999 41 Geiger, Maxwell Jake Scottsdale AZ 345 7/15/2000 42 Gleason, Christopher J. Tucson AZ 340 3/14/2000 43 Todd, Austin Goodyear AZ 335 3/31/1999 44 Capp, Jacob Dylan Tucson AZ 300 9/28/1999 45 Brunacini, George Anthony Albuquerque NM 300 3/23/1999 46 zaragoza, mauricio alberto El Paso TX 290 11/4/2000 47 Wieland, Daniel Oro Valley AZ 285 2/9/1999 48 Aaron, Louis Phoenix AZ 270 9/23/1999 49 Madrid, Cyrus Edward Placitas NM 260 11/6/1999 28 50 Jay, John Lincoln El Paso TX 250 6/8/2000 Boy’s 14s Continued Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 51 Calleja, Trent Anthem AZ 210 9/3/1998 52 Bergman, Tyler Cave Creek AZ 210 5/5/1999 53 Detvongsa, Jhah Albuquerque NM 210 3/7/1999 54 Navale, Vedik Varun Chandler AZ 210 9/5/1999 55 Cole, Jack Gilbert AZ 205 10/20/1998 56 Horak, Parker James El Paso TX 200 1/23/1999 57 Wentling, Frederick Chandler AZ 195 3/19/2000 58 Merrion, Ned Kieran Farmington NM 180 9/16/1998 59 Macor, Kaden T Scottsdale AZ 165 10/6/2000 60 Cardenas, Carlos Eduardo El Paso TX 145 6/12/1999 61 Costa, Filipe Zinezi Tempe AZ 140 8/4/2002 62 Ruja, Mihael El Paso TX 118 6/11/1999 63 Bixler, William Chadwick Rio Rancho NM 110 11/13/1999 64 Atkin, David R. Albuquerque NM 110 2/25/1999 65 Saleem, Yusuf Phoenix AZ 105 10/12/1998 66 Caballero, Josh Makana Phoenix AZ 88 6/1/1999 67 Ehrlich, Adin El Paso TX 85 7/1/1999 68 Schulman, Levi Phoenix AZ 63 3/8/1999 69 Yohannes, Abraham Albuquerque NM 60 1/12/2001 29 29 Boy’s 16s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 1 Brown, Nathan El Paso TX 5045 3/7/1997 2 Parikh, Yash H. Tucson AZ 4893 6/22/1998 3 Cooper, George C. Albuquerque NM 4285 1/20/1997 4 Niemiec, Nathan Paul Paradise Valley AZ 4015 7/22/1998 5 Lee, Michael Blaine Tucson AZ 3783 11/14/1997 6 Carstens, Luke Scottsdale AZ 3770 4/23/1997 7 Lambeth, Wilson H. El Paso TX 3553 12/16/1996 8 Auh, Jeremy Scottsdale AZ 3413 12/3/1997 9 Parks, Shawn David Oro Valley AZ 3333 4/23/1998 10 Anderson, Gregory Thomas Tucson AZ 3300 12/17/1996 11 Koester, Stefan Wolfgang Paradise Vly AZ 3290 12/5/1997 12 Cihlar, Zachary A. Phoenix AZ 3098 9/12/1996 13 Hollands, Daniel Gilbert AZ 2733 8/3/1997 14 Cunningham, Derrick J. Anthony NM 2493 7/18/1997 15 James, Jonathon El Paso TX 1985 3/31/1997 16 Rasmussen, Nate Tucson AZ 1970 4/9/1997 17 Paulsen, Dane Sandia Park NM 1963 2/20/1997 18 Victor, Chase Scottsdale AZ 1915 4/14/1998 19 Franco, Christian Lea Tempe AZ 1868 11/27/1996 20 Reid, Harrison Tucson AZ 1598 2/11/1998 21 Miritello, Jesse Andrew Mesa AZ 1373 12/13/1997 22 Hing, Jarod Paradise Valley AZ 1160 2/24/1998 23 Racolta, Bogdan Sorin Tucson AZ 1070 5/9/1997 24 Brown, Thayer Chapman El Paso TX 1028 11/14/1997 25 Farris, Christian T. El Paso TX 933 2/19/1997 26 Amos, Jack Tucson AZ 910 1/31/1997 27 Sauer, Griffin Phoenix AZ 825 11/8/1998 28 Coleman, Malachi WL Los Ranchos NM 823 12/12/1998 29 Puehse, Nic Carefree AZ 