The Banner Barrington United Methodist Church


The Banner Barrington United Methodist Church
The Banner
“The Lord Is My Banner” —Exodus 17:15
Barrington United Methodist Church
Tourists and Pilgrims
September 28
Walking Together
October 5
October 2014
October 12
Promised Land
October 19
Fall Worship Series: Where is the Journey of Faith Leading Us?
Join the journey this fall as we experience a worship series connected to the ideas from Christianity for the Rest of Us
by Diana Butler Bass. We will travel on different paths:
Week one: How the path through the wilderness transforms us from tourists to pilgrims
Week two: Walking together: the people you meet along the journey of faith
Week three: Christian practices: different paths guide us to the Way
Week four: Destination Promised Land: Where the journey of faith leads us.
Spaces are still available for the Christianity for the Rest of Us study! Join us as we explore the ways that we
walk the journey of faith individually and as a community. See the Adult Faith Development section on
page 4 for more information,
In this Issue
Pastor’s Column, page 2
Calendar, page 3
Adult Ministries, Noah's Ark Christian Preschool, page 4
Children's and Youth Ministries, page 5
Reaching Out in Love, page 6
United Methodist Women, page 7
Upcoming Events and Opportunities, page 8
Staff contact information, page 8
Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler
If you have been around Barrington United Methodist Church very makes her way back home to Bethlehem. Jonah will try to journey
long you have probably heard the phrase, “The journey of faith.” I
away from God’s call in a story about God’s graciousness toward all.
like the image. As I reflect on my life I picture myself walking along In the newer testament we meet Jesus, a wandering rabbi from Galia road with fellow travelers. At different points along the way people lee. As he walks His path, he teaches and transforms his followers
join my walk and stay with me for a while—some longer than othinto disciples and heals the sicknesses and forgives the sins of the
ers. As we walk we become a traveling community, sharing our sto- people. Everywhere he goes he preaches the in-breaking of God’s
ries, our hopes and our dreams. Each person I have sojourned with kingdom. He begins the last week of his life traveling amidst a
has changed me and molded me. Inevitably our paths diverge at
parade into Jerusalem, God’s Holy City. By the end of the week, his
some point and I am better for having traveled
journey has led him all the way to the cross and
with them. And even though our paths sepaTraveling, sojourning, then on to resurrection.
rate, there is a sense that we continue to head in
Saul the Pharisee, a persecutor of Jesus’ disciples
trekking, voyaging,
the same direction and that we will arrive at the
meets the risen Christ on the road to Damascus
journeying is part
same destination.
and is transformed, taking the name Paul and
The metaphor of faith being like a journey has
becoming the most prolific evangelist in the
it is our story.
its roots in the biblical story beginning in the
history of Christ’s Church traveling all over the
12th chapter of Genesis when God says to
known world spreading the message of the GosAbraham (who is still known as Abram at the
pel. Traveling, sojourning, trekking, voyaging,
beginning of the story):
journeying is part of who we are, it is our story.
“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s
Buechner writes of these biblical travels and of ours:
house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a
Sometimes we travel to get away and see something of the world.
great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so
Sometimes we travel just to get away from ourselves. Sometimes
that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and
we travel to convince ourselves that we are Getting Someplace.
the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families
The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews lists a number of gadof the earth shall be blessed.”
abouts like Noah and Abraham, Sarah and Jacob, and the footloose
So Abram went, as the LORD had told him…
Israelites generally. He then makes the point that what they were
The trek continues when the Hebrews are led out of Egypt by Moreally doing was ‘seeking a homeland,’ which they died without ever
ses and spend 40 years in the wilderness, the journey itself forming
finding but never gave up seeking (Hebrews 11:14)
them into a nation. At the end of their wilderness sojourn Joshua
Maybe that is true of all of us. Maybe at the heart of all our travelwill take over for Moses and lead the people on the final leg as they
ing is the dream of someday, somehow, getting Home.
