Denver Police Department Volunteers In Police Service Policy Manual


Denver Police Department Volunteers In Police Service Policy Manual
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Policy Manual
Partnering to deliver public safety support services to the sworn and
civilian employees of the Denver Police Department since 2004
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Volunteers In Police Service Program at a Glance
Jacqueline Muncy
Program Administrator
720-913-6946 (office)
720-612-0890 (cell)
Linda Kent
Program Administrator Assistant
720-913-6877 (office)
Where are we located?
1331 Cherokee Street,
Suite 110
Denver, Colorado
Find us Online at:
Facebook: “Volunteers In Police Service at
the Denver Police Department”
Mission Statement
The Volunteers In Police Service Program is committed to developing a
spirit of cooperation and partnership within the community to enhance the
Denver Police Department’s ability to serve the city of Denver.
Table of Contents
Selection and
Fitness for Duty
Page 3
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Page 4
Page 4
Page 5
Dress Code
Property and
Termination of
Logging Hours
Rule Changes
Page 5
Page 6
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Page 7
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 9
Page 10
Page 10
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
This policy establishes the Denver Police Department’s position on the utility and management
of its volunteer program and provides direction on its management and administration and policy.
Volunteers are an important part of our organization and are proven to be a valuable asset to
law enforcement agencies. Volunteers help to increase police responsiveness, service delivery,
information input, and they provide new program opportunities. In addition, volunteers bring
new skills and expertise to the department and promote enthusiasm.
The Volunteers in Police Service Program also assists the Denver Police Department in providing transparency to the public. VIPS volunteers serve as positive police ambassadors within the
community. It is the policy of the Denver Police Department to use qualified volunteers for
specified tasks and duties that can create efficiencies for the department and improve services to
the community.
Volunteers are intended to supplement and support, rather than supplant, sworn officers and career service employees.
Volunteer: Any person who performs a service for the Denver Police Department without
promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation for services rendered. This includes existing
volunteers working in COP Shop assignments, Police Chaplains, and Interns. Unpaid Police
Reserve Officers and youth involved in Explorer Posts are not currently covered by this policy.
1. The Denver Police Department has established the Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)
Program, within the Community Relations Division, and has tasked that unit with the administration of all volunteers except: The Denver Police Reserves and the Explorer Post pro gram.
Any of these programs may be assigned to the VIPS Program in the future at the discretion of
the Chief of Police. The VIPS Program Administrator reports to the Commander of the Community Relations Division, who in turns reports to the Chief of Police.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
2. The VIPS Program Administrator, with the support of the Volunteer Program Administrative Assistant, shall be responsible for the following:
a) Recruiting, screening, selecting, and providing basic and rules training to all volunteers through orientation;
b) Maintaining records for each volunteer;
c) Maintaining the volunteer Handbook, which outlines expectations, policies, and responsibilities for all volunteers;
d) Completion and dissemination, as appropriate, of all necessary paperwork and information;
e) Planning and implementation of recognition events;
f) Administration of rule compliance;
g) Transferring volunteers between assignments, ending volunteer assignments, and removing volunteers from the VIPS Program;
h) Maintaining the Internship Program and ensure all Interns are following protocol put
in place by DPD’s program and their school’s program;
i) Maintaining website, newsletter, and Facebook page;
j) Maintaining the approved parking list.
3. The VIPS Program Administrator is the final authority, as delegated by the Chief of Police,
and has the final responsibility for all volunteers. A volunteer’s assignment supervisor is responsible for day-to-day direction and assigned work; all policy questions and volunteer issues,
however, shall be directed through the VIPS Program Administrator, regardless of the volunteer’s assignment.
Volunteers shall be recruited on a continuous and ongoing basis consistent with the Denver Police
Department’s policy on equal opportunity and nondiscrimination, even though the volunteers are
not employees. Areas of recruitment may include, but are not limited to, the Internet, volunteer
fairs, schools, and community groups. The two main qualifications in the application process shall
be the interest and ability to assist the Denver Police Department and serve the public.
Although recruitment is a responsibility of the VIPS Program, areas of the department with needs
are encouraged to attempt to locate qualified volunteers to fill their needs, and to forward those
applicants to the VIP unit for screening, selection, and basic training. All volunteers must successfully complete the VIPS Application Process prior to working in any area of DPD.
1. All volunteers must complete the VIPS Application Form, Authorization For Release of Information (for a background check), and Clearance Check and ID Request form. Applications
will not be processed or stamped received until all required documents have been delivered in
a completed form.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
2. A documented background investigation shall be completed on each volunteer applicant and
shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
a) Traffic and criminal records
b) Personal references (minimum of 3; may not include any employment references)
c) Employment history (to include the last 10 years from the application date)
3.The VIPS Program Administrative Assistant and a designee shall conduct a face-to-face interview with all applicants who have passed the background investigation. Police personnel from
the anticipated assignment may request to attend this interview and the request will be approved by the VIPS Program Administrator.