745 12/8/1997 30 Puehse, Tristan Carefree AZ 745 12/8/1997 30 Boy’s 16s Continued Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 31 pham, tyler tran Anthem AZ 700 7/3/1998 32 Katzman, William Girard 33 Good, Jacob Albuquerque Phoenix NM AZ 693 675 3/16/1998 5/23/1997 34 Henry, Freddy M. Scottsdale AZ 655 5/15/1997 35 Schlabach, Thomas Alva Tucson AZ 625 10/11/1997 36 Garcia-Aguayo, Alex El Paso TX 570 7/1/1997 37 Apodaca, Jack P. Albuquerque NM 563 12/29/1997 38 Reisig, Dalton William Tucson AZ 505 6/3/1997 39 Gabaldon, Sean Robert Rio Rancho NM 478 8/21/1997 40 James, Derek Phoenix AZ 475 1/20/1998 41 Imadali, Elias Zachary Chandler AZ 470 4/13/1997 42 Baca-Korrodi, Diego El Paso TX 410 9/9/1996 43 Knox, Ryan J. Oro Valley AZ 410 2/25/1997 44 Dominguez, Francisco El Paso TX 405 2/24/1997 45 Ramos, Jaime Martin El Paso TX 360 4/27/1998 46 McNally, Ted Scottsdale AZ 345 4/11/1997 47 Royal, Zachary Fino Mesa AZ 345 3/26/1997 48 Miller, Johnathan Tucson AZ 320 6/14/1997 49 Florin, Daniel Scottsdale AZ 300 3/8/1998 50 Echt-Wilson, Eli Albuquerque NM 280 9/30/1996 51 Fortune, Travis Alan El Paso TX 275 7/29/1997 52 Hall, William A. Farmington NM 245 4/22/1997 53 Lortie, Chase Mesa AZ 240 11/15/1997 54 Hobbs, Juan Pablo El Paso TX 240 3/24/1998 55 Krauss, Ben Albuquerque NM 210 11/9/1996 56 MIRANDA, JESUS ALBERTO Chandler AZ 210 4/21/1997 57 Spiegel, Liam Reed Phoenix AZ 200 2/5/1998 58 Ponwith, Nathan T. Scottsdale AZ 200 4/20/1998 59 Elliott, Joseph Levi El Paso TX 195 4/17/1998 60 Villarreal, Jorge El Paso TX 180 6/15/1998 61 Howard, Maxwell T. Phoenix AZ 165 5/16/1997 62 Stallings, Michael Dillon El Paso TX 165 7/24/1997 63 AVILA, GUILLERMO ANDRES El Paso TX 160 8/13/1997 64 Carroll, Jacob Alexander El Paso TX 75 8/4/1997 65 Moreno, Juan Carlos El Paso TX 60 5/1/1997 66 With, Matthew Farmington NM 50 4/5/1997 31 31 Boy’s 18s Rank Position Player's Name 1 Cunningham, Bryan A. City Anthony State NM Combined Points Birthdate 4638 9/22/1994 2 Tran, Michael Andrew Albuquerque NM 4570 8/1/1996 3 Seby, Robert Oro Valley AZ 3915 9/9/1996 4 Ge, Augustus Phoenix AZ 3785 9/3/1996 5 Ponwith, James B. Scottsdale AZ 3590 4/29/1996 6 Anderson, Gregory Thomas Tucson AZ 3225 12/17/1996 7 Blake, Hudson Benjamin Phoenix AZ 2850 3/27/1995 8 Wightman, Max Huse Scottsdale AZ 2765 1/20/1995 Vail AZ 2715 8/5/1995 10 Chalmers, Kyle 9 Aldor, Jared Tempe AZ 2205 4/27/1995 11 Humphreys, Chris Albuquerque NM 2195 1/18/1995 12 Cihlar, Zachary A. Phoenix AZ 2028 9/12/1996 13 Gazic, Evan Oro Valley AZ 1810 10/13/1995 14 Lynch, Gavin Albuquerque NM 1728 2/18/1996 15 Bal, Arjun S. Glendale AZ 1585 11/17/1994 16 Moore, Shepard Christian Albuquerque NM 1468 3/2/1995 17 Linscott, Tyler Tucson AZ 1460 12/6/1994 18 James, Ricardo O. El Paso TX 1435 12/20/1994 19 Bose, Alex Oro Valley AZ 1355 3/12/1995 20 Llamas, Alejandro El Paso TX 1068 2/16/1995 21 Kehr Gomez, Micarlo