cross into the Promised Land. Later Ruth—who is an outsider that
I pray that our journey will lead us Home to the God who set us off
has been converted—will teach the People of God what faith looks
like when she refuses to abandon her Israelite mother-in-law as she on our journey in the first place
Connection Point by Gayle Richard
We all have a Role in Welcoming Newcomers
In last month’s Banner, Pastor Chris wrote about evangelism and
the way that we can understand it as an invitation that says “I have
found a place that feeds my mind, my spirit and my need to serve
others. You are invited to join me anytime…”
As we extend that invitation and as we welcome newcomers and
returnees into our midst, it is important to understand that the
cultural realities of church attendance are shifting. Where once
“regular” or “active” attendance was defined as being present almost
three or four times a month, today people are engaging with worship online through sermons posted on our website, are taking the
next steps in their faith through mission and service opportunities,
and are walking the journey of faith together in a variety of ways.
Welcome Home!
The new way of welcoming people is to say “We’ve missed you –
welcome home!” instead of “Where have you been?” Instead of
focusing on their worship attendance, seek to make a connection,
find common ground that builds relationships, and celebrate their
attendance today, regardless of where they were last week, last
month or over the last year.
Connect—communicate, understand, link, hook, unite, meet, bring, fuse, gather together, relate, integrate, fellowship, join
October Calendar 2014
For the most up to date information go to
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
8:30 AM Men's
Bible Study
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
9:30 AM
8:30 AM Men's
Bible Study
8:30 AM NIC
UMW Annual
9:00 AM NIC
Board of
Rummage Sale Setup
Women's Retreat
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Faith
Development Classes
10:30 AM Worship
11:30 AM Gartley
Baptism Gathering
11:45 AM Inquirer's
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Faith
Development Classes
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM World
Communion Potluck
11:45 AM Worship
Children's Sabbath
New Members Reception
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Faith
Development Classes
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM Family Bowling
11:45 AM Fellowship
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Faith
Development Classes
10:30 AM Worship
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Faith
Development Classes
10:30 AM Worship
12:00 PM Admin Team
3:00 PM Court of Honor
4:00 PM Group Training
Rummage Sale
9:15 AM Mom's
10:00 AM
Korean Clergy
6:30 PM ACA
9:15 AM Mom's
11:15 AM
Preschool Play
6:00 PM New
6:30 PM ACA
7:30 PM Troop
6:30 PM ACA
7:00 PM
Preschool Parent
9:15 AM Mom's
6:30 PM ACA
6:30 PM Pack
7:00 PM
Worship & Arts
9:15 AM Mom's
6:30 PM ACA
7:30 PM
Rummage Sale
7:30 PM
11:15 AM
Preschool Play
6:00 PM
Advent Planning
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
1:00 PM Shawl
7:30 PM
7:30 PM Staff
Parish Meeting
1:00 PM
Traveling Tea
6:30 PM
Preschool Board
­ Regular
7:00 PM Adult
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM Lay
Rummage Sale
9:15 AM Mom
& Tot Cafe
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
9:15 AM Mom
& Tot Cafe
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
7:30 PM Troop
9:15 AM Mom
& Tot Cafe
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
7:30 PM Troop
9:15 AM Mom
& Tot Cafe
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
7:30 PM Troop
9:00 AM
Preschool Parent
Coffee & Gab
9:15 AM Mom
& Tot Cafe
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
7:30 PM Troop
Rummage Sale
9:30 AM
Women of the
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Women of the
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Women of the
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Women of the
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Women of the
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:00 AM
Rummage Sale
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
Rummage Sale
Ottawa Food
Resource Bank
8:30 AM Men's
Bible Study
9:00 AM ACA
Chili Cook­off
8:30 AM Men's
Bible Study
9:00 AM
2:30 PM
Informal and Engaging Worship Saturday, October 11 at 5:00 PM
Crossroads is an intimate and informal worship experience that incorporates a variety of musical expressions-songs you might hear on Friday night at a club to those you’d expect to hear on Sunday morning:
Barrington United Methodist Church from contemporary Christian, to hymns, to country or Gospel. Through scripture, study and conversation, we seek to connect our faith with the way we live every day. This worship service is for everyone,
from those who are just beginning their journey of faith to those who have been pilgrims for some time.