The result of this interview shall be Pass or Fail based on answers to questions, the applicant’s
behavior during the interview, if they were late (and if so, how late), and other items such as
those listed.
After each interview, the interviewers and VIPS Program Administrator will discuss the applicant and as a group, they will make a final decision on if the applicant passed or failed the interview.
All applicants will be notified if they pass or fail the interview process.
Selection and Placement
1. Once notified about their acceptance into the VIPS Program, the volunteer will be scheduled
for an orientation, fingerprinting, and the issuance of the official VIPS Identification Card.
2. All volunteers are required to attend a VIPS orientation at which they will receive a copy of
the Volunteer Handbook and Volunteer Policy Manual.
3. All volunteers, whether new or currently providing services, are required to sign the following agreements:
a) Gender or Sexual Orientation and Racial, National Origin Discrimination and
Intimidation Policy
b) Computer Use Agreement
c) Confidentiality Agreement
d) Liability Waiver
e) Volunteer Agreement
These signed agreements shall be maintained by the VIPS Program in the volunteer’s employee
file folder.
4. Once all stages are complete, volunteers will be able to start volunteering. Volunteers cannot
start volunteering before completion of the application process.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
5. Volunteers shall be placed only in assignments or programs that are consistent with their
knowledge, skills, abilities, and the needs of the department. Some assignments will require additional screening to ensure the best fit is in the position.
1. Volunteers shall be provided with an orientation program to acquaint them with the department, personnel, policies, and procedures that are relevant to them as a volunteer. This orientation is required in order to volunteer.
2. Volunteers shall receive position-specific training by their assignment supervisor, or designee, to ensure they have adequate knowledge and skills to complete the tasks required in their
position. Some additional training will be required for certain positions.
3. Volunteers shall receive periodic ongoing training as required or as deemed necessary by
their supervisor or the VIPS Program Administrator.
4. Orientation shall reinforce to volunteers that they may not represent themselves as, or by
omission infer that they are, sworn officers or other full-time members of the department. They
shall always represent themselves as volunteers.
5. All volunteers shall comply with the rules of conduct and with all orders and directives, either oral or written, issued by the department.
6. Volunteers must also be acceptable to the assignments where they are placed.
Fitness for Duty
1. No volunteer shall report to work or be on duty when his or her judgment or physical condition has been impaired by alcohol, drugs (including marijuana and medical marijuana), medication, other substances, illness or injury. Doing so will result in immediate dismissal from the
VIPS Program.
2. Volunteers shall report to the VIPS Program Administrator any changes in status that may
affect their ability to fulfill their duties. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a) Driver’s License
b) Medical Conditions
c) Arrests
d) Criminal Investigations
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
3. Volunteers must notify the VIPS Program Administrator, in writing, of any enforcement
action taken by a law enforcement agency (this would not include a warning or parking ticket,
but would include a driving citation). The notification of such action may result in the volunteer’s dismissal from the VIPS Program, dependant on the enforcement action. Any determination of fitness for duty resulting from enforcement action shall be made at the discretion of the
VIPS Program Administrator based on the disqualifiers. Failure to disclose enforcement action
within 30 days of the incident will result in removal from the program.
Dress Code
1. Volunteers shall conform to department-approved dress consistent with their duty assignment.
2. Any clothing, uniform, or identification of any nature shall be readily distinguishable from
that worn by sworn officers.
3. Volunteers are prohibited from wearing any departmental insignia (including the use of the
Denver Police Badge, regardless of accompanying text around the badge). The only approved
insignia shall be determined by the Denver Police Volunteers in Police Service Program with
approval from the Chief of Police. All other specialized embroidery requests shall be forwarded
to the VIPS Program Administrator for approval.
4. No volunteer shall wear his or her uniform or identifiable parts of that uniform while offduty. This shall include embroidered clothing and identification badge. Volunteers are permitted to wear their uniforms to and from their assignment and also to volunteer functions.
5. Volunteers shall be required to return any issued uniform, agency clothing, and identification
badge at the termination of service. Failure to return all items may result in criminal prosecution.
1. With appropriate security clearance, volunteers may have access to confidential information
such as criminal histories or investigative files. Unless otherwise directed by a supervisor or
departmental policy, all police information shall be considered confidential. Only that information specifically identified and approved to be released by authorized personnel shall be released. Confidential information shall be given only to persons who have a need and a right to
know as determined by departmental policy and supervisory personnel.