J. Santa Teresa NM 1045 2/13/1996 22 Franco, Christian Lea Tempe AZ 1008 11/27/1996 23 Baklini, Sean Albuquerque NM 983 12/21/1994 24 Cerritos, Gabriel E. Tempe AZ 848 9/28/1995 25 Nguyen, Andy Thai Chandler AZ 835 11/20/1994 26 Auh, Jason Scottsdale AZ 810 7/31/1995 27 Akin, David Michael Phoenix AZ 770 6/20/1996 28 Gardner, Quinn LaFon Tucson AZ 760 12/21/1995 29 Romero, Dave J. Las Vegas NM 735 11/5/1995 30 Schell, Max Louis Goodyear AZ 700 5/2/1996 32 Boy’s 18s Rank Position Player's Name City State Combined Points Birthdate 31 Strong, David Tucson AZ 575 7/13/1995 32 Dunning, Alex Albuquerque NM 533 7/5/1995 33 Atkin, Michael Albuquerque NM 488 12/6/1994 34 Lee, Jackson Robert Tucson AZ 488 6/21/1996 35 Cordova, Adrian Q. Scottsdale AZ 460 7/22/1996 36 Parikh, Yash H. Tucson AZ 425 6/22/1998 37 Hobbs, Alvaro El Paso TX 425 6/2/1996 38 Brown, Nathan El Paso TX 410 3/7/1997 39 McMahon, Kevin Tempe AZ 410 6/17/1995 40 Leeper, Sean Michael El Paso TX 395 1/11/1996 41 Petford, Cody N. Oro Valley AZ 350 1/13/1995 42 Corella, Victor Abdon El Paso TX 340 1/12/1996 43 Lopez, amadeo Las Vegas NM 320 7/12/1995 44 Maki, Ryan Nicholas Las Cruces NM 300 4/15/1995 45 Martinez, Andre I. El Paso TX 285 10/1/1994 46 Knox, Adam M. Oro Valley AZ 260 10/24/1994 47 Campero, Kevin Marian El Paso TX 255 5/5/1995 48 Romero, Andy Tucson AZ 250 6/24/1998 49 Warrier, Achyut Albuquerque NM 240 10/21/1995 50 Cooper, George C. Albuquerque NM 225 1/20/1997 51 Ponwith, Nathan T. Scottsdale AZ 200 4/20/1998 52 Gupta, Deval K Glendale AZ 200 4/16/1995 53 Barela, Sean A. Farmington NM 200 7/20/1995 54 Dunn, Andrew Riley Tucson AZ 200 9/9/1995 55 Galaviz, Jacob Allen El Paso TX 190 7/27/1995 56 Alfaro, Andrew Michael El Paso TX 190 5/10/1995 57 Cardenas, Gustavo El Paso TX 190 8/23/1996 58 Niemiec, Nathan Paul Paradise Valley AZ 140 7/22/1998 59 Petry, Ben David Albuquerque NM 138 8/28/1995 60 Victor, Mitchell Scottsdale AZ 88 6/19/1996 61 Farris, Christian T. El Paso TX 88 2/19/1997 62 Gonzalez, Nick El Paso TX 75 12/22/1995 63 Baca-Korrodi, Diego El Paso TX 75 9/9/1996 64 Boxrud, Dalton Robert-Luis Mesa AZ 60 2/14/1996 65 Lortie, Cade Mesa AZ 60 2/29/1996 66 Monty, Zachary Paul El Paso TX 60 2/12/1995 67 Hart, Chase Scottsdale AZ 60 8/21/1995 68 Smith, Ian B. El Paso TX 50 4/6/1995 33 The USTA Southwest Section would like to thank you for your tremendous participation in the Jr. Team Tennis program! Your dedication and hard work is why this program continues to blossom and expand. Without priceless volunteers, our juniors would not be able to compete with their friends, experience teamwork and unity, have fun, and learn life lessons on and off the court. We hope that your experiences with Jr. Team Tennis will keep you supporting our program and juniors in the Southwest! Thanks again! Sincerely, Ashley Redman USTA Southwest Section Community Tennis Coordinator 34 35