Crossroads meets every second Saturday at 5:00 p.m. A fellowship opportunity follows every service with
an optional meal out at Rosati’s on Route 25 in Carpentersville. (117 N. Kennedy Drive)
Adult Faith Development
Sunday Mornings Starting September 14
—Drop In Chapel, 9:15 a.m.
Nooma Series. All are welcome to drop in!
Contact: John Watson, j.f.watson
—Christianity for the Rest of Us, 9:15 a.m.
Small groups meet in the Parlor, the Office Conference room and
Room 111. Please stop in any of the groups any Sunday in October.
Contact: John Watson, j.f.watson
Monday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m.
—Mom's Group Starts September 22
Overextended and Loving Most of It by Lisa Harper.
This class is open to any mom interested in spending time with
other moms in an atmosphere of encouragement – all are welcome!
Childcare will be provided for infants, toddlers and kindergartners
not in school that morning.
Contact: Jody Horton at
Wednesday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m.
—Mom & Tots Café Starts September 10
Mom & Tots was created so that BUMC and Noah’s Ark moms
have a common place to get together. Don’t feel like running errands
and hope you make it back on time? Come join us for light refreshments and conversation while the little ones play. This is a “pop in”
gathering so there is no need to RSVP—just come when you can!
Contact: Missy Konopka, Children’s Ministries Coordinator.
Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m.
—W.O.W. (Women of the Word)
Join women for fellowship, study, and great conversation. Meet in
the Parlor. Contact C Watson,
Friday Mornings 9:30 a.m.
—Breathing Spaces
Join us at Cook Street Coffee in Barrington (Corner of Station
and Cook Streets).All are welcome to this low key, fun, and tasty
setting to read and pray the Scripture. We practice group Lectio
Divina which means sacred reading in Latin. “Lectio divina assumes
that, by entering deeply into the text of God’s holy Word, God
will be made known to us, speak to us, and shape our lives.” (The
Sacred Way, p. 51) Contact Pastor Mi-Sook Yoo at for information.
Saturday Mornings 8:30-10:00 a.m.
—United Methodist Men’s Study
8:30-9:00 a.m. Coffee/food/fellowship
9:00-10:00 a.m. Meet in the Parlor
We are doing a contemplative reading of Paul's letter to the Philippians. Facilitators: Jim Finn ( and
Brian Kramper (briankramper@yahoo. com)
Grow—sprout, sow, unfold, progress, produce, evolve, flower, develop, unfold, learn, change, metamorphose, transform, become
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool
Contact Susan Brown, director, at 847-844-3738 Noah's Ark Christian Preschool is a ministry of Barrington United Methodist Church
South Barrington Scarecrow Walk
Our children and families will be creating scarecrows for the South
Barrington Scarecrow Walk the weekend of October 11-12.
Fall Festival
We invite all families to our Fall
Festival on October 18 at 10:00
a.m. in the Nature Explore classroom. This is a fun way to see what
we are doing in the preschool and
to enjoy nature.
Scholastic Book Fair
We will have our Scholastic Book
Fair the week of October 20 -27.
Books will be available for purchase on Sunday, October 26.
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool and Kindergarten is in full swing and
the children are enjoying the garden and our Nature Explore classroom.
Children’s Ministries
Third Grade Bible Presentation
Do you have a third grade student at Barrington United Methodist
Church? If so, please mark October 12 on your calendar. During
our 10:30 a.m. worship service, the pastors will present all third
graders with their own bible that they can cherish for life. This is a
very special day for our children. Please let Missy Konopka, Children’s Ministries Coordinator, know as soon as you possibly can
whether or not your child will be present with us on October 12. If
it’s not possible to attend, please be sure to let Missy know and we
will set aside a bible for your child. Contact Missy at mkonopka@
Let’s Go Bowling!
When: Sunday, October 12.
Gather at 12:30 p.m.
Bowling is from 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Where: The Brunswick Zone,
1611 S. Randall Rd., Algonquin
Cost: $12.50 per person;
this includes 90 minutes of bowling,
shoe rental, 2 pieces of pizza,
soda and a cookie!