2. Each volunteer shall sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Subsequent disclosure of any confidential information, during a volunteer’s service or thereafter, verbally, in writing, or by any
other means, will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the VIPS Program and may be subject the volunteer to criminal prosecution.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
3. Volunteers shall not address public gatherings, appear on radio or television, prepare any
article for publication, act as correspondents to a newspaper or other periodical, release or divulge any information concerning the activities of the agency, or maintain that they represent
the agency in such matters without permission from the Chief of Police through established
Property and Equipment
1. Volunteers shall be issued an official volunteer identification card that must be worn at all
times while on duty. The card mush be renewed every two years with an updated photo.
2. Any fixed and portable equipment issued by the agency shall be for official and authorized
use only. Failure to use departmental property in the manner that you are supposed to will be
grounds for immediate dismissal from the VIPS Program and could result in the filing of criminal charges.
3. Any property or equipment, including the official identification card, shall remain the property of the agency and shall be returned at the termination of service. Failure to return departmental property may result in the filing of criminal charges.
4. Volunteers shall be allowed access to departmental computers and the computer network if
necessary in connection with the performance of assignments. All volunteers who have access
to a computer must have signed and agreed to the Computer Use Agreement as provided by
the Technology Services and Support (TSS).
If a supervisor would like their volunteers to have a city issued email address, they shall request it from the VIPS Program Administrator.
Termination of Volunteer Activities
A volunteer may be dismissed from the Denver Police VIPS Program at the discretion of the
VIPS Program Administrator at any time. Volunteers do not have a right to participate in volunteer activities, and thus there is no recourse or appeal process. The VIPS Program Administrator
is not required to justify the reasoning.
All rule violations shall be reported to the VIPS Program Administrator for review. It will be the
VIPS Program Administrator’s discretion on how to move forward.
Volunteers who dismissed from the program are not allowed to reapply to be a volunteer.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Procedures Continued
1. An overall evaluation of the volunteer program shall be conducted on an annual basis in the
form of an annual report.
2. The VIPS Program shall audit each volunteer to ensure that he/she meets the minimum requirements, has completed all required training, and is still actively volunteering. If the audit
finds a problem with a volunteer file, the issue will be evaluated and an action may be taken.
This action can range from getting updated information from the volunteer to the dismissal of
the volunteer. Each case will be reviewed individually.
a) “Active Volunteer” means any volunteer who has at least twelve (12) hours of volunteer time served in the year from January 1st to December 31st.
b) Only volunteer time entered in the official volunteer time program will be considered
as service.
c) Any volunteer who does not meet the minimum requirements will be dismissed from
the VIPS Program.
d) When a volunteer leaves the program, the volunteer shall make arrangements to return the volunteer identification card and any other departmental property. If this
does not happen in a timely fashion, DPD will take measures to retrieve the missing
items and criminal charges may be filed.
e) If a volunteer wishes to keep volunteering, they may be put on a probationary status.
f) If a volunteer who is considered “inactive,” (defined as anyone who used to be in the
program who was not dismissed from the program), wanted to become active again,
they must go through the entire application process.
Logging Time
All volunteers must log their volunteer time on the V2 Online System, which can be accessed using your volunteer number and a password. The site address is
Volunteers are responsible for logging their own time unless a special exception written approval
is made by the VIPS Program Administrator.
Volunteer time is defined as the time from when you arrive at your appointment until the time
that you leave your appointment.
Volunteer Time Does Not Include:
1. Travel Time to and from your assignment.
2. Attending the Citizen’s Academy, unless you have been approved to volunteer to help put the
program on.
3. Renewing your badge outside of the required two year renewal process.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014
Denver Police Department
Volunteers In Police Service
Parking at DPD Headquarters is limited and will be reserved for volunteers who volunteer at
DPD Headquarters on a regular basis. If a volunteer who is not a regular DPD Headquarters
volunteer would like to park in the garage when visiting, they may ask the VIPS Administrative
Assistant to see if there is availability for a temporary parking permit. All requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.
All approved parking list volunteers will be required to have a placard on their dashboard and if it
is not displayed, there is a chance their car could be towed. DPD is not responsible for any costs
if a car is towed and the volunteer did not park in the correct area or did not display their placard.
The approved parking list will be maintained in the VIPS Office and will be audited every two
months to ensure an accurate parking list.
Interns are not allowed to park in the garage per the DPD Internship Policy.
Rule Changes
This policy is not intended to be all-inclusive. Rules pertaining to volunteers may be changed at
any time and will be implemented immediately. Any and all changes to the VIPS policy have been
considered and approved by the VIPS Program Administrator, with authority delegated by the
Chief of Police.
All updated information will be emailed out to all active volunteers and hard copies will be available if you would like one mailed to you. Should you have any questions about the VIPS policy,
please contact the VIPS Program Administrator.
Revision Date: 3/6/2014