All BUMC and Noah’s Ark friends
are invited to come bowl with us! Please RSVP ASAP so we can
reserve your spot! We had over 30 people bowl last time-let’s break
that record! All ages are welcome: PreK-Adult!
Are you bowling with us? Please remember to sign-up in the lobby,
e-mail Missy at with your head
count by October 7 so we can count you in!
Teacher Training October 26
Youth Ministries
October Calendar
To sign up for all/any of these events, please e-mail Pastor
All youth 7th-12th grade are invited to come and join the fun.
Sunday, October 5
Sunday School
9:15-10:20 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High School
Youth Group
5:30-7:00 p.m. Youth Room “CauseGear” Presentation & Project
Sunday, October 12
Children’s Sabbath Sunday
(Youth Will Participate in Worship Service)
10:30 a.m. Celebrate with us National Children’s Sabbath Sunday
BUMC Family Bowl
12:45 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Brunswick XL Algonquin: 1611 S. Randall
Rd. Bowling $12.50 Per Person (Includes Bowling, Shoes, Two
pieces of pizza, soda, & a cookie)Must RSVP All Children,
Youth, and their Families are invited to come bowl.
Friday, October 17- Saturday, October 18
Confirmation Retreat
(Registered Confirmands Only)
*Information To Be Given*
Covenant Harbor: Cost $100.00
Are you a Sunday School or Children’s Church teacher or assistant?
Or have you ever wanted to be but you were too intimidated? Well,
this training session is the perfect place to learn the skills to lead or
assist! On Sunday, October 26, from 4:00-6:30 p.m., we will have
a Professional Curriculum Trainer from Group Publishing here at
church sharing her tips and secrets with us and giving us the skills
it takes to be comfortable in a classroom. Dinner will be served and
there will be nursery care for all children ages 0-12 years. Please
RSVP with your head count to Missy by October 19 at
Sunday, October 19
Do You Have Hidden Talents?
1:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Meet at BUMC
*More Information to be Given*
We are looking for an adult or older teen to lead a Family Fun
Night here at church. It would be a one-time event on a Friday or
Saturday (day or evening) for approximately 2 hours; including a
meal or snacks. If you have talents that you would love to share with
others; such as cooking, painting, sketching,
knitting, or some other amazing skill you may
have, please call Missy today to set a date and
Sunday School
9:15-10:20 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High School
2014 Crop Walk
(Youth Group & Confirmation Class)
12:45 p.m. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Saturday, October 25
SIX FLAGS Trip- Youth Group
Sunday, October 26
Sunday School
9:15-10:20 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High School
Reaching Out in Love
Troop Mission Project Success
With the mailing of 231 treat
packs on September 15, the
Treats for the Troops Mission
Project exceeded the objective
of sending 200 gift packs to the
2nd Army Engineer Brigade in
The contributions objective for
food and funds of $5,000 was also
exceeded! In addition to food,
more than $6,818 of funds was received from a long list of contributors. This will permit another 100+ treat packs to be sent out
next week!
Most importantly, to pack these treats more than a dozen youth
and about 30 adults directly participated in this Mission outreach
program. An email has already been received from Afghanistan
thanking BUMC for this enthusiastic support of our troops.
I wanted to let you know that we received all the wonderful boxes
of goodies and they have been broken down into the zip lock bags
and distributed to all the Soldiers and Leaders in the organization.
Your contributions are greatly appreciated by all. Today we have the
luxuries to skype and call home more frequently than many of the
Soldiers before us and for that we are grateful but nothing brings
more joy and connection with home than opening a package that
was sent with love and care. Please relay our deepest and heartfelt
thanks to all the members of the Barrington United Methodist
Church for the actions of a true servants heart, sheading a little
light and joy to all parts of the world, and for reminding us of the
people we serve to protect, and most importantly giving us something to eat other than the Chow hall..... we are forever grateful
God Bless.
Very Respectfully,
Drew Baughman
Photo: Jim Finn
The Barrington Bethel Congregational Garden
The harvest from the Barrington-Bethel Congregational Garden
has produced more than 26,000 pounds of vegetables exceeding
the goal set at the beginning of the growing season! The harvest
continues in the garden, with some squash and pumpkins still to be
Your Giving Makes a Difference!
Thanks to all who attended the Fall Street Fair in September and
to those who participated in the dessert auction to support Imagine
No Malaria. We raised $2325, which equates to 23 lives saved!
Are You a Newcomer Interested in Finding out More about BUMC?
Have you been attending worship services here for a few weeks, months (or even years) and are ready to take the next steps toward becoming more involved or exploring what it means to be a member? If so, join us for an Inquirers Class! Pastor Chris and Pastor Mi-Sook will
lead an informal, conversational-style class covering the history and theology of the United Methodist Church, the vision and mission of
Barrington UMC, and ways to take the next steps on your spiritual journey in and through our missions and ministries.
The class meets for two consecutive weeks, Sunday November 2 from 5-8 p.m. and Sunday, November 9 from 9:15-10:15 a.m.
For more information or to sign up, please contact Gayle Richard at or at 847-836-5540.
Reach—serve, influence, involve, concern, help, assist, impact, contact, inspire, engage, care, save, encourage, benefit, minister, nur ture
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women Circle Meetings
Grace and Faith Circle will not be meeting in October, join us at the
Rummage Sale. Grace Circle will meet on Thursday, November 6, at
11:30 a.m. Bring a sack lunch as we share fellowship and a program
of thanks.
There is no General UMW meeting in October, but mark your
calendar: The November Meeting will be a joint meeting with Salem
United Methodist Women on November 20 at Barrington UMC at
11:30 a.m. It will be our annual Harvest Potluck luncheon. Amy
Wahl, daughter of Steve and Sylvia Mountsier, will be speaking to us
about the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Watch for more information
to follow.
The Annual Celebration of the Northern Illinois
Conference United Methodist Women
The Annual Celebration of the Northern Illinois Conference United
Methodist Women will be held at Barrington UMC on Saturday,
October 25. Guest speaker will be Jay Godfrey, speaking on human
trafficking. Jay is a Seminar Designer for United Methodist Women
Seminar Program on National and International Affairs, an educational program of United Methodist Women at the Church Center
for the United Nations. The meeting begins with registration at
8:30 a.m. and concludes about 3:00 p.m.; cost is $18, which includes
morning coffee and lunch. We are expecting over 150 guests, so we
welcome any volunteers to help serve a meal, be a greeter, etc., that
day as well as come to learn more about this important issue. Child
care is provided. Questions? Able to help this day? Please contact
Linda Osikowicz. Registration is due Friday, October 17; registration forms are on the bulletin board in the lobby.
Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist
Women's Mission u
It’s Time for BUMC’s 81st Rummage Sale!
Here Are Ways You Can Be A Part Of This Fun,
Worthwhile Service Project!
It's here! This is the week of the rummage sale and we need
you! Help is needed on the days of the sale, Friday and Saturday. If you can help at the sale, please contact Sandy Starnes, or Mary Williams, jmwilly@comcast.
net. And feel free to stop by to help get ready for the sale; come
for an hour, or two, or more Wednesday and Thursday—helping
out is a lot of fun and a great way to meet people! Any questions
contact Mary Mellon
• Shop
Sale Hours:
Friday, October 3, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday, October 4, 9:00 am to Noon
• Volunteer
Sale Help:
Thursday, October 2, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Women's Mission
Friday, October 3, 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
u will be held January 16-18, 2015 at Camp Reynoldswood, Dixon,
Saturday, October 4, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Illinois. Three studies will be offered: "How is it with Your Soul?"
Volunteers are needed to cashier, bag, answer questions, provide
a spiritual growth study whose title poses the question John Wesley
security, and carry items.
asked at his class meetings. The authors write: "If your answer is, 'I
spend my days and nights giving and organizing and leading but can
Saturday, October 4, 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
barely come up for breath,' this book is for you. If your answer is, 'I
Volunteers are needed to pack up leftovers, take down tables, and
retreat to the quiet of a private devotional life, but have set outreach
carry boxes.
aside,' this book is for you. If your answer is, 'I don't pay much attention to my spiritual life or Jesus' commission,' this book is for you,
Remembering Those Affected By Ebola Crisis
too. This book will help you bring into balance the inner and outer
Beatrice Fofanah, national coordinator for the United Methodist
dimensions of the Christian life." It will be led by Rev. Young-Mee
Women's Organization, Sierra Leone Annual Conference, has
Park, DeKalb District Superintendent (and she is great!)
sent an update which includes: Schools and other educational
The other two studies offered are The Church and People with
institutions are closed indefinitely. Some children now find
Disablities: Awareness, Accessibility and Advocacy, and a study
themselves in homes where their mothers and fathers have died,
on The Roma. Cost will be $125 for the weekend, which begins
leaving them orphaned. The girls in these homes must assume
with dinner on Friday night and concludes with worship and lunch
the role of caregivers. Some may be exposed to early marriage,
on Sunday. About eight hours of the weekend are devoted to study;
sexual exploitation and abuse, and HIV/AIDS…To read her
worship and time for further learning or reflection is also scheduled.
full update, go to
Scholarships are available. Contact Linda Osikowicz for further
information. Registration forms will available on the lobby bulletin
board and are due January 2.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Worldwide Communion Sunday, October 5
Four local congregations, Trinity UMC, El Mesias UMC, Bethel
New Faith Community, and Barrington UMC, will join together in
the Sanctuary of Barrington United Methodist Church for worship
and holy communion at 10:30 a.m. We will worship together in
many languages and enjoy a potluck meal after the service. Please
wear ethnic clothing and bring a hot or cold dish to pass for the
potluck. Contact Carol Henrikson, or Pat
Mitchell, with questions about the potluck.
The Barrington Area CROP Walk
Sunday, October 19
St. Paul United Church of Christ
401 E. Main Street, Barrington
Registration 12:30 p.m., Step-off 1 p.m.
When you watch the news of people
struck with disaster and wish you could
help, CROP Walkers and their sponsors can feel the satisfaction of
being there. They have helped. Last year we raised over $37,500. Of
that, almost $9,400 was given to seven local food agencies. Church
World Service has been there in your name and with your monies
during times of disaster in the U.S. and around the world. CROP
(Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) also works
quietly helping people help themselves to eliminate hunger through
education and improved skills in food production. Come join the
32nd CROP Walk! How can you help?
• Walk. You are invited to join us for a brisk walk that'll be good
for your heart, physically and spiritually. Pick up an envelope
in the lobby beginning September 14, get sponsors and walk
either the 10 kilometers or the Golden Mile.
• Sponsor a Walker. You can even sponsor a walker and make
a donation on-line! Go to and click on the
Sign Up! button.
• Questions? Call Linda Osikowicz or visit
Our Handgun Policy
You may have noticed the small signs at the church entrance indicating that we prohibit handguns in our building. This is necessary
because we have a preschool in our building and churches are not
included in the list of places where concealed carry is prohibited.
Owners of any statutorily prohibited area or private property, excluding residences, where the owner prohibits the carrying of firearms must
clearly and conspicuously post the Illinois State Police approved sign, in
accordance with 430 ILCS 66/1, at the entrance of the building, premises or real property. —Illinois State Police, http://www.isp.state.
Sunday Mornings
October 2014
8:00 a.m. in the Chapel
9:15 a.m. Faith Development for all ages
10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Second Saturdays
Crossroads Worship at 5:00 p.m.
Barrington United Methodist Church
Building community. Creating Disciples. Serving all people.
98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (847) 836-5540, Fax: (847) 836-1644
Senior Pastor: Rev. Chris Winkler, ext. 102
Associate Pastor: Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, ext. 103
Administrative Assistant: Paula Gordon, ext. 105
Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Missy Konopka, ext 106
Communications Director: Christine Streed, ext. 110
Connections and Engagement
Ministries Director: Gayle Richard, ext. 107
Financial Administrator: Lynne Richardson, ext. 104
Music Director: Karen Maxwell, ext. 134
Organist: Jeffrey Neufeld, ext. 133
Director of Contemporary Music: Seth Durbin
Preschool Director: Susan Brown, ext. 121
Reception and Facility Scheduling: Elizabeth Laverd, ext. 101
Youth Director: Rev. Christal Bell, ext 109